MX Simulator
Track2021 rF Gaming GP Rd09: Uddevalla
Format 30 minutes, 2 laps
Date8/17/2021, 1:33:17 AM (1306 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
11Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon fc450(2017)20 33:38.0545 1:38.0006454
213Luke Magnetti | BPC fc450(2018)20 33:54.73415 1:39.21022324
3130Matias Janice | Underground RC fc450(2018)20 33:55.42920 1:39.43717932
441Tyran Tomich | CV fc450(2018)20 34:09.4687 1:38.84332866
54Tyler Lang | Underground RC crf450(2018)20 34:10.97620 1:38.48414539
621Chase Blakely | BPC crf450(2018)20 34:12.84320 1:37.45310410
72Atom Holm | crf450(2018)20 34:28.31220 1:39.1879437
812Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC fc450(2018)20 35:28.1404 1:40.70313568
940Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide 250sxf(2018)19 33:44.1015 1:42.6792642
1045Caleb Hall | Underground RC fc450(2018)19 33:50.6096 1:42.45310047
1115Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films crf450(2018)19 33:51.3516 1:42.0856963
1271Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs fc450(2017)19 34:05.21813 1:40.29610123
13333jeffrey bruns | crf450(2018)19 34:10.1017 1:44.60931947
1464Austin Bear | Phil's fc450(2018)19 34:56.2509 1:43.28110651
15234Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing crf450(2018)19 34:56.6254 1:45.85137213
1653Jonathan Alexander | Phil's yz450f(2017)19 34:57.7269 1:43.21829287
1799Jett Wisdom | BPC crf450(2018)19 34:58.3284 1:42.74232889
1865Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | crf450(2018)19 35:05.7033 1:42.96825349
19178Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance fc450(2018)18 33:48.8754 1:47.06230681
2073Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs fc450(2018)18 33:53.01518 1:43.8207418
2139Caden Speck | Phil's yz450f(2017)17 32:06.3049 1:43.35117074
2294Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports 250sxf(2018)17 34:46.4215 1:48.85137825
23723TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 fc450(2018)17 35:43.03913 1:54.69533863
24108George Knight rm250(2008)17 35:56.6174 1:47.28949849
25245BLARS | STANCE fc450(2018)12 22:43.49210 1:45.17938230
2649Frank Jackson | Team Nami crf450(2018)7 12:59.7424 1:43.74212581
27138Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm fc450(2018)6 11:37.2184 1:50.39019747

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20
P1 41 41 41 41 41 13 41 41 41 13 13 13 13 13 13 1 1 1 1 1
P2 13 130 130 130 130 41 13 13 13 130 130 130 1 1 1 13 13 130 130 130
P3 12 12 21 21 21 2 21 21 130 1 1 41 21 130 130 130 130 13 13 13
P4 21 21 12 12 13 21 130 130 1 21 41 1 130 41 41 21 21 21 41 41
P5 130 45 2 2 2 4 1 1 21 41 21 21 41 21 21 41 41 41 4 4
P6 45 2 13 13 4 130 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 21 21
P7 15 13 45 45 1 1 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
P8 2 15 15 4 12 12 12 12 45 12 45 45 12 45 12 12 12 12 12 12
P9 234 4 4 15 15 15 15 15 12 45 12 12 45 12 45 45 15 15 40
P10 333 234 1 1 45 45 45 45 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 45 40 45
P11 4 333 333 333 40 40 40 40 333 333 333 333 15 15 15 15 40 45 15
P12 40 40 40 40 333 333 333 333 15 15 15 15 71 71 71 71 71 71 71
P13 245 1 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 71 71 71 333 333 333 333 333 333 333
P14 178 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 64 234 234
P15 723 49 53 49 53 53 99 39 39 53 99 64 64 64 64 64 234 64 64
P16 65 53 49 178 99 39 39 99 99 99 64 99 99 99 99 99 65 99 53
P17 64 178 178 65 49 178 49 53 53 64 53 53 65 65 65 65 99 53 99
P18 1 64 65 99 39 99 65 64 64 39 65 65 39 39 39 53 53 65 65
P19 73 108 99 53 65 49 53 178 178 178 39 39 53 53 53 39 178 178
P20 39 138 64 64 178 65 178 65 73 65 178 178 178 178 178 178 39 73
P21 53 723 138 39 245 73 64 73 65 245 245 245 73 73 73 73 73
P22 138 99 39 138 138 64 245 245 245 73 73 73 94 94 94 94 94
P23 71 65 73 73 73 245 73 108 108 723 94 94 108 108 108 108 723
P24 49 245 245 245 64 138 108 94 723 108 723 108 723 723 723 723 108
P25 108 73 108 108 94 94 94 723 94 94 108 723
P26 94 39 94 94 108 108 723
P27 99 94 723 723 723 723

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:37.453 20 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:38.000 5 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:38.015 19 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:38.109 4 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:38.312 13 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:38.320 6 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:38.484 20 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:38.539 15 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:38.796 5 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:38.843 7 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:38.914 14 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:38.929 18 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:38.984 15 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:39.070 10 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:39.085 11 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:39.179 19 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:39.187 20 2 Atom Holm |
1:39.195 10 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:39.203 17 2 Atom Holm |
1:39.210 15 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:39.210 20 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:39.242 20 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:39.250 6 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:39.257 5 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:39.257 17 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:39.304 7 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:39.382 14 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:39.406 3 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:39.421 3 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:39.437 20 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:39.515 8 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:39.578 17 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:39.578 4 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:39.617 14 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:39.695 9 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:39.710 8 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:39.750 5 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:39.835 11 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:39.921 4 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:39.976 8 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:39.984 13 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:40.039 5 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:40.046 14 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:40.046 14 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:40.070 8 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:40.093 15 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:40.101 10 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:40.101 3 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:40.125 16 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:40.164 4 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:40.171 4 2 Atom Holm |
1:40.203 20 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:40.257 18 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:40.289 15 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:40.296 13 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:40.351 8 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:40.351 15 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:40.398 7 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:40.398 18 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:40.445 9 2 Atom Holm |
1:40.476 11 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:40.484 16 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:40.484 3 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:40.546 6 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:40.609 9 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:40.632 15 2 Atom Holm |
1:40.679 12 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:40.695 3 2 Atom Holm |
1:40.703 4 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:40.718 17 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:40.726 5 2 Atom Holm |
1:40.851 4 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:40.898 12 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:40.929 2 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:40.968 10 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:41.007 19 2 Atom Holm |
1:41.023 17 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:41.132 16 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:41.203 17 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:41.265 18 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:41.281 3 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:41.367 11 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:41.437 7 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:41.453 16 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:41.484 7 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:41.500 2 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:41.554 10 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:41.601 11 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:41.617 3 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:41.656 14 2 Atom Holm |
1:41.945 9 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:42.007 2 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:42.085 6 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:42.109 19 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:42.117 15 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:42.187 9 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:42.203 6 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:42.250 5 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:42.257 18 2 Atom Holm |
1:42.289 13 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:42.320 17 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:42.343 8 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:42.421 16 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:42.453 6 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:42.601 2 2 Atom Holm |
1:42.601 6 2 Atom Holm |
1:42.671 18 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:42.679 5 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:42.726 11 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:42.742 4 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:42.765 8 2 Atom Holm |
1:42.804 12 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:42.843 7 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:42.914 8 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:42.968 3 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:43.000 4 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:43.039 3 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:43.085 12 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:43.085 19 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:43.195 17 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:43.210 9 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:43.218 9 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:43.250 4 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:43.281 9 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:43.312 4 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:43.320 8 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:43.328 13 2 Atom Holm |
1:43.343 16 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:43.351 9 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
1:43.367 12 2 Atom Holm |
1:43.406 5 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:43.414 18 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:43.414 5 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:43.429 3 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:43.484 16 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:43.492 7 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:43.539 5 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
1:43.546 6 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:43.554 13 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:43.601 12 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:43.656 10 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:43.664 18 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:43.671 9 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:43.695 4 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:43.703 16 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:43.742 4 49 Frank Jackson | Team Nami
1:43.750 3 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:43.781 14 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:43.804 3 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:43.820 18 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
1:43.890 13 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:44.007 2 49 Frank Jackson | Team Nami
1:44.023 5 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:44.031 2 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:44.039 4 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:44.054 8 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:44.078 7 49 Frank Jackson | Team Nami
1:44.093 12 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:44.109 8 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:44.117 12 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:44.156 13 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:44.210 11 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:44.343 2 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:44.460 11 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:44.500 14 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:44.523 15 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
1:44.609 7 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:44.625 15 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:44.632 19 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:44.632 15 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:44.664 17 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:44.671 3 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
1:44.726 11 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:44.750 3 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:44.765 4 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
1:44.882 13 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:44.890 7 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:44.906 2 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:44.929 8 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:45.000 6 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
1:45.046 18 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:45.070 11 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:45.078 4 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:45.085 8 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:45.101 19 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:45.109 13 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:45.125 3 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:45.132 2 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:45.179 10 245 BLARS | STANCE
1:45.203 17 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:45.257 2 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:45.265 10 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:45.289 6 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:45.289 10 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:45.335 12 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:45.460 15 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
1:45.468 15 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:45.484 17 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:45.507 7 245 BLARS | STANCE
1:45.531 11 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:45.531 2 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:45.570 12 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:45.593 13 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:45.640 2 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:45.664 10 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:45.742 18 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:45.843 5 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:45.851 6 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
1:45.851 4 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:45.875 12 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
