MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 6 - Houston
Format 8 laps
Date6/20/2013, 11:36:31 PM (4220 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
196Devon Johnson | kx250f(2009)8 8:02.4067 0:52.250856
219Rene Delgado PTY yz450f(2013)7 8:32.5707 0:57.5232504
3630jazza | choice suspension team crf250(2013)7 8:53.5003 1:01.4537843
498JT98 | Privateer crf250(2007)7 8:54.6093 1:10.7893144
521Gohardson yz250f(2009)7 8:56.8514 1:00.01518
6158Myke Moynier | rm1257 8:59.7964 1:07.0939442
7113Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory rmz450(2013)7 9:12.0397 1:10.0077856
8257Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral rmz250(2013)6 8:50.1326 1:11.9217428
9427Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer kx250f(2013)4 7:26.1954 1:17.8439580
10sVnDrizzy<3 rmz450(2011)2 2:59.0152 1:01.9843602
11478Mickael DIDILLON #478 kx250f(2013)1 1:50.3280 0:00.0007736
12G76Gabdub#76[iT] kx250f(2013)1 2:40.6320 0:00.0003197
13721caleb white 721 rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004321

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96
P2 98 98 98 630 630 19 19
P3 19 19 19 98 19 630 98
P4 158 158 630 158 98 21 630
P5 113 630 158 19 158 98 21
P6 630 sVn 21 21 21 158 158
P7 21 21 113 113 113 113 113
P8 478 113 257 257 257 257
P9 sVn 257 427 427
P10 257 427
P11 427
P12 G76

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:52.250 7 96 Devon Johnson |
0:52.539 2 96 Devon Johnson |
0:54.671 5 96 Devon Johnson |
0:55.773 6 96 Devon Johnson |
0:57.523 7 19 Rene Delgado PTY
0:58.132 5 19 Rene Delgado PTY
1:00.015 4 21 Gohardson
1:01.187 4 96 Devon Johnson |
1:01.453 3 630 jazza | choice suspension team
1:01.984 2 sVn Drizzy<3
1:05.953 3 96 Devon Johnson |
1:06.109 5 630 jazza | choice suspension team
1:07.093 4 158 Myke Moynier |
1:08.367 4 630 jazza | choice suspension team
1:10.007 7 113 Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory
1:10.789 3 98 JT98 | Privateer
1:11.921 6 257 Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral
1:12.359 6 158 Myke Moynier |
1:12.585 4 113 Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory
1:13.843 3 257 Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral
1:13.953 5 21 Gohardson
1:14.812 4 98 JT98 | Privateer
1:14.968 5 113 Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory
1:16.359 3 21 Gohardson
1:17.843 4 427 Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer
1:18.359 3 158 Myke Moynier |
1:19.273 2 113 Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory
1:19.757 7 21 Gohardson
1:20.031 7 630 jazza | choice suspension team
1:21.585 5 158 Myke Moynier |
1:22.296 2 257 Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral
1:24.593 6 630 jazza | choice suspension team
1:26.257 3 113 Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory
2:03.023 2 427 Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer

Individual Worst Laps

1:01.984 2 sVn Drizzy<3
1:05.953 3 96 Devon Johnson |
1:19.007 5 98 JT98 | Privateer
1:19.757 7 21 Gohardson
1:21.585 5 158 Myke Moynier |
1:24.593 6 630 jazza | choice suspension team
1:26.257 3 113 Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory
1:27.132 4 19 Rene Delgado PTY
1:27.210 5 257 Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral
2:03.023 2 427 Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.515 96 Devon Johnson |
5.752 158 Myke Moynier |
5.918 98 JT98 | Privateer
5.945 257 Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral
7.373 21 Gohardson
7.465 113 Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory
8.233 630 jazza | choice suspension team
10.295 19 Rene Delgado PTY
18.971 427 Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer
- sVn Drizzy<3
- G76 Gabdub#76[iT]
- 721 caleb white 721
- 478 Mickael DIDILLON #478

Play by Play

Devon Johnson | takes the holeshot followed by Drizzy<3, Rene Delgado PTY, Myke Moynier |, JT98 | Privateer, jazza | choice suspension team, Gabdub#76[iT], Mickael DIDILLON #478, Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory, caleb white 721, Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer, Gohardson and Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral

0:07.179 - 0:07.945: Rene Delgado PTY passed Drizzy<3 for 2nd
0:08.203 - 0:09.242: jazza | choice suspension team passed Myke Moynier | and JT98 | Privateer for 4th
0:07.906 - 0:09.281: JT98 | Privateer passed Myke Moynier | for 5th
0:09.281 - 0:12.875: JT98 | Privateer passed Drizzy<3 and jazza | choice suspension team for 3rd
0:10.937 - 0:13.390: Gabdub#76[iT] passed Drizzy<3, jazza | choice suspension team and Myke Moynier | for 4th
0:11.976 - 0:13.796: Mickael DIDILLON #478 passed Drizzy<3, jazza | choice suspension team and Myke Moynier | for 5th
0:09.242 - 0:14.921: jazza | choice suspension team passed Drizzy<3 for 6th
0:10.671 - 0:15.125: Myke Moynier | passed Drizzy<3 for 7th
0:16.781 - 0:18.210: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory passed Drizzy<3 for 8th
0:15.125 - 0:18.656: Myke Moynier | passed Gabdub#76[iT], jazza | choice suspension team and Mickael DIDILLON #478 for 4th
0:17.179 - 0:18.695: caleb white 721 passed Drizzy<3 for 9th
0:14.921 - 0:18.796: jazza | choice suspension team passed Gabdub#76[iT] and Mickael DIDILLON #478 for 5th
0:18.726 - 0:20.734: Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer passed Drizzy<3 for 10th
0:18.796 - 0:21.781: jazza | choice suspension team passed Myke Moynier | for 4th
0:18.210 - 0:21.875: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory passed Gabdub#76[iT] and Mickael DIDILLON #478 for 6th
0:18.695 - 0:22.601: caleb white 721 passed Gabdub#76[iT] and Mickael DIDILLON #478 for 7th
0:20.734 - 0:24.695: Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer passed Gabdub#76[iT] and Mickael DIDILLON #478 for 8th
0:22.476 - 0:25.289: Gohardson passed Drizzy<3, Gabdub#76[iT] and Mickael DIDILLON #478 for 9th
0:22.171 - 0:26.039: Drizzy<3 passed Mickael DIDILLON #478 for 11th
0:24.695 - 0:28.148: Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer passed caleb white 721 for 7th
0:26.265 - 0:28.554: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory passed Myke Moynier | for 5th
0:25.289 - 0:28.812: Gohardson passed caleb white 721 for 8th
0:26.039 - 0:29.085: Drizzy<3 passed Gabdub#76[iT] and caleb white 721 for 9th
0:25.484 - 0:29.250: Gabdub#76[iT] passed caleb white 721 for 10th
0:29.085 - 0:30.640: Drizzy<3 passed Gohardson for 8th
0:27.820 - 0:31.070: Mickael DIDILLON #478 passed caleb white 721 for 11th
0:29.335 - 0:31.257: JT98 | Privateer passed Rene Delgado PTY for 2nd
0:28.640 - 0:32.390: Myke Moynier | passed jazza | choice suspension team and Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory for 4th
0:31.070 - 0:35.234: Mickael DIDILLON #478 passed Gabdub#76[iT] for 10th
0:33.265 - 0:37.703: Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer passed jazza | choice suspension team and Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory for 5th
0:33.039 - 0:38.148: caleb white 721 passed Gabdub#76[iT] for 11th
0:34.320 - 0:39.578: Gohardson passed Drizzy<3, jazza | choice suspension team and Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory for 6th
0:40.937 - 0:44.335: Rene Delgado PTY went off the track
0:40.507 - 0:44.437: caleb white 721 passed Drizzy<3 and Mickael DIDILLON #478 for 9th
0:43.062 - 0:44.718: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory passed jazza | choice suspension team for 7th
