Track | 2019 rF Gaming GP Rd01: Neuquen |
Format | 30 minutes, 2 laps |
Date | 5/14/2019, 7:37:42 PM (2132 days ago) |
Pos. | No. | Name | Bike | Laps | Total Time | Best Lap | Best Time | ID |
1 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 34:46.703 | 2 | 1:45.140 | 15153 |
2 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 35:04.296 | 2 | 1:48.406 | 24414 |
3 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 35:29.375 | 2 | 1:48.468 | 27596 |
4 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 35:29.500 | 4 | 1:47.085 | 13841 |
5 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 35:38.085 | 4 | 1:48.187 | 29698 |
6 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 35:51.031 | 4 | 1:48.953 | 22776 |
7 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 35:56.554 | 7 | 1:48.023 | 19915 |
8 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing | fc250(2018) | 19 | 36:05.671 | 9 | 1:49.210 | 4909 |
9 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 36:06.890 | 5 | 1:47.898 | 29598 |
10 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 36:07.328 | 3 | 1:49.031 | 9694 |
11 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 36:10.671 | 3 | 1:46.437 | 11337 |
12 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 36:16.554 | 5 | 1:47.976 | 19624 |
13 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 36:18.609 | 9 | 1:50.296 | 5738 |
14 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 36:24.218 | 2 | 1:48.929 | 25266 |
15 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 36:26.992 | 6 | 1:49.453 | 8855 |
16 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 36:32.203 | 2 | 1:48.437 | 3449 |
17 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport | 250sxf(2018) | 19 | 36:38.390 | 4 | 1:49.273 | 22048 |
18 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing | 250sxf(2018) | 18 | 34:27.695 | 8 | 1:48.312 | 13377 |
19 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal | 250sxf(2018) | 18 | 34:51.992 | 3 | 1:49.320 | 21108 |
20 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR | 250sxf(2018) | 18 | 34:52.242 | 4 | 1:49.414 | 16438 |
21 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING | 250sxf(2018) | 18 | 34:57.140 | 3 | 1:49.851 | 16712 |
22 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport | 250sxf(2018) | 18 | 35:02.664 | 17 | 1:49.773 | 14129 |
23 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream | 250sxf(2018) | 18 | 35:13.382 | 3 | 1:47.671 | 31538 |
24 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | | fc250(2018) | 18 | 35:21.070 | 3 | 1:49.703 | 17196 |
25 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing | 250sxf(2018) | 18 | 35:31.210 | 4 | 1:51.796 | 7960 |
26 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi | 250sxf(2018) | 18 | 35:33.625 | 3 | 1:49.937 | 7623 |
27 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream | 250sxf(2018) | 18 | 35:36.492 | 6 | 1:47.367 | 12577 |
28 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days | 250sxf(2018) | 18 | 35:38.750 | 4 | 1:47.640 | 22185 |
29 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing | fc250(2018) | 18 | 36:14.406 | 4 | 1:50.054 | 13088 |
30 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing | 250sxf(2018) | 18 | 36:44.375 | 8 | 1:50.757 | 1467 |
31 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA | 250sxf(2018) | 17 | 35:41.320 | 6 | 1:50.617 | 9179 |
32 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park | 250sxf(2018) | 16 | 34:51.742 | 4 | 1:53.679 | 7108 |
33 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing | 250sxf(2018) | 12 | 24:33.937 | 5 | 1:49.414 | 14237 |
34 | 296 | Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING | 250sxf(2018) | 9 | 18:16.304 | 7 | 1:49.906 | 17431 |
35 | 117 | Gaetan Pich | MR | | 250sxf(2018) | 8 | 15:44.656 | 7 | 1:49.351 | 17009 |
36 | 148 | Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy | 250sxf(2018) | 8 | 15:52.757 | 5 | 1:50.687 | 20977 |
37 | 141 | Sem Wijgman | 250sxf(2018) | 6 | 12:27.132 | 3 | 1:52.843 | 21957 |
38 | 427 | Charlie Razzell | Architech | 250sxf(2018) | 5 | 10:41.726 | 4 | 1:52.796 | 25604 |
39 | 154 | Neal Wells | MV Films | 250sxf(2018) | 3 | 6:19.945 | 2 | 1:53.835 | 5199 |
40 | 24 | Rico de Laat | Architech | 250sxf(2018) | 2 | 4:42.703 | 2 | 2:27.546 | 19896 |
Lap Chart
L1 | L2 | L3 | L4 | L5 | L6 | L7 | L8 | L9 | L10 | L11 | L12 | L13 | L14 | L15 | L16 | L17 | L18 | L19 | |
P1 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 204 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 |
P2 | 552 | 552 | 204 | 204 | 14 | 204 | 204 | 204 | 204 | 49 | 49 | 49 | 49 | 49 | 49 | 49 | 49 | 49 | 49 |
P3 | 204 | 204 | 552 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 49 | 49 | 49 | 204 | 204 | 204 | 204 | 204 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 |
P4 | 69 | 219 | 411 | 919 | 919 | 217 | 217 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 219 | 219 | 219 | 219 | 219 |
P5 | 219 | 411 | 219 | 552 | 217 | 49 | 51 | 919 | 919 | 919 | 919 | 919 | 33 | 219 | 204 | 204 | 204 | 204 | 204 |
P6 | 411 | 51 | 51 | 217 | 49 | 919 | 919 | 945 | 945 | 945 | 26 | 33 | 919 | 919 | 33 | 217 | 217 | 217 | 217 |
P7 | 51 | 945 | 945 | 411 | 932 | 26 | 945 | 217 | 217 | 26 | 471 | 219 | 219 | 33 | 919 | 471 | 471 | 471 | 471 |
P8 | 945 | 919 | 919 | 219 | 26 | 932 | 932 | 932 | 552 | 471 | 33 | 471 | 148 | 471 | 217 | 919 | 919 | 148 | 148 |
P9 | 919 | 69 | 217 | 49 | 219 | 219 | 552 | 552 | 932 | 217 | 217 | 51 | 217 | 217 | 471 | 22 | 33 | 33 | 594 |
P10 | 217 | 49 | 49 | 69 | 552 | 945 | 26 | 811 | 811 | 811 | 219 | 148 | 471 | 22 | 811 | 33 | 148 | 919 | 919 |
P11 | 26 | 217 | 69 | 932 | 945 | 552 | 219 | 471 | 471 | 219 | 945 | 217 | 22 | 148 | 22 | 552 | 594 | 594 | 33 |
P12 | 49 | 26 | 932 | 26 | 148 | 811 | 74 | 26 | 26 | 33 | 148 | 552 | 552 | 811 | 594 | 594 | 552 | 51 | 51 |
P13 | 932 | 932 | 26 | 945 | 811 | 74 | 811 | 219 | 219 | 932 | 74 | 811 | 811 | 594 | 552 | 148 | 811 | 552 | 811 |
P14 | 65 | 65 | 117 | 471 | 74 | 69 | 69 | 69 | 33 | 69 | 811 | 22 | 69 | 552 | 74 | 811 | 22 | 32 | 552 |
P15 | 141 | 148 | 74 | 811 | 69 | 148 | 471 | 33 | 69 | 148 | 552 | 945 | 74 | 74 | 148 | 74 | 74 | 22 | 32 |
P16 | 148 | 117 | 471 | 148 | 411 | 33 | 297 | 74 | 74 | 74 | 22 | 431 | 594 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 811 | 74 |
P17 | 594 | 811 | 811 | 74 | 65 | 297 | 431 | 431 | 431 | 552 | 69 | 69 | 51 | 431 | 69 | 69 | 32 | 74 | 69 |
P18 | 117 | 74 | 431 | 65 | 471 | 471 | 33 | 148 | 148 | 22 | 431 | 74 | 431 | 69 | 932 | 32 | 431 | 69 | |
P19 | 811 | 471 | 148 | 297 | 297 | 431 | 148 | 594 | 594 | 431 | 932 | 594 | 932 | 932 | 32 | 431 | 69 | 431 | |
P20 | 297 | 431 | 141 | 431 | 431 | 594 | 594 | 22 | 22 | 32 | 594 | 32 | 65 | 32 | 431 | 932 | 932 | 932 | |
P21 | 133 | 141 | 22 | 594 | 33 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 594 | 32 | 932 | 945 | 65 | 945 | 411 | 100 | 126 | |
P22 | 471 | 22 | 65 | 126 | 594 | 22 | 22 | 297 | 100 | 100 | 65 | 65 | 32 | 945 | 411 | 126 | 126 | 100 | |
P23 | 74 | 297 | 297 | 117 | 126 | 65 | 65 | 65 | 126 | 65 | 126 | 126 | 126 | 100 | 126 | 945 | 945 | 411 | |
P24 | 431 | 594 | 33 | 33 | 32 | 148 | 126 | 126 | 65 | 126 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 297 | 100 | 100 | 411 | 945 | |
P25 | 872 | 126 | 126 | 22 | 133 | 411 | 100 | 100 | 547 | 547 | 547 | 297 | 411 | 411 | 88 | 88 | 133 | 547 | |
P26 | 22 | 154 | 594 | 32 | 22 | 126 | 547 | 117 | 88 | 88 | 297 | 411 | 297 | 126 | 297 | 297 | 88 | 297 | |
P27 | 32 | 100 | 32 | 133 | 148 | 100 | 148 | 411 | 297 | 297 | 411 | 547 | 547 | 547 | 547 | 133 | 547 | 88 | |
P28 | 126 | 33 | 100 | 148 | 547 | 547 | 117 | 547 | 411 | 411 | 88 | 88 | 88 | 88 | 133 | 547 | 297 | 133 | |
P29 | 100 | 133 | 88 | 547 | 100 | 117 | 411 | 88 | 248 | 133 | 133 | 248 | 248 | 248 | 65 | 65 | 65 | 65 | |
P30 | 148 | 248 | 133 | 100 | 117 | 912 | 88 | 912 | 133 | 248 | 248 | 133 | 133 | 133 | 248 | 248 | 248 | 248 | |
P31 | 33 | 32 | 148 | 141 | 248 | 88 | 912 | 148 | 912 | 912 | 912 | 912 | 733 | 733 | 733 | 733 | 733 | ||
P32 | 24 | 148 | 547 | 88 | 912 | 248 | 133 | 133 | 296 | 733 | 733 | 733 | 872 | 872 | 872 | 872 | |||
P33 | 154 | 88 | 248 | 248 | 88 | 133 | 733 | 248 | 733 | 872 | 872 | 872 | |||||||
P34 | 296 | 547 | 154 | 912 | 733 | 733 | 296 | 296 | 872 | ||||||||||
P35 | 88 | 872 | 912 | 872 | 296 | 296 | 248 | 733 | |||||||||||
P36 | 427 | 912 | 872 | 733 | 141 | 141 | 872 | 872 | |||||||||||
P37 | 733 | 733 | 296 | 296 | 872 | 872 | |||||||||||||
P38 | 248 | 296 | 733 | 427 | 427 | ||||||||||||||
P39 | 912 | 427 | 427 | ||||||||||||||||
P40 | 547 | 24 |
History Chart
Sorted Lap Times
Time | Lap | Number | Name |
1:45.140 | 2 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:45.343 | 9 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:45.578 | 8 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:46.437 | 3 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:46.835 | 5 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:47.085 | 4 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:47.132 | 9 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:47.281 | 10 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:47.328 | 6 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:47.367 | 6 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
1:47.382 | 6 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:47.554 | 13 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:47.601 | 13 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:47.640 | 4 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
1:47.671 | 3 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
1:47.695 | 6 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:47.710 | 19 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:47.765 | 8 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:47.898 | 5 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
1:47.937 | 14 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:47.976 | 5 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:48.023 | 7 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:48.062 | 12 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:48.117 | 3 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:48.187 | 4 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:48.296 | 11 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:48.312 | 8 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:48.328 | 9 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
1:48.406 | 2 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:48.406 | 10 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:48.437 | 11 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:48.437 | 2 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
1:48.445 | 12 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:48.460 | 16 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:48.468 | 2 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:48.484 | 10 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
1:48.546 | 9 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:48.554 | 9 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:48.742 | 2 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:48.773 | 12 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:48.835 | 4 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:48.843 | 2 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
1:48.867 | 11 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:48.921 | 2 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
1:48.929 | 2 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:48.953 | 4 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:49.015 | 14 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:49.015 | 7 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:49.015 | 10 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
1:49.023 | 4 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:49.031 | 3 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:49.054 | 18 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:49.117 | 9 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
1:49.125 | 8 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:49.171 | 5 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:49.187 | 3 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:49.210 | 9 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:49.218 | 3 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:49.234 | 5 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:49.273 | 4 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:49.289 | 17 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:49.312 | 4 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:49.320 | 3 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
1:49.335 | 8 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:49.351 | 7 | 117 | Gaetan Pich | MR | |
1:49.414 | 4 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
1:49.414 | 5 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:49.429 | 16 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:49.429 | 4 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:49.445 | 5 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
1:49.453 | 6 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:49.468 | 12 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:49.500 | 8 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
1:49.507 | 13 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:49.515 | 7 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:49.562 | 3 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:49.625 | 2 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
1:49.640 | 12 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:49.656 | 12 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:49.703 | 9 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:49.703 | 3 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
1:49.710 | 9 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:49.718 | 5 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:49.726 | 8 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:49.734 | 8 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
1:49.734 | 10 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:49.734 | 6 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:49.742 | 10 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:49.742 | 14 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:49.742 | 9 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:49.757 | 2 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:49.773 | 3 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:49.773 | 17 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
1:49.789 | 6 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:49.820 | 8 | 117 | Gaetan Pich | MR | |
1:49.828 | 5 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:49.843 | 6 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:49.851 | 3 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
1:49.859 | 2 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:49.875 | 6 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
1:49.906 | 7 | 296 | Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING |
1:49.937 | 3 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
1:49.953 | 2 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:49.984 | 8 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:50.000 | 10 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:50.007 | 6 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:50.007 | 14 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:50.039 | 15 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
1:50.054 | 15 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:50.054 | 4 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
1:50.054 | 4 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:50.062 | 2 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:50.093 | 13 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:50.101 | 3 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:50.117 | 2 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
1:50.156 | 2 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:50.171 | 2 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:50.187 | 14 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:50.210 | 17 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:50.226 | 9 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:50.242 | 5 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
1:50.250 | 13 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:50.296 | 10 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:50.296 | 14 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
1:50.296 | 9 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:50.312 | 3 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:50.335 | 9 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
1:50.343 | 11 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:50.343 | 6 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
1:50.421 | 3 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:50.429 | 5 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
1:50.429 | 6 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:50.429 | 6 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:50.445 | 16 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:50.445 | 3 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
1:50.445 | 2 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:50.484 | 13 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
1:50.492 | 2 | 117 | Gaetan Pich | MR | |
1:50.500 | 18 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:50.507 | 8 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:50.507 | 9 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:50.531 | 12 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
1:50.539 | 5 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
1:50.554 | 9 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:50.562 | 5 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:50.578 | 10 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:50.578 | 9 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
1:50.585 | 16 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:50.593 | 2 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
1:50.617 | 6 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
1:50.679 | 17 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
1:50.679 | 11 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:50.687 | 5 | 148 | Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy |
1:50.734 | 13 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
1:50.750 | 7 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
1:50.757 | 16 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:50.757 | 8 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:50.757 | 8 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:50.773 | 9 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
1:50.781 | 6 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:50.804 | 4 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:50.820 | 3 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
1:50.828 | 10 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
1:50.835 | 10 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
1:50.843 | 12 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
1:50.882 | 3 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
1:50.921 | 3 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:50.937 | 15 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:50.945 | 10 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:50.960 | 4 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
1:50.984 | 13 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:50.992 | 9 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:50.992 | 16 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
1:51.054 | 6 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:51.062 | 5 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
1:51.093 | 4 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:51.101 | 17 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:51.125 | 16 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
1:51.140 | 11 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:51.148 | 7 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
1:51.179 | 19 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:51.195 | 14 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:51.210 | 11 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
1:51.218 | 4 | 148 | Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy |
1:51.304 | 12 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:51.304 | 16 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:51.304 | 15 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
1:51.312 | 15 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:51.335 | 10 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:51.343 | 7 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:51.367 | 11 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:51.406 | 17 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:51.468 | 12 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
1:51.484 | 15 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
1:51.500 | 9 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:51.531 | 11 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
1:51.539 | 16 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:51.570 | 10 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:51.578 | 8 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:51.593 | 11 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
1:51.601 | 19 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:51.617 | 8 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
1:51.625 | 8 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
1:51.656 | 19 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:51.664 | 6 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
1:51.695 | 17 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:51.734 | 13 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
1:51.742 | 3 | 117 | Gaetan Pich | MR | |
1:51.757 | 9 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:51.765 | 2 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
1:51.765 | 2 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:51.781 | 17 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:51.789 | 7 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
1:51.789 | 8 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
1:51.796 | 4 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:51.796 | 11 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
1:51.835 | 4 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
1:51.890 | 3 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:51.906 | 19 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:51.929 | 12 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:51.937 | 15 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:51.945 | 8 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
1:51.953 | 14 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
1:51.960 | 15 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:51.968 | 18 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:51.968 | 12 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
1:51.984 | 16 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
1:52.000 | 11 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:52.031 | 15 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:52.054 | 16 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:52.085 | 15 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
1:52.085 | 11 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:52.164 | 12 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
1:52.171 | 13 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:52.179 | 17 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:52.234 | 13 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
1:52.242 | 6 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
1:52.257 | 17 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:52.257 | 9 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:52.312 | 8 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:52.359 | 6 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
1:52.375 | 16 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:52.414 | 13 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:52.414 | 14 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:52.429 | 5 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
1:52.429 | 13 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:52.460 | 14 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:52.492 | 5 | 296 | Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING |
1:52.515 | 18 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
1:52.539 | 17 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
1:52.562 | 11 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
1:52.570 | 11 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:52.585 | 9 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:52.585 | 15 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:52.625 | 8 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:52.632 | 3 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:52.648 | 15 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:52.664 | 14 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:52.671 | 17 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:52.687 | 5 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:52.687 | 3 | 296 | Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING |
1:52.695 | 19 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:52.695 | 18 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
1:52.703 | 12 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
1:52.773 | 7 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:52.789 | 5 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
1:52.796 | 4 | 427 | Charlie Razzell | Architech |
1:52.835 | 14 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:52.843 | 3 | 141 | Sem Wijgman |
1:52.851 | 18 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:52.914 | 13 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:52.929 | 13 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:52.984 | 6 | 296 | Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING |
1:53.007 | 16 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
1:53.015 | 10 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:53.054 | 6 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:53.062 | 14 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:53.085 | 14 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
1:53.125 | 14 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:53.156 | 18 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:53.164 | 16 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:53.171 | 8 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
1:53.171 | 16 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:53.179 | 11 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:53.210 | 7 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:53.210 | 19 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:53.218 | 17 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:53.234 | 19 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:53.234 | 9 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
1:53.250 | 15 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:53.250 | 16 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
1:53.296 | 12 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:53.335 | 13 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
1:53.367 | 14 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
1:53.406 | 12 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:53.414 | 3 | 148 | Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy |
1:53.421 | 10 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:53.429 | 9 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:53.445 | 7 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:53.468 | 3 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:53.468 | 12 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
1:53.515 | 7 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:53.539 | 10 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
1:53.609 | 4 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
1:53.679 | 4 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
1:53.726 | 15 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
1:53.734 | 16 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:53.750 | 19 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:53.757 | 10 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:53.757 | 18 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:53.828 | 15 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
1:53.835 | 2 | 154 | Neal Wells | MV Films |
1:53.882 | 19 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:53.984 | 6 | 148 | Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy |
1:54.007 | 5 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:54.015 | 14 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
1:54.031 | 7 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
1:54.070 | 6 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:54.078 | 15 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
1:54.109 | 3 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:54.203 | 6 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
1:54.281 | 14 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
1:54.289 | 18 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:54.289 | 3 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:54.312 | 7 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:54.375 | 13 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:54.414 | 17 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
1:54.414 | 5 | 427 | Charlie Razzell | Architech |
1:54.421 | 8 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
1:54.468 | 8 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:54.593 | 5 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:54.625 | 12 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:54.750 | 16 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
1:54.851 | 14 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:54.859 | 18 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:54.921 | 5 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:54.929 | 18 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:55.156 | 11 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:55.281 | 7 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
1:55.328 | 2 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:55.343 | 12 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
1:55.398 | 4 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:55.531 | 2 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:55.617 | 7 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
1:55.632 | 7 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:55.757 | 16 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
1:55.781 | 4 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:55.976 | 13 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
1:55.984 | 14 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:56.062 | 8 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:56.187 | 8 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
1:56.210 | 4 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:56.312 | 13 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:56.320 | 6 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:56.507 | 5 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:56.632 | 18 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:56.656 | 17 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:56.703 | 15 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
1:56.765 | 6 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:56.914 | 12 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:57.031 | 13 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:57.054 | 7 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:57.132 | 3 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
1:57.148 | 11 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:57.164 | 7 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:57.164 | 10 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
1:57.304 | 11 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
1:57.304 | 4 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
1:57.359 | 18 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:57.375 | 18 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
1:57.460 | 4 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:57.531 | 17 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:57.539 | 6 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:57.609 | 19 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
1:57.695 | 12 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:57.742 | 7 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
1:57.750 | 15 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:57.765 | 10 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:57.828 | 3 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
1:57.882 | 2 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
1:57.890 | 14 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
1:58.062 | 10 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:58.070 | 12 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
1:58.125 | 2 | 141 | Sem Wijgman |
1:58.390 | 2 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:58.445 | 13 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
1:58.632 | 3 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
1:58.695 | 12 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
1:58.781 | 9 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
1:58.851 | 4 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:58.859 | 18 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
1:58.859 | 2 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
1:58.921 | 4 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
1:59.015 | 4 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
1:59.140 | 10 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:59.281 | 16 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
1:59.281 | 14 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:59.367 | 5 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
1:59.390 | 19 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
1:59.429 | 12 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
1:59.460 | 12 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:59.492 | 15 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
1:59.664 | 14 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
1:59.679 | 9 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
1:59.773 | 10 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
1:59.867 | 6 | 141 | Sem Wijgman |
1:59.875 | 14 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:59.976 | 13 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
2:00.164 | 6 | 117 | Gaetan Pich | MR | |
2:00.195 | 2 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
2:00.210 | 16 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:00.250 | 3 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
2:00.281 | 19 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
2:00.304 | 4 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
2:00.320 | 5 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
2:00.453 | 10 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
2:00.523 | 18 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
2:00.578 | 10 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
2:00.679 | 8 | 296 | Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING |
2:00.718 | 7 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
2:00.734 | 8 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
2:00.828 | 4 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
2:00.875 | 17 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
2:00.929 | 10 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
2:00.929 | 16 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
2:00.945 | 2 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
2:00.960 | 7 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
2:01.007 | 19 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
2:01.117 | 4 | 296 | Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING |
2:01.234 | 8 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
2:01.304 | 15 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:01.320 | 3 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:01.328 | 8 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
2:01.359 | 13 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
2:01.429 | 13 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
2:01.500 | 12 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:01.578 | 19 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
2:01.648 | 18 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
2:01.656 | 4 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
2:01.750 | 15 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
2:01.781 | 11 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
2:02.601 | 12 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
2:02.859 | 17 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
2:02.890 | 12 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
2:02.898 | 7 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:03.085 | 5 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
2:03.085 | 14 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
2:03.101 | 3 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
2:03.218 | 15 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
2:03.320 | 6 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:03.578 | 18 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
2:03.867 | 15 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
2:03.937 | 12 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
2:03.992 | 16 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:04.203 | 18 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
2:04.320 | 7 | 148 | Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy |
2:04.421 | 11 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
2:04.609 | 13 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
2:04.835 | 15 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
2:04.843 | 12 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
2:04.906 | 2 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
2:04.953 | 16 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
2:05.312 | 18 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
2:05.351 | 2 | 148 | Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy |
2:05.500 | 16 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
2:05.687 | 2 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
2:05.859 | 12 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:05.984 | 18 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:06.367 | 18 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:06.640 | 14 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
2:06.710 | 4 | 117 | Gaetan Pich | MR | |
2:06.796 | 11 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:06.812 | 11 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
2:06.875 | 16 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
2:06.945 | 8 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
2:06.976 | 10 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
2:07.132 | 5 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
2:07.218 | 2 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:07.242 | 12 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
2:07.265 | 11 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
2:07.750 | 16 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:08.078 | 14 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
2:08.203 | 18 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:08.851 | 3 | 154 | Neal Wells | MV Films |
2:09.531 | 16 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
2:09.695 | 18 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
2:09.781 | 2 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
2:10.218 | 5 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
2:10.507 | 17 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
2:10.507 | 9 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
2:10.554 | 5 | 117 | Gaetan Pich | MR | |
2:10.820 | 3 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
2:10.890 | 15 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:10.953 | 3 | 427 | Charlie Razzell | Architech |
2:11.125 | 6 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
2:12.500 | 6 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
2:12.500 | 2 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
2:12.656 | 9 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:13.523 | 13 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
2:13.695 | 4 | 141 | Sem Wijgman |
2:13.968 | 10 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
2:14.351 | 17 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
2:15.132 | 6 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
2:15.781 | 11 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
2:15.835 | 15 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
2:17.960 | 15 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
2:19.046 | 17 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
2:19.351 | 18 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
2:22.117 | 2 | 296 | Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING |
2:22.625 | 8 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
2:24.609 | 14 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
2:27.546 | 2 | 24 | Rico de Laat | Architech |
2:27.765 | 11 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:36.750 | 15 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
Individual Worst Laps
Time | Lap | Number | Name |
1:53.218 | 17 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
1:57.148 | 11 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
1:58.921 | 4 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
2:00.320 | 5 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
2:00.718 | 7 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
2:01.234 | 8 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
2:01.750 | 15 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
2:03.218 | 15 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
2:04.843 | 12 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
2:04.906 | 2 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
2:05.312 | 15 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
2:05.351 | 2 | 148 | Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy |
2:05.687 | 2 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
2:05.921 | 17 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
2:06.367 | 18 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:06.812 | 11 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
2:07.460 | 14 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
2:07.750 | 16 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:07.757 | 18 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
2:08.070 | 11 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
2:08.203 | 18 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:08.851 | 3 | 154 | Neal Wells | MV Films |
2:09.695 | 18 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
2:10.554 | 5 | 117 | Gaetan Pich | MR | |
2:10.890 | 15 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:12.320 | 18 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
2:12.500 | 6 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
2:13.523 | 13 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
2:15.781 | 11 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
2:17.859 | 9 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
2:18.789 | 5 | 141 | Sem Wijgman |
2:19.351 | 18 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
2:22.117 | 2 | 296 | Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING |
2:22.945 | 2 | 427 | Charlie Razzell | Architech |
2:27.546 | 2 | 24 | Rico de Laat | Architech |
2:27.765 | 11 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:29.804 | 9 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
2:34.968 | 7 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
2:36.312 | 17 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
2:36.750 | 15 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
Std. Dev. | Number | Name |
1.166 | 49 | Etienne Bernard | FG Films |
3.329 | 217 | Jake Thomas | PowerDream |
3.498 | 219 | Riley Hunt | PowerDream |
4.052 | 471 | Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design |
4.107 | 14 | Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
4.242 | 204 | Mozart | Limited Decal |
4.333 | 26 | Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers |
4.397 | 148 | Brandon Holmes | Anschutz |
4.458 | 919 | Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
4.498 | 594 | Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing |
4.513 | 126 | Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING |
4.554 | 100 | Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport |
4.740 | 69 | Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport |
4.896 | 811 | Alex Moench | JIBR |
5.006 | 547 | Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
5.036 | 32 | Erik Haugness | BPC |
5.135 | 932 | Florent Lambillon | JIBR |
5.173 | 74 | Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 |
5.311 | 22 | Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
5.459 | 431 | Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal |
5.681 | 148 | Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy |
5.713 | 552 | Loris Michels | JIBR |
6.088 | 33 | Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
6.337 | 51 | Fabio Guido | FG Films |
7.204 | 411 | Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream |
7.508 | 154 | Neal Wells | MV Films |
7.791 | 945 | Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | |
8.177 | 117 | Gaetan Pich | MR | |
8.807 | 88 | Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream |
8.959 | 297 | Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi |
9.330 | 872 | Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park |
9.346 | 133 | Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days |
9.865 | 141 | Sem Wijgman |
9.884 | 296 | Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING |
10.879 | 912 | Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
10.997 | 248 | Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing |
11.258 | 733 | J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA |
12.431 | 427 | Charlie Razzell | Architech |
12.446 | 65 | Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing |
- | 24 | Rico de Laat | Architech |
Play by Play
Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing takes the holeshot followed by Riley Hunt | PowerDream, Loris Michels | JIBR, Mozart | Limited Decal, Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport, Jake Thomas | PowerDream, Gaetan Pich | MR | , Neal Wells | MV Films, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING, Brandon Holmes | Anschutz, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING, Erik Haugness | BPC, Fabio Guido | FG Films, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Charlie Razzell | Architech, J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Rico de Laat | Architech, Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport, Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design, Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park, Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream, Etienne Bernard | FG Films, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Sem Wijgman, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days, Alex Moench | JIBR, Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74, Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Florent Lambillon | JIBR, Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers, Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing, Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing, Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
0:07.304 - 0:09.968: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 2nd
0:07.500 - 0:10.226: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 3rd
0:07.609 - 0:10.328: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream and Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 4th
0:07.789 - 0:10.585: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream, Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 5th
0:07.937 - 0:10.671: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream, Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 6th
0:07.929 - 0:10.812: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 8th
0:08.351 - 0:10.851: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport, Fabio Guido | FG Films, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 9th
0:08.203 - 0:11.000: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 10th
0:08.054 - 0:11.007: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 12th
0:08.945 - 0:11.007: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fabio Guido | FG Films, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING, Charlie Razzell | Architech and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 12th
0:08.265 - 0:11.117: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 14th
0:09.312 - 0:11.335: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Rico de Laat | Architech, Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park, Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 16th
0:09.000 - 0:11.406: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Rico de Laat | Architech, Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 17th
0:08.960 - 0:11.468: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Rico de Laat | Architech and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 18th
0:09.890 - 0:12.062: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films, Rico de Laat | Architech and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 21st
0:09.898 - 0:12.343: Sem Wijgman passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films, Rico de Laat | Architech and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 22nd
0:09.851 - 0:12.351: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 23rd
0:10.187 - 0:12.476: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 24th
0:10.320 - 0:12.820: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 25th
0:10.945 - 0:13.148: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days, Etienne Bernard | FG Films, Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | and Rico de Laat | Architech for 26th
0:10.609 - 0:13.335: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 27th
0:10.671 - 0:13.375: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 5th
0:10.851 - 0:13.726: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 8th
0:11.210 - 0:13.757: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 28th
0:11.007 - 0:13.820: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 9th
0:11.007 - 0:13.992: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 11th
0:11.335 - 0:14.242: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport, Fabio Guido | FG Films and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 13th
0:09.953 - 0:14.257: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 29th
0:11.945 - 0:14.398: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 30th
0:11.406 - 0:14.578: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 16th
0:12.328 - 0:14.593: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 31st
0:11.484 - 0:14.617: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 17th
0:12.062 - 0:14.921: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 18th
0:11.468 - 0:15.023: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 19th
0:12.398 - 0:15.101: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 32nd
0:12.914 - 0:15.140: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films, Rico de Laat | Architech and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
0:12.476 - 0:15.375: Alex Moench | JIBR passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Sem Wijgman, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 20th
0:12.617 - 0:15.437: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 34th
0:13.851 - 0:15.640: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream, Neal Wells | MV Films, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 6th
