MX Simulator
Track2014 Supercross Rd 4 - Oakland
Format 8 laps
Date2/23/2015, 1:30:32 PM (3607 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1878Cody Schat rmz450(2011)8 9:05.3352 0:57.3675726
266jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport kx450f(2013)8 10:26.6644 1:06.91416046
3388Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo kx450f(2013)7 9:10.6877 1:02.0074217
4420Octavien Pelloin | rmz450(2011)6 8:11.9766 1:16.35112547
551Arjen Froma l Noob rmz250(2009)6 9:32.4844 1:21.80412600
6731Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam rmz450(2011)6 10:03.6796 1:22.28910172
7103Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia kx450f(2013)5 9:55.7964 2:14.64016843
8228BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports rmz450(2013)4 6:50.8203 1:36.85113062
97peri espain rmz250(2009)2 3:11.7100 0:00.00013461
1051RobinvV yz250f(2009)1 1:25.4210 0:00.000429
1119david b'aheu|#19 DtxRacingTeam rmz450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00017223
12177AJ Racing|Jason #177 250sx(2012)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0003801

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 66 878 878 878 878 878 878 878
P2 878 66 66 66 66 66 66 66
P3 51 420 420 420 420 388 388
P4 7 388 388 388 388 420
P5 388 7 731 51 51 51
P6 420 731 51 228 731 731
P7 731 228 228 731 103
P8 228 51 103 103
P9 51 103
P10 103

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:57.367 2 878 Cody Schat
0:58.078 5 878 Cody Schat
0:58.257 3 878 Cody Schat
1:02.007 7 388 Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo
1:04.015 8 878 Cody Schat
1:06.914 4 66 jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport
1:09.265 6 388 Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo
1:10.351 7 878 Cody Schat
1:11.820 3 388 Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo
1:16.062 6 66 jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport
1:16.351 6 420 Octavien Pelloin |
1:17.796 7 66 jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport
1:18.187 4 420 Octavien Pelloin |
1:18.382 4 388 Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo
1:18.437 2 66 jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport
1:18.687 3 420 Octavien Pelloin |
1:18.968 5 388 Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo
1:20.882 2 420 Octavien Pelloin |
1:21.804 4 51 Arjen Froma l Noob
1:22.289 6 731 Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam
1:22.679 5 51 Arjen Froma l Noob
1:23.781 8 66 jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport
1:26.953 4 878 Cody Schat
1:30.593 2 388 Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo
1:30.750 5 731 Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam
1:32.000 5 66 jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport
1:32.437 3 51 Arjen Froma l Noob
1:34.601 2 731 Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam
1:36.851 3 228 BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports
1:38.156 3 731 Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam
1:38.507 6 51 Arjen Froma l Noob
1:39.375 4 228 BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports
1:41.820 2 228 BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports
1:42.617 2 51 Arjen Froma l Noob
2:07.578 4 731 Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam
2:14.640 4 103 Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia

Individual Worst Laps

1:20.882 2 420 Octavien Pelloin |
1:26.953 4 878 Cody Schat
1:30.593 2 388 Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo
1:32.000 5 66 jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport
1:37.906 2 7 peri espain
1:41.820 2 228 BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports
1:42.617 2 51 Arjen Froma l Noob
2:07.578 4 731 Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam
2:16.781 3 103 Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.455 420 Octavien Pelloin |
2.029 228 BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports
7.071 66 jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport
8.310 51 Arjen Froma l Noob
8.963 388 Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo
9.790 878 Cody Schat
15.385 731 Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam
19.419 103 Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia
- 51 RobinvV
- 7 peri espain
- 19 david b'aheu|#19 DtxRacingTeam
- 177 AJ Racing|Jason #177

Play by Play

Cody Schat takes the holeshot followed by Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia, jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport, Octavien Pelloin |, Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo, Arjen Froma l Noob, peri espain, Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam, RobinvV, BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports, david b'aheu|#19 DtxRacingTeam and AJ Racing|Jason #177

