MX Simulator
Track2024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 4 (Chicago, IL)
Format 15 minutes, 1 laps
Date3/15/2024, 1:33:45 AM (347 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
11wSeth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing rm250(2008)15 16:37.2894 1:01.62531547
2135Ben Neronha | Yogi fc450(2018)15 16:42.74215 1:01.70357785
3352jalek swoll \ $troker$ fc450(2018)15 16:47.0624 1:01.89019556
4235Jaxon Lindsay | Venture 250sxf(2018)15 17:10.53112 1:02.61717953
594Howard Herkderger kx450f(2013)15 17:15.67915 1:02.27323971
669Christopher McPherson | Takatoji 250sxf(2018)15 17:20.60910 1:03.31231857
7117Jeff Cooper | Yogi fc450(2018)15 17:25.8679 1:02.07831231
8a danger doyle | Dangerously quick 250sxf(2018)14 16:38.2968 1:03.15655524
982Joey Arico | Team Rogan fc450(2017)14 16:55.8287 1:02.92134999
10128steeze Tan Mo 250sxf(2018)14 17:36.1097 1:06.04638572
1110apeezy | district oblohk fc450(2017)14 17:45.46013 1:01.01542571
1229Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ fc450(2018)12 16:49.9068 1:03.42934474
1320Yerd | Phil's fc450(2018)10 12:41.3754 1:07.82847539
14275Connor Smiley | Privateer fc450(2017)6 7:45.2183 1:14.35154996
1520142dugg / team doug fc450(2018)5 6:38.9763 1:06.08527463
16331Tyler mroe | Team Doug fc450(2018)5 6:42.3042 1:03.59344882
1718chance setser | team doug fc450(2017)2 2:33.2890 0:00.00037021
18824Will Knau | Shutoku 250sxf(2018)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00012970

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15
P1 29 352 352 352 352 1w 1w 1w 1w 1w 1w 1w 1w 1w 1w
P2 20 1w 1w 1w 1w 352 352 135 352 352 352 352 352 352 135
P3 352 94 94 94 135 135 135 352 135 135 135 135 135 135 352
P4 1w 135 135 135 94 94 117 235 117 235 235 235 235 235 235
P5 135 29 20 20 69 69 235 117 235 69 94 117 117 117 94
P6 10 10 69 69 117 117 94 94 117 94 94 94 69
P7 94 20 331 117 235 235 69 94 69 117 69 69 69 117
P8 69 331 29 235 20 20 94 69 69 82
P9 69 235 128 20 20 82 82 82 82 82
P10 82 235 201 82 82 82 82 20 20 128 128 128 128
P11 235 275 117 201 29 29 128 128 128 128 10 10 10 10
P12 331 201 82 331 128 128 10 10 10 10 29 29
P13 117 117 29 275 275 29 29 29 29
P14 18 128 275 275 201 10
P15 128 18 128 82 331
P16 201 82 10 10 10
P17 275

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:01.015 13 10 apeezy | district oblohk
1:01.453 10 10 apeezy | district oblohk
1:01.625 4 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:01.625 5 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:01.648 5 10 apeezy | district oblohk
1:01.703 15 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:01.804 12 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:01.804 11 10 apeezy | district oblohk
1:01.890 4 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:02.078 9 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
1:02.148 7 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:02.273 15 94 Howard Herkderger
1:02.320 10 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:02.398 3 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:02.421 5 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:02.445 14 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:02.484 2 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:02.500 3 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:02.546 9 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:02.593 6 94 Howard Herkderger
1:02.617 12 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:02.640 11 94 Howard Herkderger
1:02.648 11 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
1:02.828 5 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
1:02.921 7 82 Joey Arico | Team Rogan
1:02.976 9 94 Howard Herkderger
1:02.984 13 94 Howard Herkderger
1:03.085 9 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:03.093 14 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:03.125 6 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:03.148 9 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:03.156 8 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
1:03.281 4 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
1:03.312 10 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:03.429 8 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
1:03.570 4 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:03.593 2 331 Tyler mroe | Team Doug
1:03.640 2 94 Howard Herkderger
1:03.648 13 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:03.679 8 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:03.773 5 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:03.781 13 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:03.859 14 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
1:03.914 3 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
1:03.945 7 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
1:04.109 13 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
1:04.195 8 82 Joey Arico | Team Rogan
1:04.226 11 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
1:04.257 2 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:04.351 5 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:04.507 4 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:04.710 9 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:04.890 5 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
1:05.046 11 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:05.117 15 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:05.156 3 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
1:05.171 3 82 Joey Arico | Team Rogan
1:05.171 5 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:05.187 14 94 Howard Herkderger
1:05.250 8 94 Howard Herkderger
1:05.335 8 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:05.546 14 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:06.046 7 128 steeze Tan Mo
1:06.085 3 201 42dugg / team doug
1:06.117 6 10 apeezy | district oblohk
1:06.164 6 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:06.648 7 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:06.820 13 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:07.085 3 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:07.179 11 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:07.312 13 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:07.328 3 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:07.437 3 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:07.625 7 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:07.773 12 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
1:07.828 4 20 Yerd | Phil's
1:07.851 2 201 42dugg / team doug
1:08.679 8 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:08.742 5 82 Joey Arico | Team Rogan
1:08.757 13 128 steeze Tan Mo
1:09.109 11 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:09.320 9 128 steeze Tan Mo
1:09.367 7 20 Yerd | Phil's
1:09.656 12 10 apeezy | district oblohk
1:09.679 11 82 Joey Arico | Team Rogan
1:09.976 15 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:10.085 10 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:10.281 14 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:10.335 7 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
1:10.578 10 94 Howard Herkderger
1:10.585 15 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:10.640 8 10 apeezy | district oblohk
1:10.921 6 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
1:11.046 10 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:11.265 13 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:11.664 10 82 Joey Arico | Team Rogan
1:11.890 6 82 Joey Arico | Team Rogan
1:11.914 2 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:12.046 12 128 steeze Tan Mo
