MX Simulator
Track2022 Battlegrounds Offseason SX Rd 8 - Las Vegas, NV - Race Version
Format 15 minutes, 1 laps
Date1/11/2023, 3:50:55 AM (775 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
132Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs 250sxf(2018)14 17:39.21813 1:16.49219311
2427Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions 250sxf(2018)14 17:43.0463 1:16.28125763
3126Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | 250sxf(2018)14 17:44.6259 1:15.67930293
4441Seth Shirley | Takatoji 250sxf(2018)14 17:51.9768 1:15.51531547
55Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House 250sxf(2018)14 17:54.9296 1:16.88222612
61Bryce Whealon 250sxf(2018)14 18:09.55414 1:14.92911838
7316austin schafer | team D 250sxf(2018)14 18:14.6099 1:17.14836799
871seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew 250sxf(2018)14 18:21.4538 1:17.57020073
940Brett Powers | WildSide 250sxf(2018)14 18:30.6876 1:19.1952642
10182Talan Zollers | Covenant 250sxf(2018)14 18:35.3598 1:18.48434198
1128Frank Jackson | Phil's 250sxf(2018)14 18:42.30410 1:17.52312581
12312Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs 250sxf(2018)14 18:54.75714 1:16.87523379
13351Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 250sxf(2018)14 19:17.5078 1:17.63224272
14317Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House 250sxf(2018)13 17:45.4293 1:20.35931857
151Guillem Farres 250sxf(2018)13 17:52.9844 1:19.16434010
1645Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's 250sxf(2018)13 17:57.1258 1:15.58528509
17189Tristan Powell | Braxton 250sxf(2018)13 18:08.3903 1:18.92932796
18137Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl 250sxf(2018)13 18:18.09312 1:19.46834325
19486coon magoon | eyespec 250sxf(2018)13 18:44.6019 1:20.17942576
20111Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team 250sxf(2018)12 18:13.01511 1:22.26534681
21131Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix 250sxf(2018)10 13:39.0784 1:18.92121854
2268Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs 250sxf(2018)7 9:30.9922 1:21.59336809

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14
P1 1 1 1 427 427 427 427 427 427 427 427 427 126 126
P2 32 32 32 1 32 32 32 32 32 126 126 126 32 32
P3 126 441 441 32 441 441 441 441 126 32 32 32 427 427
P4 441 427 427 441 182 182 5 126 441 1 1 5 5 441
P5 427 316 126 126 126 5 126 5 1 441 5 441 441 5
P6 316 182 182 182 71 1 1 1 5 5 316 316 316 1
P7 182 126 131 131 5 126 182 182 316 182 441 1 1 316
P8 111 131 316 71 131 316 316 316 182 316 182 182 71 71
P9 5 5 137 5 1 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 182 40
P10 131 137 68 137 137 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 182
P11 137 71 71 316 316 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 28
P12 68 68 5 40 68 189 189 28 28 28 28 28 28 312
P13 71 40 189 68 40 45 1 45 45 45 45 45 312 351
P14 40 45 45 317 45 1 28 189 1 317 317 312 317
P15 312 189 40 1 1 131 486 1 317 312 312 1 1
P16 45 486 317 45 351 486 45 317 131 131 1 317 45
P17 189 317 486 189 189 137 317 131 312 1 189 189 189
P18 28 351 1 351 486 68 68 312 189 486 486 137 137
P19 351 111 312 486 28 317 312 486 486 189 137 486 486
P20 317 1 351 312 317 28 131 137 137 137 111 111
P21 486 312 111 28 312 312 137 111 111 111
P22 1 28 28 111 111 111 111

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:14.929 14 1 Bryce Whealon
1:15.515 8 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:15.585 8 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's
1:15.679 9 126 Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |
1:15.765 13 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:15.851 3 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:16.031 12 126 Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |
1:16.148 2 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:16.281 3 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:16.312 7 126 Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |
1:16.320 10 126 Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |
1:16.343 5 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:16.453 8 126 Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |
1:16.453 12 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:16.484 10 1 Bryce Whealon
1:16.492 13 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:16.765 14 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:16.835 8 1 Bryce Whealon
1:16.875 14 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:16.882 6 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:16.937 3 1 Bryce Whealon
1:16.960 5 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:16.968 3 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:17.148 9 316 austin schafer | team D
1:17.187 5 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:17.187 8 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:17.234 2 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:17.281 4 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:17.296 8 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:17.476 7 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:17.515 11 126 Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |
1:17.523 10 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:17.546 5 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:17.570 8 71 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
1:17.632 8 351 Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43
1:17.632 9 71 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
1:17.687 14 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:17.687 11 316 austin schafer | team D
1:17.687 11 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:17.718 13 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:17.726 4 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:17.734 7 316 austin schafer | team D
1:17.765 6 1 Bryce Whealon
1:17.804 7 71 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
1:17.804 9 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:17.945 2 316 austin schafer | team D
1:17.953 7 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:18.007 12 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:18.007 6 316 austin schafer | team D
1:18.062 2 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:18.078 6 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:18.085 4 71 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
1:18.140 7 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:18.179 9 1 Bryce Whealon
1:18.179 8 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:18.234 12 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:18.398 9 351 Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43
1:18.453 13 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:18.468 6 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:18.484 8 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
1:18.484 7 1 Bryce Whealon
1:18.546 9 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:18.664 10 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:18.671 12 316 austin schafer | team D
1:18.687 6 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:18.726 13 126 Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |
1:18.726 8 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:18.734 10 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's
1:18.812 2 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
1:18.898 5 71 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
1:18.921 4 131 Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
1:18.929 3 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
1:18.937 12 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:19.015 11 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:19.101 7 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:19.164 4 1 Guillem Farres
1:19.164 10 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:19.179 6 351 Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43
1:19.179 9 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:19.195 6 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:19.296 14 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:19.304 10 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:19.328 5 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's
1:19.335 11 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:19.382 2 71 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
1:19.406 9 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:19.468 12 137 Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl
1:19.484 11 1 Bryce Whealon
1:19.500 3 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
1:19.617 11 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:19.703 4 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:19.726 5 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
1:19.757 14 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:19.859 7 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:19.906 5 351 Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43
1:20.132 8 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:20.132 9 1 Guillem Farres
1:20.164 3 1 Guillem Farres
1:20.179 9 486 coon magoon | eyespec
1:20.187 6 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
1:20.265 9 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
1:20.296 5 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:20.359 3 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:20.421 10 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:20.507 9 131 Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
1:20.523 3 137 Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl
1:20.539 4 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
1:20.578 9 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:20.671 3 131 Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
1:20.671 11 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
1:20.703 10 486 coon magoon | eyespec
1:20.726 2 1 Guillem Farres
1:20.828 4 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:20.843 11 1 Guillem Farres
1:20.968 5 137 Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl
1:21.023 2 131 Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
1:21.109 3 71 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
1:21.171 5 1 Guillem Farres
1:21.335 10 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:21.351 6 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:21.460 14 71 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
1:21.546 8 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:21.593 2 68 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
1:21.703 11 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:21.757 5 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
1:21.789 2 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's
1:21.828 6 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
1:21.921 2 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:21.945 7 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:22.023 10 316 austin schafer | team D
1:22.046 5 131 Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
1:22.265 11 111 Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team
