MX Simulator
Track2019 rF Gaming GP Rd01: Neuquen
Format 30 minutes, 2 laps
Date5/14/2019, 7:37:42 PM (2132 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
114Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing 250sxf(2018)19 34:46.7032 1:45.14015153
249Etienne Bernard | FG Films 250sxf(2018)19 35:04.2962 1:48.40624414
3219Riley Hunt | PowerDream 250sxf(2018)19 35:29.3752 1:48.46827596
426Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers 250sxf(2018)19 35:29.5004 1:47.08513841
5204Mozart | Limited Decal 250sxf(2018)19 35:38.0854 1:48.18729698
6217Jake Thomas | PowerDream 250sxf(2018)19 35:51.0314 1:48.95322776
7471Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design 250sxf(2018)19 35:56.5547 1:48.02319915
8594Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing fc250(2018)19 36:05.6719 1:49.2104909
9148Brandon Holmes | Anschutz 250sxf(2018)19 36:06.8905 1:47.89829598
10919Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing 250sxf(2018)19 36:07.3283 1:49.0319694
1133Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing 250sxf(2018)19 36:10.6713 1:46.43711337
1251Fabio Guido | FG Films 250sxf(2018)19 36:16.5545 1:47.97619624
13811Alex Moench | JIBR 250sxf(2018)19 36:18.6099 1:50.2965738
14552Loris Michels | JIBR 250sxf(2018)19 36:24.2182 1:48.92925266
1532Erik Haugness | BPC 250sxf(2018)19 36:26.9926 1:49.4538855
1674Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 250sxf(2018)19 36:32.2032 1:48.4373449
1769Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport 250sxf(2018)19 36:38.3904 1:49.27322048
1822Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing 250sxf(2018)18 34:27.6958 1:48.31213377
19431Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal 250sxf(2018)18 34:51.9923 1:49.32021108
20932Florent Lambillon | JIBR 250sxf(2018)18 34:52.2424 1:49.41416438
21126Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING 250sxf(2018)18 34:57.1403 1:49.85116712
22100Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport 250sxf(2018)18 35:02.66417 1:49.77314129
23411Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream 250sxf(2018)18 35:13.3823 1:47.67131538
24945Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | fc250(2018)18 35:21.0703 1:49.70317196
25547Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing 250sxf(2018)18 35:31.2104 1:51.7967960
26297Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi 250sxf(2018)18 35:33.6253 1:49.9377623
2788Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream 250sxf(2018)18 35:36.4926 1:47.36712577
28133Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days 250sxf(2018)18 35:38.7504 1:47.64022185
2965Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing fc250(2018)18 36:14.4064 1:50.05413088
30248Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing 250sxf(2018)18 36:44.3758 1:50.7571467
31733J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA 250sxf(2018)17 35:41.3206 1:50.6179179
32872Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park 250sxf(2018)16 34:51.7424 1:53.6797108
33912Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing 250sxf(2018)12 24:33.9375 1:49.41414237
34296Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING 250sxf(2018)9 18:16.3047 1:49.90617431
35117Gaetan Pich | MR | 250sxf(2018)8 15:44.6567 1:49.35117009
36148Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy 250sxf(2018)8 15:52.7575 1:50.68720977
37141Sem Wijgman 250sxf(2018)6 12:27.1323 1:52.84321957
38427Charlie Razzell | Architech 250sxf(2018)5 10:41.7264 1:52.79625604
39154Neal Wells | MV Films 250sxf(2018)3 6:19.9452 1:53.8355199
4024Rico de Laat | Architech 250sxf(2018)2 4:42.7032 2:27.54619896

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19
P1 14 14 14 14 204 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
P2 552 552 204 204 14 204 204 204 204 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49
P3 204 204 552 51 51 51 49 49 49 204 204 204 204 204 26 26 26 26 26
P4 69 219 411 919 919 217 217 51 51 51 51 26 26 26 219 219 219 219 219
P5 219 411 219 552 217 49 51 919 919 919 919 919 33 219 204 204 204 204 204
P6 411 51 51 217 49 919 919 945 945 945 26 33 919 919 33 217 217 217 217
P7 51 945 945 411 932 26 945 217 217 26 471 219 219 33 919 471 471 471 471
P8 945 919 919 219 26 932 932 932 552 471 33 471 148 471 217 919 919 148 148
P9 919 69 217 49 219 219 552 552 932 217 217 51 217 217 471 22 33 33 594
P10 217 49 49 69 552 945 26 811 811 811 219 148 471 22 811 33 148 919 919
P11 26 217 69 932 945 552 219 471 471 219 945 217 22 148 22 552 594 594 33
P12 49 26 932 26 148 811 74 26 26 33 148 552 552 811 594 594 552 51 51
P13 932 932 26 945 811 74 811 219 219 932 74 811 811 594 552 148 811 552 811
P14 65 65 117 471 74 69 69 69 33 69 811 22 69 552 74 811 22 32 552
P15 141 148 74 811 69 148 471 33 69 148 552 945 74 74 148 74 74 22 32
P16 148 117 471 148 411 33 297 74 74 74 22 431 594 51 51 51 51 811 74
P17 594 811 811 74 65 297 431 431 431 552 69 69 51 431 69 69 32 74 69
P18 117 74 431 65 471 471 33 148 148 22 431 74 431 69 932 32 431 69
P19 811 471 148 297 297 431 148 594 594 431 932 594 932 932 32 431 69 431
P20 297 431 141 431 431 594 594 22 22 32 594 32 65 32 431 932 932 932
P21 133 141 22 594 33 32 32 32 32 594 32 932 945 65 945 411 100 126
P22 471 22 65 126 594 22 22 297 100 100 65 65 32 945 411 126 126 100
P23 74 297 297 117 126 65 65 65 126 65 126 126 126 100 126 945 945 411
P24 431 594 33 33 32 148 126 126 65 126 100 100 100 297 100 100 411 945
P25 872 126 126 22 133 411 100 100 547 547 547 297 411 411 88 88 133 547
P26 22 154 594 32 22 126 547 117 88 88 297 411 297 126 297 297 88 297
P27 32 100 32 133 148 100 148 411 297 297 411 547 547 547 547 133 547 88
P28 126 33 100 148 547 547 117 547 411 411 88 88 88 88 133 547 297 133
P29 100 133 88 547 100 117 411 88 248 133 133 248 248 248 65 65 65 65
P30 148 248 133 100 117 912 88 912 133 248 248 133 133 133 248 248 248 248
P31 33 32 148 141 248 88 912 148 912 912 912 912 733 733 733 733 733
P32 24 148 547 88 912 248 133 133 296 733 733 733 872 872 872 872
P33 154 88 248 248 88 133 733 248 733 872 872 872
P34 296 547 154 912 733 733 296 296 872
P35 88 872 912 872 296 296 248 733
P36 427 912 872 733 141 141 872 872
P37 733 733 296 296 872 872
P38 248 296 733 427 427
P39 912 427 427
P40 547 24

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:45.140 2 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:45.343 9 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:45.578 8 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:46.437 3 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:46.835 5 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:47.085 4 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:47.132 9 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:47.281 10 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:47.328 6 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:47.367 6 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
1:47.382 6 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:47.554 13 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:47.601 13 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:47.640 4 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
1:47.671 3 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
1:47.695 6 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:47.710 19 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:47.765 8 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:47.898 5 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
1:47.937 14 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:47.976 5 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:48.023 7 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:48.062 12 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:48.117 3 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:48.187 4 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:48.296 11 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:48.312 8 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:48.328 9 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
1:48.406 2 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:48.406 10 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:48.437 11 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:48.437 2 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
1:48.445 12 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:48.460 16 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:48.468 2 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:48.484 10 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
1:48.546 9 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:48.554 9 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:48.742 2 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:48.773 12 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:48.835 4 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:48.843 2 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
1:48.867 11 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:48.921 2 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
1:48.929 2 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:48.953 4 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:49.015 14 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:49.015 7 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:49.015 10 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
1:49.023 4 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:49.031 3 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:49.054 18 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:49.117 9 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
1:49.125 8 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:49.171 5 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:49.187 3 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:49.210 9 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:49.218 3 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:49.234 5 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:49.273 4 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:49.289 17 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:49.312 4 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:49.320 3 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
1:49.335 8 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:49.351 7 117 Gaetan Pich | MR |
1:49.414 4 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
1:49.414 5 912 Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:49.429 16 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:49.429 4 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:49.445 5 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
1:49.453 6 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:49.468 12 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:49.500 8 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
1:49.507 13 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:49.515 7 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:49.562 3 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:49.625 2 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
1:49.640 12 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:49.656 12 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:49.703 9 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:49.703 3 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
1:49.710 9 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:49.718 5 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:49.726 8 912 Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:49.734 8 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
1:49.734 10 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:49.734 6 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:49.742 10 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:49.742 14 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:49.742 9 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:49.757 2 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:49.773 3 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:49.773 17 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
1:49.789 6 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:49.820 8 117 Gaetan Pich | MR |
1:49.828 5 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:49.843 6 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:49.851 3 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
1:49.859 2 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:49.875 6 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
1:49.906 7 296 Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING
1:49.937 3 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
1:49.953 2 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:49.984 8 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:50.000 10 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:50.007 6 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:50.007 14 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:50.039 15 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
1:50.054 15 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:50.054 4 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
1:50.054 4 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:50.062 2 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:50.093 13 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:50.101 3 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:50.117 2 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
1:50.156 2 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:50.171 2 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:50.187 14 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:50.210 17 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:50.226 9 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:50.242 5 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
1:50.250 13 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:50.296 10 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:50.296 14 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
1:50.296 9 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:50.312 3 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:50.335 9 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
1:50.343 11 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:50.343 6 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
1:50.421 3 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:50.429 5 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
1:50.429 6 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:50.429 6 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:50.445 16 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:50.445 3 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
1:50.445 2 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:50.484 13 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
1:50.492 2 117 Gaetan Pich | MR |
1:50.500 18 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:50.507 8 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:50.507 9 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:50.531 12 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
1:50.539 5 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
1:50.554 9 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:50.562 5 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:50.578 10 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:50.578 9 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
1:50.585 16 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:50.593 2 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
1:50.617 6 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
1:50.679 17 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
1:50.679 11 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:50.687 5 148 Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy
1:50.734 13 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
1:50.750 7 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
1:50.757 16 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:50.757 8 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:50.757 8 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:50.773 9 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
1:50.781 6 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:50.804 4 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:50.820 3 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
1:50.828 10 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
1:50.835 10 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
1:50.843 12 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
1:50.882 3 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
1:50.921 3 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:50.937 15 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:50.945 10 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:50.960 4 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
1:50.984 13 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:50.992 9 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:50.992 16 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
1:51.054 6 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:51.062 5 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
1:51.093 4 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:51.101 17 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:51.125 16 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
1:51.140 11 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:51.148 7 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
1:51.179 19 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:51.195 14 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:51.210 11 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
1:51.218 4 148 Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy
1:51.304 12 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:51.304 16 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:51.304 15 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
1:51.312 15 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:51.335 10 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:51.343 7 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:51.367 11 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:51.406 17 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:51.468 12 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
1:51.484 15 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
1:51.500 9 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:51.531 11 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
1:51.539 16 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:51.570 10 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:51.578 8 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:51.593 11 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
1:51.601 19 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:51.617 8 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
1:51.625 8 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
1:51.656 19 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:51.664 6 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
1:51.695 17 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:51.734 13 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
1:51.742 3 117 Gaetan Pich | MR |
1:51.757 9 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:51.765 2 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
1:51.765 2 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:51.781 17 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:51.789 7 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
1:51.789 8 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
1:51.796 4 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:51.796 11 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
1:51.835 4 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
1:51.890 3 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:51.906 19 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:51.929 12 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:51.937 15 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:51.945 8 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
1:51.953 14 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
1:51.960 15 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:51.968 18 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:51.968 12 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
1:51.984 16 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
1:52.000 11 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:52.031 15 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:52.054 16 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:52.085 15 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
1:52.085 11 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:52.164 12 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
1:52.171 13 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:52.179 17 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:52.234 13 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
1:52.242 6 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
1:52.257 17 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:52.257 9 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:52.312 8 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:52.359 6 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
1:52.375 16 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:52.414 13 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:52.414 14 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:52.429 5 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
1:52.429 13 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:52.460 14 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:52.492 5 296 Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING
1:52.515 18 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
1:52.539 17 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
1:52.562 11 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
1:52.570 11 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:52.585 9 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:52.585 15 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:52.625 8 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:52.632 3 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:52.648 15 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:52.664 14 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:52.671 17 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:52.687 5 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:52.687 3 296 Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING
1:52.695 19 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:52.695 18 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
1:52.703 12 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
1:52.773 7 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:52.789 5 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
1:52.796 4 427 Charlie Razzell | Architech
1:52.835 14 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:52.843 3 141 Sem Wijgman
1:52.851 18 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:52.914 13 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:52.929 13 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:52.984 6 296 Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING
1:53.007 16 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
1:53.015 10 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:53.054 6 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:53.062 14 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:53.085 14 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
1:53.125 14 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:53.156 18 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:53.164 16 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:53.171 8 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
1:53.171 16 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:53.179 11 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:53.210 7 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:53.210 19 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:53.218 17 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:53.234 19 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:53.234 9 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
1:53.250 15 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:53.250 16 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
1:53.296 12 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:53.335 13 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
1:53.367 14 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
1:53.406 12 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:53.414 3 148 Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy
1:53.421 10 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:53.429 9 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:53.445 7 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:53.468 3 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:53.468 12 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
1:53.515 7 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:53.539 10 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
1:53.609 4 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
1:53.679 4 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
1:53.726 15 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
1:53.734 16 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:53.750 19 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:53.757 10 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:53.757 18 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:53.828 15 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
1:53.835 2 154 Neal Wells | MV Films
1:53.882 19 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:53.984 6 148 Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy
1:54.007 5 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:54.015 14 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
1:54.031 7 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
