MX Simulator
Track2011 Supercross Rd 6 - Houston
Format 8 laps
Date9/12/2013, 3:37:48 PM (4136 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
147Devon Johnson | GAJ crf250(2009)8 7:55.2264 0:51.992856
269Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing yz250f(2009)8 8:39.9145 0:53.1712472
378Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports 250sxf(2013)7 8:33.8202 0:56.0937232
435Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 yz250f(2009)7 8:36.2655 0:58.0856994
55Ben McLeod rmz450(2013)7 8:38.9213 0:53.10911716
657Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing crf250(2009)7 8:39.5703 0:59.1329057
7151Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing yz250f(2009)7 9:24.2030 0:00.0003698
889Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports yz250f(2009)6 7:58.1643 1:07.4607201
9515Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer crf250(2013)6 8:27.9374 1:09.3352238
1020Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports yz250f(2009)6 8:33.4376 1:17.8205911
11857Berry Goudbeek 250sxf(2013)6 8:34.6253 1:23.0629056
1237Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports rmz450(2013)6 9:01.8824 1:11.5787174
1344Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing yz250f(2009)6 9:06.1400 0:00.0003627
14572Bryan Beaubouef kx250f(2013)5 8:19.2732 1:34.00710973
15122Myke Moynier 250sxf(2013)5 9:04.8200 0:00.0009442
16684gijs elshof | ART Motosports 250sxf(2013)4 5:41.0002 1:07.6563897
1736Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 yz250f(2009)2 3:53.4532 1:23.65610174
18375Simon Finne crf250(2009)1 1:21.5780 0:00.0002779
19281|bel-ray motorsport| richard de kuijper\114| yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0008091

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47
P2 35 35 35 35 35 69 69 69
P3 375 69 69 69 69 35 35
P4 69 78 5 5 5 5 78
P5 89 5 78 78 151 57 5
P6 122 151 57 151 78 78 57
P7 151 684 151 57 57 151 151
P8 5 57 89 89 89 89
P9 20 89 684 684 857 20
P10 78 857 20 20 20 515
P11 684 20 857 515 515 857
P12 857 515 515 857 37 44
P13 37 37 37 37 44 37
P14 57 44 44 44 572
P15 44 122 572 572 122
P16 572 572 122 122
P17 515 36
P18 36

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:51.992 4 47 Devon Johnson | GAJ
0:53.078 6 47 Devon Johnson | GAJ
0:53.109 3 5 Ben McLeod
0:53.171 5 69 Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing
0:53.703 6 69 Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing
0:54.531 4 69 Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing
0:56.093 2 78 Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports
0:56.148 8 47 Devon Johnson | GAJ
0:56.914 7 78 Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports
0:57.578 5 47 Devon Johnson | GAJ
0:58.085 5 35 Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96
0:59.132 3 57 Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing
0:59.554 2 5 Ben McLeod
1:00.328 2 57 Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing
1:02.156 7 47 Devon Johnson | GAJ
1:02.421 3 78 Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports
1:02.859 2 69 Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing
1:04.039 7 69 Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing
1:04.664 4 57 Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing
1:05.914 3 47 Devon Johnson | GAJ
1:06.820 6 57 Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing
1:07.460 3 89 Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports
1:07.656 2 684 gijs elshof | ART Motosports
1:08.562 7 57 Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing
1:09.335 4 515 Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer
1:09.867 5 57 Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing
1:09.867 4 89 Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports
1:10.320 4 78 Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports
1:10.750 6 89 Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports
1:11.031 4 5 Ben McLeod
1:11.578 4 37 Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports
1:13.015 4 684 gijs elshof | ART Motosports
1:14.687 6 515 Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer
1:15.218 5 89 Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports
1:16.304 6 78 Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports
1:17.820 6 20 Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports
1:18.125 8 69 Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing
1:23.062 3 857 Berry Goudbeek
1:23.656 2 36 Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36
1:31.296 6 5 Ben McLeod
1:34.007 2 572 Bryan Beaubouef

Individual Worst Laps

1:05.914 3 47 Devon Johnson | GAJ
1:09.867 5 57 Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing
1:16.304 6 78 Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports
1:16.570 3 684 gijs elshof | ART Motosports
1:17.632 5 515 Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer
1:18.125 8 69 Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing
1:23.656 2 36 Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36
1:24.734 7 151 Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:28.210 5 44 Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
