MX Simulator
Track2024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 6 (West Custer, SD)
Format 15 minutes, 1 laps
Date3/29/2024, 1:04:53 AM (332 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1216Jake Spease | District Designs 250sxf(2018)14 16:40.0858 1:08.19530371
2352jalek swoll \ $troker$ fc450(2018)14 17:02.9689 1:08.14819556
394Howard Herkderger kx450f(2013)14 17:20.07813 1:08.00023971
429Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ fc450(2018)14 17:21.94510 1:08.74234474
5135Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! fc450(2018)14 17:28.39811 1:09.12557785
655Lliam Rowella | District Designs fc450(2017)13 17:13.5233 1:07.71026987
7927Wyatt Grant|Element 250sxf(2018)13 17:14.0782 1:12.24257485
81wSeth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing rm250(2008)13 17:26.21012 1:13.29631547
912Hayden Stevenson | Yogi fc450(2017)13 17:38.6565 1:08.71823379
1076Vivian Dabert | ZION 250sxf(2018)13 17:38.6712 1:11.67916478
11229Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant 250sxf(2018)13 17:51.5077 1:10.32812608
12303Xanny | Venture fc450(2018)13 18:01.0233 1:09.07039313
1320Yerd | Phil's fc450(2018)11 17:58.7423 1:16.87547539
14653Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub 250sxf(2018)10 16:07.5076 1:22.24258737
15235Jaxon Lindsay | Venture fc450(2018)10 17:35.7035 1:26.30417953
1636Love you #TTG fc450(2018)8 10:51.6875 1:16.03957741
1710ap fc450(2017)7 10:14.5003 1:14.19542571
18613ZION - 613 350sxf(2017)0 0:00.0000 0:00.00038764

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14
P1 29 352 352 352 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216
P2 352 29 216 216 94 94 94 94 352 352 352 352 352 352
P3 135 216 94 94 352 352 352 352 94 135 135 135 29 29
P4 216 76 135 29 303 135 135 135 135 29 29 29 94 94
P5 76 94 29 303 55 29 29 29 29 94 94 94 135 135
P6 927 927 55 55 29 303 303 303 303 927 55 55 55
P7 94 135 76 135 135 12 229 927 927 55 76 927 927
P8 20 55 303 12 12 927 55 55 76 76 927 76 1w
P9 55 303 229 229 229 229 12 12 55 12 1w 12 12
P10 229 229 12 927 927 55 927 229 12 1w 12 1w 76
P11 303 12 927 76 76 76 76 76 229 229 303 229 229
P12 235 36 235 10 10 36 36 36 1w 303 229 303 303
P13 10 10 10 36 36 235 1w 1w 235 653 20
P14 36 235 20 235 1w 1w 235 235 653 20
P15 12 20 36 1w 235 10 10 653 20 235
P16 653 1w 1w 20 20 653 653 20
P17 1w 653 653 653 653 20 20

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:07.710 3 55 Lliam Rowella | District Designs
1:08.000 13 94 Howard Herkderger
1:08.148 9 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:08.171 2 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:08.195 8 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:08.484 3 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:08.484 8 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:08.664 2 94 Howard Herkderger
1:08.687 7 94 Howard Herkderger
1:08.718 5 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi
1:08.742 10 29 Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$
1:08.835 7 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:08.882 12 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi
1:09.070 3 303 Xanny | Venture
1:09.125 12 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:09.125 11 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!
1:09.304 3 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:09.304 3 94 Howard Herkderger
1:09.320 5 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:09.328 13 29 Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$
1:09.343 4 303 Xanny | Venture
1:09.367 11 29 Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$
1:09.375 12 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!
1:09.468 14 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:09.523 6 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:09.523 6 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!
1:09.765 4 29 Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$
1:09.781 10 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:09.835 8 94 Howard Herkderger
1:09.937 5 94 Howard Herkderger
1:10.132 4 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:10.187 7 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!
1:10.328 7 229 Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant
1:10.359 14 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:10.359 8 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!
1:10.414 10 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!
1:10.593 3 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!
1:10.609 6 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:10.828 11 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:10.882 6 94 Howard Herkderger
1:11.476 2 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:11.476 4 94 Howard Herkderger
1:11.679 2 76 Vivian Dabert | ZION
1:11.687 11 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:11.796 13 229 Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant
1:12.242 2 927 Wyatt Grant|Element
1:12.351 9 927 Wyatt Grant|Element
1:12.593 7 76 Vivian Dabert | ZION
1:12.734 8 927 Wyatt Grant|Element
1:12.781 5 927 Wyatt Grant|Element
1:12.976 7 55 Lliam Rowella | District Designs
1:13.296 12 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:13.421 2 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:13.460 11 76 Vivian Dabert | ZION
1:13.929 5 76 Vivian Dabert | ZION
1:14.171 13 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:14.195 3 10 ap
1:14.765 7 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:14.984 6 927 Wyatt Grant|Element
1:15.656 9 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:16.039 5 36 Love you #TTG
1:16.070 7 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:16.093 10 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:16.125 4 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:16.164 11 94 Howard Herkderger
1:16.171 5 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:16.421 8 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:16.507 6 303 Xanny | Venture
1:16.625 8 36 Love you #TTG
1:16.867 4 36 Love you #TTG
1:16.875 3 20 Yerd | Phil's
1:16.906 14 94 Howard Herkderger
1:17.125 10 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi
1:17.203 12 303 Xanny | Venture
1:17.382 11 55 Lliam Rowella | District Designs
1:17.390 4 927 Wyatt Grant|Element
1:17.632 9 76 Vivian Dabert | ZION
1:17.898 5 303 Xanny | Venture
1:18.085 6 36 Love you #TTG
1:19.445 14 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!
