MX Simulator
Track2022 Battlegrounds Offseason SX Rd 1 - Millstone, PA - Race Version
Format 15 minutes, 1 laps
Date11/23/2022, 3:55:21 AM (824 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
131Bryce Whealon | PHUG 250sxf(2018)16 17:05.4143 1:04.09311838
2381Holden | Yogi Designs 250sxf(2018)16 17:20.9923 1:04.5625629
3257Casey Cochran | PHUG 250sxf(2018)16 17:25.3286 1:06.68722060
4180Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs 250sxf(2018)16 17:36.4455 1:04.4925253
5184Elliot Persson | Eyespec 250sxf(2018)16 17:41.6877 1:05.79638003
6150Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House 250sxf(2018)16 17:55.7575 1:06.61722612
7441Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji 250sxf(2018)16 18:02.4532 1:04.20331547
840(CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide 250sxf(2018)16 18:12.1953 1:08.3672642
9109cade matherly 250sxf(2018)16 18:13.5317 1:04.45336662
10486carson west | eyespec 250sxf(2018)15 17:06.1404 1:08.82042576
1145Rogan McIntosh | phug 250sxf(2018)15 17:09.67912 1:05.14828509
12318seth crotty | Boot's House 250sxf(2018)15 17:12.9766 1:06.94520073
1328frank jackson 250sxf(2018)15 17:22.9373 1:05.50712581
14117Luke Magnetti | PHUG 250sxf(2018)15 17:28.3124 1:05.72622324
15162Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX 250sxf(2018)15 17:36.6256 1:06.71819126
1697Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports 250sxf(2018)15 17:49.72614 1:07.85118588
1788Guillem Farres 250sxf(2018)15 17:59.4538 1:09.85934010
18311Brayden Tharp | CV 250sxf(2018)15 18:00.2183 1:05.57826349
1972JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports 250sxf(2018)14 17:15.8596 1:07.11737458
20420Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe 250sxf(2018)14 17:23.81213 1:10.75730022
21111Emil Houle | Yogi Designs 250sxf(2018)14 18:02.8125 1:08.92134681
2240Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs 250sxf(2018)7 7:43.5315 1:05.48436809

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16
P1 441 441 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
P2 31 31 441 381 184 184 184 184 257 257 257 257 257 257 381 381
P3 318 311 311 184 381 257 381 257 184 180 180 381 381 381 257 257
P4 28 257 381 257 257 381 257 381 180 184 381 184 180 184 180 180
P5 381 381 257 311 180 180 180 180 381 381 184 180 184 180 184 184
P6 311 184 184 180 150 150 150 109 109 109 150 150 150 150 150 150
P7 40 318 28 441 28 318 109 318 150 150 109 109 109 109 441 441
P8 257 97 180 28 311 109 318 150 28 28 45 45 45 45 109 40
P9 97 150 150 150 109 45 45 45 318 45 441 441 441 441 40 109
P10 180 28 318 318 318 28 28 28 45 318 318 40 318 40 486
P11 40 180 109 109 40 40 40 40 441 441 40 318 40 486 45
P12 45 111 40 45 45 311 441 441 40 40 486 486 486 318 318
P13 150 420 45 40 486 162 311 311 486 486 28 28 117 117 28
P14 184 486 162 162 40 486 486 486 162 162 162 162 28 28 117
P15 420 162 97 486 441 441 162 162 311 117 117 117 162 162 162
P16 111 109 486 40 162 40 40 117 117 311 311 311 311 97 97
P17 117 40 40 97 88 72 117 97 97 97 88 97 97 311 311
P18 109 72 88 88 111 88 97 88 88 88 97 88 88 88 88
P19 72 40 72 72 72 117 88 72 420 420 72 72 72 72
P20 486 45 117 117 97 97 72 420 72 72 420 420 420 420
P21 162 117 111 111 117 420 420 111 111 111 111 111 111 111
P22 88 88 420 420 420 111 111

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:04.093 3 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:04.203 2 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:04.453 7 109 cade matherly
1:04.492 5 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
1:04.562 3 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:04.695 7 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
1:05.000 4 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:05.148 12 45 Rogan McIntosh | phug
1:05.242 15 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:05.257 2 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:05.429 4 45 Rogan McIntosh | phug
1:05.437 7 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:05.476 4 109 cade matherly
1:05.484 5 40 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
1:05.507 3 28 frank jackson
1:05.554 8 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:05.554 10 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:05.578 3 311 Brayden Tharp | CV
1:05.617 6 45 Rogan McIntosh | phug
1:05.625 7 28 frank jackson
1:05.726 4 117 Luke Magnetti | PHUG
1:05.796 7 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:05.875 13 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
1:05.953 6 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:05.960 7 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:05.992 4 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:06.156 4 40 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
1:06.171 7 40 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
1:06.359 10 109 cade matherly
1:06.421 2 311 Brayden Tharp | CV
1:06.492 11 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:06.507 3 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:06.617 5 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:06.632 9 28 frank jackson
1:06.632 12 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:06.687 6 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:06.687 8 28 frank jackson
1:06.718 6 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:06.734 15 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
1:06.828 7 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:06.859 9 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
1:06.859 7 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:06.945 6 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:06.976 10 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:07.062 12 109 cade matherly
1:07.117 6 72 JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports
1:07.171 4 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:07.226 8 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:07.234 16 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:07.242 13 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:07.289 12 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:07.460 3 109 cade matherly
1:07.484 8 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:07.523 14 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:07.546 6 117 Luke Magnetti | PHUG
1:07.554 8 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
1:07.585 10 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:07.601 6 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:07.625 16 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:07.632 10 28 frank jackson
1:07.664 8 45 Rogan McIntosh | phug
1:07.804 6 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:07.820 14 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:07.851 14 97 Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports
1:07.859 14 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:07.898 4 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:07.914 8 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:07.953 13 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:07.992 6 109 cade matherly
1:08.023 11 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:08.062 9 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:08.140 7 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:08.156 6 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:08.250 13 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:08.257 13 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:08.367 3 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:08.367 4 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
1:08.367 10 45 Rogan McIntosh | phug
1:08.398 9 97 Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports
1:08.421 12 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:08.421 15 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:08.437 4 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:08.453 12 117 Luke Magnetti | PHUG
1:08.460 9 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:08.570 14 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:08.593 5 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:08.679 14 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:08.773 8 109 cade matherly
1:08.796 5 28 frank jackson
1:08.804 2 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:08.820 4 486 carson west | eyespec
1:08.851 4 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:08.851 16 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:08.921 5 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:09.054 7 97 Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports
1:09.085 8 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:09.132 12 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:09.140 2 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:09.148 10 117 Luke Magnetti | PHUG
1:09.171 9 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:09.195 14 486 carson west | eyespec
1:09.226 5 486 carson west | eyespec
1:09.312 12 97 Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports
1:09.453 2 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:09.500 12 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:09.554 11 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:09.578 8 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:09.625 5 109 cade matherly
1:09.648 11 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:09.757 12 486 carson west | eyespec
1:09.835 9 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:09.851 4 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:09.859 8 88 Guillem Farres
1:09.898 10 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:09.945 10 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:09.960 9 486 carson west | eyespec
1:09.968 6 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
1:10.015 10 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:10.031 3 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:10.031 15 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:10.117 11 117 Luke Magnetti | PHUG
1:10.132 10 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:10.203 7 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:10.273 4 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:10.289 11 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:10.367 9 117 Luke Magnetti | PHUG
1:10.375 5 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:10.382 6 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:10.539 8 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:10.695 12 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:10.734 13 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:10.757 13 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:10.781 5 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:10.781 4 28 frank jackson