1:28.875 6 35 Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96
1:30.406 2 20 Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports
1:30.671 2 89 Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports
1:31.296 6 5 Ben McLeod
1:34.648 6 857 Berry Goudbeek
1:36.882 5 572 Bryan Beaubouef
1:48.109 6 37 Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports
2:02.523 2 122 Myke Moynier


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.906 515 Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer
3.664 684 gijs elshof | ART Motosports
4.000 57 Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing
4.711 47 Devon Johnson | GAJ
5.230 44 Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
7.647 572 Bryan Beaubouef
7.762 78 Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports
8.234 20 Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports
8.327 89 Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports
8.644 151 Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing
8.798 69 Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing
11.491 35 Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96
12.042 857 Berry Goudbeek
12.781 122 Myke Moynier
12.925 5 Ben McLeod
15.642 37 Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports
- 281 |bel-ray motorsport| richard de kuijper\114|
- 36 Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36
- 375 Simon Finne

Play by Play

Devon Johnson | GAJ takes the holeshot followed by Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36, Myke Moynier, Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing, Simon Finne, Bryan Beaubouef, Berry Goudbeek, Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing, Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer, gijs elshof | ART Motosports, Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports, Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports, Ben McLeod , Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing, Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports and Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports

0:10.273 - 0:13.093: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 2nd
0:12.234 - 0:14.851: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 and Myke Moynier for 3rd
0:14.789 - 0:15.585: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports passed gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 12th
0:12.914 - 0:15.710: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 and Myke Moynier for 4th
0:14.929 - 0:15.960: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 13th
0:12.187 - 0:16.398: Myke Moynier passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 5th
0:13.695 - 0:16.421: Simon Finne passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 6th
0:15.585 - 0:16.703: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 11th
0:16.343 - 0:17.703: Ben McLeod passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports, gijs elshof | ART Motosports and Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 12th
0:15.984 - 0:18.445: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports and Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 13th
0:15.843 - 0:18.507: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing passed Berry Goudbeek, Bryan Beaubouef and Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 7th
0:15.039 - 0:19.335: Bryan Beaubouef passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 8th
0:16.703 - 0:19.406: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek and Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 9th
0:18.390 - 0:19.445: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing and Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 15th
0:16.421 - 0:19.468: Simon Finne passed Myke Moynier for 5th
0:17.703 - 0:20.593: Ben McLeod passed Berry Goudbeek and Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 10th
0:19.445 - 0:22.132: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek, gijs elshof | ART Motosports and Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 12th
0:18.445 - 0:22.242: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Berry Goudbeek for 13th
0:21.000 - 0:23.312: Simon Finne passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 3rd
0:18.632 - 0:23.328: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Berry Goudbeek for 14th
0:20.593 - 0:23.414: Ben McLeod passed Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports for 9th
0:21.320 - 0:23.929: Myke Moynier passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 4th
0:20.820 - 0:24.515: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek for 15th
0:22.132 - 0:25.156: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports and Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 10th
0:23.179 - 0:25.390: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 5th
0:23.414 - 0:25.710: Ben McLeod passed Bryan Beaubouef for 8th
0:25.156 - 0:26.671: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Bryan Beaubouef for 9th
0:20.257 - 0:26.843: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
0:25.218 - 0:26.906: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports passed Bryan Beaubouef for 10th
