MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 12 - Toronto
Format 8 laps
Date4/22/2014, 12:24:07 PM (3909 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1362Tim Elliott rmz450(2011)8 8:30.1715 0:58.2103097
2259Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team kx450f(2013)8 8:35.0005 0:59.0469562
317pery kx450f(2013)8 8:35.5628 0:56.46013461
4321Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing kx450f(2013)8 9:28.0393 0:56.0629767
5lamy rmz450(2013)6 9:23.8283 1:13.9294361
6341Nicolas THOMAS [FR] kx250f(2013)2 2:34.5070 0:00.00012417
783Jonas Karlsson kx250f(2013)2 2:44.8900 0:00.0007553
874Jarmz BURGER kx450f(2013)1 1:36.1870 0:00.00011189
9257Taylor Bell kx450f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0009411

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 259 259 259 259 259 259 259
P2 17 362 362 362 362 362 362
P3 259 362 17 17 17 17 17 17
P4 362 17 321 321 321 321
P5 321 341 321 321
P6 83 321
P7 341 83
P8 74

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:56.062 3 321 Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing
0:56.460 8 17 pery
0:56.703 5 17 pery
0:58.062 7 17 pery
0:58.210 5 362 Tim Elliott
0:58.617 3 17 pery
0:59.046 5 259 Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team
0:59.273 8 362 Tim Elliott
0:59.906 8 259 Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team
1:00.132 6 259 Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team
1:00.250 3 259 Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team
1:04.195 4 362 Tim Elliott
1:05.078 7 321 Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing
1:08.648 4 17 pery
1:08.781 6 17 pery
1:09.929 2 362 Tim Elliott
1:13.929 3 lamy
1:16.078 7 259 Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team
1:17.843 4 lamy
1:21.171 2 17 pery
1:22.835 2 321 Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing
1:28.390 4 321 Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing

Individual Worst Laps

1:04.414 2 341 Nicolas THOMAS [FR]
1:09.929 2 362 Tim Elliott
1:16.078 7 259 Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team
1:16.453 2 83 Jonas Karlsson
1:21.171 2 17 pery
1:28.390 4 321 Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing
2:36.359 5 lamy


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.955 362 Tim Elliott
6.277 259 Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team
8.566 17 pery
11.866 321 Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing
33.291 lamy
- 341 Nicolas THOMAS [FR]
- 74 Jarmz BURGER
- 83 Jonas Karlsson
- 257 Taylor Bell

Play by Play

Jarmz BURGER takes the holeshot followed by lamy, Nicolas THOMAS [FR], Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team, pery, Tim Elliott, Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing and Jonas Karlsson

