MX Simulator
Track2024 rF Gaming National Rd03: Thunder Valley
Format 10 minutes, 1 laps
Date6/9/2024, 11:39:27 PM (259 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
1976Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo rm1256 13:32.8984 2:15.75022937
235Rogan McIntosh | Nexus rm1256 13:36.5462 2:15.58528509
3352Ben Neronha rm1256 13:42.2426 2:11.35157785
499Seth Garrett | Nexus rm1256 13:46.6485 2:11.90618588
578Jakob Hubbard | Phil's 125sx6 13:46.8676 2:09.98423971
628Frank Jackson | UGRC rm1256 13:57.0075 2:12.84312581
782Arico rm1256 14:26.6403 2:19.85153872
827Alec Horn | EVP rm1256 14:26.7814 2:14.39819554
9703Brent Heintzelman | Boots House rm1256 15:00.0936 2:22.078683
10284Brenden Kelly | Boot's House rm1256 15:03.3515 2:16.38239610
11841Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails rm1256 15:06.4454 2:24.8282357
12908John Matthews | Nexus rm1256 15:09.3904 2:22.64039312
1320yerd | Phil's rm1256 15:09.6716 2:20.26547539
1429Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ rm1256 15:11.1482 2:17.68734474
15101Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team rm1256 15:15.6562 2:27.39844882
16171Luke Scheffler | Nexus rm1256 15:17.8046 2:22.40617724
17403Jett Wisdom | Nexus rm1256 15:20.0540 0:00.00032889
18249Reed Borgfield | 125sx6 15:31.3356 2:32.40633895
19144Chase Odom | Maybach.Co rm1256 15:34.4762 2:27.4685369
20161brandon ma rm1256 15:47.3436 2:29.85916133
2119carson mainquist | +62 rm1256 16:11.2812 2:41.78141611
22127Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit rm1256 16:26.5545 2:26.16458274
231tanner more rm1255 13:43.0393 2:26.93738572
24111Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited rm1255 15:18.4212 2:55.67911020

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
P1 35 35 35 35 35 976
P2 976 976 976 976 976 35
P3 403 78 78 78 352 352
P4 101 99 99 352 99 99
P5 703 352 352 99 78 78
P6 78 101 841 28 28 28
P7 99 403 82 841 82 27
P8 20 841 29 82 27 82
P9 144 28 28 403 284 703
P10 28 144 403 29 841 284
P11 27 82 101 27 403 841
P12 352 29 284 101 29 20
P13 841 27 20 284 703 908
P14 284 20 27 908 908 29
P15 82 284 144 171 101 101
P16 1 703 127 703 20 171
P17 127 127 703 249 171 403
P18 29 908 171 20 249 249
P19 171 249 908 144 144 144
P20 161 171 1 161 127 161
P21 249 161 249 127 161 19
P22 908 1 161 19 19 127
P23 111 19 19 1 1
P24 19 111 111 111 111

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

2:09.984 6 78 Jakob Hubbard | Phil's
2:11.351 6 352 Ben Neronha
2:11.906 5 99 Seth Garrett | Nexus
2:12.101 3 99 Seth Garrett | Nexus
2:12.648 4 352 Ben Neronha
2:12.843 5 28 Frank Jackson | UGRC
2:12.843 6 28 Frank Jackson | UGRC
2:13.031 4 28 Frank Jackson | UGRC
2:13.250 3 78 Jakob Hubbard | Phil's
2:14.171 6 99 Seth Garrett | Nexus
2:14.304 3 352 Ben Neronha
2:14.398 4 27 Alec Horn | EVP
2:15.585 2 35 Rogan McIntosh | Nexus
2:15.750 4 976 Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo
2:15.945 4 35 Rogan McIntosh | Nexus
2:16.382 5 284 Brenden Kelly | Boot's House
2:16.492 3 35 Rogan McIntosh | Nexus
2:16.601 6 976 Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo
2:16.726 3 976 Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo
2:16.898 5 35 Rogan McIntosh | Nexus
2:16.921 2 78 Jakob Hubbard | Phil's
2:17.671 2 976 Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo
2:17.687 2 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
2:17.781 5 976 Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo
2:18.304 3 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
2:18.820 2 352 Ben Neronha
2:19.523 2 99 Seth Garrett | Nexus
2:19.851 3 82 Arico
2:19.937 5 82 Arico
2:20.265 6 20 yerd | Phil's
2:20.507 4 78 Jakob Hubbard | Phil's
2:21.164 5 20 yerd | Phil's
2:21.671 4 82 Arico
2:21.960 3 284 Brenden Kelly | Boot's House
2:22.078 6 703 Brent Heintzelman | Boots House
2:22.406 6 171 Luke Scheffler | Nexus
2:22.640 4 908 John Matthews | Nexus
2:23.554 5 78 Jakob Hubbard | Phil's
2:23.562 5 703 Brent Heintzelman | Boots House
2:24.531 3 171 Luke Scheffler | Nexus
2:24.828 4 841 Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails
2:25.132 6 35 Rogan McIntosh | Nexus
2:25.195 4 99 Seth Garrett | Nexus
2:26.164 5 127 Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit
2:26.679 2 28 Frank Jackson | UGRC
2:26.937 3 1 tanner more
2:27.398 2 101 Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team
2:27.468 2 144 Chase Odom | Maybach.Co
2:27.500 6 144 Chase Odom | Maybach.Co
2:28.750 4 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
2:29.351 6 82 Arico
2:29.859 6 161 brandon ma
2:31.367 4 703 Brent Heintzelman | Boots House
2:31.867 3 101 Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team
2:32.312 2 908 John Matthews | Nexus
2:32.406 6 249 Reed Borgfield |
2:32.437 5 908 John Matthews | Nexus
2:32.609 3 703 Brent Heintzelman | Boots House
2:34.601 2 127 Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit
2:36.664 5 249 Reed Borgfield |
2:36.687 3 161 brandon ma
2:36.820 3 27 Alec Horn | EVP
2:37.320 2 27 Alec Horn | EVP
2:37.460 2 284 Brenden Kelly | Boot's House
2:38.203 3 249 Reed Borgfield |
2:38.664 5 144 Chase Odom | Maybach.Co
2:38.781 2 171 Luke Scheffler | Nexus
2:39.210 2 161 brandon ma
2:39.570 4 101 Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team
2:41.718 5 171 Luke Scheffler | Nexus
2:41.781 2 19 carson mainquist | +62
2:41.835 6 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
2:43.023 6 284 Brenden Kelly | Boot's House
2:43.273 4 161 brandon ma
2:43.937 5 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
2:44.218 5 1 tanner more
2:46.593 4 144 Chase Odom | Maybach.Co
2:47.632 5 841 Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails
2:49.531 3 144 Chase Odom | Maybach.Co
2:51.687 2 1 tanner more
2:55.679 2 111 Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited
3:01.804 4 1 tanner more
3:21.656 5 111 Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited

Individual Worst Laps

2:17.781 5 976 Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo
2:18.820 2 352 Ben Neronha
2:23.554 5 78 Jakob Hubbard | Phil's
2:25.132 6 35 Rogan McIntosh | Nexus
2:25.195 4 99 Seth Garrett | Nexus
2:26.679 2 28 Frank Jackson | UGRC
2:29.351 6 82 Arico
2:32.437 5 908 John Matthews | Nexus
2:37.320 2 27 Alec Horn | EVP
2:38.203 3 249 Reed Borgfield |
2:41.718 5 171 Luke Scheffler | Nexus
2:41.929 6 19 carson mainquist | +62
2:43.023 6 284 Brenden Kelly | Boot's House
2:43.273 4 161 brandon ma
2:43.671 5 101 Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team
2:43.937 5 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
2:47.632 5 841 Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails
2:48.453 6 403 Jett Wisdom | Nexus
2:48.882 2 703 Brent Heintzelman | Boots House
2:49.531 3 144 Chase Odom | Maybach.Co
2:50.828 4 20 yerd | Phil's
3:01.804 4 1 tanner more
3:13.554 6 127 Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit
3:21.796 4 111 Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.750 976 Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo
2.527 352 Ben Neronha
3.273 19 carson mainquist | +62
3.589 35 Rogan McIntosh | Nexus
3.683 908 John Matthews | Nexus
3.757 82 Arico
4.732 161 brandon ma
4.797 249 Reed Borgfield |
4.867 78 Jakob Hubbard | Phil's
5.111 99 Seth Garrett | Nexus
5.908 101 Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team
6.665 28 Frank Jackson | UGRC
7.884 171 Luke Scheffler | Nexus
9.256 144 Chase Odom | Maybach.Co
9.539 703 Brent Heintzelman | Boots House
9.571 403 Jett Wisdom | Nexus
9.755 284 Brenden Kelly | Boot's House
10.963 841 Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails
11.060 27 Alec Horn | EVP
11.173 29 Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$
12.734 1 tanner more
12.905 20 yerd | Phil's
13.630 111 Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited
19.549 127 Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit

Play by Play

