MX Simulator
Track2022 Battlegrounds Offseason SX Rd 4 - Chesterfield, FL - Race Version
Format 15 minutes, 1 laps
Date12/14/2022, 3:50:31 AM (803 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
131Bryce Whealon 250sxf(2018)15 16:22.25710 1:02.82811838
2180Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production 250sxf(2018)15 16:33.0544 1:02.8755253
3361Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem 250sxf(2018)15 16:47.1714 1:03.80436799
445Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug 250sxf(2018)15 16:48.24214 1:02.85928509
528Frank Jackson | PhUG 250sxf(2018)15 16:53.3286 1:04.12512581
6184Elliot Persson | Eyespec 250sxf(2018)15 17:03.3595 1:03.77338003
7318seth crotty | Boot's House 250sxf(2018)15 17:13.3043 1:04.40620073
8441Seth Shirley | Takatoji 250sxf(2018)15 17:25.7346 1:02.81231547
9312Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs 250sxf(2018)15 17:26.4298 1:03.78923379
10420Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe 250sxf(2018)15 17:28.32014 1:04.99230022
1132Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs 250sxf(2018)15 17:28.8909 1:02.95319311
12926Alec Zellner 250sxf(2018)15 17:43.5627 1:05.74228734
1395Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports 250sxf(2018)15 17:45.7572 1:05.18723831
14911Jack Gatland | Active 250sxf(2018)14 16:26.1329 1:05.45311337
1540Brett Powers | Team Rogan 250sxf(2018)14 16:41.84312 1:05.7962642
1623Casey Cochran | PHUG 250sxf(2018)14 16:42.5314 1:03.39022060
17486Carson West | Eyespec 250sxf(2018)14 17:27.7816 1:03.87542576
18481Jared Gumeson 250sxf(2018)13 16:35.0704 1:04.79615121
19352Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha 250sxf(2018)13 17:39.5856 1:07.84340848
20412rush 250sxf(2018)7 8:24.2963 1:02.89814794
21462Luke Fauser | NovaGFX 250sxf(2018)4 5:02.4374 1:05.46846003
2225cadematherly 250sxf(2018)3 4:11.5932 1:15.22636662

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15
P1 184 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
P2 180 184 318 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180
P3 31 23 180 184 184 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361
P4 23 318 184 361 361 184 184 312 312 45 45 45 45 45 45
P5 312 312 312 23 318 318 318 45 45 184 184 184 28 28 28
P6 318 180 361 318 312 312 312 184 184 318 28 28 184 184 184
P7 911 361 23 312 45 45 45 318 28 28 318 95 318 318 318
P8 412 911 420 45 95 28 28 28 318 95 95 441 441 312 312
P9 361 95 45 420 28 95 95 95 95 926 441 318 312 95 441
P10 462 420 412 412 926 926 926 926 926 441 926 926 95 32 420
P11 352 45 95 95 911 911 441 441 420 420 312 312 911 926 32
P12 95 412 911 911 23 23 420 420 441 911 420 911 926 420 926
P13 926 926 926 926 412 412 911 911 911 312 911 32 32 441 95
P14 420 352 28 28 420 441 412 32 32 32 32 420 420 911
P15 28 28 462 462 441 420 32 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
P16 45 441 32 441 352 352 40 23 23 23 23 23 23 23
P17 32 40 352 32 40 32 23 481 486 486 486 486 486 486
P18 40 486 441 352 32 40 481 486 481 481 481 481 481
P19 486 462 40 40 481 486 352 352 352 352 352 352 352
P20 441 25 25 481 486 481 486
P21 25 32 481 486
P22 481 481 486

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:02.812 6 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:02.828 10 31 Bryce Whealon
1:02.835 3 31 Bryce Whealon
1:02.859 14 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:02.875 4 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:02.898 3 412 rush
1:02.906 5 31 Bryce Whealon
1:02.953 9 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:03.015 5 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:03.031 11 31 Bryce Whealon
1:03.093 4 31 Bryce Whealon
1:03.164 9 31 Bryce Whealon
1:03.171 11 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:03.203 15 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:03.304 12 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:03.320 4 412 rush
1:03.382 6 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:03.390 4 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:03.429 7 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:03.460 7 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:03.523 13 31 Bryce Whealon
1:03.593 6 31 Bryce Whealon
1:03.640 2 31 Bryce Whealon
1:03.695 6 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:03.757 7 31 Bryce Whealon
1:03.773 5 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:03.789 8 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:03.804 4 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:03.843 8 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:03.867 3 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:03.875 6 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:03.875 2 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:03.882 13 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:03.890 3 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:03.906 4 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:03.992 4 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:04.023 14 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:04.078 13 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:04.125 6 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:04.179 10 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:04.179 7 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:04.257 12 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:04.265 6 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:04.296 8 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:04.335 3 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:04.343 3 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:04.359 8 31 Bryce Whealon
1:04.375 9 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:04.406 3 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:04.406 11 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:04.429 9 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:04.445 14 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:04.500 13 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:04.531 12 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:04.570 5 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:04.593 11 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:04.609 7 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:04.609 10 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:04.632 8 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:04.710 2 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:04.726 4 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:04.734 2 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:04.734 5 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:04.734 12 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:04.796 8 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:04.796 4 481 Jared Gumeson
1:04.804 6 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:04.812 7 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:04.851 10 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:04.867 12 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:04.875 7 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:04.882 7 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:04.906 7 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:04.960 10 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:04.992 14 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:05.031 7 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:05.039 8 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:05.054 3 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:05.140 10 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:05.187 2 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:05.281 10 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:05.281 10 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:05.304 13 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:05.320 5 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:05.375 6 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:05.382 14 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:05.429 5 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:05.453 9 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:05.468 4 462 Luke Fauser | NovaGFX
1:05.476 13 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:05.500 9 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:05.539 5 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:05.687 12 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:05.710 12 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:05.718 14 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:05.742 7 926 Alec Zellner
1:05.781 5 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:05.796 12 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:05.835 11 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:05.890 9 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:05.929 9 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:05.960 14 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:06.000 7 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:06.007 12 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:06.015 4 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:06.023 4 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:06.046 11 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:06.125 9 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:06.132 11 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:06.164 9 926 Alec Zellner
1:06.171 11 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:06.312 8 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:06.312 14 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:06.320 4 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:06.375 12 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:06.390 4 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:06.390 5 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:06.390 15 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:06.437 9 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:06.460 5 926 Alec Zellner
