MX Simulator
Track2024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 5 (Los Santos, CA)
Format 8 minutes, 1 laps
Date3/22/2024, 2:04:25 AM (339 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
194Howard Herkderger kx450f(2013)10 9:45.5317 0:54.79623971
21wSeth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing rm250(2008)10 9:49.1257 0:54.79631547
376Brandon Larsen | Phil's fc450(2017)10 9:58.9768 0:54.97638230
4105lucas bruhn | t$cz fc450(2017)10 10:00.0239 0:55.05440598
577Jared Gumeson | BPC rmz450(2016)10 10:00.5706 0:55.85115121
6303Xanny | Venture fc450(2018)10 10:24.8436 0:56.14039313
7235Jaxon Lindsay | Venture fc450(2018)9 10:12.1718 0:57.27317953
874Josh Crumet | Solvent fc450(2018)2 2:42.7730 0:00.00044019

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10
P1 1w 1w 1w 1w 94 94 94 94 94 94
P2 105 94 94 94 1w 1w 1w 1w 1w 1w
P3 94 303 77 77 76 76 76 76 76 77
P4 76 77 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 76
P5 303 76 105 303 303 303 303 105 105 105
P6 74 105 303 105 105 105 105 303 303 303
P7 77 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235
P8 235 74

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

0:54.796 7 94 Howard Herkderger
0:54.796 7 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
0:54.906 6 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
0:54.914 10 94 Howard Herkderger
0:54.976 8 76 Brandon Larsen | Phil's
0:55.023 6 76 Brandon Larsen | Phil's
0:55.054 9 105 lucas bruhn | t$cz
0:55.148 9 76 Brandon Larsen | Phil's
0:55.179 6 94 Howard Herkderger
0:55.226 9 94 Howard Herkderger
0:55.312 4 76 Brandon Larsen | Phil's
0:55.335 9 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
0:55.343 5 76 Brandon Larsen | Phil's
0:55.500 8 105 lucas bruhn | t$cz
0:55.546 2 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
0:55.773 5 105 lucas bruhn | t$cz
0:55.812 2 94 Howard Herkderger
0:55.851 6 77 Jared Gumeson | BPC
0:55.898 5 94 Howard Herkderger
0:56.085 8 77 Jared Gumeson | BPC
0:56.093 2 77 Jared Gumeson | BPC
0:56.140 6 303 Xanny | Venture
0:56.171 7 303 Xanny | Venture
0:56.187 7 105 lucas bruhn | t$cz
0:56.195 2 303 Xanny | Venture
0:56.203 3 77 Jared Gumeson | BPC
0:56.210 7 77 Jared Gumeson | BPC
0:56.460 3 94 Howard Herkderger
0:56.523 4 303 Xanny | Venture
0:57.101 3 105 lucas bruhn | t$cz
0:57.125 5 303 Xanny | Venture
0:57.195 5 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
0:57.273 8 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
0:57.312 4 94 Howard Herkderger
0:57.492 10 77 Jared Gumeson | BPC
0:57.617 3 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
0:57.617 6 105 lucas bruhn | t$cz
0:57.750 7 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
0:57.945 3 76 Brandon Larsen | Phil's
0:58.117 4 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
0:58.429 10 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:01.125 7 76 Brandon Larsen | Phil's
1:03.062 5 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:03.171 10 76 Brandon Larsen | Phil's
1:03.742 8 303 Xanny | Venture
1:04.546 9 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:05.117 10 303 Xanny | Venture
1:06.718 8 94 Howard Herkderger
1:06.781 8 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:07.281 6 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:07.562 2 76 Brandon Larsen | Phil's
1:07.726 4 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing

Individual Worst Laps

1:05.164 5 77 Jared Gumeson | BPC
1:06.718 8 94 Howard Herkderger
1:07.562 2 76 Brandon Larsen | Phil's
1:07.726 4 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:12.468 3 303 Xanny | Venture
1:21.390 3 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:22.343 2 105 lucas bruhn | t$cz
1:23.257 2 74 Josh Crumet | Solvent


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.768 77 Jared Gumeson | BPC
3.545 94 Howard Herkderger
4.307 76 Brandon Larsen | Phil's
4.728 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
5.746 303 Xanny | Venture
8.212 105 lucas bruhn | t$cz
8.667 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
- 74 Josh Crumet | Solvent

