MX Simulator
Track2014 Supercross Rd 3 - Anaheim 2
Format 8 laps
Date1/16/2015, 5:00:01 PM (3645 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1852Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing rm1258 11:12.9688 1:10.0545235
2100Frederick | Adept cr250(2007)8 12:06.1093 1:11.9295499
332Antoine Douay kx250f(2013)8 12:12.7964 1:18.17916924
4191Jeff Cooper191 rmz250(2013)8 13:04.2577 1:28.43716873
5701 rm1257 11:31.9847 1:25.4064420
651Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design yz250f(2009)7 11:42.1950 0:00.00013843
777philmor kx450f(2013)7 12:37.2577 1:36.4532699
8332Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports rmz450(2013)7 13:05.6483 1:30.44512915
9388Serafini Michele kx450f(2013)6 10:26.1255 1:20.8044217
1098Alexander Filippov | Russia Team rmz450(2013)6 11:39.9926 1:57.1258667
1120Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team 250sxf(2013)6 11:48.6714 1:45.87514827
125Juninho Maia/ JM Designs rmz450(2013)6 12:14.6565 1:39.75713456
13429Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch crf250(2009)5 7:10.1793 1:10.9457876
14224Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA yz250f(2009)4 5:15.5783 1:07.4606785
15162Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha yz250f(2013)1 2:06.5230 0:00.00011180
1699Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing rmz450(2013)1 2:25.9210 0:00.00011492
1717HigorAlves rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0007724

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 852 852 852 224 852 852 852 852
P2 100 224 224 852 429 100 100 100
P3 32 429 429 429 100 32 32 32
P4 701 32 100 100 32 191 191 191
P5 224 701 32 32 191 51 701
P6 429 100 701 191 701 701 51
P7 191 98 191 51 51 388 77
P8 162 191 51 701 388 332 332
P9 98 77 332 77 77 77
P10 77 20 77 388 332 98
P11 332 51 388 332 98 20
P12 388 332 20 20 20 5
P13 20 5 5 98 5
P14 51 388 98 5
P15 99
P16 5

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:07.460 3 224 Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA
1:09.484 2 224 Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA
1:10.054 8 852 Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing
1:10.945 3 429 Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch
1:11.171 5 852 Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing
1:11.929 3 100 Frederick | Adept
1:12.601 2 852 Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing
1:16.351 3 852 Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing
1:18.125 4 100 Frederick | Adept
1:18.179 4 32 Antoine Douay
1:20.804 5 388 Serafini Michele
1:22.750 8 100 Frederick | Adept
1:25.406 7 701
1:28.437 7 191 Jeff Cooper191
1:28.750 4 429 Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch
1:28.773 6 32 Antoine Douay
1:28.875 3 191 Jeff Cooper191
1:30.445 3 332 Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports
1:30.468 7 32 Antoine Douay
1:30.687 6 388 Serafini Michele
1:31.070 4 852 Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing
1:32.375 6 100 Frederick | Adept
1:33.906 2 191 Jeff Cooper191
1:34.757 3 701
1:36.453 7 77 philmor
1:38.281 7 100 Frederick | Adept
1:39.757 5 5 Juninho Maia/ JM Designs
1:42.851 2 100 Frederick | Adept
1:43.328 4 388 Serafini Michele
1:43.867 2 77 philmor
1:45.875 4 20 Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team
1:50.664 5 77 philmor
1:57.125 6 98 Alexander Filippov | Russia Team
2:01.179 8 191 Jeff Cooper191
2:03.828 3 20 Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team

Individual Worst Laps

1:09.484 2 224 Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA
1:28.750 4 429 Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch
1:37.257 5 32 Antoine Douay
1:39.601 7 852 Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing
1:41.101 6 51 Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design
1:42.851 2 100 Frederick | Adept
1:47.914 4 701
1:53.929 6 77 philmor
2:00.164 2 388 Serafini Michele
2:01.179 8 191 Jeff Cooper191
2:08.085 7 332 Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports
2:08.187 6 5 Juninho Maia/ JM Designs
2:10.000 6 20 Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team
3:20.976 3 98 Alexander Filippov | Russia Team


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.967 224 Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA
7.032 77 philmor
7.558 429 Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch
7.711 32 Antoine Douay
8.018 701
8.150 51 Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design
10.407 100 Frederick | Adept
11.999 20 Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team
12.059 852 Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing
12.919 191 Jeff Cooper191
13.283 388 Serafini Michele
14.980 332 Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports
17.961 5 Juninho Maia/ JM Designs
45.897 98 Alexander Filippov | Russia Team
- 17 HigorAlves
- 162 Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha
- 99 Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing

Play by Play

Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch takes the holeshot followed by Antoine Douay, Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing, Juninho Maia/ JM Designs, Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design, Jeff Cooper191, Alexander Filippov | Russia Team, Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team, Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports, Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA, philmor, Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha, Serafini Michele and Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing

0:09.164 - 0:10.609: Antoine Douay passed Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for the lead
0:10.554 - 0:12.085: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed Frederick | Adept, Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing, Juninho Maia/ JM Designs and Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 2nd
0:10.250 - 0:14.539: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs passed Frederick | Adept, Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing and Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 3rd
0:12.820 - 0:14.671: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 10th
0:13.328 - 0:14.789: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 11th
0:12.937 - 0:15.617: passed Jeff Cooper191, Frederick | Adept, Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing and Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 4th
0:13.468 - 0:17.695: Antoine Douay went off the track
0:12.796 - 0:19.148: Jeff Cooper191 passed Frederick | Adept, Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing and Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 5th
0:10.132 - 0:20.210: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing passed Frederick | Adept and Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 6th
0:09.984 - 0:21.179: Frederick | Adept passed Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 7th
0:15.320 - 0:21.187: philmor passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team, Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA, Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team, Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports and Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 8th
0:14.789 - 0:21.390: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team, Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports and Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 9th
0:16.492 - 0:22.773: Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team, Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team, Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports and Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 10th
0:17.328 - 0:23.804: Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team, Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team, Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports and Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 11th
0:16.882 - 0:23.937: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design went off the track
0:16.906 - 0:24.851: Serafini Michele went off the track
0:14.671 - 0:25.468: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 13th
0:24.679 - 0:27.132: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs passed Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 2nd
0:24.851 - 0:27.171: Serafini Michele passed Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA for 8th
0:27.171 - 0:28.437: Serafini Michele passed philmor for 7th
0:27.250 - 0:28.593: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed philmor for 8th
0:26.156 - 0:31.476: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing went off the track
0:28.437 - 0:32.648: Serafini Michele went off the track
0:29.664 - 0:33.593: Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing passed Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha for 9th
0:30.492 - 0:33.953: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch passed Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha for 10th
0:31.921 - 0:34.367: passed Antoine Douay, Juninho Maia/ JM Designs and Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for the lead
0:31.351 - 0:34.640: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports went off the track
0:32.492 - 0:34.843: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team and Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha for 11th
0:31.984 - 0:35.312: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha for 12th
0:35.312 - 0:35.835: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 14th
0:29.882 - 0:35.875: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed Antoine Douay and Juninho Maia/ JM Designs for 2nd
0:34.335 - 0:36.851: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch passed Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA, philmor, Serafini Michele and Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing for 8th
0:34.125 - 0:36.929: Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing passed Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA, philmor and Serafini Michele for 9th
0:35.007 - 0:38.484: Frederick | Adept passed Jeff Cooper191, Antoine Douay and Juninho Maia/ JM Designs for 3rd
0:35.835 - 0:39.273: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA, philmor, Serafini Michele and Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports for 10th
0:36.796 - 0:39.546: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing passed Jeff Cooper191, Antoine Douay and Juninho Maia/ JM Designs for 4th
0:33.289 - 0:40.109: philmor passed Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA and Serafini Michele for 11th
