MX Simulator - 2021 Mini O's MX

Overall Lap Records
1 1:45.265250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe | AstroClub x MSK
2 1:47.109250sxf(2018)12315904Connor Austin |
3 1:47.148250sxf(2018)18934168Khamar Glover
4 1:47.453250sxf(2018)41131521hollywood wascom is nasty on the 360 controller
5 1:47.460250sxf(2018)14725473zouk |
6 1:47.710250sxf(2018)14526568Antoine Mouqueron |
7 1:48.101250sxf(2018)4229249Jason Helm | RSD/MXS Magazine
8 1:48.125250sxf(2018)9630371Jake $pea$e | District Designs
9 1:48.343250sxf(2018)129577luigi grass
10 1:48.476250sxf(2018)1734280Clement Potensier
11 1:48.804fc450(2018)17534905Jacob Kelly | RSD/MXS Magazine
12 1:49.710fc450(2018)13819747Jacob Arnbrister | Gas Prod. Honda
13 1:49.890250sxf(2018)69943203ronnie mac jr | free agent
14 1:49.929250sxf(2018)39136624Jadon Cooper | VSR
15 1:49.937250sxf(2018)1445369Chase Odom | Rides Unlimited
16 1:50.562fc450(2018)23827283Dean Maldona | Underground RC
17 1:50.625fc450(2018)8412357Aj Meadows | Verified Graphics Co
18 1:50.664250sxf(2018)33131898Tyler More | Rides Unlimited
19 1:51.039250sxf(2018) | RPR | Rangeline #freedonovan
20 1:51.203rm250(2008)72132685James Layle | Rides Unlimited
21 1:51.812rm1253749224Cash Woods | RPR | RangeLine
22 1:51.835250sxf(2018)51539754Jacob Kingsfield | MonsterMountainMx #4JA
23 1:52.593rm125126349Brayden Tharp | Adept Creative Co.
24 1:52.640250sxf(2018)2434859DaJord/
25 1:53.062fc450(2018)1913965Brandon Huntington | Weasel Squeezer Racing |
26 1:53.117250sxf(2018)71139412711
27 1:53.335250sxf(2018)5011337Jack Gatland | BPC | Live
28 1:53.515fc450(2018)23318345donovan | smokemoto
29 1:53.742250sxf(2018)2238935evan kelm
30 1:53.773250sxf(2018)28438384K'Jae Thompson|RSD/MXS Mag
31 1:53.984250sxf(2018)6939167Randy Brandy
32 1:54.109250sxf(2018)18917309Zac Palm | District Designs
33 1:54.117250sxf(2018)22233887Jonathan Hernandez | OneFiveDesigns
34 1:54.609crf450(2018)21432938David Bradley | RSD/MXSMagazine #JM101
35 1:54.664250sxf(2018)16538437Ryder Bednar I Ethika
36 1:54.953250sxf(2018)13243144Coby Gilsdorf | Active |
37 1:55.289cr12513121854Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix KTM
38 1:55.492250sxf(2018)23712946Bryan Hedge | Hog Heaven
39 1:55.617450sxf(2018)5148865Bryce Lizarraga | FUEL YAMAHA
40 1:55.656rm1259646003Luke Fauser | LTD #Jacewilliamsruinedmxsim
41 1:55.679rm12516445996Tanner Scott | LTD! | TTV tanner_scott46
42 1:56.164250sxf(2018)3737921Gauge Fuller
43 1:56.203250sxf(2018)72818901Hunter Plomb | RPR | Rangeline | USA Weed Smoking Team
44 1:56.203450sxf(2018)1839599caiden | E3 Bros
45 1:56.546250sxf(2018)51225975Christian Hentila | @Moto.Fails
46 1:57.406rm12516931541Nathan McLaughlin | Foundation529 | TTV Glckyy
47 1:58.625250sxf(2018)84839544ASA Racing
48 1:58.640250sxf(2018)64413475Lennart Schmidt | 2B-One Racing
49 1:59.406250sxf(2018)10825014Aiden Eyler
50 2:00.187rm12512935025Chance Bray | MonsterMountainMx
51 2:00.398250sxf(2018)5425145@skylarbelcher
52 2:00.492250sxf(2018)83830470Max Manske
53 2:00.632rm12520618892Tallon Coane | Creation
54 2:00.929250sxf(2018)61339900Luke Peterson
55 2:01.460250sxf(2018)5746764$capin
56 2:01.546rm1252939891Ryan Xenn Dumaguina
57 2:01.687250sxf(2018)13734325Ryan Swanson | AEO
58 2:03.281250sxf(2018)13745882Brayden Howard
59 2:03.492250sxf(2018)9545635Gas | Gas Prod. Honda #freedonovan
60 2:04.179rm250(2008)7923492Braxton Knapp | Privateer
61 2:04.273fc450(2018)27721437Chase Morales | Verified Graphics Co
