MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 2 - Phoenix
Format 8 laps
Date7/9/2012, 7:00:31 PM (4566 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1323Byron Downen | Confused Clothing kx1258 8:56.3827 1:00.9211503
2447Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas crf250(2009)8 9:11.5076 0:58.1324380
3889Z.long yz250(2012)8 9:35.6565 0:59.1014111
4301B.Halstead | 301 rmz250(2009)8 9:58.1566 1:10.2733516
5133Jared Siedhoff | System Decal 125sx7 7:41.7736 0:56.8435078
6503Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing crf250(2009)7 9:21.9925 1:03.3825149
7131Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo crf250(2009)7 9:29.0934 0:59.0543950
887james hargreaves kx450f(2011)2 2:20.3352 1:09.7265083
9308JordanVert yz250f(2009)2 3:19.3670 0:00.0004003

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 133 133 133 133 131 133 133 323
P2 323 323 323 131 447 447 447 447
P3 87 87 131 323 133 323 323 889
P4 447 131 447 447 323 131 889 301
P5 301 447 301 301 301 889 301
P6 131 301 503 889 889 301 503
P7 308 503 889 503 503 503 131
P8 889 889
P9 503 308

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:56.843 6 133 Jared Siedhoff | System Decal
0:57.367 7 133 Jared Siedhoff | System Decal
0:58.132 6 447 Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas
0:58.335 7 447 Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas
0:59.054 4 131 Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo
0:59.101 5 889 Z.long
1:00.921 7 323 Byron Downen | Confused Clothing
1:01.234 2 133 Jared Siedhoff | System Decal
1:01.992 6 889 Z.long
1:02.742 5 447 Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas
1:03.382 5 503 Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing
1:04.125 8 323 Byron Downen | Confused Clothing
1:05.093 3 447 Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas
1:05.781 2 323 Byron Downen | Confused Clothing
1:06.195 2 131 Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo
1:06.601 8 889 Z.long
1:06.929 4 889 Z.long
1:07.601 2 503 Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing
1:07.828 3 133 Jared Siedhoff | System Decal
1:07.937 3 131 Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo
1:09.453 5 323 Byron Downen | Confused Clothing
1:09.726 2 87 james hargreaves
1:10.273 6 301 B.Halstead | 301
1:10.625 3 323 Byron Downen | Confused Clothing
1:13.875 4 503 Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing
1:15.031 7 301 B.Halstead | 301
1:15.281 7 889 Z.long
1:15.312 5 133 Jared Siedhoff | System Decal
1:16.765 3 503 Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing
1:16.796 4 323 Byron Downen | Confused Clothing
1:17.187 2 889 Z.long
1:18.234 3 301 B.Halstead | 301
1:19.039 2 301 B.Halstead | 301
1:28.734 6 503 Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing
1:32.414 6 131 Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo

Individual Worst Laps

1:09.726 2 87 james hargreaves
1:16.796 4 323 Byron Downen | Confused Clothing
1:17.187 2 889 Z.long
1:23.929 8 301 B.Halstead | 301
1:25.445 4 133 Jared Siedhoff | System Decal
1:25.875 8 447 Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas
1:33.164 7 503 Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing
1:48.570 2 308 JordanVert
2:13.906 7 131 Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.632 323 Byron Downen | Confused Clothing
6.193 889 Z.long
6.398 301 B.Halstead | 301
10.025 447 Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas
10.316 133 Jared Siedhoff | System Decal
10.663 503 Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing
25.970 131 Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo
- 87 james hargreaves
- 308 JordanVert

Play by Play

Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing takes the holeshot followed by Byron Downen | Confused Clothing, Jared Siedhoff | System Decal, B.Halstead | 301, JordanVert, james hargreaves, Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas, Z.long and Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo

0:08.804 - 0:13.968: JordanVert went off the track
0:11.492 - 0:14.718: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing passed Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing for the lead
0:11.742 - 0:14.859: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal passed Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing for 2nd
0:11.007 - 0:16.445: james hargreaves went off the track
0:13.539 - 0:16.640: B.Halstead | 301 passed Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing for 4th
0:13.968 - 0:17.921: JordanVert passed Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing for 5th
0:18.906 - 0:20.734: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal passed Byron Downen | Confused Clothing for the lead
0:25.328 - 0:34.367: james hargreaves passed Byron Downen | Confused Clothing for 2nd
0:27.789 - 0:34.960: JordanVert passed B.Halstead | 301 for 4th
0:31.179 - 0:35.367: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas passed Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing and B.Halstead | 301 for 5th
0:28.500 - 0:37.132: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing passed B.Halstead | 301 for 6th
0:38.851 - 0:41.562: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing passed james hargreaves for 2nd
0:37.125 - 0:41.593: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo passed Z.long for 8th
0:35.367 - 0:45.445: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas passed JordanVert for 4th
0:41.593 - 0:46.281: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo passed Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing, JordanVert and B.Halstead | 301 for 5th
0:37.132 - 0:46.710: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing passed JordanVert for 6th
0:38.000 - 0:48.921: B.Halstead | 301 passed JordanVert for 7th
0:46.710 - 0:49.335: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo for 5th
0:48.921 - 0:51.710: B.Halstead | 301 passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo for 6th
0:51.070 - 0:54.062: Z.long passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo and JordanVert for 7th
0:55.820 - 0:57.609: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo passed Z.long for 7th
0:00.000 - 0:57.742: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal finished lap 1 ( 0:57.742)
0:55.796 - 0:58.375: B.Halstead | 301 passed Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing for 5th
1:02.414 - 1:05.539: Z.long passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:06.421: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing finished lap 1 ( 1:06.421)
0:00.000 - 1:09.031: james hargreaves finished lap 1 ( 1:09.031)
0:00.000 - 1:13.078: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas finished lap 1 ( 1:13.078)
1:12.257 - 1:14.789: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo passed Z.long and Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:15.523: B.Halstead | 301 finished lap 1 ( 1:15.523)
1:18.320 - 1:20.859: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas passed james hargreaves for 3rd
1:17.523 - 1:21.156: JordanVert passed Z.long and Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:22.492: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo finished lap 1 ( 1:22.492)
1:20.890 - 1:23.234: B.Halstead | 301 passed james hargreaves for 4th
1:24.812 - 1:26.945: B.Halstead | 301 passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas for 3rd
1:08.031 - 1:27.617: Z.long passed Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing for 8th
1:26.109 - 1:27.953: james hargreaves passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:30.796: JordanVert finished lap 1 ( 1:30.796)
1:32.187 - 1:34.085: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:36.851: Z.long finished lap 1 ( 1:36.851)
1:35.062 - 1:37.070: james hargreaves passed B.Halstead | 301 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:37.195: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing finished lap 1 ( 1:37.195)
1:37.195 - 1:39.578: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing passed Z.long for 8th
1:45.953 - 1:49.796: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo passed B.Halstead | 301 for 4th
0:57.742 - 1:58.976: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal finished lap 2 ( 1:01.234)
1:06.421 - 2:12.203: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing finished lap 2 ( 1:05.781)
2:06.890 - 2:13.648: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing passed JordanVert for 7th
1:09.031 - 2:18.757: james hargreaves finished lap 2 ( 1:09.726)
2:13.132 - 2:19.093: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas went off the track
1:22.492 - 2:28.687: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo finished lap 2 ( 1:06.195)
1:13.078 - 2:33.343: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas finished lap 2 ( 1:20.265)
2:30.117 - 2:33.343: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas passed B.Halstead | 301 for 5th
1:15.523 - 2:34.562: B.Halstead | 301 finished lap 2 ( 1:19.039)
2:33.031 - 2:36.515: Z.long passed JordanVert for 8th
1:37.195 - 2:44.796: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing finished lap 2 ( 1:07.601)
1:36.851 - 2:54.039: Z.long finished lap 2 ( 1:17.187)
2:54.804 - 2:56.773: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing passed B.Halstead | 301 for 6th
2:46.179 - 3:00.929: JordanVert went off the track
1:58.976 - 3:06.804: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal finished lap 3 ( 1:07.828)
3:14.429 - 3:17.656: B.Halstead | 301 passed Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing for 6th
1:30.796 - 3:19.367: JordanVert finished lap 2 ( 1:48.570)
2:12.203 - 3:22.828: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing finished lap 3 ( 1:10.625)
3:10.539 - 3:25.085: Z.long went off the track
3:30.765 - 3:34.000: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing passed B.Halstead | 301 for 5th
2:28.687 - 3:36.625: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo finished lap 3 ( 1:07.937)
2:33.343 - 3:38.437: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas finished lap 3 ( 1:05.093)
3:42.375 - 3:44.945: B.Halstead | 301 passed Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing for 5th
3:28.625 - 3:52.742: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal went off the track
2:34.562 - 3:52.796: B.Halstead | 301 finished lap 3 ( 1:18.234)
3:52.742 - 3:56.960: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal passed Byron Downen | Confused Clothing for the lead
2:44.796 - 4:01.562: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing finished lap 3 ( 1:16.765)