1:12.531 8 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
1:12.656 4 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
1:12.835 3 128 steeze Tan Mo
1:13.171 14 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:13.468 8 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:13.546 6 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:13.570 8 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:13.710 2 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
1:13.781 5 94 Howard Herkderger
1:14.007 6 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
1:14.093 6 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
1:14.148 2 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:14.257 2 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:14.351 3 275 Connor Smiley | Privateer
1:14.375 14 128 steeze Tan Mo
1:14.507 11 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:14.640 10 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
1:14.757 6 20 Yerd | Phil's
1:14.867 9 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
1:14.937 7 10 apeezy | district oblohk
1:15.976 6 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:16.125 10 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
1:16.406 4 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:17.406 11 128 steeze Tan Mo
1:17.656 6 275 Connor Smiley | Privateer
1:17.851 2 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
1:18.046 15 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:18.656 3 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
1:19.562 5 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
1:21.000 5 275 Connor Smiley | Privateer
1:21.046 10 128 steeze Tan Mo
1:21.265 4 201 42dugg / team doug
1:21.390 12 82 Joey Arico | Team Rogan
1:21.695 14 10 apeezy | district oblohk
1:23.960 4 275 Connor Smiley | Privateer
1:24.039 11 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:24.289 6 128 steeze Tan Mo
1:24.312 11 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
1:24.437 7 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:24.742 9 10 apeezy | district oblohk
1:24.945 2 82 Joey Arico | Team Rogan
1:25.890 4 82 Joey Arico | Team Rogan
1:26.828 5 128 steeze Tan Mo
1:27.132 4 10 apeezy | district oblohk
1:27.617 2 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
1:28.109 9 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:28.710 9 20 Yerd | Phil's
1:40.960 7 94 Howard Herkderger
1:46.609 12 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$

Individual Worst Laps

1:15.695 2 18 chance setser | team doug
1:15.710 6 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:16.406 4 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:18.046 15 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:22.679 15 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
1:23.960 4 275 Connor Smiley | Privateer
1:24.437 7 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:25.890 4 82 Joey Arico | Team Rogan
1:26.828 5 128 steeze Tan Mo
1:28.109 9 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
1:29.804 12 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
1:39.046 10 20 Yerd | Phil's
1:40.960 7 94 Howard Herkderger
1:43.203 5 201 42dugg / team doug
1:44.390 5 331 Tyler mroe | Team Doug
2:29.851 3 10 apeezy | district oblohk
2:39.648 7 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.282 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
4.433 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
5.489 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
6.352 117 Jeff Cooper | Yogi
6.599 128 steeze Tan Mo
6.682 275 Connor Smiley | Privateer
6.692 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi
7.085 69 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
7.454 82 Joey Arico | Team Rogan
8.679 a danger doyle | Dangerously quick
10.073 20 Yerd | Phil's
10.525 94 Howard Herkderger
14.837 201 42dugg / team doug
15.480 331 Tyler mroe | Team Doug
22.724 10 apeezy | district oblohk
25.296 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
- 824 Will Knau | Shutoku
- 18 chance setser | team doug

Play by Play

Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing takes the holeshot followed by Jeff Cooper | Yogi, jalek swoll \ $troker$, Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$, Jaxon Lindsay | Venture, Yerd | Phil's, Christopher McPherson | Takatoji, Joey Arico | Team Rogan, chance setser | team doug, 42dugg / team doug, Will Knau | Shutoku, apeezy | district oblohk, Tyler mroe | Team Doug, a danger doyle | Dangerously quick, Howard Herkderger, Ben Neronha | Yogi, steeze Tan Mo and Connor Smiley | Privateer

0:05.000 - 0:06.351: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 2nd
0:05.023 - 0:06.406: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 3rd
0:05.218 - 0:06.617: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Yerd | Phil's and Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 5th
0:05.093 - 0:06.617: Yerd | Phil's passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 5th
0:05.226 - 0:06.804: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 7th
0:05.414 - 0:07.125: 42dugg / team doug passed chance setser | team doug and Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 8th
0:05.562 - 0:07.132: apeezy | district oblohk passed Will Knau | Shutoku, chance setser | team doug and Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 9th
0:05.539 - 0:07.195: Will Knau | Shutoku passed chance setser | team doug for 11th
0:06.617 - 0:07.671: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$, jalek swoll \ $troker$ and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for the lead
0:05.703 - 0:07.671: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed chance setser | team doug for 12th
0:05.882 - 0:07.820: Howard Herkderger passed a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 14th
0:06.804 - 0:07.859: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$, jalek swoll \ $troker$, Yerd | Phil's and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 2nd
0:06.250 - 0:08.117: steeze Tan Mo passed Ben Neronha | Yogi and a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 15th
0:07.132 - 0:08.125: apeezy | district oblohk passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$, jalek swoll \ $troker$, Yerd | Phil's, 42dugg / team doug and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 3rd
0:07.671 - 0:08.539: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Will Knau | Shutoku, Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$, Yerd | Phil's, 42dugg / team doug, Jaxon Lindsay | Venture and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 5th
0:06.617 - 0:09.031: Yerd | Phil's passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 7th
0:07.125 - 0:09.085: 42dugg / team doug passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 8th
0:08.117 - 0:09.117: steeze Tan Mo passed Will Knau | Shutoku, chance setser | team doug, Howard Herkderger, Jaxon Lindsay | Venture and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 9th
0:07.750 - 0:09.156: chance setser | team doug passed Will Knau | Shutoku, Jaxon Lindsay | Venture and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 10th
0:07.148 - 0:09.351: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 11th
0:07.820 - 0:09.484: Howard Herkderger passed Will Knau | Shutoku and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 12th
0:08.226 - 0:09.554: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Will Knau | Shutoku and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 13th
0:08.664 - 0:12.250: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji, Joey Arico | Team Rogan, apeezy | district oblohk, jalek swoll \ $troker$ and Tyler mroe | Team Doug for the lead
