MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 3 - Los Angeles
Format 8 laps
Date1/18/2013, 11:23:35 PM (4373 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1251Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports kx250f(2013)8 9:49.6564 0:58.8512958
2498Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport crf250(2009)8 9:52.6405 1:00.0784925
3115 Andreas Wagner crf450(2013)8 10:31.7652 1:00.890691
4131Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | kx250f(2013)8 11:02.4373 1:04.4843713
591Jerem 91Los yz250(2012)7 9:51.1645 1:05.5237357
6106Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits 250sxf(2013)7 9:55.2813 1:06.5397141
717HigorAlves rmz250(2013)7 10:12.3823 1:07.0937724
869Z.long | Static Designs rmz450(2013)7 10:29.2184 1:02.8594111
9634Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing kx250f(2013)7 10:39.5625 1:12.6172079
10364Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports kx250f(2013)6 10:49.9604 1:56.2966443
11663Hugh Jas | Team kx450f(2013)5 11:18.5463 1:43.5855928
1232Payneful crf450(2013)3 6:15.6640 0:00.0007353
13494Chip rm250(2008)2 2:43.8752 1:12.5462823
14913[FR] MaX #913 rmz450(2011)2 6:12.5230 0:00.0008629
15205Mason Bell kx250f(2013)1 2:18.2890 0:00.0006796
16618Rankin crf250(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0001991

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 494 498 251 251 498 498 498 498
P2 498 494 131 498 251 251 251 251
P3 91 251 498 131 131 131 131 115
P4 251 131 106 106 17 106 115 131
P5 17 91 17 17 91 115 17
P6 131 106 115 91 106 17 91
P7 106 17 91 115 115 91 106
P8 634 115 634 634 634 69 69
P9 205 634 364 69 69 634 634
P10 32 69 69 364 364 364
P11 115 364 32 663 663
P12 663 32 663
P13 364 663
P14 69 913
P15 913

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:58.851 4 251 Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports
1:00.078 5 498 Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport
1:00.890 2 115 Andreas Wagner
1:01.281 6 115 Andreas Wagner
1:01.835 4 498 Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport
1:02.859 4 69 Z.long | Static Designs
1:03.140 7 115 Andreas Wagner
1:04.484 3 131 Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix |
1:04.773 2 498 Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport
1:04.875 6 251 Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports
1:05.523 5 91 Jerem 91Los
1:05.531 8 115 Andreas Wagner
1:06.539 3 106 Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits
1:06.578 3 251 Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports
1:06.835 6 106 Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits
1:07.093 3 17 HigorAlves
1:08.531 7 131 Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix |
1:08.960 4 91 Jerem 91Los
1:09.992 2 251 Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports
1:10.835 5 115 Andreas Wagner
1:12.375 2 69 Z.long | Static Designs
1:12.546 2 494 Chip
1:12.617 5 634 Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing
1:12.640 5 251 Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports
1:12.710 5 69 Z.long | Static Designs
1:14.125 5 17 HigorAlves
1:15.242 8 251 Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports
1:15.648 7 498 Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport
1:16.085 8 498 Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport
1:16.351 7 251 Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports
1:17.867 2 106 Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits
1:18.789 3 634 Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing
1:19.257 3 115 Andreas Wagner
1:21.625 7 91 Jerem 91Los
1:22.328 6 91 Jerem 91Los
1:23.664 4 115 Andreas Wagner
1:23.882 2 91 Jerem 91Los
1:26.093 2 634 Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing
1:27.289 6 131 Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix |
1:30.687 7 69 Z.long | Static Designs
1:32.640 4 634 Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing
1:33.156 7 106 Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits
1:43.585 3 663 Hugh Jas | Team
1:56.296 4 364 Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports
2:12.187 5 364 Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports
2:18.445 2 663 Hugh Jas | Team
3:09.250 5 663 Hugh Jas | Team

Individual Worst Laps

1:12.546 2 494 Chip
1:16.351 7 251 Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports
1:23.664 4 115 Andreas Wagner
1:27.187 3 498 Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport
1:33.156 7 106 Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits
1:34.468 7 634 Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing
1:35.882 2 17 HigorAlves
1:42.921 3 69 Z.long | Static Designs
1:44.921 8 131 Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix |
1:47.328 3 91 Jerem 91Los
2:06.960 2 32 Payneful
2:12.187 5 364 Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports
2:14.429 2 913 [FR] MaX #913
3:09.250 5 663 Hugh Jas | Team


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.767 251 Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports
8.177 634 Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing
8.409 115 Andreas Wagner
8.763 17 HigorAlves
9.622 498 Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport
9.802 106 Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits
12.125 32 Payneful
13.453 91 Jerem 91Los
14.816 69 Z.long | Static Designs
15.964 131 Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix |
23.683 364 Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports
38.582 663 Hugh Jas | Team
- 913 [FR] MaX #913
- 205 Mason Bell
- 618 Rankin
- 494 Chip

Play by Play

Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport takes the holeshot followed by Chip, Mason Bell, Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports, Andreas Wagner, Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix |, Payneful, Z.long | Static Designs, Jerem 91Los, Hugh Jas | Team, Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing, Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports, Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits and Rankin

0:13.085 - 0:14.585: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | passed Andreas Wagner for 6th
0:10.406 - 0:14.648: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport went off the track
0:14.585 - 0:17.210: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | passed Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports and Mason Bell for 2nd
0:17.250 - 0:18.585: Jerem 91Los passed Z.long | Static Designs for 9th
0:18.039 - 0:19.687: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports passed Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing for 12th
0:18.781 - 0:20.460: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing for 13th
0:18.585 - 0:20.984: Jerem 91Los passed Payneful, Andreas Wagner, Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports and Mason Bell for 3rd
0:14.187 - 0:21.367: HigorAlves went off the track
0:19.046 - 0:21.796: Hugh Jas | Team passed Payneful, Andreas Wagner, Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports and Mason Bell for 4th
0:19.687 - 0:22.164: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports passed Payneful, Andreas Wagner, Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports and Mason Bell for 5th
0:20.460 - 0:23.750: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed Payneful, Andreas Wagner, Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports and Mason Bell for 6th
0:17.429 - 0:23.859: Payneful passed Andreas Wagner, Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports and Mason Bell for 7th
0:24.226 - 0:26.648: Mason Bell passed Payneful, Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits, Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports and Hugh Jas | Team for 6th
0:24.890 - 0:29.031: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports passed Payneful, Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits, Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports and Hugh Jas | Team for 7th
0:23.750 - 0:29.851: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports and Hugh Jas | Team for 8th
0:27.132 - 0:31.226: Jerem 91Los passed HigorAlves for 4th
0:23.859 - 0:33.960: Payneful passed Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 10th
0:30.476 - 0:34.078: Mason Bell passed HigorAlves for 5th
0:18.617 - 0:34.632: Z.long | Static Designs went off the track
0:32.328 - 0:35.710: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports passed HigorAlves for 6th
0:35.710 - 0:38.117: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports passed Mason Bell for 5th
0:36.148 - 0:38.671: HigorAlves passed Mason Bell for 6th
0:36.554 - 0:39.226: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed Mason Bell for 7th
0:34.843 - 0:41.546: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing passed Z.long | Static Designs, Andreas Wagner and Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 11th
0:37.953 - 0:42.609: [FR] MaX #913 passed Z.long | Static Designs, Andreas Wagner and Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 12th
0:34.382 - 0:42.609: Andreas Wagner passed Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 12th