2:54.039 - 4:05.750: Z.long finished lap 3 ( 1:11.710)
3:56.562 - 4:07.476: JordanVert went off the track
4:01.117 - 4:13.125: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas went off the track
4:27.554 - 4:31.414: B.Halstead | 301 went off the track
3:06.804 - 4:32.250: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal finished lap 4 ( 1:25.445)
3:36.625 - 4:35.679: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo finished lap 4 ( 0:59.054)
4:32.585 - 4:35.679: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo passed Byron Downen | Confused Clothing for 2nd
3:22.828 - 4:39.625: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing finished lap 4 ( 1:16.796)
3:38.437 - 4:43.843: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas finished lap 4 ( 1:05.406)
4:49.859 - 4:51.320: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo passed Jared Siedhoff | System Decal for the lead
4:51.320 - 4:56.453: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo went off the track
3:52.796 - 4:56.914: B.Halstead | 301 finished lap 4 ( 1:04.117)
4:57.195 - 4:59.757: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing passed Jared Siedhoff | System Decal for the lead
4:59.562 - 5:02.257: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas passed Jared Siedhoff | System Decal for 2nd
4:05.750 - 5:12.679: Z.long finished lap 4 ( 1:06.929)
5:09.757 - 5:12.679: Z.long passed Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing for 6th
4:01.562 - 5:15.437: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing finished lap 4 ( 1:13.875)
5:14.960 - 5:18.156: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas for 3rd
5:04.796 - 5:19.007: B.Halstead | 301 went off the track
5:20.679 - 5:22.773: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal passed Byron Downen | Confused Clothing for 2nd
5:23.695 - 5:25.648: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas passed Byron Downen | Confused Clothing for 3rd
5:36.585 - 5:38.984: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas passed Jared Siedhoff | System Decal for 2nd
4:35.679 - 5:40.992: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo finished lap 5 ( 1:05.312)
4:43.843 - 5:46.585: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas finished lap 5 ( 1:02.742)
4:32.250 - 5:47.562: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal finished lap 5 ( 1:15.312)
4:39.625 - 5:49.078: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing finished lap 5 ( 1:09.453)
5:48.359 - 5:52.953: B.Halstead | 301 went off the track
5:58.632 - 6:03.882: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing went off the track
4:56.914 - 6:05.242: B.Halstead | 301 finished lap 5 ( 1:08.328)
6:08.531 - 6:09.804: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo for the lead
6:10.453 - 6:11.632: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo for 2nd
5:12.679 - 6:11.781: Z.long finished lap 5 ( 0:59.101)
6:12.898 - 6:16.828: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo for 3rd
5:15.437 - 6:18.820: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing finished lap 5 ( 1:03.382)
6:20.875 - 6:22.851: Z.long passed B.Halstead | 301 for 4th
6:39.656 - 6:41.531: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas for the lead
5:47.562 - 6:44.406: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal finished lap 6 ( 0:56.843)
5:46.585 - 6:44.718: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas finished lap 6 ( 0:58.132)
5:49.078 - 6:48.281: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing finished lap 6 ( 0:59.203)
5:40.992 - 7:13.406: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo finished lap 6 ( 1:32.414)
6:11.781 - 7:13.773: Z.long finished lap 6 ( 1:01.992)
6:05.242 - 7:15.515: B.Halstead | 301 finished lap 6 ( 1:10.273)
7:13.773 - 7:16.140: Z.long passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo for 4th
7:15.515 - 7:18.062: B.Halstead | 301 passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo for 5th
7:20.007 - 7:21.796: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas passed Jared Siedhoff | System Decal for the lead
7:22.117 - 7:25.210: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas for the lead
6:44.406 - 7:41.773: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal finished lap 7 ( 0:57.367)
6:44.718 - 7:43.054: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas finished lap 7 ( 0:58.335)
6:18.820 - 7:47.554: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing finished lap 6 ( 1:28.734)
7:45.640 - 7:48.867: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas passed Jared Siedhoff | System Decal for the lead
6:48.281 - 7:49.203: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing finished lap 7 ( 1:00.921)
8:00.093 - 8:03.343: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing passed Jared Siedhoff | System Decal and Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas for the lead
7:56.414 - 8:06.335: Jared Siedhoff | System Decal passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas for 2nd
8:04.398 - 8:07.914: B.Halstead | 301 passed Z.long for 4th
8:12.648 - 8:21.335: Z.long passed B.Halstead | 301 for 4th
8:23.953 - 8:27.968: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo for 6th
7:13.773 - 8:29.054: Z.long finished lap 7 ( 1:15.281)
7:15.515 - 8:30.546: B.Halstead | 301 finished lap 7 ( 1:15.031)
8:44.406 - 8:49.882: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing went off the track
7:49.203 - 8:53.328: Byron Downen | Confused Clothing finished lap 8 ( 1:04.125)
9:03.718 - 9:04.945: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo passed Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing for 6th
9:03.320 - 9:08.929: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas went off the track
7:43.054 - 9:08.929: Mob Dirty Inc. | Anthony Veredas finished lap 8 ( 1:25.875)
9:08.500 - 9:10.554: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing passed Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo for 6th
9:09.437 - 9:12.828: B.Halstead | 301 passed Z.long for 3rd
7:47.554 - 9:20.718: Matt Cromie | Confused Clothing finished lap 7 ( 1:33.164)
9:23.437 - 9:24.804: Z.long passed B.Halstead | 301 for 3rd
9:18.937 - 9:25.031: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo went off the track
7:13.406 - 9:27.312: Mob Dirty Inc. | Alex Carlo finished lap 7 ( 2:13.906)
9:24.945 - 9:27.507: B.Halstead | 301 passed Z.long for 3rd
9:27.726 - 9:30.507: Z.long passed B.Halstead | 301 for 3rd
8:29.054 - 9:35.656: Z.long finished lap 8 ( 1:06.601)
9:39.437 - 9:54.476: B.Halstead | 301 went off the track
8:30.546 - 9:54.476: B.Halstead | 301 finished lap 8 ( 1:23.929)