Rogan McIntosh | Nexus takes the holeshot followed by Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team, Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$, Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails, Frank Jackson | UGRC, yerd | Phil's, Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo, Brenden Kelly | Boot's House, Seth Garrett | Nexus, Reed Borgfield |, Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited, Brent Heintzelman | Boots House, tanner more, carson mainquist | +62, brandon ma, Alec Horn | EVP, Chase Odom | Maybach.Co, Jett Wisdom | Nexus, Jakob Hubbard | Phil's, Luke Scheffler | Nexus, John Matthews | Nexus, Ben Neronha, Arico and Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit

0:07.750 - 0:10.804: Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo passed yerd | Phil's, Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team, Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$, Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails and Frank Jackson | UGRC for 2nd
0:07.710 - 0:11.179: yerd | Phil's passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$, Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails and Frank Jackson | UGRC for 4th
0:08.125 - 0:11.375: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Seth Garrett | Nexus, Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited, Brenden Kelly | Boot's House, Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails, Frank Jackson | UGRC and Reed Borgfield | for 6th
0:07.617 - 0:11.507: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 7th
0:07.914 - 0:11.687: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 8th
0:08.117 - 0:12.601: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited passed Reed Borgfield | for 11th
0:09.210 - 0:12.687: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed tanner more, Chase Odom | Maybach.Co, Reed Borgfield |, brandon ma, carson mainquist | +62 and Alec Horn | EVP for 12th
0:09.640 - 0:13.289: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed tanner more, Chase Odom | Maybach.Co, Jakob Hubbard | Phil's, Reed Borgfield |, brandon ma, carson mainquist | +62 and Alec Horn | EVP for 13th
0:08.898 - 0:13.500: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed tanner more, Reed Borgfield |, brandon ma, carson mainquist | +62 and Alec Horn | EVP for 14th
0:11.687 - 0:13.804: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Frank Jackson | UGRC for 7th
0:10.195 - 0:13.867: John Matthews | Nexus passed tanner more, Jakob Hubbard | Phil's, Reed Borgfield |, brandon ma, carson mainquist | +62 and Alec Horn | EVP for 15th
0:12.687 - 0:14.812: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 11th
0:08.476 - 0:14.898: brandon ma passed tanner more and carson mainquist | +62 for 17th
0:11.570 - 0:15.226: Ben Neronha passed tanner more, Jakob Hubbard | Phil's, carson mainquist | +62 and Alec Horn | EVP for 18th
0:11.968 - 0:15.773: Arico passed tanner more, Jakob Hubbard | Phil's, carson mainquist | +62 and Alec Horn | EVP for 19th
0:13.664 - 0:16.093: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 5th
0:14.000 - 0:16.421: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 7th
0:14.335 - 0:16.812: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 9th
0:09.257 - 0:17.101: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed tanner more, carson mainquist | +62 and Alec Horn | EVP for 20th
0:15.812 - 0:17.132: yerd | Phil's passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 3rd
0:08.585 - 0:17.132: Alec Horn | EVP passed tanner more and carson mainquist | +62 for 21st
0:14.851 - 0:17.414: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 11th
0:16.742 - 0:18.000: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 6th
0:16.812 - 0:18.273: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 7th
0:16.882 - 0:18.367: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 8th
0:16.414 - 0:18.726: Reed Borgfield | passed John Matthews | Nexus for 15th
0:17.414 - 0:18.820: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 9th
0:08.296 - 0:18.937: carson mainquist | +62 passed tanner more for 22nd
0:17.132 - 0:19.421: Alec Horn | EVP passed Jakob Hubbard | Phil's for 20th
0:17.968 - 0:19.429: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 10th
0:18.367 - 0:19.890: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 11th
0:17.523 - 0:19.976: Ben Neronha passed brandon ma for 17th
0:18.726 - 0:20.078: Reed Borgfield | passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 12th
0:18.890 - 0:20.476: John Matthews | Nexus passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 13th
0:18.140 - 0:20.531: Arico passed brandon ma for 18th
0:19.976 - 0:21.304: Ben Neronha passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 14th
0:19.421 - 0:21.695: Alec Horn | EVP passed brandon ma for 19th
0:18.367 - 0:21.820: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Seth Garrett | Nexus for 7th
0:20.531 - 0:21.882: Arico passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 15th
0:19.554 - 0:22.054: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed brandon ma for 20th
0:18.820 - 0:22.273: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited passed Seth Garrett | Nexus for 8th
0:19.429 - 0:22.843: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Seth Garrett | Nexus for 9th
0:21.695 - 0:23.140: Alec Horn | EVP passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 16th
0:20.648 - 0:23.242: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team passed yerd | Phil's for 3rd
0:19.890 - 0:23.296: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Seth Garrett | Nexus for 10th
0:22.054 - 0:23.773: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 17th
0:17.531 - 0:23.835: Jett Wisdom | Nexus went off the track
0:20.476 - 0:23.992: John Matthews | Nexus passed Seth Garrett | Nexus and Reed Borgfield | for 12th
0:21.304 - 0:24.726: Ben Neronha passed Seth Garrett | Nexus and Reed Borgfield | for 13th
0:23.546 - 0:24.976: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed yerd | Phil's for 4th
0:22.601 - 0:25.187: brandon ma passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 18th
0:21.882 - 0:25.265: Arico passed Seth Garrett | Nexus and Reed Borgfield | for 14th
0:24.343 - 0:25.625: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 6th
0:23.992 - 0:26.593: John Matthews | Nexus passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 11th
0:24.976 - 0:26.703: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 3rd
0:23.773 - 0:27.500: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed Seth Garrett | Nexus, Reed Borgfield | and Alec Horn | EVP for 15th
0:25.289 - 0:28.859: carson mainquist | +62 passed Seth Garrett | Nexus, Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$, Reed Borgfield |, brandon ma and Alec Horn | EVP for 16th
0:25.187 - 0:29.406: brandon ma passed Seth Garrett | Nexus, Reed Borgfield | and Alec Horn | EVP for 17th
0:25.210 - 0:29.726: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Seth Garrett | Nexus, Reed Borgfield | and Alec Horn | EVP for 18th
0:26.328 - 0:29.789: tanner more passed Seth Garrett | Nexus, Reed Borgfield | and Alec Horn | EVP for 19th
0:28.781 - 0:30.484: Ben Neronha passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 12th
0:23.140 - 0:31.492: Alec Horn | EVP passed Reed Borgfield | for 21st
0:16.421 - 0:31.656: Frank Jackson | UGRC went off the track
0:29.789 - 0:32.296: tanner more passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ and brandon ma for 17th
0:30.984 - 0:32.804: Arico passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 13th
0:32.296 - 0:33.742: tanner more passed carson mainquist | +62 for 16th
0:32.453 - 0:34.039: brandon ma passed carson mainquist | +62 for 17th
0:32.476 - 0:34.210: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed yerd | Phil's for 5th
0:32.515 - 0:34.242: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed carson mainquist | +62 for 18th
0:34.000 - 0:35.726: Ben Neronha passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus, Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited, Chase Odom | Maybach.Co and John Matthews | Nexus for 8th
0:34.046 - 0:35.750: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed carson mainquist | +62 for 19th
0:34.625 - 0:35.828: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed yerd | Phil's for 6th
0:34.500 - 0:36.031: Alec Horn | EVP passed carson mainquist | +62 for 20th
0:35.296 - 0:36.804: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed carson mainquist | +62 for 21st