0:07.859 - 0:12.273: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 2nd
0:09.031 - 0:12.500: Yerd | Phil's passed jalek swoll \ $troker$ and Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 5th
0:09.117 - 0:14.296: steeze Tan Mo passed 42dugg / team doug for 8th
0:09.351 - 0:14.640: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed chance setser | team doug and 42dugg / team doug for 9th
0:12.500 - 0:14.882: Yerd | Phil's passed apeezy | district oblohk for 4th
0:09.867 - 0:15.078: Will Knau | Shutoku passed chance setser | team doug, Howard Herkderger, 42dugg / team doug and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 10th
0:13.359 - 0:15.781: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed apeezy | district oblohk and jalek swoll \ $troker$ for 5th
0:14.507 - 0:16.132: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for the lead
0:14.648 - 0:16.289: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 2nd
0:10.148 - 0:16.398: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed chance setser | team doug, Howard Herkderger and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 12th
0:10.992 - 0:16.429: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed chance setser | team doug, Howard Herkderger and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 13th
0:12.804 - 0:16.531: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed apeezy | district oblohk for 6th
0:06.335 - 0:17.023: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing went off the track
0:14.296 - 0:17.265: steeze Tan Mo passed apeezy | district oblohk for 8th
0:14.640 - 0:17.789: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed apeezy | district oblohk for 9th
0:15.078 - 0:18.296: Will Knau | Shutoku passed apeezy | district oblohk for 10th
0:09.484 - 0:18.460: Howard Herkderger passed chance setser | team doug for 14th
0:16.398 - 0:19.218: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed apeezy | district oblohk and 42dugg / team doug for 11th
0:17.046 - 0:19.804: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji and Joey Arico | Team Rogan for the lead
0:14.882 - 0:19.929: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
0:09.585 - 0:20.679: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed chance setser | team doug for 15th
0:18.414 - 0:20.937: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 4th
0:18.296 - 0:21.070: Will Knau | Shutoku passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture and steeze Tan Mo for 7th
0:18.984 - 0:21.617: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 5th
0:18.460 - 0:21.875: Howard Herkderger passed apeezy | district oblohk, Connor Smiley | Privateer and 42dugg / team doug for 12th
0:19.218 - 0:21.984: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 9th
0:19.726 - 0:21.992: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 6th
0:16.335 - 0:23.085: 42dugg / team doug passed apeezy | district oblohk for 13th
0:20.679 - 0:23.164: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed apeezy | district oblohk and Connor Smiley | Privateer for 14th
0:21.070 - 0:23.617: Will Knau | Shutoku passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 7th
0:21.859 - 0:23.875: steeze Tan Mo passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 8th
0:21.875 - 0:24.265: Howard Herkderger passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 10th
0:21.984 - 0:24.406: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 9th
0:21.617 - 0:25.046: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 4th
0:23.085 - 0:25.148: 42dugg / team doug passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 11th
0:21.992 - 0:25.367: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 5th
0:22.453 - 0:25.367: chance setser | team doug passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 16th
0:23.164 - 0:25.578: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 12th
0:23.468 - 0:25.945: apeezy | district oblohk passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 13th
0:24.265 - 0:26.578: Howard Herkderger passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 10th
0:09.554 - 0:26.906: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick went off the track
0:23.617 - 0:27.132: Will Knau | Shutoku passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 6th
0:23.875 - 0:27.687: steeze Tan Mo passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 7th
0:24.406 - 0:27.914: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 8th
0:25.367 - 0:28.062: chance setser | team doug passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 14th
0:25.945 - 0:28.148: apeezy | district oblohk passed 42dugg / team doug and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 12th
0:25.046 - 0:28.992: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 3rd
0:25.367 - 0:29.468: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 4th
0:26.578 - 0:29.945: Howard Herkderger passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 9th
0:28.062 - 0:30.156: chance setser | team doug passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 14th
0:28.640 - 0:30.625: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 15th
0:27.132 - 0:31.359: Will Knau | Shutoku passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 5th
0:28.148 - 0:31.515: apeezy | district oblohk passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji and Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 10th
0:29.750 - 0:31.539: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 16th
0:26.968 - 0:31.726: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 11th
0:28.406 - 0:32.007: 42dugg / team doug passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 12th
0:27.914 - 0:32.078: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan and steeze Tan Mo for 6th
0:31.257 - 0:33.218: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 17th
0:27.687 - 0:33.265: steeze Tan Mo passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 7th
0:29.945 - 0:34.007: Howard Herkderger passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 8th
0:31.515 - 0:35.531: apeezy | district oblohk passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 9th
0:32.007 - 0:35.992: 42dugg / team doug passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji and Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 10th
0:32.765 - 0:37.343: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji and Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 11th
0:31.726 - 0:37.820: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 12th
0:33.617 - 0:38.289: chance setser | team doug passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 13th
0:34.093 - 0:38.507: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 14th
0:34.937 - 0:38.937: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 15th
0:38.773 - 0:40.421: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed Will Knau | Shutoku for 5th
0:39.367 - 0:41.351: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 11th
0:40.546 - 0:42.296: steeze Tan Mo passed Will Knau | Shutoku for 6th
0:40.875 - 0:42.406: Howard Herkderger passed Will Knau | Shutoku for 7th
0:42.195 - 0:43.828: apeezy | district oblohk passed Will Knau | Shutoku for 8th
0:43.343 - 0:45.007: 42dugg / team doug passed Will Knau | Shutoku for 9th
0:44.382 - 0:45.882: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Will Knau | Shutoku for 10th
0:45.335 - 0:45.945: Howard Herkderger passed steeze Tan Mo for 6th
0:44.937 - 0:46.609: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Will Knau | Shutoku for 11th
0:45.164 - 0:46.703: chance setser | team doug passed Will Knau | Shutoku for 12th
