MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 5 - Anaheim 2
Format 8 laps
Date8/21/2015, 2:22:07 PM (3429 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1191Jeff Coop rmz450(2013)8 9:43.1253 1:03.69516873
256Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz yz250f(2009)8 11:00.2892 1:07.86714611
352Judge rm1257 10:45.5705 1:15.859753
4 cr250(2007)6 10:03.9212 1:20.29614577
5228Buddy Gore#228|GBL Motosports rmz450(2013)2 2:57.3902 1:17.75713062
673 rmz450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00016257
7515@ElliotPhillips515 | Ogden Suspension yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00018161

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 228 191 191 191 191 191 191 191
P2 191 228 56 56 56 56 56 56
P3 56 56 52 52 52 52 52
P4 52
P5 52

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:03.695 3 191 Jeff Coop
1:04.242 4 191 Jeff Coop
1:07.101 8 191 Jeff Coop
1:07.867 2 56 Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz
1:10.078 7 56 Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz
1:15.859 5 52 Judge
1:17.757 2 228 Buddy Gore#228|GBL Motosports
1:20.296 2
1:33.718 7 52 Judge

Individual Worst Laps

1:17.757 2 228 Buddy Gore#228|GBL Motosports
1:17.945 5 191 Jeff Coop
1:28.437 6 56 Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz
1:33.718 7 52 Judge
1:46.164 3


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.639 191 Jeff Coop
7.714 56 Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz
7.849 52 Judge
- 228 Buddy Gore#228|GBL Motosports
- 73
- 515 @ElliotPhillips515 | Ogden Suspension

Play by Play

Jeff Coop takes the holeshot followed by Judge, Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz, Buddy Gore#228|GBL Motosports, and @ElliotPhillips515 | Ogden Suspension

0:14.179 - 0:17.515: Buddy Gore#228|GBL Motosports passed Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz and Judge for 2nd
0:21.179 - 0:25.054: passed Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz and Judge for 3rd
0:14.125 - 0:25.578: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz passed Judge for 4th
0:25.578 - 0:27.117: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz passed for 3rd
0:26.546 - 0:28.132: Judge passed for 4th
0:55.367 - 0:57.617: Buddy Gore#228|GBL Motosports passed Jeff Coop for the lead
1:10.664 - 1:13.125: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz went off the track
1:17.046 - 1:24.414: Judge went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:39.632: Buddy Gore#228|GBL Motosports finished lap 1 ( 1:39.632)
0:00.000 - 1:41.539: Jeff Coop finished lap 1 ( 1:41.539)
0:00.000 - 1:49.867: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz finished lap 1 ( 1:49.867)
1:59.500 - 2:02.187: Jeff Coop passed Buddy Gore#228|GBL Motosports for the lead
2:02.304 - 2:05.101: Buddy Gore#228|GBL Motosports passed Jeff Coop for the lead
0:00.000 - 2:05.195: Judge finished lap 1 ( 2:05.195)
2:05.375 - 2:07.039: Jeff Coop passed Buddy Gore#228|GBL Motosports for the lead
2:09.914 - 2:12.265: Jeff Coop went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:12.968: finished lap 1 ( 2:12.968)
2:32.078 - 2:39.023: Judge went off the track
1:41.539 - 2:53.695: Jeff Coop finished lap 2 ( 1:12.156)
1:39.632 - 2:57.390: Buddy Gore#228|GBL Motosports finished lap 2 ( 1:17.757)
1:49.867 - 2:57.734: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz finished lap 2 ( 1:07.867)
3:00.265 - 3:01.593: Judge passed for 4th
3:25.914 - 3:31.609: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz went off the track
2:12.968 - 3:33.265: finished lap 2 ( 1:20.296)
3:16.687 - 3:33.640: Judge went off the track
2:05.195 - 3:38.515: Judge finished lap 2 ( 1:33.320)
2:53.695 - 3:57.390: Jeff Coop finished lap 3 ( 1:03.695)
2:57.734 - 4:07.507: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz finished lap 3 ( 1:09.773)
4:27.304 - 4:31.281: Judge passed for 3rd
4:28.710 - 4:42.898: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz went off the track
4:30.914 - 4:45.257: @ElliotPhillips515 | Ogden Suspension went off the track
4:45.835 - 4:47.976: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz went off the track
4:48.515 - 4:59.234: went off the track
3:57.390 - 5:01.632: Jeff Coop finished lap 4 ( 1:04.242)
4:53.070 - 5:03.906: Judge went off the track
3:38.515 - 5:07.921: Judge finished lap 3 ( 1:29.406)
3:33.265 - 5:19.429: finished lap 3 ( 1:46.164)
4:07.507 - 5:24.773: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz finished lap 4 ( 1:17.265)
5:41.695 - 5:59.757: Jeff Coop went off the track
6:04.007 - 6:10.148: Judge went off the track
6:08.117 - 6:10.960: went off the track
6:11.726 - 6:14.078: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz went off the track
5:01.632 - 6:19.578: Jeff Coop finished lap 5 ( 1:17.945)
5:07.921 - 6:39.320: Judge finished lap 4 ( 1:31.398)
5:24.773 - 6:51.046: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz finished lap 5 ( 1:26.273)
5:19.429 - 6:52.906: finished lap 4 ( 1:33.476)
7:12.101 - 7:21.140: Jeff Coop went off the track
6:19.578 - 7:25.976: Jeff Coop finished lap 6 ( 1:06.398)
7:18.937 - 7:29.445: went off the track
7:28.601 - 7:31.289: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz went off the track
6:39.320 - 7:55.179: Judge finished lap 5 ( 1:15.859)
6:52.906 - 8:16.640: finished lap 5 ( 1:23.734)
6:51.046 - 8:19.484: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz finished lap 6 ( 1:28.437)
8:16.640 - 8:22.867: went off the track
8:18.351 - 8:25.687: Jeff Coop went off the track
8:22.804 - 8:29.578: Judge went off the track
7:25.976 - 8:33.804: Jeff Coop finished lap 7 ( 1:07.828)
7:55.179 - 9:10.484: Judge finished lap 6 ( 1:15.304)
8:19.484 - 9:29.562: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz finished lap 7 ( 1:10.078)
8:33.804 - 9:40.906: Jeff Coop finished lap 8 ( 1:07.101)
8:16.640 - 10:01.515: finished lap 6 ( 1:44.875)
9:59.781 - 10:11.945: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz went off the track
9:10.484 - 10:44.203: Judge finished lap 7 ( 1:33.718)
9:29.562 - 10:50.625: Tate Gilman | I thro fet whipz finished lap 8 ( 1:21.062)