0:34.937 - 0:37.195: Arico passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus, Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited, Chase Odom | Maybach.Co and John Matthews | Nexus for 9th
0:35.601 - 0:37.257: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus, Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited, Chase Odom | Maybach.Co and John Matthews | Nexus for 10th
0:35.914 - 0:37.453: yerd | Phil's passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 6th
0:37.546 - 0:38.718: brandon ma passed tanner more for 16th
0:37.257 - 0:39.031: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Arico and Ben Neronha for 8th
0:37.453 - 0:39.179: yerd | Phil's passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team, Brent Heintzelman | Boots House and Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 3rd
0:37.195 - 0:39.218: Arico passed Ben Neronha for 9th
0:37.070 - 0:39.335: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 4th
0:37.554 - 0:39.546: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team and Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 5th
0:32.742 - 0:39.609: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus and Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 11th
0:37.234 - 0:39.812: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 6th
0:38.304 - 0:40.257: Reed Borgfield | passed carson mainquist | +62 for 22nd
0:39.507 - 0:40.820: brandon ma passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus, Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited, John Matthews | Nexus and Jakob Hubbard | Phil's for 12th
0:36.835 - 0:41.273: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus, Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited and John Matthews | Nexus for 13th
0:32.500 - 0:41.359: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 14th
0:39.648 - 0:41.570: tanner more passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited and John Matthews | Nexus for 15th
0:39.609 - 0:41.976: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Ben Neronha for 10th
0:40.210 - 0:42.078: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited and John Matthews | Nexus for 16th
0:40.820 - 0:42.671: brandon ma passed Ben Neronha for 11th
0:41.351 - 0:42.875: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed John Matthews | Nexus for 18th
0:41.421 - 0:43.273: Alec Horn | EVP passed John Matthews | Nexus for 19th
0:41.273 - 0:43.601: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed Ben Neronha for 12th
0:41.359 - 0:43.625: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Ben Neronha for 13th
0:42.343 - 0:43.820: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed John Matthews | Nexus for 20th
0:42.078 - 0:43.984: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Ben Neronha for 14th
0:41.570 - 0:43.992: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 4th
0:42.875 - 0:44.554: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited and Ben Neronha for 15th
0:42.476 - 0:44.734: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited passed Ben Neronha for 16th
0:41.570 - 0:44.843: tanner more went off the track
0:43.984 - 0:45.156: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 14th
0:43.273 - 0:45.476: Alec Horn | EVP passed Ben Neronha for 17th
0:43.820 - 0:45.671: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Ben Neronha for 18th
0:44.851 - 0:46.492: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed tanner more for 12th
0:46.226 - 0:48.312: carson mainquist | +62 passed John Matthews | Nexus and Reed Borgfield | for 20th
0:45.695 - 0:48.460: Reed Borgfield | passed John Matthews | Nexus for 21st
0:46.539 - 0:48.539: tanner more passed Jakob Hubbard | Phil's for 12th
0:47.593 - 0:49.679: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 15th
0:47.914 - 0:50.015: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 16th
0:48.601 - 0:50.234: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus and Alec Horn | EVP for 17th
0:48.453 - 0:50.406: Alec Horn | EVP passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 18th
0:49.921 - 0:51.820: Ben Neronha passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 19th
0:49.773 - 0:51.937: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Arico for 9th
0:50.226 - 0:51.976: Reed Borgfield | passed carson mainquist | +62 for 21st
0:50.570 - 0:52.304: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed John Matthews | Nexus for 22nd
0:50.726 - 0:52.359: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed yerd | Phil's for 3rd
0:50.234 - 0:52.523: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 16th
0:50.070 - 0:52.742: brandon ma passed Arico for 10th
0:51.429 - 0:52.929: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed yerd | Phil's for 4th
0:50.664 - 0:53.210: tanner more passed Arico for 11th
0:52.078 - 0:53.718: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed yerd | Phil's for 5th
0:51.023 - 0:53.812: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed Arico for 12th
0:51.976 - 0:53.898: Reed Borgfield | passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 20th
0:52.054 - 0:54.460: carson mainquist | +62 passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 21st
0:52.046 - 0:54.679: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Arico and Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 13th
0:52.523 - 0:54.859: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Arico and Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 14th
0:52.898 - 0:55.460: Alec Horn | EVP passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited and Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 16th
0:52.648 - 0:55.781: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 17th
0:54.062 - 0:56.453: Ben Neronha passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 18th
0:55.460 - 0:56.734: Alec Horn | EVP passed Arico for 15th
0:55.257 - 0:56.921: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team passed yerd | Phil's for 6th
0:56.078 - 0:57.664: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed yerd | Phil's for 7th
0:55.437 - 0:57.835: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 22nd
0:56.125 - 0:58.554: Reed Borgfield | passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 19th
0:59.164 - 1:00.789: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed tanner more for 11th
1:00.304 - 1:01.703: Ben Neronha passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 17th
1:00.203 - 1:02.851: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed carson mainquist | +62 for 21st
1:03.687 - 1:04.773: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed tanner more for 12th
1:03.710 - 1:04.875: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed tanner more for 13th
1:04.460 - 1:05.515: Arico passed Alec Horn | EVP for 15th
1:03.187 - 1:06.796: Ben Neronha went off the track
1:08.382 - 1:10.351: Ben Neronha passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 17th
1:10.507 - 1:12.000: Arico passed tanner more for 14th
1:10.148 - 1:13.062: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed brandon ma for 10th
1:10.742 - 1:13.070: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 4th
1:11.101 - 1:13.218: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed brandon ma for 11th
1:11.015 - 1:13.304: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 5th
1:11.609 - 1:13.937: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed brandon ma for 12th
1:12.000 - 1:14.109: Arico passed brandon ma for 13th
1:12.257 - 1:14.117: tanner more passed brandon ma for 14th
1:12.875 - 1:14.351: Reed Borgfield | passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 18th
1:12.421 - 1:14.445: Alec Horn | EVP passed brandon ma for 15th
1:13.343 - 1:15.234: Ben Neronha passed brandon ma for 16th
1:05.468 - 1:15.304: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House went off the track
1:14.117 - 1:15.484: tanner more passed Arico for 13th
1:12.507 - 1:15.875: Luke Scheffler | Nexus went off the track
1:14.914 - 1:16.539: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 19th
1:15.234 - 1:16.656: Ben Neronha passed Arico for 14th
