MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 3 - Los Angeles
Format 8 laps
Date1/9/2013, 2:29:01 AM (4383 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1569TheCrimson rmz250(2013)8 10:24.7265 1:07.015823
214Eros kx250f(2009)8 11:15.4145 1:24.9537095
3562Haskins#562 rm1258 11:19.1178 1:10.6958625
4Danzor rmz450(2013)7 10:55.1713 1:12.9843640
510Roi perez SPAIN #10 kx1257 11:25.6256 1:13.7967784
6268Bush Bandit 268 crf450(2011)6 9:12.4924 1:24.3593934
7996Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles crf450(2011)3 6:33.1870 0:00.0005315
8999Joe Motocross crf450(2011)1 4:16.7340 0:00.0008338

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 14 14 14 569 569 569 569 569
P2 562 569 569 14 14 14 14 14
P3 569 562 562 562 562 562 562 562
P4 268 268 268 268 268 268
P5 10 996 10 10
P6 10 10 10 10
P7 996 996
P8 999

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:07.015 5 569 TheCrimson
1:09.007 8 569 TheCrimson
1:10.695 8 562 Haskins#562
1:12.984 3 Danzor
1:13.796 6 10 Roi perez SPAIN #10
1:15.406 4 569 TheCrimson
1:15.640 7 569 TheCrimson
1:15.937 2 569 TheCrimson
1:23.414 3 562 Haskins#562
1:24.359 4 268 Bush Bandit 268
1:24.609 4 562 Haskins#562
1:24.953 5 14 Eros
1:25.171 2 14 Eros
1:25.429 4 14 Eros
1:26.132 2 562 Haskins#562
1:26.242 3 569 TheCrimson
1:27.203 6 14 Eros
1:28.234 2 10 Roi perez SPAIN #10
1:30.343 4 Danzor
1:35.453 5 562 Haskins#562
1:36.640 6 268 Bush Bandit 268
1:38.500 7 Danzor

Individual Worst Laps

1:26.242 3 569 TheCrimson
1:28.632 7 14 Eros
1:35.453 5 562 Haskins#562
1:36.640 6 268 Bush Bandit 268
1:39.953 6 Danzor
2:04.203 4 10 Roi perez SPAIN #10
3:15.539 3 996 Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.445 14 Eros
5.703 569 TheCrimson
6.693 562 Haskins#562
7.074 268 Bush Bandit 268
9.756 Danzor
20.029 10 Roi perez SPAIN #10
59.152 996 Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles
- 999 Joe Motocross

Play by Play

Danzor takes the holeshot followed by TheCrimson, Eros, Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles, Bush Bandit 268, Joe Motocross, Haskins#562 and Roi perez SPAIN #10

