MX Simulator
Track2013 Supercross Rd 2 - Phoenix
Format 8 laps
Date3/28/2013, 4:49:42 PM (4304 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1198Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle kx250f(2009)8 9:42.8287 1:04.1177595
244Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| kx250f(2009)8 9:49.7574 1:04.8289562
340arthy 40 yz250f(2009)8 10:03.8758 1:04.9535336
4234M.Anthony #234 250sxf(2013)8 10:16.0466 1:03.8206089
5411Jordy Schouters l searching a team crf250(2013)7 10:25.9065 1:09.2266049
688jajich crf250(2009)5 7:03.7573 1:08.0781433
7242Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 kx250f(2013)3 4:18.0000 0:00.0006161
8704Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix rmz250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0009092

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 198 44 44 44 44 44 198 198
P2 44 198 198 198 198 198 44 44
P3 411 234 234 234 234 234 234 40
P4 88 88 88 88 40 40 40 234
P5 234 242 242 40 88 411 411
P6 242 40 40 411 411
P7 40 411 411

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:03.820 6 234 M.Anthony #234
1:04.117 7 198 Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle
1:04.445 4 198 Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle
1:04.828 4 44 Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team|
1:04.953 8 40 arthy 40
1:04.992 2 234 M.Anthony #234
1:05.679 5 40 arthy 40
1:06.539 3 198 Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle
1:06.953 3 44 Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team|
1:08.078 3 88 jajich
1:08.382 2 44 Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team|
1:08.531 5 44 Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team|
1:09.226 5 411 Jordy Schouters l searching a team
1:10.617 5 198 Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle
1:11.109 4 40 arthy 40
1:11.351 6 40 arthy 40
1:13.203 2 198 Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle
1:14.726 2 88 jajich
1:14.734 4 234 M.Anthony #234
1:15.296 7 44 Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team|
1:15.398 3 40 arthy 40
1:16.937 5 234 M.Anthony #234
1:16.992 6 44 Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team|
1:17.507 2 40 arthy 40
1:17.750 4 411 Jordy Schouters l searching a team
1:22.351 6 198 Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle
1:26.664 8 198 Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle
1:30.179 8 44 Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team|
1:30.742 5 88 jajich
1:31.125 4 88 jajich
1:34.328 7 411 Jordy Schouters l searching a team
1:37.664 2 411 Jordy Schouters l searching a team
1:45.914 3 411 Jordy Schouters l searching a team

Individual Worst Laps

1:17.078 3 242 Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96
1:17.507 2 40 arthy 40
1:26.664 8 198 Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle
1:30.179 8 44 Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team|
1:31.125 4 88 jajich
1:31.562 8 234 M.Anthony #234
1:45.914 3 411 Jordy Schouters l searching a team


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.551 242 Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96
4.704 40 arthy 40
8.115 44 Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team|
8.215 198 Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle
8.860 234 M.Anthony #234
10.045 88 jajich
12.602 411 Jordy Schouters l searching a team
- 704 Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix

Play by Play

Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle takes the holeshot followed by arthy 40, Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96, M.Anthony #234, Jordy Schouters l searching a team, Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix, Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| and jajich

