MX Simulator - 2023 rF Gaming GP Rd08: Hyvinkaa

Overall Lap Records
1 1:37.804fc450(2017)825177Nathan Prin | vr6 pneu qui crissent
2 1:39.000fc450(2017)2725958Pablo Vial | Impact
3 1:39.320crf450(2018)331280Steve Bonnal | Impact
4 1:40.031fc450(2018)434045Nick Sellahn | JIBR.CO
5 1:40.148crf450(2018)2812581Frank Jackson | Phil's
6 1:40.218crf450(2018)114539Tyler Lang | JIBR.CO
7 1:40.367fc450(2018)7823971Jakob Hubbard | Phil's
8 1:40.820crf450(2018)4123106Loris Modard | Ambara
9 1:41.148fc450(2017)918235Braden Carter | Phil's
10 1:41.187fc450(2017)7949207Jack Mark | ProSkinWearer.Com
11 1:41.273fc450(2017)48510255Enzo Boutigny | Impact
12 1:41.281fc450(2018)1949544Kyliam Ortiz |Evolution
13 1:41.398fc450(2018)1157997Samuel Renard | BW
14 1:41.414fc450(2018)39128277Noah Bindas | Temecula Motorsports
15 1:41.453fc450(2017)7134626Andoni Ezcurra | Impact
16 1:41.632fc450(2017)7338230Brandon Larsen | Phil's
17 1:41.796fc450(2017)8828851Jason Stubbs | Nexus
18 1:42.054fc450(2018)813568Braden Castellaneta | Phil's
19 1:42.093fc450(2018)2510047Caleb Hall
20 1:42.453250sxf(2018)131547Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
21 1:42.476fc450(2017)1338800Alonso Robin | Impact
22 1:42.476250sxf(2018)7742255Rasmus Balzer | Filten Racing
23 1:42.531crf450(2018)7519311Boddie Parker | Yogi Deigns
24 1:42.742fc450(2017)592233Corentin Julian | Impact
25 1:43.289250sxf(2018)5743345Evan Holte | RK
26 1:43.398250sxf(2018)81530751Tom Quenot | Ambara
27 1:43.578fc450(2018)13557785Ben Neronha | Shoreline
28 1:43.617crf450(2018)3225349Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
29 1:43.640250sxf(2018)911337Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
30 1:43.757250sxf(2018)1826349Brayden Tharp | Covenant
31 1:43.757crf450(2018)29437Atom Holm | Phillz
32 1:43.835fc450(2017)1549655connor holyak | phil's x coors racing
33 1:43.859fc450(2018)6721854Dray Smith | OFF THE RIP
34 1:43.867fc450(2018)14717880Ethan Parks | Heckman Prod | SYS
35 1:44.000fc450(2018)6427702Anthony Picchione | SPINC
36 1:44.312fc450(2018)1619747JZ | tharp's father x holtezy on top
37 1:44.359250sxf(2018)31223379Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
38 1:44.375fc450(2018)48115121Jared Gumeson | Boot's House
39 1:44.429fc450(2018)97028683Wes | Temecula Motorsports
40 1:44.460fc450(2017)3930141Daniel Pedrosa | Impact
41 1:44.937250sxf(2018)13847336Berre Brands | Risingstars
42 1:45.000fc450(2017)6034354mads boel riding for racekush mx simulator team
43 1:45.007250sxf(2018)35124272Collin Allen |Phil's but me and tlang are best friends
44 1:45.062250sxf(2018)47625469Nate van Tatenhove|Privateer
45 1:45.070250sxf(2018)14743203jace williams
46 1:45.093fc450(2017)558060Jannick Hansen | Filten Racing
47 1:45.296fc450(2018)18019408Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
48 1:45.648fc450(2018)4510651Austin Bear | Yogi
49 1:45.750250sxf(2018)12210106Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
50 1:46.007fc450(2018)18132312Johannes Breindal | Altcoin #4Richy
51 1:46.070crf450(2018)8833135Jeremy Estrella | Dinoco
52 1:46.109250sxf(2018)4619554Alec Horn | Phil's
53 1:46.117250sxf(2018)13855524alex dee | G7 AS FLIP
54 1:46.148250sxf(2018)13937150Race Coble | Takatoji
55 1:46.289crf450(2018)7632796Tristan Powell
56 1:46.351fc450(2018)27139133Gavin Pine | Proline Designs
57 1:46.460250sxf(2018)21538625Dalton Caudill | your team here>
58 1:46.500fc450(2018)5735544Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
59 1:46.515250sxf(2018)8328299Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
60 1:46.515fc450(2018)81721698Magnus Hastrup | Romis
