MX Simulator
Track2013 Supercross Rd 17 - Las Vegas
Format 8 laps
Date3/23/2015, 10:48:28 PM (3579 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services rmz450(2013)8 11:11.7968 1:14.18717192
2212Redreamer 350sxf(2011)8 12:07.0007 1:17.6321145
3213jonathan lefevre #213 BZH yz250f(2009)7 11:26.6405 1:20.4849349
4184Tyler Masters| privateer 250sxf(2009)7 11:28.5707 1:19.7968473
5110Evan Webb #110 250sxf(2013)7 11:36.2182 1:18.4538516
6676KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER rmz450(2011)7 11:40.2182 1:21.03916544
7448Tidus kx450f(2013)7 11:42.0156 1:25.68710624
8387Antonio Pallares | TGM Design kx450f(2013)7 12:36.0154 1:15.63216172
919braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering 450sxf(2013)6 11:11.8352 1:36.86715101
1080Ryan Kessler | FlowTech kx250(2006)5 8:36.2812 1:13.20310634
1128Huelle 250sx(2012)4 11:53.9064 1:55.03115309
1232Childish Campino | Gravity Designs kx250f(2013)1 2:50.6010 0:00.00011757
13427TuffBlockTaylor kx250f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00017232
1454Polar Frostback kx450f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00017722
15151Massey kx450f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00010913
1615Toast cr250(2007)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006954
1728Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs kx250f(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00013186
18121CB rmz450(2013)0 0:01.8980 0:00.0008077
1935Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing rmz450(2013)0 0:05.5150 0:00.00016286

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P2 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212
P3 213 213 213 213 213 676 213
P4 676 676 80 110 110 110 184
P5 184 110 676 80 676 213 110
P6 110 80 110 676 80 448 676
P7 448 448 448 448 448 184 448
P8 80 184 184 184 184 387 387
P9 19 19 19 387 387 19
P10 32 387 387 19 19
P11 387 28 28 28
P12 28

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:13.203 2 80 Ryan Kessler | FlowTech
1:14.187 8 Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services
1:14.421 5 Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services
1:15.570 4 Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services
1:15.632 4 387 Antonio Pallares | TGM Design
1:17.000 2 Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services
1:17.632 7 212 Redreamer
1:18.453 2 110 Evan Webb #110
1:19.437 3 212 Redreamer
1:19.585 7 Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services
1:19.796 7 184 Tyler Masters| privateer
1:20.484 5 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
1:21.039 2 676 KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER
1:21.953 6 184 Tyler Masters| privateer
1:22.156 6 676 KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER
1:23.421 5 676 KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER
1:23.835 3 Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services
1:23.976 3 80 Ryan Kessler | FlowTech
1:25.273 3 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
1:25.687 6 448 Tidus
1:26.117 7 387 Antonio Pallares | TGM Design
1:26.257 3 448 Tidus
1:26.757 4 184 Tyler Masters| privateer
1:27.257 8 212 Redreamer
1:28.031 2 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
1:30.195 3 110 Evan Webb #110
1:30.468 3 184 Tyler Masters| privateer
1:30.539 2 387 Antonio Pallares | TGM Design
1:30.570 4 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
1:30.757 2 212 Redreamer
1:33.835 7 110 Evan Webb #110
1:34.703 5 184 Tyler Masters| privateer
1:35.914 7 448 Tidus
1:36.382 3 676 KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER
1:36.625 5 448 Tidus
1:36.867 2 19 braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering
1:36.960 6 110 Evan Webb #110
1:39.335 4 448 Tidus
1:40.382 5 212 Redreamer
1:41.007 5 110 Evan Webb #110
1:43.484 6 19 braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering
1:45.070 5 387 Antonio Pallares | TGM Design
1:45.609 3 387 Antonio Pallares | TGM Design
1:46.468 4 676 KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER
1:48.914 3 19 braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering
1:51.796 6 387 Antonio Pallares | TGM Design
1:55.031 4 28 Huelle
2:03.351 6 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
2:14.945 2 28 Huelle

Individual Worst Laps

1:31.367 6 Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services
1:39.335 4 448 Tidus
1:40.382 5 212 Redreamer
1:41.007 5 110 Evan Webb #110
1:46.945 2 184 Tyler Masters| privateer
1:48.914 3 19 braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering
1:49.164 5 80 Ryan Kessler | FlowTech
1:49.640 7 676 KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER
1:51.796 6 387 Antonio Pallares | TGM Design
2:03.351 6 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
4:33.164 3 28 Huelle


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.755 19 braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering
5.798 Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services
6.832 448 Tidus
7.877 212 Redreamer
8.404 110 Evan Webb #110
9.026 184 Tyler Masters| privateer