62 2:05.179250sxf(2018)44443670Caleb Tennant
63 2:05.492cr1257616478VD76 - La Soudure
64 2:05.578250sxf(2018)2245574Parker
65 2:06.218250sxf(2018)3913032 Adam Root | Privateer
66 2:06.273crf450(2018)516529Justin Baker |
67 2:07.429fc450(2018)42840411Chad Stonier
68 2:08.140cr12520523831Sonny Spicer | VSR
69 2:08.414250sxf(2018)41946476Deacon Denno
70 2:09.031rm12543822787Caleb Anderson
71 2:09.429cr1257473939flem
72 2:09.562cr1256729458Jesse Furtado|Fasthouse MXS
73 2:11.531250sxf(2018)16946870Tanner Wiegers|#169|TnT Action
74 2:12.601rm125121967Nate Is Shitter | LTD!
75 2:14.593rm12562643541big daddys
76 2:16.710250sxf(2018)85743748Daniel Evans
77 2:23.898250sxf(2018)15318416Bryce Foley
78 2:25.500250sxf(2018)78734257trip rexroat
79 2:25.734fc250(2018)44818379#lilsauce
80 2:34.664cr12576435157Jordan Miller |Covenant
81 2:35.757250sxf(2018)23243399Isaac Lawyer | Privateer
82 2:47.320250sxf(2018)9273449Fernando Andrade | PV Industries
125 Lap Records
1 1:47.140rm12530919001Timmy Briscoe | AstroClub x MSK
2 1:49.070rm12512315904Connor Austin |
3 1:49.179rm12514725473Noa Houque | Moto$
4 1:49.851rm12514526568Antoine Mouqueron |
5 1:49.945rm12541131521hollywood wascom is nasty on the 360 controller
6 1:50.882cr1254229249Jason Helm | RSD/MXS Magazine
7 1:50.929rm1259830371Jake $pea$e | District Designs
8 1:50.984rm12518934168Khamar Glover
9 1:51.812rm1253749224Cash Woods | RPR | RangeLine
10 1:51.906cr12513819747Jacob Arnbrister | AEO Gas Gas
11 1:52.062rm12551539754Jacob Kingsfield | MonsterMountainMx #4JA
12 1:52.132rm1251445369Chase Odom | Rides Unlimited
13 1:52.406rm12539136624Jadon Cooper | VSR
14 1:52.593rm125126349Brayden Tharp | Adept Creative Co.
15 1:52.851rm12531734280Clement Potensier
16 1:52.859rm1258412357Aj Meadows | Verified Graphics Co
17 1:53.679rm12544343203tange
18 1:53.968cr12572132685James Layle | Rides Unlimited
19 1:54.484cr1252238935evan kelm
20 1:54.640rm12571139412711
21 1:54.648rm12533131898Tyler More | Rides Unlimited
22 1:55.164rm1252434859DaJord/
23 1:55.289cr12513121854Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix KTM
24 1:55.382rm12522233887Jonathan Hernandez | OneFiveDesigns
25 1:55.656rm1259646003Luke Fauser | LTD #Jacewilliamsruinedmxsim
26 1:55.679rm12516445996Tanner Scott | LTD! | TTV tanner_scott46
27 1:56.039rm125129577dandy lion
28 1:56.789cr12518917309Zac Palm | District Designs
29 1:57.406rm12516931541Nathan McLaughlin | Foundation529 | TTV Glckyy
30 1:57.484rm1252712946Bryan Hedge | EBR
31 1:57.773cr12523318345donovan | smokemoto
32 1:57.914cr12516538437Ryder Bednar I Ethika
33 1:58.281cr12514839167Christopher Harris | Outback
34 1:58.773cr12593965Brandon Huntington | Weasel Squeezer Racing |
35 1:58.820cr12521432938David Bradley | RSD/MXSMagazine #JM101
36 2:00.156rm1253737921Gauge Fuller
37 2:00.187rm12512935025Chance Bray | MonsterMountainMx
38 2:00.617cr12513243144Coby Gilsdorf | Active |
39 2:00.632rm12520618892Tallon Coane | Creation
40 2:01.546rm1252939891Ryan Xenn Dumaguina
41 2:01.687rm1255746764anthony scapin
42 2:02.492rm12561339900Luke Peterson
43 2:03.578rm1255148865Bryce Lizarraga| Fuel graphix husqvarna
44 2:05.492cr1257616478VD76 - La Soudure
45 2:06.429rm1253830470Max Manske
46 2:08.140cr12520523831Sonny Spicer | VSR
47 2:09.031rm12543822787Caleb Anderson
48 2:09.429cr1257473939flem
49 2:09.562cr1256729458Jesse Furtado|Fasthouse MXS
50 2:11.914cr12510825014Aiden Eyler
51 2:12.601rm125121967Nate Is Shitter | LTD!