0:05.765 - 0:08.726: Octavien Pelloin | passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia and jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport for the lead
0:06.007 - 0:08.765: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia and jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport for 2nd
0:05.750 - 0:09.601: jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 3rd
0:06.679 - 0:09.945: Arjen Froma l Noob passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 4th
0:07.375 - 0:10.937: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia and peri espain for 5th
0:09.601 - 0:11.226: jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for the lead
0:07.781 - 0:11.265: RobinvV passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia and peri espain for 6th
0:09.945 - 0:12.500: Arjen Froma l Noob passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 2nd
0:10.937 - 0:12.718: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 3rd
0:12.718 - 0:14.351: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed Arjen Froma l Noob for 2nd
0:11.265 - 0:14.820: RobinvV passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 4th
0:07.148 - 0:16.078: peri espain passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 7th
0:16.078 - 0:18.015: peri espain passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 5th
0:14.820 - 0:19.265: RobinvV passed Arjen Froma l Noob for 3rd
0:05.515 - 0:20.375: Cody Schat went off the track
0:18.015 - 0:21.273: peri espain passed Arjen Froma l Noob for 4th
0:19.265 - 0:21.554: RobinvV passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 2nd
0:08.726 - 0:22.109: Octavien Pelloin | went off the track
0:19.890 - 0:22.710: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed Arjen Froma l Noob for 6th
0:21.273 - 0:23.921: peri espain passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 3rd
0:22.710 - 0:24.750: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed Octavien Pelloin | and Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 4th
0:22.109 - 0:24.789: Octavien Pelloin | passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 5th
0:24.156 - 0:26.226: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia passed Arjen Froma l Noob for 7th
0:26.226 - 0:28.835: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 6th
0:29.476 - 0:32.203: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia and Octavien Pelloin | for 5th
0:31.718 - 0:37.359: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed peri espain for 3rd
0:20.375 - 0:38.398: Cody Schat went off the track
0:36.898 - 0:39.109: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed peri espain for 4th
0:39.367 - 0:45.500: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo went off the track
0:42.640 - 0:45.546: Cody Schat passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 7th
0:44.031 - 0:46.593: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed RobinvV for 3rd
0:45.546 - 0:47.843: Cody Schat passed Octavien Pelloin | for 6th
0:47.273 - 0:50.664: RobinvV passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo and Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 2nd
0:47.960 - 0:51.007: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia passed Octavien Pelloin | for 7th
0:50.804 - 0:51.875: Cody Schat passed peri espain for 4th
0:51.304 - 0:52.992: david b'aheu|#19 DtxRacingTeam passed BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports for 9th
0:46.593 - 0:56.062: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 3rd
0:54.445 - 0:57.070: Cody Schat passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 4th
0:59.281 - 1:02.523: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo and peri espain for 5th
1:00.265 - 1:03.429: Cody Schat passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 3rd
0:54.820 - 1:04.289: peri espain passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 6th
1:02.539 - 1:05.710: Octavien Pelloin | passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 7th
1:03.429 - 1:06.796: Cody Schat passed RobinvV for 2nd
1:05.710 - 1:07.242: Octavien Pelloin | passed peri espain for 6th
1:07.242 - 1:09.203: Octavien Pelloin | passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 5th
1:07.507 - 1:10.390: peri espain passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 6th
1:10.031 - 1:12.023: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:13.984: jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport finished lap 1 ( 1:13.984)
1:10.390 - 1:14.382: peri espain passed Octavien Pelloin | and Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 4th
1:12.023 - 1:15.242: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed Octavien Pelloin | and Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:20.742: Cody Schat finished lap 1 ( 1:20.742)