1:45.914 8 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:45.921 14 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:45.937 12 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:45.960 7 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:45.976 10 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:46.000 2 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:46.007 10 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:46.031 2 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:46.109 19 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:46.140 18 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:46.195 6 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:46.304 11 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:46.335 2 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:46.359 17 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:46.367 7 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:46.398 11 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:46.406 16 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:46.406 10 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:46.468 5 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:46.664 6 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:46.703 13 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:46.773 14 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:46.796 17 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:46.867 6 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:46.921 8 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:46.945 9 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:46.945 16 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:47.062 4 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:47.187 9 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:47.289 4 108 George Knight
1:47.312 7 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:47.406 9 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:47.429 4 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
1:47.476 16 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:47.476 14 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:47.601 6 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:47.632 9 245 BLARS | STANCE
1:47.914 10 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:48.062 8 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
1:48.117 11 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:48.156 13 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:48.195 15 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:48.531 13 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:48.562 18 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:48.578 10 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:48.585 3 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:48.640 19 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:48.687 19 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:48.804 16 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:48.820 14 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:48.851 5 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
1:48.875 6 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:48.890 6 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:48.960 17 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:49.203 4 245 BLARS | STANCE
1:49.281 9 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:49.351 3 49 Frank Jackson | Team Nami
1:49.398 13 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:49.414 8 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:49.492 18 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:49.578 7 2 Atom Holm |
1:49.585 12 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:49.632 4 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
1:49.648 3 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:49.742 7 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:49.937 16 2 Atom Holm |
1:50.023 12 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:50.054 13 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:50.187 16 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:50.281 17 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:50.320 18 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:50.390 4 138 Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm
1:50.484 7 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
1:50.492 10 2 Atom Holm |
1:50.531 14 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:50.562 10 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:50.562 14 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:50.625 18 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:50.640 9 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:50.734 3 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
1:50.742 19 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:50.750 7 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:50.804 10 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:50.914 11 2 Atom Holm |
1:50.921 14 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:51.039 7 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
1:51.039 8 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:51.070 15 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:51.140 19 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:51.234 11 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:51.234 16 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:51.406 18 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:51.429 3 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:51.437 9 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
1:51.765 14 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
1:51.937 16 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
1:51.992 17 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
1:52.484 3 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
1:52.539 8 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:52.632 19 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:52.640 5 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:52.812 13 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
1:52.843 15 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:53.132 12 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:53.148 14 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:53.148 12 245 BLARS | STANCE
1:53.273 8 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
1:53.382 5 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:53.406 11 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:53.460 17 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:53.539 3 138 Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm
1:53.609 15 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:53.617 15 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:53.671 6 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:53.734 14 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
1:53.890 6 245 BLARS | STANCE
1:53.929 10 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:53.976 2 138 Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm
1:54.164 2 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:54.320 2 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:54.351 11 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
1:54.414 18 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:54.593 3 245 BLARS | STANCE
1:54.695 13 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
1:54.890 17 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:54.914 7 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:54.945 18 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:54.992 14 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:55.007 11 245 BLARS | STANCE
1:55.203 9 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:55.335 5 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
1:55.414 9 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:55.437 6 49 Frank Jackson | Team Nami
1:55.546 5 108 George Knight
1:55.851 6 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
1:55.859 12 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:56.015 13 333 jeffrey bruns |
1:56.351 15 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
1:56.468 3 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:56.500 5 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
1:56.554 11 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:56.578 15 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:56.687 16 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
1:56.726 15 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:56.781 12 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:57.031 14 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:57.234 14 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:57.375 7 108 George Knight
1:57.593 4 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:57.835 6 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
1:58.320 6 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
1:58.437 7 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:58.500 13 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:58.539 7 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:58.593 10 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
1:58.703 5 49 Frank Jackson | Team Nami
1:58.851 16 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:58.976 12 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
1:59.031 13 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
1:59.359 6 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
1:59.640 20 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
2:00.000 2 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
2:00.031 17 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
2:00.078 16 333 jeffrey bruns |
2:00.296 9 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
2:00.390 6 138 Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm
2:00.515 10 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
2:01.523 12 108 George Knight
2:01.570 4 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
2:01.648 19 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
2:03.210 16 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
2:03.359 16 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
2:03.976 2 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
2:04.664 17 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
2:04.781 2 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
2:04.851 8 245 BLARS | STANCE
2:05.007 10 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
2:05.078 8 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
2:05.304 2 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
2:06.328 2 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
2:06.351 9 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
2:06.664 13 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
2:06.914 8 108 George Knight
2:08.312 2 245 BLARS | STANCE
2:08.460 11 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
2:08.539 8 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
2:09.953 5 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
2:10.343 15 108 George Knight
2:11.976 7 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
2:12.125 12 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
2:12.343 16 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
2:12.593 3 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
2:12.984 16 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
2:13.867 10 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
2:16.570 8 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
2:18.265 11 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
2:19.015 14 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
2:22.726 9 108 George Knight
2:24.117 12 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23

Individual Worst Laps

1:46.429 12 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
1:48.875 6 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
1:50.742 19 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
1:50.804 10 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
1:50.914 11 2 Atom Holm |
1:51.039 8 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
1:52.921 2 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
1:53.132 12 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
1:54.789 15 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
1:58.437 7 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
1:58.500 13 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
1:58.703 5 49 Frank Jackson | Team Nami
1:58.851 16 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
1:59.640 20 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
2:00.078 16 333 jeffrey bruns |
2:00.390 6 138 Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm
2:03.359 16 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
2:05.007 10 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
2:05.078 8 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
2:06.351 9 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
2:06.664 13 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
2:08.312 2 245 BLARS | STANCE
2:09.953 5 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
2:12.984 16 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
2:16.570 8 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
2:24.117 12 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
2:37.257 17 108 George Knight


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.270 1 Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon
2.553 130 Matias Janice | Underground RC
2.724 40 Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
3.326 138 Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm
3.436 41 Tyran Tomich | CV
3.481 178 Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance
3.591 13 Luke Magnetti | BPC
3.808 2 Atom Holm |
3.849 21 Chase Blakely | BPC
3.895 4 Tyler Lang | Underground RC
4.049 333 jeffrey bruns |
4.188 45 Caleb Hall | Underground RC
4.197 234 Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing
4.755 99 Jett Wisdom | BPC
5.007 12 Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC
5.806 71 Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs
5.947 49 Frank Jackson | Team Nami
6.416 15 Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films
6.500 73 Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs
6.513 65 Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
6.823 64 Austin Bear | Phil's
6.834 53 Jonathan Alexander | Phil's
7.178 245 BLARS | STANCE
8.860 723 TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23
9.399 39 Caden Speck | Phil's
9.453 94 Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports
12.214 108 George Knight

Play by Play

Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC takes the holeshot followed by Tyran Tomich | CV, Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |, Tyler Lang | Underground RC, Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Chase Blakely | BPC, Austin Bear | Phil's, Caleb Hall | Underground RC, Jonathan Alexander | Phil's, Luke Magnetti | BPC, Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing, TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs, BLARS | STANCE, Matias Janice | Underground RC, Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports, Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon, Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films, Atom Holm |, jeffrey bruns |, Jett Wisdom | BPC, George Knight, Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Caden Speck | Phil's and Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance

0:05.710 - 0:06.890: Tyran Tomich | CV passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for the lead
0:05.898 - 0:07.148: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 4th
0:06.101 - 0:07.375: Luke Magnetti | BPC passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 8th
0:06.250 - 0:07.718: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 11th
0:06.257 - 0:07.742: BLARS | STANCE passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 12th
0:06.421 - 0:07.859: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 13th
0:06.468 - 0:07.937: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 14th
0:06.703 - 0:08.023: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports, Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon and Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 16th
0:06.640 - 0:08.203: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports and Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 17th
0:06.765 - 0:08.351: Atom Holm | passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 19th
0:07.070 - 0:08.507: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports and jeffrey bruns | for 20th
0:06.890 - 0:08.546: jeffrey bruns | passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 21st
0:07.148 - 0:09.023: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 3rd
0:07.218 - 0:09.148: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 4th
0:07.367 - 0:09.328: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 6th
0:07.640 - 0:09.546: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 9th