1:10.929 8 486 carson west | eyespec
1:10.953 7 486 carson west | eyespec
1:10.960 13 109 cade matherly
1:10.968 14 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
1:11.023 11 486 carson west | eyespec
1:11.070 16 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:11.171 14 117 Luke Magnetti | PHUG
1:11.179 10 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:11.195 9 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:11.289 10 486 carson west | eyespec
1:11.289 15 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:11.335 8 311 Brayden Tharp | CV
1:11.367 7 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:11.515 14 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:11.562 13 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:11.664 15 486 carson west | eyespec
1:12.195 12 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:12.226 12 72 JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports
1:12.351 11 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:12.820 14 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:12.859 9 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:13.023 2 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:13.093 5 311 Brayden Tharp | CV
1:13.156 10 311 Brayden Tharp | CV
1:13.320 7 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:13.351 5 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:13.484 9 109 cade matherly
1:13.859 11 88 Guillem Farres
1:13.937 14 88 Guillem Farres
1:14.109 3 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:14.195 13 117 Luke Magnetti | PHUG
1:14.289 6 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:14.460 15 28 frank jackson
1:14.500 8 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:14.515 14 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:15.070 5 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:15.226 10 88 Guillem Farres
1:15.359 9 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:15.375 5 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:15.820 12 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:15.984 12 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:16.101 16 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:16.148 12 88 Guillem Farres
1:16.359 3 486 carson west | eyespec
1:16.507 8 72 JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports
1:16.515 15 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:16.539 2 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
1:16.875 15 97 Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports
1:17.140 12 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
1:17.140 16 109 cade matherly
1:17.171 14 45 Rogan McIntosh | phug
1:17.210 8 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:17.234 7 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:17.367 4 311 Brayden Tharp | CV
1:17.539 11 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:17.679 10 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:17.781 5 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:17.835 7 88 Guillem Farres
1:17.984 13 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:18.281 13 311 Brayden Tharp | CV
1:18.773 9 88 Guillem Farres
1:19.476 16 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:20.375 2 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:20.515 2 486 carson west | eyespec
1:20.585 13 28 frank jackson
1:20.648 9 311 Brayden Tharp | CV
1:20.679 15 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:20.867 14 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:20.898 11 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:21.132 10 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:21.398 3 40 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
1:21.453 2 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:21.828 2 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:21.914 4 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:23.539 6 40 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
1:24.046 3 72 JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports
1:24.125 14 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:24.773 6 28 frank jackson
1:24.929 2 88 Guillem Farres
1:25.023 13 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:25.179 10 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:25.242 2 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:26.000 2 117 Luke Magnetti | PHUG
1:26.093 8 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:26.257 9 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:26.351 2 45 Rogan McIntosh | phug
1:26.437 3 117 Luke Magnetti | PHUG
1:28.070 8 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:29.500 15 45 Rogan McIntosh | phug
1:33.671 3 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:37.265 6 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:38.726 11 28 frank jackson

Individual Worst Laps

1:15.359 9 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
1:15.984 12 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:17.210 8 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:17.351 11 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
1:17.539 11 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:17.679 10 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:19.476 16 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
1:20.515 2 486 carson west | eyespec
1:22.257 2 109 cade matherly
1:24.929 2 88 Guillem Farres
1:25.023 13 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
1:25.242 2 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
1:26.437 3 117 Luke Magnetti | PHUG
1:26.937 2 40 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
1:27.617 6 311 Brayden Tharp | CV
1:29.500 15 45 Rogan McIntosh | phug
1:30.750 5 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
1:30.968 11 97 Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports
1:36.875 3 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:37.265 6 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
1:38.726 11 28 frank jackson
1:45.304 9 72 JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.244 257 Casey Cochran | PHUG
3.114 381 Holden | Yogi Designs
3.137 150 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
3.251 486 carson west | eyespec
3.255 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
3.575 31 Bryce Whealon | PHUG
3.753 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
4.005 40 (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide
4.129 88 Guillem Farres
4.344 180 Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs
5.217 162 Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX
5.647 109 cade matherly
6.596 441 Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji
6.673 311 Brayden Tharp | CV
6.815 97 Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports
6.957 117 Luke Magnetti | PHUG
7.336 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
7.679 45 Rogan McIntosh | phug
8.662 111 Emil Houle | Yogi Designs
8.974 28 frank jackson
9.156 40 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
9.713 72 JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports

Play by Play

Bryce Whealon | PHUG takes the holeshot followed by Guillem Farres, Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji, Brayden Tharp | CV, seth crotty | Boot's House, frank jackson , Holden | Yogi Designs, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Casey Cochran | PHUG, Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs, Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports, Rogan McIntosh | phug, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House, Elliot Persson | Eyespec, Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe, Emil Houle | Yogi Designs, Luke Magnetti | PHUG, cade matherly, carson west | eyespec and Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX

0:06.703 - 0:08.328: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed Guillem Farres and Bryce Whealon | PHUG for the lead
0:06.937 - 0:08.789: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Brayden Tharp | CV and Guillem Farres for 3rd
0:06.976 - 0:09.054: frank jackson passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 5th
0:07.921 - 0:09.781: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs for 10th
0:09.382 - 0:11.242: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 15th
0:09.125 - 0:11.468: Brayden Tharp | CV passed frank jackson for 5th
0:09.343 - 0:11.523: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 16th
0:00.000 - 0:12.328: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 1 ( 0:12.328)
0:00.000 - 0:12.695: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 1 ( 0:12.695)
0:00.000 - 0:12.992: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 1 ( 0:12.992)
0:00.000 - 0:13.414: frank jackson finished lap 1 ( 0:13.414)
0:11.476 - 0:13.414: frank jackson passed Brayden Tharp | CV and Guillem Farres for 4th
0:00.000 - 0:13.562: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:13.562)
0:11.671 - 0:13.562: Holden | Yogi Designs passed Brayden Tharp | CV and Guillem Farres for 5th
0:00.000 - 0:13.593: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 1 ( 0:13.593)
0:11.468 - 0:13.593: Brayden Tharp | CV passed Guillem Farres for 6th
0:11.617 - 0:13.812: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 15th
0:00.000 - 0:13.843: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:13.843)
0:11.984 - 0:13.843: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Guillem Farres for 7th
0:00.000 - 0:14.078: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 1 ( 0:14.078)
0:12.039 - 0:14.078: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Guillem Farres for 8th
0:00.000 - 0:14.257: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 0:14.257)
0:12.117 - 0:14.257: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Guillem Farres for 9th
0:00.000 - 0:14.265: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:14.265)
0:12.312 - 0:14.265: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Guillem Farres for 10th
0:00.000 - 0:14.656: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 1 ( 0:14.656)
0:12.562 - 0:14.656: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Guillem Farres for 11th
0:00.000 - 0:15.031: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 1 ( 0:15.031)
0:12.851 - 0:15.031: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Guillem Farres for 12th