0:40.648 - 0:43.132: Hugh Jas | Team passed Mason Bell for 8th
0:34.632 - 0:46.312: Z.long | Static Designs passed Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 14th
0:47.562 - 0:50.007: Chip passed Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport for the lead
0:47.156 - 0:51.867: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports passed [FR] MaX #913, Z.long | Static Designs, Andreas Wagner and Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing for 11th
0:46.312 - 0:53.570: Z.long | Static Designs passed [FR] MaX #913, Andreas Wagner and Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing for 12th
0:42.609 - 0:55.257: Andreas Wagner passed Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing for 13th
0:42.609 - 0:55.710: [FR] MaX #913 passed Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing for 14th
0:52.906 - 0:56.007: Mason Bell passed Hugh Jas | Team for 8th
0:54.695 - 0:57.601: Jerem 91Los passed Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | for 3rd
0:56.546 - 0:59.031: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports passed Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | for 4th
0:59.117 - 1:01.906: Payneful passed Hugh Jas | Team for 9th
1:01.523 - 1:02.601: [FR] MaX #913 passed Andreas Wagner for 13th
1:00.632 - 1:03.171: Z.long | Static Designs passed Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 11th
1:01.906 - 1:03.828: Payneful passed Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits and Mason Bell for 7th
1:04.171 - 1:05.421: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing passed Andreas Wagner for 14th
0:59.914 - 1:05.976: Mason Bell passed Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits for 8th
1:05.421 - 1:07.843: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing passed [FR] MaX #913 and Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 12th
1:07.781 - 1:10.054: Z.long | Static Designs passed Hugh Jas | Team for 10th
1:10.320 - 1:13.492: HigorAlves passed Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | for 5th
1:12.101 - 1:14.726: Andreas Wagner passed [FR] MaX #913 for 14th
1:17.265 - 1:19.109: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing passed Z.long | Static Designs and Hugh Jas | Team for 10th
1:17.187 - 1:20.125: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports passed Jerem 91Los for 3rd
1:13.500 - 1:23.265: Hugh Jas | Team passed Z.long | Static Designs for 11th
1:22.640 - 1:23.742: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports passed Jerem 91Los for 3rd
1:22.039 - 1:25.335: Mason Bell passed Payneful for 7th
1:23.742 - 1:29.179: Jerem 91Los went off the track
1:27.367 - 1:30.757: Z.long | Static Designs passed Hugh Jas | Team for 11th
1:28.273 - 1:30.820: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports passed Hugh Jas | Team for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:31.328: Chip finished lap 1 ( 1:31.328)
1:28.984 - 1:31.703: Andreas Wagner passed Hugh Jas | Team for 13th
1:30.820 - 1:31.734: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports passed Z.long | Static Designs for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:35.078: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport finished lap 1 ( 1:35.078)
1:33.921 - 1:35.406: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed Payneful for 8th
1:35.117 - 1:37.039: Andreas Wagner passed Z.long | Static Designs and Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 11th
1:33.289 - 1:38.664: Z.long | Static Designs passed Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:39.195: Jerem 91Los finished lap 1 ( 1:39.195)
1:36.796 - 1:40.046: Hugh Jas | Team passed Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 13th
1:38.664 - 1:42.421: Z.long | Static Designs passed Andreas Wagner for 11th
1:40.046 - 1:43.351: Hugh Jas | Team passed Andreas Wagner for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:45.125: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:45.125)
0:00.000 - 1:45.914: HigorAlves finished lap 1 ( 1:45.914)
1:43.859 - 1:47.820: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports passed Andreas Wagner for 13th
1:48.843 - 1:51.664: Andreas Wagner passed Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 13th
1:51.484 - 1:54.804: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed Mason Bell for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:54.835: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | finished lap 1 ( 1:54.835)
1:55.625 - 1:58.148: HigorAlves passed Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports for 4th
1:56.203 - 1:58.203: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing passed Payneful for 8th
