MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 15 - Seattle
Format 8 laps
Date11/1/2015, 6:15:08 PM (3356 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
17James Stewart rmz450(2011)8 7:32.6798 0:51.7813602
2117MagicJS7SX rmz450(2013)8 7:37.3598 0:53.25715402
3179Dan Boivin (179) rmz450(2013)8 8:26.1017 0:54.8285654
4397Brandon Cummings | Evolution yz1257 8:04.2652 0:59.6258432
5901Rodney Johnson cr250(2007)7 8:12.7816 0:59.10111546
6747Hugo Basaula 450sxf(2011)7 8:14.7577 0:57.67912054
7862Mart crf450(2013)7 8:53.9062 1:05.1953897
8139Egger/Sui yz250(2012)6 8:29.5314 0:58.69518108
93GPHamming | no team rmz450(2013)6 8:59.9293 0:57.82013387
1055Roberto | MxGuatemala yz250f(2009)4 8:04.3124 1:27.03918476
11719Van Hicks | Frothing TLD #719 yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00019600
1229Juan Luis Herrera|#29 rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0002092
13293Jan Koelker | Team Rider by Ryno Power yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00014211
14538Lucky Dog cr1250 0:00.0000 0:00.00015728
1560Nate Doyle | Frothing MX #60 250sx(2012)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00019557
1685Manuel Wiedmann rmz450(2013)0 0:01.2960 0:00.00010673

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 117 117 117 117 117 7 7 7
P2 862 7 7 7 7 117 117 117
P3 7 862 862 179 179 179 179 179
P4 901 397 397 397 397 862 397
P5 397 179 179 862 862 397 901
P6 139 901 3 747 901 901 747
P7 179 747 747 901 747 747 862
P8 747 3 901 3 3 139
P9 3 139 139 139 139 3
P10 55 55 55 55

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:51.781 8 7 James Stewart
0:52.296 3 7 James Stewart
0:52.804 5 7 James Stewart
0:53.117 7 7 James Stewart
0:53.257 8 117 MagicJS7SX
0:53.304 7 117 MagicJS7SX
0:54.062 2 7 James Stewart
0:54.367 3 117 MagicJS7SX
0:54.828 7 179 Dan Boivin (179)
0:55.335 5 179 Dan Boivin (179)
0:55.929 5 117 MagicJS7SX
0:57.679 7 747 Hugo Basaula
0:57.820 3 3 GPHamming | no team
0:57.898 6 747 Hugo Basaula
0:58.695 4 139 Egger/Sui
0:59.101 6 901 Rodney Johnson
0:59.312 6 7 James Stewart
0:59.570 4 7 James Stewart
0:59.625 2 397 Brandon Cummings | Evolution
1:00.039 5 901 Rodney Johnson
1:00.148 2 179 Dan Boivin (179)
1:00.882 6 117 MagicJS7SX
1:02.679 6 179 Dan Boivin (179)
1:03.601 8 179 Dan Boivin (179)
1:05.015 2 747 Hugo Basaula
1:05.195 2 862 Mart
1:05.789 4 179 Dan Boivin (179)
1:06.039 3 397 Brandon Cummings | Evolution
1:06.851 2 3 GPHamming | no team
1:07.601 3 179 Dan Boivin (179)
1:07.671 5 397 Brandon Cummings | Evolution
1:07.742 5 862 Mart
1:08.757 3 862 Mart
1:08.968 5 3 GPHamming | no team
1:11.679 7 397 Brandon Cummings | Evolution
1:17.820 4 397 Brandon Cummings | Evolution
1:20.953 5 747 Hugo Basaula
1:24.679 4 901 Rodney Johnson
1:27.039 4 55 Roberto | MxGuatemala
1:36.335 3 139 Egger/Sui
