MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 4 - Oakland
Format 8 laps
Date12/30/2012, 12:32:47 AM (4392 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
148Jordan Vanderlee | crf450(2011)8 6:59.4148 0:48.7573832
223Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS yz250f(2009)8 7:19.0788 0:50.0002528
3626Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing kx450f(2013)8 7:40.2033 0:50.1794006
4510Brent Heintzelman yz250f(2009)7 7:09.2507 0:52.062683
526DeanO26 crf450(2013)7 7:48.9293 0:55.6095028
6836mid7media_brocstar rmz250(2009)7 7:49.5236 0:53.7652374
7143BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 crf250(2009)6 7:04.3516 1:00.6484118
8217Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports crf250(2013)6 7:35.9293 0:59.906906
974TheFro74 yz250(2012)6 7:50.8983 0:59.0463649
10121Buttrick 250sxf(2013)6 7:55.0076 1:06.9068077
1132Payneful crf450(2013)6 8:00.1093 1:09.1177353
12134Winston Wiebe|Looking for team 250sxf(2013)3 3:11.0393 0:56.6794788
13179Tanner Grant | MotoPixels crf450(2013)3 5:51.2813 1:10.6172515
1448CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren kx250f(2009)1 1:26.6640 0:00.0001467
1564Lewis#64 | Looking for a team rmz250(2009)1 1:32.9370 0:00.0007680
16949Jon Rawlins PrimalXonline|MxSimPits 450sxf(2013)1 1:33.1090 0:00.0004689
17440Rafael Lopes | Privater crf250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0008514
18441X crf250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004091

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
P2 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23
P3 510 626 626 626 626 626 626 626
P4 626 510 510 26 510 510 510
P5 121 134 134 510 26 26 26
P6 26 26 26 217 836 836 836
P7 134 121 217 836 143 143
P8 143 217 836 143 74 217
P9 217 836 121 74 217 74
P10 48 32 143 121 32 121
P11 32 143 32 32 121 32
P12 836 74 74
P13 74 179 179
P14 64
P15 949
P16 179

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:48.757 8 48 Jordan Vanderlee |
0:49.242 4 48 Jordan Vanderlee |
0:50.000 8 23 Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS
0:50.179 3 626 Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing
0:50.757 7 626 Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing
0:50.921 8 626 Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing
0:51.140 3 23 Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS
0:51.140 5 23 Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS
0:51.406 7 48 Jordan Vanderlee |
0:51.820 6 48 Jordan Vanderlee |
0:52.062 7 510 Brent Heintzelman
0:52.210 2 626 Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing
0:52.531 2 48 Jordan Vanderlee |
0:53.296 6 510 Brent Heintzelman
0:53.765 6 836 mid7media_brocstar
0:54.085 3 48 Jordan Vanderlee |
0:55.523 7 23 Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS
0:55.609 3 26 DeanO26
0:56.640 5 510 Brent Heintzelman
0:56.679 3 134 Winston Wiebe|Looking for team
0:56.851 3 836 mid7media_brocstar
0:57.242 5 836 mid7media_brocstar
0:57.585 4 23 Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS
0:59.046 3 74 TheFro74
0:59.132 6 23 Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS
0:59.906 3 217 Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports
1:00.085 5 626 Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing
1:00.648 6 143 BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96
1:01.765 2 510 Brent Heintzelman
1:02.976 5 143 BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96
1:03.054 3 143 BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96
1:03.406 6 626 Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing
1:03.570 2 23 Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS
1:05.148 5 74 TheFro74
1:05.156 3 510 Brent Heintzelman
1:05.421 2 26 DeanO26
1:05.687 5 26 DeanO26
1:06.421 6 26 DeanO26
1:06.796 4 626 Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing
1:06.906 6 121 Buttrick
1:07.507 4 143 BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96
1:08.812 2 217 Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports
1:09.117 3 32 Payneful
1:09.742 4 26 DeanO26
1:10.617 3 179 Tanner Grant | MotoPixels
1:10.750 4 217 Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports
1:11.445 2 836 mid7media_brocstar
1:12.679 7 26 DeanO26
1:12.796 4 836 mid7media_brocstar
1:14.671 5 32 Payneful
1:15.109 6 32 Payneful
1:16.625 3 121 Buttrick
1:19.335 4 510 Brent Heintzelman
1:20.148 2 32 Payneful
