MX Simulator
Track2014 Supercross Rd 13 - St. Louis
Format 8 laps
Date12/16/2015, 4:36:48 PM (3311 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1318Sebastien Stella cr250(2007)8 8:55.0628 1:01.34311916
2421Thomas Bento rmz450(2011)8 9:17.1178 1:05.38217383
3253Jesper Skov 250sxf(2013)8 10:15.5157 1:04.4375722
4639mxpixtombax639 yz250f(2009)7 9:03.3287 1:06.4214962
519Dan Haskins | Privateer rmz450(2013)6 8:25.0622 1:22.3286838
6Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer 250sxf(2013)3 4:26.4922 1:35.68712185

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 318 318 318 318 421 421 318 318
P2 19 421 421 421 318 318 421 421
P3 253 253 639 253 639 253 253 253
P4 639 19 19 639 253 639 639
P5 421 639 253 19 19 19

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:01.343 8 318 Sebastien Stella
1:02.281 6 318 Sebastien Stella
1:04.437 7 253 Jesper Skov
1:05.382 8 421 Thomas Bento
1:05.726 2 421 Thomas Bento
1:06.421 7 639 mxpixtombax639
1:07.390 2 318 Sebastien Stella
1:08.335 6 253 Jesper Skov
1:10.906 2 253 Jesper Skov
1:11.578 5 639 mxpixtombax639
1:11.656 7 318 Sebastien Stella
1:12.265 5 318 Sebastien Stella
1:12.687 3 318 Sebastien Stella
1:16.890 5 253 Jesper Skov
1:18.968 2 639 mxpixtombax639
1:19.679 4 253 Jesper Skov
1:21.171 3 421 Thomas Bento
1:22.328 2 19 Dan Haskins | Privateer
1:27.398 7 421 Thomas Bento
1:30.437 4 19 Dan Haskins | Privateer
1:35.687 2 Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer
1:35.742 3 19 Dan Haskins | Privateer
1:36.906 8 253 Jesper Skov
1:45.875 3 Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer

Individual Worst Laps

1:24.945 4 318 Sebastien Stella
1:27.398 7 421 Thomas Bento
1:33.554 6 639 mxpixtombax639
1:42.554 3 253 Jesper Skov
1:43.601 5 19 Dan Haskins | Privateer
1:45.875 3 Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.094 Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer
7.357 318 Sebastien Stella
7.485 19 Dan Haskins | Privateer
8.789 421 Thomas Bento
9.675 639 mxpixtombax639
13.444 253 Jesper Skov

Play by Play

Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer takes the holeshot followed by mxpixtombax639, Sebastien Stella, Dan Haskins | Privateer, Thomas Bento and Jesper Skov