0:43.812 - 0:45.468: Gohardson passed Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer for 5th
0:44.718 - 0:46.171: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory passed Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer for 6th
0:45.148 - 0:46.960: Drizzy<3 passed caleb white 721 for 9th
0:45.171 - 0:47.546: Mickael DIDILLON #478 passed caleb white 721 for 10th
0:45.304 - 0:50.125: jazza | choice suspension team went off the track
0:48.750 - 0:50.593: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory passed Gohardson for 5th
0:51.773 - 0:53.765: jazza | choice suspension team passed Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer for 6th
0:54.054 - 0:56.804: Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer passed jazza | choice suspension team for 7th
0:56.195 - 1:00.773: JT98 | Privateer went off the track
0:52.078 - 1:01.914: Mickael DIDILLON #478 went off the track
1:01.914 - 1:03.765: Mickael DIDILLON #478 passed Drizzy<3 for 9th
1:04.804 - 1:06.492: Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer passed Gohardson for 6th
1:03.726 - 1:07.812: Myke Moynier | passed Rene Delgado PTY for 2nd
1:07.054 - 1:08.687: jazza | choice suspension team passed Gohardson for 7th
0:56.773 - 1:09.007: caleb white 721 went off the track
1:10.851 - 1:12.320: Mickael DIDILLON #478 passed Gohardson for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:14.203: Devon Johnson | finished lap 1 ( 1:14.203)
1:12.960 - 1:14.468: jazza | choice suspension team passed Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer for 6th
1:16.625 - 1:18.164: Mickael DIDILLON #478 passed Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer for 7th
1:16.312 - 1:19.078: Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral passed Gabdub#76[iT] for 12th
1:19.164 - 1:21.250: Gohardson passed Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer for 8th
1:19.937 - 1:21.523: Drizzy<3 passed Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:23.312: JT98 | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:23.312)
1:26.343 - 1:29.093: Rene Delgado PTY passed Myke Moynier | for 3rd
1:18.062 - 1:32.578: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:33.500: Rene Delgado PTY finished lap 1 ( 1:33.500)
0:00.000 - 1:34.375: Myke Moynier | finished lap 1 ( 1:34.375)
1:32.742 - 1:34.406: Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral passed Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer for 10th
1:35.695 - 1:38.601: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory passed jazza | choice suspension team for 5th
1:39.929 - 1:41.359: Gohardson passed Mickael DIDILLON #478 for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:43.132: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory finished lap 1 ( 1:43.132)
0:00.000 - 1:43.835: jazza | choice suspension team finished lap 1 ( 1:43.835)
1:40.453 - 1:47.867: Myke Moynier | went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:49.195: Gohardson finished lap 1 ( 1:49.195)
0:00.000 - 1:50.328: Mickael DIDILLON #478 finished lap 1 ( 1:50.328)
1:50.328 - 1:53.070: Mickael DIDILLON #478 passed Gohardson for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:55.671: Drizzy<3 finished lap 1 ( 1:55.671)
1:55.054 - 1:57.523: jazza | choice suspension team passed Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory for 5th
1:57.898 - 2:01.804: JT98 | Privateer went off the track
1:14.203 - 2:06.742: Devon Johnson | finished lap 2 ( 0:52.539)
0:00.000 - 2:10.351: Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral finished lap 1 ( 2:10.351)
2:11.679 - 2:13.218: Drizzy<3 passed Gohardson for 7th