0:00.000 - 0:15.195: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 1 ( 0:15.195)
0:13.304 - 0:15.195: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Guillem Farres for 13th
0:00.000 - 0:15.546: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 1 ( 0:15.546)
0:13.812 - 0:15.546: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Guillem Farres for 14th
0:00.000 - 0:15.851: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 1 ( 0:15.851)
0:13.867 - 0:15.851: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs and Guillem Farres for 15th
0:00.000 - 0:16.015: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:16.015)
0:13.812 - 0:16.015: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed Guillem Farres for 16th
0:00.000 - 0:16.453: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 1 ( 0:16.453)
0:14.273 - 0:16.453: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Guillem Farres for 17th
0:00.000 - 0:16.664: cade matherly finished lap 1 ( 0:16.664)
0:14.648 - 0:16.664: cade matherly passed Guillem Farres for 18th
0:13.593 - 0:16.710: Brayden Tharp | CV passed Holden | Yogi Designs for 5th
0:00.000 - 0:17.046: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 0:17.046)
0:14.921 - 0:17.046: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Guillem Farres for 19th
0:00.000 - 0:17.265: carson west | eyespec finished lap 1 ( 0:17.265)
0:15.203 - 0:17.265: carson west | eyespec passed Guillem Farres for 20th
0:00.000 - 0:17.937: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 1 ( 0:17.937)
0:15.664 - 0:17.937: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Guillem Farres for 21st
0:15.546 - 0:18.601: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House and Rogan McIntosh | phug for 10th
0:15.195 - 0:18.601: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide and Rogan McIntosh | phug for 10th
0:15.031 - 0:18.875: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 12th
0:17.343 - 0:19.007: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and Holden | Yogi Designs for 6th
0:15.851 - 0:19.140: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 13th
0:16.015 - 0:19.945: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
0:16.664 - 0:19.976: cade matherly passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide and Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 15th
0:16.453 - 0:20.007: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
0:17.679 - 0:20.140: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 8th
0:17.046 - 0:20.531: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 17th
0:18.601 - 0:20.773: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 9th
0:18.875 - 0:21.125: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 10th
0:17.265 - 0:21.210: carson west | eyespec passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 18th
0:14.257 - 0:21.281: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports went off the track
0:00.000 - 0:21.453: Guillem Farres finished lap 1 ( 0:21.453)
0:17.937 - 0:21.554: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 19th
0:19.976 - 0:21.789: cade matherly passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Emil Houle | Yogi Designs, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 11th
0:18.601 - 0:22.570: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 12th
0:20.531 - 0:22.968: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Luke Magnetti | PHUG, Emil Houle | Yogi Designs and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 13th
0:19.945 - 0:23.015: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 14th
0:21.554 - 0:23.437: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, carson west | eyespec, Luke Magnetti | PHUG and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 15th
0:21.210 - 0:23.570: carson west | eyespec passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Luke Magnetti | PHUG and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 16th
0:22.382 - 0:24.648: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs for 9th
0:20.007 - 0:25.070: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 17th
0:24.539 - 0:26.718: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 19th
0:25.320 - 0:27.406: Guillem Farres passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 20th
0:25.070 - 0:27.453: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed carson west | eyespec for 16th
0:26.101 - 0:28.382: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 9th
0:25.875 - 0:28.578: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed carson west | eyespec for 17th
0:24.882 - 0:28.882: frank jackson went off the track
0:26.718 - 0:28.945: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed carson west | eyespec for 18th
0:27.406 - 0:29.304: Guillem Farres passed carson west | eyespec for 19th
0:22.968 - 0:29.375: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
0:28.718 - 0:30.039: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 14th
0:28.328 - 0:31.218: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed cade matherly for 12th
0:30.039 - 0:32.039: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed cade matherly for 13th
0:30.117 - 0:32.171: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed cade matherly for 14th
0:31.218 - 0:33.976: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 10th
0:32.703 - 0:34.140: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed carson west | eyespec for 21st
0:32.039 - 0:34.468: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 11th
0:32.171 - 0:34.625: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 12th
0:32.726 - 0:34.960: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Rogan McIntosh | phug and cade matherly for 13th
0:33.484 - 0:35.671: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Rogan McIntosh | phug and cade matherly for 14th
0:32.539 - 0:35.742: cade matherly passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 15th
0:34.429 - 0:36.375: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 16th
0:34.960 - 0:37.132: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 13th
0:35.320 - 0:37.500: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 17th
0:35.781 - 0:38.140: Guillem Farres passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 18th
0:36.375 - 0:38.421: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed cade matherly for 16th
0:36.437 - 0:38.601: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 19th
0:36.476 - 0:38.882: carson west | eyespec passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 20th
0:37.250 - 0:39.796: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 13th
0:38.601 - 0:42.867: cade matherly passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 16th
0:40.085 - 0:42.929: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 17th
0:40.687 - 0:42.976: Guillem Farres passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 18th
0:41.085 - 0:44.062: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 19th
0:42.976 - 0:44.453: Guillem Farres passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 17th
0:44.039 - 0:45.890: Brayden Tharp | CV passed frank jackson for 4th
0:44.453 - 0:46.351: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed cade matherly for 16th
0:45.875 - 0:48.046: carson west | eyespec passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 20th
0:46.210 - 0:48.484: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 21st
0:53.875 - 0:55.773: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Holden | Yogi Designs for 8th
0:54.859 - 0:56.335: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed frank jackson for 5th
0:56.226 - 0:57.273: Holden | Yogi Designs passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports, Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs and frank jackson for 6th
0:55.710 - 0:57.289: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed frank jackson for 7th
0:57.484 - 0:59.265: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs and frank jackson for 8th
1:00.070 - 1:01.140: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs and frank jackson for 9th
0:59.515 - 1:01.382: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs and Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 12th
0:59.640 - 1:01.414: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Holden | Yogi Designs for 6th
0:58.851 - 1:02.164: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 13th
1:01.437 - 1:02.992: Holden | Yogi Designs passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports for 6th
1:02.164 - 1:03.007: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports, Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs and frank jackson for 10th
1:01.382 - 1:03.367: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs and frank jackson for 11th
1:02.648 - 1:03.882: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs for 13th
1:03.414 - 1:05.695: frank jackson passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 11th
1:04.281 - 1:06.984: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Guillem Farres for 18th
1:04.671 - 1:07.125: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports for 7th
1:04.937 - 1:07.234: carson west | eyespec passed Guillem Farres for 19th
1:05.820 - 1:07.687: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Guillem Farres and Rogan McIntosh | phug for 20th
1:05.414 - 1:08.453: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Guillem Farres for 21st
1:07.429 - 1:08.679: frank jackson passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 10th
1:06.804 - 1:09.351: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports for 8th
1:05.703 - 1:10.398: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
1:09.343 - 1:12.023: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 11th
1:10.289 - 1:12.726: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 12th
1:01.851 - 1:13.117: seth crotty | Boot's House went off the track
1:09.281 - 1:14.507: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
1:13.765 - 1:16.375: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports, (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide, Luke Magnetti | PHUG and cade matherly for 14th
0:12.328 - 1:16.531: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 2 ( 1:04.203)
1:14.601 - 1:17.085: carson west | eyespec passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports, (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide, Luke Magnetti | PHUG and cade matherly for 15th
0:12.695 - 1:17.953: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 2 ( 1:05.257)