11.704 676 KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER
12.690 387 Antonio Pallares | TGM Design
13.121 80 Ryan Kessler | FlowTech
14.071 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
70.322 28 Huelle
- 121 CB
- 427 TuffBlockTaylor
- 54 Polar Frostback
- 35 Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing
- 151 Massey
- 15 Toast
- 28 Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs
- 32 Childish Campino | Gravity Designs

Play by Play

jonathan lefevre #213 BZH takes the holeshot followed by Antonio Pallares | TGM Design, Huelle, Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services, Evan Webb #110, Toast, Childish Campino | Gravity Designs, KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER, Redreamer, Tidus, Polar Frostback, CB, Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs, Tyler Masters| privateer, Massey, Ryan Kessler | FlowTech and braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering

0:07.796 - 0:12.546: Evan Webb #110 passed Huelle, Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services and Antonio Pallares | TGM Design for 2nd
0:07.476 - 0:13.164: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services passed Huelle and Antonio Pallares | TGM Design for 4th
0:08.265 - 0:13.726: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed Huelle, Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Toast for 5th
0:08.687 - 0:14.179: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Huelle, Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Toast for 6th
0:09.851 - 0:15.078: Redreamer passed Huelle, Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Toast for 7th
0:15.460 - 0:18.515: Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing passed Evan Webb #110 for 2nd
0:13.382 - 0:18.648: CB passed Huelle, Polar Frostback, Tidus, Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Toast for 8th
0:15.601 - 0:18.750: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services passed Evan Webb #110 for 3rd
0:13.492 - 0:19.125: Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs passed Huelle, Polar Frostback, Tidus, Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Toast for 9th
0:16.687 - 0:19.593: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 5th
0:14.867 - 0:20.453: Massey passed Huelle, Polar Frostback, Tyler Masters| privateer, Tidus, Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Toast for 10th
0:14.859 - 0:21.078: Tyler Masters| privateer passed Huelle, Polar Frostback, Tidus, Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Toast for 11th
0:12.398 - 0:23.320: Polar Frostback passed Huelle, Tidus and Toast for 13th
0:18.750 - 0:23.492: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services passed Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing for 2nd
0:08.234 - 0:24.265: Toast passed Huelle for 14th
0:17.273 - 0:24.273: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Huelle, Ryan Kessler | FlowTech and Tidus for 15th
0:21.078 - 0:24.367: Tyler Masters| privateer passed Massey for 10th
0:19.593 - 0:24.882: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Evan Webb #110 for 4th
0:22.078 - 0:25.000: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed Massey for 11th
0:24.750 - 0:26.296: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services passed jonathan lefevre #213 BZH for the lead
0:21.296 - 0:26.367: Redreamer passed Evan Webb #110 and Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 5th
0:23.320 - 0:26.718: Polar Frostback passed Massey for 12th
0:24.273 - 0:27.351: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Massey and Toast for 13th
0:19.812 - 0:27.937: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed Evan Webb #110 for 6th
0:24.265 - 0:28.390: Toast passed Massey for 14th
0:27.859 - 0:30.929: Huelle passed Massey for 15th
0:28.828 - 0:32.062: Tidus passed Massey for 16th
0:24.375 - 0:33.109: CB went off the track
0:31.687 - 0:34.085: Redreamer passed Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing and KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 3rd
0:27.343 - 0:34.750: Tyler Masters| privateer passed Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 8th
0:30.335 - 0:36.054: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Polar Frostback, Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 9th
0:30.062 - 0:36.335: Polar Frostback passed Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 10th
0:31.710 - 0:37.453: Toast passed Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 11th
0:34.710 - 0:40.250: Huelle passed Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 12th
0:38.187 - 0:40.648: CB passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 6th
0:35.046 - 0:41.007: Tidus passed Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 13th
0:39.171 - 0:41.726: Evan Webb #110 passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 7th
0:39.664 - 0:42.187: Tyler Masters| privateer passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 8th
0:36.703 - 0:42.398: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed Massey, Antonio Pallares | TGM Design and Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 14th