0:39.742 - 0:40.140: Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 15th
0:29.390 - 0:40.601: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs passed Antoine Douay for 5th
0:34.867 - 0:41.265: Jeff Cooper191 passed Antoine Douay for 6th
0:34.640 - 0:41.828: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA and Serafini Michele for 12th
0:40.140 - 0:42.445: Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha passed Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA and Serafini Michele for 13th
0:38.484 - 0:43.359: Frederick | Adept passed and Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for the lead
0:40.109 - 0:43.625: philmor passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 10th
0:41.828 - 0:44.289: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 11th
0:42.445 - 0:44.906: Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 12th
0:39.546 - 0:45.101: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing passed and Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 2nd
0:42.625 - 0:45.679: Serafini Michele passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 13th
0:43.960 - 0:46.351: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 14th
0:41.265 - 0:47.984: Jeff Cooper191 passed , Juninho Maia/ JM Designs and Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 3rd
0:45.125 - 0:48.343: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 15th
0:46.351 - 0:48.921: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha for 12th
0:48.343 - 0:51.070: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team passed Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha for 13th
0:41.734 - 0:51.804: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch passed Juninho Maia/ JM Designs and Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 5th
0:41.492 - 0:52.000: Antoine Douay went off the track
0:47.406 - 0:52.914: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed Juninho Maia/ JM Designs and Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing for 7th
0:48.921 - 0:53.328: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed Juninho Maia/ JM Designs and Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing for 8th
0:51.546 - 0:54.539: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing passed Frederick | Adept for the lead
0:52.460 - 0:54.851: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha for 14th
0:52.914 - 0:56.390: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 7th
0:46.296 - 0:56.632: philmor went off the track
0:53.328 - 0:56.984: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 9th
0:54.734 - 0:57.718: Jeff Cooper191 passed Frederick | Adept for 2nd
0:56.984 - 0:58.210: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed philmor for 8th
0:55.234 - 0:58.335: Antoine Douay passed Frederick | Adept for 3rd
0:55.359 - 0:58.710: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs passed Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 10th
0:55.945 - 0:58.929: passed Frederick | Adept for 4th
0:57.031 - 1:00.843: Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing passed Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 11th
0:54.851 - 1:01.250: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 11th
1:00.843 - 1:02.843: Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing passed Juninho Maia/ JM Designs for 10th
0:58.031 - 1:03.164: Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 12th
1:02.843 - 1:04.070: Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing passed philmor for 9th
1:01.250 - 1:04.828: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 12th
1:04.828 - 1:06.164: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed Juninho Maia/ JM Designs for 11th
1:03.242 - 1:06.421: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team passed Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha for 14th
0:59.992 - 1:06.812: Frederick | Adept went off the track
1:05.835 - 1:07.640: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed Juninho Maia/ JM Designs for 12th
0:45.679 - 1:07.890: Serafini Michele went off the track
1:06.421 - 1:08.492: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team passed Juninho Maia/ JM Designs for 13th
1:06.812 - 1:08.921: Frederick | Adept passed and Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 4th
1:07.906 - 1:09.523: Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha passed Juninho Maia/ JM Designs for 14th
1:06.421 - 1:09.609: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch passed for 5th
1:02.984 - 1:09.781: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports for 6th
1:07.179 - 1:11.421: Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing passed Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports for 7th
1:08.921 - 1:12.093: Frederick | Adept passed Antoine Douay for 3rd
1:11.109 - 1:13.257: Serafini Michele passed Juninho Maia/ JM Designs for 15th
1:10.859 - 1:14.554: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed for 6th
1:11.992 - 1:14.718: Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing passed for 7th
1:09.609 - 1:17.242: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch went off the track
1:14.187 - 1:18.695: Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team and philmor for 9th
1:10.468 - 1:19.914: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed philmor for 10th
