MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 9 - St. Louis
Format 8 laps
Date8/19/2013, 2:15:42 AM (4161 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
137Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing yz250f(2009)8 8:08.0787 0:57.3354252
290Jason Scott | Privateer kx250f(2013)7 8:30.9764 1:02.9842503
3143Josh Betts | RaceTech yz250f(2009)7 9:05.2503 1:02.7965604
4216Alex Welsh kx250f(2013)7 9:09.1954 1:01.5701548
5251Chase Dunivant | Privateer rmz250(2013)6 8:17.6795 1:17.5157418
6826Slater Howard | Privateer rmz250(2013)6 9:19.0626 1:26.6258684
7998J Williams | TwistMoto crf250(2009)6 9:27.5074 1:09.8046262
8251Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing kx450f(2013)6 9:37.1792 1:13.9685754
931Oldknow rmz450(2013)6 9:57.6174 1:02.39811324
10184Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 450sxf(2011)5 8:46.0850 0:00.0005938
11222Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports yz250f(2013)1 1:28.8750 0:00.00011323
1225Brandon Berg 25 | Looking for a team rmz450(2013)0 0:05.0310 0:00.0005784

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37
P2 143 143 143 90 90 90 90
P3 90 90 90 143 143 143 143
P4 222 826 251 216 216 216 216
P5 826 251 216 251 251 251
P6 251 31 31 31 31 826
P7 216 251 826 826 826 998
P8 31 216 251 251 251 251
P9 184 184 184 998 998 31
P10 251 998 998 184 184
P11 998

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:57.335 7 37 Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing
0:57.812 4 37 Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing
0:58.304 8 37 Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing
0:59.054 3 37 Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing
0:59.164 2 37 Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing
1:01.570 4 216 Alex Welsh
1:02.398 4 31 Oldknow
1:02.796 3 143 Josh Betts | RaceTech
1:02.984 4 90 Jason Scott | Privateer
1:06.335 5 216 Alex Welsh
1:06.750 3 90 Jason Scott | Privateer
1:07.421 5 90 Jason Scott | Privateer
1:08.476 2 143 Josh Betts | RaceTech
1:09.804 4 998 J Williams | TwistMoto
1:09.835 2 998 J Williams | TwistMoto
1:12.945 7 216 Alex Welsh
1:12.953 2 90 Jason Scott | Privateer
1:13.968 2 251 Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing
1:16.156 6 216 Alex Welsh
1:16.648 3 216 Alex Welsh
1:17.515 5 251 Chase Dunivant | Privateer
1:18.546 4 251 Chase Dunivant | Privateer
1:20.367 4 251 Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing
1:21.679 6 90 Jason Scott | Privateer
1:23.117 5 143 Josh Betts | RaceTech
1:23.250 4 143 Josh Betts | RaceTech
1:23.367 7 90 Jason Scott | Privateer
1:23.671 5 251 Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing
1:24.054 2 31 Oldknow
1:26.625 6 826 Slater Howard | Privateer
1:28.859 6 143 Josh Betts | RaceTech
1:29.890 3 998 J Williams | TwistMoto
1:30.039 2 216 Alex Welsh
1:33.242 5 998 J Williams | TwistMoto
1:33.343 3 31 Oldknow
1:49.601 6 251 Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing

Individual Worst Laps

1:16.156 6 37 Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing
1:23.367 7 90 Jason Scott | Privateer
1:25.296 2 251 Chase Dunivant | Privateer
1:28.859 6 143 Josh Betts | RaceTech
1:30.039 2 216 Alex Welsh
1:33.242 5 998 J Williams | TwistMoto
1:45.156 3 826 Slater Howard | Privateer
1:49.601 6 251 Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing
1:51.164 5 184 Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184
2:29.773 6 31 Oldknow


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.396 251 Chase Dunivant | Privateer
6.211 37 Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing
7.653 184 Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184
7.659 90 Jason Scott | Privateer
8.558 826 Slater Howard | Privateer
8.974 216 Alex Welsh
9.495 143 Josh Betts | RaceTech
9.924 998 J Williams | TwistMoto
15.096 251 Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing
28.865 31 Oldknow
- 25 Brandon Berg 25 | Looking for a team
- 222 Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports

Play by Play

Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing takes the holeshot followed by Brandon Berg 25 | Looking for a team, Jason Scott | Privateer, Alex Welsh, Chase Dunivant | Privateer, Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184, Oldknow, Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports, Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing, Josh Betts | RaceTech, Slater Howard | Privateer and J Williams | TwistMoto

