MX Simulator
Track2023 rF Gaming GP Rd03: Trentino
Format 30 minutes, 2 laps
Date6/27/2023, 12:51:00 AM (628 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
11Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO 250sxf(2018)20 33:42.6872 1:37.48431547
218brayden tharp | covenant #blm 250sxf(2018)20 34:57.22619 1:39.59326349
320Logan Leitzel | Yogi 250sxf(2018)20 35:03.0466 1:38.55419661
412Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs 250sxf(2018)20 35:20.3047 1:41.16423379
539Christopher McPherson | Takatoji 250sxf(2018)19 33:48.7264 1:42.69531857
632Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House 250sxf(2018)19 33:55.4218 1:43.29622612
719evan holte | tscz 250sxf(2018)19 33:55.7965 1:40.87543345
8139Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys 250sxf(2017)19 34:03.64813 1:43.03937150
9351Collin Allen | Phil's but gp 250sxf(2018)19 34:14.82016 1:40.42124272
1027Nick Niles | Vurbmoto 250sxf(2018)19 34:16.0707 1:43.17920656
1183Dylan Cavaciuti | CV 250sxf(2018)19 34:21.8752 1:41.21828299
12152Squiddy | District Designs 250sxf(2018)19 34:27.7654 1:41.382884
1341Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ 250sxf(2018)19 34:29.39814 1:42.24211337
1467Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR 250sxf(2018)19 34:30.8283 1:42.68721854
1524Tyler Nichols | SPINC 250sxf(2018)19 34:47.0854 1:41.21812071
16110Austin Partelow | AVM 250sxf(2018)19 34:58.0857 1:41.25742571
1740Brett Powers | WildSide rm12519 35:00.7034 1:43.8352642
18149dom | takatoji 250sxf(2018)19 35:13.7109 1:42.88222903
19270Joey Broadstreet 250sxf(2018)19 35:15.8985 1:44.43726321
20179Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji 250sxf(2018)19 35:25.9685 1:40.54610106
21135Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks 250sxf(2018)19 35:40.70312 1:45.82857785
22284Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash 250sxf(2018)18 33:53.4537 1:43.11739610
23259Brandon Wolfe | Yogi 250sxf(2018)18 33:54.6876 1:44.90620728
24163Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX 250sxf(2018)18 34:08.4293 1:44.2104175
25147Jace Williams | District 250sxf(2018)18 34:19.34310 1:45.53143203
26440Harrison Gafford | WBB 250sxf(2018)18 34:28.7039 1:44.41437181
27828Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys 250sxf(2018)18 35:31.51512 1:46.28134999
28220Evan Cormack | Steezy Films 250sxf(2018)18 35:56.8048 1:48.65627400
29926Alec Zellner | Vurb 250sxf(2018)17 32:03.3824 1:43.60128734
30992Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing 250sxf(2018)17 34:47.7817 1:47.0317878
31351Jacob Kelly | Boot's House 250sxf(2018)17 35:04.94514 1:44.25734905
32127Seth Kready|Yogi 250sxf(2018)16 34:58.3673 1:51.65658274
3315Chris Post 250sxf(2018)11 20:53.3758 1:46.00022504
3446Alec Horn | Phil's 250sxf(2018)11 21:00.3672 1:43.35919554
3526Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto 250sxf(2018)11 21:43.4067 1:43.00732835
36688Branden Walther | Dinoco 250sxf(2018)9 17:34.2342 1:45.65616931
37154Ethan | Glusta X Obr 250sxf(2018)9 17:56.4062 1:45.11744601
3839JR Reyes | Dinoco 250sxf(2018)7 13:16.9766 1:44.05437458
39411Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs 250sxf(2018)7 13:57.0787 1:52.07816669
4022Seth Carr | Covenant 250sxf(2018)5 9:37.6645 1:40.26533662

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20
P1 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
P2 20 46 39 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 18 18
P3 1 39 20 39 39 39 39 83 39 39 39 83 83 18 18 18 18 18 20 20
P4 39 24 46 67 67 83 83 39 83 83 83 39 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
P5 46 39 39 46 83 24 32 32 32 32 32 12 12 39 39 39 39 39 39
P6 39 20 67 24 24 32 12 67 67 12 12 32 39 32 32 32 32 32 19
P7 15 41 18 83 12 12 67 12 12 67 18 18 32 67 83 139 139 19 32
P8 152 152 24 18 32 67 24 139 139 139 67 67 67 83 139 19 19 139 139
P9 24 18 83 12 152 152 18 18 18 18 139 139 139 19 19 83 83 83 351
P10 40 67 32 32 18 18 139 24 41 24 24 19 19 139 24 41 67 27 27
P11 41 27 149 152 46 46 41 15 27 27 19 24 24 24 41 67 27 351 83
P12 27 40 12 139 139 139 27 41 24 19 41 41 41 41 67 27 41 67 152
P13 26 22 139 149 163 163 46 27 19 41 27 27 27 27 27 152 351 41 67
P14 351 149 152 40 41 41 152 19 15 40 40 40 152 351 152 24 152 152 41
P15 149 32 15 163 351 40 15 40 40 179 152 152 40 152 351 351 24 24 24
P16 67 83 41 15 40 27 19 163 179 152 351 179 351 40 40 40 40 40 110
P17 22 351 40 41 135 15 40 284 46 46 179 351 179 270 270 110 110 110 40
P18 32 15 163 39 27 19 163 351 163 351 147 270 270 110 110 270 179 270 149
P19 110 12 110 135 15 179 284 46 152 270 110 147 284 284 179 179 270 149 270
P20 127 26 27 351 149 39 179 110 270 15 270 110 147 259 284 149 149 179 179
P21 83 139 135 27 926 284 351 179 259 110 284 284 110 179 149 135 135 135 135
P22 270 110 351 926 270 926 110 259 351 147 259 259 259 147 259 284 926 259
P23 12 688 270 270 110 135 259 152 110 284 15 926 135 135 135 147 284 284
P24 139 147 147 110 19 259 270 270 147 163 149 135 926 149 147 259 259 163
P25 926 411 26 19 179 351 39 135 284 926 926 149 149 163 163 926 147 147
P26 440 351 351 179 284 270 149 147 135 135 163 163 163 926 926 440 163 440
P27 147 163 19 147 39 149 926 149 149 259 440 440 440 440 440 163 440 828
P28 688 135 926 154 22 110 135 926 926 149 135 828 828 828 828 828 828 220
P29 135 19 688 284 259 147 147 26 440 440 46 220 220 220 220 220 220
P30 179 270 411 26 440 688 26 688 828 26 220 992 992 992 992 992 992
P31 411 926 179 992 992 26 992 828 688 828 828 351 351 351 351 351 351
P32 19 259 284 828 147 992 688 440 26 992 26 127 127 127 127 127
P33 220 154 828 259 688 828 828 992 992 220 992
P34 163 440 22 22 26 351 440 220 220 351 351
P35 351 179 259 688 411 440 411 154 154 127 127
P36 284 828 154 440 220 411 351 351 351
P37 259 220 127 220 828 220 220 127 127
P38 828 284 992 411 154 154 154
P39 992 127 440 127 351 127 127
P40 154 992 220 351 127

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:37.484 2 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:38.296 8 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:38.476 3 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:38.507 5 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:38.554 6 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:38.578 15 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:39.054 4 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:39.390 12 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:39.593 19 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:39.625 13 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:39.632 14 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:39.828 4 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:39.968 13 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:40.070 7 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:40.101 16 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:40.265 5 22 Seth Carr | Covenant
1:40.421 16 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:40.453 13 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:40.476 10 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:40.500 13 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:40.546 5 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:40.546 14 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:40.679 11 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:40.742 18 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:40.773 16 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:40.851 11 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:40.875 5 19 evan holte | tscz
1:40.984 20 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:41.156 19 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:41.164 7 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:41.218 4 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
1:41.218 2 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:41.257 7 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:41.265 17 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:41.312 9 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:41.312 7 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:41.351 10 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:41.367 4 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:41.382 4 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:41.484 15 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:41.500 10 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:41.554 2 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
1:41.710 15 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:41.812 6 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:41.859 17 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:41.867 2 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:41.875 5 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:41.882 19 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:41.890 14 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:41.945 18 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:42.023 18 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:42.093 12 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:42.140 6 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
1:42.171 5 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:42.242 14 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:42.250 11 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:42.296 17 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:42.492 10 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
1:42.515 6 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:42.578 14 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:42.687 3 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:42.695 4 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:42.773 5 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:42.781 5 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:42.875 8 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:42.882 9 149 dom | takatoji
1:42.937 5 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:42.968 6 19 evan holte | tscz
1:42.984 16 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:43.007 7 26 Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto
1:43.039 13 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:43.054 3 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:43.117 7 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:43.140 7 19 evan holte | tscz
1:43.179 7 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:43.179 16 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:43.187 9 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:43.226 20 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:43.296 8 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:43.359 2 46 Alec Horn | Phil's
1:43.359 7 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:43.375 13 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:43.398 16 19 evan holte | tscz
1:43.429 12 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:43.437 2 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:43.445 10 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:43.453 9 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:43.484 19 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:43.492 7 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:43.507 5 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:43.585 6 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:43.601 4 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
1:43.609 19 19 evan holte | tscz
1:43.656 4 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:43.687 12 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:43.734 9 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:43.773 11 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:43.796 10 19 evan holte | tscz
1:43.804 5 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
1:43.804 16 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:43.828 9 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:43.835 4 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:43.843 13 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:43.843 19 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:43.851 6 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:43.875 5 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:43.906 4 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:43.906 14 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:43.953 13 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:43.953 11 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:43.968 4 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:43.976 13 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:43.976 7 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:43.992 3 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:43.992 11 19 evan holte | tscz
1:44.015 3 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:44.046 15 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
1:44.054 6 39 JR Reyes | Dinoco
1:44.062 7 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:44.132 4 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:44.195 15 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:44.203 16 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:44.210 3 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:44.226 3 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:44.257 14 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
1:44.273 10 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:44.273 15 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:44.281 16 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:44.312 5 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:44.328 2 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:44.343 2 39 JR Reyes | Dinoco
1:44.390 11 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:44.398 15 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:44.398 9 19 evan holte | tscz
1:44.414 9 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
1:44.437 5 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:44.476 13 19 evan holte | tscz
1:44.500 12 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:44.500 5 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:44.523 9 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
1:44.531 5 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:44.539 11 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
1:44.546 17 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:44.554 6 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
1:44.585 5 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:44.640 20 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:44.687 5 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:44.695 13 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:44.695 3 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:44.710 3 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:44.718 8 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:44.804 10 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:44.804 12 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:44.812 12 19 evan holte | tscz
1:44.835 13 149 dom | takatoji
1:44.835 18 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:44.875 3 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:44.875 5 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:44.890 8 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:44.906 20 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:44.906 6 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
1:44.906 16 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:44.921 12 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:44.929 19 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:44.968 10 26 Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto
1:44.984 9 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:44.984 10 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:45.000 6 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:45.007 7 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:45.078 13 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:45.101 9 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:45.101 15 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:45.101 9 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:45.109 12 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:45.117 2 154 Ethan | Glusta X Obr
1:45.132 2 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:45.156 15 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:45.187 10 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
1:45.203 8 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
1:45.226 2 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:45.289 11 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:45.312 10 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:45.320 7 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:45.398 16 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:45.414 13 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
1:45.421 5 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
1:45.468 6 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:45.476 11 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
1:45.507 2 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
1:45.523 7 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:45.523 16 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:45.531 10 147 Jace Williams | District
1:45.531 14 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
1:45.539 16 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:45.546 15 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
1:45.546 15 19 evan holte | tscz
1:45.562 14 149 dom | takatoji
1:45.578 8 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:45.585 17 149 dom | takatoji
1:45.601 10 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:45.640 11 147 Jace Williams | District
1:45.640 2 22 Seth Carr | Covenant
1:45.656 2 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco
1:45.695 6 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:45.757 6 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:45.781 14 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
1:45.828 12 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:45.859 10 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:45.898 16 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:45.937 13 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:45.937 14 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:46.000 8 15 Chris Post
1:46.007 15 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:46.015 19 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:46.031 14 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:46.039 11 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
1:46.062 5 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:46.078 9 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:46.093 3 149 dom | takatoji
1:46.101 10 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:46.125 2 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:46.203 5 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
1:46.218 13 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:46.226 12 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:46.281 12 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
1:46.296 11 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:46.343 14 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:46.367 18 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:46.398 12 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:46.414 9 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:46.429 18 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:46.484 17 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:46.484 14 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:46.500 7 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:46.500 11 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:46.601 17 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:46.640 10 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:46.640 13 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:46.648 2 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:46.664 16 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:46.679 7 149 dom | takatoji
1:46.718 10 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:46.742 11 149 dom | takatoji
1:46.750 19 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:46.773 18 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:46.789 6 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:46.789 17 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:46.820 14 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:46.875 6 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco
1:46.914 15 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:46.914 4 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:46.914 11 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:46.921 3 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:46.937 15 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:46.937 14 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:46.937 13 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:46.945 16 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:46.976 6 15 Chris Post
1:46.992 8 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
1:46.992 4 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:47.000 3 39 JR Reyes | Dinoco
1:47.023 9 152 Squiddy | District Designs
1:47.031 7 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
1:47.062 3 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
1:47.093 9 147 Jace Williams | District
1:47.101 13 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:47.109 16 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:47.132 12 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:47.132 18 149 dom | takatoji
1:47.148 17 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:47.187 14 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
1:47.203 2 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:47.203 8 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:47.226 14 19 evan holte | tscz
1:47.265 6 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:47.265 2 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:47.265 12 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:47.320 19 149 dom | takatoji
1:47.351 18 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:47.390 16 149 dom | takatoji
1:47.414 16 147 Jace Williams | District
1:47.492 3 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
1:47.492 15 149 dom | takatoji
1:47.546 6 147 Jace Williams | District
1:47.554 7 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:47.562 3 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:47.625 8 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:47.664 4 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:47.734 8 19 evan holte | tscz
1:47.742 2 147 Jace Williams | District
1:47.789 19 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:47.835 12 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
1:47.859 10 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
1:47.882 4 154 Ethan | Glusta X Obr
1:47.906 17 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:48.171 5 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:48.328 15 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:48.359 18 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
1:48.468 7 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
1:48.601 13 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:48.625 13 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:48.640 8 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:48.656 8 220 Evan Cormack | Steezy Films
1:48.671 3 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:48.671 8 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:48.781 2 149 dom | takatoji
1:48.781 2 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:48.875 18 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:48.937 10 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:48.937 5 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
1:48.953 19 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:49.015 14 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:49.070 6 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:49.101 16 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
1:49.203 19 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:49.304 17 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:49.398 9 46 Alec Horn | Phil's
1:49.437 5 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:49.445 12 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
1:49.546 6 46 Alec Horn | Phil's
1:49.593 9 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:49.593 11 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:49.656 12 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:49.664 8 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:49.820 9 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:49.898 3 46 Alec Horn | Phil's
1:49.945 3 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
1:50.070 12 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:50.156 15 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:50.195 8 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:50.234 2 19 evan holte | tscz
1:50.343 4 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:50.343 12 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:50.390 11 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
1:50.460 8 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:50.757 9 15 Chris Post
1:50.804 3 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
1:50.953 13 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
1:50.976 9 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:51.015 17 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:51.085 12 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:51.117 18 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
1:51.125 18 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:51.218 7 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:51.250 9 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
1:51.320 15 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:51.335 2 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:51.406 14 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:51.476 4 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
1:51.484 9 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:51.507 2 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:51.562 14 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:51.570 8 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:51.585 15 220 Evan Cormack | Steezy Films
1:51.617 5 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
1:51.640 18 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:51.656 3 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
1:51.687 13 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
1:51.703 4 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:51.875 16 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:51.914 12 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:51.992 6 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:52.023 2 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:52.054 7 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
1:52.078 16 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
1:52.078 7 411 Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs
1:52.085 18 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:52.132 2 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
1:52.265 18 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:52.289 14 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
1:52.359 7 154 Ethan | Glusta X Obr
1:52.398 10 46 Alec Horn | Phil's
1:52.460 13 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:52.476 6 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:52.648 17 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:52.867 12 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:52.898 12 147 Jace Williams | District
1:52.906 7 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:52.929 10 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:53.015 10 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:53.132 3 19 evan holte | tscz
1:53.242 8 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:53.484 19 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:53.570 4 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:53.640 8 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
1:53.710 4 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:53.781 3 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:53.906 10 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:54.023 14 147 Jace Williams | District
1:54.039 18 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:54.070 19 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:54.296 17 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:54.320 2 26 Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto
1:54.406 15 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:54.453 9 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
1:54.554 7 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
1:54.570 8 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:54.570 19 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:54.601 3 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
1:54.656 2 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:54.656 18 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:54.804 19 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
1:54.921 4 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
1:54.945 7 220 Evan Cormack | Steezy Films
1:54.992 17 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
1:55.046 5 46 Alec Horn | Phil's
1:55.109 13 147 Jace Williams | District
1:55.281 10 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:55.343 3 147 Jace Williams | District
1:55.343 18 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
1:55.492 5 220 Evan Cormack | Steezy Films
1:55.539 11 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
1:55.554 15 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
1:55.593 16 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:55.609 3 154 Ethan | Glusta X Obr
1:55.718 18 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:55.796 11 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:55.953 14 270 Joey Broadstreet
1:56.078 19 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
1:56.226 18 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
1:56.242 4 19 evan holte | tscz
1:56.312 5 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
1:56.359 7 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
1:56.460 18 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
1:56.742 8 26 Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto
1:56.812 19 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
1:56.890 2 15 Chris Post
1:56.921 9 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:57.015 8 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