1:19.468 12 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:19.734 5 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!
1:19.742 11 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:19.945 6 229 Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant
1:20.000 10 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:20.210 2 10 ap
1:20.242 7 927 Wyatt Grant|Element
1:20.570 4 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi
1:20.593 7 29 Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$
1:20.781 11 303 Xanny | Venture
1:20.812 5 10 ap
1:20.812 7 36 Love you #TTG
1:21.328 3 76 Vivian Dabert | ZION
1:21.546 13 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:21.906 3 29 Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$
1:22.242 6 653 Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub
1:22.289 5 653 Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub
1:23.429 8 76 Vivian Dabert | ZION
1:23.937 4 10 ap
1:24.109 11 927 Wyatt Grant|Element
1:24.500 5 29 Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$
1:24.664 9 94 Howard Herkderger
1:24.796 7 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi
1:25.429 3 653 Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub
1:26.054 4 20 Yerd | Phil's
1:26.304 5 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
1:26.750 9 653 Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub
1:26.750 13 303 Xanny | Venture
1:27.085 10 927 Wyatt Grant|Element
1:27.117 12 76 Vivian Dabert | ZION
1:28.171 2 653 Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub
1:28.843 6 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:31.132 10 94 Howard Herkderger
1:32.468 3 36 Love you #TTG
1:34.062 11 229 Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant
1:34.960 13 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!
1:36.515 7 10 ap
1:37.429 6 55 Lliam Rowella | District Designs
1:38.656 4 76 Vivian Dabert | ZION
1:38.796 7 20 Yerd | Phil's
1:39.406 8 653 Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub
1:49.187 9 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture

Individual Worst Laps

1:19.468 12 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
1:24.500 5 29 Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$
1:25.953 13 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
1:28.843 6 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
1:31.132 10 94 Howard Herkderger
1:32.468 3 36 Love you #TTG
1:34.656 3 927 Wyatt Grant|Element
1:34.960 13 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!
1:37.429 6 55 Lliam Rowella | District Designs
1:39.632 9 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi
1:40.734 13 76 Vivian Dabert | ZION
1:41.664 9 229 Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant
1:44.140 6 10 ap
1:54.867 10 20 Yerd | Phil's
2:22.367 10 303 Xanny | Venture
2:24.039 10 653 Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub
4:11.515 10 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.118 216 Jake Spease | District Designs
4.588 1w Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing
5.494 29 Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$
5.566 36 Love you #TTG
5.632 352 jalek swoll \ $troker$
6.752 94 Howard Herkderger
6.882 927 Wyatt Grant|Element
7.132 135 Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!
8.378 55 Lliam Rowella | District Designs
9.059 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi
9.281 76 Vivian Dabert | ZION
9.902 229 Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant
10.338 10 ap
12.362 20 Yerd | Phil's
18.290 653 Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub
19.217 303 Xanny | Venture
53.008 235 Jaxon Lindsay | Venture
- 613 ZION - 613

Play by Play

ap takes the holeshot followed by Jaxon Lindsay | Venture, Yerd | Phil's, Lliam Rowella | District Designs, Howard Herkderger, Xanny | Venture, Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub, Love you #TTG, Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$, Jake Spease | District Designs, Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing, Wyatt Grant|Element, Vivian Dabert | ZION, Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant, jalek swoll \ $troker$ and Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!!

0:07.273 - 0:08.867: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture and Yerd | Phil's for the lead
0:07.960 - 0:09.460: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture, Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub, Yerd | Phil's, Howard Herkderger, Love you #TTG and Xanny | Venture for 2nd
0:08.320 - 0:09.640: Jake Spease | District Designs passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture, Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub, Yerd | Phil's, Howard Herkderger, Love you #TTG and Xanny | Venture for 3rd
0:08.929 - 0:10.085: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Wyatt Grant|Element, Jaxon Lindsay | Venture, Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub, Yerd | Phil's, Howard Herkderger, Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing, Vivian Dabert | ZION, Love you #TTG and Xanny | Venture for 4th
0:08.468 - 0:10.101: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture, Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub, Yerd | Phil's, Howard Herkderger, Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing, Love you #TTG and Xanny | Venture for 5th
0:08.734 - 0:10.312: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture, Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub, Yerd | Phil's, Howard Herkderger, Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing, Love you #TTG and Xanny | Venture for 6th
0:09.093 - 0:10.773: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture, Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub, Yerd | Phil's, Howard Herkderger, Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing, Love you #TTG and Xanny | Venture for 7th
0:09.703 - 0:10.914: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture, Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub, Yerd | Phil's, Howard Herkderger, Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing, Love you #TTG and Xanny | Venture for 8th
0:10.773 - 0:12.851: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 6th
0:10.914 - 0:12.921: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 7th
0:07.320 - 0:15.984: Howard Herkderger passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture and Yerd | Phil's for 9th
0:07.609 - 0:16.539: Xanny | Venture passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture and Yerd | Phil's for 10th
0:08.328 - 0:18.976: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub and Love you #TTG for 13th
0:06.984 - 0:19.226: ap went off the track
0:17.484 - 0:19.281: Yerd | Phil's passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture and Xanny | Venture for 11th
0:07.929 - 0:19.328: Love you #TTG passed Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub for 14th
0:12.710 - 0:20.242: Jake Spease | District Designs went off the track
0:20.062 - 0:20.578: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Xanny | Venture for 12th
0:18.742 - 0:20.984: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 3rd