2:03.062 - 2:13.554: Rene Delgado PTY went off the track
2:13.554 - 2:15.210: Rene Delgado PTY passed Myke Moynier | for 3rd
2:27.351 - 2:32.312: jazza | choice suspension team went off the track
2:26.187 - 2:33.335: Drizzy<3 passed Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:34.312: Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:34.312)
1:23.312 - 2:36.195: JT98 | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:12.882)
1:33.500 - 2:36.515: Rene Delgado PTY finished lap 2 ( 1:03.015)
0:00.000 - 2:40.632: Gabdub#76[iT] finished lap 1 ( 2:40.632)
1:34.375 - 2:40.648: Myke Moynier | finished lap 2 ( 1:06.273)
2:44.679 - 2:47.031: Rene Delgado PTY passed JT98 | Privateer for 2nd
2:43.593 - 2:49.500: Gohardson went off the track
1:43.835 - 2:50.523: jazza | choice suspension team finished lap 2 ( 1:06.687)
2:48.976 - 2:51.445: JT98 | Privateer passed Rene Delgado PTY for 2nd
2:54.015 - 2:56.812: Gohardson passed Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory for 7th
1:55.671 - 2:57.656: Drizzy<3 finished lap 2 ( 1:01.984)
2:56.210 - 2:58.007: jazza | choice suspension team passed Myke Moynier | for 4th
1:49.195 - 3:01.265: Gohardson finished lap 2 ( 1:12.070)
1:43.132 - 3:02.406: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory finished lap 2 ( 1:19.273)
3:00.796 - 3:02.796: Rene Delgado PTY passed JT98 | Privateer for 2nd
2:06.742 - 3:12.695: Devon Johnson | finished lap 3 ( 1:05.953)
3:16.921 - 3:19.039: Gohardson passed Drizzy<3 for 6th
3:19.289 - 3:22.382: JT98 | Privateer passed Rene Delgado PTY for 2nd
2:10.351 - 3:32.648: Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral finished lap 2 ( 1:22.296)
3:31.054 - 3:39.000: Rene Delgado PTY went off the track
3:35.164 - 3:41.882: Drizzy<3 passed Gohardson for 6th
2:36.195 - 3:46.984: JT98 | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:10.789)
2:36.515 - 3:49.328: Rene Delgado PTY finished lap 3 ( 1:12.812)
2:50.523 - 3:51.976: jazza | choice suspension team finished lap 3 ( 1:01.453)
2:40.648 - 3:59.007: Myke Moynier | finished lap 3 ( 1:18.359)
4:04.882 - 4:06.375: Drizzy<3 went off the track
4:02.945 - 4:06.945: jazza | choice suspension team passed Rene Delgado PTY for 3rd
3:12.695 - 4:13.882: Devon Johnson | finished lap 4 ( 1:01.187)
3:01.265 - 4:17.625: Gohardson finished lap 3 ( 1:16.359)
3:02.406 - 4:28.664: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory finished lap 3 ( 1:26.257)
4:24.921 - 4:28.703: Myke Moynier | passed Rene Delgado PTY for 4th
2:34.312 - 4:37.335: Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 2:03.023)
4:40.570 - 4:44.929: Rene Delgado PTY went off the track
3:32.648 - 4:46.492: Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral finished lap 3 ( 1:13.843)
4:52.531 - 4:55.734: jazza | choice suspension team passed JT98 | Privateer for 2nd
3:51.976 - 5:00.343: jazza | choice suspension team finished lap 4 ( 1:08.367)
4:58.046 - 5:00.859: Rene Delgado PTY passed Myke Moynier | for 4th
3:46.984 - 5:01.796: JT98 | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:14.812)
5:00.875 - 5:04.296: Myke Moynier | passed Rene Delgado PTY for 4th
3:59.007 - 5:06.101: Myke Moynier | finished lap 4 ( 1:07.093)
4:13.882 - 5:08.554: Devon Johnson | finished lap 5 ( 0:54.671)
5:04.257 - 5:12.054: JT98 | Privateer went off the track
3:49.328 - 5:16.460: Rene Delgado PTY finished lap 4 ( 1:27.132)
4:17.625 - 5:17.640: Gohardson finished lap 4 ( 1:00.015)
5:29.468 - 5:30.820: Rene Delgado PTY passed Myke Moynier | for 4th
5:32.343 - 5:34.453: Gohardson passed Myke Moynier | for 5th
4:28.664 - 5:41.250: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory finished lap 4 ( 1:12.585)