0:24.515 - 0:27.546: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 14th
0:24.328 - 0:27.734: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
0:25.312 - 0:30.070: Berry Goudbeek passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 15th
0:28.601 - 0:30.375: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Simon Finne for 3rd
0:27.742 - 0:31.031: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 16th
0:28.093 - 0:31.328: Ben McLeod passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 7th
0:27.734 - 0:31.437: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
0:29.023 - 0:32.203: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 8th
0:30.640 - 0:32.398: Simon Finne passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 2nd
0:29.406 - 0:32.578: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 9th
0:30.070 - 0:32.718: Berry Goudbeek passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports, gijs elshof | ART Motosports and Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 12th
0:29.679 - 0:32.820: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 17th
0:31.187 - 0:33.023: Myke Moynier passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 3rd
0:33.031 - 0:34.585: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 4th
0:32.718 - 0:35.843: Berry Goudbeek passed Bryan Beaubouef for 10th
0:32.937 - 0:36.140: Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 passed Bryan Beaubouef for 11th
0:27.546 - 0:37.210: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 14th
0:36.226 - 0:37.843: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports for 8th
0:32.820 - 0:39.078: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing for 16th
0:36.156 - 0:39.656: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing for 17th
0:38.140 - 0:40.164: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing passed Myke Moynier for 4th
0:39.656 - 0:42.351: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 15th
0:40.281 - 0:43.671: Bryan Beaubouef passed Berry Goudbeek and Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 11th
0:40.960 - 0:44.109: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek and Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 12th
0:41.531 - 0:44.234: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing passed Simon Finne for 3rd
0:41.671 - 0:45.132: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Berry Goudbeek and Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 13th
0:39.773 - 0:46.054: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports went off the track
0:32.203 - 0:46.429: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports went off the track
0:42.609 - 0:46.671: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek, Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 and Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 14th
0:45.882 - 0:47.484: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Myke Moynier for 5th
0:45.125 - 0:48.460: Simon Finne passed Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing for 3rd
0:47.578 - 0:49.195: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Bryan Beaubouef for 9th
0:48.804 - 0:50.242: Myke Moynier passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 5th
0:48.875 - 0:50.632: Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 passed Berry Goudbeek for 13th
0:49.242 - 0:51.359: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 6th
0:48.312 - 0:51.523: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 17th
0:51.585 - 0:53.890: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Bryan Beaubouef for 12th
0:50.312 - 0:54.578: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
0:53.890 - 0:55.304: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 11th
0:50.742 - 0:55.414: Berry Goudbeek went off the track
0:55.414 - 0:57.656: Berry Goudbeek passed Bryan Beaubouef for 13th
0:57.656 - 0:59.570: Berry Goudbeek passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 12th
0:57.718 - 1:01.828: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing for 16th
0:53.937 - 1:01.945: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing and Ben McLeod for 8th
0:59.304 - 1:02.820: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports passed Myke Moynier for 5th
1:02.265 - 1:04.585: Berry Goudbeek passed gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 11th
1:01.921 - 1:04.632: Bryan Beaubouef passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 13th
1:03.875 - 1:05.968: Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 15th
0:59.062 - 1:05.976: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:06.843: Devon Johnson | GAJ finished lap 1 ( 1:06.843)
1:04.632 - 1:06.867: Bryan Beaubouef passed gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 12th
1:04.585 - 1:08.078: Berry Goudbeek passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 10th
1:08.359 - 1:09.929: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
1:07.398 - 1:10.351: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Bryan Beaubouef and Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 11th
1:06.867 - 1:10.500: Bryan Beaubouef passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 12th