1:14.445 - 1:17.554: Alec Horn | EVP went off the track
1:16.390 - 1:17.882: John Matthews | Nexus passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 23rd
1:16.906 - 1:19.023: Reed Borgfield | passed brandon ma for 17th
1:17.953 - 1:19.812: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed brandon ma for 18th
1:19.812 - 1:21.304: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Arico for 15th
1:20.046 - 1:21.562: brandon ma passed Arico for 16th
1:20.640 - 1:22.125: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited passed Arico for 17th
1:19.851 - 1:22.156: Ben Neronha passed Alec Horn | EVP for 14th
1:19.476 - 1:22.484: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed John Matthews | Nexus and carson mainquist | +62 for 22nd
1:22.476 - 1:25.382: Alec Horn | EVP passed Ben Neronha for 14th
1:25.812 - 1:27.070: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 5th
1:28.296 - 1:30.179: John Matthews | Nexus passed carson mainquist | +62 for 23rd
1:28.937 - 1:30.812: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 5th
1:19.023 - 1:31.984: Reed Borgfield | went off the track
1:29.914 - 1:33.632: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed Arico and Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 18th
1:32.195 - 1:33.921: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 5th
1:32.359 - 1:34.187: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Jakob Hubbard | Phil's for 10th
1:28.609 - 1:34.335: Arico passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 19th
1:34.039 - 1:36.078: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 3rd
1:34.335 - 1:36.195: Arico passed Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 18th
1:33.921 - 1:37.203: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails went off the track
1:33.703 - 1:37.664: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team went off the track
1:35.539 - 1:38.062: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 4th
1:34.781 - 1:38.078: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 20th
1:38.664 - 1:39.945: Alec Horn | EVP passed tanner more for 13th
1:38.062 - 1:40.187: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 5th
1:39.539 - 1:41.664: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 3rd
1:36.375 - 1:43.265: yerd | Phil's went off the track
1:43.703 - 1:48.023: Reed Borgfield | passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 21st
1:48.218 - 1:49.539: John Matthews | Nexus passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 22nd
1:47.554 - 1:49.648: Ben Neronha passed tanner more for 14th
1:48.937 - 1:51.828: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed Seth Garrett | Nexus for 9th
1:41.164 - 1:54.437: brandon ma went off the track
1:53.789 - 1:55.281: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 4th
1:54.828 - 1:56.093: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Seth Garrett | Nexus for 10th
1:55.281 - 1:56.578: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 3rd
1:55.312 - 1:56.742: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 4th
1:55.148 - 1:56.984: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 7th
1:56.187 - 1:58.320: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Frank Jackson | UGRC for 10th
1:56.835 - 1:58.343: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 5th
1:57.476 - 1:59.312: yerd | Phil's passed Frank Jackson | UGRC for 11th
1:47.117 - 1:59.390: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ went off the track
1:57.750 - 1:59.398: Alec Horn | EVP passed Frank Jackson | UGRC for 12th
1:58.812 - 1:59.867: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 6th
1:59.195 - 2:00.539: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co and Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 7th
1:59.109 - 2:00.851: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 8th
1:56.460 - 2:01.015: Reed Borgfield | went off the track
2:00.281 - 2:01.328: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 9th
2:00.765 - 2:01.984: yerd | Phil's passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 10th
2:00.960 - 2:04.453: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:06.492: Rogan McIntosh | Nexus finished lap 1 ( 2:06.492)
0:00.000 - 2:08.367: Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo finished lap 1 ( 2:08.367)
2:07.757 - 2:09.789: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 6th
2:02.031 - 2:10.250: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails went off the track
2:07.132 - 2:10.664: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Alec Horn | EVP for 11th
2:08.937 - 2:10.921: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 7th
2:09.257 - 2:10.968: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 8th
2:09.562 - 2:11.515: yerd | Phil's passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 9th
2:10.968 - 2:11.765: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 7th
2:10.664 - 2:12.531: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 10th
2:10.726 - 2:12.875: Alec Horn | EVP passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 11th
2:11.640 - 2:13.000: brandon ma passed Reed Borgfield | for 21st
2:13.062 - 2:15.078: Ben Neronha passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 12th
2:14.835 - 2:16.406: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 18th
2:15.085 - 2:16.664: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 13th
2:16.515 - 2:17.812: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 18th
0:00.000 - 2:19.140: Jett Wisdom | Nexus finished lap 1 ( 2:19.140)
0:00.000 - 2:20.414: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team finished lap 1 ( 2:20.414)
2:20.023 - 2:21.242: yerd | Phil's passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 8th
0:00.000 - 2:21.593: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House finished lap 1 ( 2:21.593)
2:19.867 - 2:21.773: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 18th
0:00.000 - 2:22.648: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 2:22.648)
0:00.000 - 2:23.750: Seth Garrett | Nexus finished lap 1 ( 2:23.750)
0:00.000 - 2:24.335: yerd | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 2:24.335)
0:00.000 - 2:24.718: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co finished lap 1 ( 2:24.718)
0:00.000 - 2:25.273: Frank Jackson | UGRC finished lap 1 ( 2:25.273)
0:00.000 - 2:25.734: Alec Horn | EVP finished lap 1 ( 2:25.734)
2:23.828 - 2:27.500: brandon ma passed John Matthews | Nexus for 20th
0:00.000 - 2:28.195: Ben Neronha finished lap 1 ( 2:28.195)
2:24.609 - 2:28.398: Reed Borgfield | passed John Matthews | Nexus for 21st
0:00.000 - 2:29.875: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails finished lap 1 ( 2:29.875)
2:28.054 - 2:30.195: Arico passed tanner more for 15th
0:00.000 - 2:32.351: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 1 ( 2:32.351)
2:33.468 - 2:34.367: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed yerd | Phil's for 8th
0:00.000 - 2:35.593: Arico finished lap 1 ( 2:35.593)
0:00.000 - 2:36.617: tanner more finished lap 1 ( 2:36.617)
0:00.000 - 2:40.000: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit finished lap 1 ( 2:40.000)
0:00.000 - 2:40.632: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 1 ( 2:40.632)
0:00.000 - 2:41.867: Luke Scheffler | Nexus finished lap 1 ( 2:41.867)
2:37.492 - 2:42.210: Alec Horn | EVP passed yerd | Phil's and Frank Jackson | UGRC for 9th
2:39.429 - 2:42.500: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:43.289: brandon ma finished lap 1 ( 2:43.289)
0:00.000 - 2:44.203: Reed Borgfield | finished lap 1 ( 2:44.203)
2:40.039 - 2:44.726: Ben Neronha passed yerd | Phil's and Frank Jackson | UGRC for 10th
0:00.000 - 2:44.945: John Matthews | Nexus finished lap 1 ( 2:44.945)
2:43.882 - 2:45.906: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 17th
0:00.000 - 2:45.937: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited finished lap 1 ( 2:45.937)
2:37.062 - 2:45.960: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed yerd | Phil's for 11th
2:41.781 - 2:46.460: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed yerd | Phil's for 12th
2:50.437 - 2:52.187: John Matthews | Nexus passed brandon ma for 20th
