MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 11 - Indianapolis
Format 8 laps
Date6/30/2016, 10:56:12 PM (3114 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1101Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx 350sxf(2013)8 10:40.5934 1:01.31216933
2175Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing 250sxf(2016)8 11:00.9062 1:02.62514349
320Phillip Arrigo | Privateer yz250f(2009)8 11:23.6566 1:02.5628441
438Braiden Ehle 250sxf(2016)8 11:39.1792 1:12.00019336
5521Danner Barton | Controlled MX yz250f(2009)5 12:03.0622 1:13.24212048
6515Eli Block |Controlled Mx rm250(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00023100

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 101 521 101 101 101 101 101 101
P2 521 20 175 175 175 20 175 175
P3 20 101 38 20 20 175 20 20
P4 38 175 20 38 38 38 38 38
P5 175 38 521 521 521

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:01.312 4 101 Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx
1:02.562 6 20 Phillip Arrigo | Privateer
1:02.625 2 175 Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing
1:06.296 7 175 Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing
1:06.750 5 101 Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx
1:06.960 6 175 Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing
1:08.867 2 20 Phillip Arrigo | Privateer
1:12.000 2 38 Braiden Ehle
1:13.242 2 521 Danner Barton | Controlled MX
1:13.687 6 38 Braiden Ehle
1:17.000 5 175 Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing
1:17.250 3 175 Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing
1:17.742 3 38 Braiden Ehle
1:18.328 4 20 Phillip Arrigo | Privateer
1:19.171 5 20 Phillip Arrigo | Privateer
1:26.265 8 20 Phillip Arrigo | Privateer
1:26.335 7 20 Phillip Arrigo | Privateer
1:27.046 3 20 Phillip Arrigo | Privateer
1:28.140 8 38 Braiden Ehle
1:32.671 2 101 Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx
4:42.765 3 521 Danner Barton | Controlled MX

Individual Worst Laps

1:22.750 8 175 Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing
1:27.046 3 20 Phillip Arrigo | Privateer
1:31.414 5 38 Braiden Ehle
1:32.671 2 101 Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx
4:42.765 3 521 Danner Barton | Controlled MX


Std. Dev.NumberName
7.505 175 Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing
8.167 38 Braiden Ehle
8.799 20 Phillip Arrigo | Privateer
9.353 101 Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx
81.633 521 Danner Barton | Controlled MX
- 515 Eli Block |Controlled Mx

Play by Play

Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing takes the holeshot followed by Braiden Ehle, Danner Barton | Controlled MX, Phillip Arrigo | Privateer, Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx and Eli Block |Controlled Mx