1:54.070 6 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:54.078 15 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
1:54.109 3 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:54.203 6 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
1:54.281 14 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
1:54.289 18 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:54.289 3 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:54.312 7 912 Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:54.375 13 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:54.414 17 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
1:54.414 5 427 Charlie Razzell | Architech
1:54.421 8 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
1:54.468 8 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:54.593 5 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:54.625 12 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:54.750 16 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
1:54.851 14 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:54.859 18 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:54.921 5 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:54.929 18 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:55.156 11 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:55.281 7 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
1:55.328 2 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:55.343 12 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
1:55.398 4 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:55.531 2 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:55.617 7 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
1:55.632 7 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:55.757 16 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
1:55.781 4 912 Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:55.976 13 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
1:55.984 14 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:56.062 8 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:56.187 8 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
1:56.210 4 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:56.312 13 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:56.320 6 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:56.507 5 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:56.632 18 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:56.656 17 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:56.703 15 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
1:56.765 6 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:56.914 12 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:57.031 13 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:57.054 7 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:57.132 3 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
1:57.148 11 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:57.164 7 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:57.164 10 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
1:57.304 11 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
1:57.304 4 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
1:57.359 18 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:57.375 18 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
1:57.460 4 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:57.531 17 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:57.539 6 912 Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:57.609 19 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
1:57.695 12 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:57.742 7 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
1:57.750 15 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:57.765 10 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:57.828 3 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
1:57.882 2 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
1:57.890 14 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
1:58.062 10 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:58.070 12 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
1:58.125 2 141 Sem Wijgman
1:58.390 2 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:58.445 13 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
1:58.632 3 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
1:58.695 12 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
1:58.781 9 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
1:58.851 4 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:58.859 18 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
1:58.859 2 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
1:58.921 4 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
1:59.015 4 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
1:59.140 10 912 Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:59.281 16 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
1:59.281 14 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:59.367 5 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
1:59.390 19 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
1:59.429 12 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
1:59.460 12 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:59.492 15 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
1:59.664 14 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
1:59.679 9 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
1:59.773 10 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
1:59.867 6 141 Sem Wijgman
1:59.875 14 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:59.976 13 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
2:00.164 6 117 Gaetan Pich | MR |
2:00.195 2 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
2:00.210 16 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:00.250 3 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
2:00.281 19 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
2:00.304 4 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
2:00.320 5 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
2:00.453 10 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
2:00.523 18 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
2:00.578 10 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
2:00.679 8 296 Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING
2:00.718 7 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
2:00.734 8 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
2:00.828 4 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
2:00.875 17 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
2:00.929 10 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
2:00.929 16 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
2:00.945 2 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
2:00.960 7 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
2:01.007 19 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
2:01.117 4 296 Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING
2:01.234 8 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
2:01.304 15 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:01.320 3 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:01.328 8 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
2:01.359 13 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
2:01.429 13 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
2:01.500 12 912 Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:01.578 19 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
2:01.648 18 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
2:01.656 4 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
2:01.750 15 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
2:01.781 11 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
2:02.601 12 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
2:02.859 17 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
2:02.890 12 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
2:02.898 7 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:03.085 5 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
2:03.085 14 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
2:03.101 3 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
2:03.218 15 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
2:03.320 6 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:03.578 18 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
2:03.867 15 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
2:03.937 12 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
2:03.992 16 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:04.203 18 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
2:04.320 7 148 Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy
2:04.421 11 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
2:04.609 13 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
2:04.835 15 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
2:04.843 12 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
2:04.906 2 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
2:04.953 16 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
2:05.312 18 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
2:05.351 2 148 Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy
2:05.500 16 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
2:05.687 2 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
2:05.859 12 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:05.984 18 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:06.367 18 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:06.640 14 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
2:06.710 4 117 Gaetan Pich | MR |
2:06.796 11 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:06.812 11 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
2:06.875 16 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
2:06.945 8 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
2:06.976 10 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
2:07.132 5 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
2:07.218 2 912 Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:07.242 12 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
2:07.265 11 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
2:07.750 16 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:08.078 14 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
2:08.203 18 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:08.851 3 154 Neal Wells | MV Films
2:09.531 16 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
2:09.695 18 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
2:09.781 2 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
2:10.218 5 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
2:10.507 17 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
2:10.507 9 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
2:10.554 5 117 Gaetan Pich | MR |
2:10.820 3 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
2:10.890 15 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:10.953 3 427 Charlie Razzell | Architech
2:11.125 6 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
2:12.500 6 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
2:12.500 2 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
2:12.656 9 912 Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:13.523 13 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
2:13.695 4 141 Sem Wijgman
2:13.968 10 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
2:14.351 17 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
2:15.132 6 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
2:15.781 11 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
2:15.835 15 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
2:17.960 15 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
2:19.046 17 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
2:19.351 18 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
2:22.117 2 296 Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING
2:22.625 8 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
2:24.609 14 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
2:27.546 2 24 Rico de Laat | Architech
2:27.765 11 912 Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:36.750 15 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing

Individual Worst Laps

1:53.218 17 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
1:57.148 11 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
1:58.921 4 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
2:00.320 5 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
2:00.718 7 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
2:01.234 8 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
2:01.750 15 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
2:03.218 15 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
2:04.843 12 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
2:04.906 2 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
2:05.312 15 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
2:05.351 2 148 Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy
2:05.687 2 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
2:05.921 17 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
2:06.367 18 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:06.812 11 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
2:07.460 14 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
2:07.750 16 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:07.757 18 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
2:08.070 11 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
2:08.203 18 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:08.851 3 154 Neal Wells | MV Films
2:09.695 18 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
2:10.554 5 117 Gaetan Pich | MR |
2:10.890 15 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:12.320 18 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
2:12.500 6 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
2:13.523 13 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
2:15.781 11 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
2:17.859 9 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
2:18.789 5 141 Sem Wijgman
2:19.351 18 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
2:22.117 2 296 Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING
2:22.945 2 427 Charlie Razzell | Architech
2:27.546 2 24 Rico de Laat | Architech
2:27.765 11 912 Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:29.804 9 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
2:34.968 7 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
2:36.312 17 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
2:36.750 15 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.166 49 Etienne Bernard | FG Films
3.329 217 Jake Thomas | PowerDream
3.498 219 Riley Hunt | PowerDream
4.052 471 Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design
4.107 14 Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
4.242 204 Mozart | Limited Decal
4.333 26 Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers
4.397 148 Brandon Holmes | Anschutz
4.458 919 Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
4.498 594 Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing
4.513 126 Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING
4.554 100 Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport
4.740 69 Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport
4.896 811 Alex Moench | JIBR
5.006 547 Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
5.036 32 Erik Haugness | BPC
5.135 932 Florent Lambillon | JIBR
5.173 74 Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74
5.311 22 Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
5.459 431 Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal
5.681 148 Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy
5.713 552 Loris Michels | JIBR
6.088 33 Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
6.337 51 Fabio Guido | FG Films
7.204 411 Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream
7.508 154 Neal Wells | MV Films
7.791 945 Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |
8.177 117 Gaetan Pich | MR |
8.807 88 Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream
8.959 297 Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi
9.330 872 Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park
9.346 133 Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days
9.865 141 Sem Wijgman
9.884 296 Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING
10.879 912 Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
10.997 248 Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing
11.258 733 J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA
12.431 427 Charlie Razzell | Architech
12.446 65 Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing
- 24 Rico de Laat | Architech

Play by Play

Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing takes the holeshot followed by Riley Hunt | PowerDream, Loris Michels | JIBR, Mozart | Limited Decal, Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport, Jake Thomas | PowerDream, Gaetan Pich | MR | , Neal Wells | MV Films, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING, Brandon Holmes | Anschutz, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING, Erik Haugness | BPC, Fabio Guido | FG Films, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Charlie Razzell | Architech, J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Rico de Laat | Architech, Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport, Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design, Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park, Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream, Etienne Bernard | FG Films, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Sem Wijgman, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days, Alex Moench | JIBR, Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA |, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74, Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Florent Lambillon | JIBR, Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers, Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing, Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing, Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing

0:07.304 - 0:09.968: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 2nd
0:07.500 - 0:10.226: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 3rd
0:07.609 - 0:10.328: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream and Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 4th
0:07.789 - 0:10.585: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream, Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 5th
0:07.937 - 0:10.671: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream, Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 6th
0:07.929 - 0:10.812: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 8th
0:08.351 - 0:10.851: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport, Fabio Guido | FG Films, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 9th
0:08.203 - 0:11.000: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 10th
0:08.054 - 0:11.007: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 12th
0:08.945 - 0:11.007: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fabio Guido | FG Films, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING, Charlie Razzell | Architech and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 12th
0:08.265 - 0:11.117: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 14th
0:09.312 - 0:11.335: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Rico de Laat | Architech, Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park, Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 16th
0:09.000 - 0:11.406: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Rico de Laat | Architech, Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 17th
0:08.960 - 0:11.468: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Rico de Laat | Architech and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 18th
0:09.890 - 0:12.062: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films, Rico de Laat | Architech and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 21st
0:09.898 - 0:12.343: Sem Wijgman passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films, Rico de Laat | Architech and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 22nd
0:09.851 - 0:12.351: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 23rd
0:10.187 - 0:12.476: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 24th
0:10.320 - 0:12.820: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 25th
0:10.945 - 0:13.148: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days, Etienne Bernard | FG Films, Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | and Rico de Laat | Architech for 26th
0:10.609 - 0:13.335: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 27th
0:10.671 - 0:13.375: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 5th
0:10.851 - 0:13.726: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 8th
0:11.210 - 0:13.757: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 28th
0:11.007 - 0:13.820: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 9th
0:11.007 - 0:13.992: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 11th
0:11.335 - 0:14.242: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport, Fabio Guido | FG Films and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 13th
0:09.953 - 0:14.257: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 29th
0:11.945 - 0:14.398: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 30th
0:11.406 - 0:14.578: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 16th
0:12.328 - 0:14.593: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 31st
0:11.484 - 0:14.617: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 17th
0:12.062 - 0:14.921: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 18th
0:11.468 - 0:15.023: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 19th
0:12.398 - 0:15.101: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 32nd
0:12.914 - 0:15.140: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films, Rico de Laat | Architech and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
0:12.476 - 0:15.375: Alex Moench | JIBR passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Sem Wijgman, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 20th
0:12.617 - 0:15.437: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 34th
0:13.851 - 0:15.640: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream, Neal Wells | MV Films, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 6th
0:12.343 - 0:15.664: Sem Wijgman passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 21st
0:13.726 - 0:16.007: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream and Neal Wells | MV Films for 7th
0:13.148 - 0:16.031: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 22nd
0:14.070 - 0:16.093: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream, Neal Wells | MV Films, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 8th
0:13.992 - 0:16.117: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream, Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 9th
0:12.820 - 0:16.148: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 23rd
0:13.335 - 0:16.226: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 24th
0:13.578 - 0:16.289: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 10th
0:13.085 - 0:16.460: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Etienne Bernard | FG Films and Rico de Laat | Architech for 35th
0:14.242 - 0:16.476: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 11th
0:14.250 - 0:16.523: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 12th
0:13.757 - 0:16.671: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 25th
0:14.335 - 0:16.781: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 13th
0:14.921 - 0:16.976: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park, Neal Wells | MV Films, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 14th
0:14.257 - 0:17.039: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 26th
0:14.578 - 0:17.257: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 15th
0:15.023 - 0:17.320: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Neal Wells | MV Films, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 16th
0:14.398 - 0:17.539: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 27th
0:14.593 - 0:17.578: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 28th
0:15.375 - 0:17.710: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Neal Wells | MV Films, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 17th
0:14.617 - 0:17.757: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 18th
0:15.664 - 0:17.773: Sem Wijgman passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 19th
0:15.101 - 0:17.945: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 29th
0:16.031 - 0:18.031: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 20th
0:16.148 - 0:18.250: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 21st
0:15.140 - 0:18.273: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 30th
0:16.117 - 0:18.304: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 7th
0:16.226 - 0:18.343: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 22nd
0:15.437 - 0:18.781: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 31st
0:16.671 - 0:18.875: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
0:16.460 - 0:19.156: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 32nd
0:17.039 - 0:19.203: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 24th
0:17.539 - 0:19.539: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 25th
0:17.578 - 0:19.554: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 26th
0:17.265 - 0:19.796: Rico de Laat | Architech passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 33rd
0:17.945 - 0:19.937: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 27th