52 2:14.593rm12562643541big daddys
53 2:17.289rm12585743748Daniel Evans
54 2:20.789cr1257923492Braxton Knapp | Privateer
55 2:23.554rm1255425145@skylarbelcher
56 2:24.984rm12513745882Brayden Howard
57 2:34.664cr12576435157Jordan Miller |Covenant
58 2:35.437rm1253913032Adam Root | Privateer
250f Lap Records
1 1:45.265250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe | AstroClub x MSK
2 1:47.109250sxf(2018)12315904Connor Austin |
3 1:47.148250sxf(2018)18934168Khamar Glover
4 1:47.453250sxf(2018)41131521hollywood wascom is nasty on the 360 controller
5 1:47.460250sxf(2018)14725473zouk |
6 1:47.710250sxf(2018)14526568Antoine Mouqueron |
7 1:48.101250sxf(2018)4229249Jason Helm | RSD/MXS Magazine
8 1:48.125250sxf(2018)9630371Jake $pea$e | District Designs
9 1:48.343250sxf(2018)129577luigi grass
10 1:48.476250sxf(2018)1734280Clement Potensier
11 1:49.890250sxf(2018)69943203ronnie mac jr | free agent
12 1:49.929250sxf(2018)39136624Jadon Cooper | VSR
13 1:49.937250sxf(2018)1445369Chase Odom | Rides Unlimited
14 1:50.664250sxf(2018)33131898Tyler More | Rides Unlimited
15 1:51.039250sxf(2018) | RPR | Rangeline #freedonovan
16 1:51.835250sxf(2018)51539754Jacob Kingsfield | MonsterMountainMx #4JA
17 1:52.203250sxf(2018)3749224Cash Woods | RPR | RangeLine
18 1:52.640250sxf(2018)2434859DaJord/
19 1:53.117250sxf(2018)71139412711
20 1:53.335250sxf(2018)5011337Jack Gatland | BPC | Live
21 1:53.625250sxf(2018)1913965Brandon Huntington | Weasel Squeezer Racing |
22 1:53.742250sxf(2018)2238935evan kelm
23 1:53.773250sxf(2018)28438384K'Jae Thompson|RSD/MXS Mag
24 1:53.984250sxf(2018)6939167Randy Brandy
25 1:54.109250sxf(2018)18917309Zac Palm | District Designs
26 1:54.117250sxf(2018)22233887Jonathan Hernandez | OneFiveDesigns
27 1:54.664250sxf(2018)16538437Ryder Bednar I Ethika
28 1:54.953250sxf(2018)13243144Coby Gilsdorf | Active |
29 1:55.390250sxf(2018)23318345donovan | smokemoto
30 1:55.492250sxf(2018)23712946Bryan Hedge | Hog Heaven
31 1:56.164250sxf(2018)3737921Gauge Fuller
32 1:56.203250sxf(2018)72818901Hunter Plomb | RPR | Rangeline | USA Weed Smoking Team
33 1:56.414250sxf(2018)72132685James Layle | Rides Unlimited
34 1:56.546250sxf(2018)51225975Christian Hentila | @Moto.Fails
35 1:57.257250sxf(2018)1839599caiden|E3 Bros racing
36 1:58.476250sxf(2018)13819747Jacob Arnbrister | Gas Prod. Honda
37 1:58.625250sxf(2018)84839544ASA Racing
38 1:58.640250sxf(2018)64413475Lennart Schmidt | 2B-One Racing
39 1:59.406250sxf(2018)10825014Aiden Eyler
40 2:00.398250sxf(2018)5425145@skylarbelcher
41 2:00.492250sxf(2018)83830470Max Manske