0:45.460 - 0:47.187: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Will Knau | Shutoku for 13th
0:45.976 - 0:47.679: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Will Knau | Shutoku for 14th
0:46.507 - 0:48.242: apeezy | district oblohk passed steeze Tan Mo for 7th
0:48.953 - 0:49.679: chance setser | team doug passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 11th
0:49.687 - 0:50.484: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 13th
0:50.937 - 0:52.921: Will Knau | Shutoku passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 14th
0:51.359 - 0:53.242: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 15th
0:48.242 - 0:53.750: apeezy | district oblohk passed Howard Herkderger for 6th
0:49.718 - 0:55.468: 42dugg / team doug passed steeze Tan Mo for 8th
0:00.000 - 0:56.132: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 1 ( 0:56.132)
0:56.476 - 0:57.531: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed 42dugg / team doug and steeze Tan Mo for 8th
0:53.242 - 0:58.773: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed chance setser | team doug, Tyler mroe | Team Doug and a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 11th
0:00.000 - 0:58.867: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 0:58.867)
0:52.609 - 0:58.968: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed chance setser | team doug and Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 12th
0:58.773 - 0:59.585: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed 42dugg / team doug and steeze Tan Mo for 9th
0:00.000 - 0:59.718: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 1 ( 0:59.718)
0:58.968 - 0:59.789: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed 42dugg / team doug and steeze Tan Mo for 10th
0:59.789 - 1:00.343: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:00.531: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:00.531)
0:53.921 - 1:01.312: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed chance setser | team doug and Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 13th
0:00.000 - 1:01.875: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 1 ( 1:01.875)
1:01.312 - 1:02.351: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed 42dugg / team doug and steeze Tan Mo for 11th
0:57.593 - 1:03.046: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed chance setser | team doug, Tyler mroe | Team Doug and Connor Smiley | Privateer for 14th
0:57.460 - 1:03.750: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed chance setser | team doug and Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 15th
1:03.046 - 1:03.796: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed 42dugg / team doug and steeze Tan Mo for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:04.101: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 1 ( 1:04.101)
1:03.750 - 1:04.859: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed steeze Tan Mo for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:05.046: Howard Herkderger finished lap 1 ( 1:05.046)
1:04.859 - 1:05.625: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed 42dugg / team doug for 13th
0:51.804 - 1:05.648: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed chance setser | team doug for 16th
1:05.648 - 1:06.570: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed steeze Tan Mo for 15th
1:05.882 - 1:06.773: chance setser | team doug passed steeze Tan Mo for 16th
1:06.570 - 1:07.250: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed 42dugg / team doug for 14th
1:06.773 - 1:07.492: chance setser | team doug passed 42dugg / team doug for 15th
0:00.000 - 1:07.984: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 1 ( 1:07.984)
1:05.625 - 1:08.054: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 12th
1:07.953 - 1:08.718: steeze Tan Mo passed 42dugg / team doug for 16th
0:00.000 - 1:08.937: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 1 ( 1:08.937)
1:07.335 - 1:08.945: Yerd | Phil's passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:09.476: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 1 ( 1:09.476)
1:07.914 - 1:09.765: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 2nd
1:08.578 - 1:10.343: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 3rd
1:08.343 - 1:11.585: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:11.859: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 1 ( 1:11.859)
1:10.148 - 1:11.968: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 4th
1:12.070 - 1:12.984: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Connor Smiley | Privateer and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 12th
1:13.164 - 1:14.421: chance setser | team doug passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 14th
1:13.742 - 1:14.773: steeze Tan Mo passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 15th
0:00.000 - 1:16.031: Tyler mroe | Team Doug finished lap 1 ( 1:16.031)
0:00.000 - 1:16.437: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 1 ( 1:16.437)
0:00.000 - 1:17.367: chance setser | team doug finished lap 1 ( 1:17.367)
1:13.875 - 1:17.476: apeezy | district oblohk passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 5th
1:16.570 - 1:17.625: 42dugg / team doug passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 16th
0:00.000 - 1:18.000: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 1 ( 1:18.000)
0:00.000 - 1:20.570: 42dugg / team doug finished lap 1 ( 1:20.570)
0:00.000 - 1:22.007: Connor Smiley | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 1:22.007)
1:27.554 - 1:29.960: Connor Smiley | Privateer went off the track
1:31.867 - 1:33.953: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 10th
1:36.062 - 1:38.164: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 11th
1:36.234 - 1:38.359: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 12th
1:40.218 - 1:41.578: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Yerd | Phil's for the lead
1:38.359 - 1:44.203: steeze Tan Mo went off the track
1:44.187 - 1:44.789: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Yerd | Phil's for 2nd
1:45.500 - 1:46.867: Howard Herkderger passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 6th
1:47.828 - 1:49.726: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed Yerd | Phil's for 3rd
1:48.289 - 1:50.093: apeezy | district oblohk passed Yerd | Phil's for 4th
1:48.640 - 1:50.304: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 7th
1:46.148 - 1:57.195: steeze Tan Mo went off the track
2:00.132 - 2:01.617: chance setser | team doug passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 13th
0:59.718 - 2:02.203: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 2 ( 1:02.484)
1:56.757 - 2:02.390: apeezy | district oblohk went off the track
1:56.351 - 2:03.320: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 7th
1:00.531 - 2:04.789: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:04.257)
2:05.109 - 2:05.859: Howard Herkderger passed Ben Neronha | Yogi for 3rd
2:03.945 - 2:07.710: chance setser | team doug went off the track
2:02.664 - 2:08.093: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji, Jaxon Lindsay | Venture and a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 8th
1:05.046 - 2:08.687: Howard Herkderger finished lap 2 ( 1:03.640)
2:03.281 - 2:08.953: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji, Jaxon Lindsay | Venture and a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 9th
1:58.195 - 2:10.320: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
2:09.851 - 2:11.031: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed apeezy | district oblohk for 5th
2:11.570 - 2:12.617: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 9th