0:07.585 - 0:09.218: Brandon Berg 25 | Looking for a team passed Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing for the lead
0:09.421 - 0:11.226: Oldknow passed Alex Welsh, Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 and Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 4th
0:09.375 - 0:11.375: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 passed Alex Welsh and Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 5th
0:12.921 - 0:14.046: Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing passed Brandon Berg 25 | Looking for a team for the lead
0:13.523 - 0:14.992: Oldknow passed Jason Scott | Privateer for 3rd
0:13.156 - 0:15.085: Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports passed Alex Welsh and Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 6th
0:08.398 - 0:15.609: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Alex Welsh for 7th
0:13.500 - 0:15.789: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Alex Welsh for 8th
0:15.085 - 0:17.648: Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports passed Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 5th
0:15.609 - 0:18.195: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 6th
0:15.789 - 0:18.281: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 7th
0:16.921 - 0:18.750: Josh Betts | RaceTech passed Alex Welsh for 9th
0:19.773 - 0:20.945: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports and Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 5th
0:20.062 - 0:21.468: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 7th
0:22.367 - 0:23.531: Josh Betts | RaceTech passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 8th
0:21.468 - 0:23.695: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 passed Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports and Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 5th
0:23.726 - 0:25.179: Alex Welsh passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 9th
0:23.531 - 0:25.210: Josh Betts | RaceTech passed Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports and Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 6th
0:25.179 - 0:27.585: Alex Welsh passed Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports and Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 7th
0:25.210 - 0:28.867: Josh Betts | RaceTech passed Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 5th
0:20.984 - 0:30.203: Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 8th
0:27.585 - 0:30.265: Alex Welsh passed Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 6th
0:30.265 - 0:31.960: Alex Welsh passed Josh Betts | RaceTech for 5th
0:26.703 - 0:32.312: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 9th
0:30.203 - 0:33.320: Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports passed Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 7th
0:36.148 - 0:37.835: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 9th
0:36.898 - 0:38.437: Slater Howard | Privateer passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 10th
0:34.257 - 0:40.929: Brandon Berg 25 | Looking for a team went off the track
0:38.843 - 0:42.343: Josh Betts | RaceTech passed Alex Welsh for 4th
0:42.578 - 0:45.039: Slater Howard | Privateer passed Alex Welsh, Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports, Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing and Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 5th
0:41.921 - 0:47.828: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports and Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 7th
0:26.101 - 0:49.335: Oldknow went off the track
0:47.445 - 0:50.179: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 9th
0:49.335 - 0:51.117: Oldknow passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 6th
0:49.843 - 0:52.390: Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 7th
0:51.515 - 0:53.437: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 8th
0:53.156 - 0:54.968: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 9th
0:00.000 - 0:57.382: Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 1 ( 0:57.382)
0:53.437 - 0:58.648: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Oldknow, Alex Welsh and Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports for 6th
0:52.390 - 1:01.101: Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports passed Oldknow and Alex Welsh for 7th
0:58.648 - 1:01.570: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Slater Howard | Privateer for 5th