0:17.773 - 0:20.117: Sem Wijgman passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 18th
0:18.273 - 0:20.234: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 28th
0:17.304 - 0:20.437: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 34th
0:18.781 - 0:20.882: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 29th
0:18.671 - 0:21.148: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 8th
0:19.156 - 0:21.429: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 30th
0:18.867 - 0:21.710: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 10th
0:19.554 - 0:21.734: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 25th
0:19.015 - 0:21.765: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 35th
0:19.796 - 0:21.843: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 31st
0:19.265 - 0:22.015: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 36th
0:20.437 - 0:22.289: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 32nd
0:20.117 - 0:22.804: Sem Wijgman passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 17th
0:11.609 - 0:22.984: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 37th
0:20.640 - 0:23.117: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 19th
0:21.765 - 0:23.296: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 33rd
0:20.234 - 0:23.593: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 39th
0:13.820 - 0:23.976: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 34th
0:22.015 - 0:24.648: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 35th
0:22.273 - 0:24.726: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 13th
0:23.593 - 0:25.210: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Neal Wells | MV Films and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 36th
0:22.984 - 0:25.234: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 37th
0:23.117 - 0:25.726: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 18th
0:23.710 - 0:26.406: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Alex Moench | JIBR, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 19th
0:24.007 - 0:26.554: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 30th
0:24.085 - 0:26.609: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Alex Moench | JIBR, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 20th
0:24.226 - 0:26.914: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Alex Moench | JIBR, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 21st
0:25.164 - 0:27.000: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 38th
0:23.960 - 0:27.460: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alex Moench | JIBR, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 22nd
0:24.812 - 0:27.476: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 23rd
0:25.023 - 0:27.726: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 24th
0:23.367 - 0:27.890: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 25th
0:25.585 - 0:28.445: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 26th
0:25.828 - 0:28.929: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 27th
0:26.554 - 0:29.085: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 28th
0:26.640 - 0:29.304: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 29th
0:27.515 - 0:30.164: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 36th
0:27.406 - 0:30.171: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 30th
0:28.265 - 0:30.671: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 31st
0:28.414 - 0:30.976: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 38th
0:28.960 - 0:31.484: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 32nd
0:27.476 - 0:31.726: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 22nd
0:29.203 - 0:31.789: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 33rd
0:29.265 - 0:32.601: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 15th
0:28.445 - 0:32.625: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 23rd
0:30.164 - 0:32.796: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 34th
0:30.203 - 0:33.179: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Charlie Razzell | Architech for 35th
0:29.304 - 0:33.578: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 24th
0:31.765 - 0:34.281: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 6th
0:30.171 - 0:34.445: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 25th
0:31.976 - 0:34.484: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream, Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 7th
0:31.945 - 0:34.843: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 8th
0:30.671 - 0:34.914: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
0:32.148 - 0:35.429: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 9th
0:32.429 - 0:35.750: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 10th
0:31.484 - 0:35.796: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 28th
0:32.929 - 0:35.820: Sem Wijgman passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 11th
0:32.601 - 0:35.851: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 12th
0:32.664 - 0:35.867: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 13th
0:31.789 - 0:35.960: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
0:33.250 - 0:36.210: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 14th
0:33.687 - 0:36.289: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 15th
0:33.828 - 0:36.476: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 37th
0:33.992 - 0:36.820: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 16th
0:32.796 - 0:36.921: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
0:34.570 - 0:37.250: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 38th
0:34.507 - 0:37.398: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 17th
0:35.195 - 0:38.242: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 18th
0:35.945 - 0:38.765: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 19th
0:36.289 - 0:38.812: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 12th
0:35.796 - 0:39.007: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 27th
0:36.210 - 0:39.117: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 13th
0:36.851 - 0:39.421: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 20th
0:38.812 - 0:39.875: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Sem Wijgman for 11th
0:34.078 - 0:39.929: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
0:37.750 - 0:40.179: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 21st
0:39.445 - 0:40.484: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 14th
0:36.476 - 0:40.648: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Rico de Laat | Architech, Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
0:39.937 - 0:40.921: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 15th
0:38.226 - 0:41.093: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal, Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
0:35.851 - 0:41.093: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design went off the track
0:30.882 - 0:41.593: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
0:39.007 - 0:41.671: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Erik Haugness | BPC, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
0:31.109 - 0:41.703: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 25th
0:40.656 - 0:41.726: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 16th
0:39.148 - 0:42.164: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 26th
0:41.289 - 0:42.343: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 17th
0:31.468 - 0:42.960: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 27th
0:28.929 - 0:42.968: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 34th
0:42.046 - 0:43.031: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 18th
0:39.773 - 0:43.117: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
0:42.679 - 0:43.625: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 19th
0:41.632 - 0:43.773: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 3rd
0:43.218 - 0:44.218: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 20th
0:44.039 - 0:45.070: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 21st
0:44.062 - 0:45.093: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 22nd
0:44.531 - 0:45.531: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 23rd
0:40.117 - 0:45.687: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 37th
0:43.109 - 0:45.710: Alex Moench | JIBR passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
0:44.718 - 0:45.750: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 24th
0:43.906 - 0:46.164: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
0:45.093 - 0:46.273: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
0:43.250 - 0:46.492: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 35th
0:45.453 - 0:46.523: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 25th
0:44.562 - 0:46.687: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 14th
0:45.312 - 0:46.773: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 5th
0:45.664 - 0:46.851: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 26th
0:45.742 - 0:46.882: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 27th
0:43.164 - 0:47.367: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 38th
0:46.882 - 0:48.031: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 27th
0:47.164 - 0:48.398: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 6th
0:46.687 - 0:48.734: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Sem Wijgman for 13th
0:46.632 - 0:49.367: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA, Rico de Laat | Architech, Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
0:47.515 - 0:49.679: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 16th
0:49.054 - 0:51.195: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
0:49.742 - 0:51.242: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 16th
0:40.039 - 0:51.351: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
0:48.820 - 0:52.398: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 7th
0:48.992 - 0:52.421: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Rico de Laat | Architech, Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 34th
0:46.492 - 0:52.937: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 35th
0:50.742 - 0:53.531: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 36th
0:51.789 - 0:54.164: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 37th
0:51.703 - 0:55.546: Sem Wijgman passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 13th
0:52.414 - 0:56.070: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 15th
0:55.125 - 0:56.398: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
0:55.328 - 0:56.523: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
0:55.851 - 0:57.046: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 25th
0:54.867 - 0:57.359: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 38th
0:54.164 - 0:59.601: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
0:57.375 - 0:59.992: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 33rd
0:57.664 - 1:00.023: Rico de Laat | Architech passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 34th
0:58.187 - 1:00.585: Neal Wells | MV Films passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 35th
0:57.531 - 1:00.859: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz and Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 8th
0:58.429 - 1:01.742: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz and Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
0:58.015 - 1:01.914: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 23rd
0:57.242 - 1:02.757: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 10th
0:59.203 - 1:02.843: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 11th
0:59.812 - 1:03.328: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Sem Wijgman for 13th
0:59.351 - 1:03.453: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
1:00.125 - 1:03.460: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Sem Wijgman for 14th
0:56.523 - 1:03.554: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING went off the track
1:00.445 - 1:03.664: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Sem Wijgman for 15th
1:01.007 - 1:04.148: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR and Sem Wijgman for 16th
1:00.960 - 1:04.210: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Sem Wijgman for 17th
1:00.320 - 1:04.257: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 25th
1:00.914 - 1:04.671: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 26th
1:01.859 - 1:04.875: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 18th
1:02.375 - 1:05.460: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Sem Wijgman for 19th
1:02.585 - 1:05.710: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Sem Wijgman for 20th
1:03.492 - 1:05.742: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 36th
1:04.640 - 1:06.937: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 37th
1:03.328 - 1:07.109: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 27th
1:04.914 - 1:07.937: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Sem Wijgman for 21st
1:05.664 - 1:09.023: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Sem Wijgman for 22nd
1:06.101 - 1:09.125: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 23rd
1:06.148 - 1:09.585: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 13th
0:57.085 - 1:09.750: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 28th
1:06.421 - 1:09.953: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 14th
1:07.078 - 1:10.546: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 15th
1:07.585 - 1:11.039: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 16th
1:03.328 - 1:11.195: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers went off the track
1:07.734 - 1:11.257: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 18th
1:09.601 - 1:12.023: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
1:09.773 - 1:13.046: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 11th
1:10.921 - 1:13.187: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 12th
1:09.937 - 1:13.390: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 19th
0:56.398 - 1:13.429: Erik Haugness | BPC went off the track
1:11.765 - 1:13.773: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 34th
1:11.023 - 1:14.312: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 20th
1:11.234 - 1:14.703: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 21st
1:12.554 - 1:14.929: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy and Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 16th
1:13.343 - 1:14.984: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 12th
1:10.882 - 1:15.140: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 3rd
1:11.734 - 1:15.757: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 4th
1:12.421 - 1:15.835: Sem Wijgman passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 22nd
1:12.890 - 1:16.320: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 23rd
1:13.250 - 1:16.765: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 24th
1:15.257 - 1:16.906: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 16th
1:12.500 - 1:17.109: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 5th
1:13.875 - 1:17.210: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 25th
1:13.171 - 1:17.367: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 6th
1:15.945 - 1:18.218: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 20th
1:14.156 - 1:18.390: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 7th
1:15.414 - 1:19.078: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 34th
1:14.960 - 1:19.093: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 8th
1:17.101 - 1:19.179: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 17th
1:18.031 - 1:19.203: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 39th
1:03.460 - 1:20.023: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days went off the track
1:18.593 - 1:20.187: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 20th
1:18.273 - 1:20.390: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 35th
1:16.203 - 1:20.476: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 9th
1:17.015 - 1:21.242: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 10th
1:17.453 - 1:21.632: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 11th
1:17.789 - 1:22.046: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 12th
1:20.187 - 1:22.218: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 19th
1:20.406 - 1:22.562: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 20th
1:18.945 - 1:23.078: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 14th
1:18.531 - 1:23.093: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 15th
1:19.179 - 1:23.265: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 16th
1:21.531 - 1:23.539: Sem Wijgman passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 21st
1:19.343 - 1:23.734: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 17th
1:22.468 - 1:24.726: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
1:22.812 - 1:24.945: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
1:22.992 - 1:25.132: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 24th
1:22.421 - 1:25.257: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 12th
1:23.078 - 1:25.945: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 13th
1:23.265 - 1:26.203: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing and Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 14th
1:22.218 - 1:26.531: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 18th
1:24.695 - 1:26.851: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 25th
1:23.734 - 1:26.898: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 16th
1:22.562 - 1:26.906: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 19th
1:25.429 - 1:27.515: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 26th
1:23.539 - 1:27.781: Sem Wijgman passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 20th
1:25.843 - 1:27.828: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 27th
1:26.898 - 1:28.023: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 15th
1:25.132 - 1:29.335: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 23rd
1:26.906 - 1:29.554: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 17th
1:26.531 - 1:29.625: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 18th
1:28.164 - 1:30.195: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 28th
1:29.625 - 1:30.695: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 17th
1:28.851 - 1:30.804: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 29th
1:28.078 - 1:30.867: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 15th
1:27.742 - 1:31.132: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 9th
1:29.351 - 1:31.328: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 30th
1:28.570 - 1:32.015: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 10th
1:30.085 - 1:32.203: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 31st
1:29.359 - 1:32.320: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 23rd
1:32.468 - 1:33.546: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 23rd
1:32.015 - 1:34.773: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing went off the track
1:35.226 - 1:38.742: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 37th
1:36.953 - 1:40.039: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 12th
1:42.468 - 1:43.382: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 22nd
1:42.617 - 1:43.609: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 23rd
1:39.203 - 1:44.007: Riley Hunt | PowerDream went off the track
1:34.773 - 1:44.171: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing went off the track
1:43.343 - 1:44.367: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 24th
1:41.718 - 1:44.804: Sem Wijgman passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 18th
1:42.015 - 1:45.195: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 19th
1:44.171 - 1:45.554: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 4th
1:43.078 - 1:45.609: Jake Thomas | PowerDream went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:45.617: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:45.617)
1:43.882 - 1:45.945: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 12th
1:46.437 - 1:47.234: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 14th
1:45.328 - 1:48.375: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park and Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 24th
0:00.000 - 1:49.617: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 1 ( 1:49.617)
1:44.968 - 1:49.710: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 25th
0:00.000 - 1:50.250: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 1 ( 1:50.250)
1:48.460 - 1:51.203: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 12th
0:00.000 - 1:51.812: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 1 ( 1:51.812)
0:00.000 - 1:51.960: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 1 ( 1:51.960)
1:50.140 - 1:52.023: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 33rd
0:00.000 - 1:52.625: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 1 ( 1:52.625)
1:49.765 - 1:53.359: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 26th
0:00.000 - 1:54.070: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 1 ( 1:54.070)
1:51.953 - 1:54.335: Sem Wijgman passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:54.742: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 1 ( 1:54.742)
1:52.382 - 1:55.179: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 15th
1:52.460 - 1:55.234: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 39th
1:53.554 - 1:55.828: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 16th
0:00.000 - 1:56.093: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:56.093)
1:53.031 - 1:56.218: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 32nd
1:53.765 - 1:56.242: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 17th
1:53.132 - 1:56.273: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 33rd
1:55.750 - 1:56.539: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 26th
1:54.296 - 1:57.187: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 18th
1:54.921 - 1:57.851: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 19th
1:54.906 - 1:58.093: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 34th
1:55.867 - 1:58.203: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 20th
0:00.000 - 1:58.656: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 1 ( 1:58.656)
1:55.453 - 1:58.671: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 39th
0:00.000 - 1:58.960: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 1 ( 1:58.960)
0:00.000 - 1:59.609: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 1 ( 1:59.609)
1:57.335 - 1:59.929: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 21st
1:46.617 - 1:59.976: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design went off the track
1:57.765 - 2:00.390: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 22nd
1:56.890 - 2:00.421: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:00.500: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 1 ( 2:00.500)
1:57.812 - 2:00.531: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
1:58.335 - 2:00.718: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 24th
2:00.078 - 2:01.570: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 21st
1:59.101 - 2:02.023: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
2:00.718 - 2:02.156: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 25th
0:00.000 - 2:02.171: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:02.171)
2:01.171 - 2:03.265: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:03.812: Sem Wijgman finished lap 1 ( 2:03.812)
0:00.000 - 2:04.437: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 1 ( 2:04.437)
1:59.617 - 2:04.453: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 11th
2:02.453 - 2:04.718: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 6th
0:00.000 - 2:05.164: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:05.164)
1:48.289 - 2:05.562: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:05.820: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 1 ( 2:05.820)
2:03.585 - 2:06.296: Charlie Razzell | Architech went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:06.570: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 1 ( 2:06.570)
0:00.000 - 2:07.492: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 1 ( 2:07.492)
0:00.000 - 2:07.664: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 1 ( 2:07.664)
0:00.000 - 2:08.398: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 1 ( 2:08.398)
0:00.000 - 2:09.179: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 1 ( 2:09.179)
2:07.648 - 2:09.265: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 26th
0:00.000 - 2:10.867: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 1 ( 2:10.867)
2:09.015 - 2:10.867: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 24th
0:00.000 - 2:12.046: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 1 ( 2:12.046)
0:00.000 - 2:12.078: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:12.078)
2:10.265 - 2:12.078: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 26th
0:00.000 - 2:12.414: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 1 ( 2:12.414)
2:10.718 - 2:12.414: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream, Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 27th
0:00.000 - 2:12.656: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 1 ( 2:12.656)
2:10.156 - 2:12.656: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 28th
0:00.000 - 2:13.398: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 1 ( 2:13.398)
2:11.648 - 2:13.398: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 29th
2:09.187 - 2:13.953: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 20th
2:11.734 - 2:13.992: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 6th
0:00.000 - 2:14.062: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 1 ( 2:14.062)
2:12.101 - 2:14.062: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 30th
0:00.000 - 2:14.203: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:14.203)