0:00.000 - 1:25.421: RobinvV finished lap 1 ( 1:25.421)
1:24.445 - 1:25.531: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 5th
1:25.718 - 1:31.015: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia went off the track
1:27.828 - 1:31.242: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports passed Arjen Froma l Noob for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:32.664: peri espain finished lap 1 ( 1:32.664)
1:32.421 - 1:34.445: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:37.960: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo finished lap 1 ( 1:37.960)
0:00.000 - 1:38.890: Octavien Pelloin | finished lap 1 ( 1:38.890)
1:35.539 - 1:38.890: Octavien Pelloin | passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 6th
1:25.421 - 1:41.359: RobinvV went off the track
1:38.890 - 1:41.750: Octavien Pelloin | passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 4th
1:43.726 - 1:46.632: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:50.304: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam finished lap 1 ( 1:50.304)
1:47.828 - 1:50.742: Arjen Froma l Noob passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 9th
1:49.351 - 1:51.507: RobinvV passed peri espain for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:52.773: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports finished lap 1 ( 1:52.773)
1:51.828 - 1:53.617: Octavien Pelloin | passed peri espain for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:54.437: Arjen Froma l Noob finished lap 1 ( 1:54.437)
0:00.000 - 1:55.742: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia finished lap 1 ( 1:55.742)
1:52.773 - 1:55.781: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo and Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 5th
1:50.304 - 1:56.750: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 6th
1:55.617 - 1:57.429: Cody Schat passed jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport for the lead
1:54.437 - 1:57.593: Arjen Froma l Noob passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 7th
1:55.742 - 1:59.000: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 8th
1:57.078 - 2:00.656: peri espain passed Octavien Pelloin | for 4th
1:59.234 - 2:02.718: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 9th
2:03.671 - 2:07.453: Arjen Froma l Noob passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 7th
2:04.882 - 2:07.921: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 8th
2:05.843 - 2:09.343: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 9th
2:11.898 - 2:17.609: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 8th
1:20.742 - 2:18.109: Cody Schat finished lap 2 ( 0:57.367)
2:17.609 - 2:22.382: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia passed Arjen Froma l Noob and BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports for 6th
2:20.531 - 2:23.460: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed Arjen Froma l Noob and BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports for 7th
2:24.890 - 2:27.281: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed Arjen Froma l Noob for 9th
2:30.109 - 2:31.914: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports for 8th
1:13.984 - 2:32.421: jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport finished lap 2 ( 1:18.437)
2:30.437 - 2:32.726: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 6th
2:33.234 - 2:37.281: Arjen Froma l Noob passed BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports for 9th
2:37.382 - 2:44.148: peri espain went off the track
2:42.218 - 2:44.851: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 7th
2:42.617 - 2:45.023: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports passed Arjen Froma l Noob for 9th
2:50.882 - 2:54.062: Octavien Pelloin | passed peri espain for 3rd
1:38.890 - 2:59.773: Octavien Pelloin | finished lap 2 ( 1:20.882)
2:46.593 - 3:01.117: jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport went off the track
2:57.117 - 3:03.382: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia went off the track
3:03.437 - 3:05.460: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed peri espain for 4th
1:37.960 - 3:08.554: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo finished lap 2 ( 1:30.593)
1:32.664 - 3:10.570: peri espain finished lap 2 ( 1:37.906)
2:18.109 - 3:16.367: Cody Schat finished lap 3 ( 0:58.257)
3:18.132 - 3:19.882: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 7th
1:50.304 - 3:24.906: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam finished lap 2 ( 1:34.601)
3:23.929 - 3:27.171: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia passed BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports for 7th
3:28.015 - 3:30.906: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 7th