0:07.742 - 0:09.648: BLARS | STANCE passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs and Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 10th
0:08.203 - 0:10.101: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films and Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 14th
0:08.250 - 0:10.273: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films and Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 15th
0:08.351 - 0:10.515: Atom Holm | passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films and Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 16th
0:08.023 - 0:10.554: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 17th
0:08.546 - 0:10.609: jeffrey bruns | passed Jett Wisdom | BPC and Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 18th
0:08.632 - 0:10.703: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 20th
0:09.421 - 0:11.015: Luke Magnetti | BPC passed Austin Bear | Phil's and Chase Blakely | BPC for 6th
0:09.648 - 0:11.320: BLARS | STANCE passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 9th
0:09.695 - 0:11.468: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 10th
0:09.929 - 0:11.593: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 12th
0:07.859 - 0:11.796: Matias Janice | Underground RC went off the track
0:10.101 - 0:11.898: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 14th
0:10.273 - 0:12.132: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 15th
0:11.593 - 0:12.445: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 11th
0:10.515 - 0:12.460: Atom Holm | passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 16th
0:10.554 - 0:12.601: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 17th
0:10.609 - 0:12.640: jeffrey bruns | passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 18th
0:11.078 - 0:12.859: George Knight passed Jett Wisdom | BPC, Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 19th
0:10.906 - 0:12.960: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 20th
0:10.703 - 0:13.062: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 21st
0:11.140 - 0:13.343: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 22nd
0:11.593 - 0:13.460: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 3rd
0:11.875 - 0:13.742: Luke Magnetti | BPC passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 4th
0:12.007 - 0:13.890: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 6th
0:12.257 - 0:14.000: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 23rd
0:10.687 - 0:14.289: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing went off the track
0:12.367 - 0:14.296: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed BLARS | STANCE for 9th
0:12.445 - 0:14.445: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed BLARS | STANCE for 10th
0:12.757 - 0:14.734: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 12th
0:12.789 - 0:14.984: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 13th
0:13.476 - 0:15.335: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide and Atom Holm | for 15th
0:13.359 - 0:15.382: Atom Holm | passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 16th
0:13.742 - 0:15.617: George Knight passed jeffrey bruns | for 18th
0:13.890 - 0:15.835: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 5th
0:14.296 - 0:16.179: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports and Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 21st
0:14.296 - 0:16.281: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Austin Bear | Phil's and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 6th
0:14.734 - 0:16.609: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Austin Bear | Phil's, Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |, Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm and BLARS | STANCE for 7th
0:14.445 - 0:16.718: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Austin Bear | Phil's and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 8th
0:14.937 - 0:16.835: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 24th
0:15.539 - 0:17.343: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 2nd
0:15.335 - 0:17.468: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Jonathan Alexander | Phil's, Austin Bear | Phil's, Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |, Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon and BLARS | STANCE for 9th
0:14.289 - 0:17.570: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 10th
0:15.718 - 0:17.585: Luke Magnetti | BPC passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 3rd
0:15.007 - 0:17.593: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |, Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon and BLARS | STANCE for 11th
0:15.617 - 0:17.882: George Knight passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |, Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, BLARS | STANCE and Atom Holm | for 12th
0:16.023 - 0:18.390: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |, jeffrey bruns |, Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide, BLARS | STANCE and Atom Holm | for 14th
0:14.984 - 0:18.476: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | and BLARS | STANCE for 15th
0:15.382 - 0:18.578: Atom Holm | passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | and BLARS | STANCE for 16th
0:16.289 - 0:18.773: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |, jeffrey bruns |, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide and BLARS | STANCE for 17th
0:16.179 - 0:18.953: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |, jeffrey bruns |, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide and BLARS | STANCE for 18th
0:15.812 - 0:19.125: jeffrey bruns | passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide and BLARS | STANCE for 19th
0:16.835 - 0:19.265: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |, Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide and BLARS | STANCE for 20th
0:16.843 - 0:19.343: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |, Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing, Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide and BLARS | STANCE for 21st
0:17.593 - 0:19.414: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films and Austin Bear | Phil's for 9th
0:06.187 - 0:19.445: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 went off the track
0:16.632 - 0:19.468: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide and BLARS | STANCE for 23rd
0:17.570 - 0:19.671: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 10th
0:18.101 - 0:19.992: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed George Knight for 12th
0:18.773 - 0:20.890: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed Atom Holm | for 16th
0:19.414 - 0:21.375: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Caden Speck | Phil's, jeffrey bruns | and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 18th
0:19.976 - 0:21.867: BLARS | STANCE passed Caden Speck | Phil's, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs and Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 21st
0:20.640 - 0:22.054: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC passed Luke Magnetti | BPC for 3rd
0:20.921 - 0:23.242: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 24th
0:23.023 - 0:24.117: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 6th
0:21.054 - 0:24.132: Atom Holm | passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports and Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 15th
0:21.375 - 0:24.531: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports and Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 16th
0:23.085 - 0:24.789: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 11th
0:21.867 - 0:24.976: BLARS | STANCE passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports, jeffrey bruns | and Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 17th
0:22.226 - 0:25.414: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports, jeffrey bruns |, Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 18th
0:23.242 - 0:26.421: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports, jeffrey bruns |, Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 19th
0:21.843 - 0:27.648: jeffrey bruns | passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports and Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 20th
0:25.085 - 0:28.289: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports, Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon and Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 21st
0:24.148 - 0:28.328: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Matias Janice | Underground RC for 6th
0:22.093 - 0:28.914: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports and Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 22nd
0:25.476 - 0:28.984: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports and Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 23rd
0:25.109 - 0:29.179: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 8th
0:27.367 - 0:30.460: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 2nd
0:27.257 - 0:30.546: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports and Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 24th
0:27.554 - 0:30.585: Luke Magnetti | BPC passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 3rd
0:28.984 - 0:30.757: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 21st
0:28.609 - 0:31.531: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 6th
0:23.234 - 0:31.718: George Knight went off the track
0:20.890 - 0:32.335: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 25th
0:30.843 - 0:32.609: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 4th
0:32.085 - 0:32.937: Luke Magnetti | BPC passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 2nd
0:31.531 - 0:33.000: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 5th
0:29.976 - 0:33.039: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 10th
0:31.539 - 0:33.234: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 6th
0:32.375 - 0:34.000: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 7th
0:32.656 - 0:34.406: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 8th
0:31.679 - 0:34.437: BLARS | STANCE passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 15th
0:33.101 - 0:34.718: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs and Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 9th
0:33.039 - 0:34.867: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 10th
0:33.500 - 0:35.203: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 11th
0:33.984 - 0:35.390: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 12th
0:34.437 - 0:35.867: BLARS | STANCE passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC and Atom Holm | for 13th
0:34.242 - 0:35.882: Atom Holm | passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 14th
0:34.507 - 0:36.187: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 15th
0:34.968 - 0:36.281: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 25th
0:35.171 - 0:36.632: Caden Speck | Phil's passed George Knight and Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 16th
0:35.015 - 0:36.656: George Knight passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 17th
0:35.882 - 0:36.835: Atom Holm | passed BLARS | STANCE for 13th
0:35.914 - 0:37.179: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Austin Bear | Phil's and Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 8th
0:35.882 - 0:37.382: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 9th
0:36.335 - 0:37.726: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 10th
0:36.656 - 0:37.796: George Knight passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 16th
0:36.234 - 0:37.875: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 18th
0:36.835 - 0:38.007: Atom Holm | passed Jett Wisdom | BPC and Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 11th
0:36.585 - 0:38.242: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 12th
0:38.609 - 0:39.304: BLARS | STANCE passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 13th
0:38.070 - 0:40.109: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 8th
0:39.492 - 0:40.398: George Knight passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 15th
0:40.062 - 0:40.757: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 16th
0:38.937 - 0:40.835: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Atom Holm | for 11th
0:40.281 - 0:41.078: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 17th
0:41.250 - 0:41.960: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 18th
0:40.914 - 0:42.531: Atom Holm | passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 11th
0:41.421 - 0:42.601: jeffrey bruns | passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 19th
0:41.796 - 0:42.726: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 20th
0:40.757 - 0:42.843: Caden Speck | Phil's passed George Knight for 15th
0:42.414 - 0:43.132: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 21st
0:43.679 - 0:44.460: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 22nd
0:44.757 - 0:45.484: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 23rd
0:45.070 - 0:46.984: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed George Knight, jeffrey bruns |, Tyler Lang | Underground RC and Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 16th
0:45.250 - 0:47.070: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed George Knight, jeffrey bruns |, Tyler Lang | Underground RC and Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 17th
0:45.062 - 0:47.351: jeffrey bruns | passed George Knight, Tyler Lang | Underground RC and Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 18th
0:47.507 - 0:49.148: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed George Knight, Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs, Tyler Lang | Underground RC and Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 19th
0:43.367 - 0:49.781: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed George Knight for 20th
0:48.781 - 0:49.906: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed BLARS | STANCE for 13th
0:49.507 - 0:51.093: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs and Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 22nd
0:46.921 - 0:51.164: Chase Blakely | BPC went off the track
0:46.656 - 0:51.250: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 23rd
0:50.281 - 0:51.289: Caden Speck | Phil's passed BLARS | STANCE for 14th
0:49.867 - 0:51.539: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 7th
0:50.726 - 0:52.171: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 25th
0:50.859 - 0:52.523: Atom Holm | passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 9th
0:49.632 - 0:52.648: jeffrey bruns | passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 17th
0:52.085 - 0:53.132: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 6th
0:51.984 - 0:53.562: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed BLARS | STANCE for 15th
0:52.781 - 0:53.937: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed jeffrey bruns | and BLARS | STANCE for 16th
0:52.648 - 0:54.226: jeffrey bruns | passed BLARS | STANCE for 17th
0:52.328 - 0:54.585: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Matias Janice | Underground RC for 4th
0:53.945 - 0:55.156: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed BLARS | STANCE for 18th
0:54.812 - 0:56.125: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed BLARS | STANCE for 19th
0:55.625 - 0:56.726: George Knight passed BLARS | STANCE for 20th
0:54.210 - 0:57.132: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 6th
0:53.265 - 0:57.148: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 7th
0:57.000 - 0:58.031: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 23rd
0:56.070 - 0:58.656: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's, Austin Bear | Phil's and Atom Holm | for 8th
0:57.351 - 0:58.835: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 15th
0:57.148 - 0:58.921: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 6th
0:56.273 - 0:59.078: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's, Austin Bear | Phil's and Atom Holm | for 9th
0:57.773 - 0:59.445: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed BLARS | STANCE for 21st
0:58.046 - 0:59.679: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami and BLARS | STANCE for 22nd
0:55.515 - 1:00.351: Atom Holm | passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Austin Bear | Phil's for 10th
0:59.875 - 1:01.734: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed BLARS | STANCE for 22nd
0:59.882 - 1:02.117: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's, Austin Bear | Phil's, Caden Speck | Phil's and Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 11th
0:54.492 - 1:02.414: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 12th
0:56.890 - 1:03.117: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 13th