61 1:46.554250sxf(2018)5317074Caden Speck | Phil's
62 1:46.554fc450(2018)41339269Austin Brydges | FastLap
63 1:46.734250sxf(2018)3937458JR Reyes | Dinoco
64 1:46.742250sxf(2018)27026321Joey Bradstreet
65 1:46.750250sxf(2018)15746547Anton Bergendal | looking for team
66 1:46.773fc450(2018)26645428Ryan Mclean | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
67 1:46.843250sxf(2018)2412071Tyler Nichols | SPINC
68 1:46.968250sxf(2018)10540598lucas bruno | Impact
69 1:47.000250sxf(2018)92628734Alec Zellner |
70 1:47.023fc450(2018)11931664Frank Raffiani | SPINC
71 1:47.125fc450(2018)12418345donovan | olmy
72 1:47.210fc450(2018)8515392Zach Fischer | Fear God
73 1:47.281250sxf(2018)11042571Austin Partelow
74 1:47.328250sxf(2018)2632835Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto
75 1:47.429250sxf(2018)18640252Evan Vanderkooi | Cattywampus
76 1:47.437250sxf(2018)1239167Christopher Harris
77 1:47.468250sxf(2018)917026Ryan Neale | Privateer
78 1:47.648250sxf(2018)2720656Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
79 1:47.781250sxf(2018)12129196Marley Spink | Temecula Motorsports
80 1:47.812crf450(2018)68816931Branden Walther | Dinoco
81 1:47.906250sxf(2018)31731857Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
82 1:47.992fc450(2018)20923435nick casella
83 1:48.234250sxf(2018)8623831Sonny Spicer | Dinoco
84 1:48.429250sxf(2018)17838192Alfie Richards | Temecula Motosports!
85 1:48.523fc450(2018)34136800RN | altcoin
86 1:48.671250sxf(2018)24933959arthur valin | privateer
87 1:48.726250sxf(2018)3737330Magnus Gregersen | Romis
88 1:48.750250sxf(2018)25232155Maverick Snider | Shoreline
89 1:48.757250sxf(2018)28439610Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
90 1:48.937250sxf(2018)44037181Harrison Gafford
91 1:49.000fc450(2018)11835993JF GIORGETTI | ECHOxNL Racing
92 1:49.156250sxf(2018)7622612Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
93 1:49.320fc450(2018)23323829Ethan Commodore | OTR
94 1:49.531250sxf(2018)33857741Austin Schafer | Covenant Racing
95 1:49.562250sxf(2018)25421039Ethan Lenhardt
96 1:49.609250sxf(2018)52348870moreno | avm
97 1:49.609250sxf(2018)24349374Jonah Bequette | AVM
98 1:49.656250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe | MSK
99 1:49.867250sxf(2018)2036062Morgan Fabreguettes | Ambara
100 1:49.968250sxf(2018)82834999Joey Arico | Impact
101 1:50.132250sxf(2018)1838519Dev | Temecula Motorsports
102 1:50.343fc450(2017)63657264Pedro Barboza l TDMX
103 1:50.437crf450(2018)17137650Clement Carpentier | Ambara
104 1:50.476fc450(2018)15624545Carl Novak | Vurbmoto
105 1:50.812fc450(2018)7948126Tyler Valentine | Shoreline
106 1:51.156250sxf(2018)21432938David Bradley | CPR
107 1:51.226fc450(2017)18517724Luke Scheffler | Nexus Nesquik
108 1:51.515250sxf(2018)9834596Ty Maytom-Jones x Ribena Racing #JM101
109 1:51.882250sxf(2018)21730971Justin Adams | Temecula Motorsports
110 1:52.140250sxf(2018)22127400SteezyFilms
111 1:52.289250sxf(2018)71010468Zack Richey | Rhino Pills
112 1:52.484crf450(2018)8237750Jeremy Gwiozdowski | SPINC
113 1:53.015250sxf(2018)5938094Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
114 1:53.421250sxf(2018)35134905Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
115 1:54.554fc450(2018)9958233Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs
116 1:55.203250sxf(2018)41142737Kenneth Olsen | UMAI
117 1:56.304250sxf(2018)24246578Romain Peere |
118 1:56.960250sxf(2018)12758274Seth Kready | yogi
119 1:57.078250sxf(2018)5521416Austin-af55-Frank|Slowie Films|Temecula
120 1:59.414fc450(2017)60243774Logan Danz | Temecula Motosports!
