MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 16 - Salt Lake City
Format 8 laps
Date6/18/2013, 5:19:01 AM (4216 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1691Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix rmz250(2013)8 8:27.0312 0:54.7108493
219Rene Delgado yz450f(2013)8 8:45.7892 0:53.1012504
337Joel Waugh | Privateer yz250f(2013)8 9:05.6255 0:54.7106237
4733James Armstrong | rmz450(2013)8 9:43.0852 0:56.1014591
558INKY0 #58 | Privateer rmz250(2009)7 8:33.3203 1:01.6094262
6698colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports rmz450(2013)7 9:20.6252 1:01.1876641
7YRAYaRdApe rm250(2008)7 9:29.3753 1:04.7813182
8TAYTaylor Orosz #524 | CWA yz250f(2009)7 9:47.8675 1:14.2964368
923Kyle Crabb rmz450(2011)6 6:55.7656 1:02.3284661
10664ethan warden|privateer kx450f(2013)5 7:06.0072 1:21.52310313
11 kx450f(2013)3 3:10.7343 1:01.7262071
1277#77sully rmz250(2009)1 9:27.1870 0:00.0004986

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 733 733 19 19 19 19 691 691
P2 23 19 733 733 691 691 19 19
P3 19 23 691 733 733 37 37
P4 23 37 37 37 733 733
P5 37 37 691 23 23 23 58
P6 58 691 37 58 58 58 698
P9 691 698 TAY TAY 698 698
P10 664 TAY 698 664 664
P11 698 664 664
P12 77

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:53.101 2 19 Rene Delgado
0:54.710 5 37 Joel Waugh | Privateer
0:54.710 2 691 Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix
0:55.625 8 691 Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix
0:55.812 7 691 Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix
0:56.101 2 733 James Armstrong |
0:57.500 2 37 Joel Waugh | Privateer
0:58.359 5 691 Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix
0:58.601 3 19 Rene Delgado
0:59.679 4 733 James Armstrong |
1:00.945 3 691 Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix
1:01.187 2 698 colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports
1:01.609 3 58 INKY0 #58 | Privateer
1:01.726 3
1:02.328 6 23 Kyle Crabb
1:04.781 3 YRA YaRdApe
1:04.820 5 58 INKY0 #58 | Privateer
1:04.851 8 19 Rene Delgado
1:05.195 4 37 Joel Waugh | Privateer
1:05.351 5 YRA YaRdApe
1:07.945 3 733 James Armstrong |
1:11.781 7 37 Joel Waugh | Privateer
1:11.945 6 58 INKY0 #58 | Privateer
1:12.882 3 37 Joel Waugh | Privateer
1:14.296 5 TAY Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA
1:14.726 5 19 Rene Delgado
1:15.390 6 691 Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix
1:17.796 6 733 James Armstrong |
1:18.117 6 37 Joel Waugh | Privateer
1:18.250 4 23 Kyle Crabb
1:21.132 5 733 James Armstrong |
1:21.523 2 664 ethan warden|privateer
1:23.132 2 TAY Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA
1:23.515 5 698 colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports
1:26.296 7 733 James Armstrong |
1:26.992 4 698 colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports
1:28.117 5 664 ethan warden|privateer
1:28.484 6 698 colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports
1:29.007 7 58 INKY0 #58 | Privateer
1:30.906 4 TAY Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA
1:32.078 4 YRA YaRdApe
1:35.968 8 733 James Armstrong |
1:43.476 7 YRA YaRdApe

Individual Worst Laps

1:01.726 3
1:14.726 5 19 Rene Delgado
1:15.390 6 691 Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix
1:18.117 6 37 Joel Waugh | Privateer
1:18.250 4 23 Kyle Crabb
1:28.484 6 698 colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports
1:29.007 7 58 INKY0 #58 | Privateer
1:35.164 4 664 ethan warden|privateer
1:35.968 8 733 James Armstrong |
1:37.296 7 TAY Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA
1:43.476 7 YRA YaRdApe


Std. Dev.NumberName
6.665 691 Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix
6.771 19 Rene Delgado
7.426 23 Kyle Crabb
7.805 37 Joel Waugh | Privateer
8.961 58 INKY0 #58 | Privateer
9.923 664 ethan warden|privateer
10.372 698 colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports
10.750 TAY Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA
13.386 733 James Armstrong |
13.841 YRA YaRdApe
- 77 #77sully

Play by Play