0:12.828 - 0:21.617: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant went off the track
0:20.437 - 0:21.796: Lliam Rowella | District Designs went off the track
0:20.578 - 0:22.851: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Yerd | Phil's for 9th
0:22.585 - 0:23.414: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 3rd
0:22.335 - 0:23.984: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for the lead
0:23.171 - 0:24.070: Jake Spease | District Designs passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 4th
0:23.789 - 0:24.898: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 5th
0:24.304 - 0:25.195: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 6th
0:22.851 - 0:26.085: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed ap for 10th
0:23.210 - 0:27.078: Yerd | Phil's passed ap for 11th
0:24.070 - 0:27.234: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Xanny | Venture for 13th
0:25.070 - 0:28.078: Love you #TTG passed Xanny | Venture for 14th
0:26.125 - 0:28.828: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 2nd
0:27.234 - 0:29.968: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed ap for 12th
0:27.359 - 0:30.046: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 3rd
0:28.078 - 0:30.242: Love you #TTG passed ap for 13th
0:27.929 - 0:30.539: Jake Spease | District Designs passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 4th
0:30.242 - 0:30.820: Love you #TTG passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 11th
0:28.882 - 0:31.546: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 5th
0:29.171 - 0:31.734: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 6th
0:31.734 - 0:32.539: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 5th
0:31.726 - 0:32.570: ap passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing and Love you #TTG for 12th
0:30.015 - 0:32.648: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub passed Xanny | Venture for 15th
0:31.382 - 0:34.257: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 7th
0:32.585 - 0:36.375: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 5th
0:34.312 - 0:36.914: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Xanny | Venture for 16th
0:35.375 - 0:38.062: ap passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture and Yerd | Phil's for 10th
0:37.882 - 0:38.750: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub, Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing and Love you #TTG for 13th
0:34.218 - 0:39.265: Yerd | Phil's passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 11th
0:33.921 - 0:41.406: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing and Love you #TTG for 14th
0:40.664 - 0:41.601: Xanny | Venture passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing and Love you #TTG for 15th
0:30.960 - 0:41.867: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Love you #TTG for 16th
0:41.601 - 0:43.929: Xanny | Venture passed Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub for 14th
0:41.867 - 0:44.367: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub for 15th
0:44.937 - 0:47.312: Howard Herkderger passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 8th
0:46.460 - 0:48.765: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub went off the track
0:49.546 - 0:52.000: Yerd | Phil's passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 9th
0:44.179 - 0:55.750: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant went off the track
0:55.617 - 0:57.031: Xanny | Venture passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 12th
0:53.664 - 0:57.382: Love you #TTG passed Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub and Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 15th
1:00.414 - 1:01.812: Love you #TTG passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 13th
0:49.125 - 1:01.929: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub for 16th
0:42.921 - 1:02.875: ap went off the track
1:01.539 - 1:04.632: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 6th
1:02.367 - 1:05.375: Howard Herkderger passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 7th
1:06.835 - 1:09.781: Yerd | Phil's passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:09.882: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 1 ( 1:09.882)
0:00.000 - 1:10.492: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 1 ( 1:10.492)
1:08.593 - 1:11.531: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:12.109: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 1 ( 1:12.109)
0:00.000 - 1:12.710: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 1 ( 1:12.710)
0:00.000 - 1:14.062: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 1 ( 1:14.062)
1:07.539 - 1:16.570: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 16th
0:00.000 - 1:17.343: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 1 ( 1:17.343)
0:00.000 - 1:17.671: Howard Herkderger finished lap 1 ( 1:17.671)
1:17.117 - 1:18.203: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:22.468: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 1:22.468)
0:00.000 - 1:23.187: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 1 ( 1:23.187)
0:00.000 - 1:24.515: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 1 ( 1:24.515)
1:23.523 - 1:24.515: Howard Herkderger passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 6th
1:22.429 - 1:24.914: Xanny | Venture passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 11th
1:24.492 - 1:26.601: Jake Spease | District Designs passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:29.320: Xanny | Venture finished lap 1 ( 1:29.320)
1:28.023 - 1:30.007: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs and Yerd | Phil's for 8th
1:26.906 - 1:32.625: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Yerd | Phil's for 9th
1:29.429 - 1:33.507: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:33.507: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 1 ( 1:33.507)
0:00.000 - 1:34.687: ap finished lap 1 ( 1:34.687)
1:33.609 - 1:34.687: ap passed Love you #TTG for 13th
0:00.000 - 1:34.687: Love you #TTG finished lap 1 ( 1:34.687)
1:31.703 - 1:35.289: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ went off the track
1:32.882 - 1:35.296: Xanny | Venture passed Yerd | Phil's for 10th
1:35.421 - 1:36.585: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 4th
1:35.296 - 1:37.125: Xanny | Venture went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:37.804: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 1 ( 1:37.804)
1:37.617 - 1:38.742: Howard Herkderger passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 5th
1:38.835 - 1:40.078: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 6th
1:40.609 - 1:41.648: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Yerd | Phil's for 11th
1:41.656 - 1:43.109: Yerd | Phil's passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 11th
1:43.109 - 1:44.976: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
1:45.945 - 1:47.984: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Yerd | Phil's for 11th
1:46.804 - 1:48.843: ap passed Yerd | Phil's for 12th
1:47.617 - 1:49.835: Love you #TTG passed Yerd | Phil's for 13th