0:00.000 - 2:53.648: carson mainquist | +62 finished lap 1 ( 2:53.648)
2:51.039 - 2:54.406: Alec Horn | EVP passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 8th
2:49.648 - 2:55.078: Reed Borgfield | went off the track
2:56.257 - 2:57.921: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 6th
2:59.664 - 3:00.835: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Seth Garrett | Nexus for 6th
2:59.617 - 3:01.343: carson mainquist | +62 passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 22nd
3:01.671 - 3:03.015: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 6th
3:14.507 - 3:16.250: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed yerd | Phil's for 13th
3:14.578 - 3:16.429: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Ben Neronha for 10th
3:11.054 - 3:16.679: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited passed carson mainquist | +62 for 23rd
3:16.507 - 3:17.804: Alec Horn | EVP passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 7th
3:16.500 - 3:18.867: Ben Neronha passed Frank Jackson | UGRC for 10th
3:21.859 - 3:22.992: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Ben Neronha for 10th
3:22.226 - 3:24.304: Arico passed yerd | Phil's for 14th
3:23.437 - 3:25.445: tanner more passed yerd | Phil's for 15th
3:24.070 - 3:25.843: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 3rd
3:24.351 - 3:25.898: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House and Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 8th
3:24.226 - 3:25.968: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 9th
3:24.718 - 3:26.437: Ben Neronha passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 10th
3:25.968 - 3:27.468: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Frank Jackson | UGRC for 8th
3:26.421 - 3:28.039: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 11th
3:26.367 - 3:28.218: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed yerd | Phil's for 16th
3:29.007 - 3:30.171: Ben Neronha passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co, Frank Jackson | UGRC and Alec Horn | EVP for 6th
3:28.671 - 3:30.218: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Alec Horn | EVP for 7th
3:28.875 - 3:30.468: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Alec Horn | EVP for 8th
3:28.515 - 3:30.796: yerd | Phil's passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 16th
3:28.039 - 3:31.281: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails went off the track
3:30.859 - 3:31.921: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed yerd | Phil's for 16th
3:30.085 - 3:32.625: carson mainquist | +62 passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 23rd
3:31.281 - 3:32.687: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Alec Horn | EVP for 9th
3:18.843 - 3:32.703: Jett Wisdom | Nexus went off the track
3:32.265 - 3:33.507: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 4th
3:32.281 - 3:33.781: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 11th
3:32.703 - 3:34.250: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Frank Jackson | UGRC for 8th
3:34.343 - 3:35.875: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co and Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 7th
3:36.085 - 3:37.867: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co and Frank Jackson | UGRC for 7th
3:35.992 - 3:37.953: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Alec Horn | EVP for 11th
3:37.718 - 3:39.187: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed tanner more for 14th
3:36.898 - 3:39.218: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 18th
3:38.367 - 3:40.062: yerd | Phil's passed tanner more for 15th
3:39.664 - 3:41.062: John Matthews | Nexus passed Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 19th
3:41.062 - 3:42.710: John Matthews | Nexus passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 18th
3:42.312 - 3:43.929: Reed Borgfield | passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus and Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 19th
3:44.656 - 3:46.054: Alec Horn | EVP passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 11th
3:46.000 - 3:47.273: tanner more passed yerd | Phil's for 15th
3:46.093 - 3:47.632: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 19th
3:45.976 - 3:48.109: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited passed carson mainquist | +62 for 23rd
3:47.078 - 3:48.164: John Matthews | Nexus passed yerd | Phil's for 16th
3:44.867 - 3:49.125: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Frank Jackson | UGRC for 8th
3:45.828 - 3:49.234: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Frank Jackson | UGRC for 9th
3:48.601 - 3:49.984: Reed Borgfield | passed yerd | Phil's for 17th
3:49.015 - 3:50.296: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 19th
3:49.234 - 3:51.156: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 8th
3:50.414 - 3:53.039: carson mainquist | +62 passed Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited for 23rd
3:52.210 - 3:53.843: yerd | Phil's passed Reed Borgfield | for 18th
3:52.320 - 3:54.078: Alec Horn | EVP passed Frank Jackson | UGRC for 10th
3:49.039 - 3:54.828: Arico went off the track
3:54.359 - 3:57.195: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Alec Horn | EVP for 10th
3:56.531 - 3:58.765: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House and Alec Horn | EVP for 11th
3:56.898 - 3:59.085: Arico passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House and Alec Horn | EVP for 12th
4:00.031 - 4:02.171: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House and Alec Horn | EVP for 13th
3:59.085 - 4:03.242: Arico passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 11th
4:03.945 - 4:07.632: yerd | Phil's passed John Matthews | Nexus for 17th
4:04.617 - 4:08.085: Reed Borgfield | passed John Matthews | Nexus for 18th
4:04.757 - 4:08.296: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed John Matthews | Nexus for 19th
4:05.601 - 4:09.179: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed John Matthews | Nexus for 20th
4:06.257 - 4:10.054: brandon ma passed John Matthews | Nexus for 21st
4:09.054 - 4:10.812: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Ben Neronha for 6th
4:10.953 - 4:13.148: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 19th
4:12.195 - 4:14.445: brandon ma passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 20th
4:11.929 - 4:15.671: Reed Borgfield | passed yerd | Phil's, tanner more and Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 15th
4:11.882 - 4:16.109: yerd | Phil's passed tanner more and Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 16th
4:13.148 - 4:17.718: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed tanner more for 18th
4:15.414 - 4:17.804: John Matthews | Nexus passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 21st
4:14.445 - 4:19.085: brandon ma passed tanner more for 19th
4:17.718 - 4:19.226: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 17th
4:08.726 - 4:21.460: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House went off the track
4:19.882 - 4:21.820: Ben Neronha passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 6th
2:06.492 - 4:22.078: Rogan McIntosh | Nexus finished lap 2 ( 2:15.585)
4:21.828 - 4:23.296: yerd | Phil's passed Reed Borgfield | for 14th
4:21.726 - 4:23.406: tanner more passed brandon ma for 19th
4:22.335 - 4:24.148: John Matthews | Nexus passed brandon ma for 20th
4:23.273 - 4:24.804: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed Reed Borgfield | for 15th
4:23.304 - 4:24.890: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Reed Borgfield | for 16th
2:08.367 - 4:26.039: Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo finished lap 2 ( 2:17.671)
4:26.664 - 4:28.632: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 16th
4:27.226 - 4:28.687: tanner more passed Reed Borgfield | for 17th
4:28.382 - 4:29.898: John Matthews | Nexus passed Reed Borgfield | for 18th
4:31.890 - 4:34.539: John Matthews | Nexus passed tanner more for 18th
4:32.351 - 4:34.742: Reed Borgfield | passed tanner more for 19th
4:33.359 - 4:35.062: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed brandon ma for 21st
