MX Simulator
Track2021 rF Gaming GP Rd07: Loket
Format 30 minutes, 2 laps
Date7/20/2021, 12:42:20 AM (1334 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
11Payson | underground 250sxf(2018)21 33:57.8513 1:35.75739236
218Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC 250sxf(2018)21 35:13.6714 1:39.36728299
338Cooper Hunt | Underground RC 250sxf(2018)21 35:13.8435 1:40.78933108
437Logan Leitzel 250sxf(2018)21 35:21.2107 1:38.91419661
5347seth carr | underground 250sxf(2018)21 35:30.4844 1:39.38233662
627Devin Davis 250sxf(2018)21 35:35.2184 1:40.3204275
711Luke Sullivan | Phil's 250sxf(2018)21 35:36.6094 1:38.89022447
8976Shaun Hambrook | District Designs 250sxf(2018)21 36:20.7344 1:41.43734901
980Seth Shirley | 250sxf(2018)20 33:58.3439 1:39.53131547
1090Casey Cochran | BPC 250sxf(2018)20 34:33.8983 1:39.78122060
1117Trevor Burns | Covenant 250sxf(2018)20 34:37.5397 1:40.64032029
12195Cade Matherly | STANCE 250sxf(2018)20 34:44.0463 1:39.20336662
1388Charles Gable \ Privateer 250sxf(2018)20 34:58.1174 1:39.60117611
14369Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha 250sxf(2018)20 34:59.8125 1:39.62511337
15310Alec Horn | 250sxf(2018)20 35:00.20313 1:40.27319554
16113Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports 250sxf(2018)20 35:09.6015 1:40.78133351
17227cody cooper | waffle house 250sxf(2018)20 35:13.0784 1:41.27348951
18167Blake O'Brien | OVO 250sxf(2018)20 35:16.2963 1:42.30417921
1940Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide 250sxf(2018)20 35:24.3905 1:43.0312642
2043Trent Adams | 250sxf(2018)20 35:24.75010 1:38.80420274
21415Brayden Tharp | Phil's 250sxf(2018)20 35:38.9214 1:40.94526349
22497Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs 250sxf(2018)19 33:56.4293 1:41.27310123
23317Christopher McPherson | Boot's House 250sxf(2018)19 33:59.8596 1:45.00731857
2441George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys 250sxf(2018)19 34:03.0543 1:41.04649849
2523Tyran Tomich 250sxf(2018)19 34:15.11715 1:38.53932866
26593Jeremy Estrella 250sxf(2018)19 34:48.3355 1:44.39033135
27241Liam Atkinson | CV 250sxf(2018)19 35:01.1715 1:41.96025419
28174Dylan Love | Proline Designs 250sxf(2018)19 35:30.1717 1:41.44529623
29619Dylan Adams | EG/ 250sxf(2018)19 35:43.5235 1:45.18731126
30760Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing 250sxf(2018)18 34:18.5315 1:47.67938739
31312Hayden Stevenson | AEO 250sxf(2018)18 34:19.2108 1:47.53923379
32427Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs 250sxf(2018)18 34:34.0706 1:43.78120728
33443Hayden Grimes | Underground RC 250sxf(2018)18 34:53.5315 1:45.95324806
34319Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY 250sxf(2018)18 35:25.8204 1:39.98437993
35999Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope 250sxf(2018)17 31:26.2734 1:40.4768501
36515Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports 250sxf(2018)17 34:08.35113 1:54.93739754
37164Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny 250sxf(2016)14 24:51.2815 1:41.06222504
38211Oscar Manias | Tow1n 250sxf(2018)13 28:35.9605 1:51.57018203
3967colton hansen | 250sxf(2018)10 18:18.5547 1:40.88230353
4049Frank Jackson | Team Nami 250sxf(2018)7 11:40.2105 1:39.44512581
4150Brandon Nigrin | 250sxf(2018)7 12:01.0235 1:41.09322612
42395Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs 250sxf(2018)7 13:05.4455 1:40.75736809
43156Carl Novak | UGRC 250sxf(2018)7 13:41.9294 1:50.48424545
44112Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing 250sxf(2018)6 10:26.3353 1:44.1401809
45305Aaron MacDonald | Privateer 250sxf(2018)6 10:28.3595 1:43.90630329

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21
P1 80 319 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
P2 319 1 319 319 369 369 369 369 369 369 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
P3 90 41 41 369 37 18 18 18 18 18 369 369 369 369 369 38 347 38 38 38 38
P4 305 369 369 41 90 195 195 195 37 37 27 27 38 38 38 369 38 347 347 347 37
P5 227 90 90 37 18 90 90 37 27 27 37 38 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 347
P6 41 80 195 90 41 27 27 27 80 80 38 80 80 80 80 347 11 11 976 976 11
P7 67 195 37 18 195 41 37 80 195 195 80 37 347 347 347 80 80 80 11 27 27
P8 37 37 18 195 976 167 41 38 347 347 195 347 27 11 11 23 976 976 27 11 976
P9 976 18 999 999 27 37 80 347 38 38 347 11 11 27 23 11 27 27 80 80
P10 17 999 227 227 497 80 347 976 976 976 23 195 23 23 27 976 23 23 195 90
P11 1 227 976 976 319 347 976 497 23 23 17 23 195 195 976 27 369 195 90 17
P12 369 976 497 80 88 88 38 23 41 17 976 976 976 976 195 195 90 227 17 195
P13 112 497 80 27 167 319 88 164 90 11 11 17 43 17 17 90 195 90 227 369
P14 347 164 27 347 11 976 497 41 17 90 90 88 17 90 90 17 227 369 369 88
P15 18 27 167 497 80 38 17 90 11 41 88 43 88 43 43 43 17 17 88 310
P16 195 167 347 167 347 415 11 11 88 88 41 41 90 227 227 227 167 167 167 227
P17 211 347 88 88 227 497 164 88 164 43 43 90 227 40 40 167 43 88 310 167
P18 113 211 17 11 999 11 23 17 227 227 227 227 40 167 167 40 310 310 113 113
P19 999 415 11 17 164 164 319 227 497 40 167 40 167 88 310 310 40 43 43 43
P20 156 17 164 415 43 17 999 167 167 164 40 167 41 310 88 113 113 113 40 40
P21 317 88 415 164 38 43 227 40 40 310 999 113 310 113 113 88 88 40 415 415
P22 23 23 174 43 415 999 167 174 43 167 164 310 113 497 497 497 497 415 497
P23 310 427 310 38 17 23 310 999 310 999 310 497 497 41 317 317 317 497 317
P24 497 49 23 40 40 227 415 43 999 497 497 164 317 317 41 41 41 317 41
P25 49 50 38 310 23 310 40 113 415 317 317 317 174 164 415 415 415 41 23
P26 619 11 43 23 310 40 113 310 317 113 113 999 999 999 593 593 593 593 593
P27 427 317 317 619 619 317 43 319 174 415 415 415 164 415 999 999 241 241 241
P28 43 174 40 317 317 113 49 317 113 174 593 174 593 593 241 241 999 174 174
P29 27 113 593 174 49 49 317 415 319 593 174 593 415 174 174 174 174 619 619
P30 164 593 50 112 113 174 174 593 593 319 241 241 241 241 443 619 619 760
P31 167 43 112 49 50 241 593 241 241 241 319 319 312 312 619 312 760 312
P32 415 310 619 113 174 593 241 312 312 312 619 312 427 427 760 760 312 427
P33 515 40 49 50 241 619 50 443 443 619 312 619 760 619 312 443 427 443
P34 88 38 211 241 112 50 312 67 619 427 443 427 619 443 319 427 443 319
P35 241 305 760 760 305 312 443 619 67 67 427 760 443 760 427 319 319
P36 11 112 113 305 593 760 619 760 427 443 760 443 319 319 515 515 515
P37 38 619 312 593 760 427 67 427 760 760 515 515 515 515
P38 395 760 443 312 312 112 760 515 515 211 211 211 211
P39 174 312 241 427 443 305 427 211 211 515
P40 593 443 427 67 427 443 395
P41 50 241 305 443 395 67 515
P42 40 67 67 156 156 395 211
P43 443 156 395 211 211 156 156
P44 760 515 515 395 67 211
P45 312 395 156 515 515 515

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:35.757 3 1 Payson | underground
1:36.125 5 1 Payson | underground
1:36.812 7 1 Payson | underground
1:37.125 9 1 Payson | underground
1:37.468 6 1 Payson | underground
1:37.906 8 1 Payson | underground
1:38.062 10 1 Payson | underground
1:38.078 18 1 Payson | underground
1:38.101 2 1 Payson | underground
1:38.140 4 1 Payson | underground
1:38.539 15 23 Tyran Tomich
1:38.648 12 1 Payson | underground
1:38.804 10 43 Trent Adams |
1:38.890 4 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:38.914 7 37 Logan Leitzel
1:39.203 3 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:39.265 21 1 Payson | underground
1:39.367 4 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:39.382 4 347 seth carr | underground
1:39.414 11 1 Payson | underground
1:39.437 13 23 Tyran Tomich
1:39.445 5 49 Frank Jackson | Team Nami
1:39.507 3 37 Logan Leitzel
1:39.531 9 80 Seth Shirley |
1:39.593 7 23 Tyran Tomich
1:39.601 10 347 seth carr | underground
1:39.601 4 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:39.625 5 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
1:39.781 3 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:39.867 15 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:39.875 9 37 Logan Leitzel
1:39.882 5 43 Trent Adams |
1:39.953 3 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
1:39.984 4 319 Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY
1:40.031 3 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:40.046 6 23 Tyran Tomich
1:40.093 17 1 Payson | underground
1:40.093 14 37 Logan Leitzel
1:40.164 20 37 Logan Leitzel
1:40.195 15 1 Payson | underground
1:40.203 6 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:40.250 11 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:40.250 3 347 seth carr | underground
1:40.265 10 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:40.273 13 310 Alec Horn |
1:40.289 3 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:40.320 4 27 Devin Davis
1:40.359 9 347 seth carr | underground
1:40.398 16 23 Tyran Tomich
1:40.406 8 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
1:40.414 9 43 Trent Adams |
1:40.429 10 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:40.437 6 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
1:40.476 4 999 Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope
1:40.500 9 23 Tyran Tomich
1:40.507 12 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:40.523 16 347 seth carr | underground
1:40.593 10 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
1:40.617 6 80 Seth Shirley |
1:40.640 7 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:40.640 8 37 Logan Leitzel
1:40.679 21 37 Logan Leitzel
1:40.726 5 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:40.757 5 395 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
1:40.781 9 310 Alec Horn |
1:40.781 5 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
1:40.789 5 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:40.796 6 310 Alec Horn |
1:40.835 19 37 Logan Leitzel
1:40.843 12 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:40.843 14 80 Seth Shirley |
1:40.851 14 1 Payson | underground
1:40.882 7 67 colton hansen |
1:40.890 6 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:40.945 4 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:41.007 10 80 Seth Shirley |
1:41.023 4 43 Trent Adams |
1:41.039 8 23 Tyran Tomich
1:41.046 3 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
1:41.046 9 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
1:41.062 5 164 Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny
1:41.085 7 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:41.093 5 50 Brandon Nigrin |
1:41.132 10 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:41.179 6 27 Devin Davis
1:41.210 19 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:41.218 4 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:41.226 14 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:41.234 7 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:41.242 10 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:41.273 4 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:41.273 3 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:41.281 5 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:41.304 15 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:41.328 16 37 Logan Leitzel
1:41.351 14 23 Tyran Tomich
1:41.367 4 80 Seth Shirley |
1:41.390 10 310 Alec Horn |
1:41.421 13 37 Logan Leitzel
1:41.429 8 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:41.437 4 976 Shaun Hambrook | District Designs
1:41.445 7 174 Dylan Love | Proline Designs
1:41.460 3 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:41.468 21 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:41.476 15 310 Alec Horn |
1:41.476 14 347 seth carr | underground
1:41.476 3 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:41.515 13 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:41.515 13 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:41.523 7 347 seth carr | underground
1:41.539 6 347 seth carr | underground
1:41.546 7 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:41.570 12 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:41.593 16 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:41.593 2 319 Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY
1:41.601 4 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
1:41.679 6 174 Dylan Love | Proline Designs
1:41.687 16 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:41.695 17 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:41.718 11 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:41.734 7 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
1:41.773 15 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:41.781 10 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:41.796 3 976 Shaun Hambrook | District Designs
1:41.828 5 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:41.828 13 43 Trent Adams |
1:41.851 13 347 seth carr | underground
1:41.851 6 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:41.859 4 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:41.960 8 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:41.960 5 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:41.960 7 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
1:41.984 16 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:41.984 10 999 Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope
1:42.023 9 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:42.078 13 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:42.085 12 80 Seth Shirley |
1:42.164 7 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:42.171 12 347 seth carr | underground
1:42.171 12 43 Trent Adams |
1:42.179 8 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:42.195 7 27 Devin Davis
1:42.195 3 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:42.195 2 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
1:42.226 13 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
1:42.265 7 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:42.281 3 27 Devin Davis
1:42.289 19 347 seth carr | underground
1:42.304 3 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
1:42.320 7 80 Seth Shirley |
1:42.343 12 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
1:42.359 3 999 Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope
1:42.375 4 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
1:42.390 17 347 seth carr | underground
1:42.492 5 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:42.500 13 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:42.539 14 310 Alec Horn |
1:42.539 9 27 Devin Davis
1:42.562 2 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:42.570 11 999 Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope
1:42.585 5 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:42.593 14 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:42.648 14 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:42.742 15 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
1:42.859 11 27 Devin Davis
1:42.882 14 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
1:42.890 11 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:42.953 6 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
1:42.960 14 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:42.968 14 999 Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope
1:43.000 5 23 Tyran Tomich
1:43.007 13 80 Seth Shirley |
1:43.031 5 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:43.070 21 27 Devin Davis
1:43.085 15 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:43.156 9 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:43.171 20 80 Seth Shirley |
1:43.210 8 80 Seth Shirley |
1:43.210 8 174 Dylan Love | Proline Designs
1:43.218 2 50 Brandon Nigrin |
1:43.226 5 27 Devin Davis
1:43.265 15 347 seth carr | underground
1:43.273 20 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:43.281 17 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
1:43.304 14 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:43.351 11 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:43.382 18 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:43.406 7 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:43.445 4 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:43.453 15 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
1:43.460 12 976 Shaun Hambrook | District Designs
1:43.476 11 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:43.507 17 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:43.515 2 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
1:43.531 16 80 Seth Shirley |
1:43.585 9 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:43.593 9 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:43.593 3 174 Dylan Love | Proline Designs
1:43.609 15 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:43.617 17 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:43.625 2 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:43.656 15 80 Seth Shirley |
1:43.781 6 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:43.781 6 427 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs
1:43.789 21 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:43.796 19 27 Devin Davis
1:43.843 8 164 Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny
1:43.851 18 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:43.859 2 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
1:43.898 10 27 Devin Davis
1:43.906 5 305 Aaron MacDonald | Privateer
1:43.914 14 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:43.929 17 310 Alec Horn |
1:43.945 8 27 Devin Davis
1:43.953 2 27 Devin Davis
1:43.960 8 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
1:43.968 2 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:43.976 18 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:44.031 16 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:44.039 16 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:44.093 20 27 Devin Davis
1:44.140 3 112 Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing
1:44.226 16 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
1:44.328 7 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:44.335 12 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
1:44.375 20 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:44.390 5 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:44.476 4 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:44.476 19 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:44.507 16 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
1:44.539 6 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:44.578 12 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:44.578 2 999 Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope
1:44.703 15 27 Devin Davis
1:44.843 3 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:44.859 9 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
1:44.898 19 1 Payson | underground
1:44.937 18 27 Devin Davis
1:44.953 14 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:45.007 6 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:45.015 10 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:45.101 5 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:45.101 18 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:45.132 3 43 Trent Adams |
1:45.187 5 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:45.203 3 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:45.304 19 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:45.312 18 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
1:45.335 18 174 Dylan Love | Proline Designs
1:45.351 7 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:45.367 8 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:45.414 13 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:45.445 20 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:45.468 5 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:45.523 18 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:45.601 7 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:45.625 8 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:45.734 14 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
1:45.835 12 23 Tyran Tomich
1:45.859 20 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:45.867 2 37 Logan Leitzel
1:45.875 3 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:45.890 20 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:45.921 7 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
1:45.921 2 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:45.929 11 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:45.953 14 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:45.953 5 443 Hayden Grimes | Underground RC
1:45.968 7 999 Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope
1:46.007 18 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:46.070 14 27 Devin Davis
1:46.125 4 305 Aaron MacDonald | Privateer
1:46.140 15 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:46.140 6 67 colton hansen |
1:46.140 13 174 Dylan Love | Proline Designs
1:46.203 16 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:46.281 10 23 Tyran Tomich
1:46.382 6 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:46.562 10 37 Logan Leitzel
1:46.617 12 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:46.703 7 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:46.750 11 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:46.843 10 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:46.906 14 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:47.031 13 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:47.195 10 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:47.234 20 347 seth carr | underground
1:47.296 9 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:47.375 17 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:47.437 16 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:47.460 6 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:47.484 4 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:47.492 20 1 Payson | underground
1:47.539 8 312 Hayden Stevenson | AEO
1:47.554 18 80 Seth Shirley |
1:47.656 5 312 Hayden Stevenson | AEO
1:47.679 5 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:47.679 4 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:47.703 19 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:47.765 6 312 Hayden Stevenson | AEO
1:47.921 3 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:47.953 16 1 Payson | underground
1:47.976 13 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:48.007 11 37 Logan Leitzel
1:48.039 5 310 Alec Horn |
1:48.039 10 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:48.046 11 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:48.062 11 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
1:48.070 2 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:48.125 8 347 seth carr | underground
1:48.218 9 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:48.257 2 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:48.265 11 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:48.273 3 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:48.296 3 80 Seth Shirley |
1:48.570 16 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:48.601 11 443 Hayden Grimes | Underground RC
1:48.765 17 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:48.789 2 174 Dylan Love | Proline Designs
1:48.867 3 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:48.992 14 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:49.023 11 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:49.078 18 347 seth carr | underground
1:49.125 2 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:49.164 14 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:49.171 21 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:49.289 2 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:49.296 13 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:49.328 6 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:49.351 7 310 Alec Horn |
1:49.546 2 80 Seth Shirley |
1:49.570 17 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:49.593 13 1 Payson | underground
1:49.648 8 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:49.703 6 164 Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny
1:49.718 8 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:49.843 17 27 Devin Davis
1:49.875 8 43 Trent Adams |
1:49.882 8 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:49.898 8 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:49.945 5 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:50.000 4 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
1:50.039 18 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:50.062 3 23 Tyran Tomich
1:50.101 9 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:50.140 15 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:50.218 19 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:50.257 17 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:50.304 12 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:50.328 12 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
1:50.390 3 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:50.406 6 443 Hayden Grimes | Underground RC
1:50.445 11 347 seth carr | underground
1:50.484 4 156 Carl Novak | UGRC
1:50.492 16 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:50.570 11 310 Alec Horn |
1:50.585 8 427 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs
1:50.703 12 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:50.882 20 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:50.882 17 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
1:51.007 7 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:51.117 6 43 Trent Adams |
1:51.125 7 443 Hayden Grimes | Underground RC
1:51.179 17 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:51.234 4 310 Alec Horn |
1:51.242 14 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:51.335 2 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:51.343 10 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:51.359 16 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:51.429 19 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:51.484 8 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:51.523 12 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:51.531 12 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:51.570 5 211 Oscar Manias | Tow1n
1:51.593 6 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
1:51.601 13 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:51.640 11 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:51.773 10 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:51.781 12 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:51.828 17 37 Logan Leitzel
1:51.906 18 23 Tyran Tomich
1:52.023 8 976 Shaun Hambrook | District Designs
1:52.140 10 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:52.179 5 347 seth carr | underground
1:52.242 3 67 colton hansen |
1:52.265 16 310 Alec Horn |
1:52.304 6 319 Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY
1:52.453 19 43 Trent Adams |
1:52.531 17 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:52.539 11 80 Seth Shirley |
1:52.593 9 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
1:52.664 6 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:52.671 18 310 Alec Horn |
1:52.687 16 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:52.734 7 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:52.898 3 50 Brandon Nigrin |
1:52.929 6 999 Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope
1:52.929 14 443 Hayden Grimes | Underground RC
1:52.968 18 312 Hayden Stevenson | AEO
1:53.085 13 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:53.117 13 27 Devin Davis
1:53.140 11 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
1:53.218 4 112 Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing
1:53.351 19 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:53.398 17 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:53.429 19 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:53.453 5 80 Seth Shirley |
1:53.453 20 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:53.468 19 310 Alec Horn |
1:53.507 20 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
1:53.726 2 23 Tyran Tomich
1:53.773 4 23 Tyran Tomich
1:53.804 19 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:53.976 9 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
1:54.039 12 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:54.070 19 80 Seth Shirley |
1:54.109 9 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:54.164 2 427 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs
1:54.203 4 427 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs
1:54.218 16 312 Hayden Stevenson | AEO
1:54.281 17 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:54.320 2 312 Hayden Stevenson | AEO
1:54.328 18 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:54.335 9 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:54.414 10 312 Hayden Stevenson | AEO
1:54.421 2 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:54.460 6 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:54.523 2 347 seth carr | underground
1:54.570 17 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
1:54.640 18 37 Logan Leitzel
1:54.671 19 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:54.687 8 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:54.781 5 156 Carl Novak | UGRC
1:54.781 2 211 Oscar Manias | Tow1n
1:54.820 3 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:54.835 5 427 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs
1:54.937 13 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
1:55.085 2 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:55.085 11 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:55.250 9 319 Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY
1:55.406 9 443 Hayden Grimes | Underground RC
1:55.414 19 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
1:55.531 3 312 Hayden Stevenson | AEO
1:55.539 18 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
1:55.687 10 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:55.726 12 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:55.750 9 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
1:55.968 4 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:56.132 17 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:56.171 10 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:56.265 10 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
1:56.312 3 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
1:56.312 5 174 Dylan Love | Proline Designs
1:56.320 16 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
1:56.390 16 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:56.531 4 312 Hayden Stevenson | AEO
1:56.773 6 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:56.953 13 443 Hayden Grimes | Underground RC
1:57.132 15 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:57.218 9 164 Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny
1:57.250 14 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
1:57.296 5 112 Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing
1:57.375 15 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:57.484 14 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:57.757 16 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:57.820 12 593 Jeremy Estrella
1:57.890 3 156 Carl Novak | UGRC
1:57.960 16 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:58.078 9 312 Hayden Stevenson | AEO
1:58.148 12 427 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs
1:58.242 2 43 Trent Adams |
1:58.320 19 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
1:58.617 6 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:58.648 5 227 cody cooper | waffle house
1:58.726 9 174 Dylan Love | Proline Designs
1:58.960 11 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
1:59.070 17 80 Seth Shirley |
1:59.132 18 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:59.164 2 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:59.304 18 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:59.382 18 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
1:59.406 15 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
1:59.468 7 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
1:59.750 18 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
1:59.890 13 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
1:59.914 2 310 Alec Horn |
2:00.242 12 310 Alec Horn |
2:00.531 3 49 Frank Jackson | Team Nami
2:00.851 7 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
2:00.882 4 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
2:00.960 4 174 Dylan Love | Proline Designs
2:01.148 10 67 colton hansen |
2:01.312 8 310 Alec Horn |
2:01.382 3 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
2:01.390 17 427 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs
2:01.476 12 211 Oscar Manias | Tow1n
2:01.515 10 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
2:01.617 9 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
2:01.937 14 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
2:02.085 6 37 Logan Leitzel
2:02.320 10 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
2:02.328 2 443 Hayden Grimes | Underground RC
2:02.546 17 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
2:02.664 8 999 Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope
2:03.117 8 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
2:03.250 10 319 Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY
2:03.382 13 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
2:03.546 9 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
2:03.929 20 43 Trent Adams |
2:03.937 19 227 cody cooper | waffle house
2:04.195 18 593 Jeremy Estrella
2:04.492 17 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
2:04.523 15 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
2:04.539 12 164 Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny
2:04.625 16 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
2:05.179 8 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
2:05.484 13 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
2:06.242 4 50 Brandon Nigrin |
2:06.492 12 999 Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope
2:06.914 3 305 Aaron MacDonald | Privateer
2:06.953 13 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
2:07.281 18 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
2:07.320 4 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
2:07.359 17 23 Tyran Tomich
2:07.921 7 427 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs
2:08.023 16 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
2:08.726 14 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
2:08.765 15 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