1:16.445 - 1:18.273: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 7th
1:12.429 - 1:18.968: cade matherly passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports, (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide and Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 16th
1:15.984 - 1:19.257: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports, (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide and Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 17th
1:12.421 - 1:19.898: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports and Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 18th
0:13.593 - 1:20.015: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 2 ( 1:06.421)
1:11.625 - 1:20.132: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 19th
1:18.789 - 1:20.445: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 8th
1:20.554 - 1:21.601: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports for 8th
0:14.078 - 1:22.882: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 2 ( 1:08.804)
0:13.562 - 1:23.015: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:09.453)
1:21.968 - 1:23.640: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 11th
1:21.968 - 1:23.679: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 8th
1:22.414 - 1:23.695: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 19th
0:15.546 - 1:24.687: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 2 ( 1:09.140)
1:23.656 - 1:25.085: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 20th
0:12.992 - 1:27.476: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 2 ( 1:14.484)
0:14.257 - 1:27.976: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:13.718)
0:15.195 - 1:28.218: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 2 ( 1:13.023)
0:13.414 - 1:29.476: frank jackson finished lap 2 ( 1:16.062)
1:26.773 - 1:29.617: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 12th
1:27.679 - 1:29.937: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 13th
1:29.132 - 1:30.273: carson west | eyespec passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 14th
0:14.265 - 1:30.804: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:16.539)
1:30.296 - 1:32.281: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 16th
1:30.273 - 1:32.507: carson west | eyespec passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 13th
1:31.156 - 1:32.976: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports for 8th
1:28.664 - 1:33.234: Casey Cochran | PHUG went off the track
1:29.117 - 1:33.679: Elliot Persson | Eyespec went off the track
1:29.875 - 1:34.507: cade matherly went off the track
1:33.000 - 1:34.718: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 7th
1:33.773 - 1:35.351: frank jackson passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 8th
0:16.015 - 1:37.468: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:21.453)
0:15.851 - 1:37.679: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 2 ( 1:21.828)
1:35.820 - 1:37.679: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed carson west | eyespec for 13th
0:17.265 - 1:37.781: carson west | eyespec finished lap 2 ( 1:20.515)
0:17.937 - 1:38.312: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 2 ( 1:20.375)
1:35.937 - 1:38.546: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 18th
0:16.664 - 1:38.921: cade matherly finished lap 2 ( 1:22.257)
0:14.656 - 1:39.898: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 2 ( 1:25.242)
0:17.046 - 1:40.335: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:23.289)
0:13.843 - 1:40.781: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:26.937)
1:37.781 - 1:40.820: carson west | eyespec passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 12th
0:15.031 - 1:41.382: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 2 ( 1:26.351)
1:38.312 - 1:41.687: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 13th
1:38.921 - 1:41.835: cade matherly passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 14th
0:16.453 - 1:42.453: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 2 ( 1:26.000)
1:39.898 - 1:43.023: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 15th
1:41.835 - 1:43.281: cade matherly passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 13th
1:40.335 - 1:43.437: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 16th
1:40.781 - 1:44.117: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 17th
1:41.382 - 1:44.546: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 18th
1:42.656 - 1:44.851: frank jackson passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports for 8th
1:42.453 - 1:45.460: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 19th
1:44.546 - 1:46.000: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 17th
1:43.937 - 1:46.031: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 10th
0:21.453 - 1:46.382: Guillem Farres finished lap 2 ( 1:24.929)
1:37.679 - 1:50.101: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe went off the track
1:51.015 - 1:52.601: Guillem Farres passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 20th
1:51.226 - 1:53.304: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 16th
1:52.242 - 1:54.195: cade matherly passed carson west | eyespec for 12th
1:52.601 - 1:55.351: Guillem Farres passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 19th
1:52.648 - 1:55.632: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 20th
1:54.429 - 1:56.562: carson west | eyespec passed cade matherly for 12th
1:55.632 - 1:57.531: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Luke Magnetti | PHUG and Guillem Farres for 18th
1:57.078 - 1:59.109: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Luke Magnetti | PHUG and Guillem Farres for 19th
1:55.351 - 1:59.312: Guillem Farres passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 20th
1:51.390 - 2:00.375: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 21st
1:58.007 - 2:01.132: Rogan McIntosh | phug went off the track
2:02.773 - 2:04.671: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 21st
2:04.687 - 2:07.117: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 21st
2:06.804 - 2:08.351: Bryce Whealon | PHUG passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for the lead
2:10.546 - 2:11.812: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 14th
2:10.273 - 2:12.242: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports for 9th
2:11.476 - 2:12.562: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 15th
2:12.242 - 2:16.679: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs went off the track
1:17.953 - 2:22.046: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 3 ( 1:04.093)
1:16.531 - 2:23.039: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 3 ( 1:06.507)
2:21.500 - 2:23.289: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Guillem Farres for 20th
1:20.015 - 2:25.593: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 3 ( 1:05.578)
2:12.328 - 2:25.656: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports went off the track
2:24.453 - 2:25.726: cade matherly passed carson west | eyespec for 12th
1:23.015 - 2:27.578: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:04.562)
2:25.726 - 2:28.609: cade matherly passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports for 11th
1:22.882 - 2:29.398: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 3 ( 1:06.515)
2:28.148 - 2:30.078: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 19th
2:27.726 - 2:30.210: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports and carson west | eyespec for 12th
2:28.890 - 2:30.820: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Guillem Farres for 21st
2:28.093 - 2:30.875: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports and carson west | eyespec for 13th
1:24.687 - 2:31.632: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 3 ( 1:06.945)
2:31.351 - 2:32.523: Guillem Farres passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Luke Magnetti | PHUG and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 19th
2:30.804 - 2:33.437: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports and carson west | eyespec for 14th
2:25.804 - 2:33.554: carson west | eyespec passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports for 15th
1:29.476 - 2:34.984: frank jackson finished lap 3 ( 1:05.507)
2:30.820 - 2:35.664: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Luke Magnetti | PHUG and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 20th
1:30.804 - 2:36.218: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:05.414)
2:22.445 - 2:36.335: seth crotty | Boot's House went off the track
2:34.960 - 2:37.078: Guillem Farres passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 16th
1:28.218 - 2:38.250: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 3 ( 1:10.031)
2:35.953 - 2:38.539: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed Bryce Whealon | PHUG for the lead
2:30.273 - 2:40.500: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 21st
2:38.562 - 2:41.250: Brayden Tharp | CV passed Bryce Whealon | PHUG for 2nd
2:38.554 - 2:41.593: Guillem Farres passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 17th
2:39.812 - 2:42.335: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 18th
2:41.250 - 2:43.117: Brayden Tharp | CV passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for the lead
2:41.132 - 2:43.781: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 19th
1:27.476 - 2:44.023: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 3 ( 1:16.546)
2:42.085 - 2:44.039: Bryce Whealon | PHUG passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 2nd
2:42.859 - 2:44.695: Holden | Yogi Designs passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 3rd
2:44.070 - 2:45.328: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed carson west | eyespec for 15th
1:38.921 - 2:46.382: cade matherly finished lap 3 ( 1:07.460)
2:44.421 - 2:46.460: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 4th
1:39.898 - 2:48.265: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 3 ( 1:08.367)
1:41.382 - 2:48.585: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 3 ( 1:07.203)
1:38.312 - 2:52.421: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 3 ( 1:14.109)
1:27.976 - 2:53.453: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:25.476)
1:37.781 - 2:54.140: carson west | eyespec finished lap 3 ( 1:16.359)
2:53.078 - 2:54.539: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 12th
2:48.476 - 2:56.195: Guillem Farres went off the track
2:56.140 - 2:57.953: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 17th