Joel Waugh | Privateer takes the holeshot followed by Rene Delgado , ethan warden|privateer, , Kyle Crabb, INKY0 #58 | Privateer, YaRdApe, Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix, Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA, colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports and #77sully

0:07.625 - 0:10.257: ethan warden|privateer passed Joel Waugh | Privateer and Rene Delgado for the lead
0:08.367 - 0:10.742: passed Joel Waugh | Privateer and Rene Delgado for 2nd
0:08.945 - 0:11.054: Kyle Crabb passed Joel Waugh | Privateer and Rene Delgado for 3rd
0:09.703 - 0:12.187: INKY0 #58 | Privateer passed Joel Waugh | Privateer and Rene Delgado for 4th
0:10.632 - 0:13.093: YaRdApe passed Joel Waugh | Privateer and Rene Delgado for 5th
0:11.671 - 0:14.312: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix passed Joel Waugh | Privateer and Rene Delgado for 6th
0:13.093 - 0:15.359: YaRdApe passed INKY0 #58 | Privateer for 4th
0:13.382 - 0:15.382: passed ethan warden|privateer for the lead
0:07.578 - 0:17.734: Rene Delgado passed Joel Waugh | Privateer for 8th
0:16.460 - 0:18.976: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed Joel Waugh | Privateer for 9th
0:16.789 - 0:19.257: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports passed Joel Waugh | Privateer for 10th
0:15.523 - 0:19.523: ethan warden|privateer passed for the lead
0:16.117 - 0:20.039: Kyle Crabb passed for 2nd
0:17.570 - 0:21.710: YaRdApe passed for 3rd
0:19.257 - 0:21.726: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports passed Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 9th
0:18.453 - 0:22.156: INKY0 #58 | Privateer passed for 4th
0:20.281 - 0:23.382: James Armstrong | passed Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix for 6th
0:23.382 - 0:24.992: James Armstrong | passed for 5th
0:21.921 - 0:25.218: Kyle Crabb passed ethan warden|privateer for the lead
0:23.312 - 0:26.578: Rene Delgado passed Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix for 7th
0:24.867 - 0:28.226: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports passed Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix for 8th
0:28.250 - 0:31.304: James Armstrong | passed INKY0 #58 | Privateer and YaRdApe for 3rd
0:28.703 - 0:32.054: Joel Waugh | Privateer passed Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 10th
0:29.195 - 0:33.796: passed INKY0 #58 | Privateer for 5th
0:33.515 - 0:34.656: James Armstrong | passed ethan warden|privateer for 2nd
0:33.781 - 0:35.007: YaRdApe passed ethan warden|privateer for 3rd
0:31.960 - 0:35.265: Rene Delgado passed INKY0 #58 | Privateer for 6th
0:36.695 - 0:37.914: passed ethan warden|privateer for 4th
0:37.953 - 0:39.648: Rene Delgado passed ethan warden|privateer for 5th
0:39.523 - 0:40.796: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix passed colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports for 8th
0:40.304 - 0:41.585: INKY0 #58 | Privateer passed ethan warden|privateer for 6th
0:41.914 - 0:43.242: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix passed ethan warden|privateer for 7th
0:48.203 - 0:49.632: Joel Waugh | Privateer passed colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports for 9th
0:35.007 - 0:50.367: YaRdApe went off the track
0:50.609 - 0:52.015: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports for 10th
0:50.367 - 0:52.828: YaRdApe passed ethan warden|privateer for 7th
0:52.015 - 0:54.718: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA went off the track
0:52.820 - 0:54.757: Joel Waugh | Privateer passed ethan warden|privateer for 8th
0:52.773 - 0:55.921: James Armstrong | passed Kyle Crabb for the lead
0:54.718 - 0:57.625: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed ethan warden|privateer for 9th
0:00.000 - 0:58.164: James Armstrong | finished lap 1 ( 0:58.164)
0:00.000 - 0:58.476: Kyle Crabb finished lap 1 ( 0:58.476)
0:56.523 - 0:58.929: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix passed INKY0 #58 | Privateer for 5th
0:59.062 - 1:02.234: Rene Delgado passed for 3rd