0:27.757 - 0:43.148: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 15th
0:40.648 - 0:44.437: CB passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 5th
0:43.593 - 0:44.929: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed Tidus for 14th
0:44.273 - 0:45.539: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed Tidus for 15th
0:43.000 - 0:47.328: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 9th
0:46.320 - 0:48.335: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed CB and Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing for 4th
0:46.718 - 0:48.578: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed Huelle, Polar Frostback and Toast for 11th
0:47.492 - 0:48.898: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 9th
0:41.671 - 0:49.250: Toast passed Polar Frostback for 12th
0:47.335 - 0:49.343: Evan Webb #110 passed CB and Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing for 5th
0:45.671 - 0:49.929: Huelle passed Polar Frostback for 13th
0:47.890 - 0:50.070: Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs passed Tidus for 16th
0:47.945 - 0:50.281: Tyler Masters| privateer passed CB and Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing for 6th
0:50.070 - 0:53.390: Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs passed Polar Frostback and Antonio Pallares | TGM Design for 14th
0:51.976 - 0:54.281: Tidus passed Polar Frostback and Antonio Pallares | TGM Design for 15th
0:48.898 - 0:55.500: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed CB and Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing for 7th
0:54.593 - 0:56.531: Toast passed CB, braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering, Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing and Ryan Kessler | FlowTech for 8th
0:55.726 - 0:57.835: Huelle passed CB, braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering, Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing and Ryan Kessler | FlowTech for 9th
0:56.531 - 0:59.250: Toast passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 7th
0:53.328 - 0:59.609: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed CB and braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 11th
0:57.835 - 1:00.523: Huelle passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 8th
0:59.632 - 1:01.531: Tidus passed Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 14th
0:59.609 - 1:03.562: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing and Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 9th
1:00.429 - 1:03.820: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed CB, Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing and Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 10th
1:00.023 - 1:03.835: CB passed Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing and Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 11th
1:01.531 - 1:04.273: Tidus passed Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing and Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 12th
0:59.968 - 1:04.445: Evan Webb #110 went off the track
0:57.914 - 1:05.585: Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 13th
1:05.585 - 1:07.992: Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing passed CB, braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering, Ryan Kessler | FlowTech and Tidus for 9th
1:07.539 - 1:09.031: Evan Webb #110 passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 4th
1:04.273 - 1:09.218: Tidus passed CB, braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering and Ryan Kessler | FlowTech for 10th
1:03.820 - 1:09.773: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Ryan Kessler | FlowTech for 11th
1:03.835 - 1:12.843: CB passed Ryan Kessler | FlowTech for 12th
1:09.078 - 1:12.960: Massey passed Antonio Pallares | TGM Design for 17th
1:10.468 - 1:13.507: Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 14th
1:10.828 - 1:13.750: Polar Frostback passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 15th
1:13.312 - 1:16.562: Colden Comeaux/FatChicksOnly Racing passed Huelle for 7th
1:14.554 - 1:17.867: Tidus passed Huelle for 8th
1:15.078 - 1:18.406: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Huelle for 9th
1:17.843 - 1:19.359: Evan Webb #110 passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 4th
1:18.406 - 1:19.718: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Tidus for 9th
1:19.539 - 1:22.820: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Evan Webb #110 for 4th
1:20.828 - 1:22.906: Redreamer passed jonathan lefevre #213 BZH for 2nd
1:22.515 - 1:24.312: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed Polar Frostback for 15th
1:21.593 - 1:24.679: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed CB and Huelle for 10th
1:19.937 - 1:26.476: Tidus went off the track
1:23.343 - 1:26.703: Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs passed CB for 12th
1:25.734 - 1:27.500: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed Polar Frostback for 16th
1:25.304 - 1:28.101: Tyler Masters| privateer passed Evan Webb #110 for 5th