0:12.343 - 0:15.664: Sem Wijgman passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 21st
0:13.726 - 0:16.007: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream and Neal Wells | MV Films for 7th
0:13.148 - 0:16.031: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 22nd
0:14.070 - 0:16.093: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream, Neal Wells | MV Films, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 8th
0:13.992 - 0:16.117: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream, Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 9th
0:12.820 - 0:16.148: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 23rd
0:13.335 - 0:16.226: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 24th
0:13.578 - 0:16.289: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 10th
0:13.085 - 0:16.460: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 35th
0:14.242 - 0:16.476: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 11th
0:14.250 - 0:16.523: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 12th
0:13.757 - 0:16.671: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 25th
0:14.335 - 0:16.781: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 13th
0:14.921 - 0:16.976: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park, Neal Wells | MV Films, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 14th
0:14.257 - 0:17.039: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 26th
0:14.578 - 0:17.257: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 15th
0:15.023 - 0:17.320: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Neal Wells | MV Films, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 16th
0:14.398 - 0:17.539: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 27th
0:14.593 - 0:17.578: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 28th
0:15.375 - 0:17.710: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Neal Wells | MV Films, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 17th
0:14.617 - 0:17.757: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 18th
0:15.664 - 0:17.773: Sem Wijgman passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 19th
0:15.101 - 0:17.945: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 29th
0:16.031 - 0:18.031: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 20th
0:16.148 - 0:18.250: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 21st
0:15.140 - 0:18.273: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 30th
0:16.117 - 0:18.304: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 7th
0:16.226 - 0:18.343: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 22nd
0:15.437 - 0:18.781: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 31st
0:16.671 - 0:18.875: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
0:16.460 - 0:19.156: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 32nd
0:17.039 - 0:19.203: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 24th
0:17.539 - 0:19.539: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 25th
0:17.578 - 0:19.554: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 26th
0:17.265 - 0:19.796: Rico de Laat | Architech passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 33rd
0:17.945 - 0:19.937: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 27th
0:17.773 - 0:20.117: Sem Wijgman passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 18th
0:18.273 - 0:20.234: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 28th
0:17.304 - 0:20.437: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 34th
0:18.781 - 0:20.882: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 29th
0:18.671 - 0:21.148: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 8th
0:19.156 - 0:21.429: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 30th
0:18.867 - 0:21.710: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 10th
0:19.554 - 0:21.734: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 25th
0:19.015 - 0:21.765: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 35th
0:19.796 - 0:21.843: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 31st
0:19.265 - 0:22.015: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 36th
0:20.437 - 0:22.289: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 32nd
0:20.117 - 0:22.804: Sem Wijgman passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 17th
0:11.609 - 0:22.984: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 37th
0:20.640 - 0:23.117: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 19th
0:21.765 - 0:23.296: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 33rd
0:20.234 - 0:23.593: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 39th
0:13.820 - 0:23.976: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 34th
0:22.015 - 0:24.648: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 35th
0:22.273 - 0:24.726: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 13th
0:23.593 - 0:25.210: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Neal Wells | MV Films and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 36th
0:22.984 - 0:25.234: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 37th
0:23.117 - 0:25.726: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 18th
0:23.710 - 0:26.406: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Alex Moench | JIBR, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 19th
0:24.007 - 0:26.554: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 30th
0:24.085 - 0:26.609: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Alex Moench | JIBR, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 20th
0:24.226 - 0:26.914: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Alex Moench | JIBR, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 21st
0:25.164 - 0:27.000: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 38th
0:23.960 - 0:27.460: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alex Moench | JIBR, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 22nd
0:24.812 - 0:27.476: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 23rd
0:25.023 - 0:27.726: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 24th
0:23.367 - 0:27.890: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 25th
0:25.585 - 0:28.445: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 26th
0:25.828 - 0:28.929: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 27th
0:26.554 - 0:29.085: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 28th
0:26.640 - 0:29.304: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 29th
0:27.515 - 0:30.164: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 36th
0:27.406 - 0:30.171: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 30th
0:28.265 - 0:30.671: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 31st
0:28.414 - 0:30.976: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 38th
0:28.960 - 0:31.484: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 32nd
0:27.476 - 0:31.726: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 22nd
0:29.203 - 0:31.789: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 33rd
0:29.265 - 0:32.601: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 15th
0:28.445 - 0:32.625: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 23rd
0:30.164 - 0:32.796: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 34th
0:30.203 - 0:33.179: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 35th
0:29.304 - 0:33.578: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 24th
0:31.765 - 0:34.281: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 6th
0:30.171 - 0:34.445: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 25th
0:31.976 - 0:34.484: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream, Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 7th
0:31.945 - 0:34.843: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 8th
0:30.671 - 0:34.914: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
0:32.148 - 0:35.429: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 9th
0:32.429 - 0:35.750: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 10th
0:31.484 - 0:35.796: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 28th
0:32.929 - 0:35.820: Sem Wijgman passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 11th
0:32.601 - 0:35.851: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 12th
0:32.664 - 0:35.867: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 13th
0:31.789 - 0:35.960: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
0:33.250 - 0:36.210: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 14th
0:33.687 - 0:36.289: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 15th
0:33.828 - 0:36.476: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 37th
0:33.992 - 0:36.820: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 16th
0:32.796 - 0:36.921: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
0:34.570 - 0:37.250: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 38th
0:34.507 - 0:37.398: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 17th
0:35.195 - 0:38.242: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 18th
0:35.945 - 0:38.765: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 19th
0:36.289 - 0:38.812: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 12th
0:35.796 - 0:39.007: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 27th
0:36.210 - 0:39.117: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 13th
0:36.851 - 0:39.421: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 20th
0:38.812 - 0:39.875: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Sem Wijgman for 11th
0:34.078 - 0:39.929: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
0:37.750 - 0:40.179: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 21st
0:39.445 - 0:40.484: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 14th
0:36.476 - 0:40.648: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
0:39.937 - 0:40.921: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 15th
0:38.226 - 0:41.093: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
0:35.851 - 0:41.093: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design went off the track
0:30.882 - 0:41.593: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
0:39.007 - 0:41.671: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
0:31.109 - 0:41.703: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 25th
0:40.656 - 0:41.726: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 16th
0:39.148 - 0:42.164: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 26th
0:41.289 - 0:42.343: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 17th
0:31.468 - 0:42.960: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 27th
0:28.929 - 0:42.968: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 34th
0:42.046 - 0:43.031: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 18th
0:39.773 - 0:43.117: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
0:42.679 - 0:43.625: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 19th
0:41.632 - 0:43.773: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 3rd
0:43.218 - 0:44.218: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 20th
0:44.039 - 0:45.070: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 21st
0:44.062 - 0:45.093: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 22nd
0:44.531 - 0:45.531: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 23rd
0:40.117 - 0:45.687: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 37th
0:43.109 - 0:45.710: Alex Moench | JIBR passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
0:44.718 - 0:45.750: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 24th
0:43.906 - 0:46.164: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
0:45.093 - 0:46.273: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
0:43.250 - 0:46.492: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 35th
0:45.453 - 0:46.523: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 25th
0:44.562 - 0:46.687: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 14th
0:45.312 - 0:46.773: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 5th
0:45.664 - 0:46.851: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 26th
0:45.742 - 0:46.882: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 27th
0:43.164 - 0:47.367: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 38th
0:46.882 - 0:48.031: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 27th
0:47.164 - 0:48.398: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 6th
0:46.687 - 0:48.734: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Sem Wijgman for 13th
0:46.632 - 0:49.367: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Rico de Laat | Architech, Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
0:47.515 - 0:49.679: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 16th
0:49.054 - 0:51.195: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
0:49.742 - 0:51.242: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 16th
0:40.039 - 0:51.351: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
0:48.820 - 0:52.398: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 7th
0:48.992 - 0:52.421: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Rico de Laat | Architech, Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 34th
0:46.492 - 0:52.937: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 35th
0:50.742 - 0:53.531: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 36th
0:51.789 - 0:54.164: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 37th
0:51.703 - 0:55.546: Sem Wijgman passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 13th
0:52.414 - 0:56.070: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 15th
0:55.125 - 0:56.398: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
0:55.328 - 0:56.523: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
0:55.851 - 0:57.046: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 25th
0:54.867 - 0:57.359: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 38th
0:54.164 - 0:59.601: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
0:57.375 - 0:59.992: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 33rd
0:57.664 - 1:00.023: Rico de Laat | Architech passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 34th
0:58.187 - 1:00.585: Neal Wells | MV Films passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 35th
0:57.531 - 1:00.859: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz and Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 8th
0:58.429 - 1:01.742: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz and Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
0:58.015 - 1:01.914: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 23rd
0:57.242 - 1:02.757: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 10th
0:59.203 - 1:02.843: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 11th
0:59.812 - 1:03.328: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Sem Wijgman for 13th
0:59.351 - 1:03.453: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
1:00.125 - 1:03.460: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Sem Wijgman for 14th
0:56.523 - 1:03.554: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING went off the track
1:00.445 - 1:03.664: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Sem Wijgman for 15th
1:01.007 - 1:04.148: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR and Sem Wijgman for 16th
1:00.960 - 1:04.210: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Sem Wijgman for 17th
1:00.320 - 1:04.257: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 25th
1:00.914 - 1:04.671: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 26th
1:01.859 - 1:04.875: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 18th
1:02.375 - 1:05.460: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Sem Wijgman for 19th
1:02.585 - 1:05.710: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Sem Wijgman for 20th
1:03.492 - 1:05.742: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 36th
1:04.640 - 1:06.937: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 37th
1:03.328 - 1:07.109: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 27th
1:04.914 - 1:07.937: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Sem Wijgman for 21st
1:05.664 - 1:09.023: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Sem Wijgman for 22nd
1:06.101 - 1:09.125: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 23rd
1:06.148 - 1:09.585: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 13th
0:57.085 - 1:09.750: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 28th
1:06.421 - 1:09.953: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 14th
1:07.078 - 1:10.546: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 15th
1:07.585 - 1:11.039: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 16th
1:03.328 - 1:11.195: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers went off the track
1:07.734 - 1:11.257: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 18th
1:09.601 - 1:12.023: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
1:09.773 - 1:13.046: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 11th
1:10.921 - 1:13.187: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 12th
1:09.937 - 1:13.390: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 19th
0:56.398 - 1:13.429: Erik Haugness | BPC went off the track
1:11.765 - 1:13.773: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 34th
1:11.023 - 1:14.312: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 20th
1:11.234 - 1:14.703: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 21st
1:12.554 - 1:14.929: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy and Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 16th
1:13.343 - 1:14.984: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 12th
1:10.882 - 1:15.140: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 3rd
1:11.734 - 1:15.757: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 4th
1:12.421 - 1:15.835: Sem Wijgman passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 22nd
1:12.890 - 1:16.320: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 23rd
1:13.250 - 1:16.765: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 24th
1:15.257 - 1:16.906: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 16th
1:12.500 - 1:17.109: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 5th
1:13.875 - 1:17.210: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 25th
1:13.171 - 1:17.367: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 6th
1:15.945 - 1:18.218: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 20th
1:14.156 - 1:18.390: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 7th
1:15.414 - 1:19.078: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 34th
1:14.960 - 1:19.093: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 8th
1:17.101 - 1:19.179: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 17th
1:18.031 - 1:19.203: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 39th
1:03.460 - 1:20.023: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days went off the track
1:18.593 - 1:20.187: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 20th
1:18.273 - 1:20.390: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 35th
1:16.203 - 1:20.476: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 9th
1:17.015 - 1:21.242: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 10th
1:17.453 - 1:21.632: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 11th
1:17.789 - 1:22.046: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 12th
1:20.187 - 1:22.218: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 19th
1:20.406 - 1:22.562: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 20th
1:18.945 - 1:23.078: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 14th
1:18.531 - 1:23.093: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 15th
1:19.179 - 1:23.265: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 16th
1:21.531 - 1:23.539: Sem Wijgman passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 21st
1:19.343 - 1:23.734: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 17th
1:22.468 - 1:24.726: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
1:22.812 - 1:24.945: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
1:22.992 - 1:25.132: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 24th
1:22.421 - 1:25.257: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 12th
1:23.078 - 1:25.945: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 13th
1:23.265 - 1:26.203: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing and Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 14th
1:22.218 - 1:26.531: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 18th
1:24.695 - 1:26.851: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 25th
1:23.734 - 1:26.898: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 16th
1:22.562 - 1:26.906: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 19th
1:25.429 - 1:27.515: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 26th
1:23.539 - 1:27.781: Sem Wijgman passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 20th
1:25.843 - 1:27.828: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 27th
1:26.898 - 1:28.023: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 15th
1:25.132 - 1:29.335: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 23rd
1:26.906 - 1:29.554: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 17th
1:26.531 - 1:29.625: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 18th
1:28.164 - 1:30.195: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 28th
1:29.625 - 1:30.695: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 17th
1:28.851 - 1:30.804: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 29th
1:28.078 - 1:30.867: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 15th
1:27.742 - 1:31.132: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 9th
1:29.351 - 1:31.328: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 30th
1:28.570 - 1:32.015: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 10th
1:30.085 - 1:32.203: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 31st
1:29.359 - 1:32.320: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 23rd
1:32.468 - 1:33.546: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 23rd
1:32.015 - 1:34.773: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing went off the track
1:35.226 - 1:38.742: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 37th
1:36.953 - 1:40.039: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 12th
1:42.468 - 1:43.382: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 22nd
1:42.617 - 1:43.609: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 23rd
1:39.203 - 1:44.007: Riley Hunt | PowerDream went off the track
1:34.773 - 1:44.171: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing went off the track
1:43.343 - 1:44.367: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 24th
1:41.718 - 1:44.804: Sem Wijgman passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 18th
1:42.015 - 1:45.195: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 19th
1:44.171 - 1:45.554: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 4th
1:43.078 - 1:45.609: Jake Thomas | PowerDream went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:45.617: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:45.617)
1:43.882 - 1:45.945: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 12th
1:46.437 - 1:47.234: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 14th
1:45.328 - 1:48.375: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park and Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 24th
0:00.000 - 1:49.617: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 1 ( 1:49.617)
1:44.968 - 1:49.710: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 25th
0:00.000 - 1:50.250: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 1 ( 1:50.250)
1:48.460 - 1:51.203: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:51.812: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 1 ( 1:51.812)
0:00.000 - 1:51.960: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 1 ( 1:51.960)
1:50.140 - 1:52.023: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 33rd
0:00.000 - 1:52.625: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 1 ( 1:52.625)
1:49.765 - 1:53.359: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 26th
0:00.000 - 1:54.070: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 1 ( 1:54.070)
1:51.953 - 1:54.335: Sem Wijgman passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:54.742: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 1 ( 1:54.742)
1:52.382 - 1:55.179: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 15th
1:52.460 - 1:55.234: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 39th
1:53.554 - 1:55.828: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 16th
0:00.000 - 1:56.093: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:56.093)
1:53.031 - 1:56.218: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 32nd
1:53.765 - 1:56.242: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 17th
1:53.132 - 1:56.273: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 33rd
1:55.750 - 1:56.539: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 26th
1:54.296 - 1:57.187: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 18th
1:54.921 - 1:57.851: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 19th
1:54.906 - 1:58.093: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 34th
1:55.867 - 1:58.203: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 20th
0:00.000 - 1:58.656: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 1 ( 1:58.656)
1:55.453 - 1:58.671: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 39th
0:00.000 - 1:58.960: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 1 ( 1:58.960)
0:00.000 - 1:59.609: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 1 ( 1:59.609)
1:57.335 - 1:59.929: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 21st
1:46.617 - 1:59.976: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design went off the track
1:57.765 - 2:00.390: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 22nd
1:56.890 - 2:00.421: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:00.500: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 1 ( 2:00.500)
1:57.812 - 2:00.531: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
1:58.335 - 2:00.718: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 24th