2:12.632 - 2:14.203: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 31st
2:08.406 - 2:14.609: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 21st
0:00.000 - 2:15.156: Rico de Laat | Architech finished lap 1 ( 2:15.156)
2:13.398 - 2:15.156: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 32nd
2:10.875 - 2:15.882: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 22nd
2:12.085 - 2:17.250: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 23rd
0:00.000 - 2:17.257: Neal Wells | MV Films finished lap 1 ( 2:17.257)
2:15.523 - 2:17.257: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 33rd
2:12.421 - 2:17.320: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 24th
2:12.054 - 2:18.250: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 25th
0:00.000 - 2:18.296: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 1 ( 2:18.296)
2:13.406 - 2:18.445: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 26th
0:00.000 - 2:18.781: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 1 ( 2:18.781)
2:12.664 - 2:18.890: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 27th
2:14.210 - 2:19.000: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi, Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy and Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 28th
0:00.000 - 2:19.421: Charlie Razzell | Architech finished lap 1 ( 2:19.421)
2:14.070 - 2:20.640: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 30th
2:15.164 - 2:21.195: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 31st
0:00.000 - 2:22.273: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 1 ( 2:22.273)
2:19.000 - 2:22.492: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 27th
0:00.000 - 2:23.148: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:23.148)
2:22.101 - 2:24.187: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 25th
0:00.000 - 2:24.367: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:24.367)
2:18.789 - 2:24.523: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 34th
2:19.429 - 2:24.539: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 35th
2:22.859 - 2:24.734: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 26th
0:00.000 - 2:24.796: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:24.796)
2:21.726 - 2:25.273: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 31st
2:22.179 - 2:25.835: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 32nd
2:22.281 - 2:27.164: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 36th
2:24.953 - 2:27.664: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 27th
2:24.523 - 2:27.929: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 33rd
2:23.156 - 2:28.007: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 37th
2:24.539 - 2:28.570: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 34th
2:27.460 - 2:29.234: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 24th
2:24.375 - 2:29.343: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 38th
2:24.804 - 2:29.640: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 39th
2:27.664 - 2:29.804: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 25th
2:27.757 - 2:30.343: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 26th
2:27.164 - 2:30.960: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 35th
2:29.210 - 2:30.992: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 27th
2:28.007 - 2:31.375: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 36th
2:29.507 - 2:31.843: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 28th
2:29.343 - 2:32.781: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 37th
2:30.335 - 2:33.125: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 29th
2:29.640 - 2:33.382: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 38th
2:30.796 - 2:34.375: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 31st
2:32.890 - 2:34.765: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 32nd
2:33.484 - 2:35.718: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 6th
2:34.125 - 2:36.164: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 33rd
2:34.039 - 2:36.531: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 7th
2:34.953 - 2:36.914: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 8th
2:34.765 - 2:37.039: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 31st
2:35.742 - 2:38.257: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 25th
2:35.804 - 2:38.296: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
2:36.562 - 2:39.117: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 27th
2:37.835 - 2:40.250: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 28th
2:39.062 - 2:41.671: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
2:38.296 - 2:42.343: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 25th
2:39.937 - 2:42.429: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
2:41.742 - 2:44.296: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
2:42.242 - 2:44.781: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
2:43.085 - 2:45.562: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
2:45.109 - 2:47.562: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 35th
2:46.093 - 2:48.593: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 36th
2:46.882 - 2:49.500: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 37th
2:47.289 - 2:49.687: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 38th
2:50.539 - 2:52.484: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 10th
2:51.664 - 2:54.890: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 34th
2:52.679 - 2:55.585: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 10th
2:55.664 - 2:57.593: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 10th
2:41.453 - 2:59.734: Charlie Razzell | Architech went off the track
3:04.203 - 3:05.453: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 27th
3:05.007 - 3:06.203: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 28th
3:04.367 - 3:06.523: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 32nd
3:06.742 - 3:08.054: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 29th
3:06.164 - 3:08.250: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 33rd
3:06.250 - 3:08.304: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 34th
3:08.054 - 3:09.445: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 30th
3:08.304 - 3:09.710: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
3:07.648 - 3:09.867: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 35th
3:06.203 - 3:10.203: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 27th
3:08.515 - 3:10.664: Rico de Laat | Architech passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 36th
3:09.710 - 3:10.843: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 31st
3:08.632 - 3:10.859: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 37th
3:09.835 - 3:11.195: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 32nd
3:08.054 - 3:12.625: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 28th
3:10.601 - 3:12.656: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 38th
3:02.898 - 3:13.242: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days went off the track
3:09.445 - 3:13.890: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 30th
3:12.617 - 3:14.273: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 17th
3:10.843 - 3:14.648: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 31st
3:13.015 - 3:17.257: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Erik Haugness | BPC and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
3:15.398 - 3:17.460: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 18th
3:13.359 - 3:17.460: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Erik Haugness | BPC and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
3:13.578 - 3:17.562: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy, Erik Haugness | BPC and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 34th
3:16.156 - 3:18.210: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 19th
3:12.375 - 3:18.742: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 36th
3:15.242 - 3:18.851: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 37th
3:17.367 - 3:19.460: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 20th
3:17.562 - 3:19.507: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 33rd
3:18.078 - 3:19.750: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 34th
3:18.742 - 3:20.453: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 35th
3:18.578 - 3:20.687: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 21st
3:18.585 - 3:21.218: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
3:18.851 - 3:21.296: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 36th
3:20.078 - 3:22.195: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 22nd
3:18.515 - 3:22.273: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 38th
3:19.437 - 3:22.625: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
3:22.273 - 3:24.031: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 37th
3:21.406 - 3:24.312: Sem Wijgman passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 14th
3:23.023 - 3:24.710: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 38th
3:21.570 - 3:25.578: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 25th
3:24.179 - 3:26.203: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 39th
3:24.312 - 3:26.414: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 23rd
3:24.992 - 3:26.921: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 33rd
3:26.046 - 3:28.023: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 34th
3:27.343 - 3:29.390: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 35th
3:26.875 - 3:29.585: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 37th
3:27.726 - 3:30.062: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 14th
3:27.117 - 3:30.242: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 11th
3:28.546 - 3:30.437: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Sem Wijgman for 15th
1:45.617 - 3:30.757: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:45.140)
3:29.585 - 3:31.585: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 36th
3:30.578 - 3:32.796: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 37th
3:31.054 - 3:33.101: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Sem Wijgman for 16th
3:31.593 - 3:33.890: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
3:31.812 - 3:33.898: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 38th
3:32.281 - 3:34.210: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Sem Wijgman for 17th
3:32.664 - 3:34.648: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Sem Wijgman for 18th
3:32.523 - 3:34.656: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 39th
3:33.703 - 3:35.578: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 11th
3:33.750 - 3:35.812: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Sem Wijgman for 19th
3:34.218 - 3:35.828: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 32nd
1:49.617 - 3:38.546: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 2 ( 1:48.929)
1:50.250 - 3:38.992: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 2 ( 1:48.742)
1:51.960 - 3:40.429: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 2 ( 1:48.468)
1:52.625 - 3:41.468: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 2 ( 1:48.843)
3:38.601 - 3:41.781: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Sem Wijgman for 20th
3:38.515 - 3:42.500: Charlie Razzell | Architech passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 37th
1:54.070 - 3:43.828: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 2 ( 1:49.757)
3:40.468 - 3:44.031: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Rico de Laat | Architech for 38th
3:41.632 - 3:44.406: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 29th
1:54.742 - 3:44.859: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 2 ( 1:50.117)
1:56.093 - 3:45.953: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:49.859)
1:51.812 - 3:47.140: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 2 ( 1:55.328)
1:59.609 - 3:48.015: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 2 ( 1:48.406)
3:47.140 - 3:48.156: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 25th
3:44.531 - 3:48.257: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
1:58.656 - 3:48.718: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 2 ( 1:50.062)
1:58.960 - 3:49.117: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 2 ( 1:50.156)
3:48.281 - 3:49.250: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 26th
3:39.062 - 3:49.937: Rico de Laat | Architech passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 39th
3:48.281 - 3:50.171: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 29th
3:49.171 - 3:50.187: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 27th
3:50.226 - 3:51.273: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 28th
3:50.171 - 3:51.296: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 29th
2:00.500 - 3:52.265: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 2 ( 1:51.765)
2:02.171 - 3:52.765: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:50.593)
3:49.171 - 3:52.835: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
2:04.437 - 3:53.359: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 2 ( 1:48.921)
3:52.671 - 3:56.023: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 30th
2:05.820 - 3:56.312: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 2 ( 1:50.492)
3:54.140 - 3:56.320: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 2nd
3:54.773 - 3:56.414: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 4th
2:06.570 - 3:57.015: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 2 ( 1:50.445)
3:56.851 - 3:57.492: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 24th
2:09.179 - 3:57.617: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 2 ( 1:48.437)
2:08.398 - 3:58.570: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 2 ( 1:50.171)
2:10.867 - 4:00.492: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 2 ( 1:49.625)
3:58.617 - 4:00.734: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
3:58.007 - 4:00.789: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 38th
2:03.812 - 4:01.937: Sem Wijgman finished lap 2 ( 1:58.125)
3:59.078 - 4:01.953: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 39th
2:12.078 - 4:02.031: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:49.953)
4:01.742 - 4:03.781: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 28th
4:02.484 - 4:04.703: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 31st
4:03.093 - 4:05.289: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 32nd
4:03.257 - 4:05.593: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 33rd
4:04.234 - 4:06.203: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 34th
4:02.039 - 4:06.859: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 21st
2:07.492 - 4:07.687: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 2 ( 2:00.195)
2:05.164 - 4:10.070: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 2 ( 2:04.906)
2:12.656 - 4:10.539: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 2 ( 1:57.882)
2:17.257 - 4:11.093: Neal Wells | MV Films finished lap 2 ( 1:53.835)
4:09.632 - 4:11.539: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 14th
4:10.429 - 4:12.164: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 15th
2:13.398 - 4:12.257: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 2 ( 1:58.859)
2:14.203 - 4:12.593: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:58.390)
4:10.937 - 4:12.773: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 16th
2:07.664 - 4:13.210: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 2 ( 2:05.546)
4:11.851 - 4:13.414: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 17th
2:23.148 - 4:14.914: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:51.765)
4:12.617 - 4:15.984: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 38th
4:13.562 - 4:16.062: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 19th
4:13.093 - 4:16.164: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
4:13.968 - 4:16.710: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
2:12.414 - 4:18.101: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 2 ( 2:05.687)
4:15.546 - 4:18.664: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Rico de Laat | Architech for 39th
4:15.335 - 4:18.773: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 24th
2:14.062 - 4:19.414: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 2 ( 2:05.351)
2:18.781 - 4:19.726: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 2 ( 2:00.945)
4:17.570 - 4:20.109: Sem Wijgman passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 21st
2:24.796 - 4:20.328: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:55.531)
4:17.351 - 4:20.500: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 27th
4:19.406 - 4:21.500: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 37th
4:19.671 - 4:21.757: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 25th
2:12.046 - 4:21.828: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 2 ( 2:09.781)
4:22.195 - 4:24.250: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 38th
4:22.664 - 4:25.132: Sem Wijgman passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 20th
2:24.367 - 4:31.585: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 2 ( 2:07.218)
4:30.992 - 4:33.335: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 18th
2:22.273 - 4:34.773: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 2 ( 2:12.500)
4:34.648 - 4:36.992: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 19th
4:35.070 - 4:37.507: Sem Wijgman passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 20th
4:36.328 - 4:38.250: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 14th
4:36.914 - 4:38.492: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 12th
2:18.296 - 4:40.414: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 2 ( 2:22.117)
4:38.328 - 4:40.429: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 14th
4:40.429 - 4:41.882: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 13th
2:19.421 - 4:42.367: Charlie Razzell | Architech finished lap 2 ( 2:22.945)
4:41.062 - 4:42.679: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 14th
2:15.156 - 4:42.703: Rico de Laat | Architech finished lap 2 ( 2:27.546)
4:41.609 - 4:43.039: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 16th
4:43.039 - 4:44.289: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 15th
4:42.710 - 4:47.828: Rico de Laat | Architech passed Charlie Razzell | Architech for 39th
4:46.179 - 4:49.296: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 32nd
4:49.226 - 4:50.257: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 9th
4:48.203 - 4:50.625: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
4:49.296 - 4:51.523: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
4:49.562 - 4:51.742: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
4:50.414 - 4:52.968: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 9th
4:51.742 - 4:53.960: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
4:52.156 - 4:55.015: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 15th
4:55.039 - 4:57.000: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 15th
5:00.507 - 5:01.625: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 15th
5:01.632 - 5:04.242: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 15th
5:01.601 - 5:04.609: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 9th
5:02.953 - 5:05.789: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 10th
5:04.531 - 5:05.992: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 15th
5:05.992 - 5:07.890: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
5:05.539 - 5:08.437: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 26th
5:06.953 - 5:10.093: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 9th
5:08.460 - 5:10.367: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
5:13.835 - 5:14.882: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 26th
5:14.703 - 5:17.179: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
5:15.039 - 5:17.656: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
5:17.242 - 5:18.851: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 24th
3:30.757 - 5:18.875: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:48.117)
5:17.757 - 5:19.273: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing and Neal Wells | MV Films for 25th
5:22.312 - 5:23.468: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 21st
5:21.750 - 5:24.093: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 37th
5:22.664 - 5:25.203: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 2nd
5:21.984 - 5:26.093: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 27th
5:23.546 - 5:26.390: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 21st
3:38.992 - 5:28.554: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 3 ( 1:49.562)
5:26.898 - 5:28.554: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 2nd
3:38.546 - 5:28.859: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 3 ( 1:50.312)
5:28.046 - 5:29.031: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
3:41.468 - 5:29.140: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 3 ( 1:47.671)
3:40.429 - 5:29.648: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 3 ( 1:49.218)
5:26.421 - 5:30.164: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 21st
5:27.039 - 5:31.320: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Neal Wells | MV Films and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 27th
3:43.828 - 5:33.015: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 3 ( 1:49.187)
3:44.859 - 5:34.562: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 3 ( 1:49.703)
3:45.953 - 5:34.984: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:49.031)
5:32.398 - 5:35.070: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 29th
5:33.820 - 5:35.203: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers went off the track
5:33.031 - 5:36.476: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 30th
5:35.429 - 5:37.734: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 13th
5:35.148 - 5:37.812: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 31st
3:48.718 - 5:38.820: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 3 ( 1:50.101)
3:48.015 - 5:39.906: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 3 ( 1:51.890)
3:47.140 - 5:41.250: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 3 ( 1:54.109)
5:39.054 - 5:42.765: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 27th
3:52.265 - 5:43.148: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 3 ( 1:50.882)
5:41.257 - 5:43.898: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 13th
5:40.867 - 5:44.335: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 28th
5:36.132 - 5:44.742: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 29th
5:41.710 - 5:45.632: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 30th
5:42.773 - 5:45.992: Neal Wells | MV Films passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 31st
3:49.117 - 5:47.085: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 3 ( 1:57.968)
3:56.312 - 5:48.054: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 3 ( 1:51.742)
3:57.617 - 5:48.437: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 3 ( 1:50.820)
3:58.570 - 5:48.992: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 3 ( 1:50.421)
5:41.757 - 5:49.187: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
3:57.015 - 5:49.648: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 3 ( 1:52.632)
4:00.492 - 5:49.812: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 3 ( 1:49.320)
3:53.359 - 5:50.492: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 3 ( 1:57.132)
5:48.132 - 5:50.734: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 5th
5:49.546 - 5:52.000: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 6th
5:50.515 - 5:52.632: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 7th
4:01.937 - 5:54.781: Sem Wijgman finished lap 3 ( 1:52.843)
4:02.031 - 5:55.500: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:53.468)
3:52.765 - 5:55.867: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 3 ( 2:03.101)
4:07.687 - 5:57.625: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 3 ( 1:49.937)
4:12.593 - 5:59.031: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:46.437)
4:10.539 - 6:00.390: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 3 ( 1:49.851)
4:10.070 - 6:00.992: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:50.921)
5:59.562 - 6:02.296: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
6:02.125 - 6:04.156: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 14th
6:02.500 - 6:04.250: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 15th
6:04.718 - 6:05.882: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 31st
6:04.773 - 6:07.312: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 16th
6:05.179 - 6:07.609: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 17th
4:18.101 - 6:07.875: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 3 ( 1:49.773)
6:05.570 - 6:08.125: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 18th
6:05.937 - 6:08.148: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 32nd
6:05.882 - 6:08.781: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 30th
6:07.867 - 6:09.359: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 33rd
4:12.257 - 6:10.085: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 3 ( 1:57.828)
6:08.507 - 6:10.085: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 28th
4:19.726 - 6:10.171: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 3 ( 1:50.445)
4:13.210 - 6:11.843: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 3 ( 1:58.632)
4:19.414 - 6:12.828: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 3 ( 1:53.414)
4:20.328 - 6:14.617: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:54.289)
6:13.078 - 6:15.429: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 35th
4:14.914 - 6:16.234: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 2:01.320)
6:11.851 - 6:16.796: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 28th
6:12.835 - 6:17.765: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 29th
6:15.664 - 6:18.742: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
