MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 17 - Las Vegas
Format 8 laps
Date2/17/2013, 3:49:28 AM (4344 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1325Hopper325 yz250f(2013)8 11:19.9847 1:10.7812085
2292Chewbacca yz450f(2013)8 12:43.8123 1:11.1406754
386MX86 rmz250(2013)8 12:47.2105 1:18.9147577
4305Sonny Edmonson kx250f(2013)7 12:09.7034 1:23.7427428
513Gremo|restart please crf250(2009)5 12:11.2575 1:17.1488344
651Justin Baker | rmz450(2013)4 6:52.9762 1:24.9846529
7104Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing crf450(2011)4 8:02.9764 1:21.5625660
869landman` rmz450(2013)3 8:32.3823 2:33.9687155
9517Josh Cox yz250f(2009)2 11:47.2182 2:36.1486179

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 325 292 292 325 325 325 325 325
P2 292 325 325 292 292 292 292 292
P3 51 51 51 86 86 86 86 86
P4 86 86 86 305 305 305 305
P5 305 305 305 51 13
P6 104 104 104 104
P7 69 69 69 13
P8 13 13 13
P9 517 517

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:10.781 7 325 Hopper325
1:11.140 3 292 Chewbacca
1:13.664 2 292 Chewbacca
1:17.148 5 13 Gremo|restart please
1:18.351 2 325 Hopper325
1:18.804 4 13 Gremo|restart please
1:18.914 5 86 MX86
1:21.562 4 104 Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing
1:22.000 3 325 Hopper325
1:23.414 5 325 Hopper325
1:23.710 4 86 MX86
1:23.742 4 305 Sonny Edmonson
1:24.523 5 292 Chewbacca
1:24.984 2 51 Justin Baker |
1:25.234 3 51 Justin Baker |
1:25.539 8 325 Hopper325
1:28.796 6 325 Hopper325
1:30.570 2 13 Gremo|restart please
1:30.679 2 86 MX86
1:40.648 8 86 MX86
1:42.710 6 86 MX86
1:42.726 7 86 MX86
1:47.906 7 292 Chewbacca
2:33.968 3 69 landman`
2:36.148 2 517 Josh Cox

Individual Worst Laps

1:28.796 6 325 Hopper325
1:30.570 2 13 Gremo|restart please
1:42.726 7 86 MX86
1:54.007 2 104 Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing
1:58.890 7 305 Sonny Edmonson
1:59.476 4 51 Justin Baker |
2:02.132 4 292 Chewbacca
2:33.968 3 69 landman`
2:36.148 2 517 Josh Cox


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.351 13 Gremo|restart please
5.391 325 Hopper325
9.987 86 MX86
12.193 305 Sonny Edmonson
14.417 104 Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing
16.201 51 Justin Baker |
18.172 292 Chewbacca
20.930 69 landman`
- 517 Josh Cox

Play by Play

Chewbacca takes the holeshot followed by Sonny Edmonson, MX86, Justin Baker |, Hopper325, Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing, landman`, Josh Cox and Gremo|restart please