1:16.539 - 1:20.781: passed Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA and Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing for 5th
1:14.718 - 1:21.859: Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing passed Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA for 6th
1:09.757 - 1:23.367: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team went off the track
1:11.960 - 1:23.507: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design went off the track
1:21.382 - 1:23.937: Antoine Douay passed Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 4th
1:22.546 - 1:26.437: Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:26.468: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:26.468)
1:24.851 - 1:26.875: Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing passed and Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 5th
1:24.570 - 1:26.937: passed Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch for 6th
1:23.601 - 1:27.515: Frederick | Adept passed Jeff Cooper191 for 2nd
1:26.937 - 1:29.632: passed Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing for 5th
1:26.484 - 1:30.289: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 9th
1:27.359 - 1:33.054: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA went off the track
1:28.570 - 1:33.656: philmor passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team and Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 10th
1:31.164 - 1:36.242: Antoine Douay passed Jeff Cooper191 for 3rd
1:36.304 - 1:36.882: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 13th
0:00.000 - 1:37.304: Frederick | Adept finished lap 1 ( 1:37.304)
1:33.234 - 1:37.953: passed Jeff Cooper191 for 4th
1:37.062 - 1:39.304: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 13th
1:38.265 - 1:41.625: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:41.703: Antoine Douay finished lap 1 ( 1:41.703)
1:37.382 - 1:41.710: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed Jeff Cooper191 and Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing for 5th
1:38.109 - 1:42.289: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch passed Jeff Cooper191 and Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:43.242: finished lap 1 ( 1:43.242)
0:00.000 - 1:46.671: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA finished lap 1 ( 1:46.671)
0:00.000 - 1:47.500: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch finished lap 1 ( 1:47.500)
0:00.000 - 1:52.476: Jeff Cooper191 finished lap 1 ( 1:52.476)
1:52.335 - 1:54.726: passed Antoine Douay for 3rd
1:39.343 - 1:55.125: Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha passed Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing for 8th
1:51.429 - 1:56.539: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed philmor, Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing, Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports and Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 9th
1:50.984 - 1:57.085: philmor passed Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing, Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports and Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 10th
1:58.164 - 1:59.125: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed Antoine Douay for 4th
1:56.750 - 1:59.945: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch went off the track
1:46.375 - 2:00.171: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing and Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 11th
0:00.000 - 2:00.882: Ty | Yamalube Star Yamaha finished lap 1 ( 2:00.882)
0:00.000 - 2:01.953: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team finished lap 1 ( 2:01.953)
1:59.203 - 2:04.187: Antoine Douay went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:04.664: philmor finished lap 1 ( 2:04.664)
1:55.906 - 2:05.015: Serafini Michele passed Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing and Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 12th
0:00.000 - 2:05.796: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports finished lap 1 ( 2:05.796)
2:04.265 - 2:06.476: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch passed Antoine Douay for 5th
2:04.289 - 2:06.804: passed Frederick | Adept for 2nd
1:44.328 - 2:07.273: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team went off the track
2:07.398 - 2:09.742: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed Frederick | Adept for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:10.070: Serafini Michele finished lap 1 ( 2:10.070)
2:08.804 - 2:11.609: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch passed Frederick | Adept for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:12.609: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team finished lap 1 ( 2:12.609)
2:10.250 - 2:12.812: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing for 14th
2:09.750 - 2:13.023: Antoine Douay passed Frederick | Adept for 5th
2:13.804 - 2:15.984: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed philmor for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:16.578: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design finished lap 1 ( 2:16.578)
2:20.054 - 2:24.515: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:25.921: Kyle Martin | TM Factory-Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:25.921)
2:22.593 - 2:26.984: went off the track