1:00.312 - 1:03.210: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Caden Speck | Phil's for 14th
1:01.781 - 1:03.289: BLARS | STANCE passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 23rd
1:00.796 - 1:03.617: jeffrey bruns | passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Caden Speck | Phil's for 15th
1:03.296 - 1:04.468: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed BLARS | STANCE for 23rd
1:02.437 - 1:04.914: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 and Caden Speck | Phil's for 17th
1:03.210 - 1:05.039: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 13th
1:01.617 - 1:05.289: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 18th
1:02.710 - 1:05.578: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 6th
1:03.750 - 1:05.843: George Knight passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 19th
0:53.515 - 1:05.921: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs went off the track
1:04.281 - 1:06.664: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Caden Speck | Phil's and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 20th
1:04.523 - 1:07.054: BLARS | STANCE passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Caden Speck | Phil's and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 21st
1:05.945 - 1:08.765: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami, Caden Speck | Phil's and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 22nd
1:04.468 - 1:09.531: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Caden Speck | Phil's and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 23rd
1:04.195 - 1:09.921: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 24th
1:10.117 - 1:11.867: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed George Knight for 19th
1:10.539 - 1:12.226: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 6th
1:13.164 - 1:14.085: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 7th
1:12.679 - 1:14.867: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 22nd
1:12.671 - 1:17.343: BLARS | STANCE went off the track
1:15.367 - 1:18.296: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 22nd
1:15.718 - 1:18.546: Atom Holm | passed Jett Wisdom | BPC and Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 8th
1:17.664 - 1:20.437: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 10th
1:19.515 - 1:20.484: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed jeffrey bruns | for 15th
1:18.375 - 1:21.125: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 11th
1:20.437 - 1:21.718: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 9th
1:19.257 - 1:22.015: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 12th
1:21.125 - 1:22.367: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 10th
1:20.156 - 1:22.828: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 13th
1:20.484 - 1:23.265: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 14th
1:20.632 - 1:23.468: jeffrey bruns | passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 15th
1:20.953 - 1:23.679: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 16th
1:21.656 - 1:24.429: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 17th
1:21.929 - 1:24.703: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 18th
1:23.867 - 1:25.109: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 24th
1:22.710 - 1:25.390: BLARS | STANCE passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 19th
1:25.195 - 1:26.109: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 24th
1:23.312 - 1:26.687: George Knight passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 20th
1:25.867 - 1:27.078: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 17th
1:25.992 - 1:27.703: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 11th
1:26.710 - 1:27.867: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 25th
1:27.203 - 1:28.890: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 13th
1:27.687 - 1:28.945: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Jett Wisdom | BPC and George Knight for 20th
1:28.195 - 1:29.351: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 22nd
1:28.937 - 1:30.382: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 23rd
1:29.351 - 1:30.484: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed George Knight for 21st
1:28.953 - 1:30.687: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 11th
1:30.562 - 1:31.703: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 24th
1:31.140 - 1:32.382: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 25th
1:32.078 - 1:33.335: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 26th
1:34.601 - 1:36.289: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 20th
0:00.000 - 1:37.953: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 1 ( 1:37.953)
1:36.007 - 1:38.000: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami and George Knight for 21st
0:00.000 - 1:38.289: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 1 ( 1:38.289)
1:37.132 - 1:38.828: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami and George Knight for 22nd
1:37.601 - 1:39.218: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami and George Knight for 23rd
0:00.000 - 1:39.375: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 1 ( 1:39.375)
0:00.000 - 1:40.843: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 1 ( 1:40.843)
1:38.289 - 1:40.914: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Austin Bear | Phil's and Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 9th
1:39.328 - 1:41.023: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami and George Knight for 24th
0:00.000 - 1:41.937: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 1 ( 1:41.937)
1:39.445 - 1:42.914: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Jonathan Alexander | Phil's, Austin Bear | Phil's and Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 10th
1:39.859 - 1:43.109: jeffrey bruns | passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Jonathan Alexander | Phil's, Austin Bear | Phil's and Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 11th
1:40.093 - 1:43.296: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Jonathan Alexander | Phil's, Austin Bear | Phil's and Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 12th
1:40.632 - 1:43.671: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Jonathan Alexander | Phil's, Austin Bear | Phil's and Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 13th
1:41.507 - 1:44.046: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Austin Bear | Phil's for 15th
1:41.945 - 1:44.687: BLARS | STANCE passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Austin Bear | Phil's for 16th
0:00.000 - 1:44.960: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 1 ( 1:44.960)
1:39.382 - 1:45.101: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports went off the track
1:43.429 - 1:45.781: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Austin Bear | Phil's for 17th
0:00.000 - 1:46.171: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 1 ( 1:46.171)
1:43.109 - 1:46.250: jeffrey bruns | passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 10th
1:45.312 - 1:46.296: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 21st
0:00.000 - 1:46.742: Atom Holm | finished lap 1 ( 1:46.742)
1:43.671 - 1:46.960: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm and Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 11th
1:43.296 - 1:46.968: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 12th
1:44.046 - 1:47.460: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance and Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 13th
1:44.687 - 1:47.460: BLARS | STANCE passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23, Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance and Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 13th
1:43.789 - 1:47.531: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 15th
1:45.781 - 1:48.437: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 16th
1:46.296 - 1:48.882: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 20th
1:46.171 - 1:49.007: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 17th
1:46.695 - 1:49.812: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 21st
1:48.882 - 1:51.367: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs and Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 18th
1:49.265 - 1:51.609: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 23rd
1:48.335 - 1:52.007: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 19th
1:49.812 - 1:52.601: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 20th
0:00.000 - 1:52.632: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:52.632)
1:51.234 - 1:53.476: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 24th
1:52.382 - 1:54.625: George Knight passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 25th
0:00.000 - 1:55.031: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 1 ( 1:55.031)
0:00.000 - 1:55.500: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 1 ( 1:55.500)
0:00.000 - 1:55.812: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 1 ( 1:55.812)
0:00.000 - 1:56.125: BLARS | STANCE finished lap 1 ( 1:56.125)
0:00.000 - 1:56.468: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 1 ( 1:56.468)
1:55.070 - 1:56.468: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 14th
0:00.000 - 1:57.062: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 1 ( 1:57.062)
0:00.000 - 1:57.226: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 1 ( 1:57.226)
0:00.000 - 1:58.070: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 1:58.070)
1:57.375 - 1:59.234: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:59.820: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 1 ( 1:59.820)
1:58.531 - 2:00.320: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 4th
0:00.000 - 2:00.796: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 1 ( 2:00.796)
1:58.078 - 2:00.945: Austin Bear | Phil's passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 15th
0:00.000 - 2:01.382: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 2:01.382)
0:00.000 - 2:02.507: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 2:02.507)
2:01.109 - 2:02.507: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 21st
0:00.000 - 2:02.562: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm finished lap 1 ( 2:02.562)
1:59.828 - 2:02.750: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 17th
0:00.000 - 2:02.976: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 1 ( 2:02.976)
2:00.804 - 2:03.828: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 18th
2:02.898 - 2:03.867: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed BLARS | STANCE for 13th
0:00.000 - 2:04.421: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 1 ( 2:04.421)
2:01.390 - 2:04.460: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 19th
2:02.750 - 2:05.148: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 16th
2:02.570 - 2:05.437: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 20th
2:03.789 - 2:05.554: Atom Holm | passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 7th
2:02.515 - 2:05.648: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 21st
0:00.000 - 2:06.031: George Knight finished lap 1 ( 2:06.031)
2:02.984 - 2:06.093: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 22nd
2:05.539 - 2:08.140: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance and BLARS | STANCE for 13th
2:06.093 - 2:08.218: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, Jonathan Alexander | Phil's, TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23, Caden Speck | Phil's and Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 17th
2:05.648 - 2:08.539: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23, Caden Speck | Phil's and Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 18th
2:07.242 - 2:09.226: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23, Caden Speck | Phil's, Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | and Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 19th
0:00.000 - 2:09.257: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 1 ( 2:09.257)
2:07.960 - 2:10.617: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance and BLARS | STANCE for 14th
2:06.671 - 2:10.789: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23, Caden Speck | Phil's and Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 20th
2:06.039 - 2:11.679: George Knight went off the track
2:05.437 - 2:13.101: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs, TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 and Caden Speck | Phil's for 22nd
0:00.000 - 2:13.734: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 1 ( 2:13.734)
2:11.679 - 2:13.820: George Knight passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 20th
2:11.164 - 2:13.882: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance and BLARS | STANCE for 15th
2:11.570 - 2:14.164: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance and BLARS | STANCE for 16th
2:12.164 - 2:15.242: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed BLARS | STANCE for 18th
2:13.101 - 2:15.273: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 21st
2:14.445 - 2:16.390: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 22nd
2:15.367 - 2:16.421: BLARS | STANCE passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 18th
2:15.054 - 2:17.054: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 23rd
2:15.335 - 2:17.250: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 24th
2:16.632 - 2:18.898: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 26th
2:18.898 - 2:20.937: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 25th
2:19.703 - 2:21.500: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 26th
2:20.726 - 2:23.687: Luke Magnetti | BPC passed Tyran Tomich | CV for the lead
2:23.750 - 2:24.789: Tyran Tomich | CV passed Luke Magnetti | BPC for the lead
2:25.250 - 2:28.070: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed jeffrey bruns | for 10th
2:26.148 - 2:28.804: BLARS | STANCE passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 17th
2:29.039 - 2:30.468: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed BLARS | STANCE for 17th
2:25.039 - 2:36.625: Luke Magnetti | BPC went off the track
2:35.726 - 2:38.578: BLARS | STANCE passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 17th
2:38.296 - 2:42.484: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 23rd
2:41.343 - 2:45.546: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 24th
2:43.257 - 2:47.343: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 25th
2:44.515 - 2:48.804: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 26th
2:47.625 - 2:50.578: Atom Holm | passed Luke Magnetti | BPC for 6th
2:55.476 - 2:57.148: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 18th
2:56.187 - 2:59.023: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 9th
2:57.695 - 2:59.335: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 2nd
2:57.242 - 3:00.226: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed jeffrey bruns | for 11th
2:59.804 - 3:01.890: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed BLARS | STANCE for 17th
3:00.335 - 3:02.281: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 25th
3:01.179 - 3:03.109: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 26th
3:02.492 - 3:04.492: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 3rd
3:05.585 - 3:06.593: jeffrey bruns | passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 11th
3:05.765 - 3:07.710: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed BLARS | STANCE for 18th
3:08.492 - 3:10.539: George Knight passed BLARS | STANCE for 19th
3:09.109 - 3:10.992: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 23rd
3:09.195 - 3:11.171: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed BLARS | STANCE for 20th
3:11.492 - 3:13.515: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed BLARS | STANCE for 21st
3:12.484 - 3:14.890: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 24th
1:37.953 - 3:19.960: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 2 ( 1:42.007)
3:19.578 - 3:21.585: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 25th
1:41.937 - 3:23.437: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 2 ( 1:41.500)
1:39.375 - 3:25.015: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 2 ( 1:45.640)
1:40.843 - 3:26.375: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 2 ( 1:45.531)
1:44.960 - 3:28.992: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 2 ( 1:44.031)
1:46.742 - 3:29.343: Atom Holm | finished lap 2 ( 1:42.601)
1:38.289 - 3:31.210: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 2 ( 1:52.921)
1:46.171 - 3:32.171: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 2 ( 1:46.000)
1:55.500 - 3:36.429: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 2 ( 1:40.929)
3:36.398 - 3:38.046: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed BLARS | STANCE for 22nd