2:00.078 - 2:01.570: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 21st
1:59.101 - 2:02.023: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
2:00.718 - 2:02.156: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 25th
0:00.000 - 2:02.171: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:02.171)
2:01.171 - 2:03.265: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:03.812: Sem Wijgman finished lap 1 ( 2:03.812)
0:00.000 - 2:04.437: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 1 ( 2:04.437)
1:59.617 - 2:04.453: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 11th
2:02.453 - 2:04.718: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 6th
0:00.000 - 2:05.164: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:05.164)
1:48.289 - 2:05.562: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:05.820: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 1 ( 2:05.820)
2:03.585 - 2:06.296: Charlie Razzell | Architech went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:06.570: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 1 ( 2:06.570)
0:00.000 - 2:07.492: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 1 ( 2:07.492)
0:00.000 - 2:07.664: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 1 ( 2:07.664)
0:00.000 - 2:08.398: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 1 ( 2:08.398)
0:00.000 - 2:09.179: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 1 ( 2:09.179)
2:07.648 - 2:09.265: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 26th
0:00.000 - 2:10.867: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 1 ( 2:10.867)
2:09.015 - 2:10.867: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 24th
0:00.000 - 2:12.046: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 1 ( 2:12.046)
0:00.000 - 2:12.078: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:12.078)
2:10.265 - 2:12.078: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 26th
0:00.000 - 2:12.414: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 1 ( 2:12.414)
2:10.718 - 2:12.414: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 27th
0:00.000 - 2:12.656: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 1 ( 2:12.656)
2:10.156 - 2:12.656: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 28th
0:00.000 - 2:13.398: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 1 ( 2:13.398)
2:11.648 - 2:13.398: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 29th
2:09.187 - 2:13.953: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 20th
2:11.734 - 2:13.992: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 6th
0:00.000 - 2:14.062: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 1 ( 2:14.062)
2:12.101 - 2:14.062: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 30th
0:00.000 - 2:14.203: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:14.203)
2:12.632 - 2:14.203: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 31st
2:08.406 - 2:14.609: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 21st
0:00.000 - 2:15.156: Rico de Laat | Architech finished lap 1 ( 2:15.156)
2:13.398 - 2:15.156: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 32nd
2:10.875 - 2:15.882: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 22nd
2:12.085 - 2:17.250: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 23rd
0:00.000 - 2:17.257: Neal Wells | MV Films finished lap 1 ( 2:17.257)
2:15.523 - 2:17.257: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 33rd
2:12.421 - 2:17.320: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 24th
2:12.054 - 2:18.250: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 25th
0:00.000 - 2:18.296: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 1 ( 2:18.296)
2:13.406 - 2:18.445: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 26th
0:00.000 - 2:18.781: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 1 ( 2:18.781)
2:12.664 - 2:18.890: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 27th
2:14.210 - 2:19.000: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy and Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 28th
0:00.000 - 2:19.421: Charlie Razzell | Architech finished lap 1 ( 2:19.421)
2:14.070 - 2:20.640: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 30th
2:15.164 - 2:21.195: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 31st
0:00.000 - 2:22.273: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 1 ( 2:22.273)
2:19.000 - 2:22.492: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 27th
0:00.000 - 2:23.148: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:23.148)
2:22.101 - 2:24.187: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 25th
0:00.000 - 2:24.367: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:24.367)
2:18.789 - 2:24.523: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 34th
2:19.429 - 2:24.539: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 35th
2:22.859 - 2:24.734: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 26th
0:00.000 - 2:24.796: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:24.796)
2:21.726 - 2:25.273: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 31st
2:22.179 - 2:25.835: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 32nd
2:22.281 - 2:27.164: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 36th
2:24.953 - 2:27.664: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 27th
2:24.523 - 2:27.929: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 33rd
2:23.156 - 2:28.007: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 37th
2:24.539 - 2:28.570: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 34th
2:27.460 - 2:29.234: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 24th
2:24.375 - 2:29.343: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 38th
2:24.804 - 2:29.640: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 39th
2:27.664 - 2:29.804: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 25th
2:27.757 - 2:30.343: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 26th
2:27.164 - 2:30.960: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 35th
2:29.210 - 2:30.992: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 27th
2:28.007 - 2:31.375: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 36th
2:29.507 - 2:31.843: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 28th
2:29.343 - 2:32.781: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 37th
2:30.335 - 2:33.125: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 29th
2:29.640 - 2:33.382: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 38th
2:30.796 - 2:34.375: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 31st
2:32.890 - 2:34.765: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 32nd
2:33.484 - 2:35.718: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 6th
2:34.125 - 2:36.164: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 33rd
2:34.039 - 2:36.531: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 7th
2:34.953 - 2:36.914: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 8th
2:34.765 - 2:37.039: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 31st
2:35.742 - 2:38.257: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 25th
2:35.804 - 2:38.296: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
2:36.562 - 2:39.117: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 27th
2:37.835 - 2:40.250: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 28th
2:39.062 - 2:41.671: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
2:38.296 - 2:42.343: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 25th
2:39.937 - 2:42.429: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
2:41.742 - 2:44.296: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
2:42.242 - 2:44.781: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
2:43.085 - 2:45.562: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
2:45.109 - 2:47.562: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 35th
2:46.093 - 2:48.593: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 36th
2:46.882 - 2:49.500: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 37th
2:47.289 - 2:49.687: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 38th
2:50.539 - 2:52.484: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 10th
2:51.664 - 2:54.890: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 34th
2:52.679 - 2:55.585: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 10th
2:55.664 - 2:57.593: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 10th
2:41.453 - 2:59.734: Charlie Razzell | Architech went off the track
3:04.203 - 3:05.453: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 27th
3:05.007 - 3:06.203: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 28th
3:04.367 - 3:06.523: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 32nd
3:06.742 - 3:08.054: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 29th
3:06.164 - 3:08.250: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 33rd
3:06.250 - 3:08.304: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 34th
3:08.054 - 3:09.445: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 30th
3:08.304 - 3:09.710: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
3:07.648 - 3:09.867: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 35th
3:06.203 - 3:10.203: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 27th
3:08.515 - 3:10.664: Rico de Laat | Architech passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 36th
3:09.710 - 3:10.843: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 31st
3:08.632 - 3:10.859: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 37th
3:09.835 - 3:11.195: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 32nd
3:08.054 - 3:12.625: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 28th
3:10.601 - 3:12.656: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 38th
3:02.898 - 3:13.242: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days went off the track
3:09.445 - 3:13.890: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 30th
3:12.617 - 3:14.273: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 17th
3:10.843 - 3:14.648: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 31st
3:13.015 - 3:17.257: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Erik Haugness | BPC and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
3:15.398 - 3:17.460: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 18th
3:13.359 - 3:17.460: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Erik Haugness | BPC and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
3:13.578 - 3:17.562: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Erik Haugness | BPC and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 34th
3:16.156 - 3:18.210: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 19th
3:12.375 - 3:18.742: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 36th
3:15.242 - 3:18.851: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 37th
3:17.367 - 3:19.460: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 20th
3:17.562 - 3:19.507: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 33rd
3:18.078 - 3:19.750: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 34th
3:18.742 - 3:20.453: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 35th
3:18.578 - 3:20.687: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 21st
3:18.585 - 3:21.218: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
3:18.851 - 3:21.296: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 36th
3:20.078 - 3:22.195: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 22nd
3:18.515 - 3:22.273: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 38th
3:19.437 - 3:22.625: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
3:22.273 - 3:24.031: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 37th
3:21.406 - 3:24.312: Sem Wijgman passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 14th
3:23.023 - 3:24.710: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 38th
3:21.570 - 3:25.578: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 25th
3:24.179 - 3:26.203: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 39th
3:24.312 - 3:26.414: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 23rd
3:24.992 - 3:26.921: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 33rd
3:26.046 - 3:28.023: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 34th
3:27.343 - 3:29.390: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 35th
3:26.875 - 3:29.585: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 37th
3:27.726 - 3:30.062: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 14th
3:27.117 - 3:30.242: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 11th
3:28.546 - 3:30.437: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Sem Wijgman for 15th
1:45.617 - 3:30.757: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:45.140)
3:29.585 - 3:31.585: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 36th
3:30.578 - 3:32.796: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 37th
3:31.054 - 3:33.101: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Sem Wijgman for 16th
3:31.593 - 3:33.890: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
3:31.812 - 3:33.898: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 38th
3:32.281 - 3:34.210: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Sem Wijgman for 17th
3:32.664 - 3:34.648: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Sem Wijgman for 18th
3:32.523 - 3:34.656: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 39th
3:33.703 - 3:35.578: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 11th
3:33.750 - 3:35.812: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Sem Wijgman for 19th
3:34.218 - 3:35.828: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 32nd
1:49.617 - 3:38.546: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 2 ( 1:48.929)
1:50.250 - 3:38.992: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 2 ( 1:48.742)
1:51.960 - 3:40.429: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 2 ( 1:48.468)
1:52.625 - 3:41.468: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 2 ( 1:48.843)
3:38.601 - 3:41.781: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Sem Wijgman for 20th
3:38.515 - 3:42.500: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 37th
1:54.070 - 3:43.828: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 2 ( 1:49.757)
3:40.468 - 3:44.031: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Rico de Laat | Architech for 38th
3:41.632 - 3:44.406: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 29th
1:54.742 - 3:44.859: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 2 ( 1:50.117)
1:56.093 - 3:45.953: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:49.859)
1:51.812 - 3:47.140: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 2 ( 1:55.328)
1:59.609 - 3:48.015: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 2 ( 1:48.406)
3:47.140 - 3:48.156: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 25th
3:44.531 - 3:48.257: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
1:58.656 - 3:48.718: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 2 ( 1:50.062)
1:58.960 - 3:49.117: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 2 ( 1:50.156)
3:48.281 - 3:49.250: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 26th
3:39.062 - 3:49.937: Rico de Laat | Architech passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 39th
3:48.281 - 3:50.171: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 29th
3:49.171 - 3:50.187: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 27th
3:50.226 - 3:51.273: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 28th
3:50.171 - 3:51.296: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 29th
2:00.500 - 3:52.265: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 2 ( 1:51.765)
2:02.171 - 3:52.765: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:50.593)
3:49.171 - 3:52.835: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
2:04.437 - 3:53.359: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 2 ( 1:48.921)
3:52.671 - 3:56.023: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 30th
2:05.820 - 3:56.312: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 2 ( 1:50.492)
3:54.140 - 3:56.320: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 2nd
3:54.773 - 3:56.414: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 4th
2:06.570 - 3:57.015: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 2 ( 1:50.445)
3:56.851 - 3:57.492: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 24th
2:09.179 - 3:57.617: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 2 ( 1:48.437)
2:08.398 - 3:58.570: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 2 ( 1:50.171)
2:10.867 - 4:00.492: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 2 ( 1:49.625)
3:58.617 - 4:00.734: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
3:58.007 - 4:00.789: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 38th
2:03.812 - 4:01.937: Sem Wijgman finished lap 2 ( 1:58.125)
3:59.078 - 4:01.953: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 39th
2:12.078 - 4:02.031: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:49.953)
4:01.742 - 4:03.781: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 28th
4:02.484 - 4:04.703: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 31st
4:03.093 - 4:05.289: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 32nd
4:03.257 - 4:05.593: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 33rd
4:04.234 - 4:06.203: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 34th
4:02.039 - 4:06.859: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 21st
2:07.492 - 4:07.687: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 2 ( 2:00.195)
2:05.164 - 4:10.070: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 2 ( 2:04.906)
2:12.656 - 4:10.539: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 2 ( 1:57.882)
2:17.257 - 4:11.093: Neal Wells | MV Films finished lap 2 ( 1:53.835)
4:09.632 - 4:11.539: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 14th
4:10.429 - 4:12.164: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 15th
2:13.398 - 4:12.257: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 2 ( 1:58.859)
2:14.203 - 4:12.593: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:58.390)
4:10.937 - 4:12.773: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 16th
2:07.664 - 4:13.210: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 2 ( 2:05.546)
4:11.851 - 4:13.414: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 17th
2:23.148 - 4:14.914: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:51.765)
4:12.617 - 4:15.984: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 38th
4:13.562 - 4:16.062: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 19th
4:13.093 - 4:16.164: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
4:13.968 - 4:16.710: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
2:12.414 - 4:18.101: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 2 ( 2:05.687)
4:15.546 - 4:18.664: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 39th
4:15.335 - 4:18.773: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 24th
2:14.062 - 4:19.414: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 2 ( 2:05.351)
2:18.781 - 4:19.726: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 2 ( 2:00.945)
4:17.570 - 4:20.109: Sem Wijgman passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 21st
2:24.796 - 4:20.328: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:55.531)
4:17.351 - 4:20.500: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 27th
4:19.406 - 4:21.500: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 37th
4:19.671 - 4:21.757: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 25th
2:12.046 - 4:21.828: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 2 ( 2:09.781)
4:22.195 - 4:24.250: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 38th
4:22.664 - 4:25.132: Sem Wijgman passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 20th
2:24.367 - 4:31.585: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 2:07.218)
4:30.992 - 4:33.335: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 18th
2:22.273 - 4:34.773: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 2 ( 2:12.500)
4:34.648 - 4:36.992: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 19th
4:35.070 - 4:37.507: Sem Wijgman passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 20th
4:36.328 - 4:38.250: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 14th
4:36.914 - 4:38.492: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 12th
2:18.296 - 4:40.414: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 2 ( 2:22.117)
4:38.328 - 4:40.429: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 14th
4:40.429 - 4:41.882: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 13th
2:19.421 - 4:42.367: Charlie Razzell | Architech finished lap 2 ( 2:22.945)
4:41.062 - 4:42.679: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 14th
2:15.156 - 4:42.703: Rico de Laat | Architech finished lap 2 ( 2:27.546)
4:41.609 - 4:43.039: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 16th
4:43.039 - 4:44.289: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 15th
4:42.710 - 4:47.828: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 39th
4:46.179 - 4:49.296: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 32nd
4:49.226 - 4:50.257: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 9th
4:48.203 - 4:50.625: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
4:49.296 - 4:51.523: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
4:49.562 - 4:51.742: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
4:50.414 - 4:52.968: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 9th
4:51.742 - 4:53.960: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
4:52.156 - 4:55.015: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 15th
4:55.039 - 4:57.000: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 15th
5:00.507 - 5:01.625: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 15th
5:01.632 - 5:04.242: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 15th
5:01.601 - 5:04.609: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 9th
5:02.953 - 5:05.789: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 10th
5:04.531 - 5:05.992: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 15th
5:05.992 - 5:07.890: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
5:05.539 - 5:08.437: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 26th
5:06.953 - 5:10.093: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 9th
5:08.460 - 5:10.367: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
5:13.835 - 5:14.882: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 26th
5:14.703 - 5:17.179: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
5:15.039 - 5:17.656: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
5:17.242 - 5:18.851: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 24th
3:30.757 - 5:18.875: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:48.117)
5:17.757 - 5:19.273: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing and Neal Wells | MV Films for 25th
5:22.312 - 5:23.468: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 21st
5:21.750 - 5:24.093: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 37th
5:22.664 - 5:25.203: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 2nd
5:21.984 - 5:26.093: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 27th
5:23.546 - 5:26.390: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 21st
3:38.992 - 5:28.554: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 3 ( 1:49.562)
5:26.898 - 5:28.554: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 2nd
3:38.546 - 5:28.859: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 3 ( 1:50.312)
5:28.046 - 5:29.031: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
3:41.468 - 5:29.140: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 3 ( 1:47.671)
3:40.429 - 5:29.648: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 3 ( 1:49.218)
5:26.421 - 5:30.164: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 21st
5:27.039 - 5:31.320: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 27th
3:43.828 - 5:33.015: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 3 ( 1:49.187)
3:44.859 - 5:34.562: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 3 ( 1:49.703)
3:45.953 - 5:34.984: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:49.031)
5:32.398 - 5:35.070: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 29th
5:33.820 - 5:35.203: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers went off the track
5:33.031 - 5:36.476: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 30th
5:35.429 - 5:37.734: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 13th
5:35.148 - 5:37.812: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 31st
3:48.718 - 5:38.820: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 3 ( 1:50.101)
3:48.015 - 5:39.906: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 3 ( 1:51.890)
3:47.140 - 5:41.250: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 3 ( 1:54.109)
5:39.054 - 5:42.765: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 27th
3:52.265 - 5:43.148: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 3 ( 1:50.882)
5:41.257 - 5:43.898: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 13th
5:40.867 - 5:44.335: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 28th
5:36.132 - 5:44.742: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 29th
5:41.710 - 5:45.632: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 30th
5:42.773 - 5:45.992: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 31st
3:49.117 - 5:47.085: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 3 ( 1:57.968)
3:56.312 - 5:48.054: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 3 ( 1:51.742)
3:57.617 - 5:48.437: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 3 ( 1:50.820)
3:58.570 - 5:48.992: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 3 ( 1:50.421)
5:41.757 - 5:49.187: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
3:57.015 - 5:49.648: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 3 ( 1:52.632)
4:00.492 - 5:49.812: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 3 ( 1:49.320)
3:53.359 - 5:50.492: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 3 ( 1:57.132)
5:48.132 - 5:50.734: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 5th
5:49.546 - 5:52.000: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 6th