1:57.437 - 1:59.304: Andreas Wagner passed Z.long | Static Designs and Hugh Jas | Team for 11th
0:00.000 - 2:00.468: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits finished lap 1 ( 2:00.468)
1:51.500 - 2:03.273: Hugh Jas | Team passed Z.long | Static Designs for 12th
1:59.992 - 2:03.640: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing passed Mason Bell for 8th
1:58.500 - 2:05.632: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | went off the track
2:05.437 - 2:09.101: Payneful passed Mason Bell for 9th
2:10.578 - 2:12.929: HigorAlves passed Jerem 91Los for 3rd
2:11.210 - 2:13.656: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports passed Z.long | Static Designs and Hugh Jas | Team for 12th
2:10.937 - 2:14.273: Mason Bell passed Payneful for 9th
2:13.460 - 2:16.289: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports passed Jerem 91Los for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:17.476: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:17.476)
0:00.000 - 2:18.289: Mason Bell finished lap 1 ( 2:18.289)
2:16.664 - 2:19.039: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | passed Jerem 91Los for 5th
2:20.281 - 2:23.093: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport passed Chip for the lead
0:00.000 - 2:24.796: Payneful finished lap 1 ( 2:24.796)
2:22.070 - 2:25.171: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports passed HigorAlves for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:27.164: Andreas Wagner finished lap 1 ( 2:27.164)
2:23.953 - 2:27.351: Hugh Jas | Team passed Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 12th
0:00.000 - 2:37.367: Hugh Jas | Team finished lap 1 ( 2:37.367)
2:37.359 - 2:39.335: Andreas Wagner passed Payneful for 10th
1:35.078 - 2:39.851: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport finished lap 2 ( 1:04.773)
0:00.000 - 2:41.437: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 2:41.437)
2:41.085 - 2:43.218: Andreas Wagner passed Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing for 8th
1:31.328 - 2:43.875: Chip finished lap 2 ( 1:12.546)
0:00.000 - 2:44.187: Z.long | Static Designs finished lap 1 ( 2:44.187)
2:38.820 - 2:45.906: HigorAlves went off the track
2:48.664 - 2:50.937: Hugh Jas | Team passed Payneful for 11th
2:45.117 - 2:51.476: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports went off the track
2:51.523 - 2:53.367: Jerem 91Los passed HigorAlves for 5th
1:45.125 - 2:55.117: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:09.992)
2:55.601 - 2:57.000: Payneful passed Hugh Jas | Team for 10th
1:54.835 - 2:57.976: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | finished lap 2 ( 1:03.140)
2:56.664 - 2:59.171: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports passed Hugh Jas | Team for 11th
3:00.046 - 3:02.164: Z.long | Static Designs passed Hugh Jas | Team for 12th
1:39.195 - 3:03.078: Jerem 91Los finished lap 2 ( 1:23.882)
3:02.164 - 3:04.015: Z.long | Static Designs passed Payneful and Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 10th
2:59.171 - 3:05.632: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports passed Payneful for 11th
3:03.445 - 3:05.976: Hugh Jas | Team passed Payneful for 12th
3:01.390 - 3:15.000: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport went off the track
3:12.367 - 3:18.015: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports passed Z.long | Static Designs for 10th
2:00.468 - 3:18.335: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits finished lap 2 ( 1:17.867)
3:15.953 - 3:18.335: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed HigorAlves for 6th
3:18.718 - 3:21.539: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports passed Chip for the lead
1:45.914 - 3:21.796: HigorAlves finished lap 2 ( 1:35.882)
3:19.593 - 3:23.257: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport passed Chip for 2nd
3:22.945 - 3:25.539: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | passed Chip for 3rd
2:27.164 - 3:28.054: Andreas Wagner finished lap 2 ( 1:00.890)
3:25.539 - 3:28.875: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | passed Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport for 2nd
3:30.406 - 3:34.648: Chip passed Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport for 3rd
3:35.296 - 3:38.687: Z.long | Static Designs passed Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 10th
2:17.476 - 3:43.570: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:26.093)
3:46.625 - 3:48.203: Payneful passed Hugh Jas | Team for 12th
0:00.000 - 3:52.273: [FR] MaX #913 finished lap 1 ( 3:52.273)