1:09.632 - 1:12.250: Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 14th
1:10.195 - 1:12.906: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 15th
1:10.953 - 1:13.210: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 16th
1:11.578 - 1:15.492: Ben McLeod passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:17.117: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 finished lap 1 ( 1:17.117)
1:13.164 - 1:17.156: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Berry Goudbeek, Bryan Beaubouef and gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 10th
1:12.906 - 1:17.218: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 14th
1:03.812 - 1:17.625: Myke Moynier went off the track
1:14.828 - 1:19.039: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 and Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 15th
1:10.351 - 1:19.140: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Berry Goudbeek for 11th
1:17.929 - 1:20.289: Ben McLeod passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:21.578: Simon Finne finished lap 1 ( 1:21.578)
1:20.546 - 1:22.078: Bryan Beaubouef passed Berry Goudbeek for 12th
1:19.039 - 1:22.468: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:22.781: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:22.781)
1:22.296 - 1:25.960: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports went off the track
1:25.304 - 1:26.656: Ben McLeod passed Myke Moynier for 6th
1:25.960 - 1:30.671: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports went off the track
1:16.335 - 1:31.156: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 17th
1:29.679 - 1:32.359: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek for 11th
1:27.078 - 1:33.109: Myke Moynier went off the track
1:31.523 - 1:33.187: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 9th
1:32.593 - 1:34.007: Berry Goudbeek passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 13th
1:26.656 - 1:35.546: Ben McLeod went off the track
1:34.390 - 1:36.742: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek for 12th
1:34.664 - 1:37.148: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 6th
1:36.812 - 1:38.484: Berry Goudbeek passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 13th
1:37.304 - 1:39.156: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 7th
1:38.898 - 1:40.320: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Ben McLeod for 7th
1:38.484 - 1:40.507: Berry Goudbeek passed Bryan Beaubouef and Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 8th
1:38.250 - 1:40.507: Bryan Beaubouef passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 8th
1:38.890 - 1:40.898: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 10th
1:38.250 - 1:41.437: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 16th
0:00.000 - 1:42.835: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:42.835)
1:39.601 - 1:42.992: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 17th
1:40.507 - 1:44.140: Berry Goudbeek passed gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 10th
1:44.281 - 1:45.390: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Ben McLeod for 8th
1:40.898 - 1:45.640: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Bryan Beaubouef and gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:47.429: Myke Moynier finished lap 1 ( 1:47.429)
1:43.867 - 1:47.734: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Bryan Beaubouef and gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 12th
1:45.390 - 1:48.109: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 7th
1:48.226 - 1:50.828: Berry Goudbeek passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports and Ben McLeod for 8th
1:48.500 - 1:51.164: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports and Ben McLeod for 9th
1:47.718 - 1:51.460: Ben McLeod passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 10th
1:48.171 - 1:52.500: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Bryan Beaubouef for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:52.625: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:52.625)
1:50.132 - 1:54.070: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
1:51.460 - 1:54.601: Ben McLeod passed Berry Goudbeek and Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 8th
1:50.945 - 1:55.328: Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 17th
1:52.507 - 1:55.781: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 12th
1:51.164 - 1:56.718: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:56.820: Ben McLeod finished lap 1 ( 1:56.820)
1:54.125 - 1:57.062: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:58.601: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:58.601)
1:57.062 - 1:58.601: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:59.171: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:59.171)
1:55.781 - 1:59.195: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Berry Goudbeek for 11th
1:57.414 - 2:01.226: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 13th
0:00.000 - 2:01.406: gijs elshof | ART Motosports finished lap 1 ( 2:01.406)
1:55.257 - 2:04.093: Devon Johnson | GAJ went off the track