1:49.515 - 1:51.640: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Yerd | Phil's for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:53.304: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub finished lap 1 ( 1:53.304)
1:53.796 - 1:55.179: ap passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 11th
0:00.000 - 1:55.937: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:55.937)
1:55.039 - 1:56.062: Love you #TTG passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 12th
1:56.062 - 1:57.289: Love you #TTG passed ap for 10th
1:57.179 - 1:58.062: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 13th
2:00.281 - 2:10.101: Love you #TTG went off the track
2:09.101 - 2:12.328: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed ap for 11th
2:10.101 - 2:13.773: Love you #TTG passed ap for 12th
2:12.093 - 2:14.937: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed ap for 13th
2:14.007 - 2:17.421: Yerd | Phil's passed ap for 14th
1:10.492 - 2:18.664: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 2 ( 1:08.171)
2:16.007 - 2:20.460: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! went off the track
1:09.882 - 2:21.281: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 2 ( 1:11.398)
2:20.765 - 2:23.585: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub for 15th
1:12.710 - 2:24.187: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:11.476)
2:22.429 - 2:24.898: ap passed Yerd | Phil's for 14th
2:18.273 - 2:25.140: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Love you #TTG for 11th
2:22.203 - 2:25.554: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 7th
1:14.062 - 2:25.742: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 2 ( 1:11.679)
1:17.671 - 2:26.335: Howard Herkderger finished lap 2 ( 1:08.664)
2:24.539 - 2:27.500: Xanny | Venture passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 8th
2:16.039 - 2:28.140: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi went off the track
1:17.343 - 2:29.585: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 2 ( 1:12.242)
1:12.109 - 2:30.687: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 2 ( 1:18.578)
2:34.156 - 2:37.070: Love you #TTG passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 11th
2:33.132 - 2:37.359: Lliam Rowella | District Designs went off the track
1:23.187 - 2:37.359: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:14.171)
1:29.320 - 2:39.218: Xanny | Venture finished lap 2 ( 1:09.898)
2:40.164 - 2:41.968: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 6th
2:39.789 - 2:42.828: ap passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 12th
2:39.101 - 2:43.445: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant went off the track
1:24.515 - 2:43.445: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 2 ( 1:18.929)
2:44.312 - 2:45.046: Jake Spease | District Designs passed Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ for 2nd
2:43.179 - 2:45.390: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 6th
2:41.929 - 2:46.429: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi went off the track
1:37.804 - 2:46.429: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 2 ( 1:08.625)
2:46.070 - 2:46.851: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ for 3rd
2:46.429 - 2:47.265: Howard Herkderger passed Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ for 4th
1:34.687 - 2:49.968: Love you #TTG finished lap 2 ( 1:15.281)
2:50.312 - 2:51.554: Howard Herkderger passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 3rd
1:34.687 - 2:54.898: ap finished lap 2 ( 1:20.210)
2:51.648 - 2:56.585: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
1:33.507 - 2:56.585: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 2 ( 1:23.078)
1:22.468 - 3:00.601: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 1:38.132)
2:59.734 - 3:02.859: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 4th
2:48.671 - 3:03.281: Wyatt Grant|Element went off the track
3:04.664 - 3:07.484: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ for 4th
1:55.937 - 3:09.359: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:13.421)
3:06.273 - 3:11.804: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi went off the track
3:09.125 - 3:11.867: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ for 5th
3:15.734 - 3:19.351: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 9th
1:53.304 - 3:21.476: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub finished lap 2 ( 1:28.171)
2:18.664 - 3:27.148: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 3 ( 1:08.484)
3:26.437 - 3:29.546: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 4th
3:26.625 - 3:29.648: ap passed Love you #TTG for 12th
3:28.156 - 3:31.109: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 5th
3:28.953 - 3:31.984: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Love you #TTG for 13th
3:30.148 - 3:33.101: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 6th
2:24.187 - 3:33.492: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:09.304)
3:33.367 - 3:35.601: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed ap for 12th
2:26.335 - 3:35.640: Howard Herkderger finished lap 3 ( 1:09.304)
3:27.437 - 3:40.804: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing went off the track
2:30.687 - 3:41.281: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 3 ( 1:10.593)
2:21.281 - 3:43.187: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 3 ( 1:21.906)
2:37.359 - 3:45.070: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:07.710)
2:25.742 - 3:47.070: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 3 ( 1:21.328)
2:39.218 - 3:48.289: Xanny | Venture finished lap 3 ( 1:09.070)
3:41.304 - 3:48.546: Yerd | Phil's passed Love you #TTG for 14th
3:36.257 - 3:51.406: Wyatt Grant|Element went off the track
3:49.000 - 3:53.265: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant went off the track
2:43.445 - 3:53.265: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 3 ( 1:09.820)
3:55.000 - 3:56.179: Xanny | Venture passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 7th
3:53.664 - 3:58.492: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi went off the track
2:46.429 - 3:58.492: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 3 ( 1:12.062)
3:53.140 - 3:58.781: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! went off the track
4:00.265 - 4:01.375: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 8th
4:00.562 - 4:02.789: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 4th
2:29.585 - 4:04.242: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 3 ( 1:34.656)
4:01.265 - 4:05.523: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
2:56.585 - 4:05.523: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 3 ( 1:08.937)
2:54.898 - 4:09.093: ap finished lap 3 ( 1:14.195)
3:00.601 - 4:17.476: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 1:16.875)
4:15.554 - 4:19.140: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ for 4th
2:49.968 - 4:22.437: Love you #TTG finished lap 3 ( 1:32.468)
4:20.585 - 4:23.054: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 4th
4:21.664 - 4:25.945: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 5th
3:09.359 - 4:30.234: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:20.875)
4:35.015 - 4:38.968: Xanny | Venture passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 6th