6:14.625 - 6:19.632: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 30th
4:11.093 - 6:19.945: Neal Wells | MV Films finished lap 3 ( 2:08.851)
6:17.234 - 6:20.531: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 17th
6:17.523 - 6:20.820: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 18th
6:16.242 - 6:21.164: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 31st
4:31.585 - 6:24.664: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:53.078)
6:21.867 - 6:25.140: Sem Wijgman passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 19th
6:22.109 - 6:25.648: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 20th
6:22.523 - 6:25.960: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 21st
6:27.578 - 6:29.953: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 22nd
6:28.140 - 6:30.539: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 20th
6:28.453 - 6:30.617: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 23rd
4:21.828 - 6:32.648: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 3 ( 2:10.820)
6:29.523 - 6:32.812: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 34th
4:40.414 - 6:33.101: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 3 ( 1:52.687)
4:34.773 - 6:35.023: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 3 ( 2:00.250)
6:35.125 - 6:37.515: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 19th
6:36.304 - 6:38.617: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 20th
6:36.929 - 6:39.453: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Sem Wijgman for 21st
6:37.367 - 6:39.703: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 22nd
6:35.031 - 6:39.914: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 37th
6:36.523 - 6:40.367: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
6:36.812 - 6:40.773: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 16th
6:38.984 - 6:40.867: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Sem Wijgman for 23rd
6:37.640 - 6:41.296: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 17th
6:37.750 - 6:41.390: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park passed Neal Wells | MV Films for 35th
6:39.757 - 6:41.929: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING and Sem Wijgman for 24th
6:39.484 - 6:42.000: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Sem Wijgman for 25th
6:40.867 - 6:43.273: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 22nd
6:41.929 - 6:44.320: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 23rd
6:42.000 - 6:47.726: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
4:42.367 - 6:53.320: Charlie Razzell | Architech finished lap 3 ( 2:10.953)
6:53.679 - 6:57.453: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Loris Michels | JIBR for 3rd
6:56.742 - 6:59.070: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
6:55.445 - 6:59.281: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Loris Michels | JIBR for 4th
6:56.125 - 6:59.562: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Loris Michels | JIBR for 5th
7:00.570 - 7:02.859: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
7:00.492 - 7:02.968: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 19th
7:03.031 - 7:04.781: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 19th
7:06.015 - 7:08.039: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
5:18.875 - 7:14.273: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:55.398)
7:12.898 - 7:15.179: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 4th
5:28.554 - 7:16.742: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 4 ( 1:48.187)
7:14.671 - 7:17.343: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 5th
7:14.968 - 7:17.703: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 6th
7:16.375 - 7:18.656: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream and Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 7th
7:15.328 - 7:18.984: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 8th
7:11.195 - 7:19.117: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
7:16.890 - 7:19.484: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 9th
7:19.632 - 7:20.593: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 17th
7:18.304 - 7:20.625: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 10th
7:19.484 - 7:21.257: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 8th
5:33.015 - 7:21.851: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 4 ( 1:48.835)
7:21.296 - 7:22.679: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Etienne Bernard | FG Films for 8th
7:19.117 - 7:22.765: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 20th
7:20.882 - 7:23.328: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 11th
7:23.070 - 7:24.195: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 18th
5:34.984 - 7:24.414: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:49.429)
7:21.773 - 7:24.593: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 6th
7:22.320 - 7:24.765: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 12th
7:25.070 - 7:26.101: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 19th
5:28.859 - 7:26.320: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 4 ( 1:57.460)
7:22.765 - 7:26.492: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
5:38.820 - 7:27.773: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 4 ( 1:48.953)
5:29.140 - 7:28.156: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 4 ( 1:59.015)
5:29.648 - 7:28.570: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 4 ( 1:58.921)
5:39.906 - 7:29.218: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 4 ( 1:49.312)
5:41.250 - 7:30.523: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 4 ( 1:49.273)
7:27.367 - 7:30.835: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 20th
7:28.765 - 7:32.007: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 21st
5:43.148 - 7:32.562: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 4 ( 1:49.414)
5:47.085 - 7:34.171: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 4 ( 1:47.085)
7:31.046 - 7:34.453: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 22nd
7:26.500 - 7:35.843: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 23rd
5:34.562 - 7:36.218: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 4 ( 2:01.656)
7:34.515 - 7:37.679: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 24th
5:48.992 - 7:38.015: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 4 ( 1:49.023)
7:37.656 - 7:38.562: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 20th
7:37.148 - 7:40.312: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Sem Wijgman for 26th
5:49.648 - 7:40.453: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 4 ( 1:50.804)
7:37.843 - 7:40.929: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Sem Wijgman for 27th
7:39.570 - 7:41.601: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 20th
7:38.031 - 7:41.617: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz went off the track
5:50.492 - 7:41.617: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 4 ( 1:51.125)
5:48.437 - 7:42.046: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 4 ( 1:53.609)
7:41.890 - 7:45.078: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Sem Wijgman for 28th
5:55.867 - 7:45.921: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:50.054)
7:43.609 - 7:46.679: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 7th
7:44.054 - 7:46.710: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 8th
7:43.906 - 7:47.140: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Sem Wijgman for 29th
7:45.984 - 7:48.390: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 9th
5:57.625 - 7:48.585: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 4 ( 1:50.960)
7:46.062 - 7:49.195: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 13th
7:46.710 - 7:49.687: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 7th
7:47.968 - 7:50.226: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 10th
5:49.812 - 7:50.640: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 4 ( 2:00.828)
6:00.992 - 7:51.046: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:50.054)
7:49.226 - 7:51.484: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 11th
7:50.226 - 7:52.890: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream and Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 8th
7:48.390 - 7:53.601: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 9th
6:00.390 - 7:53.679: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 4 ( 1:53.289)
7:51.484 - 7:53.937: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 10th
7:52.406 - 7:54.289: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Sem Wijgman for 30th
5:48.054 - 7:54.765: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 4 ( 2:06.710)
5:59.031 - 7:55.242: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:56.210)
7:53.937 - 7:56.414: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 9th
5:55.500 - 7:58.148: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 2:02.648)
7:56.203 - 7:58.625: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 13th
6:07.875 - 7:58.968: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 4 ( 1:51.093)
6:11.843 - 7:59.484: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 4 ( 1:47.640)
6:12.828 - 8:04.046: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 4 ( 1:51.218)
8:03.429 - 8:05.757: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 23rd
6:14.617 - 8:06.414: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:51.796)
8:04.257 - 8:06.507: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
6:10.085 - 8:07.390: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 4 ( 1:57.304)
8:03.562 - 8:07.781: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 14th
8:06.414 - 8:08.289: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for the lead
5:54.781 - 8:08.476: Sem Wijgman finished lap 4 ( 2:13.695)
8:04.523 - 8:08.617: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 15th
8:06.445 - 8:08.789: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 24th
6:10.171 - 8:10.476: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 4 ( 2:00.304)
8:02.953 - 8:11.218: Alex Moench | JIBR went off the track
8:08.148 - 8:12.304: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 16th
6:16.234 - 8:15.085: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:58.851)
8:15.140 - 8:18.468: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 18th
6:24.664 - 8:20.445: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:55.781)
8:18.953 - 8:21.007: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 11th
6:32.648 - 8:26.328: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 4 ( 1:53.679)
6:35.023 - 8:26.859: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 4 ( 1:51.835)
8:23.781 - 8:27.437: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 11th
6:33.101 - 8:34.218: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 4 ( 2:01.117)
8:34.960 - 8:37.460: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 32nd
8:27.593 - 8:42.195: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream went off the track
8:43.164 - 8:44.609: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 26th
6:53.320 - 8:46.117: Charlie Razzell | Architech finished lap 4 ( 1:52.796)
8:49.609 - 8:51.664: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
8:50.093 - 8:53.539: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Gaetan Pich | MR | for 24th
8:52.468 - 8:53.625: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
8:47.656 - 8:54.687: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
8:49.539 - 8:55.523: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 25th
8:54.789 - 8:56.648: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 26th
8:47.273 - 9:01.437: Sem Wijgman went off the track
9:04.179 - 9:04.843: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 5th
9:04.875 - 9:05.843: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 5th
7:16.742 - 9:05.976: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 5 ( 1:49.234)
9:04.179 - 9:06.656: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 35th
7:14.273 - 9:08.281: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:54.007)
7:21.851 - 9:09.828: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 5 ( 1:47.976)
9:08.218 - 9:10.843: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 21st
9:08.414 - 9:11.742: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 16th
9:10.015 - 9:11.960: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 10th
9:10.945 - 9:13.398: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park for 36th
9:12.757 - 9:14.968: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 11th
7:24.414 - 9:14.976: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:50.562)
9:14.445 - 9:16.328: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 12th
9:15.406 - 9:17.500: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 13th
7:27.773 - 9:17.601: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 5 ( 1:49.828)
7:29.218 - 9:18.390: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 5 ( 1:49.171)
9:05.843 - 9:18.445: Loris Michels | JIBR went off the track
9:16.585 - 9:18.562: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 14th
9:17.140 - 9:20.531: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 22nd
7:32.562 - 9:23.101: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 5 ( 1:50.539)
9:19.914 - 9:23.218: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 18th
9:15.523 - 9:23.835: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
7:34.171 - 9:23.890: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 5 ( 1:49.718)
7:28.570 - 9:25.078: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 5 ( 1:56.507)
9:23.742 - 9:26.976: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 22nd
7:26.320 - 9:28.289: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 5 ( 2:01.968)
7:36.218 - 9:28.648: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 5 ( 1:52.429)
7:41.617 - 9:29.515: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 5 ( 1:47.898)
7:40.453 - 9:31.117: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 5 ( 1:50.664)
9:22.312 - 9:31.257: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport went off the track
7:42.046 - 9:32.289: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 5 ( 1:50.242)
7:30.523 - 9:33.609: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 5 ( 2:03.085)
9:31.101 - 9:34.984: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 28th
9:31.257 - 9:35.625: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 29th
7:28.156 - 9:36.273: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 5 ( 2:08.117)
7:45.921 - 9:36.984: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:51.062)
9:33.945 - 9:37.148: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream and Sem Wijgman for 30th
7:38.015 - 9:38.335: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 5 ( 2:00.320)
7:48.585 - 9:39.015: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 5 ( 1:50.429)
7:50.640 - 9:40.085: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 5 ( 1:49.445)
7:55.242 - 9:42.078: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:46.835)
9:42.078 - 9:45.250: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 32nd
7:51.046 - 9:45.640: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:54.593)
7:53.679 - 9:47.718: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 5 ( 1:54.039)
7:58.968 - 9:51.656: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 5 ( 1:52.687)
7:59.484 - 9:52.273: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 5 ( 1:52.789)
7:58.148 - 9:52.835: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:54.687)
9:50.140 - 9:53.296: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 7th
8:04.046 - 9:54.734: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 5 ( 1:50.687)
9:53.250 - 9:55.828: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 16th
9:53.945 - 9:56.484: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 17th
9:55.226 - 9:57.835: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 18th
9:57.250 - 9:59.453: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 19th
8:06.414 - 10:01.335: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:54.921)
8:07.390 - 10:01.531: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 5 ( 1:54.140)
9:55.828 - 10:03.203: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design went off the track
10:00.804 - 10:03.343: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 21st
7:54.765 - 10:05.320: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 5 ( 2:10.554)
10:03.343 - 10:05.914: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 19th
8:15.085 - 10:07.085: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:52.000)
10:05.335 - 10:07.789: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 21st
10:04.328 - 10:08.046: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 4th
10:05.304 - 10:09.085: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 5th
8:20.445 - 10:09.859: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:49.414)
10:09.140 - 10:11.570: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA and Sem Wijgman for 32nd
10:06.617 - 10:16.320: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Sem Wijgman for 33rd
10:17.132 - 10:18.718: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Sem Wijgman for 35th
10:08.648 - 10:20.156: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz went off the track
10:18.937 - 10:20.484: Sem Wijgman passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 35th
8:10.476 - 10:20.695: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 5 ( 2:10.218)
10:18.695 - 10:21.820: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 24th
10:20.507 - 10:23.320: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Sem Wijgman for 35th
10:20.546 - 10:24.312: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 22nd
10:22.093 - 10:24.343: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 24th
8:26.859 - 10:26.226: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 5 ( 1:59.367)
8:34.218 - 10:26.710: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 5 ( 1:52.492)
10:24.523 - 10:26.851: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
10:24.343 - 10:27.039: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
8:08.476 - 10:27.265: Sem Wijgman finished lap 5 ( 2:18.789)
10:25.273 - 10:27.757: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 25th
10:26.851 - 10:27.937: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 22nd
10:27.039 - 10:28.125: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
10:27.757 - 10:28.750: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 24th
10:27.062 - 10:29.609: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 26th
10:29.609 - 10:30.664: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 25th
10:30.515 - 10:31.828: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 26th
8:26.328 - 10:33.460: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 5 ( 2:07.132)
10:31.734 - 10:33.648: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 21st
10:32.320 - 10:34.281: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 16th
10:34.531 - 10:37.148: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 16th
10:35.359 - 10:37.789: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal and Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 17th
10:37.460 - 10:38.640: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 22nd
10:33.101 - 10:39.468: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
8:46.117 - 10:40.531: Charlie Razzell | Architech finished lap 5 ( 1:54.414)
10:39.101 - 10:42.945: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 23rd
10:41.554 - 10:45.281: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 24th
10:43.734 - 10:46.179: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 15th
10:46.328 - 10:47.906: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 15th
10:46.820 - 10:48.304: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 16th
10:46.437 - 10:48.734: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
10:49.890 - 10:52.671: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mozart | Limited Decal for the lead
9:08.281 - 10:55.609: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:47.328)
9:05.976 - 10:56.406: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 6 ( 1:50.429)
11:03.023 - 11:05.015: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 10th
11:01.992 - 11:06.031: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 21st
9:09.828 - 11:06.148: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 6 ( 1:56.320)
11:02.445 - 11:06.671: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 22nd
9:17.601 - 11:07.609: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 6 ( 1:50.007)
9:18.390 - 11:08.234: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 6 ( 1:49.843)
9:14.976 - 11:09.046: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:54.070)
11:08.078 - 11:11.265: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 16th
9:23.890 - 11:11.273: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 6 ( 1:47.382)
9:23.101 - 11:14.765: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 6 ( 1:51.664)
9:25.078 - 11:14.867: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 6 ( 1:49.789)
11:16.945 - 11:17.773: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 16th
9:28.648 - 11:18.523: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 6 ( 1:49.875)
9:28.289 - 11:18.718: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 6 ( 1:50.429)
11:18.609 - 11:20.914: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 22nd
9:31.117 - 11:22.171: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 6 ( 1:51.054)
9:32.289 - 11:22.632: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 6 ( 1:50.343)
11:17.773 - 11:22.726: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 27th
11:19.726 - 11:23.257: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 8th
11:21.921 - 11:23.265: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 17th
9:33.609 - 11:24.390: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 6 ( 1:50.781)
11:23.320 - 11:24.765: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 17th
11:22.976 - 11:24.937: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 24th
11:23.523 - 11:25.882: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 4th
11:25.406 - 11:28.132: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 18th
9:29.515 - 11:28.156: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 6 ( 1:58.640)
11:27.570 - 11:29.679: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 10th
9:42.078 - 11:29.773: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:47.695)
11:10.671 - 11:30.085: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days went off the track
9:39.015 - 11:31.257: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 6 ( 1:52.242)
11:27.437 - 11:31.562: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
9:38.335 - 11:31.625: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 6 ( 1:53.289)
9:40.085 - 11:32.445: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 6 ( 1:52.359)
9:45.640 - 11:35.375: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:49.734)
11:33.453 - 11:36.140: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 12th
11:36.250 - 11:38.031: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 12th
11:36.351 - 11:40.015: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 29th
11:38.226 - 11:40.648: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 12th
11:37.562 - 11:40.812: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 6th
9:51.656 - 11:41.109: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 6 ( 1:49.453)
11:39.796 - 11:42.046: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 17th
11:38.421 - 11:42.195: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 30th
11:37.843 - 11:42.265: Mozart | Limited Decal went off the track
11:39.921 - 11:43.234: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 31st
11:40.687 - 11:44.468: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 32nd
9:52.835 - 11:45.890: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:53.054)
11:43.921 - 11:45.890: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 22nd
9:36.984 - 11:48.109: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 6 ( 2:11.125)
11:46.390 - 11:48.109: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 23rd
9:54.734 - 11:48.718: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 6 ( 1:53.984)
11:46.781 - 11:48.718: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 24th
9:36.273 - 11:48.773: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 6 ( 2:12.500)
11:46.039 - 11:49.250: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
9:47.718 - 11:50.164: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 6 ( 2:02.445)
11:47.273 - 11:50.351: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
11:49.054 - 11:51.554: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 15th
11:51.382 - 11:53.875: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 16th
11:51.757 - 11:54.281: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 17th
10:01.531 - 11:55.734: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 6 ( 1:54.203)
11:53.703 - 11:56.218: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 18th
11:55.242 - 11:57.554: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 8th
11:55.562 - 11:58.054: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 19th
10:01.335 - 11:58.101: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:56.765)
11:55.867 - 11:58.234: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 9th
11:56.382 - 11:58.671: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 10th
11:57.835 - 11:59.953: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 3rd
11:58.539 - 12:00.640: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 went off the track
11:59.156 - 12:00.984: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 4th
12:00.351 - 12:02.335: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 7th
10:05.320 - 12:05.484: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 6 ( 2:00.164)
10:09.859 - 12:07.398: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:57.539)