1:06.484 6 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:06.507 9 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:06.562 9 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:06.648 8 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:06.656 6 412 rush
1:06.695 2 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:06.796 6 926 Alec Zellner
1:06.843 10 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:06.882 13 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:06.890 2 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:06.945 11 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:06.968 8 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:07.023 13 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:07.039 5 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:07.046 8 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:07.273 11 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:07.281 4 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:07.289 3 926 Alec Zellner
1:07.312 6 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:07.367 10 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:07.421 14 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:07.468 10 926 Alec Zellner
1:07.507 12 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:07.546 6 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:07.554 8 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:07.593 7 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:07.664 10 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:07.695 6 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:07.781 7 481 Jared Gumeson
1:07.843 6 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:07.843 6 352 Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha
1:07.890 15 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:07.914 11 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:07.992 5 352 Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha
1:08.007 5 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:08.015 14 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:08.015 13 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:08.039 11 926 Alec Zellner
1:08.093 4 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:08.093 9 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:08.132 9 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:08.156 15 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:08.234 3 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:08.273 11 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:08.289 2 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:08.445 5 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:08.585 14 926 Alec Zellner
1:09.421 2 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:09.570 3 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:09.656 9 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:09.828 8 926 Alec Zellner
1:10.031 6 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:10.187 14 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:10.250 13 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:10.507 9 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:10.640 5 481 Jared Gumeson
1:11.296 2 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:11.796 4 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:11.851 4 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:11.921 7 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:11.984 15 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:12.062 14 31 Bryce Whealon
1:12.117 10 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:12.132 15 31 Bryce Whealon
1:12.445 13 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:12.671 12 31 Bryce Whealon
1:12.695 9 481 Jared Gumeson
1:12.828 8 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:12.953 6 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:13.179 2 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:13.234 4 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:13.398 15 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:13.562 3 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:14.234 12 926 Alec Zellner
1:14.523 11 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:14.726 2 926 Alec Zellner
1:14.929 12 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:14.945 3 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:14.968 2 481 Jared Gumeson
1:15.023 2 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:15.031 2 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:15.132 15 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:15.226 2 25 cadematherly
1:15.437 3 481 Jared Gumeson
1:15.500 12 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:15.562 10 352 Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha
1:15.601 12 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:15.937 13 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:16.078 3 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:16.156 5 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:16.187 8 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:16.453 15 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:16.812 15 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:17.093 11 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:17.093 14 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:17.117 13 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:17.507 6 481 Jared Gumeson
1:17.984 14 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:18.015 2 412 rush
1:18.257 14 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:18.679 3 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:18.718 13 481 Jared Gumeson
1:18.765 2 352 Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha
1:18.789 8 481 Jared Gumeson
1:18.796 3 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:19.742 12 481 Jared Gumeson
1:19.898 3 352 Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha
1:20.664 13 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:21.085 2 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:22.226 5 412 rush
1:22.304 10 481 Jared Gumeson
1:23.804 13 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:24.109 5 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:24.257 3 25 cadematherly
1:24.390 15 926 Alec Zellner
1:26.492 8 352 Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha
1:26.835 15 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:27.851 3 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:29.289 2 462 Luke Fauser | NovaGFX
1:33.085 7 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:33.109 7 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:45.148 7 352 Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha

Individual Worst Laps

1:12.671 12 31 Bryce Whealon
1:13.179 2 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
1:15.031 2 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
1:15.867 8 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
1:15.921 15 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
1:16.812 15 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
1:17.117 13 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
1:18.679 3 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
1:18.796 3 911 Jack Gatland | Active
1:20.664 13 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:21.085 2 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:22.226 5 412 rush
1:22.304 10 481 Jared Gumeson
1:24.109 5 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
1:24.257 3 25 cadematherly
1:24.390 15 926 Alec Zellner
1:26.835 15 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
1:29.289 2 462 Luke Fauser | NovaGFX
1:33.085 7 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
1:33.109 7 486 Carson West | Eyespec
1:41.351 10 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:45.148 7 352 Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.632 28 Frank Jackson | PhUG
2.983 361 Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem
3.320 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug
3.697 31 Bryce Whealon
3.711 180 Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production
4.348 318 seth crotty | Boot's House
4.506 184 Elliot Persson | Eyespec
4.514 40 Brett Powers | Team Rogan
4.516 25 cadematherly
4.566 911 Jack Gatland | Active
5.126 926 Alec Zellner
5.149 481 Jared Gumeson
5.253 420 Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe
5.480 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
5.772 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
6.547 95 Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports
7.310 412 rush
9.162 23 Casey Cochran | PHUG
9.423 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
9.536 486 Carson West | Eyespec
10.622 462 Luke Fauser | NovaGFX
10.977 352 Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha

Play by Play

Elliot Persson | Eyespec takes the holeshot followed by Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, cadematherly, Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production, Alec Zellner, Jack Gatland | Active, Bryce Whealon, Casey Cochran | PHUG, Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports, Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha, Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe, Luke Fauser | NovaGFX, Jared Gumeson, Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem, seth crotty | Boot's House, Carson West | Eyespec, Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs, Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug, Seth Shirley | Takatoji and Frank Jackson | PhUG

0:07.046 - 0:08.179: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production passed cadematherly and Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 2nd