1:22.382 12 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:22.531 13 71 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
1:22.601 7 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:22.617 2 137 Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl
1:22.734 12 1 Guillem Farres
1:22.757 9 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:22.820 14 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:22.843 2 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:22.984 2 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
1:23.007 5 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:23.398 13 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:23.453 10 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
1:23.460 2 126 Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |
1:23.570 13 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:23.601 6 126 Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |
1:23.812 4 137 Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl
1:24.203 13 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:24.242 12 486 coon magoon | eyespec
1:24.250 13 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
1:24.781 5 126 Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |
1:24.796 3 486 coon magoon | eyespec
1:24.953 4 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:25.148 11 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:25.351 4 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:25.421 11 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:25.625 13 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:25.664 3 351 Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43
1:25.765 3 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:25.921 10 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:25.945 10 351 Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43
1:26.031 7 351 Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43
1:26.101 3 316 austin schafer | team D
1:26.375 7 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:26.375 3 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:26.468 4 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's
1:26.554 9 111 Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team
1:26.742 2 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:26.804 12 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:26.820 6 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:26.914 12 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:27.000 11 137 Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl
1:27.054 10 131 Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
1:27.140 14 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
1:27.164 13 1 Bryce Whealon
1:27.171 12 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:27.382 7 486 coon magoon | eyespec
1:27.570 7 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
1:27.632 8 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:27.718 11 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:28.093 4 486 coon magoon | eyespec
1:28.351 2 351 Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43
1:28.375 6 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:28.617 4 111 Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team
1:28.656 6 71 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
1:28.664 4 316 austin schafer | team D
1:28.835 13 1 Guillem Farres
1:28.992 7 68 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
1:29.281 3 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:29.546 13 137 Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl
1:29.804 4 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
1:29.976 6 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's
1:30.171 7 111 Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team
1:30.171 11 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
1:30.921 12 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
1:31.250 13 316 austin schafer | team D
1:31.625 10 111 Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team
1:32.367 6 486 coon magoon | eyespec
1:33.023 4 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:33.031 5 1 Bryce Whealon
1:33.312 13 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
1:33.617 8 1 Guillem Farres
1:33.687 2 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:33.734 10 1 Guillem Farres
1:33.906 12 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
1:34.695 7 137 Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl
1:35.015 8 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
1:36.250 5 111 Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team
1:36.382 7 131 Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
1:36.390 7 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's
1:38.000 8 486 coon magoon | eyespec
1:39.703 2 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:42.242 5 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:51.460 6 111 Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team

Individual Worst Laps

1:24.781 5 126 Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |
1:25.765 3 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:25.921 10 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
1:26.375 3 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:26.914 12 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
1:28.218 9 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
1:28.656 6 71 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
1:31.250 13 316 austin schafer | team D
1:33.312 13 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
1:33.687 2 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:33.734 10 1 Guillem Farres
1:34.687 12 1 Bryce Whealon
1:35.015 8 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
1:39.703 2 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
1:40.203 13 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's
1:42.242 5 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
1:43.515 6 68 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
1:48.335 6 137 Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl
1:50.570 6 131 Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
1:51.562 14 351 Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43
1:52.718 13 486 coon magoon | eyespec
1:52.820 12 111 Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.822 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
2.756 5 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
2.860 32 Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs
3.042 126 Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |
3.257 427 Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions
3.550 71 seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew
4.412 441 Seth Shirley | Takatoji
4.519 316 austin schafer | team D
4.693 182 Talan Zollers | Covenant
5.249 189 Tristan Powell | Braxton
5.388 1 Guillem Farres
5.716 317 Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
6.130 312 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
6.229 28 Frank Jackson | Phil's
6.455 1 Bryce Whealon
7.266 45 Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's
7.900 137 Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl
8.244 68 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
9.126 351 Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43
9.166 111 Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team
9.882 131 Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
10.836 486 coon magoon | eyespec

Play by Play

Bryce Whealon takes the holeshot followed by Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |, Seth Shirley | Takatoji, Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's, Frank Jackson | Phil's, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Brett Powers | WildSide, seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, coon magoon | eyespec, Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs, Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43, Talan Zollers | Covenant, Guillem Farres , Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix, Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team, Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House, austin schafer | team D, Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions, Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House and Tristan Powell | Braxton

0:06.046 - 0:07.828: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 3rd
0:06.328 - 0:07.867: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed coon magoon | eyespec, seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 5th
0:06.429 - 0:08.359: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed coon magoon | eyespec, seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 6th
0:06.976 - 0:08.359: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43, Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team, Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl, Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix, coon magoon | eyespec, Guillem Farres , seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 6th
0:06.531 - 0:08.671: Guillem Farres passed coon magoon | eyespec, seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 8th
0:05.710 - 0:08.835: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | went off the track
0:07.867 - 0:08.875: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 4th
0:06.953 - 0:09.015: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team, Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix, coon magoon | eyespec, seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 9th
0:07.445 - 0:09.015: austin schafer | team D passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team, Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl, Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix, coon magoon | eyespec, seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 9th
0:06.937 - 0:09.171: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix, coon magoon | eyespec, seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 11th
0:06.101 - 0:09.351: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
0:06.445 - 0:09.703: Talan Zollers | Covenant went off the track
0:08.875 - 0:09.718: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 3rd
0:08.046 - 0:09.781: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix, coon magoon | eyespec, seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 12th
0:08.976 - 0:09.968: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 4th
0:08.664 - 0:10.156: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix, coon magoon | eyespec, seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 13th
0:09.375 - 0:10.343: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 7th
0:08.945 - 0:10.578: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix, coon magoon | eyespec, seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 14th
0:09.765 - 0:10.750: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Talan Zollers | Covenant for 9th
0:09.921 - 0:10.937: Guillem Farres passed Talan Zollers | Covenant for 10th
0:06.718 - 0:10.968: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed coon magoon | eyespec, seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 15th