1:42.445 4 3 GPHamming | no team
1:58.390 2 139 Egger/Sui
2:09.007 2 55 Roberto | MxGuatemala
2:31.335 3 55 Roberto | MxGuatemala

Individual Worst Laps

0:59.570 4 7 James Stewart
1:02.992 4 117 MagicJS7SX
1:07.601 3 179 Dan Boivin (179)
1:17.820 4 397 Brandon Cummings | Evolution
1:23.664 4 747 Hugo Basaula
1:24.679 4 901 Rodney Johnson
1:26.859 7 862 Mart
1:58.390 2 139 Egger/Sui
2:31.335 3 55 Roberto | MxGuatemala
2:40.734 6 3 GPHamming | no team


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.066 7 James Stewart
3.571 117 MagicJS7SX
4.563 179 Dan Boivin (179)
5.544 397 Brandon Cummings | Evolution
9.179 901 Rodney Johnson
9.994 862 Mart
10.295 747 Hugo Basaula
20.421 139 Egger/Sui
26.654 55 Roberto | MxGuatemala
37.849 3 GPHamming | no team
- 719 Van Hicks | Frothing TLD #719
- 85 Manuel Wiedmann
- 29 Juan Luis Herrera|#29
- 293 Jan Koelker | Team Rider by Ryno Power
- 538 Lucky Dog
- 60 Nate Doyle | Frothing MX #60

Play by Play

James Stewart takes the holeshot followed by MagicJS7SX, Mart , Egger/Sui, Dan Boivin (179), Hugo Basaula, Nate Doyle | Frothing MX #60, Roberto | MxGuatemala , GPHamming | no team, Brandon Cummings | Evolution, Rodney Johnson, Jan Koelker | Team Rider by Ryno Power , Manuel Wiedmann and Juan Luis Herrera|#29

0:08.000 - 0:11.171: Mart passed MagicJS7SX for 2nd
0:08.429 - 0:11.265: Egger/Sui passed MagicJS7SX for 3rd
0:09.359 - 0:12.218: Nate Doyle | Frothing MX #60 passed Hugo Basaula for 6th
0:11.273 - 0:12.242: MagicJS7SX passed Egger/Sui for 3rd
0:11.851 - 0:13.000: Dan Boivin (179) passed Egger/Sui for 4th
0:09.625 - 0:13.250: GPHamming | no team passed Roberto | MxGuatemala for 8th
0:12.218 - 0:13.375: Nate Doyle | Frothing MX #60 passed Egger/Sui for 5th
0:13.250 - 0:14.781: GPHamming | no team passed Egger/Sui and Hugo Basaula for 6th
0:14.101 - 0:15.507: MagicJS7SX passed Mart for 2nd
0:13.453 - 0:16.453: Rodney Johnson passed Roberto | MxGuatemala and Brandon Cummings | Evolution for 9th
0:13.281 - 0:16.742: Brandon Cummings | Evolution passed Roberto | MxGuatemala for 10th
0:16.453 - 0:17.843: Rodney Johnson passed Egger/Sui and Hugo Basaula for 7th
0:12.781 - 0:18.031: Hugo Basaula passed Egger/Sui for 8th
0:17.843 - 0:20.023: Rodney Johnson passed GPHamming | no team and Dan Boivin (179) for 4th
0:16.023 - 0:21.101: Mart went off the track
0:18.031 - 0:21.257: Hugo Basaula passed GPHamming | no team and Dan Boivin (179) for 5th
0:20.390 - 0:21.671: Jan Koelker | Team Rider by Ryno Power passed Roberto | MxGuatemala for 11th
0:18.890 - 0:22.585: Brandon Cummings | Evolution passed GPHamming | no team, Dan Boivin (179) and Egger/Sui for 6th
0:18.546 - 0:23.156: Egger/Sui passed GPHamming | no team and Dan Boivin (179) for 7th
0:13.375 - 0:26.984: Nate Doyle | Frothing MX #60 went off the track