0:07.250 - 0:08.578: Jack Gatland | Active passed cadematherly, Alec Zellner and Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 3rd
0:07.679 - 0:09.492: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 9th
0:08.179 - 0:09.757: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 10th
0:08.265 - 0:10.015: Jared Gumeson passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX and Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 11th
0:08.195 - 0:10.078: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 12th
0:09.359 - 0:10.898: Carson West | Eyespec passed Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem and seth crotty | Boot's House for 15th
0:09.250 - 0:10.976: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem for 16th
0:08.585 - 0:11.210: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Jack Gatland | Active for 3rd
0:08.859 - 0:11.578: Alec Zellner passed cadematherly for 5th
0:10.117 - 0:11.750: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 18th
0:09.312 - 0:11.953: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Bryce Whealon for 7th
0:10.906 - 0:12.234: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 20th
0:10.078 - 0:12.835: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed Jared Gumeson, Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe and Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 10th
0:09.757 - 0:12.867: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 11th
0:11.328 - 0:13.578: Jack Gatland | Active passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 3rd
0:10.976 - 0:13.710: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports, Carson West | Eyespec, Jared Gumeson, rush and Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 12th
0:10.726 - 0:13.773: rush passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports, Jared Gumeson and Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 13th
0:11.578 - 0:13.812: Alec Zellner passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 4th
0:10.898 - 0:14.257: Carson West | Eyespec passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports, Jared Gumeson and Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 14th
0:11.953 - 0:14.304: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed cadematherly for 6th
0:11.187 - 0:14.734: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports, Jared Gumeson and Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 15th
0:12.234 - 0:15.203: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports, Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug, Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs, Jared Gumeson and Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 16th
0:12.867 - 0:15.484: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX and Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 9th
0:12.835 - 0:15.781: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 10th
0:10.687 - 0:16.054: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Jared Gumeson and Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 17th
0:14.804 - 0:18.195: Bryce Whealon passed cadematherly, Casey Cochran | PHUG, Alec Zellner and Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 4th
0:15.484 - 0:18.812: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed cadematherly, Casey Cochran | PHUG, Alec Zellner and Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 5th
0:11.750 - 0:19.039: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Jared Gumeson for 19th
0:13.914 - 0:19.085: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Alec Zellner for 6th
0:15.781 - 0:19.148: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed cadematherly, Casey Cochran | PHUG and Alec Zellner for 7th
0:14.304 - 0:19.164: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Alec Zellner for 8th
0:16.406 - 0:19.617: seth crotty | Boot's House passed cadematherly, Brett Powers | Team Rogan and Alec Zellner for 9th
0:19.148 - 0:21.593: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 6th
0:16.671 - 0:21.609: rush passed cadematherly, Brett Powers | Team Rogan and Alec Zellner for 10th
0:16.328 - 0:22.757: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed cadematherly and Alec Zellner for 11th
0:19.054 - 0:22.859: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Carson West | Eyespec, cadematherly, Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem, Alec Zellner and Frank Jackson | PhUG for 12th
0:17.476 - 0:23.039: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed Carson West | Eyespec, cadematherly and Alec Zellner for 13th
0:17.078 - 0:23.070: Carson West | Eyespec passed cadematherly and Alec Zellner for 14th
0:21.250 - 0:23.859: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed cadematherly, Alec Zellner and Frank Jackson | PhUG for 15th
0:20.859 - 0:24.015: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 21st
0:17.968 - 0:24.390: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed cadematherly and Alec Zellner for 16th
0:22.078 - 0:24.734: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed cadematherly and Alec Zellner for 17th
0:23.906 - 0:24.968: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 8th
0:22.859 - 0:25.218: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 11th
0:22.601 - 0:25.375: Jared Gumeson passed cadematherly and Alec Zellner for 18th
0:23.039 - 0:25.515: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 12th
0:23.070 - 0:25.687: Carson West | Eyespec passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 13th
0:23.859 - 0:26.382: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 14th
0:24.734 - 0:27.156: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan and Frank Jackson | PhUG for 15th
0:25.000 - 0:27.835: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed seth crotty | Boot's House and Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 7th
0:25.375 - 0:28.007: Jared Gumeson passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan and Frank Jackson | PhUG for 16th
0:25.882 - 0:28.656: Alec Zellner passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan and Frank Jackson | PhUG for 17th
0:28.734 - 0:31.015: cadematherly passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan and Frank Jackson | PhUG for 18th
0:24.390 - 0:31.195: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 19th
0:29.835 - 0:32.054: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 20th
0:30.835 - 0:32.875: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 11th
0:32.250 - 0:34.179: Bryce Whealon passed Jack Gatland | Active for 3rd
0:33.398 - 0:34.898: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 21st
0:35.906 - 0:39.328: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports and Carson West | Eyespec for 12th
0:38.437 - 0:41.554: Alec Zellner passed Carson West | Eyespec, Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug and Jared Gumeson for 14th
0:40.226 - 0:43.093: cadematherly passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug and Jared Gumeson for 16th
0:40.789 - 0:43.304: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug and Jared Gumeson for 17th
0:41.437 - 0:44.109: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug and Jared Gumeson for 18th
0:43.304 - 0:45.226: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Carson West | Eyespec and cadematherly for 15th
0:44.039 - 0:46.726: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug and Jared Gumeson for 19th
0:40.968 - 0:47.835: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs went off the track
0:52.640 - 0:54.742: rush passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 9th
0:53.257 - 0:55.914: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for the lead
0:55.273 - 0:57.218: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed cadematherly for 17th
0:57.148 - 0:58.890: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production for the lead
0:56.562 - 0:59.070: Carson West | Eyespec passed Frank Jackson | PhUG for 15th
0:59.750 - 1:02.195: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed cadematherly and Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 17th
1:00.710 - 1:03.085: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed cadematherly and Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 18th
1:01.039 - 1:03.421: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed cadematherly and Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 19th
1:03.085 - 1:04.750: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Carson West | Eyespec and Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 15th
1:03.421 - 1:05.109: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Carson West | Eyespec and Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 16th
0:00.000 - 1:06.328: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 1 ( 1:06.328)
1:04.007 - 1:06.398: Jared Gumeson passed cadematherly and Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 20th
0:00.000 - 1:06.585: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 1 ( 1:06.585)
0:59.359 - 1:06.609: Frank Jackson | PhUG went off the track
1:02.460 - 1:06.625: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports went off the track
0:57.250 - 1:07.070: cadematherly passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 21st
1:02.195 - 1:07.453: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Carson West | Eyespec for 17th
1:06.398 - 1:08.015: Jared Gumeson passed Carson West | Eyespec for 18th
0:00.000 - 1:08.656: Bryce Whealon finished lap 1 ( 1:08.656)
1:06.671 - 1:09.578: Alec Zellner passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 13th
1:09.187 - 1:11.382: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:11.671: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 1 ( 1:11.671)
1:09.515 - 1:11.671: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX, Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe and Jack Gatland | Active for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:12.476: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 1:12.476)