5:26.789 - 5:42.171: Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer went off the track
5:34.609 - 5:42.406: Myke Moynier | passed Gohardson for 5th
5:50.234 - 5:55.882: Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral went off the track
5:08.554 - 6:04.328: Devon Johnson | finished lap 6 ( 0:55.773)
6:04.398 - 6:06.039: JT98 | Privateer went off the track
5:00.343 - 6:06.453: jazza | choice suspension team finished lap 5 ( 1:06.109)
4:37.335 - 6:08.351: Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:31.015)
6:07.226 - 6:10.046: Rene Delgado PTY passed JT98 | Privateer for 3rd
4:46.492 - 6:10.539: Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral finished lap 4 ( 1:24.046)
5:16.460 - 6:14.593: Rene Delgado PTY finished lap 5 ( 0:58.132)
5:01.796 - 6:20.804: JT98 | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:19.007)
6:21.679 - 6:23.531: Rene Delgado PTY passed jazza | choice suspension team for 2nd
5:06.101 - 6:27.687: Myke Moynier | finished lap 5 ( 1:21.585)
5:17.640 - 6:31.593: Gohardson finished lap 5 ( 1:13.953)
6:35.414 - 6:37.523: jazza | choice suspension team passed Rene Delgado PTY for 2nd
6:31.632 - 6:39.601: Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral went off the track
6:45.000 - 6:50.085: Rene Delgado PTY went off the track
5:41.250 - 6:56.218: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory finished lap 5 ( 1:14.968)
6:04.328 - 6:56.578: Devon Johnson | finished lap 7 ( 0:52.250)
6:54.312 - 6:58.976: JT98 | Privateer went off the track
7:04.609 - 7:10.625: Gohardson went off the track
7:13.968 - 7:16.835: JT98 | Privateer passed jazza | choice suspension team for 2nd
7:17.687 - 7:21.484: Gohardson passed Myke Moynier | for 5th
7:22.218 - 7:25.007: Rene Delgado PTY passed jazza | choice suspension team and JT98 | Privateer for 2nd
6:08.351 - 7:26.195: Derek Thorpe #427 | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:17.843)
6:14.593 - 7:26.570: Rene Delgado PTY finished lap 6 ( 1:11.976)
7:17.796 - 7:29.484: jazza | choice suspension team passed JT98 | Privateer for 3rd
6:06.453 - 7:31.046: jazza | choice suspension team finished lap 6 ( 1:24.593)
7:28.609 - 7:31.523: Gohardson passed JT98 | Privateer for 4th
7:27.953 - 7:32.375: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory went off the track
6:31.593 - 7:33.046: Gohardson finished lap 6 ( 1:01.453)
6:20.804 - 7:34.109: JT98 | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:13.304)
6:10.539 - 7:37.750: Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral finished lap 5 ( 1:27.210)
6:27.687 - 7:40.046: Myke Moynier | finished lap 6 ( 1:12.359)
7:40.460 - 7:42.250: Gohardson passed jazza | choice suspension team for 3rd
7:48.640 - 7:50.640: jazza | choice suspension team passed Gohardson for 3rd
7:49.687 - 7:52.093: JT98 | Privateer passed Gohardson for 4th
6:56.218 - 7:58.484: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory finished lap 6 ( 1:02.265)
7:46.531 - 8:00.523: Devon Johnson | went off the track
6:56.578 - 8:02.406: Devon Johnson | finished lap 8 ( 1:05.828)
8:06.289 - 8:07.476: JT98 | Privateer passed jazza | choice suspension team for 3rd
8:07.476 - 8:11.304: JT98 | Privateer went off the track
7:26.570 - 8:24.093: Rene Delgado PTY finished lap 7 ( 0:57.523)
7:34.109 - 8:33.882: JT98 | Privateer finished lap 7 ( 0:59.773)
7:37.750 - 8:49.671: Sonny Edmonson | MXSCentral finished lap 6 ( 1:11.921)
7:31.046 - 8:51.078: jazza | choice suspension team finished lap 7 ( 1:20.031)
7:33.046 - 8:52.804: Gohardson finished lap 7 ( 1:19.757)
8:47.601 - 8:55.546: Myke Moynier | went off the track
7:40.046 - 8:57.507: Myke Moynier | finished lap 7 ( 1:17.460)
7:58.484 - 9:08.492: Adrien-Corvisier|RH-Factory finished lap 7 ( 1:10.007)