10:20.695 - 12:08.062: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 6 ( 1:47.367)
10:07.085 - 12:10.406: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 6 ( 2:03.320)
9:52.273 - 12:10.945: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 6 ( 2:18.671)
10:26.226 - 12:16.843: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 6 ( 1:50.617)
10:26.710 - 12:19.695: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 6 ( 1:52.984)
12:17.367 - 12:20.257: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
10:27.265 - 12:27.132: Sem Wijgman finished lap 6 ( 1:59.867)
12:24.609 - 12:27.164: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 5th
12:30.890 - 12:32.914: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 23rd
12:34.468 - 12:35.648: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 24th
12:34.554 - 12:36.867: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 4th
12:32.328 - 12:39.125: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
12:39.265 - 12:41.015: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
10:55.609 - 12:41.140: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:45.531)
12:39.875 - 12:41.804: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 24th
12:41.507 - 12:42.460: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 6th
12:34.726 - 12:43.375: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream went off the track
12:42.726 - 12:45.015: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
10:56.406 - 12:46.640: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 7 ( 1:50.234)
12:46.578 - 12:47.500: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 7th
12:46.648 - 12:47.601: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 8th
12:40.414 - 12:48.562: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal went off the track
10:33.460 - 12:48.593: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 6 ( 2:15.132)
12:44.585 - 12:51.789: Loris Michels | JIBR went off the track
12:49.023 - 12:52.187: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 10th
12:50.132 - 12:52.546: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 32nd
12:44.875 - 12:52.710: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
12:50.851 - 12:54.093: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 7th
11:08.234 - 12:57.250: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 7 ( 1:49.015)
12:57.257 - 12:58.164: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 7th
11:07.609 - 12:58.953: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 7 ( 1:51.343)
12:56.640 - 12:59.007: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 33rd
11:06.148 - 12:59.593: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 7 ( 1:53.445)
12:58.210 - 13:00.382: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 7th
12:59.054 - 13:01.414: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 34th
12:58.539 - 13:01.453: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal went off the track
11:09.046 - 13:04.679: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:55.632)
13:05.195 - 13:08.078: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 31st
11:18.523 - 13:09.671: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 7 ( 1:51.148)
11:14.765 - 13:10.382: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 7 ( 1:55.617)
13:08.109 - 13:10.671: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 15th
11:18.718 - 13:11.117: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 7 ( 1:52.398)
11:11.273 - 13:11.992: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 7 ( 2:00.718)
13:10.414 - 13:11.992: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 10th
11:14.867 - 13:12.031: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 7 ( 1:57.164)
13:11.359 - 13:13.718: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 16th
13:12.000 - 13:14.757: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 17th
11:22.632 - 13:15.226: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 7 ( 1:52.593)
11:22.171 - 13:15.382: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 7 ( 1:53.210)
13:13.843 - 13:16.156: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 18th
11:24.390 - 13:17.164: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 7 ( 1:52.773)
11:31.625 - 13:19.648: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 7 ( 1:48.023)
13:18.210 - 13:19.906: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing and Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 17th
13:18.257 - 13:21.117: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
13:18.703 - 13:22.242: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 19th
11:31.257 - 13:23.046: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 7 ( 1:51.789)
13:20.265 - 13:23.101: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 17th
13:20.492 - 13:23.320: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport went off the track
11:32.445 - 13:26.359: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 7 ( 1:53.914)
11:29.773 - 13:26.828: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:57.054)
11:28.156 - 13:29.117: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 7 ( 2:00.960)
11:35.375 - 13:33.117: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:57.742)
11:41.109 - 13:34.625: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 7 ( 1:53.515)
13:33.679 - 13:35.406: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 23rd
11:45.890 - 13:35.406: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:49.515)
13:34.710 - 13:37.367: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 14th
13:35.648 - 13:37.734: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 24th
11:48.109 - 13:42.140: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:54.031)
13:41.453 - 13:43.523: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 9th
11:50.164 - 13:43.859: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 7 ( 1:53.695)
13:39.953 - 13:44.890: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 25th
13:29.132 - 13:45.218: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park went off the track
13:44.789 - 13:45.953: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 4th
13:43.867 - 13:46.070: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 17th
11:55.734 - 13:48.273: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 7 ( 1:52.539)
13:45.992 - 13:49.031: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 26th
13:32.148 - 13:49.085: Riley Hunt | PowerDream went off the track
13:49.343 - 13:51.617: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
13:32.179 - 13:52.500: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream went off the track
11:58.101 - 13:52.585: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:54.484)
13:51.656 - 13:52.804: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 11th
11:48.718 - 13:53.039: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 7 ( 2:04.320)
12:05.484 - 13:54.835: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 7 ( 1:49.351)
13:51.250 - 13:55.445: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 5th
11:48.773 - 13:55.632: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 7 ( 2:06.859)
13:55.507 - 13:56.609: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 12th
13:56.187 - 13:58.500: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 17th
13:57.750 - 13:58.945: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 13th
13:58.679 - 13:59.828: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
12:08.062 - 14:00.250: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 7 ( 1:52.187)
13:58.703 - 14:00.906: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 16th
13:58.500 - 14:01.351: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 17th
12:07.398 - 14:01.710: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:54.312)
13:50.445 - 14:03.773: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers went off the track
14:04.328 - 14:05.414: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 18th
12:10.945 - 14:06.226: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 7 ( 1:55.281)
14:03.750 - 14:06.343: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 6th
12:16.843 - 14:07.593: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 7 ( 1:50.750)
12:19.695 - 14:09.601: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 7 ( 1:49.906)
14:08.828 - 14:10.828: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 16th
12:10.406 - 14:13.304: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 7 ( 2:02.898)
14:13.578 - 14:17.304: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 16th
12:41.140 - 14:26.718: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:45.578)
14:25.656 - 14:27.796: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
12:46.640 - 14:36.625: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 8 ( 1:49.984)
14:36.750 - 14:38.773: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 28th
14:38.843 - 14:40.281: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 28th
14:39.484 - 14:41.875: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 33rd
14:43.125 - 14:44.070: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
14:43.953 - 14:46.187: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA for 34th
12:57.250 - 14:48.828: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 8 ( 1:51.578)
14:47.429 - 14:50.343: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 19th
12:59.593 - 14:50.351: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 8 ( 1:50.757)
14:48.218 - 14:51.156: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 20th
14:48.703 - 14:51.523: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 21st
13:04.679 - 14:56.992: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:52.312)
14:55.656 - 14:59.156: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 20th
13:09.671 - 14:59.406: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 8 ( 1:49.734)
14:56.109 - 14:59.882: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 32nd
12:58.953 - 15:00.187: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 8 ( 2:01.234)
13:10.382 - 15:02.000: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 8 ( 1:51.617)
13:11.117 - 15:03.742: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 8 ( 1:52.625)
13:15.382 - 15:05.890: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 8 ( 1:50.507)
13:19.648 - 15:08.773: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 8 ( 1:49.125)
13:11.992 - 15:09.140: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 8 ( 1:57.148)
13:12.031 - 15:10.851: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 8 ( 1:58.820)
13:17.164 - 15:13.226: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 8 ( 1:56.062)
15:12.367 - 15:13.414: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 27th
13:26.828 - 15:14.593: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:47.765)
15:12.320 - 15:15.367: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport went off the track
13:15.226 - 15:15.960: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 8 ( 2:00.734)
15:12.921 - 15:17.726: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream went off the track
13:26.359 - 15:18.304: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 8 ( 1:51.945)
13:29.117 - 15:20.906: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 8 ( 1:51.789)
13:33.117 - 15:22.453: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:49.335)
15:18.367 - 15:23.562: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park went off the track
12:48.593 - 15:23.562: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 7 ( 2:34.968)
13:35.406 - 15:23.718: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:48.312)
13:34.625 - 15:29.046: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 8 ( 1:54.421)
13:23.046 - 15:29.992: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 8 ( 2:06.945)
15:27.781 - 15:30.429: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 32nd
15:28.968 - 15:31.851: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING for 33rd
13:42.140 - 15:35.312: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:53.171)
13:43.859 - 15:35.484: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 8 ( 1:51.625)
15:34.515 - 15:36.742: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 27th
15:27.171 - 15:38.726: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy went off the track
13:48.273 - 15:39.039: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 8 ( 1:50.765)
13:54.835 - 15:44.656: Gaetan Pich | MR | finished lap 8 ( 1:49.820)
15:38.773 - 15:45.023: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi went off the track
13:55.632 - 15:45.445: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 8 ( 1:49.812)
13:52.585 - 15:47.054: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:54.468)
15:44.093 - 15:47.726: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
14:00.250 - 15:49.750: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 8 ( 1:49.500)
14:01.710 - 15:51.437: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:49.726)
15:49.539 - 15:51.437: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy for 30th
13:53.039 - 15:52.757: Tim Scholtes | Skullcandy finished lap 8 ( 1:59.718)
14:06.226 - 16:02.414: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 8 ( 1:56.187)
15:58.367 - 16:02.531: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 22nd
14:13.304 - 16:04.062: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:50.757)
16:01.859 - 16:06.054: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 23rd
16:07.078 - 16:09.757: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 8th
14:09.601 - 16:10.281: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 8 ( 2:00.679)
16:10.171 - 16:11.773: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 8th
14:26.718 - 16:12.062: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:45.343)
16:08.140 - 16:12.250: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 26th
16:10.273 - 16:14.414: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 27th
16:12.132 - 16:15.500: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 14th
16:12.367 - 16:16.539: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 28th
16:14.414 - 16:17.781: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 26th
16:14.296 - 16:18.375: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gaetan Pich | MR | for 29th
16:19.921 - 16:22.093: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 27th
16:19.562 - 16:22.109: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 31st
16:24.789 - 16:27.242: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream went off the track
16:25.015 - 16:28.742: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 22nd
14:36.625 - 16:29.210: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 9 ( 1:52.585)
14:07.593 - 16:30.218: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 8 ( 2:22.625)
16:28.710 - 16:32.679: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
16:31.648 - 16:35.343: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream went off the track
16:33.960 - 16:35.906: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
16:33.406 - 16:36.148: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 24th
14:48.828 - 16:38.531: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 9 ( 1:49.703)
16:35.578 - 16:38.703: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 8th
16:38.296 - 16:40.203: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 25th
14:50.351 - 16:42.609: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 9 ( 1:52.257)
16:42.390 - 16:44.460: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 26th
16:45.375 - 16:48.015: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 26th
14:56.992 - 16:48.492: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:51.500)
16:48.695 - 16:50.085: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
14:59.406 - 16:50.179: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 9 ( 1:50.773)
16:48.039 - 16:50.562: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
15:00.187 - 16:51.179: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 9 ( 1:50.992)
16:50.976 - 16:52.578: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
16:35.125 - 16:53.007: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING went off the track
16:50.429 - 16:53.093: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi and Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 27th
15:03.742 - 16:53.968: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 9 ( 1:50.226)
16:44.515 - 16:54.578: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 28th
15:02.000 - 16:55.234: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 9 ( 1:53.234)
15:05.890 - 16:56.187: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 9 ( 1:50.296)
16:54.218 - 16:56.640: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 29th
15:08.773 - 16:57.320: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 9 ( 1:48.546)
15:09.140 - 16:58.882: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 9 ( 1:49.742)
15:10.851 - 17:00.562: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 9 ( 1:49.710)
15:14.593 - 17:01.726: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:47.132)
15:13.226 - 17:03.734: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 9 ( 1:50.507)
15:15.960 - 17:05.078: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 9 ( 1:49.117)
15:18.304 - 17:08.640: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 9 ( 1:50.335)
15:20.906 - 17:09.234: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 9 ( 1:48.328)
15:22.453 - 17:11.664: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:49.210)
17:09.156 - 17:11.679: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 31st
15:23.718 - 17:12.273: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:48.554)
17:11.750 - 17:13.304: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
15:29.046 - 17:19.601: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 9 ( 1:50.554)
15:23.562 - 17:24.890: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 8 ( 2:01.328)
17:24.445 - 17:25.382: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 27th
17:26.562 - 17:27.585: Gaetan Pich | MR | passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 28th
17:26.859 - 17:27.937: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
15:39.039 - 17:29.617: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 9 ( 1:50.578)
17:32.640 - 17:33.726: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 10th
17:27.617 - 17:33.906: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING went off the track
15:35.484 - 17:34.265: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 9 ( 1:58.781)
15:35.312 - 17:34.992: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:59.679)
17:33.351 - 17:36.562: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days and Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 30th
17:32.703 - 17:39.437: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 31st
15:47.054 - 17:40.484: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:53.429)
15:49.750 - 17:41.156: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 9 ( 1:51.406)
17:44.875 - 17:47.117: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 15th
15:29.992 - 17:47.851: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 9 ( 2:17.859)
15:45.445 - 17:50.101: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 9 ( 2:04.656)
17:47.515 - 17:52.804: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days went off the track
16:04.062 - 17:55.820: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:51.757)
17:55.546 - 17:58.968: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 9th
16:12.062 - 17:59.343: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:47.281)
16:02.414 - 18:01.218: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 9 ( 1:58.804)
17:59.968 - 18:01.234: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 10th
18:00.320 - 18:01.414: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 11th
18:02.078 - 18:03.164: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 12th
18:02.601 - 18:03.734: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 13th
15:51.437 - 18:04.093: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 9 ( 2:12.656)
18:03.421 - 18:05.875: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 17th
17:59.281 - 18:07.476: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | went off the track
18:08.023 - 18:12.109: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 10th
18:10.953 - 18:13.976: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 8th
18:12.109 - 18:15.054: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 9th
18:12.343 - 18:15.265: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 10th
16:10.281 - 18:15.804: Senna De Smaele | DEVOL RACING finished lap 9 ( 2:05.523)
18:14.203 - 18:16.218: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
18:14.765 - 18:16.710: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
18:13.875 - 18:16.718: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 11th
18:08.218 - 18:17.367: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream went off the track
18:15.062 - 18:17.656: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
18:16.429 - 18:18.585: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
18:16.046 - 18:18.945: Etienne Bernard | FG Films passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 2nd
18:20.476 - 18:21.437: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 6th
18:19.148 - 18:22.453: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 8th
18:21.031 - 18:23.843: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 15th
18:21.617 - 18:25.367: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
18:25.164 - 18:27.960: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
16:38.531 - 18:28.273: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 10 ( 1:49.742)
16:29.210 - 18:28.984: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 10 ( 1:59.773)
18:28.570 - 18:32.070: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 7th
16:42.609 - 18:33.187: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 10 ( 1:50.578)
18:31.828 - 18:34.703: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 went off the track
18:35.812 - 18:36.640: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 8th
16:48.492 - 18:40.062: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:51.570)
18:37.929 - 18:41.484: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
18:40.710 - 18:41.656: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 12th
18:39.281 - 18:42.601: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 18th
18:39.882 - 18:43.210: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 19th
18:41.890 - 18:44.476: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
16:50.179 - 18:44.671: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 10 ( 1:54.492)
18:26.312 - 18:45.351: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA went off the track
18:43.695 - 18:46.164: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 13th
18:43.210 - 18:46.648: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 18th
16:58.882 - 18:47.289: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 10 ( 1:48.406)
18:45.593 - 18:47.765: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 14th
16:57.320 - 18:48.265: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 10 ( 1:50.945)
18:45.890 - 18:48.296: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 15th
18:46.406 - 18:48.867: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 16th
16:51.179 - 18:48.945: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 10 ( 1:57.765)
16:56.187 - 18:49.609: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 10 ( 1:53.421)
17:00.562 - 18:50.859: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 10 ( 1:50.296)
17:01.726 - 18:53.062: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:51.335)
18:52.984 - 18:55.031: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 19th
16:55.234 - 18:55.687: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 10 ( 2:00.453)
18:54.125 - 18:56.398: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 20th
17:03.734 - 18:56.750: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 10 ( 1:53.015)
17:09.234 - 18:58.250: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 10 ( 1:49.015)
18:56.671 - 18:58.250: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
17:05.078 - 18:58.414: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 10 ( 1:53.335)
16:30.218 - 19:00.023: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 9 ( 2:29.804)
16:53.968 - 19:00.945: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 10 ( 2:06.976)
17:12.273 - 19:02.007: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:49.734)
18:59.906 - 19:02.640: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing went off the track
17:08.640 - 19:09.218: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 10 ( 2:00.578)
17:19.601 - 19:09.601: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 10 ( 1:50.000)
19:08.460 - 19:10.664: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Riley Hunt | PowerDream for 11th
17:11.664 - 19:12.593: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 10 ( 2:00.929)
17:29.617 - 19:20.445: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 10 ( 1:50.828)
17:34.992 - 19:24.460: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:49.468)
17:34.265 - 19:27.804: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 10 ( 1:53.539)
19:13.671 - 19:30.351: Alex Moench | JIBR went off the track
19:28.289 - 19:32.273: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream went off the track
19:25.015 - 19:33.609: Erik Haugness | BPC went off the track
19:30.625 - 19:33.898: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
19:32.914 - 19:34.031: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 12th
17:40.484 - 19:34.242: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:53.757)
17:41.156 - 19:34.734: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 10 ( 1:53.578)
19:32.921 - 19:35.046: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 4th
19:33.992 - 19:35.140: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 13th