0:10.250 - 0:12.976: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs and Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 4th
0:10.015 - 0:13.039: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 5th
0:10.750 - 0:13.250: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Brett Powers | WildSide and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 6th
0:10.515 - 0:13.359: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 7th
0:10.343 - 0:13.546: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 8th
0:10.960 - 0:13.593: Talan Zollers | Covenant passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs and Guillem Farres for 9th
0:10.937 - 0:13.765: Guillem Farres passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 10th
0:11.609 - 0:14.148: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and austin schafer | team D for 11th
0:11.492 - 0:14.257: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs and austin schafer | team D for 12th
0:11.195 - 0:14.304: austin schafer | team D passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 13th
0:11.882 - 0:14.468: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 14th
0:06.265 - 0:14.734: coon magoon | eyespec passed seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew for 17th
0:12.351 - 0:15.054: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 15th
0:12.804 - 0:15.312: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 16th
0:13.039 - 0:15.453: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 4th
0:14.734 - 0:15.640: coon magoon | eyespec passed Frank Jackson | Phil's for 19th
0:13.250 - 0:15.773: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 5th
0:13.328 - 0:15.789: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 17th
0:13.359 - 0:16.007: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 6th
0:06.148 - 0:16.304: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
0:13.593 - 0:16.414: Talan Zollers | Covenant passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 7th
0:14.148 - 0:16.437: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team passed Guillem Farres , Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 8th
0:15.773 - 0:16.859: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 3rd
0:14.257 - 0:16.859: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Guillem Farres , Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 9th
0:14.468 - 0:16.914: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions passed Guillem Farres , austin schafer | team D, Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 10th
0:13.546 - 0:17.195: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 11th
0:16.414 - 0:17.539: Talan Zollers | Covenant passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 5th
0:14.304 - 0:17.617: austin schafer | team D passed Guillem Farres and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 12th
0:16.859 - 0:17.953: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 7th
0:15.312 - 0:18.015: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House, Guillem Farres and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 13th
0:15.054 - 0:18.062: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Guillem Farres and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 14th
0:15.789 - 0:18.484: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Guillem Farres and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 15th
0:13.765 - 0:18.851: Guillem Farres passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 16th
0:16.882 - 0:19.007: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 3rd
0:18.062 - 0:19.117: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 12th
0:16.625 - 0:19.148: coon magoon | eyespec passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 18th
0:16.812 - 0:19.273: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 19th
0:17.125 - 0:19.367: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 20th
0:13.859 - 0:19.679: Seth Shirley | Takatoji went off the track
0:18.851 - 0:19.789: Guillem Farres passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 14th
0:17.664 - 0:20.039: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 21st
0:17.984 - 0:20.187: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 8th
0:19.148 - 0:21.203: coon magoon | eyespec passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 17th
0:18.664 - 0:21.234: austin schafer | team D passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 11th
0:19.273 - 0:21.648: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 18th
0:19.367 - 0:21.726: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 19th
0:20.031 - 0:22.125: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Guillem Farres and Tristan Powell | Braxton for 14th
0:20.039 - 0:22.148: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 20th
0:19.789 - 0:22.156: Guillem Farres passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 15th
0:20.382 - 0:23.242: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team, Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Talan Zollers | Covenant for 7th
0:20.351 - 0:23.523: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team and Talan Zollers | Covenant for 8th
0:22.914 - 0:23.945: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 5th
0:23.242 - 0:24.460: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 6th
0:23.890 - 0:24.992: Talan Zollers | Covenant passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Brett Powers | WildSide for 7th
0:23.953 - 0:25.125: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Brett Powers | WildSide for 8th
0:22.125 - 0:25.273: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 13th
0:24.328 - 0:25.570: austin schafer | team D passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Brett Powers | WildSide for 9th
0:24.687 - 0:25.796: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Brett Powers | WildSide for 10th
0:25.273 - 0:26.460: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Brett Powers | WildSide for 11th
0:23.523 - 0:27.578: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 12th
0:24.750 - 0:28.078: coon magoon | eyespec passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House, Guillem Farres and Tristan Powell | Braxton for 14th
0:22.156 - 0:28.367: Guillem Farres passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 15th
0:25.039 - 0:28.429: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House and Tristan Powell | Braxton for 16th
0:22.187 - 0:28.609: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 17th
0:25.125 - 0:28.921: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team passed Talan Zollers | Covenant for 7th
0:25.718 - 0:29.039: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 18th
0:25.570 - 0:29.203: austin schafer | team D passed Talan Zollers | Covenant for 8th
0:28.609 - 0:29.507: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Brett Powers | WildSide, coon magoon | eyespec, Guillem Farres and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 13th
0:26.132 - 0:29.640: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 19th
0:28.429 - 0:29.687: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Brett Powers | WildSide, coon magoon | eyespec and Guillem Farres for 14th
0:29.039 - 0:30.156: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Brett Powers | WildSide, coon magoon | eyespec and Guillem Farres for 15th
0:27.921 - 0:30.289: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 3rd
0:26.187 - 0:30.632: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | went off the track
0:27.882 - 0:30.929: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 20th
0:29.640 - 0:30.968: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed coon magoon | eyespec and Guillem Farres for 17th
0:28.742 - 0:31.046: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 4th
0:00.000 - 0:31.359: Bryce Whealon finished lap 1 ( 0:31.359)
0:28.187 - 0:31.484: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 21st
0:29.203 - 0:31.835: austin schafer | team D passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 and Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 5th
0:28.921 - 0:32.179: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 6th
0:30.929 - 0:32.187: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed coon magoon | eyespec and Guillem Farres for 18th
0:29.234 - 0:32.281: Talan Zollers | Covenant passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 7th
0:31.484 - 0:32.304: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed coon magoon | eyespec and Guillem Farres for 19th
0:00.000 - 0:32.375: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:32.375)
0:29.976 - 0:32.671: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 8th
0:00.000 - 0:32.914: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 1 ( 0:32.914)
0:30.875 - 0:33.351: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 9th
0:30.156 - 0:33.593: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Tristan Powell | Braxton and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 13th
0:32.960 - 0:34.093: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Guillem Farres for 21st
0:31.656 - 0:34.234: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 10th
0:32.281 - 0:34.328: Talan Zollers | Covenant passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 7th
0:00.000 - 0:34.890: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 1 ( 0:34.890)
0:00.000 - 0:35.617: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 1 ( 0:35.617)
0:33.593 - 0:35.859: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 11th
0:00.000 - 0:36.359: austin schafer | team D finished lap 1 ( 0:36.359)
0:33.765 - 0:36.367: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 12th
0:00.000 - 0:36.781: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 1 ( 0:36.781)
0:00.000 - 0:36.828: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team finished lap 1 ( 0:36.828)
0:00.000 - 0:37.507: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 1 ( 0:37.507)
0:00.000 - 0:38.109: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix finished lap 1 ( 0:38.109)
0:34.093 - 0:38.445: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed coon magoon | eyespec for 20th
0:00.000 - 0:38.835: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 1 ( 0:38.835)
0:37.843 - 0:40.117: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43, Brett Powers | WildSide, Tristan Powell | Braxton and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 13th
0:37.765 - 0:40.523: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43, Tristan Powell | Braxton and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 14th
0:37.507 - 0:40.554: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 8th
0:00.000 - 0:40.843: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:40.843)
0:36.851 - 0:40.960: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 and Tristan Powell | Braxton for 15th
0:36.492 - 0:41.000: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 16th
0:38.109 - 0:41.390: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 9th
0:38.835 - 0:42.296: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 10th