Play by Play

Jaxon Lindsay | Venture takes the holeshot followed by Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing, Brandon Larsen | Phil's, Howard Herkderger, lucas bruhn | t$cz, Jared Gumeson | BPC, Xanny | Venture and Josh Crumet | Solvent

0:04.156 - 0:05.960: Brandon Larsen | Phil's passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 2nd
0:04.265 - 0:06.101: Xanny | Venture passed Howard Herkderger, lucas bruhn | t$cz and Jared Gumeson | BPC for 4th
0:06.070 - 0:07.796: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's for 2nd
0:06.195 - 0:08.125: Howard Herkderger passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's and Xanny | Venture for 3rd
0:06.320 - 0:08.164: lucas bruhn | t$cz passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's and Xanny | Venture for 4th
0:06.101 - 0:08.398: Xanny | Venture passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's for 5th
0:06.359 - 0:08.578: Jared Gumeson | BPC passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's for 6th
0:07.796 - 0:09.703: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for the lead
0:08.164 - 0:10.117: lucas bruhn | t$cz passed Howard Herkderger and Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 2nd
0:08.125 - 0:10.320: Howard Herkderger passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 3rd
0:08.578 - 0:10.656: Jared Gumeson | BPC passed Xanny | Venture for 5th
0:10.656 - 0:12.726: Jared Gumeson | BPC passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 4th
0:09.000 - 0:15.296: Josh Crumet | Solvent passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's for 7th
0:13.351 - 0:16.789: Xanny | Venture passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 5th
0:17.609 - 0:19.265: Jared Gumeson | BPC passed Howard Herkderger for 3rd
0:17.757 - 0:20.125: Josh Crumet | Solvent passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 6th
0:19.359 - 0:20.992: Xanny | Venture passed Howard Herkderger for 4th
0:18.820 - 0:22.046: Brandon Larsen | Phil's passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 7th
0:20.992 - 0:23.125: Xanny | Venture passed Jared Gumeson | BPC for 3rd
0:22.617 - 0:24.085: Josh Crumet | Solvent passed Howard Herkderger for 5th
0:24.085 - 0:26.093: Josh Crumet | Solvent passed Jared Gumeson | BPC for 4th
0:26.109 - 0:28.203: Brandon Larsen | Phil's passed Howard Herkderger and Jared Gumeson | BPC for 5th
0:31.281 - 0:33.171: Josh Crumet | Solvent passed Xanny | Venture for 3rd
0:32.601 - 0:34.351: Brandon Larsen | Phil's passed Xanny | Venture for 4th
0:33.437 - 0:35.414: Jared Gumeson | BPC passed Xanny | Venture for 5th
0:33.734 - 0:35.726: Howard Herkderger passed Xanny | Venture for 6th
0:34.429 - 0:36.195: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Xanny | Venture for 7th
0:38.187 - 0:41.359: Xanny | Venture passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 7th
0:50.921 - 0:53.492: Howard Herkderger went off the track
0:53.890 - 0:59.375: Josh Crumet | Solvent went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:00.789: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:00.789)
1:01.101 - 1:01.929: Jared Gumeson | BPC passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:02.468: lucas bruhn | t$cz finished lap 1 ( 1:02.468)
1:01.703 - 1:02.632: Howard Herkderger passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's for 4th
1:02.632 - 1:05.250: Howard Herkderger passed Jared Gumeson | BPC for 3rd
1:02.835 - 1:05.445: Josh Crumet | Solvent passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's and Jared Gumeson | BPC for 4th
1:02.953 - 1:06.000: Xanny | Venture passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's and Jared Gumeson | BPC for 5th
1:02.664 - 1:06.257: Brandon Larsen | Phil's passed Jared Gumeson | BPC for 6th
1:06.257 - 1:09.156: Brandon Larsen | Phil's passed Xanny | Venture for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:12.367: Howard Herkderger finished lap 1 ( 1:12.367)
0:00.000 - 1:13.367: Brandon Larsen | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 1:13.367)