17:24.890 - 19:35.398: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 9 ( 2:10.507)
19:35.398 - 19:36.492: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 14th
17:47.851 - 19:38.687: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 10 ( 1:50.835)
19:37.523 - 19:40.031: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 15th
19:38.015 - 19:40.312: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 16th
19:41.914 - 19:44.257: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 17th
17:50.101 - 19:44.734: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 10 ( 1:54.632)
19:43.875 - 19:44.976: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 4th
19:43.679 - 19:45.671: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 6th
19:44.875 - 19:46.812: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 7th
19:45.054 - 19:47.554: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 4th
19:45.437 - 19:48.117: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 25th
19:48.039 - 19:49.625: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 4th
18:01.218 - 19:49.703: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 10 ( 1:48.484)
19:48.492 - 19:50.562: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 8th
19:48.695 - 19:50.640: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 18th
19:48.820 - 19:50.804: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 9th
17:55.820 - 19:53.882: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:58.062)
17:59.343 - 19:56.492: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:57.148)
19:53.773 - 19:57.210: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 10th
18:04.093 - 20:03.234: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:59.140)
20:03.875 - 20:06.343: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport and Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 12th
20:03.500 - 20:06.601: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 13th
20:04.453 - 20:06.976: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 14th
20:06.601 - 20:08.203: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 12th
20:05.882 - 20:08.468: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 15th
20:06.203 - 20:08.890: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 16th
20:09.507 - 20:10.484: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 8th
20:11.281 - 20:13.976: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 26th
20:08.070 - 20:16.500: Erik Haugness | BPC went off the track
20:13.210 - 20:16.804: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
18:28.273 - 20:18.953: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 11 ( 1:50.679)
18:28.984 - 20:20.984: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 11 ( 1:52.000)
20:19.140 - 20:21.046: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
18:33.187 - 20:30.492: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 11 ( 1:57.304)
18:40.062 - 20:32.148: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:52.085)
18:47.289 - 20:36.156: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 11 ( 1:48.867)
18:48.265 - 20:36.703: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 11 ( 1:48.437)
18:53.062 - 20:41.359: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:48.296)
18:48.945 - 20:42.125: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 11 ( 1:53.179)
20:37.492 - 20:42.304: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz went off the track
18:50.859 - 20:43.429: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 11 ( 1:52.570)
20:43.437 - 20:48.281: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 9th
18:44.671 - 20:49.093: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 11 ( 2:04.421)
18:58.250 - 20:50.328: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 11 ( 1:52.078)
18:58.414 - 20:50.976: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 11 ( 1:52.562)
18:49.609 - 20:51.593: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 11 ( 2:01.984)
19:00.945 - 20:52.085: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 11 ( 1:51.140)
19:02.007 - 20:53.375: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:51.367)
20:49.101 - 20:54.945: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 10th
19:00.023 - 20:57.187: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 10 ( 1:57.164)
20:54.507 - 20:57.429: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
20:54.710 - 20:57.820: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport went off the track
18:56.750 - 20:58.531: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 11 ( 2:01.781)
19:09.218 - 21:00.750: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 11 ( 1:51.531)
20:59.101 - 21:01.015: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 11th
18:55.687 - 21:02.500: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 11 ( 2:06.812)
19:12.593 - 21:02.937: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:50.343)
21:01.000 - 21:03.601: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 27th
21:04.062 - 21:06.523: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 28th
19:09.601 - 21:09.921: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 11 ( 2:00.320)
19:24.460 - 21:16.054: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:51.593)
19:27.804 - 21:19.906: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 11 ( 1:52.101)
21:26.632 - 21:27.859: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 13th
21:27.000 - 21:28.125: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
19:20.445 - 21:28.515: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 11 ( 2:08.070)
21:27.054 - 21:28.945: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 28th
19:34.242 - 21:29.398: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:55.156)
19:38.687 - 21:29.898: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 11 ( 1:51.210)
21:28.835 - 21:31.046: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
21:29.484 - 21:31.882: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 5th
21:29.367 - 21:31.968: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 13th
21:30.992 - 21:33.578: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 6th
21:29.906 - 21:34.796: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 25th
19:44.734 - 21:36.531: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 11 ( 1:51.796)
21:39.515 - 21:40.710: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
19:56.492 - 21:44.554: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:48.062)
21:45.132 - 21:46.367: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 16th
21:45.578 - 21:46.835: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 17th
21:44.554 - 21:47.617: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 10th
19:35.398 - 21:49.367: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 10 ( 2:13.968)
19:34.734 - 21:50.515: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 11 ( 2:15.781)
21:49.984 - 21:53.937: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 18th
19:49.703 - 21:56.968: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 11 ( 2:07.265)
21:54.757 - 21:57.140: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 11th
21:57.570 - 21:59.171: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 11th
19:53.882 - 22:00.679: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 2:06.796)
20:18.953 - 22:08.593: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 12 ( 1:49.640)
22:08.039 - 22:09.085: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 10th
22:12.398 - 22:15.523: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 10th
22:14.046 - 22:16.796: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 3rd
22:16.859 - 22:18.507: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 3rd
20:20.984 - 22:20.445: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 12 ( 1:59.460)
22:19.265 - 22:20.554: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
22:20.593 - 22:22.156: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
22:19.257 - 22:22.507: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 11th
22:20.531 - 22:23.367: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 16th
22:20.203 - 22:23.375: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 12th
22:21.750 - 22:23.570: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 4th
22:20.570 - 22:23.953: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 13th
22:22.437 - 22:24.546: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 24th
22:22.953 - 22:25.093: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 5th
20:36.156 - 22:25.625: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 12 ( 1:49.468)
22:22.445 - 22:25.648: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 14th
22:25.398 - 22:27.171: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 6th
22:25.757 - 22:27.750: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 7th
20:32.148 - 22:29.062: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:56.914)
22:27.171 - 22:29.062: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 5th
20:41.359 - 22:29.804: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:48.445)
22:27.750 - 22:29.804: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 6th
22:29.000 - 22:30.445: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 8th
20:03.234 - 22:31.000: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 11 ( 2:27.765)
20:43.429 - 22:32.203: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 12 ( 1:48.773)
22:30.445 - 22:32.203: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 7th
22:31.328 - 22:33.468: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 29th
20:36.703 - 22:34.398: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 12 ( 1:57.695)
20:30.492 - 22:34.429: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 12 ( 2:03.937)
22:34.437 - 22:39.609: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 8th
20:50.328 - 22:40.859: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 12 ( 1:50.531)
20:42.125 - 22:41.554: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 12 ( 1:59.429)
20:52.085 - 22:41.742: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 12 ( 1:49.656)
22:39.757 - 22:41.742: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 18th
22:40.929 - 22:43.007: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 19th
20:51.593 - 22:43.523: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 12 ( 1:51.929)
20:53.375 - 22:45.109: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:51.734)
22:45.210 - 22:47.445: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 5th
22:45.539 - 22:47.718: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 20th
22:42.765 - 22:48.078: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA went off the track
22:48.679 - 22:50.195: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 8th
22:48.843 - 22:51.601: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 24th
20:49.093 - 22:51.695: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 12 ( 2:02.601)
21:00.750 - 22:52.218: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 12 ( 1:51.468)
20:58.531 - 22:53.156: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 12 ( 1:54.625)
22:50.015 - 22:54.164: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
20:50.976 - 22:55.820: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 12 ( 2:04.843)
21:02.937 - 22:56.343: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:53.406)
20:57.187 - 22:57.109: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 11 ( 1:59.921)
21:09.921 - 23:01.226: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 12 ( 1:51.304)
22:58.062 - 23:01.843: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 15th
23:00.750 - 23:04.554: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 16th
21:02.500 - 23:05.390: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 12 ( 2:02.890)
23:01.531 - 23:05.476: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 17th
21:16.054 - 23:06.898: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:50.843)
22:51.703 - 23:09.703: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | went off the track
23:09.703 - 23:11.835: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 18th
21:19.906 - 23:11.875: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 12 ( 1:51.968)
23:15.429 - 23:18.328: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
21:28.515 - 23:20.679: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 12 ( 1:52.164)
23:19.890 - 23:22.414: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 18th
23:21.234 - 23:24.710: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park went off the track
23:26.250 - 23:27.679: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 11th
21:29.898 - 23:28.593: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 12 ( 1:58.695)
21:36.531 - 23:29.234: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 12 ( 1:52.703)
23:25.234 - 23:29.437: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 19th
23:31.500 - 23:33.328: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 9th
23:32.890 - 23:34.867: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Fabio Guido | FG Films and Loris Michels | JIBR for 10th
21:29.398 - 23:35.257: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 2:05.859)
23:32.750 - 23:36.265: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 20th
23:34.304 - 23:36.656: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Fabio Guido | FG Films and Loris Michels | JIBR for 11th
23:33.632 - 23:37.078: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 21st
21:44.554 - 23:40.125: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:55.570)
23:37.828 - 23:41.101: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 12th
23:38.375 - 23:41.835: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 13th
21:50.515 - 23:43.984: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 12 ( 1:53.468)
23:40.218 - 23:46.406: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park went off the track
23:45.875 - 23:47.882: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 14th
23:44.781 - 23:47.914: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 8th
23:49.570 - 23:51.218: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 9th
22:00.679 - 23:53.976: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:53.296)
21:56.968 - 23:55.039: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 12 ( 1:58.070)
21:49.367 - 23:56.109: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 11 ( 2:06.742)
22:08.593 - 23:58.101: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 13 ( 1:49.507)
23:57.945 - 24:00.242: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
24:01.257 - 24:04.273: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 19th
24:01.632 - 24:05.062: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 20th
24:02.039 - 24:05.390: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 21st
22:20.445 - 24:10.695: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 13 ( 1:50.250)
24:07.281 - 24:12.015: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | went off the track
22:25.625 - 24:13.179: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 13 ( 1:47.554)
24:11.953 - 24:13.929: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
22:29.804 - 24:17.406: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:47.601)
24:16.000 - 24:19.148: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
22:29.062 - 24:21.492: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:52.429)
22:32.203 - 24:22.296: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 13 ( 1:50.093)
24:22.320 - 24:23.406: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 15th
24:22.531 - 24:24.757: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 11th
24:22.781 - 24:24.859: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 12th
24:17.265 - 24:25.726: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal went off the track
24:19.046 - 24:27.476: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | went off the track
24:25.062 - 24:28.335: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 16th
24:29.039 - 24:30.359: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 11th
22:40.859 - 24:31.593: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 13 ( 1:50.734)
24:30.687 - 24:32.015: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 11th
22:31.000 - 24:32.500: Daniel Cooper | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 12 ( 2:01.500)
22:41.554 - 24:33.726: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 13 ( 1:52.171)
22:34.398 - 24:34.375: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 13 ( 1:59.976)
22:45.109 - 24:38.039: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:52.929)
22:41.742 - 24:38.773: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 13 ( 1:57.031)
22:43.523 - 24:39.835: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 13 ( 1:56.312)
24:42.843 - 24:45.257: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jake Thomas | PowerDream for 9th
22:53.156 - 24:46.070: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 13 ( 1:52.914)
22:55.820 - 24:46.304: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 13 ( 1:50.484)
22:56.343 - 24:47.328: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:50.984)
24:44.796 - 24:47.445: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 24th
22:34.429 - 24:47.953: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 13 ( 2:13.523)
22:57.109 - 24:52.453: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 12 ( 1:55.343)
22:52.218 - 24:55.375: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 13 ( 2:03.156)
23:05.390 - 24:57.625: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 13 ( 1:52.234)
24:55.492 - 24:57.632: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 14th
24:54.898 - 24:57.812: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream went off the track
23:06.898 - 24:58.632: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:51.734)
24:58.710 - 25:01.171: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 5th
24:59.789 - 25:02.164: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 6th
22:51.695 - 25:02.734: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 13 ( 2:11.039)
25:02.804 - 25:05.203: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 15th
23:01.226 - 25:05.835: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 13 ( 2:04.609)
25:05.796 - 25:08.406: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 16th
25:07.687 - 25:10.171: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
23:11.875 - 25:13.304: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 13 ( 2:01.429)
25:11.000 - 25:15.187: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
23:20.679 - 25:19.125: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 13 ( 1:58.445)
25:17.187 - 25:19.695: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 5th
23:29.234 - 25:20.500: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 13 ( 1:51.265)
23:28.593 - 25:24.570: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 13 ( 1:55.976)
23:35.257 - 25:27.671: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:52.414)
25:25.960 - 25:28.359: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 15th
25:25.335 - 25:28.390: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 19th
23:40.125 - 25:36.109: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:55.984)
23:43.984 - 25:37.320: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 13 ( 1:53.335)
25:32.023 - 25:45.257: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA went off the track
23:58.101 - 25:48.109: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 14 ( 1:50.007)
23:53.976 - 25:48.351: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:54.375)
25:45.937 - 25:52.851: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING went off the track
23:55.039 - 25:56.398: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 13 ( 2:01.359)
24:10.695 - 26:00.437: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 14 ( 1:49.742)
24:13.179 - 26:01.117: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 14 ( 1:47.937)
25:59.203 - 26:02.132: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design went off the track
23:56.109 - 26:03.351: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 12 ( 2:07.242)
26:05.531 - 26:09.039: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 8th
26:03.617 - 26:10.515: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 19th
26:06.984 - 26:10.609: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 9th
24:22.296 - 26:11.312: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 14 ( 1:49.015)
26:08.210 - 26:11.656: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 20th
26:09.593 - 26:12.015: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 3rd
26:10.945 - 26:13.468: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 21st
26:10.046 - 26:13.710: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 10th
26:10.664 - 26:13.898: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 11th
24:21.492 - 26:13.953: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:52.460)
24:17.406 - 26:17.281: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:59.875)
26:16.703 - 26:19.273: Mozart | Limited Decal passed Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers for 3rd
26:20.812 - 26:23.156: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 11th
26:19.195 - 26:23.453: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz went off the track
26:21.960 - 26:24.140: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 16th
24:34.375 - 26:24.734: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 14 ( 1:50.359)
24:33.726 - 26:26.390: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 14 ( 1:52.664)
26:26.156 - 26:28.507: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
24:38.039 - 26:29.234: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:51.195)
24:31.593 - 26:31.187: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 14 ( 1:59.593)
26:28.671 - 26:32.367: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 20th
24:39.835 - 26:32.960: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 14 ( 1:53.125)
26:34.265 - 26:37.179: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
24:47.328 - 26:37.515: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:50.187)
24:38.773 - 26:38.054: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 14 ( 1:59.281)
24:46.304 - 26:39.671: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 14 ( 1:53.367)
24:47.953 - 26:40.789: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 14 ( 1:52.835)
26:41.554 - 26:45.726: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
26:42.867 - 26:46.312: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 13th
24:55.375 - 26:48.460: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 14 ( 1:53.085)
26:46.664 - 26:48.664: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 13th
26:32.265 - 26:48.695: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park went off the track
24:46.070 - 26:49.156: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 14 ( 2:03.085)
26:42.757 - 26:52.765: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 21st
26:48.359 - 26:53.210: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 3rd
24:57.625 - 26:55.515: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 14 ( 1:57.890)
25:05.835 - 26:58.898: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 14 ( 1:53.062)
26:55.765 - 26:59.992: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 11th
27:00.531 - 27:01.765: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 23rd
26:58.875 - 27:01.781: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
24:52.453 - 27:03.562: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 13 ( 2:11.109)
27:00.242 - 27:04.289: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 12th
27:03.390 - 27:04.718: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream and Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 24th
27:01.195 - 27:05.359: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 13th
27:02.039 - 27:05.367: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 6th
27:02.578 - 27:06.703: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 14th
24:58.632 - 27:06.710: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 14 ( 2:08.078)
27:02.117 - 27:07.500: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 25th
25:02.734 - 27:09.375: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 14 ( 2:06.640)
27:08.742 - 27:10.992: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 8th
27:11.187 - 27:13.156: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 9th
25:19.125 - 27:13.406: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 14 ( 1:54.281)
27:11.140 - 27:15.281: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 16th
27:12.015 - 27:16.296: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 17th
25:24.570 - 27:16.523: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 14 ( 1:51.953)
25:20.500 - 27:20.164: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 14 ( 1:59.664)
25:13.304 - 27:20.765: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 14 ( 2:07.460)
25:27.671 - 27:22.523: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:54.851)
25:36.109 - 27:23.546: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:47.437)
27:24.578 - 27:28.304: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 12th
27:25.156 - 27:28.742: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 24th
27:26.085 - 27:29.804: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 25th
27:28.406 - 27:30.164: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
25:37.320 - 27:31.335: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 14 ( 1:54.015)
27:27.484 - 27:31.445: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 26th
27:15.281 - 27:32.085: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal went off the track
27:32.085 - 27:36.710: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal went off the track
25:48.109 - 27:38.164: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 15 ( 1:50.054)
25:48.351 - 27:40.765: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:52.414)
25:56.398 - 27:46.695: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 14 ( 1:50.296)