0:10.906 - 0:14.437: Danner Barton | Controlled MX passed Braiden Ehle for 2nd
0:14.007 - 0:16.382: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx passed Braiden Ehle and Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for 3rd
0:22.351 - 0:25.562: Eli Block |Controlled Mx passed Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for 5th
0:25.625 - 0:33.750: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx passed Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing and Danner Barton | Controlled MX for the lead
0:31.726 - 0:34.015: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Eli Block |Controlled Mx for 5th
0:33.750 - 0:37.789: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx went off the track
0:34.015 - 0:38.148: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Braiden Ehle for 4th
0:36.265 - 0:42.468: Danner Barton | Controlled MX went off the track
0:42.687 - 0:44.812: Braiden Ehle passed Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for 4th
0:58.187 - 1:04.531: Danner Barton | Controlled MX went off the track
1:02.125 - 1:06.203: Braiden Ehle passed Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing for 3rd
1:08.343 - 1:14.617: Braiden Ehle went off the track
1:23.007 - 1:29.750: Danner Barton | Controlled MX went off the track
1:29.750 - 1:34.265: Danner Barton | Controlled MX passed Braiden Ehle for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:51.460: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx finished lap 1 ( 1:51.460)
1:49.718 - 1:51.523: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing passed Braiden Ehle for 3rd
1:51.351 - 1:53.296: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Braiden Ehle for 4th
1:53.296 - 1:57.820: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing for 3rd
1:57.375 - 2:01.062: Braiden Ehle passed Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:07.742: Danner Barton | Controlled MX finished lap 1 ( 2:07.742)
0:00.000 - 2:15.078: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:15.078)
0:00.000 - 2:18.546: Braiden Ehle finished lap 1 ( 2:18.546)
0:00.000 - 2:25.976: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:25.976)
2:42.210 - 2:46.242: Danner Barton | Controlled MX passed Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx for the lead
3:13.351 - 3:15.664: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing passed Braiden Ehle for 4th
2:07.742 - 3:20.984: Danner Barton | Controlled MX finished lap 2 ( 1:13.242)
2:15.078 - 3:23.945: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:08.867)
3:21.250 - 3:23.945: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx for 2nd
1:51.460 - 3:24.132: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx finished lap 2 ( 1:32.671)
2:25.976 - 3:28.601: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:02.625)
2:18.546 - 3:30.546: Braiden Ehle finished lap 2 ( 1:12.000)
3:31.015 - 3:32.632: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx passed Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for 2nd
3:33.953 - 3:37.390: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx passed Danner Barton | Controlled MX for the lead
3:34.078 - 3:41.390: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Danner Barton | Controlled MX for 2nd
3:38.828 - 3:42.257: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing passed Danner Barton | Controlled MX for 3rd
3:42.257 - 3:43.921: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing passed Phillip Arrigo | Privateer and Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx for the lead
3:41.226 - 3:47.257: Braiden Ehle passed Danner Barton | Controlled MX for 4th
3:41.390 - 3:48.648: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx for 2nd
3:54.187 - 3:56.093: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx passed Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for 2nd
3:55.125 - 3:57.101: Braiden Ehle passed Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for 3rd
3:57.781 - 4:02.312: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Braiden Ehle for 2nd
4:02.703 - 4:05.828: Braiden Ehle passed Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing and Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for the lead
4:02.312 - 4:05.945: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing for 2nd
3:56.093 - 4:12.570: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx went off the track
4:17.531 - 4:20.687: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Braiden Ehle for the lead
4:21.203 - 4:22.937: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing passed Braiden Ehle for 2nd
4:31.429 - 4:33.046: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx passed Braiden Ehle for 3rd
4:32.171 - 4:33.976: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing passed Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for the lead
4:33.046 - 4:35.132: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx passed Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for 2nd
4:33.578 - 4:36.078: Braiden Ehle passed Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for 3rd
3:24.132 - 4:45.140: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx finished lap 3 ( 1:21.007)
4:42.796 - 4:45.140: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx passed Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing for the lead
3:28.601 - 4:45.851: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:17.250)
3:30.546 - 4:48.289: Braiden Ehle finished lap 3 ( 1:17.742)
3:23.945 - 4:50.992: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:27.046)
4:48.804 - 4:56.976: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing went off the track
4:55.054 - 4:57.960: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Braiden Ehle for 3rd
4:57.960 - 4:59.640: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing for 2nd
5:15.164 - 5:17.000: Braiden Ehle passed Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing for 3rd
5:17.773 - 5:22.718: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing passed Braiden Ehle and Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for 2nd
5:36.671 - 5:41.718: Braiden Ehle passed Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for 3rd
4:45.140 - 5:46.453: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx finished lap 4 ( 1:01.312)
5:41.718 - 5:47.460: Braiden Ehle went off the track
5:51.695 - 5:54.296: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Braiden Ehle for 3rd
4:45.851 - 6:07.687: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:21.835)
4:50.992 - 6:09.320: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:18.328)
4:48.289 - 6:13.601: Braiden Ehle finished lap 4 ( 1:25.312)
6:17.617 - 6:20.734: Braiden Ehle passed Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for 3rd
6:20.734 - 6:26.046: Braiden Ehle went off the track
6:45.335 - 6:47.734: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Braiden Ehle for 3rd
5:46.453 - 6:53.203: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx finished lap 5 ( 1:06.750)
6:56.718 - 7:01.718: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx went off the track
6:07.687 - 7:24.687: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:17.000)
6:09.320 - 7:28.492: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:19.171)
6:13.601 - 7:45.015: Braiden Ehle finished lap 5 ( 1:31.414)
3:20.984 - 8:03.750: Danner Barton | Controlled MX finished lap 3 ( 4:42.765)
6:53.203 - 8:06.664: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx finished lap 6 ( 1:13.460)
8:10.476 - 8:14.570: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx went off the track
8:14.515 - 8:17.093: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer passed Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing for 2nd
7:28.492 - 8:31.054: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:02.562)
7:24.687 - 8:31.648: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:06.960)
8:34.507 - 8:40.929: Danner Barton | Controlled MX went off the track
8:43.265 - 8:44.882: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing passed Phillip Arrigo | Privateer for 2nd
7:45.015 - 8:58.703: Braiden Ehle finished lap 6 ( 1:13.687)
8:06.664 - 9:19.835: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx finished lap 7 ( 1:13.171)
9:19.476 - 9:25.804: Braiden Ehle went off the track
9:22.914 - 9:31.085: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx went off the track
8:31.648 - 9:37.945: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:06.296)
8:03.750 - 9:55.726: Danner Barton | Controlled MX finished lap 4 ( 1:51.976)
8:31.054 - 9:57.390: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:26.335)
8:58.703 - 10:07.093: Braiden Ehle finished lap 7 ( 1:08.390)
10:04.265 - 10:09.718: Danner Barton | Controlled MX went off the track
10:15.023 - 10:19.632: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx went off the track
9:19.835 - 10:32.625: Bryar Russell/Controlled Mx finished lap 8 ( 1:12.789)
10:34.460 - 10:40.460: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing went off the track
10:35.609 - 10:55.265: Danner Barton | Controlled MX went off the track
9:37.945 - 11:00.695: Jack Diduch | YouTube Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:22.750)
9:57.390 - 11:23.656: Phillip Arrigo | Privateer finished lap 8 ( 1:26.265)
10:07.093 - 11:35.234: Braiden Ehle finished lap 8 ( 1:28.140)
11:23.125 - 11:37.757: Danner Barton | Controlled MX went off the track
9:55.726 - 11:42.742: Danner Barton | Controlled MX finished lap 5 ( 1:47.015)