2:09.484 7 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
2:09.914 11 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
2:10.234 20 227 cody cooper | waffle house
2:10.960 17 443 Hayden Grimes | Underground RC
2:11.773 2 112 Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing
2:12.695 4 593 Jeremy Estrella
2:13.062 12 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
2:15.296 2 305 Aaron MacDonald | Privateer
2:16.742 3 427 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs
2:18.414 10 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
2:18.570 16 443 Hayden Grimes | Underground RC
2:22.804 2 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
2:28.890 2 67 colton hansen |
3:38.054 19 23 Tyran Tomich

Individual Worst Laps

1:49.593 13 1 Payson | underground
1:50.304 12 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
1:53.117 13 27 Devin Davis
1:54.421 2 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
1:54.523 2 347 seth carr | underground
1:56.773 6 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
1:59.070 17 80 Seth Shirley |
1:59.304 18 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
1:59.382 18 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
2:00.531 3 49 Frank Jackson | Team Nami
2:00.882 21 976 Shaun Hambrook | District Designs
2:01.312 8 310 Alec Horn |
2:02.085 6 37 Logan Leitzel
2:02.304 2 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
2:03.109 20 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
2:05.750 17 43 Trent Adams |
2:06.242 4 50 Brandon Nigrin |
2:06.953 13 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
2:07.281 18 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
2:07.796 14 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
2:07.843 19 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
2:08.515 8 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
2:08.726 14 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
2:08.796 2 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
2:09.203 13 164 Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny
2:09.484 7 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
2:10.234 20 227 cody cooper | waffle house
2:11.773 2 112 Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing
2:12.695 4 593 Jeremy Estrella
2:13.062 12 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
2:15.296 2 305 Aaron MacDonald | Privateer
2:16.703 15 174 Dylan Love | Proline Designs
2:16.867 9 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
2:17.453 17 999 Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope
2:20.531 17 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
2:20.742 15 427 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs
2:22.570 12 443 Hayden Grimes | Underground RC
2:22.804 2 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
2:23.406 2 395 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
2:23.820 15 312 Hayden Stevenson | AEO
2:24.546 13 319 Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY
2:28.890 2 67 colton hansen |
2:39.882 7 156 Carl Novak | UGRC
3:38.054 19 23 Tyran Tomich
5:00.320 11 211 Oscar Manias | Tow1n


Std. Dev.NumberName
3.016 27 Devin Davis
3.275 18 Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC
3.302 38 Cooper Hunt | Underground RC
3.971 1 Payson | underground
4.154 317 Christopher McPherson | Boot's House
4.913 347 seth carr | underground
5.122 11 Luke Sullivan | Phil's
5.439 80 Seth Shirley |
5.920 17 Trevor Burns | Covenant
6.104 37 Logan Leitzel
6.177 976 Shaun Hambrook | District Designs
6.289 88 Charles Gable \ Privateer
6.414 113 Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports
6.447 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
6.514 195 Cade Matherly | STANCE
6.798 90 Casey Cochran | BPC
6.858 310 Alec Horn |
7.031 760 Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing
7.234 241 Liam Atkinson | CV
7.234 415 Brayden Tharp | Phil's
7.276 167 Blake O'Brien | OVO
7.319 515 Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports
7.499 49 Frank Jackson | Team Nami
7.538 593 Jeremy Estrella
7.986 619 Dylan Adams | EG/
8.011 227 cody cooper | waffle house
8.254 43 Trent Adams |
8.313 497 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
8.353 41 George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys
9.006 164 Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny
9.182 50 Brandon Nigrin |
9.348 112 Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing
9.558 312 Hayden Stevenson | AEO
9.976 427 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs
10.742 174 Dylan Love | Proline Designs
11.514 443 Hayden Grimes | Underground RC
11.597 369 Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha
11.904 999 Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope
12.231 305 Aaron MacDonald | Privateer
13.172 67 colton hansen |
13.843 319 Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY
14.227 395 Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs
18.124 156 Carl Novak | UGRC
26.721 23 Tyran Tomich
49.739 211 Oscar Manias | Tow1n

Play by Play

Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs takes the holeshot followed by Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports, Seth Shirley |, Casey Cochran | BPC, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Payson | underground, Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY, Jeremy Estrella, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs, Logan Leitzel , Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Alec Horn |, Dylan Love | Proline Designs, Aaron MacDonald | Privateer, Dylan Adams | EG/, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Charles Gable \ Privateer, Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC, colton hansen |, Brandon Nigrin |, Hayden Stevenson | AEO, seth carr | underground, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Christopher McPherson | Boot's House, George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys, Devin Davis, Tyran Tomich, Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha, Trevor Burns | Covenant, Hayden Grimes | Underground RC, Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Blake O'Brien | OVO, Oscar Manias | Tow1n , cody cooper | waffle house , Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing, Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing, Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports, Cade Matherly | STANCE, Carl Novak | UGRC, Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny, Shaun Hambrook | District Designs and Trent Adams |

0:05.875 - 0:07.507: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for the lead
0:05.929 - 0:07.531: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Seth Shirley |, Casey Cochran | BPC and Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 2nd
0:05.898 - 0:07.812: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Seth Shirley | for 4th
0:05.968 - 0:07.914: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Payson | underground and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 6th
0:06.085 - 0:08.023: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Alec Horn |, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Payson | underground, Jeremy Estrella, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs, Dylan Love | Proline Designs, Logan Leitzel and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 7th
0:06.085 - 0:08.195: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Alec Horn |, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Payson | underground, Jeremy Estrella, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs, Dylan Love | Proline Designs, Logan Leitzel and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 8th
0:05.984 - 0:08.203: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Payson | underground, Jeremy Estrella and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 9th
0:05.960 - 0:08.242: Payson | underground passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 11th
0:06.000 - 0:08.851: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Logan Leitzel for 14th
0:06.179 - 0:09.093: colton hansen | passed Alec Horn |, Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Charles Gable \ Privateer and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 16th
0:06.570 - 0:09.117: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Alec Horn |, Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC, seth carr | underground, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Christopher McPherson | Boot's House, Brandon Nigrin |, Charles Gable \ Privateer and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 17th
0:06.156 - 0:09.203: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Alec Horn |, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Charles Gable \ Privateer and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 18th
0:07.812 - 0:09.578: Seth Shirley | passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for the lead
0:06.382 - 0:09.734: seth carr | underground passed Alec Horn |, Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Brandon Nigrin |, Charles Gable \ Privateer and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 19th
0:06.234 - 0:09.968: Brandon Nigrin | passed Alec Horn |, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Charles Gable \ Privateer and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 20th
0:06.882 - 0:10.296: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Alec Horn |, Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Tyran Tomich, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Devin Davis, Christopher McPherson | Boot's House, Charles Gable \ Privateer, Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 21st
0:06.859 - 0:10.437: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Alec Horn |, Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Tyran Tomich, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Devin Davis, Christopher McPherson | Boot's House, Charles Gable \ Privateer and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 22nd
0:07.320 - 0:10.687: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Alec Horn |, Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Tyran Tomich, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Devin Davis, Christopher McPherson | Boot's House, Charles Gable \ Privateer, Blake O'Brien | OVO, Dylan Love | Proline Designs and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 23rd
0:06.039 - 0:10.835: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Alec Horn | for 24th
0:07.914 - 0:10.843: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Casey Cochran | BPC, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 2nd
0:07.812 - 0:10.984: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 3rd
0:07.007 - 0:11.343: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Tyran Tomich, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Devin Davis, Christopher McPherson | Boot's House and Charles Gable \ Privateer for 26th
0:08.523 - 0:11.468: Carl Novak | UGRC passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports, Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Tyran Tomich, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Devin Davis, Christopher McPherson | Boot's House, Charles Gable \ Privateer, Blake O'Brien | OVO, Cade Matherly | STANCE and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 27th
0:08.054 - 0:11.757: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Tyran Tomich, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Devin Davis, Christopher McPherson | Boot's House, Charles Gable \ Privateer and Blake O'Brien | OVO for 28th
0:08.023 - 0:11.921: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 4th
0:07.382 - 0:11.984: cody cooper | waffle house went off the track
0:06.570 - 0:12.007: Devin Davis passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Christopher McPherson | Boot's House and Charles Gable \ Privateer for 29th
0:06.117 - 0:12.492: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 30th
0:09.117 - 0:12.687: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Payson | underground, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Jeremy Estrella, colton hansen |, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs, Logan Leitzel , Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 6th
0:09.093 - 0:12.781: colton hansen | passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Payson | underground, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Jeremy Estrella, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs, Logan Leitzel , Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 7th
0:09.734 - 0:13.000: seth carr | underground passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC, Payson | underground, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Jeremy Estrella, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs, Logan Leitzel , Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 8th
0:08.984 - 0:13.429: Logan Leitzel passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Payson | underground, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Jeremy Estrella, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs, Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 9th
0:11.468 - 0:13.445: Carl Novak | UGRC passed Alec Horn |, Trevor Burns | Covenant, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC, Payson | underground, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Brandon Nigrin |, Jeremy Estrella, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha, Dylan Adams | EG/, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs, Dylan Love | Proline Designs, Oscar Manias | Tow1n , Hayden Grimes | Underground RC, Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 10th
0:08.335 - 0:13.460: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Tyran Tomich, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Christopher McPherson | Boot's House and Blake O'Brien | OVO for 31st
0:08.242 - 0:13.546: Payson | underground passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 11th
0:08.203 - 0:13.695: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/ and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 12th
0:06.453 - 0:13.757: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 32nd
0:11.757 - 0:13.929: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Alec Horn |, Trevor Burns | Covenant, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Brandon Nigrin |, Jeremy Estrella, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha, Dylan Adams | EG/, Dylan Love | Proline Designs, Oscar Manias | Tow1n , Hayden Grimes | Underground RC, Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 13th
0:12.781 - 0:14.242: colton hansen | passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 6th
0:12.007 - 0:14.406: Devin Davis passed Alec Horn |, Trevor Burns | Covenant, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Brandon Nigrin |, Jeremy Estrella, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha, Dylan Adams | EG/, Dylan Love | Proline Designs, Oscar Manias | Tow1n , Hayden Grimes | Underground RC, Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 14th
0:10.296 - 0:14.460: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Brandon Nigrin |, Jeremy Estrella, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/, Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 15th
0:08.453 - 0:14.570: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Tyran Tomich, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC and Blake O'Brien | OVO for 33rd
0:07.289 - 0:14.734: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Tyran Tomich, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 34th
0:13.695 - 0:14.906: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Carl Novak | UGRC, Payson | underground and Logan Leitzel for 9th
0:13.546 - 0:15.039: Payson | underground passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 11th
0:10.335 - 0:15.859: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
0:10.437 - 0:16.398: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Brandon Nigrin |, Jeremy Estrella, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/, Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 16th
0:06.265 - 0:16.453: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 35th
0:09.203 - 0:16.554: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Jeremy Estrella, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/, Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 17th
0:10.835 - 0:16.609: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Brandon Nigrin |, Jeremy Estrella, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/, Oscar Manias | Tow1n , Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 18th
0:14.570 - 0:16.820: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Alec Horn |, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Christopher McPherson | Boot's House, Brandon Nigrin |, Jeremy Estrella, Charles Gable \ Privateer, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/, Oscar Manias | Tow1n , Hayden Grimes | Underground RC, Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 19th
0:07.625 - 0:16.906: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing went off the track
0:06.781 - 0:16.921: Tyran Tomich passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 37th
0:10.687 - 0:17.085: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Brandon Nigrin |, Jeremy Estrella, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/, Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 21st
0:07.531 - 0:17.937: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 22nd
0:13.757 - 0:18.000: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Alec Horn |, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Brandon Nigrin |, Jeremy Estrella, Charles Gable \ Privateer, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/, Hayden Grimes | Underground RC and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 24th
0:16.820 - 0:18.203: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 18th
0:15.015 - 0:18.203: Logan Leitzel passed seth carr | underground and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 8th
0:15.265 - 0:18.289: Carl Novak | UGRC passed seth carr | underground, Payson | underground and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 9th
0:08.281 - 0:18.421: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 25th
0:16.656 - 0:18.601: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Alec Horn |, Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Brandon Nigrin |, Jeremy Estrella, Charles Gable \ Privateer, Blake O'Brien | OVO, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Dylan Adams | EG/ and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 26th
0:17.085 - 0:18.781: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 20th
0:15.859 - 0:19.007: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed seth carr | underground, Payson | underground, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 10th
0:15.843 - 0:19.023: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed seth carr | underground, Payson | underground and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 11th
0:09.968 - 0:19.140: Brandon Nigrin | passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Jeremy Estrella, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 27th
0:09.554 - 0:19.179: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny went off the track
0:17.992 - 0:19.203: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 21st
0:17.937 - 0:19.226: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 22nd
0:16.117 - 0:19.289: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed seth carr | underground, Payson | underground, Devin Davis and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 12th
0:15.039 - 0:19.359: Payson | underground passed seth carr | underground and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 13th
0:08.195 - 0:19.359: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 29th
0:15.882 - 0:19.546: Devin Davis passed seth carr | underground and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 14th
0:18.000 - 0:19.921: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 23rd
0:18.421 - 0:19.960: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 24th
0:17.578 - 0:20.070: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed seth carr | underground and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 15th
0:18.289 - 0:20.117: Carl Novak | UGRC passed Logan Leitzel for 8th
0:19.359 - 0:20.578: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Brandon Nigrin |, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing, Liam Atkinson | CV, Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 25th
0:16.921 - 0:20.687: Tyran Tomich passed Alec Horn |, Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Jeremy Estrella, Charles Gable \ Privateer, Blake O'Brien | OVO, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 30th
0:18.601 - 0:20.812: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 26th
0:18.203 - 0:20.960: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 17th
0:11.242 - 0:21.398: Alec Horn | passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Jeremy Estrella and Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 31st
0:18.429 - 0:21.484: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 18th
0:14.734 - 0:21.593: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Jeremy Estrella, Charles Gable \ Privateer and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 33rd
0:18.546 - 0:21.648: Trent Adams | passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Jeremy Estrella, Charles Gable \ Privateer and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 34th
0:12.492 - 0:21.695: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Jeremy Estrella and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 35th
0:18.179 - 0:21.718: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs, Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Jeremy Estrella and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 36th
0:18.781 - 0:21.765: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 19th
0:20.070 - 0:21.890: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Devin Davis for 14th
0:19.203 - 0:21.890: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 20th
0:19.226 - 0:22.132: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 21st
0:20.687 - 0:22.218: Tyran Tomich passed Brandon Nigrin |, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing, Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 27th
0:13.460 - 0:22.500: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Jeremy Estrella and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 37th
0:19.960 - 0:22.773: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 22nd
0:21.398 - 0:22.828: Alec Horn | passed Brandon Nigrin |, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing, Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 28th
0:20.718 - 0:22.843: seth carr | underground passed Devin Davis for 15th
0:20.960 - 0:22.976: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Devin Davis for 16th
0:08.750 - 0:23.085: Jeremy Estrella passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 38th
0:22.351 - 0:23.164: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed colton hansen | for 6th
0:21.718 - 0:23.187: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Brandon Nigrin |, Charles Gable \ Privateer, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing, Blake O'Brien | OVO, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs, Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny, Dylan Love | Proline Designs and Trent Adams | for 29th
0:19.921 - 0:23.226: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 23rd
0:21.484 - 0:23.351: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Devin Davis for 17th
0:21.515 - 0:23.460: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Nigrin |, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing, Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 30th
0:20.578 - 0:23.546: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 24th
0:21.648 - 0:23.687: Trent Adams | passed Brandon Nigrin |, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing, Blake O'Brien | OVO, Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 31st
0:20.812 - 0:23.773: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 25th
0:21.765 - 0:23.781: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Devin Davis for 18th
0:21.890 - 0:23.859: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Devin Davis for 19th
0:21.695 - 0:23.953: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Brandon Nigrin |, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing, Blake O'Brien | OVO, Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 32nd
0:11.343 - 0:23.976: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's and Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 39th
0:19.179 - 0:24.109: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Brandon Nigrin |, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 33rd
0:22.500 - 0:24.304: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Brandon Nigrin |, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing, Blake O'Brien | OVO and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 34th
0:22.132 - 0:24.421: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Devin Davis for 20th
0:21.593 - 0:24.570: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Brandon Nigrin |, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 35th
0:22.773 - 0:24.789: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Devin Davis for 21st
0:22.218 - 0:25.046: Tyran Tomich passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 26th
0:24.304 - 0:25.164: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 11th
0:23.226 - 0:25.382: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Devin Davis for 22nd
0:23.976 - 0:25.398: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Brandon Nigrin |, Jeremy Estrella, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 36th
0:24.078 - 0:25.539: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Brandon Nigrin |, Jeremy Estrella, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 37th
0:23.773 - 0:25.757: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Devin Davis and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 23rd
0:23.546 - 0:25.828: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Devin Davis for 24th
0:19.140 - 0:25.953: Brandon Nigrin | passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 39th
0:24.343 - 0:25.976: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Jeremy Estrella and Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 40th
0:25.046 - 0:26.867: Tyran Tomich passed Devin Davis for 25th
0:25.609 - 0:27.484: Alec Horn | passed Devin Davis and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 26th
0:25.382 - 0:27.632: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Devin Davis for 27th
0:27.054 - 0:28.007: Logan Leitzel passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 8th
0:25.968 - 0:28.062: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Devin Davis for 28th
0:26.437 - 0:28.578: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Devin Davis for 29th
0:26.820 - 0:28.875: Trent Adams | passed Devin Davis for 30th
0:25.976 - 0:28.976: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Brandon Nigrin | and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 38th
0:00.000 - 0:29.460: Seth Shirley | finished lap 1 ( 0:29.460)
0:00.000 - 0:30.054: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 1 ( 0:30.054)
0:28.250 - 0:30.140: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 36th
0:29.296 - 0:30.273: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 23rd
0:27.468 - 0:30.296: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Jeremy Estrella for 42nd
0:00.000 - 0:30.492: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 1 ( 0:30.492)
0:29.890 - 0:30.757: Tyran Tomich passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 24th
0:30.500 - 0:31.335: Alec Horn | passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 25th
0:28.382 - 0:31.671: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 9th
0:00.000 - 0:31.968: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer finished lap 1 ( 0:31.968)
0:31.078 - 0:32.007: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 26th
0:00.000 - 0:32.289: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 1 ( 0:32.289)
0:28.828 - 0:32.296: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 10th
0:31.515 - 0:32.453: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's and Liam Atkinson | CV for 27th
0:00.000 - 0:32.765: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 1 ( 0:32.765)
0:31.859 - 0:32.765: Trent Adams | passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's and Liam Atkinson | CV for 28th
0:29.257 - 0:32.906: Payson | underground passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 11th
0:31.929 - 0:32.945: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Brandon Nigrin | for 39th
0:28.976 - 0:33.039: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 12th
0:29.812 - 0:33.093: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 13th
0:31.242 - 0:33.164: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 34th
0:00.000 - 0:33.257: colton hansen | finished lap 1 ( 0:33.257)
0:32.531 - 0:33.406: Devin Davis passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's and Liam Atkinson | CV for 29th
0:31.500 - 0:33.429: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 36th
0:30.296 - 0:33.601: seth carr | underground passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 14th
0:32.726 - 0:33.601: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Charles Gable \ Privateer and Liam Atkinson | CV for 30th
0:32.304 - 0:33.789: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Brandon Nigrin | for 40th
0:30.882 - 0:34.070: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Cade Matherly | STANCE for 15th
0:32.656 - 0:34.148: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's and Liam Atkinson | CV for 31st
0:33.164 - 0:34.148: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Charles Gable \ Privateer and Liam Atkinson | CV for 31st
0:00.000 - 0:34.171: Logan Leitzel finished lap 1 ( 0:34.171)
0:30.820 - 0:34.203: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 16th
0:33.359 - 0:34.320: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's and Liam Atkinson | CV for 33rd
0:33.093 - 0:34.375: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 12th
0:33.429 - 0:34.406: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's and Liam Atkinson | CV for 34th
0:33.429 - 0:34.507: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's and Liam Atkinson | CV for 35th
0:00.000 - 0:34.554: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:34.554)
0:31.234 - 0:34.562: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 17th
0:32.406 - 0:34.570: Jeremy Estrella passed Brandon Nigrin | for 41st
0:31.710 - 0:35.015: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 18th
0:00.000 - 0:35.125: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 1 ( 0:35.125)
0:32.109 - 0:35.421: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 19th
0:00.000 - 0:35.867: Payson | underground finished lap 1 ( 0:35.867)
0:34.734 - 0:35.929: cody cooper | waffle house passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 4th
0:00.000 - 0:35.945: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 1 ( 0:35.945)
0:34.406 - 0:36.117: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports and Charles Gable \ Privateer for 32nd
0:00.000 - 0:36.265: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing finished lap 1 ( 0:36.265)
0:34.320 - 0:36.523: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 33rd
0:00.000 - 0:36.531: seth carr | underground finished lap 1 ( 0:36.531)
0:35.554 - 0:36.796: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Brandon Nigrin | for 42nd
0:00.000 - 0:36.906: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 1 ( 0:36.906)
0:35.445 - 0:36.937: colton hansen | passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 6th
0:00.000 - 0:37.085: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 1 ( 0:37.085)
0:35.976 - 0:37.304: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | for 43rd
0:00.000 - 0:37.367: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 1 ( 0:37.367)
0:34.015 - 0:37.382: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 21st
0:35.007 - 0:37.468: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Charles Gable \ Privateer, Liam Atkinson | CV and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 34th
0:34.515 - 0:37.773: Tyran Tomich passed Dylan Adams | EG/ and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 22nd
0:00.000 - 0:37.812: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 1 ( 0:37.812)
0:00.000 - 0:38.242: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 1 ( 0:38.242)
0:36.234 - 0:38.273: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed cody cooper | waffle house for 4th
0:34.976 - 0:38.406: Alec Horn | passed Dylan Adams | EG/ and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 23rd
0:31.078 - 0:38.796: Dylan Love | Proline Designs went off the track
0:35.664 - 0:39.007: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 25th
0:37.007 - 0:39.054: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed colton hansen | for 6th
0:00.000 - 0:39.132: Carl Novak | UGRC finished lap 1 ( 0:39.132)
0:38.382 - 0:39.875: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Payson | underground for 11th
0:34.859 - 0:40.171: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 36th
0:39.054 - 0:40.210: seth carr | underground passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 13th
0:00.000 - 0:40.343: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 1 ( 0:40.343)
0:00.000 - 0:40.632: Tyran Tomich finished lap 1 ( 0:40.632)
0:34.968 - 0:40.734: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 37th
0:38.890 - 0:40.835: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 34th
0:00.000 - 0:41.179: Alec Horn | finished lap 1 ( 0:41.179)
0:40.171 - 0:41.343: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 35th
0:39.632 - 0:41.468: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 38th
0:00.000 - 0:41.796: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:41.796)
0:40.281 - 0:41.796: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 24th