4:31.195 - 4:42.453: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
4:40.078 - 4:42.656: Xanny | Venture passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 5th
3:27.148 - 4:43.273: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 4 ( 1:16.125)
3:33.492 - 4:43.625: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:10.132)
3:21.476 - 4:46.906: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub finished lap 3 ( 1:25.429)
3:35.640 - 4:47.117: Howard Herkderger finished lap 4 ( 1:11.476)
4:44.468 - 4:48.015: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 9th
4:48.679 - 4:49.476: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 9th
4:48.656 - 4:50.000: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 6th
3:43.187 - 4:52.953: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 4 ( 1:09.765)
4:49.515 - 4:53.156: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Yerd | Phil's for 13th
4:45.148 - 4:56.062: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant went off the track
3:48.289 - 4:57.632: Xanny | Venture finished lap 4 ( 1:09.343)
4:52.414 - 4:58.179: Love you #TTG passed Yerd | Phil's for 14th
4:54.562 - 4:58.914: Lliam Rowella | District Designs went off the track
3:45.070 - 4:58.914: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:13.843)
3:41.281 - 4:59.218: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 4 ( 1:17.937)
4:57.562 - 5:00.828: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 9th
4:58.179 - 5:02.226: Love you #TTG passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 13th
4:57.648 - 5:02.562: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant went off the track
5:01.320 - 5:05.109: Yerd | Phil's passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 14th
5:02.851 - 5:05.984: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 15th
5:08.828 - 5:10.398: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 6th
5:07.140 - 5:13.304: jalek swoll \ $troker$ went off the track
5:09.875 - 5:13.773: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi and Vivian Dabert | ZION for 8th
5:11.476 - 5:13.812: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 6th
5:06.164 - 5:14.046: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 9th
5:12.671 - 5:16.609: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub went off the track
5:09.718 - 5:17.070: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Yerd | Phil's for 14th
5:14.046 - 5:17.500: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 7th
5:10.437 - 5:18.273: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Yerd | Phil's for 15th
3:58.492 - 5:19.062: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 4 ( 1:20.570)
5:15.734 - 5:19.765: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant went off the track
3:53.265 - 5:19.765: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 4 ( 1:26.500)
5:17.226 - 5:19.828: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 6th
4:04.242 - 5:21.632: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 4 ( 1:17.390)
3:47.070 - 5:25.726: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 4 ( 1:38.656)
5:23.148 - 5:25.757: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 13th
4:09.093 - 5:33.031: ap finished lap 4 ( 1:23.937)
5:26.804 - 5:34.210: Howard Herkderger passed jalek swoll \ $troker$ for 2nd
4:22.437 - 5:39.304: Love you #TTG finished lap 4 ( 1:16.867)
4:05.523 - 5:40.593: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 4 ( 1:35.070)
5:36.914 - 5:41.296: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing went off the track
4:30.234 - 5:41.296: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:11.062)
4:17.476 - 5:43.531: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 1:26.054)
5:31.671 - 5:44.109: Lliam Rowella | District Designs went off the track
5:50.812 - 5:52.070: Yerd | Phil's passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 15th
5:43.960 - 5:52.617: Xanny | Venture passed Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ for 4th
4:43.625 - 5:52.945: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:09.320)
5:46.820 - 5:53.906: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ for 5th
4:47.117 - 5:57.054: Howard Herkderger finished lap 5 ( 1:09.937)
5:59.515 - 6:00.468: Love you #TTG passed ap for 12th
6:01.937 - 6:02.710: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed ap for 13th
4:43.273 - 6:03.617: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 5 ( 1:20.343)
6:08.570 - 6:09.695: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Yerd | Phil's for 15th
6:09.492 - 6:13.132: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Love you #TTG for 12th
4:57.632 - 6:15.531: Xanny | Venture finished lap 5 ( 1:17.898)
4:58.914 - 6:15.984: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:17.070)
4:52.953 - 6:17.453: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 5 ( 1:24.500)
4:59.218 - 6:18.953: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 5 ( 1:19.734)
4:46.906 - 6:19.031: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub finished lap 4 ( 1:32.125)
6:18.351 - 6:19.765: Love you #TTG passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 12th
6:19.414 - 6:21.609: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Xanny | Venture for 4th
6:19.382 - 6:21.757: ap passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 13th
6:17.453 - 6:23.367: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ went off the track
6:23.367 - 6:24.398: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 4th
6:22.500 - 6:24.882: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Xanny | Venture for 6th
6:23.953 - 6:25.359: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 14th
6:24.882 - 6:26.187: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 5th
5:19.062 - 6:27.781: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 5 ( 1:08.718)
6:27.273 - 6:29.625: Xanny | Venture passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 6th
6:27.656 - 6:32.914: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant went off the track
5:19.765 - 6:32.914: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 5 ( 1:13.148)
5:21.632 - 6:34.414: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 5 ( 1:12.781)
5:25.726 - 6:39.656: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 5 ( 1:13.929)
6:40.320 - 6:41.679: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 9th
6:42.148 - 6:45.015: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 7th
6:27.203 - 6:51.695: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
6:49.226 - 6:52.515: ap passed Love you #TTG for 11th
5:33.031 - 6:53.843: ap finished lap 5 ( 1:20.812)
5:39.304 - 6:55.343: Love you #TTG finished lap 5 ( 1:16.039)
5:41.296 - 6:57.468: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:16.171)
5:52.945 - 7:03.554: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:10.609)
5:40.593 - 7:06.898: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 5 ( 1:26.304)
7:00.093 - 7:07.140: ap went off the track
5:57.054 - 7:07.937: Howard Herkderger finished lap 6 ( 1:10.882)
7:07.578 - 7:09.507: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed ap for 13th
6:03.617 - 7:13.140: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 6 ( 1:09.523)
