MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 8 - Atlanta
Format 8 laps
Date10/29/2013, 7:53:07 AM (4089 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
110Michael Gonzalez rmz450(2013)8 8:33.6488 0:58.3355547
220Saulys rmz450(2013)8 8:40.9294 0:58.5315911
3481Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics kx250f(2013)7 9:09.0852 1:13.7036611
4347Matt Bowman|Looking for a team kx250f(2013)7 9:17.5395 1:06.1489474
5692Dannekarlsson | looking for team 450sxf(2013)7 9:30.6955 1:20.3357389
6127Tyler Frye crf450(2013)5 6:48.7964 1:12.6175597
7694Freddykarlsson|looking for team kx450f(2013)5 8:56.5933 1:29.57012577
854Jeremy Denny 450sxf(2011)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0009752
9630Matt Myer | Two O Motorsports rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0007371

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 692 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
P2 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
P3 20 692 481 481 481 481 481
P4 481 481 347 347 347 347 347
P5 347 127 127 127 127 692 692
P6 127 347 692 692 692
P7 694 694 694 694 694

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:58.335 8 10 Michael Gonzalez
0:58.531 4 20 Saulys
0:58.671 8 20 Saulys
0:59.171 2 10 Michael Gonzalez
0:59.882 6 10 Michael Gonzalez
1:00.382 4 10 Michael Gonzalez
1:01.406 2 20 Saulys
1:04.593 3 10 Michael Gonzalez
1:06.148 5 347 Matt Bowman|Looking for a team
1:11.273 5 10 Michael Gonzalez
1:11.734 4 347 Matt Bowman|Looking for a team
1:12.617 4 127 Tyler Frye
1:13.703 2 481 Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics
1:13.914 7 10 Michael Gonzalez
1:13.992 2 127 Tyler Frye
1:14.484 5 481 Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics
1:16.421 4 481 Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics
1:16.445 6 481 Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics
1:20.335 5 692 Dannekarlsson | looking for team
1:21.890 3 20 Saulys
1:23.812 7 347 Matt Bowman|Looking for a team
1:25.203 4 692 Dannekarlsson | looking for team
1:29.570 3 694 Freddykarlsson|looking for team
1:31.414 5 127 Tyler Frye
1:32.742 6 692 Dannekarlsson | looking for team
1:37.601 3 692 Dannekarlsson | looking for team
1:56.898 5 694 Freddykarlsson|looking for team
2:03.132 2 694 Freddykarlsson|looking for team

Individual Worst Laps

1:13.914 7 10 Michael Gonzalez
1:21.890 3 20 Saulys
1:31.414 5 127 Tyler Frye
1:32.156 7 481 Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics
1:32.914 6 347 Matt Bowman|Looking for a team
1:37.601 3 692 Dannekarlsson | looking for team
2:03.132 2 694 Freddykarlsson|looking for team


Std. Dev.NumberName
5.818 10 Michael Gonzalez
6.704 481 Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics
7.437 127 Tyler Frye
7.762 20 Saulys
9.387 347 Matt Bowman|Looking for a team
12.114 692 Dannekarlsson | looking for team
12.695 694 Freddykarlsson|looking for team
- 54 Jeremy Denny
- 630 Matt Myer | Two O Motorsports

Play by Play

Dannekarlsson | looking for team takes the holeshot followed by Saulys, Tyler Frye, Michael Gonzalez, Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics, Matt Bowman|Looking for a team and Freddykarlsson|looking for team