1:24.148 2 121 Buttrick
1:28.531 2 143 BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96
1:30.250 2 74 TheFro74
1:32.656 4 32 Payneful
1:34.578 4 121 Buttrick
1:48.171 5 217 Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports

Individual Worst Laps

0:59.601 5 48 Jordan Vanderlee |
1:02.398 2 134 Winston Wiebe|Looking for team
1:03.570 2 23 Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS
1:06.796 4 626 Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing
1:12.679 7 26 DeanO26
1:12.796 4 836 mid7media_brocstar
1:19.335 4 510 Brent Heintzelman
1:28.531 2 143 BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96
1:30.250 2 74 TheFro74
1:32.656 4 32 Payneful
1:34.578 4 121 Buttrick
1:48.171 5 217 Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports
2:01.187 2 179 Tanner Grant | MotoPixels


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.859 134 Winston Wiebe|Looking for team
3.364 48 Jordan Vanderlee |
4.643 23 Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS
5.278 26 DeanO26
6.423 626 Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing
7.612 836 mid7media_brocstar
7.965 32 Payneful
9.129 121 Buttrick
9.233 510 Brent Heintzelman
10.238 143 BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96
12.278 74 TheFro74
17.479 217 Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports
25.285 179 Tanner Grant | MotoPixels
- 440 Rafael Lopes | Privater
- 441 X
- 48 CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren
- 64 Lewis#64 | Looking for a team
- 949 Jon Rawlins PrimalXonline|MxSimPits

Play by Play

Jordan Vanderlee | takes the holeshot followed by Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS, Brent Heintzelman, Payneful, Tanner Grant | MotoPixels, Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports, mid7media_brocstar, TheFro74, Winston Wiebe|Looking for team, CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren, Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing , Buttrick, Lewis#64 | Looking for a team, BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96, DeanO26, X, Jon Rawlins PrimalXonline|MxSimPits and Rafael Lopes | Privater

0:07.585 - 0:09.054: Brent Heintzelman passed Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS for 2nd
0:08.312 - 0:09.742: Tanner Grant | MotoPixels passed Payneful for 4th
0:10.101 - 0:11.976: TheFro74 passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports and mid7media_brocstar for 6th
0:08.515 - 0:12.203: mid7media_brocstar passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 7th
0:10.687 - 0:12.664: Winston Wiebe|Looking for team passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 8th
0:11.578 - 0:13.000: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports and CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren for 9th
0:11.304 - 0:13.015: CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 10th
0:12.140 - 0:14.796: Buttrick passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 11th
0:13.000 - 0:14.875: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing passed Winston Wiebe|Looking for team, TheFro74 and mid7media_brocstar for 6th
0:13.015 - 0:15.320: CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren passed Winston Wiebe|Looking for team, TheFro74 and mid7media_brocstar for 7th
0:13.039 - 0:15.562: DeanO26 passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports, BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 and Lewis#64 | Looking for a team for 12th
0:12.664 - 0:16.226: Winston Wiebe|Looking for team passed TheFro74 and mid7media_brocstar for 8th
0:12.609 - 0:16.265: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports and Lewis#64 | Looking for a team for 13th
0:14.796 - 0:16.789: Buttrick passed TheFro74 and mid7media_brocstar for 9th
0:15.562 - 0:17.507: DeanO26 passed TheFro74 and mid7media_brocstar for 10th
0:13.710 - 0:17.734: Payneful passed Tanner Grant | MotoPixels for 4th
0:16.265 - 0:18.578: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed TheFro74 and mid7media_brocstar for 11th
0:12.203 - 0:18.703: mid7media_brocstar passed TheFro74 for 12th
0:17.507 - 0:21.164: DeanO26 passed Winston Wiebe|Looking for team, CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren, Buttrick, Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing and Tanner Grant | MotoPixels for 5th
0:19.000 - 0:21.523: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports passed TheFro74 for 13th