4:36.507 - 4:38.171: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 9th
2:22.648 - 4:39.570: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 2:16.921)
2:23.750 - 4:43.273: Seth Garrett | Nexus finished lap 2 ( 2:19.523)
4:42.726 - 4:43.984: Ben Neronha passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 5th
2:28.195 - 4:47.015: Ben Neronha finished lap 2 ( 2:18.820)
2:20.414 - 4:47.812: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team finished lap 2 ( 2:27.398)
2:19.140 - 4:48.078: Jett Wisdom | Nexus finished lap 2 ( 2:28.937)
2:29.875 - 4:49.382: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails finished lap 2 ( 2:19.507)
4:50.843 - 4:51.859: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed tanner more for 20th
2:25.273 - 4:51.953: Frank Jackson | UGRC finished lap 2 ( 2:26.679)
2:24.718 - 4:52.187: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co finished lap 2 ( 2:27.468)
4:51.148 - 4:52.640: brandon ma passed tanner more for 21st
2:35.593 - 4:54.843: Arico finished lap 2 ( 2:19.250)
4:49.359 - 4:56.234: yerd | Phil's went off the track
4:54.476 - 4:56.570: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 15th
4:56.007 - 4:57.617: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 7th
2:40.632 - 4:58.320: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 2 ( 2:17.687)
4:58.757 - 5:00.328: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 8th
2:25.734 - 5:03.054: Alec Horn | EVP finished lap 2 ( 2:37.320)
2:24.335 - 5:09.554: yerd | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 2:45.218)
2:32.351 - 5:09.812: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 2 ( 2:37.460)
2:21.593 - 5:10.476: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House finished lap 2 ( 2:48.882)
2:40.000 - 5:14.601: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit finished lap 2 ( 2:34.601)
2:44.945 - 5:17.257: John Matthews | Nexus finished lap 2 ( 2:32.312)
2:44.203 - 5:19.054: Reed Borgfield | finished lap 2 ( 2:34.851)
2:41.867 - 5:20.648: Luke Scheffler | Nexus finished lap 2 ( 2:38.781)
5:20.000 - 5:21.562: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed yerd | Phil's for 14th
2:43.289 - 5:22.500: brandon ma finished lap 2 ( 2:39.210)
5:20.804 - 5:22.507: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed yerd | Phil's for 15th
2:36.617 - 5:28.304: tanner more finished lap 2 ( 2:51.687)
5:27.390 - 5:28.820: Arico passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 10th
5:29.632 - 5:30.945: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 11th
5:32.921 - 5:34.343: Alec Horn | EVP passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 12th
2:53.648 - 5:35.429: carson mainquist | +62 finished lap 2 ( 2:41.781)
5:33.976 - 5:41.265: Frank Jackson | UGRC went off the track
2:45.937 - 5:41.617: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited finished lap 2 ( 2:55.679)
5:44.656 - 5:46.359: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 14th
5:48.773 - 5:52.210: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit went off the track
6:04.023 - 6:06.078: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 13th
6:09.156 - 6:10.796: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 6th
6:10.828 - 6:12.882: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 6th
6:10.968 - 6:13.781: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Reed Borgfield | for 19th
6:13.226 - 6:14.195: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 14th
6:13.546 - 6:16.203: brandon ma passed Reed Borgfield | for 20th
6:13.000 - 6:17.562: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 6th
6:18.015 - 6:19.656: yerd | Phil's passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 15th
6:17.851 - 6:20.796: tanner more passed Reed Borgfield | for 21st
6:19.695 - 6:21.328: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed yerd | Phil's for 15th
6:17.445 - 6:21.687: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 8th
6:18.304 - 6:22.531: Arico passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 9th
6:21.687 - 6:22.921: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 7th
6:22.531 - 6:24.046: Arico passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 8th
6:20.148 - 6:24.304: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 10th
6:24.304 - 6:25.781: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 9th
6:25.515 - 6:26.742: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 13th
6:26.367 - 6:27.953: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 14th
6:27.453 - 6:28.875: yerd | Phil's passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 15th
6:24.742 - 6:29.375: Jett Wisdom | Nexus went off the track
6:25.968 - 6:29.507: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails went off the track
6:30.671 - 6:31.906: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 16th
6:31.804 - 6:33.132: John Matthews | Nexus passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 17th
4:22.078 - 6:38.570: Rogan McIntosh | Nexus finished lap 3 ( 2:16.492)
6:38.492 - 6:42.515: yerd | Phil's passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 14th
4:26.039 - 6:42.765: Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo finished lap 3 ( 2:16.726)
6:46.453 - 6:49.945: tanner more passed brandon ma for 20th
6:50.226 - 6:52.460: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 15th
4:39.570 - 6:52.820: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 2:13.250)
4:43.273 - 6:55.375: Seth Garrett | Nexus finished lap 3 ( 2:12.101)
6:53.734 - 6:55.523: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Alec Horn | EVP for 12th
6:54.546 - 6:56.445: John Matthews | Nexus passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 16th
6:56.312 - 6:58.164: yerd | Phil's passed Alec Horn | EVP for 13th
6:56.492 - 6:58.515: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed John Matthews | Nexus for 15th
4:47.015 - 7:01.320: Ben Neronha finished lap 3 ( 2:14.304)
6:56.117 - 7:02.289: carson mainquist | +62 went off the track
7:01.851 - 7:04.015: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 15th
7:02.117 - 7:04.312: John Matthews | Nexus passed Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 16th
7:04.984 - 7:10.351: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails went off the track
7:06.031 - 7:11.054: yerd | Phil's went off the track
4:49.382 - 7:11.117: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails finished lap 3 ( 2:21.734)
7:12.851 - 7:13.914: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed John Matthews | Nexus for 15th
4:54.843 - 7:14.695: Arico finished lap 3 ( 2:19.851)
7:14.007 - 7:15.757: John Matthews | Nexus passed Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 15th
7:06.296 - 7:16.078: Frank Jackson | UGRC went off the track
4:58.320 - 7:16.625: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 3 ( 2:18.304)
4:51.953 - 7:18.289: Frank Jackson | UGRC finished lap 3 ( 2:26.335)
4:48.078 - 7:18.617: Jett Wisdom | Nexus finished lap 3 ( 2:30.539)
4:47.812 - 7:19.679: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team finished lap 3 ( 2:31.867)
7:21.921 - 7:24.468: Ben Neronha passed Seth Garrett | Nexus for 4th
7:25.953 - 7:28.218: John Matthews | Nexus passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 15th
5:09.812 - 7:31.773: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 3 ( 2:21.960)
5:09.554 - 7:34.515: yerd | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 2:24.960)
7:28.218 - 7:35.937: John Matthews | Nexus went off the track
5:03.054 - 7:39.875: Alec Horn | EVP finished lap 3 ( 2:36.820)
4:52.187 - 7:41.718: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co finished lap 3 ( 2:49.531)
5:14.601 - 7:42.328: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit finished lap 3 ( 2:27.726)
5:10.476 - 7:43.085: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House finished lap 3 ( 2:32.609)
7:43.562 - 7:44.593: Reed Borgfield | passed brandon ma for 20th
7:43.054 - 7:45.101: Alec Horn | EVP passed yerd | Phil's for 13th
5:20.648 - 7:45.179: Luke Scheffler | Nexus finished lap 3 ( 2:24.531)
5:17.257 - 7:47.234: John Matthews | Nexus finished lap 3 ( 2:29.976)