5:50.515 - 5:52.632: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 7th
4:01.937 - 5:54.781: Sem Wijgman finished lap 3 ( 1:52.843)
4:02.031 - 5:55.500: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:53.468)
3:52.765 - 5:55.867: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 3 ( 2:03.101)
4:07.687 - 5:57.625: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 3 ( 1:49.937)
4:12.593 - 5:59.031: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:46.437)
4:10.539 - 6:00.390: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 3 ( 1:49.851)
4:10.070 - 6:00.992: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:50.921)
5:59.562 - 6:02.296: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
6:02.125 - 6:04.156: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 14th
6:02.500 - 6:04.250: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 15th
6:04.718 - 6:05.882: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 31st
6:04.773 - 6:07.312: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 16th
6:05.179 - 6:07.609: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 17th
4:18.101 - 6:07.875: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 3 ( 1:49.773)
6:05.570 - 6:08.125: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 18th
6:05.937 - 6:08.148: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 32nd
6:05.882 - 6:08.781: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 30th
6:07.867 - 6:09.359: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 33rd
4:12.257 - 6:10.085: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 3 ( 1:57.828)
6:08.507 - 6:10.085: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 28th
4:19.726 - 6:10.171: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 3 ( 1:50.445)
4:13.210 - 6:11.843: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 3 ( 1:58.632)
4:19.414 - 6:12.828: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 3 ( 1:53.414)
4:20.328 - 6:14.617: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:54.289)
6:13.078 - 6:15.429: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 35th
4:14.914 - 6:16.234: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 2:01.320)
6:11.851 - 6:16.796: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 28th
6:12.835 - 6:17.765: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 29th
6:15.664 - 6:18.742: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
6:14.625 - 6:19.632: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 30th
4:11.093 - 6:19.945: Neal Wells | MV Films finished lap 3 ( 2:08.851)
6:17.234 - 6:20.531: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 17th
6:17.523 - 6:20.820: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 18th
6:16.242 - 6:21.164: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 31st
4:31.585 - 6:24.664: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:53.078)
6:21.867 - 6:25.140: Sem Wijgman passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 19th
6:22.109 - 6:25.648: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 20th
6:22.523 - 6:25.960: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 21st
6:27.578 - 6:29.953: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 22nd
6:28.140 - 6:30.539: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 20th
6:28.453 - 6:30.617: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 23rd
4:21.828 - 6:32.648: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 3 ( 2:10.820)
6:29.523 - 6:32.812: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 34th
4:40.414 - 6:33.101: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 3 ( 1:52.687)
4:34.773 - 6:35.023: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 3 ( 2:00.250)
6:35.125 - 6:37.515: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 19th
6:36.304 - 6:38.617: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 20th
6:36.929 - 6:39.453: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Sem Wijgman for 21st
6:37.367 - 6:39.703: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 22nd
6:35.031 - 6:39.914: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 37th
6:36.523 - 6:40.367: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
6:36.812 - 6:40.773: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 16th
6:38.984 - 6:40.867: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Sem Wijgman for 23rd
6:37.640 - 6:41.296: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 17th
6:37.750 - 6:41.390: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 35th
6:39.757 - 6:41.929: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Sem Wijgman for 24th
6:39.484 - 6:42.000: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Sem Wijgman for 25th
6:40.867 - 6:43.273: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 22nd
6:41.929 - 6:44.320: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 23rd
6:42.000 - 6:47.726: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
4:42.367 - 6:53.320: Charlie Razzell | Architech finished lap 3 ( 2:10.953)
6:53.679 - 6:57.453: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Loris Michels | JIBR for 3rd
6:56.742 - 6:59.070: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
6:55.445 - 6:59.281: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Loris Michels | JIBR for 4th
6:56.125 - 6:59.562: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Loris Michels | JIBR for 5th
7:00.570 - 7:02.859: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
7:00.492 - 7:02.968: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 19th
7:03.031 - 7:04.781: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 19th
7:06.015 - 7:08.039: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
5:18.875 - 7:14.273: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:55.398)
7:12.898 - 7:15.179: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 4th
5:28.554 - 7:16.742: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 4 ( 1:48.187)
7:14.671 - 7:17.343: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 5th
7:14.968 - 7:17.703: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 6th
7:16.375 - 7:18.656: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream and Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 7th
7:15.328 - 7:18.984: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 8th
7:11.195 - 7:19.117: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
7:16.890 - 7:19.484: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 9th
7:19.632 - 7:20.593: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 17th
7:18.304 - 7:20.625: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 10th
7:19.484 - 7:21.257: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 8th
5:33.015 - 7:21.851: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 4 ( 1:48.835)
7:21.296 - 7:22.679: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 8th
7:19.117 - 7:22.765: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 20th
7:20.882 - 7:23.328: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 11th
7:23.070 - 7:24.195: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 18th
5:34.984 - 7:24.414: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:49.429)
7:21.773 - 7:24.593: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 6th
7:22.320 - 7:24.765: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 12th
7:25.070 - 7:26.101: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 19th
5:28.859 - 7:26.320: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 4 ( 1:57.460)
7:22.765 - 7:26.492: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
5:38.820 - 7:27.773: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 4 ( 1:48.953)
5:29.140 - 7:28.156: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 4 ( 1:59.015)
5:29.648 - 7:28.570: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 4 ( 1:58.921)
5:39.906 - 7:29.218: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 4 ( 1:49.312)
5:41.250 - 7:30.523: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 4 ( 1:49.273)
7:27.367 - 7:30.835: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 20th
7:28.765 - 7:32.007: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 21st
5:43.148 - 7:32.562: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 4 ( 1:49.414)
5:47.085 - 7:34.171: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 4 ( 1:47.085)
7:31.046 - 7:34.453: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 22nd
7:26.500 - 7:35.843: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 23rd
5:34.562 - 7:36.218: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 4 ( 2:01.656)
7:34.515 - 7:37.679: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 24th
5:48.992 - 7:38.015: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 4 ( 1:49.023)
7:37.656 - 7:38.562: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 20th
7:37.148 - 7:40.312: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Sem Wijgman for 26th
5:49.648 - 7:40.453: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 4 ( 1:50.804)
7:37.843 - 7:40.929: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Sem Wijgman for 27th
7:39.570 - 7:41.601: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 20th
7:38.031 - 7:41.617: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz went off the track
5:50.492 - 7:41.617: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 4 ( 1:51.125)
5:48.437 - 7:42.046: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 4 ( 1:53.609)
7:41.890 - 7:45.078: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Sem Wijgman for 28th
5:55.867 - 7:45.921: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:50.054)
7:43.609 - 7:46.679: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 7th
7:44.054 - 7:46.710: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 8th
7:43.906 - 7:47.140: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 29th
7:45.984 - 7:48.390: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 9th
5:57.625 - 7:48.585: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 4 ( 1:50.960)
7:46.062 - 7:49.195: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 13th
7:46.710 - 7:49.687: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 7th
7:47.968 - 7:50.226: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 10th
5:49.812 - 7:50.640: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 4 ( 2:00.828)
6:00.992 - 7:51.046: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:50.054)
7:49.226 - 7:51.484: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 11th
7:50.226 - 7:52.890: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream and Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 8th
7:48.390 - 7:53.601: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 9th
6:00.390 - 7:53.679: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 4 ( 1:53.289)
7:51.484 - 7:53.937: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 10th
7:52.406 - 7:54.289: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Sem Wijgman for 30th
5:48.054 - 7:54.765: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 4 ( 2:06.710)
5:59.031 - 7:55.242: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:56.210)
7:53.937 - 7:56.414: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 9th
5:55.500 - 7:58.148: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 2:02.648)
7:56.203 - 7:58.625: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 13th
6:07.875 - 7:58.968: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 4 ( 1:51.093)
6:11.843 - 7:59.484: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 4 ( 1:47.640)
6:12.828 - 8:04.046: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 4 ( 1:51.218)
8:03.429 - 8:05.757: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 23rd
6:14.617 - 8:06.414: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:51.796)
8:04.257 - 8:06.507: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
6:10.085 - 8:07.390: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 4 ( 1:57.304)
8:03.562 - 8:07.781: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 14th
8:06.414 - 8:08.289: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for the lead
5:54.781 - 8:08.476: Sem Wijgman finished lap 4 ( 2:13.695)
8:04.523 - 8:08.617: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 15th
8:06.445 - 8:08.789: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 24th
6:10.171 - 8:10.476: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 4 ( 2:00.304)
8:02.953 - 8:11.218: Alex Moench | JIBR went off the track
8:08.148 - 8:12.304: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 16th
6:16.234 - 8:15.085: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:58.851)
8:15.140 - 8:18.468: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 18th
6:24.664 - 8:20.445: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:55.781)
8:18.953 - 8:21.007: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 11th
6:32.648 - 8:26.328: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 4 ( 1:53.679)
6:35.023 - 8:26.859: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 4 ( 1:51.835)
8:23.781 - 8:27.437: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 11th
6:33.101 - 8:34.218: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 4 ( 2:01.117)
8:34.960 - 8:37.460: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 32nd
8:27.593 - 8:42.195: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream went off the track
8:43.164 - 8:44.609: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 26th
6:53.320 - 8:46.117: Charlie Razzell | Architech finished lap 4 ( 1:52.796)
8:49.609 - 8:51.664: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
8:50.093 - 8:53.539: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 24th
8:52.468 - 8:53.625: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
8:47.656 - 8:54.687: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
8:49.539 - 8:55.523: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 25th
8:54.789 - 8:56.648: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 26th
8:47.273 - 9:01.437: Sem Wijgman went off the track
9:04.179 - 9:04.843: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 5th
9:04.875 - 9:05.843: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 5th
7:16.742 - 9:05.976: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 5 ( 1:49.234)
9:04.179 - 9:06.656: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 35th
7:14.273 - 9:08.281: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:54.007)
7:21.851 - 9:09.828: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 5 ( 1:47.976)
9:08.218 - 9:10.843: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 21st
9:08.414 - 9:11.742: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 16th
9:10.015 - 9:11.960: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 10th
9:10.945 - 9:13.398: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 36th
9:12.757 - 9:14.968: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 11th
7:24.414 - 9:14.976: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:50.562)
9:14.445 - 9:16.328: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 12th
9:15.406 - 9:17.500: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 13th
7:27.773 - 9:17.601: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 5 ( 1:49.828)
7:29.218 - 9:18.390: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 5 ( 1:49.171)
9:05.843 - 9:18.445: Loris Michels | JIBR went off the track
9:16.585 - 9:18.562: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 14th
9:17.140 - 9:20.531: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 22nd
7:32.562 - 9:23.101: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 5 ( 1:50.539)
9:19.914 - 9:23.218: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 18th
9:15.523 - 9:23.835: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
7:34.171 - 9:23.890: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 5 ( 1:49.718)
7:28.570 - 9:25.078: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 5 ( 1:56.507)
9:23.742 - 9:26.976: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 22nd
7:26.320 - 9:28.289: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 5 ( 2:01.968)
7:36.218 - 9:28.648: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 5 ( 1:52.429)
7:41.617 - 9:29.515: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 5 ( 1:47.898)
7:40.453 - 9:31.117: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 5 ( 1:50.664)
9:22.312 - 9:31.257: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport went off the track
7:42.046 - 9:32.289: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 5 ( 1:50.242)
7:30.523 - 9:33.609: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 5 ( 2:03.085)
9:31.101 - 9:34.984: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 28th
9:31.257 - 9:35.625: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 29th
7:28.156 - 9:36.273: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 5 ( 2:08.117)
7:45.921 - 9:36.984: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:51.062)
9:33.945 - 9:37.148: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Sem Wijgman for 30th
7:38.015 - 9:38.335: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 5 ( 2:00.320)
7:48.585 - 9:39.015: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 5 ( 1:50.429)
7:50.640 - 9:40.085: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 5 ( 1:49.445)
7:55.242 - 9:42.078: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:46.835)
9:42.078 - 9:45.250: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 32nd
7:51.046 - 9:45.640: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:54.593)
7:53.679 - 9:47.718: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 5 ( 1:54.039)
7:58.968 - 9:51.656: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 5 ( 1:52.687)
7:59.484 - 9:52.273: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 5 ( 1:52.789)
7:58.148 - 9:52.835: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:54.687)
9:50.140 - 9:53.296: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 7th
8:04.046 - 9:54.734: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 5 ( 1:50.687)
9:53.250 - 9:55.828: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 16th
9:53.945 - 9:56.484: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 17th
9:55.226 - 9:57.835: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 18th
9:57.250 - 9:59.453: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 19th
8:06.414 - 10:01.335: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:54.921)
8:07.390 - 10:01.531: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 5 ( 1:54.140)
9:55.828 - 10:03.203: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design went off the track
10:00.804 - 10:03.343: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 21st
7:54.765 - 10:05.320: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 5 ( 2:10.554)
10:03.343 - 10:05.914: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 19th
8:15.085 - 10:07.085: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:52.000)
10:05.335 - 10:07.789: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 21st
10:04.328 - 10:08.046: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 4th
10:05.304 - 10:09.085: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 5th
8:20.445 - 10:09.859: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:49.414)
10:09.140 - 10:11.570: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Sem Wijgman for 32nd
10:06.617 - 10:16.320: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Sem Wijgman for 33rd
10:17.132 - 10:18.718: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Sem Wijgman for 35th
10:08.648 - 10:20.156: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz went off the track
10:18.937 - 10:20.484: Sem Wijgman passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 35th
8:10.476 - 10:20.695: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 5 ( 2:10.218)
10:18.695 - 10:21.820: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 24th
10:20.507 - 10:23.320: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Sem Wijgman for 35th
10:20.546 - 10:24.312: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 22nd
10:22.093 - 10:24.343: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 24th
8:26.859 - 10:26.226: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 5 ( 1:59.367)
8:34.218 - 10:26.710: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 5 ( 1:52.492)
10:24.523 - 10:26.851: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
10:24.343 - 10:27.039: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
8:08.476 - 10:27.265: Sem Wijgman finished lap 5 ( 2:18.789)
10:25.273 - 10:27.757: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 25th
10:26.851 - 10:27.937: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 22nd
10:27.039 - 10:28.125: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
10:27.757 - 10:28.750: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 24th
10:27.062 - 10:29.609: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 26th
10:29.609 - 10:30.664: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 25th
10:30.515 - 10:31.828: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 26th
8:26.328 - 10:33.460: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 5 ( 2:07.132)
10:31.734 - 10:33.648: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 21st
10:32.320 - 10:34.281: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 16th
10:34.531 - 10:37.148: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 16th
10:35.359 - 10:37.789: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 17th
10:37.460 - 10:38.640: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 22nd
10:33.101 - 10:39.468: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
8:46.117 - 10:40.531: Charlie Razzell | Architech finished lap 5 ( 1:54.414)
10:39.101 - 10:42.945: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 23rd
10:41.554 - 10:45.281: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 24th
10:43.734 - 10:46.179: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 15th
10:46.328 - 10:47.906: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 15th
10:46.820 - 10:48.304: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 16th
10:46.437 - 10:48.734: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
10:49.890 - 10:52.671: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mozart | Limited Decal for the lead
9:08.281 - 10:55.609: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:47.328)
9:05.976 - 10:56.406: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 6 ( 1:50.429)
11:03.023 - 11:05.015: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 10th
11:01.992 - 11:06.031: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 21st
9:09.828 - 11:06.148: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 6 ( 1:56.320)
11:02.445 - 11:06.671: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 22nd
9:17.601 - 11:07.609: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 6 ( 1:50.007)
9:18.390 - 11:08.234: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 6 ( 1:49.843)
9:14.976 - 11:09.046: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:54.070)
11:08.078 - 11:11.265: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 16th
9:23.890 - 11:11.273: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 6 ( 1:47.382)
9:23.101 - 11:14.765: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 6 ( 1:51.664)
9:25.078 - 11:14.867: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 6 ( 1:49.789)
11:16.945 - 11:17.773: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 16th
9:28.648 - 11:18.523: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 6 ( 1:49.875)
9:28.289 - 11:18.718: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 6 ( 1:50.429)
11:18.609 - 11:20.914: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 22nd
9:31.117 - 11:22.171: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 6 ( 1:51.054)
9:32.289 - 11:22.632: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 6 ( 1:50.343)
11:17.773 - 11:22.726: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 27th
11:19.726 - 11:23.257: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 8th
11:21.921 - 11:23.265: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 17th
9:33.609 - 11:24.390: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 6 ( 1:50.781)
11:23.320 - 11:24.765: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 17th
11:22.976 - 11:24.937: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 24th
11:23.523 - 11:25.882: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 4th
11:25.406 - 11:28.132: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 18th
9:29.515 - 11:28.156: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 6 ( 1:58.640)
11:27.570 - 11:29.679: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 10th
9:42.078 - 11:29.773: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:47.695)
11:10.671 - 11:30.085: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days went off the track
9:39.015 - 11:31.257: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 6 ( 1:52.242)
11:27.437 - 11:31.562: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
9:38.335 - 11:31.625: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 6 ( 1:53.289)
9:40.085 - 11:32.445: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 6 ( 1:52.359)
9:45.640 - 11:35.375: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:49.734)
11:33.453 - 11:36.140: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 12th
11:36.250 - 11:38.031: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 12th
11:36.351 - 11:40.015: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 29th
11:38.226 - 11:40.648: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 12th
11:37.562 - 11:40.812: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 6th
9:51.656 - 11:41.109: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 6 ( 1:49.453)
11:39.796 - 11:42.046: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 17th
11:38.421 - 11:42.195: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 30th
11:37.843 - 11:42.265: Mozart | Limited Decal went off the track
11:39.921 - 11:43.234: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 31st
11:40.687 - 11:44.468: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 32nd
9:52.835 - 11:45.890: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:53.054)
11:43.921 - 11:45.890: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 22nd