0:40.062 - 0:41.843: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing, Dylan Love | Proline Designs and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 39th
0:39.921 - 0:41.875: Payson | underground passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 11th
0:39.765 - 0:41.906: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO, Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 40th
0:40.734 - 0:41.937: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 36th
0:00.000 - 0:42.039: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 1 ( 0:42.039)
0:00.000 - 0:42.312: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 1 ( 0:42.312)
0:00.000 - 0:42.421: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:42.421)
0:40.601 - 0:42.585: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed seth carr | underground for 13th
0:00.000 - 0:42.625: Trent Adams | finished lap 1 ( 0:42.625)
0:41.468 - 0:42.632: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 37th
0:40.968 - 0:42.875: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed seth carr | underground for 14th
0:41.843 - 0:42.960: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 38th
0:41.906 - 0:43.171: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 39th
0:00.000 - 0:43.226: Devin Davis finished lap 1 ( 0:43.226)
0:00.000 - 0:43.367: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 1 ( 0:43.367)
0:37.414 - 0:43.570: Jeremy Estrella went off the track
0:00.000 - 0:43.976: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 1 ( 0:43.976)
0:42.429 - 0:44.039: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 26th
0:00.000 - 0:44.578: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 0:44.578)
0:42.968 - 0:44.687: Tyran Tomich passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 21st
0:35.882 - 0:45.062: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 41st
0:00.000 - 0:45.437: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 0:45.437)
0:43.906 - 0:45.601: Brandon Nigrin | passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 43rd
0:44.562 - 0:45.757: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 24th
0:45.085 - 0:46.421: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 26th
0:45.601 - 0:46.625: Brandon Nigrin | passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 42nd
0:44.867 - 0:46.671: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed colton hansen | and Logan Leitzel for 7th
0:45.351 - 0:46.828: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 43rd
0:45.328 - 0:47.117: Payson | underground passed colton hansen | and Logan Leitzel for 8th
0:45.687 - 0:47.320: Devin Davis passed Trent Adams | for 28th
0:45.914 - 0:47.375: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Trent Adams | for 29th
0:46.437 - 0:47.468: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed colton hansen |, Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha and Logan Leitzel for 9th
0:46.070 - 0:47.835: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed colton hansen | and Logan Leitzel for 10th
0:46.796 - 0:47.898: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed colton hansen | and Logan Leitzel for 11th
0:00.000 - 0:48.109: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 1 ( 0:48.109)
0:47.140 - 0:48.273: seth carr | underground passed colton hansen | and Logan Leitzel for 12th
0:46.054 - 0:48.343: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Alec Horn | and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 23rd
0:46.218 - 0:48.382: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Trent Adams | for 30th
0:43.546 - 0:48.421: Logan Leitzel passed colton hansen | for 13th
0:00.000 - 0:48.429: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 1 ( 0:48.429)
0:45.757 - 0:48.531: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Alec Horn | for 24th
0:46.554 - 0:48.664: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Alec Horn | and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 25th
0:46.789 - 0:48.781: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Trent Adams | for 31st
0:47.226 - 0:49.039: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed colton hansen | for 14th
0:46.421 - 0:49.304: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Alec Horn | for 26th
0:00.000 - 0:49.414: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 0:49.414)
0:47.609 - 0:49.484: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed colton hansen | for 15th
0:00.000 - 0:49.671: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 1 ( 0:49.671)
0:48.070 - 0:49.750: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed colton hansen | for 16th
0:47.320 - 0:49.820: Devin Davis passed Alec Horn | for 27th
0:47.375 - 0:50.156: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Alec Horn | for 28th
0:00.000 - 0:50.226: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:50.226)
0:47.992 - 0:50.484: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Trent Adams | for 32nd
0:48.382 - 0:50.562: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Alec Horn | for 29th
0:48.757 - 0:50.632: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed colton hansen | for 17th
0:48.781 - 0:50.789: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Alec Horn | for 30th
0:00.000 - 0:50.875: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 1 ( 0:50.875)
0:47.726 - 0:50.968: Brandon Nigrin | passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 41st
0:00.000 - 0:51.304: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 1 ( 0:51.304)
0:50.281 - 0:51.867: Carl Novak | UGRC passed colton hansen | for 18th
0:50.390 - 0:52.320: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Trent Adams | for 33rd
0:50.171 - 0:52.593: seth carr | underground passed Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC for 11th
0:50.484 - 0:52.937: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Alec Horn | for 31st
0:51.515 - 0:53.554: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Liam Atkinson | CV and Trent Adams | for 34th
0:52.601 - 0:53.703: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC, Liam Atkinson | CV and Trent Adams | for 35th
0:00.000 - 0:53.921: Brandon Nigrin | finished lap 1 ( 0:53.921)
0:51.945 - 0:54.062: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Liam Atkinson | CV and Trent Adams | for 36th
0:00.000 - 0:54.078: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 1 ( 0:54.078)
0:44.062 - 0:54.085: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
0:00.000 - 0:54.296: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 1 ( 0:54.296)
0:52.320 - 0:54.484: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Alec Horn | for 32nd
0:00.000 - 0:54.734: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 1 ( 0:54.734)
0:52.867 - 0:54.867: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Tyran Tomich and colton hansen | for 20th
0:52.468 - 0:54.921: Tyran Tomich passed colton hansen | for 21st
0:53.617 - 0:55.304: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed colton hansen | for 22nd
0:53.164 - 0:55.406: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Liam Atkinson | CV and Trent Adams | for 37th
0:00.000 - 0:55.882: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 1 ( 0:55.882)
0:54.062 - 0:56.046: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 35th
0:53.687 - 0:56.054: Jeremy Estrella passed Liam Atkinson | CV and Trent Adams | for 38th
0:54.914 - 0:56.648: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed seth carr | underground for 11th
0:55.554 - 0:56.867: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Alec Horn | for 33rd
0:55.062 - 0:56.867: Devin Davis passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 24th
0:55.273 - 0:57.039: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Logan Leitzel for 13th
0:55.359 - 0:57.148: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 25th
0:55.710 - 0:57.484: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 26th
0:56.500 - 0:57.765: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Brandon Nigrin |, Liam Atkinson | CV and Trent Adams | for 39th
0:56.117 - 0:58.234: Brandon Nigrin | passed Liam Atkinson | CV and Trent Adams | for 40th
0:55.750 - 0:58.484: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 27th
0:57.335 - 0:58.789: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Alec Horn | for 34th
0:56.609 - 0:59.039: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Liam Atkinson | CV and Trent Adams | for 41st
0:56.867 - 0:59.179: Devin Davis passed colton hansen | for 23rd
0:56.992 - 0:59.351: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Liam Atkinson | CV and Trent Adams | for 42nd
0:57.148 - 0:59.476: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed colton hansen | for 24th
0:50.703 - 0:59.835: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Trent Adams | for 43rd
0:57.578 - 0:59.898: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Tyran Tomich for 21st
0:58.898 - 0:59.921: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed seth carr | underground for 12th
0:58.234 - 1:00.218: Brandon Nigrin | passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 39th
0:58.312 - 1:00.257: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 28th
0:54.718 - 1:00.351: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 29th
0:58.148 - 1:00.726: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Trent Adams | for 44th
0:59.640 - 1:01.312: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 30th
0:59.992 - 1:02.023: Tyran Tomich passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 21st
1:00.429 - 1:02.132: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 31st
1:00.734 - 1:02.429: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 32nd
1:01.179 - 1:02.843: Alec Horn | passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 33rd
1:01.523 - 1:03.242: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 34th
0:59.476 - 1:03.539: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny went off the track
1:01.312 - 1:03.562: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 29th
1:02.023 - 1:03.726: Tyran Tomich passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 20th
1:02.148 - 1:03.851: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 21st
0:52.210 - 1:05.414: Frank Jackson | Team Nami went off the track
1:04.132 - 1:05.960: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed colton hansen | for 25th
1:07.414 - 1:08.742: cody cooper | waffle house passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 4th
1:06.671 - 1:08.906: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 41st
1:07.187 - 1:08.968: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 42nd
1:08.539 - 1:09.210: Logan Leitzel passed seth carr | underground for 13th
1:08.023 - 1:09.375: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 5th
1:07.867 - 1:09.554: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 28th
1:08.578 - 1:10.312: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 43rd
1:09.515 - 1:10.765: Payson | underground passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 6th
1:08.765 - 1:10.828: Trent Adams | passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 44th
1:08.968 - 1:11.273: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 41st
1:11.242 - 1:12.273: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 29th
1:11.460 - 1:12.734: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 7th
1:11.820 - 1:13.062: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 8th
1:10.828 - 1:13.164: Trent Adams | passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO and Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 42nd
1:12.265 - 1:13.484: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 9th
1:12.054 - 1:13.562: Alec Horn | passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 31st
1:12.429 - 1:13.671: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 32nd
1:12.492 - 1:13.718: Logan Leitzel passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 10th
1:12.984 - 1:14.203: seth carr | underground passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 11th
1:13.304 - 1:14.562: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 12th
1:12.484 - 1:14.578: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed colton hansen | for 26th
1:13.671 - 1:15.078: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Alec Horn | for 31st
1:13.804 - 1:15.156: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 13th
1:14.312 - 1:15.687: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 14th
1:11.210 - 1:15.718: Dylan Adams | EG/ went off the track
1:14.570 - 1:15.804: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Seth Shirley | for the lead
1:11.031 - 1:16.312: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 15th
1:15.054 - 1:16.375: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 34th
1:15.125 - 1:16.539: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Seth Shirley | for 2nd
1:15.328 - 1:16.554: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 35th
1:15.148 - 1:17.015: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Charles Gable \ Privateer and colton hansen | for 27th
1:15.750 - 1:17.046: Jeremy Estrella passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 36th
1:16.242 - 1:17.531: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 37th
1:16.414 - 1:17.609: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 16th
1:15.164 - 1:17.648: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Charles Gable \ Privateer and colton hansen | for 28th
1:15.000 - 1:17.781: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed colton hansen | for 29th
1:16.921 - 1:18.070: Tyran Tomich passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 18th
1:16.992 - 1:18.257: Brandon Nigrin | passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 38th
1:16.640 - 1:18.585: Alec Horn | passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and colton hansen | for 30th
1:17.781 - 1:18.671: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 28th
1:18.070 - 1:18.890: Tyran Tomich passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 16th
1:17.750 - 1:19.140: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 39th
1:18.804 - 1:19.656: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 17th
1:17.398 - 1:19.773: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 32nd
1:18.554 - 1:19.859: cody cooper | waffle house passed Seth Shirley | for 3rd
1:17.710 - 1:19.890: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 33rd
1:18.921 - 1:20.273: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Seth Shirley | for 4th
1:19.640 - 1:20.484: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 18th
1:18.070 - 1:20.593: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 34th
1:19.835 - 1:20.687: Devin Davis passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 19th
1:19.773 - 1:20.695: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed colton hansen | for 31st
1:19.523 - 1:20.796: Payson | underground passed Seth Shirley | for 5th
1:19.890 - 1:20.929: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed colton hansen | for 32nd
1:18.687 - 1:20.976: Jeremy Estrella passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 35th
1:18.976 - 1:20.976: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and Jeremy Estrella for 35th
1:20.171 - 1:21.265: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 20th
1:20.593 - 1:21.546: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed colton hansen | for 33rd
1:19.851 - 1:21.734: Brandon Nigrin | passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 37th
1:20.976 - 1:21.945: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed colton hansen | for 34th
1:20.937 - 1:22.148: Trent Adams | passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 40th
1:20.976 - 1:22.179: Jeremy Estrella passed colton hansen | for 35th
1:21.492 - 1:22.320: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 21st
1:20.632 - 1:22.585: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 38th
1:09.273 - 1:22.593: Trevor Burns | Covenant went off the track
1:21.734 - 1:22.609: Brandon Nigrin | passed colton hansen | for 36th
1:21.937 - 1:22.765: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 23rd
1:22.585 - 1:23.679: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed colton hansen | for 37th
1:23.203 - 1:24.375: Payson | underground passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 4th
1:22.765 - 1:24.890: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 22nd
1:24.609 - 1:25.382: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 24th
1:24.398 - 1:25.578: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Payson | underground for 4th
1:25.320 - 1:26.078: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 25th
1:25.453 - 1:26.406: Trent Adams | passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and colton hansen | for 38th
1:25.804 - 1:27.046: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 7th
1:15.132 - 1:27.078: Liam Atkinson | CV went off the track
1:15.156 - 1:27.171: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports went off the track
1:26.468 - 1:27.320: Alec Horn | passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 28th
1:26.429 - 1:27.390: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and colton hansen | for 39th
1:27.265 - 1:28.382: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC for 7th
1:28.375 - 1:29.468: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Tyran Tomich for 16th
1:27.968 - 1:29.648: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed colton hansen | for 40th
1:29.132 - 1:29.679: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Devin Davis and Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 18th
1:29.101 - 1:29.984: Devin Davis passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 19th
1:27.335 - 1:30.398: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Alec Horn | and Carl Novak | UGRC for 28th
1:28.234 - 1:30.843: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Alec Horn | and Carl Novak | UGRC for 29th
1:28.906 - 1:31.085: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Alec Horn | and Carl Novak | UGRC for 30th
1:29.679 - 1:31.101: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Tyran Tomich for 17th
1:27.320 - 1:31.171: Alec Horn | passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 31st
1:29.984 - 1:31.359: Devin Davis passed Tyran Tomich for 18th
1:30.093 - 1:31.367: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Tyran Tomich for 19th
1:29.265 - 1:31.406: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 32nd
1:29.656 - 1:31.750: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 33rd
1:30.726 - 1:32.062: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 14th
1:29.992 - 1:32.242: Jeremy Estrella passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 34th
1:31.117 - 1:32.382: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Tyran Tomich for 20th
1:30.203 - 1:32.484: Brandon Nigrin | passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 35th
1:31.085 - 1:32.750: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 29th
1:31.406 - 1:32.953: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Alec Horn | for 31st
1:31.750 - 1:33.234: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Alec Horn | for 32nd
1:31.343 - 1:33.523: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 36th
1:32.382 - 1:34.117: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Tyran Tomich for 21st
1:32.773 - 1:34.710: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Tyran Tomich for 22nd
1:33.835 - 1:35.156: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Tyran Tomich for 23rd
1:33.968 - 1:35.296: Devin Davis passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 17th
1:34.234 - 1:35.343: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Tyran Tomich for 24th
1:31.734 - 1:35.390: Payson | underground passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 4th
1:33.710 - 1:35.664: Trent Adams | passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 37th
1:34.742 - 1:36.320: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Tyran Tomich for 25th
1:35.421 - 1:36.429: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Payson | underground for 4th
1:35.335 - 1:36.460: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Devin Davis for 17th
1:35.640 - 1:36.890: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Tyran Tomich for 26th
1:34.312 - 1:37.070: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 30th
1:36.000 - 1:37.335: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 23rd
1:37.078 - 1:37.671: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 28th
1:36.953 - 1:37.898: Payson | underground passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 4th
1:36.718 - 1:38.210: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 38th
1:37.851 - 1:38.351: Alec Horn | passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 32nd
1:38.359 - 1:39.015: Brandon Nigrin | passed Jeremy Estrella for 34th
1:38.015 - 1:39.234: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 28th
1:38.351 - 1:39.664: Alec Horn | passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 31st
1:36.296 - 1:40.101: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed seth carr | underground for 11th
1:39.687 - 1:40.437: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Alec Horn | for 31st
1:39.625 - 1:40.515: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 22nd
1:39.703 - 1:40.882: Tyran Tomich passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 26th
1:38.648 - 1:40.882: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed colton hansen | for 41st
1:39.640 - 1:40.921: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 23rd
1:40.390 - 1:41.578: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 24th
1:39.234 - 1:41.601: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed colton hansen | for 42nd
1:40.148 - 1:41.851: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 29th
1:40.789 - 1:42.226: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Alec Horn | for 32nd
1:41.007 - 1:42.281: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Tyran Tomich for 26th
1:41.695 - 1:42.656: seth carr | underground passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 11th
1:41.375 - 1:42.921: Jeremy Estrella passed Brandon Nigrin | for 34th
1:40.398 - 1:43.171: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 39th
1:42.343 - 1:43.671: Alec Horn | passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports, Dylan Adams | EG/, Dylan Love | Proline Designs and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 29th
1:40.921 - 1:43.765: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 22nd
1:43.078 - 1:44.273: Brandon Nigrin | passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports, Jeremy Estrella, Dylan Adams | EG/, Dylan Love | Proline Designs and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 30th
1:41.937 - 1:44.679: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 31st
1:42.226 - 1:44.812: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 32nd
1:43.937 - 1:45.328: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC for 7th
1:42.007 - 1:45.546: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 33rd
1:36.351 - 1:45.585: Casey Cochran | BPC went off the track
1:43.890 - 1:45.656: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports and Jeremy Estrella for 34th
1:42.921 - 1:45.773: Jeremy Estrella passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 35th
1:44.812 - 1:45.890: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 31st
1:44.773 - 1:46.218: Payson | underground passed cody cooper | waffle house for 2nd
1:44.843 - 1:46.273: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 15th
1:45.140 - 1:46.570: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed seth carr | underground for 10th
1:45.656 - 1:46.835: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 33rd
1:45.773 - 1:46.859: Jeremy Estrella passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 34th
1:44.187 - 1:47.171: Carl Novak | UGRC went off the track
1:46.226 - 1:47.242: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 16th
1:45.750 - 1:47.476: Trent Adams | passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 36th
1:46.554 - 1:47.859: Devin Davis passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 17th
1:46.664 - 1:48.210: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed cody cooper | waffle house for 3rd
1:46.765 - 1:48.398: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 37th
1:47.453 - 1:48.718: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 18th
1:45.890 - 1:48.921: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Alec Horn | and Brandon Nigrin | for 29th
1:45.718 - 1:49.054: Tyran Tomich passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 26th
1:45.664 - 1:49.070: Brandon Nigrin | passed Alec Horn | for 30th
1:48.101 - 1:49.593: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 19th
1:46.859 - 1:49.773: Jeremy Estrella passed Alec Horn |, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 31st
1:46.031 - 1:50.070: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Alec Horn | for 32nd
1:48.945 - 1:50.156: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 20th
1:47.421 - 1:50.242: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 27th
1:47.320 - 1:50.289: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 44th
1:46.937 - 1:50.515: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Alec Horn | and Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 33rd
1:49.593 - 1:50.523: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 18th
1:46.835 - 1:50.554: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Alec Horn | for 34th
1:49.265 - 1:51.164: Carl Novak | UGRC passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 38th
1:49.945 - 1:51.210: seth carr | underground passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 11th
1:50.375 - 1:51.484: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 21st
1:50.484 - 1:51.625: Casey Cochran | BPC passed cody cooper | waffle house for 4th
1:50.781 - 1:52.015: Seth Shirley | passed cody cooper | waffle house for 5th
1:48.921 - 1:52.031: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 28th
1:49.070 - 1:52.070: Brandon Nigrin | passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 29th
1:51.015 - 1:52.132: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed cody cooper | waffle house for 6th
1:50.812 - 1:52.406: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 22nd
1:51.445 - 1:52.609: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed cody cooper | waffle house for 7th
1:51.617 - 1:52.773: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Charles Gable \ Privateer and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 23rd
1:51.414 - 1:52.859: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 24th
1:49.773 - 1:52.968: Jeremy Estrella passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 30th
1:51.851 - 1:53.054: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed cody cooper | waffle house for 8th
1:51.390 - 1:53.085: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed seth carr | underground for 11th
1:52.109 - 1:53.382: Logan Leitzel passed cody cooper | waffle house for 9th
1:50.070 - 1:53.398: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 31st
1:52.406 - 1:53.429: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 21st
1:50.554 - 1:53.726: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 32nd
1:50.515 - 1:53.757: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 33rd
1:52.062 - 1:54.031: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 41st
1:52.132 - 1:54.078: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Seth Shirley | for 5th
1:53.085 - 1:54.289: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed cody cooper | waffle house for 10th
1:53.125 - 1:54.343: seth carr | underground passed cody cooper | waffle house for 11th
1:52.859 - 1:54.453: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 23rd
1:51.578 - 1:54.500: Trent Adams | passed Alec Horn | and Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 34th
1:51.304 - 1:54.601: Alec Horn | passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 35th
1:54.062 - 1:55.382: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 41st
1:54.554 - 1:55.476: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 23rd
1:52.679 - 1:55.492: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 36th
1:54.976 - 1:56.156: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed cody cooper | waffle house for 12th
1:54.343 - 1:56.539: seth carr | underground passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 10th
1:53.757 - 1:57.562: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 32nd
1:57.562 - 1:58.593: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 31st
1:57.609 - 1:58.835: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 32nd
1:58.390 - 1:59.859: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Seth Shirley | for 6th
1:57.171 - 2:00.070: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 39th
1:59.195 - 2:00.289: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 31st
1:58.062 - 2:00.445: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed seth carr | underground for 10th
2:00.031 - 2:01.007: Alec Horn | passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide and Trent Adams | for 33rd
1:59.906 - 2:01.101: Seth Shirley | passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 6th
2:00.484 - 2:01.367: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 31st
2:00.757 - 2:01.937: seth carr | underground passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 10th
2:01.156 - 2:02.054: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Alec Horn | for 33rd
2:00.546 - 2:02.125: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 44th
2:00.492 - 2:02.960: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 4th
2:02.039 - 2:03.406: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed seth carr | underground for 10th
2:03.835 - 2:05.296: Trent Adams | passed Alec Horn | for 33rd
2:03.359 - 2:05.492: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 21st
2:03.617 - 2:05.835: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 22nd
2:01.914 - 2:05.890: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 40th
2:02.007 - 2:06.070: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 41st
2:04.703 - 2:06.421: Tyran Tomich passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 23rd
2:05.296 - 2:06.632: Trent Adams | passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 33rd
2:05.585 - 2:07.875: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 24th
2:06.710 - 2:08.820: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 25th
2:07.718 - 2:08.882: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 40th
2:08.226 - 2:09.179: seth carr | underground passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 10th
2:06.593 - 2:09.320: Liam Atkinson | CV passed colton hansen | for 43rd
2:07.750 - 2:09.359: Brandon Nigrin | passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's, Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 26th
2:07.812 - 2:09.476: Logan Leitzel passed Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC for 8th
2:08.757 - 2:10.109: Alec Horn | passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 34th
2:02.773 - 2:10.656: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 27th
2:08.601 - 2:10.734: Jeremy Estrella passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 28th
2:07.789 - 2:10.742: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed colton hansen | for 44th
2:09.125 - 2:10.914: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 29th
2:04.156 - 2:11.007: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 30th
2:09.289 - 2:11.101: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed seth carr | underground for 10th
2:09.398 - 2:11.296: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 31st
2:06.843 - 2:11.507: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 19th
0:30.054 - 2:11.648: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 2 ( 1:41.593)
2:10.179 - 2:12.507: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 20th
2:12.195 - 2:13.093: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed seth carr | underground and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 10th
2:10.687 - 2:13.289: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 21st
2:09.320 - 2:13.320: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 42nd
2:11.171 - 2:13.460: Tyran Tomich passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 22nd
2:12.992 - 2:13.859: cody cooper | waffle house passed seth carr | underground and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 11th
0:35.867 - 2:13.968: Payson | underground finished lap 2 ( 1:38.101)
2:12.273 - 2:14.367: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Jeremy Estrella and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 28th
2:10.742 - 2:14.609: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 43rd
2:13.687 - 2:14.640: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed seth carr | underground and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 12th
2:13.304 - 2:15.398: Alec Horn | passed Trent Adams | for 33rd
2:15.148 - 2:15.976: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed seth carr | underground and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 13th
0:32.765 - 2:16.281: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 2 ( 1:43.515)
2:14.609 - 2:16.328: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 42nd
2:15.398 - 2:16.687: Alec Horn | passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 32nd
2:15.945 - 2:16.742: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed seth carr | underground and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 14th
2:12.578 - 2:17.078: colton hansen | passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 44th
2:16.531 - 2:17.351: Devin Davis passed seth carr | underground and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 15th
2:16.210 - 2:17.554: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 35th
0:35.945 - 2:18.140: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 2 ( 1:42.195)
2:17.398 - 2:18.257: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed seth carr | underground and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 16th
0:30.492 - 2:18.625: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 2 ( 1:48.132)
