MX Simulator
Track2017 rF Gaming National Rd09: Washougal
Format 5 laps
Date9/9/2020, 4:15:52 AM (1588 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1510Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS yz250f_se(2006)5 17:25.8905 3:03.28928300
2266Erik Thompson | Whipstyle yz250f_se(2006)5 17:52.1013 3:54.50018194
3975Alex Cox yz250f_se(2006)5 18:02.2570 0:00.00018839
4595Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle yz250f_se(2006)2 6:45.3670 0:00.00028618

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 266 510 266 510 510
P2 975 595 510 266 266
P3 595 266 975 975 975
P4 510 975

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

3:03.289 5 510 Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS
3:32.562 4 510 Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS
3:54.500 3 266 Erik Thompson | Whipstyle
3:59.445 2 266 Erik Thompson | Whipstyle
4:06.437 3 510 Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS

Individual Worst Laps

3:49.015 2 595 Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle
3:59.445 2 266 Erik Thompson | Whipstyle
4:06.437 3 510 Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS
4:13.640 2 975 Alex Cox


Std. Dev.NumberName
19.332 266 Erik Thompson | Whipstyle
20.896 975 Alex Cox
22.543 510 Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS
- 595 Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle

Play by Play

Alex Cox takes the holeshot followed by Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle, Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS and Erik Thompson | Whipstyle

0:12.476 - 0:14.882: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle and Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 2nd
0:55.968 - 1:00.171: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox for the lead
1:36.898 - 1:42.195: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for the lead
1:41.734 - 1:48.703: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle for 3rd
1:53.289 - 1:58.039: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox for the lead
2:09.820 - 2:14.726: Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 3rd
2:23.585 - 2:25.445: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle for 3rd
2:30.460 - 2:45.914: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Alex Cox for 2nd
2:45.976 - 2:48.265: Alex Cox passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 2nd
2:47.023 - 2:48.835: Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:53.718: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle finished lap 1 ( 2:53.718)
0:00.000 - 2:53.773: Alex Cox finished lap 1 ( 2:53.773)
0:00.000 - 2:56.351: Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle finished lap 1 ( 2:56.351)
2:53.773 - 2:56.359: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for the lead
2:58.250 - 3:02.531: Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox and Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for the lead
0:00.000 - 3:02.640: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS finished lap 1 ( 3:02.640)
3:04.507 - 3:08.328: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Alex Cox and Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 2nd
2:56.554 - 3:09.523: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox for 3rd
3:33.039 - 3:37.578: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 2nd
3:38.210 - 3:45.601: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle and Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle for the lead
3:44.546 - 3:46.500: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 3rd
3:46.500 - 3:48.117: Alex Cox passed Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle for 2nd
3:51.148 - 3:54.640: Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox and Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for the lead
3:50.539 - 3:54.789: Alex Cox passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 2nd
3:52.906 - 3:57.093: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 3rd
3:57.093 - 4:04.046: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox for 2nd
4:02.460 - 4:05.648: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Alex Cox for 3rd
4:05.648 - 4:09.976: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 2nd
4:06.343 - 4:10.562: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 3rd
4:13.148 - 4:15.984: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox for 3rd
4:25.171 - 4:29.304: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for the lead
4:21.992 - 4:41.414: Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle went off the track
4:43.289 - 4:46.359: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle, Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle and Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for the lead
4:36.585 - 4:49.234: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 2nd
4:41.414 - 4:53.414: Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 3rd
4:46.359 - 5:04.968: Alex Cox went off the track
5:03.640 - 5:05.835: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle for 2nd
5:10.703 - 5:14.734: Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle and Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for the lead
5:29.890 - 5:34.281: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 3rd
5:31.679 - 5:36.906: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle for the lead
5:34.281 - 5:38.093: Alex Cox passed Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle for 2nd
6:04.523 - 6:07.179: Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox for 2nd
6:15.625 - 6:29.390: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS went off the track
6:27.226 - 6:31.664: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox for 3rd
3:02.640 - 6:43.601: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS finished lap 2 ( 3:40.960)
2:56.351 - 6:45.367: Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle finished lap 2 ( 3:49.015)
2:53.718 - 6:53.164: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle finished lap 2 ( 3:59.445)
2:53.773 - 7:07.414: Alex Cox finished lap 2 ( 4:13.640)
7:44.250 - 7:46.187: Caden Lovgren | Whipstyle passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for the lead
8:18.726 - 8:21.398: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 3rd
8:21.398 - 8:23.156: Alex Cox passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 2nd
8:23.273 - 8:28.062: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Alex Cox for 2nd
8:39.132 - 8:57.078: Alex Cox went off the track
8:57.078 - 9:00.726: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 3rd
9:05.742 - 9:08.203: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox for 2nd
9:31.531 - 9:34.609: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for the lead
9:34.070 - 9:36.859: Alex Cox passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 2nd
9:36.859 - 9:39.914: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for the lead
9:39.218 - 9:42.507: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 2nd
10:03.007 - 10:05.421: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Alex Cox for the lead
10:04.648 - 10:07.101: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox for 2nd
10:14.179 - 10:18.804: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 2nd
10:18.804 - 10:22.781: Alex Cox passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for the lead
10:29.476 - 10:30.929: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox and Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for the lead
10:24.953 - 10:32.390: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Alex Cox for 2nd
10:35.351 - 10:37.453: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for the lead
10:40.312 - 10:42.429: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for the lead
10:43.648 - 10:45.617: Alex Cox passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 2nd
6:53.164 - 10:47.664: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle finished lap 3 ( 3:54.500)
10:45.640 - 10:48.265: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Alex Cox for 2nd
6:43.601 - 10:50.039: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS finished lap 3 ( 4:06.437)
10:55.976 - 10:57.515: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for the lead
7:07.414 - 11:00.414: Alex Cox finished lap 3 ( 3:53.000)
11:13.515 - 11:19.789: Alex Cox went off the track
11:35.328 - 11:36.945: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 2nd
11:46.085 - 11:49.101: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox for 2nd
12:28.093 - 12:31.687: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 2nd
13:45.976 - 13:50.421: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox and Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for the lead
13:41.765 - 13:55.250: Alex Cox passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 2nd
13:50.421 - 14:01.835: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle went off the track
14:08.585 - 14:11.132: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Alex Cox for 2nd
14:11.132 - 14:13.890: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for the lead
10:50.039 - 14:22.601: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS finished lap 4 ( 3:32.562)
14:26.710 - 14:29.343: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 2nd
10:47.664 - 14:39.867: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle finished lap 4 ( 3:52.203)
14:38.046 - 14:39.867: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox for 2nd
11:00.414 - 14:41.632: Alex Cox finished lap 4 ( 3:41.218)
14:43.875 - 14:47.445: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 2nd
15:37.804 - 15:43.898: Alex Cox went off the track
17:12.601 - 17:17.226: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle passed Alex Cox for 2nd
14:22.601 - 17:25.890: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS finished lap 5 ( 3:03.289)
17:43.289 - 17:45.125: Alex Cox passed Erik Thompson | Whipstyle for 2nd
17:45.187 - 17:51.015: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle went off the track
14:39.867 - 17:51.015: Erik Thompson | Whipstyle finished lap 5 ( 3:11.148)
14:41.632 - 17:57.453: Alex Cox finished lap 5 ( 3:15.820)