1:10.421 - 1:12.476: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX, Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe and Jack Gatland | Active for 5th
1:10.570 - 1:12.726: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed cadematherly for 21st
0:00.000 - 1:14.242: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 1 ( 1:14.242)
1:11.820 - 1:14.242: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX, Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe, Jack Gatland | Active and rush for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:15.351: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 1 ( 1:15.351)
0:00.000 - 1:17.187: rush finished lap 1 ( 1:17.187)
1:10.742 - 1:17.187: rush passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 8th
1:15.304 - 1:17.421: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:17.445: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 1 ( 1:17.445)
1:13.171 - 1:17.445: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:17.632: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX finished lap 1 ( 1:17.632)
1:09.101 - 1:17.632: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:18.062: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 1 ( 1:18.062)
1:15.867 - 1:18.062: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 11th
1:16.156 - 1:19.085: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Alec Zellner for 13th
1:17.085 - 1:19.343: Bryce Whealon passed Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production for 2nd
1:17.125 - 1:19.960: Carson West | Eyespec passed Jared Gumeson for 19th
1:17.296 - 1:20.296: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Jared Gumeson for 20th
1:18.062 - 1:20.640: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX, Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem and rush for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:21.148: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 1:21.148)
1:19.085 - 1:21.148: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:21.585: Alec Zellner finished lap 1 ( 1:21.585)
1:19.398 - 1:21.585: Alec Zellner passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 13th
1:18.687 - 1:21.601: cadematherly passed Jared Gumeson for 21st
1:19.343 - 1:21.789: Bryce Whealon passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for the lead
0:00.000 - 1:21.890: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 1 ( 1:21.890)
1:20.523 - 1:22.710: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production for 3rd
1:20.984 - 1:23.226: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:25.312: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 1 ( 1:25.312)
0:00.000 - 1:25.601: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 1 ( 1:25.601)
0:00.000 - 1:26.398: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 1:26.398)
1:25.531 - 1:27.742: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:29.117: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 1 ( 1:29.117)
0:00.000 - 1:31.187: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 1 ( 1:31.187)
0:00.000 - 1:31.429: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 1 ( 1:31.429)
0:00.000 - 1:32.109: cadematherly finished lap 1 ( 1:32.109)
1:25.781 - 1:32.703: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs went off the track
1:33.367 - 1:34.343: Jack Gatland | Active passed Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production for 6th
1:35.632 - 1:36.648: rush passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 8th
1:34.359 - 1:37.226: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production passed Jack Gatland | Active for 6th
1:38.468 - 1:39.890: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 11th
1:37.476 - 1:40.148: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 9th
1:39.968 - 1:40.765: Alec Zellner passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 12th
1:40.640 - 1:41.523: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 13th
0:00.000 - 1:42.296: Jared Gumeson finished lap 1 ( 1:42.296)
1:39.890 - 1:42.796: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 10th
1:41.968 - 1:43.257: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 14th
1:40.765 - 1:43.664: Alec Zellner passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 11th
1:42.828 - 1:44.039: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 15th
1:41.523 - 1:44.468: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 12th
1:43.343 - 1:44.570: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 16th
1:46.156 - 1:48.062: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 17th
1:51.945 - 1:53.539: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX and Carson West | Eyespec for 18th
1:51.781 - 1:53.835: Carson West | Eyespec passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 19th
1:55.445 - 1:57.140: cadematherly passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 20th
1:55.593 - 1:57.968: Carson West | Eyespec passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 18th
1:57.984 - 1:59.914: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Carson West | Eyespec for 18th
1:59.953 - 2:02.171: Carson West | Eyespec passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 18th
2:05.335 - 2:07.210: rush passed Jack Gatland | Active for 7th
2:06.234 - 2:08.632: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed Jack Gatland | Active for 8th
2:08.632 - 2:10.421: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed rush for 7th
2:09.398 - 2:10.828: Jack Gatland | Active passed rush for 8th
1:08.656 - 2:12.296: Bryce Whealon finished lap 2 ( 1:03.640)
2:11.031 - 2:12.843: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed rush for 9th
2:11.132 - 2:12.906: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Alec Zellner for 11th
1:06.328 - 2:14.617: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 2 ( 1:08.289)
2:12.953 - 2:14.734: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 13th
2:13.242 - 2:14.804: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 14th
2:12.906 - 2:15.007: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed rush for 10th
1:11.671 - 2:15.546: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 2 ( 1:03.875)
2:14.804 - 2:16.718: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Alec Zellner, Frank Jackson | PhUG and rush for 11th
2:14.734 - 2:16.976: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Alec Zellner and rush for 12th
1:14.242 - 2:18.953: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 2 ( 1:04.710)
1:12.476 - 2:19.250: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:06.773)
1:06.585 - 2:19.765: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 2 ( 1:13.179)
2:19.820 - 2:20.867: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug for 11th
2:19.156 - 2:21.445: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Carson West | Eyespec and Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 16th
2:19.648 - 2:21.656: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Alec Zellner for 14th
2:19.710 - 2:21.945: cadematherly passed Carson West | Eyespec and Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 17th
2:20.906 - 2:22.718: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Frank Jackson | PhUG for 11th
2:18.039 - 2:23.109: Brett Powers | Team Rogan went off the track
2:21.945 - 2:24.039: cadematherly passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 17th
1:17.445 - 2:24.140: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 2 ( 1:06.695)
2:22.968 - 2:24.601: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 18th
2:22.023 - 2:24.687: Alec Zellner passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 14th
1:15.351 - 2:24.773: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 2 ( 1:09.421)
2:23.109 - 2:25.015: rush passed Frank Jackson | PhUG for 12th
1:21.148 - 2:26.335: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 1:05.187)
1:21.890 - 2:28.781: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 2 ( 1:06.890)
2:27.875 - 2:28.851: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 18th
2:27.820 - 2:29.718: Alec Zellner passed Frank Jackson | PhUG for 13th
2:28.054 - 2:30.242: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 5th
1:25.601 - 2:30.335: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 2 ( 1:04.734)
2:28.671 - 2:30.523: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Frank Jackson | PhUG for 14th
2:28.851 - 2:30.742: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed cadematherly for 17th
2:28.421 - 2:30.835: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 2nd
2:30.742 - 2:32.351: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan and Frank Jackson | PhUG for 15th
2:30.234 - 2:32.398: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Frank Jackson | PhUG for 16th
2:30.851 - 2:33.117: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 2nd
1:17.187 - 2:35.203: rush finished lap 2 ( 1:18.015)
2:34.835 - 2:35.992: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed Carson West | Eyespec for 20th
1:21.585 - 2:36.312: Alec Zellner finished lap 2 ( 1:14.726)
2:35.398 - 2:36.539: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 3rd
1:18.062 - 2:36.828: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 2 ( 1:18.765)
2:35.984 - 2:37.054: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 4th
2:33.070 - 2:38.015: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs went off the track
2:38.015 - 2:39.062: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 5th
2:37.804 - 2:39.703: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed cadematherly and Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 18th
2:38.296 - 2:40.039: Carson West | Eyespec passed cadematherly and Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 19th