42 2:00.929250sxf(2018)61339900Luke Peterson
43 2:01.460250sxf(2018)5746764$capin
44 2:01.687250sxf(2018)13734325Ryan Swanson | AEO
45 2:01.742250sxf(2018)2939891Ryan Xenn Dumaguina
46 2:03.281250sxf(2018)13745882Brayden Howard
47 2:03.296250sxf(2018)12935025Chance Bray | MonsterMountainMx
48 2:03.492250sxf(2018)9545635Gas | Gas Prod. Honda #freedonovan
49 2:05.179250sxf(2018)44443670Caleb Tennant
50 2:05.578250sxf(2018)2245574Parker
51 2:06.218250sxf(2018)3913032 Adam Root | Privateer
52 2:08.414250sxf(2018)41946476Deacon Denno
53 2:11.531250sxf(2018)16946870Tanner Wiegers|#169|TnT Action
54 2:12.148250sxf(2018)43822787Caleb Anderson
55 2:12.367250sxf(2018)5148865Bryce Lizarraga
56 2:14.906250sxf(2018)7923492Braxton Knapp | Privateer
57 2:15.445250sxf(2018)16931541Nathan McLaughlin | Foundation529
58 2:16.710250sxf(2018)85743748Daniel Evans
59 2:18.359250sxf(2018)23827283Dean Maldona | Underground RC
60 2:23.898250sxf(2018)15318416Bryce Foley
61 2:25.500250sxf(2018)78734257trip rexroat
62 2:25.734fc250(2018)44818379#lilsauce
63 2:26.710250sxf(2018)62643541big daddys
64 2:35.757250sxf(2018)23243399Isaac Lawyer | Privateer
65 2:47.320250sxf(2018)9273449Fernando Andrade | PV Industries
250 Lap Records
1 1:51.203rm250(2008)72132685James Layle | Rides Unlimited
2 2:04.179rm250(2008)7923492Braxton Knapp | Privateer
450f Lap Records
1 1:48.804fc450(2018)17534905Jacob Kelly | RSD/MXS Magazine
2 1:49.000crf450(2018)12315904Connor Austin |
3 1:49.710fc450(2018)13819747Jacob Arnbrister | Gas Prod. Honda
4 1:50.562fc450(2018)23827283Dean Maldona | Underground RC
5 1:50.625fc450(2018)8412357Aj Meadows | Verified Graphics Co
6 1:53.062fc450(2018)1913965Brandon Huntington | Weasel Squeezer Racing |
7 1:53.515fc450(2018)23318345donovan | smokemoto
8 1:54.609crf450(2018)21432938David Bradley | RSD/MXSMagazine #JM101
9 1:55.617450sxf(2018)5148865Bryce Lizarraga | FUEL YAMAHA
10 1:56.203450sxf(2018)1839599caiden | E3 Bros
11 1:56.640fc450(2018)22233887Jonathan Hernandez | OneFiveDesigns
12 1:59.382fc450(2018)2712946Bryan Hedge | EBR
13 1:59.859fc450(2018)33131898Tyler More | Rides Unlimited
14 2:00.406crf450(2018)3737921Gauge Fuller
15 2:01.148fc450(2018)129577dandy lion
16 2:01.609fc450(2018)2939891Ryan Xenn Dumaguina
17 2:04.273fc450(2018)27721437Chase Morales | Verified Graphics Co
18 2:06.273crf450(2018)516529Justin Baker |
19 2:07.429fc450(2018)42840411Chad Stonier
20 2:08.773crf450(2018)5746764anthony scapin
21 2:14.093fc450(2018)44443670Caleb Tennant
22 2:24.656350sxf(2017)13745882Brayden Howard