7:09.890 - 7:13.531: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 8th
7:14.945 - 7:18.062: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 9th
7:18.445 - 7:19.328: ap passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 13th
7:21.726 - 7:24.296: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ for 4th
6:18.953 - 7:28.476: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 6 ( 1:09.523)
6:17.453 - 7:29.585: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 6 ( 1:12.132)
7:19.328 - 7:30.187: ap went off the track
6:15.531 - 7:32.039: Xanny | Venture finished lap 6 ( 1:16.507)
7:31.703 - 7:34.226: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed ap for 14th
5:43.531 - 7:35.726: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 1:52.195)
7:32.039 - 7:37.984: Xanny | Venture went off the track
6:19.031 - 7:41.320: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub finished lap 5 ( 1:22.289)
7:38.234 - 7:42.312: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi went off the track
6:27.781 - 7:42.312: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 6 ( 1:14.531)
7:43.859 - 7:47.210: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 4th
6:34.414 - 7:49.398: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 6 ( 1:14.984)
7:44.640 - 7:49.937: Vivian Dabert | ZION went off the track
7:50.023 - 7:51.226: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ for 4th
6:32.914 - 7:52.859: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 6 ( 1:19.945)
6:15.984 - 7:53.414: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:37.429)
7:58.890 - 8:00.046: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Love you #TTG for 12th
6:39.656 - 8:00.882: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 6 ( 1:21.226)
8:00.929 - 8:02.664: Love you #TTG passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 12th
8:07.937 - 8:10.335: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 13th
7:03.554 - 8:12.390: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:08.835)
6:55.343 - 8:13.429: Love you #TTG finished lap 6 ( 1:18.085)
8:12.703 - 8:13.882: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 8th
8:14.859 - 8:15.632: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 9th
7:07.937 - 8:16.625: Howard Herkderger finished lap 7 ( 1:08.687)
8:10.335 - 8:22.117: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
7:06.898 - 8:22.117: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 6 ( 1:15.218)
6:57.468 - 8:26.312: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:28.843)
7:13.140 - 8:29.210: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 7 ( 1:16.070)
8:31.601 - 8:33.664: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
6:53.843 - 8:37.984: ap finished lap 6 ( 1:44.140)
7:28.476 - 8:38.664: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 7 ( 1:10.187)
8:40.109 - 8:42.695: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Love you #TTG for 12th
8:46.281 - 8:47.742: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Xanny | Venture for 6th
7:29.585 - 8:50.179: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 7 ( 1:20.593)
8:53.273 - 8:55.734: Xanny | Venture passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 6th
8:56.265 - 8:58.523: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 7th
8:55.859 - 8:59.671: Love you #TTG passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 12th
7:32.039 - 9:00.062: Xanny | Venture finished lap 7 ( 1:28.023)
8:57.820 - 9:01.382: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Jaxon Lindsay | Venture for 13th
8:59.476 - 9:01.742: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 8th
7:52.859 - 9:03.187: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 7 ( 1:10.328)
7:41.320 - 9:03.562: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub finished lap 6 ( 1:22.242)
8:49.695 - 9:04.250: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
7:35.726 - 9:05.492: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 1:29.765)
7:53.414 - 9:06.390: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:12.976)
7:42.312 - 9:07.109: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 7 ( 1:24.796)
9:06.726 - 9:08.703: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Xanny | Venture for 6th
7:49.398 - 9:09.640: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 7 ( 1:20.242)
8:00.882 - 9:13.476: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 7 ( 1:12.593)
9:16.289 - 9:17.234: Xanny | Venture passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 6th
8:12.390 - 9:20.585: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:08.195)
9:23.046 - 9:23.539: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 9th
9:19.484 - 9:25.867: Xanny | Venture went off the track
8:16.625 - 9:26.460: Howard Herkderger finished lap 8 ( 1:09.835)
9:25.296 - 9:27.898: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 10th
8:13.429 - 9:34.242: Love you #TTG finished lap 7 ( 1:20.812)
9:30.937 - 9:34.281: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 9th
8:29.210 - 9:37.695: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 8 ( 1:08.484)
8:26.312 - 9:41.078: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:14.765)
9:37.257 - 9:41.671: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
8:22.117 - 9:41.671: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 7 ( 1:19.554)
8:38.664 - 9:49.023: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 8 ( 1:10.359)
9:47.734 - 9:49.125: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 8th
9:49.281 - 9:55.531: Jake Spease | District Designs went off the track
9:55.789 - 9:56.546: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 13th
9:54.242 - 9:58.750: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ went off the track
8:50.179 - 9:58.750: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 8 ( 1:08.570)
9:56.546 - 10:01.421: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
9:55.320 - 10:02.140: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 9th
10:03.500 - 10:04.390: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 7th
10:04.710 - 10:06.437: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ went off the track
10:09.890 - 10:12.851: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 8th
10:13.109 - 10:14.156: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 8th
8:37.984 - 10:14.500: ap finished lap 7 ( 1:36.515)
10:13.734 - 10:16.023: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Howard Herkderger for 2nd
9:00.062 - 10:17.757: Xanny | Venture finished lap 8 ( 1:17.695)
10:15.890 - 10:17.960: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant and Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 8th
10:14.164 - 10:19.289: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 9th
9:09.640 - 10:22.375: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 8 ( 1:12.734)
10:19.851 - 10:26.140: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub went off the track
10:22.742 - 10:26.906: Lliam Rowella | District Designs went off the track
9:06.390 - 10:26.906: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:20.515)
10:24.078 - 10:27.984: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi went off the track