1:25.312 - 2:40.343: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 2 ( 1:15.031)
2:38.023 - 2:40.343: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan and Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 15th
2:40.039 - 2:41.609: Carson West | Eyespec passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 18th
2:40.554 - 2:41.718: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 6th
1:31.429 - 2:42.726: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 2 ( 1:11.296)
2:41.984 - 2:43.195: Jack Gatland | Active passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 7th
1:29.117 - 2:45.828: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 2 ( 1:16.710)
1:31.187 - 2:46.210: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 2 ( 1:15.023)
1:17.632 - 2:46.921: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX finished lap 2 ( 1:29.289)
1:32.109 - 2:47.335: cadematherly finished lap 2 ( 1:15.226)
2:44.546 - 2:47.398: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 8th
1:26.398 - 2:47.484: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:21.085)
2:46.210 - 2:48.945: Carson West | Eyespec passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 17th
2:46.921 - 2:49.750: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 18th
2:50.289 - 2:53.187: cadematherly passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 19th
2:50.312 - 2:53.218: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 20th
2:53.437 - 2:54.164: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 20th
2:54.593 - 2:56.679: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 20th
2:55.562 - 2:57.000: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 14th
1:42.296 - 2:57.265: Jared Gumeson finished lap 2 ( 1:14.968)
2:56.679 - 2:58.890: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed cadematherly for 19th
2:59.156 - 3:00.554: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 15th
2:58.906 - 3:01.531: cadematherly passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 19th
3:01.882 - 3:04.226: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 19th
3:02.882 - 3:05.250: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX went off the track
3:08.960 - 3:11.132: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed Carson West | Eyespec and Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 16th
3:09.875 - 3:11.726: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Carson West | Eyespec, cadematherly and Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 17th
3:10.273 - 3:11.929: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Carson West | Eyespec, cadematherly and Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 18th
3:07.007 - 3:11.968: Carson West | Eyespec passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 19th
3:11.929 - 3:13.664: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 17th
3:11.968 - 3:13.937: Carson West | Eyespec passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 18th
2:12.296 - 3:15.132: Bryce Whealon finished lap 3 ( 1:02.835)
3:17.304 - 3:18.617: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 2nd
3:17.750 - 3:19.117: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 3rd
3:20.640 - 3:23.148: Carson West | Eyespec passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 17th
2:18.953 - 3:23.359: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 3 ( 1:04.406)
3:21.390 - 3:23.578: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 18th
2:19.765 - 3:23.656: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 3 ( 1:03.890)
2:14.617 - 3:24.187: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 3 ( 1:09.570)
3:23.765 - 3:25.531: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 8th
2:19.250 - 3:25.812: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:06.562)
3:26.000 - 3:27.695: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 9th
2:24.140 - 3:28.007: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 3 ( 1:03.867)
3:26.742 - 3:28.578: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 10th
3:27.085 - 3:29.617: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Jack Gatland | Active for 7th
2:15.546 - 3:31.625: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 3 ( 1:16.078)
3:29.140 - 3:31.687: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Jack Gatland | Active for 8th
3:30.843 - 3:32.421: rush passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 11th
3:30.109 - 3:32.593: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Jack Gatland | Active for 9th
2:28.781 - 3:33.835: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 3 ( 1:05.054)
3:32.312 - 3:34.578: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 2nd
2:30.335 - 3:34.679: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 3 ( 1:04.343)
3:33.906 - 3:36.093: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Carson West | Eyespec for 17th
2:35.203 - 3:38.101: rush finished lap 3 ( 1:02.898)
3:36.078 - 3:38.101: rush passed Jack Gatland | Active for 10th
3:36.734 - 3:38.343: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 15th
3:37.507 - 3:39.179: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 16th
3:37.828 - 3:39.703: Carson West | Eyespec passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 17th
2:26.335 - 3:39.898: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:13.562)
3:37.851 - 3:39.898: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Jack Gatland | Active for 11th
3:37.695 - 3:39.914: Elliot Persson | Eyespec passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 3rd
3:38.156 - 3:40.265: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 18th
3:39.085 - 3:41.328: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 4th
3:39.554 - 3:41.484: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 19th
3:41.054 - 3:43.351: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 5th
2:24.773 - 3:43.570: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 3 ( 1:18.796)
2:36.312 - 3:43.601: Alec Zellner finished lap 3 ( 1:07.289)
2:40.343 - 3:44.679: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 3 ( 1:04.335)
3:43.601 - 3:46.492: Alec Zellner passed Jack Gatland | Active for 12th
3:44.679 - 3:47.406: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Jack Gatland | Active for 13th
3:47.007 - 3:48.281: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 6th
3:47.921 - 3:49.664: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Carson West | Eyespec and Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 16th
3:47.445 - 3:50.179: Jack Gatland | Active passed Frank Jackson | PhUG for 13th
3:49.242 - 3:50.820: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Carson West | Eyespec and Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 17th
3:49.945 - 3:51.695: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Carson West | Eyespec and Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 18th
2:46.921 - 3:55.234: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX finished lap 3 ( 1:08.312)
2:47.484 - 3:55.718: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:08.234)
3:49.843 - 3:55.968: Alec Zellner went off the track
2:36.828 - 3:56.726: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 3 ( 1:19.898)
3:55.468 - 3:57.257: cadematherly passed Carson West | Eyespec and Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 19th
2:42.726 - 3:57.671: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 3 ( 1:14.945)
3:56.796 - 3:58.460: Jared Gumeson passed Carson West | Eyespec for 21st
4:00.796 - 4:01.515: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 15th
2:45.828 - 4:04.507: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 3 ( 1:18.679)
4:01.914 - 4:04.507: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed cadematherly for 19th
4:06.773 - 4:09.085: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 15th
2:47.335 - 4:11.593: cadematherly finished lap 3 ( 1:24.257)
2:57.265 - 4:12.703: Jared Gumeson finished lap 3 ( 1:15.437)
2:46.210 - 4:14.062: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 3 ( 1:27.851)
4:12.703 - 4:15.296: Jared Gumeson passed cadematherly for 20th
3:15.132 - 4:18.226: Bryce Whealon finished lap 4 ( 1:03.093)
4:17.843 - 4:24.054: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha went off the track
4:22.445 - 4:24.476: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 8th
3:23.656 - 4:26.531: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 4 ( 1:02.875)
4:24.562 - 4:27.242: Carson West | Eyespec passed cadematherly for 21st
3:24.187 - 4:28.179: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 4 ( 1:03.992)
4:27.203 - 4:29.765: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 4th
3:28.007 - 4:31.812: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 4 ( 1:03.804)
4:30.648 - 4:33.101: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 5th
4:31.656 - 4:34.328: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 6th
3:31.625 - 4:35.015: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 4 ( 1:03.390)
3:23.359 - 4:36.593: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 4 ( 1:13.234)
3:25.812 - 4:37.609: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:11.796)
3:34.679 - 4:39.406: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 4 ( 1:04.726)
3:33.835 - 4:41.117: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 4 ( 1:07.281)
3:38.101 - 4:41.421: rush finished lap 4 ( 1:03.320)
3:39.898 - 4:47.992: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:08.093)
3:43.570 - 4:49.593: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 4 ( 1:06.023)
3:43.601 - 4:50.093: Alec Zellner finished lap 4 ( 1:06.492)
3:44.679 - 4:51.000: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 4 ( 1:06.320)
4:49.960 - 4:52.164: rush passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 9th
4:50.250 - 4:54.421: Casey Cochran | PHUG went off the track
4:55.679 - 4:56.859: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 16th