2:16.382 - 2:18.664: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Jeremy Estrella for 29th
0:29.460 - 2:19.007: Seth Shirley | finished lap 2 ( 1:49.546)
2:16.687 - 2:19.125: Alec Horn | passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 31st
2:16.898 - 2:19.335: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 32nd
0:37.085 - 2:19.648: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 2 ( 1:42.562)
2:17.242 - 2:19.679: Trent Adams | passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 33rd
0:34.171 - 2:20.039: Logan Leitzel finished lap 2 ( 1:45.867)
2:11.273 - 2:20.265: seth carr | underground passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 17th
2:17.750 - 2:20.476: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 34th
0:36.906 - 2:20.531: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 2 ( 1:43.625)
2:19.335 - 2:21.046: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Alec Horn | for 31st
2:20.148 - 2:21.242: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 28th
2:21.367 - 2:22.539: Trent Adams | passed Alec Horn | for 32nd
0:38.242 - 2:22.820: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 2 ( 1:44.578)
2:19.718 - 2:23.234: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 35th
0:32.289 - 2:23.625: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 2 ( 1:51.335)
2:22.367 - 2:23.789: Logan Leitzel passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 7th
2:17.554 - 2:23.828: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 36th
2:21.429 - 2:24.242: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 37th
0:34.554 - 2:24.343: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:49.789)
2:22.203 - 2:24.695: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Jeremy Estrella for 30th
2:23.828 - 2:25.296: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 35th
0:41.796 - 2:25.765: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:43.968)
2:24.242 - 2:25.812: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 36th
2:23.750 - 2:25.828: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 23rd
2:23.835 - 2:25.835: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Logan Leitzel for 7th
2:24.218 - 2:26.195: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 24th
0:43.367 - 2:26.453: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 2 ( 1:43.085)
2:24.820 - 2:26.664: Brandon Nigrin | passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 25th
2:24.328 - 2:26.812: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Carl Novak | UGRC and Dylan Adams | EG/ for 38th
0:43.226 - 2:27.179: Devin Davis finished lap 2 ( 1:43.953)
2:25.875 - 2:27.804: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 26th
0:43.976 - 2:27.835: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 2 ( 1:43.859)
2:27.226 - 2:28.304: Alec Horn | passed Trent Adams | for 32nd
2:25.789 - 2:28.406: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 40th
2:28.343 - 2:30.281: Trent Adams | passed Alec Horn | for 32nd
0:36.531 - 2:31.054: seth carr | underground finished lap 2 ( 1:54.523)
0:37.367 - 2:32.148: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 2 ( 1:54.781)
0:44.578 - 2:32.648: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 1:48.070)
0:35.125 - 2:33.289: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 2 ( 1:58.164)
0:48.109 - 2:34.031: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 2 ( 1:45.921)
0:40.632 - 2:34.359: Tyran Tomich finished lap 2 ( 1:53.726)
2:34.945 - 2:36.117: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 18th
0:42.421 - 2:36.585: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:54.164)
0:42.039 - 2:36.828: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 2 ( 1:54.789)
0:53.921 - 2:37.140: Brandon Nigrin | finished lap 2 ( 1:43.218)
2:33.890 - 2:37.312: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 29th
2:34.414 - 2:37.750: Jeremy Estrella passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 30th
2:34.695 - 2:38.015: Trent Adams | passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 31st
2:34.968 - 2:38.289: Alec Horn | passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 32nd
2:36.351 - 2:38.320: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 18th
2:36.523 - 2:38.406: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Seth Shirley | for 6th
0:49.414 - 2:38.539: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 1:49.125)
2:36.140 - 2:39.507: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 33rd
0:40.343 - 2:39.507: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 2 ( 1:59.164)
0:50.875 - 2:39.664: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:48.789)
0:37.812 - 2:40.117: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 2 ( 2:02.304)
0:51.304 - 2:40.593: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 2 ( 1:49.289)
2:39.148 - 2:40.781: Logan Leitzel passed Seth Shirley | for 7th
0:42.625 - 2:40.867: Trent Adams | finished lap 2 ( 1:58.242)
0:41.179 - 2:41.093: Alec Horn | finished lap 2 ( 1:59.914)
2:37.960 - 2:41.265: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 34th
2:39.367 - 2:41.500: Brandon Nigrin | passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 24th
2:39.765 - 2:41.679: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Seth Shirley | for 8th
0:54.078 - 2:42.335: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 2 ( 1:48.257)
2:40.726 - 2:42.718: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 25th
2:39.945 - 2:42.914: Devin Davis passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 14th
2:40.726 - 2:43.062: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 15th
2:42.625 - 2:43.242: Alec Horn | passed Trent Adams | for 31st
2:41.750 - 2:43.757: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 26th
2:41.921 - 2:43.890: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Seth Shirley | for 9th
2:41.937 - 2:44.007: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 27th
0:49.671 - 2:44.093: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 2 ( 1:54.421)
2:40.875 - 2:44.312: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 35th
2:42.289 - 2:44.421: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 28th
2:42.632 - 2:44.500: cody cooper | waffle house passed Seth Shirley | for 10th
2:43.328 - 2:44.609: Trent Adams | passed Alec Horn |, Jeremy Estrella and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 29th
2:43.148 - 2:44.890: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Seth Shirley | for 11th
2:42.843 - 2:44.945: Jeremy Estrella passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 30th
2:43.242 - 2:45.156: Alec Horn | passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 31st
2:43.062 - 2:45.257: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Devin Davis for 14th
2:43.984 - 2:45.804: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 40th
2:44.414 - 2:46.320: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Seth Shirley | for 12th
2:42.968 - 2:46.335: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 37th
2:44.445 - 2:46.617: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 32nd
2:44.460 - 2:46.671: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 41st
2:44.976 - 2:46.742: colton hansen | passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 42nd
2:43.593 - 2:46.875: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 38th
2:44.945 - 2:46.929: Jeremy Estrella passed Trent Adams | for 29th
2:45.156 - 2:47.125: Alec Horn | passed Trent Adams | for 30th
2:45.375 - 2:47.257: Devin Davis passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 14th
0:31.968 - 2:47.265: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer finished lap 2 ( 2:15.296)
0:36.265 - 2:48.039: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing finished lap 2 ( 2:11.773)
2:47.304 - 2:48.835: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 26th
0:42.312 - 2:49.195: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 2 ( 2:06.882)
0:54.734 - 2:49.820: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:55.085)
2:48.234 - 2:50.187: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 33rd
0:55.882 - 2:50.203: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 2 ( 1:54.320)
2:50.625 - 2:51.812: Alec Horn | passed Jeremy Estrella for 29th
2:50.109 - 2:52.273: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 35th
2:51.429 - 2:53.523: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 36th
2:52.007 - 2:54.281: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 37th
2:49.007 - 2:54.437: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny went off the track
2:52.476 - 2:54.742: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 38th
2:31.562 - 2:56.007: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
2:55.531 - 2:56.070: Payson | underground passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for the lead
0:54.296 - 2:56.625: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 2 ( 2:02.328)
2:56.109 - 2:57.179: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Payson | underground for the lead
0:48.429 - 2:57.226: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 2 ( 2:08.796)
2:55.984 - 2:58.164: Alec Horn | passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 28th
2:59.023 - 3:00.828: Trent Adams | passed Jeremy Estrella for 30th
2:59.671 - 3:00.859: Payson | underground passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for the lead
2:59.812 - 3:02.085: Tyran Tomich passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 21st
0:33.257 - 3:02.148: colton hansen | finished lap 2 ( 2:28.890)
0:39.132 - 3:06.968: Carl Novak | UGRC finished lap 2 ( 2:27.835)
3:06.070 - 3:07.476: Trent Adams | passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 29th
0:45.437 - 3:08.242: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 2:22.804)
3:06.710 - 3:09.320: Alec Horn | passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 27th
3:09.343 - 3:10.343: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Alec Horn | for 27th
3:09.625 - 3:10.562: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Trent Adams | for 29th
3:10.593 - 3:12.226: Trent Adams | passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 29th
3:11.656 - 3:12.906: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 17th
3:12.281 - 3:13.023: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Trent Adams | for 29th
3:10.710 - 3:13.625: Carl Novak | UGRC passed colton hansen | for 42nd
0:50.226 - 3:13.632: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 2:23.406)
3:14.406 - 3:15.804: Alec Horn | passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 27th
3:13.289 - 3:15.867: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed colton hansen | for 43rd
3:12.906 - 3:18.453: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
3:17.382 - 3:18.523: Tyran Tomich passed Trevor Burns | Covenant and Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 19th
3:17.976 - 3:18.742: Trent Adams | passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 28th
3:18.578 - 3:19.132: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Trevor Burns | Covenant and Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 20th
3:17.601 - 3:19.226: colton hansen | passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 43rd
3:18.632 - 3:19.523: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Jeremy Estrella for 31st
3:19.132 - 3:20.640: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Tyran Tomich and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 18th
3:20.562 - 3:21.726: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Trevor Burns | Covenant and Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 21st
3:16.476 - 3:21.835: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 22nd
3:19.687 - 3:21.921: Jeremy Estrella passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 30th
3:19.906 - 3:22.187: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 31st
3:19.523 - 3:22.265: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 32nd
3:20.250 - 3:22.554: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 33rd
3:21.726 - 3:23.078: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Tyran Tomich and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 19th
3:22.601 - 3:23.164: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's and Brandon Nigrin | for 23rd
3:21.843 - 3:23.187: Brandon Nigrin | passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 24th
3:21.835 - 3:23.773: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Tyran Tomich and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 20th
3:23.164 - 3:24.585: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Tyran Tomich and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 21st
3:23.187 - 3:25.625: Brandon Nigrin | passed Tyran Tomich and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 22nd
3:25.218 - 3:26.507: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Tyran Tomich and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 23rd
3:24.679 - 3:26.921: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 34th
3:24.671 - 3:27.125: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Tyran Tomich and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 24th
3:25.445 - 3:28.250: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 31st
3:27.304 - 3:28.343: Tyran Tomich passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 25th
3:25.906 - 3:28.460: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 35th
3:28.093 - 3:28.664: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Jeremy Estrella for 30th
3:28.421 - 3:29.296: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 32nd
3:28.882 - 3:30.640: Alec Horn | passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 26th
3:29.242 - 3:30.656: Trent Adams | passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 27th
3:28.242 - 3:31.687: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
3:28.085 - 3:31.976: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
3:30.679 - 3:32.242: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Alec Horn | and Trent Adams | for 26th
3:33.179 - 3:34.468: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Jeremy Estrella for 31st
3:34.648 - 3:35.781: Jeremy Estrella passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 31st
3:34.835 - 3:36.132: colton hansen | passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 42nd
3:35.289 - 3:38.117: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 29th
3:36.796 - 3:38.265: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 43rd
3:40.296 - 3:41.226: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 19th
3:41.390 - 3:42.234: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 19th
3:43.320 - 3:44.250: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 39th
3:43.515 - 3:44.523: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Tyran Tomich for 25th
3:43.820 - 3:45.460: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 19th
3:44.609 - 3:45.679: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 40th
3:44.695 - 3:46.101: Tyran Tomich passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 25th
3:45.320 - 3:46.289: Alec Horn | passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 26th
3:44.750 - 3:46.468: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 20th
3:45.328 - 3:47.203: Trent Adams | passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 27th
3:46.273 - 3:47.367: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 32nd
3:45.867 - 3:47.671: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 28th
3:46.218 - 3:47.835: Brandon Nigrin | passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 21st
3:46.679 - 3:48.125: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 22nd
3:45.531 - 3:48.164: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 35th
3:46.414 - 3:48.351: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 29th
3:47.664 - 3:48.765: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Jeremy Estrella, Oscar Manias | Tow1n and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 30th
3:47.210 - 3:48.992: Jeremy Estrella passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 31st
3:47.257 - 3:49.101: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 23rd
3:47.367 - 3:49.328: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 32nd
2:13.968 - 3:49.726: Payson | underground finished lap 3 ( 1:35.757)
3:48.664 - 3:50.085: Tyran Tomich passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 24th
3:48.859 - 3:50.468: Alec Horn | passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 25th
3:49.476 - 3:50.960: Trent Adams | passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 26th
3:49.906 - 3:51.359: Jeremy Estrella passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 30th
3:50.148 - 3:51.804: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 27th
2:11.648 - 3:52.312: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 3 ( 1:40.664)
3:50.734 - 3:52.421: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 28th
3:51.984 - 3:52.953: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 33rd
3:51.359 - 3:53.156: Jeremy Estrella passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 29th
3:51.460 - 3:53.593: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 30th
3:53.578 - 3:54.929: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 35th
3:53.671 - 3:55.070: Alec Horn | passed Tyran Tomich for 24th
3:54.937 - 3:55.796: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 35th
2:16.281 - 3:57.328: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 3 ( 1:41.046)
2:18.140 - 3:58.093: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 3 ( 1:39.953)
2:18.625 - 3:58.406: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 3 ( 1:39.781)
2:19.648 - 3:58.851: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 3 ( 1:39.203)
2:20.039 - 3:59.546: Logan Leitzel finished lap 3 ( 1:39.507)
2:20.531 - 4:00.562: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 3 ( 1:40.031)
3:58.250 - 4:00.609: Trent Adams | passed Tyran Tomich for 25th
3:58.007 - 4:01.062: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 40th
4:00.640 - 4:02.117: Tyran Tomich passed Trent Adams | for 23rd
3:59.648 - 4:03.070: Alec Horn | went off the track
2:22.820 - 4:05.179: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 3 ( 1:42.359)
2:23.625 - 4:05.820: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 3 ( 1:42.195)
2:24.343 - 4:06.140: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:41.796)
2:25.765 - 4:07.039: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:41.273)
2:19.007 - 4:07.304: Seth Shirley | finished lap 3 ( 1:48.296)
4:06.070 - 4:08.117: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 34th
4:06.835 - 4:08.203: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 38th
4:06.882 - 4:08.343: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Jeremy Estrella for 29th
4:06.617 - 4:08.625: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 35th
4:08.421 - 4:09.390: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 17th
2:27.179 - 4:09.460: Devin Davis finished lap 3 ( 1:42.281)
4:08.671 - 4:09.796: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed cody cooper | waffle house for 10th
2:27.835 - 4:10.140: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 3 ( 1:42.304)
4:08.875 - 4:10.257: Logan Leitzel passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 6th
4:07.906 - 4:10.476: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Trent Adams | for 26th
4:07.328 - 4:11.046: colton hansen | passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 41st
4:09.664 - 4:11.203: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 7th
2:31.054 - 4:11.304: seth carr | underground finished lap 3 ( 1:40.250)
4:09.812 - 4:11.726: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | for 21st
4:11.085 - 4:12.046: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 18th
4:10.203 - 4:12.203: cody cooper | waffle house passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 10th
4:10.679 - 4:12.515: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Brandon Nigrin | for 22nd
4:11.742 - 4:12.718: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 19th
4:11.117 - 4:13.156: Alec Horn | passed Brandon Nigrin | for 23rd
4:10.078 - 4:13.320: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 34th
4:12.109 - 4:13.898: colton hansen | passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 40th
4:12.421 - 4:14.117: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 41st
4:12.515 - 4:14.187: Tyran Tomich passed Brandon Nigrin | for 24th
4:13.507 - 4:15.257: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Brandon Nigrin | for 25th
2:34.031 - 4:15.492: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 3 ( 1:41.460)
4:13.835 - 4:15.578: Trent Adams | passed Brandon Nigrin | for 26th
4:13.890 - 4:16.078: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 35th
4:14.195 - 4:16.539: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 36th
4:14.945 - 4:16.812: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Brandon Nigrin | for 27th
4:16.023 - 4:16.890: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 21st
4:15.437 - 4:17.234: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Brandon Nigrin | for 28th
4:13.937 - 4:17.906: Casey Cochran | BPC went off the track
4:16.031 - 4:18.007: Jeremy Estrella passed Brandon Nigrin | for 29th
2:33.289 - 4:18.132: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 3 ( 1:44.843)
4:14.187 - 4:18.328: Logan Leitzel went off the track
2:38.539 - 4:18.828: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 1:40.289)
4:17.570 - 4:18.914: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 31st
4:20.617 - 4:21.742: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 32nd
2:26.453 - 4:22.539: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 3 ( 1:56.085)
2:32.648 - 4:23.039: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 1:50.390)
2:39.664 - 4:23.257: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:43.593)
2:41.093 - 4:23.773: Alec Horn | finished lap 3 ( 1:42.679)
4:15.953 - 4:24.000: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 33rd
2:34.359 - 4:24.421: Tyran Tomich finished lap 3 ( 1:50.062)
4:22.867 - 4:24.523: Liam Atkinson | CV passed colton hansen | for 40th
4:24.039 - 4:25.406: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 34th
2:44.093 - 4:25.570: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 3 ( 1:41.476)
4:24.562 - 4:25.656: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 35th
4:24.093 - 4:25.789: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed colton hansen | for 41st
2:40.867 - 4:26.000: Trent Adams | finished lap 3 ( 1:45.132)
4:25.390 - 4:26.515: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 20th
2:39.507 - 4:27.781: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 3 ( 1:48.273)
2:42.335 - 4:28.210: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 3 ( 1:45.875)
4:26.593 - 4:28.453: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 20th
2:40.593 - 4:28.515: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 3 ( 1:47.921)
4:26.562 - 4:28.742: Tyran Tomich passed Alec Horn | for 23rd
4:28.570 - 4:29.335: Logan Leitzel passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 5th
4:27.843 - 4:29.812: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Alec Horn | for 24th
2:37.140 - 4:30.039: Brandon Nigrin | finished lap 3 ( 1:52.898)
4:28.156 - 4:30.093: Trent Adams | passed Alec Horn | for 25th
4:29.148 - 4:30.968: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 36th
4:30.015 - 4:32.070: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Alec Horn | for 26th
2:48.039 - 4:32.179: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:44.140)
4:30.390 - 4:32.500: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Alec Horn | for 27th
4:30.781 - 4:33.039: Jeremy Estrella passed Alec Horn | for 28th
4:32.203 - 4:34.281: Brandon Nigrin | passed Alec Horn | for 29th
2:49.195 - 4:34.398: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 3 ( 1:45.203)
4:33.765 - 4:34.484: Tyran Tomich passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 22nd
4:33.250 - 4:35.078: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 37th
4:34.710 - 4:35.578: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 23rd
4:35.054 - 4:35.859: Trent Adams | passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 24th
4:34.359 - 4:36.468: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Alec Horn | for 30th
4:35.859 - 4:37.000: Trent Adams | passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 22nd
4:31.765 - 4:37.007: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny went off the track
4:30.609 - 4:37.359: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC went off the track
2:36.828 - 4:37.359: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 3 ( 2:00.531)
4:37.156 - 4:37.945: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 25th
2:32.148 - 4:38.078: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 3 ( 2:05.929)
4:37.562 - 4:38.382: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 26th
2:49.820 - 4:38.687: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:48.867)
4:36.640 - 4:38.750: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Alec Horn | for 31st
4:38.218 - 4:39.039: Jeremy Estrella passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 27th
4:39.023 - 4:39.742: Brandon Nigrin | passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 28th
2:40.117 - 4:41.500: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 3 ( 2:01.382)
4:41.523 - 4:42.359: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 29th
4:41.507 - 4:42.390: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 39th
2:50.203 - 4:45.734: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 3 ( 1:55.531)
4:44.390 - 4:45.890: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 29th
4:44.867 - 4:46.132: Alec Horn | passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 30th
4:44.132 - 4:46.367: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 23rd
4:44.875 - 4:47.140: Jeremy Estrella passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 24th
4:45.187 - 4:47.367: Brandon Nigrin | passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 25th
2:56.625 - 4:48.085: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 3 ( 1:51.460)
4:46.851 - 4:48.226: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 18th
4:47.148 - 4:48.507: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 31st
4:46.835 - 4:48.687: seth carr | underground passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 15th
4:48.617 - 4:50.414: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 44th
4:48.460 - 4:50.609: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 26th
4:49.328 - 4:50.898: Brandon Nigrin | passed Jeremy Estrella for 26th
2:57.226 - 4:52.046: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 3 ( 1:54.820)
4:50.054 - 4:52.250: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 27th
4:50.226 - 4:52.414: Alec Horn | passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 28th
2:36.585 - 4:53.328: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 2:16.742)
2:47.265 - 4:54.179: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer finished lap 3 ( 2:06.914)
3:02.148 - 4:54.390: colton hansen | finished lap 3 ( 1:52.242)
4:54.148 - 4:55.671: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 43rd
4:56.179 - 4:57.226: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Jeremy Estrella for 27th
4:56.203 - 4:57.367: Seth Shirley | passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 12th
4:55.515 - 4:57.476: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 39th
4:57.171 - 4:58.281: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Jeremy Estrella for 28th
4:56.367 - 4:58.320: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 40th
4:57.429 - 4:58.476: Alec Horn | passed Jeremy Estrella for 29th
4:58.476 - 4:59.640: Alec Horn | passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 28th
4:59.203 - 5:00.335: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Jeremy Estrella for 30th
4:58.992 - 5:01.664: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 18th
5:01.820 - 5:02.382: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 18th
3:13.632 - 5:03.664: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:50.031)
4:59.304 - 5:04.031: Frank Jackson | Team Nami went off the track
3:08.242 - 5:04.554: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:56.312)
5:03.359 - 5:04.562: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Jeremy Estrella for 32nd
3:06.968 - 5:04.859: Carl Novak | UGRC finished lap 3 ( 1:57.890)
5:04.570 - 5:05.875: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 18th
5:04.250 - 5:06.820: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 37th
5:05.265 - 5:07.648: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 38th
5:05.890 - 5:07.656: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 18th
5:06.125 - 5:08.062: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 31st
5:06.046 - 5:09.203: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 39th
4:47.320 - 5:11.046: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
5:10.531 - 5:11.906: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 6th
5:10.953 - 5:12.078: Trent Adams | passed Tyran Tomich for 22nd
5:11.570 - 5:13.242: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Tyran Tomich for 23rd
5:11.054 - 5:13.429: colton hansen | passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 41st
5:10.164 - 5:14.109: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs went off the track
5:14.148 - 5:14.765: Brandon Nigrin | passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 25th
5:12.164 - 5:15.000: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 35th
5:14.382 - 5:15.914: seth carr | underground passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 14th
5:14.984 - 5:16.093: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Tyran Tomich and Brandon Nigrin | for 24th
5:13.617 - 5:16.945: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha went off the track
5:13.101 - 5:17.304: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC went off the track
5:15.773 - 5:17.632: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed colton hansen | for 41st
5:19.523 - 5:20.687: Alec Horn | passed Brandon Nigrin | and Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 26th
5:19.054 - 5:20.750: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Brandon Nigrin | for 27th
5:19.070 - 5:21.343: Carl Novak | UGRC passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 43rd
5:20.460 - 5:21.554: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC for 6th
5:20.085 - 5:21.687: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 34th
5:13.359 - 5:23.656: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
5:22.890 - 5:24.539: Alec Horn | passed Tyran Tomich for 25th
5:23.304 - 5:24.765: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Tyran Tomich for 26th
5:23.773 - 5:25.312: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 35th
5:23.656 - 5:26.070: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 41st
5:23.804 - 5:26.250: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Jeremy Estrella for 33rd
3:49.726 - 5:27.867: Payson | underground finished lap 4 ( 1:38.140)
5:26.671 - 5:27.882: Brandon Nigrin | passed Tyran Tomich for 27th
5:25.515 - 5:28.023: Carl Novak | UGRC passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 40th
5:17.304 - 5:30.937: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC went off the track
5:17.687 - 5:31.796: colton hansen | went off the track
3:52.312 - 5:32.296: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 4 ( 1:39.984)
5:33.687 - 5:35.000: Jeremy Estrella passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO and Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 32nd
5:33.390 - 5:35.023: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 33rd
5:34.203 - 5:36.515: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 42nd
3:58.093 - 5:37.312: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 4 ( 1:39.218)
5:36.562 - 5:37.507: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 42nd
5:36.273 - 5:38.039: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 33rd
3:57.328 - 5:38.929: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 4 ( 1:41.601)
5:38.187 - 5:38.960: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 40th
3:59.546 - 5:39.414: Logan Leitzel finished lap 4 ( 1:39.867)
3:58.406 - 5:39.632: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 4 ( 1:41.226)
5:38.078 - 5:39.664: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 34th
4:00.562 - 5:39.929: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 4 ( 1:39.367)
5:38.039 - 5:40.078: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Jeremy Estrella for 32nd
5:40.773 - 5:41.734: Tyran Tomich passed Brandon Nigrin | for 26th
5:41.257 - 5:41.867: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Logan Leitzel for 5th
5:39.664 - 5:41.921: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Jeremy Estrella for 33rd
3:58.851 - 5:42.296: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 4 ( 1:43.445)
5:40.992 - 5:42.531: colton hansen | passed Carl Novak | UGRC, Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs and Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 41st
5:41.929 - 5:43.031: Logan Leitzel passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys and Casey Cochran | BPC for 4th
5:41.906 - 5:43.625: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Jeremy Estrella for 34th
5:41.953 - 5:44.687: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Jeremy Estrella for 35th
5:43.250 - 5:45.273: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Logan Leitzel for 4th
5:43.671 - 5:45.593: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Logan Leitzel for 5th
4:05.179 - 5:45.656: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 4 ( 1:40.476)
5:43.328 - 5:45.890: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Jeremy Estrella for 36th
5:44.234 - 5:45.953: Tyran Tomich passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 26th
5:44.429 - 5:46.187: Brandon Nigrin | passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 27th
4:05.820 - 5:47.093: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 4 ( 1:41.273)
5:45.859 - 5:47.484: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 28th
4:06.140 - 5:47.578: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:41.437)
