MX Simulator F.A.Q. Screenshots Download Order Servers Links Forum - Coronet Bay

Overall Lap Records
1 1:51.312fc450(2018)9832029Trevor Burns | VirokCo.
2 1:52.234fc450(2018)19422919Trevor Shaffer | Proline Designs
3 1:54.101250sxf(2018)23517953jaxon lindsay | privateer
4 1:54.703250sxf(2018)11333351Blake Wicklund | Proline Designs
5 1:55.375250sxf(2018)8023352Trent Sheppard |
6 1:56.882fc450(2018)3232017jake kazarian
7 1:57.226250sxf(2018)63323482Tyler Bartlett | Creative Coatings KTM
8 1:57.476fc250(2018)23324832Kael Braden | Odyssey
9 1:57.531250sxf(2018)82130353Colt Hans
10 1:57.757fc450(2018)32419854Evan Welle | H&W
11 1:58.187crf450(2018)2419127Joaquin Morales / Honda HRC
12 1:58.804250sxf(2018)272606Tony Spinelli | Pogo (this dick)
13 1:58.953250sxf(2018)2414170Erik Martin|PoGo
14 1:59.796250sxf(2018)44123369Bodhi Pangle | Preme Decals
15 2:00.515250sxf(2018)42329714James | Holyak Training Facility
16 2:00.945fc250(2018)30123340Dakota Washburn|GDRacing
17 2:01.523250sxf(2018)51226382Austin Irwin | Vans | Fuel Clothing Co.
18 2:01.593rm12521430933Josh Hart | Grunt-Style
19 2:01.726250sxf(2018)11116067Christian Watson | DABS
20 2:02.351cr12520220897Connor Wells |
21 2:02.484250sxf(2018)44828193Alec King
22 2:02.726250sxf(2018)44431327Noah Smerdon | Odyssey
23 2:03.046450sxf(2018)61523702Blaine Stegenga | Privateer
24 2:03.125250sxf(2018)81429867Christian jonse|Preme Decals
25 2:03.703250sxf(2018)68327203Dylan Roberts | Ballistic Decals
26 2:03.914250sxf(2018)2324386Jack Curtis |
27 2:03.929250sxf(2018)556862Noah Baker | SplitDesignsCo
28 2:04.210250sxf(2018)8727108Daniel Irvine | Creative Coatings
29 2:04.250fc450(2018)10321466Todd Wadsworth | Creative Coatings Redbull KTM
30 2:04.929fc4501321854Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
31 2:05.640450sxf(2018)7923492Braxton Knapp | Prototype Racing
32 2:06.437fc450(2018)24322655Austen Bennett | Grunt-Style
33 2:08.117250sxf(2017)11431338brady gilmore
34 2:08.445250sxf(2018)44418391Al Tranghese | Washed up MX Simulator player
35 2:09.515250sxf(2018)2329409Daniel Bauer
36 2:09.742fc450(2018)50422090Ezra Tate
37 2:11.273450sxf(2018)7628698Thumpin
38 2:11.820crf450(2018)14523269Zack Tallman | Preme Decals
39 2:14.781250sxf(2018)10024939Tyler Loomis | Vans | Fuel Clothing Co.
40 2:15.421fc250(2018)26447Trym Arin
41 2:15.546250sxf(2016)1019181Andrew Peakman
42 2:18.062fc450(2018)8237750Jeremy Gwiozdowski | SPINC
43 2:18.765250sxf(2018)31733516Chris Clarke | Grunt-Style
44 2:19.296250sxf(2018)71217794Josh Howard /Preme Decals
45 2:20.820crf450(2018)11830369Kyle
46 2:22.476250sxf(2018)72825129Quentin Durot #728 | Black RedBull Factory
47 2:22.656fc450(2018)22829045Travis Cummings | Odyssey Mx
48 2:23.218250sxf(2018)11730399Tyler Scheels
49 2:24.140fc450(2018)973169Sheepy ! #97
50 2:32.593250sxf(2018)2577428Sonny Edmonson | PoGo
51 2:40.265fc450(2018)75661Sabrina Ritzler | Whipstyle
52 2:43.390fc450(2018)4827505Will Pyron | Spektrum Racing
53 2:43.671rm250(2008)95429769Magnus Noedskov | Yamaha Pro Team
54 2:48.179yz450f(2018)9917944Niklas Reichstein - The full send crew
55 2:54.101rm12591915483Doug Bauer | Goon
56 6:12.085250sx(2012)16033221Thor Hannibal Lundbye
125 Lap Records
1 1:55.601rm12519422919Trevor Shaffer | Proline Designs
2 1:58.320rm1259832029Trevor Burns | VirokCo.