1:52.632 - 3:38.664: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:46.031)
3:36.093 - 3:38.734: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 13th
3:36.945 - 3:39.234: Atom Holm | passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 5th
3:37.304 - 3:39.890: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Austin Bear | Phil's for 14th
3:37.070 - 3:40.000: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 15th
1:55.031 - 3:40.164: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 2 ( 1:45.132)
3:30.070 - 3:40.851: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon went off the track
1:55.812 - 3:41.070: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 2 ( 1:45.257)
3:39.773 - 3:41.375: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed BLARS | STANCE for 23rd
3:38.960 - 3:41.765: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 16th
3:42.039 - 3:43.656: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed BLARS | STANCE for 24th
1:59.820 - 3:45.406: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 2 ( 1:45.585)
2:02.976 - 3:47.320: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:44.343)
2:04.421 - 3:48.429: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 2 ( 1:44.007)
2:02.507 - 3:48.843: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 1:46.335)
1:56.468 - 3:50.632: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 2 ( 1:54.164)
1:58.070 - 3:52.390: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 1:54.320)
2:06.031 - 3:52.843: George Knight finished lap 2 ( 1:46.812)
2:02.562 - 3:56.539: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm finished lap 2 ( 1:53.976)
1:57.062 - 3:57.062: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 2 ( 2:00.000)
2:13.734 - 3:58.640: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 2 ( 1:44.906)
3:55.898 - 3:59.859: BLARS | STANCE passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 24th
3:56.476 - 3:59.921: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 15th
3:58.039 - 4:00.945: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 16th
3:59.640 - 4:01.937: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 17th
1:57.226 - 4:02.007: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 2 ( 2:04.781)
4:00.695 - 4:03.125: George Knight passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 18th
1:56.125 - 4:04.437: BLARS | STANCE finished lap 2 ( 2:08.312)
2:00.796 - 4:04.773: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 2 ( 2:03.976)
2:01.382 - 4:07.710: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 2:06.328)
4:11.632 - 4:12.500: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed BLARS | STANCE for 24th
2:09.257 - 4:14.562: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 2 ( 2:05.304)
4:14.515 - 4:15.273: Caden Speck | Phil's passed BLARS | STANCE for 25th
4:12.898 - 4:15.875: Luke Magnetti | BPC passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 6th
4:22.453 - 4:25.429: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 16th
4:24.062 - 4:26.992: George Knight passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 17th
4:23.960 - 4:27.054: jeffrey bruns | passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 10th
4:26.992 - 4:29.992: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 11th
4:24.312 - 4:33.335: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide went off the track
4:31.859 - 4:34.937: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 22nd
4:38.960 - 4:40.179: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 3rd
4:41.757 - 4:43.226: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 21st
4:41.640 - 4:43.554: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 12th
4:42.656 - 4:44.273: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed George Knight and Austin Bear | Phil's for 16th
4:43.429 - 4:45.273: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed George Knight and Austin Bear | Phil's for 17th
4:41.320 - 4:45.773: George Knight passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 18th
4:45.031 - 4:46.843: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 19th
4:44.367 - 4:47.109: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 22nd
3:19.960 - 5:01.242: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 3 ( 1:41.281)
3:23.437 - 5:05.054: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 3 ( 1:41.617)
3:26.375 - 5:06.476: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 3 ( 1:40.101)
5:05.554 - 5:06.515: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 16th
5:04.101 - 5:07.695: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed George Knight for 18th
3:25.015 - 5:08.054: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 3 ( 1:43.039)
5:05.562 - 5:09.085: Austin Bear | Phil's passed George Knight for 19th
5:07.500 - 5:09.640: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 24th
3:29.343 - 5:10.039: Atom Holm | finished lap 3 ( 1:40.695)
3:31.210 - 5:10.632: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 3 ( 1:39.421)
5:10.429 - 5:11.617: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Austin Bear | Phil's and Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 18th
3:28.992 - 5:12.421: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 3 ( 1:43.429)
5:09.640 - 5:12.734: Caden Speck | Phil's passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 23rd
5:09.859 - 5:13.093: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 24th
5:09.085 - 5:13.328: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 19th
5:13.250 - 5:14.406: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 20th
5:14.406 - 5:15.484: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 19th
3:32.171 - 5:15.921: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 3 ( 1:43.750)
3:36.429 - 5:16.914: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 3 ( 1:40.484)
5:09.109 - 5:18.960: George Knight went off the track
5:19.734 - 5:22.445: Caden Speck | Phil's passed George Knight for 22nd
3:45.406 - 5:24.812: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 3 ( 1:39.406)
5:23.367 - 5:24.812: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed jeffrey bruns | for 10th
3:40.164 - 5:24.914: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 3 ( 1:44.750)
3:41.070 - 5:28.640: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 3 ( 1:47.570)
5:23.476 - 5:29.039: Matias Janice | Underground RC went off the track
5:25.843 - 5:29.312: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed George Knight for 23rd
3:38.664 - 5:30.093: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:51.429)
3:47.320 - 5:31.125: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:43.804)
5:30.992 - 5:32.390: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed George Knight for 24th
5:31.257 - 5:33.007: BLARS | STANCE passed George Knight for 25th
3:48.843 - 5:33.968: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 1:45.125)
5:34.968 - 5:36.687: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 7th
3:48.429 - 5:37.781: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 3 ( 1:49.351)
3:50.632 - 5:40.281: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 3 ( 1:49.648)
5:38.656 - 5:40.890: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 13th
4:02.007 - 5:44.976: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 3 ( 1:42.968)
5:44.539 - 5:45.828: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 15th
3:58.640 - 5:47.226: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 3 ( 1:48.585)
5:45.656 - 5:47.992: BLARS | STANCE passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 24th
5:47.593 - 5:48.390: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 16th
3:52.390 - 5:48.859: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 1:56.468)
3:56.539 - 5:50.078: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm finished lap 3 ( 1:53.539)
5:47.218 - 5:51.625: George Knight passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 25th
4:07.710 - 5:52.382: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 1:44.671)
5:51.867 - 5:54.375: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 26th
4:04.773 - 5:55.507: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:50.734)
4:04.437 - 5:59.031: BLARS | STANCE finished lap 3 ( 1:54.593)
3:52.843 - 6:03.843: George Knight finished lap 3 ( 2:11.000)
4:14.562 - 6:07.046: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 3 ( 1:52.484)
3:57.062 - 6:09.656: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 3 ( 2:12.593)
5:01.242 - 6:41.406: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 4 ( 1:40.164)
5:05.054 - 6:46.484: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 4 ( 1:41.429)
5:06.476 - 6:47.328: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 4 ( 1:40.851)
5:08.054 - 6:48.757: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 4 ( 1:40.703)
6:46.976 - 6:49.320: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 21st
5:10.039 - 6:50.210: Atom Holm | finished lap 4 ( 1:40.171)
5:10.632 - 6:50.554: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 4 ( 1:39.921)
5:12.421 - 6:55.671: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 4 ( 1:43.250)
6:53.187 - 6:55.953: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 16th
5:16.914 - 6:56.492: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 4 ( 1:39.578)
5:15.921 - 6:59.960: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 4 ( 1:44.039)
5:24.812 - 7:02.921: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 4 ( 1:38.109)
7:01.226 - 7:03.187: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 7th
7:02.984 - 7:05.734: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 16th
7:05.648 - 7:07.453: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 17th
7:07.093 - 7:09.343: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 18th
5:24.914 - 7:09.992: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 4 ( 1:45.078)
5:28.640 - 7:11.640: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 4 ( 1:43.000)
5:30.093 - 7:15.945: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:45.851)
7:04.226 - 7:18.335: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs went off the track
5:31.125 - 7:20.750: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:49.625)
5:37.781 - 7:21.523: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 4 ( 1:43.742)
5:40.281 - 7:27.343: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 4 ( 1:47.062)
5:44.976 - 7:28.289: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 4 ( 1:43.312)
5:47.226 - 7:29.968: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 4 ( 1:42.742)
5:33.968 - 7:31.562: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 1:57.593)
5:48.859 - 7:32.554: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 1:43.695)
7:35.765 - 7:36.929: Luke Magnetti | BPC passed Atom Holm | for 5th
7:34.695 - 7:37.117: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 15th
5:52.382 - 7:37.148: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 1:44.765)
7:35.812 - 7:38.437: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 16th
7:37.453 - 7:39.507: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 17th
5:50.078 - 7:40.468: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm finished lap 4 ( 1:50.390)
5:55.507 - 7:42.937: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:47.429)
7:43.812 - 7:44.726: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 20th
7:46.718 - 7:47.843: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 9th
5:59.031 - 7:48.234: BLARS | STANCE finished lap 4 ( 1:49.203)
7:36.062 - 7:49.125: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC went off the track
6:03.843 - 7:51.132: George Knight finished lap 4 ( 1:47.289)
7:50.664 - 7:51.875: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 7th
7:48.398 - 7:53.460: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 21st
7:53.765 - 7:55.554: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 8th
7:54.664 - 7:56.351: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 21st
7:54.609 - 7:56.546: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 9th
6:07.046 - 7:56.679: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 4 ( 1:49.632)
7:57.195 - 7:58.484: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 7th
7:58.523 - 8:00.328: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC passed Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 7th
7:58.281 - 8:03.054: jeffrey bruns | went off the track
8:04.820 - 8:05.625: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 17th
8:08.421 - 8:09.476: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 7th
8:09.601 - 8:10.625: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC passed Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 7th
8:09.562 - 8:11.218: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 15th
6:09.656 - 8:11.226: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 4 ( 2:01.570)
8:11.234 - 8:14.250: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 15th
8:13.335 - 8:14.437: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 7th
8:14.312 - 8:15.343: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 15th
8:20.367 - 8:21.414: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 15th
8:21.468 - 8:23.281: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 15th
8:23.359 - 8:25.085: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 17th
6:41.406 - 8:25.429: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 5 ( 1:44.023)
6:46.484 - 8:26.523: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 5 ( 1:40.039)
8:23.359 - 8:26.640: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance went off the track
6:47.328 - 8:27.078: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 5 ( 1:39.750)
8:26.632 - 8:28.656: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 18th
6:50.554 - 8:29.812: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 5 ( 1:39.257)
6:50.210 - 8:30.937: Atom Holm | finished lap 5 ( 1:40.726)
6:56.492 - 8:35.289: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 5 ( 1:38.796)
8:24.601 - 8:35.460: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm went off the track
7:02.921 - 8:40.921: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 5 ( 1:38.000)
6:48.757 - 8:41.750: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 5 ( 1:52.992)
8:42.078 - 8:43.164: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 15th
6:59.960 - 8:43.375: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 5 ( 1:43.414)
8:43.187 - 8:44.382: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 15th
6:55.671 - 8:49.054: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 5 ( 1:53.382)
8:51.695 - 8:53.875: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed George Knight for 24th
7:11.640 - 8:54.320: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 5 ( 1:42.679)
7:09.992 - 8:55.953: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 5 ( 1:45.960)
9:00.226 - 9:01.171: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC, Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 15th
8:59.585 - 9:01.210: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 16th
7:15.945 - 9:02.414: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:46.468)
7:20.750 - 9:03.000: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:42.250)
9:05.421 - 9:06.460: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 17th
8:57.539 - 9:06.515: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 18th
9:05.968 - 9:07.203: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 19th
9:06.937 - 9:08.820: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 21st
9:09.359 - 9:12.046: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 18th
9:12.664 - 9:13.921: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Matias Janice | Underground RC for 2nd
7:31.562 - 9:14.968: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 1:43.406)
9:11.671 - 9:15.085: BLARS | STANCE went off the track
9:13.968 - 9:15.625: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 2nd
7:29.968 - 9:15.812: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 5 ( 1:45.843)
9:15.632 - 9:17.132: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Matias Janice | Underground RC for 2nd
9:15.085 - 9:18.617: BLARS | STANCE passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 21st
9:15.828 - 9:18.851: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 22nd
9:16.218 - 9:19.093: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 23rd
7:21.523 - 9:20.226: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 5 ( 1:58.703)
9:18.851 - 9:20.648: Austin Bear | Phil's passed BLARS | STANCE for 21st
7:37.148 - 9:20.687: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 1:43.539)
7:28.289 - 9:20.929: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 5 ( 1:52.640)
7:27.343 - 9:21.859: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 5 ( 1:54.515)
9:23.789 - 9:25.710: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 18th
