MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 1 - Anaheim 1
Format 8 laps
Date7/6/2012, 8:12:01 PM (4569 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1118Servatis #118 yz250f(2009)8 12:04.2267 1:17.765840
21919 - Lindgren crf250(2009)8 13:32.8514 1:26.5392076
382Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries rmz250(2009)7 13:01.8282 1:33.7731602
4408BrunoAndre | Dash Industries crf250(2009)7 13:06.5625 1:26.0936235
5197W.Jaynes-197 rm250(2008)6 13:07.6176 1:38.4374387
645bcroom45/privateer crf250(2009)3 6:18.9602 1:33.3124880
7626-_The_Dj_-Looking for a team yz450f(2011)1 2:39.6250 0:00.0004006
8SHOShowtime kx250f(2009)1 2:44.8820 0:00.0001565
98suzukiozark yz250f(2009)1 3:16.5310 0:00.0004352
1093Carlos Voss | Dash Industries crf250(2009)1 5:59.0930 0:00.0004863
11468INKY0 #468 | Privateer crf450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004262
12356Christoffer Ullberg rmz450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0005435
13127R. Perez | #127 yz250f_se(2006)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004269
1418mxMan18\Whipstyle crf250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006648
1528gabriel | Dash industries crf450(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004009
16774SRD yamaha #774 yz250f(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006203
17127Kasey Oehlert yz250f(2009)0 0:01.9840 0:00.0005189

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 82 118 118 118 118 118 118 118
P2 118 82 19 19 19 19 19 19
P3 19 19 82 82 82 82 82
P4 626 45 45 408 408 408 408
P5 SHO 408 408 197 197 197
P6 45 197 197
P7 197
P8 408
P9 8
P10 93

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:17.765 7 118 Servatis #118
1:17.929 4 118 Servatis #118
1:21.984 2 118 Servatis #118
1:22.992 3 118 Servatis #118
1:23.523 8 118 Servatis #118
1:24.789 5 118 Servatis #118
1:26.093 5 408 BrunoAndre | Dash Industries
1:26.539 4 19 19 - Lindgren
1:27.382 2 19 19 - Lindgren
1:28.101 4 408 BrunoAndre | Dash Industries
1:29.460 7 19 19 - Lindgren
1:31.218 6 118 Servatis #118
1:32.335 6 408 BrunoAndre | Dash Industries
1:33.312 2 45 bcroom45/privateer
1:33.773 2 82 Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries
1:38.437 6 197 W.Jaynes-197
1:42.851 6 82 Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries
1:44.109 3 82 Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries
1:46.515 4 82 Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries
1:47.078 3 45 bcroom45/privateer
1:47.812 7 408 BrunoAndre | Dash Industries
1:53.843 5 197 W.Jaynes-197
1:53.968 2 408 BrunoAndre | Dash Industries
1:57.937 3 197 W.Jaynes-197
2:15.640 4 197 W.Jaynes-197

Individual Worst Laps

1:31.218 6 118 Servatis #118
1:47.078 3 45 bcroom45/privateer
1:53.968 2 408 BrunoAndre | Dash Industries
1:55.398 7 82 Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries
1:55.929 8 19 19 - Lindgren
2:18.554 2 197 W.Jaynes-197


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.227 118 Servatis #118
6.883 45 bcroom45/privateer
7.187 82 Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries
10.365 408 BrunoAndre | Dash Industries
10.970 19 19 - Lindgren
14.779 197 W.Jaynes-197
- 468 INKY0 #468 | Privateer
- 8 suzukiozark
- SHO Showtime
- 93 Carlos Voss | Dash Industries
- 356 Christoffer Ullberg
- 127 R. Perez | #127
- 127 Kasey Oehlert
- 18 mxMan18\Whipstyle
- 28 gabriel | Dash industries
- 774 SRD yamaha #774
- 626 -_The_Dj_-Looking for a team

Play by Play

-_The_Dj_-Looking for a team takes the holeshot followed by bcroom45/privateer, Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries, BrunoAndre | Dash Industries, suzukiozark, 19 - Lindgren, W.Jaynes-197, Kasey Oehlert, INKY0 #468 | Privateer, SRD yamaha #774, Servatis #118, Showtime and Carlos Voss | Dash Industries

