MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 8 - Atlanta
Format 8 laps
Date6/21/2014, 4:42:45 PM (3849 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1205Jim Bailey yz250f(2009)8 7:08.3047 0:50.9454240
2381Holden Cote yz250f(2009)8 7:50.1957 0:49.8595629
324Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team crf250(2009)7 7:41.1716 1:00.2812737
4927Devin Gibson kx450f(2013)7 7:51.0624 1:03.1175716
532Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) yz250f(2009)6 7:40.6252 1:13.0855484
6326Codi Bender|Privateer yz450f(2013)2 2:11.6482 1:18.0155462
7910Zago#910 yz250f(2013)2 2:22.0542 1:02.5783312

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205
P2 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381
P3 326 927 24 927 24 24 24
P4 927 24 927 24 927 927 927
P5 24 326 32 32 32 32
P6 32 910
P7 910 32

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:49.859 7 381 Holden Cote
0:50.945 7 205 Jim Bailey
0:50.960 2 205 Jim Bailey
0:52.421 3 205 Jim Bailey
0:53.835 8 381 Holden Cote
0:55.468 4 205 Jim Bailey
0:56.570 5 205 Jim Bailey
0:57.507 6 381 Holden Cote
0:59.851 8 205 Jim Bailey
1:00.281 6 24 Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team
1:01.812 5 381 Holden Cote
1:02.578 2 910 Zago#910
1:03.117 4 927 Devin Gibson
1:03.585 6 927 Devin Gibson
1:03.984 2 24 Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team
1:04.234 7 927 Devin Gibson
1:07.289 7 24 Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team
1:10.265 3 381 Holden Cote
1:13.085 2 32 Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96)
1:18.015 2 326 Codi Bender|Privateer
1:25.882 3 927 Devin Gibson

Individual Worst Laps

0:59.851 8 205 Jim Bailey
1:02.578 2 910 Zago#910
1:10.265 3 381 Holden Cote
1:16.773 4 24 Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team
1:18.015 2 326 Codi Bender|Privateer
1:25.562 6 32 Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96)
1:25.882 3 927 Devin Gibson


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.030 205 Jim Bailey
5.272 24 Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team
5.976 32 Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96)
7.460 381 Holden Cote
8.938 927 Devin Gibson
- 910 Zago#910
- 326 Codi Bender|Privateer

Play by Play

Jim Bailey takes the holeshot followed by Holden Cote, Codi Bender|Privateer , Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96), Devin Gibson, Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team and Zago#910