0:21.484 - 0:24.187: TheCrimson passed Danzor for the lead
0:22.421 - 0:25.398: Eros passed Danzor for 2nd
0:25.328 - 0:27.710: Roi perez SPAIN #10 passed Haskins#562 for 6th
0:25.648 - 0:28.187: Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles passed Danzor for 3rd
0:31.687 - 0:33.867: Bush Bandit 268 passed Danzor for 4th
0:20.125 - 0:36.000: Joe Motocross went off the track
0:31.625 - 0:36.914: Haskins#562 passed Roi perez SPAIN #10 for 6th
0:38.460 - 0:42.062: Haskins#562 passed Danzor for 5th
0:35.343 - 0:43.648: TheCrimson went off the track
0:42.570 - 0:45.125: Roi perez SPAIN #10 passed Danzor for 6th
0:50.218 - 0:53.382: Haskins#562 passed Bush Bandit 268 and Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles for 2nd
0:52.445 - 0:55.710: Danzor passed Roi perez SPAIN #10 for 6th
0:56.851 - 1:01.718: Roi perez SPAIN #10 passed Danzor for 5th
1:00.484 - 1:03.851: Eros passed TheCrimson for the lead
0:54.398 - 1:04.820: Bush Bandit 268 passed Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles for 4th
1:07.343 - 1:11.328: Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles passed Bush Bandit 268 for 4th
1:01.718 - 1:15.390: Roi perez SPAIN #10 went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:17.140: Eros finished lap 1 ( 1:17.140)
1:16.601 - 1:20.179: Bush Bandit 268 passed Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles for 4th
1:22.382 - 1:24.273: Haskins#562 passed TheCrimson for 2nd
1:13.781 - 1:27.312: Joe Motocross went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:27.585: Haskins#562 finished lap 1 ( 1:27.585)
0:00.000 - 1:29.945: TheCrimson finished lap 1 ( 1:29.945)
1:22.015 - 1:33.015: Roi perez SPAIN #10 went off the track
1:37.968 - 1:39.078: Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles passed Roi perez SPAIN #10 for 5th
1:38.921 - 1:39.882: Danzor passed Roi perez SPAIN #10 for 6th
1:39.421 - 1:44.632: TheCrimson passed Haskins#562 for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:45.601: Bush Bandit 268 finished lap 1 ( 1:45.601)
1:39.882 - 1:47.125: Danzor passed Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles for 5th
1:44.078 - 1:47.875: Roi perez SPAIN #10 passed Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:55.484: Roi perez SPAIN #10 finished lap 1 ( 1:55.484)
1:52.218 - 1:55.484: Roi perez SPAIN #10 passed Danzor for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:55.929: Danzor finished lap 1 ( 1:55.929)
0:00.000 - 1:57.453: Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles finished lap 1 ( 1:57.453)
2:02.562 - 2:05.304: Haskins#562 passed TheCrimson for 2nd
1:55.929 - 2:10.750: Danzor went off the track
2:13.773 - 2:16.031: Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles passed Roi perez SPAIN #10 for 5th
2:13.468 - 2:22.757: TheCrimson passed Haskins#562 for 2nd
2:16.109 - 2:29.859: Danzor went off the track
1:17.140 - 2:42.312: Eros finished lap 2 ( 1:25.171)
1:29.945 - 2:45.882: TheCrimson finished lap 2 ( 1:15.937)
2:41.078 - 2:48.039: Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles went off the track
2:44.640 - 2:50.960: Bush Bandit 268 went off the track
1:27.585 - 2:53.718: Haskins#562 finished lap 2 ( 1:26.132)
1:45.601 - 3:02.390: Bush Bandit 268 finished lap 2 ( 1:16.789)
1:57.453 - 3:14.687: Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles finished lap 2 ( 1:17.234)
3:09.523 - 3:16.968: Eros went off the track
1:55.484 - 3:23.718: Roi perez SPAIN #10 finished lap 2 ( 1:28.234)
1:55.929 - 3:29.609: Danzor finished lap 2 ( 1:33.679)
3:40.343 - 3:42.406: Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles passed Bush Bandit 268 for 3rd
2:42.312 - 4:05.257: Eros finished lap 3 ( 1:22.945)
3:52.648 - 4:10.593: Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles went off the track