1:57.929 - 2:05.031: Myke Moynier went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:05.500: Berry Goudbeek finished lap 1 ( 2:05.500)
2:02.992 - 2:05.773: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed Bryan Beaubouef and Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 14th
0:00.000 - 2:05.820: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 2:05.820)
2:02.101 - 2:05.851: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 17th
2:06.250 - 2:07.734: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
2:06.140 - 2:07.773: Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 17th
2:06.585 - 2:08.109: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 9th
1:06.843 - 2:08.359: Devon Johnson | GAJ finished lap 2 ( 1:01.515)
0:00.000 - 2:10.195: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:10.195)
2:09.039 - 2:10.867: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 10th
2:08.109 - 2:11.703: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek for 12th
1:53.906 - 2:11.820: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports went off the track
2:10.476 - 2:13.273: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 17th
1:17.117 - 2:15.085: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 finished lap 2 ( 0:57.968)
0:00.000 - 2:15.289: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:15.289)
2:13.453 - 2:15.820: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 11th
0:00.000 - 2:16.570: Bryan Beaubouef finished lap 1 ( 2:16.570)
2:15.296 - 2:17.234: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Ben McLeod for 8th
2:16.453 - 2:17.953: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:17.960: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer finished lap 1 ( 2:17.960)
2:16.609 - 2:18.132: Berry Goudbeek passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 11th
2:17.234 - 2:19.828: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports for 7th
2:19.789 - 2:21.671: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 12th
2:17.976 - 2:21.812: Ben McLeod passed Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports for 8th
2:19.828 - 2:23.210: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing and Myke Moynier for 5th
2:15.867 - 2:23.242: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Myke Moynier for 6th
2:21.625 - 2:23.265: Berry Goudbeek passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 10th
2:20.835 - 2:23.640: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports for 9th
2:21.812 - 2:24.843: Ben McLeod passed Myke Moynier for 7th
1:22.781 - 2:25.640: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:02.859)
2:24.843 - 2:26.539: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 13th
2:23.640 - 2:27.101: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Myke Moynier for 8th
2:27.875 - 2:29.367: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed Berry Goudbeek and Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 11th
2:26.335 - 2:29.523: Ben McLeod passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 6th
0:00.000 - 2:29.796: Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 finished lap 1 ( 2:29.796)
2:26.148 - 2:29.992: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek for 12th
2:32.773 - 2:35.007: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Berry Goudbeek for 13th
2:35.718 - 2:38.210: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports and Myke Moynier for 9th
2:32.695 - 2:40.046: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
2:31.054 - 2:41.195: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Bryan Beaubouef for 15th
2:34.578 - 2:41.765: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports passed Myke Moynier for 10th
2:40.046 - 2:42.789: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 7th
2:42.968 - 2:44.523: Berry Goudbeek passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports, Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing and Myke Moynier for 11th
2:34.156 - 2:46.679: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing went off the track
2:36.023 - 2:47.429: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Myke Moynier for 12th
2:50.304 - 2:51.890: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing and Myke Moynier for 13th
1:59.171 - 2:55.265: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 0:56.093)
1:56.820 - 2:56.375: Ben McLeod finished lap 2 ( 0:59.554)
2:55.070 - 2:56.828: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
2:55.453 - 2:59.343: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
2:57.710 - 3:02.109: Myke Moynier went off the track
3:01.796 - 3:04.117: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 14th
1:52.625 - 3:05.859: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:13.234)
3:01.218 - 3:06.335: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer went off the track
3:06.062 - 3:07.414: Berry Goudbeek went off the track
2:56.468 - 3:08.554: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports went off the track
3:05.960 - 3:08.781: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing and Myke Moynier for 12th
2:01.406 - 3:09.062: gijs elshof | ART Motosports finished lap 2 ( 1:07.656)
3:06.335 - 3:09.171: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing and Myke Moynier for 13th