9:07.109 - 10:27.984: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 8 ( 1:20.875)
10:25.281 - 10:29.406: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant went off the track
9:03.187 - 10:29.406: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 8 ( 1:26.218)
9:03.562 - 10:31.289: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub finished lap 7 ( 1:27.726)
9:20.585 - 10:36.367: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:15.781)
9:13.476 - 10:36.906: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 8 ( 1:23.429)
9:05.492 - 10:44.289: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 7 ( 1:38.796)
9:37.695 - 10:45.843: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 9 ( 1:08.148)
10:45.015 - 10:47.132: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 8th
9:34.242 - 10:50.867: Love you #TTG finished lap 8 ( 1:16.625)
9:26.460 - 10:51.125: Howard Herkderger finished lap 9 ( 1:24.664)
9:41.078 - 10:57.500: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:16.421)
10:50.867 - 10:57.726: Love you #TTG went off the track
10:57.273 - 10:58.171: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 9th
10:55.421 - 10:59.648: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! went off the track
9:49.023 - 10:59.648: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 9 ( 1:10.625)
10:48.296 - 10:59.898: ap went off the track
10:48.164 - 11:01.859: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi went off the track
10:59.648 - 11:03.179: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed Howard Herkderger for 3rd
9:58.750 - 11:07.992: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 9 ( 1:09.242)
11:07.992 - 11:11.507: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ passed Howard Herkderger for 4th
11:07.914 - 11:13.109: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
11:15.164 - 11:17.742: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 8th
11:15.703 - 11:18.359: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 9th
11:16.273 - 11:20.273: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
9:41.671 - 11:20.273: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 8 ( 1:38.601)
11:23.726 - 11:26.109: Yerd | Phil's passed Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub for 16th
11:18.921 - 11:26.500: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 9th
11:22.546 - 11:26.929: Xanny | Venture went off the track
10:17.757 - 11:26.929: Xanny | Venture finished lap 9 ( 1:09.171)
11:23.343 - 11:30.601: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 10th
10:22.375 - 11:34.726: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 9 ( 1:12.351)
11:34.093 - 11:37.062: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 8th
11:38.390 - 11:41.507: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 9th
11:40.234 - 11:43.109: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 10th
10:36.367 - 11:46.148: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:09.781)
11:43.398 - 11:46.179: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub passed Yerd | Phil's for 15th
11:47.234 - 11:50.093: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 8th
11:48.109 - 11:50.492: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 9th
11:49.289 - 11:51.671: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 10th
10:36.906 - 11:54.539: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 9 ( 1:17.632)
11:50.492 - 11:54.976: Lliam Rowella | District Designs went off the track
10:26.906 - 11:54.976: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:28.070)
11:52.429 - 11:55.007: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Xanny | Venture for 6th
11:54.976 - 12:00.906: Lliam Rowella | District Designs went off the track
12:00.906 - 12:02.375: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 8th
10:45.843 - 12:05.843: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 10 ( 1:20.000)
10:27.984 - 12:07.617: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 9 ( 1:39.632)
10:59.648 - 12:10.062: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 10 ( 1:10.414)
10:31.289 - 12:10.695: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub finished lap 8 ( 1:39.406)
11:51.671 - 12:11.070: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant went off the track
10:29.406 - 12:11.070: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 9 ( 1:41.664)
10:57.500 - 12:13.156: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:15.656)
12:10.125 - 12:14.507: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
10:44.289 - 12:14.507: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 8 ( 1:30.218)
12:13.179 - 12:15.820: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Xanny | Venture for 7th
11:07.992 - 12:16.734: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 10 ( 1:08.742)
12:10.679 - 12:17.132: Vivian Dabert | ZION went off the track
12:13.156 - 12:17.679: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 10th
12:17.132 - 12:20.078: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Xanny | Venture for 8th
12:14.507 - 12:20.593: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
10:51.125 - 12:22.257: Howard Herkderger finished lap 10 ( 1:31.132)
12:20.593 - 12:27.750: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
12:26.531 - 12:31.046: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Xanny | Venture for 9th
12:31.289 - 12:33.531: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Xanny | Venture for 10th
12:36.421 - 12:39.578: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Xanny | Venture for 11th
12:39.726 - 12:40.546: Xanny | Venture passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 11th
12:41.453 - 12:43.203: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Xanny | Venture for 11th
12:55.617 - 12:56.960: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 10th
11:46.148 - 12:56.976: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:10.828)
12:38.500 - 13:00.867: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
11:34.726 - 13:01.812: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 10 ( 1:27.085)
11:54.976 - 13:03.328: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:08.351)
11:20.273 - 13:09.460: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 9 ( 1:49.187)
13:06.851 - 13:11.421: Vivian Dabert | ZION went off the track
11:54.539 - 13:11.421: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 10 ( 1:16.882)
12:05.843 - 13:17.531: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 11 ( 1:11.687)
12:10.062 - 13:19.187: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 11 ( 1:09.125)
13:19.132 - 13:21.101: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
12:07.617 - 13:24.742: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 10 ( 1:17.125)
13:11.250 - 13:25.359: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant went off the track
12:16.734 - 13:26.101: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 11 ( 1:09.367)
13:27.953 - 13:29.000: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 6th
12:13.156 - 13:29.250: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:16.093)
13:28.937 - 13:37.242: Xanny | Venture went off the track
12:10.695 - 13:37.445: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub finished lap 9 ( 1:26.750)