1:01.523 - 1:03.820: Joel Waugh | Privateer passed YaRdApe for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:04.882: Rene Delgado finished lap 1 ( 1:04.882)
0:00.000 - 1:05.609: finished lap 1 ( 1:05.609)
1:05.554 - 1:07.648: Joel Waugh | Privateer passed INKY0 #58 | Privateer for 6th
1:12.375 - 1:13.671: Joel Waugh | Privateer passed Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix for 5th
1:13.085 - 1:14.492: INKY0 #58 | Privateer passed Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:14.929: Joel Waugh | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:14.929)
0:00.000 - 1:15.789: INKY0 #58 | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:15.789)
1:14.812 - 1:16.171: YaRdApe passed Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix for 7th
1:15.851 - 1:17.265: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:17.476: YaRdApe finished lap 1 ( 1:17.476)
0:00.000 - 1:18.648: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA finished lap 1 ( 1:18.648)
1:17.242 - 1:23.304: went off the track
1:17.476 - 1:23.945: YaRdApe went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:26.742: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 1 ( 1:26.742)
1:26.750 - 1:28.664: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed YaRdApe for 6th
1:23.304 - 1:32.328: INKY0 #58 | Privateer went off the track
1:19.492 - 1:32.960: ethan warden|privateer went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:32.960: ethan warden|privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:32.960)
1:30.390 - 1:37.773: Kyle Crabb went off the track
1:37.976 - 1:39.617: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix passed INKY0 #58 | Privateer, YaRdApe and Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:39.992: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:39.992)
1:39.992 - 1:42.734: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports passed ethan warden|privateer for 9th
1:32.328 - 1:43.171: INKY0 #58 | Privateer passed YaRdApe and Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 6th
0:58.164 - 1:54.265: James Armstrong | finished lap 2 ( 0:56.101)
1:52.687 - 1:56.976: went off the track
1:04.882 - 1:57.984: Rene Delgado finished lap 2 ( 0:53.101)
0:58.476 - 1:59.265: Kyle Crabb finished lap 2 ( 1:00.789)
1:05.609 - 2:03.781: finished lap 2 ( 0:58.171)
2:05.515 - 2:08.156: YaRdApe passed Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 8th
1:14.929 - 2:12.429: Joel Waugh | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 0:57.500)
2:11.476 - 2:13.898: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed YaRdApe for 8th
2:15.437 - 2:17.296: passed Kyle Crabb for 3rd
1:26.742 - 2:21.453: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 2 ( 0:54.710)
1:15.789 - 2:27.765: INKY0 #58 | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:11.976)
2:30.320 - 2:34.476: YaRdApe passed Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 8th
1:17.476 - 2:37.156: YaRdApe finished lap 2 ( 1:19.679)
2:32.210 - 2:37.664: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports passed Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 9th
2:37.015 - 2:38.351: Kyle Crabb passed for 3rd
1:39.992 - 2:41.179: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:01.187)
1:18.648 - 2:41.781: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA finished lap 2 ( 1:23.132)
2:40.562 - 2:44.726: Kyle Crabb went off the track
2:41.179 - 2:51.195: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports went off the track
2:51.507 - 2:52.906: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports for 9th
2:49.937 - 2:53.281: Rene Delgado passed James Armstrong | for the lead
1:32.960 - 2:54.484: ethan warden|privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:21.523)
1:57.984 - 2:56.585: Rene Delgado finished lap 3 ( 0:58.601)
2:55.195 - 2:57.421: passed Kyle Crabb for 3rd
1:54.265 - 3:02.210: James Armstrong | finished lap 3 ( 1:07.945)
2:56.585 - 3:02.546: Rene Delgado went off the track
2:56.500 - 3:02.914: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix passed Joel Waugh | Privateer for 5th
