MX Simulator - UID #31547

These stats are for For stats from all servers go here

Name:Seth Shirley | Providence
Total Races:56
Rating:83.62% (defeated 383 out of 458 opponents)


Checked Out - Awarded for maintaining a 20 second lead for the last half of a race.
Hard Charger - Awarded for going from last to first.
First Win - Awarded for winning a race.
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot.
Participant - Awarded for just showing up.

* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.

Overall Lap Records
1:05.179rm1252024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 2 (Park City, UT)
1:10.101rm1252024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 3 (Santa Claus, IN)
1:02.304rm1252024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 4 (Chicago, IL)
0:56.031rm1252024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 5 (Los Santos, CA)
1:08.937rm1252024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 6 (West Custer, SD)
2:33.281fc450(2017)2024 MXS Battlegrounds MXOT Glen Helen
1:36.593fc450(2017)2024 MXS Battlegrounds Supermotocross Round 1 - Concord, North Carolina
1:16.937fc450(2017)2024 MXS Battlegrounds Supermotocross Round 2 - Fort Worth, Texas
1:35.437fc450(2017)2024 MXS Battlegrounds Supermotocross Round 3 - Las Vegas, Nevada
2:16.820rm1252024 rF Gaming National Rd02: Hangtown
2:09.421rm1252024 rF Gaming National Rd04: Highpoint
2:01.578rm1252024 rF Gaming National Rd10: Budds Creek
3:22.796fc450(2018)donutmx | Bikini Bottom - Battlegrounds Beta
125 Lap Records
1:05.179rm1252024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 2 (Park City, UT)
1:10.101rm1252024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 3 (Santa Claus, IN)
1:02.304rm1252024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 4 (Chicago, IL)
0:56.031rm1252024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 5 (Los Santos, CA)
1:08.937rm1252024 Battlegrounds Community SX Rd. 6 (West Custer, SD)
2:16.820rm1252024 rF Gaming National Rd02: Hangtown
2:09.421rm1252024 rF Gaming National Rd04: Highpoint
2:01.578rm1252024 rF Gaming National Rd10: Budds Creek
250f Lap Records
1:17.875250sxf(2018)2024 MXS Battlegrounds Supermotocross Round 2 - Fort Worth, Texas
450f Lap Records
2:33.281fc450(2017)2024 MXS Battlegrounds MXOT Glen Helen
1:36.593fc450(2017)2024 MXS Battlegrounds Supermotocross Round 1 - Concord, North Carolina
1:16.937fc450(2017)2024 MXS Battlegrounds Supermotocross Round 2 - Fort Worth, Texas
1:35.437fc450(2017)2024 MXS Battlegrounds Supermotocross Round 3 - Las Vegas, Nevada
3:22.796fc450(2018)donutmx | Bikini Bottom - Battlegrounds Beta