MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 6 - Houston
Format 8 laps
Date9/7/2012, 1:07:32 AM (4507 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1965Lucas Cunha#965 crf250(2009)8 9:13.6483 0:59.304610
2183Gustavo Diniz yz250f(2009)8 9:32.8678 1:07.9533399
3147RafaelLampadinha/Privateer crf250(2009)8 10:26.0624 1:04.3517229
499Scott Grubb rm1253 5:08.2103 1:27.2266285
5167Brian Gideon PrimalXonline|MxSimPits rmz450(2011)0 0:04.6400 0:00.0001842
6306Aaron Hachi | H&M MotorSports 350sxf(2011)0 0:07.8040 0:00.0006804

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 183 183 965 965 965 183 965 965
P2 965 965 183 183 183 965 183 183
P3 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147
P4 99 99 99

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:59.304 3 965 Lucas Cunha#965
1:01.179 7 965 Lucas Cunha#965
1:04.351 4 147 RafaelLampadinha/Privateer
1:06.742 2 147 RafaelLampadinha/Privateer
1:07.406 6 965 Lucas Cunha#965
1:07.953 8 183 Gustavo Diniz
1:12.726 8 147 RafaelLampadinha/Privateer
1:13.664 2 965 Lucas Cunha#965
1:18.984 7 147 RafaelLampadinha/Privateer
1:21.804 5 147 RafaelLampadinha/Privateer
1:27.226 3 99 Scott Grubb
1:38.039 2 99 Scott Grubb

Individual Worst Laps

1:13.664 2 965 Lucas Cunha#965
1:17.453 2 183 Gustavo Diniz
1:21.804 5 147 RafaelLampadinha/Privateer
1:38.039 2 99 Scott Grubb


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.612 965 Lucas Cunha#965
5.406 99 Scott Grubb
6.045 147 RafaelLampadinha/Privateer
7.291 183 Gustavo Diniz
- 306 Aaron Hachi | H&M MotorSports
- 167 Brian Gideon PrimalXonline|MxSimPits

Play by Play

RafaelLampadinha/Privateer takes the holeshot followed by Gustavo Diniz, Lucas Cunha#965, Scott Grubb and Aaron Hachi | H&M MotorSports

