MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 15 - Seattle
Format 8 laps
Date2/7/2013, 3:33:28 AM (4354 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1465SOAB_465 yz250(2012)8 9:11.4214 1:04.7262650
2255wideopen | 255 rmz250(2009)8 9:47.7036 1:06.4216885
3569TheCrimson 250sxf(2013)8 10:17.1093 1:06.867823
4202Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer rmz450(2013)7 9:13.4845 1:01.8359750
5834mustard tiger rm1256 10:29.2736 1:28.4216254
651Justin Baker | rmz450(2013)4 5:45.4920 0:00.0006529
7178Kingston178 crf250(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0003944

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 255 255 255 465 465 465 465 465
P2 465 465 465 255 255 255 255 255
P3 569 202 569 569 202 202 569 569
P4 202 569 202 202 569 569 202
P5 51 51 51 51 834 834
P6 834 834 834 834

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:01.835 5 202 Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer
1:04.726 4 465 SOAB_465
1:05.148 6 465 SOAB_465
1:05.507 2 465 SOAB_465
1:06.039 3 465 SOAB_465
1:06.421 6 255 wideopen | 255
1:06.867 3 569 TheCrimson
1:07.773 5 255 wideopen | 255
1:09.390 6 569 TheCrimson
1:09.804 3 255 wideopen | 255
1:10.414 2 255 wideopen | 255
1:11.710 5 465 SOAB_465
1:12.265 4 569 TheCrimson
1:14.171 8 465 SOAB_465
1:17.382 8 255 wideopen | 255
1:18.390 4 255 wideopen | 255
1:19.773 7 569 TheCrimson
1:25.679 2 569 TheCrimson
1:28.421 6 834 mustard tiger
1:32.164 7 202 Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer
1:34.617 5 834 mustard tiger
1:34.890 5 569 TheCrimson
1:35.523 3 834 mustard tiger
1:40.890 4 834 mustard tiger

Individual Worst Laps

1:14.171 8 465 SOAB_465
1:29.562 3 51 Justin Baker |
1:29.578 7 255 wideopen | 255
1:32.164 7 202 Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer
1:34.890 5 569 TheCrimson
1:40.890 4 834 mustard tiger


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.276 51 Justin Baker |
3.399 465 SOAB_465
6.716 834 mustard tiger
7.556 255 wideopen | 255
9.233 202 Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer
9.635 569 TheCrimson
- 178 Kingston178

Play by Play

Justin Baker | takes the holeshot followed by SOAB_465, TheCrimson, Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer, wideopen | 255, Kingston178 and mustard tiger