0:19.265 - 0:21.695: X passed Lewis#64 | Looking for a team for 15th
0:18.703 - 0:22.187: mid7media_brocstar passed Winston Wiebe|Looking for team, CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren, Buttrick, BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96, Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing and Tanner Grant | MotoPixels for 6th
0:17.523 - 0:22.335: Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS passed Brent Heintzelman for 2nd
0:21.695 - 0:23.664: X passed TheFro74 for 14th
0:16.226 - 0:23.773: Winston Wiebe|Looking for team passed CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren, Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing and Tanner Grant | MotoPixels for 7th
0:21.523 - 0:24.953: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports passed CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren, Buttrick, BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96, Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing and Tanner Grant | MotoPixels for 8th
0:16.789 - 0:25.234: Buttrick passed CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren, Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing and Tanner Grant | MotoPixels for 9th
0:18.578 - 0:25.546: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren, Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing and Tanner Grant | MotoPixels for 10th
0:20.617 - 0:26.226: Payneful passed Brent Heintzelman for 3rd
0:23.773 - 0:27.101: Winston Wiebe|Looking for team passed mid7media_brocstar for 5th
0:25.234 - 0:28.195: Buttrick passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports and mid7media_brocstar for 6th
0:15.320 - 0:28.281: CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren passed Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing and Tanner Grant | MotoPixels for 11th
0:25.546 - 0:28.632: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports and mid7media_brocstar for 7th
0:14.875 - 0:28.953: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing passed Tanner Grant | MotoPixels for 12th
0:21.164 - 0:29.156: DeanO26 went off the track
0:24.953 - 0:29.562: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports passed mid7media_brocstar for 8th
0:28.281 - 0:31.171: CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren passed mid7media_brocstar for 9th
0:28.953 - 0:31.843: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing passed mid7media_brocstar for 10th
0:30.015 - 0:32.929: Tanner Grant | MotoPixels passed mid7media_brocstar for 11th
0:28.632 - 0:33.320: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed Buttrick for 7th
0:31.484 - 0:34.265: TheFro74 passed X and mid7media_brocstar for 12th
0:30.265 - 0:34.703: X passed mid7media_brocstar for 13th
0:33.679 - 0:36.804: Brent Heintzelman passed DeanO26 for 4th
0:34.671 - 0:37.218: Winston Wiebe|Looking for team passed DeanO26 for 5th
0:36.078 - 0:38.640: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed DeanO26 for 6th
0:37.125 - 0:38.734: CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 9th
0:36.648 - 0:39.273: Buttrick passed DeanO26 for 7th
0:37.562 - 0:39.304: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 10th
0:34.703 - 0:39.539: X passed TheFro74 for 13th
0:35.648 - 0:39.625: Jon Rawlins PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed Lewis#64 | Looking for a team for 15th
0:38.617 - 0:40.148: Tanner Grant | MotoPixels passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 11th
0:38.734 - 0:41.335: CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren passed DeanO26 for 8th
0:36.250 - 0:41.484: mid7media_brocstar passed TheFro74 for 14th
0:39.304 - 0:41.867: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing passed DeanO26 for 9th
0:40.148 - 0:42.671: Tanner Grant | MotoPixels passed DeanO26 for 10th
0:41.000 - 0:43.531: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports passed DeanO26 for 11th
0:42.953 - 0:44.351: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing passed CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren for 8th
0:39.640 - 0:44.890: Lewis#64 | Looking for a team passed Jon Rawlins PrimalXonline|MxSimPits for 16th
0:43.156 - 0:45.835: Brent Heintzelman passed Payneful for 3rd
0:42.335 - 0:45.960: Buttrick passed BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 6th
0:00.000 - 0:48.757: Jordan Vanderlee | finished lap 1 ( 0:48.757)