2:24.906 - 2:30.523: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team went off the track
2:32.148 - 2:37.257: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team went off the track
1:26.468 - 2:39.070: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:12.601)
2:34.234 - 2:39.414: Jeff Cooper191 passed Frederick | Adept for 5th
2:39.679 - 2:42.257: philmor passed Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports for 10th
2:45.085 - 2:45.867: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed Serafini Michele for 13th
0:00.000 - 2:46.218: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs finished lap 1 ( 2:46.218)
2:43.140 - 2:46.953: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed for 2nd
2:46.632 - 2:52.906: Serafini Michele went off the track
2:51.554 - 2:54.406: Frederick | Adept passed Jeff Cooper191 for 6th
1:46.671 - 2:56.156: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA finished lap 2 ( 1:09.484)
2:46.679 - 2:59.382: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team went off the track
2:57.132 - 3:01.351: Frederick | Adept passed Antoine Douay for 5th
2:59.382 - 3:03.203: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs went off the track
2:59.398 - 3:05.367: Serafini Michele passed Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 12th
3:03.890 - 3:08.601: Antoine Douay passed Frederick | Adept for 5th
1:47.500 - 3:09.257: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch finished lap 2 ( 1:21.757)
3:03.492 - 3:09.257: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch passed for 3rd
3:09.773 - 3:12.921: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed Jeff Cooper191 for 7th
1:41.703 - 3:13.929: Antoine Douay finished lap 2 ( 1:32.226)
3:09.945 - 3:13.929: Antoine Douay passed for 4th
3:13.937 - 3:15.187: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed Serafini Michele for 13th
1:43.242 - 3:17.875: finished lap 2 ( 1:34.632)
3:16.507 - 3:19.664: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports for 12th
1:37.304 - 3:20.156: Frederick | Adept finished lap 2 ( 1:42.851)
3:21.375 - 3:24.429: Serafini Michele passed Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports for 13th
2:01.953 - 3:25.539: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team finished lap 2 ( 1:23.585)
1:52.476 - 3:26.382: Jeff Cooper191 finished lap 2 ( 1:33.906)
3:29.132 - 3:30.984: Jeff Cooper191 passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 7th
3:27.460 - 3:31.390: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design went off the track
3:29.265 - 3:31.523: Frederick | Adept passed for 5th
3:33.789 - 3:38.250: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed Serafini Michele for 11th
3:31.398 - 3:38.335: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team went off the track
3:38.492 - 3:45.328: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs went off the track
2:04.664 - 3:48.531: philmor finished lap 2 ( 1:43.867)
2:12.609 - 3:49.671: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team finished lap 2 ( 1:37.062)
3:47.937 - 3:50.695: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed Jeff Cooper191 for 7th
3:48.718 - 3:51.867: Frederick | Adept passed Antoine Douay for 4th
2:16.578 - 3:52.914: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design finished lap 2 ( 1:36.335)
2:39.070 - 3:55.421: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:16.351)
3:56.265 - 3:59.890: Serafini Michele passed Juninho Maia/ JM Designs for 13th
2:05.796 - 4:02.093: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports finished lap 2 ( 1:56.296)
2:56.156 - 4:03.617: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA finished lap 3 ( 1:07.460)
4:00.273 - 4:04.867: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs passed Serafini Michele for 13th
4:03.695 - 4:07.171: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design went off the track
4:05.054 - 4:08.304: passed Antoine Douay for 5th
2:46.218 - 4:10.203: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:23.984)
2:10.070 - 4:10.234: Serafini Michele finished lap 2 ( 2:00.164)
4:09.031 - 4:10.960: Jeff Cooper191 passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 7th
4:17.937 - 4:18.718: Antoine Douay passed for 5th
4:18.195 - 4:18.742: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA passed Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing for the lead
3:09.257 - 4:20.203: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch finished lap 3 ( 1:10.945)
4:19.226 - 4:23.859: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 9th
4:06.406 - 4:26.445: philmor went off the track
3:20.156 - 4:32.085: Frederick | Adept finished lap 3 ( 1:11.929)
4:23.218 - 4:36.937: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs went off the track
4:33.289 - 4:38.843: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design went off the track
4:39.617 - 4:43.046: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed Jeff Cooper191 for 6th
4:34.546 - 4:44.351: Antoine Douay went off the track
4:40.585 - 4:46.921: philmor passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 10th
4:45.375 - 4:49.804: Jeff Cooper191 passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 7th
3:13.929 - 4:49.945: Antoine Douay finished lap 3 ( 1:36.015)
4:46.492 - 4:50.757: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA went off the track