1:58.429 - 2:13.484: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 11th
2:07.710 - 2:13.507: chance setser | team doug passed a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 12th
2:07.718 - 2:13.578: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 13th
1:01.875 - 2:13.789: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 2 ( 1:11.914)
0:56.132 - 2:13.984: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 2 ( 1:17.851)
2:13.484 - 2:14.101: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 10th
2:08.242 - 2:14.273: 42dugg / team doug passed a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 14th
2:13.507 - 2:14.695: chance setser | team doug passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 11th
1:04.101 - 2:14.765: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 2 ( 1:10.664)
0:58.867 - 2:15.046: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 1:16.179)
2:14.273 - 2:15.593: 42dugg / team doug passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 12th
2:15.101 - 2:15.843: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 13th
2:13.578 - 2:15.914: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 14th
2:15.351 - 2:16.835: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 15th
2:16.835 - 2:17.515: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed chance setser | team doug, Joey Arico | Team Rogan, 42dugg / team doug and a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 10th
2:15.593 - 2:18.703: 42dugg / team doug passed chance setser | team doug for 11th
1:16.031 - 2:19.625: Tyler mroe | Team Doug finished lap 2 ( 1:03.593)
2:16.953 - 2:20.179: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed chance setser | team doug, Joey Arico | Team Rogan and a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 12th
2:18.523 - 2:20.359: steeze Tan Mo passed chance setser | team doug, Joey Arico | Team Rogan and a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 13th
1:07.984 - 2:22.242: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 2 ( 1:14.257)
2:15.914 - 2:25.000: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 15th
1:11.859 - 2:26.007: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 2 ( 1:14.148)
1:22.007 - 2:26.609: Connor Smiley | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:04.601)
2:24.929 - 2:27.382: Tyler mroe | Team Doug went off the track
1:20.570 - 2:28.421: 42dugg / team doug finished lap 2 ( 1:07.851)
1:16.437 - 2:30.148: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 2 ( 1:13.710)
2:28.109 - 2:30.273: apeezy | district oblohk passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ and Ben Neronha | Yogi for 4th
1:18.000 - 2:30.703: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 2 ( 1:12.703)
1:17.367 - 2:33.062: chance setser | team doug finished lap 2 ( 1:15.695)
1:09.476 - 2:34.421: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 2 ( 1:24.945)
2:32.710 - 2:36.031: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed apeezy | district oblohk for 4th
1:08.937 - 2:36.554: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 2 ( 1:27.617)
2:43.000 - 2:46.000: Yerd | Phil's passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 6th
2:47.562 - 2:49.765: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ and Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 7th
2:50.359 - 2:52.593: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ and Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 8th
2:54.148 - 2:56.523: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Connor Smiley | Privateer and 42dugg / team doug for 11th
2:56.671 - 3:00.250: 42dugg / team doug passed Connor Smiley | Privateer and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 11th
2:59.273 - 3:01.187: apeezy | district oblohk passed Ben Neronha | Yogi for 4th
2:59.593 - 3:03.445: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
2:02.203 - 3:04.703: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 3 ( 1:02.500)
2:53.062 - 3:06.734: Howard Herkderger went off the track
2:04.789 - 3:07.187: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:02.398)
3:05.492 - 3:09.882: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed chance setser | team doug for 15th
3:06.101 - 3:10.265: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed chance setser | team doug for 16th
3:10.265 - 3:11.585: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 15th
3:03.945 - 3:15.812: apeezy | district oblohk went off the track
2:08.687 - 3:17.359: Howard Herkderger finished lap 3 ( 1:08.671)
3:15.062 - 3:20.539: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ and Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 7th
2:13.789 - 3:21.226: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 3 ( 1:07.437)
3:14.257 - 3:22.164: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 8th
2:15.046 - 3:24.328: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 1:09.281)
3:22.703 - 3:25.359: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed apeezy | district oblohk for 6th
3:24.343 - 3:27.039: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed apeezy | district oblohk for 7th
3:25.992 - 3:28.664: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed apeezy | district oblohk for 8th
3:23.554 - 3:29.226: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed steeze Tan Mo and a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 13th
2:22.242 - 3:29.328: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 3 ( 1:07.085)
3:26.421 - 3:29.515: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed apeezy | district oblohk for 9th
3:23.375 - 3:29.757: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed steeze Tan Mo for 14th
3:27.867 - 3:30.570: 42dugg / team doug passed apeezy | district oblohk for 10th
2:19.625 - 3:31.101: Tyler mroe | Team Doug finished lap 3 ( 1:11.476)
3:28.640 - 3:31.273: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed apeezy | district oblohk for 11th
2:13.984 - 3:32.640: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 3 ( 1:18.656)
2:26.007 - 3:33.335: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 3 ( 1:07.328)
2:28.421 - 3:34.507: 42dugg / team doug finished lap 3 ( 1:06.085)
2:30.148 - 3:35.304: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 3 ( 1:05.156)
3:33.039 - 3:35.773: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed apeezy | district oblohk and Connor Smiley | Privateer for 12th
3:33.679 - 3:36.335: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed apeezy | district oblohk and Connor Smiley | Privateer for 13th
3:31.976 - 3:36.976: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed apeezy | district oblohk for 14th
3:36.656 - 3:39.359: steeze Tan Mo passed apeezy | district oblohk for 15th
2:34.421 - 3:39.593: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 3 ( 1:05.171)
2:36.554 - 3:40.468: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 3 ( 1:03.914)
2:26.609 - 3:40.960: Connor Smiley | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:14.351)
3:38.343 - 3:40.968: chance setser | team doug passed apeezy | district oblohk for 16th
3:37.476 - 3:42.570: Howard Herkderger went off the track
2:30.703 - 3:43.539: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 3 ( 1:12.835)
3:47.484 - 3:48.562: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 12th
3:50.875 - 3:54.562: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 13th
3:56.375 - 3:57.914: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 13th
3:56.812 - 3:58.789: 42dugg / team doug passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 7th
3:57.835 - 3:59.906: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 8th