2:56.195 - 2:58.812: Guillem Farres passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 18th
2:58.203 - 3:00.078: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 19th
2:56.812 - 3:01.335: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX went off the track
1:40.781 - 3:02.179: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:21.398)
3:01.210 - 3:03.523: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 20th
1:46.382 - 3:03.718: Guillem Farres finished lap 3 ( 1:17.335)
1:40.335 - 3:04.382: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:24.046)
3:03.320 - 3:05.148: Bryce Whealon | PHUG passed Brayden Tharp | CV for the lead
3:04.585 - 3:05.726: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed frank jackson for 7th
3:05.468 - 3:06.460: Brayden Tharp | CV passed Bryce Whealon | PHUG for the lead
3:05.164 - 3:07.070: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 14th
1:42.453 - 3:08.890: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 3 ( 1:26.437)
3:07.507 - 3:10.789: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
3:09.203 - 3:10.937: Bryce Whealon | PHUG passed Brayden Tharp | CV for the lead
1:37.468 - 3:11.140: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:33.671)
3:09.585 - 3:11.351: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports for 14th
3:11.343 - 3:12.820: Holden | Yogi Designs passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 2nd
1:37.679 - 3:14.554: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 3 ( 1:36.875)
3:14.406 - 3:17.500: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 3rd
3:15.367 - 3:18.148: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 4th
3:16.703 - 3:19.312: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 5th
3:19.312 - 3:21.554: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 4th
3:23.960 - 3:26.851: Brayden Tharp | CV passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 5th
3:25.687 - 3:27.734: frank jackson passed Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs and Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 6th
3:24.390 - 3:28.328: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 7th
2:22.046 - 3:32.320: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 4 ( 1:10.273)
2:27.578 - 3:32.578: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:05.000)
3:31.062 - 3:32.929: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 14th
3:30.960 - 3:35.062: Guillem Farres went off the track
2:31.632 - 3:37.625: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 4 ( 1:05.992)
3:35.976 - 3:37.625: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 3rd
2:29.398 - 3:37.835: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 4 ( 1:08.437)
3:40.281 - 3:42.781: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed frank jackson for 6th
2:25.593 - 3:42.960: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 4 ( 1:17.367)
3:40.648 - 3:43.062: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed frank jackson for 7th
2:36.218 - 3:44.585: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:08.367)
2:23.039 - 3:44.953: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 4 ( 1:21.914)
2:34.984 - 3:45.765: frank jackson finished lap 4 ( 1:10.781)
2:38.250 - 3:46.148: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 4 ( 1:07.898)
3:34.273 - 3:47.585: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports went off the track
3:47.429 - 3:50.648: Bryce Whealon | PHUG went off the track
2:44.023 - 3:51.195: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 4 ( 1:07.171)
2:46.382 - 3:51.859: cade matherly finished lap 4 ( 1:05.476)
2:48.585 - 3:54.015: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 4 ( 1:05.429)
3:44.921 - 3:56.007: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe went off the track
2:48.265 - 3:57.117: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 4 ( 1:08.851)
3:57.828 - 4:00.093: cade matherly passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 10th
2:52.421 - 4:01.257: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 4 ( 1:08.835)
3:59.679 - 4:01.578: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 4th
4:00.242 - 4:02.468: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 5th
2:54.140 - 4:02.960: carson west | eyespec finished lap 4 ( 1:08.820)
4:01.312 - 4:03.218: frank jackson passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 6th
4:01.734 - 4:03.796: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 7th
3:02.179 - 4:08.335: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:06.156)
4:08.046 - 4:09.992: seth crotty | Boot's House passed cade matherly for 9th
2:53.453 - 4:12.320: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:18.867)
3:03.718 - 4:12.703: Guillem Farres finished lap 4 ( 1:08.984)
3:04.382 - 4:14.164: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:09.781)
3:08.890 - 4:14.617: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 4 ( 1:05.726)
3:11.140 - 4:20.992: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:09.851)
4:18.671 - 4:22.890: Guillem Farres went off the track
4:27.164 - 4:29.453: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed frank jackson for 6th
4:28.539 - 4:30.703: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 18th
3:14.554 - 4:32.781: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 4 ( 1:18.226)
4:23.187 - 4:34.437: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji went off the track
4:30.703 - 4:34.976: Luke Magnetti | PHUG went off the track
4:34.976 - 4:36.343: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 18th
3:32.320 - 4:36.531: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 5 ( 1:04.210)
4:36.445 - 4:37.507: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 18th
4:36.601 - 4:37.828: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 3rd
4:36.335 - 4:38.281: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji and cade matherly for 10th
4:36.039 - 4:39.101: cade matherly passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 11th
4:38.453 - 4:39.562: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Holden | Yogi Designs and Casey Cochran | PHUG for 2nd
4:26.335 - 4:40.015: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports went off the track
4:37.507 - 4:42.265: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
3:37.625 - 4:46.218: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 5 ( 1:08.593)
4:45.703 - 4:47.140: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 18th
3:32.578 - 4:47.648: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:15.070)
3:37.835 - 4:48.210: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 5 ( 1:10.375)
3:44.585 - 4:49.078: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:04.492)
4:50.296 - 4:52.320: cade matherly passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 9th
3:46.148 - 4:52.765: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 5 ( 1:06.617)
4:51.335 - 4:53.000: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 19th
4:51.890 - 4:53.757: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 20th
4:52.570 - 4:54.125: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 13th
3:45.765 - 4:54.562: frank jackson finished lap 5 ( 1:08.796)
3:42.960 - 4:56.054: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 5 ( 1:13.093)
4:48.757 - 5:01.343: Rogan McIntosh | phug went off the track
3:51.859 - 5:01.484: cade matherly finished lap 5 ( 1:09.625)
5:00.351 - 5:01.734: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 13th
3:51.195 - 5:01.976: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 5 ( 1:10.781)
5:01.976 - 5:02.937: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 13th
5:01.328 - 5:03.406: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Holden | Yogi Designs for 3rd
5:03.062 - 5:05.367: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX and Rogan McIntosh | phug for 12th
5:06.109 - 5:07.867: carson west | eyespec passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 14th
5:05.367 - 5:08.656: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 11th
5:05.984 - 5:08.945: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 12th
5:07.421 - 5:09.156: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 15th
5:08.023 - 5:09.218: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs passed Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 18th
3:57.117 - 5:10.468: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 5 ( 1:13.351)
5:07.867 - 5:10.492: carson west | eyespec passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 13th
3:54.015 - 5:10.851: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 5 ( 1:16.835)
5:09.437 - 5:11.085: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 19th
5:09.648 - 5:12.046: Brayden Tharp | CV passed frank jackson for 7th
5:09.156 - 5:12.093: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 14th
4:02.960 - 5:12.187: carson west | eyespec finished lap 5 ( 1:09.226)
5:11.265 - 5:13.101: seth crotty | Boot's House passed cade matherly for 9th
4:08.335 - 5:13.820: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:05.484)
3:44.953 - 5:15.703: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 5 ( 1:30.750)
5:08.421 - 5:16.265: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports went off the track
5:16.570 - 5:18.875: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 11th
4:01.257 - 5:19.039: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 5 ( 1:17.781)
4:12.703 - 5:23.765: Guillem Farres finished lap 5 ( 1:11.062)
4:20.992 - 5:29.914: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:08.921)
5:27.937 - 5:30.773: seth crotty | Boot's House passed frank jackson for 8th
4:14.164 - 5:31.617: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:17.453)
5:29.093 - 5:31.656: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 13th
5:29.289 - 5:32.171: cade matherly passed frank jackson for 9th
5:32.328 - 5:34.414: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 14th
4:12.320 - 5:35.281: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:22.960)
4:14.617 - 5:36.195: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 5 ( 1:21.578)
5:26.250 - 5:37.960: carson west | eyespec went off the track
5:38.539 - 5:39.773: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Holden | Yogi Designs for 4th
4:36.531 - 5:42.484: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 6 ( 1:05.953)
5:41.632 - 5:44.109: Holden | Yogi Designs passed Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs for 4th
5:37.015 - 5:47.984: Brayden Tharp | CV went off the track