9:36.984 - 11:48.109: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 6 ( 2:11.125)
11:46.390 - 11:48.109: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 23rd
9:54.734 - 11:48.718: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 6 ( 1:53.984)
11:46.781 - 11:48.718: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 24th
9:36.273 - 11:48.773: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 6 ( 2:12.500)
11:46.039 - 11:49.250: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
9:47.718 - 11:50.164: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 6 ( 2:02.445)
11:47.273 - 11:50.351: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
11:49.054 - 11:51.554: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 15th
11:51.382 - 11:53.875: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 16th
11:51.757 - 11:54.281: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 17th
10:01.531 - 11:55.734: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 6 ( 1:54.203)
11:53.703 - 11:56.218: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 18th
11:55.242 - 11:57.554: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 8th
11:55.562 - 11:58.054: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 19th
10:01.335 - 11:58.101: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:56.765)
11:55.867 - 11:58.234: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 9th
11:56.382 - 11:58.671: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 10th
11:57.835 - 11:59.953: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 3rd
11:58.539 - 12:00.640: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 went off the track
11:59.156 - 12:00.984: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 4th
12:00.351 - 12:02.335: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 7th
10:05.320 - 12:05.484: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 6 ( 2:00.164)
10:09.859 - 12:07.398: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:57.539)
10:20.695 - 12:08.062: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 6 ( 1:47.367)
10:07.085 - 12:10.406: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 2:03.320)
9:52.273 - 12:10.945: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 6 ( 2:18.671)
10:26.226 - 12:16.843: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 6 ( 1:50.617)
10:26.710 - 12:19.695: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 6 ( 1:52.984)
12:17.367 - 12:20.257: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
10:27.265 - 12:27.132: Sem Wijgman finished lap 6 ( 1:59.867)
12:24.609 - 12:27.164: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 5th
12:30.890 - 12:32.914: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 23rd
12:34.468 - 12:35.648: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 24th
12:34.554 - 12:36.867: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 4th
12:32.328 - 12:39.125: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
12:39.265 - 12:41.015: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
10:55.609 - 12:41.140: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:45.531)
12:39.875 - 12:41.804: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 24th
12:41.507 - 12:42.460: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 6th
12:34.726 - 12:43.375: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream went off the track
12:42.726 - 12:45.015: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
10:56.406 - 12:46.640: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 7 ( 1:50.234)
12:46.578 - 12:47.500: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 7th
12:46.648 - 12:47.601: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 8th
12:40.414 - 12:48.562: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal went off the track
10:33.460 - 12:48.593: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 6 ( 2:15.132)
12:44.585 - 12:51.789: Loris Michels | JIBR went off the track
12:49.023 - 12:52.187: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 10th
12:50.132 - 12:52.546: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
12:44.875 - 12:52.710: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
12:50.851 - 12:54.093: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 7th
11:08.234 - 12:57.250: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 7 ( 1:49.015)
12:57.257 - 12:58.164: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 7th
11:07.609 - 12:58.953: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 7 ( 1:51.343)
12:56.640 - 12:59.007: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
11:06.148 - 12:59.593: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 7 ( 1:53.445)
12:58.210 - 13:00.382: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 7th
12:59.054 - 13:01.414: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 34th
12:58.539 - 13:01.453: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal went off the track
11:09.046 - 13:04.679: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:55.632)
13:05.195 - 13:08.078: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 31st
11:18.523 - 13:09.671: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 7 ( 1:51.148)
11:14.765 - 13:10.382: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 7 ( 1:55.617)
13:08.109 - 13:10.671: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 15th
11:18.718 - 13:11.117: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 7 ( 1:52.398)
11:11.273 - 13:11.992: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 7 ( 2:00.718)
13:10.414 - 13:11.992: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 10th
11:14.867 - 13:12.031: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 7 ( 1:57.164)
13:11.359 - 13:13.718: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 16th
13:12.000 - 13:14.757: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 17th
11:22.632 - 13:15.226: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 7 ( 1:52.593)
11:22.171 - 13:15.382: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 7 ( 1:53.210)
13:13.843 - 13:16.156: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 18th
11:24.390 - 13:17.164: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 7 ( 1:52.773)
11:31.625 - 13:19.648: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 7 ( 1:48.023)
13:18.210 - 13:19.906: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing and Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 17th
13:18.257 - 13:21.117: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
13:18.703 - 13:22.242: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 19th
11:31.257 - 13:23.046: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 7 ( 1:51.789)
13:20.265 - 13:23.101: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 17th
13:20.492 - 13:23.320: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport went off the track
11:32.445 - 13:26.359: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 7 ( 1:53.914)
11:29.773 - 13:26.828: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:57.054)
11:28.156 - 13:29.117: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 7 ( 2:00.960)
11:35.375 - 13:33.117: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:57.742)
11:41.109 - 13:34.625: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 7 ( 1:53.515)
13:33.679 - 13:35.406: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 23rd
11:45.890 - 13:35.406: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:49.515)
13:34.710 - 13:37.367: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 14th
13:35.648 - 13:37.734: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 24th
11:48.109 - 13:42.140: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:54.031)
13:41.453 - 13:43.523: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 9th
11:50.164 - 13:43.859: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 7 ( 1:53.695)
13:39.953 - 13:44.890: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 25th
13:29.132 - 13:45.218: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park went off the track
13:44.789 - 13:45.953: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 4th
13:43.867 - 13:46.070: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 17th
11:55.734 - 13:48.273: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 7 ( 1:52.539)
13:45.992 - 13:49.031: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 26th
13:32.148 - 13:49.085: Riley Hunt | PowerDream went off the track
13:49.343 - 13:51.617: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
13:32.179 - 13:52.500: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream went off the track
11:58.101 - 13:52.585: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:54.484)
13:51.656 - 13:52.804: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 11th
11:48.718 - 13:53.039: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 7 ( 2:04.320)
12:05.484 - 13:54.835: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 7 ( 1:49.351)
13:51.250 - 13:55.445: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 5th
11:48.773 - 13:55.632: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 7 ( 2:06.859)
13:55.507 - 13:56.609: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 12th
13:56.187 - 13:58.500: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 17th
13:57.750 - 13:58.945: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 13th
13:58.679 - 13:59.828: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
12:08.062 - 14:00.250: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 7 ( 1:52.187)
13:58.703 - 14:00.906: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 16th
13:58.500 - 14:01.351: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 17th
12:07.398 - 14:01.710: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:54.312)
13:50.445 - 14:03.773: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers went off the track
14:04.328 - 14:05.414: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 18th
12:10.945 - 14:06.226: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 7 ( 1:55.281)
14:03.750 - 14:06.343: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 6th
12:16.843 - 14:07.593: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 7 ( 1:50.750)
12:19.695 - 14:09.601: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 7 ( 1:49.906)
14:08.828 - 14:10.828: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 16th
12:10.406 - 14:13.304: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 2:02.898)
14:13.578 - 14:17.304: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 16th
12:41.140 - 14:26.718: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:45.578)
14:25.656 - 14:27.796: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
12:46.640 - 14:36.625: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 8 ( 1:49.984)
14:36.750 - 14:38.773: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 28th
14:38.843 - 14:40.281: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 28th
14:39.484 - 14:41.875: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 33rd
14:43.125 - 14:44.070: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
14:43.953 - 14:46.187: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 34th
12:57.250 - 14:48.828: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 8 ( 1:51.578)
14:47.429 - 14:50.343: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 19th
12:59.593 - 14:50.351: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 8 ( 1:50.757)
14:48.218 - 14:51.156: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 20th
14:48.703 - 14:51.523: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 21st
13:04.679 - 14:56.992: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:52.312)
14:55.656 - 14:59.156: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 20th
13:09.671 - 14:59.406: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 8 ( 1:49.734)
14:56.109 - 14:59.882: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 32nd
12:58.953 - 15:00.187: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 8 ( 2:01.234)
13:10.382 - 15:02.000: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 8 ( 1:51.617)
13:11.117 - 15:03.742: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 8 ( 1:52.625)
13:15.382 - 15:05.890: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 8 ( 1:50.507)
13:19.648 - 15:08.773: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 8 ( 1:49.125)
13:11.992 - 15:09.140: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 8 ( 1:57.148)
13:12.031 - 15:10.851: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 8 ( 1:58.820)
13:17.164 - 15:13.226: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 8 ( 1:56.062)
15:12.367 - 15:13.414: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 27th
13:26.828 - 15:14.593: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:47.765)
15:12.320 - 15:15.367: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport went off the track
13:15.226 - 15:15.960: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 8 ( 2:00.734)
15:12.921 - 15:17.726: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream went off the track
13:26.359 - 15:18.304: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 8 ( 1:51.945)
13:29.117 - 15:20.906: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 8 ( 1:51.789)
13:33.117 - 15:22.453: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:49.335)
15:18.367 - 15:23.562: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park went off the track
12:48.593 - 15:23.562: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 7 ( 2:34.968)
13:35.406 - 15:23.718: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:48.312)
13:34.625 - 15:29.046: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 8 ( 1:54.421)
13:23.046 - 15:29.992: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 8 ( 2:06.945)
15:27.781 - 15:30.429: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 32nd
15:28.968 - 15:31.851: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 33rd
13:42.140 - 15:35.312: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:53.171)
13:43.859 - 15:35.484: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 8 ( 1:51.625)
15:34.515 - 15:36.742: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 27th
15:27.171 - 15:38.726: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy went off the track
13:48.273 - 15:39.039: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 8 ( 1:50.765)
13:54.835 - 15:44.656: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 8 ( 1:49.820)
15:38.773 - 15:45.023: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi went off the track
13:55.632 - 15:45.445: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 8 ( 1:49.812)
13:52.585 - 15:47.054: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:54.468)
15:44.093 - 15:47.726: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
14:00.250 - 15:49.750: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 8 ( 1:49.500)
14:01.710 - 15:51.437: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:49.726)
15:49.539 - 15:51.437: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 30th
13:53.039 - 15:52.757: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 8 ( 1:59.718)
14:06.226 - 16:02.414: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 8 ( 1:56.187)
15:58.367 - 16:02.531: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 22nd
14:13.304 - 16:04.062: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:50.757)
16:01.859 - 16:06.054: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 23rd
16:07.078 - 16:09.757: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 8th
14:09.601 - 16:10.281: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 8 ( 2:00.679)
16:10.171 - 16:11.773: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 8th
14:26.718 - 16:12.062: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:45.343)
16:08.140 - 16:12.250: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 26th
16:10.273 - 16:14.414: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 27th
16:12.132 - 16:15.500: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 14th
16:12.367 - 16:16.539: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 28th
16:14.414 - 16:17.781: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 26th
16:14.296 - 16:18.375: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 29th
16:19.921 - 16:22.093: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 27th
16:19.562 - 16:22.109: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 31st
16:24.789 - 16:27.242: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream went off the track
16:25.015 - 16:28.742: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 22nd
14:36.625 - 16:29.210: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 9 ( 1:52.585)
14:07.593 - 16:30.218: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 8 ( 2:22.625)
16:28.710 - 16:32.679: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
16:31.648 - 16:35.343: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream went off the track
16:33.960 - 16:35.906: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
16:33.406 - 16:36.148: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 24th
14:48.828 - 16:38.531: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 9 ( 1:49.703)
16:35.578 - 16:38.703: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 8th
16:38.296 - 16:40.203: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 25th
14:50.351 - 16:42.609: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 9 ( 1:52.257)
16:42.390 - 16:44.460: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 26th
16:45.375 - 16:48.015: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 26th
14:56.992 - 16:48.492: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:51.500)
16:48.695 - 16:50.085: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
14:59.406 - 16:50.179: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 9 ( 1:50.773)
16:48.039 - 16:50.562: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
15:00.187 - 16:51.179: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 9 ( 1:50.992)
16:50.976 - 16:52.578: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
16:35.125 - 16:53.007: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING went off the track
16:50.429 - 16:53.093: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 27th
15:03.742 - 16:53.968: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 9 ( 1:50.226)
16:44.515 - 16:54.578: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 28th
15:02.000 - 16:55.234: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 9 ( 1:53.234)
15:05.890 - 16:56.187: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 9 ( 1:50.296)
16:54.218 - 16:56.640: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 29th
15:08.773 - 16:57.320: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 9 ( 1:48.546)
15:09.140 - 16:58.882: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 9 ( 1:49.742)
15:10.851 - 17:00.562: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 9 ( 1:49.710)
15:14.593 - 17:01.726: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:47.132)
15:13.226 - 17:03.734: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 9 ( 1:50.507)
15:15.960 - 17:05.078: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 9 ( 1:49.117)
15:18.304 - 17:08.640: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 9 ( 1:50.335)
15:20.906 - 17:09.234: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 9 ( 1:48.328)
15:22.453 - 17:11.664: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:49.210)
17:09.156 - 17:11.679: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 31st
15:23.718 - 17:12.273: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:48.554)
17:11.750 - 17:13.304: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
15:29.046 - 17:19.601: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 9 ( 1:50.554)
15:23.562 - 17:24.890: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 8 ( 2:01.328)
17:24.445 - 17:25.382: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 27th
17:26.562 - 17:27.585: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 28th
17:26.859 - 17:27.937: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
15:39.039 - 17:29.617: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 9 ( 1:50.578)
17:32.640 - 17:33.726: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 10th
17:27.617 - 17:33.906: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING went off the track
15:35.484 - 17:34.265: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 9 ( 1:58.781)
15:35.312 - 17:34.992: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:59.679)
17:33.351 - 17:36.562: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
17:32.703 - 17:39.437: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
15:47.054 - 17:40.484: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:53.429)
15:49.750 - 17:41.156: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 9 ( 1:51.406)
17:44.875 - 17:47.117: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 15th
15:29.992 - 17:47.851: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 9 ( 2:17.859)
15:45.445 - 17:50.101: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 9 ( 2:04.656)
17:47.515 - 17:52.804: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days went off the track
16:04.062 - 17:55.820: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:51.757)
17:55.546 - 17:58.968: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 9th
16:12.062 - 17:59.343: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:47.281)
16:02.414 - 18:01.218: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 9 ( 1:58.804)
17:59.968 - 18:01.234: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 10th
18:00.320 - 18:01.414: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 11th
18:02.078 - 18:03.164: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 12th
18:02.601 - 18:03.734: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 13th
15:51.437 - 18:04.093: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 2:12.656)
18:03.421 - 18:05.875: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 17th
17:59.281 - 18:07.476: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | went off the track
18:08.023 - 18:12.109: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 10th
18:10.953 - 18:13.976: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 8th
18:12.109 - 18:15.054: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 9th
18:12.343 - 18:15.265: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 10th
16:10.281 - 18:15.804: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 9 ( 2:05.523)
18:14.203 - 18:16.218: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
18:14.765 - 18:16.710: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
18:13.875 - 18:16.718: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 11th
18:08.218 - 18:17.367: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream went off the track
18:15.062 - 18:17.656: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
18:16.429 - 18:18.585: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
18:16.046 - 18:18.945: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 2nd
18:20.476 - 18:21.437: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 6th
18:19.148 - 18:22.453: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 8th
18:21.031 - 18:23.843: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 15th
18:21.617 - 18:25.367: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
18:25.164 - 18:27.960: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
16:38.531 - 18:28.273: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 10 ( 1:49.742)
16:29.210 - 18:28.984: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 10 ( 1:59.773)
18:28.570 - 18:32.070: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 7th
16:42.609 - 18:33.187: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 10 ( 1:50.578)
18:31.828 - 18:34.703: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 went off the track
18:35.812 - 18:36.640: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 8th
16:48.492 - 18:40.062: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:51.570)
18:37.929 - 18:41.484: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
18:40.710 - 18:41.656: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 12th
18:39.281 - 18:42.601: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 18th
18:39.882 - 18:43.210: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 19th
18:41.890 - 18:44.476: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
16:50.179 - 18:44.671: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 10 ( 1:54.492)
18:26.312 - 18:45.351: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA went off the track
18:43.695 - 18:46.164: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 13th
18:43.210 - 18:46.648: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 18th
16:58.882 - 18:47.289: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 10 ( 1:48.406)
18:45.593 - 18:47.765: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 14th
16:57.320 - 18:48.265: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 10 ( 1:50.945)
18:45.890 - 18:48.296: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 15th
18:46.406 - 18:48.867: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 16th
16:51.179 - 18:48.945: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 10 ( 1:57.765)
16:56.187 - 18:49.609: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 10 ( 1:53.421)
17:00.562 - 18:50.859: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 10 ( 1:50.296)
17:01.726 - 18:53.062: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:51.335)
18:52.984 - 18:55.031: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 19th
16:55.234 - 18:55.687: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 10 ( 2:00.453)
18:54.125 - 18:56.398: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 20th
17:03.734 - 18:56.750: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 10 ( 1:53.015)
17:09.234 - 18:58.250: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 10 ( 1:49.015)
18:56.671 - 18:58.250: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
17:05.078 - 18:58.414: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 10 ( 1:53.335)
16:30.218 - 19:00.023: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 9 ( 2:29.804)
16:53.968 - 19:00.945: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 10 ( 2:06.976)