0:08.242 - 0:10.648: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics passed Tyler Frye and Michael Gonzalez for 3rd
0:10.648 - 0:19.398: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics went off the track
0:09.101 - 0:19.539: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team went off the track
0:19.398 - 0:23.085: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics passed Saulys for 2nd
0:24.984 - 0:28.500: Michael Gonzalez passed Matt Bowman|Looking for a team and Tyler Frye for 4th
0:26.070 - 0:28.851: Saulys passed Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics for 2nd
0:28.046 - 0:32.507: Freddykarlsson|looking for team passed Matt Bowman|Looking for a team and Tyler Frye for 5th
0:24.523 - 0:32.781: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team passed Tyler Frye for 6th
0:32.476 - 0:38.546: Michael Gonzalez passed Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics for 3rd
0:36.453 - 0:44.742: Freddykarlsson|looking for team passed Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics for 4th
0:37.398 - 0:45.812: Tyler Frye passed Matt Bowman|Looking for a team for 6th
0:44.875 - 0:47.148: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics passed Freddykarlsson|looking for team for 4th
0:49.773 - 0:51.703: Michael Gonzalez passed Saulys for 2nd
0:52.406 - 0:54.125: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team passed Tyler Frye for 6th
0:00.000 - 0:59.109: Dannekarlsson | looking for team finished lap 1 ( 0:59.109)
1:02.953 - 1:05.039: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team passed Freddykarlsson|looking for team for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:06.093: Michael Gonzalez finished lap 1 ( 1:06.093)
1:06.093 - 1:08.703: Michael Gonzalez passed Dannekarlsson | looking for team for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:11.500: Saulys finished lap 1 ( 1:11.500)
1:04.726 - 1:11.679: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:16.093: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics finished lap 1 ( 1:16.093)
1:23.039 - 1:25.593: Saulys passed Dannekarlsson | looking for team for 2nd
1:23.414 - 1:27.234: Tyler Frye passed Freddykarlsson|looking for team for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:30.156: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team finished lap 1 ( 1:30.156)
0:00.000 - 1:31.101: Tyler Frye finished lap 1 ( 1:31.101)
0:00.000 - 1:34.015: Freddykarlsson|looking for team finished lap 1 ( 1:34.015)
1:40.085 - 1:43.937: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics passed Dannekarlsson | looking for team for 3rd
1:47.460 - 1:52.195: Dannekarlsson | looking for team went off the track
1:06.093 - 2:05.265: Michael Gonzalez finished lap 2 ( 0:59.171)
1:59.328 - 2:05.960: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team went off the track
1:11.500 - 2:12.906: Saulys finished lap 2 ( 1:01.406)
2:25.765 - 2:27.492: Dannekarlsson | looking for team passed Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics for 3rd
0:59.109 - 2:29.656: Dannekarlsson | looking for team finished lap 2 ( 1:30.546)
1:16.093 - 2:29.796: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics finished lap 2 ( 1:13.703)
1:31.101 - 2:45.093: Tyler Frye finished lap 2 ( 1:13.992)
2:43.039 - 2:45.093: Tyler Frye passed Matt Bowman|Looking for a team for 5th
2:41.382 - 2:45.828: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics passed Dannekarlsson | looking for team for 3rd
2:46.734 - 2:49.234: Dannekarlsson | looking for team passed Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics for 3rd
1:30.156 - 2:51.187: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team finished lap 2 ( 1:21.031)
2:54.937 - 3:00.656: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics went off the track
3:06.445 - 3:08.742: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team passed Tyler Frye for 5th
2:05.265 - 3:09.859: Michael Gonzalez finished lap 3 ( 1:04.593)
2:12.906 - 3:34.796: Saulys finished lap 3 ( 1:21.890)
3:29.484 - 3:35.789: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team went off the track
1:34.015 - 3:37.148: Freddykarlsson|looking for team finished lap 2 ( 2:03.132)
3:36.335 - 3:41.617: Tyler Frye went off the track
2:29.796 - 3:41.906: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics finished lap 3 ( 1:12.109)
2:51.187 - 3:59.929: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team finished lap 3 ( 1:08.742)
2:45.093 - 4:02.960: Tyler Frye finished lap 3 ( 1:17.867)
2:29.656 - 4:07.257: Dannekarlsson | looking for team finished lap 3 ( 1:37.601)
3:09.859 - 4:10.242: Michael Gonzalez finished lap 4 ( 1:00.382)
4:12.445 - 4:17.796: Dannekarlsson | looking for team passed Tyler Frye for 5th
3:34.796 - 4:33.328: Saulys finished lap 4 ( 0:58.531)
4:33.328 - 4:41.429: Saulys went off the track
4:49.015 - 4:52.937: Tyler Frye passed Dannekarlsson | looking for team for 5th
3:41.906 - 4:58.328: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics finished lap 4 ( 1:16.421)
3:37.148 - 5:06.718: Freddykarlsson|looking for team finished lap 3 ( 1:29.570)
3:59.929 - 5:11.664: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team finished lap 4 ( 1:11.734)
4:02.960 - 5:15.578: Tyler Frye finished lap 4 ( 1:12.617)
4:10.242 - 5:21.515: Michael Gonzalez finished lap 5 ( 1:11.273)
4:07.257 - 5:32.460: Dannekarlsson | looking for team finished lap 4 ( 1:25.203)
4:33.328 - 5:36.117: Saulys finished lap 5 ( 1:02.789)
6:07.914 - 6:09.710: Dannekarlsson | looking for team passed Tyler Frye for 5th
4:58.328 - 6:12.812: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics finished lap 5 ( 1:14.484)
6:09.757 - 6:12.984: Tyler Frye passed Dannekarlsson | looking for team for 5th
5:11.664 - 6:17.812: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team finished lap 5 ( 1:06.148)
5:21.515 - 6:21.398: Michael Gonzalez finished lap 6 ( 0:59.882)
6:19.320 - 6:24.164: Saulys went off the track
6:29.445 - 6:31.843: Dannekarlsson | looking for team passed Tyler Frye for 5th
5:36.117 - 6:34.179: Saulys finished lap 6 ( 0:58.062)
6:32.562 - 6:35.250: Tyler Frye passed Dannekarlsson | looking for team for 5th
6:23.562 - 6:44.156: Freddykarlsson|looking for team went off the track
5:15.578 - 6:46.992: Tyler Frye finished lap 5 ( 1:31.414)
5:32.460 - 6:52.796: Dannekarlsson | looking for team finished lap 5 ( 1:20.335)
6:44.156 - 6:59.695: Freddykarlsson|looking for team went off the track
5:06.718 - 6:59.695: Freddykarlsson|looking for team finished lap 4 ( 1:52.976)
7:09.367 - 7:18.203: Saulys went off the track
6:12.812 - 7:29.257: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics finished lap 6 ( 1:16.445)
6:21.398 - 7:35.312: Michael Gonzalez finished lap 7 ( 1:13.914)
6:34.179 - 7:38.875: Saulys finished lap 7 ( 1:04.695)
7:34.210 - 7:46.320: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team went off the track
6:17.812 - 7:50.726: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team finished lap 6 ( 1:32.914)
7:44.554 - 7:59.757: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics went off the track
6:52.796 - 8:25.539: Dannekarlsson | looking for team finished lap 6 ( 1:32.742)
7:35.312 - 8:33.648: Michael Gonzalez finished lap 8 ( 0:58.335)
7:38.875 - 8:37.546: Saulys finished lap 8 ( 0:58.671)
6:59.695 - 8:56.593: Freddykarlsson|looking for team finished lap 5 ( 1:56.898)
7:29.257 - 9:01.414: Korey Boddington | Crispy Graphics finished lap 7 ( 1:32.156)
9:07.773 - 9:13.570: Dannekarlsson | looking for team went off the track
7:50.726 - 9:14.539: Matt Bowman|Looking for a team finished lap 7 ( 1:23.812)
8:25.539 - 9:25.820: Dannekarlsson | looking for team finished lap 7 ( 1:00.281)