0:08.164 - 0:09.148: Dan Haskins | Privateer passed Sebastien Stella for 3rd
0:08.906 - 0:10.046: mxpixtombax639 passed Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer for the lead
0:09.148 - 0:10.179: Dan Haskins | Privateer passed Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer for 2nd
0:09.281 - 0:11.171: Sebastien Stella passed Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer for 3rd
0:09.843 - 0:11.468: Thomas Bento passed Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer for 4th
0:11.171 - 0:15.398: Sebastien Stella passed Dan Haskins | Privateer for 2nd
0:11.468 - 0:15.593: Thomas Bento passed Dan Haskins | Privateer for 3rd
0:15.593 - 0:17.804: Thomas Bento passed Sebastien Stella for 2nd
0:21.109 - 0:23.671: Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer passed Dan Haskins | Privateer for 4th
0:23.789 - 0:25.710: Dan Haskins | Privateer passed Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer for 4th
0:24.570 - 0:26.890: Sebastien Stella passed Thomas Bento and mxpixtombax639 for the lead
0:25.867 - 0:26.968: Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer passed Dan Haskins | Privateer for 4th
0:27.007 - 0:29.265: Dan Haskins | Privateer passed Thomas Bento , mxpixtombax639 and Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer for 2nd
0:26.968 - 0:29.382: Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer passed Thomas Bento and mxpixtombax639 for 3rd
0:31.187 - 0:33.539: Jesper Skov passed Thomas Bento and mxpixtombax639 for 4th
0:33.539 - 0:34.843: Jesper Skov passed Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer for 3rd
0:23.804 - 0:35.515: Thomas Bento passed mxpixtombax639 for 5th
0:35.515 - 0:36.796: Thomas Bento passed Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer for 4th
0:37.382 - 0:39.320: mxpixtombax639 passed Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer for 5th
0:39.320 - 0:40.882: mxpixtombax639 passed Thomas Bento for 4th
0:00.000 - 0:42.492: Sebastien Stella finished lap 1 ( 0:42.492)
0:41.320 - 0:43.343: Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer passed Thomas Bento for 5th
0:00.000 - 0:44.476: Dan Haskins | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 0:44.476)
0:00.000 - 0:54.695: Jesper Skov finished lap 1 ( 0:54.695)
0:00.000 - 0:55.351: mxpixtombax639 finished lap 1 ( 0:55.351)
0:53.734 - 0:56.570: Thomas Bento passed Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer for 5th
0:00.000 - 0:57.851: Thomas Bento finished lap 1 ( 0:57.851)
0:00.000 - 1:04.929: Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:04.929)
1:15.312 - 1:17.421: Thomas Bento passed mxpixtombax639 for 4th
1:41.640 - 1:42.687: Thomas Bento passed Jesper Skov for 3rd
0:42.492 - 1:49.882: Sebastien Stella finished lap 2 ( 1:07.390)
1:51.390 - 1:58.000: Thomas Bento passed Dan Haskins | Privateer for 2nd
1:52.921 - 1:59.234: Jesper Skov passed Dan Haskins | Privateer for 3rd
0:57.851 - 2:03.578: Thomas Bento finished lap 2 ( 1:05.726)
0:54.695 - 2:05.601: Jesper Skov finished lap 2 ( 1:10.906)
0:44.476 - 2:06.804: Dan Haskins | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:22.328)
0:55.351 - 2:14.320: mxpixtombax639 finished lap 2 ( 1:18.968)
2:14.234 - 2:27.617: Dan Haskins | Privateer passed Jesper Skov for 3rd
2:21.445 - 2:30.382: mxpixtombax639 passed Jesper Skov for 4th
1:04.929 - 2:40.617: Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:35.687)
2:40.109 - 2:42.015: mxpixtombax639 passed Dan Haskins | Privateer for 3rd
2:53.804 - 2:57.078: mxpixtombax639 passed Thomas Bento for 2nd
1:49.882 - 3:02.570: Sebastien Stella finished lap 3 ( 1:12.687)
2:59.640 - 3:06.335: mxpixtombax639 went off the track
3:16.835 - 3:18.687: Jesper Skov passed Dan Haskins | Privateer for 4th
2:03.578 - 3:24.750: Thomas Bento finished lap 3 ( 1:21.171)
3:22.164 - 3:25.273: Jesper Skov went off the track
2:14.320 - 3:38.953: mxpixtombax639 finished lap 3 ( 1:24.632)
2:06.804 - 3:42.546: Dan Haskins | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:35.742)
3:41.101 - 3:42.546: Dan Haskins | Privateer passed Jesper Skov for 4th
3:38.953 - 3:47.148: mxpixtombax639 went off the track
2:05.601 - 3:48.156: Jesper Skov finished lap 3 ( 1:42.554)
3:55.476 - 3:58.203: Dan Haskins | Privateer passed mxpixtombax639 for 3rd
3:56.554 - 4:11.695: Sebastien Stella went off the track
4:04.609 - 4:16.859: mxpixtombax639 passed Dan Haskins | Privateer for 3rd
2:40.617 - 4:26.492: Sylvan Canrinus (NLD) Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:45.875)
3:02.570 - 4:27.515: Sebastien Stella finished lap 4 ( 1:24.945)
4:24.507 - 4:28.937: Thomas Bento went off the track
3:24.750 - 4:28.937: Thomas Bento finished lap 4 ( 1:04.187)
4:28.937 - 4:36.820: Thomas Bento went off the track
4:35.570 - 4:38.250: Jesper Skov passed Dan Haskins | Privateer for 4th
4:38.250 - 4:41.507: Jesper Skov passed mxpixtombax639 for 3rd
4:39.585 - 4:43.617: Thomas Bento passed Sebastien Stella for the lead
3:48.156 - 5:07.835: Jesper Skov finished lap 4 ( 1:19.679)
5:05.468 - 5:09.195: mxpixtombax639 went off the track
3:38.953 - 5:09.195: mxpixtombax639 finished lap 4 ( 1:30.242)
3:42.546 - 5:12.984: Dan Haskins | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:30.437)
5:30.062 - 5:35.250: Thomas Bento went off the track
4:28.937 - 5:36.617: Thomas Bento finished lap 5 ( 1:07.679)
4:27.515 - 5:39.781: Sebastien Stella finished lap 5 ( 1:12.265)
5:51.687 - 5:56.031: Dan Haskins | Privateer went off the track
5:56.390 - 5:59.960: Thomas Bento went off the track
6:14.984 - 6:17.156: mxpixtombax639 passed Jesper Skov for 2nd
5:09.195 - 6:20.773: mxpixtombax639 finished lap 5 ( 1:11.578)
5:07.835 - 6:24.726: Jesper Skov finished lap 5 ( 1:16.890)
5:36.617 - 6:40.414: Thomas Bento finished lap 6 ( 1:03.796)
5:39.781 - 6:42.062: Sebastien Stella finished lap 6 ( 1:02.281)
6:27.992 - 6:50.695: mxpixtombax639 went off the track
6:49.031 - 6:53.093: Sebastien Stella passed Thomas Bento for the lead
5:12.984 - 6:56.585: Dan Haskins | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:43.601)
6:50.695 - 7:07.875: mxpixtombax639 went off the track
6:56.585 - 7:09.632: Dan Haskins | Privateer went off the track
7:16.226 - 7:24.476: mxpixtombax639 went off the track
6:24.726 - 7:33.062: Jesper Skov finished lap 6 ( 1:08.335)
6:42.062 - 7:53.718: Sebastien Stella finished lap 7 ( 1:11.656)
6:20.773 - 7:54.328: mxpixtombax639 finished lap 6 ( 1:33.554)
6:40.414 - 8:07.812: Thomas Bento finished lap 7 ( 1:27.398)
6:56.585 - 8:22.562: Dan Haskins | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:25.976)
7:33.062 - 8:37.500: Jesper Skov finished lap 7 ( 1:04.437)
7:53.718 - 8:55.062: Sebastien Stella finished lap 8 ( 1:01.343)
7:54.328 - 9:00.750: mxpixtombax639 finished lap 7 ( 1:06.421)
8:07.812 - 9:13.195: Thomas Bento finished lap 8 ( 1:05.382)
8:37.500 - 10:14.406: Jesper Skov finished lap 8 ( 1:36.906)