9:24.046 - 9:26.093: Luke Magnetti | BPC passed Matias Janice | Underground RC and Chase Blakely | BPC for the lead
9:16.648 - 9:28.023: Tyran Tomich | CV went off the track
9:26.031 - 9:28.750: Atom Holm | passed Matias Janice | Underground RC and Chase Blakely | BPC for 3rd
9:28.031 - 9:30.000: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed George Knight for 25th
9:28.992 - 9:30.906: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Matias Janice | Underground RC for 5th
9:28.812 - 9:31.078: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 17th
9:28.390 - 9:31.125: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 18th
9:33.195 - 9:34.546: BLARS | STANCE passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 21st
9:33.984 - 9:35.304: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 22nd
7:48.234 - 9:36.296: BLARS | STANCE finished lap 5 ( 1:48.062)
7:40.468 - 9:36.828: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm finished lap 5 ( 1:56.359)
9:35.656 - 9:36.851: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 23rd
7:42.937 - 9:38.273: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:55.335)
7:32.554 - 9:42.507: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 2:09.953)
7:56.679 - 9:45.531: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 5 ( 1:48.851)
7:51.132 - 9:46.679: George Knight finished lap 5 ( 1:55.546)
9:52.015 - 9:54.742: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 18th
9:57.656 - 9:58.820: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 19th
8:11.226 - 10:07.726: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 5 ( 1:56.500)
8:29.812 - 10:10.359: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 6 ( 1:40.546)
8:25.429 - 10:12.039: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 6 ( 1:46.609)
10:11.273 - 10:12.867: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 17th
8:30.937 - 10:13.539: Atom Holm | finished lap 6 ( 1:42.601)
8:27.078 - 10:13.945: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 6 ( 1:46.867)
8:35.289 - 10:14.539: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 6 ( 1:39.250)
8:26.523 - 10:15.398: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 6 ( 1:48.875)
8:40.921 - 10:19.242: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 6 ( 1:38.320)
10:17.828 - 10:20.828: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami and Jett Wisdom | BPC for 16th
10:19.468 - 10:21.445: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 22nd
10:21.132 - 10:23.218: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 18th
10:21.820 - 10:23.812: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 23rd
8:41.750 - 10:23.953: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 6 ( 1:42.203)
8:43.375 - 10:25.460: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 6 ( 1:42.085)
10:23.976 - 10:25.734: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 19th
10:23.484 - 10:26.484: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed BLARS | STANCE for 21st
10:26.648 - 10:28.625: George Knight passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 25th
10:25.750 - 10:30.460: Austin Bear | Phil's passed BLARS | STANCE for 22nd
8:49.054 - 10:31.507: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 6 ( 1:42.453)
10:28.609 - 10:31.726: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm passed BLARS | STANCE for 23rd
10:35.023 - 10:36.093: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 17th
8:54.320 - 10:37.867: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 6 ( 1:43.546)
8:55.953 - 10:42.617: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 6 ( 1:46.664)
10:42.218 - 10:44.000: BLARS | STANCE passed Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm for 23rd
9:02.414 - 10:48.609: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 6 ( 1:46.195)
10:50.710 - 10:53.250: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed George Knight for 24th
9:03.000 - 11:00.835: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:57.835)
10:59.914 - 11:01.242: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Atom Holm | for 3rd
11:01.273 - 11:02.906: Atom Holm | passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 3rd
9:14.968 - 11:03.859: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 1:48.890)
9:20.687 - 11:05.687: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 1:45.000)
11:03.781 - 11:06.453: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 19th
11:06.007 - 11:08.023: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Atom Holm | for 3rd
11:07.218 - 11:08.843: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Atom Holm | for 4th
9:21.859 - 11:09.460: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 6 ( 1:47.601)
9:15.812 - 11:09.484: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 6 ( 1:53.671)
11:07.703 - 11:09.578: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Atom Holm | for 5th
11:08.609 - 11:10.484: Tyran Tomich | CV passed Luke Magnetti | BPC for the lead
11:06.117 - 11:11.726: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 8th
11:10.960 - 11:12.664: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Atom Holm | for 6th
9:20.226 - 11:15.664: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 6 ( 1:55.437)
9:20.929 - 11:16.781: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 6 ( 1:55.851)
11:15.242 - 11:18.218: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 9th
9:38.273 - 11:24.125: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:45.851)
11:23.914 - 11:24.898: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 4th
9:42.507 - 11:27.796: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 1:45.289)
11:26.820 - 11:27.976: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 5th
11:22.406 - 11:29.929: George Knight went off the track
9:36.296 - 11:30.187: BLARS | STANCE finished lap 6 ( 1:53.890)
11:31.835 - 11:33.687: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 9th
9:36.828 - 11:37.218: Jacob Arnbrister | Jake from State Farm finished lap 6 ( 2:00.390)
9:45.531 - 11:43.851: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 6 ( 1:58.320)
11:39.164 - 11:50.351: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs went off the track
10:12.039 - 11:50.882: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 7 ( 1:38.843)
10:10.359 - 11:51.796: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 7 ( 1:41.437)
10:13.945 - 11:55.429: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 7 ( 1:41.484)
10:15.398 - 11:55.796: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 7 ( 1:40.398)
9:46.679 - 11:57.023: George Knight finished lap 6 ( 2:10.343)
10:19.242 - 11:58.546: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 7 ( 1:39.304)
10:14.539 - 12:01.851: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 7 ( 1:47.312)
10:13.539 - 12:03.117: Atom Holm | finished lap 7 ( 1:49.578)
12:01.375 - 12:03.500: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 8th
10:07.726 - 12:07.085: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 6 ( 1:59.359)
12:04.453 - 12:07.171: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Caden Speck | Phil's for 15th
12:04.835 - 12:07.882: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's and Caden Speck | Phil's for 16th
11:59.898 - 12:10.390: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 17th
12:09.554 - 12:12.054: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 18th
12:10.664 - 12:13.007: Atom Holm | passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 6th
12:11.507 - 12:13.367: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 15th
12:11.867 - 12:14.437: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 19th
10:23.953 - 12:14.703: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 7 ( 1:50.750)
10:25.460 - 12:15.945: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 7 ( 1:50.484)
12:10.468 - 12:17.187: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports went off the track
10:31.507 - 12:17.468: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 7 ( 1:45.960)
12:16.718 - 12:18.351: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 15th
10:37.867 - 12:20.710: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 7 ( 1:42.843)
10:42.617 - 12:27.226: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 7 ( 1:44.609)
12:26.960 - 12:28.140: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 15th
12:28.289 - 12:29.515: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 16th
12:31.093 - 12:32.328: Frank Jackson | Team Nami passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 17th
12:32.960 - 12:34.148: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 18th
12:33.484 - 12:34.632: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 19th
10:48.609 - 12:43.523: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:54.914)
11:00.835 - 12:50.578: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:49.742)
11:09.484 - 12:55.851: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 7 ( 1:46.367)
11:05.687 - 12:56.726: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 7 ( 1:51.039)
11:15.664 - 12:59.742: Frank Jackson | Team Nami finished lap 7 ( 1:44.078)
11:16.781 - 13:01.671: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 7 ( 1:44.890)
11:03.859 - 13:02.398: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 7 ( 1:58.539)
11:09.460 - 13:07.898: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 7 ( 1:58.437)
11:27.796 - 13:11.289: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 7 ( 1:43.492)
13:10.335 - 13:13.664: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 18th
11:30.187 - 13:15.695: BLARS | STANCE finished lap 7 ( 1:45.507)
11:24.125 - 13:17.773: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:53.648)
13:15.695 - 13:19.164: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 19th
13:17.164 - 13:23.984: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 15th
13:23.992 - 13:25.539: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 15th
11:50.882 - 13:30.953: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 8 ( 1:40.070)
11:51.796 - 13:31.773: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 8 ( 1:39.976)
11:55.429 - 13:34.945: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 8 ( 1:39.515)
13:21.242 - 13:35.226: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports went off the track
11:55.796 - 13:36.148: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 8 ( 1:40.351)
13:35.796 - 13:36.906: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 19th
13:36.445 - 13:37.687: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 20th
11:58.546 - 13:38.257: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 8 ( 1:39.710)
13:38.265 - 13:40.296: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 15th
13:40.406 - 13:41.921: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 15th
13:42.015 - 13:44.468: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 15th
13:44.351 - 13:45.835: Luke Magnetti | BPC passed Tyran Tomich | CV for the lead
12:03.117 - 13:45.882: Atom Holm | finished lap 8 ( 1:42.765)
13:46.218 - 13:47.539: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 19th
12:01.851 - 13:52.890: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 8 ( 1:51.039)
11:57.023 - 13:54.398: George Knight finished lap 7 ( 1:57.375)
12:14.703 - 13:57.046: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 8 ( 1:42.343)
11:43.851 - 13:57.773: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 7 ( 2:13.921)
12:15.945 - 13:59.265: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 8 ( 1:43.320)
12:17.468 - 14:00.382: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 8 ( 1:42.914)
14:00.773 - 14:04.429: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed George Knight for 24th
12:20.710 - 14:05.640: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 8 ( 1:44.929)
14:04.757 - 14:06.203: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed BLARS | STANCE for 22nd
12:27.226 - 14:13.140: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 8 ( 1:45.914)
14:14.562 - 14:17.187: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 20th
12:07.085 - 14:19.062: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 7 ( 2:11.976)
14:18.578 - 14:20.835: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 21st
14:20.062 - 14:21.585: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Frank Jackson | Team Nami for 17th
14:20.921 - 14:23.804: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 21st
12:43.523 - 14:30.445: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:46.921)
14:29.726 - 14:31.960: George Knight passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 24th
12:50.578 - 14:35.664: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:45.085)
14:36.937 - 14:38.906: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 25th
14:40.429 - 14:41.421: Tyran Tomich | CV passed Luke Magnetti | BPC for the lead
12:56.726 - 14:44.789: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 8 ( 1:48.062)
12:55.851 - 14:45.265: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 8 ( 1:49.414)
14:42.085 - 14:45.953: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs went off the track
13:02.398 - 14:46.453: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 8 ( 1:44.054)
13:11.289 - 14:55.398: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 8 ( 1:44.109)
13:07.898 - 15:00.437: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 8 ( 1:52.539)
15:01.687 - 15:03.945: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC and Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 8th
13:01.671 - 15:06.750: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 8 ( 2:05.078)
13:17.773 - 15:11.046: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:53.273)
13:30.953 - 15:13.140: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 9 ( 1:42.187)
13:31.773 - 15:15.445: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 9 ( 1:43.671)
15:15.679 - 15:16.656: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 3rd
15:16.328 - 15:17.507: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 4th
13:36.148 - 15:18.093: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 9 ( 1:41.945)
15:17.710 - 15:18.468: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 19th
13:38.257 - 15:18.867: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 9 ( 1:40.609)
13:15.695 - 15:20.546: BLARS | STANCE finished lap 8 ( 2:04.851)
13:34.945 - 15:24.226: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 9 ( 1:49.281)
13:45.882 - 15:26.328: Atom Holm | finished lap 9 ( 1:40.445)
15:25.921 - 15:28.093: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 10th
15:26.851 - 15:30.289: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 25th
15:30.585 - 15:31.796: jeffrey bruns | passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 11th
13:52.890 - 15:32.585: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 9 ( 1:39.695)
15:29.242 - 15:33.281: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon went off the track
15:31.765 - 15:34.195: Luke Magnetti | BPC passed Tyran Tomich | CV for the lead
15:34.617 - 15:36.890: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Tyran Tomich | CV for 2nd
15:36.242 - 15:38.265: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Tyran Tomich | CV for 3rd
14:00.382 - 15:47.789: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 9 ( 1:47.406)
13:57.046 - 15:48.484: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 9 ( 1:51.437)
14:05.640 - 15:56.281: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 9 ( 1:50.640)
15:55.882 - 15:58.460: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 8th
14:13.140 - 16:00.328: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 9 ( 1:47.187)
13:54.398 - 16:01.312: George Knight finished lap 8 ( 2:06.914)
13:59.265 - 16:05.617: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 9 ( 2:06.351)
16:07.945 - 16:09.070: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 15th
16:09.085 - 16:11.914: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 15th
16:11.945 - 16:13.835: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 15th
13:57.773 - 16:14.343: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 8 ( 2:16.570)
16:15.085 - 16:17.132: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 15th
14:30.445 - 16:17.390: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:46.945)
14:35.664 - 16:19.101: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:43.437)
16:18.054 - 16:19.687: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Atom Holm | for 6th
16:17.750 - 16:23.273: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs went off the track
14:19.062 - 16:27.601: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 8 ( 2:08.539)
14:44.789 - 16:28.140: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 9 ( 1:43.351)
14:45.265 - 16:28.476: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 9 ( 1:43.210)
14:46.453 - 16:29.671: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 9 ( 1:43.218)