4:02.593 - 4:04.773: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 9th
3:52.265 - 4:04.929: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ went off the track
3:04.703 - 4:06.593: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 4 ( 1:01.890)
3:51.757 - 4:06.703: Tyler mroe | Team Doug went off the track
4:04.000 - 4:06.812: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 13th
3:07.187 - 4:08.812: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:01.625)
4:06.812 - 4:09.210: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$, Tyler mroe | Team Doug, Jaxon Lindsay | Venture and a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 9th
4:04.179 - 4:09.515: steeze Tan Mo went off the track
4:05.609 - 4:09.726: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ and a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 10th
4:09.515 - 4:11.265: steeze Tan Mo passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$, Joey Arico | Team Rogan, Tyler mroe | Team Doug and a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 11th
4:11.265 - 4:14.875: steeze Tan Mo passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 10th
4:06.703 - 4:16.453: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 13th
4:07.226 - 4:17.445: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 14th
4:18.906 - 4:20.804: steeze Tan Mo passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 9th
3:17.359 - 4:21.140: Howard Herkderger finished lap 4 ( 1:03.781)
4:20.117 - 4:21.460: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 10th
3:21.226 - 4:24.796: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 4 ( 1:03.570)
4:23.398 - 4:24.843: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 11th
4:24.164 - 4:25.703: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 12th
4:25.125 - 4:26.531: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 13th
4:25.554 - 4:27.078: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 14th
4:26.929 - 4:28.531: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed steeze Tan Mo for 9th
3:24.328 - 4:32.156: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 1:07.828)
3:29.328 - 4:33.835: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 4 ( 1:04.507)
4:34.562 - 4:35.468: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed 42dugg / team doug for 7th
4:33.531 - 4:35.484: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 13th
4:36.960 - 4:38.500: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed Joey Arico | Team Rogan for 14th
3:35.304 - 4:38.585: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 4 ( 1:03.281)
4:38.226 - 4:43.976: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 12th
2:14.765 - 4:44.617: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 3 ( 2:29.851)
4:44.367 - 4:44.992: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 12th
3:33.335 - 4:49.742: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 4 ( 1:16.406)
4:47.476 - 4:49.742: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed 42dugg / team doug for 8th
3:43.539 - 4:50.835: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 4 ( 1:07.296)
4:48.625 - 4:50.835: steeze Tan Mo passed 42dugg / team doug for 9th
3:40.468 - 4:53.125: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 4 ( 1:12.656)
4:50.968 - 4:53.125: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed 42dugg / team doug for 10th
3:34.507 - 4:55.773: 42dugg / team doug finished lap 4 ( 1:21.265)
3:31.101 - 4:56.320: Tyler mroe | Team Doug finished lap 4 ( 1:25.218)
3:32.640 - 4:57.437: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 4 ( 1:24.796)
3:40.960 - 5:04.921: Connor Smiley | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:23.960)
3:39.593 - 5:05.484: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 4 ( 1:25.890)
5:04.343 - 5:06.164: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 12th
4:06.593 - 5:09.015: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 5 ( 1:02.421)
4:08.812 - 5:10.437: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:01.625)
5:11.101 - 5:12.960: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Yerd | Phil's for 5th
5:12.242 - 5:14.726: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 12th
5:13.445 - 5:15.164: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 13th
5:15.359 - 5:17.109: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed steeze Tan Mo for 9th
5:15.953 - 5:18.335: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 14th
5:11.921 - 5:19.531: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed Howard Herkderger for 3rd
4:24.796 - 5:29.968: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 5 ( 1:05.171)
5:31.226 - 5:32.320: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Yerd | Phil's for 6th
4:21.140 - 5:34.921: Howard Herkderger finished lap 5 ( 1:13.781)
4:33.835 - 5:37.609: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 5 ( 1:03.773)
4:38.585 - 5:41.414: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 5 ( 1:02.828)
5:47.445 - 5:49.695: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 11th
5:32.070 - 5:50.593: Tyler mroe | Team Doug went off the track
5:50.789 - 5:52.757: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 12th
5:51.210 - 5:53.078: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed steeze Tan Mo for 10th
4:49.742 - 5:54.093: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 5 ( 1:04.351)
5:43.085 - 5:55.265: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
4:32.156 - 5:55.265: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 1:23.109)
4:53.125 - 5:58.015: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 5 ( 1:04.890)
5:56.414 - 5:58.265: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 13th
5:45.992 - 5:58.804: jalek swoll \ $troker$ went off the track
5:55.265 - 5:59.148: Yerd | Phil's passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 7th
5:31.257 - 6:01.218: 42dugg / team doug went off the track
4:44.617 - 6:11.750: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 4 ( 1:27.132)
5:05.484 - 6:14.226: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 5 ( 1:08.742)
6:14.203 - 6:14.851: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed steeze Tan Mo for 10th
5:10.437 - 6:16.601: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:06.164)
4:57.437 - 6:17.000: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 5 ( 1:19.562)
4:50.835 - 6:17.664: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 5 ( 1:26.828)
5:09.015 - 6:24.726: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 6 ( 1:15.710)
6:12.148 - 6:24.945: Tyler mroe | Team Doug went off the track
5:04.921 - 6:25.921: Connor Smiley | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:21.000)
6:24.132 - 6:26.273: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Yerd | Phil's for 7th
5:29.968 - 6:33.093: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 6 ( 1:03.125)
6:26.023 - 6:33.242: steeze Tan Mo passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 11th
6:35.078 - 6:36.195: 42dugg / team doug passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 14th
5:34.921 - 6:37.515: Howard Herkderger finished lap 6 ( 1:02.593)
4:55.773 - 6:38.976: 42dugg / team doug finished lap 5 ( 1:43.203)
4:56.320 - 6:40.710: Tyler mroe | Team Doug finished lap 5 ( 1:44.390)
6:48.000 - 6:50.117: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed steeze Tan Mo for 11th
5:37.609 - 6:53.585: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 6 ( 1:15.976)
6:52.523 - 6:54.671: Connor Smiley | Privateer passed steeze Tan Mo for 12th
5:41.414 - 6:55.421: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 6 ( 1:14.007)
6:44.914 - 6:56.273: jalek swoll \ $troker$ went off the track