121 1:59.593fc450(2018)3212811Dylan Van Vranken | Privateer
122 1:59.632250sxf(2018)63343271RichyMoto/bluebarguy
123 2:00.695250sxf(2018)52526969chris maypother
124 2:05.445250sxf(2018)5318416Bryce Foley | Temecula Motosports
125 2:14.656fc450(2018)41658440jkurre416 | Alcoballics Racing
125 Lap Records
1 1:45.335rm125631547Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
2 2:05.781rm12552526969chris maypother
250f Lap Records
1 1:42.453250sxf(2018)131547Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
2 1:42.476250sxf(2018)7742255Rasmus Balzer | Filten Racing
3 1:43.289250sxf(2018)5743345Evan Holte | RK
4 1:43.398250sxf(2018)81530751Tom Quenot | Ambara
5 1:43.640250sxf(2018)911337Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
6 1:43.757250sxf(2018)1826349Brayden Tharp | Covenant
7 1:44.359250sxf(2018)31223379Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
8 1:44.937250sxf(2018)13847336Berre Brands | Risingstars
9 1:45.007250sxf(2018)35124272Collin Allen |Phil's but me and tlang are best friends
10 1:45.062250sxf(2018)47625469Nate van Tatenhove|Privateer
11 1:45.070250sxf(2018)14743203jace williams
12 1:45.750250sxf(2018)12210106Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
13 1:46.109250sxf(2018)4619554Alec Horn | Phil's
14 1:46.117250sxf(2018)13855524alex dee | G7 AS FLIP
15 1:46.148250sxf(2018)13937150Race Coble | Takatoji
16 1:46.460250sxf(2018)21538625Dalton Caudill | your team here>
17 1:46.515250sxf(2018)8328299Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
18 1:46.554250sxf(2018)5317074Caden Speck | Phil's
19 1:46.734250sxf(2018)3937458JR Reyes | Dinoco
20 1:46.742250sxf(2018)27026321Joey Bradstreet
21 1:46.750250sxf(2018)15746547Anton Bergendal | looking for team
22 1:46.843250sxf(2018)2412071Tyler Nichols | SPINC
23 1:46.968250sxf(2018)10540598lucas bruno | Impact
24 1:47.000250sxf(2018)92628734Alec Zellner |
25 1:47.281250sxf(2018)11042571Austin Partelow
26 1:47.328250sxf(2018)2632835Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto
27 1:47.429250sxf(2018)18640252Evan Vanderkooi | Cattywampus
28 1:47.437250sxf(2018)1239167Christopher Harris
29 1:47.468250sxf(2018)917026Ryan Neale | Privateer
30 1:47.648250sxf(2018)2720656Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
31 1:47.781250sxf(2018)12129196Marley Spink | Temecula Motorsports
32 1:47.906250sxf(2018)31731857Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
33 1:48.234250sxf(2018)8623831Sonny Spicer | Dinoco
34 1:48.429250sxf(2018)17838192Alfie Richards | Temecula Motosports!
35 1:48.671250sxf(2018)24933959arthur valin | privateer
36 1:48.726250sxf(2018)3737330Magnus Gregersen | Romis
37 1:48.750250sxf(2018)25232155Maverick Snider | Shoreline
38 1:48.757250sxf(2018)28439610Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
39 1:48.937250sxf(2018)44037181Harrison Gafford
40 1:49.156250sxf(2018)7622612Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
41 1:49.484250sxf(2018)97028683Wes | Thousand Oaks
42 1:49.531250sxf(2018)33857741Austin Schafer | Covenant Racing
43 1:49.562250sxf(2018)25421039Ethan Lenhardt
44 1:49.609250sxf(2018)52348870moreno | avm
45 1:49.609250sxf(2018)24349374Jonah Bequette | AVM
46 1:49.656250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe | MSK
47 1:49.867250sxf(2018)2036062Morgan Fabreguettes | Ambara
48 1:49.968250sxf(2018)82834999Joey Arico | Impact
49 1:50.132250sxf(2018)1838519Dev | Temecula Motorsports
50 1:50.929250sxf(2018)15624545Carl Novak | Vurbmoto
51 1:51.156250sxf(2018)21432938David Bradley | CPR
52 1:51.515250sxf(2018)9834596Ty Maytom-Jones x Ribena Racing #JM101
53 1:51.882250sxf(2018)21730971Justin Adams | Temecula Motorsports
54 1:52.140250sxf(2018)22127400SteezyFilms
55 1:52.289250sxf(2018)71010468Zack Richey | Rhino Pills
56 1:53.015250sxf(2018)5938094Stoney Hudman | Sonic Racing
57 1:53.421250sxf(2018)35134905Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