0:13.453 - 0:14.625: lamy passed Jarmz BURGER for the lead
0:13.945 - 0:16.257: pery passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] and Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team for 3rd
0:17.000 - 0:18.406: Tim Elliott passed Nicolas THOMAS [FR] and Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team for 4th
0:20.609 - 0:22.398: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing passed Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team for 6th
0:19.734 - 0:23.335: pery passed Jarmz BURGER for 2nd
0:25.359 - 0:29.070: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing passed Tim Elliott and Jarmz BURGER for 3rd
0:26.750 - 0:30.500: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team passed Tim Elliott and Jarmz BURGER for 4th
0:23.828 - 0:36.679: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] went off the track
0:41.101 - 0:42.367: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team passed Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing for 3rd
0:42.734 - 0:44.023: Jarmz BURGER passed Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing for 4th
0:40.390 - 0:48.187: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] went off the track
0:47.773 - 0:51.906: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing went off the track
0:53.421 - 0:55.195: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing passed Jarmz BURGER for 4th
0:53.718 - 0:56.046: Tim Elliott passed Jarmz BURGER for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:01.000: lamy finished lap 1 ( 1:01.000)
0:53.101 - 1:02.234: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] went off the track
0:57.695 - 1:04.023: Jonas Karlsson passed Jarmz BURGER for 6th
0:59.398 - 1:04.132: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:07.117: pery finished lap 1 ( 1:07.117)
1:05.640 - 1:07.273: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] passed Jarmz BURGER for 7th
1:01.000 - 1:07.382: lamy went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:11.578: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team finished lap 1 ( 1:11.578)
0:00.000 - 1:14.625: Tim Elliott finished lap 1 ( 1:14.625)
1:08.828 - 1:15.703: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:15.703: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing finished lap 1 ( 1:15.703)
1:18.359 - 1:21.945: pery passed lamy for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:23.718: Jonas Karlsson finished lap 1 ( 1:23.718)
0:00.000 - 1:25.070: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] finished lap 1 ( 1:25.070)
0:00.000 - 1:36.187: Jarmz BURGER finished lap 1 ( 1:36.187)
1:25.953 - 1:36.234: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing passed Tim Elliott for 4th
1:38.312 - 1:44.234: lamy went off the track
1:44.265 - 1:45.468: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team passed lamy for 2nd
1:45.468 - 1:47.203: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team passed pery for the lead
1:41.515 - 1:48.429: Jonas Karlsson went off the track
1:46.328 - 1:49.046: lamy passed pery for 2nd
1:57.078 - 1:58.695: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing passed pery for 3rd
1:57.445 - 1:58.984: Tim Elliott passed pery for 4th
2:00.687 - 2:06.312: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team went off the track
1:11.578 - 2:06.312: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team finished lap 2 ( 0:54.734)
2:02.078 - 2:08.828: Jonas Karlsson went off the track
1:58.984 - 2:11.539: Tim Elliott passed Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing for 4th
1:01.000 - 2:13.140: lamy finished lap 2 ( 1:12.140)
2:03.484 - 2:14.343: pery passed Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing for 5th
2:15.210 - 2:17.859: Tim Elliott passed Jonas Karlsson for 3rd
2:18.187 - 2:21.125: pery passed Jonas Karlsson for 4th
2:17.203 - 2:22.210: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] went off the track
1:14.625 - 2:24.554: Tim Elliott finished lap 2 ( 1:09.929)
1:07.117 - 2:28.289: pery finished lap 2 ( 1:21.171)
2:24.554 - 2:29.148: Tim Elliott went off the track
1:25.070 - 2:29.484: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] finished lap 2 ( 1:04.414)
2:21.132 - 2:31.601: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing passed Jonas Karlsson for 6th
1:15.703 - 2:38.539: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing finished lap 2 ( 1:22.835)
1:23.718 - 2:40.171: Jonas Karlsson finished lap 2 ( 1:16.453)
2:39.375 - 2:56.781: Nicolas THOMAS [FR] went off the track
2:06.312 - 3:06.562: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team finished lap 3 ( 1:00.250)
3:06.351 - 3:09.078: Tim Elliott passed lamy for 2nd
2:24.554 - 3:15.851: Tim Elliott finished lap 3 ( 0:51.296)
3:16.671 - 3:19.539: pery passed lamy for 3rd
2:28.289 - 3:26.906: pery finished lap 3 ( 0:58.617)
2:13.140 - 3:27.070: lamy finished lap 3 ( 1:13.929)
3:27.070 - 3:29.234: lamy passed pery for 3rd
2:38.539 - 3:34.601: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing finished lap 3 ( 0:56.062)
3:50.140 - 3:55.687: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team went off the track
3:06.562 - 4:10.835: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team finished lap 4 ( 1:04.273)
3:15.851 - 4:20.046: Tim Elliott finished lap 4 ( 1:04.195)
4:23.507 - 4:25.539: pery passed lamy for 2nd
3:26.906 - 4:35.554: pery finished lap 4 ( 1:08.648)
3:27.070 - 4:44.914: lamy finished lap 4 ( 1:17.843)
3:34.601 - 5:02.992: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing finished lap 4 ( 1:28.390)
4:10.835 - 5:09.882: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team finished lap 5 ( 0:59.046)
4:20.046 - 5:18.257: Tim Elliott finished lap 5 ( 0:58.210)
5:13.000 - 5:19.187: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing passed lamy for 4th
5:18.257 - 5:28.117: Tim Elliott went off the track
4:35.554 - 5:32.257: pery finished lap 5 ( 0:56.703)
5:40.710 - 5:45.296: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing went off the track
5:42.093 - 5:48.757: Tim Elliott went off the track
5:09.882 - 6:10.015: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team finished lap 6 ( 1:00.132)
5:02.992 - 6:20.351: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing finished lap 5 ( 1:17.359)
6:17.492 - 6:23.468: lamy went off the track
5:18.257 - 6:26.765: Tim Elliott finished lap 6 ( 1:08.507)
6:28.953 - 6:33.148: Tim Elliott went off the track
5:32.257 - 6:41.039: pery finished lap 6 ( 1:08.781)
6:57.054 - 7:04.742: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing went off the track
6:20.351 - 7:18.617: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing finished lap 6 ( 0:58.265)
4:44.914 - 7:21.273: lamy finished lap 5 ( 2:36.359)
6:10.015 - 7:26.093: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team finished lap 7 ( 1:16.078)
6:26.765 - 7:27.187: Tim Elliott finished lap 7 ( 1:00.421)
7:35.289 - 7:36.289: Tim Elliott passed Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team for the lead
6:41.039 - 7:39.101: pery finished lap 7 ( 0:58.062)
7:36.445 - 7:42.617: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team passed Tim Elliott for the lead
7:34.992 - 8:04.820: lamy went off the track
7:18.617 - 8:23.695: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing finished lap 7 ( 1:05.078)
7:26.093 - 8:26.000: Pavlos#259|JS74EVER!|looking for team finished lap 8 ( 0:59.906)
7:27.187 - 8:26.460: Tim Elliott finished lap 8 ( 0:59.273)
8:23.695 - 8:35.414: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing went off the track
7:39.101 - 8:35.562: pery finished lap 8 ( 0:56.460)
7:21.273 - 9:21.726: lamy finished lap 6 ( 2:00.453)
8:23.695 - 9:25.187: Dennis Dahlin #321| BlomsMXRacing finished lap 8 ( 1:01.492)