5:46.312 - 5:48.328: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 29th
4:07.304 - 5:48.671: Seth Shirley | finished lap 4 ( 1:41.367)
5:47.179 - 5:48.898: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 30th
4:09.460 - 5:49.781: Devin Davis finished lap 4 ( 1:40.320)
5:49.367 - 5:50.351: Logan Leitzel passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 5th
4:11.304 - 5:50.687: seth carr | underground finished lap 4 ( 1:39.382)
5:49.367 - 5:50.882: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 43rd
5:48.070 - 5:51.218: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Jeremy Estrella for 37th
5:48.304 - 5:51.382: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Jeremy Estrella for 38th
4:07.039 - 5:51.835: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:44.796)
4:10.140 - 5:52.515: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 4 ( 1:42.375)
5:51.382 - 5:54.164: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 37th
4:15.492 - 5:55.093: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:39.601)
5:55.320 - 5:57.359: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Brandon Nigrin | for 27th
4:18.828 - 5:57.718: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 1:38.890)
5:56.148 - 5:58.320: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Brandon Nigrin | for 28th
5:56.953 - 5:59.140: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | for 29th
4:18.132 - 5:59.351: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 4 ( 1:41.218)
5:57.695 - 6:00.210: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Brandon Nigrin | for 30th
5:59.062 - 6:03.390: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
6:02.164 - 6:03.562: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO and Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 34th
6:01.632 - 6:03.796: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 35th
4:23.039 - 6:03.984: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 1:40.945)
6:03.203 - 6:04.804: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 36th
6:03.554 - 6:05.242: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 37th
4:22.539 - 6:05.484: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 4 ( 1:42.945)
6:05.101 - 6:06.632: Jeremy Estrella passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 38th
6:05.062 - 6:06.937: Logan Leitzel passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 3rd
4:26.000 - 6:07.023: Trent Adams | finished lap 4 ( 1:41.023)
4:25.570 - 6:07.429: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 4 ( 1:41.859)
6:07.289 - 6:08.242: Casey Cochran | BPC passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 5th
6:08.117 - 6:09.812: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 2nd
6:08.242 - 6:10.242: Casey Cochran | BPC went off the track
6:03.703 - 6:10.593: Blake O'Brien | OVO went off the track
6:10.164 - 6:11.789: Logan Leitzel passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 3rd
6:10.242 - 6:12.593: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 4th
6:11.593 - 6:12.632: colton hansen | passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 40th
4:28.210 - 6:12.687: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 4 ( 1:44.476)
6:11.054 - 6:12.898: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 5th
6:11.281 - 6:13.468: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 6th
6:12.734 - 6:13.820: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed colton hansen | for 39th
4:23.773 - 6:15.007: Alec Horn | finished lap 4 ( 1:51.234)
4:24.421 - 6:18.195: Tyran Tomich finished lap 4 ( 1:53.773)
6:16.578 - 6:18.484: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
6:18.664 - 6:20.445: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Brandon Nigrin | for 31st
6:18.687 - 6:21.281: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 42nd
6:19.523 - 6:21.281: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Brandon Nigrin | for 32nd
4:34.398 - 6:22.078: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 4 ( 1:47.679)
4:27.781 - 6:23.750: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 4 ( 1:55.968)
4:23.257 - 6:24.218: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 4 ( 2:00.960)
4:32.179 - 6:25.398: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:53.218)
6:26.242 - 6:28.125: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 34th
6:26.648 - 6:28.515: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 35th
6:27.890 - 6:29.195: colton hansen | passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 39th
6:27.742 - 6:29.789: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 36th
6:28.843 - 6:30.023: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 5th
6:28.914 - 6:30.664: Jeremy Estrella passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 37th
4:37.359 - 6:30.742: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 4 ( 1:53.382)
4:41.500 - 6:31.500: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 4 ( 1:50.000)
6:29.710 - 6:31.546: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 38th
6:31.476 - 6:32.671: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 9th
6:32.648 - 6:33.171: Seth Shirley | passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope and cody cooper | waffle house for 10th
6:32.062 - 6:33.335: cody cooper | waffle house passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 11th
6:33.953 - 6:35.078: Devin Davis passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 12th
6:34.515 - 6:35.234: cody cooper | waffle house passed Seth Shirley | for 10th
6:34.562 - 6:35.687: seth carr | underground passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 13th
4:30.039 - 6:36.281: Brandon Nigrin | finished lap 4 ( 2:06.242)
6:35.984 - 6:37.078: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 14th
6:30.601 - 6:37.507: Tyran Tomich passed Alec Horn | for 25th
6:36.921 - 6:38.703: Seth Shirley | passed cody cooper | waffle house for 10th
6:38.250 - 6:38.765: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 15th
4:52.046 - 6:39.531: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 4 ( 1:47.484)
6:37.976 - 6:39.531: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 34th
4:38.687 - 6:39.570: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 4 ( 2:00.882)
4:54.179 - 6:40.304: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer finished lap 4 ( 1:46.125)
4:28.515 - 6:41.210: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 4 ( 2:12.695)
6:40.140 - 6:41.320: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 16th
6:39.718 - 6:41.687: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 19th
4:45.734 - 6:42.265: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 4 ( 1:56.531)
6:41.453 - 6:43.421: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 20th
6:42.796 - 6:44.117: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 17th
6:42.296 - 6:44.468: Trent Adams | passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 21st
6:42.765 - 6:44.679: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 22nd
6:41.632 - 6:44.726: Devin Davis passed Seth Shirley | and cody cooper | waffle house for 10th
6:42.085 - 6:45.085: seth carr | underground passed Seth Shirley | and cody cooper | waffle house for 11th
6:44.625 - 6:45.796: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 17th
6:43.562 - 6:46.593: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed cody cooper | waffle house for 13th
6:45.148 - 6:46.851: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 43rd
4:53.328 - 6:47.531: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:54.203)
6:45.460 - 6:48.625: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed cody cooper | waffle house for 14th
6:47.992 - 6:49.468: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 35th
6:46.835 - 6:49.820: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed cody cooper | waffle house for 15th
6:50.320 - 6:51.179: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 43rd
4:54.390 - 6:52.257: colton hansen | finished lap 4 ( 1:57.867)
6:47.218 - 6:52.765: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope and cody cooper | waffle house for 16th
6:52.062 - 6:53.210: Seth Shirley | passed seth carr | underground for 11th
4:48.085 - 6:53.781: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 4 ( 2:05.695)
6:53.398 - 6:54.304: seth carr | underground passed Devin Davis and Seth Shirley | for 10th
6:54.398 - 6:55.265: Devin Davis passed seth carr | underground for 10th
5:04.859 - 6:55.343: Carl Novak | UGRC finished lap 4 ( 1:50.484)
6:54.070 - 6:56.992: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope and cody cooper | waffle house for 17th
6:54.601 - 6:58.078: Logan Leitzel went off the track
4:38.078 - 7:01.570: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 4 ( 2:23.492)
6:57.960 - 7:01.593: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys went off the track
5:03.664 - 7:01.789: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:58.125)
5:27.867 - 7:03.992: Payson | underground finished lap 5 ( 1:36.125)
7:01.640 - 7:04.070: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 7th
7:04.421 - 7:07.875: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
7:09.125 - 7:11.492: Devin Davis passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 9th
5:04.554 - 7:11.875: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 2:07.320)
7:11.968 - 7:13.164: seth carr | underground passed Devin Davis and Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 9th
7:13.171 - 7:14.445: Devin Davis passed seth carr | underground for 9th
7:13.492 - 7:14.898: Jeremy Estrella passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 36th
7:13.859 - 7:15.140: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 27th
7:15.156 - 7:16.234: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 27th
5:37.312 - 7:16.937: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 5 ( 1:39.625)
5:39.414 - 7:18.398: Logan Leitzel finished lap 5 ( 1:38.984)
7:01.882 - 7:18.828: colton hansen | went off the track
7:17.296 - 7:18.906: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 30th
5:39.632 - 7:21.351: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 5 ( 1:41.718)
5:39.929 - 7:21.757: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 5 ( 1:41.828)
5:38.929 - 7:22.726: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 5 ( 1:43.796)
7:21.914 - 7:24.242: cody cooper | waffle house passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 17th
7:21.140 - 7:24.500: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope went off the track
5:42.296 - 7:24.882: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 5 ( 1:42.585)
7:24.500 - 7:25.757: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed cody cooper | waffle house for 17th
7:23.867 - 7:26.132: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 19th
7:24.367 - 7:26.718: Trent Adams | passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 20th
7:25.875 - 7:27.054: cody cooper | waffle house passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 17th
7:26.796 - 7:27.875: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 27th
5:47.578 - 7:28.281: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:40.703)
7:28.085 - 7:29.093: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 27th
7:28.914 - 7:30.367: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 21st
7:28.046 - 7:31.359: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed seth carr | underground, Seth Shirley | and Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 10th
7:27.476 - 7:31.367: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed seth carr | underground for 11th
7:29.648 - 7:32.921: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed seth carr | underground and Seth Shirley | for 12th
5:49.781 - 7:33.007: Devin Davis finished lap 5 ( 1:43.226)
5:51.835 - 7:34.328: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:42.492)
7:31.093 - 7:34.382: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed seth carr | underground and Seth Shirley | for 13th
5:32.296 - 7:34.570: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 5 ( 2:02.273)
5:55.093 - 7:35.820: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:40.726)
7:32.812 - 7:36.125: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed seth carr | underground and Seth Shirley | for 14th
5:52.515 - 7:37.187: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 5 ( 1:44.671)
7:27.812 - 7:38.632: Seth Shirley | passed seth carr | underground for 15th
5:57.718 - 7:39.000: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 1:41.281)
5:48.671 - 7:42.125: Seth Shirley | finished lap 5 ( 1:53.453)
5:50.687 - 7:42.867: seth carr | underground finished lap 5 ( 1:52.179)
5:47.093 - 7:45.742: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 5 ( 1:58.648)
5:45.656 - 7:45.890: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 5 ( 2:00.234)
6:05.484 - 7:46.546: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 5 ( 1:41.062)
6:07.023 - 7:46.906: Trent Adams | finished lap 5 ( 1:39.882)
6:07.429 - 7:48.218: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 5 ( 1:40.789)
6:03.984 - 7:49.085: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 1:45.101)
5:59.351 - 7:49.296: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 5 ( 1:49.945)
7:48.351 - 7:49.914: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed cody cooper | waffle house for 17th
7:49.078 - 7:50.015: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 4th
7:49.960 - 7:51.898: cody cooper | waffle house passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 17th
7:51.273 - 7:52.460: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 29th
7:51.796 - 7:53.085: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 5th
7:52.164 - 7:53.359: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 30th
7:53.140 - 7:54.273: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 31st
7:52.007 - 7:54.937: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 42nd
7:54.210 - 7:55.695: Casey Cochran | BPC passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 5th
6:12.687 - 7:55.718: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 5 ( 1:43.031)
7:52.671 - 7:56.218: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports went off the track
7:58.320 - 7:59.500: Brandon Nigrin | passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 32nd
7:58.210 - 7:59.679: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Trent Adams | for 20th
7:47.156 - 7:59.804: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
7:59.398 - 8:00.484: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Trent Adams | for 21st
7:59.679 - 8:00.945: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Trent Adams | for 22nd
6:18.195 - 8:01.195: Tyran Tomich finished lap 5 ( 1:43.000)
8:00.718 - 8:02.054: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Logan Leitzel for 3rd
6:15.007 - 8:03.046: Alec Horn | finished lap 5 ( 1:48.039)
7:56.804 - 8:03.226: colton hansen | went off the track
8:02.734 - 8:04.054: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Logan Leitzel for 4th
8:03.335 - 8:04.656: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Logan Leitzel for 5th
8:03.718 - 8:04.984: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Logan Leitzel for 6th
8:05.015 - 8:05.859: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 9th
8:03.226 - 8:07.062: colton hansen | passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 43rd
7:56.632 - 8:07.156: cody cooper | waffle house went off the track
6:22.078 - 8:07.265: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 5 ( 1:45.187)
8:06.976 - 8:08.570: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs and Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 9th
6:23.750 - 8:09.218: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 5 ( 1:45.468)
8:06.109 - 8:09.453: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 30th
6:30.742 - 8:10.187: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 5 ( 1:39.445)
8:08.531 - 8:10.484: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs and Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 10th
8:09.609 - 8:11.812: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs and Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 11th
6:31.500 - 8:12.281: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 5 ( 1:40.781)
8:11.453 - 8:13.312: cody cooper | waffle house passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 20th
8:11.031 - 8:13.320: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 41st
8:12.382 - 8:14.484: Seth Shirley | passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs and Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 12th
8:11.265 - 8:14.546: Brandon Nigrin | passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 31st
8:13.164 - 8:15.156: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 17th
8:13.421 - 8:15.234: seth carr | underground passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs and Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 13th
8:05.968 - 8:15.875: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 14th
8:14.398 - 8:16.281: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 18th
8:15.140 - 8:17.343: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 19th
6:36.281 - 8:17.375: Brandon Nigrin | finished lap 5 ( 1:41.093)
8:14.421 - 8:17.664: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 32nd
8:15.320 - 8:18.671: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 33rd
8:18.226 - 8:20.203: cody cooper | waffle house passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 20th
6:24.218 - 8:20.531: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:56.312)
8:18.953 - 8:21.421: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
6:39.531 - 8:21.492: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 5 ( 1:41.960)
8:20.085 - 8:21.695: Tyran Tomich passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 23rd
8:20.296 - 8:22.046: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 21st
6:25.398 - 8:22.695: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:57.296)
8:21.273 - 8:23.367: colton hansen | passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 42nd
8:21.914 - 8:23.382: Alec Horn | passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 24th
8:21.882 - 8:24.171: Trent Adams | passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 22nd
6:40.304 - 8:24.210: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer finished lap 5 ( 1:43.906)
6:41.210 - 8:25.601: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 5 ( 1:44.390)
6:39.570 - 8:27.250: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:47.679)
8:25.820 - 8:28.421: Carl Novak | UGRC passed colton hansen | for 42nd
6:42.265 - 8:29.921: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 5 ( 1:47.656)
8:29.445 - 8:31.585: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed colton hansen | for 43rd
8:31.406 - 8:32.414: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 39th
8:35.078 - 8:36.078: Devin Davis passed Logan Leitzel for 7th
8:29.546 - 8:36.898: Frank Jackson | Team Nami went off the track
8:17.132 - 8:37.007: Dylan Adams | EG/ went off the track
6:53.781 - 8:39.734: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 5 ( 1:45.953)
8:29.335 - 8:40.460: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs went off the track
7:03.992 - 8:41.460: Payson | underground finished lap 6 ( 1:37.468)
6:47.531 - 8:42.367: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:54.835)
7:01.789 - 8:42.546: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:40.757)
8:41.125 - 8:42.750: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 20th
8:44.820 - 8:46.226: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 40th
8:43.945 - 8:47.210: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Trevor Burns | Covenant and cody cooper | waffle house for 19th
8:45.695 - 8:48.812: Blake O'Brien | OVO went off the track
8:46.578 - 8:48.976: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs for 40th
8:48.203 - 8:49.351: Jeremy Estrella passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 35th
6:55.343 - 8:50.125: Carl Novak | UGRC finished lap 5 ( 1:54.781)
8:48.437 - 8:50.546: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 32nd
8:49.218 - 8:50.640: Seth Shirley | passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's and Charles Gable \ Privateer for 9th
8:50.343 - 8:51.960: seth carr | underground passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's and Charles Gable \ Privateer for 10th
8:51.375 - 8:52.851: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 12th
8:51.804 - 8:52.898: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 36th
7:01.570 - 8:53.140: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 5 ( 1:51.570)
8:52.562 - 8:53.921: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 38th
8:52.851 - 8:54.585: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 12th
8:53.437 - 8:54.851: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 13th
8:53.812 - 8:55.023: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 37th
6:52.257 - 8:55.281: colton hansen | finished lap 5 ( 2:03.023)
8:54.640 - 8:55.937: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 14th
8:54.640 - 8:56.226: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 12th
8:55.601 - 8:57.039: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 15th
7:16.937 - 8:57.375: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 6 ( 1:40.437)
8:55.851 - 8:57.468: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed cody cooper | waffle house for 20th
8:55.804 - 8:59.304: Blake O'Brien | OVO went off the track
8:59.585 - 9:00.500: Trent Adams | passed cody cooper | waffle house for 21st
8:58.929 - 9:00.625: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 16th
7:21.757 - 9:01.960: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 6 ( 1:40.203)
9:00.804 - 9:02.203: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 17th
9:01.476 - 9:02.421: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed cody cooper | waffle house for 22nd
9:04.054 - 9:05.351: Tyran Tomich passed cody cooper | waffle house for 23rd
9:04.195 - 9:05.796: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 19th
7:24.882 - 9:06.734: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 6 ( 1:41.851)
9:04.445 - 9:06.734: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys and Casey Cochran | BPC for 4th
9:11.703 - 9:12.882: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 32nd
7:21.351 - 9:14.015: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 6 ( 1:52.664)
9:12.898 - 9:14.054: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 32nd
7:33.007 - 9:14.187: Devin Davis finished lap 6 ( 1:41.179)
9:12.500 - 9:14.187: Devin Davis passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 6th
7:22.726 - 9:14.320: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 6 ( 1:51.593)
9:14.195 - 9:15.890: Devin Davis passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 5th
9:13.609 - 9:16.445: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 36th
9:06.203 - 9:17.500: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
9:14.984 - 9:17.796: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 37th
9:17.453 - 9:18.562: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 19th
9:15.867 - 9:18.585: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 33rd
7:37.187 - 9:19.867: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 6 ( 1:42.679)
7:18.398 - 9:20.484: Logan Leitzel finished lap 6 ( 2:02.085)
7:11.875 - 9:21.132: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 2:09.257)
7:42.125 - 9:22.742: Seth Shirley | finished lap 6 ( 1:40.617)
9:22.164 - 9:24.023: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | for 30th
7:42.867 - 9:24.406: seth carr | underground finished lap 6 ( 1:41.539)
7:35.820 - 9:25.148: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 6 ( 1:49.328)
9:22.960 - 9:26.226: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 15th
9:24.500 - 9:26.429: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 41st
9:25.359 - 9:26.492: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Brandon Nigrin | for 31st
7:34.570 - 9:26.875: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 6 ( 1:52.304)
7:28.281 - 9:27.164: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:58.882)
9:26.992 - 9:28.304: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Brandon Nigrin | for 32nd
7:48.218 - 9:29.109: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 6 ( 1:40.890)
9:26.609 - 9:30.062: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 16th
9:29.601 - 9:31.093: Brandon Nigrin | passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 32nd
9:30.101 - 9:31.476: Logan Leitzel passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 8th
9:28.710 - 9:31.968: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 17th
9:27.179 - 9:32.242: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 41st
7:49.085 - 9:32.867: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 1:43.781)
9:29.593 - 9:32.882: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 18th
9:27.960 - 9:32.929: colton hansen | passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 42nd
7:34.328 - 9:34.843: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 6 ( 2:00.515)
9:33.898 - 9:35.765: Seth Shirley | passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 9th
7:39.000 - 9:35.773: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 1:56.773)
7:46.546 - 9:36.250: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 6 ( 1:49.703)
9:32.242 - 9:36.437: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
7:49.296 - 9:36.757: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 6 ( 1:47.460)
9:35.218 - 9:36.992: seth carr | underground passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 10th
9:25.710 - 9:37.210: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer went off the track
7:46.906 - 9:38.023: Trent Adams | finished lap 6 ( 1:51.117)
7:45.890 - 9:38.820: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 6 ( 1:52.929)
9:37.679 - 9:38.976: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 31st
9:38.070 - 9:40.312: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Charles Gable \ Privateer and Blake O'Brien | OVO for 11th
9:38.843 - 9:40.343: Jeremy Estrella passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 32nd
9:38.484 - 9:41.015: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Charles Gable \ Privateer and Blake O'Brien | OVO for 12th
8:01.195 - 9:41.242: Tyran Tomich finished lap 6 ( 1:40.046)
9:40.023 - 9:41.960: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Charles Gable \ Privateer and Blake O'Brien | OVO for 13th
7:45.742 - 9:42.718: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 6 ( 1:56.976)
8:03.046 - 9:43.843: Alec Horn | finished lap 6 ( 1:40.796)
9:31.164 - 9:45.359: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing went off the track
9:31.093 - 9:46.351: Brandon Nigrin | went off the track
9:40.546 - 9:48.843: Carl Novak | UGRC went off the track
7:55.718 - 9:50.179: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 6 ( 1:54.460)
9:47.953 - 9:50.421: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 16th
9:48.429 - 9:50.734: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 17th
9:50.046 - 9:51.437: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 35th
9:49.359 - 9:51.585: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's and Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 18th
9:49.132 - 9:51.593: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 19th
9:51.234 - 9:52.648: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 36th
9:50.593 - 9:52.921: Trent Adams | passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 20th
9:52.679 - 9:53.921: Brandon Nigrin | passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 33rd
8:09.218 - 9:54.226: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 6 ( 1:45.007)
9:51.273 - 9:54.367: colton hansen | passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 40th
9:52.257 - 9:54.625: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 21st
8:12.281 - 9:55.234: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 6 ( 1:42.953)
9:53.796 - 9:56.234: Tyran Tomich passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 22nd
8:10.187 - 9:58.328: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 6 ( 1:48.140)
9:57.570 - 9:58.515: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 18th
9:54.992 - 9:58.976: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports went off the track
9:58.335 - 10:00.882: Frank Jackson | Team Nami went off the track
8:20.531 - 10:02.210: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:41.679)
10:05.601 - 10:07.226: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 14th
8:21.492 - 10:07.875: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 6 ( 1:46.382)
10:06.250 - 10:08.031: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 11th
10:06.453 - 10:08.148: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 15th
10:06.734 - 10:08.359: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 16th
10:07.562 - 10:09.210: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 17th
10:08.046 - 10:09.335: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 11th
10:07.992 - 10:09.468: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 18th
8:25.601 - 10:10.140: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 6 ( 1:44.539)
9:57.015 - 10:10.328: Trent Adams | went off the track
10:08.867 - 10:11.617: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Devin Davis for 5th
10:09.851 - 10:12.585: Logan Leitzel passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 7th
10:09.437 - 10:15.507: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing went off the track
8:07.265 - 10:15.968: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 6 ( 2:08.703)
8:17.375 - 10:16.617: Brandon Nigrin | finished lap 6 ( 1:59.242)
8:29.921 - 10:17.687: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 6 ( 1:47.765)
8:41.460 - 10:18.273: Payson | underground finished lap 7 ( 1:36.812)
10:20.617 - 10:21.718: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 17th
10:13.375 - 10:22.367: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
10:22.390 - 10:24.117: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 15th
10:24.125 - 10:24.890: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 18th
8:27.250 - 10:25.867: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:58.617)
8:42.367 - 10:26.148: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:43.781)
8:22.695 - 10:26.335: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing finished lap 6 ( 2:03.640)
10:24.945 - 10:26.570: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 18th
10:25.945 - 10:26.664: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 27th
10:25.023 - 10:26.687: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 16th
10:26.382 - 10:27.234: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Trent Adams | for 25th
10:26.703 - 10:27.960: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 18th
8:24.210 - 10:28.359: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer finished lap 6 ( 2:04.148)
10:25.109 - 10:28.375: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
8:39.734 - 10:30.140: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 6 ( 1:50.406)
10:28.562 - 10:30.710: Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 35th
10:18.273 - 10:31.289: Dylan Adams | EG/ went off the track
10:31.164 - 10:31.968: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Trent Adams | for 26th
10:31.742 - 10:32.515: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Trent Adams | for 27th
10:29.679 - 10:32.601: Jeremy Estrella passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 30th
10:30.484 - 10:32.992: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 36th
10:32.398 - 10:36.265: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 37th
10:35.125 - 10:36.804: Brandon Nigrin | passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 31st
10:28.445 - 10:38.570: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 38th
8:57.375 - 10:39.109: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 7 ( 1:41.734)
8:55.281 - 10:41.421: colton hansen | finished lap 6 ( 1:46.140)
10:39.484 - 10:42.304: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 39th
10:42.875 - 10:43.804: Tyran Tomich passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 20th
9:01.960 - 10:45.367: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 7 ( 1:43.406)
10:44.500 - 10:45.726: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 15th
10:31.132 - 10:46.929: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
9:06.734 - 10:47.968: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 7 ( 1:41.234)
10:45.375 - 10:48.875: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
8:42.546 - 10:48.921: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 2:06.375)
10:48.023 - 10:49.726: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 18th
10:40.171 - 10:55.062: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer went off the track
9:14.015 - 10:55.562: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 7 ( 1:41.546)
9:14.187 - 10:56.382: Devin Davis finished lap 7 ( 1:42.195)
10:55.242 - 10:57.281: Tyran Tomich passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 19th
10:55.679 - 10:57.656: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 20th
10:45.859 - 10:58.281: Carl Novak | UGRC went off the track
10:56.796 - 10:59.109: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 21st
10:55.945 - 10:59.375: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny went off the track
9:20.484 - 10:59.398: Logan Leitzel finished lap 7 ( 1:38.914)
10:57.500 - 10:59.492: cody cooper | waffle house passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 22nd
9:14.320 - 11:00.242: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 7 ( 1:45.921)
8:50.125 - 11:01.328: Carl Novak | UGRC finished lap 6 ( 2:11.203)
11:00.859 - 11:02.054: Alec Horn | passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 21st
8:53.140 - 11:02.078: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 6 ( 2:08.937)
11:00.195 - 11:02.218: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 36th
9:22.742 - 11:05.062: Seth Shirley | finished lap 7 ( 1:42.320)
9:24.406 - 11:05.929: seth carr | underground finished lap 7 ( 1:41.523)
11:04.539 - 11:06.226: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Alec Horn | for 23rd