0:26.742 - 0:28.765: Justin Baker | passed MX86 for 3rd
0:28.765 - 0:31.117: Justin Baker | passed Sonny Edmonson for 2nd
0:30.937 - 0:33.203: Hopper325 passed MX86 for 4th
0:35.023 - 0:39.281: Hopper325 passed Sonny Edmonson for 3rd
0:35.226 - 0:43.085: Justin Baker | went off the track
0:42.507 - 0:46.617: MX86 passed Sonny Edmonson for 3rd
1:09.273 - 1:10.710: Sonny Edmonson passed MX86 for 4th
1:11.101 - 1:13.242: MX86 passed Sonny Edmonson for 4th
1:22.039 - 1:24.585: Hopper325 passed Justin Baker | for 2nd
1:37.367 - 1:40.296: Hopper325 passed Chewbacca for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:47.171: Hopper325 finished lap 1 ( 1:47.171)
0:00.000 - 1:48.281: Chewbacca finished lap 1 ( 1:48.281)
1:56.460 - 1:58.835: Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing passed Sonny Edmonson for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:03.281: Justin Baker | finished lap 1 ( 2:03.281)
0:00.000 - 2:06.953: MX86 finished lap 1 ( 2:06.953)
2:03.335 - 2:10.734: Sonny Edmonson went off the track
2:08.804 - 2:13.492: Chewbacca passed Hopper325 for the lead
2:03.617 - 2:15.625: Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:24.601: Sonny Edmonson finished lap 1 ( 2:24.601)
0:00.000 - 2:29.078: Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing finished lap 1 ( 2:29.078)
1:48.281 - 3:01.945: Chewbacca finished lap 2 ( 1:13.664)
1:47.171 - 3:05.523: Hopper325 finished lap 2 ( 1:18.351)
3:18.445 - 3:26.656: Sonny Edmonson went off the track
2:03.281 - 3:28.265: Justin Baker | finished lap 2 ( 1:24.984)
3:26.000 - 3:28.937: landman` went off the track
2:06.953 - 3:37.632: MX86 finished lap 2 ( 1:30.679)
3:45.781 - 3:48.664: Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing went off the track
2:24.601 - 3:53.320: Sonny Edmonson finished lap 2 ( 1:28.718)
0:00.000 - 3:55.500: landman` finished lap 1 ( 3:55.500)
3:01.945 - 4:13.085: Chewbacca finished lap 3 ( 1:11.140)
4:08.414 - 4:15.078: MX86 went off the track
2:29.078 - 4:23.085: Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing finished lap 2 ( 1:54.007)
3:05.523 - 4:27.523: Hopper325 finished lap 3 ( 1:22.000)
4:31.476 - 4:36.820: landman` went off the track
4:47.195 - 4:51.281: Hopper325 passed Chewbacca for the lead
3:28.265 - 4:53.500: Justin Baker | finished lap 3 ( 1:25.234)
4:40.843 - 4:55.671: Sonny Edmonson went off the track
3:37.632 - 4:57.156: MX86 finished lap 3 ( 1:19.523)
4:46.210 - 4:57.226: landman` went off the track
4:51.453 - 4:58.718: Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing went off the track
4:57.375 - 5:12.664: Justin Baker | went off the track
5:01.054 - 5:20.429: landman` went off the track
3:53.320 - 5:22.695: Sonny Edmonson finished lap 3 ( 1:29.375)
5:13.429 - 5:28.335: Chewbacca went off the track
5:39.132 - 5:45.507: Chewbacca went off the track
3:55.500 - 5:47.609: landman` finished lap 2 ( 1:52.109)
5:38.250 - 5:51.453: Hopper325 went off the track
4:27.523 - 5:51.453: Hopper325 finished lap 4 ( 1:23.929)
5:45.507 - 6:01.078: Chewbacca went off the track
4:23.085 - 6:12.945: Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing finished lap 3 ( 1:49.859)
4:13.085 - 6:15.218: Chewbacca finished lap 4 ( 2:02.132)
6:18.000 - 6:20.632: Gremo|restart please passed Josh Cox for 7th
4:57.156 - 6:20.867: MX86 finished lap 4 ( 1:23.710)
0:00.000 - 6:37.234: Gremo|restart please finished lap 1 ( 6:37.234)
6:39.265 - 6:41.960: Sonny Edmonson passed Justin Baker | for 4th
5:22.695 - 6:46.437: Sonny Edmonson finished lap 4 ( 1:23.742)
4:53.500 - 6:52.976: Justin Baker | finished lap 4 ( 1:59.476)
5:51.453 - 7:14.867: Hopper325 finished lap 5 ( 1:23.414)
7:19.226 - 7:20.812: Justin Baker | passed Sonny Edmonson for 4th
7:29.960 - 7:34.429: Sonny Edmonson went off the track
6:12.945 - 7:34.507: Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing finished lap 4 ( 1:21.562)
6:15.218 - 7:39.742: Chewbacca finished lap 5 ( 1:24.523)
6:20.867 - 7:39.781: MX86 finished lap 5 ( 1:18.914)
7:38.453 - 7:40.117: Sonny Edmonson passed Justin Baker | for 4th
7:39.781 - 7:45.335: MX86 passed Chewbacca for 2nd
7:45.398 - 7:48.085: Chewbacca passed MX86 for 2nd
6:37.234 - 8:07.804: Gremo|restart please finished lap 2 ( 1:30.570)
6:46.437 - 8:09.421: Sonny Edmonson finished lap 5 ( 1:22.984)
8:12.343 - 8:17.914: Gremo|restart please went off the track
5:47.609 - 8:21.578: landman` finished lap 3 ( 2:33.968)
8:13.070 - 8:27.648: Chewbacca went off the track
8:33.226 - 8:35.812: Chewbacca went off the track
8:34.484 - 8:37.289: Ben Shelton #104/ VikingRacing went off the track
7:14.867 - 8:43.664: Hopper325 finished lap 6 ( 1:28.796)
8:45.335 - 8:49.953: Sonny Edmonson went off the track
7:39.742 - 9:00.046: Chewbacca finished lap 6 ( 1:20.304)
0:00.000 - 9:11.070: Josh Cox finished lap 1 ( 9:11.070)
7:39.781 - 9:22.492: MX86 finished lap 6 ( 1:42.710)
8:07.804 - 9:33.125: Gremo|restart please finished lap 3 ( 1:25.320)
9:34.757 - 9:41.859: Sonny Edmonson went off the track
8:09.421 - 9:44.484: Sonny Edmonson finished lap 6 ( 1:35.062)
8:43.664 - 9:54.445: Hopper325 finished lap 7 ( 1:10.781)
10:23.453 - 10:36.156: Sonny Edmonson went off the track
9:00.046 - 10:47.953: Chewbacca finished lap 7 ( 1:47.906)
9:33.125 - 10:51.929: Gremo|restart please finished lap 4 ( 1:18.804)
9:22.492 - 11:05.218: MX86 finished lap 7 ( 1:42.726)
9:54.445 - 11:19.984: Hopper325 finished lap 8 ( 1:25.539)
9:44.484 - 11:43.375: Sonny Edmonson finished lap 7 ( 1:58.890)
9:11.070 - 11:47.218: Josh Cox finished lap 2 ( 2:36.148)
11:57.570 - 12:07.453: Chewbacca went off the track
10:51.929 - 12:09.078: Gremo|restart please finished lap 5 ( 1:17.148)
10:47.953 - 12:33.625: Chewbacca finished lap 8 ( 1:45.671)
11:05.218 - 12:45.867: MX86 finished lap 8 ( 1:40.648)