1:57.140 11 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:57.304 15 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
1:57.445 2 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
1:57.554 9 220 Evan Cormack | Steezy Films
1:57.562 8 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
1:57.679 12 149 dom | takatoji
1:57.851 7 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco
1:58.140 5 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco
1:58.148 17 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
1:58.273 7 46 Alec Horn | Phil's
1:58.304 9 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
1:58.835 9 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
1:59.015 10 149 dom | takatoji
1:59.054 15 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:59.195 11 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
1:59.210 4 22 Seth Carr | Covenant
1:59.250 15 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
1:59.398 2 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
1:59.523 12 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:59.710 11 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
1:59.953 3 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
2:00.000 3 152 Squiddy | District Designs
2:00.460 7 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
2:00.625 5 149 dom | takatoji
2:00.664 6 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
2:00.664 8 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
2:00.710 11 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
2:00.906 19 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
2:01.015 3 411 Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs
2:01.031 5 147 Jace Williams | District
2:01.218 2 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
2:01.296 4 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
2:01.492 19 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
2:01.679 17 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
2:01.750 2 220 Evan Cormack | Steezy Films
2:01.906 3 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
2:02.320 3 26 Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto
2:02.406 14 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
2:02.507 6 220 Evan Cormack | Steezy Films
2:02.570 3 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
2:02.734 16 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
2:02.796 15 147 Jace Williams | District
2:02.851 13 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
2:02.898 17 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
2:03.179 16 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
2:03.257 7 152 Squiddy | District Designs
2:03.335 2 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
2:03.335 9 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
2:03.515 8 46 Alec Horn | Phil's
2:03.515 14 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
2:03.585 17 220 Evan Cormack | Steezy Films
2:03.632 7 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
2:03.656 6 411 Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs
2:03.890 12 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
2:03.914 17 270 Joey Broadstreet
2:03.960 4 26 Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto
2:04.046 4 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco
2:04.140 6 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
2:04.148 16 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
2:04.234 13 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
2:04.578 3 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
2:04.812 15 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
2:04.898 10 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
2:04.937 5 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
2:05.015 8 149 dom | takatoji
2:05.062 16 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
2:05.203 6 154 Ethan | Glusta X Obr
2:05.281 17 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
2:05.437 3 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
2:05.585 13 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
2:06.023 5 39 JR Reyes | Dinoco
2:06.093 13 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
2:06.414 8 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
2:06.507 6 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
2:06.609 8 152 Squiddy | District Designs
2:06.859 3 220 Evan Cormack | Steezy Films
2:06.937 4 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
2:06.960 5 26 Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto
2:07.132 10 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
2:07.671 6 149 dom | takatoji
2:08.281 14 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
2:08.476 9 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
2:09.031 11 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
2:09.664 4 39 JR Reyes | Dinoco
2:09.921 7 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
2:10.343 8 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
2:10.570 11 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
2:11.304 5 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
2:11.765 4 411 Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs
2:12.492 2 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
2:12.687 12 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
2:13.789 14 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
2:15.375 17 147 Jace Williams | District
2:16.039 5 154 Ethan | Glusta X Obr
2:16.546 17 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
2:17.054 12 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
2:17.835 3 22 Seth Carr | Covenant
2:17.882 14 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
2:18.554 18 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
2:20.789 10 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
2:21.210 18 220 Evan Cormack | Steezy Films
2:24.007 17 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House
2:24.015 11 26 Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto
2:25.484 11 46 Alec Horn | Phil's
2:34.210 4 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House

Individual Worst Laps

1:45.000 6 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
1:53.242 8 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
1:54.406 15 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
1:54.570 8 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
1:55.718 18 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
1:56.242 4 19 evan holte | tscz
1:57.218 2 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
2:00.664 6 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
2:00.906 19 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
2:01.906 3 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
2:02.734 16 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
2:03.914 17 270 Joey Broadstreet
2:04.140 6 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
2:04.406 9 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco
2:04.578 3 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
2:05.554 10 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
2:06.414 8 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
2:06.507 6 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
2:06.609 8 152 Squiddy | District Designs
2:07.671 6 149 dom | takatoji
2:08.234 10 15 Chris Post
2:08.281 14 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
2:08.476 9 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
2:09.414 6 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
2:09.664 4 39 JR Reyes | Dinoco
2:09.687 14 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
2:10.132 6 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
2:10.734 16 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
2:11.765 4 411 Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs
2:13.789 14 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
2:15.375 17 147 Jace Williams | District
2:16.039 5 154 Ethan | Glusta X Obr
2:17.835 3 22 Seth Carr | Covenant
2:18.554 18 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
2:21.210 18 220 Evan Cormack | Steezy Films
2:24.015 11 26 Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto
2:25.484 11 46 Alec Horn | Phil's
2:25.695 6 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
2:31.882 16 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
2:38.164 12 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House


Std. Dev.NumberName
2.102 1 Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO
2.604 32 Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House
2.617 39 Christopher McPherson | Takatoji
3.016 12 Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs
3.527 139 Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys
3.733 19 evan holte | tscz
4.974 18 brayden tharp | covenant #blm
5.015 27 Nick Niles | Vurbmoto
5.684 270 Joey Broadstreet
5.741 67 Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
5.929 135 Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks
5.978 41 Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @
6.289 20 Logan Leitzel | Yogi
6.300 40 Brett Powers | WildSide
6.341 110 Austin Partelow | AVM
6.650 259 Brandon Wolfe | Yogi
6.760 83 Dylan Cavaciuti | CV
7.052 24 Tyler Nichols | SPINC
7.106 926 Alec Zellner | Vurb
7.132 152 Squiddy | District Designs
7.314 149 dom | takatoji
7.478 284 Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash
7.633 179 Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji
7.749 688 Branden Walther | Dinoco
7.973 15 Chris Post
8.137 163 Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX
8.169 147 Jace Williams | District
8.396 220 Evan Cormack | Steezy Films
8.435 411 Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs
8.466 127 Seth Kready|Yogi
8.491 440 Harrison Gafford | WBB
8.910 828 Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys
9.219 154 Ethan | Glusta X Obr
9.753 351 Collin Allen | Phil's but gp
10.321 39 JR Reyes | Dinoco
11.356 46 Alec Horn | Phil's
11.519 992 Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing
11.819 26 Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto
14.506 22 Seth Carr | Covenant
16.569 351 Jacob Kelly | Boot's House

Play by Play

Logan Leitzel | Yogi takes the holeshot followed by JR Reyes | Dinoco, brayden tharp | covenant #blm, Christopher McPherson | Takatoji, Jace Williams | District, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Chris Post , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO, Alec Zellner | Vurb, dom | takatoji, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Collin Allen | Phil's but gp, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide, Seth Carr | Covenant, Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX, Austin Partelow | AVM, Evan Cormack | Steezy Films, Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Alec Horn | Phil's, Squiddy | District Designs, Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House, evan holte | tscz, Dylan Cavaciuti | CV, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Tyler Nichols | SPINC, Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing, Seth Kready|Yogi, Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Joey Broadstreet and Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR

0:06.015 - 0:09.101: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and Logan Leitzel | Yogi for the lead
0:06.492 - 0:09.101: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO passed Jace Williams | District, Chris Post , JR Reyes | Dinoco, Christopher McPherson | Takatoji, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, brayden tharp | covenant #blm, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys and Logan Leitzel | Yogi for the lead
0:06.546 - 0:09.398: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Jace Williams | District, Chris Post , JR Reyes | Dinoco, Christopher McPherson | Takatoji, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys and Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 3rd
0:06.781 - 0:09.492: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Chris Post , JR Reyes | Dinoco, Christopher McPherson | Takatoji, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, Logan Leitzel | Yogi, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ and Brett Powers | WildSide for 4th
0:06.039 - 0:09.789: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 5th
0:07.054 - 0:09.929: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Chris Post , JR Reyes | Dinoco, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 7th
0:06.328 - 0:10.046: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jace Williams | District, Chris Post , JR Reyes | Dinoco, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 8th
0:06.179 - 0:10.054: Chris Post passed Jace Williams | District, JR Reyes | Dinoco and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 9th
0:07.210 - 0:10.367: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Evan Cormack | Steezy Films, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 11th
0:07.125 - 0:10.562: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Evan Cormack | Steezy Films, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 12th
0:06.445 - 0:10.781: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jace Williams | District, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 13th
0:07.265 - 0:10.914: Squiddy | District Designs passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Evan Cormack | Steezy Films, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 14th
0:06.296 - 0:11.140: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jace Williams | District and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 15th
0:07.664 - 0:11.265: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Dylan Cavaciuti | CV, Evan Cormack | Steezy Films, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 16th
0:06.601 - 0:11.570: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Jace Williams | District, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 17th
0:07.070 - 0:11.578: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 18th
0:06.734 - 0:11.992: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco and Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 19th
0:07.476 - 0:12.085: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 20th
0:09.789 - 0:12.257: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 4th
0:06.585 - 0:12.492: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District, dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 21st
0:07.523 - 0:12.492: evan holte | tscz passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 21st
0:10.054 - 0:12.632: Chris Post passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 7th
0:10.250 - 0:12.734: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 8th
0:06.539 - 0:12.906: dom | takatoji passed Jace Williams | District, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 23rd
0:06.726 - 0:13.289: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 24th
0:07.500 - 0:13.367: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 25th
0:10.562 - 0:13.421: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 10th
0:10.367 - 0:13.429: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 11th
0:06.164 - 0:13.531: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jace Williams | District for 26th
0:10.375 - 0:13.742: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Seth Kready|Yogi, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Dylan Cavaciuti | CV, Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 27th
0:11.140 - 0:13.765: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys and Squiddy | District Designs for 12th
0:06.531 - 0:13.820: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jace Williams | District for 28th
0:12.062 - 0:13.960: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO for 2nd
0:11.570 - 0:14.078: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys and Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
0:10.914 - 0:14.101: Squiddy | District Designs passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 14th
0:07.617 - 0:14.117: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Harrison Gafford | WBB and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 29th
0:11.265 - 0:14.187: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 15th
0:08.578 - 0:14.320: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 30th
0:11.578 - 0:14.375: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 16th
0:11.187 - 0:14.445: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Seth Kready|Yogi, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 31st
0:11.992 - 0:14.453: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 17th
0:08.437 - 0:14.687: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Harrison Gafford | WBB and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 32nd
0:10.179 - 0:14.960: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Harrison Gafford | WBB and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 33rd
0:12.085 - 0:15.039: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 18th
0:12.492 - 0:15.226: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 19th
0:12.492 - 0:15.500: evan holte | tscz passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 20th
0:08.039 - 0:15.750: Tyler Nichols | SPINC went off the track
0:12.906 - 0:15.835: dom | takatoji passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 22nd
0:13.289 - 0:15.976: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 23rd
0:13.367 - 0:16.156: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 24th
0:14.484 - 0:16.171: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 4th
0:06.710 - 0:16.476: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 35th
0:14.976 - 0:16.570: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Chris Post and Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 6th
0:14.375 - 0:16.585: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
0:14.187 - 0:16.664: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Squiddy | District Designs for 14th
0:13.531 - 0:16.679: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 25th
0:13.742 - 0:16.687: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 26th
0:13.820 - 0:16.703: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 27th
0:06.835 - 0:16.726: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 36th
0:14.445 - 0:17.093: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys and Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 28th
0:14.117 - 0:17.218: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 29th
0:14.320 - 0:17.343: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 30th
0:14.687 - 0:17.382: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 31st
0:15.132 - 0:17.804: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Joey Broadstreet for 38th
0:16.585 - 0:18.140: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 12th
0:14.960 - 0:18.226: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
0:16.156 - 0:18.437: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 22nd
0:15.851 - 0:18.539: Jace Williams | District passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
0:16.820 - 0:18.578: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 13th
0:16.843 - 0:18.835: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 14th
0:16.703 - 0:18.843: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 24th
0:16.687 - 0:19.093: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 25th
0:16.640 - 0:19.320: Chris Post passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 6th
0:16.726 - 0:19.335: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 34th
0:17.648 - 0:19.484: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 15th
0:16.476 - 0:19.539: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
0:17.382 - 0:19.757: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 29th
0:17.437 - 0:19.875: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 36th
0:18.132 - 0:19.976: dom | takatoji passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Tyler Nichols | SPINC, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and evan holte | tscz for 16th
0:17.679 - 0:20.046: evan holte | tscz passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 17th
0:18.093 - 0:20.265: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 18th
0:10.781 - 0:20.812: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 37th
0:18.523 - 0:20.898: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 19th
0:17.804 - 0:20.914: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 38th
0:18.437 - 0:21.062: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 20th
0:19.273 - 0:21.164: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 21st
0:18.578 - 0:21.203: Squiddy | District Designs passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 11th
0:18.257 - 0:21.312: Joey Broadstreet passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 39th
0:19.093 - 0:21.390: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 22nd
0:18.835 - 0:21.515: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 12th
0:19.757 - 0:21.812: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 23rd
0:19.367 - 0:21.851: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Chris Post and JR Reyes | Dinoco for 5th
0:19.882 - 0:22.460: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 24th
0:19.648 - 0:22.484: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 25th
0:15.789 - 0:22.515: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp went off the track
0:20.515 - 0:22.562: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 26th
0:20.046 - 0:22.875: evan holte | tscz passed dom | takatoji for 15th
0:20.914 - 0:22.906: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 36th
0:21.046 - 0:23.312: Jace Williams | District passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 27th
0:20.265 - 0:23.648: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed dom | takatoji for 16th
0:21.312 - 0:23.718: Joey Broadstreet passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 37th
0:21.539 - 0:23.765: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 28th
0:22.304 - 0:24.218: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 29th
0:21.390 - 0:24.359: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 19th
0:22.906 - 0:24.632: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 30th
0:19.390 - 0:24.789: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 31st
0:17.343 - 0:25.289: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
0:22.484 - 0:25.304: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 20th
0:22.515 - 0:25.664: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Chris Post and Austin Partelow | AVM for 7th
0:23.718 - 0:25.671: Joey Broadstreet passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 33rd
0:22.179 - 0:25.687: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Chris Post for 8th
0:14.078 - 0:25.789: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji went off the track
0:22.562 - 0:25.875: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 21st
0:21.812 - 0:25.937: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 22nd
0:16.664 - 0:26.023: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
0:25.031 - 0:26.125: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 4th
0:23.914 - 0:26.234: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 36th
0:22.460 - 0:26.304: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 23rd
0:23.312 - 0:26.640: Jace Williams | District passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 24th
0:25.664 - 0:26.890: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 6th
0:25.734 - 0:27.023: Chris Post passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 8th
0:24.218 - 0:27.078: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 26th
0:24.632 - 0:27.195: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 27th
0:25.585 - 0:27.507: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 38th
0:24.789 - 0:27.960: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 28th
0:25.671 - 0:28.437: Joey Broadstreet passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Branden Walther | Dinoco and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 29th
0:26.218 - 0:29.078: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 4th
0:23.765 - 0:29.085: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
0:26.234 - 0:29.257: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 31st
0:28.250 - 0:29.484: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 13th
0:26.734 - 0:29.546: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District for 25th
0:27.195 - 0:29.609: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Jace Williams | District and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 26th
0:25.289 - 0:29.617: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 32nd
0:28.625 - 0:29.843: evan holte | tscz passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 15th
0:26.593 - 0:29.945: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 33rd
0:26.867 - 0:30.148: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 19th
0:26.023 - 0:30.226: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 34th
0:27.507 - 0:30.507: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 35th
0:30.148 - 0:31.406: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed dom | takatoji for 18th
0:25.789 - 0:31.625: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 36th
0:29.257 - 0:31.898: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 31st
0:28.937 - 0:32.515: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 37th
0:29.617 - 0:32.578: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 32nd
0:29.945 - 0:32.726: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 33rd
0:29.609 - 0:32.796: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 24th
0:29.843 - 0:32.820: evan holte | tscz passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
0:30.507 - 0:33.179: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 35th
0:30.515 - 0:33.359: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 16th
0:32.796 - 0:34.000: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
0:32.289 - 0:34.093: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 4th
0:33.125 - 0:34.351: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 25th
0:34.000 - 0:35.789: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Chris Post , Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and Austin Partelow | AVM for 8th
0:33.320 - 0:36.890: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
0:35.820 - 0:37.773: Chris Post passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 8th
0:35.960 - 0:37.984: evan holte | tscz passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 13th
0:35.445 - 0:38.460: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jace Williams | District and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 27th
0:36.562 - 0:38.578: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films and Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
0:36.164 - 0:38.648: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 15th
0:36.812 - 0:39.171: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 16th
0:37.437 - 0:39.781: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 17th
0:38.109 - 0:39.937: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed dom | takatoji and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 18th
0:37.859 - 0:40.179: dom | takatoji passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 19th
0:37.523 - 0:40.656: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 32nd
0:39.390 - 0:40.992: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for the lead
0:39.179 - 0:41.234: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 20th
0:39.890 - 0:42.390: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 21st
0:40.656 - 0:42.523: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR, Evan Cormack | Steezy Films and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 22nd
0:40.007 - 0:42.640: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 23rd
0:40.476 - 0:42.656: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 24th
0:40.804 - 0:43.328: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 25th
0:42.585 - 0:43.406: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 4th
0:41.648 - 0:43.523: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 26th
0:41.664 - 0:43.976: Jace Williams | District passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 27th
0:42.031 - 0:44.070: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 28th
0:42.382 - 0:44.328: Joey Broadstreet passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 29th
0:42.289 - 0:44.562: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for the lead
0:43.132 - 0:45.265: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed evan holte | tscz for 13th
0:44.578 - 0:45.414: Chris Post passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 7th
0:43.523 - 0:45.593: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 25th
0:43.359 - 0:45.765: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 30th
0:43.703 - 0:45.796: Brett Powers | WildSide passed evan holte | tscz for 14th
0:44.593 - 0:45.914: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO for the lead
0:43.523 - 0:46.289: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 4th
0:44.445 - 0:46.453: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 33rd
0:44.968 - 0:46.976: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 35th
0:46.140 - 0:47.351: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jace Williams | District for 27th
0:46.078 - 0:48.468: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Chris Post and JR Reyes | Dinoco for 7th
0:46.453 - 0:48.726: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 30th
0:46.734 - 0:48.976: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 31st
0:48.078 - 0:49.007: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed evan holte | tscz for 15th
0:46.976 - 0:49.234: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 32nd
0:47.414 - 0:49.390: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 33rd
0:46.125 - 0:49.554: Austin Partelow | AVM passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 9th
0:47.242 - 0:49.601: Squiddy | District Designs passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 10th
0:47.601 - 0:49.859: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 22nd
0:47.343 - 0:50.101: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 34th
0:48.250 - 0:50.437: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
0:48.992 - 0:50.617: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO for 2nd
0:48.781 - 0:50.773: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 35th
0:49.601 - 0:51.039: Squiddy | District Designs passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 9th
0:48.937 - 0:51.328: Jace Williams | District passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 24th
0:48.734 - 0:51.453: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
0:49.148 - 0:51.531: evan holte | tscz passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 15th