0:07.437 - 0:08.992: Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 passed arthy 40 and Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle for the lead
0:08.710 - 0:10.398: Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix passed Jordy Schouters l searching a team for 5th
0:09.109 - 0:11.125: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle passed Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 for the lead
0:09.484 - 0:11.601: M.Anthony #234 passed Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 and arthy 40 for 2nd
0:11.398 - 0:14.101: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| passed Jordy Schouters l searching a team, Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96, arthy 40 and Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix for 3rd
0:10.398 - 0:14.117: Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix passed Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 and arthy 40 for 4th
0:10.484 - 0:16.507: Jordy Schouters l searching a team passed arthy 40 for 6th
0:15.710 - 0:17.531: jajich passed arthy 40 for 7th
0:17.562 - 0:19.507: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| passed M.Anthony #234 for 2nd
0:19.656 - 0:21.093: jajich passed Jordy Schouters l searching a team for 6th
0:18.585 - 0:21.562: Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix passed M.Anthony #234 for 3rd
0:23.820 - 0:26.304: arthy 40 passed jajich and Jordy Schouters l searching a team for 5th
0:21.757 - 0:27.851: Jordy Schouters l searching a team passed jajich for 6th
0:26.046 - 0:31.937: M.Anthony #234 passed Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix for 3rd
0:20.335 - 0:35.101: Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 went off the track
0:36.125 - 0:45.757: arthy 40 went off the track
0:41.085 - 0:46.015: Jordy Schouters l searching a team passed Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 and Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix for 5th
0:45.757 - 0:47.445: arthy 40 passed M.Anthony #234 for 3rd
0:48.429 - 0:49.867: Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 passed Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix for 6th
0:48.406 - 0:50.773: M.Anthony #234 passed arthy 40 for 3rd
0:48.750 - 0:51.296: Jordy Schouters l searching a team passed arthy 40 for 4th
0:46.304 - 0:53.484: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| went off the track
0:56.257 - 0:58.226: jajich passed Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 and Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix for 6th
0:56.062 - 0:59.460: Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix passed Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 for 7th
0:56.335 - 1:01.617: Jordy Schouters l searching a team passed M.Anthony #234 for 3rd
1:03.093 - 1:06.132: jajich passed M.Anthony #234 and arthy 40 for 4th
1:05.343 - 1:08.281: Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 passed M.Anthony #234, arthy 40 and Jack Fowler | Spider Graphix for 5th
1:01.835 - 1:11.679: arthy 40 passed M.Anthony #234 for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:14.890: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle finished lap 1 ( 1:14.890)
0:00.000 - 1:17.687: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| finished lap 1 ( 1:17.687)
1:17.359 - 1:20.210: M.Anthony #234 passed arthy 40 for 6th
1:20.210 - 1:22.328: M.Anthony #234 passed Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 for 5th
1:19.476 - 1:24.195: jajich passed Jordy Schouters l searching a team for 3rd
1:22.328 - 1:26.906: M.Anthony #234 went off the track
1:29.492 - 1:35.531: Jordy Schouters l searching a team passed jajich for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:38.531: Jordy Schouters l searching a team finished lap 1 ( 1:38.531)
0:00.000 - 1:39.085: jajich finished lap 1 ( 1:39.085)
0:00.000 - 1:44.781: M.Anthony #234 finished lap 1 ( 1:44.781)
0:00.000 - 1:46.945: Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 finished lap 1 ( 1:46.945)
0:00.000 - 1:49.289: arthy 40 finished lap 1 ( 1:49.289)
1:53.203 - 1:54.617: M.Anthony #234 passed jajich for 4th
1:54.890 - 1:56.007: Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 passed jajich for 5th
1:56.726 - 1:59.531: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| passed Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle for the lead
2:02.539 - 2:05.273: M.Anthony #234 passed Jordy Schouters l searching a team for 3rd
2:06.304 - 2:07.945: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle passed Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| for the lead
2:06.906 - 2:09.664: jajich passed Jordy Schouters l searching a team for 4th
1:56.007 - 2:11.312: Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 went off the track
2:11.515 - 2:14.437: arthy 40 passed Jordy Schouters l searching a team for 5th
2:13.187 - 2:15.781: Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 passed Jordy Schouters l searching a team for 6th