0:45.960 - 0:49.273: Buttrick passed Winston Wiebe|Looking for team for 5th
0:47.054 - 0:49.953: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed Winston Wiebe|Looking for team for 6th
0:47.906 - 0:50.515: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing passed Winston Wiebe|Looking for team for 7th
0:00.000 - 0:50.984: Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 1 ( 0:50.984)
0:47.640 - 0:51.445: DeanO26 passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports, CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren and Tanner Grant | MotoPixels for 9th
0:47.367 - 0:51.726: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports passed CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren and Tanner Grant | MotoPixels for 10th
0:48.664 - 0:51.789: Lewis#64 | Looking for a team passed TheFro74 for 15th
0:51.859 - 0:53.703: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed Payneful and Buttrick for 4th
0:51.585 - 0:53.804: Buttrick passed Payneful for 5th
0:49.960 - 0:53.906: mid7media_brocstar passed CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren and Tanner Grant | MotoPixels for 11th
0:52.289 - 0:54.367: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing passed Payneful for 6th
0:45.664 - 0:54.960: Tanner Grant | MotoPixels passed CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren for 12th
0:53.906 - 0:55.687: Winston Wiebe|Looking for team passed Payneful for 7th
0:54.960 - 0:57.859: Tanner Grant | MotoPixels passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports and mid7media_brocstar for 10th
0:56.187 - 0:58.101: DeanO26 passed Payneful for 8th
0:56.054 - 0:59.148: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing passed Buttrick and BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 4th
0:53.906 - 0:59.375: mid7media_brocstar passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 11th
0:55.976 - 1:00.125: Buttrick passed BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:00.992: Brent Heintzelman finished lap 1 ( 1:00.992)
0:59.468 - 1:02.078: CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 12th
0:57.953 - 1:02.445: Winston Wiebe|Looking for team passed BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 6th
1:00.023 - 1:03.679: DeanO26 passed BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 7th
1:02.273 - 1:04.507: TheFro74 passed Lewis#64 | Looking for a team for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:05.843: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:05.843)
1:03.171 - 1:07.179: Payneful passed BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 8th
1:03.406 - 1:07.304: Tanner Grant | MotoPixels passed BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 9th
1:06.093 - 1:07.328: DeanO26 passed Winston Wiebe|Looking for team for 6th
1:04.671 - 1:08.039: mid7media_brocstar passed BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:08.273: Buttrick finished lap 1 ( 1:08.273)
0:00.000 - 1:10.523: DeanO26 finished lap 1 ( 1:10.523)
0:00.000 - 1:11.585: Winston Wiebe|Looking for team finished lap 1 ( 1:11.585)
1:15.789 - 1:18.390: Lewis#64 | Looking for a team passed TheFro74 for 13th
1:20.156 - 1:21.609: DeanO26 passed Buttrick for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:21.632: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 finished lap 1 ( 1:21.632)
1:13.554 - 1:21.632: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed Payneful and mid7media_brocstar for 8th
1:18.453 - 1:23.601: Winston Wiebe|Looking for team went off the track
1:21.156 - 1:24.023: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing passed Brent Heintzelman for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:24.195: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:24.195)
1:16.257 - 1:24.195: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports passed Payneful, CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren and mid7media_brocstar for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:26.664: CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren finished lap 1 ( 1:26.664)
1:14.367 - 1:26.664: CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren passed Payneful and mid7media_brocstar for 10th
1:23.976 - 1:27.093: Jon Rawlins PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed TheFro74 for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:28.406: Payneful finished lap 1 ( 1:28.406)