7:45.101 - 7:47.789: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co passed yerd | Phil's for 14th
5:28.304 - 7:55.242: tanner more finished lap 3 ( 2:26.937)
5:19.054 - 7:57.257: Reed Borgfield | finished lap 3 ( 2:38.203)
7:55.812 - 7:58.156: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed yerd | Phil's, Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit and Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 15th
7:56.890 - 7:58.828: John Matthews | Nexus passed yerd | Phil's, Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit and Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 16th
7:53.898 - 7:59.148: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed yerd | Phil's and Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 17th
5:22.500 - 7:59.187: brandon ma finished lap 3 ( 2:36.687)
8:00.250 - 8:02.171: Alec Horn | EVP passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 12th
8:01.117 - 8:08.460: Jett Wisdom | Nexus went off the track
5:35.429 - 8:09.265: carson mainquist | +62 finished lap 3 ( 2:33.835)
8:08.867 - 8:10.945: John Matthews | Nexus passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 15th
8:14.281 - 8:16.398: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed yerd | Phil's for 18th
8:16.968 - 8:17.859: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 8th
8:16.843 - 8:19.171: tanner more passed yerd | Phil's for 19th
8:17.859 - 8:19.695: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Arico for 7th
8:18.375 - 8:20.296: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Arico for 8th
8:19.757 - 8:22.218: Reed Borgfield | passed yerd | Phil's for 20th
8:20.765 - 8:24.242: Luke Scheffler | Nexus went off the track
8:11.492 - 8:24.820: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited went off the track
8:26.296 - 8:27.789: Frank Jackson | UGRC passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 6th
8:27.132 - 8:29.039: Arico passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ and Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 7th
8:27.039 - 8:29.289: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 8th
8:30.710 - 8:32.210: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 8th
8:31.445 - 8:33.164: Reed Borgfield | passed tanner more for 18th
8:32.375 - 8:34.101: yerd | Phil's passed tanner more for 19th
8:33.031 - 8:34.789: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 16th
5:41.617 - 8:34.968: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited finished lap 3 ( 2:53.351)
8:33.210 - 8:35.085: brandon ma passed tanner more for 20th
8:36.914 - 8:39.210: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Brent Heintzelman | Boots House for 16th
8:42.085 - 8:43.726: Alec Horn | EVP passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 11th
8:42.273 - 8:43.812: John Matthews | Nexus passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 14th
8:43.343 - 8:44.906: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 15th
8:45.460 - 8:47.210: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 16th
8:45.101 - 8:47.429: brandon ma passed Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 18th
8:44.242 - 8:47.867: carson mainquist | +62 went off the track
8:44.132 - 8:48.046: yerd | Phil's went off the track
8:41.281 - 8:48.359: Reed Borgfield | went off the track
8:49.765 - 8:51.531: carson mainquist | +62 passed tanner more for 22nd
8:52.570 - 8:53.656: Reed Borgfield | passed brandon ma for 19th
6:38.570 - 8:54.515: Rogan McIntosh | Nexus finished lap 4 ( 2:15.945)
6:42.765 - 8:58.515: Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo finished lap 4 ( 2:15.750)
8:59.195 - 9:05.054: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 9th
6:52.820 - 9:13.328: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 2:20.507)
7:01.320 - 9:13.968: Ben Neronha finished lap 4 ( 2:12.648)
6:55.375 - 9:20.570: Seth Garrett | Nexus finished lap 4 ( 2:25.195)
9:18.976 - 9:20.789: tanner more passed carson mainquist | +62 for 22nd
9:19.640 - 9:22.757: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House went off the track
9:23.000 - 9:23.843: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Arico for 7th
9:23.085 - 9:29.539: Ben Neronha went off the track
9:25.867 - 9:29.671: Reed Borgfield | passed yerd | Phil's and Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 17th
9:23.539 - 9:30.546: yerd | Phil's passed Chase Odom | Maybach.Co for 18th
7:18.289 - 9:31.320: Frank Jackson | UGRC finished lap 4 ( 2:13.031)
7:11.117 - 9:35.945: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails finished lap 4 ( 2:24.828)
7:14.695 - 9:36.367: Arico finished lap 4 ( 2:21.671)
9:39.710 - 9:42.304: Arico passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 7th
7:18.617 - 9:42.867: Jett Wisdom | Nexus finished lap 4 ( 2:24.250)
7:16.625 - 9:45.375: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 4 ( 2:28.750)
9:46.101 - 9:48.367: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 8th
7:39.875 - 9:54.273: Alec Horn | EVP finished lap 4 ( 2:14.398)
9:54.843 - 9:56.437: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 8th
7:19.679 - 9:59.250: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team finished lap 4 ( 2:39.570)
9:56.515 - 10:01.195: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 9th
7:31.773 - 10:02.515: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 4 ( 2:30.742)
9:59.882 - 10:03.460: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed brandon ma for 20th
7:47.234 - 10:09.875: John Matthews | Nexus finished lap 4 ( 2:22.640)
10:03.500 - 10:10.773: Alec Horn | EVP went off the track
7:45.179 - 10:11.726: Luke Scheffler | Nexus finished lap 4 ( 2:26.546)
10:08.781 - 10:11.726: carson mainquist | +62 passed tanner more for 22nd
7:43.085 - 10:14.453: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House finished lap 4 ( 2:31.367)
7:57.257 - 10:21.812: Reed Borgfield | finished lap 4 ( 2:24.554)
7:34.515 - 10:25.343: yerd | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 2:50.828)
7:41.718 - 10:28.312: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co finished lap 4 ( 2:46.593)
10:29.117 - 10:30.890: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 8th
10:24.937 - 10:35.929: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit went off the track
7:59.187 - 10:42.460: brandon ma finished lap 4 ( 2:43.273)
7:42.328 - 10:45.609: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit finished lap 4 ( 3:03.281)
8:09.265 - 10:49.835: carson mainquist | +62 finished lap 4 ( 2:40.570)
10:50.320 - 10:52.062: Alec Horn | EVP passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ and Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 9th
10:52.921 - 10:55.148: Ben Neronha passed Jakob Hubbard | Phil's for 3rd
7:55.242 - 10:57.046: tanner more finished lap 4 ( 3:01.804)
10:56.820 - 10:58.976: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit passed brandon ma for 18th
10:57.414 - 10:59.648: Seth Garrett | Nexus passed Jakob Hubbard | Phil's for 4th
10:54.343 - 10:59.671: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited went off the track
8:54.515 - 11:11.414: Rogan McIntosh | Nexus finished lap 5 ( 2:16.898)
11:09.539 - 11:11.437: yerd | Phil's passed Reed Borgfield | for 17th
11:12.640 - 11:13.812: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 11th
8:58.515 - 11:16.296: Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo finished lap 5 ( 2:17.781)
11:12.593 - 11:21.351: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team went off the track
9:13.968 - 11:28.531: Ben Neronha finished lap 5 ( 2:14.562)
11:27.117 - 11:30.015: brandon ma went off the track
11:29.140 - 11:31.164: Alec Horn | EVP passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 8th
9:20.570 - 11:32.476: Seth Garrett | Nexus finished lap 5 ( 2:11.906)
11:33.617 - 11:35.789: carson mainquist | +62 went off the track
9:13.328 - 11:36.882: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 2:23.554)
11:27.585 - 11:39.367: Jett Wisdom | Nexus went off the track
11:41.476 - 11:42.828: tanner more passed carson mainquist | +62 for 22nd
9:31.320 - 11:44.164: Frank Jackson | UGRC finished lap 5 ( 2:12.843)
11:43.375 - 11:45.640: carson mainquist | +62 passed tanner more for 22nd