3:55.234 - 5:00.703: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX finished lap 4 ( 1:05.468)
3:57.671 - 5:01.578: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 4 ( 1:03.906)
3:55.718 - 5:02.109: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:06.390)
3:56.726 - 5:04.921: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 4 ( 1:08.195)
5:07.250 - 5:08.351: Alec Zellner passed Jack Gatland | Active for 12th
5:08.281 - 5:09.132: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Jack Gatland | Active for 13th
5:07.242 - 5:09.398: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 6th
4:04.507 - 5:10.523: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 4 ( 1:06.015)
5:10.398 - 5:12.625: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 16th
5:12.625 - 5:16.757: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 15th
4:12.703 - 5:17.500: Jared Gumeson finished lap 4 ( 1:04.796)
5:15.312 - 5:17.789: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 16th
5:15.843 - 5:18.281: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 17th
4:18.226 - 5:21.132: Bryce Whealon finished lap 5 ( 1:02.906)
5:21.304 - 5:22.812: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 15th
5:22.007 - 5:23.601: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 16th
5:24.414 - 5:25.796: Luke Fauser | NovaGFX passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 17th
4:14.062 - 5:25.914: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 4 ( 1:11.851)
5:27.640 - 5:29.210: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 18th
4:26.531 - 5:29.546: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 5 ( 1:03.015)
4:28.179 - 5:31.953: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 5 ( 1:03.773)
5:33.617 - 5:34.851: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 7th
5:35.289 - 5:37.054: rush passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 8th
4:31.812 - 5:37.593: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 5 ( 1:05.781)
5:38.625 - 5:39.976: rush passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug for 7th
5:38.828 - 5:40.109: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug for 8th
4:36.593 - 5:41.164: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 5 ( 1:04.570)
4:37.609 - 5:42.929: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:05.320)
5:40.421 - 5:44.578: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Casey Cochran | PHUG and rush for 7th
4:39.406 - 5:47.414: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 5 ( 1:08.007)
5:47.773 - 5:49.437: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Alec Zellner for 12th
5:48.234 - 5:51.507: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Casey Cochran | PHUG, Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe and rush for 8th
5:50.695 - 5:53.390: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Casey Cochran | PHUG, Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe and rush for 9th
4:47.992 - 5:53.531: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:05.539)
5:51.476 - 5:54.390: Alec Zellner passed Casey Cochran | PHUG, Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe and rush for 10th
5:42.914 - 5:54.570: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Casey Cochran | PHUG and rush for 11th
4:51.000 - 5:55.734: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 5 ( 1:04.734)
5:53.437 - 5:56.093: Jack Gatland | Active passed Casey Cochran | PHUG and rush for 12th
4:50.093 - 5:56.554: Alec Zellner finished lap 5 ( 1:06.460)
4:49.593 - 5:58.039: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 5 ( 1:08.445)
5:56.093 - 5:58.039: Jack Gatland | Active passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 11th
5:40.109 - 6:00.039: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed rush for 13th
4:35.015 - 6:02.468: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 5 ( 1:27.453)
6:00.039 - 6:02.468: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 12th
4:41.421 - 6:03.648: rush finished lap 5 ( 1:22.226)
6:01.000 - 6:03.648: rush passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 13th
4:41.117 - 6:05.226: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 5 ( 1:24.109)
6:04.414 - 6:06.562: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 3rd
5:01.578 - 6:08.617: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 5 ( 1:07.039)
6:10.843 - 6:12.273: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 17th
5:04.921 - 6:12.914: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 5 ( 1:07.992)
6:12.562 - 6:13.742: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Luke Fauser | NovaGFX for 18th
5:10.523 - 6:16.914: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 5 ( 1:06.390)
5:02.109 - 6:18.265: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:16.156)
5:21.132 - 6:24.726: Bryce Whealon finished lap 6 ( 1:03.593)
5:17.500 - 6:28.140: Jared Gumeson finished lap 5 ( 1:10.640)
6:27.000 - 6:30.335: rush passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 12th
5:25.914 - 6:31.343: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 5 ( 1:05.429)
5:29.546 - 6:32.929: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 6 ( 1:03.382)
5:37.593 - 6:41.859: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 6 ( 1:04.265)
5:31.953 - 6:44.906: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 6 ( 1:12.953)
5:41.164 - 6:45.968: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 6 ( 1:04.804)
6:44.054 - 6:46.117: Carson West | Eyespec passed Jared Gumeson for 19th
6:44.648 - 6:46.445: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 8th
5:42.929 - 6:50.242: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:07.312)
5:47.414 - 6:51.109: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 6 ( 1:03.695)
5:55.734 - 6:59.859: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 6 ( 1:04.125)
5:53.531 - 7:01.375: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:07.843)
6:59.882 - 7:01.718: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed rush for 12th
7:00.921 - 7:02.000: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 14th
5:56.554 - 7:03.351: Alec Zellner finished lap 6 ( 1:06.796)
7:02.070 - 7:03.820: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 14th
5:58.039 - 7:05.734: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 6 ( 1:07.695)
7:05.585 - 7:06.804: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 14th
7:05.351 - 7:07.750: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs went off the track
6:02.468 - 7:10.015: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 6 ( 1:07.546)
6:03.648 - 7:10.304: rush finished lap 6 ( 1:06.656)
6:08.617 - 7:11.429: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 6 ( 1:02.812)
6:05.226 - 7:11.710: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 6 ( 1:06.484)
7:16.234 - 7:17.601: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 12th
7:17.187 - 7:17.937: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 13th
6:12.914 - 7:20.757: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 6 ( 1:07.843)
7:19.015 - 7:21.562: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 17th
6:18.265 - 7:23.640: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:05.375)
7:15.093 - 7:26.898: rush went off the track
6:16.914 - 7:26.945: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 6 ( 1:10.031)
6:24.726 - 7:28.484: Bryce Whealon finished lap 7 ( 1:03.757)
6:31.343 - 7:35.218: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 6 ( 1:03.875)
6:32.929 - 7:36.390: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 7 ( 1:03.460)
7:34.273 - 7:36.710: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 16th
7:36.710 - 7:38.984: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 15th
7:37.734 - 7:40.179: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 17th
7:40.179 - 7:42.539: Brett Powers | Team Rogan passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 16th
7:40.757 - 7:43.335: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 17th
7:43.460 - 7:45.078: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 16th
6:28.140 - 7:45.648: Jared Gumeson finished lap 6 ( 1:17.507)
7:45.171 - 7:46.164: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 17th
6:41.859 - 7:46.765: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 7 ( 1:04.906)
6:44.906 - 7:49.781: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 7 ( 1:04.875)
6:45.968 - 7:50.851: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 7 ( 1:04.882)
6:50.242 - 7:55.101: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:04.859)
6:51.109 - 7:55.718: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 7 ( 1:04.609)
7:53.468 - 7:56.414: Carson West | Eyespec passed Casey Cochran | PHUG for 18th
6:59.859 - 8:04.671: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 7 ( 1:04.812)
8:02.765 - 8:05.195: Carson West | Eyespec passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 17th
8:00.695 - 8:05.953: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem went off the track
7:01.375 - 8:07.375: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 1:06.000)
7:03.351 - 8:09.093: Alec Zellner finished lap 7 ( 1:05.742)
8:08.007 - 8:10.203: Casey Cochran | PHUG passed Carson West | Eyespec and Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 17th
7:11.429 - 8:15.609: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 7 ( 1:04.179)
8:13.351 - 8:15.609: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Jack Gatland | Active for 11th
8:05.382 - 8:15.710: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha passed Carson West | Eyespec for 18th
7:11.710 - 8:16.742: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 7 ( 1:05.031)
8:14.539 - 8:16.742: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Jack Gatland | Active for 12th
8:15.929 - 8:17.570: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 4th
7:05.734 - 8:17.656: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 7 ( 1:11.921)