0:00.000 - 1:29.437: mid7media_brocstar finished lap 1 ( 1:29.437)
0:00.000 - 1:32.593: TheFro74 finished lap 1 ( 1:32.593)
1:29.093 - 1:32.593: TheFro74 passed Lewis#64 | Looking for a team and Jon Rawlins PrimalXonline|MxSimPits for 13th
0:00.000 - 1:32.937: Lewis#64 | Looking for a team finished lap 1 ( 1:32.937)
0:00.000 - 1:33.109: Jon Rawlins PrimalXonline|MxSimPits finished lap 1 ( 1:33.109)
0:48.757 - 1:41.289: Jordan Vanderlee | finished lap 2 ( 0:52.531)
1:39.921 - 1:42.015: mid7media_brocstar passed Payneful for 10th
1:38.500 - 1:42.304: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports passed BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 8th
1:39.601 - 1:44.500: CleaverMX | Eric Hellgren passed BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 9th
1:48.859 - 1:52.367: Lewis#64 | Looking for a team passed TheFro74 for 13th
0:50.984 - 1:54.554: Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 2 ( 1:03.570)
1:05.843 - 1:58.054: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing finished lap 2 ( 0:52.210)
1:00.992 - 2:02.757: Brent Heintzelman finished lap 2 ( 1:01.765)
1:58.210 - 2:03.531: TheFro74 passed Payneful and Lewis#64 | Looking for a team for 12th
2:01.953 - 2:03.765: Winston Wiebe|Looking for team passed DeanO26 for 5th
2:06.578 - 2:10.179: TheFro74 passed mid7media_brocstar and BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 9th
1:11.585 - 2:13.984: Winston Wiebe|Looking for team finished lap 2 ( 1:02.398)
2:02.578 - 2:14.250: mid7media_brocstar passed BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 10th
2:12.187 - 2:14.984: Payneful passed BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 for 11th
1:10.523 - 2:15.945: DeanO26 finished lap 2 ( 1:05.421)
1:08.273 - 2:32.421: Buttrick finished lap 2 ( 1:24.148)
1:24.195 - 2:33.007: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:08.812)
1:41.289 - 2:35.375: Jordan Vanderlee | finished lap 3 ( 0:54.085)
2:32.726 - 2:35.398: mid7media_brocstar passed TheFro74 for 9th
1:07.304 - 2:39.476: Tanner Grant | MotoPixels went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:39.476: Tanner Grant | MotoPixels finished lap 1 ( 2:39.476)
1:29.437 - 2:40.882: mid7media_brocstar finished lap 2 ( 1:11.445)
2:38.125 - 2:41.359: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports passed Buttrick for 7th
2:41.406 - 2:44.570: Payneful passed TheFro74 for 10th
1:54.554 - 2:45.695: Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 3 ( 0:51.140)
2:44.562 - 2:46.820: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed TheFro74 for 11th
1:58.054 - 2:48.234: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing finished lap 3 ( 0:50.179)
1:28.406 - 2:48.554: Payneful finished lap 2 ( 1:20.148)
1:21.632 - 2:50.164: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 finished lap 2 ( 1:28.531)
2:50.296 - 2:52.304: mid7media_brocstar passed Buttrick for 8th
1:32.593 - 3:02.843: TheFro74 finished lap 2 ( 1:30.250)
3:00.039 - 3:03.390: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing passed Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS for 2nd
2:02.757 - 3:07.914: Brent Heintzelman finished lap 3 ( 1:05.156)
2:13.984 - 3:10.664: Winston Wiebe|Looking for team finished lap 3 ( 0:56.679)
2:15.945 - 3:11.554: DeanO26 finished lap 3 ( 0:55.609)
3:07.242 - 3:11.812: Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS passed Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing for 2nd
3:18.851 - 3:20.812: DeanO26 passed Winston Wiebe|Looking for team for 5th
2:35.375 - 3:24.617: Jordan Vanderlee | finished lap 4 ( 0:49.242)
3:23.921 - 3:32.351: DeanO26 passed Brent Heintzelman for 4th
2:33.007 - 3:32.914: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 0:59.906)
2:40.882 - 3:37.734: mid7media_brocstar finished lap 3 ( 0:56.851)
2:45.695 - 3:43.281: Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 4 ( 0:57.585)
2:32.421 - 3:49.046: Buttrick finished lap 3 ( 1:16.625)
2:50.164 - 3:53.218: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 finished lap 3 ( 1:03.054)
3:49.601 - 3:53.218: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed Payneful for 10th
2:48.234 - 3:55.031: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:06.796)
3:48.632 - 3:56.437: Jordan Vanderlee | went off the track
2:48.554 - 3:57.671: Payneful finished lap 3 ( 1:09.117)
3:02.843 - 4:01.890: TheFro74 finished lap 3 ( 0:59.046)