6:54.484 - 6:56.421: Tyler mroe | Team Doug passed 42dugg / team doug for 14th
6:59.023 - 7:02.289: 42dugg / team doug passed Tyler mroe | Team Doug for 14th
5:54.093 - 7:07.640: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 6 ( 1:13.546)
5:55.265 - 7:10.023: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 1:14.757)
5:58.015 - 7:12.109: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 6 ( 1:14.093)
6:11.750 - 7:13.398: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 5 ( 1:01.648)
7:15.757 - 7:18.398: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Howard Herkderger for 4th
6:16.601 - 7:18.750: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:02.148)
7:20.890 - 7:21.726: steeze Tan Mo passed Connor Smiley | Privateer for 12th
6:14.226 - 7:26.117: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 6 ( 1:11.890)
7:17.734 - 7:27.429: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Howard Herkderger for 5th
6:17.000 - 7:27.921: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 6 ( 1:10.921)
6:24.726 - 7:35.601: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 7 ( 1:10.875)
6:33.093 - 7:40.718: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 7 ( 1:07.625)
6:17.664 - 7:41.953: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 6 ( 1:24.289)
6:25.921 - 7:43.578: Connor Smiley | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:17.656)
7:50.093 - 7:55.632: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 4th
7:51.273 - 7:56.898: Howard Herkderger passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 5th
7:56.992 - 7:58.078: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Howard Herkderger for 5th
8:00.632 - 8:02.750: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed jalek swoll \ $troker$ for 2nd
8:03.148 - 8:03.906: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji and Howard Herkderger for 5th
7:58.835 - 8:05.382: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Yerd | Phil's for 8th
6:55.421 - 8:05.757: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 7 ( 1:10.335)
8:06.140 - 8:06.726: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji and Howard Herkderger for 6th
8:08.375 - 8:10.515: Yerd | Phil's passed Howard Herkderger for 8th
8:10.515 - 8:13.156: Yerd | Phil's passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 7th
7:07.640 - 8:14.289: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 7 ( 1:06.648)
7:12.109 - 8:16.054: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 7 ( 1:03.945)
6:53.585 - 8:18.023: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 7 ( 1:24.437)
8:15.789 - 8:18.023: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Yerd | Phil's for 7th
6:37.515 - 8:18.476: Howard Herkderger finished lap 7 ( 1:40.960)
8:15.914 - 8:18.476: Howard Herkderger passed Yerd | Phil's for 8th
7:10.023 - 8:19.390: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 7 ( 1:09.367)
7:13.398 - 8:19.515: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 6 ( 1:06.117)
7:26.117 - 8:29.039: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 7 ( 1:02.921)
8:28.304 - 8:32.062: Howard Herkderger passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 7th
7:18.750 - 8:32.218: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:13.468)
8:32.250 - 8:33.617: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Howard Herkderger for 7th
8:33.734 - 8:36.937: Howard Herkderger passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 7th
7:40.718 - 8:46.054: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 8 ( 1:05.335)
7:41.953 - 8:48.000: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 7 ( 1:06.046)
7:35.601 - 8:49.171: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 8 ( 1:13.570)
9:10.937 - 9:13.539: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 4th
8:14.289 - 9:17.968: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 8 ( 1:03.679)
8:05.757 - 9:18.289: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 8 ( 1:12.531)
8:16.054 - 9:19.210: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 8 ( 1:03.156)
9:05.820 - 9:20.671: steeze Tan Mo went off the track
8:18.476 - 9:23.726: Howard Herkderger finished lap 8 ( 1:05.250)
9:22.132 - 9:26.593: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
8:18.023 - 9:26.703: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 8 ( 1:08.679)
8:19.390 - 9:29.453: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 8 ( 1:10.062)
9:28.148 - 9:31.812: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 4th
8:29.039 - 9:33.234: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 8 ( 1:04.195)
9:31.914 - 9:33.546: Howard Herkderger passed a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 6th
8:19.515 - 9:34.453: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 7 ( 1:14.937)
8:32.218 - 9:35.367: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:03.148)
9:35.750 - 9:41.453: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Ben Neronha | Yogi for 2nd
9:40.609 - 9:42.234: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 7th
8:19.890 - 9:50.875: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ went off the track
8:49.171 - 9:51.718: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 9 ( 1:02.546)
9:56.140 - 9:58.398: Joey Arico | Team Rogan passed Yerd | Phil's for 9th
7:27.921 - 10:07.570: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 7 ( 2:39.648)
8:48.000 - 10:11.242: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 8 ( 1:23.242)
8:46.054 - 10:14.164: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 9 ( 1:28.109)
10:15.953 - 10:19.992: Joey Arico | Team Rogan went off the track
9:18.289 - 10:20.367: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 9 ( 1:02.078)
9:17.968 - 10:21.054: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 9 ( 1:03.085)
9:23.726 - 10:26.703: Howard Herkderger finished lap 9 ( 1:02.976)
10:21.054 - 10:30.421: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
9:26.703 - 10:31.414: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 9 ( 1:04.710)
9:19.210 - 10:34.078: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 9 ( 1:14.867)
10:28.859 - 10:39.085: Jeff Cooper | Yogi went off the track
9:33.234 - 10:39.984: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 9 ( 1:06.750)
9:34.453 - 10:45.093: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 8 ( 1:10.640)
9:35.367 - 10:46.414: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:11.046)
10:51.515 - 10:53.687: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Howard Herkderger for 6th
10:53.687 - 10:55.820: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 5th
9:29.453 - 10:58.164: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 9 ( 1:28.710)
10:56.101 - 10:58.179: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Howard Herkderger and Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 6th
10:55.296 - 10:58.648: Howard Herkderger passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 7th
10:58.648 - 11:00.882: Howard Herkderger passed a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 6th
10:58.984 - 11:01.375: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed a danger doyle | Dangerously quick for 7th
9:51.718 - 11:01.804: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 10 ( 1:10.085)
10:07.570 - 11:11.000: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 8 ( 1:03.429)
10:14.164 - 11:16.484: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 10 ( 1:02.320)
10:11.242 - 11:20.562: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 9 ( 1:09.320)
10:21.054 - 11:30.273: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 10 ( 1:09.218)