2:03.781 - 3:05.507: finished lap 3 ( 1:01.726)
1:59.265 - 3:17.234: Kyle Crabb finished lap 3 ( 1:17.968)
3:16.414 - 3:20.164: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA went off the track
2:21.453 - 3:22.398: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 3 ( 1:00.945)
2:12.429 - 3:25.312: Joel Waugh | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:12.882)
3:22.398 - 3:28.664: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix went off the track
2:27.765 - 3:29.375: INKY0 #58 | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:01.609)
3:27.890 - 3:34.500: ethan warden|privateer went off the track
3:33.398 - 3:35.828: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix passed Kyle Crabb for 3rd
3:35.554 - 3:37.796: Joel Waugh | Privateer passed Kyle Crabb for 4th
3:39.851 - 3:41.859: INKY0 #58 | Privateer passed Kyle Crabb for 5th
2:37.156 - 3:41.937: YaRdApe finished lap 3 ( 1:04.781)
2:41.781 - 3:45.929: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA finished lap 3 ( 1:04.148)
2:41.179 - 3:48.351: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:07.171)
3:51.093 - 3:54.218: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports passed Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 8th
3:54.335 - 3:55.976: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports for 8th
2:56.585 - 4:01.843: Rene Delgado finished lap 4 ( 1:05.257)
3:02.210 - 4:01.890: James Armstrong | finished lap 4 ( 0:59.679)
2:54.484 - 4:02.726: ethan warden|privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:08.242)
4:01.890 - 4:04.289: James Armstrong | passed Rene Delgado for the lead
4:15.984 - 4:18.460: Kyle Crabb passed INKY0 #58 | Privateer for 5th
3:22.398 - 4:19.898: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 4 ( 0:57.500)
4:18.273 - 4:20.007: Rene Delgado passed James Armstrong | for the lead
4:14.648 - 4:27.945: ethan warden|privateer went off the track
3:25.312 - 4:30.507: Joel Waugh | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:05.195)
4:28.968 - 4:30.523: James Armstrong | passed Rene Delgado for the lead
3:17.234 - 4:35.484: Kyle Crabb finished lap 4 ( 1:18.250)
4:33.960 - 4:36.031: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports passed YaRdApe and Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 7th
4:36.460 - 4:44.476: INKY0 #58 | Privateer went off the track
4:44.835 - 4:46.585: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed YaRdApe for 8th
3:29.375 - 4:47.546: INKY0 #58 | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:18.171)
4:44.070 - 4:48.859: Kyle Crabb went off the track
4:52.015 - 4:53.554: Rene Delgado passed James Armstrong | for the lead
4:56.320 - 4:58.296: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix passed James Armstrong | for 2nd
5:03.507 - 5:11.242: YaRdApe passed Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 7th
3:41.937 - 5:14.015: YaRdApe finished lap 4 ( 1:32.078)
5:12.695 - 5:14.015: YaRdApe passed colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports for 7th
3:48.351 - 5:15.343: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:26.992)
5:08.054 - 5:15.796: Kyle Crabb went off the track
4:01.843 - 5:16.570: Rene Delgado finished lap 5 ( 1:14.726)
3:45.929 - 5:16.835: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA finished lap 4 ( 1:30.906)
4:19.898 - 5:18.257: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 5 ( 0:58.359)
4:01.890 - 5:23.023: James Armstrong | finished lap 5 ( 1:21.132)
4:30.507 - 5:25.218: Joel Waugh | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 0:54.710)
5:19.750 - 5:28.328: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports for 8th
5:27.718 - 5:30.890: Joel Waugh | Privateer passed James Armstrong | for 3rd
5:29.875 - 5:31.562: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix passed Rene Delgado for the lead
4:02.726 - 5:37.890: ethan warden|privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:35.164)
5:37.984 - 5:43.507: Kyle Crabb went off the track
4:35.484 - 5:46.179: Kyle Crabb finished lap 5 ( 1:10.695)