0:50.328 - 0:51.812: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO for 3rd
0:50.546 - 0:51.828: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
0:49.117 - 0:52.039: Joey Broadstreet passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 27th
0:50.601 - 0:52.257: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO for 4th
0:49.992 - 0:52.304: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 36th
0:50.015 - 0:52.335: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 38th
0:51.578 - 0:53.257: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 25th
0:52.335 - 0:53.476: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 36th
0:51.382 - 0:54.093: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 28th
0:53.664 - 0:54.585: Joey Broadstreet passed Harrison Gafford | WBB and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 25th
0:52.039 - 0:54.914: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 29th
0:53.445 - 0:55.781: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 30th
0:51.437 - 0:55.789: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 31st
0:52.640 - 0:55.812: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO for 5th
0:52.476 - 0:55.929: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 21st
0:53.085 - 0:56.664: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 22nd
0:54.593 - 0:57.054: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District, Seth Kready|Yogi and Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
0:48.109 - 0:57.265: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 32nd
0:54.117 - 0:57.328: Jace Williams | District passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 24th
0:54.953 - 0:57.484: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 33rd
0:54.851 - 0:57.492: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 34th
0:52.789 - 0:57.898: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 35th
0:55.414 - 0:58.562: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 36th
0:57.632 - 0:58.890: Joey Broadstreet passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 25th
0:59.085 - 0:59.914: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 32nd
0:59.890 - 1:00.789: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 34th
0:58.968 - 1:01.195: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 30th
0:59.390 - 1:02.460: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 12th
1:00.304 - 1:02.609: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 32nd
1:00.789 - 1:03.093: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 33rd
1:00.343 - 1:03.164: evan holte | tscz passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
1:02.031 - 1:04.492: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 10th
1:02.468 - 1:04.953: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC and Austin Partelow | AVM for 11th
1:02.460 - 1:05.054: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 12th
1:03.164 - 1:05.640: evan holte | tscz passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 13th
1:02.695 - 1:05.765: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed dom | takatoji for 19th
1:03.179 - 1:05.796: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 14th
1:02.781 - 1:06.007: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 22nd
1:03.546 - 1:06.312: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 15th
1:03.453 - 1:06.453: Joey Broadstreet passed Jace Williams | District and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 23rd
1:04.351 - 1:06.976: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 16th
1:03.671 - 1:07.070: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Jace Williams | District and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 24th
1:03.335 - 1:07.273: Jace Williams | District passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 25th
1:04.164 - 1:07.703: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 26th
1:05.171 - 1:07.968: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 17th
1:02.859 - 1:08.171: Chris Post went off the track
1:05.640 - 1:08.382: evan holte | tscz passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 11th
1:05.765 - 1:08.515: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 18th
1:05.671 - 1:08.882: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 27th
1:06.171 - 1:09.039: dom | takatoji passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
1:06.453 - 1:09.421: Joey Broadstreet passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 22nd
1:07.914 - 1:09.523: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 4th
1:07.125 - 1:09.562: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
1:08.304 - 1:09.968: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 5th
1:07.070 - 1:10.187: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 23rd
1:07.273 - 1:10.367: Jace Williams | District passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 24th
1:07.703 - 1:10.851: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 25th
1:09.460 - 1:11.570: Chris Post passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 6th
1:09.750 - 1:12.140: Squiddy | District Designs passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 7th
1:11.031 - 1:12.609: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 8th
1:10.367 - 1:12.960: Jace Williams | District passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 23rd
1:11.390 - 1:13.031: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 9th
1:11.671 - 1:13.679: evan holte | tscz passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 10th
1:12.187 - 1:14.031: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 11th
1:12.640 - 1:14.406: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 12th
1:12.609 - 1:14.468: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Squiddy | District Designs for 7th
1:12.765 - 1:14.726: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 13th
1:12.820 - 1:14.984: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 14th
1:12.046 - 1:15.359: Joey Broadstreet passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
1:14.031 - 1:15.718: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 15th
1:13.187 - 1:15.984: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Jace Williams | District for 22nd
1:13.593 - 1:16.593: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 35th
1:13.585 - 1:16.750: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jace Williams | District for 23rd
1:15.648 - 1:17.328: dom | takatoji passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 17th
1:15.484 - 1:17.828: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet for 21st
1:15.984 - 1:17.953: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
1:15.445 - 1:18.289: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 36th
1:16.617 - 1:18.406: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 18th
1:16.750 - 1:18.718: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
1:17.015 - 1:19.046: Jace Williams | District passed Joey Broadstreet for 24th
1:16.281 - 1:19.250: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 37th
1:17.328 - 1:19.343: dom | takatoji passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 16th
1:17.257 - 1:19.382: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Joey Broadstreet for 25th
1:17.851 - 1:19.914: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Joey Broadstreet for 26th
1:18.023 - 1:19.953: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Joey Broadstreet for 27th
1:04.765 - 1:20.039: Seth Carr | Covenant went off the track
1:18.304 - 1:20.281: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Joey Broadstreet for 28th
1:19.093 - 1:20.718: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 19th
1:18.914 - 1:20.898: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Joey Broadstreet for 29th
1:19.953 - 1:21.203: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 26th
1:19.195 - 1:21.445: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 20th
1:19.945 - 1:21.820: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 21st
1:20.257 - 1:22.203: Jace Williams | District passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 22nd
1:20.703 - 1:22.328: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 23rd
1:21.289 - 1:23.203: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 24th
1:21.203 - 1:23.375: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 25th
1:21.640 - 1:23.609: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 26th
1:22.179 - 1:23.859: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 27th
1:22.328 - 1:24.273: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District for 23rd
1:22.601 - 1:24.320: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Joey Broadstreet and Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 28th
1:22.515 - 1:24.898: Joey Broadstreet passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 29th
1:20.414 - 1:24.984: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 18th
1:23.015 - 1:24.992: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 30th
1:23.992 - 1:25.820: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 31st
1:24.484 - 1:26.976: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 9th
1:24.960 - 1:27.289: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 10th
1:25.078 - 1:27.453: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 11th
1:26.187 - 1:28.070: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 3rd
1:26.000 - 1:28.156: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto and evan holte | tscz for 12th
1:23.914 - 1:28.468: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 21st
1:26.398 - 1:28.531: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 33rd
1:27.453 - 1:28.789: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 10th
1:25.875 - 1:29.164: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 13th
1:27.554 - 1:30.000: dom | takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 14th
1:27.898 - 1:30.226: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 15th
1:25.843 - 1:30.390: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 27th
1:28.710 - 1:31.093: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 16th
1:28.859 - 1:31.250: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 17th
1:30.226 - 1:31.328: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed dom | takatoji for 14th
1:27.117 - 1:31.640: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Broadstreet for 30th
1:28.984 - 1:32.039: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 10th
1:30.671 - 1:32.375: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 21st
1:24.000 - 1:33.085: evan holte | tscz passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 18th
1:30.890 - 1:33.195: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 19th
1:32.460 - 1:34.125: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 26th
1:31.750 - 1:34.640: dom | takatoji passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 14th
1:32.460 - 1:34.796: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 20th
1:33.195 - 1:34.820: Austin Partelow | AVM passed evan holte | tscz for 18th
1:32.375 - 1:34.984: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 21st
1:32.804 - 1:35.015: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 22nd
1:32.945 - 1:35.546: Jace Williams | District passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 23rd
1:33.687 - 1:36.132: Joey Broadstreet passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 27th
1:33.437 - 1:36.296: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 28th
1:34.984 - 1:36.304: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB and evan holte | tscz for 19th
1:34.796 - 1:36.468: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed evan holte | tscz for 20th
1:35.015 - 1:36.726: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed evan holte | tscz for 21st
1:34.921 - 1:36.757: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 29th
1:34.351 - 1:36.804: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 30th
1:35.117 - 1:37.085: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 31st
1:32.671 - 1:37.343: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
1:35.570 - 1:37.843: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 33rd
1:36.609 - 1:38.765: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 11th
1:37.570 - 1:39.242: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 34th
1:36.757 - 1:39.406: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 28th
1:36.726 - 1:39.718: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 19th
1:36.468 - 1:39.734: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 20th
0:00.000 - 1:39.953: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 1 ( 1:39.953)
1:39.406 - 1:40.585: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Jace Williams | District, Joey Broadstreet, Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 22nd
1:37.843 - 1:40.632: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 32nd
1:38.546 - 1:40.718: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed dom | takatoji for 14th
1:39.656 - 1:40.828: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Jace Williams | District, Joey Broadstreet, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 23rd
1:35.546 - 1:40.921: Jace Williams | District passed evan holte | tscz for 24th
1:38.757 - 1:40.921: Joey Broadstreet passed Jace Williams | District, Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 24th
1:39.484 - 1:41.039: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 26th
1:39.390 - 1:41.265: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 35th
1:39.843 - 1:41.367: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 27th
1:36.476 - 1:41.507: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 28th
1:40.664 - 1:41.906: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, evan holte | tscz, Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 29th
1:40.632 - 1:42.656: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 30th
0:00.000 - 1:42.773: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 1 ( 1:42.773)
1:40.757 - 1:43.187: dom | takatoji passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 14th
1:41.632 - 1:43.226: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 31st
1:40.921 - 1:44.500: Joey Broadstreet passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 23rd
0:00.000 - 1:44.609: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 1 ( 1:44.609)
1:41.507 - 1:44.976: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jace Williams | District, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 25th
1:43.718 - 1:45.148: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 32nd
0:00.000 - 1:45.343: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 1 ( 1:45.343)
0:00.000 - 1:45.515: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 1:45.515)
1:35.578 - 1:45.523: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed evan holte | tscz for 33rd
1:43.226 - 1:45.585: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed dom | takatoji for 14th
1:42.460 - 1:45.773: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 36th
1:44.703 - 1:46.570: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
1:45.679 - 1:48.093: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 19th
0:00.000 - 1:48.523: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 1 ( 1:48.523)
1:45.335 - 1:48.523: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Chris Post for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:48.953: Chris Post finished lap 1 ( 1:48.953)
0:00.000 - 1:49.156: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 1 ( 1:49.156)
1:48.210 - 1:49.968: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 37th
1:48.632 - 1:50.179: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 38th
0:00.000 - 1:50.257: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 1 ( 1:50.257)
0:00.000 - 1:51.406: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 1 ( 1:51.406)
0:00.000 - 1:51.812: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 1 ( 1:51.812)
1:45.148 - 1:52.070: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:52.390: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 1 ( 1:52.390)
0:00.000 - 1:52.921: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 1 ( 1:52.921)
0:00.000 - 1:53.398: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 1 ( 1:53.398)
1:50.179 - 1:53.546: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 36th
0:00.000 - 1:54.000: dom | takatoji finished lap 1 ( 1:54.000)
1:51.656 - 1:54.125: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 27th
1:52.570 - 1:54.226: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 39th
0:00.000 - 1:54.398: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 1 ( 1:54.398)
0:00.000 - 1:54.710: Seth Carr | Covenant finished lap 1 ( 1:54.710)
1:52.882 - 1:55.640: Squiddy | District Designs passed Chris Post for 7th
1:53.968 - 1:55.867: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 34th
1:53.664 - 1:55.968: Joey Broadstreet passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 23rd
1:54.171 - 1:56.710: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jace Williams | District and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
1:54.125 - 1:56.804: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jace Williams | District for 27th
1:54.984 - 1:57.320: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 31st
0:00.000 - 1:58.593: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 1 ( 1:58.593)
1:55.710 - 1:58.593: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Harrison Gafford | WBB and Austin Partelow | AVM for 18th
0:00.000 - 1:58.718: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 1 ( 1:58.718)
1:56.906 - 1:58.812: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 4th
1:58.085 - 1:59.414: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 25th
1:57.437 - 1:59.718: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 31st
0:00.000 - 2:00.828: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 1 ( 2:00.828)
1:56.742 - 2:00.828: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 20th
1:59.851 - 2:01.164: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 31st
1:57.976 - 2:01.250: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed dom | takatoji for 15th
1:59.500 - 2:01.656: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 25th
1:59.703 - 2:02.031: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 26th
2:01.234 - 2:02.578: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 31st
0:00.000 - 2:03.046: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 1 ( 2:03.046)
2:00.156 - 2:03.046: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 21st
0:00.000 - 2:04.195: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 1 ( 2:04.195)
2:00.945 - 2:04.195: Joey Broadstreet passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 22nd
0:00.000 - 2:04.507: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 2:04.507)
2:01.539 - 2:04.507: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 23rd
0:00.000 - 2:04.593: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 1 ( 2:04.593)
2:01.656 - 2:04.593: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 24th
0:00.000 - 2:05.093: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 1 ( 2:05.093)
2:02.031 - 2:05.093: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 25th
2:02.492 - 2:05.203: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 37th
0:00.000 - 2:05.507: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 1 ( 2:05.507)
0:00.000 - 2:05.765: Jace Williams | District finished lap 1 ( 2:05.765)
2:02.328 - 2:05.765: Jace Williams | District passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 27th
0:00.000 - 2:05.781: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 1 ( 2:05.781)
2:02.390 - 2:05.781: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 28th
2:03.437 - 2:05.921: Seth Carr | Covenant passed dom | takatoji for 16th
0:00.000 - 2:06.117: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 1 ( 2:06.117)
2:02.867 - 2:06.117: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 29th
0:00.000 - 2:07.859: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 1 ( 2:07.859)
2:04.921 - 2:07.859: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 30th
0:00.000 - 2:08.375: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 1 ( 2:08.375)
2:05.304 - 2:08.375: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 31st
0:00.000 - 2:08.414: evan holte | tscz finished lap 1 ( 2:08.414)
2:05.320 - 2:08.414: evan holte | tscz passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 32nd
0:00.000 - 2:09.226: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 1 ( 2:09.226)
2:06.171 - 2:09.226: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 33rd
2:05.781 - 2:09.304: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jace Williams | District and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 26th
2:06.117 - 2:09.671: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jace Williams | District for 28th
0:00.000 - 2:09.742: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 1 ( 2:09.742)
2:06.687 - 2:09.742: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 34th
0:00.000 - 2:10.304: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 1 ( 2:10.304)
2:07.320 - 2:10.304: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 35th
2:07.859 - 2:10.882: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 38th
2:08.312 - 2:11.156: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
2:07.640 - 2:11.429: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
2:09.632 - 2:11.445: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
0:00.000 - 2:12.343: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 1 ( 2:12.343)
2:09.703 - 2:12.367: dom | takatoji passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 16th
2:11.156 - 2:12.679: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 21st
2:10.492 - 2:13.242: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 39th
0:00.000 - 2:13.273: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 1 ( 2:13.273)
2:11.429 - 2:13.375: Joey Broadstreet passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 22nd
2:11.218 - 2:13.625: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 13th
2:10.304 - 2:13.703: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 34th
2:12.062 - 2:13.851: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 23rd
2:11.445 - 2:14.054: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 19th
2:12.328 - 2:14.203: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 24th
2:11.867 - 2:14.984: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 10th
2:12.679 - 2:15.500: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 20th
2:13.375 - 2:16.109: Joey Broadstreet passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 21st
2:13.851 - 2:16.484: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 22nd
2:14.203 - 2:16.820: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 23rd
2:13.804 - 2:16.851: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 34th
2:15.546 - 2:17.445: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for the lead
2:14.867 - 2:17.484: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Austin Partelow | AVM for 24th
2:14.429 - 2:17.617: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 25th
2:16.109 - 2:18.289: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 39th
0:00.000 - 2:18.835: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 1 ( 2:18.835)
2:17.523 - 2:19.476: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 2nd
2:18.070 - 2:20.328: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 26th
2:18.085 - 2:20.351: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 27th
2:18.664 - 2:20.546: Squiddy | District Designs passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 5th
2:17.906 - 2:20.671: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 12th
2:19.273 - 2:21.304: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:21.312: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:21.312)
0:00.000 - 2:21.476: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 1 ( 2:21.476)
2:20.546 - 2:22.554: Squiddy | District Designs passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 4th
2:20.554 - 2:22.843: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 5th
2:21.687 - 2:23.648: Chris Post passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
2:22.164 - 2:24.125: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 7th
2:22.007 - 2:24.710: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 24th
2:22.460 - 2:24.914: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 26th
2:06.437 - 2:25.242: brayden tharp | covenant #blm went off the track
2:23.804 - 2:25.617: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 11th
2:18.859 - 2:25.882: Alec Zellner | Vurb went off the track
2:23.984 - 2:26.257: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 12th
2:24.914 - 2:27.578: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 25th
2:25.218 - 2:28.328: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 39th
2:25.609 - 2:28.398: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 33rd
2:25.117 - 2:29.046: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 34th
2:27.273 - 2:29.070: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 13th
2:27.664 - 2:29.539: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
2:29.843 - 2:31.015: dom | takatoji passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 15th
2:29.890 - 2:31.015: Seth Carr | Covenant passed dom | takatoji and Brett Powers | WildSide for 15th
2:27.750 - 2:31.234: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 24th
2:27.960 - 2:31.351: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 35th
2:27.773 - 2:31.726: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 25th
2:28.507 - 2:31.898: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jace Williams | District, Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 26th
2:28.484 - 2:32.000: Jace Williams | District passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 27th
2:29.093 - 2:32.367: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 28th
2:29.367 - 2:32.460: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 36th
2:29.242 - 2:32.648: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 29th
2:31.148 - 2:32.882: Brett Powers | WildSide passed dom | takatoji for 16th
2:31.898 - 2:33.164: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
2:32.000 - 2:33.226: Jace Williams | District passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 26th
2:31.281 - 2:33.468: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Squiddy | District Designs for 4th
2:29.875 - 2:33.507: evan holte | tscz passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 30th
2:32.648 - 2:34.070: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 27th
2:31.789 - 2:34.601: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Chris Post for 6th
2:31.070 - 2:34.609: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 31st
2:33.507 - 2:34.929: evan holte | tscz passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 28th
2:31.906 - 2:35.507: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 32nd
2:34.609 - 2:35.945: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 29th
2:34.671 - 2:36.296: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 14th
2:35.507 - 2:36.914: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 30th
2:32.367 - 2:36.929: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 31st
2:34.125 - 2:36.992: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 37th
2:34.078 - 2:37.648: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 33rd
2:27.578 - 2:38.054: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
2:35.218 - 2:38.796: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 35th
2:35.945 - 2:38.890: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed evan holte | tscz for 28th
2:37.273 - 2:39.617: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 12th
2:38.640 - 2:40.109: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Squiddy | District Designs for 5th
2:36.929 - 2:40.273: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 29th
2:38.984 - 2:40.578: Chris Post passed Squiddy | District Designs for 6th
2:36.914 - 2:40.609: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed evan holte | tscz for 30th
2:37.476 - 2:40.812: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed evan holte | tscz for 31st
2:39.273 - 2:41.078: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Squiddy | District Designs for 7th
2:40.125 - 2:43.335: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 33rd
2:40.164 - 2:43.460: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 34th
2:41.070 - 2:43.742: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 13th
2:41.078 - 2:44.054: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Chris Post for 6th
2:40.726 - 2:44.179: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 35th
2:42.335 - 2:45.257: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Squiddy | District Designs for 8th
2:43.039 - 2:45.968: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 4th
2:43.953 - 2:46.984: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 36th
2:44.093 - 2:47.031: Chris Post passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
2:45.304 - 2:48.265: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 12th
2:45.343 - 2:49.117: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 37th
2:47.210 - 2:49.539: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Chris Post for 6th
2:47.289 - 2:50.148: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 38th
2:48.304 - 2:51.539: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 11th
2:49.648 - 2:51.734: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 34th
2:48.859 - 2:51.992: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 12th
2:47.007 - 2:52.242: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs went off the track
2:49.726 - 2:52.382: Chris Post passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
2:49.671 - 2:52.703: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 13th
2:50.085 - 2:53.015: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 14th
2:52.937 - 2:54.320: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 33rd
2:51.992 - 2:54.617: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 11th
2:52.562 - 2:55.703: dom | takatoji passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 15th
2:53.664 - 2:56.593: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 16th
2:55.164 - 2:57.343: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 33rd
2:55.375 - 2:58.226: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto and Seth Carr | Covenant for 11th
2:55.515 - 2:58.250: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 17th
2:55.687 - 2:58.640: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 13th
2:56.968 - 2:59.179: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 34th
2:57.539 - 2:59.382: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Chris Post for 6th
2:46.140 - 3:00.414: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp went off the track