17:12.273 - 19:02.007: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:49.734)
18:59.906 - 19:02.640: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing went off the track
17:08.640 - 19:09.218: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 10 ( 2:00.578)
17:19.601 - 19:09.601: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 10 ( 1:50.000)
19:08.460 - 19:10.664: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 11th
17:11.664 - 19:12.593: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 10 ( 2:00.929)
17:29.617 - 19:20.445: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 10 ( 1:50.828)
17:34.992 - 19:24.460: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:49.468)
17:34.265 - 19:27.804: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 10 ( 1:53.539)
19:13.671 - 19:30.351: Alex Moench | JIBR went off the track
19:28.289 - 19:32.273: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream went off the track
19:25.015 - 19:33.609: Erik Haugness | BPC went off the track
19:30.625 - 19:33.898: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
19:32.914 - 19:34.031: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 12th
17:40.484 - 19:34.242: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:53.757)
17:41.156 - 19:34.734: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 10 ( 1:53.578)
19:32.921 - 19:35.046: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 4th
19:33.992 - 19:35.140: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 13th
17:24.890 - 19:35.398: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 9 ( 2:10.507)
19:35.398 - 19:36.492: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 14th
17:47.851 - 19:38.687: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 10 ( 1:50.835)
19:37.523 - 19:40.031: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 15th
19:38.015 - 19:40.312: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 16th
19:41.914 - 19:44.257: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 17th
17:50.101 - 19:44.734: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 10 ( 1:54.632)
19:43.875 - 19:44.976: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 4th
19:43.679 - 19:45.671: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 6th
19:44.875 - 19:46.812: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 7th
19:45.054 - 19:47.554: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 4th
19:45.437 - 19:48.117: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 25th
19:48.039 - 19:49.625: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 4th
18:01.218 - 19:49.703: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 10 ( 1:48.484)
19:48.492 - 19:50.562: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 8th
19:48.695 - 19:50.640: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 18th
19:48.820 - 19:50.804: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 9th
17:55.820 - 19:53.882: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:58.062)
17:59.343 - 19:56.492: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:57.148)
19:53.773 - 19:57.210: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 10th
18:04.093 - 20:03.234: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:59.140)
20:03.875 - 20:06.343: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 12th
20:03.500 - 20:06.601: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 13th
20:04.453 - 20:06.976: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 14th
20:06.601 - 20:08.203: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 12th
20:05.882 - 20:08.468: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 15th
20:06.203 - 20:08.890: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 16th
20:09.507 - 20:10.484: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 8th
20:11.281 - 20:13.976: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 26th
20:08.070 - 20:16.500: Erik Haugness | BPC went off the track
20:13.210 - 20:16.804: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
18:28.273 - 20:18.953: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 11 ( 1:50.679)
18:28.984 - 20:20.984: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 11 ( 1:52.000)
20:19.140 - 20:21.046: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
18:33.187 - 20:30.492: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 11 ( 1:57.304)
18:40.062 - 20:32.148: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:52.085)
18:47.289 - 20:36.156: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 11 ( 1:48.867)
18:48.265 - 20:36.703: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 11 ( 1:48.437)
18:53.062 - 20:41.359: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:48.296)
18:48.945 - 20:42.125: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 11 ( 1:53.179)
20:37.492 - 20:42.304: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz went off the track
18:50.859 - 20:43.429: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 11 ( 1:52.570)
20:43.437 - 20:48.281: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 9th
18:44.671 - 20:49.093: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 11 ( 2:04.421)
18:58.250 - 20:50.328: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 11 ( 1:52.078)
18:58.414 - 20:50.976: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 11 ( 1:52.562)
18:49.609 - 20:51.593: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 11 ( 2:01.984)
19:00.945 - 20:52.085: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 11 ( 1:51.140)
19:02.007 - 20:53.375: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:51.367)
20:49.101 - 20:54.945: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 10th
19:00.023 - 20:57.187: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 10 ( 1:57.164)
20:54.507 - 20:57.429: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
20:54.710 - 20:57.820: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport went off the track
18:56.750 - 20:58.531: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 11 ( 2:01.781)
19:09.218 - 21:00.750: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 11 ( 1:51.531)
20:59.101 - 21:01.015: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 11th
18:55.687 - 21:02.500: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 11 ( 2:06.812)
19:12.593 - 21:02.937: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:50.343)
21:01.000 - 21:03.601: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 27th
21:04.062 - 21:06.523: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 28th
19:09.601 - 21:09.921: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 11 ( 2:00.320)
19:24.460 - 21:16.054: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:51.593)
19:27.804 - 21:19.906: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 11 ( 1:52.101)
21:26.632 - 21:27.859: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 13th
21:27.000 - 21:28.125: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
19:20.445 - 21:28.515: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 11 ( 2:08.070)
21:27.054 - 21:28.945: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 28th
19:34.242 - 21:29.398: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:55.156)
19:38.687 - 21:29.898: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 11 ( 1:51.210)
21:28.835 - 21:31.046: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
21:29.484 - 21:31.882: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 5th
21:29.367 - 21:31.968: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 13th
21:30.992 - 21:33.578: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 6th
21:29.906 - 21:34.796: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 25th
19:44.734 - 21:36.531: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 11 ( 1:51.796)
21:39.515 - 21:40.710: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
19:56.492 - 21:44.554: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:48.062)
21:45.132 - 21:46.367: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 16th
21:45.578 - 21:46.835: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 17th
21:44.554 - 21:47.617: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 10th
19:35.398 - 21:49.367: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 10 ( 2:13.968)
19:34.734 - 21:50.515: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 11 ( 2:15.781)
21:49.984 - 21:53.937: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 18th
19:49.703 - 21:56.968: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 11 ( 2:07.265)
21:54.757 - 21:57.140: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 11th
21:57.570 - 21:59.171: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 11th
19:53.882 - 22:00.679: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 2:06.796)
20:18.953 - 22:08.593: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 12 ( 1:49.640)
22:08.039 - 22:09.085: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 10th
22:12.398 - 22:15.523: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 10th
22:14.046 - 22:16.796: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 3rd
22:16.859 - 22:18.507: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 3rd
20:20.984 - 22:20.445: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 12 ( 1:59.460)
22:19.265 - 22:20.554: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
22:20.593 - 22:22.156: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
22:19.257 - 22:22.507: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 11th
22:20.531 - 22:23.367: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 16th
22:20.203 - 22:23.375: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 12th
22:21.750 - 22:23.570: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 4th
22:20.570 - 22:23.953: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 13th
22:22.437 - 22:24.546: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 24th
22:22.953 - 22:25.093: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 5th
20:36.156 - 22:25.625: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 12 ( 1:49.468)
22:22.445 - 22:25.648: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 14th
22:25.398 - 22:27.171: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 6th
22:25.757 - 22:27.750: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 7th
20:32.148 - 22:29.062: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:56.914)
22:27.171 - 22:29.062: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 5th
20:41.359 - 22:29.804: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:48.445)
22:27.750 - 22:29.804: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 6th
22:29.000 - 22:30.445: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 8th
20:03.234 - 22:31.000: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 2:27.765)
20:43.429 - 22:32.203: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 12 ( 1:48.773)
22:30.445 - 22:32.203: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 7th
22:31.328 - 22:33.468: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 29th
20:36.703 - 22:34.398: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 12 ( 1:57.695)
20:30.492 - 22:34.429: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 12 ( 2:03.937)
22:34.437 - 22:39.609: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 8th
20:50.328 - 22:40.859: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 12 ( 1:50.531)
20:42.125 - 22:41.554: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 12 ( 1:59.429)
20:52.085 - 22:41.742: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 12 ( 1:49.656)
22:39.757 - 22:41.742: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 18th
22:40.929 - 22:43.007: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 19th
20:51.593 - 22:43.523: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 12 ( 1:51.929)
20:53.375 - 22:45.109: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:51.734)
22:45.210 - 22:47.445: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 5th
22:45.539 - 22:47.718: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 20th
22:42.765 - 22:48.078: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA went off the track
22:48.679 - 22:50.195: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 8th
22:48.843 - 22:51.601: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 24th
20:49.093 - 22:51.695: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 12 ( 2:02.601)
21:00.750 - 22:52.218: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 12 ( 1:51.468)
20:58.531 - 22:53.156: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 12 ( 1:54.625)
22:50.015 - 22:54.164: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
20:50.976 - 22:55.820: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 12 ( 2:04.843)
21:02.937 - 22:56.343: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:53.406)
20:57.187 - 22:57.109: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 11 ( 1:59.921)
21:09.921 - 23:01.226: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 12 ( 1:51.304)
22:58.062 - 23:01.843: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 15th
23:00.750 - 23:04.554: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 16th
21:02.500 - 23:05.390: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 12 ( 2:02.890)
23:01.531 - 23:05.476: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 17th
21:16.054 - 23:06.898: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:50.843)
22:51.703 - 23:09.703: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | went off the track
23:09.703 - 23:11.835: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 18th
21:19.906 - 23:11.875: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 12 ( 1:51.968)
23:15.429 - 23:18.328: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
21:28.515 - 23:20.679: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 12 ( 1:52.164)
23:19.890 - 23:22.414: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 18th
23:21.234 - 23:24.710: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park went off the track
23:26.250 - 23:27.679: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 11th
21:29.898 - 23:28.593: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 12 ( 1:58.695)
21:36.531 - 23:29.234: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 12 ( 1:52.703)
23:25.234 - 23:29.437: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 19th
23:31.500 - 23:33.328: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 9th
23:32.890 - 23:34.867: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Fabio Guido | FG Films and Loris Michels | JIBR for 10th
21:29.398 - 23:35.257: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 2:05.859)
23:32.750 - 23:36.265: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 20th
23:34.304 - 23:36.656: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Fabio Guido | FG Films and Loris Michels | JIBR for 11th
23:33.632 - 23:37.078: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 21st
21:44.554 - 23:40.125: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:55.570)
23:37.828 - 23:41.101: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 12th
23:38.375 - 23:41.835: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 13th
21:50.515 - 23:43.984: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 12 ( 1:53.468)
23:40.218 - 23:46.406: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park went off the track
23:45.875 - 23:47.882: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 14th
23:44.781 - 23:47.914: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 8th
23:49.570 - 23:51.218: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 9th
22:00.679 - 23:53.976: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:53.296)
21:56.968 - 23:55.039: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 12 ( 1:58.070)
21:49.367 - 23:56.109: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 11 ( 2:06.742)
22:08.593 - 23:58.101: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 13 ( 1:49.507)
23:57.945 - 24:00.242: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
24:01.257 - 24:04.273: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 19th
24:01.632 - 24:05.062: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 20th
24:02.039 - 24:05.390: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 21st
22:20.445 - 24:10.695: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 13 ( 1:50.250)
24:07.281 - 24:12.015: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | went off the track
22:25.625 - 24:13.179: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 13 ( 1:47.554)
24:11.953 - 24:13.929: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
22:29.804 - 24:17.406: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:47.601)
24:16.000 - 24:19.148: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
22:29.062 - 24:21.492: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:52.429)
22:32.203 - 24:22.296: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 13 ( 1:50.093)
24:22.320 - 24:23.406: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 15th
24:22.531 - 24:24.757: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 11th
24:22.781 - 24:24.859: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 12th
24:17.265 - 24:25.726: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal went off the track
24:19.046 - 24:27.476: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | went off the track
24:25.062 - 24:28.335: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 16th
24:29.039 - 24:30.359: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 11th
22:40.859 - 24:31.593: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 13 ( 1:50.734)
24:30.687 - 24:32.015: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 11th
22:31.000 - 24:32.500: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 2:01.500)
22:41.554 - 24:33.726: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 13 ( 1:52.171)
22:34.398 - 24:34.375: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 13 ( 1:59.976)
22:45.109 - 24:38.039: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:52.929)
22:41.742 - 24:38.773: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 13 ( 1:57.031)
22:43.523 - 24:39.835: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 13 ( 1:56.312)
24:42.843 - 24:45.257: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 9th
22:53.156 - 24:46.070: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 13 ( 1:52.914)
22:55.820 - 24:46.304: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 13 ( 1:50.484)
22:56.343 - 24:47.328: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:50.984)
24:44.796 - 24:47.445: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 24th
22:34.429 - 24:47.953: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 13 ( 2:13.523)
22:57.109 - 24:52.453: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 12 ( 1:55.343)
22:52.218 - 24:55.375: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 13 ( 2:03.156)
23:05.390 - 24:57.625: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 13 ( 1:52.234)
24:55.492 - 24:57.632: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 14th
24:54.898 - 24:57.812: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream went off the track
23:06.898 - 24:58.632: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:51.734)
24:58.710 - 25:01.171: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 5th
24:59.789 - 25:02.164: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 6th
22:51.695 - 25:02.734: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 13 ( 2:11.039)
25:02.804 - 25:05.203: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 15th
23:01.226 - 25:05.835: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 13 ( 2:04.609)
25:05.796 - 25:08.406: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 16th
25:07.687 - 25:10.171: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
23:11.875 - 25:13.304: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 13 ( 2:01.429)
25:11.000 - 25:15.187: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
23:20.679 - 25:19.125: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 13 ( 1:58.445)
25:17.187 - 25:19.695: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 5th
23:29.234 - 25:20.500: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 13 ( 1:51.265)
23:28.593 - 25:24.570: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 13 ( 1:55.976)
23:35.257 - 25:27.671: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:52.414)
25:25.960 - 25:28.359: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 15th
25:25.335 - 25:28.390: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 19th
23:40.125 - 25:36.109: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:55.984)
23:43.984 - 25:37.320: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 13 ( 1:53.335)
25:32.023 - 25:45.257: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA went off the track
23:58.101 - 25:48.109: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 14 ( 1:50.007)
23:53.976 - 25:48.351: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:54.375)
25:45.937 - 25:52.851: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
23:55.039 - 25:56.398: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 13 ( 2:01.359)
24:10.695 - 26:00.437: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 14 ( 1:49.742)
24:13.179 - 26:01.117: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 14 ( 1:47.937)
25:59.203 - 26:02.132: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design went off the track
23:56.109 - 26:03.351: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 12 ( 2:07.242)
26:05.531 - 26:09.039: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 8th
26:03.617 - 26:10.515: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 19th
26:06.984 - 26:10.609: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 9th
24:22.296 - 26:11.312: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 14 ( 1:49.015)
26:08.210 - 26:11.656: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 20th
26:09.593 - 26:12.015: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 3rd
26:10.945 - 26:13.468: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 21st
26:10.046 - 26:13.710: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 10th
26:10.664 - 26:13.898: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 11th
24:21.492 - 26:13.953: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:52.460)
24:17.406 - 26:17.281: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:59.875)
26:16.703 - 26:19.273: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 3rd
26:20.812 - 26:23.156: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 11th
26:19.195 - 26:23.453: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz went off the track
26:21.960 - 26:24.140: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 16th
24:34.375 - 26:24.734: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 14 ( 1:50.359)
24:33.726 - 26:26.390: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 14 ( 1:52.664)
26:26.156 - 26:28.507: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
24:38.039 - 26:29.234: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:51.195)
24:31.593 - 26:31.187: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 14 ( 1:59.593)
26:28.671 - 26:32.367: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 20th
24:39.835 - 26:32.960: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 14 ( 1:53.125)
26:34.265 - 26:37.179: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
24:47.328 - 26:37.515: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:50.187)
24:38.773 - 26:38.054: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 14 ( 1:59.281)
24:46.304 - 26:39.671: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 14 ( 1:53.367)
24:47.953 - 26:40.789: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 14 ( 1:52.835)
26:41.554 - 26:45.726: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
26:42.867 - 26:46.312: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 13th
24:55.375 - 26:48.460: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 14 ( 1:53.085)
26:46.664 - 26:48.664: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 13th
26:32.265 - 26:48.695: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park went off the track
24:46.070 - 26:49.156: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 14 ( 2:03.085)
26:42.757 - 26:52.765: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 21st
26:48.359 - 26:53.210: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 3rd
24:57.625 - 26:55.515: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 14 ( 1:57.890)
25:05.835 - 26:58.898: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 14 ( 1:53.062)
26:55.765 - 26:59.992: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 11th
27:00.531 - 27:01.765: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
26:58.875 - 27:01.781: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
24:52.453 - 27:03.562: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 13 ( 2:11.109)
27:00.242 - 27:04.289: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 12th
27:03.390 - 27:04.718: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
27:01.195 - 27:05.359: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 13th
27:02.039 - 27:05.367: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 6th
27:02.578 - 27:06.703: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 14th
24:58.632 - 27:06.710: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 14 ( 2:08.078)
27:02.117 - 27:07.500: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 25th
25:02.734 - 27:09.375: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 14 ( 2:06.640)
27:08.742 - 27:10.992: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 8th
27:11.187 - 27:13.156: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 9th
25:19.125 - 27:13.406: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 14 ( 1:54.281)
27:11.140 - 27:15.281: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 16th
27:12.015 - 27:16.296: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 17th
25:24.570 - 27:16.523: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 14 ( 1:51.953)
25:20.500 - 27:20.164: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 14 ( 1:59.664)
25:13.304 - 27:20.765: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 14 ( 2:07.460)
25:27.671 - 27:22.523: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:54.851)