4:47.875 - 4:51.460: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 11th
3:17.875 - 4:52.632: finished lap 3 ( 1:34.757)
3:26.382 - 4:55.257: Jeff Cooper191 finished lap 3 ( 1:28.875)
4:53.929 - 4:58.414: Serafini Michele went off the track
4:58.414 - 5:03.320: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 8th
4:59.273 - 5:03.382: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed philmor for 10th
5:00.976 - 5:05.304: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team passed philmor for 11th
3:52.914 - 5:08.445: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design finished lap 3 ( 1:15.531)
4:03.617 - 5:11.023: Enzo Heck | FCrew/2LA finished lap 4 ( 1:07.406)
5:11.125 - 5:12.148: philmor passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 11th
5:00.023 - 5:12.609: went off the track
5:08.445 - 5:13.976: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design went off the track
3:55.421 - 5:26.492: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:31.070)
5:20.867 - 5:27.265: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 9th
5:25.015 - 5:29.359: philmor passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 10th
5:25.898 - 5:29.640: Serafini Michele passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 11th
4:02.093 - 5:32.539: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports finished lap 3 ( 1:30.445)
5:29.640 - 5:35.015: Serafini Michele passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 11th
3:48.531 - 5:35.171: philmor finished lap 3 ( 1:46.640)
5:38.984 - 5:42.687: philmor went off the track
4:10.234 - 5:44.554: Serafini Michele finished lap 3 ( 1:34.320)
5:45.062 - 5:47.632: philmor passed Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports for 9th
5:33.757 - 5:48.007: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 12th
4:20.203 - 5:48.953: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch finished lap 4 ( 1:28.750)
5:24.656 - 5:49.820: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs went off the track
4:32.085 - 5:50.210: Frederick | Adept finished lap 4 ( 1:18.125)
5:51.546 - 5:52.039: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed philmor for 9th
3:49.671 - 5:53.500: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team finished lap 3 ( 2:03.828)
5:53.734 - 5:59.070: passed Jeff Cooper191 for 6th
5:59.828 - 6:05.460: Jeff Cooper191 passed for 6th
6:04.726 - 6:07.148: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed for 7th
4:49.945 - 6:08.125: Antoine Douay finished lap 4 ( 1:18.179)
5:56.179 - 6:10.335: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 13th
4:10.203 - 6:15.554: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs finished lap 3 ( 2:05.351)
6:08.351 - 6:19.570: Jeff Cooper191 went off the track
6:20.476 - 6:24.109: philmor passed Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports for 9th
4:55.257 - 6:25.101: Jeff Cooper191 finished lap 4 ( 1:29.843)
6:24.132 - 6:35.609: Antoine Douay went off the track
5:08.445 - 6:35.648: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design finished lap 4 ( 1:27.203)
6:33.171 - 6:36.953: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch went off the track
5:26.492 - 6:37.664: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:11.171)
4:52.632 - 6:40.546: finished lap 4 ( 1:47.914)
6:36.953 - 6:41.703: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch went off the track
3:25.539 - 6:46.515: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team finished lap 3 ( 3:20.976)
6:46.750 - 6:47.359: passed Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 7th
6:47.101 - 6:51.140: Frederick | Adept went off the track
6:43.148 - 6:51.953: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports went off the track
6:50.039 - 6:53.289: went off the track
6:57.093 - 6:59.500: Serafini Michele passed Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports for 10th
5:48.953 - 6:59.945: Mark Mutser#429 |keyboard touch finished lap 5 ( 1:10.992)
5:35.171 - 7:09.664: philmor finished lap 4 ( 1:34.492)
5:50.210 - 7:23.835: Frederick | Adept finished lap 5 ( 1:33.625)
5:44.554 - 7:27.882: Serafini Michele finished lap 4 ( 1:43.328)
5:32.539 - 7:27.929: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports finished lap 4 ( 1:55.390)
7:23.078 - 7:30.382: passed Jeff Cooper191 for 5th
5:53.500 - 7:39.375: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team finished lap 4 ( 1:45.875)
7:32.992 - 7:40.257: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team went off the track
7:36.914 - 7:41.078: Jeff Cooper191 went off the track
7:44.664 - 7:45.257: Serafini Michele passed philmor for 7th
6:08.125 - 7:45.382: Antoine Douay finished lap 5 ( 1:37.257)
7:43.101 - 7:47.125: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design went off the track
7:46.062 - 7:50.289: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs passed Alexander Filippov | Russia Team for 12th
7:47.757 - 7:53.273: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team went off the track
7:48.648 - 7:55.523: Jeff Cooper191 passed for 5th
7:53.757 - 7:57.250: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed for 6th
7:52.960 - 8:01.398: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing went off the track
6:25.101 - 8:05.609: Jeff Cooper191 finished lap 5 ( 1:40.507)
8:00.367 - 8:06.125: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team went off the track
