Lap Chart
L1 |
L2 |
L3 |
L4 |
L5 |
L6 |
L7 |
L8 |
L9 |
L10 |
L11 |
L12 |
L13 |
L14 |
L15 |
L16 |
L17 |
L18 |
L19 |
L20 |
P1 |
18 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
P2 |
20 |
46 |
39 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
18 |
18 |
P3 |
1 |
39 |
20 |
39 |
39 |
39 |
39 |
83 |
39 |
39 |
39 |
83 |
83 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
20 |
20 |
P4 |
39 |
24 |
46 |
67 |
67 |
83 |
83 |
39 |
83 |
83 |
83 |
39 |
18 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
P5 |
46 |
39 |
39 |
46 |
83 |
24 |
32 |
32 |
32 |
32 |
32 |
12 |
12 |
39 |
39 |
39 |
39 |
39 |
39 |
P6 |
39 |
20 |
67 |
24 |
24 |
32 |
12 |
67 |
67 |
12 |
12 |
32 |
39 |
32 |
32 |
32 |
32 |
32 |
19 |
P7 |
15 |
41 |
18 |
83 |
12 |
12 |
67 |
12 |
12 |
67 |
18 |
18 |
32 |
67 |
83 |
139 |
139 |
19 |
32 |
P8 |
152 |
152 |
24 |
18 |
32 |
67 |
24 |
139 |
139 |
139 |
67 |
67 |
67 |
83 |
139 |
19 |
19 |
139 |
139 |
P9 |
24 |
18 |
83 |
12 |
152 |
152 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
139 |
139 |
139 |
19 |
19 |
83 |
83 |
83 |
351 |
P10 |
40 |
67 |
32 |
32 |
18 |
18 |
139 |
24 |
41 |
24 |
24 |
19 |
19 |
139 |
24 |
41 |
67 |
27 |
27 |
P11 |
41 |
27 |
149 |
152 |
46 |
46 |
41 |
15 |
27 |
27 |
19 |
24 |
24 |
24 |
41 |
67 |
27 |
351 |
83 |
P12 |
27 |
40 |
12 |
139 |
139 |
139 |
27 |
41 |
24 |
19 |
41 |
41 |
41 |
41 |
67 |
27 |
41 |
67 |
152 |
P13 |
26 |
22 |
139 |
149 |
163 |
163 |
46 |
27 |
19 |
41 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
27 |
152 |
351 |
41 |
67 |
P14 |
351 |
149 |
152 |
40 |
41 |
41 |
152 |
19 |
15 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
152 |
351 |
152 |
24 |
152 |
152 |
41 |
P15 |
149 |
32 |
15 |
163 |
351 |
40 |
15 |
40 |
40 |
179 |
152 |
152 |
40 |
152 |
351 |
351 |
24 |
24 |
24 |
P16 |
67 |
83 |
41 |
15 |
40 |
27 |
19 |
163 |
179 |
152 |
351 |
179 |
351 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
40 |
110 |
P17 |
22 |
351 |
40 |
41 |
135 |
15 |
40 |
284 |
46 |
46 |
179 |
351 |
179 |
270 |
270 |
110 |
110 |
110 |
40 |
P18 |
32 |
15 |
163 |
39 |
27 |
19 |
163 |
351 |
163 |
351 |
147 |
270 |
270 |
110 |
110 |
270 |
179 |
270 |
149 |
P19 |
110 |
12 |
110 |
135 |
15 |
179 |
284 |
46 |
152 |
270 |
110 |
147 |
284 |
284 |
179 |
179 |
270 |
149 |
270 |
P20 |
127 |
26 |
27 |
351 |
149 |
39 |
179 |
110 |
270 |
15 |
270 |
110 |
147 |
259 |
284 |
149 |
149 |
179 |
179 |
P21 |
83 |
139 |
135 |
27 |
926 |
284 |
351 |
179 |
259 |
110 |
284 |
284 |
110 |
179 |
149 |
135 |
135 |
135 |
135 |
P22 |
270 |
110 |
351 |
926 |
270 |
926 |
110 |
259 |
351 |
147 |
259 |
259 |
259 |
147 |
259 |
284 |
926 |
259 |
P23 |
12 |
688 |
270 |
270 |
110 |
135 |
259 |
152 |
110 |
284 |
15 |
926 |
135 |
135 |
135 |
147 |
284 |
284 |
P24 |
139 |
147 |
147 |
110 |
19 |
259 |
270 |
270 |
147 |
163 |
149 |
135 |
926 |
149 |
147 |
259 |
259 |
163 |
P25 |
926 |
411 |
26 |
19 |
179 |
351 |
39 |
135 |
284 |
926 |
926 |
149 |
149 |
163 |
163 |
926 |
147 |
147 |
P26 |
440 |
351 |
351 |
179 |
284 |
270 |
149 |
147 |
135 |
135 |
163 |
163 |
163 |
926 |
926 |
440 |
163 |
440 |
P27 |
147 |
163 |
19 |
147 |
39 |
149 |
926 |
149 |
149 |
259 |
440 |
440 |
440 |
440 |
440 |
163 |
440 |
828 |
P28 |
688 |
135 |
926 |
154 |
22 |
110 |
135 |
926 |
926 |
149 |
135 |
828 |
828 |
828 |
828 |
828 |
828 |
220 |
P29 |
135 |
19 |
688 |
284 |
259 |
147 |
147 |
26 |
440 |
440 |
46 |
220 |
220 |
220 |
220 |
220 |
220 |
P30 |
179 |
270 |
411 |
26 |
440 |
688 |
26 |
688 |
828 |
26 |
220 |
992 |
992 |
992 |
992 |
992 |
992 |
P31 |
411 |
926 |
179 |
992 |
992 |
26 |
992 |
828 |
688 |
828 |
828 |
351 |
351 |
351 |
351 |
351 |
351 |
P32 |
19 |
259 |
284 |
828 |
147 |
992 |
688 |
440 |
26 |
992 |
26 |
127 |
127 |
127 |
127 |
127 |
P33 |
220 |
154 |
828 |
259 |
688 |
828 |
828 |
992 |
992 |
220 |
992 |
P34 |
163 |
440 |
22 |
22 |
26 |
351 |
440 |
220 |
220 |
351 |
351 |
P35 |
351 |
179 |
259 |
688 |
411 |
440 |
411 |
154 |
154 |
127 |
127 |
P36 |
284 |
828 |
154 |
440 |
220 |
411 |
351 |
351 |
351 |
P37 |
259 |
220 |
127 |
220 |
828 |
220 |
220 |
127 |
127 |
P38 |
828 |
284 |
992 |
411 |
154 |
154 |
154 |
P39 |
992 |
127 |
440 |
127 |
351 |
127 |
127 |
P40 |
154 |
992 |
220 |
351 |
127 |
History Chart
Sorted Lap Times
Time | Lap | Number | Name |
1:37.484 |
2 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:38.296 |
8 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:38.476 |
3 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:38.507 |
5 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:38.554 |
6 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:38.578 |
15 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:39.054 |
4 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:39.390 |
12 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:39.593 |
19 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:39.625 |
13 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:39.632 |
14 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:39.828 |
4 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:39.968 |
13 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:40.070 |
7 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:40.101 |
16 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:40.265 |
5 |
22 |
Seth Carr | Covenant |
1:40.421 |
16 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:40.453 |
13 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:40.476 |
10 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:40.500 |
13 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:40.546 |
5 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:40.546 |
14 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:40.679 |
11 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:40.742 |
18 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:40.773 |
16 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:40.851 |
11 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:40.875 |
5 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:40.984 |
20 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:41.156 |
19 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:41.164 |
7 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:41.218 |
4 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
1:41.218 |
2 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:41.257 |
7 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:41.265 |
17 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:41.312 |
9 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:41.312 |
7 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:41.351 |
10 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:41.367 |
4 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:41.382 |
4 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:41.484 |
15 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:41.500 |
10 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:41.554 |
2 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
1:41.710 |
15 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:41.812 |
6 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:41.859 |
17 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:41.867 |
2 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:41.875 |
5 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:41.882 |
19 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:41.890 |
14 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:41.945 |
18 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:42.023 |
18 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:42.093 |
12 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:42.140 |
6 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
1:42.171 |
5 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:42.242 |
14 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:42.250 |
11 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:42.296 |
17 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:42.492 |
10 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
1:42.515 |
6 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:42.578 |
14 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:42.687 |
3 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:42.695 |
4 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:42.773 |
5 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:42.781 |
5 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:42.875 |
8 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:42.882 |
9 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:42.937 |
5 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:42.968 |
6 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:42.984 |
16 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:43.007 |
7 |
26 |
Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto |
1:43.039 |
13 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:43.054 |
3 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:43.117 |
7 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:43.140 |
7 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:43.179 |
7 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:43.179 |
16 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:43.187 |
9 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:43.226 |
20 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:43.296 |
8 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:43.359 |
2 |
46 |
Alec Horn | Phil's |
1:43.359 |
7 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:43.375 |
13 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:43.398 |
16 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:43.429 |
12 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:43.437 |
2 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:43.445 |
10 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:43.453 |
9 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:43.484 |
19 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:43.492 |
7 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:43.507 |
5 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:43.585 |
6 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:43.601 |
4 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
1:43.609 |
19 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:43.656 |
4 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:43.687 |
12 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:43.734 |
9 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:43.773 |
11 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:43.796 |
10 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:43.804 |
5 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
1:43.804 |
16 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:43.828 |
9 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:43.835 |
4 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:43.843 |
13 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:43.843 |
19 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:43.851 |
6 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:43.875 |
5 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:43.906 |
4 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:43.906 |
14 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:43.953 |
13 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:43.953 |
11 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:43.968 |
4 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:43.976 |
13 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:43.976 |
7 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:43.992 |
3 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:43.992 |
11 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:44.015 |
3 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:44.046 |
15 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
1:44.054 |
6 |
39 |
JR Reyes | Dinoco |
1:44.062 |
7 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:44.132 |
4 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:44.195 |
15 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:44.203 |
16 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:44.210 |
3 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:44.226 |
3 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:44.257 |
14 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
1:44.273 |
10 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:44.273 |
15 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:44.281 |
16 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:44.312 |
5 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:44.328 |
2 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:44.343 |
2 |
39 |
JR Reyes | Dinoco |
1:44.390 |
11 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:44.398 |
15 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:44.398 |
9 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:44.414 |
9 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
1:44.437 |
5 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:44.476 |
13 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:44.500 |
12 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:44.500 |
5 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:44.523 |
9 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
1:44.531 |
5 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:44.539 |
11 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
1:44.546 |
17 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:44.554 |
6 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
1:44.585 |
5 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:44.640 |
20 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:44.687 |
5 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:44.695 |
13 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:44.695 |
3 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:44.710 |
3 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:44.718 |
8 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:44.804 |
10 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:44.804 |
12 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:44.812 |
12 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:44.835 |
13 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:44.835 |
18 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:44.875 |
3 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:44.875 |
5 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:44.890 |
8 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:44.906 |
20 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:44.906 |
6 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
1:44.906 |
16 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:44.921 |
12 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:44.929 |
19 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:44.968 |
10 |
26 |
Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto |
1:44.984 |
9 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:44.984 |
10 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:45.000 |
6 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:45.007 |
7 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:45.078 |
13 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:45.101 |
9 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:45.101 |
15 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:45.101 |
9 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:45.109 |
12 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:45.117 |
2 |
154 |
Ethan | Glusta X Obr |
1:45.132 |
2 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:45.156 |
15 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:45.187 |
10 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
1:45.203 |
8 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
1:45.226 |
2 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:45.289 |
11 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:45.312 |
10 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:45.320 |
7 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:45.398 |
16 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:45.414 |
13 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
1:45.421 |
5 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
1:45.468 |
6 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:45.476 |
11 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
1:45.507 |
2 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
1:45.523 |
7 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:45.523 |
16 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:45.531 |
10 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
1:45.531 |
14 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
1:45.539 |
16 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:45.546 |
15 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
1:45.546 |
15 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:45.562 |
14 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:45.578 |
8 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:45.585 |
17 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:45.601 |
10 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:45.640 |
11 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
1:45.640 |
2 |
22 |
Seth Carr | Covenant |
1:45.656 |
2 |
688 |
Branden Walther | Dinoco |
1:45.695 |
6 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:45.757 |
6 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:45.781 |
14 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
1:45.828 |
12 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:45.859 |
10 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:45.898 |
16 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:45.937 |
13 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:45.937 |
14 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:46.000 |
8 |
15 |
Chris Post |
1:46.007 |
15 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:46.015 |
19 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:46.031 |
14 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:46.039 |
11 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
1:46.062 |
5 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:46.078 |
9 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:46.093 |
3 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:46.101 |
10 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:46.125 |
2 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:46.203 |
5 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
1:46.218 |
13 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:46.226 |
12 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:46.281 |
12 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:46.296 |
11 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:46.343 |
14 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:46.367 |
18 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:46.398 |
12 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:46.414 |
9 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:46.429 |
18 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:46.484 |
17 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:46.484 |
14 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:46.500 |
7 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:46.500 |
11 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:46.601 |
17 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:46.640 |
10 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:46.640 |
13 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:46.648 |
2 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:46.664 |
16 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:46.679 |
7 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:46.718 |
10 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:46.742 |
11 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:46.750 |
19 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:46.773 |
18 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:46.789 |
6 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:46.789 |
17 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:46.820 |
14 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:46.875 |
6 |
688 |
Branden Walther | Dinoco |
1:46.914 |
15 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:46.914 |
4 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:46.914 |
11 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:46.921 |
3 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:46.937 |
15 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:46.937 |
14 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:46.937 |
13 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:46.945 |
16 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:46.976 |
6 |
15 |
Chris Post |
1:46.992 |
8 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:46.992 |
4 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:47.000 |
3 |
39 |
JR Reyes | Dinoco |
1:47.023 |
9 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
1:47.031 |
7 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
1:47.062 |
3 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
1:47.093 |
9 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
1:47.101 |
13 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:47.109 |
16 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:47.132 |
12 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:47.132 |
18 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:47.148 |
17 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:47.187 |
14 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
1:47.203 |
2 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:47.203 |
8 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:47.226 |
14 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:47.265 |
6 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:47.265 |
2 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:47.265 |
12 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:47.320 |
19 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:47.351 |
18 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:47.390 |
16 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:47.414 |
16 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
1:47.492 |
3 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:47.492 |
15 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:47.546 |
6 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
1:47.554 |
7 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:47.562 |
3 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:47.625 |
8 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:47.664 |
4 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:47.734 |
8 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:47.742 |
2 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
1:47.789 |
19 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:47.835 |
12 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
1:47.859 |
10 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
1:47.882 |
4 |
154 |
Ethan | Glusta X Obr |
1:47.906 |
17 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:48.171 |
5 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:48.328 |
15 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:48.359 |
18 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
1:48.468 |
7 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
1:48.601 |
13 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:48.625 |
13 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:48.640 |
8 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:48.656 |
8 |
220 |
Evan Cormack | Steezy Films |
1:48.671 |
3 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:48.671 |
8 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:48.781 |
2 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:48.781 |
2 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:48.875 |
18 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:48.937 |
10 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:48.937 |
5 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
1:48.953 |
19 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:49.015 |
14 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:49.070 |
6 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:49.101 |
16 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
1:49.203 |
19 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:49.304 |
17 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:49.398 |
9 |
46 |
Alec Horn | Phil's |
1:49.437 |
5 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:49.445 |
12 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
1:49.546 |
6 |
46 |
Alec Horn | Phil's |
1:49.593 |
9 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:49.593 |
11 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:49.656 |
12 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:49.664 |
8 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:49.820 |
9 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:49.898 |
3 |
46 |
Alec Horn | Phil's |
1:49.945 |
3 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
1:50.070 |
12 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:50.156 |
15 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:50.195 |
8 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:50.234 |
2 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:50.343 |
4 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:50.343 |
12 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:50.390 |
11 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
1:50.460 |
8 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:50.757 |
9 |
15 |
Chris Post |
1:50.804 |
3 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
1:50.953 |
13 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:50.976 |
9 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:51.015 |
17 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:51.085 |
12 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:51.117 |
18 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
1:51.125 |
18 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:51.218 |
7 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:51.250 |
9 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
1:51.320 |
15 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:51.335 |
2 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:51.406 |
14 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:51.476 |
4 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
1:51.484 |
9 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:51.507 |
2 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:51.562 |
14 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:51.570 |
8 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:51.585 |
15 |
220 |
Evan Cormack | Steezy Films |
1:51.617 |
5 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
1:51.640 |
18 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:51.656 |
3 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
1:51.687 |
13 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
1:51.703 |
4 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:51.875 |
16 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:51.914 |
12 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:51.992 |
6 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:52.023 |
2 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:52.054 |
7 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
1:52.078 |
16 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
1:52.078 |
7 |
411 |
Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs |
1:52.085 |
18 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:52.132 |
2 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
1:52.265 |
18 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:52.289 |
14 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:52.359 |
7 |
154 |
Ethan | Glusta X Obr |
1:52.398 |
10 |
46 |
Alec Horn | Phil's |
1:52.460 |
13 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:52.476 |
6 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:52.648 |
17 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:52.867 |
12 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:52.898 |
12 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
1:52.906 |
7 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:52.929 |
10 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:53.015 |
10 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:53.132 |
3 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:53.242 |
8 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:53.484 |
19 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:53.570 |
4 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:53.640 |
8 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
1:53.710 |
4 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:53.781 |
3 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:53.906 |
10 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:54.023 |
14 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
1:54.039 |
18 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:54.070 |
19 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:54.296 |
17 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:54.320 |
2 |
26 |
Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto |
1:54.406 |
15 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:54.453 |
9 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
1:54.554 |
7 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
1:54.570 |
8 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:54.570 |
19 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:54.601 |
3 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
1:54.656 |
2 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:54.656 |
18 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:54.804 |
19 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
1:54.921 |
4 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
1:54.945 |
7 |
220 |
Evan Cormack | Steezy Films |
1:54.992 |
17 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
1:55.046 |
5 |
46 |
Alec Horn | Phil's |
1:55.109 |
13 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
1:55.281 |
10 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:55.343 |
3 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
1:55.343 |
18 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
1:55.492 |
5 |
220 |
Evan Cormack | Steezy Films |
1:55.539 |
11 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
1:55.554 |
15 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
1:55.593 |
16 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:55.609 |
3 |
154 |
Ethan | Glusta X Obr |
1:55.718 |
18 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:55.796 |
11 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:55.953 |
14 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
1:56.078 |
19 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
1:56.226 |
18 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
1:56.242 |
4 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:56.312 |
5 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
1:56.359 |
7 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
1:56.460 |
18 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
1:56.742 |
8 |
26 |
Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto |
1:56.812 |
19 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
1:56.890 |
2 |
15 |
Chris Post |
1:56.921 |
9 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:57.015 |