3:52.671 - 3:56.515: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed Jerem 91Los for 4th
2:44.187 - 3:56.562: Z.long | Static Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:12.375)
2:55.117 - 4:01.695: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:06.578)
2:57.976 - 4:02.460: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | finished lap 3 ( 1:04.484)
2:41.437 - 4:02.820: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:21.382)
2:39.851 - 4:07.039: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport finished lap 3 ( 1:27.187)
4:04.929 - 4:07.945: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | went off the track
4:05.335 - 4:08.781: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports went off the track
4:03.468 - 4:18.382: Jerem 91Los went off the track
4:02.335 - 4:21.843: Payneful went off the track
4:20.210 - 4:22.140: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports passed Z.long | Static Designs for 10th
3:18.335 - 4:24.875: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits finished lap 3 ( 1:06.539)
4:24.335 - 4:28.375: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports went off the track
3:21.796 - 4:28.890: HigorAlves finished lap 3 ( 1:07.093)
2:24.796 - 4:31.757: Payneful finished lap 2 ( 2:06.960)
4:31.757 - 4:36.273: Payneful went off the track
4:37.539 - 4:40.632: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport passed Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | for 2nd
3:28.054 - 4:47.312: Andreas Wagner finished lap 3 ( 1:19.257)
4:44.687 - 4:47.312: Andreas Wagner passed Jerem 91Los for 6th
3:03.078 - 4:50.406: Jerem 91Los finished lap 3 ( 1:47.328)
4:41.179 - 4:51.203: Z.long | Static Designs passed Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 9th
2:37.367 - 4:55.812: Hugh Jas | Team finished lap 2 ( 2:18.445)
4:01.695 - 5:00.546: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 0:58.851)
3:43.570 - 5:02.359: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:18.789)
5:01.273 - 5:04.132: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports passed Z.long | Static Designs for 9th
4:07.039 - 5:08.875: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport finished lap 4 ( 1:01.835)
4:02.820 - 5:21.125: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:18.304)
5:24.367 - 5:26.656: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport passed Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports for the lead
5:16.023 - 5:28.039: Z.long | Static Designs went off the track
5:09.906 - 5:28.960: HigorAlves went off the track
5:15.906 - 5:29.265: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits went off the track
5:10.500 - 5:30.101: [FR] MaX #913 went off the track
4:02.460 - 5:34.976: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | finished lap 4 ( 1:32.515)
3:56.562 - 5:39.484: Z.long | Static Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:42.921)
5:38.023 - 5:40.750: Jerem 91Los passed Andreas Wagner for 5th
4:24.875 - 5:45.546: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits finished lap 4 ( 1:20.671)
5:34.343 - 5:47.507: Payneful went off the track
4:28.890 - 5:48.570: HigorAlves finished lap 4 ( 1:19.679)
4:50.406 - 5:59.367: Jerem 91Los finished lap 4 ( 1:08.960)
3:52.273 - 6:06.703: [FR] MaX #913 finished lap 2 ( 2:14.429)
5:08.875 - 6:08.953: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport finished lap 5 ( 1:00.078)
4:47.312 - 6:10.976: Andreas Wagner finished lap 4 ( 1:23.664)
5:00.546 - 6:13.187: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:12.640)
4:31.757 - 6:14.468: Payneful finished lap 3 ( 1:42.710)
6:11.593 - 6:14.523: Z.long | Static Designs passed Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports for 9th
6:14.507 - 6:19.906: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | went off the track
5:02.359 - 6:35.000: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:32.640)
5:34.976 - 6:36.515: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | finished lap 5 ( 1:01.539)
4:55.812 - 6:39.398: Hugh Jas | Team finished lap 3 ( 1:43.585)
6:37.140 - 6:41.460: HigorAlves passed Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits for 3rd
5:39.484 - 6:42.343: Z.long | Static Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:02.859)
6:45.148 - 6:48.992: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits went off the track
6:51.210 - 6:57.757: Hugh Jas | Team went off the track
6:55.320 - 6:58.570: Jerem 91Los passed Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits for 5th
5:48.570 - 7:02.695: HigorAlves finished lap 5 ( 1:14.125)