0:23.078 - 0:25.234: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer passed TheCrimson for 3rd
0:25.234 - 0:28.109: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer passed Justin Baker | and SOAB_465 for the lead
0:26.437 - 0:29.242: wideopen | 255 passed Justin Baker |, TheCrimson and SOAB_465 for 2nd
0:25.617 - 0:29.906: TheCrimson passed Justin Baker | and SOAB_465 for 3rd
0:27.242 - 0:30.078: Kingston178 passed Justin Baker | and SOAB_465 for 4th
0:29.242 - 0:32.406: wideopen | 255 passed Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer for the lead
0:29.906 - 0:32.679: TheCrimson passed Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer for 2nd
0:30.078 - 0:32.875: Kingston178 passed Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer for 3rd
0:33.750 - 0:35.460: Kingston178 passed TheCrimson for 2nd
0:35.140 - 0:38.203: Justin Baker | passed Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer for 4th
0:35.648 - 0:41.000: TheCrimson passed Kingston178 for 2nd
0:45.062 - 0:47.851: Kingston178 passed TheCrimson for 2nd
0:53.367 - 0:54.187: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer passed Justin Baker | and TheCrimson for 3rd
0:55.476 - 0:56.492: SOAB_465 passed Justin Baker | and TheCrimson for 4th
1:04.757 - 1:06.265: SOAB_465 passed Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:07.015: wideopen | 255 finished lap 1 ( 1:07.015)
1:06.968 - 1:08.593: TheCrimson passed Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer for 4th
1:07.898 - 1:09.929: Justin Baker | passed Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:16.687: SOAB_465 finished lap 1 ( 1:16.687)
0:00.000 - 1:19.234: TheCrimson finished lap 1 ( 1:19.234)
1:19.734 - 1:22.703: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer passed Justin Baker | for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:25.531: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:25.531)
0:00.000 - 1:26.742: Justin Baker | finished lap 1 ( 1:26.742)
1:35.000 - 1:38.617: Justin Baker | passed Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer for 4th
1:50.632 - 1:52.703: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer passed Justin Baker | for 4th
2:13.320 - 2:15.531: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer passed TheCrimson for 3rd
1:07.015 - 2:17.429: wideopen | 255 finished lap 2 ( 1:10.414)
1:16.687 - 2:22.195: SOAB_465 finished lap 2 ( 1:05.507)
2:23.562 - 2:28.273: Justin Baker | went off the track
2:27.953 - 2:41.109: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer went off the track
1:25.531 - 2:43.312: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:17.781)
1:19.234 - 2:44.914: TheCrimson finished lap 2 ( 1:25.679)
2:44.914 - 2:47.671: TheCrimson passed Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:48.523: mustard tiger finished lap 1 ( 2:48.523)
1:26.742 - 2:48.562: Justin Baker | finished lap 2 ( 1:21.820)
2:48.562 - 2:50.882: Justin Baker | passed Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer for 4th
2:53.101 - 3:10.250: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer went off the track
3:13.937 - 3:15.398: SOAB_465 passed wideopen | 255 for the lead
3:16.312 - 3:19.648: wideopen | 255 passed SOAB_465 for the lead
2:17.429 - 3:27.234: wideopen | 255 finished lap 3 ( 1:09.804)
2:22.195 - 3:28.234: SOAB_465 finished lap 3 ( 1:06.039)
3:28.250 - 3:39.828: mustard tiger went off the track
3:39.562 - 3:42.203: SOAB_465 passed wideopen | 255 for the lead
2:44.914 - 3:51.781: TheCrimson finished lap 3 ( 1:06.867)
3:50.617 - 3:56.296: Justin Baker | went off the track
2:43.312 - 4:07.320: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:24.007)
4:05.320 - 4:07.320: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer passed Justin Baker | for 4th
2:48.523 - 4:09.820: mustard tiger finished lap 2 ( 1:21.296)
2:48.562 - 4:18.125: Justin Baker | finished lap 3 ( 1:29.562)
3:28.234 - 4:32.960: SOAB_465 finished lap 4 ( 1:04.726)
4:31.109 - 4:41.921: Justin Baker | went off the track
3:27.234 - 4:45.625: wideopen | 255 finished lap 4 ( 1:18.390)
3:51.781 - 5:04.046: TheCrimson finished lap 4 ( 1:12.265)
5:15.875 - 5:20.820: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer went off the track
4:07.320 - 5:22.906: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:15.585)
5:19.468 - 5:25.531: Justin Baker | went off the track
4:18.125 - 5:41.992: Justin Baker | finished lap 4 ( 1:23.867)
4:32.960 - 5:44.671: SOAB_465 finished lap 5 ( 1:11.710)
4:09.820 - 5:45.343: mustard tiger finished lap 3 ( 1:35.523)
5:46.437 - 5:49.210: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer passed TheCrimson for 3rd
4:45.625 - 5:53.398: wideopen | 255 finished lap 5 ( 1:07.773)
5:22.906 - 6:24.742: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:01.835)
5:04.046 - 6:38.937: TheCrimson finished lap 5 ( 1:34.890)
5:44.671 - 6:49.820: SOAB_465 finished lap 6 ( 1:05.148)
5:53.398 - 6:59.820: wideopen | 255 finished lap 6 ( 1:06.421)
6:49.820 - 7:01.867: SOAB_465 went off the track
7:09.335 - 7:16.929: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer went off the track
5:45.343 - 7:26.234: mustard tiger finished lap 4 ( 1:40.890)
7:30.031 - 7:37.617: wideopen | 255 went off the track
6:24.742 - 7:39.914: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:15.171)
6:38.937 - 7:48.328: TheCrimson finished lap 6 ( 1:09.390)
7:51.203 - 7:57.101: TheCrimson passed Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer for 3rd
6:49.820 - 7:57.250: SOAB_465 finished lap 7 ( 1:07.429)
8:20.773 - 8:23.031: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer passed TheCrimson for 3rd
6:59.820 - 8:29.398: wideopen | 255 finished lap 7 ( 1:29.578)
8:28.914 - 8:31.820: TheCrimson passed Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer for 3rd
7:26.234 - 9:00.851: mustard tiger finished lap 5 ( 1:34.617)
7:48.328 - 9:08.101: TheCrimson finished lap 7 ( 1:19.773)
7:57.250 - 9:11.421: SOAB_465 finished lap 8 ( 1:14.171)
7:39.914 - 9:12.078: Karl Ciamaichelo | Privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:32.164)
8:29.398 - 9:46.781: wideopen | 255 finished lap 8 ( 1:17.382)
9:58.554 - 10:06.125: TheCrimson went off the track
9:08.101 - 10:17.109: TheCrimson finished lap 8 ( 1:09.007)
9:00.851 - 10:29.273: mustard tiger finished lap 6 ( 1:28.421)