3:04.117 - 3:09.507: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Myke Moynier for 14th
2:10.195 - 3:10.523: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:00.328)
3:11.335 - 3:13.078: Ben McLeod passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 4th
1:42.835 - 3:13.507: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:30.671)
2:08.359 - 3:14.273: Devon Johnson | GAJ finished lap 3 ( 1:05.914)
2:05.500 - 3:14.734: Berry Goudbeek finished lap 2 ( 1:09.234)
3:02.992 - 3:14.851: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing went off the track
3:09.507 - 3:17.562: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
2:15.085 - 3:21.039: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 finished lap 3 ( 1:05.953)
3:18.890 - 3:21.273: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports went off the track
3:17.562 - 3:23.250: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Bryan Beaubouef and Myke Moynier for 15th
3:17.109 - 3:24.132: Berry Goudbeek passed Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports for 9th
3:21.929 - 3:26.828: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 11th
3:18.242 - 3:27.093: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports went off the track
3:25.367 - 3:27.367: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 7th
1:58.601 - 3:29.007: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:30.406)
3:29.507 - 3:30.929: Bryan Beaubouef passed Myke Moynier for 16th
2:17.960 - 3:31.492: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:13.531)
3:26.679 - 3:33.140: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 12th
2:25.640 - 3:36.343: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:10.703)
3:33.234 - 3:36.437: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 13th
2:05.820 - 3:37.992: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:32.171)
3:36.312 - 3:38.265: Berry Goudbeek passed gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 8th
2:15.289 - 3:38.765: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:23.476)
3:33.289 - 3:44.093: Myke Moynier passed Bryan Beaubouef for 14th
3:41.882 - 3:44.476: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 11th
3:41.757 - 3:48.835: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
2:56.375 - 3:49.484: Ben McLeod finished lap 3 ( 0:53.109)
1:47.429 - 3:49.953: Myke Moynier finished lap 2 ( 2:02.523)
2:16.570 - 3:50.578: Bryan Beaubouef finished lap 2 ( 1:34.007)
3:51.750 - 3:53.015: gijs elshof | ART Motosports passed Berry Goudbeek for 7th
2:29.796 - 3:53.453: Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 finished lap 2 ( 1:23.656)
3:52.125 - 3:54.054: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 11th
3:53.851 - 3:55.320: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek for 8th
3:53.742 - 3:57.125: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
2:55.265 - 3:57.687: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:02.421)
3:55.859 - 3:59.273: Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 passed Bryan Beaubouef and Myke Moynier for 15th
3:59.117 - 4:01.851: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 12th
3:59.375 - 4:02.117: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 13th
3:58.390 - 4:02.929: gijs elshof | ART Motosports went off the track
4:03.445 - 4:04.945: Bryan Beaubouef passed Myke Moynier for 16th
3:14.273 - 4:06.265: Devon Johnson | GAJ finished lap 4 ( 0:51.992)
4:06.265 - 4:08.281: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Ben McLeod for 4th
3:10.523 - 4:09.656: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing finished lap 3 ( 0:59.132)
4:05.640 - 4:10.296: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports passed gijs elshof | ART Motosports for 8th
4:10.000 - 4:11.523: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
3:05.859 - 4:11.679: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:05.820)
4:08.242 - 4:11.750: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports and Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 12th
4:08.632 - 4:12.156: Ben McLeod passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 4th
4:09.507 - 4:13.921: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports went off the track
4:07.343 - 4:14.585: Myke Moynier passed Bryan Beaubouef for 16th
4:13.921 - 4:18.125: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports went off the track
3:21.039 - 4:18.640: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 finished lap 4 ( 0:57.601)
4:14.085 - 4:18.890: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer went off the track
3:13.507 - 4:20.968: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:07.460)
4:21.000 - 4:24.671: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
3:09.062 - 4:25.632: gijs elshof | ART Motosports finished lap 3 ( 1:16.570)
4:22.914 - 4:26.273: Myke Moynier passed Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 for 15th
4:23.304 - 4:28.195: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports went off the track
3:36.343 - 4:30.875: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 4 ( 0:54.531)
4:28.570 - 4:32.343: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