5:59.367 - 7:04.890: Jerem 91Los finished lap 5 ( 1:05.523)
7:05.242 - 7:08.921: HigorAlves went off the track
7:02.328 - 7:09.273: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport went off the track
6:08.953 - 7:09.273: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport finished lap 6 ( 1:00.320)
5:45.546 - 7:12.867: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits finished lap 5 ( 1:27.320)
7:02.304 - 7:12.906: [FR] MaX #913 went off the track
5:21.125 - 7:17.421: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:56.296)
6:13.187 - 7:18.062: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:04.875)
6:10.976 - 7:21.812: Andreas Wagner finished lap 5 ( 1:10.835)
7:27.679 - 7:29.546: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports passed Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport for the lead
7:31.414 - 7:33.976: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed Jerem 91Los for 5th
6:35.000 - 7:47.617: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:12.617)
7:47.617 - 7:52.281: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing went off the track
6:42.343 - 7:55.054: Z.long | Static Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:12.710)
6:36.515 - 8:03.804: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | finished lap 6 ( 1:27.289)
8:01.593 - 8:04.765: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed HigorAlves for 4th
6:39.398 - 8:08.476: Hugh Jas | Team finished lap 4 ( 1:29.078)
8:07.281 - 8:13.390: Z.long | Static Designs went off the track
8:13.820 - 8:17.273: Andreas Wagner passed Jerem 91Los for 6th
7:12.867 - 8:19.703: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits finished lap 6 ( 1:06.835)
7:21.812 - 8:23.093: Andreas Wagner finished lap 6 ( 1:01.281)
8:20.710 - 8:23.093: Andreas Wagner passed HigorAlves for 5th
7:02.695 - 8:24.218: HigorAlves finished lap 6 ( 1:21.523)
7:09.273 - 8:24.921: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport finished lap 7 ( 1:15.648)
8:22.476 - 8:24.921: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport passed Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports for the lead
7:04.890 - 8:27.218: Jerem 91Los finished lap 6 ( 1:22.328)
8:24.218 - 8:30.585: HigorAlves went off the track
8:30.585 - 8:33.382: HigorAlves passed Andreas Wagner for 5th
7:18.062 - 8:34.414: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 1:16.351)
8:39.710 - 8:41.062: Andreas Wagner passed Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits and HigorAlves for 4th
8:44.601 - 8:46.437: Jerem 91Los passed Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits and HigorAlves for 5th
8:38.265 - 8:47.015: HigorAlves passed Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits for 6th
8:50.703 - 8:53.539: HigorAlves passed Jerem 91Los for 5th
8:51.312 - 8:53.804: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits passed Jerem 91Los for 6th
7:55.054 - 8:57.273: Z.long | Static Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:02.218)
7:47.617 - 9:04.046: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:16.429)
8:03.804 - 9:12.335: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | finished lap 7 ( 1:08.531)
8:23.093 - 9:26.234: Andreas Wagner finished lap 7 ( 1:03.140)
7:17.421 - 9:29.609: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 2:12.187)
9:31.984 - 9:34.390: Jerem 91Los passed Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits for 6th
9:12.335 - 9:39.843: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | went off the track
8:24.921 - 9:41.007: Anton Edvardson | Sunline Motosport finished lap 8 ( 1:16.085)
8:24.218 - 9:41.304: HigorAlves finished lap 7 ( 1:17.085)
8:27.218 - 9:48.843: Jerem 91Los finished lap 7 ( 1:21.625)
8:34.414 - 9:49.656: Ryan Mahan | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 8 ( 1:15.242)
9:48.007 - 9:52.164: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports went off the track
8:19.703 - 9:52.859: Olle Scullman PrimalXonline|MxSimPits finished lap 7 ( 1:33.156)
8:57.273 - 10:27.960: Z.long | Static Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:30.687)
10:16.382 - 10:30.382: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing went off the track
9:26.234 - 10:31.765: Andreas Wagner finished lap 8 ( 1:05.531)
9:04.046 - 10:38.515: Jim Brockmeier|Team HAVOC Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:34.468)
9:29.609 - 10:42.023: Cody Penwell | Optimized Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:12.414)
9:12.335 - 10:57.257: Garrett Smith | Intrinzic Graphix | finished lap 8 ( 1:44.921)
8:08.476 - 11:17.726: Hugh Jas | Team finished lap 5 ( 3:09.250)