8 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
1:57.140 |
11 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:57.304 |
15 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:57.445 |
2 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
1:57.554 |
9 |
220 |
Evan Cormack | Steezy Films |
1:57.562 |
8 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
1:57.679 |
12 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:57.851 |
7 |
688 |
Branden Walther | Dinoco |
1:58.140 |
5 |
688 |
Branden Walther | Dinoco |
1:58.148 |
17 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
1:58.273 |
7 |
46 |
Alec Horn | Phil's |
1:58.304 |
9 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
1:58.835 |
9 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
1:59.015 |
10 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
1:59.054 |
15 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:59.195 |
11 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:59.210 |
4 |
22 |
Seth Carr | Covenant |
1:59.250 |
15 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
1:59.398 |
2 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
1:59.523 |
12 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:59.710 |
11 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
1:59.953 |
3 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
2:00.000 |
3 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
2:00.460 |
7 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
2:00.625 |
5 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
2:00.664 |
6 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
2:00.664 |
8 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
2:00.710 |
11 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
2:00.906 |
19 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
2:01.015 |
3 |
411 |
Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs |
2:01.031 |
5 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
2:01.218 |
2 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
2:01.296 |
4 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
2:01.492 |
19 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
2:01.679 |
17 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
2:01.750 |
2 |
220 |
Evan Cormack | Steezy Films |
2:01.906 |
3 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
2:02.320 |
3 |
26 |
Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto |
2:02.406 |
14 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
2:02.507 |
6 |
220 |
Evan Cormack | Steezy Films |
2:02.570 |
3 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
2:02.734 |
16 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
2:02.796 |
15 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
2:02.851 |
13 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
2:02.898 |
17 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
2:03.179 |
16 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
2:03.257 |
7 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
2:03.335 |
2 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
2:03.335 |
9 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
2:03.515 |
8 |
46 |
Alec Horn | Phil's |
2:03.515 |
14 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
2:03.585 |
17 |
220 |
Evan Cormack | Steezy Films |
2:03.632 |
7 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
2:03.656 |
6 |
411 |
Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs |
2:03.890 |
12 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
2:03.914 |
17 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
2:03.960 |
4 |
26 |
Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto |
2:04.046 |
4 |
688 |
Branden Walther | Dinoco |
2:04.140 |
6 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
2:04.148 |
16 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
2:04.234 |
13 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
2:04.578 |
3 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
2:04.812 |
15 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
2:04.898 |
10 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
2:04.937 |
5 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
2:05.015 |
8 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
2:05.062 |
16 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
2:05.203 |
6 |
154 |
Ethan | Glusta X Obr |
2:05.281 |
17 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
2:05.437 |
3 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
2:05.585 |
13 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
2:06.023 |
5 |
39 |
JR Reyes | Dinoco |
2:06.093 |
13 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
2:06.414 |
8 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
2:06.507 |
6 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
2:06.609 |
8 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
2:06.859 |
3 |
220 |
Evan Cormack | Steezy Films |
2:06.937 |
4 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
2:06.960 |
5 |
26 |
Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto |
2:07.132 |
10 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
2:07.671 |
6 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
2:08.281 |
14 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
2:08.476 |
9 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
2:09.031 |
11 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
2:09.664 |
4 |
39 |
JR Reyes | Dinoco |
2:09.921 |
7 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
2:10.343 |
8 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
2:10.570 |
11 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
2:11.304 |
5 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
2:11.765 |
4 |
411 |
Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs |
2:12.492 |
2 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
2:12.687 |
12 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
2:13.789 |
14 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
2:15.375 |
17 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
2:16.039 |
5 |
154 |
Ethan | Glusta X Obr |
2:16.546 |
17 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
2:17.054 |
12 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
2:17.835 |
3 |
22 |
Seth Carr | Covenant |
2:17.882 |
14 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
2:18.554 |
18 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
2:20.789 |
10 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
2:21.210 |
18 |
220 |
Evan Cormack | Steezy Films |
2:24.007 |
17 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
2:24.015 |
11 |
26 |
Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto |
2:25.484 |
11 |
46 |
Alec Horn | Phil's |
2:34.210 |
4 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
Individual Worst Laps
Time | Lap | Number | Name |
1:45.000 |
6 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
1:53.242 |
8 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
1:54.406 |
15 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
1:54.570 |
8 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
1:55.718 |
18 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
1:56.242 |
4 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
1:57.218 |
2 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
2:00.664 |
6 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
2:00.906 |
19 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
2:01.906 |
3 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
2:02.734 |
16 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
2:03.914 |
17 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
2:04.140 |
6 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
2:04.406 |
9 |
688 |
Branden Walther | Dinoco |
2:04.578 |
3 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
2:05.554 |
10 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
2:06.414 |
8 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
2:06.507 |
6 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
2:06.609 |
8 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
2:07.671 |
6 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
2:08.234 |
10 |
15 |
Chris Post |
2:08.281 |
14 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
2:08.476 |
9 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
2:09.414 |
6 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
2:09.664 |
4 |
39 |
JR Reyes | Dinoco |
2:09.687 |
14 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
2:10.132 |
6 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
2:10.734 |
16 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
2:11.765 |
4 |
411 |
Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs |
2:13.789 |
14 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
2:15.375 |
17 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
2:16.039 |
5 |
154 |
Ethan | Glusta X Obr |
2:17.835 |
3 |
22 |
Seth Carr | Covenant |
2:18.554 |
18 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
2:21.210 |
18 |
220 |
Evan Cormack | Steezy Films |
2:24.015 |
11 |
26 |
Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto |
2:25.484 |
11 |
46 |
Alec Horn | Phil's |
2:25.695 |
6 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
2:31.882 |
16 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
2:38.164 |
12 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
Std. Dev. | Number | Name |
2.102 |
1 |
Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO |
2.604 |
32 |
Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House |
2.617 |
39 |
Christopher McPherson | Takatoji |
3.016 |
12 |
Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs |
3.527 |
139 |
Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys |
3.733 |
19 |
evan holte | tscz |
4.974 |
18 |
brayden tharp | covenant #blm |
5.015 |
27 |
Nick Niles | Vurbmoto |
5.684 |
270 |
Joey Broadstreet |
5.741 |
67 |
Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR |
5.929 |
135 |
Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks |
5.978 |
41 |
Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ |
6.289 |
20 |
Logan Leitzel | Yogi |
6.300 |
40 |
Brett Powers | WildSide |
6.341 |
110 |
Austin Partelow | AVM |
6.650 |
259 |
Brandon Wolfe | Yogi |
6.760 |
83 |
Dylan Cavaciuti | CV |
7.052 |
24 |
Tyler Nichols | SPINC |
7.106 |
926 |
Alec Zellner | Vurb |
7.132 |
152 |
Squiddy | District Designs |
7.314 |
149 |
dom | takatoji |
7.478 |
284 |
Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash |
7.633 |
179 |
Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji |
7.749 |
688 |
Branden Walther | Dinoco |
7.973 |
15 |
Chris Post |
8.137 |
163 |
Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX |
8.169 |
147 |
Jace Williams | District |
8.396 |
220 |
Evan Cormack | Steezy Films |
8.435 |
411 |
Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs |
8.466 |
127 |
Seth Kready|Yogi |
8.491 |
440 |
Harrison Gafford | WBB |
8.910 |
828 |
Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys |
9.219 |
154 |
Ethan | Glusta X Obr |
9.753 |
351 |
Collin Allen | Phil's but gp |
10.321 |
39 |
JR Reyes | Dinoco |
11.356 |
46 |
Alec Horn | Phil's |
11.519 |
992 |
Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing |
11.819 |
26 |
Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto |
14.506 |
22 |
Seth Carr | Covenant |
16.569 |
351 |
Jacob Kelly | Boot's House |
Play by Play
Logan Leitzel | Yogi takes the holeshot followed by JR Reyes | Dinoco, brayden tharp | covenant #blm, Christopher McPherson | Takatoji, Jace Williams | District, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Chris Post , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO, Alec Zellner | Vurb, dom | takatoji, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Collin Allen | Phil's but gp, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide, Seth Carr | Covenant, Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX, Austin Partelow | AVM, Evan Cormack | Steezy Films, Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Alec Horn | Phil's, Squiddy | District Designs, Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House, evan holte | tscz, Dylan Cavaciuti | CV, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Tyler Nichols | SPINC, Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing, Seth Kready|Yogi, Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Joey Broadstreet and Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR
0:06.015 - 0:09.101: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and Logan Leitzel | Yogi for the lead
0:06.492 - 0:09.101: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO passed Jace Williams | District, Chris Post , JR Reyes | Dinoco, Christopher McPherson | Takatoji, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, brayden tharp | covenant #blm, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys and Logan Leitzel | Yogi for the lead
0:06.546 - 0:09.398: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Jace Williams | District, Chris Post , JR Reyes | Dinoco, Christopher McPherson | Takatoji, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys and Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 3rd
0:06.781 - 0:09.492: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Chris Post , JR Reyes | Dinoco, Christopher McPherson | Takatoji, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, Logan Leitzel | Yogi, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ and Brett Powers | WildSide for 4th
0:06.039 - 0:09.789: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 5th
0:07.054 - 0:09.929: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Chris Post , JR Reyes | Dinoco, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 7th
0:06.328 - 0:10.046: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jace Williams | District, Chris Post , JR Reyes | Dinoco, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 8th
0:06.179 - 0:10.054: Chris Post passed Jace Williams | District, JR Reyes | Dinoco and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 9th
0:07.210 - 0:10.367: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Evan Cormack | Steezy Films, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 11th
0:07.125 - 0:10.562: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Evan Cormack | Steezy Films, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 12th
0:06.445 - 0:10.781: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jace Williams | District, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 13th
0:07.265 - 0:10.914: Squiddy | District Designs passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Evan Cormack | Steezy Films, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 14th
0:06.296 - 0:11.140: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jace Williams | District and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 15th
0:07.664 - 0:11.265: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Dylan Cavaciuti | CV, Evan Cormack | Steezy Films, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 16th
0:06.601 - 0:11.570: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Jace Williams | District, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 17th
0:07.070 - 0:11.578: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @, Brett Powers | WildSide and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 18th
0:06.734 - 0:11.992: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco and Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 19th
0:07.476 - 0:12.085: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 20th
0:09.789 - 0:12.257: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 4th
0:06.585 - 0:12.492: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District, dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 21st
0:07.523 - 0:12.492: evan holte | tscz passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , dom | takatoji, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House, Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 21st
0:10.054 - 0:12.632: Chris Post passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 7th
0:10.250 - 0:12.734: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 8th
0:06.539 - 0:12.906: dom | takatoji passed Jace Williams | District, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 23rd
0:06.726 - 0:13.289: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 24th
0:07.500 - 0:13.367: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Branden Walther | Dinoco and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 25th
0:10.562 - 0:13.421: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 10th
0:10.367 - 0:13.429: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 11th
0:06.164 - 0:13.531: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jace Williams | District for 26th
0:10.375 - 0:13.742: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Seth Kready|Yogi, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Dylan Cavaciuti | CV, Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 27th
0:11.140 - 0:13.765: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys and Squiddy | District Designs for 12th
0:06.531 - 0:13.820: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jace Williams | District for 28th
0:12.062 - 0:13.960: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO for 2nd
0:11.570 - 0:14.078: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys and Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
0:10.914 - 0:14.101: Squiddy | District Designs passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 14th
0:07.617 - 0:14.117: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Harrison Gafford | WBB and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 29th
0:11.265 - 0:14.187: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 15th
0:08.578 - 0:14.320: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 30th
0:11.578 - 0:14.375: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 16th
0:11.187 - 0:14.445: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Seth Kready|Yogi, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 31st
0:11.992 - 0:14.453: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 17th
0:08.437 - 0:14.687: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Harrison Gafford | WBB and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 32nd
0:10.179 - 0:14.960: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Jace Williams | District, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Harrison Gafford | WBB and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 33rd
0:12.085 - 0:15.039: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 18th
0:12.492 - 0:15.226: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 19th
0:12.492 - 0:15.500: evan holte | tscz passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 20th
0:08.039 - 0:15.750: Tyler Nichols | SPINC went off the track
0:12.906 - 0:15.835: dom | takatoji passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 22nd
0:13.289 - 0:15.976: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 23rd
0:13.367 - 0:16.156: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 24th
0:14.484 - 0:16.171: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 4th
0:06.710 - 0:16.476: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 35th
0:14.976 - 0:16.570: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Chris Post and Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 6th
0:14.375 - 0:16.585: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
0:14.187 - 0:16.664: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Squiddy | District Designs for 14th
0:13.531 - 0:16.679: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 25th
0:13.742 - 0:16.687: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 26th
0:13.820 - 0:16.703: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 27th
0:06.835 - 0:16.726: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 36th
0:14.445 - 0:17.093: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys and Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 28th
0:14.117 - 0:17.218: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 29th
0:14.320 - 0:17.343: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 30th
0:14.687 - 0:17.382: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 31st
0:15.132 - 0:17.804: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Joey Broadstreet for 38th
0:16.585 - 0:18.140: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 12th
0:14.960 - 0:18.226: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
0:16.156 - 0:18.437: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 22nd
0:15.851 - 0:18.539: Jace Williams | District passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
0:16.820 - 0:18.578: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 13th
0:16.843 - 0:18.835: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 14th
0:16.703 - 0:18.843: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 24th
0:16.687 - 0:19.093: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 25th
0:16.640 - 0:19.320: Chris Post passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 6th
0:16.726 - 0:19.335: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 34th
0:17.648 - 0:19.484: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 15th
0:16.476 - 0:19.539: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
0:17.382 - 0:19.757: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 29th
0:17.437 - 0:19.875: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 36th
0:18.132 - 0:19.976: dom | takatoji passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Tyler Nichols | SPINC, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and evan holte | tscz for 16th
0:17.679 - 0:20.046: evan holte | tscz passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 17th
0:18.093 - 0:20.265: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 18th
0:10.781 - 0:20.812: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 37th
0:18.523 - 0:20.898: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 19th
0:17.804 - 0:20.914: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 38th
0:18.437 - 0:21.062: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 20th
0:19.273 - 0:21.164: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 21st
0:18.578 - 0:21.203: Squiddy | District Designs passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 11th
0:18.257 - 0:21.312: Joey Broadstreet passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 39th
0:19.093 - 0:21.390: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 22nd
0:18.835 - 0:21.515: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 12th
0:19.757 - 0:21.812: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 23rd
0:19.367 - 0:21.851: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Chris Post and JR Reyes | Dinoco for 5th
0:19.882 - 0:22.460: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 24th
0:19.648 - 0:22.484: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 25th
0:15.789 - 0:22.515: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp went off the track
0:20.515 - 0:22.562: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 26th
0:20.046 - 0:22.875: evan holte | tscz passed dom | takatoji for 15th
0:20.914 - 0:22.906: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 36th
0:21.046 - 0:23.312: Jace Williams | District passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 27th
0:20.265 - 0:23.648: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed dom | takatoji for 16th
0:21.312 - 0:23.718: Joey Broadstreet passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 37th
0:21.539 - 0:23.765: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 28th
0:22.304 - 0:24.218: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 29th
0:21.390 - 0:24.359: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 19th
0:22.906 - 0:24.632: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 30th
0:19.390 - 0:24.789: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 31st
0:17.343 - 0:25.289: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
0:22.484 - 0:25.304: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 20th
0:22.515 - 0:25.664: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Chris Post and Austin Partelow | AVM for 7th
0:23.718 - 0:25.671: Joey Broadstreet passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 33rd
0:22.179 - 0:25.687: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Chris Post for 8th
0:14.078 - 0:25.789: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji went off the track
0:22.562 - 0:25.875: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing, Branden Walther | Dinoco, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 21st
0:21.812 - 0:25.937: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 22nd
0:16.664 - 0:26.023: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
0:25.031 - 0:26.125: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 4th
0:23.914 - 0:26.234: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 36th
0:22.460 - 0:26.304: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 23rd
0:23.312 - 0:26.640: Jace Williams | District passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 24th
0:25.664 - 0:26.890: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 6th
0:25.734 - 0:27.023: Chris Post passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 8th
0:24.218 - 0:27.078: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 26th
0:24.632 - 0:27.195: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 27th
0:25.585 - 0:27.507: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 38th
0:24.789 - 0:27.960: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 28th
0:25.671 - 0:28.437: Joey Broadstreet passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Branden Walther | Dinoco and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 29th
0:26.218 - 0:29.078: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 4th
0:23.765 - 0:29.085: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
0:26.234 - 0:29.257: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 31st
0:28.250 - 0:29.484: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 13th
0:26.734 - 0:29.546: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District for 25th
0:27.195 - 0:29.609: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Jace Williams | District and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 26th
0:25.289 - 0:29.617: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 32nd
0:28.625 - 0:29.843: evan holte | tscz passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 15th
0:26.593 - 0:29.945: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 33rd
0:26.867 - 0:30.148: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 19th
0:26.023 - 0:30.226: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 34th
0:27.507 - 0:30.507: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 35th
0:30.148 - 0:31.406: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed dom | takatoji for 18th
0:25.789 - 0:31.625: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 36th
0:29.257 - 0:31.898: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 31st
0:28.937 - 0:32.515: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 37th
0:29.617 - 0:32.578: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 32nd
0:29.945 - 0:32.726: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 33rd
0:29.609 - 0:32.796: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 24th
0:29.843 - 0:32.820: evan holte | tscz passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
0:30.507 - 0:33.179: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 35th
0:30.515 - 0:33.359: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 16th
0:32.796 - 0:34.000: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
0:32.289 - 0:34.093: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 4th
0:33.125 - 0:34.351: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 25th
0:34.000 - 0:35.789: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Chris Post , Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and Austin Partelow | AVM for 8th
0:33.320 - 0:36.890: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
0:35.820 - 0:37.773: Chris Post passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 8th
0:35.960 - 0:37.984: evan holte | tscz passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 13th
0:35.445 - 0:38.460: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jace Williams | District and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 27th
0:36.562 - 0:38.578: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films and Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
0:36.164 - 0:38.648: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 15th
0:36.812 - 0:39.171: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 16th
0:37.437 - 0:39.781: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 17th
0:38.109 - 0:39.937: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed dom | takatoji and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 18th
0:37.859 - 0:40.179: dom | takatoji passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 19th
0:37.523 - 0:40.656: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 32nd
0:39.390 - 0:40.992: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for the lead
0:39.179 - 0:41.234: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 20th
0:39.890 - 0:42.390: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 21st
0:40.656 - 0:42.523: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR, Evan Cormack | Steezy Films and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 22nd
0:40.007 - 0:42.640: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 23rd
0:40.476 - 0:42.656: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 24th
0:40.804 - 0:43.328: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 25th
0:42.585 - 0:43.406: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 4th
0:41.648 - 0:43.523: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 26th
0:41.664 - 0:43.976: Jace Williams | District passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 27th
0:42.031 - 0:44.070: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 28th
0:42.382 - 0:44.328: Joey Broadstreet passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 29th
0:42.289 - 0:44.562: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for the lead
0:43.132 - 0:45.265: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed evan holte | tscz for 13th
0:44.578 - 0:45.414: Chris Post passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 7th
0:43.523 - 0:45.593: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 25th
0:43.359 - 0:45.765: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 30th
0:43.703 - 0:45.796: Brett Powers | WildSide passed evan holte | tscz for 14th
0:44.593 - 0:45.914: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO for the lead
0:43.523 - 0:46.289: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 4th
0:44.445 - 0:46.453: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 33rd
0:44.968 - 0:46.976: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 35th
0:46.140 - 0:47.351: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jace Williams | District for 27th
0:46.078 - 0:48.468: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Chris Post and JR Reyes | Dinoco for 7th
0:46.453 - 0:48.726: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 30th
0:46.734 - 0:48.976: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 31st