0:15.343 - 0:18.179: Gustavo Diniz passed RafaelLampadinha/Privateer for the lead
0:17.937 - 0:19.171: Scott Grubb passed Brian Gideon PrimalXonline|MxSimPits for 4th
0:16.656 - 0:19.414: Lucas Cunha#965 passed RafaelLampadinha/Privateer for 2nd
0:19.312 - 0:22.148: Brian Gideon PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed RafaelLampadinha/Privateer and Scott Grubb for 3rd
0:22.343 - 0:25.226: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer passed Brian Gideon PrimalXonline|MxSimPits for 3rd
0:21.023 - 0:26.945: Aaron Hachi | H&M MotorSports passed Scott Grubb for 5th
0:27.304 - 0:28.664: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer went off the track
0:29.820 - 0:31.445: Aaron Hachi | H&M MotorSports passed Brian Gideon PrimalXonline|MxSimPits for 4th
0:29.414 - 0:37.335: Lucas Cunha#965 passed RafaelLampadinha/Privateer for 2nd
0:35.625 - 0:37.601: Scott Grubb passed Brian Gideon PrimalXonline|MxSimPits for 5th
0:37.601 - 0:40.882: Scott Grubb passed Aaron Hachi | H&M MotorSports for 3rd
0:42.140 - 0:54.773: Aaron Hachi | H&M MotorSports went off the track
0:57.101 - 1:01.539: Gustavo Diniz went off the track
1:04.000 - 1:06.125: Aaron Hachi | H&M MotorSports passed Scott Grubb for 4th
1:09.476 - 1:12.195: Scott Grubb passed Aaron Hachi | H&M MotorSports for 4th
1:06.250 - 1:14.250: Gustavo Diniz went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:27.312: Gustavo Diniz finished lap 1 ( 1:27.312)
0:00.000 - 1:34.101: Lucas Cunha#965 finished lap 1 ( 1:34.101)
1:27.312 - 1:38.585: Gustavo Diniz went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:43.406: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:43.406)
0:00.000 - 2:02.945: Scott Grubb finished lap 1 ( 2:02.945)
2:32.054 - 2:34.804: Lucas Cunha#965 passed Gustavo Diniz for the lead
2:35.601 - 2:42.515: Gustavo Diniz passed Lucas Cunha#965 for the lead
1:27.312 - 2:44.765: Gustavo Diniz finished lap 2 ( 1:17.453)
1:34.101 - 2:47.765: Lucas Cunha#965 finished lap 2 ( 1:13.664)
1:43.406 - 2:50.148: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:06.742)
2:55.375 - 2:57.039: Lucas Cunha#965 passed Gustavo Diniz for the lead
2:57.781 - 3:06.289: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer passed Gustavo Diniz for 2nd
3:14.593 - 3:19.187: Gustavo Diniz went off the track
3:35.625 - 3:37.007: Gustavo Diniz passed RafaelLampadinha/Privateer for 2nd
2:02.945 - 3:40.984: Scott Grubb finished lap 2 ( 1:38.039)
3:37.140 - 3:41.523: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer went off the track
2:47.765 - 3:47.070: Lucas Cunha#965 finished lap 3 ( 0:59.304)
3:42.546 - 3:47.937: Gustavo Diniz went off the track
3:52.281 - 3:55.078: Gustavo Diniz passed RafaelLampadinha/Privateer for 2nd
2:44.765 - 4:00.406: Gustavo Diniz finished lap 3 ( 1:15.640)
2:50.148 - 4:07.359: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:17.210)
4:17.570 - 4:26.632: Lucas Cunha#965 went off the track
4:32.835 - 4:36.406: Gustavo Diniz went off the track
3:47.070 - 4:52.414: Lucas Cunha#965 finished lap 4 ( 1:05.343)
4:00.406 - 4:58.250: Gustavo Diniz finished lap 4 ( 0:57.843)
5:01.710 - 5:06.656: Lucas Cunha#965 went off the track
3:40.984 - 5:08.210: Scott Grubb finished lap 3 ( 1:27.226)
4:07.359 - 5:11.710: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:04.351)
5:30.195 - 5:33.890: Gustavo Diniz went off the track
4:52.414 - 5:53.726: Lucas Cunha#965 finished lap 5 ( 1:01.312)
4:58.250 - 5:56.179: Gustavo Diniz finished lap 5 ( 0:57.929)
5:11.710 - 6:33.515: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:21.804)
6:30.085 - 6:36.320: Gustavo Diniz went off the track
6:40.804 - 6:47.187: Gustavo Diniz went off the track
6:43.710 - 6:48.757: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer went off the track
5:56.179 - 6:58.523: Gustavo Diniz finished lap 6 ( 1:02.343)
5:53.726 - 7:01.132: Lucas Cunha#965 finished lap 6 ( 1:07.406)
7:24.460 - 7:29.281: Gustavo Diniz went off the track
7:31.046 - 7:32.398: Lucas Cunha#965 passed Gustavo Diniz for the lead
6:33.515 - 7:43.234: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:09.718)
7:57.234 - 7:58.875: Gustavo Diniz went off the track
7:01.132 - 8:02.312: Lucas Cunha#965 finished lap 7 ( 1:01.179)
6:58.523 - 8:06.023: Gustavo Diniz finished lap 7 ( 1:07.500)
8:15.257 - 8:17.726: Gustavo Diniz passed Lucas Cunha#965 for the lead
8:25.054 - 8:29.437: Lucas Cunha#965 went off the track
8:50.468 - 8:52.476: Lucas Cunha#965 passed Gustavo Diniz for the lead
7:43.234 - 9:02.218: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:18.984)
8:02.312 - 9:10.031: Lucas Cunha#965 finished lap 8 ( 1:07.718)
8:06.023 - 9:13.976: Gustavo Diniz finished lap 8 ( 1:07.953)
9:02.218 - 10:14.945: RafaelLampadinha/Privateer finished lap 8 ( 1:12.726)