0:26.359 - 0:29.460: Egger/Sui passed Brandon Cummings | Evolution for 6th
0:29.234 - 0:30.968: Manuel Wiedmann passed Jan Koelker | Team Rider by Ryno Power for 10th
0:33.476 - 0:34.585: Egger/Sui passed Hugo Basaula for 5th
0:33.507 - 0:34.757: Brandon Cummings | Evolution passed Hugo Basaula for 6th
0:22.234 - 0:37.335: Roberto | MxGuatemala went off the track
0:39.125 - 0:40.710: Jan Koelker | Team Rider by Ryno Power passed Roberto | MxGuatemala and Manuel Wiedmann for 9th
0:39.687 - 0:42.500: Dan Boivin (179) passed Hugo Basaula for 7th
0:49.617 - 0:51.421: Brandon Cummings | Evolution passed Egger/Sui for 5th
0:50.476 - 0:53.078: Manuel Wiedmann went off the track
0:55.398 - 0:57.570: Manuel Wiedmann passed Jan Koelker | Team Rider by Ryno Power for 10th
0:51.078 - 0:59.062: Mart went off the track
0:00.000 - 0:59.234: MagicJS7SX finished lap 1 ( 0:59.234)
0:56.601 - 0:59.234: MagicJS7SX passed James Stewart for the lead
0:59.132 - 1:02.109: Jan Koelker | Team Rider by Ryno Power passed Manuel Wiedmann for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:04.500: Mart finished lap 1 ( 1:04.500)
1:01.968 - 1:04.500: Mart passed James Stewart for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:09.734: James Stewart finished lap 1 ( 1:09.734)
0:00.000 - 1:12.062: Rodney Johnson finished lap 1 ( 1:12.062)
1:09.929 - 1:14.382: MagicJS7SX went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:14.390: Brandon Cummings | Evolution finished lap 1 ( 1:14.390)
0:00.000 - 1:15.781: Egger/Sui finished lap 1 ( 1:15.781)
0:00.000 - 1:16.117: Dan Boivin (179) finished lap 1 ( 1:16.117)
0:00.000 - 1:21.968: Hugo Basaula finished lap 1 ( 1:21.968)
0:00.000 - 1:23.109: GPHamming | no team finished lap 1 ( 1:23.109)
1:19.617 - 1:26.851: Dan Boivin (179) passed Egger/Sui for 6th
1:29.835 - 1:31.859: Hugo Basaula passed Egger/Sui for 7th
1:30.742 - 1:32.546: GPHamming | no team passed Egger/Sui for 8th
1:36.476 - 1:38.460: James Stewart passed Mart for 2nd
1:36.765 - 1:41.187: Rodney Johnson went off the track
1:42.289 - 1:43.679: Brandon Cummings | Evolution passed Rodney Johnson for 4th
1:42.484 - 1:50.226: Roberto | MxGuatemala passed Manuel Wiedmann for 10th
1:52.882 - 1:53.937: Egger/Sui passed GPHamming | no team for 8th
0:59.234 - 1:54.218: MagicJS7SX finished lap 2 ( 0:54.984)
0:00.000 - 1:56.929: Roberto | MxGuatemala finished lap 1 ( 1:56.929)
1:55.468 - 1:57.507: GPHamming | no team passed Egger/Sui for 7th
1:09.734 - 2:03.796: James Stewart finished lap 2 ( 0:54.062)
1:04.500 - 2:09.695: Mart finished lap 2 ( 1:05.195)
2:10.960 - 2:13.750: Dan Boivin (179) passed Rodney Johnson for 5th
1:14.390 - 2:14.015: Brandon Cummings | Evolution finished lap 2 ( 0:59.625)
1:16.117 - 2:16.265: Dan Boivin (179) finished lap 2 ( 1:00.148)
1:12.062 - 2:20.304: Rodney Johnson finished lap 2 ( 1:08.242)