0:48.078 - 0:49.007: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed evan holte | tscz for 15th
0:46.976 - 0:49.234: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 32nd
0:47.414 - 0:49.390: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 33rd
0:46.125 - 0:49.554: Austin Partelow | AVM passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 9th
0:47.242 - 0:49.601: Squiddy | District Designs passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 10th
0:47.601 - 0:49.859: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 22nd
0:47.343 - 0:50.101: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 34th
0:48.250 - 0:50.437: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
0:48.992 - 0:50.617: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO for 2nd
0:48.781 - 0:50.773: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 35th
0:49.601 - 0:51.039: Squiddy | District Designs passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 9th
0:48.937 - 0:51.328: Jace Williams | District passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Harrison Gafford | WBB, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 24th
0:48.734 - 0:51.453: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
0:49.148 - 0:51.531: evan holte | tscz passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 15th
0:50.328 - 0:51.812: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO for 3rd
0:50.546 - 0:51.828: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
0:49.117 - 0:52.039: Joey Broadstreet passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 27th
0:50.601 - 0:52.257: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO for 4th
0:49.992 - 0:52.304: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 36th
0:50.015 - 0:52.335: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 38th
0:51.578 - 0:53.257: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 25th
0:52.335 - 0:53.476: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 36th
0:51.382 - 0:54.093: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 28th
0:53.664 - 0:54.585: Joey Broadstreet passed Harrison Gafford | WBB and Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 25th
0:52.039 - 0:54.914: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 29th
0:53.445 - 0:55.781: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 30th
0:51.437 - 0:55.789: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 31st
0:52.640 - 0:55.812: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO for 5th
0:52.476 - 0:55.929: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 21st
0:53.085 - 0:56.664: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 22nd
0:54.593 - 0:57.054: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District, Seth Kready|Yogi and Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
0:48.109 - 0:57.265: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 32nd
0:54.117 - 0:57.328: Jace Williams | District passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 24th
0:54.953 - 0:57.484: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 33rd
0:54.851 - 0:57.492: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 34th
0:52.789 - 0:57.898: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 35th
0:55.414 - 0:58.562: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 36th
0:57.632 - 0:58.890: Joey Broadstreet passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 25th
0:59.085 - 0:59.914: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 32nd
0:59.890 - 1:00.789: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 34th
0:58.968 - 1:01.195: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 30th
0:59.390 - 1:02.460: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 12th
1:00.304 - 1:02.609: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 32nd
1:00.789 - 1:03.093: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 33rd
1:00.343 - 1:03.164: evan holte | tscz passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
1:02.031 - 1:04.492: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 10th
1:02.468 - 1:04.953: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC and Austin Partelow | AVM for 11th
1:02.460 - 1:05.054: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 12th
1:03.164 - 1:05.640: evan holte | tscz passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 13th
1:02.695 - 1:05.765: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed dom | takatoji for 19th
1:03.179 - 1:05.796: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 14th
1:02.781 - 1:06.007: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 22nd
1:03.546 - 1:06.312: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 15th
1:03.453 - 1:06.453: Joey Broadstreet passed Jace Williams | District and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 23rd
1:04.351 - 1:06.976: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 16th
1:03.671 - 1:07.070: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Jace Williams | District and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 24th
1:03.335 - 1:07.273: Jace Williams | District passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 25th
1:04.164 - 1:07.703: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 26th
1:05.171 - 1:07.968: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 17th
1:02.859 - 1:08.171: Chris Post went off the track
1:05.640 - 1:08.382: evan holte | tscz passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 11th
1:05.765 - 1:08.515: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 18th
1:05.671 - 1:08.882: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 27th
1:06.171 - 1:09.039: dom | takatoji passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
1:06.453 - 1:09.421: Joey Broadstreet passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 22nd
1:07.914 - 1:09.523: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 4th
1:07.125 - 1:09.562: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
1:08.304 - 1:09.968: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 5th
1:07.070 - 1:10.187: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 23rd
1:07.273 - 1:10.367: Jace Williams | District passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 24th
1:07.703 - 1:10.851: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 25th
1:09.460 - 1:11.570: Chris Post passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 6th
1:09.750 - 1:12.140: Squiddy | District Designs passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 7th
1:11.031 - 1:12.609: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 8th
1:10.367 - 1:12.960: Jace Williams | District passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 23rd
1:11.390 - 1:13.031: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 9th
1:11.671 - 1:13.679: evan holte | tscz passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 10th
1:12.187 - 1:14.031: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 11th
1:12.640 - 1:14.406: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 12th
1:12.609 - 1:14.468: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Squiddy | District Designs for 7th
1:12.765 - 1:14.726: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 13th
1:12.820 - 1:14.984: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 14th
1:12.046 - 1:15.359: Joey Broadstreet passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
1:14.031 - 1:15.718: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 15th
1:13.187 - 1:15.984: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Jace Williams | District for 22nd
1:13.593 - 1:16.593: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 35th
1:13.585 - 1:16.750: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jace Williams | District for 23rd
1:15.648 - 1:17.328: dom | takatoji passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 17th
1:15.484 - 1:17.828: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet for 21st
1:15.984 - 1:17.953: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
1:15.445 - 1:18.289: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 36th
1:16.617 - 1:18.406: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 18th
1:16.750 - 1:18.718: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
1:17.015 - 1:19.046: Jace Williams | District passed Joey Broadstreet for 24th
1:16.281 - 1:19.250: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 37th
1:17.328 - 1:19.343: dom | takatoji passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 16th
1:17.257 - 1:19.382: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Joey Broadstreet for 25th
1:17.851 - 1:19.914: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Joey Broadstreet for 26th
1:18.023 - 1:19.953: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Joey Broadstreet for 27th
1:04.765 - 1:20.039: Seth Carr | Covenant went off the track
1:18.304 - 1:20.281: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Joey Broadstreet for 28th
1:19.093 - 1:20.718: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 19th
1:18.914 - 1:20.898: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Joey Broadstreet for 29th
1:19.953 - 1:21.203: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 26th
1:19.195 - 1:21.445: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 20th
1:19.945 - 1:21.820: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 21st
1:20.257 - 1:22.203: Jace Williams | District passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 22nd
1:20.703 - 1:22.328: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 23rd
1:21.289 - 1:23.203: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 24th
1:21.203 - 1:23.375: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 25th
1:21.640 - 1:23.609: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 26th
1:22.179 - 1:23.859: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 27th
1:22.328 - 1:24.273: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District for 23rd
1:22.601 - 1:24.320: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Joey Broadstreet and Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 28th
1:22.515 - 1:24.898: Joey Broadstreet passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 29th
1:20.414 - 1:24.984: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 18th
1:23.015 - 1:24.992: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 30th
1:23.992 - 1:25.820: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 31st
1:24.484 - 1:26.976: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 9th
1:24.960 - 1:27.289: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 10th
1:25.078 - 1:27.453: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 11th
1:26.187 - 1:28.070: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 3rd
1:26.000 - 1:28.156: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto and evan holte | tscz for 12th
1:23.914 - 1:28.468: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 21st
1:26.398 - 1:28.531: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 33rd
1:27.453 - 1:28.789: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 10th
1:25.875 - 1:29.164: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 13th
1:27.554 - 1:30.000: dom | takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 14th
1:27.898 - 1:30.226: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 15th
1:25.843 - 1:30.390: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 27th
1:28.710 - 1:31.093: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 16th
1:28.859 - 1:31.250: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and evan holte | tscz for 17th
1:30.226 - 1:31.328: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed dom | takatoji for 14th
1:27.117 - 1:31.640: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Broadstreet for 30th
1:28.984 - 1:32.039: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 10th
1:30.671 - 1:32.375: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 21st
1:24.000 - 1:33.085: evan holte | tscz passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 18th
1:30.890 - 1:33.195: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 19th
1:32.460 - 1:34.125: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 26th
1:31.750 - 1:34.640: dom | takatoji passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 14th
1:32.460 - 1:34.796: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 20th
1:33.195 - 1:34.820: Austin Partelow | AVM passed evan holte | tscz for 18th
1:32.375 - 1:34.984: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 21st
1:32.804 - 1:35.015: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 22nd
1:32.945 - 1:35.546: Jace Williams | District passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 23rd
1:33.687 - 1:36.132: Joey Broadstreet passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 27th
1:33.437 - 1:36.296: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 28th
1:34.984 - 1:36.304: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB and evan holte | tscz for 19th
1:34.796 - 1:36.468: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed evan holte | tscz for 20th
1:35.015 - 1:36.726: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed evan holte | tscz for 21st
1:34.921 - 1:36.757: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 29th
1:34.351 - 1:36.804: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 30th
1:35.117 - 1:37.085: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 31st
1:32.671 - 1:37.343: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
1:35.570 - 1:37.843: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 33rd
1:36.609 - 1:38.765: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 11th
1:37.570 - 1:39.242: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 34th
1:36.757 - 1:39.406: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 28th
1:36.726 - 1:39.718: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 19th
1:36.468 - 1:39.734: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 20th
0:00.000 - 1:39.953: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 1 ( 1:39.953)
1:39.406 - 1:40.585: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Jace Williams | District, Joey Broadstreet, Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 22nd
1:37.843 - 1:40.632: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 32nd
1:38.546 - 1:40.718: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed dom | takatoji for 14th
1:39.656 - 1:40.828: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Jace Williams | District, Joey Broadstreet, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 23rd
1:35.546 - 1:40.921: Jace Williams | District passed evan holte | tscz for 24th
1:38.757 - 1:40.921: Joey Broadstreet passed Jace Williams | District, Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 24th
1:39.484 - 1:41.039: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 26th
1:39.390 - 1:41.265: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 35th
1:39.843 - 1:41.367: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 27th
1:36.476 - 1:41.507: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 28th
1:40.664 - 1:41.906: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, evan holte | tscz, Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 29th
1:40.632 - 1:42.656: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 30th
0:00.000 - 1:42.773: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 1 ( 1:42.773)
1:40.757 - 1:43.187: dom | takatoji passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 14th
1:41.632 - 1:43.226: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 31st
1:40.921 - 1:44.500: Joey Broadstreet passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 23rd
0:00.000 - 1:44.609: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 1 ( 1:44.609)
1:41.507 - 1:44.976: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jace Williams | District, Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 25th
1:43.718 - 1:45.148: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs, evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 32nd
0:00.000 - 1:45.343: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 1 ( 1:45.343)
0:00.000 - 1:45.515: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 1 ( 1:45.515)
1:35.578 - 1:45.523: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed evan holte | tscz for 33rd
1:43.226 - 1:45.585: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed dom | takatoji for 14th
1:42.460 - 1:45.773: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 36th
1:44.703 - 1:46.570: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
1:45.679 - 1:48.093: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 19th
0:00.000 - 1:48.523: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 1 ( 1:48.523)
1:45.335 - 1:48.523: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Chris Post for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:48.953: Chris Post finished lap 1 ( 1:48.953)
0:00.000 - 1:49.156: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 1 ( 1:49.156)
1:48.210 - 1:49.968: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 37th
1:48.632 - 1:50.179: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 38th
0:00.000 - 1:50.257: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 1 ( 1:50.257)
0:00.000 - 1:51.406: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 1 ( 1:51.406)
0:00.000 - 1:51.812: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 1 ( 1:51.812)
1:45.148 - 1:52.070: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:52.390: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 1 ( 1:52.390)
0:00.000 - 1:52.921: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 1 ( 1:52.921)
0:00.000 - 1:53.398: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 1 ( 1:53.398)
1:50.179 - 1:53.546: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 36th
0:00.000 - 1:54.000: dom | takatoji finished lap 1 ( 1:54.000)
1:51.656 - 1:54.125: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 27th
1:52.570 - 1:54.226: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 39th
0:00.000 - 1:54.398: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 1 ( 1:54.398)
0:00.000 - 1:54.710: Seth Carr | Covenant finished lap 1 ( 1:54.710)
1:52.882 - 1:55.640: Squiddy | District Designs passed Chris Post for 7th
1:53.968 - 1:55.867: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 34th
1:53.664 - 1:55.968: Joey Broadstreet passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 23rd
1:54.171 - 1:56.710: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jace Williams | District and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
1:54.125 - 1:56.804: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jace Williams | District for 27th
1:54.984 - 1:57.320: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 31st
0:00.000 - 1:58.593: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 1 ( 1:58.593)
1:55.710 - 1:58.593: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Harrison Gafford | WBB and Austin Partelow | AVM for 18th
0:00.000 - 1:58.718: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 1 ( 1:58.718)
1:56.906 - 1:58.812: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 4th
1:58.085 - 1:59.414: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 25th
1:57.437 - 1:59.718: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 31st
0:00.000 - 2:00.828: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 1 ( 2:00.828)
1:56.742 - 2:00.828: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 20th
1:59.851 - 2:01.164: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 31st
1:57.976 - 2:01.250: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed dom | takatoji for 15th
1:59.500 - 2:01.656: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 25th
1:59.703 - 2:02.031: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 26th
2:01.234 - 2:02.578: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 31st
0:00.000 - 2:03.046: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 1 ( 2:03.046)
2:00.156 - 2:03.046: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 21st
0:00.000 - 2:04.195: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 1 ( 2:04.195)
2:00.945 - 2:04.195: Joey Broadstreet passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 22nd
0:00.000 - 2:04.507: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 1 ( 2:04.507)
2:01.539 - 2:04.507: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 23rd
0:00.000 - 2:04.593: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 1 ( 2:04.593)
2:01.656 - 2:04.593: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 24th
0:00.000 - 2:05.093: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 1 ( 2:05.093)
2:02.031 - 2:05.093: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 25th
2:02.492 - 2:05.203: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 37th
0:00.000 - 2:05.507: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 1 ( 2:05.507)
0:00.000 - 2:05.765: Jace Williams | District finished lap 1 ( 2:05.765)
2:02.328 - 2:05.765: Jace Williams | District passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 27th
0:00.000 - 2:05.781: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 1 ( 2:05.781)
2:02.390 - 2:05.781: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 28th
2:03.437 - 2:05.921: Seth Carr | Covenant passed dom | takatoji for 16th
0:00.000 - 2:06.117: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 1 ( 2:06.117)
2:02.867 - 2:06.117: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 29th
0:00.000 - 2:07.859: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 1 ( 2:07.859)
2:04.921 - 2:07.859: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 30th
0:00.000 - 2:08.375: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 1 ( 2:08.375)
2:05.304 - 2:08.375: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 31st
0:00.000 - 2:08.414: evan holte | tscz finished lap 1 ( 2:08.414)
2:05.320 - 2:08.414: evan holte | tscz passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 32nd
0:00.000 - 2:09.226: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 1 ( 2:09.226)
2:06.171 - 2:09.226: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 33rd
2:05.781 - 2:09.304: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jace Williams | District and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 26th
2:06.117 - 2:09.671: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jace Williams | District for 28th
0:00.000 - 2:09.742: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 1 ( 2:09.742)
2:06.687 - 2:09.742: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 34th
0:00.000 - 2:10.304: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 1 ( 2:10.304)
2:07.320 - 2:10.304: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 35th
2:07.859 - 2:10.882: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 38th
2:08.312 - 2:11.156: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
2:07.640 - 2:11.429: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
2:09.632 - 2:11.445: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
0:00.000 - 2:12.343: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 1 ( 2:12.343)
2:09.703 - 2:12.367: dom | takatoji passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 16th
2:11.156 - 2:12.679: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 21st
2:10.492 - 2:13.242: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 39th
0:00.000 - 2:13.273: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 1 ( 2:13.273)
2:11.429 - 2:13.375: Joey Broadstreet passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 22nd
2:11.218 - 2:13.625: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 13th
2:10.304 - 2:13.703: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 34th
2:12.062 - 2:13.851: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 23rd
2:11.445 - 2:14.054: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 19th
2:12.328 - 2:14.203: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 24th
2:11.867 - 2:14.984: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 10th
2:12.679 - 2:15.500: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 20th
2:13.375 - 2:16.109: Joey Broadstreet passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 21st
2:13.851 - 2:16.484: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 22nd
2:14.203 - 2:16.820: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 23rd
2:13.804 - 2:16.851: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 34th
2:15.546 - 2:17.445: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for the lead
2:14.867 - 2:17.484: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Austin Partelow | AVM for 24th
2:14.429 - 2:17.617: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 25th
2:16.109 - 2:18.289: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 39th
0:00.000 - 2:18.835: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 1 ( 2:18.835)
2:17.523 - 2:19.476: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 2nd
2:18.070 - 2:20.328: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 26th
2:18.085 - 2:20.351: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 27th
2:18.664 - 2:20.546: Squiddy | District Designs passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 5th
2:17.906 - 2:20.671: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 12th
2:19.273 - 2:21.304: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:21.312: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 1 ( 2:21.312)
0:00.000 - 2:21.476: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 1 ( 2:21.476)
2:20.546 - 2:22.554: Squiddy | District Designs passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 4th
2:20.554 - 2:22.843: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 5th
2:21.687 - 2:23.648: Chris Post passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
2:22.164 - 2:24.125: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 7th
2:22.007 - 2:24.710: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 24th
2:22.460 - 2:24.914: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 26th
2:06.437 - 2:25.242: brayden tharp | covenant #blm went off the track
2:23.804 - 2:25.617: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 11th
2:18.859 - 2:25.882: Alec Zellner | Vurb went off the track
2:23.984 - 2:26.257: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 12th
2:24.914 - 2:27.578: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 25th
2:25.218 - 2:28.328: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 39th
2:25.609 - 2:28.398: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 33rd
2:25.117 - 2:29.046: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 34th
2:27.273 - 2:29.070: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 13th
2:27.664 - 2:29.539: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
2:29.843 - 2:31.015: dom | takatoji passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 15th
2:29.890 - 2:31.015: Seth Carr | Covenant passed dom | takatoji and Brett Powers | WildSide for 15th
2:27.750 - 2:31.234: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 24th
2:27.960 - 2:31.351: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 35th
2:27.773 - 2:31.726: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 25th
2:28.507 - 2:31.898: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jace Williams | District, Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 26th
2:28.484 - 2:32.000: Jace Williams | District passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 27th
2:29.093 - 2:32.367: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 28th
2:29.367 - 2:32.460: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 36th
2:29.242 - 2:32.648: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 29th
2:31.148 - 2:32.882: Brett Powers | WildSide passed dom | takatoji for 16th
2:31.898 - 2:33.164: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
2:32.000 - 2:33.226: Jace Williams | District passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 26th
2:31.281 - 2:33.468: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Squiddy | District Designs for 4th
2:29.875 - 2:33.507: evan holte | tscz passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 30th
2:32.648 - 2:34.070: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 27th
2:31.789 - 2:34.601: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Chris Post for 6th
2:31.070 - 2:34.609: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 31st
2:33.507 - 2:34.929: evan holte | tscz passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 28th
2:31.906 - 2:35.507: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 32nd
2:34.609 - 2:35.945: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 29th
2:34.671 - 2:36.296: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 14th
2:35.507 - 2:36.914: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 30th
2:32.367 - 2:36.929: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 31st
2:34.125 - 2:36.992: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 37th
2:34.078 - 2:37.648: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 33rd
2:27.578 - 2:38.054: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
2:35.218 - 2:38.796: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 35th
2:35.945 - 2:38.890: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed evan holte | tscz for 28th
2:37.273 - 2:39.617: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 12th
2:38.640 - 2:40.109: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Squiddy | District Designs for 5th
2:36.929 - 2:40.273: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed evan holte | tscz and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 29th
2:38.984 - 2:40.578: Chris Post passed Squiddy | District Designs for 6th
2:36.914 - 2:40.609: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed evan holte | tscz for 30th
2:37.476 - 2:40.812: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed evan holte | tscz for 31st
2:39.273 - 2:41.078: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Squiddy | District Designs for 7th
2:40.125 - 2:43.335: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 33rd
2:40.164 - 2:43.460: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 34th
2:41.070 - 2:43.742: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 13th
2:41.078 - 2:44.054: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Chris Post for 6th
2:40.726 - 2:44.179: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 35th
2:42.335 - 2:45.257: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Squiddy | District Designs for 8th
2:43.039 - 2:45.968: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 4th
2:43.953 - 2:46.984: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 36th
2:44.093 - 2:47.031: Chris Post passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
2:45.304 - 2:48.265: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 12th
2:45.343 - 2:49.117: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 37th
2:47.210 - 2:49.539: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Chris Post for 6th
2:47.289 - 2:50.148: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 38th
2:48.304 - 2:51.539: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 11th
2:49.648 - 2:51.734: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 34th
2:48.859 - 2:51.992: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 12th
2:47.007 - 2:52.242: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs went off the track
2:49.726 - 2:52.382: Chris Post passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