4:32.132 - 4:35.023: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek for 10th
3:29.007 - 4:36.531: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:07.523)
3:14.734 - 4:37.796: Berry Goudbeek finished lap 3 ( 1:23.062)
4:29.078 - 4:39.773: Robin Flier || Bel Ray Motosports || #36 passed Myke Moynier for 15th
4:37.640 - 4:41.515: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing for 6th
3:31.492 - 4:42.382: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:10.890)
4:43.921 - 4:48.757: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
4:44.992 - 4:52.312: Myke Moynier went off the track
4:50.437 - 4:52.382: Berry Goudbeek passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 10th
4:47.757 - 4:53.476: Bryan Beaubouef went off the track
3:37.992 - 4:53.609: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:15.617)
3:38.765 - 4:53.968: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:15.203)
4:48.757 - 4:55.648: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
4:53.476 - 4:55.875: Bryan Beaubouef passed Myke Moynier for 13th
4:54.546 - 4:56.867: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 11th
3:49.484 - 5:00.515: Ben McLeod finished lap 4 ( 1:11.031)
4:06.265 - 5:03.843: Devon Johnson | GAJ finished lap 5 ( 0:57.578)
5:02.976 - 5:04.390: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 6th
5:04.460 - 5:06.054: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
3:57.687 - 5:08.007: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:10.320)
5:06.054 - 5:12.289: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
4:11.679 - 5:13.867: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:02.187)
4:09.656 - 5:14.320: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:04.664)
4:18.640 - 5:16.726: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 finished lap 5 ( 0:58.085)
5:13.710 - 5:18.507: Berry Goudbeek went off the track
5:18.593 - 5:21.562: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports went off the track
3:50.578 - 5:23.234: Bryan Beaubouef finished lap 3 ( 1:32.656)
4:30.875 - 5:24.046: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 5 ( 0:53.171)
5:13.476 - 5:27.414: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports went off the track
5:28.171 - 5:30.125: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 11th
4:20.968 - 5:30.835: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:09.867)
5:31.125 - 5:33.968: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 11th
5:30.617 - 5:34.117: Ben McLeod went off the track
4:25.632 - 5:38.648: gijs elshof | ART Motosports finished lap 4 ( 1:13.015)
5:40.453 - 5:42.234: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing passed Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 for 2nd
4:36.531 - 5:45.039: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:08.507)
5:43.507 - 5:45.039: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports passed Berry Goudbeek for 10th
3:49.953 - 5:45.109: Myke Moynier finished lap 3 ( 1:55.156)
5:44.781 - 5:49.320: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
4:42.382 - 5:51.718: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:09.335)
5:50.023 - 5:51.718: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Berry Goudbeek for 11th
4:37.796 - 5:52.093: Berry Goudbeek finished lap 4 ( 1:14.296)
5:00.515 - 5:55.218: Ben McLeod finished lap 5 ( 0:54.703)
5:03.843 - 5:56.921: Devon Johnson | GAJ finished lap 6 ( 0:53.078)
5:56.242 - 5:58.398: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 5th
5:55.960 - 5:59.390: Berry Goudbeek passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports and Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 10th
5:45.109 - 5:59.585: Myke Moynier went off the track
4:53.609 - 6:05.187: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:11.578)
5:58.937 - 6:05.421: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
4:53.968 - 6:09.039: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:15.070)
6:09.796 - 6:13.671: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
6:08.406 - 6:15.882: Bryan Beaubouef went off the track
5:24.046 - 6:17.750: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 6 ( 0:53.703)
5:13.867 - 6:17.750: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:03.882)
6:17.484 - 6:19.843: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 11th
5:08.007 - 6:20.601: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:12.593)
6:15.882 - 6:22.414: Bryan Beaubouef went off the track
5:14.320 - 6:24.187: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:09.867)
6:22.218 - 6:26.953: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports went off the track
6:25.015 - 6:29.976: Berry Goudbeek went off the track
6:27.453 - 6:30.320: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 11th
6:18.835 - 6:33.656: Myke Moynier went off the track
6:35.171 - 6:37.515: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 6th
6:34.914 - 6:38.250: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports went off the track
5:23.234 - 6:40.445: Bryan Beaubouef finished lap 4 ( 1:17.210)
6:40.679 - 6:42.937: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 5th