0:00.000 - 0:42.476: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 1 ( 0:42.476)
0:00.000 - 0:43.281: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 1 ( 0:43.281)
0:41.078 - 0:43.500: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 15th
0:42.039 - 0:43.593: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43, Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 16th
0:41.812 - 0:43.656: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 17th
0:40.843 - 0:44.234: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 11th
0:00.000 - 0:44.562: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:44.562)
0:43.593 - 0:44.562: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 15th
0:00.000 - 0:44.617: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 1 ( 0:44.617)
0:43.656 - 0:44.617: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 16th
0:00.000 - 0:45.023: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 1 ( 0:45.023)
0:00.000 - 0:45.234: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 0:45.234)
0:00.000 - 0:45.421: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 1 ( 0:45.421)
0:42.476 - 0:45.656: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 12th
0:00.000 - 0:46.171: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 1 ( 0:46.171)
0:43.281 - 0:46.476: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 13th
0:44.617 - 0:47.593: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 15th
0:00.000 - 0:50.585: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 1 ( 0:50.585)
0:48.601 - 0:52.656: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Tristan Powell | Braxton and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 16th
0:48.437 - 0:52.710: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs and Tristan Powell | Braxton for 17th
0:47.507 - 0:52.742: Guillem Farres went off the track
0:48.148 - 0:54.773: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 18th
0:49.632 - 0:55.187: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 19th
0:00.000 - 0:55.195: Guillem Farres finished lap 1 ( 0:55.195)
0:54.414 - 0:55.929: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 16th
0:55.351 - 0:56.750: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 19th
0:58.710 - 1:00.117: coon magoon | eyespec passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 20th
1:02.500 - 1:04.695: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Frank Jackson | Phil's for 16th
1:04.359 - 1:06.531: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Frank Jackson | Phil's for 17th
1:08.648 - 1:11.742: coon magoon | eyespec passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 18th
1:09.312 - 1:12.664: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 3rd
1:09.382 - 1:13.187: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 19th
1:11.093 - 1:14.164: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 4th
1:11.750 - 1:14.914: austin schafer | team D passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 5th
1:12.593 - 1:15.507: Talan Zollers | Covenant passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 6th
1:13.140 - 1:16.250: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 7th
1:13.921 - 1:17.023: Guillem Farres passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs and Frank Jackson | Phil's for 20th
1:15.812 - 1:19.062: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 15th
1:16.054 - 1:19.507: coon magoon | eyespec went off the track
1:17.273 - 1:19.671: austin schafer | team D passed Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions for 4th
1:18.507 - 1:21.531: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 11th
1:20.273 - 1:21.992: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 14th
1:20.789 - 1:22.570: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 15th
1:22.031 - 1:22.929: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions passed austin schafer | team D for 4th
1:22.570 - 1:26.507: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 14th
1:24.703 - 1:27.835: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 and Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 15th
1:23.632 - 1:28.718: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 16th
1:26.320 - 1:29.429: coon magoon | eyespec passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 17th
1:28.507 - 1:31.453: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 18th
1:34.250 - 1:36.117: coon magoon | eyespec passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 16th
1:40.382 - 1:44.898: Bryce Whealon went off the track
0:31.359 - 1:47.328: Bryce Whealon finished lap 2 ( 1:15.968)
0:32.375 - 1:49.609: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:17.234)
0:34.890 - 1:51.039: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 2 ( 1:16.148)
1:49.609 - 1:52.062: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 6th
0:35.617 - 1:53.679: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 2 ( 1:18.062)
0:36.359 - 1:54.304: austin schafer | team D finished lap 2 ( 1:17.945)
1:52.054 - 1:54.359: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 7th
0:36.781 - 1:55.593: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 2 ( 1:18.812)
0:32.914 - 1:56.375: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 2 ( 1:23.460)
0:38.109 - 1:59.132: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix finished lap 2 ( 1:21.023)
0:37.507 - 1:59.429: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 2 ( 1:21.921)
1:56.406 - 2:00.265: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team went off the track
0:38.835 - 2:01.453: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 2 ( 1:22.617)
0:42.476 - 2:01.859: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 2 ( 1:19.382)
0:40.843 - 2:02.437: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:21.593)
0:43.281 - 2:06.125: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 2 ( 1:22.843)
0:44.617 - 2:06.406: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 2 ( 1:21.789)
2:02.929 - 2:06.812: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Frank Jackson | Phil's for 20th
0:45.023 - 2:08.007: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 2 ( 1:22.984)
2:06.554 - 2:08.273: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 8th
0:50.585 - 2:08.867: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 2 ( 1:18.281)
2:05.390 - 2:09.234: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew for 11th
2:08.062 - 2:10.320: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 17th
2:09.312 - 2:11.312: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 18th
0:46.171 - 2:12.914: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 2 ( 1:26.742)
0:45.421 - 2:13.773: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 2 ( 1:28.351)
0:36.828 - 2:14.101: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team finished lap 2 ( 1:37.273)
2:13.093 - 2:15.382: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 11th
0:55.195 - 2:15.921: Guillem Farres finished lap 2 ( 1:20.726)
0:44.562 - 2:18.250: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:33.687)
0:45.234 - 2:24.937: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 1:39.703)
2:24.476 - 2:25.554: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Talan Zollers | Covenant for 6th
2:38.320 - 2:41.171: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 10th
2:41.187 - 2:43.578: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew for 10th
2:41.921 - 2:44.390: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 8th
2:43.578 - 2:46.031: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 9th
2:44.828 - 2:47.679: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 10th
2:44.429 - 2:47.867: Talan Zollers | Covenant passed austin schafer | team D for 5th
2:45.554 - 2:48.171: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 11th
2:43.320 - 2:48.953: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | went off the track
2:47.335 - 2:49.742: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 12th
2:47.617 - 2:50.054: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 13th
2:49.515 - 2:51.414: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 18th
2:50.281 - 2:51.492: Guillem Farres passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 19th
2:49.023 - 2:51.820: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed coon magoon | eyespec for 16th
2:52.804 - 2:54.289: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 20th
2:51.492 - 2:54.648: Guillem Farres passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 18th
2:53.796 - 2:55.507: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed austin schafer | team D for 7th
2:52.523 - 2:55.843: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew for 9th
2:54.289 - 2:57.078: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 19th
2:56.937 - 2:59.757: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 20th
1:47.328 - 3:04.265: Bryce Whealon finished lap 3 ( 1:16.937)
2:57.984 - 3:04.921: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's went off the track
1:49.609 - 3:06.578: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:16.968)
1:51.039 - 3:06.890: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 3 ( 1:15.851)
1:53.679 - 3:09.960: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 3 ( 1:16.281)
3:06.453 - 3:11.546: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs went off the track
3:08.023 - 3:11.585: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
1:56.375 - 3:13.804: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 3 ( 1:17.429)
3:01.460 - 3:14.867: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team went off the track
1:55.593 - 3:15.093: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 3 ( 1:19.500)
3:14.445 - 3:18.117: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's went off the track
1:59.132 - 3:19.804: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix finished lap 3 ( 1:20.671)
1:54.304 - 3:20.406: austin schafer | team D finished lap 3 ( 1:26.101)
3:18.757 - 3:21.203: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 12th
2:01.453 - 3:21.976: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 3 ( 1:20.523)
2:02.437 - 3:22.234: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:19.796)
3:19.734 - 3:22.390: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 13th
2:01.859 - 3:22.968: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 3 ( 1:21.109)
3:22.382 - 3:24.835: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
1:59.429 - 3:25.804: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 3 ( 1:26.375)
2:08.007 - 3:26.937: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 3 ( 1:18.929)
2:06.406 - 3:29.343: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 3 ( 1:22.937)
2:06.125 - 3:31.890: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 3 ( 1:25.765)
3:30.664 - 3:32.000: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 9th
2:12.914 - 3:33.273: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 3 ( 1:20.359)
2:08.867 - 3:33.664: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 3 ( 1:24.796)
3:32.000 - 3:34.234: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed austin schafer | team D for 8th