3 1:58.648rm12511333351Blake Wicklund | Proline Designs
4 2:01.226rm12544123369Bodhi Pangle | Preme Decals
5 2:01.570rm12523324832Kael Braden | Odyssey
6 2:01.593rm12521430933Josh Hart | Grunt-Style
7 2:01.968rm12582130353Colt Hans
8 2:02.351cr12520220897Connor Wells |
9 2:02.789rm12532419854Evan Welle | H&W
10 2:04.578rm12563323482Tyler Bartlett | Creative Coatings KTM
11 2:05.500rm12530123340Dakota Washburn|GDRacing
12 2:07.562rm1252419127Joaquin Morales / Honda HRC
13 2:09.507rm1253232017jake kazarian
14 2:28.656rm12550422090Ezra Tate
15 2:54.101rm12591915483Doug Bauer | Goon
250f Lap Records
1 1:52.875250sxf(2018)19422919Trevor Shaffer | Proline Designs
2 1:54.101250sxf(2018)23517953jaxon lindsay | privateer
3 1:54.703250sxf(2018)11333351Blake Wicklund | Proline Designs
4 1:55.375250sxf(2018)8023352Trent Sheppard |
5 1:57.226250sxf(2018)63323482Tyler Bartlett | Creative Coatings KTM
6 1:57.476fc250(2018)23324832Kael Braden | Odyssey
7 1:57.531250sxf(2018)82130353Colt Hans
8 1:58.804250sxf(2018)272606Tony Spinelli | Pogo (this dick)
9 1:58.906250sxf(2018)3232017jake kazarian
10 1:58.953250sxf(2018)2414170Erik Martin|PoGo
11 1:59.796250sxf(2018)44123369Bodhi Pangle | Preme Decals
12 2:00.515250sxf(2018)42329714James | Holyak Training Facility
13 2:00.945fc250(2018)30123340Dakota Washburn|GDRacing
14 2:01.523250sxf(2018)51226382Austin Irwin | Vans | Fuel Clothing Co.
15 2:01.726250sxf(2018)11116067Christian Watson | DABS
16 2:02.484250sxf(2018)44828193Alec King
17 2:02.726250sxf(2018)44431327Noah Smerdon | Odyssey
18 2:03.085250sxf(2018)21430933Josh Hart | Grunt-Style
19 2:03.125250sxf(2018)81429867Christian jonse|Preme Decals
20 2:03.703250sxf(2018)68327203Dylan Roberts | Ballistic Decals
21 2:03.914250sxf(2018)2324386Jack Curtis |
22 2:03.929250sxf(2018)556862Noah Baker | SplitDesignsCo
23 2:04.210250sxf(2018)8727108Daniel Irvine | Creative Coatings
24 2:04.796250sxf(2018)61523702Blaine Stegenga | Privateer
25 2:07.484250sxf(2018)10321466Todd Wadsworth | Creative Coatings Redbull KTM
26 2:08.117250sxf(2017)11431338brady gilmore
27 2:08.445250sxf(2018)44418391Al Tranghese | Washed up MX Simulator player
28 2:09.515250sxf(2018)2329409Daniel Bauer
29 2:14.781250sxf(2018)10024939Tyler Loomis | Vans | Fuel Clothing Co.
30 2:15.421fc250(2018)26447Trym Arin
31 2:15.546250sxf(2016)1019181Andrew Peakman
32 2:18.765250sxf(2018)31733516Chris Clarke | Grunt-Style
33 2:19.296250sxf(2018)71217794Josh Howard /Preme Decals
34 2:22.476250sxf(2018)72825129Quentin Durot #728 | Black RedBull Factory
35 2:23.218250sxf(2018)11730399Tyler Scheels
36 2:32.593250sxf(2018)2577428Sonny Edmonson | PoGo
37 2:39.437250sxf(2018)1321854Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
250 Lap Records
1 2:43.671rm250(2008)95429769Magnus Noedskov | Yamaha Pro Team
2 6:12.085250sx(2012)16033221Thor Hannibal Lundbye
450f Lap Records
1 1:51.312fc450(2018)9832029Trevor Burns | VirokCo.
2 1:52.234fc450(2018)19422919Trevor Shaffer | Proline Designs
3 1:56.882fc450(2018)3232017jake kazarian
4 1:57.757fc450(2018)32419854Evan Welle | H&W
5 1:58.187crf450(2018)2419127Joaquin Morales / Honda HRC
6 2:03.046450sxf(2018)61523702Blaine Stegenga | Privateer
7 2:03.992450sxf(2017)2414170Erik Martin|PoGo
8 2:04.226fc450(2018)63323482Tyler Bartlett | Creative Coatings KTM
9 2:04.250fc450(2018)10321466Todd Wadsworth | Creative Coatings Redbull KTM
10 2:04.429fc450(2018)44828193Alec King
11 2:04.929fc4501321854Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
12 2:05.640450sxf(2018)7923492Braxton Knapp | Prototype Racing
13 2:06.437fc450(2018)24322655Austen Bennett | Grunt-Style
14 2:09.742fc450(2018)50422090Ezra Tate
15 2:11.273450sxf(2018)7628698Thumpin
16 2:11.820crf450(2018)14523269Zack Tallman | Preme Decals
17 2:18.062fc450(2018)8237750Jeremy Gwiozdowski | SPINC
18 2:20.820crf450(2018)11830369Kyle
19 2:22.656fc450(2018)22829045Travis Cummings | Odyssey Mx
20 2:24.140fc450(2018)973169Sheepy ! #97
21 2:27.062crf450(2018)71217794Josh Howard /Preme Decals
22 2:31.437crf450(2018)31733516Chris Clarke | Grunt-Style
23 2:40.265fc450(2018)75661Sabrina Ritzler | Whipstyle
24 2:43.390fc450(2018)4827505Will Pyron | Spektrum Racing
25 2:48.179yz450f(2018)9917944Niklas Reichstein - The full send crew