0:55.109 - 1:02.218: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Oldknow, Alex Welsh and Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 8th
0:51.117 - 1:04.218: Oldknow passed Alex Welsh for 9th
1:04.187 - 1:06.914: Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer and Slater Howard | Privateer for 5th
0:54.968 - 1:08.062: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 passed Alex Welsh for 10th
1:09.078 - 1:11.445: Josh Betts | RaceTech passed Jason Scott | Privateer for 2nd
1:06.687 - 1:11.515: Oldknow passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing, Chase Dunivant | Privateer and Slater Howard | Privateer for 6th
1:01.593 - 1:12.882: Slater Howard | Privateer passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:13.710: Josh Betts | RaceTech finished lap 1 ( 1:13.710)
1:10.804 - 1:13.921: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing and Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:15.820: Jason Scott | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:15.820)
1:11.585 - 1:16.359: Alex Welsh passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing and Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 9th
1:04.664 - 1:16.921: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 10th
1:16.921 - 1:19.273: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Alex Welsh for 9th
1:17.820 - 1:20.601: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Alex Welsh for 10th
1:21.000 - 1:23.078: Slater Howard | Privateer passed Oldknow for 6th
1:19.914 - 1:23.109: Jason Scott | Privateer passed Josh Betts | RaceTech for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:28.875: Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:28.875)
1:27.632 - 1:29.945: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Oldknow for 7th
1:29.734 - 1:31.765: Alex Welsh passed Oldknow for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:32.531: Slater Howard | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:32.531)
1:19.273 - 1:39.625: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:42.812: Chase Dunivant | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:42.812)
1:26.554 - 1:43.804: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:45.500: Alex Welsh finished lap 1 ( 1:45.500)
0:00.000 - 1:48.648: Oldknow finished lap 1 ( 1:48.648)
1:48.835 - 1:51.171: Josh Betts | RaceTech passed Jason Scott | Privateer for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:51.648: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 finished lap 1 ( 1:51.648)
1:46.828 - 1:54.046: Chase Dunivant | Privateer went off the track
0:57.382 - 1:56.546: Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 2 ( 0:59.164)
1:57.187 - 1:59.296: Slater Howard | Privateer passed Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:00.203: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing finished lap 1 ( 2:00.203)
2:01.320 - 2:02.429: Alex Welsh passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 6th
2:01.500 - 2:04.304: Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports passed Slater Howard | Privateer for 4th
2:05.179 - 2:07.789: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Alex Welsh for 6th
2:09.382 - 2:11.914: Oldknow passed Alex Welsh for 7th
2:10.609 - 2:12.281: Slater Howard | Privateer passed Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports for 4th
2:12.539 - 2:17.992: Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports passed Slater Howard | Privateer for 4th
1:13.710 - 2:22.187: Josh Betts | RaceTech finished lap 2 ( 1:08.476)
2:08.609 - 2:22.625: J Williams | TwistMoto went off the track
2:20.679 - 2:23.218: Alex Welsh passed Oldknow for 7th
1:15.820 - 2:28.773: Jason Scott | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:12.953)
2:27.468 - 2:29.789: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Oldknow and Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 8th
2:25.710 - 2:32.398: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Slater Howard | Privateer for 5th
2:33.226 - 2:36.984: Slater Howard | Privateer passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 5th
2:34.101 - 2:37.132: Alex Welsh passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 6th
0:00.000 - 2:39.812: J Williams | TwistMoto finished lap 1 ( 2:39.812)
2:38.609 - 2:40.671: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Alex Welsh for 6th
2:36.898 - 2:43.773: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 went off the track