3:32.296 - 3:34.593: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed austin schafer | team D for 9th
3:32.992 - 3:35.242: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed austin schafer | team D for 10th
2:15.921 - 3:36.085: Guillem Farres finished lap 3 ( 1:20.164)
3:31.851 - 3:36.257: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team went off the track
2:18.250 - 3:36.695: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:18.445)
2:13.773 - 3:39.437: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 3 ( 1:25.664)
3:39.117 - 3:41.296: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 9th
3:39.179 - 3:42.367: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 3rd
3:42.460 - 3:45.710: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 4th
2:14.101 - 3:51.937: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team finished lap 3 ( 1:37.835)
2:24.937 - 3:54.218: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 1:29.281)
3:48.765 - 3:59.265: Bryce Whealon went off the track
3:59.664 - 4:02.062: coon magoon | eyespec passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 16th
3:59.984 - 4:02.687: austin schafer | team D passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 10th
4:02.117 - 4:03.148: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed coon magoon | eyespec for 16th
4:02.695 - 4:05.289: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed austin schafer | team D for 10th
4:00.273 - 4:05.648: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | went off the track
4:03.726 - 4:06.156: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed austin schafer | team D for 11th
4:06.523 - 4:08.671: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 8th
4:06.156 - 4:08.679: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 10th
4:05.585 - 4:08.835: Guillem Farres passed coon magoon | eyespec for 17th
4:06.054 - 4:09.250: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed coon magoon | eyespec for 18th
4:08.679 - 4:10.695: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 9th
4:08.828 - 4:11.046: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 10th
4:09.070 - 4:11.656: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed austin schafer | team D for 12th
4:09.398 - 4:11.890: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed austin schafer | team D for 13th
4:08.570 - 4:11.898: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed coon magoon | eyespec for 19th
4:11.656 - 4:14.031: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 11th
4:11.890 - 4:14.382: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 12th
4:12.328 - 4:14.414: austin schafer | team D passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 13th
4:20.343 - 4:22.742: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team for 21st
4:20.273 - 4:22.773: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for the lead
4:19.468 - 4:24.164: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
4:23.500 - 4:25.843: Bryce Whealon passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 2nd
4:23.984 - 4:26.429: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 3rd
3:09.960 - 4:27.242: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 4 ( 1:17.281)
4:26.906 - 4:28.835: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 11th
4:26.476 - 4:28.906: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 3rd
4:27.664 - 4:29.859: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 4th
3:04.265 - 4:30.656: Bryce Whealon finished lap 4 ( 1:26.390)
3:06.578 - 4:31.531: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:24.953)
3:06.890 - 4:32.242: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 4 ( 1:25.351)
3:13.804 - 4:33.515: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 4 ( 1:19.710)
3:15.093 - 4:35.632: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 4 ( 1:20.539)
4:35.257 - 4:37.218: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Guillem Farres for 17th
4:31.585 - 4:37.953: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
4:37.421 - 4:38.382: Guillem Farres passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 16th
3:19.804 - 4:38.726: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix finished lap 4 ( 1:18.921)
4:38.609 - 4:40.648: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Guillem Farres for 17th
3:22.968 - 4:41.054: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 4 ( 1:18.085)
4:39.820 - 4:41.476: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Bryce Whealon for 2nd
4:40.648 - 4:41.953: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Bryce Whealon for 3rd
3:25.804 - 4:43.531: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 4 ( 1:17.726)
4:40.664 - 4:43.625: Guillem Farres passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 17th
4:42.031 - 4:44.335: austin schafer | team D passed Tristan Powell | Braxton and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 11th
4:41.812 - 4:45.695: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 went off the track
3:21.976 - 4:45.789: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 4 ( 1:23.812)
4:44.382 - 4:47.031: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Tristan Powell | Braxton and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 12th
4:45.468 - 4:47.765: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Tristan Powell | Braxton and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 13th
3:20.406 - 4:49.070: austin schafer | team D finished lap 4 ( 1:28.664)
4:46.617 - 4:49.179: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Tristan Powell | Braxton and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 14th
4:48.187 - 4:50.515: Guillem Farres passed Tristan Powell | Braxton and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 15th
4:50.390 - 4:51.375: coon magoon | eyespec passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 19th
3:31.890 - 4:51.593: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 4 ( 1:19.703)
3:22.234 - 4:52.328: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:30.093)
3:33.273 - 4:54.101: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 4 ( 1:20.828)
3:36.085 - 4:55.250: Guillem Farres finished lap 4 ( 1:19.164)
3:29.343 - 4:55.812: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 4 ( 1:26.468)
3:26.937 - 4:56.742: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 4 ( 1:29.804)
3:39.437 - 4:57.070: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 4 ( 1:17.632)
4:55.453 - 5:00.031: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 12th
4:57.242 - 5:01.007: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 13th
4:57.250 - 5:01.093: Frank Jackson | Phil's went off the track
3:33.664 - 5:01.757: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 4 ( 1:28.093)
5:03.000 - 5:06.414: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Bryce Whealon for 4th
3:36.695 - 5:09.718: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:33.023)
5:09.234 - 5:11.875: Bryce Whealon passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 4th
3:54.218 - 5:12.390: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 1:18.171)
5:16.554 - 5:19.039: Talan Zollers | Covenant passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | and Bryce Whealon for 4th
5:15.382 - 5:19.476: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 20th
3:51.937 - 5:20.554: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team finished lap 4 ( 1:28.617)
5:19.281 - 5:21.750: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | and Bryce Whealon for 5th
5:18.960 - 5:23.929: austin schafer | team D went off the track
5:14.890 - 5:24.328: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Bryce Whealon for 6th
5:22.062 - 5:24.585: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Bryce Whealon for 7th
5:23.726 - 5:26.171: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Bryce Whealon for 8th
5:25.679 - 5:28.078: coon magoon | eyespec went off the track
5:28.859 - 5:30.062: Guillem Farres passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
5:31.367 - 5:34.476: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Guillem Farres for 14th
5:31.757 - 5:35.335: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Guillem Farres for 15th
5:35.960 - 5:41.335: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
5:39.437 - 5:41.343: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 13th
5:41.179 - 5:43.187: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 17th
4:27.242 - 5:43.585: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 5 ( 1:16.343)
5:41.171 - 5:44.265: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs went off the track
5:44.671 - 5:48.085: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 14th
4:31.531 - 5:49.078: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:17.546)
4:32.242 - 5:49.429: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 5 ( 1:17.187)
4:35.632 - 5:55.359: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 5 ( 1:19.726)
5:53.906 - 5:55.789: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 5th
4:33.515 - 5:58.296: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 5 ( 1:24.781)
4:41.054 - 5:59.953: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 5 ( 1:18.898)
5:59.046 - 5:59.953: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 6th
4:43.531 - 6:00.492: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 5 ( 1:16.960)
5:59.562 - 6:00.492: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 7th
4:38.726 - 6:00.773: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix finished lap 5 ( 1:22.046)
5:59.468 - 6:01.765: Guillem Farres passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 15th
4:30.656 - 6:03.687: Bryce Whealon finished lap 5 ( 1:33.031)
6:05.601 - 6:06.484: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 16th
4:45.789 - 6:06.757: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 5 ( 1:20.968)
6:03.507 - 6:07.078: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew for 6th
4:49.070 - 6:08.757: austin schafer | team D finished lap 5 ( 1:19.687)
6:06.851 - 6:11.039: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 17th
4:52.328 - 6:12.890: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:20.562)
4:51.593 - 6:14.601: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 5 ( 1:23.007)
6:12.773 - 6:15.093: coon magoon | eyespec passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 18th
4:55.812 - 6:15.140: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 5 ( 1:19.328)
4:55.250 - 6:16.421: Guillem Farres finished lap 5 ( 1:21.171)
4:57.070 - 6:16.976: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 5 ( 1:19.906)
4:56.742 - 6:18.500: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 5 ( 1:21.757)
5:01.757 - 6:19.578: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 5 ( 1:17.820)
6:25.664 - 6:28.085: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 19th
6:25.921 - 6:28.390: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for 5th
6:26.375 - 6:28.914: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 20th
6:30.195 - 6:32.601: Bryce Whealon passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant |, Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix and seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew for 6th