4:32.781 - 5:48.156: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 5 ( 1:15.375)
5:45.546 - 5:48.343: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 16th
5:35.671 - 5:49.460: Guillem Farres went off the track
5:48.750 - 5:51.343: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 18th
5:50.125 - 5:53.320: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 19th
4:46.218 - 5:53.820: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 6 ( 1:07.601)
4:48.210 - 5:54.898: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 6 ( 1:06.687)
4:47.648 - 5:55.453: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:07.804)
5:54.000 - 5:55.515: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Brayden Tharp | CV and frank jackson for 9th
5:52.250 - 5:56.593: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe went off the track
5:57.015 - 5:58.375: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Brayden Tharp | CV and frank jackson for 10th
4:49.078 - 5:59.046: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:09.968)
4:52.765 - 6:00.921: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 6 ( 1:08.156)
5:58.468 - 6:01.554: frank jackson passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 10th
5:01.976 - 6:08.921: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 6 ( 1:06.945)
5:01.484 - 6:09.476: cade matherly finished lap 6 ( 1:07.992)
6:12.742 - 6:14.421: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 12th
6:12.773 - 6:14.929: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Guillem Farres for 18th
5:10.851 - 6:16.468: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 6 ( 1:05.617)
6:16.132 - 6:17.335: Brayden Tharp | CV passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 12th
4:54.562 - 6:19.335: frank jackson finished lap 6 ( 1:24.773)
6:18.437 - 6:19.781: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 13th
5:10.468 - 6:20.851: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 6 ( 1:10.382)
6:14.929 - 6:21.632: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports went off the track
6:20.664 - 6:22.195: carson west | eyespec passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 14th
6:20.750 - 6:22.656: cade matherly passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 7th
4:56.054 - 6:23.671: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 6 ( 1:27.617)
5:19.039 - 6:25.757: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 6 ( 1:06.718)
5:12.187 - 6:28.390: carson west | eyespec finished lap 6 ( 1:16.203)
5:15.703 - 6:29.992: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 6 ( 1:14.289)
6:32.296 - 6:34.187: Holden | Yogi Designs passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 3rd
6:29.898 - 6:35.351: Rogan McIntosh | phug went off the track
6:35.234 - 6:36.835: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Emil Houle | Yogi Designs for 21st
5:13.820 - 6:37.359: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:23.539)
5:31.617 - 6:38.734: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:07.117)
6:39.000 - 6:40.937: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed carson west | eyespec for 14th
5:23.765 - 6:43.453: Guillem Farres finished lap 6 ( 1:19.687)
5:36.195 - 6:43.742: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 6 ( 1:07.546)
6:36.890 - 6:48.382: Brayden Tharp | CV went off the track
5:35.281 - 6:49.195: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:13.914)
5:42.484 - 6:49.343: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 7 ( 1:06.859)
5:48.156 - 6:57.968: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 6 ( 1:09.812)
6:56.679 - 6:59.289: Holden | Yogi Designs passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 3rd
5:53.820 - 6:59.617: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 7 ( 1:05.796)
5:55.453 - 7:00.890: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:05.437)
5:54.898 - 7:01.726: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 7 ( 1:06.828)
5:59.046 - 7:03.742: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:04.695)
5:29.914 - 7:07.179: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:37.265)
6:54.804 - 7:08.648: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
7:07.203 - 7:10.304: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Guillem Farres for 17th
6:00.921 - 7:11.125: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 7 ( 1:10.203)
7:09.937 - 7:12.468: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports passed Guillem Farres for 18th
6:09.476 - 7:13.929: cade matherly finished lap 7 ( 1:04.453)
7:12.687 - 7:15.507: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Guillem Farres for 19th
6:08.921 - 7:17.062: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 7 ( 1:08.140)
6:16.468 - 7:22.242: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 7 ( 1:05.773)
7:22.445 - 7:23.476: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Holden | Yogi Designs for 3rd
6:19.335 - 7:24.960: frank jackson finished lap 7 ( 1:05.625)
6:20.851 - 7:32.218: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 7 ( 1:11.367)
7:29.195 - 7:33.156: Luke Magnetti | PHUG went off the track
7:21.812 - 7:33.953: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs went off the track
7:31.648 - 7:34.328: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 12th
7:33.148 - 7:35.843: Brayden Tharp | CV passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 13th
6:29.992 - 7:35.953: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 7 ( 1:05.960)
6:23.671 - 7:37.484: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 7 ( 1:13.812)
7:35.093 - 7:37.554: carson west | eyespec passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 14th
6:28.390 - 7:39.343: carson west | eyespec finished lap 7 ( 1:10.953)
6:25.757 - 7:42.992: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 7 ( 1:17.234)
6:37.359 - 7:43.531: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:06.171)
7:42.031 - 7:43.562: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 18th
7:43.320 - 7:44.890: Guillem Farres passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 19th
6:43.742 - 7:53.242: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 7 ( 1:09.500)
6:49.343 - 7:54.898: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 8 ( 1:05.554)
7:52.960 - 7:54.914: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 15th
7:53.117 - 7:57.992: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
6:49.195 - 7:58.250: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 1:09.054)
6:43.453 - 8:01.289: Guillem Farres finished lap 7 ( 1:17.835)
6:38.734 - 8:05.265: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 1:26.531)
6:59.617 - 8:07.101: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 8 ( 1:07.484)
8:06.640 - 8:08.750: cade matherly passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 6th
7:01.726 - 8:08.953: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 8 ( 1:07.226)
7:00.890 - 8:10.468: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:09.578)
6:57.968 - 8:11.289: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 7 ( 1:13.320)
7:03.742 - 8:11.296: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:07.554)
8:06.453 - 8:11.507: Luke Magnetti | PHUG went off the track
8:10.390 - 8:12.281: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 7th
8:08.445 - 8:13.367: Bryce Whealon | PHUG went off the track
8:10.796 - 8:16.335: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 15th
7:13.929 - 8:22.703: cade matherly finished lap 8 ( 1:08.773)
8:25.500 - 8:27.218: carson west | eyespec passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 13th
7:17.062 - 8:27.601: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 8 ( 1:10.539)
7:11.125 - 8:28.335: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 8 ( 1:17.210)
7:22.242 - 8:29.906: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 8 ( 1:07.664)
7:24.960 - 8:31.648: frank jackson finished lap 8 ( 1:06.687)
8:33.156 - 8:34.539: Brayden Tharp | CV passed carson west | eyespec for 13th
7:07.179 - 8:37.187: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:30.007)
8:34.796 - 8:37.203: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 15th
7:32.218 - 8:41.304: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 8 ( 1:09.085)
8:41.289 - 8:43.335: seth crotty | Boot's House passed cade matherly for 5th
7:35.953 - 8:43.867: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 8 ( 1:07.914)
8:42.023 - 8:44.562: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed cade matherly for 6th
8:43.429 - 8:45.882: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed cade matherly for 7th
7:37.484 - 8:48.820: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 8 ( 1:11.335)
7:39.343 - 8:50.273: carson west | eyespec finished lap 8 ( 1:10.929)
8:49.750 - 8:51.898: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Holden | Yogi Designs for 3rd
8:48.039 - 8:52.539: Casey Cochran | PHUG went off the track
7:42.992 - 8:57.492: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 8 ( 1:14.500)
7:53.242 - 9:00.539: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 8 ( 1:07.296)
7:54.898 - 9:01.851: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 9 ( 1:06.953)
8:57.789 - 9:02.304: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports went off the track
9:03.726 - 9:05.062: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 11th
9:05.140 - 9:06.210: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 11th
9:06.289 - 9:08.750: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide for 11th
7:58.250 - 9:09.078: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 8 ( 1:10.828)
8:01.289 - 9:11.148: Guillem Farres finished lap 8 ( 1:09.859)
9:10.125 - 9:12.242: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 7th
9:11.921 - 9:14.898: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 2nd
9:14.468 - 9:16.195: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 6th
8:08.953 - 9:16.734: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 9 ( 1:07.781)
9:15.335 - 9:16.742: cade matherly passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 7th
8:07.101 - 9:16.937: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 9 ( 1:09.835)
8:11.296 - 9:18.156: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:06.859)
9:12.242 - 9:19.976: Rogan McIntosh | phug went off the track
8:05.265 - 9:21.773: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 8 ( 1:16.507)
9:20.921 - 9:22.265: cade matherly passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 6th
8:10.468 - 9:25.828: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:15.359)