3:30.523 - 3:33.289: Arjen Froma l Noob passed Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia for 8th
1:52.773 - 3:34.593: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports finished lap 2 ( 1:41.820)
1:54.437 - 3:37.054: Arjen Froma l Noob finished lap 2 ( 1:42.617)
1:55.742 - 3:42.984: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia finished lap 2 ( 1:47.242)
2:32.421 - 3:50.109: jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport finished lap 3 ( 1:17.687)
3:51.421 - 3:53.562: Arjen Froma l Noob passed BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports for 6th
4:05.687 - 4:08.843: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports passed Arjen Froma l Noob for 7th
4:08.843 - 4:11.468: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 6th
2:59.773 - 4:18.460: Octavien Pelloin | finished lap 3 ( 1:18.687)
3:08.554 - 4:20.375: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo finished lap 3 ( 1:11.820)
4:22.265 - 4:29.367: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia went off the track
4:34.835 - 4:37.023: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed Octavien Pelloin | for 3rd
4:30.070 - 4:41.421: Arjen Froma l Noob passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 7th
3:16.367 - 4:43.320: Cody Schat finished lap 4 ( 1:26.953)
4:44.632 - 4:47.203: Octavien Pelloin | passed Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo for 3rd
4:42.601 - 4:47.945: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia went off the track
3:50.109 - 4:57.023: jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport finished lap 4 ( 1:06.914)
4:57.906 - 4:59.875: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports for 5th
3:24.906 - 5:03.062: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam finished lap 3 ( 1:38.156)
5:03.117 - 5:05.875: Arjen Froma l Noob passed BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports for 6th
3:37.054 - 5:09.492: Arjen Froma l Noob finished lap 3 ( 1:32.437)
3:34.593 - 5:11.445: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports finished lap 3 ( 1:36.851)
4:18.460 - 5:36.648: Octavien Pelloin | finished lap 4 ( 1:18.187)
4:20.375 - 5:38.757: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo finished lap 4 ( 1:18.382)
4:43.320 - 5:41.398: Cody Schat finished lap 5 ( 0:58.078)
3:42.984 - 5:59.765: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia finished lap 3 ( 2:16.781)
5:51.289 - 6:02.312: Octavien Pelloin | went off the track
6:02.531 - 6:07.117: Arjen Froma l Noob passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 5th
6:21.507 - 6:25.359: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports passed Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam for 6th
4:57.023 - 6:29.023: jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport finished lap 5 ( 1:32.000)
5:09.492 - 6:31.296: Arjen Froma l Noob finished lap 4 ( 1:21.804)
6:17.070 - 6:33.296: Cody Schat went off the track
5:11.445 - 6:50.820: BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports finished lap 4 ( 1:39.375)
5:41.398 - 6:50.968: Cody Schat finished lap 6 ( 1:09.570)
5:36.648 - 6:55.625: Octavien Pelloin | finished lap 5 ( 1:18.976)
5:38.757 - 6:57.726: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo finished lap 5 ( 1:18.968)
5:03.062 - 7:10.640: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam finished lap 4 ( 2:07.578)
7:13.578 - 7:15.710: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo passed Octavien Pelloin | for 3rd
7:24.914 - 7:26.750: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam passed BuddyGore#228|GBL Motosports for 6th
6:29.023 - 7:45.085: jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport finished lap 6 ( 1:16.062)
6:31.296 - 7:53.976: Arjen Froma l Noob finished lap 5 ( 1:22.679)
6:50.968 - 8:01.320: Cody Schat finished lap 7 ( 1:10.351)
6:57.726 - 8:06.992: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo finished lap 6 ( 1:09.265)
6:55.625 - 8:11.976: Octavien Pelloin | finished lap 6 ( 1:16.351)
5:59.765 - 8:14.406: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia finished lap 4 ( 2:14.640)
7:10.640 - 8:41.390: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam finished lap 5 ( 1:30.750)
8:39.367 - 8:46.531: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia went off the track
7:45.085 - 9:02.882: jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport finished lap 7 ( 1:17.796)
8:01.320 - 9:05.335: Cody Schat finished lap 8 ( 1:04.015)
8:06.992 - 9:09.000: Serafini Michele | Michy MoTo finished lap 7 ( 1:02.007)
7:53.976 - 9:32.484: Arjen Froma l Noob finished lap 6 ( 1:38.507)
8:14.406 - 9:44.742: Jack Butterworth #103 I Australia finished lap 5 ( 1:30.335)
8:41.390 - 10:03.679: Anthony Rigaudiere|#731DtxRacingTeam finished lap 6 ( 1:22.289)
9:02.882 - 10:26.664: jesse ten broeke \Alpinestars Motosport finished lap 8 ( 1:23.781)