14:55.398 - 16:38.679: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 9 ( 1:43.281)
16:37.789 - 16:39.062: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Tyran Tomich | CV for 4th
16:47.093 - 16:48.843: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 16th
15:00.437 - 16:55.851: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 9 ( 1:55.414)
15:15.445 - 16:56.414: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 10 ( 1:40.968)
15:18.093 - 16:58.195: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 10 ( 1:40.101)
15:11.046 - 16:59.507: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:48.460)
15:18.867 - 16:59.710: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 10 ( 1:40.843)
15:06.750 - 17:01.953: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 9 ( 1:55.203)
17:00.835 - 17:02.804: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 13th
15:24.226 - 17:03.296: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 10 ( 1:39.070)
15:13.140 - 17:03.945: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 10 ( 1:50.804)
17:04.859 - 17:06.789: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 20th
15:20.546 - 17:08.179: BLARS | STANCE finished lap 9 ( 1:47.632)
17:06.953 - 17:08.273: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 15th
15:32.585 - 17:11.781: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 10 ( 1:39.195)
17:11.117 - 17:13.468: BLARS | STANCE passed Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs for 21st
15:26.328 - 17:16.820: Atom Holm | finished lap 10 ( 1:50.492)
15:48.484 - 17:30.039: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 10 ( 1:41.554)
15:47.789 - 17:33.078: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 10 ( 1:45.289)
17:33.953 - 17:35.929: Atom Holm | passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 6th
17:37.804 - 17:38.820: Tyran Tomich | CV passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 4th
15:56.281 - 17:41.546: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 10 ( 1:45.265)
16:00.328 - 17:48.242: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 10 ( 1:47.914)
17:45.125 - 17:48.421: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 17th
17:46.671 - 17:48.476: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed George Knight for 23rd
17:48.453 - 17:49.437: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 17th
16:05.617 - 17:52.023: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 10 ( 1:46.406)
17:55.820 - 17:57.750: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Matias Janice | Underground RC for 2nd
17:51.500 - 17:59.171: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports went off the track
17:57.773 - 18:00.625: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 2nd
17:59.640 - 18:01.171: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 16th
16:19.101 - 18:02.757: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:43.656)
18:01.242 - 18:03.296: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 17th
16:17.390 - 18:05.968: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:48.578)
18:06.914 - 18:08.515: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 8th
18:03.242 - 18:11.195: George Knight passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 23rd
16:29.671 - 18:15.335: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 10 ( 1:45.664)
18:15.976 - 18:19.148: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 24th
16:28.476 - 18:22.406: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 10 ( 1:53.929)
16:01.312 - 18:24.039: George Knight finished lap 9 ( 2:22.726)
16:38.679 - 18:24.656: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 10 ( 1:45.976)
16:28.140 - 18:26.734: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 10 ( 1:58.593)
16:27.601 - 18:27.898: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 9 ( 2:00.296)
16:14.343 - 18:29.007: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 9 ( 2:14.664)
16:56.414 - 18:38.015: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 11 ( 1:41.601)
16:58.195 - 18:38.671: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 11 ( 1:40.476)
16:59.710 - 18:38.796: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 11 ( 1:39.085)
18:37.031 - 18:39.710: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 24th
17:03.945 - 18:43.781: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 11 ( 1:39.835)
17:03.296 - 18:44.664: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 11 ( 1:41.367)
16:55.851 - 18:46.414: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 10 ( 1:50.562)
17:01.953 - 18:47.960: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 10 ( 1:46.007)
18:45.601 - 18:49.812: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon went off the track
17:08.179 - 18:53.359: BLARS | STANCE finished lap 10 ( 1:45.179)
18:50.453 - 18:54.109: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed George Knight for 23rd
18:57.437 - 18:58.507: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Atom Holm | for 6th
18:57.281 - 18:59.195: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed George Knight for 24th
17:11.781 - 18:59.898: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 11 ( 1:48.117)
16:59.507 - 19:04.515: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 10 ( 2:05.007)
19:03.570 - 19:05.070: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Matias Janice | Underground RC for 2nd
17:16.820 - 19:07.734: Atom Holm | finished lap 11 ( 1:50.914)
19:05.570 - 19:08.929: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing went off the track
19:15.968 - 19:16.984: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 2nd
17:33.078 - 19:17.539: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 11 ( 1:44.460)
17:30.039 - 19:21.273: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 11 ( 1:51.234)
19:20.585 - 19:22.710: Tyran Tomich | CV passed Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 3rd
17:41.546 - 19:26.617: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 11 ( 1:45.070)
17:48.242 - 19:34.546: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 11 ( 1:46.304)
19:32.851 - 19:34.796: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 23rd
17:52.023 - 19:38.421: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 11 ( 1:46.398)
19:38.445 - 19:42.125: Atom Holm | passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 6th
18:02.757 - 19:45.484: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:42.726)
19:44.015 - 19:45.937: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 15th
19:47.460 - 19:49.273: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 16th
19:47.921 - 19:49.875: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 19th
19:45.250 - 19:49.921: Chase Blakely | BPC went off the track
19:49.062 - 19:50.632: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Atom Holm | for 6th
18:05.968 - 19:52.375: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 11 ( 1:46.406)
19:52.703 - 19:54.773: BLARS | STANCE passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 20th
18:22.406 - 20:06.617: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 11 ( 1:44.210)
20:06.531 - 20:08.250: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 18th
18:24.656 - 20:10.187: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 11 ( 1:45.531)
18:15.335 - 20:11.890: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 11 ( 1:56.554)
20:07.484 - 20:14.046: George Knight went off the track
18:38.015 - 20:18.914: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 12 ( 1:40.898)
18:38.671 - 20:21.757: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 12 ( 1:43.085)
20:09.945 - 20:23.585: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs went off the track
18:43.781 - 20:24.460: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 12 ( 1:40.679)
18:38.796 - 20:25.226: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 12 ( 1:46.429)
18:44.664 - 20:26.578: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 12 ( 1:41.914)
18:27.898 - 20:28.414: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 10 ( 2:00.515)
18:47.960 - 20:32.687: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 11 ( 1:44.726)
18:26.734 - 20:35.195: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 11 ( 2:08.460)
18:24.039 - 20:35.867: George Knight finished lap 10 ( 2:11.828)
20:36.976 - 20:37.992: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed BLARS | STANCE for 20th
18:46.414 - 20:39.820: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 11 ( 1:53.406)
18:29.007 - 20:42.875: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 10 ( 2:13.867)
20:42.523 - 20:46.632: George Knight went off the track
18:53.359 - 20:48.367: BLARS | STANCE finished lap 11 ( 1:55.007)
18:59.898 - 20:49.484: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 12 ( 1:49.585)
19:07.734 - 20:51.101: Atom Holm | finished lap 12 ( 1:43.367)
20:51.718 - 20:57.179: George Knight went off the track
20:56.976 - 20:58.390: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Tyran Tomich | CV for 3rd
20:59.398 - 21:00.406: Tyran Tomich | CV passed Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon for 3rd
19:17.539 - 21:01.656: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 12 ( 1:44.117)
19:21.273 - 21:04.078: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 12 ( 1:42.804)
21:04.023 - 21:05.351: George Knight passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 23rd
19:04.515 - 21:06.617: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 11 ( 2:02.101)
21:09.851 - 21:11.093: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 24th
21:11.093 - 21:15.125: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed George Knight for 23rd
21:14.007 - 21:19.343: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed George Knight for 24th
19:26.617 - 21:19.750: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 12 ( 1:53.132)
21:18.367 - 21:19.937: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Tyran Tomich | CV for 3rd
19:34.546 - 21:20.484: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 12 ( 1:45.937)
19:38.421 - 21:22.023: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 12 ( 1:43.601)
21:19.585 - 21:23.164: George Knight passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 24th
21:25.335 - 21:27.820: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Tyran Tomich | CV for 4th
19:45.484 - 21:30.820: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:45.335)
21:38.601 - 21:40.445: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed jeffrey bruns | for 11th
19:52.375 - 21:42.398: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 12 ( 1:50.023)
21:45.093 - 21:47.140: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 8th
21:46.570 - 21:48.398: Atom Holm | passed Tyler Lang | Underground RC for 6th
21:43.968 - 21:49.023: Caden Speck | Phil's went off the track
21:47.304 - 21:49.132: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed jeffrey bruns | for 12th
21:48.414 - 21:50.210: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Atom Holm | for 6th
21:49.500 - 21:50.539: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Matias Janice | Underground RC for 2nd
21:51.578 - 21:52.859: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 15th
20:10.187 - 21:54.281: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 12 ( 1:44.093)
21:54.429 - 21:55.421: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Matias Janice | Underground RC for 3rd
20:18.914 - 21:58.898: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 13 ( 1:39.984)
20:06.617 - 22:03.398: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 12 ( 1:56.781)
20:25.226 - 22:03.539: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 13 ( 1:38.312)
20:26.578 - 22:08.867: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 13 ( 1:42.289)
20:21.757 - 22:09.914: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 13 ( 1:48.156)
20:11.890 - 22:10.867: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 12 ( 1:58.976)
20:24.460 - 22:12.992: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 13 ( 1:48.531)
22:12.734 - 22:15.070: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 3rd
22:15.898 - 22:17.867: Tyran Tomich | CV passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 4th
20:32.687 - 22:18.257: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 12 ( 1:45.570)
20:35.195 - 22:21.281: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 12 ( 1:46.085)
20:49.484 - 22:33.039: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 13 ( 1:43.554)
20:51.101 - 22:34.429: Atom Holm | finished lap 13 ( 1:43.328)
20:39.820 - 22:35.679: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 12 ( 1:55.859)
20:42.875 - 22:37.226: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 11 ( 1:54.351)
20:48.367 - 22:41.515: BLARS | STANCE finished lap 12 ( 1:53.148)
22:41.859 - 22:44.156: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed George Knight for 24th
22:43.546 - 22:46.562: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 16th
20:28.414 - 22:46.679: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 11 ( 2:18.265)
21:04.078 - 22:48.960: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 13 ( 1:44.882)
21:01.656 - 22:51.054: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 13 ( 1:49.398)
22:50.429 - 22:51.695: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 16th
22:49.601 - 22:51.929: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 23rd
20:35.867 - 22:52.039: George Knight finished lap 11 ( 2:16.171)
21:06.617 - 22:52.492: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:45.875)
22:54.375 - 22:55.648: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 17th
22:54.835 - 22:57.273: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 23rd
22:55.945 - 22:58.070: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC for 8th
22:57.171 - 22:59.929: George Knight passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 24th
21:19.750 - 23:03.906: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 13 ( 1:44.156)
21:22.023 - 23:05.914: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 13 ( 1:43.890)
21:30.820 - 23:11.117: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:40.296)
21:20.484 - 23:16.500: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 13 ( 1:56.015)
21:42.398 - 23:29.101: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 13 ( 1:46.703)
21:58.898 - 23:38.281: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 14 ( 1:39.382)
21:54.281 - 23:39.390: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 13 ( 1:45.109)
22:03.539 - 23:42.453: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 14 ( 1:38.914)
23:46.695 - 23:48.125: George Knight passed Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports for 23rd
22:09.914 - 23:49.960: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 14 ( 1:40.046)
22:12.992 - 23:52.609: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 14 ( 1:39.617)
23:52.164 - 23:53.554: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 18th
22:08.867 - 23:59.429: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 14 ( 1:50.562)
22:03.398 - 24:01.898: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 13 ( 1:58.500)
22:18.257 - 24:03.851: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 13 ( 1:45.593)
22:33.039 - 24:13.085: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 14 ( 1:40.046)
22:21.281 - 24:14.093: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 13 ( 1:52.812)
22:34.429 - 24:16.085: Atom Holm | finished lap 14 ( 1:41.656)
22:10.867 - 24:17.531: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 13 ( 2:06.664)
22:35.679 - 24:25.734: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 13 ( 1:50.054)
22:51.054 - 24:35.554: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 14 ( 1:44.500)
22:48.960 - 24:39.492: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 14 ( 1:50.531)
24:35.132 - 24:43.953: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports passed George Knight for 23rd
22:37.226 - 24:49.351: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 12 ( 2:12.125)
23:03.906 - 24:50.679: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 14 ( 1:46.773)
22:52.492 - 24:51.523: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:59.031)
22:52.039 - 24:53.562: George Knight finished lap 12 ( 2:01.523)
23:05.914 - 24:54.734: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 14 ( 1:48.820)
23:11.117 - 24:54.898: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:43.781)
24:57.328 - 24:59.156: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 18th
24:56.164 - 25:00.679: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports went off the track
24:58.843 - 25:02.953: George Knight went off the track
23:16.500 - 25:07.421: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 14 ( 1:50.921)
22:46.679 - 25:10.796: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 12 ( 2:24.117)