9:27.054 - 9:29.031: frank jackson passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 8th
9:27.226 - 9:31.398: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
9:31.468 - 9:32.906: carson west | eyespec passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 12th
8:22.703 - 9:36.187: cade matherly finished lap 9 ( 1:13.484)
9:31.367 - 9:36.554: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs went off the track
8:28.335 - 9:37.507: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 9 ( 1:09.171)
8:31.648 - 9:38.281: frank jackson finished lap 9 ( 1:06.632)
8:27.601 - 9:38.796: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 9 ( 1:11.195)
8:11.289 - 9:39.359: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 8 ( 1:28.070)
8:29.906 - 9:41.085: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 9 ( 1:11.179)
9:35.515 - 9:49.000: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
9:48.554 - 9:50.148: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 14th
8:43.867 - 9:51.929: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 9 ( 1:08.062)
9:50.171 - 9:52.132: seth crotty | Boot's House passed frank jackson for 8th
8:41.304 - 9:54.164: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 9 ( 1:12.859)
8:50.273 - 10:00.234: carson west | eyespec finished lap 9 ( 1:09.960)
8:37.187 - 10:03.281: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:26.093)
9:58.921 - 10:03.921: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe went off the track
9:50.343 - 10:04.632: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
10:01.148 - 10:04.960: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs went off the track
8:57.492 - 10:05.953: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 9 ( 1:08.460)
9:01.851 - 10:07.406: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 10 ( 1:05.554)
8:48.820 - 10:09.468: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 9 ( 1:20.648)
10:08.523 - 10:09.562: frank jackson passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 8th
9:00.539 - 10:10.906: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 9 ( 1:10.367)
10:13.390 - 10:15.289: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports for 19th
9:09.078 - 10:17.476: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 9 ( 1:08.398)
9:16.734 - 10:23.710: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 10 ( 1:06.976)
9:18.156 - 10:24.187: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:06.031)
10:22.421 - 10:24.750: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 15th
9:16.937 - 10:26.953: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 10 ( 1:10.015)
9:11.148 - 10:29.921: Guillem Farres finished lap 9 ( 1:18.773)
9:25.828 - 10:35.960: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:10.132)
10:36.085 - 10:38.296: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 2nd
10:41.250 - 10:42.179: Brayden Tharp | CV passed Luke Magnetti | PHUG for 15th
9:36.187 - 10:42.546: cade matherly finished lap 10 ( 1:06.359)
10:41.054 - 10:43.023: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 9th
10:41.039 - 10:43.070: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs for 2nd
9:37.507 - 10:45.093: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 10 ( 1:07.585)
9:38.281 - 10:45.914: frank jackson finished lap 10 ( 1:07.632)
10:47.179 - 10:49.320: Holden | Yogi Designs passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 4th
9:41.085 - 10:49.453: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 10 ( 1:08.367)
9:39.359 - 10:51.992: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 9 ( 1:12.632)
10:52.375 - 10:53.843: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed frank jackson for 8th
9:38.796 - 10:56.476: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 10 ( 1:17.679)
9:51.929 - 11:01.828: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 10 ( 1:09.898)
11:00.859 - 11:02.281: seth crotty | Boot's House passed frank jackson for 9th
9:54.164 - 11:04.109: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 10 ( 1:09.945)
9:21.773 - 11:07.078: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 9 ( 1:45.304)
11:03.656 - 11:08.109: Rogan McIntosh | phug went off the track
10:00.234 - 11:11.523: carson west | eyespec finished lap 10 ( 1:11.289)
10:07.406 - 11:13.898: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 11 ( 1:06.492)
11:10.039 - 11:14.000: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs went off the track
11:09.742 - 11:14.375: seth crotty | Boot's House went off the track
10:05.953 - 11:17.132: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 10 ( 1:11.179)
11:15.726 - 11:18.382: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 15th
10:10.906 - 11:20.054: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 10 ( 1:09.148)
10:09.468 - 11:22.625: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 10 ( 1:13.156)
11:18.546 - 11:23.429: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports went off the track
10:17.476 - 11:28.156: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 10 ( 1:10.679)
10:03.281 - 11:29.539: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:26.257)
10:23.710 - 11:33.265: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 11 ( 1:09.554)
11:21.703 - 11:33.671: cade matherly went off the track
11:33.851 - 11:35.718: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed cade matherly for 6th
11:35.726 - 11:37.421: cade matherly passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 7th
11:32.085 - 11:39.062: seth crotty | Boot's House went off the track
10:24.187 - 11:41.539: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:17.351)
11:38.570 - 11:41.703: Brayden Tharp | CV went off the track
11:40.281 - 11:41.945: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed cade matherly for 7th
11:41.960 - 11:43.273: cade matherly passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 7th
10:35.960 - 11:43.984: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:08.023)
10:26.953 - 11:44.492: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 11 ( 1:17.539)
10:29.921 - 11:45.148: Guillem Farres finished lap 10 ( 1:15.226)
11:44.093 - 11:45.601: seth crotty | Boot's House passed frank jackson for 9th
11:44.265 - 11:50.187: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports went off the track
11:50.164 - 11:52.656: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed frank jackson for 10th
11:46.203 - 11:53.578: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House went off the track
10:45.093 - 11:55.539: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 11 ( 1:10.445)
11:54.703 - 11:56.992: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 9th
10:42.546 - 11:58.085: cade matherly finished lap 11 ( 1:15.539)
11:57.906 - 12:00.203: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed frank jackson for 11th
10:49.453 - 12:06.187: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 11 ( 1:16.734)
12:06.406 - 12:08.039: carson west | eyespec passed frank jackson for 12th
11:01.828 - 12:12.117: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 11 ( 1:10.289)
10:56.476 - 12:13.960: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 11 ( 1:17.484)
11:04.109 - 12:16.460: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 11 ( 1:12.351)
10:51.992 - 12:17.171: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 10 ( 1:25.179)
12:12.328 - 12:17.335: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
11:07.078 - 12:19.023: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 10 ( 1:11.945)
12:18.382 - 12:20.015: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji for 9th
11:13.898 - 12:20.531: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 12 ( 1:06.632)
11:11.523 - 12:22.546: carson west | eyespec finished lap 11 ( 1:11.023)
10:45.914 - 12:24.640: frank jackson finished lap 11 ( 1:38.726)
12:24.078 - 12:25.156: Holden | Yogi Designs passed Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs for 3rd
11:17.132 - 12:26.781: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 11 ( 1:09.648)
12:26.726 - 12:28.804: Guillem Farres passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports for 16th
12:24.601 - 12:30.070: Elliot Persson | Eyespec went off the track
11:20.054 - 12:30.171: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 11 ( 1:10.117)
12:36.234 - 12:40.992: frank jackson went off the track
12:31.398 - 12:43.109: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe went off the track
11:33.265 - 12:49.250: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 12 ( 1:15.984)
11:22.625 - 12:49.718: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 11 ( 1:27.093)
11:29.539 - 12:50.671: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:21.132)
11:43.984 - 12:52.406: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:08.421)
11:44.492 - 12:54.585: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 12 ( 1:10.093)
11:41.539 - 12:58.679: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:17.140)
11:45.148 - 12:59.007: Guillem Farres finished lap 11 ( 1:13.859)
11:28.156 - 12:59.125: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 11 ( 1:30.968)
12:55.546 - 12:59.781: Brayden Tharp | CV went off the track
12:55.031 - 13:02.710: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
11:55.539 - 13:02.828: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 12 ( 1:07.289)
11:58.085 - 13:05.148: cade matherly finished lap 12 ( 1:07.062)
13:05.460 - 13:07.789: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Guillem Farres for 16th
13:09.210 - 13:11.289: Guillem Farres passed Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports for 17th
12:06.187 - 13:11.335: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 12 ( 1:05.148)
13:16.406 - 13:18.203: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Guillem Farres for 17th
13:18.039 - 13:19.875: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 9th
13:19.726 - 13:21.609: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 10th
12:12.117 - 13:24.312: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 12 ( 1:12.195)
12:16.460 - 13:25.960: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 12 ( 1:09.500)
12:20.531 - 13:27.773: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 13 ( 1:07.242)
12:13.960 - 13:29.781: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 12 ( 1:15.820)
13:29.195 - 13:30.890: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 4th
12:19.023 - 13:31.296: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 11 ( 1:12.273)
12:22.546 - 13:32.304: carson west | eyespec finished lap 12 ( 1:09.757)