27:44.398 - 27:46.921: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 20th
27:48.359 - 27:49.289: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 21st
26:01.117 - 27:53.765: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 15 ( 1:52.648)
27:55.859 - 27:58.093: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
27:56.578 - 27:59.328: Riley Hunt | PowerDream passed Mozart | Limited Decal for 4th
26:11.312 - 28:03.343: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 15 ( 1:52.031)
26:00.437 - 28:03.656: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 15 ( 2:03.218)
28:05.398 - 28:07.523: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 22nd
28:03.734 - 28:07.976: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 16th
26:17.281 - 28:10.531: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:53.250)
28:10.007 - 28:11.976: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 23rd
28:12.039 - 28:15.125: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
26:13.953 - 28:15.257: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 15 ( 2:01.304)
28:13.710 - 28:15.734: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 24th
28:13.445 - 28:15.960: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
26:03.351 - 28:16.664: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 13 ( 2:13.312)
26:26.390 - 28:18.328: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 15 ( 1:51.937)
28:20.234 - 28:24.156: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 6th
26:24.734 - 28:24.226: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 15 ( 1:59.492)
26:32.960 - 28:25.546: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 15 ( 1:52.585)
26:29.234 - 28:26.984: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:57.750)
26:37.515 - 28:28.453: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:50.937)
28:26.570 - 28:28.531: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 29th
26:38.054 - 28:29.367: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 15 ( 1:51.312)
28:27.367 - 28:29.406: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
28:28.078 - 28:30.539: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers went off the track
26:39.671 - 28:30.976: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 15 ( 1:51.304)
26:31.187 - 28:32.937: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 15 ( 2:01.750)
28:30.601 - 28:34.843: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 22nd
28:33.156 - 28:37.601: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
28:38.085 - 28:40.484: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 25th
28:30.687 - 28:42.421: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA went off the track
28:41.335 - 28:43.507: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 26th
28:42.265 - 28:44.343: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 27th
26:40.789 - 28:44.656: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 15 ( 2:03.867)
28:42.250 - 28:44.742: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 8th
26:49.156 - 28:45.859: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 15 ( 1:56.703)
28:43.679 - 28:46.312: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
28:45.062 - 28:47.601: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
28:46.046 - 28:48.640: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 11th
26:55.515 - 28:49.593: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 15 ( 1:54.078)
26:58.898 - 28:50.859: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 15 ( 1:51.960)
28:48.664 - 28:51.476: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport went off the track
26:48.460 - 28:53.773: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 15 ( 2:05.312)
28:56.328 - 28:58.820: Jake Thomas | PowerDream passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 6th
27:09.375 - 29:03.203: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 15 ( 1:53.828)
29:01.265 - 29:03.781: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 28th
29:01.781 - 29:04.289: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 12th
29:05.562 - 29:06.695: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
27:03.562 - 29:07.453: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 14 ( 2:03.890)
29:04.851 - 29:08.265: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 26th
29:10.140 - 29:10.890: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 25th
27:23.546 - 29:12.007: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 16 ( 1:48.460)
27:20.164 - 29:12.250: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 15 ( 1:52.085)
29:12.414 - 29:13.570: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 9th
27:20.765 - 29:14.492: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 15 ( 1:53.726)
27:13.406 - 29:14.929: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 15 ( 2:01.523)
29:06.250 - 29:18.343: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 went off the track
29:15.062 - 29:19.000: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 10th
29:16.226 - 29:19.898: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 11th
29:17.101 - 29:20.695: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 12th
29:18.960 - 29:21.382: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
29:19.898 - 29:22.085: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 10th
29:20.695 - 29:22.742: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 11th
27:31.335 - 29:22.820: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 15 ( 1:51.484)
29:20.687 - 29:23.164: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
29:19.289 - 29:23.195: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 13th
29:24.234 - 29:27.406: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
27:38.164 - 29:28.921: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 16 ( 1:50.757)
27:16.523 - 29:32.359: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 15 ( 2:15.835)
27:22.523 - 29:33.414: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 15 ( 2:10.890)
27:46.695 - 29:36.734: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 15 ( 1:50.039)
29:36.054 - 29:40.164: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 21st
29:37.460 - 29:41.593: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 22nd
29:36.742 - 29:41.664: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 27th
29:37.828 - 29:42.015: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 23rd
27:53.765 - 29:43.054: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 16 ( 1:49.289)
27:06.710 - 29:43.460: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 15 ( 2:36.750)
28:03.343 - 29:52.773: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 16 ( 1:49.429)
28:03.656 - 29:55.195: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 16 ( 1:51.539)
27:40.765 - 29:55.671: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 15 ( 2:14.906)
30:05.679 - 30:07.101: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 7th
30:07.281 - 30:08.679: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
30:09.054 - 30:10.351: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
28:18.328 - 30:10.382: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 16 ( 1:52.054)
30:10.500 - 30:11.710: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
28:24.226 - 30:14.812: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 16 ( 1:50.585)
28:15.257 - 30:15.468: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:00.210)
28:26.984 - 30:17.429: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 16 ( 1:50.445)
30:14.531 - 30:17.718: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 18th
28:10.531 - 30:18.281: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:07.750)
28:29.367 - 30:20.671: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 16 ( 1:51.304)
30:17.140 - 30:21.000: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 19th
28:28.453 - 30:22.187: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 16 ( 1:53.734)
28:32.937 - 30:23.929: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 16 ( 1:50.992)
28:25.546 - 30:24.828: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 16 ( 1:59.281)
28:30.976 - 30:32.078: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 16 ( 2:01.101)
30:34.960 - 30:37.726: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
28:44.656 - 30:37.820: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 16 ( 1:53.164)
28:45.859 - 30:39.031: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 16 ( 1:53.171)
28:16.664 - 30:41.273: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 14 ( 2:24.609)
28:50.859 - 30:43.234: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 16 ( 1:52.375)
30:41.703 - 30:43.703: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 28th
28:53.773 - 30:47.023: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 16 ( 1:53.250)
30:43.882 - 30:47.351: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 28th
28:49.593 - 30:50.523: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 16 ( 2:00.929)
30:49.382 - 30:51.890: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 28th
30:52.195 - 30:53.914: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing for 28th
30:52.796 - 30:55.265: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 7th
30:56.382 - 30:57.171: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 23rd
29:12.007 - 30:58.960: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 17 ( 1:46.953)
30:59.757 - 31:01.281: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
30:57.492 - 31:03.031: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
31:00.820 - 31:03.671: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi went off the track
29:12.250 - 31:07.000: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 16 ( 1:54.750)
29:14.492 - 31:07.500: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 16 ( 1:53.007)
31:07.171 - 31:08.609: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 10th
29:03.203 - 31:10.078: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 16 ( 2:06.875)
30:56.929 - 31:10.562: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
29:14.929 - 31:10.687: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 16 ( 1:55.757)
31:02.437 - 31:11.117: Loris Michels | JIBR went off the track
29:22.820 - 31:13.945: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 16 ( 1:51.125)
31:14.929 - 31:18.484: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport went off the track
29:28.921 - 31:22.140: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 17 ( 1:53.218)
31:20.546 - 31:22.898: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 17th
29:07.453 - 31:25.414: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 15 ( 2:17.960)
31:24.828 - 31:27.171: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 18th
29:32.359 - 31:27.328: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 16 ( 1:54.968)
29:36.734 - 31:28.718: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 16 ( 1:51.984)
31:29.031 - 31:31.867: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
31:30.398 - 31:32.625: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 17th
31:32.789 - 31:35.882: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 18th
29:33.414 - 31:37.406: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:03.992)
29:43.054 - 31:40.585: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 17 ( 1:57.531)
29:52.773 - 31:42.062: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 17 ( 1:49.289)
31:43.312 - 31:44.468: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 20th
31:42.359 - 31:45.093: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Brandon Holmes | Anschutz for 10th
31:42.984 - 31:45.507: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 23rd
31:45.507 - 31:46.484: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 21st
29:55.195 - 31:46.601: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 17 ( 1:51.406)
31:45.648 - 31:46.695: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 22nd
31:45.656 - 31:47.585: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport for 19th
31:45.140 - 31:48.398: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 10th
29:43.460 - 31:48.960: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:05.500)
31:47.984 - 31:51.242: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 19th
31:51.421 - 31:54.367: Loris Michels | JIBR went off the track
29:55.671 - 31:57.742: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:02.070)
31:55.812 - 31:57.929: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 7th
31:57.945 - 32:00.304: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz went off the track
31:59.648 - 32:01.000: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
30:10.382 - 32:01.484: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 17 ( 1:51.101)
30:14.812 - 32:06.992: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 17 ( 1:52.179)
32:05.382 - 32:07.523: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream for 24th
30:15.468 - 32:07.726: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 17 ( 1:52.257)
32:05.937 - 32:08.414: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 26th
32:10.367 - 32:13.000: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 12th
30:18.281 - 32:13.046: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 17 ( 1:54.765)
30:23.929 - 32:13.812: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 17 ( 1:49.882)
30:22.187 - 32:13.968: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 17 ( 1:51.781)
30:20.671 - 32:15.859: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 17 ( 1:55.187)
30:24.828 - 32:16.523: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 17 ( 1:51.695)
32:13.109 - 32:17.320: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design for 7th
32:14.242 - 32:17.335: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal went off the track
30:17.429 - 32:17.593: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 17 ( 2:00.164)
32:13.820 - 32:18.687: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
32:18.281 - 32:20.437: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 25th
32:18.921 - 32:22.781: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
30:32.078 - 32:24.617: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 17 ( 1:52.539)
32:22.804 - 32:24.734: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 10th
32:25.320 - 32:27.429: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 24th
32:26.234 - 32:29.000: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
32:27.484 - 32:30.039: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
30:37.820 - 32:30.492: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 17 ( 1:52.671)
32:30.390 - 32:32.953: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 7th
30:43.234 - 32:33.445: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 17 ( 1:50.210)
32:32.937 - 32:35.023: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 13th
32:31.859 - 32:35.812: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING for 21st
30:47.023 - 32:42.234: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 17 ( 1:55.210)
32:40.507 - 32:43.367: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | went off the track
32:40.359 - 32:44.398: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 13th
30:39.031 - 32:44.953: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 17 ( 2:05.921)
30:41.273 - 32:46.109: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 15 ( 2:04.835)
32:44.398 - 32:47.539: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 12th
30:58.960 - 32:52.437: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 18 ( 1:53.476)
32:48.414 - 32:52.578: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 14th
32:50.531 - 32:52.914: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 8th
32:50.750 - 32:53.000: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
30:50.523 - 32:53.382: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 17 ( 2:02.859)
32:53.789 - 32:54.906: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing for 11th
32:52.578 - 32:55.929: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 13th
32:54.906 - 32:57.406: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
31:10.687 - 33:00.460: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 17 ( 1:49.773)
32:57.250 - 33:00.476: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 25th
32:58.562 - 33:00.601: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport passed Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal for 18th
31:07.500 - 33:01.914: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 17 ( 1:54.414)
31:10.078 - 33:06.445: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 17 ( 1:56.367)
31:07.000 - 33:07.875: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 17 ( 2:00.875)
31:22.140 - 33:12.640: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 18 ( 1:50.500)
33:16.492 - 33:18.640: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream passed Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | for 23rd
33:16.929 - 33:18.671: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 13th
31:28.718 - 33:19.398: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 17 ( 1:50.679)
31:13.945 - 33:28.296: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 17 ( 2:14.351)
31:40.585 - 33:29.640: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 18 ( 1:49.054)
31:37.406 - 33:34.062: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 17 ( 1:56.656)
31:25.414 - 33:34.945: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 16 ( 2:09.531)
31:42.062 - 33:36.921: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 18 ( 1:54.859)
31:27.328 - 33:37.835: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 17 ( 2:10.507)
33:26.218 - 33:42.367: Loris Michels | JIBR went off the track
33:39.062 - 33:43.164: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 26th
31:46.601 - 33:43.960: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 18 ( 1:57.359)
33:43.242 - 33:46.835: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream for 27th
32:01.484 - 33:55.773: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 18 ( 1:54.289)
32:06.992 - 34:01.921: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 18 ( 1:54.929)
33:48.210 - 34:02.242: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | went off the track
34:01.523 - 34:04.789: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
32:13.812 - 34:06.328: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 18 ( 1:52.515)
32:13.046 - 34:06.804: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 18 ( 1:53.757)
31:48.960 - 34:08.007: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 17 ( 2:19.046)
34:00.539 - 34:08.812: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA went off the track
32:07.726 - 34:14.093: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 18 ( 2:06.367)
32:13.968 - 34:14.492: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 18 ( 2:00.523)
34:06.812 - 34:16.382: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing went off the track
34:15.640 - 34:18.359: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport passed Florent Lambillon | JIBR for 20th
32:30.492 - 34:23.343: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 18 ( 1:52.851)
34:20.882 - 34:23.343: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Alex Moench | JIBR, Loris Michels | JIBR and Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 12th
32:15.859 - 34:23.617: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 18 ( 2:07.757)
34:16.031 - 34:23.617: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 13th
32:33.445 - 34:25.414: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 18 ( 1:51.968)
34:23.328 - 34:25.414: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing, Alex Moench | JIBR and Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
32:17.593 - 34:25.796: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 18 ( 2:08.203)
34:17.710 - 34:25.796: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Alex Moench | JIBR and Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
32:16.523 - 34:26.218: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 18 ( 2:09.695)
32:24.617 - 34:28.820: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 18 ( 2:04.203)
31:57.742 - 34:34.054: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 17 ( 2:36.312)
34:33.281 - 34:35.835: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi for 27th
32:44.953 - 34:38.109: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 18 ( 1:53.156)
34:36.132 - 34:38.343: Florent Lambillon | JIBR passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 20th
32:52.437 - 34:40.148: Ben Seaburg | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 19 ( 1:47.710)
34:37.367 - 34:41.382: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
34:37.867 - 34:44.328: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi went off the track
32:42.234 - 34:47.546: Damon Wuyts | Limited Decal finished lap 18 ( 2:05.312)
32:46.109 - 34:51.062: Daniel Irvine | Sunnyvale Trailer Park finished lap 16 ( 2:04.953)
32:53.382 - 34:52.242: Florent Lambillon | JIBR finished lap 18 ( 1:58.859)
33:01.914 - 34:54.609: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING finished lap 18 ( 1:52.695)
34:52.984 - 34:54.609: Berre Brands | DEVOL RACING passed Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport for 21st
33:00.460 - 34:57.835: Oliver Albertsen | Yakhnich Motosport finished lap 18 ( 1:57.375)
34:58.351 - 35:02.507: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi went off the track
33:12.640 - 35:04.296: Etienne Bernard | FG Films finished lap 19 ( 1:51.656)
35:03.554 - 35:05.921: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 14th
35:05.984 - 35:08.085: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 14th
33:07.875 - 35:09.523: Alexander"AquaZ"Lagerkvist|PowerDream finished lap 18 ( 2:01.648)
35:06.273 - 35:09.625: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 26th
35:10.242 - 35:11.671: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 14th
35:11.546 - 35:15.265: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Fabio Guido | FG Films for 12th
35:13.468 - 35:15.710: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 25th
35:15.390 - 35:17.320: Fabio Guido | FG Films passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 12th
35:15.976 - 35:18.375: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 26th
33:06.445 - 35:18.765: Quenot Luca| Team AmbArA | finished lap 18 ( 2:12.320)
35:18.195 - 35:20.195: Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Loris Michels | JIBR for 13th
35:13.187 - 35:24.515: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream went off the track
35:21.187 - 35:24.531: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Loris Michels | JIBR for 13th
35:22.664 - 35:24.648: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 9th
35:21.671 - 35:25.054: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing and Loris Michels | JIBR for 14th
35:20.312 - 35:25.195: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 15th
35:24.710 - 35:26.804: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing passed Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 10th
33:29.640 - 35:27.250: Jacob Holgersson | Limited Memers finished lap 19 ( 1:57.609)
35:24.664 - 35:27.945: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Alanas Saulys | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing for 16th
33:36.921 - 35:28.523: Riley Hunt | PowerDream finished lap 19 ( 1:51.601)
35:29.156 - 35:30.273: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream passed Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days for 27th
33:34.062 - 35:30.695: Nauris Svedarauskas | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 18 ( 1:56.632)
33:37.835 - 35:31.406: Alexis Vanbrabant | RH-Factory | Twitch / Marmotte_Kiwi finished lap 18 ( 1:53.570)
35:31.656 - 35:34.015: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 13th
35:31.679 - 35:34.703: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz went off the track
33:28.296 - 35:35.750: Freddy Karlsson | PowerDream finished lap 18 ( 2:07.453)
35:34.328 - 35:36.015: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Alex Moench | JIBR for 13th
33:43.960 - 35:37.710: Mozart | Limited Decal finished lap 19 ( 1:53.750)
33:19.398 - 35:38.750: Jakob Hellkvist | Limited Decal | Barwhips4days finished lap 18 ( 2:19.351)
33:34.945 - 35:40.843: J-B Blondeau | Team AmbArA finished lap 17 ( 2:05.898)
35:42.250 - 35:45.203: Alex Moench | JIBR passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 13th
35:45.617 - 35:48.562: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 passed Erik Haugness | BPC and Loris Michels | JIBR for 14th
35:42.851 - 35:49.609: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Erik Haugness | BPC for 15th
33:55.773 - 35:49.656: Jake Thomas | PowerDream finished lap 19 ( 1:53.882)
34:01.921 - 35:54.617: Timm Friedrichs | Simple Design finished lap 19 ( 1:52.695)
34:06.328 - 36:01.539: Brandon Holmes | Anschutz finished lap 19 ( 1:55.210)
34:14.492 - 36:05.671: Mattias Lidman | Mitas Racing finished lap 19 ( 1:51.179)
34:14.093 - 36:07.328: Reto Gasser I Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 19 ( 1:53.234)
34:06.804 - 36:09.656: Jack Gatland | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 19 ( 2:02.851)
36:07.203 - 36:09.781: Loris Michels | JIBR passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 14th
34:08.007 - 36:11.585: Olle Sundberg | Mitas Racing finished lap 18 ( 2:03.578)
36:11.117 - 36:13.507: Erik Haugness | BPC passed Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 for 15th
34:23.343 - 36:16.554: Fabio Guido | FG Films finished lap 19 ( 1:53.210)
34:26.218 - 36:18.125: Alex Moench | JIBR finished lap 19 ( 1:51.906)
34:23.617 - 36:23.007: Loris Michels | JIBR finished lap 19 ( 1:59.390)
34:25.414 - 36:26.992: Erik Haugness | BPC finished lap 19 ( 2:01.578)
34:28.820 - 36:29.828: Fernando Andrade | PowerDream | TTV Andrade74 finished lap 19 ( 2:01.007)
34:38.109 - 36:38.390: Gregory Cornet | Yakhnich Motorsport finished lap 19 ( 2:00.281)
34:34.054 - 36:40.039: Eric Hellgren | Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing finished lap 18 ( 2:05.984)