1:21.968 - 2:26.984: Hugo Basaula finished lap 2 ( 1:05.015)
1:23.109 - 2:29.960: GPHamming | no team finished lap 2 ( 1:06.851)
2:37.101 - 2:39.390: GPHamming | no team passed Hugo Basaula for 7th
1:54.218 - 2:48.585: MagicJS7SX finished lap 3 ( 0:54.367)
2:48.921 - 2:50.289: GPHamming | no team passed Rodney Johnson for 6th
2:03.796 - 2:56.093: James Stewart finished lap 3 ( 0:52.296)
2:51.382 - 2:56.218: Rodney Johnson went off the track
3:05.046 - 3:11.453: Hugo Basaula went off the track
1:15.781 - 3:14.171: Egger/Sui finished lap 2 ( 1:58.390)
3:09.320 - 3:15.070: MagicJS7SX went off the track
2:09.695 - 3:18.453: Mart finished lap 3 ( 1:08.757)
2:14.015 - 3:20.054: Brandon Cummings | Evolution finished lap 3 ( 1:06.039)
2:16.265 - 3:23.867: Dan Boivin (179) finished lap 3 ( 1:07.601)
3:23.187 - 3:26.523: Brandon Cummings | Evolution passed Mart for 3rd
2:29.960 - 3:27.781: GPHamming | no team finished lap 3 ( 0:57.820)
2:26.984 - 3:32.437: Hugo Basaula finished lap 3 ( 1:05.453)
3:26.375 - 3:35.179: MagicJS7SX went off the track
3:31.578 - 3:35.976: Mart went off the track
2:20.304 - 3:38.507: Rodney Johnson finished lap 3 ( 1:18.203)
3:38.656 - 3:39.976: MagicJS7SX passed James Stewart for the lead
3:41.023 - 3:42.187: Mart passed Brandon Cummings | Evolution for 3rd
3:42.562 - 3:43.882: Brandon Cummings | Evolution passed Mart for 2nd
3:46.039 - 3:47.750: Rodney Johnson passed Hugo Basaula for 7th
3:49.390 - 3:50.828: Dan Boivin (179) passed Mart for 3rd
2:48.585 - 3:51.578: MagicJS7SX finished lap 4 ( 1:02.992)
3:50.242 - 3:51.593: Hugo Basaula passed Rodney Johnson for 6th
2:56.093 - 3:55.664: James Stewart finished lap 4 ( 0:59.570)
3:52.937 - 3:56.757: Dan Boivin (179) passed Brandon Cummings | Evolution for 3rd
3:58.656 - 4:00.500: Brandon Cummings | Evolution passed Dan Boivin (179) for 3rd
3:58.976 - 4:00.882: Mart passed Dan Boivin (179) for 4th
1:56.929 - 4:05.937: Roberto | MxGuatemala finished lap 2 ( 2:09.007)
4:00.796 - 4:10.648: Hugo Basaula went off the track
4:07.625 - 4:13.117: Dan Boivin (179) passed Mart for 3rd
4:14.937 - 4:16.234: Hugo Basaula passed GPHamming | no team for 6th
4:16.601 - 4:17.921: Dan Boivin (179) passed Brandon Cummings | Evolution for 3rd
4:25.156 - 4:28.617: GPHamming | no team passed Hugo Basaula for 5th
3:23.867 - 4:29.656: Dan Boivin (179) finished lap 4 ( 1:05.789)
3:20.054 - 4:37.875: Brandon Cummings | Evolution finished lap 4 ( 1:17.820)
3:18.453 - 4:40.992: Mart finished lap 4 ( 1:22.539)
3:51.578 - 4:47.507: MagicJS7SX finished lap 5 ( 0:55.929)
3:55.664 - 4:48.468: James Stewart finished lap 5 ( 0:52.804)
3:14.171 - 4:50.507: Egger/Sui finished lap 3 ( 1:36.335)
4:50.820 - 4:53.632: Hugo Basaula passed GPHamming | no team for 6th
3:32.437 - 4:56.101: Hugo Basaula finished lap 4 ( 1:23.664)