0:12.695 - 0:14.523: suzukiozark passed BrunoAndre | Dash Industries, Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries and bcroom45/privateer for 2nd
0:11.828 - 0:16.375: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries passed Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries and bcroom45/privateer for 3rd
0:15.031 - 0:17.335: W.Jaynes-197 passed 19 - Lindgren, Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries and bcroom45/privateer for 4th
0:12.820 - 0:17.742: 19 - Lindgren passed Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries and bcroom45/privateer for 5th
0:17.500 - 0:19.585: SRD yamaha #774 passed INKY0 #468 | Privateer and Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for 7th
0:18.593 - 0:20.148: Servatis #118 passed INKY0 #468 | Privateer and Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for 8th
0:19.062 - 0:21.171: Showtime passed INKY0 #468 | Privateer and Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for 9th
0:16.328 - 0:21.203: Kasey Oehlert went off the track
0:19.703 - 0:22.953: 19 - Lindgren passed suzukiozark, BrunoAndre | Dash Industries and W.Jaynes-197 for 2nd
0:20.515 - 0:24.203: bcroom45/privateer passed suzukiozark, BrunoAndre | Dash Industries and W.Jaynes-197 for 3rd
0:22.101 - 0:25.164: Servatis #118 passed suzukiozark, BrunoAndre | Dash Industries, Kasey Oehlert, SRD yamaha #774 and W.Jaynes-197 for 4th
0:21.203 - 0:25.375: Kasey Oehlert passed suzukiozark, BrunoAndre | Dash Industries and W.Jaynes-197 for 5th
0:22.890 - 0:25.859: Showtime passed suzukiozark, BrunoAndre | Dash Industries, SRD yamaha #774 and W.Jaynes-197 for 6th
0:24.523 - 0:28.656: INKY0 #468 | Privateer passed suzukiozark, BrunoAndre | Dash Industries, Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries, SRD yamaha #774 and W.Jaynes-197 for 7th
0:23.250 - 0:29.390: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed suzukiozark, BrunoAndre | Dash Industries, SRD yamaha #774 and W.Jaynes-197 for 8th
0:37.492 - 0:40.515: Showtime passed Kasey Oehlert for 5th
0:38.539 - 0:41.148: Servatis #118 passed bcroom45/privateer for 3rd
0:40.546 - 0:43.250: Kasey Oehlert passed Showtime and bcroom45/privateer for 4th
0:40.515 - 0:44.375: Showtime passed bcroom45/privateer for 5th
0:42.382 - 0:46.023: INKY0 #468 | Privateer passed bcroom45/privateer for 6th
0:43.242 - 0:46.023: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed INKY0 #468 | Privateer and bcroom45/privateer for 6th
0:46.023 - 0:49.835: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed Showtime and Kasey Oehlert for 4th
0:44.375 - 0:49.968: Showtime passed Kasey Oehlert for 5th
0:46.023 - 0:51.156: INKY0 #468 | Privateer passed Kasey Oehlert for 6th
0:48.820 - 0:52.593: bcroom45/privateer passed Kasey Oehlert for 7th
0:50.960 - 0:53.453: Servatis #118 passed 19 - Lindgren for 2nd
0:50.570 - 0:53.710: suzukiozark passed Kasey Oehlert for 8th
0:51.734 - 0:53.742: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed 19 - Lindgren for 3rd
0:52.593 - 0:54.585: bcroom45/privateer passed INKY0 #468 | Privateer for 6th
0:52.648 - 0:54.742: Showtime passed 19 - Lindgren for 4th
0:53.710 - 0:56.960: suzukiozark passed INKY0 #468 | Privateer for 7th
0:55.109 - 0:58.445: 19 - Lindgren passed Showtime and Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for 3rd
0:54.742 - 0:58.632: Showtime passed Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for 4th
0:57.070 - 0:59.710: bcroom45/privateer passed Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for 5th
0:57.390 - 1:10.000: W.Jaynes-197 passed BrunoAndre | Dash Industries for 10th
1:01.265 - 1:10.109: 19 - Lindgren went off the track
1:07.929 - 1:11.578: SRD yamaha #774 passed BrunoAndre | Dash Industries for 11th
1:15.562 - 1:22.125: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries passed SRD yamaha #774 for 11th
1:20.171 - 1:23.328: 19 - Lindgren went off the track
1:22.953 - 1:25.929: SRD yamaha #774 passed BrunoAndre | Dash Industries for 11th
1:23.789 - 1:26.554: Servatis #118 passed -_The_Dj_-Looking for a team for the lead