23:38.281 - 25:17.492: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 15 ( 1:39.210)
23:42.453 - 25:20.992: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 15 ( 1:38.539)
23:29.101 - 25:26.335: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 14 ( 1:57.234)
23:49.960 - 25:30.312: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 15 ( 1:40.351)
23:52.609 - 25:32.703: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 15 ( 1:40.093)
23:39.390 - 25:34.382: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 14 ( 1:54.992)
23:59.429 - 25:39.718: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 15 ( 1:40.289)
25:39.781 - 25:46.460: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs went off the track
24:01.898 - 25:47.820: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 14 ( 1:45.921)
25:47.070 - 25:49.828: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Tyran Tomich | CV for 4th
24:03.851 - 25:51.328: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 14 ( 1:47.476)
24:13.085 - 25:52.070: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 15 ( 1:38.984)
25:53.539 - 25:55.000: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 11th
25:54.351 - 25:56.367: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 18th
24:16.085 - 25:56.718: Atom Holm | finished lap 15 ( 1:40.632)
25:45.601 - 25:58.406: Caleb Hall | Underground RC went off the track
26:00.218 - 26:01.835: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 11th
26:00.437 - 26:02.953: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 16th
24:14.093 - 26:07.828: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 14 ( 1:53.734)
24:17.531 - 26:10.679: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 14 ( 1:53.148)
26:14.976 - 26:17.304: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon passed Luke Magnetti | BPC for the lead
24:39.492 - 26:21.609: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 15 ( 1:42.117)
24:25.734 - 26:22.765: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 14 ( 1:57.031)
24:35.554 - 26:30.343: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 15 ( 1:54.789)
24:50.679 - 26:35.312: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 15 ( 1:44.632)
26:34.734 - 26:36.843: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs for 11th
24:54.734 - 26:39.359: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 15 ( 1:44.625)
24:51.523 - 26:40.484: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:48.960)
24:49.351 - 26:43.617: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 13 ( 1:54.265)
24:54.898 - 26:47.742: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 15 ( 1:52.843)
25:07.421 - 26:52.890: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 15 ( 1:45.468)
24:53.562 - 26:58.093: George Knight finished lap 13 ( 2:04.531)
25:20.992 - 27:01.476: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 16 ( 1:40.484)
25:10.796 - 27:05.492: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 13 ( 1:54.695)
25:17.492 - 27:07.679: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 16 ( 1:50.187)
25:30.312 - 27:11.765: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 16 ( 1:41.453)
27:13.250 - 27:16.804: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed George Knight for 23rd
27:18.054 - 27:20.226: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 16th
25:39.718 - 27:20.851: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 16 ( 1:41.132)
25:32.703 - 27:21.507: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 16 ( 1:48.804)
25:26.335 - 27:23.062: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:56.726)
25:34.382 - 27:25.453: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 15 ( 1:51.070)
25:52.070 - 27:32.195: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 16 ( 1:40.125)
25:47.820 - 27:41.429: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 15 ( 1:53.609)
25:51.328 - 27:44.945: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 15 ( 1:53.617)
27:44.250 - 27:45.898: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 14th
25:56.718 - 27:46.656: Atom Holm | finished lap 16 ( 1:49.937)
26:07.828 - 27:53.289: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 15 ( 1:45.460)
27:45.773 - 27:53.835: George Knight went off the track
26:10.679 - 27:58.875: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 15 ( 1:48.195)
26:21.609 - 28:04.031: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 16 ( 1:42.421)
28:07.570 - 28:09.007: Tyran Tomich | CV passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 4th
28:09.039 - 28:10.843: Chase Blakely | BPC passed Tyran Tomich | CV for 4th
28:12.640 - 28:13.757: Tyran Tomich | CV passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 4th
26:30.343 - 28:14.046: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 16 ( 1:43.703)
26:22.765 - 28:19.343: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 15 ( 1:56.578)
26:35.312 - 28:22.257: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 16 ( 1:46.945)
26:39.359 - 28:22.843: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 16 ( 1:43.484)
26:40.484 - 28:25.007: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 15 ( 1:44.523)
26:43.617 - 28:35.382: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 14 ( 1:51.765)
27:01.476 - 28:40.734: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 17 ( 1:39.257)
28:45.500 - 28:46.523: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 18th
28:45.882 - 28:47.000: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 14th
27:07.679 - 28:50.000: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 17 ( 1:42.320)
26:47.742 - 28:51.101: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 16 ( 2:03.359)
27:11.765 - 28:51.343: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 17 ( 1:39.578)
28:48.515 - 28:52.492: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 10th
26:52.890 - 28:52.968: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 16 ( 2:00.078)
28:58.164 - 28:59.359: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 9th
26:58.093 - 29:00.679: George Knight finished lap 14 ( 2:02.585)
28:58.742 - 29:00.695: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 10th
27:20.851 - 29:02.054: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 17 ( 1:41.203)
27:21.507 - 29:02.531: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 17 ( 1:41.023)
29:07.539 - 29:10.648: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide for 10th
27:32.195 - 29:12.914: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 17 ( 1:40.718)
29:07.968 - 29:14.898: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports went off the track
29:10.031 - 29:14.937: Tyran Tomich | CV went off the track
27:23.062 - 29:21.914: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 16 ( 1:58.851)
27:25.453 - 29:22.140: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 16 ( 1:56.687)
27:05.492 - 29:24.507: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 14 ( 2:19.015)
27:46.656 - 29:25.859: Atom Holm | finished lap 17 ( 1:39.203)
27:41.429 - 29:27.835: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 16 ( 1:46.406)
29:26.851 - 29:28.664: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 14th
27:44.945 - 29:36.179: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 16 ( 1:51.234)
27:58.875 - 29:42.218: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 16 ( 1:43.343)
29:44.382 - 29:45.859: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 19th
28:04.031 - 29:49.234: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 17 ( 1:45.203)
29:51.023 - 29:52.015: Caden Speck | Phil's passed Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance for 19th
29:57.437 - 30:00.843: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing went off the track
28:22.843 - 30:06.039: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 17 ( 1:43.195)
27:53.289 - 30:06.273: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 16 ( 2:12.984)
28:19.343 - 30:06.820: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 16 ( 1:47.476)
28:14.046 - 30:07.507: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 17 ( 1:53.460)
30:01.234 - 30:07.531: Austin Bear | Phil's went off the track
28:22.257 - 30:11.218: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 17 ( 1:48.960)
28:25.007 - 30:16.945: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 16 ( 1:51.937)
28:40.734 - 30:19.664: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 18 ( 1:38.929)
30:18.007 - 30:20.367: Matias Janice | Underground RC passed Luke Magnetti | BPC for 2nd
30:26.359 - 30:28.031: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 16th
28:51.343 - 30:31.601: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 18 ( 1:40.257)
28:50.000 - 30:33.414: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 18 ( 1:43.414)
30:35.554 - 30:36.984: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 16th
28:35.382 - 30:37.898: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 15 ( 2:02.515)
28:51.101 - 30:37.898: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 17 ( 1:46.796)
28:52.968 - 30:39.328: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 17 ( 1:46.359)
30:39.062 - 30:41.937: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 16th
29:02.054 - 30:43.320: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 18 ( 1:41.265)
29:02.531 - 30:45.257: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 18 ( 1:42.726)
29:12.914 - 30:53.312: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 18 ( 1:40.398)
30:59.187 - 31:00.734: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Caleb Hall | Underground RC for 10th
29:25.859 - 31:08.117: Atom Holm | finished lap 18 ( 1:42.257)
29:22.140 - 31:10.164: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 17 ( 1:48.023)
29:00.679 - 31:11.023: George Knight finished lap 15 ( 2:10.343)
31:09.757 - 31:11.828: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance passed Caden Speck | Phil's for 19th
29:21.914 - 31:14.148: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 17 ( 1:52.234)
31:09.195 - 31:17.187: Tyran Tomich | CV went off the track
29:24.507 - 31:20.859: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 15 ( 1:56.351)
29:36.179 - 31:21.664: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 17 ( 1:45.484)
29:27.835 - 31:22.726: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 17 ( 1:54.890)
29:42.218 - 31:26.882: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 17 ( 1:44.664)
31:30.625 - 31:33.843: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 15th
31:34.914 - 31:37.437: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 16th
29:49.234 - 31:39.859: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 18 ( 1:50.625)
30:06.039 - 31:49.703: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 18 ( 1:43.664)
31:47.953 - 31:50.664: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 16th
30:11.218 - 31:56.265: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 18 ( 1:45.046)
30:06.820 - 31:57.101: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 17 ( 1:50.281)
30:19.664 - 31:57.679: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 19 ( 1:38.015)
31:56.757 - 31:57.726: Tyran Tomich | CV passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 4th
32:00.953 - 32:01.898: Tyler Lang | Underground RC passed Chase Blakely | BPC for 5th
30:07.507 - 32:01.921: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 18 ( 1:54.414)
30:06.273 - 32:06.304: Caden Speck | Phil's finished lap 17 ( 2:00.031)
30:16.945 - 32:08.937: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 17 ( 1:51.992)
32:02.882 - 32:12.718: George Knight went off the track
30:31.601 - 32:14.687: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 19 ( 1:43.085)
30:33.414 - 32:15.523: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 19 ( 1:42.109)
30:37.898 - 32:20.570: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 18 ( 1:42.671)
30:39.328 - 32:25.468: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 18 ( 1:46.140)
32:26.601 - 32:29.062: George Knight passed TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 for 23rd
30:45.257 - 32:29.265: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 19 ( 1:44.007)
30:53.312 - 32:32.492: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 19 ( 1:39.179)
30:43.320 - 32:34.062: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 19 ( 1:50.742)
32:26.757 - 32:39.023: Caden Speck | Phil's went off the track
30:37.898 - 32:41.109: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 16 ( 2:03.210)
31:08.117 - 32:49.125: Atom Holm | finished lap 19 ( 1:41.007)
32:46.226 - 32:51.929: George Knight went off the track
32:57.929 - 33:00.210: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 14th
32:58.710 - 33:00.695: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 16th
32:56.687 - 33:01.531: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide went off the track
31:14.148 - 33:02.710: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 18 ( 1:48.562)
31:10.164 - 33:05.109: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 18 ( 1:54.945)
31:22.726 - 33:12.218: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 18 ( 1:49.492)
31:26.882 - 33:12.625: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 18 ( 1:45.742)
31:21.664 - 33:13.070: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 18 ( 1:51.406)
31:11.023 - 33:15.945: George Knight finished lap 16 ( 2:04.921)
33:26.960 - 33:27.835: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 16th
31:39.859 - 33:28.500: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 19 ( 1:48.640)
31:20.859 - 33:33.203: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 16 ( 2:12.343)
33:32.250 - 33:33.945: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Jett Wisdom | BPC for 17th
31:57.679 - 33:36.921: Alexis Leclair | Rockstar Husqvarna Factory Racing #Safemoon finished lap 20 ( 1:39.242)
33:36.687 - 33:40.195: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing went off the track
31:56.265 - 33:44.031: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide finished lap 19 ( 1:47.765)
33:42.390 - 33:44.031: Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 9th
33:42.734 - 33:44.664: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing for 14th
33:45.054 - 33:47.039: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 14th
31:57.101 - 33:47.421: Lawson (BeanSon) Dye | Stance finished lap 18 ( 1:50.320)
33:42.101 - 33:47.804: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs went off the track
32:01.921 - 33:50.609: Caleb Hall | Underground RC finished lap 19 ( 1:48.687)
33:48.960 - 33:50.609: Caleb Hall | Underground RC passed Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films for 10th
31:49.703 - 33:51.351: Jeremy Cohenour | MV Films finished lap 19 ( 2:01.648)
32:08.937 - 33:52.757: Chase Dunivant | Proline Designs finished lap 18 ( 1:43.820)
32:14.687 - 33:54.125: Matias Janice | Underground RC finished lap 20 ( 1:39.437)
33:52.296 - 33:54.148: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 15th
32:15.523 - 33:54.734: Luke Magnetti | BPC finished lap 20 ( 1:39.210)
33:54.664 - 34:00.820: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 went off the track
34:01.218 - 34:02.601: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | passed Austin Bear | Phil's for 16th
32:20.570 - 34:04.109: Neil Fitzpatrick | Proline Designs finished lap 19 ( 1:43.539)
34:02.671 - 34:04.382: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 16th
34:03.328 - 34:05.023: Jett Wisdom | BPC passed Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | for 17th
34:07.304 - 34:09.195: Austin Bear | Phil's passed Jonathan Alexander | Phil's for 15th
32:29.265 - 34:09.468: Tyran Tomich | CV finished lap 20 ( 1:40.203)
34:01.445 - 34:09.976: George Knight went off the track
32:25.468 - 34:10.101: jeffrey bruns | finished lap 19 ( 1:44.632)
32:32.492 - 34:10.976: Tyler Lang | Underground RC finished lap 20 ( 1:38.484)
32:34.062 - 34:11.515: Chase Blakely | BPC finished lap 20 ( 1:37.453)
34:16.539 - 34:18.671: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 passed George Knight for 23rd
32:49.125 - 34:28.312: Atom Holm | finished lap 20 ( 1:39.187)
32:41.109 - 34:45.773: Luke Lee | Crankt Motorsports finished lap 17 ( 2:04.664)
33:02.710 - 34:54.593: Brenden King | SYS Racing/HP Racing finished lap 19 ( 1:51.882)
33:05.109 - 34:56.250: Austin Bear | Phil's finished lap 19 ( 1:51.140)
33:12.625 - 34:57.726: Jonathan Alexander | Phil's finished lap 19 ( 1:45.101)
33:12.218 - 34:58.328: Jett Wisdom | BPC finished lap 19 ( 1:46.109)
33:13.070 - 35:05.703: Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC | finished lap 19 ( 1:52.632)
33:28.500 - 35:28.140: Braden Castellaneta | Underground RC finished lap 20 ( 1:59.640)
33:33.203 - 35:43.039: TJ Harrison | Crankt streaming to twitch! tjharrison23 finished lap 17 ( 2:09.835)
35:45.367 - 35:51.031: George Knight went off the track
33:15.945 - 35:53.203: George Knight finished lap 17 ( 2:37.257)