3:38.507 - 5:03.187: Rodney Johnson finished lap 4 ( 1:24.679)
5:00.664 - 5:03.187: Rodney Johnson passed GPHamming | no team for 7th
3:27.781 - 5:10.226: GPHamming | no team finished lap 4 ( 1:42.445)
5:10.945 - 5:12.851: Rodney Johnson passed Hugo Basaula for 6th
4:29.656 - 5:24.992: Dan Boivin (179) finished lap 5 ( 0:55.335)
4:37.875 - 5:45.546: Brandon Cummings | Evolution finished lap 5 ( 1:07.671)
4:48.468 - 5:47.781: James Stewart finished lap 6 ( 0:59.312)
5:45.398 - 5:47.781: James Stewart passed MagicJS7SX for the lead
4:47.507 - 5:48.390: MagicJS7SX finished lap 6 ( 1:00.882)
4:40.992 - 5:48.734: Mart finished lap 5 ( 1:07.742)
4:50.507 - 5:49.203: Egger/Sui finished lap 4 ( 0:58.695)
5:52.921 - 6:01.367: Brandon Cummings | Evolution went off the track
5:03.187 - 6:03.226: Rodney Johnson finished lap 5 ( 1:00.039)
4:56.101 - 6:17.054: Hugo Basaula finished lap 5 ( 1:20.953)
6:14.500 - 6:17.578: Mart went off the track
5:10.226 - 6:19.195: GPHamming | no team finished lap 5 ( 1:08.968)
6:19.562 - 6:25.203: Egger/Sui went off the track
5:24.992 - 6:27.671: Dan Boivin (179) finished lap 6 ( 1:02.679)
4:05.937 - 6:37.273: Roberto | MxGuatemala finished lap 3 ( 2:31.335)
5:47.781 - 6:40.898: James Stewart finished lap 7 ( 0:53.117)
5:48.390 - 6:41.695: MagicJS7SX finished lap 7 ( 0:53.304)
5:48.734 - 6:46.812: Mart finished lap 6 ( 0:58.078)
5:45.546 - 6:52.585: Brandon Cummings | Evolution finished lap 6 ( 1:07.039)
5:49.203 - 7:01.750: Egger/Sui finished lap 5 ( 1:12.546)
6:03.226 - 7:02.328: Rodney Johnson finished lap 6 ( 0:59.101)
6:57.000 - 7:02.750: GPHamming | no team went off the track
7:03.539 - 7:04.703: Brandon Cummings | Evolution passed Mart for 4th
6:17.054 - 7:14.953: Hugo Basaula finished lap 6 ( 0:57.898)
6:27.671 - 7:22.500: Dan Boivin (179) finished lap 7 ( 0:54.828)
7:23.273 - 7:24.468: Rodney Johnson passed Mart for 5th
7:27.273 - 7:29.492: Egger/Sui went off the track
6:40.898 - 7:32.679: James Stewart finished lap 8 ( 0:51.781)
7:27.382 - 7:33.164: Rodney Johnson went off the track
7:31.687 - 7:34.757: Egger/Sui passed GPHamming | no team for 8th
6:41.695 - 7:34.953: MagicJS7SX finished lap 8 ( 0:53.257)
7:34.757 - 7:38.929: Egger/Sui went off the track
6:52.585 - 8:04.265: Brandon Cummings | Evolution finished lap 7 ( 1:11.679)
6:37.273 - 8:04.312: Roberto | MxGuatemala finished lap 4 ( 1:27.039)
7:50.578 - 8:08.390: Mart went off the track
7:02.328 - 8:10.984: Rodney Johnson finished lap 7 ( 1:08.656)
7:14.953 - 8:12.632: Hugo Basaula finished lap 7 ( 0:57.679)
6:46.812 - 8:13.671: Mart finished lap 7 ( 1:26.859)
7:22.500 - 8:26.101: Dan Boivin (179) finished lap 8 ( 1:03.601)
7:01.750 - 8:26.148: Egger/Sui finished lap 6 ( 1:24.398)
7:41.671 - 8:33.257: GPHamming | no team went off the track
6:19.195 - 8:59.929: GPHamming | no team finished lap 6 ( 2:40.734)