25:36.109 - 27:23.546: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:47.437)
27:24.578 - 27:28.304: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 12th
27:25.156 - 27:28.742: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 24th
27:26.085 - 27:29.804: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 25th
27:28.406 - 27:30.164: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
25:37.320 - 27:31.335: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 14 ( 1:54.015)
27:27.484 - 27:31.445: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 26th
27:15.281 - 27:32.085: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal went off the track
27:32.085 - 27:36.710: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal went off the track
25:48.109 - 27:38.164: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 15 ( 1:50.054)
25:48.351 - 27:40.765: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:52.414)
25:56.398 - 27:46.695: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 14 ( 1:50.296)
27:44.398 - 27:46.921: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 20th
27:48.359 - 27:49.289: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 21st
26:01.117 - 27:53.765: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 15 ( 1:52.648)
27:55.859 - 27:58.093: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
27:56.578 - 27:59.328: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 4th
26:11.312 - 28:03.343: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 15 ( 1:52.031)
26:00.437 - 28:03.656: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 15 ( 2:03.218)
28:05.398 - 28:07.523: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 22nd
28:03.734 - 28:07.976: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 16th
26:17.281 - 28:10.531: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:53.250)
28:10.007 - 28:11.976: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
28:12.039 - 28:15.125: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
26:13.953 - 28:15.257: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 15 ( 2:01.304)
28:13.710 - 28:15.734: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 24th
28:13.445 - 28:15.960: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
26:03.351 - 28:16.664: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 13 ( 2:13.312)
26:26.390 - 28:18.328: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 15 ( 1:51.937)
28:20.234 - 28:24.156: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 6th
26:24.734 - 28:24.226: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 15 ( 1:59.492)
26:32.960 - 28:25.546: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 15 ( 1:52.585)
26:29.234 - 28:26.984: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:57.750)
26:37.515 - 28:28.453: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:50.937)
28:26.570 - 28:28.531: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
26:38.054 - 28:29.367: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 15 ( 1:51.312)
28:27.367 - 28:29.406: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
28:28.078 - 28:30.539: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers went off the track
26:39.671 - 28:30.976: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 15 ( 1:51.304)
26:31.187 - 28:32.937: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 15 ( 2:01.750)
28:30.601 - 28:34.843: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
28:33.156 - 28:37.601: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
28:38.085 - 28:40.484: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 25th
28:30.687 - 28:42.421: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA went off the track
28:41.335 - 28:43.507: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 26th
28:42.265 - 28:44.343: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 27th
26:40.789 - 28:44.656: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 15 ( 2:03.867)
28:42.250 - 28:44.742: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 8th
26:49.156 - 28:45.859: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 15 ( 1:56.703)
28:43.679 - 28:46.312: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
28:45.062 - 28:47.601: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
28:46.046 - 28:48.640: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 11th
26:55.515 - 28:49.593: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 15 ( 1:54.078)
26:58.898 - 28:50.859: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 15 ( 1:51.960)
28:48.664 - 28:51.476: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport went off the track
26:48.460 - 28:53.773: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 15 ( 2:05.312)
28:56.328 - 28:58.820: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 6th
27:09.375 - 29:03.203: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 15 ( 1:53.828)
29:01.265 - 29:03.781: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 28th
29:01.781 - 29:04.289: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 12th
29:05.562 - 29:06.695: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
27:03.562 - 29:07.453: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 14 ( 2:03.890)
29:04.851 - 29:08.265: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 26th
29:10.140 - 29:10.890: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 25th
27:23.546 - 29:12.007: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 16 ( 1:48.460)
27:20.164 - 29:12.250: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 15 ( 1:52.085)
29:12.414 - 29:13.570: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 9th
27:20.765 - 29:14.492: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 15 ( 1:53.726)
27:13.406 - 29:14.929: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 15 ( 2:01.523)
29:06.250 - 29:18.343: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 went off the track
29:15.062 - 29:19.000: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 10th
29:16.226 - 29:19.898: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 11th
29:17.101 - 29:20.695: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 12th
29:18.960 - 29:21.382: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
29:19.898 - 29:22.085: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 10th
29:20.695 - 29:22.742: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 11th
27:31.335 - 29:22.820: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 15 ( 1:51.484)
29:20.687 - 29:23.164: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
29:19.289 - 29:23.195: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 13th
29:24.234 - 29:27.406: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
27:38.164 - 29:28.921: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 16 ( 1:50.757)
27:16.523 - 29:32.359: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 15 ( 2:15.835)
27:22.523 - 29:33.414: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 15 ( 2:10.890)
27:46.695 - 29:36.734: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 15 ( 1:50.039)
29:36.054 - 29:40.164: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 21st
29:37.460 - 29:41.593: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 22nd
29:36.742 - 29:41.664: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 27th
29:37.828 - 29:42.015: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 23rd
27:53.765 - 29:43.054: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 16 ( 1:49.289)
27:06.710 - 29:43.460: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 15 ( 2:36.750)
28:03.343 - 29:52.773: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 16 ( 1:49.429)
28:03.656 - 29:55.195: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 16 ( 1:51.539)
27:40.765 - 29:55.671: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 15 ( 2:14.906)
30:05.679 - 30:07.101: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 7th
30:07.281 - 30:08.679: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
30:09.054 - 30:10.351: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
28:18.328 - 30:10.382: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 16 ( 1:52.054)
30:10.500 - 30:11.710: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
28:24.226 - 30:14.812: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 16 ( 1:50.585)
28:15.257 - 30:15.468: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:00.210)
28:26.984 - 30:17.429: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 16 ( 1:50.445)
30:14.531 - 30:17.718: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 18th
28:10.531 - 30:18.281: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:07.750)
28:29.367 - 30:20.671: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 16 ( 1:51.304)
30:17.140 - 30:21.000: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 19th
28:28.453 - 30:22.187: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 16 ( 1:53.734)
28:32.937 - 30:23.929: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 16 ( 1:50.992)
28:25.546 - 30:24.828: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 16 ( 1:59.281)
28:30.976 - 30:32.078: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 16 ( 2:01.101)
30:34.960 - 30:37.726: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
28:44.656 - 30:37.820: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 16 ( 1:53.164)
28:45.859 - 30:39.031: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 16 ( 1:53.171)
28:16.664 - 30:41.273: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 14 ( 2:24.609)
28:50.859 - 30:43.234: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 16 ( 1:52.375)
30:41.703 - 30:43.703: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 28th
28:53.773 - 30:47.023: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 16 ( 1:53.250)
30:43.882 - 30:47.351: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 28th
28:49.593 - 30:50.523: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 16 ( 2:00.929)
30:49.382 - 30:51.890: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 28th
30:52.195 - 30:53.914: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 28th
30:52.796 - 30:55.265: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 7th
30:56.382 - 30:57.171: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
29:12.007 - 30:58.960: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 17 ( 1:46.953)
30:59.757 - 31:01.281: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
30:57.492 - 31:03.031: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
31:00.820 - 31:03.671: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi went off the track
29:12.250 - 31:07.000: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 16 ( 1:54.750)
29:14.492 - 31:07.500: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 16 ( 1:53.007)
31:07.171 - 31:08.609: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 10th
29:03.203 - 31:10.078: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 16 ( 2:06.875)
30:56.929 - 31:10.562: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
29:14.929 - 31:10.687: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 16 ( 1:55.757)
31:02.437 - 31:11.117: Loris Michels | JIBR went off the track
29:22.820 - 31:13.945: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 16 ( 1:51.125)
31:14.929 - 31:18.484: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport went off the track
29:28.921 - 31:22.140: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 17 ( 1:53.218)
31:20.546 - 31:22.898: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 17th
29:07.453 - 31:25.414: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 15 ( 2:17.960)
31:24.828 - 31:27.171: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 18th
29:32.359 - 31:27.328: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 16 ( 1:54.968)
29:36.734 - 31:28.718: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 16 ( 1:51.984)
31:29.031 - 31:31.867: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
31:30.398 - 31:32.625: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 17th
31:32.789 - 31:35.882: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 18th
29:33.414 - 31:37.406: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:03.992)
29:43.054 - 31:40.585: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 17 ( 1:57.531)
29:52.773 - 31:42.062: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 17 ( 1:49.289)
31:43.312 - 31:44.468: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 20th
31:42.359 - 31:45.093: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 10th
31:42.984 - 31:45.507: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 23rd
31:45.507 - 31:46.484: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 21st
29:55.195 - 31:46.601: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 17 ( 1:51.406)
31:45.648 - 31:46.695: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 22nd
31:45.656 - 31:47.585: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 19th
31:45.140 - 31:48.398: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 10th
29:43.460 - 31:48.960: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:05.500)
31:47.984 - 31:51.242: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 19th
31:51.421 - 31:54.367: Loris Michels | JIBR went off the track
29:55.671 - 31:57.742: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:02.070)
31:55.812 - 31:57.929: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 7th
31:57.945 - 32:00.304: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz went off the track
31:59.648 - 32:01.000: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
30:10.382 - 32:01.484: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 17 ( 1:51.101)
30:14.812 - 32:06.992: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 17 ( 1:52.179)
32:05.382 - 32:07.523: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 24th
30:15.468 - 32:07.726: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 17 ( 1:52.257)
32:05.937 - 32:08.414: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 26th
32:10.367 - 32:13.000: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 12th
30:18.281 - 32:13.046: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 17 ( 1:54.765)
30:23.929 - 32:13.812: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 17 ( 1:49.882)
30:22.187 - 32:13.968: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 17 ( 1:51.781)
30:20.671 - 32:15.859: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 17 ( 1:55.187)
30:24.828 - 32:16.523: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 17 ( 1:51.695)
32:13.109 - 32:17.320: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 7th
32:14.242 - 32:17.335: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal went off the track
30:17.429 - 32:17.593: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 17 ( 2:00.164)
32:13.820 - 32:18.687: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
32:18.281 - 32:20.437: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 25th
32:18.921 - 32:22.781: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
30:32.078 - 32:24.617: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 17 ( 1:52.539)
32:22.804 - 32:24.734: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 10th
32:25.320 - 32:27.429: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 24th
32:26.234 - 32:29.000: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
32:27.484 - 32:30.039: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
30:37.820 - 32:30.492: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 17 ( 1:52.671)
32:30.390 - 32:32.953: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
30:43.234 - 32:33.445: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 17 ( 1:50.210)
32:32.937 - 32:35.023: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 13th
32:31.859 - 32:35.812: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 21st
30:47.023 - 32:42.234: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 17 ( 1:55.210)
32:40.507 - 32:43.367: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | went off the track
32:40.359 - 32:44.398: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 13th
30:39.031 - 32:44.953: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 17 ( 2:05.921)
30:41.273 - 32:46.109: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 15 ( 2:04.835)
32:44.398 - 32:47.539: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 12th
30:58.960 - 32:52.437: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 18 ( 1:53.476)
32:48.414 - 32:52.578: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 14th
32:50.531 - 32:52.914: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 8th
32:50.750 - 32:53.000: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
30:50.523 - 32:53.382: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 17 ( 2:02.859)
32:53.789 - 32:54.906: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 11th
32:52.578 - 32:55.929: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 13th
32:54.906 - 32:57.406: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
31:10.687 - 33:00.460: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 17 ( 1:49.773)
32:57.250 - 33:00.476: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 25th
32:58.562 - 33:00.601: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 18th
31:07.500 - 33:01.914: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 17 ( 1:54.414)
31:10.078 - 33:06.445: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 17 ( 1:56.367)
31:07.000 - 33:07.875: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 17 ( 2:00.875)
31:22.140 - 33:12.640: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 18 ( 1:50.500)
33:16.492 - 33:18.640: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 23rd
33:16.929 - 33:18.671: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 13th
31:28.718 - 33:19.398: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 17 ( 1:50.679)
31:13.945 - 33:28.296: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 17 ( 2:14.351)
31:40.585 - 33:29.640: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 18 ( 1:49.054)
31:37.406 - 33:34.062: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 17 ( 1:56.656)
31:25.414 - 33:34.945: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 16 ( 2:09.531)
31:42.062 - 33:36.921: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 18 ( 1:54.859)
31:27.328 - 33:37.835: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 17 ( 2:10.507)
33:26.218 - 33:42.367: Loris Michels | JIBR went off the track
33:39.062 - 33:43.164: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 26th
31:46.601 - 33:43.960: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 18 ( 1:57.359)
33:43.242 - 33:46.835: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 27th
32:01.484 - 33:55.773: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 18 ( 1:54.289)
32:06.992 - 34:01.921: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 18 ( 1:54.929)
33:48.210 - 34:02.242: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | went off the track
34:01.523 - 34:04.789: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
32:13.812 - 34:06.328: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 18 ( 1:52.515)
32:13.046 - 34:06.804: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 18 ( 1:53.757)
31:48.960 - 34:08.007: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 17 ( 2:19.046)
34:00.539 - 34:08.812: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA went off the track
32:07.726 - 34:14.093: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 18 ( 2:06.367)
32:13.968 - 34:14.492: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 18 ( 2:00.523)
34:06.812 - 34:16.382: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
34:15.640 - 34:18.359: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 20th
32:30.492 - 34:23.343: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 18 ( 1:52.851)
34:20.882 - 34:23.343: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Alex Moench | JIBR, Loris Michels | JIBR and Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 12th
32:15.859 - 34:23.617: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 18 ( 2:07.757)
34:16.031 - 34:23.617: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 13th
32:33.445 - 34:25.414: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 18 ( 1:51.968)
34:23.328 - 34:25.414: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Alex Moench | JIBR and Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
32:17.593 - 34:25.796: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 18 ( 2:08.203)
34:17.710 - 34:25.796: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
32:16.523 - 34:26.218: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 18 ( 2:09.695)
32:24.617 - 34:28.820: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 18 ( 2:04.203)
31:57.742 - 34:34.054: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 17 ( 2:36.312)
34:33.281 - 34:35.835: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 27th
32:44.953 - 34:38.109: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 18 ( 1:53.156)
34:36.132 - 34:38.343: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 20th
32:52.437 - 34:40.148: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 19 ( 1:47.710)
34:37.367 - 34:41.382: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
34:37.867 - 34:44.328: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi went off the track
32:42.234 - 34:47.546: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 18 ( 2:05.312)
32:46.109 - 34:51.062: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 16 ( 2:04.953)
32:53.382 - 34:52.242: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 18 ( 1:58.859)
33:01.914 - 34:54.609: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 18 ( 1:52.695)
34:52.984 - 34:54.609: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 21st
33:00.460 - 34:57.835: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 18 ( 1:57.375)
34:58.351 - 35:02.507: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi went off the track
33:12.640 - 35:04.296: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 19 ( 1:51.656)
35:03.554 - 35:05.921: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 14th
35:05.984 - 35:08.085: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 14th
33:07.875 - 35:09.523: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 18 ( 2:01.648)
35:06.273 - 35:09.625: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
35:10.242 - 35:11.671: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 14th
35:11.546 - 35:15.265: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 12th
35:13.468 - 35:15.710: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 25th
35:15.390 - 35:17.320: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
35:15.976 - 35:18.375: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 26th
33:06.445 - 35:18.765: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 18 ( 2:12.320)
35:18.195 - 35:20.195: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 13th
35:13.187 - 35:24.515: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream went off the track
35:21.187 - 35:24.531: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Loris Michels | JIBR for 13th
35:22.664 - 35:24.648: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
35:21.671 - 35:25.054: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Loris Michels | JIBR for 14th
35:20.312 - 35:25.195: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 15th
35:24.710 - 35:26.804: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
33:29.640 - 35:27.250: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 19 ( 1:57.609)
35:24.664 - 35:27.945: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 16th
33:36.921 - 35:28.523: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 19 ( 1:51.601)
35:29.156 - 35:30.273: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 27th
33:34.062 - 35:30.695: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 18 ( 1:56.632)
33:37.835 - 35:31.406: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 18 ( 1:53.570)
35:31.656 - 35:34.015: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 13th
35:31.679 - 35:34.703: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz went off the track
33:28.296 - 35:35.750: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 18 ( 2:07.453)
35:34.328 - 35:36.015: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 13th
33:43.960 - 35:37.710: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 19 ( 1:53.750)
33:19.398 - 35:38.750: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 18 ( 2:19.351)
33:34.945 - 35:40.843: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 17 ( 2:05.898)
35:42.250 - 35:45.203: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 13th
35:45.617 - 35:48.562: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Loris Michels | JIBR for 14th
35:42.851 - 35:49.609: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 15th
33:55.773 - 35:49.656: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 19 ( 1:53.882)
34:01.921 - 35:54.617: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 19 ( 1:52.695)
34:06.328 - 36:01.539: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 19 ( 1:55.210)
34:14.492 - 36:05.671: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 19 ( 1:51.179)
34:14.093 - 36:07.328: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 19 ( 1:53.234)
34:06.804 - 36:09.656: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 19 ( 2:02.851)
36:07.203 - 36:09.781: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
34:08.007 - 36:11.585: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 18 ( 2:03.578)
36:11.117 - 36:13.507: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
34:23.343 - 36:16.554: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 19 ( 1:53.210)
34:26.218 - 36:18.125: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 19 ( 1:51.906)
34:23.617 - 36:23.007: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 19 ( 1:59.390)
34:25.414 - 36:26.992: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 19 ( 2:01.578)
34:28.820 - 36:29.828: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 19 ( 2:01.007)
34:38.109 - 36:38.390: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 19 ( 2:00.281)
34:34.054 - 36:40.039: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 18 ( 2:05.984)