2:49.671 - 2:52.703: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 13th
2:50.085 - 2:53.015: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 14th
2:52.937 - 2:54.320: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 33rd
2:51.992 - 2:54.617: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 11th
2:52.562 - 2:55.703: dom | takatoji passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 15th
2:53.664 - 2:56.593: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 16th
2:55.164 - 2:57.343: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 33rd
2:55.375 - 2:58.226: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto and Seth Carr | Covenant for 11th
2:55.515 - 2:58.250: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 17th
2:55.687 - 2:58.640: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 13th
2:56.968 - 2:59.179: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 34th
2:57.539 - 2:59.382: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Chris Post for 6th
2:46.140 - 3:00.414: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp went off the track
3:00.085 - 3:02.242: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 35th
3:00.148 - 3:02.773: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 19th
3:00.156 - 3:02.835: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 33rd
3:02.296 - 3:03.765: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 29th
2:59.476 - 3:03.843: Chris Post passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
3:02.906 - 3:04.695: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 30th
2:58.820 - 3:05.632: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 36th
3:03.796 - 3:07.156: evan holte | tscz passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 31st
3:05.343 - 3:07.882: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Joey Broadstreet for 21st
3:08.320 - 3:09.429: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 3rd
3:08.773 - 3:11.640: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 33rd
3:09.687 - 3:12.554: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 3rd
3:11.445 - 3:12.687: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 23rd
3:12.101 - 3:16.062: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Chris Post for 6th
3:12.156 - 3:16.234: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Chris Post for 7th
3:13.914 - 3:16.609: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
3:16.281 - 3:17.906: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 38th
3:16.820 - 3:18.625: Squiddy | District Designs passed Chris Post and brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 8th
3:16.609 - 3:18.671: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Chris Post for 9th
3:16.929 - 3:19.679: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 32nd
3:19.796 - 3:21.820: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Chris Post for 10th
1:44.609 - 3:22.093: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 2 ( 1:37.484)
3:20.859 - 3:22.890: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Chris Post for 11th
3:21.429 - 3:23.453: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Chris Post for 12th
3:21.601 - 3:23.531: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Chris Post for 13th
3:21.500 - 3:24.437: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 37th
3:23.796 - 3:25.859: dom | takatoji passed Chris Post for 14th
3:24.179 - 3:26.156: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Chris Post for 15th
3:24.890 - 3:26.757: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Chris Post for 16th
3:25.164 - 3:26.812: Jace Williams | District passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 25th
3:24.593 - 3:26.906: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 38th
3:24.687 - 3:26.992: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
3:25.554 - 3:27.593: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Chris Post for 17th
3:25.273 - 3:27.617: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
3:26.390 - 3:28.343: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
1:45.515 - 3:28.875: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 2 ( 1:43.359)
3:26.812 - 3:29.226: Jace Williams | District passed Joey Broadstreet for 24th
3:27.460 - 3:29.640: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
3:27.078 - 3:30.328: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 38th
3:29.015 - 3:30.664: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 28th
3:28.343 - 3:30.812: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Joey Broadstreet for 25th
1:45.343 - 3:31.468: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 2 ( 1:46.125)
1:50.257 - 3:31.812: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 2 ( 1:41.554)
3:29.640 - 3:32.000: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Joey Broadstreet for 26th
3:30.179 - 3:32.203: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 29th
1:48.523 - 3:32.867: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 2 ( 1:44.343)
3:30.664 - 3:33.031: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Joey Broadstreet for 27th
3:31.554 - 3:33.179: evan holte | tscz passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 30th
1:42.773 - 3:34.281: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 2 ( 1:51.507)
3:32.203 - 3:34.671: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Joey Broadstreet for 28th
1:51.812 - 3:35.250: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 2 ( 1:43.437)
1:49.156 - 3:35.804: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:46.648)
3:34.062 - 3:36.015: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 38th
3:35.414 - 3:36.726: evan holte | tscz passed Joey Broadstreet for 29th
3:35.734 - 3:36.960: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 15th
1:39.953 - 3:37.171: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 2 ( 1:57.218)
3:37.351 - 3:38.656: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 15th
3:37.585 - 3:38.710: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 32nd
1:54.398 - 3:38.726: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 2 ( 1:44.328)
1:52.390 - 3:39.656: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 2 ( 1:47.265)
1:51.406 - 3:40.187: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 2 ( 1:48.781)
1:54.710 - 3:40.351: Seth Carr | Covenant finished lap 2 ( 1:45.640)
3:38.703 - 3:40.789: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 15th
3:38.921 - 3:42.171: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 32nd
3:39.648 - 3:42.468: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 4th
3:36.960 - 3:42.484: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp went off the track
1:54.000 - 3:42.781: dom | takatoji finished lap 2 ( 1:48.781)
3:41.960 - 3:43.531: Joey Broadstreet passed evan holte | tscz for 29th
3:39.437 - 3:43.578: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys went off the track
1:58.593 - 3:43.820: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 2 ( 1:45.226)
3:40.351 - 3:43.914: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 12th
2:03.046 - 3:44.265: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 2 ( 1:41.218)
1:53.398 - 3:45.648: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 2 ( 1:52.250)
1:48.953 - 3:45.843: Chris Post finished lap 2 ( 1:56.890)
2:04.507 - 3:46.375: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:41.867)
3:44.234 - 3:46.820: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
3:44.085 - 3:47.140: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 12th
1:52.921 - 3:47.242: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 2 ( 1:54.320)
3:43.960 - 3:47.500: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
3:46.953 - 3:48.992: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 6th
2:04.593 - 3:49.726: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 2 ( 1:45.132)
3:46.609 - 3:49.804: dom | takatoji passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 13th
1:58.718 - 3:50.054: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 2 ( 1:51.335)
3:47.531 - 3:50.546: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 14th
3:46.375 - 3:50.617: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Chris Post for 18th
3:47.242 - 3:51.148: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Chris Post for 19th
3:48.257 - 3:51.203: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 15th
2:05.781 - 3:51.437: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 2 ( 1:45.656)
3:50.031 - 3:51.562: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Squiddy | District Designs for 8th
3:49.835 - 3:52.234: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 32nd
3:49.460 - 3:52.257: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 16th
2:05.765 - 3:53.507: Jace Williams | District finished lap 2 ( 1:47.742)
3:51.210 - 3:53.554: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 33rd
3:50.617 - 3:53.632: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 17th
3:51.148 - 3:54.234: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 18th
2:08.375 - 3:54.625: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 2 ( 1:46.250)
3:45.789 - 3:55.453: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
2:10.304 - 3:55.812: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 2 ( 1:45.507)
3:53.398 - 3:56.554: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
2:09.742 - 3:56.945: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 2 ( 1:47.203)
3:54.429 - 3:57.382: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Squiddy | District Designs for 10th
2:06.117 - 3:58.140: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 2 ( 1:52.023)
3:55.507 - 3:58.359: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 34th
2:08.414 - 3:58.648: evan holte | tscz finished lap 2 ( 1:50.234)
3:55.914 - 3:58.648: evan holte | tscz passed Joey Broadstreet for 29th
2:04.195 - 3:58.851: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 2 ( 1:54.656)
3:55.585 - 3:58.976: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Squiddy | District Designs for 11th
3:56.257 - 3:59.406: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
3:58.468 - 4:00.726: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
3:57.851 - 4:00.859: dom | takatoji passed Squiddy | District Designs for 12th
4:00.781 - 4:02.062: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 34th
3:58.875 - 4:02.101: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
3:59.171 - 4:02.500: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Squiddy | District Designs for 14th
4:01.960 - 4:03.953: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 21st
2:05.093 - 4:04.031: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 2 ( 1:58.937)
2:13.273 - 4:05.406: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 2 ( 1:52.132)
2:21.476 - 4:06.593: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 2 ( 1:45.117)
2:05.507 - 4:08.843: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 2 ( 2:03.335)
2:07.859 - 4:09.078: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 2 ( 2:01.218)
4:04.289 - 4:09.335: Chris Post went off the track
4:06.781 - 4:09.984: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 16th
2:18.835 - 4:10.382: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 2 ( 1:51.546)
2:09.226 - 4:10.976: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 2 ( 2:01.750)
4:07.523 - 4:11.046: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 17th
4:08.242 - 4:11.406: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 18th
2:12.343 - 4:11.742: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 2 ( 1:59.398)
4:09.335 - 4:12.492: Chris Post passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
4:09.078 - 4:12.617: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
2:00.828 - 4:13.320: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 2 ( 2:12.492)
4:11.000 - 4:14.210: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 20th
4:12.328 - 4:14.281: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 4th
4:10.828 - 4:14.328: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 21st
4:12.671 - 4:15.468: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 34th
4:11.984 - 4:15.585: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 22nd
4:11.742 - 4:15.609: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 37th
4:13.835 - 4:16.828: Chris Post passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 18th
4:14.265 - 4:16.992: Joey Broadstreet passed evan holte | tscz for 28th
4:13.835 - 4:17.078: Jace Williams | District passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 23rd
4:13.320 - 4:17.265: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 38th
4:15.375 - 4:18.164: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 19th
4:16.429 - 4:18.195: Squiddy | District Designs passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 14th
4:15.125 - 4:18.515: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 24th
2:21.312 - 4:18.757: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:57.445)
4:15.476 - 4:18.796: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 25th
4:15.726 - 4:19.062: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 20th
4:18.492 - 4:21.078: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 6th
4:18.328 - 4:21.218: Jace Williams | District passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 21st
4:21.109 - 4:22.359: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 6th
4:18.757 - 4:22.375: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 39th
4:21.187 - 4:22.515: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 13th
4:22.539 - 4:24.593: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
4:22.421 - 4:25.023: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 5th
4:22.539 - 4:25.304: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 6th
4:22.648 - 4:25.773: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 22nd
4:16.906 - 4:27.820: Branden Walther | Dinoco went off the track
4:26.976 - 4:28.023: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Squiddy | District Designs for 14th
4:26.187 - 4:28.148: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 23rd
4:25.812 - 4:28.359: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 8th
4:27.031 - 4:29.796: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 9th
4:28.148 - 4:30.171: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 22nd
4:28.500 - 4:30.351: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs and Seth Carr | Covenant for 23rd
4:28.203 - 4:30.398: Squiddy | District Designs passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 14th
4:28.359 - 4:30.843: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 24th
4:28.789 - 4:31.429: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
4:29.601 - 4:31.429: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 25th
4:30.203 - 4:32.109: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 26th
4:31.429 - 4:33.320: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 9th
4:32.109 - 4:33.695: dom | takatoji passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto and Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
4:32.085 - 4:34.054: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 11th
4:31.539 - 4:34.507: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 27th
4:33.015 - 4:35.007: Joey Broadstreet passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 28th
4:33.335 - 4:35.539: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 23rd
4:34.257 - 4:35.843: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 12th
4:34.390 - 4:35.929: Squiddy | District Designs passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 13th
4:34.039 - 4:36.257: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 24th
4:34.726 - 4:36.429: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 14th
4:35.171 - 4:37.007: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 15th
4:34.664 - 4:37.023: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 25th
4:34.054 - 4:37.085: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed dom | takatoji for 10th
4:36.054 - 4:38.226: evan holte | tscz passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 29th
4:36.859 - 4:38.742: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 16th
4:29.835 - 4:38.921: brayden tharp | covenant #blm went off the track
4:36.523 - 4:38.945: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 30th
4:37.289 - 4:39.578: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 26th
4:37.523 - 4:39.750: Joey Broadstreet passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 27th
4:37.085 - 4:40.015: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 8th
4:38.429 - 4:40.304: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 33rd
4:39.273 - 4:40.773: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Chris Post for 18th
4:38.796 - 4:40.859: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 31st
4:38.593 - 4:41.023: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 22nd
4:37.476 - 4:41.085: dom | takatoji passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 9th
4:38.664 - 4:41.562: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 10th
4:39.328 - 4:41.671: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 23rd
4:41.492 - 4:42.312: Joey Broadstreet passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 26th
4:40.304 - 4:42.320: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 32nd
4:39.367 - 4:42.320: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Squiddy | District Designs and Brett Powers | WildSide for 11th
4:40.343 - 4:42.437: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 33rd
4:39.875 - 4:43.109: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 24th
4:41.593 - 4:43.578: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 34th
4:40.203 - 4:43.695: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Squiddy | District Designs and Brett Powers | WildSide for 12th
4:43.500 - 4:44.945: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 32nd
4:38.968 - 4:45.039: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 13th
4:42.351 - 4:45.195: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
4:42.687 - 4:45.375: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Joey Broadstreet for 25th
4:42.312 - 4:45.406: Joey Broadstreet passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 26th
4:43.382 - 4:45.531: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 35th
4:42.953 - 4:46.093: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 15th
4:44.750 - 4:46.109: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 33rd
4:43.695 - 4:46.593: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
4:45.406 - 4:46.609: Joey Broadstreet passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
4:41.718 - 4:46.820: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed evan holte | tscz for 29th
4:44.085 - 4:47.078: Chris Post passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 17th
4:45.062 - 4:47.929: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 18th
4:46.109 - 4:48.242: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 32nd
4:46.679 - 4:48.273: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
4:47.304 - 4:48.773: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 35th
4:48.429 - 4:49.812: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 36th
4:49.875 - 4:50.703: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 31st
4:48.773 - 4:50.796: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
4:48.273 - 4:51.445: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 34th
4:49.812 - 4:51.890: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 35th
4:49.335 - 4:52.171: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 16th
4:50.132 - 4:52.226: evan holte | tscz passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 29th
4:49.921 - 4:52.609: Chris Post passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 17th
4:50.562 - 4:53.304: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 18th
4:50.750 - 4:53.437: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 31st
4:51.710 - 4:53.687: dom | takatoji passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 9th
4:51.929 - 4:53.929: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
4:51.085 - 4:54.281: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 19th
4:53.492 - 4:54.359: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 34th
4:52.445 - 4:54.460: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 11th
4:51.406 - 4:54.500: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Joey Broadstreet for 25th
4:52.937 - 4:55.031: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 37th
4:53.359 - 4:55.976: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 22nd
4:53.953 - 4:56.078: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 12th
4:53.710 - 4:56.546: Jace Williams | District passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 20th
4:54.632 - 4:57.039: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 34th
4:55.648 - 4:57.648: Squiddy | District Designs passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 13th
4:55.960 - 4:57.984: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 14th
4:56.546 - 4:58.554: Jace Williams | District passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 19th
4:55.976 - 4:58.921: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 21st
4:57.320 - 4:59.398: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 15th
4:57.625 - 4:59.539: Chris Post passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 16th
4:57.929 - 4:59.562: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 31st
4:56.781 - 4:59.710: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 22nd
4:58.195 - 5:00.226: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 17th
3:22.093 - 5:00.570: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 3 ( 1:38.476)
4:57.929 - 5:00.781: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed evan holte | tscz for 29th
5:00.234 - 5:01.820: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 32nd
5:01.226 - 5:02.664: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 33rd
5:00.578 - 5:02.671: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 2nd
5:01.718 - 5:03.226: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 34th
5:00.703 - 5:03.632: Joey Broadstreet passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 24th
4:59.703 - 5:03.750: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 25th
5:02.101 - 5:04.023: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 3rd
5:02.609 - 5:04.484: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 4th
5:02.859 - 5:05.390: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 26th
5:01.820 - 5:05.546: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 31st
5:03.750 - 5:05.609: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Joey Broadstreet for 24th
5:04.414 - 5:05.734: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed dom | takatoji for 9th
5:03.226 - 5:06.296: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
5:05.789 - 5:07.789: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 14th
5:06.812 - 5:08.414: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Chris Post for 16th
5:06.218 - 5:08.929: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Branden Walther | Dinoco and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 27th
5:06.843 - 5:09.429: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 3rd
5:06.898 - 5:09.710: evan holte | tscz passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 29th
5:07.421 - 5:10.218: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 38th
5:07.468 - 5:11.320: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 36th
5:09.046 - 5:11.476: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 31st
5:09.710 - 5:11.687: evan holte | tscz passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 28th
5:10.898 - 5:12.726: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 21st
5:11.437 - 5:13.304: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 39th
5:09.125 - 5:13.781: Chris Post passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 15th
5:11.500 - 5:13.875: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 16th
5:11.531 - 5:14.148: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 31st
5:12.750 - 5:14.406: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 21st
5:13.875 - 5:15.000: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Chris Post for 15th
5:13.187 - 5:15.171: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed dom | takatoji for 10th
3:31.468 - 5:15.695: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 3 ( 1:44.226)
5:12.414 - 5:15.742: Jace Williams | District passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 17th
5:13.671 - 5:15.976: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 18th
5:14.460 - 5:16.593: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Austin Partelow | AVM, Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 19th
5:14.406 - 5:16.945: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 20th
3:34.281 - 5:17.335: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 3 ( 1:43.054)
5:15.976 - 5:17.414: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Jace Williams | District for 17th
5:16.593 - 5:18.000: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Jace Williams | District for 18th
5:15.265 - 5:18.132: Chris Post passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 15th
5:16.945 - 5:18.664: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jace Williams | District for 19th
3:28.875 - 5:18.773: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 3 ( 1:49.898)
5:16.109 - 5:19.085: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 22nd
5:13.031 - 5:19.640: Branden Walther | Dinoco went off the track
3:32.867 - 5:19.867: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 3 ( 1:47.000)
5:17.710 - 5:20.187: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 9th
5:19.085 - 5:20.429: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 20th
5:18.476 - 5:20.445: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Joey Broadstreet for 25th
5:18.929 - 5:20.671: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District for 21st
5:19.468 - 5:21.304: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jace Williams | District for 22nd
3:38.726 - 5:21.414: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 3 ( 1:42.687)
5:20.234 - 5:21.554: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 8th
5:19.320 - 5:21.679: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
3:37.171 - 5:21.757: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 3 ( 1:44.585)
5:18.664 - 5:21.828: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 18th
5:09.531 - 5:22.203: Tyler Nichols | SPINC went off the track
5:21.343 - 5:22.890: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jace Williams | District for 23rd
5:20.671 - 5:23.445: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto and Seth Carr | Covenant for 19th
5:20.429 - 5:24.109: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 20th
5:22.796 - 5:24.445: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District for 24th
5:23.781 - 5:25.343: Joey Broadstreet passed Jace Williams | District for 25th
5:21.757 - 5:25.671: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 6th
3:31.812 - 5:27.515: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 3 ( 1:55.703)
3:44.265 - 5:28.257: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 3 ( 1:43.992)
5:25.367 - 5:28.257: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 9th
3:43.820 - 5:28.515: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 3 ( 1:44.695)
3:42.781 - 5:28.875: dom | takatoji finished lap 3 ( 1:46.093)
3:46.375 - 5:30.390: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 3 ( 1:44.015)
5:28.226 - 5:32.757: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 36th
3:49.726 - 5:34.437: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 3 ( 1:44.710)
3:35.804 - 5:35.804: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 3 ( 2:00.000)
5:34.515 - 5:36.117: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed evan holte | tscz for 28th
3:45.843 - 5:36.593: Chris Post finished lap 3 ( 1:50.750)
5:35.164 - 5:37.140: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 39th
3:35.250 - 5:37.156: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 3 ( 2:01.906)
5:36.164 - 5:38.023: dom | takatoji passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 10th
5:36.835 - 5:38.289: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto , Seth Carr | Covenant and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 19th
5:36.257 - 5:38.890: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 20th
5:37.164 - 5:39.148: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 11th
3:40.187 - 5:40.140: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 3 ( 1:59.953)
5:38.945 - 5:40.429: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Seth Carr | Covenant and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 21st
3:56.945 - 5:41.156: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 3 ( 1:44.210)
5:40.054 - 5:41.500: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Seth Carr | Covenant and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 22nd
5:40.898 - 5:42.281: Joey Broadstreet passed Seth Carr | Covenant and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 23rd
5:42.281 - 5:43.484: Jace Williams | District passed Seth Carr | Covenant and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 24th
3:50.054 - 5:43.835: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 3 ( 1:53.781)
3:39.656 - 5:44.234: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 3 ( 2:04.578)
5:43.187 - 5:44.734: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 26th
3:58.140 - 5:45.703: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 3 ( 1:47.562)
5:44.437 - 5:45.898: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 27th
5:44.742 - 5:46.218: evan holte | tscz passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 28th
3:55.812 - 5:46.617: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 3 ( 1:50.804)
3:58.851 - 5:47.523: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 3 ( 1:48.671)
5:44.234 - 5:48.515: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
3:53.507 - 5:48.851: Jace Williams | District finished lap 3 ( 1:55.343)
5:45.703 - 5:49.234: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
3:47.242 - 5:49.562: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 3 ( 2:02.320)
5:48.382 - 5:50.000: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 29th
5:48.539 - 5:50.210: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 30th
5:46.617 - 5:50.609: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 21st
5:49.148 - 5:50.773: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 31st
3:45.648 - 5:51.085: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 3 ( 2:05.437)
5:47.875 - 5:51.085: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
5:47.523 - 5:51.226: Joey Broadstreet passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 22nd
5:49.781 - 5:51.312: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 32nd
3:58.648 - 5:51.781: evan holte | tscz finished lap 3 ( 1:53.132)
5:48.335 - 5:51.781: evan holte | tscz passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
4:04.031 - 5:53.976: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 3 ( 1:49.945)
5:52.304 - 5:54.593: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 33rd
3:51.437 - 5:55.156: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 3 ( 2:03.718)