0:20.718 - 0:24.703: Devin Gibson passed Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) for 4th
0:29.750 - 0:32.492: Jim Bailey went off the track
0:32.648 - 0:38.609: Codi Bender|Privateer went off the track
0:00.000 - 0:41.101: Jim Bailey finished lap 1 ( 0:41.101)
0:33.921 - 0:41.992: Holden Cote went off the track
0:00.000 - 0:46.898: Holden Cote finished lap 1 ( 0:46.898)
0:38.875 - 0:50.554: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) went off the track
0:00.000 - 0:53.632: Codi Bender|Privateer finished lap 1 ( 0:53.632)
0:00.000 - 0:54.132: Devin Gibson finished lap 1 ( 0:54.132)
0:00.000 - 1:00.703: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team finished lap 1 ( 1:00.703)
0:00.000 - 1:13.390: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) finished lap 1 ( 1:13.390)
1:07.093 - 1:13.414: Devin Gibson went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:17.250: Zago#910 finished lap 1 ( 1:17.250)
1:26.109 - 1:28.906: Holden Cote went off the track
1:24.125 - 1:30.226: Devin Gibson went off the track
0:41.101 - 1:32.062: Jim Bailey finished lap 2 ( 0:50.960)
1:30.523 - 1:33.679: Zago#910 passed Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) for 5th
1:32.921 - 1:34.289: Devin Gibson passed Codi Bender|Privateer for 3rd
1:28.906 - 1:35.437: Holden Cote went off the track
0:46.898 - 1:40.343: Holden Cote finished lap 2 ( 0:53.445)
0:54.132 - 1:55.515: Devin Gibson finished lap 2 ( 1:01.382)
1:00.703 - 2:04.687: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team finished lap 2 ( 1:03.984)
2:02.953 - 2:04.687: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team passed Codi Bender|Privateer for 4th
2:04.687 - 2:09.867: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team went off the track
0:53.632 - 2:11.648: Codi Bender|Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:18.015)
1:17.250 - 2:19.828: Zago#910 finished lap 2 ( 1:02.578)
1:32.062 - 2:24.484: Jim Bailey finished lap 3 ( 0:52.421)
1:13.390 - 2:26.476: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) finished lap 2 ( 1:13.085)
2:29.101 - 2:38.171: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) went off the track
2:40.296 - 2:45.562: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team went off the track
2:42.937 - 2:50.039: Zago#910 went off the track
1:40.343 - 2:50.609: Holden Cote finished lap 3 ( 1:10.265)
2:49.625 - 2:51.734: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team passed Devin Gibson for 3rd
3:01.523 - 3:03.078: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) passed Zago#910 for 5th
3:05.195 - 3:07.398: Zago#910 passed Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) for 4th
3:01.921 - 3:08.250: Holden Cote went off the track
2:04.687 - 3:09.984: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team finished lap 3 ( 1:05.296)
3:14.937 - 3:17.601: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) passed Zago#910 for 5th
2:24.484 - 3:19.953: Jim Bailey finished lap 4 ( 0:55.468)
1:55.515 - 3:21.398: Devin Gibson finished lap 3 ( 1:25.882)
3:31.554 - 3:37.859: Zago#910 went off the track
2:26.476 - 3:42.789: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) finished lap 3 ( 1:16.312)
3:46.320 - 3:49.273: Devin Gibson passed Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team for 3rd
2:50.609 - 4:00.242: Holden Cote finished lap 4 ( 1:09.632)
3:58.796 - 4:04.046: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team went off the track
3:19.953 - 4:16.523: Jim Bailey finished lap 5 ( 0:56.570)
3:21.398 - 4:24.515: Devin Gibson finished lap 4 ( 1:03.117)
3:09.984 - 4:26.757: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team finished lap 4 ( 1:16.773)
4:29.429 - 4:35.914: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team went off the track
4:38.515 - 4:45.789: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) went off the track
4:49.296 - 4:52.054: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team passed Devin Gibson for 3rd
3:42.789 - 4:52.101: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) finished lap 4 ( 1:09.312)
4:51.148 - 4:54.859: Jim Bailey went off the track
4:00.242 - 5:02.054: Holden Cote finished lap 5 ( 1:01.812)
4:57.062 - 5:02.531: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team went off the track
4:16.523 - 5:11.976: Jim Bailey finished lap 6 ( 0:55.453)
4:26.757 - 5:29.328: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team finished lap 5 ( 1:02.570)
5:26.250 - 5:31.429: Devin Gibson went off the track
5:25.070 - 5:39.382: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) went off the track
4:24.515 - 5:40.562: Devin Gibson finished lap 5 ( 1:16.046)
5:02.054 - 5:59.562: Holden Cote finished lap 6 ( 0:57.507)
5:11.976 - 6:02.921: Jim Bailey finished lap 7 ( 0:50.945)
4:52.101 - 6:14.671: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) finished lap 5 ( 1:22.570)
6:14.671 - 6:27.773: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) went off the track
5:29.328 - 6:29.609: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team finished lap 6 ( 1:00.281)
5:40.562 - 6:44.148: Devin Gibson finished lap 6 ( 1:03.585)
5:59.562 - 6:49.421: Holden Cote finished lap 7 ( 0:49.859)
6:02.921 - 7:02.773: Jim Bailey finished lap 8 ( 0:59.851)
6:29.609 - 7:36.898: Luis Valentin #24 | Looking for a team finished lap 7 ( 1:07.289)
6:14.671 - 7:40.234: Brett Guffey/ Goofy Guffey Racing (4JG96) finished lap 6 ( 1:25.562)
6:49.421 - 7:43.257: Holden Cote finished lap 8 ( 0:53.835)
6:44.148 - 7:48.382: Devin Gibson finished lap 7 ( 1:04.234)