4:00.250 - 4:11.234: Roi perez SPAIN #10 went off the track
2:45.882 - 4:12.125: TheCrimson finished lap 3 ( 1:26.242)
0:00.000 - 4:16.601: Joe Motocross finished lap 1 ( 4:16.601)
4:11.726 - 4:17.070: Bush Bandit 268 went off the track
2:53.718 - 4:17.132: Haskins#562 finished lap 3 ( 1:23.414)
4:28.367 - 4:30.054: Roi perez SPAIN #10 passed Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles for 5th
4:31.554 - 4:33.101: Danzor passed Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles for 6th
3:02.390 - 4:35.992: Bush Bandit 268 finished lap 3 ( 1:33.601)
3:23.718 - 4:40.062: Roi perez SPAIN #10 finished lap 3 ( 1:16.343)
3:29.609 - 4:42.593: Danzor finished lap 3 ( 1:12.984)
4:43.898 - 4:56.070: Joe Motocross went off the track
4:54.265 - 4:57.945: Roi perez SPAIN #10 went off the track
4:58.179 - 5:00.656: TheCrimson passed Eros for the lead
5:04.218 - 5:05.851: Danzor passed Roi perez SPAIN #10 for 5th
4:56.070 - 5:22.273: Joe Motocross went off the track
4:12.125 - 5:27.531: TheCrimson finished lap 4 ( 1:15.406)
4:05.257 - 5:30.687: Eros finished lap 4 ( 1:25.429)
4:17.132 - 5:41.742: Haskins#562 finished lap 4 ( 1:24.609)
5:35.773 - 5:44.656: Joe Motocross went off the track
4:35.992 - 6:00.351: Bush Bandit 268 finished lap 4 ( 1:24.359)
4:42.593 - 6:12.937: Danzor finished lap 4 ( 1:30.343)
6:22.742 - 6:28.046: Bush Bandit 268 went off the track
3:14.687 - 6:30.226: Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles finished lap 3 ( 3:15.539)
6:27.757 - 6:31.757: Danzor went off the track
5:27.531 - 6:34.546: TheCrimson finished lap 5 ( 1:07.015)
4:40.062 - 6:44.265: Roi perez SPAIN #10 finished lap 4 ( 2:04.203)
6:44.390 - 6:49.968: Garrett Rohde | Drenaline Cycles went off the track
5:30.687 - 6:55.640: Eros finished lap 5 ( 1:24.953)
7:03.062 - 7:08.578: TheCrimson went off the track
7:10.039 - 7:15.718: Roi perez SPAIN #10 went off the track
5:41.742 - 7:17.195: Haskins#562 finished lap 5 ( 1:35.453)
6:00.351 - 7:30.781: Bush Bandit 268 finished lap 5 ( 1:30.429)
6:12.937 - 7:32.937: Danzor finished lap 5 ( 1:20.000)
6:34.546 - 7:48.835: TheCrimson finished lap 6 ( 1:14.289)
7:46.750 - 7:50.281: Danzor went off the track
7:51.937 - 7:59.539: Roi perez SPAIN #10 went off the track
6:44.265 - 7:59.539: Roi perez SPAIN #10 finished lap 5 ( 1:15.273)
8:01.843 - 8:08.453: Haskins#562 went off the track
8:01.835 - 8:12.695: Danzor passed Bush Bandit 268 for 4th
6:55.640 - 8:22.843: Eros finished lap 6 ( 1:27.203)
8:23.062 - 8:36.554: Danzor went off the track
7:17.195 - 8:40.992: Haskins#562 finished lap 6 ( 1:23.796)
8:48.632 - 8:55.773: Eros went off the track
7:48.835 - 9:04.476: TheCrimson finished lap 7 ( 1:15.640)
9:02.921 - 9:06.781: Haskins#562 went off the track
7:30.781 - 9:07.421: Bush Bandit 268 finished lap 6 ( 1:36.640)
9:04.335 - 9:07.421: Bush Bandit 268 passed Danzor for 4th
7:32.937 - 9:12.890: Danzor finished lap 6 ( 1:39.953)
7:59.539 - 9:13.335: Roi perez SPAIN #10 finished lap 6 ( 1:13.796)
9:39.679 - 9:41.578: Roi perez SPAIN #10 passed Danzor for 5th
9:45.179 - 9:48.007: Danzor passed Roi perez SPAIN #10 for 5th
8:22.843 - 9:51.476: Eros finished lap 7 ( 1:28.632)
9:57.078 - 10:00.554: Roi perez SPAIN #10 passed Danzor for 4th
8:40.992 - 10:04.734: Haskins#562 finished lap 7 ( 1:23.742)
10:04.882 - 10:07.148: Danzor passed Roi perez SPAIN #10 for 4th
9:04.476 - 10:13.484: TheCrimson finished lap 8 ( 1:09.007)
10:13.609 - 10:23.031: Eros went off the track
10:23.570 - 10:36.218: Roi perez SPAIN #10 went off the track
10:44.601 - 10:45.562: Roi perez SPAIN #10 went off the track
9:12.890 - 10:51.390: Danzor finished lap 7 ( 1:38.500)
9:13.335 - 11:07.687: Roi perez SPAIN #10 finished lap 7 ( 1:54.351)
9:51.476 - 11:12.078: Eros finished lap 8 ( 1:20.601)
10:04.734 - 11:15.429: Haskins#562 finished lap 8 ( 1:10.695)