3:54.625 - 5:55.640: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 3 ( 2:01.015)
4:09.078 - 5:56.000: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 3 ( 1:46.921)
5:53.343 - 5:56.117: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District for 24th
4:11.742 - 5:56.617: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 3 ( 1:44.875)
5:50.343 - 5:56.710: Alec Horn | Phil's went off the track
5:55.226 - 5:57.726: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 20th
4:10.382 - 5:57.875: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 3 ( 1:47.492)
3:40.351 - 5:58.187: Seth Carr | Covenant finished lap 3 ( 2:17.835)
4:05.406 - 6:00.007: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 3 ( 1:54.601)
5:58.187 - 6:01.734: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
4:06.593 - 6:02.203: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 3 ( 1:55.609)
4:13.320 - 6:04.976: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 3 ( 1:51.656)
4:18.757 - 6:05.820: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:47.062)
6:01.742 - 6:06.273: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Seth Carr | Covenant for 32nd
6:04.117 - 6:07.398: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Seth Carr | Covenant for 33rd
6:07.398 - 6:09.210: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
6:05.914 - 6:09.554: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Seth Carr | Covenant for 34th
6:09.554 - 6:11.351: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
4:08.843 - 6:11.414: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 3 ( 2:02.570)
6:05.257 - 6:11.921: Jace Williams | District went off the track
6:08.695 - 6:12.078: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 36th
6:09.703 - 6:12.523: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 37th
6:11.546 - 6:13.429: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 34th
6:12.523 - 6:14.523: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Seth Kready|Yogi and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
6:12.078 - 6:14.789: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 36th
6:12.898 - 6:15.539: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 37th
6:12.687 - 6:15.992: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 4th
6:14.164 - 6:16.648: Logan Leitzel | Yogi passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 2nd
6:14.257 - 6:16.945: Alec Horn | Phil's passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 5th
4:10.976 - 6:17.835: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 3 ( 2:06.859)
6:17.695 - 6:19.914: Squiddy | District Designs passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 13th
6:16.968 - 6:19.960: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 6th
6:16.843 - 6:20.031: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 30th
6:19.265 - 6:22.218: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 7th
6:19.570 - 6:22.570: Alec Horn | Phil's passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 4th
6:21.367 - 6:23.101: Joey Broadstreet passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 19th
6:20.812 - 6:23.125: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 20th
6:20.726 - 6:23.500: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 8th
6:21.656 - 6:23.781: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 21st
6:22.093 - 6:23.875: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 22nd
6:23.296 - 6:25.187: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 23rd
6:22.570 - 6:25.296: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 5th
6:24.757 - 6:27.289: Jace Williams | District passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 24th
6:24.953 - 6:27.601: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 36th
6:24.898 - 6:27.812: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 6th
6:25.625 - 6:28.093: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 37th
6:26.382 - 6:28.312: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and evan holte | tscz for 25th
6:26.039 - 6:28.351: evan holte | tscz passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 26th
6:26.101 - 6:29.101: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 7th
6:27.953 - 6:29.632: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Joey Broadstreet for 20th
6:28.429 - 6:29.695: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed evan holte | tscz for 27th
6:29.843 - 6:30.726: Joey Broadstreet passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 20th
6:28.960 - 6:31.445: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 38th
6:30.804 - 6:32.789: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 8th
6:31.359 - 6:32.875: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed evan holte | tscz for 28th
6:31.070 - 6:33.328: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Joey Broadstreet for 20th
6:32.937 - 6:34.437: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 8th
6:33.085 - 6:34.492: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed evan holte | tscz for 29th
6:31.515 - 6:36.015: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys went off the track
6:34.585 - 6:36.070: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed evan holte | tscz for 30th
6:35.289 - 6:37.117: dom | takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 9th
6:36.070 - 6:38.390: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 10th
6:33.093 - 6:38.421: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
6:36.609 - 6:38.843: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
6:37.468 - 6:39.203: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 11th
6:38.843 - 6:40.265: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Jace Williams | District for 25th
6:38.914 - 6:40.359: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jace Williams | District for 26th
5:00.570 - 6:40.398: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 4 ( 1:39.828)
6:39.273 - 6:41.039: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 21st
6:39.570 - 6:41.257: Squiddy | District Designs passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 12th
6:39.390 - 6:41.671: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 36th
6:40.226 - 6:42.218: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 13th
6:40.398 - 6:42.226: Chris Post passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 14th
6:32.179 - 6:42.695: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto went off the track
6:41.460 - 6:43.203: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 15th
6:42.046 - 6:44.007: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 37th
6:40.320 - 6:44.085: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 32nd
6:43.148 - 6:44.625: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 23rd
6:42.703 - 6:44.718: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 33rd
6:44.062 - 6:45.359: Jace Williams | District passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 24th
6:44.179 - 6:46.382: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 34th
6:44.992 - 6:46.867: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 25th
6:46.789 - 6:48.257: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 28th
6:44.398 - 6:48.906: Chris Post passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 13th
6:47.562 - 6:49.406: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 29th
6:48.968 - 6:50.820: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Chris Post for 13th
6:48.164 - 6:51.187: Joey Broadstreet passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 19th
6:48.257 - 6:51.296: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 26th
6:48.140 - 6:52.117: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 27th
6:49.328 - 6:53.695: evan holte | tscz passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 30th
6:53.843 - 6:55.554: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 31st
6:54.234 - 6:56.007: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 32nd
5:17.335 - 6:56.390: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 4 ( 1:39.054)
6:53.453 - 6:57.437: Chris Post went off the track
6:56.171 - 6:57.742: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 33rd
5:15.695 - 6:58.390: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 4 ( 1:42.695)
6:56.453 - 6:59.296: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 25th
7:00.484 - 7:02.539: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 4th
7:01.281 - 7:04.132: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 39th
7:02.414 - 7:04.859: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 15th
5:21.414 - 7:05.320: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 4 ( 1:43.906)
7:02.203 - 7:06.164: evan holte | tscz passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 29th
5:18.773 - 7:06.703: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 4 ( 1:47.929)
7:04.890 - 7:07.007: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 16th
7:05.859 - 7:07.781: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 17th
7:04.375 - 7:08.367: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 30th
7:04.335 - 7:08.445: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 31st
5:27.515 - 7:08.734: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 4 ( 1:41.218)
7:06.492 - 7:09.257: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 32nd
5:28.257 - 7:09.625: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 4 ( 1:41.367)
7:05.914 - 7:10.460: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Jace Williams | District for 24th
7:08.562 - 7:10.875: Brett Powers | WildSide passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 15th
7:09.570 - 7:11.617: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 16th
5:21.757 - 7:12.101: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 4 ( 1:50.343)
7:09.320 - 7:12.406: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House, Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 33rd
7:07.601 - 7:13.328: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 34th
5:30.390 - 7:14.523: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:44.132)
7:03.554 - 7:14.773: dom | takatoji went off the track
7:10.703 - 7:15.093: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 25th
5:28.515 - 7:15.429: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 4 ( 1:46.914)
7:13.851 - 7:15.851: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 17th
7:11.390 - 7:15.960: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jace Williams | District and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 26th
7:14.507 - 7:16.523: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 19th
5:35.804 - 7:17.187: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 4 ( 1:41.382)
7:14.867 - 7:17.289: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Harrison Gafford | WBB for 36th
7:12.914 - 7:17.593: evan holte | tscz passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 28th
5:34.437 - 7:18.406: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 4 ( 1:43.968)
7:04.781 - 7:18.507: Joey Broadstreet went off the track
7:16.648 - 7:19.015: dom | takatoji passed Chris Post for 13th
7:17.914 - 7:19.554: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 24th
7:17.289 - 7:19.570: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 35th
7:15.554 - 7:20.117: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 29th
7:15.937 - 7:20.593: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
7:16.234 - 7:20.968: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 31st
7:18.820 - 7:21.117: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Chris Post for 14th
7:19.320 - 7:21.476: Jace Williams | District passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 25th
7:19.492 - 7:21.671: evan holte | tscz passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 26th
5:28.875 - 7:22.078: dom | takatoji finished lap 4 ( 1:53.203)
7:21.820 - 7:23.757: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 27th
7:21.140 - 7:23.953: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 36th
5:40.140 - 7:23.976: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 4 ( 1:43.835)
7:22.296 - 7:24.234: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 28th
7:22.351 - 7:24.312: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 37th
7:22.789 - 7:24.718: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 29th
7:23.179 - 7:25.375: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 30th
7:23.210 - 7:25.398: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 18th
5:41.156 - 7:28.148: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 4 ( 1:46.992)
7:25.234 - 7:28.148: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Chris Post for 15th
5:36.593 - 7:28.359: Chris Post finished lap 4 ( 1:51.765)
5:37.156 - 7:28.859: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 4 ( 1:51.703)
7:25.726 - 7:29.476: evan holte | tscz passed Jace Williams | District for 26th
5:19.867 - 7:29.531: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 4 ( 2:09.664)
7:28.359 - 7:32.031: Chris Post passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 15th
5:45.703 - 7:33.367: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 4 ( 1:47.664)
7:32.257 - 7:34.679: Joey Broadstreet passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 22nd
5:51.085 - 7:34.742: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 4 ( 1:43.656)
7:32.109 - 7:35.015: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Chris Post for 15th
5:44.234 - 7:35.617: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 4 ( 1:51.382)
7:34.460 - 7:36.554: Seth Kready|Yogi passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 39th
7:34.679 - 7:37.218: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 23rd
5:53.976 - 7:37.578: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 4 ( 1:43.601)
7:36.742 - 7:40.125: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 10th
7:37.859 - 7:40.289: evan holte | tscz passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 24th
7:38.898 - 7:41.492: Jace Williams | District passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 25th
7:40.109 - 7:42.359: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 5th
7:40.265 - 7:42.539: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 6th
5:47.523 - 7:42.804: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 4 ( 1:55.281)
7:42.476 - 7:44.312: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 7th
7:43.304 - 7:44.609: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 27th
7:42.539 - 7:44.656: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 5th
5:43.835 - 7:45.132: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 4 ( 2:01.296)
7:44.289 - 7:46.375: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 8th
7:44.835 - 7:46.734: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 27th
5:51.781 - 7:48.023: evan holte | tscz finished lap 4 ( 1:56.242)
7:47.953 - 7:49.273: Brett Powers | WildSide passed dom | takatoji for 13th
5:56.000 - 7:49.570: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 4 ( 1:53.570)
7:46.734 - 7:49.570: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Jace Williams | District for 26th
5:48.851 - 7:49.851: Jace Williams | District finished lap 4 ( 2:01.000)
7:44.523 - 7:50.070: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing went off the track
6:02.203 - 7:50.085: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 4 ( 1:47.882)
7:47.179 - 7:50.085: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 28th
5:56.617 - 7:50.328: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 4 ( 1:53.710)
7:49.554 - 7:51.914: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 9th
7:51.359 - 7:52.781: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed dom | takatoji for 14th
7:52.039 - 7:53.203: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
5:49.562 - 7:53.523: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 4 ( 2:03.960)
7:49.898 - 7:53.523: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
6:05.820 - 7:54.117: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 4 ( 1:48.296)
7:50.070 - 7:54.117: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 31st
5:57.875 - 7:54.382: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 4 ( 1:56.507)
7:51.179 - 7:54.382: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 32nd
7:53.226 - 7:54.765: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 9th
6:00.007 - 7:54.929: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 4 ( 1:54.921)
7:51.843 - 7:54.929: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 33rd
7:52.750 - 7:55.945: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 17th
7:54.781 - 7:56.921: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
7:55.328 - 7:57.179: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Squiddy | District Designs for 10th
5:58.187 - 7:57.398: Seth Carr | Covenant finished lap 4 ( 1:59.210)
7:54.492 - 7:57.398: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 34th
7:55.203 - 7:58.039: Chris Post passed dom | takatoji for 15th
7:56.968 - 7:58.328: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 18th
5:55.156 - 7:59.203: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 4 ( 2:04.046)
7:58.718 - 7:59.507: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 9th
7:57.601 - 7:59.539: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 28th
7:59.687 - 8:02.351: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 9th
6:11.414 - 8:02.890: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 4 ( 1:51.476)
8:02.617 - 8:04.179: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 7th
8:05.195 - 8:06.906: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 19th
6:17.835 - 8:07.218: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 4 ( 1:49.382)
5:55.640 - 8:07.406: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 4 ( 2:11.765)
8:07.000 - 8:08.914: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
8:08.953 - 8:10.093: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 19th
8:07.406 - 8:10.812: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 37th
8:07.804 - 8:11.023: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 8th
8:08.281 - 8:11.234: Alec Horn | Phil's passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 9th
8:08.593 - 8:11.671: Squiddy | District Designs passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 10th
6:04.976 - 8:11.914: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 4 ( 2:06.937)
8:11.742 - 8:13.773: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
8:11.195 - 8:14.250: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 37th
8:11.671 - 8:14.781: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 9th
8:13.773 - 8:15.351: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 18th
8:12.375 - 8:15.421: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 10th
8:13.007 - 8:15.578: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
8:12.804 - 8:15.781: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 11th
8:15.687 - 8:16.765: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 19th
8:14.421 - 8:16.820: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
6:40.398 - 8:18.906: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 5 ( 1:38.507)
8:17.054 - 8:19.390: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
8:16.929 - 8:19.445: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 34th
5:46.617 - 8:20.828: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 4 ( 2:34.210)
8:18.812 - 8:22.132: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jace Williams | District for 27th
8:19.195 - 8:22.507: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jace Williams | District for 28th
8:20.250 - 8:22.937: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
8:21.007 - 8:23.601: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 32nd
8:23.187 - 8:24.671: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 17th
8:16.945 - 8:24.851: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs went off the track
8:23.335 - 8:25.125: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 18th
8:23.968 - 8:25.460: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 19th
8:24.554 - 8:27.437: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Jace Williams | District and Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 28th
8:25.750 - 8:27.492: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 20th
8:26.585 - 8:28.023: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 21st
8:26.578 - 8:28.117: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Jace Williams | District, Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 29th
8:25.460 - 8:28.445: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 18th
8:26.156 - 8:28.601: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Jace Williams | District and Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 30th
8:27.148 - 8:29.148: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jace Williams | District and Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 31st
8:28.640 - 8:29.812: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 5th
8:28.453 - 8:31.679: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 36th
8:22.531 - 8:31.976: Jace Williams | District passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 32nd
8:30.390 - 8:32.656: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 33rd
8:30.039 - 8:32.984: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 5th
8:37.132 - 8:39.773: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 28th
6:56.390 - 8:40.265: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 5 ( 1:43.875)
8:39.359 - 8:40.468: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 11th
8:38.023 - 8:40.710: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 29th
8:38.757 - 8:41.687: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 30th
8:41.687 - 8:42.726: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 33rd
6:58.390 - 8:42.976: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 5 ( 1:44.585)
8:30.664 - 8:43.093: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
8:38.929 - 8:44.007: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 21st
8:41.515 - 8:44.242: Jace Williams | District passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 31st
8:42.726 - 8:45.343: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 32nd
8:43.031 - 8:45.507: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 33rd
8:43.968 - 8:45.804: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 11th
8:45.648 - 8:46.937: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 33rd
8:43.476 - 8:47.937: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
7:05.320 - 8:48.093: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 5 ( 1:42.773)
8:43.664 - 8:48.281: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 17th
7:09.625 - 8:51.796: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 5 ( 1:42.171)
7:08.734 - 8:52.539: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 5 ( 1:43.804)
8:51.148 - 8:52.859: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 17th
8:45.460 - 8:53.117: Chris Post went off the track
8:52.554 - 8:55.289: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 36th
7:14.523 - 8:56.398: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:41.875)
8:55.265 - 8:56.554: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 18th
8:54.109 - 8:57.039: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 37th
8:54.726 - 8:58.109: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 33rd
8:55.023 - 8:58.578: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Chris Post and dom | takatoji for 14th
8:55.890 - 8:59.078: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Chris Post and dom | takatoji for 15th
8:56.757 - 9:00.039: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Chris Post , dom | takatoji and Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
7:15.429 - 9:00.304: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 5 ( 1:44.875)
8:56.554 - 9:00.375: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Chris Post and dom | takatoji for 17th
7:17.187 - 9:00.695: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:43.507)
8:59.039 - 9:01.015: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 29th
7:12.101 - 9:01.539: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 5 ( 1:49.437)
8:57.890 - 9:01.570: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Chris Post and dom | takatoji for 18th
7:06.703 - 9:01.750: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 5 ( 1:55.046)
8:53.117 - 9:02.343: Chris Post passed dom | takatoji for 19th
7:18.406 - 9:02.718: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 5 ( 1:44.312)
9:00.984 - 9:03.687: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 34th
9:00.882 - 9:04.843: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 32nd
9:01.750 - 9:05.296: Alec Horn | Phil's passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 10th
9:03.687 - 9:06.539: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 33rd
9:06.007 - 9:08.421: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 16th
9:05.304 - 9:08.578: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 10th
9:06.726 - 9:09.859: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 11th
9:08.718 - 9:11.039: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
9:09.859 - 9:12.070: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm and Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
9:08.578 - 9:12.335: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Squiddy | District Designs for 10th
7:28.148 - 9:12.648: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 5 ( 1:44.500)
9:13.796 - 9:15.867: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 16th
9:12.234 - 9:16.890: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Jace Williams | District for 31st
7:28.859 - 9:17.031: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 5 ( 1:48.171)
9:14.140 - 9:17.375: Squiddy | District Designs passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 9th
7:34.742 - 9:17.679: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 5 ( 1:42.937)
9:13.625 - 9:18.140: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jace Williams | District for 32nd
9:14.312 - 9:18.914: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jace Williams | District for 33rd
9:16.375 - 9:18.937: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 21st
7:23.976 - 9:19.078: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 5 ( 1:55.101)
9:16.960 - 9:19.140: Joey Broadstreet passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 22nd
9:16.054 - 9:19.304: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 4th
7:33.367 - 9:19.429: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 5 ( 1:46.062)
9:16.828 - 9:19.687: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 5th
9:17.398 - 9:20.109: Austin Partelow | AVM passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 23rd
7:35.617 - 9:20.148: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 5 ( 1:44.531)
9:18.554 - 9:21.078: Alec Horn | Phil's passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm and Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 10th
9:18.429 - 9:21.101: evan holte | tscz passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 24th
7:28.359 - 9:21.507: Chris Post finished lap 5 ( 1:53.148)
9:12.335 - 9:22.289: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 11th
9:19.492 - 9:22.453: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 25th
7:22.078 - 9:22.703: dom | takatoji finished lap 5 ( 2:00.625)
9:20.921 - 9:23.796: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 6th
9:22.890 - 9:24.148: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 30th
9:24.265 - 9:26.062: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 31st
9:25.171 - 9:26.437: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
7:37.578 - 9:26.515: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 5 ( 1:48.937)
9:21.015 - 9:26.812: Squiddy | District Designs went off the track
9:24.531 - 9:26.859: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 26th
7:42.804 - 9:27.242: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 5 ( 1:44.437)
9:24.179 - 9:27.632: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 17th
7:45.132 - 9:27.914: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 5 ( 1:42.781)
9:25.429 - 9:28.750: Chris Post passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 18th
7:48.023 - 9:28.898: evan holte | tscz finished lap 5 ( 1:40.875)
9:26.578 - 9:29.812: dom | takatoji passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 19th
7:49.570 - 9:30.117: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 5 ( 1:40.546)
9:28.843 - 9:31.906: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Seth Kready|Yogi for 39th
9:30.484 - 9:33.765: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 20th
7:50.328 - 9:35.015: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 5 ( 1:44.687)
7:29.531 - 9:35.554: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 5 ( 2:06.023)
9:32.765 - 9:35.859: evan holte | tscz passed Joey Broadstreet, Austin Partelow | AVM and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 21st
9:34.156 - 9:37.343: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Joey Broadstreet, Austin Partelow | AVM and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 22nd
9:31.085 - 9:37.507: Joey Broadstreet passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
7:57.398 - 9:37.664: Seth Carr | Covenant finished lap 5 ( 1:40.265)
9:31.742 - 9:38.343: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 24th
9:33.554 - 9:39.367: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs went off the track
9:37.195 - 9:40.289: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
7:54.929 - 9:41.132: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 5 ( 1:46.203)
9:38.648 - 9:42.070: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 31st
9:40.429 - 9:42.789: Jace Williams | District passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Branden Walther | Dinoco for 32nd
9:41.406 - 9:44.585: Chris Post passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 16th
9:44.171 - 9:46.539: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr, Branden Walther | Dinoco and Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 33rd
8:02.890 - 9:48.312: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 5 ( 1:45.421)
9:41.757 - 9:49.890: Alec Zellner | Vurb went off the track
7:54.117 - 9:50.429: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 5 ( 1:56.312)
7:49.851 - 9:50.882: Jace Williams | District finished lap 5 ( 2:01.031)
9:51.671 - 9:54.023: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
9:51.609 - 9:54.835: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
9:30.750 - 9:55.460: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp went off the track
7:59.203 - 9:57.343: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 5 ( 1:58.140)
9:55.710 - 9:58.859: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 25th
9:55.523 - 9:58.992: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 26th
9:54.835 - 9:59.546: Joey Broadstreet went off the track
9:56.281 - 9:59.578: evan holte | tscz passed dom | takatoji for 18th
7:53.523 - 10:00.484: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 5 ( 2:06.960)
9:56.859 - 10:00.484: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 34th
8:07.406 - 10:00.593: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 5 ( 1:53.187)
9:57.421 - 10:00.593: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 35th