11:05.351 - 11:06.296: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Dominic Saulnier | ArTic Racing for 37th
11:06.445 - 11:08.085: Trent Adams | passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 27th
11:05.523 - 11:08.132: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 20th
11:06.023 - 11:08.484: cody cooper | waffle house passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 21st
11:06.742 - 11:08.718: Aaron MacDonald | Privateer passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 39th
11:07.289 - 11:08.960: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 17th
11:07.015 - 11:09.132: colton hansen | passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 40th
9:27.164 - 11:09.484: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:42.320)
9:29.109 - 11:10.195: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 7 ( 1:41.085)
11:10.468 - 11:11.359: Tyran Tomich passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 18th
11:10.554 - 11:11.593: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's and cody cooper | waffle house for 20th
11:07.812 - 11:11.695: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing went off the track
11:12.203 - 11:13.289: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 28th
11:10.562 - 11:14.531: Casey Cochran | BPC went off the track
11:10.367 - 11:15.078: cody cooper | waffle house passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 21st
11:06.523 - 11:15.835: Brandon Nigrin | went off the track
9:25.148 - 11:16.156: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 7 ( 1:51.007)
11:11.843 - 11:16.234: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 22nd
9:34.843 - 11:17.007: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:42.164)
9:36.757 - 11:17.398: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 7 ( 1:40.640)
9:35.773 - 11:18.039: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 7 ( 1:42.265)
11:16.093 - 11:18.117: Devin Davis passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 5th
9:36.250 - 11:19.453: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 7 ( 1:43.203)
11:17.562 - 11:19.507: colton hansen | passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 38th
11:17.929 - 11:19.578: Logan Leitzel passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 6th
9:41.242 - 11:20.835: Tyran Tomich finished lap 7 ( 1:39.593)
9:26.875 - 11:21.601: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 7 ( 1:54.726)
11:19.765 - 11:21.695: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 7th
11:07.726 - 11:21.992: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs went off the track
11:20.750 - 11:22.585: Alec Horn | passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 23rd
9:38.820 - 11:24.789: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 7 ( 1:45.968)
11:11.460 - 11:24.796: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
9:21.132 - 11:25.210: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 2:04.078)
11:24.976 - 11:26.687: Seth Shirley | passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 8th
11:25.453 - 11:26.960: seth carr | underground passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 9th
9:42.718 - 11:28.320: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 7 ( 1:45.601)
11:26.742 - 11:28.882: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 39th
9:19.867 - 11:29.351: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 7 ( 2:09.484)
9:43.843 - 11:33.195: Alec Horn | finished lap 7 ( 1:49.351)
9:32.867 - 11:33.718: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 7 ( 2:00.851)
9:50.179 - 11:34.507: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 7 ( 1:44.328)
11:32.125 - 11:35.000: colton hansen | passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 36th
11:33.523 - 11:36.476: Carl Novak | UGRC went off the track
9:55.234 - 11:37.195: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 7 ( 1:41.960)
11:36.054 - 11:37.226: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Alec Horn | for 23rd
11:37.171 - 11:37.867: Casey Cochran | BPC passed seth carr | underground for 9th
9:38.023 - 11:38.992: Trent Adams | finished lap 7 ( 2:00.968)
11:37.242 - 11:39.187: Alec Horn | passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 23rd
9:58.328 - 11:39.476: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 7 ( 1:41.148)
11:37.875 - 11:39.664: seth carr | underground passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 9th
11:38.101 - 11:40.343: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Carl Novak | UGRC for 43rd
9:54.226 - 11:40.929: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 7 ( 1:46.703)
11:40.867 - 11:42.789: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 10th
11:41.335 - 11:43.132: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 11th
11:42.242 - 11:43.398: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs passed Aaron MacDonald | Privateer for 40th
10:02.210 - 11:43.656: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:41.445)
11:44.273 - 11:45.929: Carl Novak | UGRC passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 42nd
11:37.046 - 11:46.453: Luke Sullivan | Phil's went off the track
11:44.664 - 11:48.312: Hayden Stevenson | AEO went off the track
11:36.726 - 11:49.585: Trevor Burns | Covenant went off the track
11:48.875 - 11:51.054: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Alec Horn | for 22nd
11:52.117 - 11:54.328: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Alec Horn | and Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 23rd
11:51.992 - 11:54.640: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 35th
10:10.140 - 11:55.492: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 7 ( 1:45.351)
10:18.273 - 11:56.179: Payson | underground finished lap 8 ( 1:37.906)
11:54.546 - 11:56.515: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Alec Horn | and Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 24th
11:55.804 - 11:57.882: Trent Adams | passed Alec Horn | and Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 25th
11:56.937 - 11:58.960: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Alec Horn | and Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 26th
10:07.875 - 12:00.609: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 7 ( 1:52.734)
11:58.500 - 12:00.625: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed seth carr | underground for 9th
11:59.039 - 12:00.710: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed seth carr | underground for 10th
10:16.617 - 12:01.023: Brandon Nigrin | finished lap 7 ( 1:44.406)
11:59.156 - 12:01.335: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Alec Horn | and Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 27th
11:58.445 - 12:01.804: Seth Shirley | passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 7th
11:59.203 - 12:05.093: Carl Novak | UGRC went off the track
12:02.054 - 12:05.140: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 9th
12:04.335 - 12:05.437: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 26th
12:04.609 - 12:05.710: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 27th
12:05.585 - 12:06.593: Alec Horn | passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 28th
12:06.179 - 12:07.281: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 29th
10:17.687 - 12:10.117: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 7 ( 1:52.429)
12:09.265 - 12:10.390: Tyran Tomich passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 15th
12:09.773 - 12:10.656: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 19th
12:12.609 - 12:13.539: cody cooper | waffle house passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 20th
12:13.585 - 12:14.539: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 9th
12:13.968 - 12:15.140: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 21st
12:14.023 - 12:15.367: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 26th
12:14.578 - 12:15.414: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 9th
12:08.843 - 12:15.414: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs went off the track
12:14.085 - 12:17.257: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 16th
10:39.109 - 12:19.515: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 8 ( 1:40.406)
12:16.796 - 12:20.140: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 17th
10:30.140 - 12:21.265: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 7 ( 1:51.125)
12:19.828 - 12:21.695: Alec Horn | passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 27th
10:15.968 - 12:21.757: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 7 ( 2:05.789)
10:41.421 - 12:22.304: colton hansen | finished lap 7 ( 1:40.882)
12:22.085 - 12:23.093: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Tyran Tomich for 15th
12:20.164 - 12:23.304: cody cooper | waffle house passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 18th
12:23.132 - 12:24.015: Tyran Tomich passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 15th
10:25.867 - 12:24.703: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:58.835)
10:45.367 - 12:26.796: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 8 ( 1:41.429)
12:25.210 - 12:28.132: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 20th
12:26.984 - 12:29.164: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed colton hansen | for 37th
12:31.101 - 12:32.773: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 28th
12:29.953 - 12:33.382: Trent Adams | passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 23rd
10:26.148 - 12:34.070: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 2:07.921)
12:33.890 - 12:37.140: Logan Leitzel passed Devin Davis for 5th
10:47.968 - 12:37.617: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 8 ( 1:49.648)
12:34.625 - 12:37.664: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 12th
12:36.992 - 12:38.835: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 21st
12:38.757 - 12:39.750: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 8th
12:37.515 - 12:39.757: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 13th
10:59.398 - 12:40.039: Logan Leitzel finished lap 8 ( 1:40.640)
10:56.382 - 12:40.328: Devin Davis finished lap 8 ( 1:43.945)
12:38.507 - 12:40.484: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 22nd
12:38.468 - 12:40.734: Tyran Tomich passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 14th
12:37.164 - 12:41.890: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC went off the track
12:39.804 - 12:42.234: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 15th
12:41.375 - 12:43.515: seth carr | underground passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys and Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 9th
12:41.781 - 12:43.890: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Trent Adams | for 24th
12:45.203 - 12:47.054: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Trent Adams | for 25th
12:46.093 - 12:47.140: Alec Horn | passed Trent Adams | for 26th
12:43.976 - 12:47.195: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
12:46.000 - 12:47.765: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys and Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 10th
12:45.929 - 12:47.914: colton hansen | passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 34th
12:46.382 - 12:47.960: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 23rd
12:13.562 - 12:48.085: Carl Novak | UGRC went off the track
11:05.062 - 12:48.273: Seth Shirley | finished lap 8 ( 1:43.210)
12:46.453 - 12:48.312: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Trent Adams | for 27th
12:47.992 - 12:49.296: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 23rd
12:47.617 - 12:49.578: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Trent Adams | for 28th
12:40.804 - 12:50.562: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 11th
12:48.687 - 12:50.695: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 12th
12:49.039 - 12:51.007: Tyran Tomich passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 13th
11:10.195 - 12:52.375: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 8 ( 1:42.179)
11:05.929 - 12:54.054: seth carr | underground finished lap 8 ( 1:48.125)
12:53.023 - 12:54.648: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 14th
12:54.335 - 12:55.203: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 10th
12:54.046 - 12:55.367: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 23rd
12:54.406 - 12:55.484: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 11th
12:54.632 - 12:55.585: Tyran Tomich passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 12th
12:54.398 - 12:55.750: Alec Horn | passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 24th
12:55.859 - 12:56.796: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Charles Gable \ Privateer and Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 13th
12:55.820 - 12:56.820: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 14th
12:56.804 - 12:57.820: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 15th
12:58.234 - 12:59.085: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 16th
12:56.820 - 13:00.085: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 13th
11:09.484 - 13:01.507: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:52.023)
11:17.007 - 13:01.789: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:44.781)
11:20.835 - 13:01.875: Tyran Tomich finished lap 8 ( 1:41.039)
10:48.921 - 13:02.218: Ryan Pinkerton | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 2:13.296)
11:19.453 - 13:03.296: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 8 ( 1:43.843)
11:00.242 - 13:03.359: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 8 ( 2:03.117)
10:55.562 - 13:04.078: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 8 ( 2:08.515)
13:01.468 - 13:04.882: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
11:18.039 - 13:05.265: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 8 ( 1:47.226)
12:51.320 - 13:05.296: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports went off the track
13:04.218 - 13:05.453: Trent Adams | passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 26th
13:04.929 - 13:05.578: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 13th
13:04.476 - 13:05.671: Tyran Tomich passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 10th
11:16.156 - 13:06.039: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 8 ( 1:49.882)
11:17.398 - 13:06.359: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 8 ( 1:48.960)
13:05.781 - 13:06.960: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 13th
13:05.585 - 13:07.453: Logan Leitzel passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 4th
13:05.695 - 13:07.687: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Tyran Tomich for 10th
13:06.164 - 13:08.257: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Tyran Tomich for 11th
13:06.406 - 13:08.390: Devin Davis passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 5th
12:55.195 - 13:09.585: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
11:28.320 - 13:10.281: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 8 ( 1:41.960)
11:29.351 - 13:13.312: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 8 ( 1:43.960)
13:15.398 - 13:16.828: colton hansen | passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 34th
13:13.320 - 13:16.953: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 21st
11:34.507 - 13:19.875: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 8 ( 1:45.367)
13:17.742 - 13:21.250: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 41st
13:19.421 - 13:23.585: Casey Cochran | BPC went off the track
13:21.953 - 13:23.671: Tyran Tomich passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 11th
13:20.570 - 13:23.945: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Alec Horn |, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope and Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 22nd
11:25.210 - 13:24.679: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 1:59.468)
13:22.328 - 13:26.023: Trent Adams | passed Alec Horn |, Brayden Tharp | Phil's and Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 24th
11:02.078 - 13:26.031: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 7 ( 2:23.953)
11:43.656 - 13:26.867: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:43.210)
11:24.789 - 13:27.453: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 8 ( 2:02.664)
13:26.320 - 13:27.695: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 12th
11:38.992 - 13:28.867: Trent Adams | finished lap 8 ( 1:49.875)
13:26.343 - 13:29.734: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Alec Horn |, Brayden Tharp | Phil's, Christopher McPherson | Boot's House and Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 25th
13:27.804 - 13:29.875: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 12th
13:28.593 - 13:30.062: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 13th
13:28.953 - 13:30.445: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 14th
13:29.656 - 13:31.093: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 15th
13:18.828 - 13:31.421: Alec Horn | passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 26th
13:19.828 - 13:31.640: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 27th
13:23.585 - 13:31.828: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 28th
13:30.179 - 13:32.046: seth carr | underground passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 8th
13:30.304 - 13:32.093: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 16th
13:30.828 - 13:32.367: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 17th
13:30.445 - 13:32.414: Casey Cochran | BPC passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 12th
13:30.406 - 13:32.437: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 40th
13:30.062 - 13:32.445: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 13th
11:37.195 - 13:32.906: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 8 ( 1:55.710)
11:56.179 - 13:33.304: Payson | underground finished lap 9 ( 1:37.125)
13:31.093 - 13:33.601: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 14th
13:29.015 - 13:33.773: Cade Matherly | STANCE went off the track
13:32.093 - 13:34.187: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 15th
11:33.195 - 13:34.507: Alec Horn | finished lap 8 ( 2:01.312)
13:33.406 - 13:34.859: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 12th
11:21.601 - 13:34.921: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 8 ( 2:13.320)
11:40.929 - 13:35.617: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 8 ( 1:54.687)
13:36.695 - 13:37.585: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 15th
13:36.726 - 13:38.671: Alec Horn | passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 25th
11:33.718 - 13:38.898: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 8 ( 2:05.179)
13:38.046 - 13:40.359: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY and Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 26th
11:55.492 - 13:41.117: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 8 ( 1:45.625)
11:01.328 - 13:41.210: Carl Novak | UGRC finished lap 7 ( 2:39.882)
13:36.882 - 13:42.664: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 27th
13:41.085 - 13:43.039: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 28th
13:43.351 - 13:45.492: Jeremy Estrella passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 29th
13:43.914 - 13:45.507: cody cooper | waffle house passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 18th
13:43.210 - 13:47.250: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope went off the track
13:46.929 - 13:48.296: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 19th
13:46.515 - 13:50.023: colton hansen | went off the track
12:00.609 - 13:50.328: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 8 ( 1:49.718)
13:53.203 - 13:54.632: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 14th
13:53.820 - 13:55.140: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 16th
13:54.726 - 13:55.859: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Casey Cochran | BPC and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 13th
13:53.968 - 13:56.054: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 22nd
13:55.328 - 13:57.148: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 16th
13:55.070 - 13:57.390: Trent Adams | passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 23rd
12:10.117 - 13:57.656: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 8 ( 1:47.539)
13:57.460 - 13:58.539: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 16th
12:19.515 - 14:00.562: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 9 ( 1:41.046)
13:58.539 - 14:01.117: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Casey Cochran | BPC and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 14th
13:58.570 - 14:02.828: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 16th
14:00.531 - 14:02.843: Alec Horn | passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 24th
14:03.687 - 14:06.812: cody cooper | waffle house passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 17th
12:21.265 - 14:06.851: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 8 ( 1:45.585)
12:26.796 - 14:08.820: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 9 ( 1:42.023)
12:22.304 - 14:10.906: colton hansen | finished lap 8 ( 1:48.601)
14:10.343 - 14:13.015: Trent Adams | passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 22nd
12:21.757 - 14:13.242: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 8 ( 1:51.484)
12:24.703 - 14:14.601: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:49.898)
14:18.617 - 14:19.296: Alec Horn | passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 22nd
14:15.781 - 14:19.710: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Blake O'Brien | OVO and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 18th
12:40.039 - 14:19.914: Logan Leitzel finished lap 9 ( 1:39.875)
14:17.679 - 14:21.281: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
14:18.828 - 14:21.531: Liam Atkinson | CV went off the track
14:17.796 - 14:22.812: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports went off the track
12:40.328 - 14:22.867: Devin Davis finished lap 9 ( 1:42.539)
14:21.859 - 14:22.992: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 24th
14:22.468 - 14:24.546: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 14th
14:24.078 - 14:24.632: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 26th
12:34.070 - 14:24.656: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:50.585)
14:24.750 - 14:25.820: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 27th
14:25.304 - 14:26.421: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 20th
12:48.273 - 14:27.804: Seth Shirley | finished lap 9 ( 1:39.531)
14:26.875 - 14:27.875: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 20th
12:37.617 - 14:29.492: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 9 ( 1:51.875)
14:29.929 - 14:32.445: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 12th
12:54.054 - 14:34.414: seth carr | underground finished lap 9 ( 1:40.359)
14:31.945 - 14:34.992: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 27th
12:52.375 - 14:35.531: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 9 ( 1:43.156)
14:34.421 - 14:36.359: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed cody cooper | waffle house for 17th
14:39.085 - 14:40.406: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 31st
13:01.507 - 14:41.531: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:40.023)
14:40.109 - 14:42.000: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 24th
13:01.875 - 14:42.375: Tyran Tomich finished lap 9 ( 1:40.500)
14:42.031 - 14:45.453: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 12th
14:42.539 - 14:45.914: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 13th
14:43.726 - 14:47.046: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 14th
14:44.164 - 14:47.421: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 15th
13:03.359 - 14:48.218: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 9 ( 1:44.859)
13:04.078 - 14:48.851: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 9 ( 1:44.773)
13:06.359 - 14:49.953: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 9 ( 1:43.593)
14:50.976 - 14:52.937: Casey Cochran | BPC passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 12th
14:52.187 - 14:54.156: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 13th
13:05.265 - 14:55.367: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 9 ( 1:50.101)
14:53.625 - 14:55.367: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 15th
14:56.023 - 14:57.710: Jeremy Estrella passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 28th
14:55.781 - 14:57.843: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 26th
14:55.695 - 14:59.148: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope went off the track
14:57.554 - 14:59.445: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 14th
13:06.039 - 15:00.015: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 9 ( 1:53.976)
13:03.296 - 15:00.515: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 9 ( 1:57.218)
15:00.523 - 15:02.140: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 16th
14:57.656 - 15:03.648: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
15:01.882 - 15:04.281: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 38th
13:10.281 - 15:04.390: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 9 ( 1:54.109)
15:01.148 - 15:04.898: Jeremy Estrella went off the track
13:01.789 - 15:05.335: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 9 ( 2:03.546)
13:13.312 - 15:05.906: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 9 ( 1:52.593)
13:19.875 - 15:07.171: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 9 ( 1:47.296)
13:28.867 - 15:09.281: Trent Adams | finished lap 9 ( 1:40.414)
13:33.304 - 15:11.367: Payson | underground finished lap 10 ( 1:38.062)
15:10.015 - 15:11.992: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 25th
15:09.312 - 15:12.484: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Jeremy Estrella for 28th
15:10.164 - 15:12.742: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Jeremy Estrella for 29th
15:10.796 - 15:12.750: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 26th
15:12.898 - 15:14.726: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 31st
13:34.507 - 15:15.289: Alec Horn | finished lap 9 ( 1:40.781)
15:16.335 - 15:18.000: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 32nd
13:27.453 - 15:20.390: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 9 ( 1:52.937)
15:18.882 - 15:20.500: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 28th
15:13.562 - 15:21.671: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
13:38.898 - 15:22.484: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 9 ( 1:43.585)
13:35.617 - 15:23.835: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 9 ( 1:48.218)
13:26.867 - 15:25.593: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:58.726)
15:25.945 - 15:28.320: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 12th
13:32.906 - 15:28.656: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 9 ( 1:55.750)
13:24.679 - 15:28.757: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 8 ( 2:04.078)
13:34.921 - 15:30.171: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 9 ( 1:55.250)
15:30.335 - 15:31.570: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 18th
15:30.726 - 15:31.804: Trent Adams | passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 19th
15:27.195 - 15:31.976: Blake O'Brien | OVO went off the track
15:30.703 - 15:32.000: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed colton hansen | for 34th
15:19.898 - 15:32.898: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny went off the track
15:31.804 - 15:33.007: Trent Adams | passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 18th
13:41.117 - 15:35.039: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 9 ( 1:53.921)
13:26.031 - 15:35.843: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 8 ( 2:09.812)
15:34.757 - 15:36.093: Devin Davis passed Logan Leitzel for 4th
15:34.906 - 15:36.796: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 19th
15:35.945 - 15:39.539: Liam Atkinson | CV went off the track
15:39.367 - 15:40.726: Alec Horn | passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 22nd
14:00.562 - 15:41.156: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 10 ( 1:40.593)
15:38.375 - 15:41.648: colton hansen | went off the track
15:40.437 - 15:42.054: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 32nd
15:38.726 - 15:42.281: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
15:41.648 - 15:43.468: colton hansen | passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 34th
15:42.671 - 15:44.000: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 20th
15:42.765 - 15:46.687: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing went off the track
14:08.820 - 15:49.085: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 10 ( 1:40.265)
13:50.328 - 15:49.570: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 9 ( 1:59.242)
15:50.476 - 15:52.812: Jeremy Estrella passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 29th
13:57.656 - 15:55.734: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 9 ( 1:58.078)
15:57.546 - 15:58.679: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed colton hansen | for 34th
15:57.789 - 15:58.718: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 31st
15:58.085 - 15:59.085: Logan Leitzel passed Devin Davis for 4th
15:56.828 - 16:00.164: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports went off the track
15:59.164 - 16:00.179: Devin Davis passed Logan Leitzel for 4th
15:58.500 - 16:02.000: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
14:06.851 - 16:02.257: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 9 ( 1:55.406)
16:03.570 - 16:04.875: Logan Leitzel passed Devin Davis for 4th
14:19.914 - 16:06.476: Logan Leitzel finished lap 10 ( 1:46.562)
14:22.867 - 16:06.765: Devin Davis finished lap 10 ( 1:43.898)
14:13.242 - 16:07.578: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 9 ( 1:54.335)
14:27.804 - 16:08.812: Seth Shirley | finished lap 10 ( 1:41.007)
14:29.492 - 16:11.273: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 10 ( 1:41.781)
14:10.906 - 16:13.054: colton hansen | finished lap 9 ( 2:02.148)
14:34.414 - 16:14.015: seth carr | underground finished lap 10 ( 1:39.601)
16:13.445 - 16:14.921: Trent Adams | passed cody cooper | waffle house for 17th
16:12.656 - 16:15.132: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 13th
15:52.062 - 16:16.765: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing went off the track
14:35.531 - 16:16.773: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 10 ( 1:41.242)
16:14.296 - 16:16.906: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Jeremy Estrella for 29th
16:16.085 - 16:17.898: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 19th
14:24.656 - 16:18.000: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:53.343)
16:18.125 - 16:19.765: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 20th
16:17.898 - 16:21.210: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny went off the track
14:41.531 - 16:21.867: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:40.335)
16:21.296 - 16:22.968: cody cooper | waffle house passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 18th
16:21.093 - 16:23.500: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed seth carr | underground for 8th
16:21.554 - 16:24.164: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing went off the track
16:23.000 - 16:24.703: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 19th
16:23.617 - 16:25.578: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 31st
16:25.625 - 16:26.804: Alec Horn | passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 21st
16:18.007 - 16:27.312: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
14:42.375 - 16:28.656: Tyran Tomich finished lap 10 ( 1:46.281)
16:27.187 - 16:29.062: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 38th
16:28.125 - 16:29.406: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed seth carr | underground for 9th
16:12.406 - 16:29.445: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC went off the track
14:49.953 - 16:31.085: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 10 ( 1:41.132)
14:14.601 - 16:31.468: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 9 ( 2:16.867)
16:28.109 - 16:31.929: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 27th
16:31.953 - 16:35.375: Blake O'Brien | OVO went off the track
14:55.367 - 16:35.796: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 10 ( 1:40.429)
14:48.851 - 16:40.992: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 10 ( 1:52.140)
16:39.187 - 16:41.593: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 23rd
14:48.218 - 16:44.484: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 10 ( 1:56.265)
15:00.015 - 16:45.031: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 10 ( 1:45.015)
16:42.757 - 16:45.109: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 24th
16:44.320 - 16:46.046: Alec Horn | passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 21st
15:09.281 - 16:48.085: Trent Adams | finished lap 10 ( 1:38.804)
16:47.218 - 16:49.781: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Seth Shirley | for 6th
15:11.367 - 16:50.781: Payson | underground finished lap 11 ( 1:39.414)
15:04.390 - 16:52.429: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 10 ( 1:48.039)
16:50.984 - 16:52.562: Devin Davis passed Logan Leitzel for 4th
15:07.171 - 16:54.367: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 10 ( 1:47.195)
15:00.515 - 16:55.382: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 10 ( 1:54.867)
16:53.945 - 16:55.914: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Seth Shirley | for 7th
16:55.531 - 16:56.460: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Logan Leitzel for 5th
15:15.289 - 16:56.679: Alec Horn | finished lap 10 ( 1:41.390)
15:05.906 - 16:57.734: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 10 ( 1:51.828)
16:53.117 - 16:58.687: Dylan Love | Proline Designs went off the track
16:57.640 - 16:59.523: Logan Leitzel passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 5th
16:47.007 - 17:00.640: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha went off the track
17:00.437 - 17:01.390: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 24th
15:20.390 - 17:02.375: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 10 ( 1:41.984)