2:43.179 - 2:44.617: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Alex Welsh for 7th
2:40.882 - 2:49.804: Evan Berwick | XFR Motorsports went off the track
2:52.890 - 2:55.070: Alex Welsh passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 4th
2:44.882 - 2:55.351: Slater Howard | Privateer went off the track
1:56.546 - 2:55.601: Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 3 ( 0:59.054)
2:46.968 - 2:57.476: Chase Dunivant | Privateer went off the track
2:54.406 - 2:58.742: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 went off the track
2:57.984 - 2:59.882: Oldknow passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 5th
2:59.523 - 3:01.625: Alex Welsh passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 6th
1:32.531 - 3:02.351: Slater Howard | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:29.820)
1:42.812 - 3:08.109: Chase Dunivant | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:25.296)
3:05.312 - 3:08.109: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Alex Welsh for 5th
1:48.648 - 3:12.703: Oldknow finished lap 2 ( 1:24.054)
3:07.156 - 3:12.703: Oldknow passed Alex Welsh for 6th
2:00.203 - 3:14.171: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing finished lap 2 ( 1:13.968)
3:08.781 - 3:14.171: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Alex Welsh for 7th
1:45.500 - 3:15.539: Alex Welsh finished lap 2 ( 1:30.039)
2:22.187 - 3:24.984: Josh Betts | RaceTech finished lap 3 ( 1:02.796)
3:25.726 - 3:28.414: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Slater Howard | Privateer for 4th
3:20.304 - 3:28.531: Alex Welsh passed Oldknow and Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 6th
3:17.882 - 3:29.039: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Oldknow for 7th
1:51.648 - 3:33.398: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 finished lap 2 ( 1:41.750)
3:33.093 - 3:34.375: Oldknow passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 7th
2:28.773 - 3:35.523: Jason Scott | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:06.750)
3:34.375 - 3:37.070: Oldknow passed Alex Welsh for 6th
3:40.101 - 3:41.843: Oldknow passed Slater Howard | Privateer for 5th
3:37.179 - 3:43.289: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 went off the track
3:35.000 - 3:46.234: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing went off the track
2:39.812 - 3:49.648: J Williams | TwistMoto finished lap 2 ( 1:09.835)
2:55.601 - 3:53.414: Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 4 ( 0:57.812)
3:51.179 - 3:53.773: Slater Howard | Privateer passed Oldknow for 5th
3:58.015 - 4:00.757: Alex Welsh passed Oldknow for 6th
3:56.054 - 4:08.726: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 went off the track
3:58.429 - 4:11.398: Slater Howard | Privateer went off the track
4:00.578 - 4:13.609: Chase Dunivant | Privateer went off the track
4:19.757 - 4:22.937: J Williams | TwistMoto passed Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 9th
3:08.109 - 4:29.164: Chase Dunivant | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:21.054)
4:27.664 - 4:29.742: Jason Scott | Privateer passed Josh Betts | RaceTech for 2nd
4:25.820 - 4:31.406: Oldknow passed Slater Howard | Privateer for 6th
3:15.539 - 4:32.187: Alex Welsh finished lap 3 ( 1:16.648)
4:31.062 - 4:35.367: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 passed J Williams | TwistMoto for 9th
4:31.257 - 4:35.984: Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing went off the track
3:35.523 - 4:38.507: Jason Scott | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:02.984)
4:41.132 - 4:42.648: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 8th
3:12.703 - 4:46.046: Oldknow finished lap 3 ( 1:33.343)
3:02.351 - 4:47.507: Slater Howard | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:45.156)
3:24.984 - 4:48.234: Josh Betts | RaceTech finished lap 4 ( 1:23.250)
4:45.304 - 4:50.804: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 8th
3:53.414 - 4:52.882: Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 5 ( 0:59.468)
4:53.164 - 4:55.023: Alex Welsh passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 4th
4:59.007 - 5:02.078: Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing went off the track
3:14.171 - 5:03.539: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing finished lap 3 ( 1:49.367)
4:54.781 - 5:03.648: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 went off the track
5:01.367 - 5:07.484: Slater Howard | Privateer went off the track