3:00.085 - 3:02.242: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 35th
3:00.148 - 3:02.773: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 19th
3:00.156 - 3:02.835: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 33rd
3:02.296 - 3:03.765: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 29th
2:59.476 - 3:03.843: Chris Post passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
3:02.906 - 3:04.695: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 30th
2:58.820 - 3:05.632: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 36th
3:03.796 - 3:07.156: evan holte | tscz passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 31st
3:05.343 - 3:07.882: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Joey Broadstreet for 21st
3:08.320 - 3:09.429: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 3rd
3:08.773 - 3:11.640: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 33rd
3:09.687 - 3:12.554: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 3rd
3:11.445 - 3:12.687: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 23rd
3:12.101 - 3:16.062: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Chris Post for 6th
3:12.156 - 3:16.234: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Chris Post for 7th
3:13.914 - 3:16.609: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
3:16.281 - 3:17.906: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 38th
3:16.820 - 3:18.625: Squiddy | District Designs passed Chris Post and brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 8th
3:16.609 - 3:18.671: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Chris Post for 9th
3:16.929 - 3:19.679: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 32nd
3:19.796 - 3:21.820: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Chris Post for 10th
1:44.609 - 3:22.093: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 2 ( 1:37.484)
3:20.859 - 3:22.890: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Chris Post for 11th
3:21.429 - 3:23.453: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Chris Post for 12th
3:21.601 - 3:23.531: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Chris Post for 13th
3:21.500 - 3:24.437: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 37th
3:23.796 - 3:25.859: dom | takatoji passed Chris Post for 14th
3:24.179 - 3:26.156: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Chris Post for 15th
3:24.890 - 3:26.757: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Chris Post for 16th
3:25.164 - 3:26.812: Jace Williams | District passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 25th
3:24.593 - 3:26.906: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 38th
3:24.687 - 3:26.992: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
3:25.554 - 3:27.593: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Chris Post for 17th
3:25.273 - 3:27.617: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
3:26.390 - 3:28.343: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
1:45.515 - 3:28.875: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 1:43.359)
3:26.812 - 3:29.226: Jace Williams | District passed Joey Broadstreet for 24th
3:27.460 - 3:29.640: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
3:27.078 - 3:30.328: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 38th
3:29.015 - 3:30.664: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 28th
3:28.343 - 3:30.812: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Joey Broadstreet for 25th
1:45.343 - 3:31.468: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 2 ( 1:46.125)
1:50.257 - 3:31.812: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 2 ( 1:41.554)
3:29.640 - 3:32.000: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Joey Broadstreet for 26th
3:30.179 - 3:32.203: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 29th
1:48.523 - 3:32.867: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 2 ( 1:44.343)
3:30.664 - 3:33.031: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Joey Broadstreet for 27th
3:31.554 - 3:33.179: evan holte | tscz passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 30th
1:42.773 - 3:34.281: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 2 ( 1:51.507)
3:32.203 - 3:34.671: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Joey Broadstreet for 28th
1:51.812 - 3:35.250: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 2 ( 1:43.437)
1:49.156 - 3:35.804: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:46.648)
3:34.062 - 3:36.015: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 38th
3:35.414 - 3:36.726: evan holte | tscz passed Joey Broadstreet for 29th
3:35.734 - 3:36.960: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 15th
1:39.953 - 3:37.171: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 2 ( 1:57.218)
3:37.351 - 3:38.656: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 15th
3:37.585 - 3:38.710: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 32nd
1:54.398 - 3:38.726: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 2 ( 1:44.328)
1:52.390 - 3:39.656: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 2 ( 1:47.265)
1:51.406 - 3:40.187: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 2 ( 1:48.781)
1:54.710 - 3:40.351: Seth Carr | Covenant finished lap 2 ( 1:45.640)
3:38.703 - 3:40.789: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 15th
3:38.921 - 3:42.171: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 32nd
3:39.648 - 3:42.468: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 4th
3:36.960 - 3:42.484: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp went off the track
1:54.000 - 3:42.781: dom | takatoji finished lap 2 ( 1:48.781)
3:41.960 - 3:43.531: Joey Broadstreet passed evan holte | tscz for 29th
3:39.437 - 3:43.578: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys went off the track
1:58.593 - 3:43.820: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 2 ( 1:45.226)
3:40.351 - 3:43.914: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 12th
2:03.046 - 3:44.265: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 2 ( 1:41.218)
1:53.398 - 3:45.648: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 2 ( 1:52.250)
1:48.953 - 3:45.843: Chris Post finished lap 2 ( 1:56.890)
2:04.507 - 3:46.375: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:41.867)
3:44.234 - 3:46.820: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
3:44.085 - 3:47.140: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 12th
1:52.921 - 3:47.242: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 2 ( 1:54.320)
3:43.960 - 3:47.500: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
3:46.953 - 3:48.992: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 6th
2:04.593 - 3:49.726: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 2 ( 1:45.132)
3:46.609 - 3:49.804: dom | takatoji passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 13th
1:58.718 - 3:50.054: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 2 ( 1:51.335)
3:47.531 - 3:50.546: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 14th
3:46.375 - 3:50.617: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Chris Post for 18th
3:47.242 - 3:51.148: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Chris Post for 19th
3:48.257 - 3:51.203: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 15th
2:05.781 - 3:51.437: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 2 ( 1:45.656)
3:50.031 - 3:51.562: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Squiddy | District Designs for 8th
3:49.835 - 3:52.234: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 32nd
3:49.460 - 3:52.257: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 16th
2:05.765 - 3:53.507: Jace Williams | District finished lap 2 ( 1:47.742)
3:51.210 - 3:53.554: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 33rd
3:50.617 - 3:53.632: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 17th
3:51.148 - 3:54.234: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 18th
2:08.375 - 3:54.625: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:46.250)
3:45.789 - 3:55.453: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
2:10.304 - 3:55.812: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 2 ( 1:45.507)
3:53.398 - 3:56.554: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
2:09.742 - 3:56.945: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 2 ( 1:47.203)
3:54.429 - 3:57.382: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Squiddy | District Designs for 10th
2:06.117 - 3:58.140: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 2 ( 1:52.023)
3:55.507 - 3:58.359: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 34th
2:08.414 - 3:58.648: evan holte | tscz finished lap 2 ( 1:50.234)
3:55.914 - 3:58.648: evan holte | tscz passed Joey Broadstreet for 29th
2:04.195 - 3:58.851: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 2 ( 1:54.656)
3:55.585 - 3:58.976: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Squiddy | District Designs for 11th
3:56.257 - 3:59.406: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
3:58.468 - 4:00.726: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
3:57.851 - 4:00.859: dom | takatoji passed Squiddy | District Designs for 12th
4:00.781 - 4:02.062: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 34th
3:58.875 - 4:02.101: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
3:59.171 - 4:02.500: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Squiddy | District Designs for 14th
4:01.960 - 4:03.953: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 21st
2:05.093 - 4:04.031: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 2 ( 1:58.937)
2:13.273 - 4:05.406: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 2 ( 1:52.132)
2:21.476 - 4:06.593: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 2 ( 1:45.117)
2:05.507 - 4:08.843: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 2 ( 2:03.335)
2:07.859 - 4:09.078: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 2 ( 2:01.218)
4:04.289 - 4:09.335: Chris Post went off the track
4:06.781 - 4:09.984: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 16th
2:18.835 - 4:10.382: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 2 ( 1:51.546)
2:09.226 - 4:10.976: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 2 ( 2:01.750)
4:07.523 - 4:11.046: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 17th
4:08.242 - 4:11.406: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 18th
2:12.343 - 4:11.742: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 2 ( 1:59.398)
4:09.335 - 4:12.492: Chris Post passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
4:09.078 - 4:12.617: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
2:00.828 - 4:13.320: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 2 ( 2:12.492)
4:11.000 - 4:14.210: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 20th
4:12.328 - 4:14.281: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 4th
4:10.828 - 4:14.328: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 21st
4:12.671 - 4:15.468: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 34th
4:11.984 - 4:15.585: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 22nd
4:11.742 - 4:15.609: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 37th
4:13.835 - 4:16.828: Chris Post passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 18th
4:14.265 - 4:16.992: Joey Broadstreet passed evan holte | tscz for 28th
4:13.835 - 4:17.078: Jace Williams | District passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 23rd
4:13.320 - 4:17.265: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 38th
4:15.375 - 4:18.164: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 19th
4:16.429 - 4:18.195: Squiddy | District Designs passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 14th
4:15.125 - 4:18.515: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 24th
2:21.312 - 4:18.757: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:57.445)
4:15.476 - 4:18.796: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 25th
4:15.726 - 4:19.062: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 20th
4:18.492 - 4:21.078: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 6th
4:18.328 - 4:21.218: Jace Williams | District passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 21st
4:21.109 - 4:22.359: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
4:18.757 - 4:22.375: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 39th
4:21.187 - 4:22.515: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 13th
4:22.539 - 4:24.593: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
4:22.421 - 4:25.023: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 5th
4:22.539 - 4:25.304: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 6th
4:22.648 - 4:25.773: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 22nd
4:16.906 - 4:27.820: Branden Walther | Dinoco went off the track
4:26.976 - 4:28.023: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Squiddy | District Designs for 14th
4:26.187 - 4:28.148: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 23rd
4:25.812 - 4:28.359: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 8th
4:27.031 - 4:29.796: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 9th
4:28.148 - 4:30.171: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 22nd
4:28.500 - 4:30.351: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and Seth Carr | Covenant for 23rd
4:28.203 - 4:30.398: Squiddy | District Designs passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 14th
4:28.359 - 4:30.843: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 24th
4:28.789 - 4:31.429: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
4:29.601 - 4:31.429: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 25th
4:30.203 - 4:32.109: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 26th
4:31.429 - 4:33.320: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 9th
4:32.109 - 4:33.695: dom | takatoji passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto and Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
4:32.085 - 4:34.054: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 11th
4:31.539 - 4:34.507: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 27th
4:33.015 - 4:35.007: Joey Broadstreet passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 28th
4:33.335 - 4:35.539: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 23rd
4:34.257 - 4:35.843: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 12th
4:34.390 - 4:35.929: Squiddy | District Designs passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 13th
4:34.039 - 4:36.257: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 24th
4:34.726 - 4:36.429: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 14th
4:35.171 - 4:37.007: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 15th
4:34.664 - 4:37.023: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 25th
4:34.054 - 4:37.085: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed dom | takatoji for 10th
4:36.054 - 4:38.226: evan holte | tscz passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 29th
4:36.859 - 4:38.742: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 16th
4:29.835 - 4:38.921: brayden tharp | covenant #blm went off the track
4:36.523 - 4:38.945: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 30th
4:37.289 - 4:39.578: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 26th
4:37.523 - 4:39.750: Joey Broadstreet passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 27th
4:37.085 - 4:40.015: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 8th
4:38.429 - 4:40.304: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 33rd
4:39.273 - 4:40.773: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Chris Post for 18th
4:38.796 - 4:40.859: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 31st
4:38.593 - 4:41.023: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 22nd
4:37.476 - 4:41.085: dom | takatoji passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 9th
4:38.664 - 4:41.562: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 10th
4:39.328 - 4:41.671: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 23rd
4:41.492 - 4:42.312: Joey Broadstreet passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 26th
4:40.304 - 4:42.320: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 32nd
4:39.367 - 4:42.320: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Squiddy | District Designs and Brett Powers | WildSide for 11th
4:40.343 - 4:42.437: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 33rd
4:39.875 - 4:43.109: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 24th
4:41.593 - 4:43.578: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 34th
4:40.203 - 4:43.695: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Squiddy | District Designs and Brett Powers | WildSide for 12th
4:43.500 - 4:44.945: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 32nd
4:38.968 - 4:45.039: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 13th
4:42.351 - 4:45.195: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
4:42.687 - 4:45.375: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Joey Broadstreet for 25th
4:42.312 - 4:45.406: Joey Broadstreet passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 26th
4:43.382 - 4:45.531: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 35th
4:42.953 - 4:46.093: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 15th
4:44.750 - 4:46.109: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 33rd
4:43.695 - 4:46.593: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
4:45.406 - 4:46.609: Joey Broadstreet passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
4:41.718 - 4:46.820: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed evan holte | tscz for 29th
4:44.085 - 4:47.078: Chris Post passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 17th
4:45.062 - 4:47.929: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 18th
4:46.109 - 4:48.242: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 32nd
4:46.679 - 4:48.273: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
4:47.304 - 4:48.773: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 35th
4:48.429 - 4:49.812: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 36th
4:49.875 - 4:50.703: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 31st
4:48.773 - 4:50.796: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
4:48.273 - 4:51.445: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 34th
4:49.812 - 4:51.890: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 35th
4:49.335 - 4:52.171: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 16th
4:50.132 - 4:52.226: evan holte | tscz passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 29th
4:49.921 - 4:52.609: Chris Post passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 17th
4:50.562 - 4:53.304: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 18th
4:50.750 - 4:53.437: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 31st
4:51.710 - 4:53.687: dom | takatoji passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 9th
4:51.929 - 4:53.929: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
4:51.085 - 4:54.281: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 19th
4:53.492 - 4:54.359: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 34th
4:52.445 - 4:54.460: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 11th
4:51.406 - 4:54.500: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Joey Broadstreet for 25th
4:52.937 - 4:55.031: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 37th
4:53.359 - 4:55.976: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 22nd
4:53.953 - 4:56.078: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 12th
4:53.710 - 4:56.546: Jace Williams | District passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 20th
4:54.632 - 4:57.039: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 34th
4:55.648 - 4:57.648: Squiddy | District Designs passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 13th
4:55.960 - 4:57.984: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 14th
4:56.546 - 4:58.554: Jace Williams | District passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 19th
4:55.976 - 4:58.921: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 21st
4:57.320 - 4:59.398: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 15th
4:57.625 - 4:59.539: Chris Post passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 16th
4:57.929 - 4:59.562: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 31st
4:56.781 - 4:59.710: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 22nd
4:58.195 - 5:00.226: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 17th
3:22.093 - 5:00.570: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 3 ( 1:38.476)
4:57.929 - 5:00.781: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed evan holte | tscz for 29th
5:00.234 - 5:01.820: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 32nd
5:01.226 - 5:02.664: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 33rd
5:00.578 - 5:02.671: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 2nd
5:01.718 - 5:03.226: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 34th
5:00.703 - 5:03.632: Joey Broadstreet passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 24th
4:59.703 - 5:03.750: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 25th
5:02.101 - 5:04.023: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 3rd
5:02.609 - 5:04.484: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 4th
5:02.859 - 5:05.390: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 26th
5:01.820 - 5:05.546: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 31st
5:03.750 - 5:05.609: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Joey Broadstreet for 24th
5:04.414 - 5:05.734: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed dom | takatoji for 9th
5:03.226 - 5:06.296: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
5:05.789 - 5:07.789: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 14th
5:06.812 - 5:08.414: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Chris Post for 16th
5:06.218 - 5:08.929: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 27th
5:06.843 - 5:09.429: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 3rd
5:06.898 - 5:09.710: evan holte | tscz passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 29th
5:07.421 - 5:10.218: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 38th
5:07.468 - 5:11.320: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 36th
5:09.046 - 5:11.476: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 31st
5:09.710 - 5:11.687: evan holte | tscz passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 28th
5:10.898 - 5:12.726: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 21st
5:11.437 - 5:13.304: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 39th
5:09.125 - 5:13.781: Chris Post passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 15th
5:11.500 - 5:13.875: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 16th
5:11.531 - 5:14.148: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 31st
5:12.750 - 5:14.406: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 21st
5:13.875 - 5:15.000: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Chris Post for 15th
5:13.187 - 5:15.171: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed dom | takatoji for 10th
3:31.468 - 5:15.695: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 3 ( 1:44.226)
5:12.414 - 5:15.742: Jace Williams | District passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 17th
5:13.671 - 5:15.976: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 18th
5:14.460 - 5:16.593: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Austin Partelow | AVM, Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 19th
5:14.406 - 5:16.945: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 20th
3:34.281 - 5:17.335: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 3 ( 1:43.054)
5:15.976 - 5:17.414: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Jace Williams | District for 17th
5:16.593 - 5:18.000: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Jace Williams | District for 18th
5:15.265 - 5:18.132: Chris Post passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 15th
5:16.945 - 5:18.664: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jace Williams | District for 19th
3:28.875 - 5:18.773: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 1:49.898)
5:16.109 - 5:19.085: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 22nd
5:13.031 - 5:19.640: Branden Walther | Dinoco went off the track
3:32.867 - 5:19.867: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 3 ( 1:47.000)
5:17.710 - 5:20.187: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 9th
5:19.085 - 5:20.429: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 20th
5:18.476 - 5:20.445: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Joey Broadstreet for 25th
5:18.929 - 5:20.671: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District for 21st
5:19.468 - 5:21.304: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jace Williams | District for 22nd
3:38.726 - 5:21.414: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 3 ( 1:42.687)
5:20.234 - 5:21.554: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 8th
5:19.320 - 5:21.679: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
3:37.171 - 5:21.757: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 3 ( 1:44.585)
5:18.664 - 5:21.828: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 18th
5:09.531 - 5:22.203: Tyler Nichols | SPINC went off the track
5:21.343 - 5:22.890: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jace Williams | District for 23rd
5:20.671 - 5:23.445: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto and Seth Carr | Covenant for 19th
5:20.429 - 5:24.109: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 20th
5:22.796 - 5:24.445: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District for 24th
5:23.781 - 5:25.343: Joey Broadstreet passed Jace Williams | District for 25th
5:21.757 - 5:25.671: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 6th
3:31.812 - 5:27.515: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 3 ( 1:55.703)
3:44.265 - 5:28.257: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 3 ( 1:43.992)
5:25.367 - 5:28.257: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 9th
3:43.820 - 5:28.515: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 3 ( 1:44.695)
3:42.781 - 5:28.875: dom | takatoji finished lap 3 ( 1:46.093)
3:46.375 - 5:30.390: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:44.015)
5:28.226 - 5:32.757: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 36th
3:49.726 - 5:34.437: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 3 ( 1:44.710)
3:35.804 - 5:35.804: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 3 ( 2:00.000)
5:34.515 - 5:36.117: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed evan holte | tscz for 28th
3:45.843 - 5:36.593: Chris Post finished lap 3 ( 1:50.750)
5:35.164 - 5:37.140: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 39th
3:35.250 - 5:37.156: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 3 ( 2:01.906)
5:36.164 - 5:38.023: dom | takatoji passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 10th
5:36.835 - 5:38.289: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , Seth Carr | Covenant and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 19th
5:36.257 - 5:38.890: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 20th
5:37.164 - 5:39.148: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 11th
3:40.187 - 5:40.140: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 3 ( 1:59.953)
5:38.945 - 5:40.429: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Seth Carr | Covenant and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 21st
3:56.945 - 5:41.156: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 3 ( 1:44.210)
5:40.054 - 5:41.500: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Seth Carr | Covenant and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 22nd
5:40.898 - 5:42.281: Joey Broadstreet passed Seth Carr | Covenant and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 23rd
5:42.281 - 5:43.484: Jace Williams | District passed Seth Carr | Covenant and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 24th
3:50.054 - 5:43.835: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 3 ( 1:53.781)
3:39.656 - 5:44.234: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 3 ( 2:04.578)
5:43.187 - 5:44.734: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 26th
3:58.140 - 5:45.703: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 3 ( 1:47.562)
5:44.437 - 5:45.898: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 27th
5:44.742 - 5:46.218: evan holte | tscz passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 28th
3:55.812 - 5:46.617: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 3 ( 1:50.804)
3:58.851 - 5:47.523: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 3 ( 1:48.671)
5:44.234 - 5:48.515: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
3:53.507 - 5:48.851: Jace Williams | District finished lap 3 ( 1:55.343)
5:45.703 - 5:49.234: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
3:47.242 - 5:49.562: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 3 ( 2:02.320)
5:48.382 - 5:50.000: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 29th
5:48.539 - 5:50.210: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 30th
5:46.617 - 5:50.609: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 21st
5:49.148 - 5:50.773: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 31st
3:45.648 - 5:51.085: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 3 ( 2:05.437)
5:47.875 - 5:51.085: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
5:47.523 - 5:51.226: Joey Broadstreet passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 22nd
5:49.781 - 5:51.312: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 32nd
3:58.648 - 5:51.781: evan holte | tscz finished lap 3 ( 1:53.132)
5:48.335 - 5:51.781: evan holte | tscz passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
4:04.031 - 5:53.976: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 3 ( 1:49.945)
5:52.304 - 5:54.593: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 33rd
3:51.437 - 5:55.156: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 3 ( 2:03.718)
3:54.625 - 5:55.640: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 3 ( 2:01.015)
4:09.078 - 5:56.000: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 3 ( 1:46.921)
5:53.343 - 5:56.117: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District for 24th
4:11.742 - 5:56.617: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 3 ( 1:44.875)
5:50.343 - 5:56.710: Alec Horn | Phil's went off the track
5:55.226 - 5:57.726: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 20th
4:10.382 - 5:57.875: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 3 ( 1:47.492)
3:40.351 - 5:58.187: Seth Carr | Covenant finished lap 3 ( 2:17.835)
4:05.406 - 6:00.007: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 3 ( 1:54.601)