1:28.203 - 1:30.484: Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs passed Huelle for 11th
1:27.500 - 1:30.609: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 14th
1:34.671 - 1:36.179: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed Antonio Pallares | TGM Design for 15th
1:37.437 - 1:39.507: Polar Frostback passed Antonio Pallares | TGM Design for 16th
1:40.843 - 1:43.242: Toast passed Evan Webb #110 and Tyler Masters| privateer for 5th
1:40.765 - 1:43.375: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed Polar Frostback for 15th
1:36.562 - 1:43.484: Tidus passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 8th
1:35.382 - 1:44.695: CB passed Huelle and Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 12th
1:40.304 - 1:45.132: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed Huelle and Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 13th
1:33.023 - 1:47.242: Huelle passed Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 14th
1:47.242 - 1:50.132: Huelle passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 13th
1:44.562 - 1:51.007: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 15th
1:46.148 - 1:51.453: Polar Frostback passed Christian Costalas | Gravity Designs for 16th
1:39.781 - 1:51.765: Evan Webb #110 passed Tyler Masters| privateer for 6th
1:51.007 - 1:53.726: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:53.757: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services finished lap 1 ( 1:53.757)
1:51.453 - 1:54.765: Polar Frostback passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 15th
1:56.679 - 1:59.054: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed Huelle for 12th
1:57.578 - 1:59.664: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 9th
1:57.703 - 1:59.726: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed Polar Frostback for 15th
0:00.000 - 2:01.585: Redreamer finished lap 1 ( 2:01.585)
1:59.726 - 2:02.328: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed Huelle for 13th
1:59.765 - 2:03.312: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Ryan Kessler | FlowTech and Tidus for 8th
1:59.664 - 2:03.960: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed Tidus for 9th
2:07.078 - 2:08.953: Toast passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:10.445: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 1 ( 2:10.445)
2:09.117 - 2:10.640: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed CB for 11th
2:06.750 - 2:11.015: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 8th
0:00.000 - 2:19.468: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER finished lap 1 ( 2:19.468)
2:17.265 - 2:19.921: CB passed Antonio Pallares | TGM Design for 11th
2:18.195 - 2:21.445: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed Antonio Pallares | TGM Design for 12th
2:19.960 - 2:23.906: Tyler Masters| privateer passed Evan Webb #110 for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:27.945: Tyler Masters| privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:27.945)
2:26.960 - 2:28.617: Tidus passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 9th
0:00.000 - 2:30.320: Evan Webb #110 finished lap 1 ( 2:30.320)
2:30.484 - 2:34.195: Tidus passed Ryan Kessler | FlowTech for 7th
2:30.187 - 2:35.835: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed CB for 11th
0:00.000 - 2:37.414: Tidus finished lap 1 ( 2:37.414)
0:00.000 - 2:38.007: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech finished lap 1 ( 2:38.007)
0:00.000 - 2:39.210: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering finished lap 1 ( 2:39.210)
2:39.500 - 2:45.218: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs went off the track
2:42.578 - 2:47.437: Tidus went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:48.492: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs finished lap 1 ( 2:48.492)
2:49.992 - 2:51.726: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH passed Redreamer for 2nd
2:53.703 - 2:55.304: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 8th
0:00.000 - 2:56.515: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design finished lap 1 ( 2:56.515)
1:53.757 - 3:10.757: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services finished lap 2 ( 1:17.000)
0:00.000 - 3:10.765: Huelle finished lap 1 ( 3:10.765)
3:09.296 - 3:13.875: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 9th
3:06.343 - 3:14.492: Tyler Masters| privateer went off the track
3:15.296 - 3:17.203: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed Tyler Masters| privateer for 6th
3:19.414 - 3:21.156: Tidus passed Tyler Masters| privateer for 7th
3:22.398 - 3:24.789: Redreamer passed jonathan lefevre #213 BZH for 2nd
2:01.585 - 3:32.343: Redreamer finished lap 2 ( 1:30.757)
3:32.390 - 3:34.031: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Tyler Masters| privateer for 8th
3:34.304 - 3:36.484: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed Tyler Masters| privateer for 9th
2:10.445 - 3:38.476: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 2 ( 1:28.031)