5:12.390 - 6:32.687: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 1:20.296)
4:54.101 - 6:36.343: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 5 ( 1:42.242)
6:35.273 - 6:36.343: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 20th
6:34.976 - 6:37.359: austin schafer | team D passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl, Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix and seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew for 8th
6:28.859 - 6:38.070: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew for 9th
5:09.718 - 6:40.078: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:30.359)
6:38.421 - 6:40.843: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 11th
6:40.742 - 6:43.281: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 12th
6:40.140 - 6:43.398: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 9th
6:41.093 - 6:43.398: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 13th
6:41.695 - 6:46.507: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
6:44.351 - 6:47.695: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 10th
6:45.046 - 6:48.257: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 11th
6:45.343 - 6:49.445: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 12th
6:46.609 - 6:50.046: Guillem Farres passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 13th
6:46.765 - 6:50.859: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 14th
6:47.757 - 6:51.148: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 15th
6:48.453 - 6:51.687: coon magoon | eyespec passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 16th
6:52.664 - 6:55.796: Guillem Farres passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 12th
6:52.101 - 6:56.125: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 13th
6:53.210 - 6:56.171: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 14th
5:20.554 - 6:56.804: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team finished lap 5 ( 1:36.250)
6:56.171 - 6:58.851: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Guillem Farres for 12th
6:56.125 - 6:58.953: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Guillem Farres for 13th
5:43.585 - 7:02.273: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 6 ( 1:18.687)
7:00.007 - 7:02.515: coon magoon | eyespec passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl, Guillem Farres , Tristan Powell | Braxton and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 13th
6:59.257 - 7:02.742: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Guillem Farres for 14th
6:59.679 - 7:03.156: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Guillem Farres for 15th
7:00.976 - 7:04.117: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Guillem Farres for 16th
5:49.078 - 7:07.156: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:18.078)
5:49.429 - 7:07.898: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 6 ( 1:18.468)
6:59.132 - 7:09.867: Guillem Farres passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 17th
7:12.375 - 7:13.585: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Guillem Farres for 17th
5:55.359 - 7:15.546: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 6 ( 1:20.187)
7:13.054 - 7:16.125: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Frank Jackson | Phil's for 19th
6:00.492 - 7:17.375: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 6 ( 1:16.882)
7:19.375 - 7:20.562: Guillem Farres passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 16th
7:08.726 - 7:21.382: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix went off the track
6:03.687 - 7:21.453: Bryce Whealon finished lap 6 ( 1:17.765)
5:58.296 - 7:21.898: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 6 ( 1:23.601)
6:08.757 - 7:26.765: austin schafer | team D finished lap 6 ( 1:18.007)
7:13.304 - 7:26.773: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
7:26.773 - 7:27.664: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed coon magoon | eyespec and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 12th
5:59.953 - 7:28.609: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 6 ( 1:28.656)
7:27.187 - 7:28.937: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed coon magoon | eyespec and Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 13th
7:28.828 - 7:33.148: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix went off the track
7:28.937 - 7:33.304: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 12th
6:14.601 - 7:33.796: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 6 ( 1:19.195)
7:25.726 - 7:33.875: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed coon magoon | eyespec for 14th
7:28.773 - 7:35.382: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl went off the track
6:16.976 - 7:36.156: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 6 ( 1:19.179)
7:32.203 - 7:36.351: Guillem Farres went off the track
7:33.875 - 7:38.351: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 13th
6:18.500 - 7:40.328: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 6 ( 1:21.828)
7:36.351 - 7:40.523: Guillem Farres passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 14th
7:37.156 - 7:43.992: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and coon magoon | eyespec for 15th
7:36.531 - 7:44.320: coon magoon | eyespec passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 16th
7:40.359 - 7:44.343: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 17th
6:15.140 - 7:45.117: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 6 ( 1:29.976)
6:16.421 - 7:47.773: Guillem Farres finished lap 6 ( 1:31.351)
6:00.773 - 7:51.343: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix finished lap 6 ( 1:50.570)
6:19.578 - 7:51.945: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 6 ( 1:32.367)
7:51.492 - 7:54.750: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Bryce Whealon for 6th
7:51.945 - 7:55.046: coon magoon | eyespec passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 15th
6:06.757 - 7:55.093: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 6 ( 1:48.335)
6:12.890 - 7:56.406: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:43.515)
6:36.343 - 7:57.695: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 6 ( 1:21.351)
6:32.687 - 7:59.507: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 1:26.820)
7:58.343 - 8:02.031: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix and coon magoon | eyespec for 15th
7:59.726 - 8:03.312: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix and coon magoon | eyespec for 16th
8:00.859 - 8:04.367: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix and coon magoon | eyespec for 17th
8:04.851 - 8:05.906: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 15th
7:55.351 - 8:05.929: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed coon magoon | eyespec for 18th
8:02.578 - 8:06.171: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed coon magoon | eyespec for 19th
6:40.078 - 8:08.453: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:28.375)
8:07.335 - 8:10.125: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 16th
8:12.851 - 8:14.226: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 15th
8:13.335 - 8:14.734: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 16th
8:13.820 - 8:15.171: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 17th
8:02.179 - 8:15.445: Talan Zollers | Covenant went off the track
8:14.476 - 8:15.820: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 18th
8:15.476 - 8:16.843: coon magoon | eyespec passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 19th
8:14.898 - 8:19.125: Guillem Farres went off the track
7:02.273 - 8:19.750: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 7 ( 1:17.476)
7:07.156 - 8:25.296: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:18.140)
7:07.898 - 8:29.843: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 7 ( 1:21.945)
8:33.078 - 8:34.554: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 15th
8:33.148 - 8:34.765: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 16th
8:33.953 - 8:35.453: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 17th
8:35.539 - 8:37.109: coon magoon | eyespec passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 18th
7:17.375 - 8:37.234: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 7 ( 1:19.859)
7:21.898 - 8:38.210: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 7 ( 1:16.312)
8:35.453 - 8:38.562: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 15th
8:37.445 - 8:39.445: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 10th
7:21.453 - 8:39.937: Bryce Whealon finished lap 7 ( 1:18.484)
8:37.109 - 8:39.960: coon magoon | eyespec passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl and Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 16th
7:15.546 - 8:41.023: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 7 ( 1:25.476)
8:38.617 - 8:41.617: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 18th
8:38.476 - 8:41.906: Guillem Farres passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 12th
7:26.765 - 8:44.500: austin schafer | team D finished lap 7 ( 1:17.734)
7:28.609 - 8:46.414: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 7 ( 1:17.804)
6:56.804 - 8:48.265: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team finished lap 6 ( 1:51.460)
8:48.546 - 8:51.632: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 10th
8:53.367 - 8:54.312: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 19th
8:53.328 - 8:55.953: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 11th
7:33.796 - 8:56.398: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 7 ( 1:22.601)
8:56.265 - 8:59.625: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 19th
8:57.304 - 8:59.734: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 11th
7:36.156 - 9:02.187: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 7 ( 1:26.031)
9:01.968 - 9:04.101: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 14th
9:02.710 - 9:04.742: coon magoon | eyespec passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 15th
7:40.328 - 9:07.898: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 7 ( 1:27.570)
7:47.773 - 9:09.796: Guillem Farres finished lap 7 ( 1:22.023)
9:13.054 - 9:17.007: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 17th
9:14.984 - 9:18.562: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 18th
7:59.507 - 9:18.609: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 7 ( 1:19.101)
7:51.945 - 9:19.328: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 7 ( 1:27.382)
9:15.671 - 9:19.445: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 19th
9:17.828 - 9:20.367: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 4th
9:16.953 - 9:20.757: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 20th
7:45.117 - 9:21.507: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 7 ( 1:36.390)
7:57.695 - 9:24.070: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 7 ( 1:26.375)
7:56.406 - 9:25.398: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:28.992)
8:08.453 - 9:26.406: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:17.953)