58 1:55.203250sxf(2018)41142737Kenneth Olsen | UMAI
59 1:56.304250sxf(2018)24246578Romain Peere |
60 1:56.960250sxf(2018)12758274Seth Kready | yogi
61 1:57.078250sxf(2018)5521416Austin-af55-Frank|Slowie Films|Temecula
62 1:59.632250sxf(2018)63343271RichyMoto/bluebarguy
63 2:00.695250sxf(2018)52526969chris maypother
64 2:05.445250sxf(2018)5318416Bryce Foley | Temecula Motosports
250 Lap Records
450f Lap Records
1 1:37.804fc450(2017)825177Nathan Prin | vr6 pneu qui crissent
2 1:39.000fc450(2017)2725958Pablo Vial | Impact
3 1:39.320crf450(2018)331280Steve Bonnal | Impact
4 1:40.031fc450(2018)434045Nick Sellahn | JIBR.CO
5 1:40.148crf450(2018)2812581Frank Jackson | Phil's
6 1:40.218crf450(2018)114539Tyler Lang | JIBR.CO
7 1:40.367fc450(2018)7823971Jakob Hubbard | Phil's
8 1:40.820crf450(2018)4123106Loris Modard | Ambara
9 1:41.148fc450(2017)918235Braden Carter | Phil's
10 1:41.187fc450(2017)7949207Jack Mark | ProSkinWearer.Com
11 1:41.273fc450(2017)48510255Enzo Boutigny | Impact
12 1:41.281fc450(2018)1949544Kyliam Ortiz |Evolution
13 1:41.398fc450(2018)1157997Samuel Renard | BW
14 1:41.414fc450(2018)39128277Noah Bindas | Temecula Motorsports
15 1:41.453fc450(2017)7134626Andoni Ezcurra | Impact
16 1:41.632fc450(2017)7338230Brandon Larsen | Phil's
17 1:41.796fc450(2017)8828851Jason Stubbs | Nexus
18 1:42.054fc450(2018)813568Braden Castellaneta | Phil's
19 1:42.093fc450(2018)2510047Caleb Hall
20 1:42.476fc450(2017)1338800Alonso Robin | Impact
21 1:42.531crf450(2018)7519311Boddie Parker | Yogi Deigns
22 1:42.742fc450(2017)592233Corentin Julian | Impact
23 1:43.578fc450(2018)13557785Ben Neronha | Shoreline
24 1:43.617crf450(2018)3225349Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
25 1:43.757crf450(2018)29437Atom Holm | Phillz
26 1:43.835fc450(2017)1549655connor holyak | phil's x coors racing
27 1:43.859fc450(2018)6721854Dray Smith | OFF THE RIP
28 1:43.867fc450(2018)14717880Ethan Parks | Heckman Prod | SYS
29 1:44.000fc450(2018)6427702Anthony Picchione | SPINC
30 1:44.312fc450(2018)1619747JZ | tharp's father x holtezy on top
31 1:44.375fc450(2018)48115121Jared Gumeson | Boot's House
32 1:44.429fc450(2018)97028683Wes | Temecula Motorsports
33 1:44.460fc450(2017)3930141Daniel Pedrosa | Impact
34 1:45.000fc450(2017)6034354mads boel riding for racekush mx simulator team
35 1:45.093fc450(2017)558060Jannick Hansen | Filten Racing
36 1:45.296fc450(2018)18019408Ryder Pietro | Temecula Motorsports
37 1:45.648fc450(2018)4510651Austin Bear | Yogi
38 1:46.007fc450(2018)18132312Johannes Breindal | Altcoin #4Richy
39 1:46.070crf450(2018)8833135Jeremy Estrella | Dinoco
40 1:46.289crf450(2018)7632796Tristan Powell
41 1:46.351fc450(2018)27139133Gavin Pine | Proline Designs
42 1:46.500fc450(2018)5735544Riley Owensby | Temecula Motosports
43 1:46.515fc450(2018)81721698Magnus Hastrup | Romis
44 1:46.554fc450(2018)41339269Austin Brydges | FastLap
45 1:46.773fc450(2018)26645428Ryan Mclean | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
46 1:47.023fc450(2018)11931664Frank Raffiani | SPINC
47 1:47.125fc450(2018)12418345donovan | olmy
48 1:47.210fc450(2018)8515392Zach Fischer | Fear God
49 1:47.812crf450(2018)68816931Branden Walther | Dinoco
50 1:47.992fc450(2018)20923435nick casella
51 1:48.523fc450(2018)34136800RN | altcoin
52 1:49.000fc450(2018)11835993JF GIORGETTI | ECHOxNL Racing
53 1:49.320fc450(2018)23323829Ethan Commodore | OTR
54 1:50.343fc450(2017)63657264Pedro Barboza l TDMX
55 1:50.437crf450(2018)17137650Clement Carpentier | Ambara
56 1:50.476fc450(2018)15624545Carl Novak | Vurbmoto
57 1:50.812fc450(2018)7948126Tyler Valentine | Shoreline
58 1:51.226fc450(2017)18517724Luke Scheffler | Nexus Nesquik
59 1:52.484crf450(2018)8237750Jeremy Gwiozdowski | SPINC
60 1:54.554fc450(2018)9958233Gavin Roeder | Shoreline Designs
61 1:59.414fc450(2017)60243774Logan Danz | Temecula Motosports!
62 1:59.593fc450(2018)3212811Dylan Van Vranken | Privateer
63 2:14.656fc450(2018)41658440jkurre416 | Alcoballics Racing