2:20.632 - 2:23.804: Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 passed arthy 40 for 5th
1:17.687 - 2:26.070: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| finished lap 2 ( 1:08.382)
2:23.085 - 2:26.070: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| passed Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle for the lead
1:14.890 - 2:28.093: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle finished lap 2 ( 1:13.203)
2:25.812 - 2:28.148: Jordy Schouters l searching a team passed arthy 40 for 6th
2:45.593 - 2:46.914: arthy 40 passed Jordy Schouters l searching a team for 6th
1:44.781 - 2:49.773: M.Anthony #234 finished lap 2 ( 1:04.992)
1:39.085 - 2:53.812: jajich finished lap 2 ( 1:14.726)
1:46.945 - 3:00.921: Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 finished lap 2 ( 1:13.976)
1:49.289 - 3:06.796: arthy 40 finished lap 2 ( 1:17.507)
1:38.531 - 3:16.195: Jordy Schouters l searching a team finished lap 2 ( 1:37.664)
2:26.070 - 3:33.023: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| finished lap 3 ( 1:06.953)
2:28.093 - 3:34.632: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle finished lap 3 ( 1:06.539)
3:34.640 - 3:42.007: M.Anthony #234 went off the track
2:49.773 - 3:59.078: M.Anthony #234 finished lap 3 ( 1:09.304)
2:53.812 - 4:01.890: jajich finished lap 3 ( 1:08.078)
4:12.546 - 4:15.312: jajich passed M.Anthony #234 for 3rd
4:02.039 - 4:18.000: Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 went off the track
3:00.921 - 4:18.000: Harry Noakes|MorphMovies #JG96 finished lap 3 ( 1:17.078)
3:06.796 - 4:22.195: arthy 40 finished lap 3 ( 1:15.398)
4:26.492 - 4:29.289: M.Anthony #234 passed jajich for 3rd
3:33.023 - 4:37.851: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| finished lap 4 ( 1:04.828)
3:34.632 - 4:39.078: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle finished lap 4 ( 1:04.445)
3:16.195 - 5:02.109: Jordy Schouters l searching a team finished lap 3 ( 1:45.914)
5:04.203 - 5:06.359: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle passed Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| for the lead
5:06.406 - 5:10.031: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| passed Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle for the lead
3:59.078 - 5:13.812: M.Anthony #234 finished lap 4 ( 1:14.734)
5:23.187 - 5:24.921: arthy 40 passed jajich for 4th
5:25.773 - 5:30.250: jajich passed arthy 40 for 4th
4:01.890 - 5:33.015: jajich finished lap 4 ( 1:31.125)
4:22.195 - 5:33.304: arthy 40 finished lap 4 ( 1:11.109)
4:37.851 - 5:46.382: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| finished lap 5 ( 1:08.531)
4:39.078 - 5:49.695: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle finished lap 5 ( 1:10.617)
5:51.570 - 5:54.375: arthy 40 passed jajich for 4th
5:02.109 - 6:19.859: Jordy Schouters l searching a team finished lap 4 ( 1:17.750)
5:13.812 - 6:30.750: M.Anthony #234 finished lap 5 ( 1:16.937)
5:33.304 - 6:38.984: arthy 40 finished lap 5 ( 1:05.679)
5:46.382 - 7:03.375: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| finished lap 6 ( 1:16.992)
5:33.015 - 7:03.757: jajich finished lap 5 ( 1:30.742)
5:49.695 - 7:12.046: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle finished lap 6 ( 1:22.351)
7:21.539 - 7:23.437: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle passed Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| for the lead
6:19.859 - 7:29.085: Jordy Schouters l searching a team finished lap 5 ( 1:09.226)
6:30.750 - 7:34.570: M.Anthony #234 finished lap 6 ( 1:03.820)
6:38.984 - 7:50.335: arthy 40 finished lap 6 ( 1:11.351)
7:44.625 - 7:56.210: Jordy Schouters l searching a team went off the track
7:12.046 - 8:16.164: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle finished lap 7 ( 1:04.117)
7:03.375 - 8:18.671: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| finished lap 7 ( 1:15.296)
8:18.023 - 8:22.804: arthy 40 went off the track
8:19.640 - 8:24.140: M.Anthony #234 went off the track
7:34.570 - 8:42.601: M.Anthony #234 finished lap 7 ( 1:08.031)
8:43.101 - 8:44.914: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| passed Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle for the lead
7:29.085 - 8:50.656: Jordy Schouters l searching a team finished lap 6 ( 1:21.570)
7:50.335 - 8:55.601: arthy 40 finished lap 7 ( 1:05.265)
9:17.132 - 9:19.609: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle passed Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| for the lead
8:16.164 - 9:42.828: Sandsund | Whiskey Throttle finished lap 8 ( 1:26.664)
9:27.960 - 9:45.835: M.Anthony #234 went off the track
8:18.671 - 9:48.851: Pavlos#44|A&F Racing Team| finished lap 8 ( 1:30.179)
8:55.601 - 10:00.554: arthy 40 finished lap 8 ( 1:04.953)
8:42.601 - 10:14.164: M.Anthony #234 finished lap 8 ( 1:31.562)
8:50.656 - 10:24.984: Jordy Schouters l searching a team finished lap 7 ( 1:34.328)