5:58.187 - 6:01.734: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
4:06.593 - 6:02.203: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 3 ( 1:55.609)
4:13.320 - 6:04.976: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 3 ( 1:51.656)
4:18.757 - 6:05.820: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:47.062)
6:01.742 - 6:06.273: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Seth Carr | Covenant for 32nd
6:04.117 - 6:07.398: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Seth Carr | Covenant for 33rd
6:07.398 - 6:09.210: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
6:05.914 - 6:09.554: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Seth Carr | Covenant for 34th
6:09.554 - 6:11.351: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
4:08.843 - 6:11.414: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 3 ( 2:02.570)
6:05.257 - 6:11.921: Jace Williams | District went off the track
6:08.695 - 6:12.078: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 36th
6:09.703 - 6:12.523: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 37th
6:11.546 - 6:13.429: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 34th
6:12.523 - 6:14.523: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
6:12.078 - 6:14.789: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 36th
6:12.898 - 6:15.539: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 37th
6:12.687 - 6:15.992: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 4th
6:14.164 - 6:16.648: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 2nd
6:14.257 - 6:16.945: Alec Horn | Phil's passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 5th
4:10.976 - 6:17.835: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 3 ( 2:06.859)
6:17.695 - 6:19.914: Squiddy | District Designs passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 13th
6:16.968 - 6:19.960: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 6th
6:16.843 - 6:20.031: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 30th
6:19.265 - 6:22.218: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 7th
6:19.570 - 6:22.570: Alec Horn | Phil's passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 4th
6:21.367 - 6:23.101: Joey Broadstreet passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 19th
6:20.812 - 6:23.125: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 20th
6:20.726 - 6:23.500: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 8th
6:21.656 - 6:23.781: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 21st
6:22.093 - 6:23.875: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 22nd
6:23.296 - 6:25.187: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 23rd
6:22.570 - 6:25.296: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 5th
6:24.757 - 6:27.289: Jace Williams | District passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 24th
6:24.953 - 6:27.601: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 36th
6:24.898 - 6:27.812: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 6th
6:25.625 - 6:28.093: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 37th
6:26.382 - 6:28.312: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and evan holte | tscz for 25th
6:26.039 - 6:28.351: evan holte | tscz passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 26th
6:26.101 - 6:29.101: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 7th
6:27.953 - 6:29.632: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Joey Broadstreet for 20th
6:28.429 - 6:29.695: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed evan holte | tscz for 27th
6:29.843 - 6:30.726: Joey Broadstreet passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 20th
6:28.960 - 6:31.445: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 38th
6:30.804 - 6:32.789: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 8th
6:31.359 - 6:32.875: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed evan holte | tscz for 28th
6:31.070 - 6:33.328: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Joey Broadstreet for 20th
6:32.937 - 6:34.437: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 8th
6:33.085 - 6:34.492: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed evan holte | tscz for 29th
6:31.515 - 6:36.015: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys went off the track
6:34.585 - 6:36.070: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed evan holte | tscz for 30th
6:35.289 - 6:37.117: dom | takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 9th
6:36.070 - 6:38.390: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 10th
6:33.093 - 6:38.421: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
6:36.609 - 6:38.843: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
6:37.468 - 6:39.203: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 11th
6:38.843 - 6:40.265: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District for 25th
6:38.914 - 6:40.359: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jace Williams | District for 26th
5:00.570 - 6:40.398: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 4 ( 1:39.828)
6:39.273 - 6:41.039: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 21st
6:39.570 - 6:41.257: Squiddy | District Designs passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 12th
6:39.390 - 6:41.671: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 36th
6:40.226 - 6:42.218: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 13th
6:40.398 - 6:42.226: Chris Post passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 14th
6:32.179 - 6:42.695: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto went off the track
6:41.460 - 6:43.203: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 15th
6:42.046 - 6:44.007: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 37th
6:40.320 - 6:44.085: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 32nd
6:43.148 - 6:44.625: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 23rd
6:42.703 - 6:44.718: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 33rd
6:44.062 - 6:45.359: Jace Williams | District passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 24th
6:44.179 - 6:46.382: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 34th
6:44.992 - 6:46.867: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 25th
6:46.789 - 6:48.257: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 28th
6:44.398 - 6:48.906: Chris Post passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 13th
6:47.562 - 6:49.406: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 29th
6:48.968 - 6:50.820: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Chris Post for 13th
6:48.164 - 6:51.187: Joey Broadstreet passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 19th
6:48.257 - 6:51.296: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 26th
6:48.140 - 6:52.117: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 27th
6:49.328 - 6:53.695: evan holte | tscz passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 30th
6:53.843 - 6:55.554: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 31st
6:54.234 - 6:56.007: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 32nd
5:17.335 - 6:56.390: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 4 ( 1:39.054)
6:53.453 - 6:57.437: Chris Post went off the track
6:56.171 - 6:57.742: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 33rd
5:15.695 - 6:58.390: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 4 ( 1:42.695)
6:56.453 - 6:59.296: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 25th
7:00.484 - 7:02.539: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 4th
7:01.281 - 7:04.132: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 39th
7:02.414 - 7:04.859: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 15th
5:21.414 - 7:05.320: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 4 ( 1:43.906)
7:02.203 - 7:06.164: evan holte | tscz passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 29th
5:18.773 - 7:06.703: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 1:47.929)
7:04.890 - 7:07.007: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 16th
7:05.859 - 7:07.781: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 17th
7:04.375 - 7:08.367: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 30th
7:04.335 - 7:08.445: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 31st
5:27.515 - 7:08.734: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 4 ( 1:41.218)
7:06.492 - 7:09.257: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 32nd
5:28.257 - 7:09.625: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 4 ( 1:41.367)
7:05.914 - 7:10.460: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Jace Williams | District for 24th
7:08.562 - 7:10.875: Brett Powers | WildSide passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 15th
7:09.570 - 7:11.617: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 16th
5:21.757 - 7:12.101: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 4 ( 1:50.343)
7:09.320 - 7:12.406: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 33rd
7:07.601 - 7:13.328: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 34th
5:30.390 - 7:14.523: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:44.132)
7:03.554 - 7:14.773: dom | takatoji went off the track
7:10.703 - 7:15.093: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 25th
5:28.515 - 7:15.429: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 4 ( 1:46.914)
7:13.851 - 7:15.851: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 17th
7:11.390 - 7:15.960: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jace Williams | District and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 26th
7:14.507 - 7:16.523: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 19th
5:35.804 - 7:17.187: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:41.382)
7:14.867 - 7:17.289: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 36th
7:12.914 - 7:17.593: evan holte | tscz passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 28th
5:34.437 - 7:18.406: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 4 ( 1:43.968)
7:04.781 - 7:18.507: Joey Broadstreet went off the track
7:16.648 - 7:19.015: dom | takatoji passed Chris Post for 13th
7:17.914 - 7:19.554: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 24th
7:17.289 - 7:19.570: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 35th
7:15.554 - 7:20.117: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 29th
7:15.937 - 7:20.593: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
7:16.234 - 7:20.968: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 31st
7:18.820 - 7:21.117: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Chris Post for 14th
7:19.320 - 7:21.476: Jace Williams | District passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 25th
7:19.492 - 7:21.671: evan holte | tscz passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 26th
5:28.875 - 7:22.078: dom | takatoji finished lap 4 ( 1:53.203)
7:21.820 - 7:23.757: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 27th
7:21.140 - 7:23.953: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 36th
5:40.140 - 7:23.976: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 4 ( 1:43.835)
7:22.296 - 7:24.234: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 28th
7:22.351 - 7:24.312: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 37th
7:22.789 - 7:24.718: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 29th
7:23.179 - 7:25.375: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 30th
7:23.210 - 7:25.398: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 18th
5:41.156 - 7:28.148: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 4 ( 1:46.992)
7:25.234 - 7:28.148: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Chris Post for 15th
5:36.593 - 7:28.359: Chris Post finished lap 4 ( 1:51.765)
5:37.156 - 7:28.859: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 4 ( 1:51.703)
7:25.726 - 7:29.476: evan holte | tscz passed Jace Williams | District for 26th
5:19.867 - 7:29.531: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 4 ( 2:09.664)
7:28.359 - 7:32.031: Chris Post passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 15th
5:45.703 - 7:33.367: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 4 ( 1:47.664)
7:32.257 - 7:34.679: Joey Broadstreet passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 22nd
5:51.085 - 7:34.742: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 4 ( 1:43.656)
7:32.109 - 7:35.015: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Chris Post for 15th
5:44.234 - 7:35.617: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 4 ( 1:51.382)
7:34.460 - 7:36.554: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 39th
7:34.679 - 7:37.218: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 23rd
5:53.976 - 7:37.578: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 4 ( 1:43.601)
7:36.742 - 7:40.125: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 10th
7:37.859 - 7:40.289: evan holte | tscz passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 24th
7:38.898 - 7:41.492: Jace Williams | District passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 25th
7:40.109 - 7:42.359: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 5th
7:40.265 - 7:42.539: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 6th
5:47.523 - 7:42.804: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 4 ( 1:55.281)
7:42.476 - 7:44.312: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 7th
7:43.304 - 7:44.609: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 27th
7:42.539 - 7:44.656: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 5th
5:43.835 - 7:45.132: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 4 ( 2:01.296)
7:44.289 - 7:46.375: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 8th
7:44.835 - 7:46.734: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 27th
5:51.781 - 7:48.023: evan holte | tscz finished lap 4 ( 1:56.242)
7:47.953 - 7:49.273: Brett Powers | WildSide passed dom | takatoji for 13th
5:56.000 - 7:49.570: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 4 ( 1:53.570)
7:46.734 - 7:49.570: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Jace Williams | District for 26th
5:48.851 - 7:49.851: Jace Williams | District finished lap 4 ( 2:01.000)
7:44.523 - 7:50.070: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing went off the track
6:02.203 - 7:50.085: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 4 ( 1:47.882)
7:47.179 - 7:50.085: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 28th
5:56.617 - 7:50.328: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 4 ( 1:53.710)
7:49.554 - 7:51.914: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 9th
7:51.359 - 7:52.781: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed dom | takatoji for 14th
7:52.039 - 7:53.203: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
5:49.562 - 7:53.523: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 4 ( 2:03.960)
7:49.898 - 7:53.523: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
6:05.820 - 7:54.117: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:48.296)
7:50.070 - 7:54.117: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 31st
5:57.875 - 7:54.382: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 4 ( 1:56.507)
7:51.179 - 7:54.382: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 32nd
7:53.226 - 7:54.765: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 9th
6:00.007 - 7:54.929: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 4 ( 1:54.921)
7:51.843 - 7:54.929: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 33rd
7:52.750 - 7:55.945: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 17th
7:54.781 - 7:56.921: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
7:55.328 - 7:57.179: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Squiddy | District Designs for 10th
5:58.187 - 7:57.398: Seth Carr | Covenant finished lap 4 ( 1:59.210)
7:54.492 - 7:57.398: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 34th
7:55.203 - 7:58.039: Chris Post passed dom | takatoji for 15th
7:56.968 - 7:58.328: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 18th
5:55.156 - 7:59.203: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 4 ( 2:04.046)
7:58.718 - 7:59.507: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 9th
7:57.601 - 7:59.539: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 28th
7:59.687 - 8:02.351: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 9th
6:11.414 - 8:02.890: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 4 ( 1:51.476)
8:02.617 - 8:04.179: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 7th
8:05.195 - 8:06.906: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 19th
6:17.835 - 8:07.218: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 4 ( 1:49.382)
5:55.640 - 8:07.406: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 4 ( 2:11.765)
8:07.000 - 8:08.914: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
8:08.953 - 8:10.093: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 19th
8:07.406 - 8:10.812: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 37th
8:07.804 - 8:11.023: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 8th
8:08.281 - 8:11.234: Alec Horn | Phil's passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 9th
8:08.593 - 8:11.671: Squiddy | District Designs passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 10th
6:04.976 - 8:11.914: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 4 ( 2:06.937)
8:11.742 - 8:13.773: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
8:11.195 - 8:14.250: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 37th
8:11.671 - 8:14.781: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 9th
8:13.773 - 8:15.351: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 18th
8:12.375 - 8:15.421: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 10th
8:13.007 - 8:15.578: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
8:12.804 - 8:15.781: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 11th
8:15.687 - 8:16.765: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 19th
8:14.421 - 8:16.820: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
6:40.398 - 8:18.906: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 5 ( 1:38.507)
8:17.054 - 8:19.390: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
8:16.929 - 8:19.445: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 34th
5:46.617 - 8:20.828: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 4 ( 2:34.210)
8:18.812 - 8:22.132: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jace Williams | District for 27th
8:19.195 - 8:22.507: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jace Williams | District for 28th
8:20.250 - 8:22.937: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
8:21.007 - 8:23.601: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 32nd
8:23.187 - 8:24.671: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 17th
8:16.945 - 8:24.851: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs went off the track
8:23.335 - 8:25.125: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 18th
8:23.968 - 8:25.460: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 19th
8:24.554 - 8:27.437: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District and Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 28th
8:25.750 - 8:27.492: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 20th
8:26.585 - 8:28.023: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 21st
8:26.578 - 8:28.117: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Jace Williams | District, Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 29th
8:25.460 - 8:28.445: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 18th
8:26.156 - 8:28.601: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Jace Williams | District and Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 30th
8:27.148 - 8:29.148: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jace Williams | District and Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 31st
8:28.640 - 8:29.812: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 5th
8:28.453 - 8:31.679: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 36th
8:22.531 - 8:31.976: Jace Williams | District passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 32nd
8:30.390 - 8:32.656: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 33rd
8:30.039 - 8:32.984: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 5th
8:37.132 - 8:39.773: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 28th
6:56.390 - 8:40.265: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 5 ( 1:43.875)
8:39.359 - 8:40.468: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 11th
8:38.023 - 8:40.710: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 29th
8:38.757 - 8:41.687: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 30th
8:41.687 - 8:42.726: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 33rd
6:58.390 - 8:42.976: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 5 ( 1:44.585)
8:30.664 - 8:43.093: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
8:38.929 - 8:44.007: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 21st
8:41.515 - 8:44.242: Jace Williams | District passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 31st
8:42.726 - 8:45.343: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 32nd
8:43.031 - 8:45.507: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 33rd
8:43.968 - 8:45.804: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 11th
8:45.648 - 8:46.937: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 33rd
8:43.476 - 8:47.937: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
7:05.320 - 8:48.093: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 5 ( 1:42.773)
8:43.664 - 8:48.281: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 17th
7:09.625 - 8:51.796: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 5 ( 1:42.171)
7:08.734 - 8:52.539: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 5 ( 1:43.804)
8:51.148 - 8:52.859: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 17th
8:45.460 - 8:53.117: Chris Post went off the track
8:52.554 - 8:55.289: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 36th
7:14.523 - 8:56.398: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:41.875)
8:55.265 - 8:56.554: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 18th
8:54.109 - 8:57.039: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 37th
8:54.726 - 8:58.109: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 33rd
8:55.023 - 8:58.578: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Chris Post and dom | takatoji for 14th
8:55.890 - 8:59.078: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Chris Post and dom | takatoji for 15th
8:56.757 - 9:00.039: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Chris Post , dom | takatoji and Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
7:15.429 - 9:00.304: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 5 ( 1:44.875)
8:56.554 - 9:00.375: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Chris Post and dom | takatoji for 17th
7:17.187 - 9:00.695: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:43.507)
8:59.039 - 9:01.015: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 29th
7:12.101 - 9:01.539: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 5 ( 1:49.437)
8:57.890 - 9:01.570: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Chris Post and dom | takatoji for 18th
7:06.703 - 9:01.750: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 1:55.046)
8:53.117 - 9:02.343: Chris Post passed dom | takatoji for 19th
7:18.406 - 9:02.718: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 5 ( 1:44.312)
9:00.984 - 9:03.687: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 34th
9:00.882 - 9:04.843: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 32nd
9:01.750 - 9:05.296: Alec Horn | Phil's passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 10th
9:03.687 - 9:06.539: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 33rd
9:06.007 - 9:08.421: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 16th
9:05.304 - 9:08.578: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 10th
9:06.726 - 9:09.859: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 11th
9:08.718 - 9:11.039: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
9:09.859 - 9:12.070: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm and Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
9:08.578 - 9:12.335: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Squiddy | District Designs for 10th
7:28.148 - 9:12.648: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 5 ( 1:44.500)
9:13.796 - 9:15.867: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 16th
9:12.234 - 9:16.890: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jace Williams | District for 31st
7:28.859 - 9:17.031: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 5 ( 1:48.171)
9:14.140 - 9:17.375: Squiddy | District Designs passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 9th
7:34.742 - 9:17.679: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 5 ( 1:42.937)
9:13.625 - 9:18.140: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jace Williams | District for 32nd
9:14.312 - 9:18.914: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jace Williams | District for 33rd
9:16.375 - 9:18.937: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 21st
7:23.976 - 9:19.078: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 5 ( 1:55.101)
9:16.960 - 9:19.140: Joey Broadstreet passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 22nd
9:16.054 - 9:19.304: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 4th
7:33.367 - 9:19.429: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 5 ( 1:46.062)
9:16.828 - 9:19.687: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 5th
9:17.398 - 9:20.109: Austin Partelow | AVM passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 23rd
7:35.617 - 9:20.148: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 5 ( 1:44.531)
9:18.554 - 9:21.078: Alec Horn | Phil's passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 10th
9:18.429 - 9:21.101: evan holte | tscz passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 24th
7:28.359 - 9:21.507: Chris Post finished lap 5 ( 1:53.148)
9:12.335 - 9:22.289: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 11th
9:19.492 - 9:22.453: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 25th
7:22.078 - 9:22.703: dom | takatoji finished lap 5 ( 2:00.625)
9:20.921 - 9:23.796: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 6th
9:22.890 - 9:24.148: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 30th
9:24.265 - 9:26.062: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 31st
9:25.171 - 9:26.437: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
7:37.578 - 9:26.515: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 5 ( 1:48.937)
9:21.015 - 9:26.812: Squiddy | District Designs went off the track
9:24.531 - 9:26.859: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 26th
7:42.804 - 9:27.242: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 5 ( 1:44.437)
9:24.179 - 9:27.632: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 17th
7:45.132 - 9:27.914: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 5 ( 1:42.781)
9:25.429 - 9:28.750: Chris Post passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 18th
7:48.023 - 9:28.898: evan holte | tscz finished lap 5 ( 1:40.875)
9:26.578 - 9:29.812: dom | takatoji passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 19th
7:49.570 - 9:30.117: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 5 ( 1:40.546)
9:28.843 - 9:31.906: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 39th
9:30.484 - 9:33.765: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 20th
7:50.328 - 9:35.015: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 5 ( 1:44.687)
7:29.531 - 9:35.554: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 5 ( 2:06.023)
9:32.765 - 9:35.859: evan holte | tscz passed Joey Broadstreet, Austin Partelow | AVM and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 21st
9:34.156 - 9:37.343: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Joey Broadstreet, Austin Partelow | AVM and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 22nd
9:31.085 - 9:37.507: Joey Broadstreet passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
7:57.398 - 9:37.664: Seth Carr | Covenant finished lap 5 ( 1:40.265)
9:31.742 - 9:38.343: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 24th
9:33.554 - 9:39.367: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs went off the track
9:37.195 - 9:40.289: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
7:54.929 - 9:41.132: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 5 ( 1:46.203)
9:38.648 - 9:42.070: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 31st
9:40.429 - 9:42.789: Jace Williams | District passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 32nd
9:41.406 - 9:44.585: Chris Post passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 16th
9:44.171 - 9:46.539: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Branden Walther | Dinoco and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 33rd
8:02.890 - 9:48.312: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 5 ( 1:45.421)
9:41.757 - 9:49.890: Alec Zellner | Vurb went off the track
7:54.117 - 9:50.429: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:56.312)
7:49.851 - 9:50.882: Jace Williams | District finished lap 5 ( 2:01.031)
9:51.671 - 9:54.023: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
9:51.609 - 9:54.835: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
9:30.750 - 9:55.460: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp went off the track
7:59.203 - 9:57.343: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 5 ( 1:58.140)
9:55.710 - 9:58.859: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 25th
9:55.523 - 9:58.992: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 26th
9:54.835 - 9:59.546: Joey Broadstreet went off the track
9:56.281 - 9:59.578: evan holte | tscz passed dom | takatoji for 18th
7:53.523 - 10:00.484: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 5 ( 2:06.960)
9:56.859 - 10:00.484: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 34th
8:07.406 - 10:00.593: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:53.187)
9:57.421 - 10:00.593: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
9:57.937 - 10:01.164: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed dom | takatoji for 19th
9:58.695 - 10:01.773: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed dom | takatoji for 20th
9:59.828 - 10:02.289: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Chris Post for 16th
8:07.218 - 10:02.710: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 5 ( 1:55.492)
9:59.507 - 10:02.710: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 36th
10:01.078 - 10:03.648: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 27th
8:18.906 - 10:03.906: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 6 ( 1:45.000)
10:02.320 - 10:04.242: Austin Partelow | AVM passed dom | takatoji for 21st