8:16.437 - 8:18.226: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 5th
7:10.304 - 8:22.703: rush finished lap 7 ( 1:12.398)
7:23.640 - 8:27.070: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:03.429)
8:11.781 - 8:27.398: seth crotty | Boot's House went off the track
7:28.484 - 8:32.843: Bryce Whealon finished lap 8 ( 1:04.359)
7:26.945 - 8:34.539: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 7 ( 1:07.593)
7:10.015 - 8:43.101: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 7 ( 1:33.085)
7:36.390 - 8:49.218: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 8 ( 1:12.828)
8:48.195 - 8:50.929: Jared Gumeson passed Carson West | Eyespec and Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 18th
7:45.648 - 8:53.429: Jared Gumeson finished lap 7 ( 1:07.781)
7:46.765 - 8:54.609: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 8 ( 1:07.843)
7:55.101 - 8:58.890: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:03.789)
7:55.718 - 9:00.015: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 8 ( 1:04.296)
7:20.757 - 9:05.906: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 7 ( 1:45.148)
7:49.781 - 9:05.968: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 8 ( 1:16.187)
7:50.851 - 9:06.718: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 8 ( 1:15.867)
7:35.218 - 9:08.328: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 7 ( 1:33.109)
8:04.671 - 9:09.304: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 8 ( 1:04.632)
9:08.328 - 9:10.937: Carson West | Eyespec passed Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha for 19th
8:07.375 - 9:14.023: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 8 ( 1:06.648)
8:09.093 - 9:18.921: Alec Zellner finished lap 8 ( 1:09.828)
8:15.609 - 9:19.453: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 8 ( 1:03.843)
8:16.742 - 9:23.054: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 8 ( 1:06.312)
8:17.656 - 9:25.210: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 8 ( 1:07.554)
8:27.070 - 9:34.117: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:07.046)
8:32.843 - 9:36.007: Bryce Whealon finished lap 9 ( 1:03.164)
8:34.539 - 9:41.507: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 8 ( 1:06.968)
8:43.101 - 9:48.140: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 8 ( 1:05.039)
9:51.195 - 9:53.195: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 11th
8:49.218 - 9:53.648: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 9 ( 1:04.429)
9:52.195 - 9:54.195: Jack Gatland | Active passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 12th
8:54.609 - 9:58.984: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 9 ( 1:04.375)
8:58.890 - 10:04.390: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:05.500)
9:00.015 - 10:05.906: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 9 ( 1:05.890)
10:05.000 - 10:06.125: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 7th
9:05.968 - 10:11.898: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 9 ( 1:05.929)
8:53.429 - 10:12.218: Jared Gumeson finished lap 8 ( 1:18.789)
9:08.328 - 10:13.125: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 8 ( 1:04.796)
9:09.304 - 10:15.742: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 9 ( 1:06.437)
9:06.718 - 10:16.375: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 9 ( 1:09.656)
10:15.617 - 10:18.250: Carson West | Eyespec passed Jared Gumeson for 17th
10:19.671 - 10:20.671: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Jack Gatland | Active for 12th
9:14.023 - 10:22.117: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 9 ( 1:08.093)
9:18.921 - 10:25.085: Alec Zellner finished lap 9 ( 1:06.164)
9:23.054 - 10:29.562: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 9 ( 1:06.507)
9:19.453 - 10:29.960: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 9 ( 1:10.507)
9:25.210 - 10:30.664: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 9 ( 1:05.453)
10:29.218 - 10:31.468: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Frank Jackson | PhUG for 6th
9:05.906 - 10:32.398: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 8 ( 1:26.492)
10:17.843 - 10:32.937: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs went off the track
10:33.632 - 10:34.437: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 7th
10:35.156 - 10:35.867: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 11th
9:34.117 - 10:37.070: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:02.953)
10:35.937 - 10:38.382: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 11th
9:36.007 - 10:38.835: Bryce Whealon finished lap 10 ( 1:02.828)
10:44.539 - 10:47.070: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 8th
10:45.890 - 10:47.164: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 11th
10:46.609 - 10:48.625: Alec Zellner passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 9th
9:41.507 - 10:49.640: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 9 ( 1:08.132)
10:48.257 - 10:51.195: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 11th
9:48.140 - 10:54.265: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 9 ( 1:06.125)
9:53.648 - 10:58.500: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 10 ( 1:04.851)
10:57.085 - 10:59.054: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 10th
9:58.984 - 11:04.265: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 10 ( 1:05.281)
10:05.906 - 11:11.046: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 10 ( 1:05.140)
11:00.671 - 11:12.632: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs went off the track
10:11.898 - 11:16.859: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 10 ( 1:04.960)
10:13.125 - 11:19.687: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 9 ( 1:06.562)
10:16.375 - 11:21.656: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 10 ( 1:05.281)
10:15.742 - 11:22.585: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 10 ( 1:06.843)
10:12.218 - 11:24.914: Jared Gumeson finished lap 9 ( 1:12.695)
11:25.835 - 11:27.265: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 11th
10:22.117 - 11:29.781: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 10 ( 1:07.664)
11:28.679 - 11:31.164: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 6th
11:29.570 - 11:31.226: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 11th
10:25.085 - 11:32.554: Alec Zellner finished lap 10 ( 1:07.468)
10:29.960 - 11:34.570: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 10 ( 1:04.609)
11:32.953 - 11:40.414: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe went off the track
10:29.562 - 11:40.414: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 10 ( 1:10.851)
11:33.257 - 11:40.757: Jack Gatland | Active went off the track
10:30.664 - 11:40.757: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 10 ( 1:10.093)
10:38.835 - 11:41.867: Bryce Whealon finished lap 11 ( 1:03.031)
10:04.390 - 11:45.742: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:41.351)
11:43.515 - 11:46.101: Jack Gatland | Active passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 11th
10:37.070 - 11:47.328: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:10.257)
11:49.921 - 11:52.414: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 13th
11:43.359 - 11:55.257: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha went off the track
10:49.640 - 11:57.007: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 10 ( 1:07.367)
11:55.257 - 11:59.554: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha went off the track
10:58.500 - 12:01.671: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 11 ( 1:03.171)
10:54.265 - 12:06.382: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 10 ( 1:12.117)
10:32.398 - 12:07.773: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 9 ( 1:35.375)
11:53.648 - 12:08.828: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs went off the track
11:04.265 - 12:10.437: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 11 ( 1:06.171)
11:11.046 - 12:17.179: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 11 ( 1:06.132)
12:15.570 - 12:17.554: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 12th
11:16.859 - 12:21.453: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 11 ( 1:04.593)
11:19.687 - 12:23.867: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 10 ( 1:04.179)
11:22.585 - 12:26.992: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 11 ( 1:04.406)
12:25.164 - 12:29.570: Seth Shirley | Takatoji went off the track
11:21.656 - 12:29.929: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 11 ( 1:08.273)
12:28.578 - 12:30.898: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Jack Gatland | Active for 11th
12:29.554 - 12:31.937: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Jack Gatland | Active for 12th
11:29.781 - 12:37.054: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 11 ( 1:07.273)
11:34.570 - 12:39.734: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 11 ( 1:05.164)
11:32.554 - 12:40.593: Alec Zellner finished lap 11 ( 1:08.039)
11:24.914 - 12:47.218: Jared Gumeson finished lap 10 ( 1:22.304)
11:45.742 - 12:52.687: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:06.945)
11:41.867 - 12:54.539: Bryce Whealon finished lap 12 ( 1:12.671)
11:40.414 - 12:54.937: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 11 ( 1:14.523)
12:54.406 - 12:56.171: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Brett Powers | Team Rogan for 14th
11:40.757 - 12:57.851: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 11 ( 1:17.093)
11:47.328 - 13:03.851: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:16.523)
11:57.007 - 13:04.921: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 11 ( 1:07.914)
12:01.671 - 13:06.406: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 12 ( 1:04.734)
13:04.976 - 13:07.226: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 7th