3:33.398 - 5:12.171: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 finished lap 3 ( 1:38.773)
3:49.648 - 5:19.539: J Williams | TwistMoto finished lap 3 ( 1:29.890)
5:23.484 - 5:26.234: J Williams | TwistMoto passed Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 9th
4:32.187 - 5:33.757: Alex Welsh finished lap 4 ( 1:01.570)
4:38.507 - 5:45.929: Jason Scott | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:07.421)
4:29.164 - 5:47.710: Chase Dunivant | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:18.546)
4:46.046 - 5:48.445: Oldknow finished lap 4 ( 1:02.398)
5:55.664 - 5:58.062: Oldknow passed Chase Dunivant | Privateer for 5th
4:47.507 - 6:08.703: Slater Howard | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:21.195)
4:52.882 - 6:09.039: Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:16.156)
4:48.234 - 6:11.351: Josh Betts | RaceTech finished lap 5 ( 1:23.117)
6:14.929 - 6:18.750: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 went off the track
6:12.593 - 6:20.039: Oldknow went off the track
5:03.539 - 6:23.906: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing finished lap 4 ( 1:20.367)
5:19.539 - 6:29.343: J Williams | TwistMoto finished lap 4 ( 1:09.804)
5:33.757 - 6:40.093: Alex Welsh finished lap 5 ( 1:06.335)
5:12.171 - 6:41.898: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 finished lap 4 ( 1:29.726)
6:43.500 - 6:45.070: J Williams | TwistMoto passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 8th
6:46.039 - 6:47.445: Chase Dunivant | Privateer passed Oldknow for 5th
6:57.460 - 7:03.625: Slater Howard | Privateer went off the track
5:47.710 - 7:05.226: Chase Dunivant | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:17.515)
6:09.039 - 7:06.375: Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 7 ( 0:57.335)
7:05.578 - 7:06.937: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 9th
5:45.929 - 7:07.609: Jason Scott | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:21.679)
7:06.937 - 7:10.984: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 passed J Williams | TwistMoto for 7th
7:09.335 - 7:11.843: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed J Williams | TwistMoto for 8th
7:10.984 - 7:15.945: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 went off the track
7:20.710 - 7:25.078: Slater Howard | Privateer went off the track
7:21.726 - 7:25.953: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 8th
5:48.445 - 7:27.843: Oldknow finished lap 5 ( 1:39.398)
6:11.351 - 7:40.210: Josh Betts | RaceTech finished lap 6 ( 1:28.859)
7:34.046 - 7:46.367: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 went off the track
6:08.703 - 7:47.265: Slater Howard | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:38.562)
6:23.906 - 7:47.578: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing finished lap 5 ( 1:23.671)
7:47.265 - 7:50.000: Slater Howard | Privateer passed Oldknow for 6th
7:47.578 - 7:50.281: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing passed Oldknow for 7th
7:50.281 - 7:51.984: J Williams | TwistMoto passed Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 for 9th
7:49.695 - 7:55.695: Chase Dunivant | Privateer went off the track
6:40.093 - 7:56.250: Alex Welsh finished lap 6 ( 1:16.156)
7:46.007 - 8:00.085: Josh Betts | RaceTech went off the track
6:29.343 - 8:02.585: J Williams | TwistMoto finished lap 5 ( 1:33.242)
7:06.375 - 8:04.679: Jeremy Hinners | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 8 ( 0:58.304)
8:02.585 - 8:05.203: J Williams | TwistMoto passed Oldknow for 8th
7:05.226 - 8:17.125: Chase Dunivant | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:11.898)
8:14.515 - 8:20.218: J Williams | TwistMoto went off the track
8:24.546 - 8:27.882: J Williams | TwistMoto passed Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing for 7th
7:07.609 - 8:30.976: Jason Scott | Privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:23.367)
6:41.898 - 8:33.062: Privateer/2 stroke KTM/ #184 finished lap 5 ( 1:51.164)
7:40.210 - 9:05.250: Josh Betts | RaceTech finished lap 7 ( 1:25.039)
7:56.250 - 9:09.195: Alex Welsh finished lap 7 ( 1:12.945)
7:47.265 - 9:13.890: Slater Howard | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:26.625)
8:02.585 - 9:27.453: J Williams | TwistMoto finished lap 6 ( 1:24.867)
7:47.578 - 9:37.179: Steven Sowry | Backflips Clothing finished lap 6 ( 1:49.601)
9:29.843 - 9:48.593: Oldknow went off the track
7:27.843 - 9:57.617: Oldknow finished lap 6 ( 2:29.773)