12:11.070 - 13:38.421: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 10 ( 1:27.351)
12:22.257 - 13:38.421: Howard Herkderger finished lap 11 ( 1:16.164)
13:26.101 - 13:40.937: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ went off the track
11:26.929 - 13:49.296: Xanny | Venture finished lap 10 ( 2:22.367)
13:50.671 - 13:51.625: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 9th
13:50.804 - 13:53.257: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 7th
14:01.156 - 14:05.750: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 7th
14:06.226 - 14:06.953: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 7th
12:14.507 - 14:07.781: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 9 ( 1:53.273)
13:52.421 - 14:07.968: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub went off the track
13:58.851 - 14:10.304: Howard Herkderger went off the track
12:56.976 - 14:16.445: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:19.468)
14:04.375 - 14:17.335: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi went off the track
13:03.328 - 14:20.710: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:17.382)
13:11.421 - 14:24.882: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 11 ( 1:13.460)
13:01.812 - 14:25.921: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 11 ( 1:24.109)
13:17.531 - 14:26.656: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 12 ( 1:09.125)
13:19.187 - 14:28.562: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 12 ( 1:09.375)
14:32.156 - 14:38.125: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
14:38.156 - 14:43.765: Wyatt Grant|Element went off the track
14:40.078 - 14:44.312: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ went off the track
13:26.101 - 14:44.312: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 12 ( 1:18.210)
14:40.906 - 14:48.093: Xanny | Venture passed Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant for 11th
13:29.250 - 14:48.992: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:19.742)
14:47.804 - 14:52.265: jalek swoll \ $troker$ went off the track
13:24.742 - 14:52.554: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 11 ( 1:27.812)
14:47.257 - 14:53.875: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
13:38.421 - 14:55.171: Howard Herkderger finished lap 12 ( 1:16.750)
14:58.851 - 15:03.710: Vivian Dabert | ZION passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 6th
13:49.296 - 15:10.078: Xanny | Venture finished lap 11 ( 1:20.781)
15:10.054 - 15:11.406: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Lliam Rowella | District Designs for 7th
13:38.421 - 15:12.484: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 11 ( 1:34.062)
15:14.640 - 15:21.601: Lliam Rowella | District Designs passed Wyatt Grant|Element for 7th
15:20.703 - 15:23.289: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! passed jalek swoll \ $troker$ for 2nd
15:27.085 - 15:30.242: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant passed Xanny | Venture for 11th
14:16.445 - 15:30.617: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:14.171)
15:36.859 - 15:42.320: jalek swoll \ $troker$ passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 2nd
15:39.632 - 15:43.843: Lliam Rowella | District Designs went off the track
14:20.710 - 15:43.843: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:23.132)
15:42.632 - 15:44.375: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 3rd
15:46.234 - 15:49.101: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 9th
14:25.921 - 15:51.601: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 12 ( 1:25.679)
15:50.101 - 15:51.601: Wyatt Grant|Element passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 7th
14:24.882 - 15:52.000: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 12 ( 1:27.117)
14:26.656 - 15:52.609: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 13 ( 1:25.953)
14:44.312 - 15:53.640: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 13 ( 1:09.328)
14:52.554 - 16:01.437: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 12 ( 1:08.882)
13:37.445 - 16:01.484: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub finished lap 10 ( 2:24.039)
15:58.640 - 16:01.789: Howard Herkderger passed Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! for 4th
14:48.992 - 16:02.289: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:13.296)
14:07.781 - 16:02.648: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 10 ( 1:54.867)
14:55.171 - 16:03.171: Howard Herkderger finished lap 13 ( 1:08.000)
14:28.562 - 16:03.523: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 13 ( 1:34.960)
16:13.929 - 16:17.585: Wyatt Grant|Element went off the track
16:09.859 - 16:22.289: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi went off the track
16:19.632 - 16:23.968: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant went off the track
15:12.484 - 16:23.968: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 12 ( 1:11.484)
15:10.078 - 16:27.281: Xanny | Venture finished lap 12 ( 1:17.203)
16:26.296 - 16:29.500: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 8th
16:28.515 - 16:31.625: Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub went off the track
16:30.328 - 16:32.515: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Vivian Dabert | ZION for 9th
16:33.671 - 16:37.718: Yerd | Phil's went off the track
15:30.617 - 16:40.085: Jake Spease | District Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:09.468)
16:48.968 - 16:53.101: Lliam Rowella | District Designs went off the track
15:43.843 - 16:53.101: Lliam Rowella | District Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:09.257)
16:40.281 - 16:55.328: Vivian Dabert | ZION went off the track
16:50.570 - 16:57.921: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi passed Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing for 8th
15:52.609 - 17:02.968: jalek swoll \ $troker$ finished lap 14 ( 1:10.359)
17:06.164 - 17:10.367: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ went off the track
15:53.640 - 17:10.367: Matt LeBlanc |$TROKER$ finished lap 14 ( 1:16.726)
15:51.601 - 17:12.375: Wyatt Grant|Element finished lap 13 ( 1:20.773)
17:11.710 - 17:19.148: Yerd | Phil's passed Donqavios Slunuski | Bbc #TeamPedro #lilrona | Brazzers | PPhub for 13th
17:17.085 - 17:19.312: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi for 8th
16:03.171 - 17:20.078: Howard Herkderger finished lap 14 ( 1:16.906)
14:45.273 - 17:20.976: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture went off the track
13:09.460 - 17:20.976: Jaxon Lindsay | Venture finished lap 10 ( 4:11.515)
16:03.523 - 17:22.968: Ben Neronha | Yogi #TTG!! finished lap 14 ( 1:19.445)
16:02.289 - 17:23.835: Seth Bubba | Stew Bubba Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:21.546)
16:01.437 - 17:27.843: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi finished lap 13 ( 1:26.406)
17:28.484 - 17:32.734: Vivian Dabert | ZION went off the track
15:52.000 - 17:32.734: Vivian Dabert | ZION finished lap 13 ( 1:40.734)
16:23.968 - 17:35.765: Dylan Dallaire | Element X Radiant finished lap 13 ( 1:11.796)
16:02.648 - 17:50.515: Yerd | Phil's finished lap 11 ( 1:47.867)
16:27.281 - 17:54.031: Xanny | Venture finished lap 13 ( 1:26.750)