12:17.171 - 13:34.351: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 11 ( 1:17.179)
13:30.773 - 13:34.601: Brayden Tharp | CV went off the track
12:24.640 - 13:35.171: frank jackson finished lap 12 ( 1:10.531)
12:26.781 - 13:37.476: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 12 ( 1:10.695)
12:30.171 - 13:38.625: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 12 ( 1:08.453)
13:48.812 - 13:51.992: carson west | eyespec went off the track
13:48.929 - 13:54.937: seth crotty | Boot's House went off the track
13:54.023 - 13:56.164: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed frank jackson for 12th
12:49.250 - 13:57.203: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 13 ( 1:07.953)
13:53.609 - 13:57.812: Rogan McIntosh | phug went off the track
12:49.718 - 13:57.945: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 12 ( 1:08.226)
13:54.210 - 13:58.195: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe went off the track
12:52.406 - 14:00.656: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:08.250)
12:58.679 - 14:04.554: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:05.875)
12:54.585 - 14:06.148: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 13 ( 1:11.562)
14:05.156 - 14:07.875: frank jackson passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 13th
12:59.125 - 14:08.437: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 12 ( 1:09.312)
14:09.281 - 14:11.234: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed frank jackson for 13th
12:50.671 - 14:11.570: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:20.898)
13:02.828 - 14:13.562: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 13 ( 1:10.734)
14:08.726 - 14:14.562: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
12:59.007 - 14:15.156: Guillem Farres finished lap 12 ( 1:16.148)
13:05.148 - 14:16.109: cade matherly finished lap 13 ( 1:10.960)
14:13.843 - 14:17.234: frank jackson passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 13th
13:11.335 - 14:19.320: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 13 ( 1:07.984)
14:14.210 - 14:19.914: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe went off the track
14:20.335 - 14:23.140: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 14th
14:20.445 - 14:24.679: cade matherly went off the track
14:27.359 - 14:29.531: Luke Magnetti | PHUG passed frank jackson for 13th
13:24.312 - 14:32.570: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 13 ( 1:08.257)
14:32.492 - 14:33.867: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX passed frank jackson for 14th
13:27.773 - 14:35.296: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 14 ( 1:07.523)
13:29.781 - 14:39.015: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 13 ( 1:09.234)
13:25.960 - 14:40.226: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 13 ( 1:14.265)
13:31.296 - 14:43.523: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 12 ( 1:12.226)
13:32.304 - 14:43.945: carson west | eyespec finished lap 13 ( 1:11.640)
13:34.351 - 14:50.906: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 12 ( 1:16.554)
13:38.625 - 14:52.820: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 13 ( 1:14.195)
14:51.171 - 14:54.000: frank jackson passed Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX for 14th
13:35.171 - 14:55.757: frank jackson finished lap 13 ( 1:20.585)
13:37.476 - 15:02.500: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 13 ( 1:25.023)
14:59.234 - 15:04.015: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
13:57.203 - 15:05.882: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 14 ( 1:08.679)
15:06.484 - 15:07.523: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs for 4th
14:00.656 - 15:08.515: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:07.859)
15:05.882 - 15:10.265: Casey Cochran | PHUG went off the track
15:06.679 - 15:11.656: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports went off the track
14:06.148 - 15:13.968: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 14 ( 1:07.820)
14:04.554 - 15:15.523: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:10.968)
15:09.539 - 15:15.609: Guillem Farres went off the track
13:57.945 - 15:16.226: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 13 ( 1:18.281)
14:11.570 - 15:20.703: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:09.132)
14:08.437 - 15:21.781: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 13 ( 1:13.343)
15:20.968 - 15:25.054: Brayden Tharp | CV went off the track
14:13.562 - 15:25.078: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 14 ( 1:11.515)
15:26.687 - 15:28.218: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 10th
14:15.156 - 15:30.164: Guillem Farres finished lap 13 ( 1:15.007)
15:29.312 - 15:30.664: carson west | eyespec passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 11th
14:16.109 - 15:34.148: cade matherly finished lap 14 ( 1:18.039)
14:19.320 - 15:36.492: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 14 ( 1:17.171)
15:32.156 - 15:43.054: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji went off the track
14:35.296 - 15:43.718: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 15 ( 1:08.421)
14:32.570 - 15:44.796: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 14 ( 1:12.226)
14:40.226 - 15:48.796: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 14 ( 1:08.570)
14:43.945 - 15:53.140: carson west | eyespec finished lap 14 ( 1:09.195)
14:39.015 - 15:53.531: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 14 ( 1:14.515)
14:43.523 - 15:54.804: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 13 ( 1:11.281)
15:53.914 - 15:56.187: Holden | Yogi Designs passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 2nd
15:53.835 - 16:00.609: Elliot Persson | Eyespec went off the track
15:59.421 - 16:01.585: seth crotty | Boot's House passed carson west | eyespec for 11th
14:50.906 - 16:01.664: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 13 ( 1:10.757)
15:57.109 - 16:03.609: frank jackson went off the track
14:52.820 - 16:03.992: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 14 ( 1:11.171)
14:55.757 - 16:05.437: frank jackson finished lap 14 ( 1:09.679)
16:05.343 - 16:07.390: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports passed Brayden Tharp | CV for 16th
16:09.515 - 16:12.367: seth crotty | Boot's House went off the track
15:08.515 - 16:13.757: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 15 ( 1:05.242)
15:05.882 - 16:14.312: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 15 ( 1:08.429)
15:02.500 - 16:15.320: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 14 ( 1:12.820)
16:12.218 - 16:18.648: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports went off the track
16:18.054 - 16:21.023: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 8th
15:15.523 - 16:22.257: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 15 ( 1:06.734)
15:13.968 - 16:25.000: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 15 ( 1:11.031)
16:17.593 - 16:28.898: Luke Magnetti | PHUG went off the track
15:21.781 - 16:29.632: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 14 ( 1:07.851)
16:27.625 - 16:29.843: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 9th
16:31.570 - 16:33.453: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 10th
15:16.226 - 16:37.500: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 14 ( 1:21.273)
15:20.703 - 16:38.687: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:17.984)
15:25.078 - 16:41.593: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 15 ( 1:16.515)
15:30.164 - 16:44.101: Guillem Farres finished lap 14 ( 1:13.937)
16:35.929 - 16:50.757: cade matherly went off the track
16:50.757 - 16:52.984: carson west | eyespec passed Rogan McIntosh | phug for 11th
15:44.796 - 16:54.828: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 15 ( 1:10.031)
15:34.148 - 16:55.476: cade matherly finished lap 15 ( 1:21.328)
15:48.796 - 17:00.085: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 15 ( 1:11.289)
17:00.132 - 17:02.906: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs for 4th
17:00.343 - 17:03.156: carson west | eyespec passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 10th
15:43.718 - 17:03.195: Bryce Whealon | PHUG finished lap 16 ( 1:19.476)
17:01.320 - 17:04.281: Rogan McIntosh | phug passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 11th
15:53.140 - 17:04.804: carson west | eyespec finished lap 15 ( 1:11.664)
16:54.273 - 17:05.726: Brayden Tharp | CV went off the track
15:36.492 - 17:05.992: Rogan McIntosh | phug finished lap 15 ( 1:29.500)
15:53.531 - 17:09.617: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 15 ( 1:16.085)
15:54.804 - 17:10.101: JR Reyes | Finca Motorsports finished lap 14 ( 1:15.296)
17:12.437 - 17:14.437: Brayden Tharp | CV passed Guillem Farres for 17th
16:05.437 - 17:19.898: frank jackson finished lap 15 ( 1:14.460)
16:13.757 - 17:20.992: Holden | Yogi Designs finished lap 16 ( 1:07.234)
17:17.289 - 17:21.000: Luke Magnetti | PHUG went off the track
16:01.664 - 17:22.531: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 14 ( 1:20.867)
16:14.312 - 17:23.164: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 16 ( 1:08.851)
16:03.992 - 17:25.664: Luke Magnetti | PHUG finished lap 15 ( 1:21.671)
17:23.531 - 17:30.445: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House went off the track
17:26.000 - 17:31.554: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs went off the track
16:22.257 - 17:33.226: Johnny Podonyi | Yogi Designs finished lap 16 ( 1:10.968)
16:15.320 - 17:36.000: Dylan Mecalis | NovaGFX finished lap 15 ( 1:20.679)
16:25.000 - 17:41.101: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 16 ( 1:16.101)
16:29.632 - 17:46.507: Seth Garrett | Finca Motorsports finished lap 15 ( 1:16.875)
17:49.914 - 17:54.539: Guillem Farres went off the track
16:41.593 - 17:55.437: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 16 ( 1:13.843)
16:37.500 - 17:55.796: Brayden Tharp | CV finished lap 15 ( 1:18.296)
16:44.101 - 17:55.953: Guillem Farres finished lap 15 ( 1:11.851)
16:54.828 - 18:02.453: Seth Shirley | Underground x Takatoji finished lap 16 ( 1:07.625)
16:38.687 - 18:02.812: Emil Houle | Yogi Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:24.125)
18:04.953 - 18:06.750: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide passed cade matherly for 7th
17:00.085 - 18:11.156: (CumDabs) Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 16 ( 1:11.070)
16:55.476 - 18:12.617: cade matherly finished lap 16 ( 1:17.140)