MX Simulator
Track2013 Supercross Rd 2 - Phoenix
Format 8 laps
Date6/2/2016, 1:38:21 AM (3143 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
132Payneful 450sxf(2016)8 9:39.3126 1:00.1487353
2926Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA kx250f(2013)7 10:45.4604 1:13.02316277
315Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm crf450(2013)6 10:52.7893 1:43.14820779

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
P2 926 926 926 926 926 926 926
P3 15 15 15 15 15 15

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:00.148 6 32 Payneful
1:08.476 4 32 Payneful
1:09.828 2 32 Payneful
1:13.023 4 926 Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA
1:13.664 3 32 Payneful
1:25.539 5 926 Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA
1:26.804 5 32 Payneful
1:38.468 7 926 Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA
1:42.890 6 926 Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA
1:43.148 3 15 Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm
1:43.164 5 15 Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm
1:44.468 2 15 Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm
1:46.906 4 15 Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm

Individual Worst Laps

1:26.804 5 32 Payneful
1:46.640 2 926 Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA
1:48.609 6 15 Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.164 15 Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm
8.399 32 Payneful
11.880 926 Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA

Play by Play

Payneful takes the holeshot followed by Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA and Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm

0:11.945 - 0:15.718: Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm passed Payneful and Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA for the lead
0:24.773 - 0:27.773: Payneful passed Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm for the lead
0:28.507 - 0:33.117: Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA passed Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm for 2nd
1:00.914 - 1:02.617: Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA passed Payneful for the lead
1:11.054 - 1:15.093: Payneful passed Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:25.945: Payneful finished lap 1 ( 1:25.945)
0:00.000 - 1:32.820: Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA finished lap 1 ( 1:32.820)
1:32.820 - 1:43.062: Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:06.492: Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm finished lap 1 ( 2:06.492)
1:25.945 - 2:35.773: Payneful finished lap 2 ( 1:09.828)
1:32.820 - 3:19.460: Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA finished lap 2 ( 1:46.640)
2:35.773 - 3:49.437: Payneful finished lap 3 ( 1:13.664)
2:06.492 - 3:50.960: Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm finished lap 2 ( 1:44.468)
3:48.242 - 3:56.609: Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA went off the track
3:19.460 - 4:43.046: Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA finished lap 3 ( 1:23.585)
3:49.437 - 4:57.914: Payneful finished lap 4 ( 1:08.476)
3:50.960 - 5:34.109: Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm finished lap 3 ( 1:43.148)
4:43.046 - 5:56.070: Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA finished lap 4 ( 1:13.023)
4:57.914 - 6:24.718: Payneful finished lap 5 ( 1:26.804)
5:34.109 - 7:21.015: Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm finished lap 4 ( 1:46.906)
5:56.070 - 7:21.609: Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA finished lap 5 ( 1:25.539)
6:24.718 - 7:24.867: Payneful finished lap 6 ( 1:00.148)
7:49.453 - 7:57.546: Payneful went off the track
7:24.867 - 8:35.289: Payneful finished lap 7 ( 1:10.421)
7:21.015 - 9:04.179: Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm finished lap 5 ( 1:43.164)
7:21.609 - 9:04.500: Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA finished lap 6 ( 1:42.890)
9:15.664 - 9:20.898: Payneful went off the track
8:35.289 - 9:35.367: Payneful finished lap 8 ( 1:00.078)
9:04.500 - 10:42.968: Dylan Revis/RevisRiceRacing/USA finished lap 7 ( 1:38.468)
10:39.679 - 10:49.937: Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm went off the track
9:04.179 - 10:52.789: Dustin Tipton | BTO Racing kTm finished lap 6 ( 1:48.609)