1:23.328 - 1:28.515: 19 - Lindgren went off the track
1:26.273 - 1:28.570: bcroom45/privateer passed Showtime for 4th
1:27.835 - 1:29.039: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed Showtime for 5th
1:28.515 - 1:30.015: 19 - Lindgren passed -_The_Dj_-Looking for a team for 2nd
1:27.031 - 1:30.109: Kasey Oehlert passed INKY0 #468 | Privateer for 8th
1:29.390 - 1:32.398: suzukiozark passed Showtime for 6th
1:31.398 - 1:34.695: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed bcroom45/privateer for 4th
1:32.843 - 1:37.023: -_The_Dj_-Looking for a team passed 19 - Lindgren for 2nd
1:34.984 - 1:37.242: Showtime passed suzukiozark for 5th
1:36.273 - 1:37.539: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed 19 - Lindgren for 3rd
1:35.171 - 1:37.546: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries passed SRD yamaha #774 for 11th
1:36.054 - 1:38.367: Kasey Oehlert passed suzukiozark for 6th
1:37.539 - 1:39.390: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed -_The_Dj_-Looking for a team for 2nd
1:37.242 - 1:40.320: Showtime passed bcroom45/privateer for 5th
1:38.468 - 1:40.890: suzukiozark passed Kasey Oehlert and bcroom45/privateer for 6th
1:38.367 - 1:41.710: Kasey Oehlert passed bcroom45/privateer for 7th
1:43.414 - 1:44.734: Kasey Oehlert passed suzukiozark for 6th
1:40.703 - 1:44.835: W.Jaynes-197 went off the track
1:44.515 - 1:45.671: -_The_Dj_-Looking for a team passed Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for 2nd
1:49.343 - 1:52.992: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed -_The_Dj_-Looking for a team for 2nd
1:45.781 - 1:56.187: bcroom45/privateer passed suzukiozark for 7th
1:55.929 - 1:57.968: INKY0 #468 | Privateer passed suzukiozark for 8th
1:53.640 - 1:57.968: 19 - Lindgren passed -_The_Dj_-Looking for a team for 3rd
1:57.968 - 2:00.664: INKY0 #468 | Privateer passed bcroom45/privateer for 7th
1:59.234 - 2:04.304: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries went off the track
1:54.281 - 2:05.046: Kasey Oehlert passed Showtime for 5th
2:05.359 - 2:07.289: INKY0 #468 | Privateer passed Showtime and Kasey Oehlert for 5th
2:05.132 - 2:07.453: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed Servatis #118 for the lead
2:05.304 - 2:07.835: Showtime passed Kasey Oehlert for 6th
2:10.593 - 2:14.929: bcroom45/privateer passed Kasey Oehlert for 7th
2:12.125 - 2:17.609: suzukiozark passed Kasey Oehlert for 8th
0:00.000 - 2:22.414: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries finished lap 1 ( 2:22.414)
0:00.000 - 2:24.023: Servatis #118 finished lap 1 ( 2:24.023)
0:00.000 - 2:29.710: 19 - Lindgren finished lap 1 ( 2:29.710)
2:25.726 - 2:33.000: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:34.460: -_The_Dj_-Looking for a team finished lap 1 ( 2:34.460)
0:00.000 - 2:44.882: Showtime finished lap 1 ( 2:44.882)
2:54.539 - 2:56.062: Servatis #118 passed Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for the lead
0:00.000 - 2:56.382: bcroom45/privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:56.382)
0:00.000 - 3:01.023: W.Jaynes-197 finished lap 1 ( 3:01.023)
2:58.109 - 3:01.023: W.Jaynes-197 passed suzukiozark for 7th
3:03.093 - 3:05.023: 19 - Lindgren passed Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for 2nd
0:00.000 - 3:07.828: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries finished lap 1 ( 3:07.828)
3:05.062 - 3:07.828: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries passed suzukiozark for 8th
3:06.187 - 3:10.546: -_The_Dj_-Looking for a team went off the track
0:00.000 - 3:16.335: suzukiozark finished lap 1 ( 3:16.335)
3:14.960 - 3:18.796: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed 19 - Lindgren for 2nd
3:22.406 - 3:24.898: bcroom45/privateer passed Showtime for 5th
3:33.765 - 3:35.703: 19 - Lindgren passed Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for 2nd
2:24.023 - 3:46.007: Servatis #118 finished lap 2 ( 1:21.984)
3:46.070 - 3:49.234: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed 19 - Lindgren for 2nd
3:40.328 - 3:51.648: suzukiozark went off the track
