MX Simulator
Track2013 Supercross Rd 11 - Indianapolis
Format 8 laps
Date3/29/2016, 10:32:24 PM (3207 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1624Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing 250sxf(2009)8 9:33.7818 0:57.58516712
2724Max Power 450sxf(2016)8 10:04.9922 1:05.49218734
3213jonathan lefevre #213 BZH yz250f(2009)8 10:06.3045 1:02.8129349
4463Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing 250sxf(2016)7 10:01.8757 0:59.4377696
510Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing rmz450(2013)6 10:08.4603 1:25.18723293
61potechko kx450f(2013)3 3:45.3200 0:00.00012920
7219nini yz250f(2009)3 4:06.3282 1:14.38224055
8111zach falkov rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00018217

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 624
P2 1 1 724 724 724 624 624 724
P3 724 724 1 624 624 724 724 213
P4 624 624 219 463 463 463 463
P5 463 219 624 10 10 10
P6 219 463 463
P7 10 10 10

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:57.585 8 624 Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing
0:58.687 5 624 Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing
0:59.437 7 463 Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing
1:02.812 5 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
1:03.179 4 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
1:05.492 2 724 Max Power
1:05.734 3 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
1:06.742 4 724 Max Power
1:07.492 7 624 Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing
1:07.945 6 624 Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing
1:08.132 7 724 Max Power
1:10.765 4 463 Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing
1:12.460 4 624 Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing
1:12.562 5 724 Max Power
1:14.382 2 219 nini
1:19.289 8 724 Max Power
1:20.468 3 219 nini
1:20.921 3 463 Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing
1:22.289 5 463 Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing
1:25.187 3 10 Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing
1:25.250 3 624 Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing
1:25.257 7 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
1:27.156 2 10 Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing
1:33.968 8 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
1:39.835 4 10 Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing
1:42.976 6 724 Max Power
1:43.289 6 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH

Individual Worst Laps

1:19.039 3 1 potechko
1:20.468 3 219 nini
1:25.250 3 624 Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing
1:42.976 6 724 Max Power
1:43.289 6 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
1:49.804 6 10 Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing
2:10.718 6 463 Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.844 1 potechko
3.043 219 nini
9.034 10 Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing
9.174 624 Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing
12.233 724 Max Power
15.433 213 jonathan lefevre #213 BZH
22.294 463 Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing
- 111 zach falkov

Play by Play

potechko takes the holeshot followed by Max Power, jonathan lefevre #213 BZH , nini, zach falkov, Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing, Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing and Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing

0:24.992 - 0:30.093: Max Power went off the track
0:20.320 - 0:31.882: potechko went off the track
0:30.148 - 0:33.718: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH passed Max Power for 2nd
0:33.250 - 0:44.000: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing passed Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing for 6th
0:45.453 - 0:47.585: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH passed potechko for the lead
0:46.460 - 0:49.875: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing went off the track
0:54.671 - 0:56.179: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing passed nini for 4th
0:56.453 - 1:02.585: nini passed Max Power and Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:05.132: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 1 ( 1:05.132)
1:03.367 - 1:06.945: Max Power passed nini for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:09.421: potechko finished lap 1 ( 1:09.421)
1:07.890 - 1:11.632: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing passed nini for 4th
1:09.234 - 1:11.875: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing passed nini for 5th
1:11.875 - 1:15.437: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing passed Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:19.703: Max Power finished lap 1 ( 1:19.703)
0:00.000 - 1:25.414: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing finished lap 1 ( 1:25.414)
0:00.000 - 1:29.125: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing finished lap 1 ( 1:29.125)
0:00.000 - 1:31.476: nini finished lap 1 ( 1:31.476)
1:36.804 - 1:41.953: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH went off the track
1:40.890 - 1:44.750: nini passed Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing for 5th
1:44.171 - 1:48.734: potechko went off the track
1:46.570 - 1:59.679: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:02.992: Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing finished lap 1 ( 2:02.992)
1:59.843 - 2:03.281: Max Power passed potechko for 2nd
2:09.304 - 2:12.007: potechko passed Max Power for 2nd
1:05.132 - 2:12.062: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 2 ( 1:06.929)
2:12.632 - 2:19.375: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing went off the track
1:09.421 - 2:24.773: potechko finished lap 2 ( 1:15.351)
1:19.703 - 2:25.195: Max Power finished lap 2 ( 1:05.492)
1:25.414 - 2:43.101: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing finished lap 2 ( 1:17.687)
1:31.476 - 2:45.859: nini finished lap 2 ( 1:14.382)
2:39.726 - 2:54.742: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing went off the track
2:48.718 - 2:54.953: Max Power went off the track
1:29.125 - 2:57.742: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing finished lap 2 ( 1:28.617)
2:56.023 - 3:00.054: nini passed Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing for 4th
2:48.085 - 3:03.656: potechko went off the track
2:12.062 - 3:17.796: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 3 ( 1:05.734)
2:02.992 - 3:30.148: Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing finished lap 2 ( 1:27.156)
2:25.195 - 3:34.296: Max Power finished lap 3 ( 1:09.101)
3:34.140 - 3:35.984: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing passed nini for 4th
3:40.328 - 3:41.898: nini passed Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing for 4th
2:24.773 - 3:43.812: potechko finished lap 3 ( 1:19.039)
2:45.859 - 4:06.328: nini finished lap 3 ( 1:20.468)
2:43.101 - 4:08.351: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing finished lap 3 ( 1:25.250)
4:11.500 - 4:18.296: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing passed nini for 4th
2:57.742 - 4:18.664: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing finished lap 3 ( 1:20.921)
3:17.796 - 4:20.976: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 4 ( 1:03.179)
4:29.609 - 4:31.289: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing passed potechko for 3rd
4:27.656 - 4:31.773: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing passed nini for 5th
3:34.296 - 4:41.039: Max Power finished lap 4 ( 1:06.742)
4:38.367 - 4:41.882: nini passed Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing for 5th
4:46.445 - 4:47.984: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing passed nini for 5th
3:30.148 - 4:55.335: Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing finished lap 3 ( 1:25.187)
4:08.351 - 5:20.812: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing finished lap 4 ( 1:12.460)
4:20.976 - 5:23.789: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 5 ( 1:02.812)
4:18.664 - 5:29.429: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing finished lap 4 ( 1:10.765)
4:41.039 - 5:53.601: Max Power finished lap 5 ( 1:12.562)
5:20.812 - 6:19.500: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing finished lap 5 ( 0:58.687)
4:55.335 - 6:35.171: Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing finished lap 4 ( 1:39.835)
5:29.429 - 6:51.718: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing finished lap 5 ( 1:22.289)
6:48.804 - 6:55.093: Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing went off the track
5:23.789 - 7:07.078: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 6 ( 1:43.289)
7:09.656 - 7:12.984: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing passed Max Power for 2nd
6:19.500 - 7:27.445: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing finished lap 6 ( 1:07.945)
5:53.601 - 7:36.578: Max Power finished lap 6 ( 1:42.976)
7:31.617 - 7:44.000: Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing went off the track
7:51.875 - 8:06.976: Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing went off the track
7:59.328 - 8:11.406: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing went off the track
6:35.171 - 8:13.968: Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing finished lap 5 ( 1:38.796)
7:07.078 - 8:32.335: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 7 ( 1:25.257)
7:27.445 - 8:34.937: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing finished lap 7 ( 1:07.492)
8:34.937 - 8:38.210: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing passed jonathan lefevre #213 BZH for the lead
7:36.578 - 8:44.710: Max Power finished lap 7 ( 1:08.132)
6:51.718 - 9:02.437: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing finished lap 6 ( 2:10.718)
9:07.609 - 9:12.695: Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing went off the track
8:34.937 - 9:32.523: Jonas Massart |BelgiumRacing finished lap 8 ( 0:57.585)
9:25.718 - 9:37.250: Max Power passed jonathan lefevre #213 BZH for 2nd
9:23.250 - 9:42.890: Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing went off the track
9:02.437 - 10:01.875: Berre Brands/BelgiumRacing finished lap 7 ( 0:59.437)
8:13.968 - 10:03.773: Dome NISCHIE |Prime Desing finished lap 6 ( 1:49.804)
8:44.710 - 10:04.000: Max Power finished lap 8 ( 1:19.289)
8:32.335 - 10:06.304: jonathan lefevre #213 BZH finished lap 8 ( 1:33.968)