12:06.382 - 13:12.429: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 11 ( 1:06.046)
13:11.218 - 13:13.507: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed seth crotty | Boot's House for 8th
12:10.437 - 13:15.304: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 12 ( 1:04.867)
13:10.757 - 13:18.835: Jared Gumeson went off the track
12:07.773 - 13:23.335: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 10 ( 1:15.562)
12:17.179 - 13:24.687: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 12 ( 1:07.507)
12:21.453 - 13:27.460: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 12 ( 1:06.007)
12:23.867 - 13:29.703: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 11 ( 1:05.835)
12:26.992 - 13:33.367: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 12 ( 1:06.375)
13:41.031 - 13:42.734: Jack Gatland | Active passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 12th
12:37.054 - 13:42.742: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 12 ( 1:05.687)
12:39.734 - 13:43.039: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 12 ( 1:03.304)
13:35.429 - 13:44.757: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha went off the track
12:29.929 - 13:45.429: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 12 ( 1:15.500)
13:46.664 - 13:48.273: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 13th
13:49.984 - 13:54.664: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 7th
13:51.359 - 13:54.687: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 8th
12:40.593 - 13:54.828: Alec Zellner finished lap 12 ( 1:14.234)
12:47.218 - 13:56.609: Jared Gumeson finished lap 11 ( 1:09.390)
12:52.687 - 13:56.945: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:04.257)
13:54.687 - 13:57.164: seth crotty | Boot's House passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 7th
12:54.539 - 13:58.062: Bryce Whealon finished lap 13 ( 1:03.523)
13:57.578 - 14:00.437: Frank Jackson | PhUG passed Elliot Persson | Eyespec for 5th
13:57.695 - 14:02.359: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 8th
12:57.851 - 14:03.562: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 12 ( 1:05.710)
13:03.851 - 14:08.382: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:04.531)
14:06.437 - 14:09.132: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Alec Zellner for 10th
12:54.937 - 14:09.867: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 12 ( 1:14.929)
13:04.921 - 14:10.718: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 12 ( 1:05.796)
14:11.257 - 14:14.085: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 8th
13:06.406 - 14:18.851: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 13 ( 1:12.445)
14:16.460 - 14:19.328: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 9th
14:05.796 - 14:19.914: Casey Cochran | PHUG went off the track
13:15.304 - 14:23.320: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 13 ( 1:08.015)
14:23.281 - 14:25.742: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 8th
13:24.687 - 14:28.570: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 13 ( 1:03.882)
13:12.429 - 14:30.437: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 12 ( 1:18.007)
14:29.226 - 14:35.406: Frank Jackson | PhUG went off the track
13:33.367 - 14:40.523: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 13 ( 1:07.156)
14:36.304 - 14:41.781: Alec Zellner went off the track
13:27.460 - 14:44.578: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 13 ( 1:17.117)
13:29.703 - 14:45.304: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 12 ( 1:15.601)
13:23.335 - 14:48.507: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 11 ( 1:25.171)
13:45.429 - 14:52.453: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 13 ( 1:07.023)
14:54.515 - 14:56.437: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 7th
13:43.039 - 15:03.703: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 13 ( 1:20.664)
13:56.945 - 15:03.828: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:06.882)
13:42.742 - 15:06.546: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 13 ( 1:23.804)
14:03.562 - 15:09.039: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 13 ( 1:05.476)
13:58.062 - 15:10.125: Bryce Whealon finished lap 14 ( 1:12.062)
13:54.828 - 15:10.585: Alec Zellner finished lap 13 ( 1:15.757)
14:08.382 - 15:12.882: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:04.500)
15:03.125 - 15:13.765: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha went off the track
14:09.867 - 15:15.171: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 13 ( 1:05.304)
13:56.609 - 15:16.351: Jared Gumeson finished lap 12 ( 1:19.742)
14:10.718 - 15:20.968: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 13 ( 1:10.250)
15:21.554 - 15:24.539: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 8th
14:18.851 - 15:25.164: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 14 ( 1:06.312)
15:24.476 - 15:29.109: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha went off the track
14:23.320 - 15:30.742: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 14 ( 1:07.421)
14:28.570 - 15:31.429: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 14 ( 1:02.859)
15:29.460 - 15:31.554: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 9th
14:30.437 - 15:34.515: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 13 ( 1:04.078)
15:36.671 - 15:39.335: Alec Zellner passed Jack Gatland | Active for 11th
15:37.187 - 15:39.804: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Jack Gatland | Active for 12th
15:39.476 - 15:41.789: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Jack Gatland | Active for 13th
15:36.984 - 15:42.296: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem went off the track
15:41.773 - 15:43.953: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Alec Zellner and Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 10th
15:41.632 - 15:44.226: Alec Zellner passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 11th
15:43.726 - 15:45.937: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 12th
14:40.523 - 15:46.484: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 14 ( 1:05.960)
14:44.578 - 15:49.960: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 14 ( 1:05.382)
14:52.453 - 15:58.171: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 14 ( 1:05.718)
15:57.242 - 16:00.054: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug passed Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem for 3rd
14:45.304 - 16:01.242: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 13 ( 1:15.937)
15:03.828 - 16:08.273: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:04.445)
16:00.062 - 16:09.726: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug for 3rd
16:06.265 - 16:12.406: Carson West | Eyespec went off the track
15:06.546 - 16:16.734: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 14 ( 1:10.187)
15:12.882 - 16:16.906: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:04.023)
14:48.507 - 16:18.000: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 12 ( 1:29.492)
15:10.585 - 16:19.171: Alec Zellner finished lap 14 ( 1:08.585)
15:15.171 - 16:20.164: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 14 ( 1:04.992)
15:03.703 - 16:21.687: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 14 ( 1:17.984)
15:10.125 - 16:22.257: Bryce Whealon finished lap 15 ( 1:12.132)
16:22.171 - 16:22.976: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports for 9th
15:09.039 - 16:26.132: Jack Gatland | Active finished lap 14 ( 1:17.093)
16:26.000 - 16:28.414: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Alec Zellner for 10th
16:24.125 - 16:30.726: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha went off the track
15:25.164 - 16:33.054: Johnny Podonyi | Tscz Production finished lap 15 ( 1:07.890)
16:30.734 - 16:33.562: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports and Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 9th
16:31.039 - 16:33.898: Alec Zellner passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports and Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 10th
16:32.187 - 16:34.968: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports and Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 11th
15:16.351 - 16:35.070: Jared Gumeson finished lap 13 ( 1:18.718)
15:20.968 - 16:39.226: Brett Powers | Team Rogan finished lap 14 ( 1:18.257)
15:34.515 - 16:42.531: Casey Cochran | PHUG finished lap 14 ( 1:08.015)
15:30.742 - 16:46.664: Austin Schafer | Metal Mulisha #team gulliem finished lap 15 ( 1:15.921)
15:31.429 - 16:48.242: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x phug finished lap 15 ( 1:16.812)
16:48.617 - 16:50.578: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Alec Zellner and Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe for 9th
15:46.484 - 16:52.875: Frank Jackson | PhUG finished lap 15 ( 1:06.390)
16:54.835 - 16:58.023: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Alec Zellner for 11th
15:49.960 - 17:03.359: Elliot Persson | Eyespec finished lap 15 ( 1:13.398)
15:58.171 - 17:13.304: seth crotty | Boot's House finished lap 15 ( 1:15.132)
17:18.921 - 17:20.078: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 8th
16:08.273 - 17:24.726: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 15 ( 1:16.453)
17:22.757 - 17:24.726: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 8th
16:21.687 - 17:24.890: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 15 ( 1:03.203)
16:01.242 - 17:26.953: Carson West | Eyespec finished lap 14 ( 1:25.710)
16:20.164 - 17:28.320: Noah McLaughlin | Faded than a hoe finished lap 15 ( 1:08.156)
16:16.906 - 17:28.890: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 15 ( 1:11.984)
16:18.000 - 17:38.460: Bronson McClure | Covenant x Metal Mulisha finished lap 13 ( 1:20.460)
16:19.171 - 17:43.562: Alec Zellner finished lap 15 ( 1:24.390)
16:16.734 - 17:43.570: Sonny Spicer | Finca Motorsports finished lap 15 ( 1:26.835)