1:11.140 - 1:13.367: Brandon Larsen | Phil's passed Josh Crumet | Solvent for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:13.843: Xanny | Venture finished lap 1 ( 1:13.843)
1:11.843 - 1:13.843: Xanny | Venture passed Josh Crumet | Solvent for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:19.515: Josh Crumet | Solvent finished lap 1 ( 1:19.515)
0:00.000 - 1:19.937: Jared Gumeson | BPC finished lap 1 ( 1:19.937)
0:00.000 - 1:23.054: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 1 ( 1:23.054)
1:19.945 - 1:23.117: Jared Gumeson | BPC passed Josh Crumet | Solvent for 6th
1:25.781 - 1:27.617: Howard Herkderger passed lucas bruhn | t$cz for 2nd
1:26.890 - 1:28.664: Brandon Larsen | Phil's passed lucas bruhn | t$cz for 3rd
1:27.625 - 1:29.437: Xanny | Venture passed lucas bruhn | t$cz for 4th
1:29.437 - 1:31.117: Xanny | Venture passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's for 3rd
1:36.671 - 1:47.921: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
1:48.820 - 1:50.187: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Josh Crumet | Solvent for 7th
1:50.187 - 1:53.179: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
1:00.789 - 1:56.335: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 2 ( 0:55.546)
1:54.195 - 1:57.390: Josh Crumet | Solvent passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 7th
1:58.507 - 2:00.343: Jared Gumeson | BPC passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's for 4th
1:12.367 - 2:08.179: Howard Herkderger finished lap 2 ( 0:55.812)
1:13.843 - 2:10.039: Xanny | Venture finished lap 2 ( 0:56.195)
1:56.507 - 2:11.789: lucas bruhn | t$cz went off the track
1:19.937 - 2:16.031: Jared Gumeson | BPC finished lap 2 ( 0:56.093)
2:16.039 - 2:19.578: Jared Gumeson | BPC passed Xanny | Venture for 3rd
2:11.429 - 2:20.398: Josh Crumet | Solvent went off the track
1:13.367 - 2:20.929: Brandon Larsen | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 1:07.562)
2:11.718 - 2:22.531: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
2:22.531 - 2:23.898: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Josh Crumet | Solvent for 7th
1:02.468 - 2:24.812: lucas bruhn | t$cz finished lap 2 ( 1:22.343)
2:24.039 - 2:27.054: Josh Crumet | Solvent passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 7th
2:28.320 - 2:30.601: Brandon Larsen | Phil's passed Xanny | Venture for 4th
2:28.695 - 2:36.757: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
1:23.054 - 2:41.109: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 2 ( 1:18.054)
1:19.515 - 2:42.773: Josh Crumet | Solvent finished lap 2 ( 1:23.257)
1:56.335 - 2:53.953: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 3 ( 0:57.617)
2:08.179 - 3:04.640: Howard Herkderger finished lap 3 ( 0:56.460)
3:02.757 - 3:09.179: Xanny | Venture went off the track
2:46.742 - 3:11.757: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
2:16.031 - 3:12.234: Jared Gumeson | BPC finished lap 3 ( 0:56.203)
2:20.929 - 3:18.875: Brandon Larsen | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 0:57.945)
2:24.812 - 3:21.914: lucas bruhn | t$cz finished lap 3 ( 0:57.101)
2:10.039 - 3:22.507: Xanny | Venture finished lap 3 ( 1:12.468)
3:45.281 - 3:47.773: Howard Herkderger passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for the lead
3:40.046 - 3:49.031: lucas bruhn | t$cz went off the track
3:52.687 - 3:55.093: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Howard Herkderger for the lead
2:53.953 - 4:01.679: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:07.726)
3:04.640 - 4:01.953: Howard Herkderger finished lap 4 ( 0:57.312)
2:41.109 - 4:02.500: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 3 ( 1:21.390)
4:03.054 - 4:08.562: Jared Gumeson | BPC went off the track
4:07.593 - 4:09.289: Howard Herkderger passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for the lead
3:12.234 - 4:10.281: Jared Gumeson | BPC finished lap 4 ( 0:58.046)