7:54.382 - 10:05.687: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 5 ( 2:11.304)
7:50.085 - 10:06.125: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 5 ( 2:16.039)
10:03.648 - 10:06.687: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 26th
10:06.687 - 10:08.203: Seth Carr | Covenant passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 25th
10:07.257 - 10:09.148: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 27th
10:07.648 - 10:09.890: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 34th
10:08.953 - 10:11.390: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 30th
10:09.046 - 10:11.781: Jace Williams | District passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 31st
8:20.828 - 10:12.445: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 5 ( 1:51.617)
10:09.898 - 10:12.632: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 34th
10:12.507 - 10:13.640: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 19th
10:12.414 - 10:13.765: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 20th
10:13.625 - 10:14.875: dom | takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 21st
10:13.921 - 10:15.015: Joey Broadstreet passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 22nd
10:12.882 - 10:15.710: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 25th
10:13.632 - 10:15.898: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 26th
10:14.250 - 10:16.468: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 27th
10:15.226 - 10:16.507: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 23rd
8:11.914 - 10:16.851: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 5 ( 2:04.937)
10:15.218 - 10:17.812: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 32nd
10:17.359 - 10:18.343: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 24th
8:40.265 - 10:18.820: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 6 ( 1:38.554)
10:15.898 - 10:19.054: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp went off the track
10:18.210 - 10:19.617: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
10:15.507 - 10:19.906: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
10:18.515 - 10:20.648: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 28th
10:19.617 - 10:22.031: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 25th
10:19.398 - 10:22.437: Jace Williams | District passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 30th
10:21.734 - 10:23.617: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 9th
8:42.976 - 10:26.828: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 6 ( 1:43.851)
10:25.890 - 10:28.007: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 10th
10:25.664 - 10:28.960: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 31st
10:28.164 - 10:29.312: Alec Horn | Phil's passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 10th
10:27.875 - 10:30.578: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 25th
10:27.710 - 10:30.929: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
10:28.226 - 10:31.296: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 33rd
10:29.507 - 10:32.156: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 10th
10:29.984 - 10:32.312: Joey Broadstreet passed dom | takatoji for 21st
10:29.242 - 10:32.828: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 35th
10:30.015 - 10:33.070: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 36th
8:51.796 - 10:33.609: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 6 ( 1:41.812)
8:52.539 - 10:34.679: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 6 ( 1:42.140)
10:35.671 - 10:36.937: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR and Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 6th
10:37.828 - 10:40.687: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 38th
10:40.070 - 10:43.382: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto went off the track
9:00.304 - 10:43.890: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 6 ( 1:43.585)
10:45.835 - 10:47.601: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
8:56.398 - 10:48.390: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:51.992)
8:48.093 - 10:48.757: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 6 ( 2:00.664)
10:45.304 - 10:48.835: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys went off the track
9:00.695 - 10:49.687: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:48.992)
9:01.539 - 10:50.609: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 6 ( 1:49.070)
9:01.750 - 10:51.296: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 1:49.546)
10:49.570 - 10:51.859: Joey Broadstreet passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
10:51.312 - 10:53.531: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed dom | takatoji, Austin Partelow | AVM and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 21st
10:51.617 - 10:54.046: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed dom | takatoji, Austin Partelow | AVM and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 22nd
10:52.703 - 10:54.445: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 34th
9:02.718 - 10:55.195: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 6 ( 1:52.476)
10:51.195 - 10:55.343: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed dom | takatoji and Austin Partelow | AVM for 23rd
10:53.609 - 10:55.664: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed dom | takatoji and Austin Partelow | AVM for 24th
10:53.906 - 10:56.218: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed dom | takatoji and Austin Partelow | AVM for 25th
10:55.664 - 10:58.273: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
9:12.648 - 10:58.343: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 6 ( 1:45.695)
10:56.992 - 10:59.007: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed dom | takatoji for 27th
9:17.031 - 10:59.546: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 6 ( 1:42.515)
10:58.648 - 10:59.828: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
10:59.921 - 11:02.968: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 23rd
11:00.046 - 11:03.195: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 24th
11:02.015 - 11:03.945: Alec Horn | Phil's passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 10th
10:58.882 - 11:04.453: Harrison Gafford | WBB went off the track
9:19.078 - 11:04.546: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 6 ( 1:45.468)
10:58.468 - 11:04.554: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing went off the track
9:20.148 - 11:05.906: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 6 ( 1:45.757)
11:03.554 - 11:06.703: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 13th
9:21.507 - 11:08.484: Chris Post finished lap 6 ( 1:46.976)
11:06.695 - 11:09.109: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 21st
11:08.531 - 11:11.648: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 14th
11:09.117 - 11:11.703: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Joey Broadstreet and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 20th
9:28.898 - 11:11.867: evan holte | tscz finished lap 6 ( 1:42.968)
10:56.812 - 11:11.960: Seth Carr | Covenant went off the track
11:09.898 - 11:12.781: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 15th
11:11.445 - 11:13.789: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Broadstreet and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 21st
11:12.046 - 11:14.281: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Joey Broadstreet and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 22nd
11:12.281 - 11:15.257: Chris Post passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 16th
11:12.945 - 11:15.359: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 23rd
11:12.390 - 11:16.187: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Joey Broadstreet and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 24th
11:14.164 - 11:16.250: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 34th
11:15.328 - 11:17.304: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 30th
9:30.117 - 11:17.382: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 6 ( 1:47.265)
11:15.562 - 11:17.828: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 5th
11:15.304 - 11:17.867: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Joey Broadstreet and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 25th
9:35.554 - 11:19.609: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 6 ( 1:44.054)
11:09.109 - 11:19.632: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Joey Broadstreet for 26th
11:18.601 - 11:20.531: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 6th
9:35.015 - 11:21.804: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 6 ( 1:46.789)
11:19.546 - 11:21.843: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 7th
11:20.664 - 11:23.156: Squiddy | District Designs passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 8th
11:20.914 - 11:23.335: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 9th
11:22.875 - 11:24.648: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 34th
11:23.335 - 11:25.304: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Squiddy | District Designs for 8th
9:26.515 - 11:25.570: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 6 ( 1:59.054)
11:21.351 - 11:25.570: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 22nd
9:19.429 - 11:25.937: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 6 ( 2:06.507)
9:41.132 - 11:26.039: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 6 ( 1:44.906)
11:22.820 - 11:26.039: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 24th
11:25.789 - 11:27.070: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
11:25.148 - 11:27.117: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 34th
9:17.679 - 11:27.812: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 6 ( 2:10.132)
11:24.812 - 11:27.812: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 25th
11:23.273 - 11:28.265: Chris Post went off the track
11:26.171 - 11:28.328: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 35th
9:27.242 - 11:28.460: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 6 ( 2:01.218)
11:25.101 - 11:28.460: Joey Broadstreet passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 26th
11:25.828 - 11:29.031: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
9:22.703 - 11:30.375: dom | takatoji finished lap 6 ( 2:07.671)
11:27.226 - 11:30.375: dom | takatoji passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 27th
11:28.679 - 11:31.109: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 36th
11:29.976 - 11:31.156: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Squiddy | District Designs for 10th
11:30.570 - 11:31.718: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Squiddy | District Designs for 11th
9:27.914 - 11:32.054: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 6 ( 2:04.140)
9:50.882 - 11:38.429: Jace Williams | District finished lap 6 ( 1:47.546)
11:36.812 - 11:39.851: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 31st
11:37.585 - 11:39.968: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 36th
10:03.906 - 11:43.976: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 7 ( 1:40.070)
9:57.343 - 11:44.218: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 6 ( 1:46.875)
11:43.171 - 11:45.984: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 32nd
11:43.937 - 11:46.890: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 33rd
10:00.484 - 11:47.703: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 6 ( 1:47.218)
11:46.312 - 11:49.101: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
11:48.054 - 11:51.203: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 24th
11:49.210 - 11:51.500: Austin Partelow | AVM passed dom | takatoji for 27th
11:49.484 - 11:51.914: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 7th
9:50.429 - 11:54.109: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 6 ( 2:03.679)
10:05.687 - 11:55.093: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 6 ( 1:49.406)
11:53.281 - 11:56.070: Joey Broadstreet passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 25th
10:12.445 - 11:57.000: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 6 ( 1:44.554)
9:48.312 - 11:57.726: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 6 ( 2:09.414)
11:53.343 - 11:58.265: Jace Williams | District went off the track
11:56.046 - 11:59.812: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 19th
11:59.296 - 12:01.265: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 20th
10:18.820 - 12:02.796: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 7 ( 1:43.976)
10:00.593 - 12:04.250: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 6 ( 2:03.656)
10:02.710 - 12:05.218: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 6 ( 2:02.507)
12:06.937 - 12:07.960: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 21st
12:08.164 - 12:10.304: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 21st
10:06.125 - 12:11.328: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 6 ( 2:05.203)
12:08.867 - 12:11.679: evan holte | tscz passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 17th
12:08.687 - 12:11.984: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 22nd
12:09.046 - 12:12.289: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 23rd
10:26.828 - 12:13.328: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 7 ( 1:46.500)
12:09.578 - 12:13.367: Tyler Nichols | SPINC went off the track
12:10.421 - 12:13.867: Joey Broadstreet passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 24th
12:11.585 - 12:14.414: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 25th
12:13.273 - 12:15.515: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
10:33.609 - 12:16.968: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 7 ( 1:43.359)
12:09.710 - 12:17.320: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys went off the track
12:14.250 - 12:17.367: dom | takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
12:16.078 - 12:18.195: Chris Post passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 15th
12:18.492 - 12:20.554: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 7th
12:17.632 - 12:20.625: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 22nd
12:19.273 - 12:21.289: evan holte | tscz passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
12:19.203 - 12:22.187: Joey Broadstreet passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
12:20.367 - 12:22.632: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 8th
12:21.187 - 12:23.140: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 9th
12:20.093 - 12:23.312: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 24th
12:21.023 - 12:23.882: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
12:22.898 - 12:25.773: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 34th
12:22.890 - 12:25.937: dom | takatoji passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 26th
12:24.148 - 12:26.796: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 10th
12:23.929 - 12:26.843: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 27th
10:43.890 - 12:27.953: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 7 ( 1:44.062)
10:48.390 - 12:29.554: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:41.164)
12:28.867 - 12:31.429: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 11th
12:29.476 - 12:32.179: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 24th
10:48.757 - 12:33.765: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 7 ( 1:45.007)
12:28.867 - 12:34.632: Seth Kready|Yogi went off the track
12:32.585 - 12:35.101: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 11th
10:34.679 - 12:35.476: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 7 ( 2:00.796)
12:34.367 - 12:35.507: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 24th
12:34.328 - 12:35.554: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
10:50.609 - 12:36.132: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 7 ( 1:45.523)
12:35.523 - 12:37.140: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 24th
12:35.781 - 12:37.695: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
10:55.195 - 12:40.515: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 7 ( 1:45.320)
12:38.703 - 12:41.195: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 12th
12:31.632 - 12:41.937: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
12:27.992 - 12:42.367: JR Reyes | Dinoco went off the track
10:16.851 - 12:42.546: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 6 ( 2:25.695)
10:59.546 - 12:43.039: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 7 ( 1:43.492)
12:44.593 - 12:46.570: Joey Broadstreet passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 22nd
12:45.523 - 12:47.265: Austin Partelow | AVM passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 23rd
12:46.101 - 12:47.765: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 24th
12:47.648 - 12:48.929: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 36th
11:05.906 - 12:49.085: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 7 ( 1:43.179)
10:51.296 - 12:49.570: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 7 ( 1:58.273)
12:48.929 - 12:52.062: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
12:50.234 - 12:52.546: dom | takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 24th
10:49.687 - 12:52.945: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 7 ( 2:03.257)
11:08.484 - 12:53.164: Chris Post finished lap 7 ( 1:44.679)
11:11.867 - 12:55.007: evan holte | tscz finished lap 7 ( 1:43.140)
12:53.164 - 12:56.804: Chris Post passed Squiddy | District Designs for 14th
12:56.843 - 12:59.726: Squiddy | District Designs passed Chris Post for 14th
11:04.546 - 13:00.906: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 7 ( 1:56.359)
12:58.117 - 13:01.132: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 6th
10:58.343 - 13:01.976: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 7 ( 2:03.632)
13:00.210 - 13:03.289: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 7th
13:01.242 - 13:03.289: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed dom | takatoji for 25th
13:00.648 - 13:03.703: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 8th
13:02.937 - 13:04.726: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 12th
11:21.804 - 13:04.921: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 7 ( 1:43.117)
13:03.273 - 13:05.406: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
13:03.703 - 13:06.953: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 7th
13:06.023 - 13:07.773: Squiddy | District Designs passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 13th
13:06.625 - 13:08.476: Chris Post passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 14th
11:17.382 - 13:08.601: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 7 ( 1:51.218)
11:27.812 - 13:09.125: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 7 ( 1:41.312)
13:06.453 - 13:10.031: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 8th
13:09.085 - 13:10.398: dom | takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 25th
13:10.031 - 13:12.148: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 7th
13:05.710 - 13:13.062: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 36th
11:32.054 - 13:13.312: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 7 ( 1:41.257)
13:10.210 - 13:13.312: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
11:26.039 - 13:14.507: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 7 ( 1:48.468)
13:11.414 - 13:14.507: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
13:09.664 - 13:14.703: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 9th
11:28.460 - 13:16.015: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 7 ( 1:47.554)
11:19.609 - 13:16.976: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 7 ( 1:57.367)
13:13.984 - 13:16.976: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed dom | takatoji for 25th
11:30.375 - 13:17.054: dom | takatoji finished lap 7 ( 1:46.679)
11:25.570 - 13:17.625: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 7 ( 1:52.054)
13:10.984 - 13:17.882: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 10th
13:15.953 - 13:18.179: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 20th
11:25.937 - 13:18.843: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 7 ( 1:52.906)
13:17.625 - 13:21.609: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and dom | takatoji for 25th
11:43.976 - 13:22.273: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 8 ( 1:38.296)
13:20.296 - 13:22.351: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 21st
13:18.843 - 13:22.351: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and dom | takatoji for 26th
13:17.054 - 13:22.546: dom | takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 27th
13:21.429 - 13:23.140: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 22nd
11:38.429 - 13:23.546: Jace Williams | District finished lap 7 ( 1:45.117)
13:20.906 - 13:23.617: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 33rd
13:22.351 - 13:25.945: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 25th
13:22.546 - 13:26.187: dom | takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
13:23.546 - 13:27.359: Jace Williams | District passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 28th
11:47.703 - 13:30.710: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 7 ( 1:43.007)
13:27.359 - 13:30.851: Jace Williams | District passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
13:29.132 - 13:32.726: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 28th
13:31.312 - 13:33.921: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 11th
13:29.640 - 13:34.632: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi went off the track
13:34.984 - 13:37.562: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 28th
13:37.914 - 13:39.609: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
13:38.125 - 13:39.843: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 11th
11:54.109 - 13:41.140: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:47.031)
11:44.218 - 13:42.070: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 7 ( 1:57.851)
13:41.500 - 13:43.000: Squiddy | District Designs passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 12th
13:41.101 - 13:43.664: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed dom | takatoji for 25th
11:55.093 - 13:43.695: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 7 ( 1:48.601)
13:41.625 - 13:43.929: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed dom | takatoji for 26th
13:38.843 - 13:44.132: Jace Williams | District went off the track
13:41.046 - 13:44.187: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 34th
13:43.398 - 13:45.109: Chris Post passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 13th
13:39.843 - 13:46.164: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 10th
13:43.000 - 13:46.406: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 11th
13:45.265 - 13:48.093: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 35th
13:46.226 - 13:49.289: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
13:48.125 - 13:51.414: Chris Post passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 11th
12:02.796 - 13:51.468: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 8 ( 1:48.671)
13:49.296 - 13:52.203: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 12th
11:57.726 - 13:52.281: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 7 ( 1:54.554)
13:50.546 - 13:53.531: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 27th
13:50.421 - 13:53.718: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
13:52.007 - 13:54.070: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 3rd
13:52.578 - 13:54.671: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 8th
13:53.210 - 13:56.007: evan holte | tscz passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 14th
12:04.250 - 13:56.328: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:52.078)
11:57.000 - 13:57.460: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 7 ( 2:00.460)
13:46.539 - 13:58.851: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Squiddy | District Designs for 15th
12:05.218 - 14:00.164: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 7 ( 1:54.945)
13:58.335 - 14:01.437: dom | takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 28th
13:58.570 - 14:01.640: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 29th
12:11.328 - 14:03.687: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 7 ( 1:52.359)
14:01.289 - 14:04.726: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 35th
12:16.968 - 14:07.164: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 8 ( 1:50.195)
12:13.328 - 14:07.898: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 8 ( 1:54.570)
12:27.953 - 14:11.250: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 8 ( 1:43.296)
14:09.796 - 14:12.117: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 15th
14:08.523 - 14:12.875: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed dom | takatoji for 28th
14:11.265 - 14:13.296: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 16th
14:10.820 - 14:13.843: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 31st
14:12.687 - 14:14.726: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 17th
14:13.078 - 14:15.250: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 18th
14:14.789 - 14:16.828: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 19th
12:33.765 - 14:18.656: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 8 ( 1:44.890)
12:29.554 - 14:22.796: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:53.242)
14:22.726 - 14:24.757: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
14:24.859 - 14:26.070: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 36th
14:24.953 - 14:28.421: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp went off the track
12:40.515 - 14:29.156: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 8 ( 1:48.640)
14:26.296 - 14:29.625: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 35th
12:36.132 - 14:29.773: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 8 ( 1:53.640)
14:26.070 - 14:30.125: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 36th
14:28.578 - 14:36.031: Ethan | Glusta X Obr went off the track
12:35.476 - 14:36.140: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 8 ( 2:00.664)
14:33.640 - 14:36.421: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 8th
12:53.164 - 14:39.164: Chris Post finished lap 8 ( 1:46.000)
12:43.039 - 14:40.054: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 8 ( 1:57.015)
12:49.085 - 14:40.656: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 8 ( 1:51.570)
12:55.007 - 14:42.742: evan holte | tscz finished lap 8 ( 1:47.734)
14:41.648 - 14:42.976: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Squiddy | District Designs for 15th
14:42.476 - 14:43.960: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Squiddy | District Designs for 16th
14:43.554 - 14:44.976: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Squiddy | District Designs for 17th
14:44.273 - 14:45.656: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Squiddy | District Designs for 18th
14:44.750 - 14:47.937: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Chris Post and Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 11th
14:46.671 - 14:48.000: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Squiddy | District Designs for 19th
14:44.148 - 14:48.070: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Chris Post for 12th
13:00.906 - 14:48.531: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 8 ( 1:47.625)
13:01.976 - 14:49.179: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 8 ( 1:47.203)
14:47.726 - 14:49.820: dom | takatoji passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 28th
14:46.304 - 14:49.820: evan holte | tscz passed Chris Post for 13th
14:48.070 - 14:49.835: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 11th
14:47.789 - 14:50.414: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 22nd
13:04.921 - 14:50.500: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 8 ( 1:45.578)
14:47.484 - 14:50.609: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
13:09.125 - 14:50.828: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 8 ( 1:41.703)
14:50.140 - 14:51.054: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 3rd
14:49.695 - 14:51.054: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Squiddy | District Designs for 20th
14:49.820 - 14:51.632: dom | takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
12:42.546 - 14:52.468: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 7 ( 2:09.921)
12:49.570 - 14:53.085: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 8 ( 2:03.515)
14:53.062 - 14:55.273: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Squiddy | District Designs for 21st
14:53.656 - 14:55.937: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Squiddy | District Designs for 22nd
14:54.710 - 14:56.148: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 8th
13:13.312 - 14:56.187: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 8 ( 1:42.875)
13:08.601 - 14:58.265: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 8 ( 1:49.664)
14:51.429 - 14:58.523: Tyler Nichols | SPINC went off the track
13:14.507 - 14:59.179: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 8 ( 1:44.671)
12:52.945 - 14:59.554: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 8 ( 2:06.609)
13:16.015 - 15:00.734: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 8 ( 1:44.718)
14:56.781 - 15:01.640: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 18th
14:59.953 - 15:03.570: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
13:22.273 - 15:05.460: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 9 ( 1:43.187)
15:01.664 - 15:05.585: Branden Walther | Dinoco went off the track
13:18.843 - 15:09.304: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 8 ( 1:50.460)
13:23.546 - 15:09.640: Jace Williams | District finished lap 8 ( 1:46.093)
15:07.828 - 15:09.742: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 17th
15:13.789 - 15:16.984: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Austin Partelow | AVM and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 17th
15:11.437 - 15:17.234: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House went off the track
15:14.492 - 15:17.921: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Austin Partelow | AVM and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 18th
15:15.531 - 15:18.820: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Austin Partelow | AVM and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
15:12.804 - 15:19.031: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
15:12.289 - 15:20.242: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 21st
13:17.054 - 15:22.070: dom | takatoji finished lap 8 ( 2:05.015)
13:17.625 - 15:24.039: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 8 ( 2:06.414)
13:30.710 - 15:27.453: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 8 ( 1:56.742)
13:42.070 - 15:28.734: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 8 ( 1:46.664)