2:19.468 - 3:40.507: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER finished lap 2 ( 1:21.039)
3:40.492 - 3:44.273: Tyler Masters| privateer passed Childish Campino | Gravity Designs for 9th
2:30.320 - 3:48.773: Evan Webb #110 finished lap 2 ( 1:18.453)
2:38.007 - 3:51.210: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech finished lap 2 ( 1:13.203)
3:49.515 - 3:52.429: Tyler Masters| privateer passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 8th
2:37.414 - 3:58.195: Tidus finished lap 2 ( 1:20.781)
4:04.578 - 4:05.976: Childish Campino | Gravity Designs passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 9th
2:27.945 - 4:14.890: Tyler Masters| privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:46.945)
2:39.210 - 4:16.078: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering finished lap 2 ( 1:36.867)
4:17.500 - 4:19.117: Evan Webb #110 passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 4th
4:18.648 - 4:20.171: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 5th
2:56.515 - 4:27.054: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design finished lap 2 ( 1:30.539)
4:26.906 - 4:28.554: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed Evan Webb #110 for 4th
4:30.117 - 4:30.796: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Tyler Masters| privateer for 8th
4:30.328 - 4:32.585: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Evan Webb #110 for 5th
4:30.992 - 4:33.484: Tyler Masters| privateer passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 8th
3:10.757 - 4:34.593: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services finished lap 3 ( 1:23.835)
4:32.585 - 4:34.703: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Ryan Kessler | FlowTech for 4th
3:32.343 - 4:51.781: Redreamer finished lap 3 ( 1:19.437)
4:56.328 - 4:58.187: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Tyler Masters| privateer for 8th
4:58.062 - 5:02.796: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 4th
3:38.476 - 5:03.750: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 3 ( 1:25.273)
3:51.210 - 5:15.187: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech finished lap 3 ( 1:23.976)
3:40.507 - 5:16.890: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER finished lap 3 ( 1:36.382)
3:48.773 - 5:18.968: Evan Webb #110 finished lap 3 ( 1:30.195)
5:18.476 - 5:21.078: Tyler Masters| privateer passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 8th
3:58.195 - 5:24.453: Tidus finished lap 3 ( 1:26.257)
3:10.765 - 5:25.710: Huelle finished lap 2 ( 2:14.945)
5:26.117 - 5:28.046: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Ryan Kessler | FlowTech for 4th
5:31.929 - 5:32.429: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 4th
5:30.703 - 5:34.960: Evan Webb #110 went off the track
4:14.890 - 5:45.359: Tyler Masters| privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:30.468)
5:44.367 - 5:47.000: Evan Webb #110 passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 5th
4:34.593 - 5:50.164: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services finished lap 4 ( 1:15.570)
5:49.718 - 5:52.359: Tidus passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 6th
5:51.523 - 5:53.031: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 9th
5:53.625 - 5:56.796: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Antonio Pallares | TGM Design for 9th
4:16.078 - 6:04.992: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering finished lap 3 ( 1:48.914)
5:59.789 - 6:05.710: Redreamer went off the track
4:51.781 - 6:09.234: Redreamer finished lap 4 ( 1:17.453)
6:10.492 - 6:12.179: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Tidus for 6th
5:57.218 - 6:12.320: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech went off the track
4:27.054 - 6:12.664: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design finished lap 3 ( 1:45.609)
6:23.445 - 6:30.789: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering went off the track
5:03.750 - 6:34.320: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 4 ( 1:30.570)
5:18.968 - 6:38.671: Evan Webb #110 finished lap 4 ( 1:19.703)
5:15.187 - 6:47.117: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech finished lap 4 ( 1:31.929)
6:53.281 - 6:54.765: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 9th
5:16.890 - 7:03.359: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER finished lap 4 ( 1:46.468)
5:24.453 - 7:03.789: Tidus finished lap 4 ( 1:39.335)
6:45.296 - 7:04.296: Huelle went off the track
5:50.164 - 7:04.585: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services finished lap 5 ( 1:14.421)
6:51.929 - 7:06.000: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech went off the track
7:06.390 - 7:08.992: Tidus passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 6th
5:45.359 - 7:12.117: Tyler Masters| privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:26.757)
7:18.085 - 7:21.140: Tidus passed Ryan Kessler | FlowTech for 5th
7:20.234 - 7:22.375: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Ryan Kessler | FlowTech for 6th
7:22.640 - 7:23.765: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 6th