2:22.414 - 3:56.187: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries finished lap 2 ( 1:33.773)
2:29.710 - 3:57.093: 19 - Lindgren finished lap 2 ( 1:27.382)
3:51.125 - 3:58.781: Showtime went off the track
3:55.445 - 4:09.695: W.Jaynes-197 went off the track
4:11.726 - 4:14.632: 19 - Lindgren passed Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for 2nd
4:16.492 - 4:20.445: 19 - Lindgren went off the track
2:56.382 - 4:29.695: bcroom45/privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:33.312)
4:24.734 - 4:34.421: suzukiozark passed W.Jaynes-197 for 6th
4:48.289 - 4:55.492: suzukiozark went off the track
3:07.828 - 5:01.796: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries finished lap 2 ( 1:53.968)
3:46.007 - 5:09.000: Servatis #118 finished lap 3 ( 1:22.992)
3:01.023 - 5:19.578: W.Jaynes-197 finished lap 2 ( 2:18.554)
3:57.093 - 5:25.554: 19 - Lindgren finished lap 3 ( 1:28.460)
5:27.890 - 5:34.289: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries went off the track
3:56.187 - 5:40.296: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries finished lap 3 ( 1:44.109)
0:00.000 - 5:59.093: Carlos Voss | Dash Industries finished lap 1 ( 5:59.093)
4:29.695 - 6:16.773: bcroom45/privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:47.078)
5:09.000 - 6:26.929: Servatis #118 finished lap 4 ( 1:17.929)
6:37.039 - 6:43.054: bcroom45/privateer went off the track
5:01.796 - 6:44.609: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries finished lap 3 ( 1:42.812)
5:25.554 - 6:52.093: 19 - Lindgren finished lap 4 ( 1:26.539)
7:12.781 - 7:16.625: 19 - Lindgren went off the track
5:19.578 - 7:17.515: W.Jaynes-197 finished lap 3 ( 1:57.937)
5:40.296 - 7:26.812: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries finished lap 4 ( 1:46.515)
7:45.742 - 7:49.000: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries went off the track
6:26.929 - 7:51.718: Servatis #118 finished lap 5 ( 1:24.789)
6:44.609 - 8:12.710: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries finished lap 4 ( 1:28.101)
6:52.093 - 8:13.679: 19 - Lindgren finished lap 5 ( 1:21.585)
8:32.648 - 8:35.617: 19 - Lindgren went off the track
7:26.812 - 9:20.453: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries finished lap 5 ( 1:53.640)
7:51.718 - 9:22.937: Servatis #118 finished lap 6 ( 1:31.218)
7:17.515 - 9:33.156: W.Jaynes-197 finished lap 4 ( 2:15.640)
8:13.679 - 9:34.859: 19 - Lindgren finished lap 6 ( 1:21.179)
8:12.710 - 9:38.804: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries finished lap 5 ( 1:26.093)
9:22.937 - 10:40.703: Servatis #118 finished lap 7 ( 1:17.765)
9:20.453 - 11:03.304: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries finished lap 6 ( 1:42.851)
9:34.859 - 11:04.320: 19 - Lindgren finished lap 7 ( 1:29.460)
9:38.804 - 11:11.140: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries finished lap 6 ( 1:32.335)
11:13.937 - 11:19.031: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries passed Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for 3rd
9:33.156 - 11:27.000: W.Jaynes-197 finished lap 5 ( 1:53.843)
11:28.445 - 11:31.460: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed BrunoAndre | Dash Industries for 3rd
11:32.875 - 11:35.851: 19 - Lindgren went off the track
11:45.890 - 11:48.164: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries passed Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries for 3rd
12:00.031 - 12:02.203: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries passed BrunoAndre | Dash Industries for 3rd
10:40.703 - 12:04.226: Servatis #118 finished lap 8 ( 1:23.523)
12:07.812 - 12:12.750: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries went off the track
12:46.070 - 12:58.703: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries went off the track
11:03.304 - 12:58.703: Tyler Schmidt | Evo Industries finished lap 7 ( 1:55.398)
11:11.140 - 12:58.953: BrunoAndre | Dash Industries finished lap 7 ( 1:47.812)
11:04.320 - 13:00.250: 19 - Lindgren finished lap 8 ( 1:55.929)
11:27.000 - 13:05.437: W.Jaynes-197 finished lap 6 ( 1:38.437)