16:57.625 - 17:02.437: Trent Adams | went off the track
17:02.523 - 17:03.890: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 6th
17:02.937 - 17:04.171: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 25th
17:03.039 - 17:04.679: Seth Shirley | passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 7th
17:06.007 - 17:06.984: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 26th
15:05.335 - 17:07.656: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 10 ( 2:02.320)
17:06.609 - 17:07.773: seth carr | underground passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 9th
15:23.835 - 17:10.679: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 10 ( 1:46.843)
16:47.148 - 17:11.078: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
17:09.781 - 17:11.375: Jeremy Estrella passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 29th
15:28.656 - 17:13.437: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 10 ( 1:44.781)
15:22.484 - 17:14.257: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 10 ( 1:51.773)
17:14.578 - 17:15.664: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 10th
17:11.304 - 17:16.367: Tyran Tomich went off the track
17:16.515 - 17:17.257: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 15th
17:16.445 - 17:18.335: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 2nd
17:17.578 - 17:18.937: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Tyran Tomich for 10th
17:18.945 - 17:20.601: Tyran Tomich passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 10th
15:25.593 - 17:22.304: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:56.710)
17:26.664 - 17:28.804: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 27th
15:28.757 - 17:30.375: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 9 ( 2:01.617)
17:24.945 - 17:30.585: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports went off the track
15:35.039 - 17:31.210: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 10 ( 1:56.171)
15:49.085 - 17:31.976: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 11 ( 1:42.890)
15:30.171 - 17:33.421: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 10 ( 2:03.250)
17:31.976 - 17:33.507: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 35th
17:32.523 - 17:33.695: colton hansen | passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 31st
17:36.054 - 17:37.476: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Alec Horn | and Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 20th
15:49.570 - 17:40.914: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 10 ( 1:51.343)
15:41.156 - 17:41.484: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 11 ( 2:00.328)
17:36.031 - 17:41.664: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed colton hansen | for 33rd
15:35.843 - 17:42.250: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 9 ( 2:06.406)
17:41.429 - 17:42.945: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Alec Horn | and Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 21st
17:42.429 - 17:43.070: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 30th
17:42.601 - 17:44.789: Blake O'Brien | OVO went off the track
16:06.765 - 17:49.625: Devin Davis finished lap 11 ( 1:42.859)
15:55.734 - 17:50.148: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 10 ( 1:54.414)
17:49.265 - 17:51.578: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Tyran Tomich for 10th
17:50.359 - 17:52.695: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 15th
17:51.648 - 17:53.406: Tyran Tomich passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 10th
17:50.640 - 17:54.273: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
16:06.476 - 17:54.484: Logan Leitzel finished lap 11 ( 1:48.007)
16:16.773 - 18:00.250: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 11 ( 1:43.476)
16:08.812 - 18:01.351: Seth Shirley | finished lap 11 ( 1:52.539)
16:11.273 - 18:02.914: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 11 ( 1:51.640)
16:07.578 - 18:03.265: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 10 ( 1:55.687)
18:00.554 - 18:04.101: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide went off the track
16:14.015 - 18:04.460: seth carr | underground finished lap 11 ( 1:50.445)
18:01.195 - 18:05.710: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
18:02.718 - 18:08.703: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed colton hansen | for 34th
17:54.703 - 18:10.507: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
16:18.000 - 18:11.609: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:53.609)
18:01.968 - 18:11.945: Hayden Stevenson | AEO went off the track
16:28.656 - 18:12.234: Tyran Tomich finished lap 11 ( 1:43.578)
18:11.132 - 18:12.742: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 15th
16:31.085 - 18:12.804: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 11 ( 1:41.718)
16:13.054 - 18:14.203: colton hansen | finished lap 10 ( 2:01.148)
16:21.867 - 18:15.218: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:53.351)
16:35.796 - 18:16.046: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 11 ( 1:40.250)
16:02.257 - 18:16.289: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 10 ( 2:14.031)
18:09.890 - 18:18.562: Devin Davis went off the track
18:16.476 - 18:19.562: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 27th
18:06.929 - 18:20.953: Logan Leitzel went off the track
18:22.804 - 18:24.781: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 31st
18:21.164 - 18:24.867: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny went off the track
18:10.507 - 18:26.757: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
16:40.992 - 18:29.257: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 11 ( 1:48.265)
16:50.781 - 18:29.429: Payson | underground finished lap 12 ( 1:38.648)
16:45.031 - 18:31.781: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 11 ( 1:46.750)
18:26.265 - 18:31.828: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
16:44.484 - 18:32.546: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 11 ( 1:48.062)
16:31.468 - 18:32.984: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 10 ( 2:01.515)
16:48.085 - 18:33.437: Trent Adams | finished lap 11 ( 1:45.351)
18:32.710 - 18:35.101: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 31st
16:52.429 - 18:35.781: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 11 ( 1:43.351)
18:37.148 - 18:38.390: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 19th
18:37.640 - 18:39.554: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
16:57.734 - 18:39.921: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 11 ( 1:42.187)
18:38.218 - 18:40.007: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Tyran Tomich for 10th
16:54.367 - 18:40.210: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 11 ( 1:45.843)
18:41.937 - 18:42.968: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC for 2nd
18:41.867 - 18:43.226: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 32nd
18:43.289 - 18:44.343: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 2nd
17:02.375 - 18:44.945: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 11 ( 1:42.570)
18:43.226 - 18:45.546: Tyran Tomich passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 10th
16:55.382 - 18:45.562: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 11 ( 1:50.179)
16:56.679 - 18:47.250: Alec Horn | finished lap 11 ( 1:50.570)
18:45.507 - 18:47.921: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 34th
18:49.960 - 18:51.320: Logan Leitzel passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 7th
18:45.648 - 18:52.429: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing went off the track
18:51.554 - 18:53.312: Oscar Manias | Tow1n passed Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports for 38th
17:07.656 - 18:53.585: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:45.929)
18:54.000 - 18:55.437: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 11th
17:10.679 - 18:58.726: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 11 ( 1:48.046)
18:57.976 - 18:59.906: Alec Horn | passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 22nd
19:00.179 - 19:00.726: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 12th
19:01.968 - 19:02.648: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 12th
18:59.906 - 19:02.765: Alec Horn | passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 20th
17:13.437 - 19:04.062: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 11 ( 1:50.625)
19:04.507 - 19:05.718: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Trevor Burns | Covenant and Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 11th
18:54.375 - 19:05.804: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
19:03.132 - 19:06.500: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
19:05.906 - 19:07.007: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 11th
17:14.257 - 19:07.398: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 11 ( 1:53.140)
18:51.945 - 19:07.992: Dylan Love | Proline Designs went off the track
19:06.671 - 19:08.968: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope and Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 21st
19:07.046 - 19:09.914: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 11th
19:09.250 - 19:11.773: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 23rd
19:13.195 - 19:14.203: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 31st
17:31.210 - 19:20.234: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 11 ( 1:49.023)
17:22.304 - 19:21.382: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:59.078)
19:13.632 - 19:22.078: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
17:31.976 - 19:22.281: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 12 ( 1:50.304)
17:41.484 - 19:23.828: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 12 ( 1:42.343)
17:42.250 - 19:27.664: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 10 ( 1:45.414)
19:26.593 - 19:29.992: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 24th
19:30.250 - 19:32.554: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Tyran Tomich for 10th
19:32.664 - 19:33.343: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 24th
19:31.375 - 19:33.765: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Tyran Tomich for 11th
17:40.914 - 19:36.000: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 11 ( 1:55.085)
17:49.625 - 19:38.562: Devin Davis finished lap 12 ( 1:48.937)
18:00.250 - 19:41.093: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 12 ( 1:40.843)
19:41.992 - 19:43.359: Trent Adams | passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 16th
18:01.351 - 19:43.437: Seth Shirley | finished lap 12 ( 1:42.085)
17:54.484 - 19:44.234: Logan Leitzel finished lap 12 ( 1:49.750)
19:43.148 - 19:44.734: Tyran Tomich passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 11th
19:42.328 - 19:45.828: Hayden Stevenson | AEO went off the track
19:44.445 - 19:45.921: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 14th
18:04.460 - 19:46.632: seth carr | underground finished lap 12 ( 1:42.171)
19:32.429 - 19:46.820: Cade Matherly | STANCE went off the track
19:46.476 - 19:48.000: Trent Adams | passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 15th
19:45.320 - 19:48.773: Dylan Love | Proline Designs went off the track
17:30.375 - 19:48.789: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 10 ( 2:18.414)
19:46.992 - 19:48.945: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 16th
19:48.625 - 19:51.890: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 31st
19:50.335 - 19:52.070: cody cooper | waffle house passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 17th
17:33.421 - 19:54.726: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 11 ( 2:21.304)
18:16.046 - 19:56.554: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 12 ( 1:40.507)
18:02.914 - 19:57.656: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 12 ( 1:54.742)
18:12.234 - 19:58.070: Tyran Tomich finished lap 12 ( 1:45.835)
18:15.218 - 19:58.679: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:43.460)
19:55.187 - 19:59.382: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 24th
18:03.265 - 20:02.226: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 11 ( 1:58.960)
19:55.914 - 20:02.453: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports went off the track
17:50.148 - 20:04.609: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 11 ( 2:14.460)
18:16.289 - 20:04.890: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 11 ( 1:48.601)
20:05.984 - 20:07.828: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Alec Horn | for 21st
18:12.804 - 20:08.531: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 12 ( 1:55.726)
20:04.867 - 20:08.648: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
20:07.273 - 20:09.132: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Alec Horn | for 22nd
20:10.421 - 20:12.695: Tyran Tomich passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 10th
18:31.781 - 20:13.351: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 12 ( 1:41.570)
20:11.578 - 20:13.640: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports passed Oscar Manias | Tow1n for 37th
18:33.437 - 20:15.609: Trent Adams | finished lap 12 ( 1:42.171)
18:32.546 - 20:16.882: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 12 ( 1:44.335)
20:07.000 - 20:16.882: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 33rd
20:14.796 - 20:18.046: Casey Cochran | BPC passed cody cooper | waffle house for 17th
20:17.453 - 20:18.468: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 19th
18:29.429 - 20:19.023: Payson | underground finished lap 13 ( 1:49.593)
18:29.257 - 20:21.039: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 12 ( 1:51.781)
18:35.781 - 20:22.398: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 12 ( 1:46.617)
18:40.210 - 20:24.789: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 12 ( 1:44.578)
20:23.406 - 20:24.937: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 33rd
20:23.289 - 20:25.492: Casey Cochran | BPC passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 16th
18:11.609 - 20:25.804: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 11 ( 2:14.195)
20:24.640 - 20:26.679: cody cooper | waffle house passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 17th
20:27.460 - 20:28.351: Logan Leitzel passed Seth Shirley | for 6th
20:28.359 - 20:29.500: Seth Shirley | passed Logan Leitzel for 6th
18:39.921 - 20:30.250: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 12 ( 1:50.328)
20:30.382 - 20:31.414: Alec Horn | passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 22nd
20:29.351 - 20:31.679: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 18th
20:30.414 - 20:31.929: Logan Leitzel passed Seth Shirley | for 6th
18:32.984 - 20:32.539: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:59.554)
20:31.960 - 20:33.210: Seth Shirley | passed Logan Leitzel for 6th
20:39.921 - 20:43.148: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Alec Horn | and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 21st
20:32.320 - 20:43.945: Alec Horn | passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 22nd
20:40.601 - 20:43.953: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 23rd
20:36.687 - 20:44.046: Hayden Stevenson | AEO went off the track
20:43.953 - 20:45.351: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Alec Horn | for 22nd
20:44.828 - 20:45.937: Logan Leitzel passed Seth Shirley | for 6th
20:29.015 - 20:46.421: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
19:04.062 - 20:47.304: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 12 ( 1:43.242)
20:45.351 - 20:47.304: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 21st
18:47.250 - 20:47.492: Alec Horn | finished lap 12 ( 2:00.242)
20:45.507 - 20:47.492: Alec Horn | passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 22nd
18:53.585 - 20:47.625: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:54.039)
20:45.812 - 20:47.625: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 23rd
18:45.562 - 20:50.101: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 12 ( 2:04.539)
18:58.726 - 20:50.250: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 12 ( 1:51.523)
18:44.945 - 20:51.437: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 12 ( 2:06.492)
20:50.257 - 20:51.921: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 24th
20:47.101 - 20:53.187: Luke Sullivan | Phil's went off the track
20:53.531 - 20:54.585: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 23rd
20:53.664 - 20:55.835: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 34th
20:49.609 - 20:55.859: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports went off the track
20:55.054 - 20:56.046: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Jeremy Estrella for 27th
20:55.429 - 20:57.281: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 25th
19:07.398 - 20:58.101: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 12 ( 1:50.703)
20:57.281 - 20:58.531: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 23rd
20:56.382 - 20:58.609: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Devin Davis for 4th
20:59.007 - 20:59.898: Tyran Tomich passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 9th
20:58.562 - 21:00.093: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 23rd
20:58.945 - 21:01.101: Logan Leitzel passed Devin Davis for 5th
21:00.445 - 21:01.515: Trent Adams | passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 14th
20:59.625 - 21:01.843: Seth Shirley | passed Devin Davis for 6th
19:22.281 - 21:03.796: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 13 ( 1:41.515)
21:02.203 - 21:04.023: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 24th
21:02.625 - 21:04.750: seth carr | underground passed Devin Davis for 7th
21:04.468 - 21:05.609: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 32nd
21:02.945 - 21:05.953: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 25th
19:23.828 - 21:06.054: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 13 ( 1:42.226)
19:21.382 - 21:09.164: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:47.781)
21:08.625 - 21:10.007: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Tyran Tomich for 9th
21:09.187 - 21:10.953: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 26th
19:20.234 - 21:18.054: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 12 ( 1:57.820)
21:11.570 - 21:19.914: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
21:13.992 - 21:20.648: cody cooper | waffle house went off the track
21:07.796 - 21:21.218: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs went off the track
21:21.406 - 21:22.101: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 22nd
19:41.093 - 21:22.609: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 13 ( 1:41.515)
21:19.914 - 21:23.750: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 31st
21:22.585 - 21:23.843: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 25th
21:20.085 - 21:25.593: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny went off the track
19:44.234 - 21:25.656: Logan Leitzel finished lap 13 ( 1:41.421)
21:24.031 - 21:26.195: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 25th
19:43.437 - 21:26.445: Seth Shirley | finished lap 13 ( 1:43.007)
21:22.171 - 21:26.710: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports went off the track
19:36.000 - 21:27.531: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 12 ( 1:51.531)
21:26.796 - 21:28.359: Trent Adams | passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 13th
19:46.632 - 21:28.484: seth carr | underground finished lap 13 ( 1:41.851)
21:28.257 - 21:31.093: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 26th
19:38.562 - 21:31.679: Devin Davis finished lap 13 ( 1:53.117)
19:56.554 - 21:36.921: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 13 ( 1:40.367)
21:29.179 - 21:37.289: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC went off the track
19:58.070 - 21:37.507: Tyran Tomich finished lap 13 ( 1:39.437)
19:57.656 - 21:39.734: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 13 ( 1:42.078)
19:58.679 - 21:41.359: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:42.679)
21:41.156 - 21:43.070: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 22nd
21:44.718 - 21:46.773: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 23rd
21:46.875 - 21:48.562: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 24th
21:51.179 - 21:52.445: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 34th
21:50.148 - 21:53.484: Blake O'Brien | OVO went off the track
21:52.679 - 21:57.203: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
20:15.609 - 21:57.437: Trent Adams | finished lap 13 ( 1:41.828)
20:08.531 - 21:57.828: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 13 ( 1:49.296)
19:48.789 - 21:58.703: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 11 ( 2:09.914)
21:54.257 - 21:58.906: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing went off the track
20:19.023 - 21:59.875: Payson | underground finished lap 14 ( 1:40.851)
21:56.742 - 22:00.984: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
20:13.351 - 22:01.328: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 13 ( 1:47.976)
22:00.523 - 22:01.828: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 19th
20:21.039 - 22:03.539: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 13 ( 1:42.500)
20:22.398 - 22:06.085: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 13 ( 1:43.687)
22:05.210 - 22:06.656: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Trent Adams | for 13th
19:54.726 - 22:07.578: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 12 ( 2:12.851)
20:04.609 - 22:11.281: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 12 ( 2:06.671)
20:24.789 - 22:11.820: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 13 ( 1:47.031)
22:11.953 - 22:13.164: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 27th
22:04.164 - 22:13.796: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 25th
20:02.226 - 22:15.289: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 12 ( 2:13.062)
22:13.203 - 22:15.390: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope and Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 26th
22:13.164 - 22:15.398: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 27th
22:08.281 - 22:16.085: Blake O'Brien | OVO went off the track
22:15.398 - 22:16.304: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 26th
20:30.250 - 22:18.218: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 13 ( 1:47.968)
22:19.476 - 22:20.757: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 23rd
20:16.882 - 22:22.367: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 13 ( 2:05.484)
20:25.804 - 22:23.953: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:58.148)
20:32.539 - 22:24.984: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:52.445)
22:20.054 - 22:27.437: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports went off the track
20:04.890 - 22:27.460: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 12 ( 2:22.570)
20:47.492 - 22:27.765: Alec Horn | finished lap 13 ( 1:40.273)
22:26.484 - 22:29.671: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny went off the track
22:12.554 - 22:32.398: Charles Gable \ Privateer went off the track
22:28.156 - 22:32.789: Hayden Stevenson | AEO went off the track
22:30.507 - 22:32.789: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Trent Adams | for 14th
22:26.867 - 22:32.898: Luke Sullivan | Phil's went off the track
22:30.031 - 22:33.289: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope went off the track
22:33.000 - 22:34.796: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 25th
22:33.320 - 22:34.851: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope and Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 26th
20:47.304 - 22:36.023: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 13 ( 1:48.718)
22:33.289 - 22:36.046: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 27th
22:34.851 - 22:36.226: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 25th
22:36.257 - 22:39.000: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 25th
22:37.835 - 22:39.429: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 18th
22:33.984 - 22:39.648: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
20:47.625 - 22:41.125: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:53.500)
20:50.250 - 22:41.851: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 13 ( 1:51.601)
22:41.195 - 22:42.070: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 25th
22:39.835 - 22:42.312: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 31st
21:03.796 - 22:46.757: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 14 ( 1:42.960)
21:06.054 - 22:48.937: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 14 ( 1:42.882)
22:47.601 - 22:49.359: Blake O'Brien | OVO went off the track
22:49.679 - 22:50.835: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Devin Davis for 8th
22:49.171 - 22:52.437: Dylan Love | Proline Designs passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 24th
22:50.437 - 22:53.789: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 25th
21:09.164 - 22:55.304: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:46.140)
22:53.093 - 22:56.453: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 26th
20:51.437 - 22:56.570: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 13 ( 2:05.132)
22:57.593 - 22:59.195: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 34th
20:50.101 - 22:59.304: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 13 ( 2:09.203)
22:59.265 - 23:00.226: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 34th
22:57.023 - 23:00.593: Jeremy Estrella passed Brayden Tharp | Phil's for 27th
23:00.320 - 23:01.695: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 33rd
22:57.085 - 23:01.984: Charles Gable \ Privateer went off the track
23:00.765 - 23:02.015: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 32nd
21:18.054 - 23:03.468: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 13 ( 1:45.414)
23:02.703 - 23:03.796: Alec Horn | passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 20th
22:56.921 - 23:04.046: Trent Adams | went off the track
20:58.101 - 23:05.054: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 13 ( 2:06.953)
21:22.609 - 23:05.203: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 14 ( 1:42.593)
21:25.656 - 23:05.750: Logan Leitzel finished lap 14 ( 1:40.093)
21:26.445 - 23:07.289: Seth Shirley | finished lap 14 ( 1:40.843)
23:08.375 - 23:09.492: Logan Leitzel passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 4th
21:28.484 - 23:09.960: seth carr | underground finished lap 14 ( 1:41.476)
23:09.617 - 23:11.593: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Logan Leitzel for 4th
21:36.921 - 23:16.765: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 14 ( 1:39.843)
21:31.679 - 23:17.750: Devin Davis finished lap 14 ( 1:46.070)
21:37.507 - 23:18.859: Tyran Tomich finished lap 14 ( 1:41.351)
23:18.210 - 23:19.726: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 33rd
21:39.734 - 23:20.960: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 14 ( 1:41.226)
23:20.546 - 23:21.492: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 21st
23:19.148 - 23:21.703: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 34th
21:41.359 - 23:23.117: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:41.757)
23:22.265 - 23:24.617: Trent Adams | passed cody cooper | waffle house for 15th
23:22.070 - 23:24.703: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 35th
23:24.789 - 23:26.085: Tyran Tomich passed Devin Davis for 9th
21:27.531 - 23:27.421: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 13 ( 1:59.890)
23:35.257 - 23:36.773: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 25th
23:37.117 - 23:38.578: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 26th
21:59.875 - 23:40.070: Payson | underground finished lap 15 ( 1:40.195)
21:57.828 - 23:40.476: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 14 ( 1:42.648)
23:42.890 - 23:44.804: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 32nd
23:45.468 - 23:46.773: Jeremy Estrella passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 27th
23:44.320 - 23:47.210: Logan Leitzel went off the track
22:03.539 - 23:47.453: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 14 ( 1:43.914)
23:46.203 - 23:47.539: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Dylan Love | Proline Designs for 28th
21:57.437 - 23:49.210: Trent Adams | finished lap 14 ( 1:51.773)
23:49.210 - 23:52.406: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
23:49.054 - 23:54.601: Casey Cochran | BPC went off the track
22:06.085 - 23:55.078: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 14 ( 1:48.992)
22:11.820 - 23:58.726: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 14 ( 1:46.906)
21:58.703 - 24:00.226: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 12 ( 2:01.523)
22:11.281 - 24:00.679: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 13 ( 1:49.398)
22:18.218 - 24:02.804: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 14 ( 1:44.585)
24:03.859 - 24:07.476: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
24:04.304 - 24:08.445: Trent Adams | went off the track
22:01.328 - 24:09.125: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 14 ( 2:07.796)
22:27.765 - 24:10.304: Alec Horn | finished lap 14 ( 1:42.539)
24:06.812 - 24:10.710: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha went off the track
24:10.421 - 24:11.992: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Jeremy Estrella for 27th
22:23.953 - 24:13.031: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:49.078)
24:13.593 - 24:14.726: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 22nd
24:11.671 - 24:14.992: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 32nd
24:11.929 - 24:17.867: Dylan Love | Proline Designs went off the track
22:24.984 - 24:18.070: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:53.085)
24:15.195 - 24:18.453: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny went off the track
22:15.289 - 24:18.671: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 13 ( 2:03.382)
22:36.023 - 24:21.757: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 14 ( 1:45.734)
24:20.703 - 24:22.273: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 32nd
24:20.953 - 24:23.414: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 33rd
22:27.460 - 24:24.414: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 13 ( 1:56.953)
22:41.125 - 24:27.078: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:45.953)
19:27.664 - 24:27.984: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 11 ( 5:00.320)
24:28.835 - 24:29.625: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 25th
22:46.757 - 24:30.367: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 15 ( 1:43.609)
22:22.367 - 24:31.093: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 14 ( 2:08.726)
22:07.578 - 24:32.125: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 13 ( 2:24.546)
22:48.937 - 24:32.453: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 15 ( 1:43.515)
22:41.851 - 24:33.093: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 14 ( 1:51.242)
24:34.726 - 24:36.359: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 11th
22:59.304 - 24:39.187: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny finished lap 14 ( 1:39.882)
22:56.570 - 24:39.539: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 14 ( 1:42.968)
24:39.609 - 24:43.289: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
24:43.968 - 24:45.093: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 32nd
23:05.203 - 24:46.507: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 15 ( 1:41.304)
24:45.171 - 24:46.609: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 32nd
24:44.093 - 24:46.765: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Trent Adams | for 14th
24:42.578 - 24:46.968: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs went off the track
23:05.750 - 24:47.867: Logan Leitzel finished lap 15 ( 1:42.117)
24:45.945 - 24:49.046: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope went off the track
23:05.054 - 24:50.007: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 14 ( 1:44.953)
23:07.289 - 24:50.945: Seth Shirley | finished lap 15 ( 1:43.656)
23:03.468 - 24:52.632: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 14 ( 1:49.164)
23:09.960 - 24:53.226: seth carr | underground finished lap 15 ( 1:43.265)
24:40.421 - 24:54.515: Hayden Stevenson | AEO went off the track
23:16.765 - 24:56.632: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 15 ( 1:39.867)
23:18.859 - 24:57.398: Tyran Tomich finished lap 15 ( 1:38.539)
24:52.937 - 24:58.218: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
24:57.812 - 24:59.804: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 31st
24:59.453 - 25:00.992: Alec Horn | passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 19th
23:17.750 - 25:02.453: Devin Davis finished lap 15 ( 1:44.703)
24:55.601 - 25:03.070: Cade Matherly | STANCE went off the track
22:55.304 - 25:03.156: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 14 ( 2:07.851)
23:23.117 - 25:03.750: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 15 ( 1:40.632)
25:02.421 - 25:08.890: Brayden Tharp | Phil's went off the track
25:06.000 - 25:08.984: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 32nd
25:07.914 - 25:09.164: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 33rd
25:06.968 - 25:10.664: Casey Cochran | BPC went off the track
23:27.421 - 25:10.726: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 14 ( 1:43.304)
25:08.992 - 25:10.742: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope went off the track
23:20.960 - 25:14.164: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 15 ( 1:53.203)
25:13.273 - 25:15.070: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 34th
25:15.867 - 25:17.140: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 32nd
23:40.476 - 25:22.250: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 15 ( 1:41.773)
25:21.078 - 25:22.312: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 23rd
25:21.359 - 25:22.656: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 33rd
25:25.031 - 25:26.093: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 24th
25:24.281 - 25:27.343: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 32nd
23:40.070 - 25:28.023: Payson | underground finished lap 16 ( 1:47.953)