6:40.546 - 8:08.765: finished lap 5 ( 1:28.218)
8:04.914 - 8:08.765: passed Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design for 6th
6:35.648 - 8:09.375: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design finished lap 5 ( 1:33.726)
8:12.328 - 8:13.351: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed for 6th
6:37.664 - 8:15.437: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:37.773)
7:59.117 - 8:17.765: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs went off the track
6:46.515 - 8:21.703: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team finished lap 4 ( 1:35.187)
6:15.554 - 8:23.132: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs finished lap 4 ( 2:07.578)
8:13.351 - 8:28.929: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design went off the track
8:30.781 - 8:33.046: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design passed for 6th
8:32.000 - 8:35.250: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team went off the track
8:26.820 - 8:42.757: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing went off the track
8:38.742 - 8:43.453: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports went off the track
7:27.882 - 8:48.687: Serafini Michele finished lap 5 ( 1:20.804)
8:52.054 - 8:56.109: Jeff Cooper191 went off the track
7:23.835 - 8:56.210: Frederick | Adept finished lap 6 ( 1:32.375)
8:48.148 - 8:58.398: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team went off the track
7:09.664 - 9:00.328: philmor finished lap 5 ( 1:50.664)
9:08.382 - 9:12.281: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design went off the track
7:45.382 - 9:14.156: Antoine Douay finished lap 6 ( 1:28.773)
9:03.406 - 9:16.640: Jeff Cooper191 went off the track
7:27.929 - 9:21.328: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports finished lap 5 ( 1:53.398)
8:05.609 - 9:21.921: Jeff Cooper191 finished lap 6 ( 1:16.312)
9:22.335 - 9:25.328: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team passed Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team for 11th
9:23.546 - 9:27.609: went off the track
8:21.703 - 9:34.726: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team finished lap 5 ( 1:13.023)
7:39.375 - 9:37.828: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team finished lap 5 ( 1:58.453)
9:35.164 - 9:47.492: went off the track
9:35.382 - 9:50.476: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design went off the track
8:09.375 - 9:50.476: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design finished lap 6 ( 1:41.101)
8:08.765 - 9:52.992: finished lap 6 ( 1:44.226)
8:15.437 - 9:55.039: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:39.601)
9:42.695 - 9:56.640: philmor went off the track
9:44.804 - 10:00.281: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team went off the track
8:23.132 - 10:02.890: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:39.757)
10:00.757 - 10:11.921: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design went off the track
10:00.281 - 10:12.445: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team went off the track
10:09.242 - 10:14.492: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports went off the track
8:48.687 - 10:19.375: Serafini Michele finished lap 6 ( 1:30.687)
10:17.195 - 10:21.367: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed philmor for 5th
10:21.367 - 10:25.695: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports went off the track
8:56.210 - 10:34.492: Frederick | Adept finished lap 7 ( 1:38.281)
10:31.335 - 10:36.640: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports passed philmor for 5th
9:14.156 - 10:44.625: Antoine Douay finished lap 7 ( 1:30.468)
9:21.328 - 10:47.359: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports finished lap 6 ( 1:26.031)
9:21.921 - 10:50.359: Jeff Cooper191 finished lap 7 ( 1:28.437)
9:00.328 - 10:54.257: philmor finished lap 6 ( 1:53.929)
10:58.312 - 11:00.718: philmor passed Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports for 8th
9:55.039 - 11:05.093: Jonathan Buquet | Bobby Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:10.054)
9:52.992 - 11:18.398: finished lap 7 ( 1:25.406)
9:50.476 - 11:24.171: Lucas Holgersson #51/ LA Design finished lap 7 ( 1:33.695)
11:23.648 - 11:29.335: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs went off the track
9:34.726 - 11:31.851: Alexander Filippov | Russia Team finished lap 6 ( 1:57.125)
11:32.140 - 11:36.187: Antoine Douay passed Frederick | Adept for 2nd
11:36.234 - 11:36.835: Frederick | Adept passed Antoine Douay for 2nd
11:40.437 - 11:46.359: Antoine Douay went off the track
9:37.828 - 11:47.828: Aaron Moudry | DeeO's Race Team finished lap 6 ( 2:10.000)
10:34.492 - 11:57.242: Frederick | Adept finished lap 8 ( 1:22.750)
10:44.625 - 12:00.523: Antoine Douay finished lap 8 ( 1:15.898)
10:02.890 - 12:11.078: Juninho Maia/ JM Designs finished lap 6 ( 2:08.187)
12:17.898 - 12:23.335: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports went off the track
10:54.257 - 12:30.710: philmor finished lap 7 ( 1:36.453)
12:30.429 - 12:37.742: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports went off the track
10:50.359 - 12:51.539: Jeff Cooper191 finished lap 8 ( 2:01.179)
10:47.359 - 12:55.445: Lewis Barker#332|GBL Motosports finished lap 7 ( 2:08.085)