10:31.414 - 11:34.726: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 10 ( 1:03.312)
10:26.703 - 11:37.281: Howard Herkderger finished lap 10 ( 1:10.578)
10:20.367 - 11:40.031: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 10 ( 1:19.664)
11:22.945 - 11:45.062: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
10:34.078 - 11:50.203: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 10 ( 1:16.125)
10:39.984 - 11:51.648: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 10 ( 1:11.664)
11:55.296 - 11:59.335: Yerd | Phil's passed steeze Tan Mo for 10th
10:46.414 - 12:00.921: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:14.507)
11:59.414 - 12:01.570: Howard Herkderger passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 5th
12:01.710 - 12:04.148: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 6th
10:45.093 - 12:09.835: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 9 ( 1:24.742)
11:01.804 - 12:10.914: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 11 ( 1:09.109)
12:07.742 - 12:20.000: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ went off the track
11:16.484 - 12:21.531: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 11 ( 1:05.046)
12:20.000 - 12:24.218: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ went off the track
11:11.000 - 12:24.218: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 9 ( 1:13.218)
12:31.687 - 12:33.351: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 7th
10:58.164 - 12:37.210: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 10 ( 1:39.046)
11:30.273 - 12:37.453: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 11 ( 1:07.179)
11:37.281 - 12:39.921: Howard Herkderger finished lap 11 ( 1:02.640)
11:20.562 - 12:41.609: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 10 ( 1:21.046)
11:40.031 - 12:42.679: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 11 ( 1:02.648)
12:39.921 - 12:46.875: Howard Herkderger went off the track
12:47.140 - 12:48.875: steeze Tan Mo passed Yerd | Phil's for 10th
12:49.867 - 12:51.367: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Howard Herkderger for 5th
12:50.414 - 12:51.601: Yerd | Phil's passed steeze Tan Mo for 10th
11:50.203 - 12:54.429: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 11 ( 1:04.226)
11:34.726 - 12:58.765: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 11 ( 1:24.039)
12:51.351 - 12:59.601: jalek swoll \ $troker$ went off the track
11:51.648 - 13:01.328: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 11 ( 1:09.679)
12:00.921 - 13:02.726: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:01.804)
12:09.835 - 13:11.289: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 10 ( 1:01.453)
13:13.664 - 13:16.210: steeze Tan Mo passed Yerd | Phil's for 10th
12:10.914 - 13:19.375: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 12 ( 1:08.460)
13:09.765 - 13:22.656: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick went off the track
13:13.968 - 13:27.562: Ben Neronha | Yogi went off the track
12:21.531 - 13:34.812: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 12 ( 1:13.281)
12:24.218 - 13:38.859: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 10 ( 1:14.640)
12:37.453 - 13:40.070: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 12 ( 1:02.617)
13:38.679 - 13:41.914: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji went off the track
12:42.679 - 13:50.453: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 12 ( 1:07.773)
12:41.609 - 13:59.015: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 11 ( 1:17.406)
12:39.921 - 14:03.781: Howard Herkderger finished lap 12 ( 1:23.859)
12:58.765 - 14:05.218: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 12 ( 1:06.453)
13:11.289 - 14:13.093: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 11 ( 1:01.804)
13:02.726 - 14:13.992: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:11.265)
13:01.328 - 14:22.718: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 12 ( 1:21.390)
12:54.429 - 14:24.234: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 12 ( 1:29.804)
13:19.375 - 14:26.195: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 13 ( 1:06.820)
13:34.812 - 14:38.593: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 13 ( 1:03.781)
13:40.070 - 14:47.382: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 13 ( 1:07.312)
13:50.453 - 14:54.562: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 13 ( 1:04.109)
13:38.859 - 15:03.171: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 11 ( 1:24.312)
14:03.781 - 15:06.765: Howard Herkderger finished lap 13 ( 1:02.984)
15:01.625 - 15:07.320: Jeff Cooper | Yogi went off the track
14:05.218 - 15:08.867: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 13 ( 1:03.648)
13:59.015 - 15:11.062: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 12 ( 1:12.046)
15:01.664 - 15:12.648: Joey Arico | Team Rogan went off the track
14:13.992 - 15:17.085: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:03.093)
14:13.093 - 15:22.750: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 12 ( 1:09.656)
15:21.554 - 15:30.093: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick went off the track
15:30.093 - 15:33.593: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick went off the track
14:24.234 - 15:33.593: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 13 ( 1:09.359)
14:26.195 - 15:36.476: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 14 ( 1:10.281)
14:38.593 - 15:41.039: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 14 ( 1:02.445)
14:22.718 - 15:41.351: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 13 ( 1:18.632)
14:47.382 - 16:00.554: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 14 ( 1:13.171)
14:54.562 - 16:01.687: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 14 ( 1:07.125)
15:06.765 - 16:11.953: Howard Herkderger finished lap 14 ( 1:05.187)
15:08.867 - 16:14.414: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 14 ( 1:05.546)
15:11.062 - 16:19.820: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 13 ( 1:08.757)
15:22.750 - 16:23.765: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 13 ( 1:01.015)
16:21.218 - 16:24.218: Jeff Cooper | Yogi passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 4th
16:27.187 - 16:29.554: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 4th
15:17.085 - 16:35.132: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:18.046)
16:33.710 - 16:35.890: Howard Herkderger passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 5th
15:33.593 - 16:37.453: a danger doyle | Dangerously quick finished lap 14 ( 1:03.859)
16:36.406 - 16:39.070: Ben Neronha | Yogi passed jalek swoll \ $troker$ for 2nd
16:35.375 - 16:40.007: Joey Arico | Team Rogan went off the track
15:41.039 - 16:42.742: Ben Neronha | Yogi finished lap 15 ( 1:01.703)
15:36.476 - 16:47.062: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 15 ( 1:10.585)
15:03.171 - 16:49.781: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 12 ( 1:46.609)
15:41.351 - 16:52.890: Joey Arico | Team Rogan finished lap 14 ( 1:11.539)
16:00.554 - 17:10.531: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 15 ( 1:09.976)
17:06.726 - 17:11.882: Jeff Cooper | Yogi went off the track
16:11.953 - 17:14.226: Howard Herkderger finished lap 15 ( 1:02.273)
17:15.242 - 17:16.023: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Jeff Cooper | Yogi for 6th
16:14.414 - 17:19.531: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 15 ( 1:05.117)
16:01.687 - 17:24.367: Jeff Cooper | Yogi finished lap 15 ( 1:22.679)
16:19.820 - 17:34.195: steeze Tan Mo finished lap 14 ( 1:14.375)
16:23.765 - 17:45.460: apeezy | district oblohk finished lap 14 ( 1:21.695)