25:24.156 - 25:28.156: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC for 2nd
25:28.195 - 25:29.257: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 25th
25:22.929 - 25:29.648: Devin Davis went off the track
23:47.453 - 25:30.859: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 15 ( 1:43.406)
23:49.210 - 25:31.421: Trent Adams | finished lap 15 ( 1:42.210)
25:34.289 - 25:37.226: Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 24th
23:55.078 - 25:38.164: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 15 ( 1:43.085)
25:34.812 - 25:38.757: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 25th
23:58.726 - 25:44.867: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 15 ( 1:46.140)
24:02.804 - 25:45.546: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 15 ( 1:42.742)
25:42.609 - 25:45.578: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
25:37.523 - 25:47.304: Charles Gable \ Privateer went off the track
25:47.562 - 25:49.546: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 24th
25:47.914 - 25:51.531: Tyran Tomich passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 8th
24:10.304 - 25:51.781: Alec Horn | finished lap 15 ( 1:41.476)
25:49.539 - 25:53.453: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 26th
24:00.226 - 25:55.164: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 13 ( 1:54.937)
25:56.578 - 25:57.820: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 2nd
24:09.125 - 25:57.953: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 15 ( 1:48.828)
24:00.679 - 26:02.359: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 14 ( 2:01.679)
25:56.460 - 26:02.953: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
26:01.398 - 26:02.992: Jeremy Estrella passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 27th
24:21.757 - 26:05.210: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 15 ( 1:43.453)
24:27.078 - 26:10.375: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 15 ( 1:43.296)
24:13.031 - 26:11.304: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:58.273)
26:12.406 - 26:14.281: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 17th
24:18.671 - 26:16.156: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 14 ( 1:57.484)
24:24.414 - 26:17.343: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 14 ( 1:52.929)
24:30.367 - 26:17.804: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 16 ( 1:47.437)
26:17.625 - 26:18.992: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Chris Post | team too dopeee #4vinny for 22nd
26:17.820 - 26:19.093: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 30th
24:18.070 - 26:20.007: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 14 ( 2:01.937)
26:20.640 - 26:21.531: seth carr | underground passed Seth Shirley | for 6th
26:18.890 - 26:22.601: Jeremy Estrella went off the track
26:19.421 - 26:23.031: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope went off the track
24:33.093 - 26:23.234: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 15 ( 1:50.140)
26:23.031 - 26:24.242: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Jeremy Estrella for 26th
26:21.937 - 26:25.273: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 3rd
26:22.304 - 26:25.929: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
26:25.187 - 26:27.867: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 13th
24:46.507 - 26:28.195: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 16 ( 1:41.687)
24:32.453 - 26:28.773: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 16 ( 1:56.320)
24:47.867 - 26:29.195: Logan Leitzel finished lap 16 ( 1:41.328)
24:27.984 - 26:29.460: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 12 ( 2:01.476)
24:32.125 - 26:29.890: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 14 ( 1:57.765)
26:28.359 - 26:30.164: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Jeremy Estrella for 25th
24:31.093 - 26:30.500: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 15 ( 1:59.406)
26:30.203 - 26:31.281: Jeremy Estrella passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 24th
26:31.757 - 26:32.828: Logan Leitzel passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 4th
24:53.226 - 26:33.750: seth carr | underground finished lap 16 ( 1:40.523)
26:21.460 - 26:33.765: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
26:32.210 - 26:34.179: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 20th
24:50.945 - 26:34.476: Seth Shirley | finished lap 16 ( 1:43.531)
26:33.015 - 26:35.007: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Logan Leitzel for 4th
24:57.398 - 26:37.796: Tyran Tomich finished lap 16 ( 1:40.398)
24:56.632 - 26:40.664: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 16 ( 1:44.031)
24:50.007 - 26:42.843: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 15 ( 1:52.835)
25:03.750 - 26:46.460: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 16 ( 1:42.710)
26:44.687 - 26:47.773: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
24:52.632 - 26:48.117: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 15 ( 1:55.484)
26:46.515 - 26:48.953: seth carr | underground passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha and Logan Leitzel for 4th
25:02.453 - 26:49.476: Devin Davis finished lap 16 ( 1:47.023)
26:47.929 - 26:49.515: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs for 34th
26:47.656 - 26:50.312: Seth Shirley | passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha and Logan Leitzel for 5th
24:39.539 - 26:51.023: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 15 ( 2:11.484)
26:30.648 - 26:52.726: Dylan Love | Proline Designs went off the track
26:51.562 - 26:53.046: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 31st
26:41.890 - 26:54.234: Logan Leitzel passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 6th
26:40.398 - 26:55.273: Cade Matherly | STANCE went off the track
26:53.234 - 26:55.539: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Tyran Tomich and Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 7th
26:50.265 - 26:56.960: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
26:54.000 - 26:57.687: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
26:58.132 - 27:00.265: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 32nd
26:59.750 - 27:02.132: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Tyran Tomich for 9th
27:02.398 - 27:03.640: Logan Leitzel passed Seth Shirley | for 5th
27:01.835 - 27:04.265: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 33rd
27:02.132 - 27:04.296: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 8th
27:03.546 - 27:04.820: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Seth Shirley | for 6th
25:28.023 - 27:08.117: Payson | underground finished lap 17 ( 1:40.093)
27:00.257 - 27:08.500: Trent Adams | went off the track
25:14.164 - 27:08.820: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 16 ( 1:54.656)
25:30.859 - 27:12.453: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 16 ( 1:41.593)
25:22.250 - 27:12.742: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 16 ( 1:50.492)
27:09.093 - 27:14.695: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC went off the track
25:10.726 - 27:15.250: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 15 ( 2:04.523)
25:03.156 - 27:19.859: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 15 ( 2:16.703)
25:31.421 - 27:21.828: Trent Adams | finished lap 16 ( 1:50.406)
25:38.164 - 27:22.203: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 16 ( 1:44.039)
27:25.046 - 27:27.781: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Hayden Stevenson | AEO for 34th
25:45.546 - 27:30.054: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 16 ( 1:44.507)
27:25.039 - 27:30.781: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
27:20.328 - 27:30.812: Oscar Manias | Tow1n went off the track
25:44.867 - 27:31.070: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 16 ( 1:46.203)
27:27.789 - 27:34.437: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys went off the track
27:33.429 - 27:34.898: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Dylan Adams | EG/ for 31st
27:33.593 - 27:35.468: cody cooper | waffle house passed Trent Adams | for 15th
27:35.132 - 27:36.101: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 13th
27:37.937 - 27:38.890: Devin Davis passed Tyran Tomich for 10th
27:37.312 - 27:39.015: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 33rd
27:38.984 - 27:40.109: seth carr | underground passed Cooper Hunt | Underground RC for 3rd
27:38.960 - 27:41.031: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 13th
27:38.734 - 27:41.890: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Seth Shirley | for 7th
27:41.500 - 27:43.304: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Trent Adams | for 16th
27:39.687 - 27:43.921: Dylan Love | Proline Designs went off the track
25:51.781 - 27:44.046: Alec Horn | finished lap 16 ( 1:52.265)
27:42.921 - 27:44.781: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Trent Adams | for 17th
26:05.210 - 27:49.437: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 16 ( 1:44.226)
25:57.953 - 27:50.640: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 16 ( 1:52.687)
25:55.164 - 27:52.414: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 14 ( 1:57.250)
27:39.171 - 27:53.664: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha went off the track
27:46.945 - 27:59.250: Hayden Stevenson | AEO went off the track
27:58.867 - 28:01.039: Alec Horn | passed Trent Adams | for 18th
28:02.617 - 28:04.117: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Devin Davis for 9th
28:01.148 - 28:04.648: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
26:17.804 - 28:07.375: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 17 ( 1:49.570)
26:10.375 - 28:08.335: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 16 ( 1:57.960)
26:17.343 - 28:10.492: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 15 ( 1:53.148)
26:16.156 - 28:13.531: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 15 ( 1:57.375)
26:23.234 - 28:14.593: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 16 ( 1:51.359)
26:33.750 - 28:16.140: seth carr | underground finished lap 17 ( 1:42.390)
28:04.882 - 28:16.875: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
26:20.007 - 28:17.140: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:57.132)
28:14.414 - 28:17.601: cody cooper | waffle house passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 13th
28:13.140 - 28:17.609: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
28:12.164 - 28:18.000: Hayden Stevenson | AEO went off the track
27:58.523 - 28:18.164: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
26:28.195 - 28:18.453: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 17 ( 1:50.257)
26:30.500 - 28:19.734: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 16 ( 1:49.234)
26:29.195 - 28:21.023: Logan Leitzel finished lap 17 ( 1:51.828)
26:40.664 - 28:22.359: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 17 ( 1:41.695)
28:18.289 - 28:23.304: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope went off the track
26:42.843 - 28:24.828: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 16 ( 1:41.984)
26:02.359 - 28:26.179: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 15 ( 2:23.820)
26:29.890 - 28:29.007: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 15 ( 1:59.117)
26:29.460 - 28:30.242: Oscar Manias | Tow1n finished lap 13 ( 2:00.781)
28:28.210 - 28:30.500: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Cade Matherly | STANCE for 12th
26:11.304 - 28:32.046: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 15 ( 2:20.742)
28:30.554 - 28:32.687: Trent Adams | went off the track
26:34.476 - 28:33.546: Seth Shirley | finished lap 17 ( 1:59.070)
26:46.460 - 28:38.203: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 17 ( 1:51.742)
28:25.335 - 28:38.585: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha went off the track
26:49.476 - 28:39.320: Devin Davis finished lap 17 ( 1:49.843)
28:41.757 - 28:44.062: Dylan Adams | EG/ passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 30th
26:48.117 - 28:44.507: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 16 ( 1:56.390)
28:41.093 - 28:44.773: cody cooper | waffle house went off the track
26:37.796 - 28:45.156: Tyran Tomich finished lap 17 ( 2:07.359)
27:08.117 - 28:46.195: Payson | underground finished lap 18 ( 1:38.078)
28:41.492 - 28:48.539: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Logan Leitzel for 5th
26:28.773 - 28:49.304: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 17 ( 2:20.531)
28:47.109 - 28:49.648: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 31st
28:50.195 - 28:52.539: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY for 34th
27:12.453 - 28:55.960: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 17 ( 1:43.507)
26:51.023 - 28:57.554: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 16 ( 2:06.531)
28:55.710 - 28:57.843: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC passed seth carr | underground for 3rd
27:08.820 - 29:00.000: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 17 ( 1:51.179)
28:57.492 - 29:02.054: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs went off the track
27:15.250 - 29:03.820: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 16 ( 1:48.570)
27:22.203 - 29:05.531: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 17 ( 1:43.328)
28:59.718 - 29:05.671: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope went off the track
27:12.742 - 29:06.140: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 17 ( 1:53.398)
29:03.117 - 29:06.601: Trent Adams | went off the track
29:09.179 - 29:11.679: Trent Adams | passed Alec Horn | for 18th
29:09.507 - 29:11.960: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 11th
29:12.890 - 29:20.523: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide went off the track
27:30.054 - 29:24.625: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 17 ( 1:54.570)
27:21.828 - 29:27.578: Trent Adams | finished lap 17 ( 2:05.750)
27:44.046 - 29:27.976: Alec Horn | finished lap 17 ( 1:43.929)
29:27.296 - 29:28.226: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 11th
29:28.234 - 29:29.109: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 12th
27:19.859 - 29:31.359: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 16 ( 2:11.500)
27:31.070 - 29:31.523: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 17 ( 2:00.453)
27:49.437 - 29:32.718: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 17 ( 1:43.281)
29:32.054 - 29:33.875: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed cody cooper | waffle house for 14th
29:20.203 - 29:33.968: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope went off the track
27:50.640 - 29:34.257: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 17 ( 1:43.617)
29:32.554 - 29:34.781: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 31st
29:36.515 - 29:41.203: Logan Leitzel passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 5th
29:40.523 - 29:42.554: Hayden Stevenson | AEO passed Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing and Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 31st
29:43.976 - 29:45.171: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 11th
29:49.695 - 29:50.875: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 12th
29:49.875 - 29:51.125: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 13th
28:07.375 - 29:51.351: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 18 ( 1:43.976)
29:50.492 - 29:51.773: cody cooper | waffle house passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 14th
29:46.875 - 29:52.039: Trent Adams | went off the track
28:08.335 - 29:52.664: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 17 ( 1:44.328)
29:53.039 - 29:53.796: cody cooper | waffle house passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 13th
29:50.429 - 29:54.710: Dylan Love | Proline Designs went off the track
29:55.476 - 29:56.382: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Trevor Burns | Covenant for 14th
29:47.125 - 29:57.554: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
29:57.109 - 29:58.289: cody cooper | waffle house passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 12th
27:52.414 - 30:01.179: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 15 ( 2:08.765)
29:57.656 - 30:01.351: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
28:18.453 - 30:02.304: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 18 ( 1:43.851)
29:59.718 - 30:02.632: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 32nd
30:02.734 - 30:04.414: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Logan Leitzel for 5th
28:16.140 - 30:05.218: seth carr | underground finished lap 18 ( 1:49.078)
30:00.968 - 30:05.273: Trent Adams | went off the track
28:14.593 - 30:07.125: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 17 ( 1:52.531)
30:04.414 - 30:07.921: Luke Sullivan | Phil's went off the track
28:19.734 - 30:10.617: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 17 ( 1:50.882)
28:13.531 - 30:11.289: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 16 ( 1:57.757)
28:24.828 - 30:12.203: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 17 ( 1:47.375)
30:12.101 - 30:13.585: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 19th
30:13.664 - 30:15.023: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope passed Liam Atkinson | CV for 27th
28:21.023 - 30:15.664: Logan Leitzel finished lap 18 ( 1:54.640)
28:22.359 - 30:16.257: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 18 ( 1:53.898)
30:17.031 - 30:18.945: Trent Adams | went off the track
30:15.953 - 30:18.984: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 19th
30:19.007 - 30:20.265: Liam Atkinson | CV passed Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope for 27th
28:26.179 - 30:20.398: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 16 ( 1:54.218)
28:33.546 - 30:21.101: Seth Shirley | finished lap 18 ( 1:47.554)
28:38.203 - 30:22.117: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 18 ( 1:43.914)
30:10.375 - 30:22.617: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
28:39.320 - 30:24.257: Devin Davis finished lap 18 ( 1:44.937)
28:17.140 - 30:25.164: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:08.023)
30:24.421 - 30:26.648: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Trent Adams | for 18th
30:14.945 - 30:28.320: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports went off the track
28:10.492 - 30:29.062: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 16 ( 2:18.570)
28:46.195 - 30:31.093: Payson | underground finished lap 19 ( 1:44.898)
28:45.156 - 30:37.062: Tyran Tomich finished lap 18 ( 1:51.906)
28:32.046 - 30:37.500: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 16 ( 2:05.453)
28:44.507 - 30:40.640: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 17 ( 1:56.132)
30:29.109 - 30:44.859: Dylan Love | Proline Designs went off the track
29:00.000 - 30:45.523: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 18 ( 1:45.523)
30:40.257 - 30:46.015: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha went off the track
28:29.007 - 30:47.187: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 16 ( 2:18.179)
29:05.531 - 30:48.914: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 18 ( 1:43.382)
30:47.710 - 30:49.992: Seth Shirley | passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 6th
28:55.960 - 30:51.500: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 18 ( 1:55.539)
30:49.250 - 30:51.523: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 7th
30:52.031 - 30:53.414: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys for 24th
28:49.304 - 30:57.023: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 18 ( 2:07.718)
30:58.578 - 31:00.000: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Alec Horn | for 17th
31:00.835 - 31:03.640: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Christopher McPherson | Boot's House for 23rd
31:02.531 - 31:04.585: Casey Cochran | BPC passed cody cooper | waffle house for 12th
29:06.140 - 31:05.445: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 18 ( 1:59.304)
29:03.820 - 31:08.312: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 17 ( 2:04.492)
29:24.625 - 31:09.937: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 18 ( 1:45.312)
31:08.460 - 31:10.171: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed cody cooper | waffle house for 13th
31:10.250 - 31:11.851: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs passed Seth Shirley | for 6th
31:13.484 - 31:14.703: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs passed Hayden Grimes | Underground RC for 33rd
28:57.554 - 31:15.007: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope finished lap 17 ( 2:17.453)
31:15.015 - 31:17.296: Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.dope went off the track
29:34.257 - 31:19.359: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 18 ( 1:45.101)
29:27.976 - 31:20.648: Alec Horn | finished lap 18 ( 1:52.671)
29:27.578 - 31:22.929: Trent Adams | finished lap 18 ( 1:55.351)
31:23.648 - 31:25.625: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 12th
29:32.718 - 31:27.468: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 18 ( 1:54.750)
31:25.234 - 31:27.757: cody cooper | waffle house passed Casey Cochran | BPC for 13th
31:27.718 - 31:30.414: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed Tyran Tomich for 10th
29:31.523 - 31:30.656: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 18 ( 1:59.132)
31:31.523 - 31:33.328: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 16th
31:31.609 - 31:33.359: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Seth Shirley | for 7th
31:32.625 - 31:34.281: Devin Davis passed Seth Shirley | for 8th
29:31.359 - 31:35.648: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 17 ( 2:04.289)
29:51.351 - 31:39.054: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 19 ( 1:47.703)
31:39.585 - 31:40.953: cody cooper | waffle house passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 12th
31:40.562 - 31:41.890: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 13th
31:40.953 - 31:43.781: cody cooper | waffle house passed Tyran Tomich for 11th
31:41.890 - 31:44.718: Casey Cochran | BPC passed Tyran Tomich for 12th
31:43.656 - 31:44.734: Alec Horn | passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 17th
31:41.218 - 31:44.937: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
31:43.906 - 31:45.148: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 14th
31:44.718 - 31:45.476: Casey Cochran | BPC passed cody cooper | waffle house for 11th
30:02.304 - 31:46.781: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 19 ( 1:44.476)
31:45.523 - 31:47.382: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
30:05.218 - 31:47.507: seth carr | underground finished lap 19 ( 1:42.289)
31:45.148 - 31:47.789: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed Tyran Tomich for 13th
31:48.054 - 31:51.382: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Tyran Tomich for 14th
31:48.820 - 31:52.414: Trent Adams | passed Blake O'Brien | OVO for 18th
31:52.132 - 31:55.328: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 22nd
30:15.664 - 31:56.500: Logan Leitzel finished lap 19 ( 1:40.835)
31:56.164 - 31:57.523: Trent Adams | passed Alec Horn | for 17th
30:12.203 - 31:58.210: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 18 ( 1:46.007)
31:56.664 - 31:58.656: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Alec Horn | for 18th
29:52.664 - 31:59.945: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 18 ( 2:07.281)
30:11.289 - 32:00.054: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 17 ( 1:48.765)
31:58.515 - 32:00.101: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Alec Horn | for 19th
32:02.515 - 32:05.640: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Tyran Tomich for 15th
30:01.179 - 32:05.804: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 16 ( 2:04.625)
30:22.117 - 32:06.007: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 19 ( 1:43.890)
30:16.257 - 32:06.476: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 19 ( 1:50.218)
30:07.125 - 32:06.507: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 18 ( 1:59.382)
30:24.257 - 32:08.054: Devin Davis finished lap 19 ( 1:43.796)
32:06.039 - 32:08.812: Trent Adams | passed Tyran Tomich for 16th
32:02.937 - 32:09.148: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha went off the track
32:06.867 - 32:09.546: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Tyran Tomich for 17th
30:10.617 - 32:10.367: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 18 ( 1:59.750)
32:08.851 - 32:11.687: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Tyran Tomich for 18th
31:59.445 - 32:12.429: Hayden Stevenson | AEO went off the track
32:10.304 - 32:12.460: Devin Davis passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 7th
32:10.265 - 32:13.281: Alec Horn | passed Tyran Tomich for 19th
30:21.101 - 32:15.171: Seth Shirley | finished lap 19 ( 1:54.070)
30:31.093 - 32:18.585: Payson | underground finished lap 20 ( 1:47.492)
30:25.164 - 32:19.445: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 17 ( 1:54.281)
32:18.203 - 32:22.125: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide went off the track
30:20.398 - 32:23.679: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 17 ( 2:03.281)
32:25.570 - 32:27.015: Trevor Burns | Covenant passed cody cooper | waffle house for 12th
32:23.210 - 32:27.015: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Trent Adams | for 16th
32:25.140 - 32:28.976: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Trent Adams | for 17th
32:26.929 - 32:30.804: Alec Horn | passed Trent Adams | for 18th
32:30.742 - 32:33.539: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Tyran Tomich for 20th
32:23.578 - 32:36.875: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
32:23.515 - 32:37.093: Liam Atkinson | CV went off the track
30:37.500 - 32:38.890: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 17 ( 2:01.390)
30:29.062 - 32:40.023: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 17 ( 2:10.960)
30:45.523 - 32:40.937: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 19 ( 1:55.414)
32:39.109 - 32:42.546: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
30:51.500 - 32:42.929: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 19 ( 1:51.429)
30:40.640 - 32:44.835: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 18 ( 2:04.195)
31:05.445 - 32:46.656: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 19 ( 1:41.210)
32:34.718 - 32:47.257: Brayden Tharp | Phil's went off the track
32:48.679 - 32:51.773: Brayden Tharp | Phil's passed Tyran Tomich for 21st
30:48.914 - 32:52.851: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 19 ( 2:03.937)
32:50.000 - 32:53.125: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Tyran Tomich for 22nd
32:49.140 - 32:54.476: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys went off the track
32:52.851 - 32:55.648: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House passed Tyran Tomich for 23rd
32:56.164 - 32:57.562: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Devin Davis for 7th
32:55.867 - 32:58.773: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys passed Tyran Tomich for 24th
32:57.578 - 32:59.421: Devin Davis passed Luke Sullivan | Phil's for 7th
30:57.023 - 33:00.632: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 19 ( 2:03.609)
33:00.320 - 33:01.203: Alec Horn | passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 17th
30:47.187 - 33:04.390: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 17 ( 2:17.203)
31:19.359 - 33:04.664: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 19 ( 1:45.304)
31:08.312 - 33:06.265: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 18 ( 1:57.953)
33:01.351 - 33:06.867: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports went off the track
31:09.937 - 33:08.257: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 19 ( 1:58.320)
31:20.648 - 33:14.117: Alec Horn | finished lap 19 ( 1:53.468)
31:27.468 - 33:15.000: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 19 ( 1:47.531)
31:22.929 - 33:15.382: Trent Adams | finished lap 19 ( 1:52.453)
33:10.929 - 33:16.242: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha went off the track
33:02.929 - 33:17.351: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC went off the track
33:01.273 - 33:20.718: Cade Matherly | STANCE went off the track
31:35.648 - 33:20.984: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 18 ( 1:45.335)
33:06.492 - 33:21.171: Jeremy Estrella went off the track
31:39.054 - 33:24.500: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 20 ( 1:45.445)
33:23.640 - 33:25.890: Cade Matherly | STANCE passed cody cooper | waffle house for 12th
33:24.054 - 33:27.820: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
31:46.781 - 33:30.054: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 20 ( 1:43.273)
33:29.875 - 33:31.421: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha for 14th
31:47.507 - 33:34.742: seth carr | underground finished lap 20 ( 1:47.234)
31:56.500 - 33:36.664: Logan Leitzel finished lap 20 ( 1:40.164)
31:30.656 - 33:38.500: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 19 ( 2:07.843)
33:28.070 - 33:44.257: Blake O'Brien | OVO went off the track
32:06.007 - 33:49.328: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 20 ( 1:43.320)
32:00.054 - 33:50.093: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 18 ( 1:50.039)
32:08.054 - 33:52.148: Devin Davis finished lap 20 ( 1:44.093)
32:06.476 - 33:52.335: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 20 ( 1:45.859)
31:58.210 - 33:52.789: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 19 ( 1:54.578)
31:59.945 - 33:54.617: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 19 ( 1:54.671)
33:54.937 - 33:56.039: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Devin Davis for 7th
33:47.460 - 33:56.742: Dylan Love | Proline Designs went off the track
32:18.585 - 33:57.851: Payson | underground finished lap 21 ( 1:39.265)
33:57.054 - 33:58.226: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 14th
32:15.171 - 33:58.343: Seth Shirley | finished lap 20 ( 1:43.171)
32:06.507 - 33:59.859: Christopher McPherson | Boot's House finished lap 19 ( 1:53.351)
32:10.367 - 34:00.835: George Knight[liam&tyran] sugar daddys finished lap 19 ( 1:50.468)
34:00.257 - 34:01.054: Alec Horn | passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 15th
34:01.875 - 34:04.429: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Trent Adams | for 18th
32:05.804 - 34:08.351: Jacob Kingsfield | 811 Motorsports finished lap 17 ( 2:02.546)
34:03.351 - 34:09.289: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha went off the track
34:07.023 - 34:09.843: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports passed Charles Gable \ Privateer for 15th
32:19.445 - 34:13.773: Colby Uhl | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 18 ( 1:54.328)
30:37.062 - 34:15.117: Tyran Tomich finished lap 19 ( 3:38.054)
34:14.570 - 34:15.671: Luke Sullivan | Phil's passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 6th
34:15.226 - 34:16.328: Devin Davis passed Shaun Hambrook | District Designs for 7th
32:23.679 - 34:16.648: Hayden Stevenson | AEO finished lap 18 ( 1:52.968)
32:42.929 - 34:27.304: Casey Cochran | BPC finished lap 20 ( 1:44.375)
34:27.140 - 34:29.734: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha passed cody cooper | waffle house for 13th
34:27.031 - 34:30.523: Logan Leitzel passed seth carr | underground for 4th
34:18.820 - 34:31.117: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs went off the track
32:38.890 - 34:33.078: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi Designs finished lap 18 ( 1:54.187)
34:35.046 - 34:37.507: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 16th
32:46.656 - 34:37.539: Trevor Burns | Covenant finished lap 20 ( 1:50.882)
34:41.414 - 34:43.695: Blake O'Brien | OVO passed Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports for 17th
32:40.937 - 34:44.046: Cade Matherly | STANCE finished lap 20 ( 2:03.109)
32:44.835 - 34:45.687: Jeremy Estrella finished lap 19 ( 2:00.851)
34:41.992 - 34:47.671: Alec Horn | went off the track
34:41.687 - 34:48.531: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY went off the track
34:46.304 - 34:49.828: Dylan Love | Proline Designs went off the track
32:40.023 - 34:51.804: Hayden Grimes | Underground RC finished lap 18 ( 2:11.781)
33:00.632 - 34:54.187: Jack Gatand | MXS Magazine x GeoGuessr Yamaha finished lap 20 ( 1:53.554)
33:04.664 - 34:58.117: Charles Gable \ Privateer finished lap 20 ( 1:53.453)
34:56.546 - 34:58.117: Charles Gable \ Privateer passed cody cooper | waffle house for 14th
33:14.117 - 34:58.570: Alec Horn | finished lap 20 ( 1:44.453)
34:56.960 - 34:58.570: Alec Horn | passed cody cooper | waffle house for 15th
34:56.164 - 34:59.742: seth carr | underground went off the track
33:06.265 - 35:00.070: Liam Atkinson | CV finished lap 19 ( 1:53.804)
32:52.851 - 35:03.085: cody cooper | waffle house finished lap 20 ( 2:10.234)
35:02.250 - 35:07.718: Blake O'Brien | OVO went off the track
33:08.257 - 35:07.718: Blake O'Brien | OVO finished lap 20 ( 1:59.460)
33:15.000 - 35:08.507: Blake Wicklund | AEO Powersports finished lap 20 ( 1:53.507)
33:24.500 - 35:13.671: Dylan Cavaciuti | Underground RC finished lap 21 ( 1:49.171)
33:30.054 - 35:13.843: Cooper Hunt | Underground RC finished lap 21 ( 1:43.789)
33:04.390 - 35:14.617: Juan Gomez | TO W1N FACTORY finished lap 18 ( 2:10.226)
35:10.953 - 35:16.953: Brayden Tharp | Phil's went off the track
33:36.664 - 35:17.343: Logan Leitzel finished lap 21 ( 1:40.679)
33:15.382 - 35:19.312: Trent Adams | finished lap 20 ( 2:03.929)
35:16.398 - 35:20.046: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs went off the track
33:38.500 - 35:24.390: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 20 ( 1:45.890)
33:20.984 - 35:26.984: Dylan Love | Proline Designs finished lap 19 ( 2:06.000)
33:34.742 - 35:29.007: seth carr | underground finished lap 21 ( 1:54.265)
33:52.335 - 35:33.804: Luke Sullivan | Phil's finished lap 21 ( 1:41.468)
33:52.148 - 35:35.218: Devin Davis finished lap 21 ( 1:43.070)
33:52.789 - 35:38.921: Brayden Tharp | Phil's finished lap 20 ( 1:46.132)
33:50.093 - 35:43.523: Dylan Adams | EG/ finished lap 19 ( 1:53.429)
33:49.328 - 35:50.210: Shaun Hambrook | District Designs finished lap 21 ( 2:00.882)