9:57.937 - 10:01.164: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed dom | takatoji for 19th
9:58.695 - 10:01.773: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed dom | takatoji for 20th
9:59.828 - 10:02.289: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Chris Post for 16th
8:07.218 - 10:02.710: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 5 ( 1:55.492)
9:59.507 - 10:02.710: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 36th
10:01.078 - 10:03.648: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 27th
8:18.906 - 10:03.906: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 6 ( 1:45.000)
10:02.320 - 10:04.242: Austin Partelow | AVM passed dom | takatoji for 21st
7:54.382 - 10:05.687: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 5 ( 2:11.304)
7:50.085 - 10:06.125: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 5 ( 2:16.039)
10:03.648 - 10:06.687: Seth Carr | Covenant passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 26th
10:06.687 - 10:08.203: Seth Carr | Covenant passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 25th
10:07.257 - 10:09.148: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 27th
10:07.648 - 10:09.890: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 34th
10:08.953 - 10:11.390: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 30th
10:09.046 - 10:11.781: Jace Williams | District passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 31st
8:20.828 - 10:12.445: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 5 ( 1:51.617)
10:09.898 - 10:12.632: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 34th
10:12.507 - 10:13.640: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji and Alec Zellner | Vurb for 19th
10:12.414 - 10:13.765: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 20th
10:13.625 - 10:14.875: dom | takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 21st
10:13.921 - 10:15.015: Joey Broadstreet passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 22nd
10:12.882 - 10:15.710: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 25th
10:13.632 - 10:15.898: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 26th
10:14.250 - 10:16.468: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 27th
10:15.226 - 10:16.507: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 23rd
8:11.914 - 10:16.851: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 5 ( 2:04.937)
10:15.218 - 10:17.812: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 32nd
10:17.359 - 10:18.343: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 24th
8:40.265 - 10:18.820: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 6 ( 1:38.554)
10:15.898 - 10:19.054: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp went off the track
10:18.210 - 10:19.617: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
10:15.507 - 10:19.906: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
10:18.515 - 10:20.648: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 28th
10:19.617 - 10:22.031: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 25th
10:19.398 - 10:22.437: Jace Williams | District passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 30th
10:21.734 - 10:23.617: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 9th
8:42.976 - 10:26.828: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 6 ( 1:43.851)
10:25.890 - 10:28.007: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 10th
10:25.664 - 10:28.960: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 31st
10:28.164 - 10:29.312: Alec Horn | Phil's passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 10th
10:27.875 - 10:30.578: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 25th
10:27.710 - 10:30.929: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
10:28.226 - 10:31.296: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 33rd
10:29.507 - 10:32.156: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 10th
10:29.984 - 10:32.312: Joey Broadstreet passed dom | takatoji for 21st
10:29.242 - 10:32.828: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 35th
10:30.015 - 10:33.070: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 36th
8:51.796 - 10:33.609: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 6 ( 1:41.812)
8:52.539 - 10:34.679: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 6 ( 1:42.140)
10:35.671 - 10:36.937: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR and Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 6th
10:37.828 - 10:40.687: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 38th
10:40.070 - 10:43.382: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto went off the track
9:00.304 - 10:43.890: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 6 ( 1:43.585)
10:45.835 - 10:47.601: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
8:56.398 - 10:48.390: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:51.992)
8:48.093 - 10:48.757: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 6 ( 2:00.664)
10:45.304 - 10:48.835: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys went off the track
9:00.695 - 10:49.687: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 6 ( 1:48.992)
9:01.539 - 10:50.609: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 6 ( 1:49.070)
9:01.750 - 10:51.296: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 6 ( 1:49.546)
10:49.570 - 10:51.859: Joey Broadstreet passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
10:51.312 - 10:53.531: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed dom | takatoji, Austin Partelow | AVM and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 21st
10:51.617 - 10:54.046: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed dom | takatoji, Austin Partelow | AVM and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 22nd
10:52.703 - 10:54.445: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 34th
9:02.718 - 10:55.195: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 6 ( 1:52.476)
10:51.195 - 10:55.343: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed dom | takatoji and Austin Partelow | AVM for 23rd
10:53.609 - 10:55.664: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed dom | takatoji and Austin Partelow | AVM for 24th
10:53.906 - 10:56.218: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed dom | takatoji and Austin Partelow | AVM for 25th
10:55.664 - 10:58.273: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
9:12.648 - 10:58.343: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 6 ( 1:45.695)
10:56.992 - 10:59.007: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed dom | takatoji for 27th
9:17.031 - 10:59.546: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 6 ( 1:42.515)
10:58.648 - 10:59.828: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
10:59.921 - 11:02.968: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 23rd
11:00.046 - 11:03.195: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 24th
11:02.015 - 11:03.945: Alec Horn | Phil's passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 10th
10:58.882 - 11:04.453: Harrison Gafford | WBB went off the track
9:19.078 - 11:04.546: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 6 ( 1:45.468)
10:58.468 - 11:04.554: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing went off the track
9:20.148 - 11:05.906: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 6 ( 1:45.757)
11:03.554 - 11:06.703: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 13th
9:21.507 - 11:08.484: Chris Post finished lap 6 ( 1:46.976)
11:06.695 - 11:09.109: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 21st
11:08.531 - 11:11.648: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 14th
11:09.117 - 11:11.703: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Joey Broadstreet and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 20th
9:28.898 - 11:11.867: evan holte | tscz finished lap 6 ( 1:42.968)
10:56.812 - 11:11.960: Seth Carr | Covenant went off the track
11:09.898 - 11:12.781: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 15th
11:11.445 - 11:13.789: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Broadstreet and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 21st
11:12.046 - 11:14.281: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Joey Broadstreet and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 22nd
11:12.281 - 11:15.257: Chris Post passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 16th
11:12.945 - 11:15.359: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet, Alec Zellner | Vurb and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 23rd
11:12.390 - 11:16.187: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Joey Broadstreet and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 24th
11:14.164 - 11:16.250: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 34th
11:15.328 - 11:17.304: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Seth Carr | Covenant for 30th
9:30.117 - 11:17.382: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 6 ( 1:47.265)
11:15.562 - 11:17.828: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 5th
11:15.304 - 11:17.867: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Joey Broadstreet and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 25th
9:35.554 - 11:19.609: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 6 ( 1:44.054)
11:09.109 - 11:19.632: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Joey Broadstreet for 26th
11:18.601 - 11:20.531: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 6th
9:35.015 - 11:21.804: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 6 ( 1:46.789)
11:19.546 - 11:21.843: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 7th
11:20.664 - 11:23.156: Squiddy | District Designs passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 8th
11:20.914 - 11:23.335: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 9th
11:22.875 - 11:24.648: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 34th
11:23.335 - 11:25.304: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Squiddy | District Designs for 8th
9:26.515 - 11:25.570: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 6 ( 1:59.054)
11:21.351 - 11:25.570: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Austin Partelow | AVM and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 22nd
9:19.429 - 11:25.937: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 6 ( 2:06.507)
9:41.132 - 11:26.039: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 6 ( 1:44.906)
11:22.820 - 11:26.039: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 24th
11:25.789 - 11:27.070: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Squiddy | District Designs for 9th
11:25.148 - 11:27.117: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 34th
9:17.679 - 11:27.812: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 6 ( 2:10.132)
11:24.812 - 11:27.812: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 25th
11:23.273 - 11:28.265: Chris Post went off the track
11:26.171 - 11:28.328: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 35th
9:27.242 - 11:28.460: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 6 ( 2:01.218)
11:25.101 - 11:28.460: Joey Broadstreet passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 26th
11:25.828 - 11:29.031: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
9:22.703 - 11:30.375: dom | takatoji finished lap 6 ( 2:07.671)
11:27.226 - 11:30.375: dom | takatoji passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 27th
11:28.679 - 11:31.109: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 36th
11:29.976 - 11:31.156: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Squiddy | District Designs for 10th
11:30.570 - 11:31.718: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Squiddy | District Designs for 11th
9:27.914 - 11:32.054: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 6 ( 2:04.140)
9:50.882 - 11:38.429: Jace Williams | District finished lap 6 ( 1:47.546)
11:36.812 - 11:39.851: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 31st
11:37.585 - 11:39.968: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 36th
10:03.906 - 11:43.976: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 7 ( 1:40.070)
9:57.343 - 11:44.218: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 6 ( 1:46.875)
11:43.171 - 11:45.984: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 32nd
11:43.937 - 11:46.890: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 33rd
10:00.484 - 11:47.703: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 6 ( 1:47.218)
11:46.312 - 11:49.101: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
11:48.054 - 11:51.203: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 24th
11:49.210 - 11:51.500: Austin Partelow | AVM passed dom | takatoji for 27th
11:49.484 - 11:51.914: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 7th
9:50.429 - 11:54.109: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 6 ( 2:03.679)
10:05.687 - 11:55.093: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 6 ( 1:49.406)
11:53.281 - 11:56.070: Joey Broadstreet passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 25th
10:12.445 - 11:57.000: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 6 ( 1:44.554)
9:48.312 - 11:57.726: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 6 ( 2:09.414)
11:53.343 - 11:58.265: Jace Williams | District went off the track
11:56.046 - 11:59.812: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 19th
11:59.296 - 12:01.265: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 20th
10:18.820 - 12:02.796: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 7 ( 1:43.976)
10:00.593 - 12:04.250: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 6 ( 2:03.656)
10:02.710 - 12:05.218: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 6 ( 2:02.507)
12:06.937 - 12:07.960: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 21st
12:08.164 - 12:10.304: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 21st
10:06.125 - 12:11.328: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 6 ( 2:05.203)
12:08.867 - 12:11.679: evan holte | tscz passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 17th
12:08.687 - 12:11.984: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 22nd
12:09.046 - 12:12.289: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 23rd
10:26.828 - 12:13.328: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 7 ( 1:46.500)
12:09.578 - 12:13.367: Tyler Nichols | SPINC went off the track
12:10.421 - 12:13.867: Joey Broadstreet passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 24th
12:11.585 - 12:14.414: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 25th
12:13.273 - 12:15.515: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
10:33.609 - 12:16.968: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 7 ( 1:43.359)
12:09.710 - 12:17.320: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys went off the track
12:14.250 - 12:17.367: dom | takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
12:16.078 - 12:18.195: Chris Post passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 15th
12:18.492 - 12:20.554: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 7th
12:17.632 - 12:20.625: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 22nd
12:19.273 - 12:21.289: evan holte | tscz passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
12:19.203 - 12:22.187: Joey Broadstreet passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
12:20.367 - 12:22.632: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 8th
12:21.187 - 12:23.140: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 9th
12:20.093 - 12:23.312: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 24th
12:21.023 - 12:23.882: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
12:22.898 - 12:25.773: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 34th
12:22.890 - 12:25.937: dom | takatoji passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 26th
12:24.148 - 12:26.796: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 10th
12:23.929 - 12:26.843: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 27th
10:43.890 - 12:27.953: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 7 ( 1:44.062)
10:48.390 - 12:29.554: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:41.164)
12:28.867 - 12:31.429: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 11th
12:29.476 - 12:32.179: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 24th
10:48.757 - 12:33.765: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 7 ( 1:45.007)
12:28.867 - 12:34.632: Seth Kready|Yogi went off the track
12:32.585 - 12:35.101: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 11th
10:34.679 - 12:35.476: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 7 ( 2:00.796)
12:34.367 - 12:35.507: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 24th
12:34.328 - 12:35.554: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 34th
10:50.609 - 12:36.132: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 7 ( 1:45.523)
12:35.523 - 12:37.140: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 24th
12:35.781 - 12:37.695: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
10:55.195 - 12:40.515: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 7 ( 1:45.320)
12:38.703 - 12:41.195: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 12th
12:31.632 - 12:41.937: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
12:27.992 - 12:42.367: JR Reyes | Dinoco went off the track
10:16.851 - 12:42.546: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 6 ( 2:25.695)
10:59.546 - 12:43.039: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 7 ( 1:43.492)
12:44.593 - 12:46.570: Joey Broadstreet passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 22nd
12:45.523 - 12:47.265: Austin Partelow | AVM passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 23rd
12:46.101 - 12:47.765: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 24th
12:47.648 - 12:48.929: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 36th
11:05.906 - 12:49.085: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 7 ( 1:43.179)
10:51.296 - 12:49.570: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 7 ( 1:58.273)
12:48.929 - 12:52.062: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 33rd
12:50.234 - 12:52.546: dom | takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 24th
10:49.687 - 12:52.945: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 7 ( 2:03.257)
11:08.484 - 12:53.164: Chris Post finished lap 7 ( 1:44.679)
11:11.867 - 12:55.007: evan holte | tscz finished lap 7 ( 1:43.140)
12:53.164 - 12:56.804: Chris Post passed Squiddy | District Designs for 14th
12:56.843 - 12:59.726: Squiddy | District Designs passed Chris Post for 14th
11:04.546 - 13:00.906: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 7 ( 1:56.359)
12:58.117 - 13:01.132: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 6th
10:58.343 - 13:01.976: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 7 ( 2:03.632)
13:00.210 - 13:03.289: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 7th
13:01.242 - 13:03.289: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed dom | takatoji for 25th
13:00.648 - 13:03.703: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 8th
13:02.937 - 13:04.726: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 12th
11:21.804 - 13:04.921: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 7 ( 1:43.117)
13:03.273 - 13:05.406: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
13:03.703 - 13:06.953: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 7th
13:06.023 - 13:07.773: Squiddy | District Designs passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 13th
13:06.625 - 13:08.476: Chris Post passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 14th
11:17.382 - 13:08.601: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 7 ( 1:51.218)
11:27.812 - 13:09.125: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 7 ( 1:41.312)
13:06.453 - 13:10.031: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 8th
13:09.085 - 13:10.398: dom | takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 25th
13:10.031 - 13:12.148: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 7th
13:05.710 - 13:13.062: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 36th
11:32.054 - 13:13.312: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 7 ( 1:41.257)
13:10.210 - 13:13.312: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
11:26.039 - 13:14.507: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 7 ( 1:48.468)
13:11.414 - 13:14.507: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
13:09.664 - 13:14.703: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 9th
11:28.460 - 13:16.015: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 7 ( 1:47.554)
11:19.609 - 13:16.976: JR Reyes | Dinoco finished lap 7 ( 1:57.367)
13:13.984 - 13:16.976: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed dom | takatoji for 25th
11:30.375 - 13:17.054: dom | takatoji finished lap 7 ( 1:46.679)
11:25.570 - 13:17.625: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 7 ( 1:52.054)
13:10.984 - 13:17.882: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 10th
13:15.953 - 13:18.179: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 20th
11:25.937 - 13:18.843: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 7 ( 1:52.906)
13:17.625 - 13:21.609: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and dom | takatoji for 25th
11:43.976 - 13:22.273: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 8 ( 1:38.296)
13:20.296 - 13:22.351: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 21st
13:18.843 - 13:22.351: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed JR Reyes | Dinoco and dom | takatoji for 26th
13:17.054 - 13:22.546: dom | takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 27th
13:21.429 - 13:23.140: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 22nd
11:38.429 - 13:23.546: Jace Williams | District finished lap 7 ( 1:45.117)
13:20.906 - 13:23.617: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 33rd
13:22.351 - 13:25.945: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 25th
13:22.546 - 13:26.187: dom | takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 26th
13:23.546 - 13:27.359: Jace Williams | District passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 28th
11:47.703 - 13:30.710: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 7 ( 1:43.007)
13:27.359 - 13:30.851: Jace Williams | District passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
13:29.132 - 13:32.726: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 28th
13:31.312 - 13:33.921: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 11th
13:29.640 - 13:34.632: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi went off the track
13:34.984 - 13:37.562: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 28th
13:37.914 - 13:39.609: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
13:38.125 - 13:39.843: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 11th
11:54.109 - 13:41.140: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 7 ( 1:47.031)
11:44.218 - 13:42.070: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 7 ( 1:57.851)
13:41.500 - 13:43.000: Squiddy | District Designs passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 12th
13:41.101 - 13:43.664: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed dom | takatoji for 25th
11:55.093 - 13:43.695: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 7 ( 1:48.601)
13:41.625 - 13:43.929: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed dom | takatoji for 26th
13:38.843 - 13:44.132: Jace Williams | District went off the track
13:41.046 - 13:44.187: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 34th
13:43.398 - 13:45.109: Chris Post passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 13th
13:39.843 - 13:46.164: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 10th
13:43.000 - 13:46.406: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 11th
13:45.265 - 13:48.093: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 35th
13:46.226 - 13:49.289: JR Reyes | Dinoco passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
13:48.125 - 13:51.414: Chris Post passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 11th
12:02.796 - 13:51.468: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 8 ( 1:48.671)
13:49.296 - 13:52.203: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 12th
11:57.726 - 13:52.281: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 7 ( 1:54.554)
13:50.546 - 13:53.531: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 27th
13:50.421 - 13:53.718: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 13th
13:52.007 - 13:54.070: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 3rd
13:52.578 - 13:54.671: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 8th
13:53.210 - 13:56.007: evan holte | tscz passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Squiddy | District Designs for 14th
12:04.250 - 13:56.328: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs finished lap 7 ( 1:52.078)
11:57.000 - 13:57.460: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 7 ( 2:00.460)
13:46.539 - 13:58.851: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Squiddy | District Designs for 15th
12:05.218 - 14:00.164: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 7 ( 1:54.945)
13:58.335 - 14:01.437: dom | takatoji passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 28th
13:58.570 - 14:01.640: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed JR Reyes | Dinoco for 29th
12:11.328 - 14:03.687: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 7 ( 1:52.359)
14:01.289 - 14:04.726: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 35th
12:16.968 - 14:07.164: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 8 ( 1:50.195)
12:13.328 - 14:07.898: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 8 ( 1:54.570)
12:27.953 - 14:11.250: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 8 ( 1:43.296)
14:09.796 - 14:12.117: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 15th
14:08.523 - 14:12.875: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed dom | takatoji for 28th
14:11.265 - 14:13.296: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 16th
14:10.820 - 14:13.843: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 31st
14:12.687 - 14:14.726: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 17th
14:13.078 - 14:15.250: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 18th
14:14.789 - 14:16.828: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 19th
12:33.765 - 14:18.656: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 8 ( 1:44.890)
12:29.554 - 14:22.796: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 8 ( 1:53.242)
14:22.726 - 14:24.757: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
14:24.859 - 14:26.070: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs for 36th
14:24.953 - 14:28.421: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp went off the track
12:40.515 - 14:29.156: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 8 ( 1:48.640)
14:26.296 - 14:29.625: Tanner Thorsen | Proline Designs passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House and Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 35th
12:36.132 - 14:29.773: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 8 ( 1:53.640)
14:26.070 - 14:30.125: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 36th
14:28.578 - 14:36.031: Ethan | Glusta X Obr went off the track
12:35.476 - 14:36.140: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 8 ( 2:00.664)
14:33.640 - 14:36.421: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 8th
12:53.164 - 14:39.164: Chris Post finished lap 8 ( 1:46.000)
12:43.039 - 14:40.054: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 8 ( 1:57.015)
12:49.085 - 14:40.656: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 8 ( 1:51.570)
12:55.007 - 14:42.742: evan holte | tscz finished lap 8 ( 1:47.734)
14:41.648 - 14:42.976: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Squiddy | District Designs for 15th
14:42.476 - 14:43.960: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Squiddy | District Designs for 16th
14:43.554 - 14:44.976: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Squiddy | District Designs for 17th
14:44.273 - 14:45.656: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Squiddy | District Designs for 18th
14:44.750 - 14:47.937: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Chris Post and Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 11th
14:46.671 - 14:48.000: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Squiddy | District Designs for 19th
14:44.148 - 14:48.070: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Chris Post for 12th
13:00.906 - 14:48.531: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 8 ( 1:47.625)
13:01.976 - 14:49.179: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 8 ( 1:47.203)
14:47.726 - 14:49.820: dom | takatoji passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 28th
14:46.304 - 14:49.820: evan holte | tscz passed Chris Post for 13th
14:48.070 - 14:49.835: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 11th
14:47.789 - 14:50.414: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 22nd
13:04.921 - 14:50.500: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 8 ( 1:45.578)
14:47.484 - 14:50.609: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
13:09.125 - 14:50.828: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 8 ( 1:41.703)
14:50.140 - 14:51.054: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 3rd
14:49.695 - 14:51.054: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Squiddy | District Designs for 20th
14:49.820 - 14:51.632: dom | takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
12:42.546 - 14:52.468: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 7 ( 2:09.921)
12:49.570 - 14:53.085: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 8 ( 2:03.515)
14:53.062 - 14:55.273: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Squiddy | District Designs for 21st
14:53.656 - 14:55.937: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Squiddy | District Designs for 22nd
14:54.710 - 14:56.148: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 8th
13:13.312 - 14:56.187: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 8 ( 1:42.875)
13:08.601 - 14:58.265: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 8 ( 1:49.664)
14:51.429 - 14:58.523: Tyler Nichols | SPINC went off the track
13:14.507 - 14:59.179: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 8 ( 1:44.671)
12:52.945 - 14:59.554: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 8 ( 2:06.609)
13:16.015 - 15:00.734: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 8 ( 1:44.718)
14:56.781 - 15:01.640: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 18th
14:59.953 - 15:03.570: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
13:22.273 - 15:05.460: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 9 ( 1:43.187)
15:01.664 - 15:05.585: Branden Walther | Dinoco went off the track
13:18.843 - 15:09.304: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 8 ( 1:50.460)
13:23.546 - 15:09.640: Jace Williams | District finished lap 8 ( 1:46.093)
15:07.828 - 15:09.742: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 17th
15:13.789 - 15:16.984: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Austin Partelow | AVM and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 17th
