MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 9 - St. Louis
Format 8 laps
Date6/10/2013, 8:59:09 PM (4224 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1485Alexis Schmitt crf450(2013)8 10:22.6402 1:07.6562627
2255wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles crf450(2013)8 11:01.0626 1:02.9296885
349Tony Campos #49 rmz450(2013)7 9:27.2730 0:00.0008777
429JL Herrera crf250(2013)7 9:52.2574 1:04.8042092
5YRAYaRdApe rm250(2008)6 10:16.3512 1:23.7733182
6303Dillon Burrell303: Need a team kx250f(2013)2 2:25.2570 0:00.0009626
7413Underreaper61 kx250(2006)1 10:14.5620 0:00.0001984
8Tyler Morin | TM Factory-Racing #SaveTheWick rmz250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0003984

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 303 303 485 49 49 49 49 49
P2 49 485 49 485 485 255 255 255
P3 485 49 255 255 255 485 485 485
P4 255 255 29 29 29 29 29
P7 413

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:02.929 6 255 wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles
1:03.664 7 255 wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles
1:04.804 4 29 JL Herrera
1:07.656 2 485 Alexis Schmitt
1:12.562 8 485 Alexis Schmitt
1:14.398 5 29 JL Herrera
1:21.070 4 255 wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles
1:23.773 2 YRA YaRdApe
1:26.078 8 255 wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles
1:40.656 3 29 JL Herrera
1:48.812 4 YRA YaRdApe
1:53.539 6 YRA YaRdApe

Individual Worst Laps

1:18.023 3 49 Tony Campos #49
1:18.460 2 303 Dillon Burrell303: Need a team
1:26.078 8 255 wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles
1:31.867 6 485 Alexis Schmitt
1:53.234 7 29 JL Herrera
1:53.539 6 YRA YaRdApe


Std. Dev.NumberName
7.140 49 Tony Campos #49
9.238 255 wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles
9.473 485 Alexis Schmitt
10.990 YRA YaRdApe
17.496 29 JL Herrera
- Tyler Morin | TM Factory-Racing #SaveTheWick
- 413 Underreaper61
- 303 Dillon Burrell303: Need a team

Play by Play

Alexis Schmitt takes the holeshot followed by Dillon Burrell303: Need a team, wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles, Tony Campos #49, JL Herrera, YaRdApe and Underreaper61