15:27.710 - 15:30.601: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 21st
15:29.492 - 15:30.625: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 3rd
13:43.695 - 15:30.687: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 8 ( 1:46.992)
15:28.796 - 15:31.742: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 22nd
15:29.335 - 15:32.726: Joey Broadstreet passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 23rd
13:51.468 - 15:32.781: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 9 ( 1:41.312)
15:30.445 - 15:33.593: Jace Williams | District passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
15:31.125 - 15:34.078: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 3rd
15:34.117 - 15:35.992: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 3rd
13:52.281 - 15:37.484: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 8 ( 1:45.203)
13:41.140 - 15:38.703: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:57.562)
15:35.992 - 15:39.820: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV went off the track
15:40.265 - 15:42.882: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 3rd
15:44.632 - 15:46.921: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 19th
14:00.164 - 15:48.820: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 8 ( 1:48.656)
15:52.335 - 15:53.234: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jace Williams | District for 25th
14:07.898 - 15:53.976: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 9 ( 1:46.078)
14:07.164 - 15:54.632: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 9 ( 1:47.468)
15:53.578 - 15:56.171: Jace Williams | District passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
15:42.156 - 15:57.531: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto went off the track
15:54.023 - 15:58.109: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys went off the track
15:55.570 - 15:58.406: Joey Broadstreet passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 22nd
14:03.687 - 15:59.304: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 8 ( 1:55.617)
15:58.343 - 16:01.234: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 17th
15:58.523 - 16:01.546: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
14:11.250 - 16:02.734: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 9 ( 1:51.484)
14:18.656 - 16:03.640: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 9 ( 1:44.984)
13:57.460 - 16:04.195: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 8 ( 2:06.734)
14:22.796 - 16:06.250: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:43.453)
15:54.875 - 16:12.289: Branden Walther | Dinoco went off the track
16:07.968 - 16:12.585: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 16th
16:09.195 - 16:13.843: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 17th
14:29.156 - 16:15.570: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 9 ( 1:46.414)
16:14.890 - 16:17.093: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 29th
16:17.421 - 16:19.054: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 30th
14:29.773 - 16:19.367: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 9 ( 1:49.593)
16:19.054 - 16:19.921: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 29th
16:14.875 - 16:20.617: Ethan | Glusta X Obr went off the track
16:19.617 - 16:21.187: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
16:20.226 - 16:22.437: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 29th
16:21.648 - 16:23.351: Joey Broadstreet passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 23rd
14:40.054 - 16:23.789: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 9 ( 1:43.734)
16:20.304 - 16:23.789: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 10th
16:22.570 - 16:25.398: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 31st
14:40.656 - 16:25.757: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 9 ( 1:45.101)
16:22.726 - 16:25.757: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 11th
14:36.140 - 16:25.945: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 9 ( 1:49.804)
16:23.726 - 16:26.812: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Squiddy | District Designs for 19th
16:23.539 - 16:27.054: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
14:42.742 - 16:27.140: evan holte | tscz finished lap 9 ( 1:44.398)
16:24.312 - 16:27.234: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Squiddy | District Designs for 20th
14:39.164 - 16:29.921: Chris Post finished lap 9 ( 1:50.757)
14:48.531 - 16:33.632: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 9 ( 1:45.101)
16:32.179 - 16:33.835: Joey Broadstreet passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 21st
16:30.867 - 16:35.234: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 30th
16:33.843 - 16:35.882: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
16:32.507 - 16:35.929: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 31st
16:35.914 - 16:38.304: Joey Broadstreet passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 22nd
16:36.125 - 16:39.531: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 32nd
16:38.609 - 16:40.882: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
14:58.265 - 16:42.093: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 9 ( 1:43.828)
14:53.085 - 16:42.484: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 9 ( 1:49.398)
16:39.531 - 16:42.570: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 31st
16:40.406 - 16:43.773: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 32nd
16:42.054 - 16:44.039: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 5th
16:42.828 - 16:44.093: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
14:49.179 - 16:46.101: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 9 ( 1:56.921)
14:59.554 - 16:46.578: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:47.023)
16:43.484 - 16:46.578: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
16:45.195 - 16:48.617: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 30th
15:05.460 - 16:48.906: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 10 ( 1:43.445)
16:46.546 - 16:49.656: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 11th
16:46.664 - 16:50.046: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 31st
15:00.734 - 16:50.554: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 9 ( 1:49.820)
16:47.140 - 16:50.554: Joey Broadstreet passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Austin Partelow | AVM and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 20th
16:47.421 - 16:50.937: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
14:59.179 - 16:53.632: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 9 ( 1:54.453)
16:50.898 - 16:53.726: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
14:50.828 - 16:54.164: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 9 ( 2:03.335)
16:46.351 - 16:54.164: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Austin Partelow | AVM for 22nd
16:51.265 - 16:54.281: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 11th
14:56.187 - 16:54.492: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 9 ( 1:58.304)
16:53.156 - 16:55.898: evan holte | tscz passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 12th
15:09.640 - 16:56.734: Jace Williams | District finished lap 9 ( 1:47.093)
16:53.523 - 16:56.734: Jace Williams | District passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 24th
16:54.429 - 16:57.210: Chris Post passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 13th
14:50.500 - 16:58.976: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 9 ( 2:08.476)
15:09.304 - 17:00.281: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 9 ( 1:50.976)
16:59.070 - 17:02.132: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 5th
14:52.468 - 17:02.812: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 8 ( 2:10.343)
17:01.007 - 17:02.898: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 21st
17:00.281 - 17:03.789: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 25th
17:02.125 - 17:03.921: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 22nd
15:22.070 - 17:04.953: dom | takatoji finished lap 9 ( 1:42.882)
17:04.171 - 17:06.343: Jace Williams | District passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 23rd
17:03.882 - 17:07.054: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
15:24.039 - 17:08.562: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 9 ( 1:44.523)
17:07.054 - 17:09.109: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 24th
17:07.195 - 17:09.734: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 25th
15:32.781 - 17:13.257: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 10 ( 1:40.476)
17:10.078 - 17:13.820: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 31st
17:11.195 - 17:14.546: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 17th
17:12.109 - 17:15.093: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 18th
17:18.179 - 17:20.007: Squiddy | District Designs passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 17th
15:37.484 - 17:21.898: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 9 ( 1:44.414)
17:20.070 - 17:21.929: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Squiddy | District Designs for 17th
15:30.687 - 17:30.554: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 9 ( 1:59.867)
15:28.734 - 17:33.140: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 9 ( 2:04.406)
15:27.453 - 17:33.773: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 9 ( 2:06.320)
17:32.875 - 17:33.828: Joey Broadstreet passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 19th
17:32.976 - 17:36.015: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed dom | takatoji for 27th
17:33.843 - 17:36.023: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Joey Broadstreet for 19th
15:38.703 - 17:37.539: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:58.835)
17:33.585 - 17:38.289: Logan Leitzel | Yogi went off the track
17:36.992 - 17:38.367: Squiddy | District Designs passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 17th
17:37.148 - 17:40.257: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 30th
17:37.789 - 17:40.632: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 31st
17:40.234 - 17:41.757: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 18th
17:41.132 - 17:42.609: Joey Broadstreet passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 19th
15:53.976 - 17:42.914: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 10 ( 1:48.937)
17:41.937 - 17:43.289: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 20th
17:41.656 - 17:44.640: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
17:40.054 - 17:46.039: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji went off the track
15:48.820 - 17:46.375: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 9 ( 1:57.554)
15:54.632 - 17:47.562: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 10 ( 1:52.929)
17:45.890 - 17:49.320: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 21st
16:02.734 - 17:49.453: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 10 ( 1:46.718)
17:36.234 - 17:50.859: Chris Post went off the track
17:48.625 - 17:51.156: Joey Broadstreet passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 18th
16:06.250 - 17:51.562: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:45.312)
17:48.093 - 17:51.562: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 6th
17:51.195 - 17:53.875: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Joey Broadstreet for 17th
17:51.859 - 17:54.539: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
15:59.304 - 17:55.281: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 9 ( 1:55.976)
16:04.195 - 17:55.445: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 9 ( 1:51.250)
17:52.859 - 17:58.281: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing went off the track
16:03.640 - 17:58.921: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 10 ( 1:55.281)
17:55.445 - 17:59.109: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 35th
17:57.375 - 17:59.921: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 32nd
16:15.570 - 18:00.375: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 10 ( 1:44.804)
16:19.367 - 18:00.867: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 10 ( 1:41.500)
18:01.210 - 18:05.710: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Joey Broadstreet for 19th
18:03.289 - 18:05.984: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Chris Post for 15th
18:01.820 - 18:07.382: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
16:25.945 - 18:08.437: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 10 ( 1:42.492)
18:07.625 - 18:09.585: Joey Broadstreet passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
16:25.757 - 18:10.031: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 10 ( 1:44.273)
16:27.140 - 18:10.937: evan holte | tscz finished lap 10 ( 1:43.796)
18:08.523 - 18:12.015: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 24th
18:11.765 - 18:14.468: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 33rd
16:23.789 - 18:16.804: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 10 ( 1:53.015)
18:03.382 - 18:17.257: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi went off the track
16:33.632 - 18:19.234: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 10 ( 1:45.601)
18:14.179 - 18:19.695: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR went off the track
18:20.078 - 18:23.210: Jace Williams | District passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 22nd
16:42.093 - 18:24.562: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 10 ( 1:42.468)
18:23.335 - 18:26.109: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 23rd
18:24.289 - 18:26.390: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 31st
18:25.296 - 18:27.710: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Joey Broadstreet for 19th
18:26.546 - 18:27.781: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 31st
18:25.601 - 18:28.429: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 8th
18:27.789 - 18:30.507: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 31st
16:46.578 - 18:31.562: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:44.984)
18:28.257 - 18:31.562: Squiddy | District Designs passed Chris Post for 16th
18:30.718 - 18:32.343: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 5th
16:48.906 - 18:32.679: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 11 ( 1:43.773)
16:42.484 - 18:34.882: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 10 ( 1:52.398)
18:31.906 - 18:34.882: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Chris Post for 17th
16:54.164 - 18:35.515: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 10 ( 1:41.351)
18:32.468 - 18:35.515: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Chris Post for 18th
16:50.554 - 18:36.414: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 10 ( 1:45.859)
18:33.179 - 18:36.414: Joey Broadstreet passed Chris Post for 19th
16:29.921 - 18:38.156: Chris Post finished lap 10 ( 2:08.234)
18:36.375 - 18:38.507: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 35th
16:54.492 - 18:41.132: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 10 ( 1:46.640)
16:56.734 - 18:42.265: Jace Williams | District finished lap 10 ( 1:45.531)
18:26.421 - 18:44.187: Seth Kready|Yogi went off the track
16:58.976 - 18:45.078: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 10 ( 1:46.101)
18:44.898 - 18:47.632: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 5th
18:40.804 - 18:48.789: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ went off the track
16:46.101 - 18:53.234: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 10 ( 2:07.132)
17:08.562 - 18:53.750: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 10 ( 1:45.187)
17:00.281 - 18:54.187: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 10 ( 1:53.906)
17:13.257 - 18:57.546: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 11 ( 1:44.289)
18:54.820 - 18:57.921: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 16th
16:53.632 - 18:59.187: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 10 ( 2:05.554)
18:56.859 - 18:59.953: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 34th
18:51.531 - 19:00.210: Chris Post went off the track
18:58.421 - 19:03.890: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR went off the track
17:04.953 - 19:03.968: dom | takatoji finished lap 10 ( 1:59.015)
19:03.296 - 19:04.531: Chris Post passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Joey Broadstreet for 18th
19:03.976 - 19:05.148: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 7th
19:05.125 - 19:06.554: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Joey Broadstreet for 19th
19:06.203 - 19:07.375: Jace Williams | District passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Joey Broadstreet for 20th
17:21.898 - 19:09.757: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 10 ( 1:47.859)
19:11.953 - 19:15.156: Joey Broadstreet passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 21st
19:05.062 - 19:15.718: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House went off the track
19:13.000 - 19:16.148: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 22nd
19:14.539 - 19:16.523: evan holte | tscz passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 11th
17:02.812 - 19:18.671: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 9 ( 2:15.859)
17:33.773 - 19:18.742: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 10 ( 1:44.968)
19:20.023 - 19:22.078: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 12th
19:20.398 - 19:23.304: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 24th
19:23.875 - 19:27.203: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 25th
19:25.710 - 19:28.382: Jace Williams | District passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
17:42.914 - 19:29.414: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 11 ( 1:46.500)
17:47.562 - 19:29.812: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 11 ( 1:42.250)
17:49.453 - 19:34.742: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 11 ( 1:45.289)
17:30.554 - 19:35.453: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 10 ( 2:04.898)
17:51.562 - 19:35.953: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:44.390)
17:37.539 - 19:36.828: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:59.289)
17:46.375 - 19:37.015: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 10 ( 1:50.640)
19:35.953 - 19:37.531: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 23rd
19:37.507 - 19:39.210: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 24th
19:36.695 - 19:39.757: Jace Williams | District passed Chris Post for 18th
18:00.867 - 19:41.546: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 11 ( 1:40.679)
19:39.929 - 19:42.820: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 5th
19:41.976 - 19:42.914: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 25th
19:40.437 - 19:43.242: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Chris Post for 19th
17:58.921 - 19:43.390: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 11 ( 1:44.468)
18:00.375 - 19:46.671: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 11 ( 1:46.296)
19:43.710 - 19:46.812: Joey Broadstreet passed Chris Post and Austin Partelow | AVM for 18th
19:31.320 - 19:47.367: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji went off the track
18:08.437 - 19:53.914: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 11 ( 1:45.476)
18:10.937 - 19:54.929: evan holte | tscz finished lap 11 ( 1:43.992)
19:53.687 - 19:55.687: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet for 18th
19:54.351 - 19:57.421: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 3rd
19:55.140 - 19:57.921: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 16th
19:54.703 - 19:58.156: dom | takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
19:58.171 - 20:00.773: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 25th
18:16.804 - 20:01.414: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 11 ( 1:44.609)
20:00.812 - 20:03.343: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 24th
18:10.031 - 20:05.570: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 11 ( 1:55.539)
18:19.234 - 20:06.148: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 11 ( 1:46.914)
17:55.445 - 20:06.359: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 10 ( 2:10.914)
20:06.117 - 20:09.304: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
18:32.679 - 20:12.070: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 12 ( 1:39.390)
20:12.890 - 20:15.117: dom | takatoji passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 25th
20:13.187 - 20:15.179: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 26th
18:31.562 - 20:15.515: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:43.953)
18:35.515 - 20:16.367: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 11 ( 1:40.851)
18:24.562 - 20:16.984: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 11 ( 1:52.421)
20:17.117 - 20:18.773: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
20:16.890 - 20:18.906: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 32nd
20:17.000 - 20:19.046: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 27th
20:04.578 - 20:20.164: Chris Post went off the track
20:19.257 - 20:24.773: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 30th
20:21.500 - 20:24.835: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 31st
20:22.031 - 20:25.523: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 32nd
20:22.804 - 20:25.992: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 22nd
20:24.835 - 20:26.101: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 30th
20:23.382 - 20:26.640: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 23rd
20:23.687 - 20:27.695: Chris Post passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 24th
18:42.265 - 20:27.906: Jace Williams | District finished lap 11 ( 1:45.640)
20:24.070 - 20:28.687: Alec Zellner | Vurb went off the track
20:27.578 - 20:30.718: dom | takatoji passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 25th
18:41.132 - 20:30.726: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 11 ( 1:49.593)
20:29.640 - 20:31.164: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 30th
18:36.414 - 20:32.210: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 11 ( 1:55.796)
20:32.476 - 20:34.234: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 31st
20:29.093 - 20:37.664: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
20:35.640 - 20:37.953: Chris Post passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
20:39.289 - 20:41.976: dom | takatoji passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 24th
18:45.078 - 20:42.218: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 11 ( 1:57.140)
20:41.281 - 20:44.046: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
20:41.234 - 20:44.265: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 26th
18:59.187 - 20:45.226: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 11 ( 1:46.039)
20:43.328 - 20:46.156: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 27th
18:38.156 - 20:46.242: Chris Post finished lap 11 ( 2:08.085)
20:41.445 - 20:48.109: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
20:45.054 - 20:48.117: evan holte | tscz passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 10th
18:57.546 - 20:50.414: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 12 ( 1:52.867)
20:47.679 - 20:50.484: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 16th
19:03.968 - 20:50.710: dom | takatoji finished lap 11 ( 1:46.742)
20:49.812 - 20:51.695: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 30th
18:53.750 - 20:52.210: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 11 ( 1:58.460)
18:53.234 - 20:52.945: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 11 ( 1:59.710)
19:09.757 - 20:54.296: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 11 ( 1:44.539)
18:54.187 - 20:54.898: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 11 ( 2:00.710)
18:34.882 - 21:00.367: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 11 ( 2:25.484)
20:57.460 - 21:00.656: Joey Broadstreet passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
21:07.718 - 21:10.742: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed dom | takatoji for 24th
21:08.171 - 21:11.148: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed dom | takatoji for 25th
21:09.273 - 21:11.968: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed dom | takatoji for 26th
21:10.289 - 21:13.015: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed dom | takatoji for 27th
19:29.812 - 21:16.210: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 12 ( 1:46.398)
21:14.843 - 21:17.156: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 30th
21:14.734 - 21:17.164: Alec Horn | Phil's passed dom | takatoji for 28th
19:29.414 - 21:19.070: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 12 ( 1:49.656)
19:35.953 - 21:19.640: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:43.687)
21:17.710 - 21:20.687: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 31st
19:34.742 - 21:20.968: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 12 ( 1:46.226)
21:18.734 - 21:21.109: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 32nd
19:41.546 - 21:23.640: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 12 ( 1:42.093)
21:23.281 - 21:26.554: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Harrison Gafford | WBB and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 25th
21:24.773 - 21:27.835: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Chris Post for 23rd
21:26.554 - 21:28.820: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Chris Post for 24th
19:43.390 - 21:30.523: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 12 ( 1:47.132)
21:27.804 - 21:31.046: dom | takatoji passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 28th
19:37.015 - 21:31.625: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 11 ( 1:54.609)
21:26.437 - 21:34.265: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
21:22.320 - 21:34.437: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 26th
21:31.046 - 21:34.484: dom | takatoji passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 27th
19:35.453 - 21:34.648: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 11 ( 1:59.195)
21:34.484 - 21:36.398: dom | takatoji passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 26th
19:46.671 - 21:37.015: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 12 ( 1:50.343)
19:18.671 - 21:39.460: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 10 ( 2:20.789)
19:54.929 - 21:39.742: evan holte | tscz finished lap 12 ( 1:44.812)
19:18.742 - 21:42.757: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 11 ( 2:24.015)
19:53.914 - 21:43.359: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 12 ( 1:49.445)
19:36.828 - 21:45.859: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 11 ( 2:09.031)
20:01.414 - 21:46.218: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 12 ( 1:44.804)
21:45.875 - 21:49.359: Chris Post went off the track
21:46.976 - 21:49.750: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 6th
21:46.218 - 21:51.390: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi went off the track
20:12.070 - 21:52.039: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 13 ( 1:39.968)
20:05.570 - 21:52.835: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 12 ( 1:47.265)
21:52.953 - 21:54.812: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 6th
20:06.148 - 21:56.218: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 12 ( 1:50.070)
20:06.359 - 21:56.750: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 11 ( 1:50.390)
20:15.515 - 22:00.015: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:44.500)
20:16.984 - 22:00.414: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 12 ( 1:43.429)
21:58.695 - 22:03.734: Tyler Nichols | SPINC went off the track
22:01.437 - 22:04.367: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 27th
22:05.187 - 22:07.351: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 6th
20:16.367 - 22:07.453: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 12 ( 1:51.085)
22:05.593 - 22:07.851: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 29th
22:08.070 - 22:11.195: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 32nd
22:13.117 - 22:16.476: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
20:32.210 - 22:17.320: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 12 ( 1:45.109)
22:13.929 - 22:17.320: Joey Broadstreet passed Jace Williams | District for 18th
20:27.906 - 22:20.804: Jace Williams | District finished lap 12 ( 1:52.898)
20:30.726 - 22:22.640: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 12 ( 1:51.914)
20:42.218 - 22:27.140: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 12 ( 1:44.921)
22:27.125 - 22:29.039: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 4th
20:50.414 - 22:30.867: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 13 ( 1:40.453)
22:16.343 - 22:31.523: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House went off the track
20:45.226 - 22:32.195: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 12 ( 1:46.968)
20:52.210 - 22:40.046: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 12 ( 1:47.835)
20:54.898 - 22:40.726: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 12 ( 1:45.828)
22:37.632 - 22:43.132: Austin Partelow | AVM went off the track
22:42.320 - 22:44.953: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 5th
20:50.710 - 22:48.390: dom | takatoji finished lap 12 ( 1:57.679)
20:52.945 - 22:52.468: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 12 ( 1:59.523)
22:54.046 - 22:56.750: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 31st
20:54.296 - 22:58.187: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 12 ( 2:03.890)
22:57.992 - 22:59.882: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 4th
21:16.210 - 23:00.164: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 13 ( 1:43.953)
21:23.640 - 23:03.265: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 13 ( 1:39.625)
21:19.640 - 23:03.484: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:43.843)
21:19.070 - 23:05.007: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 13 ( 1:45.937)
22:53.898 - 23:06.773: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House went off the track
21:20.968 - 23:07.187: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 13 ( 1:46.218)
23:04.664 - 23:08.710: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
23:07.375 - 23:12.031: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 30th
21:30.523 - 23:15.218: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 13 ( 1:44.695)
23:13.515 - 23:15.671: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 23rd
21:37.015 - 23:20.054: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 13 ( 1:43.039)
21:34.648 - 23:20.929: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 12 ( 1:46.281)
23:21.109 - 23:23.109: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 16th
21:39.742 - 23:24.218: evan holte | tscz finished lap 13 ( 1:44.476)