4:17.890 - 4:20.820: TheFro74 passed Payneful for 10th
4:14.031 - 4:20.828: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed Buttrick for 8th
3:11.554 - 4:21.296: DeanO26 finished lap 4 ( 1:09.742)
3:24.617 - 4:24.218: Jordan Vanderlee | finished lap 5 ( 0:59.601)
4:20.820 - 4:24.429: TheFro74 passed Buttrick for 9th
3:07.914 - 4:27.250: Brent Heintzelman finished lap 4 ( 1:19.335)
3:43.281 - 4:34.421: Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 5 ( 0:51.140)
3:34.976 - 4:35.835: Tanner Grant | MotoPixels went off the track
2:39.476 - 4:40.664: Tanner Grant | MotoPixels finished lap 2 ( 2:01.187)
3:32.914 - 4:43.664: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:10.750)
3:37.734 - 4:50.531: mid7media_brocstar finished lap 4 ( 1:12.796)
4:52.835 - 4:54.992: mid7media_brocstar passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 6th
3:55.031 - 4:55.117: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:00.085)
3:53.218 - 5:00.726: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 finished lap 4 ( 1:07.507)
4:24.218 - 5:16.039: Jordan Vanderlee | finished lap 6 ( 0:51.820)
5:13.500 - 5:16.875: Brent Heintzelman passed DeanO26 for 4th
5:03.984 - 5:17.664: TheFro74 went off the track
4:01.890 - 5:17.664: TheFro74 finished lap 4 ( 1:15.773)
3:49.046 - 5:23.625: Buttrick finished lap 4 ( 1:34.578)
4:27.250 - 5:23.890: Brent Heintzelman finished lap 5 ( 0:56.640)
5:17.742 - 5:25.796: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 7th
4:21.296 - 5:26.984: DeanO26 finished lap 5 ( 1:05.687)
3:57.671 - 5:30.328: Payneful finished lap 4 ( 1:32.656)
4:34.421 - 5:33.554: Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 6 ( 0:59.132)
4:50.531 - 5:47.773: mid7media_brocstar finished lap 5 ( 0:57.242)
5:41.171 - 5:50.875: Buttrick went off the track
4:40.664 - 5:51.281: Tanner Grant | MotoPixels finished lap 3 ( 1:10.617)
5:49.179 - 5:52.195: TheFro74 passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 8th
4:55.117 - 5:58.523: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:03.406)
5:00.726 - 6:03.703: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 finished lap 5 ( 1:02.976)
5:16.039 - 6:07.445: Jordan Vanderlee | finished lap 7 ( 0:51.406)
6:04.343 - 6:08.000: Buttrick passed Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports for 9th
6:14.945 - 6:17.062: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports passed Buttrick for 9th
5:23.890 - 6:17.187: Brent Heintzelman finished lap 6 ( 0:53.296)
5:17.664 - 6:22.812: TheFro74 finished lap 5 ( 1:05.148)
5:33.554 - 6:29.078: Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 7 ( 0:55.523)
4:43.664 - 6:31.835: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:48.171)
5:26.984 - 6:33.406: DeanO26 finished lap 6 ( 1:06.421)
6:40.125 - 6:41.312: Payneful passed Buttrick for 10th
5:47.773 - 6:41.539: mid7media_brocstar finished lap 6 ( 0:53.765)
5:30.328 - 6:45.000: Payneful finished lap 5 ( 1:14.671)
5:23.625 - 6:46.789: Buttrick finished lap 5 ( 1:23.164)
5:58.523 - 6:49.281: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing finished lap 7 ( 0:50.757)
6:07.445 - 6:56.203: Jordan Vanderlee | finished lap 8 ( 0:48.757)
6:54.617 - 7:00.398: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports passed TheFro74 for 8th
6:58.500 - 7:00.546: Buttrick passed Payneful for 10th
6:03.703 - 7:04.351: BarciasTowelBoy | R.I.P Jantz Grodzicki #96 finished lap 6 ( 1:00.648)
6:17.187 - 7:09.250: Brent Heintzelman finished lap 7 ( 0:52.062)
6:29.078 - 7:19.078: Jeremy Smith | MotoOption/EVS finished lap 8 ( 0:50.000)
7:08.890 - 7:20.992: TheFro74 went off the track
7:23.070 - 7:24.453: Payneful passed Buttrick for 9th
7:20.687 - 7:26.414: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports went off the track
7:25.195 - 7:27.015: mid7media_brocstar passed DeanO26 for 5th
7:25.203 - 7:27.835: Buttrick passed Payneful for 10th
6:31.835 - 7:34.710: Ben Hause | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:02.875)
6:49.281 - 7:40.203: Tye Reeves | O'Neal Racing finished lap 8 ( 0:50.921)
6:33.406 - 7:46.085: DeanO26 finished lap 7 ( 1:12.679)
7:35.250 - 7:49.523: mid7media_brocstar went off the track
6:41.539 - 7:49.523: mid7media_brocstar finished lap 7 ( 1:07.984)
6:22.812 - 7:50.898: TheFro74 finished lap 6 ( 1:28.085)
6:46.789 - 7:53.695: Buttrick finished lap 6 ( 1:06.906)
6:45.000 - 8:00.109: Payneful finished lap 6 ( 1:15.109)