0:11.570 - 0:14.304: YaRdApe passed JL Herrera and Tony Campos #49 for 4th
0:17.734 - 0:19.351: Tony Campos #49 passed YaRdApe for 4th
0:14.640 - 0:19.953: Dillon Burrell303: Need a team went off the track
0:18.203 - 0:20.351: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles passed Alexis Schmitt for 2nd
0:20.789 - 0:22.828: JL Herrera passed YaRdApe for 5th
0:20.781 - 0:24.882: Tony Campos #49 went off the track
0:21.601 - 0:26.500: Dillon Burrell303: Need a team went off the track
0:26.867 - 0:28.351: Alexis Schmitt passed wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles for 2nd
0:29.312 - 0:31.859: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles passed Alexis Schmitt for 2nd
0:32.140 - 0:34.539: Tony Campos #49 passed Alexis Schmitt for 3rd
0:33.296 - 0:40.507: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles went off the track
0:35.968 - 0:42.437: Tony Campos #49 went off the track
0:53.414 - 0:58.875: Alexis Schmitt passed wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles and Tony Campos #49 for 2nd
0:50.859 - 0:59.460: Tony Campos #49 passed wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:02.890: Dillon Burrell303: Need a team finished lap 1 ( 1:02.890)
0:00.000 - 1:12.679: Tony Campos #49 finished lap 1 ( 1:12.679)
1:10.453 - 1:12.679: Tony Campos #49 passed Alexis Schmitt for 2nd
1:03.773 - 1:13.937: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:14.695: Alexis Schmitt finished lap 1 ( 1:14.695)
0:00.000 - 1:18.937: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles finished lap 1 ( 1:18.937)
0:00.000 - 1:24.921: JL Herrera finished lap 1 ( 1:24.921)
1:29.343 - 1:35.281: Tony Campos #49 went off the track
1:36.687 - 1:41.218: Tony Campos #49 went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:45.656: YaRdApe finished lap 1 ( 1:45.656)
1:45.531 - 1:52.820: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles went off the track
1:54.132 - 1:57.023: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles passed JL Herrera for 3rd
1:57.765 - 1:59.414: Alexis Schmitt passed Tony Campos #49 for the lead
1:49.937 - 2:04.437: Dillon Burrell303: Need a team went off the track
2:04.437 - 2:06.101: Dillon Burrell303: Need a team passed Tony Campos #49 for 2nd
2:12.195 - 2:15.250: Dillon Burrell303: Need a team passed Alexis Schmitt for the lead
1:02.890 - 2:21.351: Dillon Burrell303: Need a team finished lap 2 ( 1:18.460)
1:14.695 - 2:22.351: Alexis Schmitt finished lap 2 ( 1:07.656)
1:12.679 - 2:25.656: Tony Campos #49 finished lap 2 ( 1:12.976)
2:23.468 - 2:32.109: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles went off the track
1:18.937 - 2:34.398: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles finished lap 2 ( 1:15.460)
2:34.664 - 2:37.257: Alexis Schmitt passed Dillon Burrell303: Need a team for the lead
2:27.492 - 2:37.492: JL Herrera went off the track
2:41.093 - 2:43.429: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles passed Tony Campos #49 for 3rd
2:39.781 - 2:44.140: Alexis Schmitt went off the track
1:24.921 - 2:50.734: JL Herrera finished lap 2 ( 1:25.812)
2:51.203 - 2:55.835: Tony Campos #49 went off the track
2:55.835 - 2:57.648: Tony Campos #49 passed wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles for 3rd
2:57.859 - 3:02.835: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles went off the track
2:55.062 - 3:03.609: Dillon Burrell303: Need a team went off the track
1:45.656 - 3:09.429: YaRdApe finished lap 2 ( 1:23.773)
3:02.835 - 3:10.031: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles passed Tony Campos #49 for 2nd
3:30.226 - 3:32.375: Tony Campos #49 passed wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles for 3rd
2:22.351 - 3:34.867: Alexis Schmitt finished lap 3 ( 1:12.515)
2:25.656 - 3:43.679: Tony Campos #49 finished lap 3 ( 1:18.023)
2:34.398 - 3:59.679: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles finished lap 3 ( 1:25.281)
4:00.023 - 4:05.375: Tony Campos #49 went off the track
4:10.492 - 4:15.046: Alexis Schmitt went off the track
4:14.781 - 4:21.312: Tony Campos #49 went off the track
2:50.734 - 4:31.390: JL Herrera finished lap 3 ( 1:40.656)
4:31.593 - 4:38.765: YaRdApe went off the track
4:33.312 - 4:41.984: Alexis Schmitt passed Tony Campos #49 for the lead
4:49.664 - 4:52.750: Tony Campos #49 passed Alexis Schmitt for the lead
3:09.429 - 4:58.500: YaRdApe finished lap 3 ( 1:49.070)
3:43.679 - 4:59.023: Tony Campos #49 finished lap 4 ( 1:15.343)
3:34.867 - 5:02.367: Alexis Schmitt finished lap 4 ( 1:27.500)
5:15.414 - 5:19.500: Tony Campos #49 went off the track
3:59.679 - 5:20.750: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles finished lap 4 ( 1:21.070)
5:19.234 - 5:27.460: Alexis Schmitt went off the track
4:31.390 - 5:36.195: JL Herrera finished lap 4 ( 1:04.804)
5:37.054 - 5:49.062: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles went off the track
4:59.023 - 5:59.820: Tony Campos #49 finished lap 5 ( 1:00.796)
5:59.492 - 6:06.078: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles went off the track
5:02.367 - 6:07.171: Alexis Schmitt finished lap 5 ( 1:04.804)
6:15.789 - 6:20.226: Tony Campos #49 went off the track
5:20.750 - 6:28.054: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles finished lap 5 ( 1:07.304)
4:58.500 - 6:47.312: YaRdApe finished lap 4 ( 1:48.812)
5:36.195 - 6:50.593: JL Herrera finished lap 5 ( 1:14.398)
6:46.734 - 6:55.039: Alexis Schmitt went off the track
6:57.562 - 6:59.921: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles passed Alexis Schmitt for 2nd
5:59.820 - 7:02.000: Tony Campos #49 finished lap 6 ( 1:02.179)
7:17.945 - 7:22.046: Tony Campos #49 went off the track
7:15.335 - 7:22.132: JL Herrera went off the track
6:28.054 - 7:30.984: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles finished lap 6 ( 1:02.929)
6:07.171 - 7:39.039: Alexis Schmitt finished lap 6 ( 1:31.867)
6:50.593 - 7:59.023: JL Herrera finished lap 6 ( 1:08.429)
7:55.570 - 8:00.671: Alexis Schmitt went off the track
7:02.000 - 8:02.710: Tony Campos #49 finished lap 7 ( 1:00.710)
8:07.101 - 8:15.679: YaRdApe went off the track
6:47.312 - 8:22.812: YaRdApe finished lap 5 ( 1:35.500)
8:19.023 - 8:23.367: Tony Campos #49 went off the track
7:30.984 - 8:34.648: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles finished lap 7 ( 1:03.664)
7:39.039 - 9:00.632: Alexis Schmitt finished lap 7 ( 1:21.593)
8:02.710 - 9:04.257: Tony Campos #49 finished lap 8 ( 1:01.546)
9:06.101 - 9:15.593: JL Herrera went off the track
9:32.156 - 9:45.593: JL Herrera went off the track
7:59.023 - 9:52.257: JL Herrera finished lap 7 ( 1:53.234)
8:34.648 - 10:00.726: wideopen255 | Honda of Lake Charles finished lap 8 ( 1:26.078)
9:00.632 - 10:13.195: Alexis Schmitt finished lap 8 ( 1:12.562)
0:00.000 - 10:14.562: Underreaper61 finished lap 1 ( 10:14.562)
8:22.812 - 10:16.351: YaRdApe finished lap 6 ( 1:53.539)