21:43.359 - 23:26.679: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 13 ( 1:43.320)
21:52.039 - 23:31.671: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 14 ( 1:39.632)
21:46.218 - 23:33.156: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 13 ( 1:46.937)
21:31.625 - 23:34.070: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 12 ( 2:02.445)
21:52.835 - 23:37.914: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 13 ( 1:45.078)
23:37.546 - 23:39.343: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jace Williams | District for 19th
22:00.015 - 23:43.992: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:43.976)
23:40.945 - 23:43.992: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
23:42.203 - 23:44.156: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jace Williams | District for 20th
21:56.218 - 23:44.843: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 13 ( 1:48.625)
22:07.453 - 23:47.953: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 13 ( 1:40.500)
21:39.460 - 23:50.031: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 11 ( 2:10.570)
22:00.414 - 23:52.875: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 13 ( 1:52.460)
23:55.273 - 23:57.218: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
21:45.859 - 23:58.546: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 12 ( 2:12.687)
22:17.320 - 24:04.421: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 13 ( 1:47.101)
24:02.343 - 24:05.023: Jace Williams | District passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
22:27.140 - 24:10.515: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 13 ( 1:43.375)
22:30.867 - 24:13.445: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 14 ( 1:42.578)
22:20.804 - 24:15.914: Jace Williams | District finished lap 13 ( 1:55.109)
22:22.640 - 24:16.179: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 13 ( 1:53.539)
22:32.195 - 24:17.609: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 13 ( 1:45.414)
24:17.273 - 24:19.000: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 15th
24:19.234 - 24:21.843: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 3rd
24:20.148 - 24:23.015: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed evan holte | tscz for 10th
24:21.656 - 24:24.015: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 4th
24:23.140 - 24:25.203: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jace Williams | District for 20th
24:24.679 - 24:27.101: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 5th
22:40.726 - 24:27.367: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 13 ( 1:46.640)
24:26.148 - 24:28.804: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 6th
22:40.046 - 24:31.734: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 13 ( 1:51.687)
24:30.773 - 24:32.164: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Squiddy | District Designs for 14th
22:48.390 - 24:33.226: dom | takatoji finished lap 13 ( 1:44.835)
21:56.750 - 24:34.914: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 12 ( 2:38.164)
24:33.093 - 24:36.695: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 7th
24:37.789 - 24:40.187: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 8th
22:52.468 - 24:41.070: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 13 ( 1:48.601)
24:40.187 - 24:41.710: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 7th
24:41.039 - 24:42.273: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jace Williams | District for 21st
23:03.265 - 24:45.156: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 14 ( 1:41.890)
24:42.375 - 24:45.679: Jace Williams | District passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 21st
24:44.273 - 24:46.539: evan holte | tscz passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 10th
23:03.484 - 24:47.390: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:43.906)
23:05.007 - 24:51.351: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 14 ( 1:46.343)
23:07.187 - 24:54.125: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 14 ( 1:46.937)
24:55.992 - 24:58.101: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jace Williams | District for 21st
22:58.187 - 25:02.421: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 13 ( 2:04.234)
24:59.867 - 25:04.851: brayden tharp | covenant #blm went off the track
23:15.218 - 25:06.625: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 14 ( 1:51.406)
25:02.656 - 25:06.625: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 7th
23:00.164 - 25:08.445: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 14 ( 2:08.281)
25:03.468 - 25:08.445: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 8th
23:24.218 - 25:11.445: evan holte | tscz finished lap 14 ( 1:47.226)
25:06.546 - 25:11.445: evan holte | tscz passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 9th
23:20.054 - 25:11.617: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 14 ( 1:51.562)
23:20.929 - 25:11.882: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 13 ( 1:50.953)
23:26.679 - 25:12.210: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 14 ( 1:45.531)
23:31.671 - 25:13.156: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 15 ( 1:41.484)
23:33.156 - 25:15.398: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 14 ( 1:42.242)
25:15.789 - 25:18.875: dom | takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 24th
23:37.914 - 25:23.851: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 14 ( 1:45.937)
25:20.906 - 25:28.226: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
23:47.953 - 25:28.500: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 14 ( 1:40.546)
25:14.742 - 25:28.507: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
23:43.992 - 25:30.476: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:46.484)
25:31.523 - 25:33.648: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 16th
25:32.742 - 25:34.742: Joey Broadstreet passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 17th
25:28.500 - 25:40.460: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash went off the track
25:35.195 - 25:42.796: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
25:41.023 - 25:43.976: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 20th
25:41.796 - 25:45.437: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 25th
23:34.070 - 25:45.968: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 13 ( 2:11.898)
25:47.335 - 25:49.140: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Joey Broadstreet for 16th
24:13.445 - 25:52.023: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 15 ( 1:38.578)
23:44.843 - 25:54.531: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 14 ( 2:09.687)
25:53.929 - 25:56.132: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Joey Broadstreet for 17th
24:04.421 - 26:00.375: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 14 ( 1:55.953)
25:56.945 - 26:00.375: Joey Broadstreet passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 17th
23:58.546 - 26:01.398: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 13 ( 2:02.851)
25:51.710 - 26:01.468: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR went off the track
24:16.179 - 26:02.210: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 14 ( 1:46.031)
25:58.984 - 26:02.210: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 18th
24:10.515 - 26:04.265: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 14 ( 1:53.750)
26:01.148 - 26:04.265: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 19th
24:17.609 - 26:04.796: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 14 ( 1:47.187)
26:00.437 - 26:04.796: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 20th
23:52.875 - 26:06.664: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 14 ( 2:13.789)
23:50.031 - 26:07.085: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 12 ( 2:17.054)
26:06.117 - 26:09.171: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed evan holte | tscz for 8th
24:15.914 - 26:09.937: Jace Williams | District finished lap 14 ( 1:54.023)
26:06.664 - 26:10.515: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 20th
26:09.632 - 26:12.468: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed evan holte | tscz for 9th
26:09.937 - 26:13.742: Jace Williams | District passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 21st
24:27.367 - 26:16.382: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 14 ( 1:49.015)
24:33.226 - 26:18.789: dom | takatoji finished lap 14 ( 1:45.562)
26:21.906 - 26:24.414: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 18th
24:45.156 - 26:25.148: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 15 ( 1:39.992)
26:24.828 - 26:27.742: Squiddy | District Designs passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 14th
24:41.070 - 26:27.890: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 14 ( 1:46.820)
24:47.390 - 26:31.585: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 15 ( 1:44.195)
26:30.718 - 26:32.960: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 8th
26:30.953 - 26:33.304: evan holte | tscz passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 9th
24:31.734 - 26:34.140: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 14 ( 2:02.406)
26:31.976 - 26:34.296: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 10th
26:33.046 - 26:35.375: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 11th
24:51.351 - 26:38.265: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 15 ( 1:46.914)
26:38.218 - 26:40.289: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 18th
24:34.914 - 26:41.007: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 13 ( 2:06.093)
26:39.421 - 26:41.562: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 19th
26:42.468 - 26:45.726: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 22nd
26:43.320 - 26:46.375: dom | takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 23rd
26:44.671 - 26:46.781: Jace Williams | District passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 20th
25:02.421 - 26:48.203: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 14 ( 1:45.781)
24:54.125 - 26:48.531: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 15 ( 1:54.406)
25:08.445 - 26:50.156: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 15 ( 1:41.710)
26:49.890 - 26:51.835: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jace Williams | District for 20th
25:13.156 - 26:53.257: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 16 ( 1:40.101)
26:54.406 - 26:55.929: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jace Williams | District for 21st
26:54.984 - 26:56.476: dom | takatoji passed Jace Williams | District for 22nd
25:11.617 - 26:56.718: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 15 ( 1:45.101)
25:11.445 - 26:56.992: evan holte | tscz finished lap 15 ( 1:45.546)
25:12.210 - 26:57.757: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 15 ( 1:45.546)
25:15.398 - 26:59.796: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 15 ( 1:44.398)
26:56.992 - 27:00.789: evan holte | tscz passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 8th
27:00.835 - 27:03.625: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed evan holte | tscz for 8th
25:11.882 - 27:04.171: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 14 ( 1:52.289)
25:06.625 - 27:05.609: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 15 ( 1:58.984)
25:23.851 - 27:09.007: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 15 ( 1:45.156)
27:05.625 - 27:09.703: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jace Williams | District for 23rd
27:04.242 - 27:09.718: Harrison Gafford | WBB went off the track
25:30.476 - 27:14.750: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 15 ( 1:44.273)
27:10.812 - 27:15.679: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
25:28.500 - 27:27.750: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 15 ( 1:59.250)
25:52.023 - 27:32.796: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 16 ( 1:40.773)
25:45.968 - 27:37.937: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 14 ( 1:51.968)
25:54.531 - 27:40.539: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 15 ( 1:46.007)
27:39.546 - 27:41.593: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 10th
26:00.375 - 27:48.703: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 15 ( 1:48.328)
26:02.210 - 27:49.148: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 15 ( 1:46.937)
26:06.664 - 27:57.984: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 15 ( 1:51.320)
26:04.265 - 28:03.320: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 15 ( 1:59.054)
26:01.398 - 28:04.914: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 14 ( 2:03.515)
26:18.789 - 28:06.281: dom | takatoji finished lap 15 ( 1:47.492)
28:02.906 - 28:06.281: dom | takatoji passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 21st
26:25.148 - 28:08.132: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 16 ( 1:42.984)
26:04.796 - 28:09.609: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 15 ( 2:04.812)
28:06.351 - 28:09.609: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 22nd
26:16.382 - 28:11.937: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 15 ( 1:55.554)
26:07.085 - 28:12.671: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 13 ( 2:05.585)
26:09.937 - 28:12.734: Jace Williams | District finished lap 15 ( 2:02.796)
26:31.585 - 28:15.789: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 16 ( 1:44.203)
28:14.773 - 28:16.718: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 11th
28:13.078 - 28:18.039: Joey Broadstreet went off the track
26:27.890 - 28:18.046: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 15 ( 1:50.156)
26:34.140 - 28:18.187: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 15 ( 1:44.046)
28:17.664 - 28:19.531: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 6th
28:18.164 - 28:20.203: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 12th
26:38.265 - 28:24.164: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 16 ( 1:45.898)
28:22.265 - 28:25.148: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 6th
26:41.007 - 28:25.265: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 14 ( 1:44.257)
28:20.367 - 28:25.335: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing went off the track
28:29.171 - 28:32.015: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 7th
28:29.664 - 28:32.250: evan holte | tscz passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 8th
28:30.843 - 28:32.671: Squiddy | District Designs passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 13th
28:31.851 - 28:35.179: dom | takatoji passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 20th
26:53.257 - 28:35.554: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 17 ( 1:42.296)
26:48.531 - 28:35.640: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 16 ( 1:47.109)
26:48.203 - 28:36.898: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 15 ( 1:48.695)
28:36.726 - 28:38.140: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 21st
28:33.671 - 28:38.703: Alec Zellner | Vurb went off the track
28:38.531 - 28:39.843: Jace Williams | District passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 22nd
26:56.718 - 28:39.898: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 16 ( 1:43.179)
26:56.992 - 28:40.390: evan holte | tscz finished lap 16 ( 1:43.398)
28:38.140 - 28:41.382: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 21st
28:38.703 - 28:41.929: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 25th
26:50.156 - 28:42.031: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 16 ( 1:51.875)
26:59.796 - 28:43.601: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 16 ( 1:43.804)
28:41.531 - 28:44.312: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet for 17th
27:05.609 - 28:51.007: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 16 ( 1:45.398)
27:09.007 - 28:54.546: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 16 ( 1:45.539)
27:14.750 - 29:00.273: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 16 ( 1:45.523)
26:57.757 - 29:00.492: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 16 ( 2:02.734)
27:04.171 - 29:01.476: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 15 ( 1:57.304)
27:27.750 - 29:08.171: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 16 ( 1:40.421)
28:54.906 - 29:12.601: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House went off the track
29:16.632 - 29:19.484: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
29:15.523 - 29:20.531: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto went off the track
27:32.796 - 29:23.812: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 17 ( 1:51.015)
29:22.992 - 29:25.101: evan holte | tscz passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 7th
27:40.539 - 29:27.484: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 16 ( 1:46.945)
29:14.929 - 29:28.898: Squiddy | District Designs went off the track
27:37.937 - 29:29.523: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 15 ( 1:51.585)
27:49.148 - 29:34.054: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 16 ( 1:44.906)
27:48.703 - 29:34.742: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 16 ( 1:46.039)
29:28.375 - 29:35.757: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ went off the track
29:33.625 - 29:36.468: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 26th
27:57.984 - 29:42.265: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 16 ( 1:44.281)
29:42.570 - 29:48.171: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
28:08.132 - 29:49.398: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 17 ( 1:41.265)
28:06.281 - 29:53.671: dom | takatoji finished lap 16 ( 1:47.390)
28:04.914 - 29:55.539: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:50.625)
28:11.937 - 29:58.601: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 16 ( 1:46.664)
28:03.320 - 29:58.914: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 16 ( 1:55.593)
28:12.734 - 30:00.148: Jace Williams | District finished lap 16 ( 1:47.414)
28:09.609 - 30:01.687: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 16 ( 1:52.078)
29:58.179 - 30:02.718: evan holte | tscz went off the track
30:01.828 - 30:03.039: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 26th
28:18.187 - 30:03.234: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 16 ( 1:45.046)
28:15.789 - 30:03.695: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 17 ( 1:47.906)
30:03.320 - 30:07.195: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
30:03.039 - 30:09.546: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX went off the track
30:07.132 - 30:10.101: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Joey Broadstreet for 18th
28:24.164 - 30:10.648: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 17 ( 1:46.484)
30:11.007 - 30:15.984: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
28:35.554 - 30:17.578: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 18 ( 1:42.023)
30:13.742 - 30:19.273: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks went off the track
28:35.640 - 30:22.242: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 17 ( 1:46.601)
28:39.898 - 30:24.445: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 17 ( 1:44.546)
28:40.390 - 30:25.367: evan holte | tscz finished lap 17 ( 1:44.976)
28:36.898 - 30:26.000: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 16 ( 1:49.101)
30:25.000 - 30:27.429: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 12th
28:18.046 - 30:28.781: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 16 ( 2:10.734)
28:12.671 - 30:30.554: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 14 ( 2:17.882)
30:28.312 - 30:32.109: Squiddy | District Designs went off the track
30:32.695 - 30:34.171: Joey Broadstreet passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 18th
28:42.031 - 30:34.679: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 17 ( 1:52.648)
28:25.265 - 30:37.062: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 15 ( 2:11.796)
28:51.007 - 30:38.156: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 17 ( 1:47.148)
28:54.546 - 30:40.117: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 17 ( 1:45.570)
28:43.601 - 30:40.789: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 17 ( 1:57.187)
30:40.593 - 30:46.375: evan holte | tscz went off the track
30:43.953 - 30:46.890: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 23rd
29:08.171 - 30:50.031: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 17 ( 1:41.859)
30:52.171 - 30:54.656: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 8th
29:00.273 - 30:54.859: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 17 ( 1:54.585)
29:00.492 - 30:55.484: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 17 ( 1:54.992)
30:58.617 - 31:00.968: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 11th
29:01.476 - 31:06.539: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 16 ( 2:05.062)
30:51.500 - 31:08.070: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing went off the track
29:27.484 - 31:15.718: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 17 ( 1:48.234)
31:16.984 - 31:19.867: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 24th
29:23.812 - 31:20.039: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 18 ( 1:56.226)
29:34.054 - 31:20.843: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 17 ( 1:46.789)
31:19.062 - 31:21.742: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 8th
31:21.328 - 31:24.070: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 9th
31:22.890 - 31:26.015: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 10th
31:23.304 - 31:26.054: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Joey Broadstreet for 18th
31:24.742 - 31:26.726: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jace Williams | District for 23rd
31:24.406 - 31:26.968: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 11th
31:25.085 - 31:27.203: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jace Williams | District for 24th
31:21.531 - 31:27.242: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys went off the track
29:29.523 - 31:28.023: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 16 ( 1:58.500)
29:49.398 - 31:31.343: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 18 ( 1:41.945)
31:26.726 - 31:31.789: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 22nd
31:27.203 - 31:31.882: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 23rd
31:31.289 - 31:32.820: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto and Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
31:31.187 - 31:33.015: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 11th
31:30.710 - 31:36.335: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
29:42.265 - 31:36.562: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 17 ( 1:54.296)
29:34.742 - 31:38.656: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 17 ( 2:03.914)
31:37.687 - 31:38.898: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 12th
29:53.671 - 31:39.257: dom | takatoji finished lap 17 ( 1:45.585)
29:58.601 - 31:43.453: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 17 ( 1:44.851)
31:45.242 - 31:46.726: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 23rd
30:03.695 - 31:50.468: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 18 ( 1:46.773)
30:17.578 - 31:59.460: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 19 ( 1:41.882)
30:10.648 - 31:59.523: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 18 ( 1:48.875)
30:03.234 - 32:01.382: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 17 ( 1:58.148)
29:58.914 - 32:01.812: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 17 ( 2:02.898)
30:01.687 - 32:03.367: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 17 ( 2:01.679)
30:22.242 - 32:08.671: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 18 ( 1:46.429)
30:25.367 - 32:10.859: evan holte | tscz finished lap 18 ( 1:45.492)
32:12.570 - 32:14.835: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 2nd
30:00.148 - 32:15.523: Jace Williams | District finished lap 17 ( 2:15.375)
32:15.015 - 32:17.523: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 9th
30:28.781 - 32:18.085: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 17 ( 1:49.304)
32:15.757 - 32:19.062: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 10th
30:24.445 - 32:20.164: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 18 ( 1:55.718)
32:18.718 - 32:22.531: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 11th
32:19.273 - 32:24.203: Seth Kready|Yogi went off the track
30:34.679 - 32:25.804: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 18 ( 1:51.125)
29:55.539 - 32:27.421: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:31.882)
30:40.117 - 32:27.468: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 18 ( 1:47.351)
32:26.921 - 32:28.265: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 23rd
30:50.031 - 32:30.773: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 18 ( 1:40.742)
30:26.000 - 32:31.281: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 17 ( 2:05.281)
30:38.156 - 32:34.617: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 18 ( 1:56.460)
30:40.789 - 32:34.828: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 18 ( 1:54.039)
30:54.859 - 32:39.695: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 18 ( 1:44.835)
32:37.382 - 32:39.984: dom | takatoji passed Joey Broadstreet for 19th
32:35.671 - 32:40.132: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
30:37.062 - 32:40.242: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 16 ( 2:03.179)
32:38.507 - 32:43.781: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX went off the track
30:55.484 - 32:46.601: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 18 ( 1:51.117)
32:47.992 - 32:50.015: Joey Broadstreet passed dom | takatoji for 19th
30:30.554 - 32:54.132: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 15 ( 2:23.578)
32:54.617 - 32:56.570: Joey Broadstreet passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 18th
32:54.828 - 32:56.648: dom | takatoji passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 19th
31:15.718 - 33:04.148: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 18 ( 1:48.429)
33:01.414 - 33:04.421: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 22nd
33:01.773 - 33:05.039: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 23rd
31:06.539 - 33:07.726: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 17 ( 2:01.187)
31:31.343 - 33:10.937: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 19 ( 1:39.593)
31:20.843 - 33:13.109: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 18 ( 1:52.265)
33:12.015 - 33:15.164: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 10th
33:12.968 - 33:15.312: Squiddy | District Designs passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 13th
33:15.000 - 33:18.210: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jace Williams | District for 25th
31:20.039 - 33:20.945: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 19 ( 2:00.906)
31:38.656 - 33:25.023: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 18 ( 1:46.367)
31:39.257 - 33:26.390: dom | takatoji finished lap 18 ( 1:47.132)
33:26.148 - 33:28.367: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 9th
31:36.562 - 33:28.648: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 18 ( 1:52.085)
33:27.093 - 33:28.757: evan holte | tscz passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 6th
33:28.570 - 33:31.281: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 9th
31:28.023 - 33:31.609: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 17 ( 2:03.585)
31:50.468 - 33:35.398: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 19 ( 1:44.929)
33:34.679 - 33:36.265: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 9th
31:43.453 - 33:38.109: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 18 ( 1:54.656)
33:33.835 - 33:39.851: Jace Williams | District went off the track
31:59.460 - 33:42.687: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 20 ( 1:43.226)
31:59.523 - 33:48.726: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 19 ( 1:49.203)
32:03.367 - 33:51.726: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 18 ( 1:48.359)
32:01.812 - 33:53.453: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 18 ( 1:51.640)
32:10.859 - 33:54.468: evan holte | tscz finished lap 19 ( 1:43.609)
32:08.671 - 33:55.421: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 19 ( 1:46.750)
32:20.164 - 34:03.648: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 19 ( 1:43.484)
34:02.343 - 34:06.242: Squiddy | District Designs passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 12th
34:05.414 - 34:06.406: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 9th
32:18.085 - 34:07.882: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 18 ( 1:49.796)
34:06.437 - 34:08.906: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 9th
34:09.843 - 34:11.914: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 10th
32:30.773 - 34:11.929: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 19 ( 1:41.156)
32:27.468 - 34:15.257: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 19 ( 1:47.789)
32:15.523 - 34:16.289: Jace Williams | District finished lap 18 ( 2:00.765)
32:25.804 - 34:20.609: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 19 ( 1:54.804)
32:39.695 - 34:25.710: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 19 ( 1:46.015)
32:31.281 - 34:26.625: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 18 ( 1:55.343)
32:34.617 - 34:28.687: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 19 ( 1:54.070)
32:34.828 - 34:29.398: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 19 ( 1:54.570)
34:34.804 - 34:37.476: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
32:46.601 - 34:42.679: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 19 ( 1:56.078)
32:27.421 - 34:43.968: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 17 ( 2:16.546)
33:10.937 - 34:55.578: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 20 ( 1:44.640)
33:13.109 - 34:56.953: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 19 ( 1:43.843)
33:04.148 - 34:57.632: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 19 ( 1:53.484)
32:54.132 - 34:58.281: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 16 ( 2:04.148)
33:20.945 - 35:01.929: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 20 ( 1:40.984)
32:40.242 - 35:04.250: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 17 ( 2:24.007)
33:26.390 - 35:13.710: dom | takatoji finished lap 19 ( 1:47.320)
35:10.554 - 35:13.710: dom | takatoji passed Joey Broadstreet for 18th
33:25.023 - 35:13.976: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 19 ( 1:48.953)
33:35.398 - 35:20.304: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 20 ( 1:44.906)
33:28.648 - 35:25.460: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 19 ( 1:56.812)
33:07.726 - 35:26.281: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 18 ( 2:18.554)
33:38.109 - 35:39.601: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 19 ( 2:01.492)
33:31.609 - 35:52.820: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 18 ( 2:21.210)