11:49.273 - 11:52.156: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed John Matthews | Nexus for 13th
11:52.375 - 11:54.398: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed John Matthews | Nexus for 14th
11:51.117 - 11:54.570: Jett Wisdom | Nexus went off the track
9:36.367 - 11:56.304: Arico finished lap 5 ( 2:19.937)
8:34.968 - 11:56.765: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited finished lap 4 ( 3:21.796)
11:56.359 - 11:59.195: Jett Wisdom | Nexus went off the track
12:00.179 - 12:03.218: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 13th
12:03.531 - 12:06.062: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 9th
9:54.273 - 12:08.531: Alec Horn | EVP finished lap 5 ( 2:14.257)
12:09.359 - 12:10.875: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 13th
12:10.976 - 12:12.203: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 12th
12:12.218 - 12:13.953: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 13th
12:16.382 - 12:17.562: Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo passed Rogan McIntosh | Nexus for the lead
10:02.515 - 12:18.898: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 5 ( 2:16.382)
12:16.273 - 12:20.484: Luke Scheffler | Nexus passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 13th
12:18.195 - 12:22.351: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 14th
9:35.945 - 12:23.578: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails finished lap 5 ( 2:47.632)
12:22.351 - 12:24.500: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 13th
12:22.406 - 12:26.390: John Matthews | Nexus passed Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team for 15th
9:42.867 - 12:28.164: Jett Wisdom | Nexus finished lap 5 ( 2:45.296)
12:26.390 - 12:28.351: John Matthews | Nexus passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 14th
9:45.375 - 12:29.312: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 5 ( 2:43.937)
12:27.648 - 12:29.421: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 15th
10:14.453 - 12:38.015: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House finished lap 5 ( 2:23.562)
12:40.578 - 12:41.437: yerd | Phil's passed Luke Scheffler | Nexus for 16th
10:09.875 - 12:42.312: John Matthews | Nexus finished lap 5 ( 2:32.437)
9:59.250 - 12:42.921: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team finished lap 5 ( 2:43.671)
10:25.343 - 12:46.507: yerd | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 2:21.164)
12:44.164 - 12:46.976: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House and Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 9th
12:40.171 - 12:47.015: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 10th
12:45.093 - 12:48.750: brandon ma went off the track
10:11.726 - 12:53.445: Luke Scheffler | Nexus finished lap 5 ( 2:41.718)
10:21.812 - 12:58.476: Reed Borgfield | finished lap 5 ( 2:36.664)
12:58.046 - 13:00.578: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 11th
10:28.312 - 13:06.976: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co finished lap 5 ( 2:38.664)
10:45.609 - 13:11.773: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit finished lap 5 ( 2:26.164)
13:10.679 - 13:11.859: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 10th
13:12.015 - 13:13.578: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ and Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 9th
13:11.859 - 13:13.718: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 10th
10:42.460 - 13:15.125: brandon ma finished lap 5 ( 2:32.664)
13:13.593 - 13:16.218: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 11th
13:17.492 - 13:19.585: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ passed Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 9th
10:49.835 - 13:25.968: carson mainquist | +62 finished lap 5 ( 2:36.132)
13:25.421 - 13:32.695: John Matthews | Nexus went off the track
11:16.296 - 13:32.898: Joseph Pilsner | FXR/One3One Decals | Nexus | Team Jerusalem Yo finished lap 6 ( 2:16.601)
13:34.656 - 13:36.398: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 9th
13:34.664 - 13:36.414: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 11th
11:11.414 - 13:36.546: Rogan McIntosh | Nexus finished lap 6 ( 2:25.132)
13:35.718 - 13:37.585: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Brenden Kelly | Boot's House for 12th
11:28.531 - 13:39.882: Ben Neronha finished lap 6 ( 2:11.351)
10:57.046 - 13:41.265: tanner more finished lap 5 ( 2:44.218)
13:38.671 - 13:42.265: Alec Horn | EVP went off the track
13:41.132 - 13:42.546: yerd | Phil's passed John Matthews | Nexus for 15th
13:42.031 - 13:44.070: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 11th
13:44.281 - 13:45.781: John Matthews | Nexus passed yerd | Phil's for 15th
13:44.312 - 13:46.265: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 12th
11:32.476 - 13:46.648: Seth Garrett | Nexus finished lap 6 ( 2:14.171)
11:36.882 - 13:46.867: Jakob Hubbard | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 2:09.984)
13:46.125 - 13:48.242: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 13th
13:47.976 - 13:50.007: John Matthews | Nexus passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 14th
13:48.539 - 13:50.437: yerd | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 15th
13:52.187 - 13:53.578: Jett Wisdom | Nexus passed yerd | Phil's and John Matthews | Nexus for 14th
13:52.046 - 13:53.882: yerd | Phil's passed John Matthews | Nexus for 15th
11:44.164 - 13:57.007: Frank Jackson | UGRC finished lap 6 ( 2:12.843)
13:59.218 - 14:01.609: brandon ma passed Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 19th
14:02.406 - 14:05.656: yerd | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 14th
14:02.039 - 14:05.781: carson mainquist | +62 went off the track
14:04.773 - 14:07.921: John Matthews | Nexus passed Jett Wisdom | Nexus for 15th
14:09.507 - 14:11.226: Alec Horn | EVP passed Arico for 7th
14:08.414 - 14:21.601: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails went off the track
12:08.531 - 14:23.375: Alec Horn | EVP finished lap 6 ( 2:14.843)
11:56.304 - 14:25.656: Arico finished lap 6 ( 2:29.351)
14:19.039 - 14:30.781: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team went off the track
14:31.031 - 14:32.453: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ and Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 9th
14:32.695 - 14:34.304: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ and Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails for 10th
14:30.148 - 14:35.062: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 11th
14:26.921 - 14:36.804: Jett Wisdom | Nexus went off the track
14:45.210 - 14:46.601: carson mainquist | +62 passed Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit for 21st
14:45.828 - 14:47.796: yerd | Phil's passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 12th
14:48.343 - 14:50.367: John Matthews | Nexus passed Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ for 13th
12:38.015 - 15:00.093: Brent Heintzelman | Boots House finished lap 6 ( 2:22.078)
12:18.898 - 15:01.921: Brenden Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 6 ( 2:43.023)
12:23.578 - 15:02.890: Aj Meadows | Verified | Moto Fails finished lap 6 ( 2:39.312)
12:46.507 - 15:06.773: yerd | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 2:20.265)
12:42.312 - 15:09.390: John Matthews | Nexus finished lap 6 ( 2:27.078)
12:29.312 - 15:11.148: Matt LeBlanc | $TROKER$ finished lap 6 ( 2:41.835)
12:42.921 - 15:14.609: Tyler More | WILDCAT Racing Team finished lap 6 ( 2:31.687)
12:53.445 - 15:15.851: Luke Scheffler | Nexus finished lap 6 ( 2:22.406)
12:28.164 - 15:16.617: Jett Wisdom | Nexus finished lap 6 ( 2:48.453)
11:56.765 - 15:18.421: Austin Davis | Rides Unlimited finished lap 5 ( 3:21.656)
12:58.476 - 15:30.882: Reed Borgfield | finished lap 6 ( 2:32.406)
15:20.648 - 15:33.804: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit went off the track
13:06.976 - 15:34.476: Chase Odom | Maybach.Co finished lap 6 ( 2:27.500)
13:15.125 - 15:44.984: brandon ma finished lap 6 ( 2:29.859)
13:25.968 - 16:07.898: carson mainquist | +62 finished lap 6 ( 2:41.929)
13:11.773 - 16:25.328: Seth Kready | UJTF newest recruit finished lap 6 ( 3:13.554)