3:18.875 - 4:14.187: Brandon Larsen | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 0:55.312)
4:10.289 - 4:16.000: Jared Gumeson | BPC went off the track
3:22.507 - 4:19.031: Xanny | Venture finished lap 4 ( 0:56.523)
3:21.914 - 4:23.023: lucas bruhn | t$cz finished lap 4 ( 1:01.109)
4:21.445 - 4:23.734: Brandon Larsen | Phil's passed Jared Gumeson | BPC for 3rd
4:26.640 - 4:28.828: Xanny | Venture passed Jared Gumeson | BPC for 4th
4:39.460 - 4:41.296: Jared Gumeson | BPC passed Xanny | Venture for 4th
4:01.953 - 4:57.851: Howard Herkderger finished lap 5 ( 0:55.898)
4:01.679 - 4:58.875: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 5 ( 0:57.195)
4:02.500 - 5:00.617: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 4 ( 0:58.117)
4:14.187 - 5:09.531: Brandon Larsen | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 0:55.343)
4:10.281 - 5:15.445: Jared Gumeson | BPC finished lap 5 ( 1:05.164)
4:19.031 - 5:16.156: Xanny | Venture finished lap 5 ( 0:57.125)
4:23.023 - 5:18.796: lucas bruhn | t$cz finished lap 5 ( 0:55.773)
4:57.851 - 5:53.031: Howard Herkderger finished lap 6 ( 0:55.179)
4:58.875 - 5:53.781: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 6 ( 0:54.906)
5:00.617 - 6:03.679: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 5 ( 1:03.062)
5:09.531 - 6:04.554: Brandon Larsen | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 0:55.023)
5:15.445 - 6:11.296: Jared Gumeson | BPC finished lap 6 ( 0:55.851)
5:16.156 - 6:12.296: Xanny | Venture finished lap 6 ( 0:56.140)
5:18.796 - 6:16.414: lucas bruhn | t$cz finished lap 6 ( 0:57.617)
5:53.031 - 6:47.828: Howard Herkderger finished lap 7 ( 0:54.796)
5:53.781 - 6:48.578: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 7 ( 0:54.796)
6:04.554 - 7:05.679: Brandon Larsen | Phil's finished lap 7 ( 1:01.125)
6:11.296 - 7:07.507: Jared Gumeson | BPC finished lap 7 ( 0:56.210)
6:12.296 - 7:08.468: Xanny | Venture finished lap 7 ( 0:56.171)
6:03.679 - 7:10.960: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 6 ( 1:07.281)
6:16.414 - 7:12.601: lucas bruhn | t$cz finished lap 7 ( 0:56.187)
7:27.703 - 7:29.585: lucas bruhn | t$cz passed Xanny | Venture for 5th
6:47.828 - 7:54.546: Howard Herkderger finished lap 8 ( 1:06.718)
6:48.578 - 7:55.359: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:06.781)
7:05.679 - 8:00.656: Brandon Larsen | Phil's finished lap 8 ( 0:54.976)
7:07.507 - 8:03.593: Jared Gumeson | BPC finished lap 8 ( 0:56.085)
7:12.601 - 8:08.101: lucas bruhn | t$cz finished lap 8 ( 0:55.500)
7:10.960 - 8:08.710: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 7 ( 0:57.750)
7:08.468 - 8:12.210: Xanny | Venture finished lap 8 ( 1:03.742)
8:40.632 - 8:44.781: Xanny | Venture went off the track
7:54.546 - 8:49.773: Howard Herkderger finished lap 9 ( 0:55.226)
7:55.359 - 8:50.695: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 9 ( 0:55.335)
8:00.656 - 8:55.804: Brandon Larsen | Phil's finished lap 9 ( 0:55.148)
8:53.781 - 8:59.390: Jared Gumeson | BPC went off the track
8:03.593 - 9:01.015: Jared Gumeson | BPC finished lap 9 ( 0:57.421)
8:08.101 - 9:03.156: lucas bruhn | t$cz finished lap 9 ( 0:55.054)
8:08.710 - 9:05.984: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 8 ( 0:57.273)
8:12.210 - 9:19.242: Xanny | Venture finished lap 9 ( 1:07.031)
9:22.804 - 9:24.703: Jared Gumeson | BPC passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's for 3rd
9:26.031 - 9:29.078: lucas bruhn | t$cz passed Brandon Larsen | Phil's for 4th
8:49.773 - 9:44.687: Howard Herkderger finished lap 10 ( 0:54.914)
8:50.695 - 9:49.125: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 10 ( 0:58.429)
9:52.273 - 9:57.375: lucas bruhn | t$cz went off the track
9:01.015 - 9:58.507: Jared Gumeson | BPC finished lap 10 ( 0:57.492)
8:55.804 - 9:58.976: Brandon Larsen | Phil's finished lap 10 ( 1:03.171)
9:03.156 - 9:59.093: lucas bruhn | t$cz finished lap 10 ( 0:55.937)
9:05.984 - 10:10.531: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 9 ( 1:04.546)
9:19.242 - 10:24.359: Xanny | Venture finished lap 10 ( 1:05.117)