MX Simulator
Track2020 Rival Decal Compound MX
Format 5 laps
Date11/5/2020, 5:16:56 PM (1531 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1132Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | crf450(2018)5 12:04.9292 2:48.14825938
2226Blake Cox | Privateer 250sxf(2018)5 12:17.2033 3:10.15628535
3510Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS fc450(2018)5 12:50.0392 3:01.96028300
4605Andrew Varvel | Privateer 250sxf(2018)5 15:57.8900 0:00.00018265

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 226 226 132 226 132
P2 510 132 226 132 226
P3 132 510 510 510 510
P4 605 605 605 605 605

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:48.148 2 132 Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing |
2:51.343 4 132 Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing |
3:01.960 2 510 Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS
3:04.226 3 132 Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing |
3:10.156 3 226 Blake Cox | Privateer

Individual Worst Laps

3:04.226 3 132 Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing |
3:10.156 3 226 Blake Cox | Privateer
3:19.992 3 510 Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS
4:00.367 4 605 Andrew Varvel | Privateer


Std. Dev.NumberName
6.031 132 Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing |
9.015 226 Blake Cox | Privateer
9.344 510 Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS
10.098 605 Andrew Varvel | Privateer

Play by Play

Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | takes the holeshot followed by Blake Cox | Privateer, Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS and Andrew Varvel | Privateer

0:00.000 - 0:19.609: Blake Cox | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 0:19.609)
0:16.945 - 0:19.609: Blake Cox | Privateer passed Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | for the lead
0:00.000 - 0:20.351: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS finished lap 1 ( 0:20.351)
0:17.906 - 0:20.351: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | for 2nd
0:00.000 - 0:27.515: Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | finished lap 1 ( 0:27.515)
0:27.523 - 0:31.984: Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 2nd
0:00.000 - 0:33.843: Andrew Varvel | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 0:33.843)
0:55.468 - 0:57.984: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | for 2nd
2:25.234 - 2:27.710: Blake Cox | Privateer went off the track
2:47.992 - 2:49.890: Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 2nd
0:19.609 - 3:12.703: Blake Cox | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 2:53.093)
0:27.515 - 3:15.664: Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | finished lap 2 ( 2:48.148)
0:20.351 - 3:22.312: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS finished lap 2 ( 3:01.960)
3:44.531 - 3:50.359: Andrew Varvel | Privateer went off the track
0:33.843 - 4:11.382: Andrew Varvel | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 3:37.539)
4:26.078 - 4:29.265: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS went off the track
4:29.609 - 4:36.132: Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | passed Blake Cox | Privateer for the lead
4:40.835 - 4:44.398: Blake Cox | Privateer passed Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | for the lead
4:50.757 - 4:55.656: Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | passed Blake Cox | Privateer for the lead
4:54.429 - 4:59.203: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS passed Blake Cox | Privateer for 2nd
5:26.656 - 5:28.773: Blake Cox | Privateer passed Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS for 2nd
6:05.710 - 6:10.648: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS went off the track
3:15.664 - 6:19.890: Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | finished lap 3 ( 3:04.226)
3:12.703 - 6:22.859: Blake Cox | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 3:10.156)
6:27.421 - 6:35.492: Blake Cox | Privateer went off the track
3:22.312 - 6:42.304: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS finished lap 3 ( 3:19.992)
7:14.312 - 7:18.906: Andrew Varvel | Privateer went off the track
7:17.804 - 7:19.585: Blake Cox | Privateer passed Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | for the lead
7:22.828 - 7:28.773: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS went off the track
4:11.382 - 7:53.015: Andrew Varvel | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 3:41.632)
7:52.062 - 7:53.718: Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | passed Blake Cox | Privateer for the lead
8:03.570 - 8:08.007: Blake Cox | Privateer passed Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | for the lead
8:56.289 - 9:03.429: Andrew Varvel | Privateer went off the track
6:22.859 - 9:08.945: Blake Cox | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 2:46.085)
6:19.890 - 9:11.234: Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | finished lap 4 ( 2:51.343)
6:42.304 - 9:36.859: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS finished lap 4 ( 2:54.554)
9:43.984 - 9:55.382: Andrew Varvel | Privateer went off the track
10:03.656 - 10:07.750: Blake Cox | Privateer went off the track
10:43.656 - 10:59.070: Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | went off the track
11:02.445 - 11:16.789: Andrew Varvel | Privateer went off the track
11:11.539 - 11:17.656: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS went off the track
11:36.500 - 11:38.296: Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | passed Blake Cox | Privateer for the lead
7:53.015 - 11:53.382: Andrew Varvel | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 4:00.367)
9:11.234 - 12:04.929: Dylan Smith | Jack Daniels Racing | finished lap 5 ( 2:53.695)
9:08.945 - 12:10.367: Blake Cox | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 3:01.421)
9:36.859 - 12:45.390: Ryan Hudson | Whipstyle | NUBS finished lap 5 ( 3:08.531)
14:26.523 - 14:32.570: Andrew Varvel | Privateer went off the track
14:56.335 - 14:59.648: Andrew Varvel | Privateer went off the track
11:53.382 - 15:52.093: Andrew Varvel | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 3:58.710)