7:51.343 - 9:27.726: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix finished lap 7 ( 1:36.382)
7:55.093 - 9:29.789: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 7 ( 1:34.695)
9:29.789 - 9:30.867: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed coon magoon | eyespec for 15th
9:33.453 - 9:35.898: coon magoon | eyespec passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 15th
8:19.750 - 9:36.937: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 8 ( 1:17.187)
9:37.203 - 9:39.242: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed coon magoon | eyespec for 15th
8:25.296 - 9:42.593: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:17.296)
9:40.148 - 9:43.695: Guillem Farres passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 12th
8:29.843 - 9:45.359: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 8 ( 1:15.515)
9:50.632 - 9:53.156: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed coon magoon | eyespec for 16th
9:50.882 - 9:53.242: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed coon magoon | eyespec for 17th
9:53.242 - 9:54.312: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 16th
8:38.210 - 9:54.664: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 8 ( 1:16.453)
9:51.992 - 9:55.210: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed coon magoon | eyespec for 18th
8:37.234 - 9:55.960: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 8 ( 1:18.726)
9:53.507 - 9:56.015: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed Guillem Farres for 12th
9:54.000 - 9:56.226: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed coon magoon | eyespec for 19th
8:39.937 - 9:56.773: Bryce Whealon finished lap 8 ( 1:16.835)
8:41.023 - 9:59.507: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 8 ( 1:18.484)
9:55.195 - 9:59.609: austin schafer | team D went off the track
9:56.648 - 10:00.664: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl went off the track
9:58.890 - 10:01.281: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Guillem Farres for 13th
8:44.500 - 10:01.968: austin schafer | team D finished lap 8 ( 1:17.468)
10:00.687 - 10:03.117: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Guillem Farres for 14th
8:46.414 - 10:03.984: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 8 ( 1:17.570)
10:01.164 - 10:04.273: coon magoon | eyespec passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 20th
10:04.750 - 10:07.953: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 18th
10:05.625 - 10:09.023: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 12th
10:07.515 - 10:10.835: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 13th
10:07.664 - 10:11.085: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs and coon magoon | eyespec for 19th
10:11.054 - 10:14.023: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
8:56.398 - 10:16.531: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 8 ( 1:20.132)
8:48.265 - 10:18.437: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team finished lap 7 ( 1:30.171)
9:02.187 - 10:19.820: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 8 ( 1:17.632)
9:18.609 - 10:36.789: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 8 ( 1:18.179)
9:21.507 - 10:37.093: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 8 ( 1:15.585)
9:07.898 - 10:42.914: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 8 ( 1:35.015)
9:09.796 - 10:43.414: Guillem Farres finished lap 8 ( 1:33.617)
10:40.429 - 10:43.750: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's passed Frank Jackson | Phil's for 12th
9:24.070 - 10:45.617: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 8 ( 1:21.546)
10:42.406 - 10:46.875: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix went off the track
10:32.835 - 10:48.296: Seth Shirley | Takatoji went off the track
9:27.726 - 10:49.281: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix finished lap 8 ( 1:21.554)
10:47.015 - 10:49.320: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 16th
10:46.671 - 10:50.625: Guillem Farres passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 14th
10:50.460 - 10:52.773: coon magoon | eyespec passed Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl for 17th
9:26.406 - 10:54.039: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:27.632)
9:36.937 - 10:54.742: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 9 ( 1:17.804)
9:19.328 - 10:57.328: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 8 ( 1:38.000)
9:29.789 - 10:59.187: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 8 ( 1:29.398)
10:57.085 - 10:59.421: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 4th
9:42.593 - 11:01.773: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:19.179)
11:00.164 - 11:03.367: Bryce Whealon passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 5th
9:54.664 - 11:10.343: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 9 ( 1:15.679)
11:08.617 - 11:12.242: austin schafer | team D passed Talan Zollers | Covenant for 7th
9:45.359 - 11:13.578: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 9 ( 1:28.218)
9:56.773 - 11:14.953: Bryce Whealon finished lap 9 ( 1:18.179)
9:55.960 - 11:15.367: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 9 ( 1:19.406)
10:01.968 - 11:19.117: austin schafer | team D finished lap 9 ( 1:17.148)
9:59.507 - 11:19.773: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 9 ( 1:20.265)
10:03.984 - 11:21.617: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 9 ( 1:17.632)
11:08.992 - 11:24.179: Tristan Powell | Braxton went off the track
10:16.531 - 11:37.109: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 9 ( 1:20.578)
10:19.820 - 11:38.218: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 9 ( 1:18.398)
11:35.257 - 11:40.148: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions went off the track
11:31.250 - 11:42.250: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team went off the track
11:33.054 - 11:45.351: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's went off the track
11:48.539 - 11:49.796: Bryce Whealon passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 4th
10:36.789 - 11:55.335: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 9 ( 1:18.546)
10:18.437 - 11:57.890: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team finished lap 8 ( 1:39.453)
11:58.914 - 12:01.148: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 10th
11:58.789 - 12:01.351: Talan Zollers | Covenant passed austin schafer | team D for 7th
12:01.164 - 12:01.968: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 10th
10:37.093 - 12:02.210: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 9 ( 1:25.117)
10:43.414 - 12:03.546: Guillem Farres finished lap 9 ( 1:20.132)
12:03.031 - 12:05.460: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed austin schafer | team D for 7th
10:45.617 - 12:08.375: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 9 ( 1:22.757)
10:49.281 - 12:09.789: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix finished lap 9 ( 1:20.507)
12:05.421 - 12:09.968: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs went off the track
12:07.468 - 12:11.335: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew went off the track
10:54.039 - 12:12.468: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:18.429)
10:54.742 - 12:12.937: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 10 ( 1:18.195)
12:09.171 - 12:14.148: Talan Zollers | Covenant went off the track
12:13.117 - 12:16.320: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 10th
10:42.914 - 12:16.609: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 9 ( 1:33.695)
10:57.328 - 12:17.507: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 9 ( 1:20.179)
12:15.726 - 12:19.687: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs for 2nd
12:21.828 - 12:23.867: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 10th
12:17.390 - 12:24.656: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl went off the track
10:59.187 - 12:25.601: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 9 ( 1:26.414)
11:10.343 - 12:26.664: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 10 ( 1:16.320)
11:01.773 - 12:27.695: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:25.921)
11:14.953 - 12:31.437: Bryce Whealon finished lap 10 ( 1:16.484)
11:13.578 - 12:32.742: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 10 ( 1:19.164)
12:29.382 - 12:33.445: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew went off the track
11:15.367 - 12:34.671: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 10 ( 1:19.304)
11:19.773 - 12:40.085: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 10 ( 1:20.312)
11:19.117 - 12:41.140: austin schafer | team D finished lap 10 ( 1:22.023)
11:21.617 - 12:44.695: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 10 ( 1:23.078)
12:46.351 - 12:47.296: coon magoon | eyespec passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 18th
12:47.484 - 12:50.765: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed coon magoon | eyespec for 18th
12:47.773 - 12:55.648: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew went off the track
11:37.109 - 12:57.531: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 10 ( 1:20.421)
12:47.242 - 12:58.835: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl went off the track
11:38.218 - 13:04.164: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 10 ( 1:25.945)
13:08.757 - 13:10.085: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 5th
11:55.335 - 13:12.859: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 10 ( 1:17.523)
13:15.492 - 13:18.523: Talan Zollers | Covenant passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 6th
13:15.984 - 13:19.273: austin schafer | team D passed Seth Shirley | Takatoji for 7th
12:02.210 - 13:20.945: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 10 ( 1:18.734)
13:18.671 - 13:22.414: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Guillem Farres for 14th
13:19.781 - 13:23.164: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix passed Guillem Farres for 15th
13:19.960 - 13:24.132: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Guillem Farres for 16th
11:57.890 - 13:24.445: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team finished lap 9 ( 1:26.554)
13:23.640 - 13:26.648: coon magoon | eyespec passed Tristan Powell | Braxton for 17th
13:26.539 - 13:28.664: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 15th
12:08.375 - 13:29.710: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 10 ( 1:21.335)
12:12.468 - 13:31.132: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:18.664)
12:12.937 - 13:32.554: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 11 ( 1:19.617)
12:09.789 - 13:36.843: Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix finished lap 10 ( 1:27.054)
12:03.546 - 13:37.281: Guillem Farres finished lap 10 ( 1:33.734)
13:35.304 - 13:37.617: austin schafer | team D passed Talan Zollers | Covenant for 6th
12:17.507 - 13:38.210: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 10 ( 1:20.703)
13:34.296 - 13:38.398: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 13th