15:11.437 - 15:17.234: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House went off the track
15:14.492 - 15:17.921: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Austin Partelow | AVM and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 18th
15:15.531 - 15:18.820: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Austin Partelow | AVM and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
15:12.804 - 15:19.031: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
15:12.289 - 15:20.242: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 21st
13:17.054 - 15:22.070: dom | takatoji finished lap 8 ( 2:05.015)
13:17.625 - 15:24.039: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 8 ( 2:06.414)
13:30.710 - 15:27.453: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 8 ( 1:56.742)
13:42.070 - 15:28.734: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 8 ( 1:46.664)
15:27.710 - 15:30.601: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 21st
15:29.492 - 15:30.625: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 3rd
13:43.695 - 15:30.687: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 8 ( 1:46.992)
15:28.796 - 15:31.742: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 22nd
15:29.335 - 15:32.726: Joey Broadstreet passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 23rd
13:51.468 - 15:32.781: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 9 ( 1:41.312)
15:30.445 - 15:33.593: Jace Williams | District passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
15:31.125 - 15:34.078: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 3rd
15:34.117 - 15:35.992: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 3rd
13:52.281 - 15:37.484: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 8 ( 1:45.203)
13:41.140 - 15:38.703: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 8 ( 1:57.562)
15:35.992 - 15:39.820: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV went off the track
15:40.265 - 15:42.882: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 3rd
15:44.632 - 15:46.921: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 19th
14:00.164 - 15:48.820: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 8 ( 1:48.656)
15:52.335 - 15:53.234: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jace Williams | District for 25th
14:07.898 - 15:53.976: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 9 ( 1:46.078)
14:07.164 - 15:54.632: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 9 ( 1:47.468)
15:53.578 - 15:56.171: Jace Williams | District passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
15:42.156 - 15:57.531: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto went off the track
15:54.023 - 15:58.109: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys went off the track
15:55.570 - 15:58.406: Joey Broadstreet passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 22nd
14:03.687 - 15:59.304: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 8 ( 1:55.617)
15:58.343 - 16:01.234: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 17th
15:58.523 - 16:01.546: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
14:11.250 - 16:02.734: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 9 ( 1:51.484)
14:18.656 - 16:03.640: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 9 ( 1:44.984)
13:57.460 - 16:04.195: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 8 ( 2:06.734)
14:22.796 - 16:06.250: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:43.453)
15:54.875 - 16:12.289: Branden Walther | Dinoco went off the track
16:07.968 - 16:12.585: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 16th
16:09.195 - 16:13.843: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 17th
14:29.156 - 16:15.570: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 9 ( 1:46.414)
16:14.890 - 16:17.093: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 29th
16:17.421 - 16:19.054: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 30th
14:29.773 - 16:19.367: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 9 ( 1:49.593)
16:19.054 - 16:19.921: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 29th
16:14.875 - 16:20.617: Ethan | Glusta X Obr went off the track
16:19.617 - 16:21.187: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
16:20.226 - 16:22.437: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 29th
16:21.648 - 16:23.351: Joey Broadstreet passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 23rd
14:40.054 - 16:23.789: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 9 ( 1:43.734)
16:20.304 - 16:23.789: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 10th
16:22.570 - 16:25.398: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 31st
14:40.656 - 16:25.757: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 9 ( 1:45.101)
16:22.726 - 16:25.757: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 11th
14:36.140 - 16:25.945: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 9 ( 1:49.804)
16:23.726 - 16:26.812: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Squiddy | District Designs for 19th
16:23.539 - 16:27.054: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
14:42.742 - 16:27.140: evan holte | tscz finished lap 9 ( 1:44.398)
16:24.312 - 16:27.234: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Squiddy | District Designs for 20th
14:39.164 - 16:29.921: Chris Post finished lap 9 ( 1:50.757)
14:48.531 - 16:33.632: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 9 ( 1:45.101)
16:32.179 - 16:33.835: Joey Broadstreet passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 21st
16:30.867 - 16:35.234: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 30th
16:33.843 - 16:35.882: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
16:32.507 - 16:35.929: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 31st
16:35.914 - 16:38.304: Joey Broadstreet passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 22nd
16:36.125 - 16:39.531: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 32nd
16:38.609 - 16:40.882: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Joey Broadstreet for 22nd
14:58.265 - 16:42.093: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 9 ( 1:43.828)
14:53.085 - 16:42.484: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 9 ( 1:49.398)
16:39.531 - 16:42.570: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 31st
16:40.406 - 16:43.773: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 32nd
16:42.054 - 16:44.039: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 5th
16:42.828 - 16:44.093: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Joey Broadstreet for 23rd
14:49.179 - 16:46.101: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 9 ( 1:56.921)
14:59.554 - 16:46.578: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 9 ( 1:47.023)
16:43.484 - 16:46.578: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
16:45.195 - 16:48.617: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 30th
15:05.460 - 16:48.906: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 10 ( 1:43.445)
16:46.546 - 16:49.656: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 11th
16:46.664 - 16:50.046: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 31st
15:00.734 - 16:50.554: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 9 ( 1:49.820)
16:47.140 - 16:50.554: Joey Broadstreet passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi , Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash, Austin Partelow | AVM and Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 20th
16:47.421 - 16:50.937: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
14:59.179 - 16:53.632: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 9 ( 1:54.453)
16:50.898 - 16:53.726: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
14:50.828 - 16:54.164: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 9 ( 2:03.335)
16:46.351 - 16:54.164: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash and Austin Partelow | AVM for 22nd
16:51.265 - 16:54.281: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 11th
14:56.187 - 16:54.492: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 9 ( 1:58.304)
16:53.156 - 16:55.898: evan holte | tscz passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 12th
15:09.640 - 16:56.734: Jace Williams | District finished lap 9 ( 1:47.093)
16:53.523 - 16:56.734: Jace Williams | District passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 24th
16:54.429 - 16:57.210: Chris Post passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 13th
14:50.500 - 16:58.976: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 9 ( 2:08.476)
15:09.304 - 17:00.281: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 9 ( 1:50.976)
16:59.070 - 17:02.132: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 5th
14:52.468 - 17:02.812: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 8 ( 2:10.343)
17:01.007 - 17:02.898: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 21st
17:00.281 - 17:03.789: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 25th
17:02.125 - 17:03.921: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 22nd
15:22.070 - 17:04.953: dom | takatoji finished lap 9 ( 1:42.882)
17:04.171 - 17:06.343: Jace Williams | District passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 23rd
17:03.882 - 17:07.054: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
15:24.039 - 17:08.562: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 9 ( 1:44.523)
17:07.054 - 17:09.109: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 24th
17:07.195 - 17:09.734: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 25th
15:32.781 - 17:13.257: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 10 ( 1:40.476)
17:10.078 - 17:13.820: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 31st
17:11.195 - 17:14.546: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 17th
17:12.109 - 17:15.093: Squiddy | District Designs passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 18th
17:18.179 - 17:20.007: Squiddy | District Designs passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 17th
15:37.484 - 17:21.898: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 9 ( 1:44.414)
17:20.070 - 17:21.929: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Squiddy | District Designs for 17th
15:30.687 - 17:30.554: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 9 ( 1:59.867)
15:28.734 - 17:33.140: Branden Walther | Dinoco finished lap 9 ( 2:04.406)
15:27.453 - 17:33.773: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 9 ( 2:06.320)
17:32.875 - 17:33.828: Joey Broadstreet passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 19th
17:32.976 - 17:36.015: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed dom | takatoji for 27th
17:33.843 - 17:36.023: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Joey Broadstreet for 19th
15:38.703 - 17:37.539: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 9 ( 1:58.835)
17:33.585 - 17:38.289: Logan Leitzel | Yogi went off the track
17:36.992 - 17:38.367: Squiddy | District Designs passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 17th
17:37.148 - 17:40.257: Branden Walther | Dinoco passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 30th
17:37.789 - 17:40.632: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 31st
17:40.234 - 17:41.757: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 18th
17:41.132 - 17:42.609: Joey Broadstreet passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 19th
15:53.976 - 17:42.914: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 10 ( 1:48.937)
17:41.937 - 17:43.289: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 20th
17:41.656 - 17:44.640: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 32nd
17:40.054 - 17:46.039: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji went off the track
15:48.820 - 17:46.375: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 9 ( 1:57.554)
15:54.632 - 17:47.562: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 10 ( 1:52.929)
17:45.890 - 17:49.320: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 21st
16:02.734 - 17:49.453: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 10 ( 1:46.718)
17:36.234 - 17:50.859: Chris Post went off the track
17:48.625 - 17:51.156: Joey Broadstreet passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 18th
16:06.250 - 17:51.562: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:45.312)
17:48.093 - 17:51.562: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 6th
17:51.195 - 17:53.875: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Joey Broadstreet for 17th
17:51.859 - 17:54.539: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 30th
15:59.304 - 17:55.281: Ethan | Glusta X Obr finished lap 9 ( 1:55.976)
16:04.195 - 17:55.445: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 9 ( 1:51.250)
17:52.859 - 17:58.281: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing went off the track
16:03.640 - 17:58.921: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 10 ( 1:55.281)
17:55.445 - 17:59.109: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 35th
17:57.375 - 17:59.921: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Branden Walther | Dinoco for 32nd
16:15.570 - 18:00.375: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 10 ( 1:44.804)
16:19.367 - 18:00.867: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 10 ( 1:41.500)
18:01.210 - 18:05.710: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Joey Broadstreet for 19th
18:03.289 - 18:05.984: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Chris Post for 15th
18:01.820 - 18:07.382: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
16:25.945 - 18:08.437: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 10 ( 1:42.492)
18:07.625 - 18:09.585: Joey Broadstreet passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 19th
16:25.757 - 18:10.031: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 10 ( 1:44.273)
16:27.140 - 18:10.937: evan holte | tscz finished lap 10 ( 1:43.796)
18:08.523 - 18:12.015: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 24th
18:11.765 - 18:14.468: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 33rd
16:23.789 - 18:16.804: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 10 ( 1:53.015)
18:03.382 - 18:17.257: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi went off the track
16:33.632 - 18:19.234: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 10 ( 1:45.601)
18:14.179 - 18:19.695: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR went off the track
18:20.078 - 18:23.210: Jace Williams | District passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 22nd
16:42.093 - 18:24.562: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 10 ( 1:42.468)
18:23.335 - 18:26.109: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 23rd
18:24.289 - 18:26.390: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 31st
18:25.296 - 18:27.710: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Joey Broadstreet for 19th
18:26.546 - 18:27.781: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 31st
18:25.601 - 18:28.429: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 8th
18:27.789 - 18:30.507: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 31st
16:46.578 - 18:31.562: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 10 ( 1:44.984)
18:28.257 - 18:31.562: Squiddy | District Designs passed Chris Post for 16th
18:30.718 - 18:32.343: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 5th
16:48.906 - 18:32.679: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 11 ( 1:43.773)
16:42.484 - 18:34.882: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 10 ( 1:52.398)
18:31.906 - 18:34.882: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Chris Post for 17th
16:54.164 - 18:35.515: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 10 ( 1:41.351)
18:32.468 - 18:35.515: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Chris Post for 18th
16:50.554 - 18:36.414: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 10 ( 1:45.859)
18:33.179 - 18:36.414: Joey Broadstreet passed Chris Post for 19th
16:29.921 - 18:38.156: Chris Post finished lap 10 ( 2:08.234)
18:36.375 - 18:38.507: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House passed Ethan | Glusta X Obr for 35th
16:54.492 - 18:41.132: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 10 ( 1:46.640)
16:56.734 - 18:42.265: Jace Williams | District finished lap 10 ( 1:45.531)
18:26.421 - 18:44.187: Seth Kready|Yogi went off the track
16:58.976 - 18:45.078: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 10 ( 1:46.101)
18:44.898 - 18:47.632: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 5th
18:40.804 - 18:48.789: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ went off the track
16:46.101 - 18:53.234: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 10 ( 2:07.132)
17:08.562 - 18:53.750: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 10 ( 1:45.187)
17:00.281 - 18:54.187: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 10 ( 1:53.906)
17:13.257 - 18:57.546: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 11 ( 1:44.289)
18:54.820 - 18:57.921: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 16th
16:53.632 - 18:59.187: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 10 ( 2:05.554)
18:56.859 - 18:59.953: Ethan | Glusta X Obr passed Jacob Kelly | Boot's House for 34th
18:51.531 - 19:00.210: Chris Post went off the track
18:58.421 - 19:03.890: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR went off the track
17:04.953 - 19:03.968: dom | takatoji finished lap 10 ( 1:59.015)
19:03.296 - 19:04.531: Chris Post passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Joey Broadstreet for 18th
19:03.976 - 19:05.148: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 7th
19:05.125 - 19:06.554: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Joey Broadstreet for 19th
19:06.203 - 19:07.375: Jace Williams | District passed Alec Horn | Phil's and Joey Broadstreet for 20th
17:21.898 - 19:09.757: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 10 ( 1:47.859)
19:11.953 - 19:15.156: Joey Broadstreet passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 21st
19:05.062 - 19:15.718: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House went off the track
19:13.000 - 19:16.148: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 22nd
19:14.539 - 19:16.523: evan holte | tscz passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 11th
17:02.812 - 19:18.671: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 9 ( 2:15.859)
17:33.773 - 19:18.742: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 10 ( 1:44.968)
19:20.023 - 19:22.078: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 12th
19:20.398 - 19:23.304: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 24th
19:23.875 - 19:27.203: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 25th
19:25.710 - 19:28.382: Jace Williams | District passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
17:42.914 - 19:29.414: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 11 ( 1:46.500)
17:47.562 - 19:29.812: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 11 ( 1:42.250)
17:49.453 - 19:34.742: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 11 ( 1:45.289)
17:30.554 - 19:35.453: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 10 ( 2:04.898)
17:51.562 - 19:35.953: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:44.390)
17:37.539 - 19:36.828: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 10 ( 1:59.289)
17:46.375 - 19:37.015: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 10 ( 1:50.640)
19:35.953 - 19:37.531: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 23rd
19:37.507 - 19:39.210: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 24th
19:36.695 - 19:39.757: Jace Williams | District passed Chris Post for 18th
18:00.867 - 19:41.546: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 11 ( 1:40.679)
19:39.929 - 19:42.820: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 5th
19:41.976 - 19:42.914: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 25th
19:40.437 - 19:43.242: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Chris Post for 19th
17:58.921 - 19:43.390: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 11 ( 1:44.468)
18:00.375 - 19:46.671: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 11 ( 1:46.296)
19:43.710 - 19:46.812: Joey Broadstreet passed Chris Post and Austin Partelow | AVM for 18th
19:31.320 - 19:47.367: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji went off the track
18:08.437 - 19:53.914: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 11 ( 1:45.476)
18:10.937 - 19:54.929: evan holte | tscz finished lap 11 ( 1:43.992)
19:53.687 - 19:55.687: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet for 18th
19:54.351 - 19:57.421: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 3rd
19:55.140 - 19:57.921: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 16th
19:54.703 - 19:58.156: dom | takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 27th
19:58.171 - 20:00.773: Alec Horn | Phil's passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 25th
18:16.804 - 20:01.414: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 11 ( 1:44.609)
20:00.812 - 20:03.343: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 24th
18:10.031 - 20:05.570: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 11 ( 1:55.539)
18:19.234 - 20:06.148: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 11 ( 1:46.914)
17:55.445 - 20:06.359: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 10 ( 2:10.914)
20:06.117 - 20:09.304: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
18:32.679 - 20:12.070: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 12 ( 1:39.390)
20:12.890 - 20:15.117: dom | takatoji passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 25th
20:13.187 - 20:15.179: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 26th
18:31.562 - 20:15.515: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 11 ( 1:43.953)
18:35.515 - 20:16.367: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 11 ( 1:40.851)
18:24.562 - 20:16.984: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 11 ( 1:52.421)
20:17.117 - 20:18.773: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
20:16.890 - 20:18.906: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 32nd
20:17.000 - 20:19.046: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 27th
20:04.578 - 20:20.164: Chris Post went off the track
20:19.257 - 20:24.773: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 30th
20:21.500 - 20:24.835: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 31st
20:22.031 - 20:25.523: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 32nd
20:22.804 - 20:25.992: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 22nd
20:24.835 - 20:26.101: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 30th
20:23.382 - 20:26.640: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 23rd
20:23.687 - 20:27.695: Chris Post passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 24th
18:42.265 - 20:27.906: Jace Williams | District finished lap 11 ( 1:45.640)
20:24.070 - 20:28.687: Alec Zellner | Vurb went off the track
20:27.578 - 20:30.718: dom | takatoji passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 25th
18:41.132 - 20:30.726: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 11 ( 1:49.593)
20:29.640 - 20:31.164: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 30th
18:36.414 - 20:32.210: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 11 ( 1:55.796)
20:32.476 - 20:34.234: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing and Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys for 31st
20:29.093 - 20:37.664: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
20:35.640 - 20:37.953: Chris Post passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 23rd
20:39.289 - 20:41.976: dom | takatoji passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 24th
18:45.078 - 20:42.218: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 11 ( 1:57.140)
20:41.281 - 20:44.046: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX and Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 25th
20:41.234 - 20:44.265: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 26th
18:59.187 - 20:45.226: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 11 ( 1:46.039)
20:43.328 - 20:46.156: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 27th
18:38.156 - 20:46.242: Chris Post finished lap 11 ( 2:08.085)
20:41.445 - 20:48.109: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
20:45.054 - 20:48.117: evan holte | tscz passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 10th
18:57.546 - 20:50.414: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 12 ( 1:52.867)
20:47.679 - 20:50.484: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 16th
19:03.968 - 20:50.710: dom | takatoji finished lap 11 ( 1:46.742)
20:49.812 - 20:51.695: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 30th
18:53.750 - 20:52.210: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 11 ( 1:58.460)
18:53.234 - 20:52.945: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 11 ( 1:59.710)
19:09.757 - 20:54.296: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 11 ( 1:44.539)
18:54.187 - 20:54.898: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 11 ( 2:00.710)
18:34.882 - 21:00.367: Alec Horn | Phil's finished lap 11 ( 2:25.484)
20:57.460 - 21:00.656: Joey Broadstreet passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
21:07.718 - 21:10.742: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed dom | takatoji for 24th
21:08.171 - 21:11.148: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed dom | takatoji for 25th
21:09.273 - 21:11.968: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed dom | takatoji for 26th
21:10.289 - 21:13.015: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed dom | takatoji for 27th
19:29.812 - 21:16.210: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 12 ( 1:46.398)
21:14.843 - 21:17.156: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 30th
21:14.734 - 21:17.164: Alec Horn | Phil's passed dom | takatoji for 28th
19:29.414 - 21:19.070: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 12 ( 1:49.656)
19:35.953 - 21:19.640: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:43.687)
21:17.710 - 21:20.687: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 31st
19:34.742 - 21:20.968: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 12 ( 1:46.226)
21:18.734 - 21:21.109: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 32nd
19:41.546 - 21:23.640: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 12 ( 1:42.093)
21:23.281 - 21:26.554: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Harrison Gafford | WBB and Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 25th
21:24.773 - 21:27.835: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Chris Post for 23rd
21:26.554 - 21:28.820: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Chris Post for 24th
19:43.390 - 21:30.523: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 12 ( 1:47.132)
21:27.804 - 21:31.046: dom | takatoji passed Alec Horn | Phil's for 28th
19:37.015 - 21:31.625: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 11 ( 1:54.609)
21:26.437 - 21:34.265: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
21:22.320 - 21:34.437: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 26th
21:31.046 - 21:34.484: dom | takatoji passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 27th
19:35.453 - 21:34.648: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 11 ( 1:59.195)
21:34.484 - 21:36.398: dom | takatoji passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 26th
19:46.671 - 21:37.015: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 12 ( 1:50.343)
19:18.671 - 21:39.460: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 10 ( 2:20.789)
19:54.929 - 21:39.742: evan holte | tscz finished lap 12 ( 1:44.812)
19:18.742 - 21:42.757: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto finished lap 11 ( 2:24.015)
19:53.914 - 21:43.359: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 12 ( 1:49.445)
19:36.828 - 21:45.859: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 11 ( 2:09.031)
20:01.414 - 21:46.218: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 12 ( 1:44.804)
21:45.875 - 21:49.359: Chris Post went off the track
21:46.976 - 21:49.750: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 6th
21:46.218 - 21:51.390: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi went off the track
20:12.070 - 21:52.039: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 13 ( 1:39.968)
20:05.570 - 21:52.835: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 12 ( 1:47.265)
21:52.953 - 21:54.812: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed brayden tharp | covenant #blm for 6th
20:06.148 - 21:56.218: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 12 ( 1:50.070)
20:06.359 - 21:56.750: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 11 ( 1:50.390)
20:15.515 - 22:00.015: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 12 ( 1:44.500)
20:16.984 - 22:00.414: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 12 ( 1:43.429)
21:58.695 - 22:03.734: Tyler Nichols | SPINC went off the track
22:01.437 - 22:04.367: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 27th
22:05.187 - 22:07.351: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 6th
20:16.367 - 22:07.453: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 12 ( 1:51.085)
22:05.593 - 22:07.851: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys passed Evan Cormack | Steezy Films for 29th
22:08.070 - 22:11.195: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 32nd
22:13.117 - 22:16.476: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 32nd
20:32.210 - 22:17.320: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 12 ( 1:45.109)
22:13.929 - 22:17.320: Joey Broadstreet passed Jace Williams | District for 18th
20:27.906 - 22:20.804: Jace Williams | District finished lap 12 ( 1:52.898)
20:30.726 - 22:22.640: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 12 ( 1:51.914)
20:42.218 - 22:27.140: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 12 ( 1:44.921)
22:27.125 - 22:29.039: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 4th
20:50.414 - 22:30.867: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 13 ( 1:40.453)
22:16.343 - 22:31.523: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House went off the track
20:45.226 - 22:32.195: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 12 ( 1:46.968)
20:52.210 - 22:40.046: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 12 ( 1:47.835)
20:54.898 - 22:40.726: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 12 ( 1:45.828)
22:37.632 - 22:43.132: Austin Partelow | AVM went off the track
22:42.320 - 22:44.953: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Christopher McPherson | Takatoji for 5th
20:50.710 - 22:48.390: dom | takatoji finished lap 12 ( 1:57.679)
20:52.945 - 22:52.468: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 12 ( 1:59.523)
22:54.046 - 22:56.750: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing passed Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto for 31st
20:54.296 - 22:58.187: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 12 ( 2:03.890)
22:57.992 - 22:59.882: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs for 4th
21:16.210 - 23:00.164: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 13 ( 1:43.953)
21:23.640 - 23:03.265: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 13 ( 1:39.625)