5:31.726 - 5:47.875: Rene Delgado passed Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix for the lead
4:47.546 - 5:52.367: INKY0 #58 | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:04.820)
6:04.093 - 6:09.070: Rene Delgado went off the track
6:13.234 - 6:14.492: James Armstrong | passed Joel Waugh | Privateer for 3rd
5:14.015 - 6:19.367: YaRdApe finished lap 5 ( 1:05.351)
5:16.570 - 6:27.851: Rene Delgado finished lap 6 ( 1:11.281)
5:16.835 - 6:31.132: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA finished lap 5 ( 1:14.296)
5:18.257 - 6:33.648: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 6 ( 1:15.390)
6:19.367 - 6:33.710: YaRdApe went off the track
5:15.343 - 6:38.859: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:23.515)
5:23.023 - 6:40.820: James Armstrong | finished lap 6 ( 1:17.796)
5:25.218 - 6:43.335: Joel Waugh | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:18.117)
6:42.273 - 6:47.023: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA went off the track
5:46.179 - 6:48.507: Kyle Crabb finished lap 6 ( 1:02.328)
6:51.554 - 6:54.960: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed YaRdApe for 7th
6:59.492 - 7:03.390: Rene Delgado went off the track
5:52.367 - 7:04.312: INKY0 #58 | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:11.945)
5:37.890 - 7:06.007: ethan warden|privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:28.117)
7:12.039 - 7:13.234: Joel Waugh | Privateer passed James Armstrong | for 3rd
7:11.015 - 7:13.789: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix passed Rene Delgado for the lead
6:33.648 - 7:29.460: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 7 ( 0:55.812)
6:27.851 - 7:34.921: Rene Delgado finished lap 7 ( 1:07.070)
7:38.031 - 7:41.648: YaRdApe passed Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 7th
6:19.367 - 7:44.210: YaRdApe finished lap 6 ( 1:24.843)
6:31.132 - 7:54.070: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA finished lap 6 ( 1:22.937)
6:43.335 - 7:55.117: Joel Waugh | Privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:11.781)
7:58.640 - 8:02.765: Joel Waugh | Privateer went off the track
6:40.820 - 8:07.117: James Armstrong | finished lap 7 ( 1:26.296)
8:05.242 - 8:07.140: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed YaRdApe for 7th
6:38.859 - 8:07.343: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:28.484)
8:00.906 - 8:07.812: #77sully went off the track
8:07.140 - 8:08.093: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA went off the track
8:07.343 - 8:14.187: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports went off the track
8:22.257 - 8:24.343: YaRdApe passed Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 6th
7:29.460 - 8:25.085: Andrew Marx/ Intrinzic Graphix finished lap 8 ( 0:55.625)
7:04.312 - 8:33.320: INKY0 #58 | Privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:29.007)
7:34.921 - 8:39.773: Rene Delgado finished lap 8 ( 1:04.851)
8:43.375 - 8:44.578: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed YaRdApe for 6th
8:40.843 - 8:48.062: #77sully went off the track
8:47.281 - 8:49.171: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports passed YaRdApe and Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 6th
8:44.742 - 8:52.007: YaRdApe passed Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 7th
7:55.117 - 9:03.109: Joel Waugh | Privateer finished lap 8 ( 1:07.992)
9:09.820 - 9:11.304: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA passed YaRdApe for 7th
8:07.343 - 9:19.257: colton nichols|#698 DGK motorsports finished lap 7 ( 1:11.914)
9:11.453 - 9:19.289: YaRdApe passed Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA for 7th
0:00.000 - 9:26.085: #77sully finished lap 1 ( 9:26.085)
7:44.210 - 9:27.687: YaRdApe finished lap 7 ( 1:43.476)
9:24.320 - 9:31.367: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA went off the track
7:54.070 - 9:31.367: Taylor Orosz #524 | CWA finished lap 7 ( 1:37.296)
8:07.117 - 9:43.085: James Armstrong | finished lap 8 ( 1:35.968)