MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 14 - St. Louis
Format 8 laps
Date5/1/2016, 11:08:23 PM (3174 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1180M4theeus/#180/Privateer yz250f(2009)8 9:45.4927 1:12.8983621
295Ian Farry | Humblestone rmz250(2013)8 9:45.8357 1:00.17116117
3597 weeitnam yz250f(2009)8 9:48.9922 1:40.7265626
4970MDK rmz450(2013)8 9:58.3127 1:06.3756938
5959MAXIME RENAUX #959 crf450(2016)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0007726
6000Ben Kawalec crf450(2016)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00019309

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 180 180 180 180 597 597 95 597
P2 597 95 95 597 180 180 180 95
P3 95 970 597 95 95 95 597 180
P4 970 597 970 970 970 970 970 970

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:00.171 7 95 Ian Farry | Humblestone
1:03.539 5 95 Ian Farry | Humblestone
1:06.375 7 970 MDK
1:12.898 7 180 M4theeus/#180/Privateer
1:13.992 2 970 MDK
1:14.226 6 180 M4theeus/#180/Privateer
1:14.476 3 180 M4theeus/#180/Privateer
1:17.562 5 970 MDK
1:18.773 5 180 M4theeus/#180/Privateer
1:19.492 2 180 M4theeus/#180/Privateer
1:21.625 4 970 MDK
1:26.031 3 970 MDK
1:29.726 3 95 Ian Farry | Humblestone
1:40.726 2 597 weeitnam

Individual Worst Laps

1:22.203 4 180 M4theeus/#180/Privateer
1:26.031 3 970 MDK
1:29.726 3 95 Ian Farry | Humblestone
1:40.726 2 597 weeitnam


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.567 180 M4theeus/#180/Privateer
6.302 970 MDK
9.297 95 Ian Farry | Humblestone
12.760 597 weeitnam
- 959 MAXIME RENAUX #959
- 000 Ben Kawalec

Play by Play

weeitnam takes the holeshot followed by Ian Farry | Humblestone, Ben Kawalec, M4theeus/#180/Privateer and MDK