12:16.609 - 13:40.062: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 10 ( 1:23.453)
12:26.664 - 13:44.179: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 11 ( 1:17.515)
12:27.695 - 13:47.031: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:19.335)
12:31.437 - 13:50.921: Bryce Whealon finished lap 11 ( 1:19.484)
13:49.781 - 13:53.500: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew went off the track
12:34.671 - 13:53.687: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 11 ( 1:19.015)
13:56.179 - 13:57.968: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed Talan Zollers | Covenant for 7th
12:41.140 - 13:58.828: austin schafer | team D finished lap 11 ( 1:17.687)
12:32.742 - 14:00.460: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 11 ( 1:27.718)
12:40.085 - 14:00.757: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 11 ( 1:20.671)
12:25.601 - 14:01.250: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 10 ( 1:35.648)
12:44.695 - 14:04.671: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 11 ( 1:19.976)
14:04.515 - 14:07.312: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's went off the track
14:06.039 - 14:09.734: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 went off the track
14:13.335 - 14:17.726: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 went off the track
12:57.531 - 14:19.234: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 11 ( 1:21.703)
13:04.164 - 14:20.210: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 11 ( 1:16.046)
14:19.226 - 14:21.710: Guillem Farres passed Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix for 16th
14:20.500 - 14:22.078: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 13th
14:15.632 - 14:24.132: coon magoon | eyespec went off the track
14:27.531 - 14:28.921: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Bryce Whealon for 4th
13:12.859 - 14:30.546: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 11 ( 1:17.687)
14:30.320 - 14:33.500: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew went off the track
14:32.492 - 14:33.835: austin schafer | team D passed Bryce Whealon for 5th
14:28.531 - 14:40.078: coon magoon | eyespec went off the track
13:20.945 - 14:40.773: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 11 ( 1:19.828)
14:45.257 - 14:49.117: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Talan Zollers | Covenant for 8th
13:29.710 - 14:54.859: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 11 ( 1:25.148)
13:24.445 - 14:56.070: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team finished lap 10 ( 1:31.625)
13:31.132 - 14:56.554: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:25.421)
14:54.796 - 14:57.773: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 10th
13:37.281 - 14:58.125: Guillem Farres finished lap 11 ( 1:20.843)
14:53.984 - 14:58.312: Tristan Powell | Braxton passed coon magoon | eyespec for 15th
13:32.554 - 14:59.468: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 12 ( 1:26.914)
14:46.796 - 14:59.781: Bryce Whealon went off the track
13:44.179 - 15:00.210: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 12 ( 1:16.031)
13:47.031 - 15:05.039: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:18.007)
15:02.828 - 15:05.734: Seth Shirley | Takatoji passed austin schafer | team D for 5th
15:05.382 - 15:08.203: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's went off the track
13:40.062 - 15:10.234: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 11 ( 1:30.171)
13:53.687 - 15:12.625: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 12 ( 1:18.937)
14:00.460 - 15:16.914: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 12 ( 1:16.453)
15:12.062 - 15:17.195: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew went off the track
13:58.828 - 15:17.500: austin schafer | team D finished lap 12 ( 1:18.671)
13:38.210 - 15:25.234: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 11 ( 1:47.023)
13:50.921 - 15:25.609: Bryce Whealon finished lap 12 ( 1:34.687)
14:01.250 - 15:28.250: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 11 ( 1:27.000)
14:00.757 - 15:31.679: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 12 ( 1:30.921)
14:04.671 - 15:32.640: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 12 ( 1:27.968)
15:23.039 - 15:34.757: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 went off the track
14:19.234 - 15:41.617: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 12 ( 1:22.382)
15:42.453 - 15:44.429: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions for the lead
15:44.507 - 15:45.476: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions passed Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | for the lead
14:20.210 - 15:46.867: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 12 ( 1:26.656)
15:44.171 - 15:47.617: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 13th
15:43.257 - 15:48.296: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's went off the track
14:30.546 - 15:57.351: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 12 ( 1:26.804)
15:57.156 - 15:58.109: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl passed coon magoon | eyespec for 18th
15:58.796 - 16:01.265: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew passed Talan Zollers | Covenant for 8th
16:06.523 - 16:10.171: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | passed Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions for the lead
14:40.773 - 16:12.859: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 12 ( 1:32.085)
16:10.882 - 16:14.531: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs passed Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions for 2nd
14:56.554 - 16:14.789: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:18.234)
16:12.906 - 16:15.757: Guillem Farres passed Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House for 15th
16:16.335 - 16:17.609: Bryce Whealon passed austin schafer | team D for 6th
14:56.070 - 16:18.335: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team finished lap 11 ( 1:22.265)
15:00.210 - 16:18.937: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 13 ( 1:18.726)
14:58.125 - 16:20.859: Guillem Farres finished lap 12 ( 1:22.734)
15:05.039 - 16:21.531: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:16.492)
14:54.859 - 16:22.031: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 12 ( 1:27.171)
14:59.468 - 16:25.093: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 13 ( 1:25.625)
16:19.476 - 16:25.578: austin schafer | team D passed Bryce Whealon for 6th
15:12.625 - 16:30.343: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 13 ( 1:17.718)
15:16.914 - 16:32.679: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 13 ( 1:15.765)
16:25.421 - 16:37.765: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 went off the track
16:36.226 - 16:38.750: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's went off the track
15:10.234 - 16:44.140: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 12 ( 1:33.906)
16:44.382 - 16:46.828: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Guillem Farres for 15th
16:44.257 - 16:47.500: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | went off the track
15:28.250 - 16:47.718: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 12 ( 1:19.468)
15:17.500 - 16:48.750: austin schafer | team D finished lap 13 ( 1:31.250)
15:25.234 - 16:49.476: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 12 ( 1:24.242)
15:25.609 - 16:52.773: Bryce Whealon finished lap 13 ( 1:27.164)
16:53.109 - 16:53.937: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Talan Zollers | Covenant for 9th
15:32.640 - 16:55.171: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 13 ( 1:22.531)
16:53.703 - 16:56.132: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 12th
16:54.132 - 16:57.812: Talan Zollers | Covenant passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 9th
15:31.679 - 17:04.992: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 13 ( 1:33.312)
15:41.617 - 17:05.820: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 13 ( 1:24.203)
17:04.984 - 17:08.015: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 11th
17:15.171 - 17:17.742: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 passed Frank Jackson | Phil's for 11th
15:46.867 - 17:20.164: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 13 ( 1:33.296)
15:57.351 - 17:20.921: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 13 ( 1:23.570)
17:18.257 - 17:24.742: coon magoon | eyespec went off the track
16:14.789 - 17:33.242: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:18.453)
17:22.937 - 17:36.601: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team went off the track
16:18.937 - 17:37.390: Jett "WhiteDrizzle" Holyhead | Covenant | finished lap 14 ( 1:18.453)
16:21.531 - 17:39.218: Boddie Parker | Yogi Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:17.687)
17:29.335 - 17:40.031: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House went off the track
16:25.093 - 17:41.859: Daniel Olsson | Tscz Productions finished lap 14 ( 1:16.765)
17:38.593 - 17:41.968: Bryce Whealon passed austin schafer | team D for 6th
17:40.789 - 17:42.937: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 14th
17:38.976 - 17:43.039: Frank Jackson | Phil's passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 11th
16:22.031 - 17:45.429: Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House finished lap 13 ( 1:23.398)
17:44.953 - 17:47.335: Guillem Farres passed Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's for 15th
16:20.859 - 17:49.695: Guillem Farres finished lap 13 ( 1:28.835)
16:32.679 - 17:51.976: Seth Shirley | Takatoji finished lap 14 ( 1:19.296)
16:12.859 - 17:53.062: Rogan McIntosh | Team Rogan x Phil's finished lap 13 ( 1:40.203)
16:30.343 - 17:54.929: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 14 ( 1:24.585)
17:54.617 - 17:58.445: austin schafer | team D went off the track
16:52.773 - 18:07.703: Bryce Whealon finished lap 14 ( 1:14.929)
16:44.140 - 18:08.390: Tristan Powell | Braxton finished lap 13 ( 1:24.250)
16:48.750 - 18:10.265: austin schafer | team D finished lap 14 ( 1:21.515)
16:18.335 - 18:11.156: Emil Houle | Austin Bear Ktm Tld development Team finished lap 12 ( 1:52.820)
18:13.593 - 18:16.070: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 for 12th
16:55.171 - 18:16.632: seth crotty | Boot's House X Dr Dew finished lap 14 ( 1:21.460)
16:47.718 - 18:17.265: Ryan Swanson | Peap\Carl finished lap 13 ( 1:29.546)
18:20.765 - 18:23.976: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Talan Zollers | Covenant for 9th
17:05.820 - 18:28.640: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 14 ( 1:22.820)
17:04.992 - 18:32.132: Talan Zollers | Covenant finished lap 14 ( 1:27.140)
17:20.921 - 18:40.679: Frank Jackson | Phil's finished lap 14 ( 1:19.757)
16:49.476 - 18:42.195: coon magoon | eyespec finished lap 13 ( 1:52.718)
18:41.851 - 18:46.062: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 went off the track
17:33.242 - 18:50.117: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:16.875)
17:20.164 - 19:11.726: Collin Allen | Fuel The Fire | Unbanned #kb43 finished lap 14 ( 1:51.562)