6:12.664 - 7:28.296: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design finished lap 4 ( 1:15.632)
7:33.781 - 7:38.195: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services went off the track
7:35.289 - 7:38.531: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Ryan Kessler | FlowTech for 6th
6:04.992 - 7:41.375: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering finished lap 4 ( 1:36.382)
7:43.382 - 7:45.593: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Tidus for 5th
6:09.234 - 7:49.617: Redreamer finished lap 5 ( 1:40.382)
6:34.320 - 7:54.804: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 5 ( 1:20.484)
8:04.656 - 8:11.578: Redreamer went off the track
6:38.671 - 8:19.679: Evan Webb #110 finished lap 5 ( 1:41.007)
8:19.156 - 8:23.718: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed Tidus for 6th
7:03.359 - 8:26.781: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER finished lap 5 ( 1:23.421)
7:04.585 - 8:35.953: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services finished lap 6 ( 1:31.367)
6:47.117 - 8:36.281: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech finished lap 5 ( 1:49.164)
7:03.789 - 8:40.414: Tidus finished lap 5 ( 1:36.625)
7:12.117 - 8:46.820: Tyler Masters| privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:34.703)
8:49.390 - 8:52.015: Tyler Masters| privateer passed Tidus for 7th
8:55.203 - 8:56.828: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Evan Webb #110 for 3rd
9:04.039 - 9:05.859: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed jonathan lefevre #213 BZH for 3rd
9:05.273 - 9:11.812: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering went off the track
7:28.296 - 9:13.367: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design finished lap 5 ( 1:45.070)
9:11.734 - 9:13.492: Ryan Kessler | FlowTech passed Evan Webb #110 for 5th
7:49.617 - 9:19.773: Redreamer finished lap 6 ( 1:30.156)
9:17.921 - 9:20.335: Tidus passed Tyler Masters| privateer for 7th
7:41.375 - 9:25.648: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering finished lap 5 ( 1:44.273)
9:26.750 - 9:31.968: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 3rd
9:36.304 - 9:39.460: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering passed Antonio Pallares | TGM Design for 9th
9:41.140 - 9:45.359: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed jonathan lefevre #213 BZH for 3rd
8:26.781 - 9:48.937: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER finished lap 6 ( 1:22.156)
9:49.062 - 9:53.406: Evan Webb #110 passed jonathan lefevre #213 BZH for 4th
8:35.953 - 9:55.539: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services finished lap 7 ( 1:19.585)
8:19.679 - 9:56.640: Evan Webb #110 finished lap 6 ( 1:36.960)
7:54.804 - 9:58.156: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 6 ( 2:03.351)
5:25.710 - 9:58.875: Huelle finished lap 3 ( 4:33.164)
8:40.414 - 10:06.101: Tidus finished lap 6 ( 1:25.687)
8:46.820 - 10:08.773: Tyler Masters| privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:21.953)
10:18.132 - 10:22.875: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH passed Evan Webb #110 and KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 3rd
10:16.101 - 10:26.687: Evan Webb #110 passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 4th
10:25.179 - 10:29.773: Tidus passed KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 5th
10:22.875 - 10:32.531: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH went off the track
9:19.773 - 10:37.406: Redreamer finished lap 7 ( 1:17.632)
9:13.367 - 11:05.164: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design finished lap 6 ( 1:51.796)
11:03.257 - 11:05.164: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design passed braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering for 8th
9:25.648 - 11:09.132: braden19|RaceSpeed Engineering finished lap 6 ( 1:43.484)
9:55.539 - 11:09.726: Connor Lynds #357 | Lynds Flooring Services finished lap 8 ( 1:14.187)
11:14.687 - 11:18.648: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH passed Evan Webb #110 for 3rd
11:17.796 - 11:19.445: Tyler Masters| privateer passed Tidus and KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER for 5th
11:21.242 - 11:25.148: Tyler Masters| privateer passed Evan Webb #110 for 4th
9:58.156 - 11:26.640: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 7 ( 1:28.484)
10:08.773 - 11:28.570: Tyler Masters| privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:19.796)
11:17.320 - 11:28.960: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER passed Tidus for 6th
9:56.640 - 11:30.476: Evan Webb #110 finished lap 7 ( 1:33.835)
11:28.960 - 11:35.578: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER went off the track
9:48.937 - 11:38.578: KrytonYT // DWP Racing GER finished lap 7 ( 1:49.640)
10:06.101 - 11:42.015: Tidus finished lap 7 ( 1:35.914)
9:58.875 - 11:53.906: Huelle finished lap 4 ( 1:55.031)
10:37.406 - 12:04.664: Redreamer finished lap 8 ( 1:27.257)
11:05.164 - 12:31.281: Antonio Pallares | TGM Design finished lap 7 ( 1:26.117)