0:07.390 - 0:09.195: Ian Farry | Humblestone passed weeitnam for the lead
0:07.914 - 0:09.601: Ben Kawalec passed weeitnam for 2nd
0:08.687 - 0:10.164: M4theeus/#180/Privateer passed weeitnam for 3rd
0:09.601 - 0:12.609: Ben Kawalec passed Ian Farry | Humblestone for the lead
0:19.906 - 0:21.398: M4theeus/#180/Privateer passed Ian Farry | Humblestone for 2nd
0:21.398 - 0:23.218: M4theeus/#180/Privateer passed Ben Kawalec for the lead
0:22.734 - 0:23.742: weeitnam passed Ian Farry | Humblestone for 3rd
0:23.742 - 0:24.781: weeitnam passed Ben Kawalec for 2nd
0:26.351 - 0:31.726: Ian Farry | Humblestone passed Ben Kawalec for 3rd
0:00.000 - 0:49.039: M4theeus/#180/Privateer finished lap 1 ( 0:49.039)
0:00.000 - 0:53.929: weeitnam finished lap 1 ( 0:53.929)
0:00.000 - 0:56.867: Ian Farry | Humblestone finished lap 1 ( 0:56.867)
0:55.976 - 0:57.375: MDK passed Ben Kawalec for 4th
1:00.226 - 1:02.070: Ian Farry | Humblestone passed weeitnam for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:09.234: MDK finished lap 1 ( 1:09.234)
1:32.398 - 1:36.187: Ian Farry | Humblestone went off the track
1:37.312 - 1:38.281: Ian Farry | Humblestone passed M4theeus/#180/Privateer for the lead
1:49.898 - 1:55.828: MDK passed weeitnam for 3rd
2:01.109 - 2:03.625: M4theeus/#180/Privateer passed Ian Farry | Humblestone for the lead
0:49.039 - 2:08.531: M4theeus/#180/Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:19.492)
0:56.867 - 2:13.679: Ian Farry | Humblestone finished lap 2 ( 1:16.812)
1:09.234 - 2:23.226: MDK finished lap 2 ( 1:13.992)
0:53.929 - 2:34.656: weeitnam finished lap 2 ( 1:40.726)
2:37.679 - 2:39.039: MDK passed Ian Farry | Humblestone for 2nd
2:39.257 - 2:40.421: Ian Farry | Humblestone passed MDK for 2nd
2:43.476 - 2:48.531: weeitnam went off the track
2:08.531 - 3:23.007: M4theeus/#180/Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:14.476)
3:21.695 - 3:23.273: MDK passed Ian Farry | Humblestone for 2nd
3:23.007 - 3:27.789: M4theeus/#180/Privateer went off the track
3:27.015 - 3:28.578: weeitnam passed Ian Farry | Humblestone for 3rd
3:29.898 - 3:32.031: weeitnam passed MDK for 2nd
3:30.445 - 3:32.757: Ian Farry | Humblestone passed MDK for 3rd
2:13.679 - 3:43.406: Ian Farry | Humblestone finished lap 3 ( 1:29.726)
3:38.617 - 3:43.406: Ian Farry | Humblestone passed weeitnam for 2nd
2:34.656 - 3:43.601: weeitnam finished lap 3 ( 1:08.945)
2:23.226 - 3:49.257: MDK finished lap 3 ( 1:26.031)
3:53.117 - 4:05.632: weeitnam passed Ian Farry | Humblestone for 2nd
4:09.742 - 4:14.757: weeitnam went off the track
4:10.445 - 4:15.398: Ian Farry | Humblestone went off the track
3:23.007 - 4:45.210: M4theeus/#180/Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:22.203)
4:39.960 - 4:45.289: weeitnam went off the track
3:43.601 - 4:55.773: weeitnam finished lap 4 ( 1:12.171)
3:43.406 - 5:03.445: Ian Farry | Humblestone finished lap 4 ( 1:20.039)
3:49.257 - 5:10.882: MDK finished lap 4 ( 1:21.625)
5:15.343 - 5:23.617: weeitnam went off the track
5:39.437 - 5:44.289: weeitnam went off the track
4:55.773 - 5:59.726: weeitnam finished lap 5 ( 1:03.953)
4:45.210 - 6:03.984: M4theeus/#180/Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:18.773)
5:03.445 - 6:06.984: Ian Farry | Humblestone finished lap 5 ( 1:03.539)
6:20.640 - 6:22.562: M4theeus/#180/Privateer passed weeitnam for the lead
5:10.882 - 6:28.445: MDK finished lap 5 ( 1:17.562)
6:25.296 - 6:31.171: weeitnam went off the track
6:25.796 - 6:34.335: Ian Farry | Humblestone went off the track
6:28.445 - 6:35.179: MDK went off the track
6:43.484 - 6:44.429: weeitnam passed M4theeus/#180/Privateer for the lead
6:46.015 - 6:47.507: Ian Farry | Humblestone passed M4theeus/#180/Privateer for 2nd
6:49.812 - 6:54.062: M4theeus/#180/Privateer passed Ian Farry | Humblestone for 2nd
5:59.726 - 7:08.476: weeitnam finished lap 6 ( 1:08.750)
7:11.664 - 7:15.632: weeitnam went off the track
6:03.984 - 7:18.210: M4theeus/#180/Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:14.226)
6:06.984 - 7:24.953: Ian Farry | Humblestone finished lap 6 ( 1:17.968)
7:30.031 - 7:34.757: weeitnam went off the track
6:28.445 - 7:39.492: MDK finished lap 6 ( 1:11.046)
7:56.804 - 8:10.468: weeitnam went off the track
8:13.515 - 8:15.812: Ian Farry | Humblestone passed M4theeus/#180/Privateer for the lead
7:24.953 - 8:25.125: Ian Farry | Humblestone finished lap 7 ( 1:00.171)
7:18.210 - 8:31.109: M4theeus/#180/Privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:12.898)
7:08.476 - 8:33.250: weeitnam finished lap 7 ( 1:24.773)
7:39.492 - 8:45.867: MDK finished lap 7 ( 1:06.375)
8:43.523 - 8:48.625: Ian Farry | Humblestone went off the track
8:50.710 - 8:55.640: weeitnam went off the track
8:55.640 - 8:56.492: weeitnam passed M4theeus/#180/Privateer for 2nd
8:56.585 - 8:57.984: M4theeus/#180/Privateer passed weeitnam for 2nd
9:02.921 - 9:04.226: weeitnam passed M4theeus/#180/Privateer for 2nd
9:04.273 - 9:06.398: M4theeus/#180/Privateer passed weeitnam for 2nd
9:07.281 - 9:12.679: MDK went off the track
9:14.031 - 9:16.828: weeitnam passed Ian Farry | Humblestone for the lead
9:12.320 - 9:23.531: M4theeus/#180/Privateer went off the track
9:24.234 - 9:25.703: Ian Farry | Humblestone passed M4theeus/#180/Privateer for 2nd
8:33.250 - 9:34.875: weeitnam finished lap 8 ( 1:01.625)
8:25.125 - 9:39.726: Ian Farry | Humblestone finished lap 8 ( 1:14.601)
9:37.085 - 9:43.085: M4theeus/#180/Privateer went off the track
8:31.109 - 9:43.085: M4theeus/#180/Privateer finished lap 8 ( 1:11.976)
8:45.867 - 9:56.890: MDK finished lap 8 ( 1:11.023)