5:16.726 - 6:45.601: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 finished lap 6 ( 1:28.875)
5:30.835 - 6:46.054: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:15.218)
6:40.929 - 6:48.515: Myke Moynier went off the track
5:52.093 - 6:51.398: Berry Goudbeek finished lap 5 ( 0:59.304)
6:49.546 - 6:54.484: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 6th
5:56.921 - 6:59.078: Devon Johnson | GAJ finished lap 7 ( 1:02.156)
5:45.039 - 7:01.578: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:16.539)
6:57.164 - 7:03.937: Myke Moynier went off the track
7:00.835 - 7:05.648: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
6:55.101 - 7:05.695: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
7:03.898 - 7:07.750: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
7:01.382 - 7:07.781: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer went off the track
5:51.718 - 7:09.351: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:17.632)
6:05.187 - 7:10.156: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:04.968)
7:12.328 - 7:14.078: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports for 6th
7:17.875 - 7:19.609: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 11th
6:17.750 - 7:21.789: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:04.039)
7:08.304 - 7:22.062: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
7:21.390 - 7:22.875: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
7:18.070 - 7:25.453: Bryan Beaubouef went off the track
5:55.218 - 7:26.515: Ben McLeod finished lap 6 ( 1:31.296)
5:45.109 - 7:28.562: Myke Moynier finished lap 4 ( 1:43.453)
6:24.187 - 7:31.007: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:06.820)
7:25.453 - 7:31.046: Bryan Beaubouef went off the track
7:24.656 - 7:36.859: Berry Goudbeek went off the track
6:20.601 - 7:36.906: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:16.304)
7:35.351 - 7:36.906: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing for 6th
6:09.039 - 7:37.250: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:28.210)
6:17.750 - 7:38.937: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:21.187)
7:34.851 - 7:39.132: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
7:36.859 - 7:40.609: Berry Goudbeek passed Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports for 9th
7:39.007 - 7:41.007: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing passed Ben McLeod for 4th
7:48.398 - 7:52.203: Ben McLeod went off the track
7:51.882 - 7:53.320: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 went off the track
7:45.562 - 7:55.039: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
6:59.078 - 7:55.226: Devon Johnson | GAJ finished lap 8 ( 0:56.148)
7:42.656 - 7:55.453: Berry Goudbeek went off the track
7:50.921 - 7:55.867: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
6:46.054 - 7:56.804: Jonas Nordli | JNR Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:10.750)
6:45.601 - 8:00.578: Chase Desselle| Bent Clothing Co. #JG96 finished lap 7 ( 1:14.976)
7:49.968 - 8:02.062: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports went off the track
8:02.062 - 8:04.437: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports passed Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer for 11th
8:04.492 - 8:06.359: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 11th
7:54.734 - 8:11.859: Bryan Beaubouef went off the track
6:40.445 - 8:17.328: Bryan Beaubouef finished lap 5 ( 1:36.882)
8:16.656 - 8:18.437: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports passed Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing and Ben McLeod for 4th
7:01.578 - 8:19.398: Alanas Saulys | JNR Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:17.820)
8:14.000 - 8:20.937: Ben McLeod passed Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing for 5th
7:09.351 - 8:24.039: Stefan Ciarafoni|Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:14.687)
8:10.093 - 8:24.109: Berry Goudbeek went off the track
8:20.085 - 8:24.703: Myke Moynier went off the track
6:51.398 - 8:26.046: Berry Goudbeek finished lap 6 ( 1:34.648)
8:06.953 - 8:26.554: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports went off the track
7:36.906 - 8:33.820: Frank Kastermans | ART Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 0:56.914)
7:26.515 - 8:33.898: Ben McLeod finished lap 7 ( 1:07.382)
7:31.007 - 8:39.570: Niels Amerongen | Team Heli Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:08.562)
7:21.789 - 8:39.914: Dennis Fjeldberg | Barry/Fly Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:18.125)
8:36.093 - 8:40.593: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing went off the track
8:40.109 - 8:42.898: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing passed Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports for 11th
7:37.250 - 8:54.046: Damien Sanzey | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:16.796)
7:28.562 - 8:57.281: Myke Moynier finished lap 5 ( 1:28.718)
7:10.156 - 8:58.265: Jorgen Rogeberg | JNR Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:48.109)
7:38.937 - 9:03.671: Steven BALTENWECK | MyPlash Metal Mulisha Star Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:24.734)