21:19.640 - 23:03.484: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:43.843)
21:19.070 - 23:05.007: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 13 ( 1:45.937)
22:53.898 - 23:06.773: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House went off the track
21:20.968 - 23:07.187: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 13 ( 1:46.218)
23:04.664 - 23:08.710: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
23:07.375 - 23:12.031: Tyler Blowers | Vurbmoto passed Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing for 30th
21:30.523 - 23:15.218: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 13 ( 1:44.695)
23:13.515 - 23:15.671: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 23rd
21:37.015 - 23:20.054: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 13 ( 1:43.039)
21:34.648 - 23:20.929: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 12 ( 1:46.281)
23:21.109 - 23:23.109: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 16th
21:39.742 - 23:24.218: evan holte | tscz finished lap 13 ( 1:44.476)
21:43.359 - 23:26.679: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 13 ( 1:43.320)
21:52.039 - 23:31.671: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 14 ( 1:39.632)
21:46.218 - 23:33.156: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 13 ( 1:46.937)
21:31.625 - 23:34.070: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 12 ( 2:02.445)
21:52.835 - 23:37.914: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 13 ( 1:45.078)
23:37.546 - 23:39.343: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jace Williams | District for 19th
22:00.015 - 23:43.992: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 13 ( 1:43.976)
23:40.945 - 23:43.992: Squiddy | District Designs passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 14th
23:42.203 - 23:44.156: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jace Williams | District for 20th
21:56.218 - 23:44.843: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 13 ( 1:48.625)
22:07.453 - 23:47.953: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 13 ( 1:40.500)
21:39.460 - 23:50.031: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 11 ( 2:10.570)
22:00.414 - 23:52.875: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 13 ( 1:52.460)
23:55.273 - 23:57.218: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 19th
21:45.859 - 23:58.546: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 12 ( 2:12.687)
22:17.320 - 24:04.421: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 13 ( 1:47.101)
24:02.343 - 24:05.023: Jace Williams | District passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 20th
22:27.140 - 24:10.515: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 13 ( 1:43.375)
22:30.867 - 24:13.445: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 14 ( 1:42.578)
22:20.804 - 24:15.914: Jace Williams | District finished lap 13 ( 1:55.109)
22:22.640 - 24:16.179: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 13 ( 1:53.539)
22:32.195 - 24:17.609: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 13 ( 1:45.414)
24:17.273 - 24:19.000: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 15th
24:19.234 - 24:21.843: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 3rd
24:20.148 - 24:23.015: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed evan holte | tscz for 10th
24:21.656 - 24:24.015: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 4th
24:23.140 - 24:25.203: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Jace Williams | District for 20th
24:24.679 - 24:27.101: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 5th
22:40.726 - 24:27.367: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 13 ( 1:46.640)
24:26.148 - 24:28.804: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 6th
22:40.046 - 24:31.734: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 13 ( 1:51.687)
24:30.773 - 24:32.164: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Squiddy | District Designs for 14th
22:48.390 - 24:33.226: dom | takatoji finished lap 13 ( 1:44.835)
21:56.750 - 24:34.914: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 12 ( 2:38.164)
24:33.093 - 24:36.695: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 7th
24:37.789 - 24:40.187: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 8th
22:52.468 - 24:41.070: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 13 ( 1:48.601)
24:40.187 - 24:41.710: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 7th
24:41.039 - 24:42.273: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jace Williams | District for 21st
23:03.265 - 24:45.156: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 14 ( 1:41.890)
24:42.375 - 24:45.679: Jace Williams | District passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 21st
24:44.273 - 24:46.539: evan holte | tscz passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 10th
23:03.484 - 24:47.390: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:43.906)
23:05.007 - 24:51.351: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 14 ( 1:46.343)
23:07.187 - 24:54.125: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 14 ( 1:46.937)
24:55.992 - 24:58.101: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jace Williams | District for 21st
22:58.187 - 25:02.421: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 13 ( 2:04.234)
24:59.867 - 25:04.851: brayden tharp | covenant #blm went off the track
23:15.218 - 25:06.625: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 14 ( 1:51.406)
25:02.656 - 25:06.625: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 7th
23:00.164 - 25:08.445: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 14 ( 2:08.281)
25:03.468 - 25:08.445: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 8th
23:24.218 - 25:11.445: evan holte | tscz finished lap 14 ( 1:47.226)
25:06.546 - 25:11.445: evan holte | tscz passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 9th
23:20.054 - 25:11.617: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 14 ( 1:51.562)
23:20.929 - 25:11.882: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 13 ( 1:50.953)
23:26.679 - 25:12.210: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 14 ( 1:45.531)
23:31.671 - 25:13.156: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 15 ( 1:41.484)
23:33.156 - 25:15.398: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 14 ( 1:42.242)
25:15.789 - 25:18.875: dom | takatoji passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 24th
23:37.914 - 25:23.851: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 14 ( 1:45.937)
25:20.906 - 25:28.226: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
23:47.953 - 25:28.500: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 14 ( 1:40.546)
25:14.742 - 25:28.507: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
23:43.992 - 25:30.476: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 14 ( 1:46.484)
25:31.523 - 25:33.648: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 16th
25:32.742 - 25:34.742: Joey Broadstreet passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 17th
25:28.500 - 25:40.460: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash went off the track
25:35.195 - 25:42.796: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
25:41.023 - 25:43.976: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 20th
25:41.796 - 25:45.437: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 25th
23:34.070 - 25:45.968: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 13 ( 2:11.898)
25:47.335 - 25:49.140: Brett Powers | WildSide passed Joey Broadstreet for 16th
24:13.445 - 25:52.023: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 15 ( 1:38.578)
23:44.843 - 25:54.531: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 14 ( 2:09.687)
25:53.929 - 25:56.132: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Joey Broadstreet for 17th
24:04.421 - 26:00.375: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 14 ( 1:55.953)
25:56.945 - 26:00.375: Joey Broadstreet passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 17th
23:58.546 - 26:01.398: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 13 ( 2:02.851)
25:51.710 - 26:01.468: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR went off the track
24:16.179 - 26:02.210: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 14 ( 1:46.031)
25:58.984 - 26:02.210: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 18th
24:10.515 - 26:04.265: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 14 ( 1:53.750)
26:01.148 - 26:04.265: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi and Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 19th
24:17.609 - 26:04.796: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 14 ( 1:47.187)
26:00.437 - 26:04.796: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 20th
23:52.875 - 26:06.664: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 14 ( 2:13.789)
23:50.031 - 26:07.085: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 12 ( 2:17.054)
26:06.117 - 26:09.171: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed evan holte | tscz for 8th
24:15.914 - 26:09.937: Jace Williams | District finished lap 14 ( 1:54.023)
26:06.664 - 26:10.515: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 20th
26:09.632 - 26:12.468: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed evan holte | tscz for 9th
26:09.937 - 26:13.742: Jace Williams | District passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 21st
24:27.367 - 26:16.382: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 14 ( 1:49.015)
24:33.226 - 26:18.789: dom | takatoji finished lap 14 ( 1:45.562)
26:21.906 - 26:24.414: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Austin Partelow | AVM for 18th
24:45.156 - 26:25.148: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 15 ( 1:39.992)
26:24.828 - 26:27.742: Squiddy | District Designs passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 14th
24:41.070 - 26:27.890: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 14 ( 1:46.820)
24:47.390 - 26:31.585: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 15 ( 1:44.195)
26:30.718 - 26:32.960: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 8th
26:30.953 - 26:33.304: evan holte | tscz passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 9th
24:31.734 - 26:34.140: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 14 ( 2:02.406)
26:31.976 - 26:34.296: Tyler Nichols | SPINC passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 10th
26:33.046 - 26:35.375: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 11th
24:51.351 - 26:38.265: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 15 ( 1:46.914)
26:38.218 - 26:40.289: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 18th
24:34.914 - 26:41.007: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 13 ( 2:06.093)
26:39.421 - 26:41.562: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 19th
26:42.468 - 26:45.726: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 22nd
26:43.320 - 26:46.375: dom | takatoji passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 23rd
26:44.671 - 26:46.781: Jace Williams | District passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 20th
25:02.421 - 26:48.203: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 14 ( 1:45.781)
24:54.125 - 26:48.531: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 15 ( 1:54.406)
25:08.445 - 26:50.156: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 15 ( 1:41.710)
26:49.890 - 26:51.835: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Jace Williams | District for 20th
25:13.156 - 26:53.257: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 16 ( 1:40.101)
26:54.406 - 26:55.929: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Jace Williams | District for 21st
26:54.984 - 26:56.476: dom | takatoji passed Jace Williams | District for 22nd
25:11.617 - 26:56.718: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 15 ( 1:45.101)
25:11.445 - 26:56.992: evan holte | tscz finished lap 15 ( 1:45.546)
25:12.210 - 26:57.757: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 15 ( 1:45.546)
25:15.398 - 26:59.796: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 15 ( 1:44.398)
26:56.992 - 27:00.789: evan holte | tscz passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 8th
27:00.835 - 27:03.625: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed evan holte | tscz for 8th
25:11.882 - 27:04.171: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 14 ( 1:52.289)
25:06.625 - 27:05.609: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 15 ( 1:58.984)
25:23.851 - 27:09.007: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 15 ( 1:45.156)
27:05.625 - 27:09.703: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jace Williams | District for 23rd
27:04.242 - 27:09.718: Harrison Gafford | WBB went off the track
25:30.476 - 27:14.750: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 15 ( 1:44.273)
27:10.812 - 27:15.679: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
25:28.500 - 27:27.750: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 15 ( 1:59.250)
25:52.023 - 27:32.796: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 16 ( 1:40.773)
25:45.968 - 27:37.937: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 14 ( 1:51.968)
25:54.531 - 27:40.539: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 15 ( 1:46.007)
27:39.546 - 27:41.593: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 10th
26:00.375 - 27:48.703: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 15 ( 1:48.328)
26:02.210 - 27:49.148: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 15 ( 1:46.937)
26:06.664 - 27:57.984: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 15 ( 1:51.320)
26:04.265 - 28:03.320: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 15 ( 1:59.054)
26:01.398 - 28:04.914: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 14 ( 2:03.515)
26:18.789 - 28:06.281: dom | takatoji finished lap 15 ( 1:47.492)
28:02.906 - 28:06.281: dom | takatoji passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 21st
26:25.148 - 28:08.132: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 16 ( 1:42.984)
26:04.796 - 28:09.609: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 15 ( 2:04.812)
28:06.351 - 28:09.609: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks for 22nd
26:16.382 - 28:11.937: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 15 ( 1:55.554)
26:07.085 - 28:12.671: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 13 ( 2:05.585)
26:09.937 - 28:12.734: Jace Williams | District finished lap 15 ( 2:02.796)
26:31.585 - 28:15.789: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 16 ( 1:44.203)
28:14.773 - 28:16.718: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 11th
28:13.078 - 28:18.039: Joey Broadstreet went off the track
26:27.890 - 28:18.046: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 15 ( 1:50.156)
26:34.140 - 28:18.187: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 15 ( 1:44.046)
28:17.664 - 28:19.531: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 6th
28:18.164 - 28:20.203: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 12th
26:38.265 - 28:24.164: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 16 ( 1:45.898)
28:22.265 - 28:25.148: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 6th
26:41.007 - 28:25.265: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 14 ( 1:44.257)
28:20.367 - 28:25.335: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing went off the track
28:29.171 - 28:32.015: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 7th
28:29.664 - 28:32.250: evan holte | tscz passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 8th
28:30.843 - 28:32.671: Squiddy | District Designs passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 13th
28:31.851 - 28:35.179: dom | takatoji passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 20th
26:53.257 - 28:35.554: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 17 ( 1:42.296)
26:48.531 - 28:35.640: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 16 ( 1:47.109)
26:48.203 - 28:36.898: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 15 ( 1:48.695)
28:36.726 - 28:38.140: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 21st
28:33.671 - 28:38.703: Alec Zellner | Vurb went off the track
28:38.531 - 28:39.843: Jace Williams | District passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 22nd
26:56.718 - 28:39.898: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 16 ( 1:43.179)
26:56.992 - 28:40.390: evan holte | tscz finished lap 16 ( 1:43.398)
28:38.140 - 28:41.382: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 21st
28:38.703 - 28:41.929: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 25th
26:50.156 - 28:42.031: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 16 ( 1:51.875)
26:59.796 - 28:43.601: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 16 ( 1:43.804)
28:41.531 - 28:44.312: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Joey Broadstreet for 17th
27:05.609 - 28:51.007: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 16 ( 1:45.398)
27:09.007 - 28:54.546: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 16 ( 1:45.539)
27:14.750 - 29:00.273: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 16 ( 1:45.523)
26:57.757 - 29:00.492: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 16 ( 2:02.734)
27:04.171 - 29:01.476: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 15 ( 1:57.304)
27:27.750 - 29:08.171: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 16 ( 1:40.421)
28:54.906 - 29:12.601: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House went off the track
29:16.632 - 29:19.484: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
29:15.523 - 29:20.531: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto went off the track
27:32.796 - 29:23.812: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 17 ( 1:51.015)
29:22.992 - 29:25.101: evan holte | tscz passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 7th
27:40.539 - 29:27.484: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 16 ( 1:46.945)
29:14.929 - 29:28.898: Squiddy | District Designs went off the track
27:37.937 - 29:29.523: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 15 ( 1:51.585)
27:49.148 - 29:34.054: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 16 ( 1:44.906)
27:48.703 - 29:34.742: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 16 ( 1:46.039)
29:28.375 - 29:35.757: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ went off the track
29:33.625 - 29:36.468: Harrison Gafford | WBB passed Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX for 26th
27:57.984 - 29:42.265: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 16 ( 1:44.281)
29:42.570 - 29:48.171: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
28:08.132 - 29:49.398: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 17 ( 1:41.265)
28:06.281 - 29:53.671: dom | takatoji finished lap 16 ( 1:47.390)
28:04.914 - 29:55.539: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 15 ( 1:50.625)
28:11.937 - 29:58.601: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 16 ( 1:46.664)
28:03.320 - 29:58.914: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 16 ( 1:55.593)
28:12.734 - 30:00.148: Jace Williams | District finished lap 16 ( 1:47.414)
28:09.609 - 30:01.687: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 16 ( 1:52.078)
29:58.179 - 30:02.718: evan holte | tscz went off the track
30:01.828 - 30:03.039: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 26th
28:18.187 - 30:03.234: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 16 ( 1:45.046)
28:15.789 - 30:03.695: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 17 ( 1:47.906)
30:03.320 - 30:07.195: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films went off the track
30:03.039 - 30:09.546: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX went off the track
30:07.132 - 30:10.101: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Joey Broadstreet for 18th
28:24.164 - 30:10.648: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 17 ( 1:46.484)
30:11.007 - 30:15.984: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
28:35.554 - 30:17.578: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 18 ( 1:42.023)
30:13.742 - 30:19.273: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks went off the track
28:35.640 - 30:22.242: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 17 ( 1:46.601)
28:39.898 - 30:24.445: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 17 ( 1:44.546)
28:40.390 - 30:25.367: evan holte | tscz finished lap 17 ( 1:44.976)
28:36.898 - 30:26.000: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 16 ( 1:49.101)
30:25.000 - 30:27.429: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Tyler Nichols | SPINC for 12th
28:18.046 - 30:28.781: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 16 ( 2:10.734)
28:12.671 - 30:30.554: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 14 ( 2:17.882)
30:28.312 - 30:32.109: Squiddy | District Designs went off the track
30:32.695 - 30:34.171: Joey Broadstreet passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 18th
28:42.031 - 30:34.679: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 17 ( 1:52.648)
28:25.265 - 30:37.062: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 15 ( 2:11.796)
28:51.007 - 30:38.156: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 17 ( 1:47.148)
28:54.546 - 30:40.117: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 17 ( 1:45.570)
28:43.601 - 30:40.789: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 17 ( 1:57.187)
30:40.593 - 30:46.375: evan holte | tscz went off the track
30:43.953 - 30:46.890: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Harrison Gafford | WBB for 23rd
29:08.171 - 30:50.031: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 17 ( 1:41.859)
30:52.171 - 30:54.656: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys for 8th
29:00.273 - 30:54.859: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 17 ( 1:54.585)
29:00.492 - 30:55.484: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 17 ( 1:54.992)
30:58.617 - 31:00.968: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 11th
29:01.476 - 31:06.539: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 16 ( 2:05.062)
30:51.500 - 31:08.070: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing went off the track
29:27.484 - 31:15.718: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 17 ( 1:48.234)
31:16.984 - 31:19.867: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 24th
29:23.812 - 31:20.039: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 18 ( 1:56.226)
29:34.054 - 31:20.843: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 17 ( 1:46.789)
31:19.062 - 31:21.742: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 8th
31:21.328 - 31:24.070: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 9th
31:22.890 - 31:26.015: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 10th
31:23.304 - 31:26.054: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji passed Joey Broadstreet for 18th
31:24.742 - 31:26.726: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Jace Williams | District for 23rd
31:24.406 - 31:26.968: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 11th
31:25.085 - 31:27.203: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Jace Williams | District for 24th
31:21.531 - 31:27.242: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys went off the track
29:29.523 - 31:28.023: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 16 ( 1:58.500)
29:49.398 - 31:31.343: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 18 ( 1:41.945)
31:26.726 - 31:31.789: Alec Zellner | Vurb passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 22nd
31:27.203 - 31:31.882: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 23rd
31:31.289 - 31:32.820: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto and Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 10th
31:31.187 - 31:33.015: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 11th
31:30.710 - 31:36.335: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
29:42.265 - 31:36.562: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 17 ( 1:54.296)
29:34.742 - 31:38.656: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 17 ( 2:03.914)
31:37.687 - 31:38.898: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 12th
29:53.671 - 31:39.257: dom | takatoji finished lap 17 ( 1:45.585)
29:58.601 - 31:43.453: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 17 ( 1:44.851)
31:45.242 - 31:46.726: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Brandon Wolfe | Yogi for 23rd
30:03.695 - 31:50.468: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 18 ( 1:46.773)
30:17.578 - 31:59.460: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 19 ( 1:41.882)
30:10.648 - 31:59.523: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 18 ( 1:48.875)
30:03.234 - 32:01.382: Alec Zellner | Vurb finished lap 17 ( 1:58.148)
29:58.914 - 32:01.812: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 17 ( 2:02.898)
30:01.687 - 32:03.367: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 17 ( 2:01.679)
30:22.242 - 32:08.671: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 18 ( 1:46.429)
30:25.367 - 32:10.859: evan holte | tscz finished lap 18 ( 1:45.492)
32:12.570 - 32:14.835: brayden tharp | covenant #blm passed Logan Leitzel | Yogi for 2nd
30:00.148 - 32:15.523: Jace Williams | District finished lap 17 ( 2:15.375)
32:15.015 - 32:17.523: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 9th
30:28.781 - 32:18.085: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 17 ( 1:49.304)
32:15.757 - 32:19.062: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 10th
30:24.445 - 32:20.164: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 18 ( 1:55.718)
32:18.718 - 32:22.531: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 11th
32:19.273 - 32:24.203: Seth Kready|Yogi went off the track
30:34.679 - 32:25.804: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 18 ( 1:51.125)
29:55.539 - 32:27.421: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 16 ( 2:31.882)
30:40.117 - 32:27.468: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 18 ( 1:47.351)
32:26.921 - 32:28.265: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash for 23rd
30:50.031 - 32:30.773: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 18 ( 1:40.742)
30:26.000 - 32:31.281: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 17 ( 2:05.281)
30:38.156 - 32:34.617: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 18 ( 1:56.460)
30:40.789 - 32:34.828: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 18 ( 1:54.039)
30:54.859 - 32:39.695: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 18 ( 1:44.835)
32:37.382 - 32:39.984: dom | takatoji passed Joey Broadstreet for 19th
32:35.671 - 32:40.132: Brett Powers | WildSide went off the track
30:37.062 - 32:40.242: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 16 ( 2:03.179)
32:38.507 - 32:43.781: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX went off the track
30:55.484 - 32:46.601: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 18 ( 1:51.117)
32:47.992 - 32:50.015: Joey Broadstreet passed dom | takatoji for 19th
30:30.554 - 32:54.132: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 15 ( 2:23.578)
32:54.617 - 32:56.570: Joey Broadstreet passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 18th
32:54.828 - 32:56.648: dom | takatoji passed Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji for 19th
31:15.718 - 33:04.148: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 18 ( 1:48.429)
33:01.414 - 33:04.421: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 22nd
33:01.773 - 33:05.039: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash passed Alec Zellner | Vurb for 23rd
31:06.539 - 33:07.726: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 17 ( 2:01.187)
31:31.343 - 33:10.937: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 19 ( 1:39.593)
31:20.843 - 33:13.109: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 18 ( 1:52.265)
33:12.015 - 33:15.164: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Nick Niles | Vurbmoto for 10th
33:12.968 - 33:15.312: Squiddy | District Designs passed Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ for 13th
33:15.000 - 33:18.210: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX passed Jace Williams | District for 25th
31:20.039 - 33:20.945: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 19 ( 2:00.906)
31:38.656 - 33:25.023: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 18 ( 1:46.367)
31:39.257 - 33:26.390: dom | takatoji finished lap 18 ( 1:47.132)
33:26.148 - 33:28.367: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 9th
31:36.562 - 33:28.648: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 18 ( 1:52.085)
33:27.093 - 33:28.757: evan holte | tscz passed Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House for 6th
33:28.570 - 33:31.281: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 9th
31:28.023 - 33:31.609: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 17 ( 2:03.585)
31:50.468 - 33:35.398: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 19 ( 1:44.929)
33:34.679 - 33:36.265: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 9th
31:43.453 - 33:38.109: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 18 ( 1:54.656)
33:33.835 - 33:39.851: Jace Williams | District went off the track
31:59.460 - 33:42.687: Seth Shirley | JIBR.CO finished lap 20 ( 1:43.226)
31:59.523 - 33:48.726: Christopher McPherson | Takatoji finished lap 19 ( 1:49.203)
32:03.367 - 33:51.726: Brandon Wolfe | Yogi finished lap 18 ( 1:48.359)
32:01.812 - 33:53.453: Brenden Kelly | Mid-Atlantic Powerwash finished lap 18 ( 1:51.640)
32:10.859 - 33:54.468: evan holte | tscz finished lap 19 ( 1:43.609)
32:08.671 - 33:55.421: Brandon Nigrin | Boot's House finished lap 19 ( 1:46.750)
32:20.164 - 34:03.648: Race Coble | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 19 ( 1:43.484)
34:02.343 - 34:06.242: Squiddy | District Designs passed Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR for 12th
34:05.414 - 34:06.406: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV passed Collin Allen | Phil's but gp for 9th
32:18.085 - 34:07.882: Marcondes Feitosa | TDMX finished lap 18 ( 1:49.796)
34:06.437 - 34:08.906: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 9th
34:09.843 - 34:11.914: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto passed Dylan Cavaciuti | CV for 10th
32:30.773 - 34:11.929: Collin Allen | Phil's but gp finished lap 19 ( 1:41.156)
32:27.468 - 34:15.257: Nick Niles | Vurbmoto finished lap 19 ( 1:47.789)
32:15.523 - 34:16.289: Jace Williams | District finished lap 18 ( 2:00.765)
32:25.804 - 34:20.609: Dylan Cavaciuti | CV finished lap 19 ( 1:54.804)
32:39.695 - 34:25.710: Squiddy | District Designs finished lap 19 ( 1:46.015)
32:31.281 - 34:26.625: Harrison Gafford | WBB finished lap 18 ( 1:55.343)
32:34.617 - 34:28.687: Dray Smith | Proline Designs/OTR finished lap 19 ( 1:54.070)
32:34.828 - 34:29.398: Jack Gatland | RaceKush Racing Live @ finished lap 19 ( 1:54.570)
34:34.804 - 34:37.476: Austin Partelow | AVM passed Brett Powers | WildSide for 16th
32:46.601 - 34:42.679: Tyler Nichols | SPINC finished lap 19 ( 1:56.078)
32:27.421 - 34:43.968: Alex Cunningham | Fluid Racing finished lap 17 ( 2:16.546)
33:10.937 - 34:55.578: brayden tharp | covenant #blm finished lap 20 ( 1:44.640)
33:13.109 - 34:56.953: Austin Partelow | AVM finished lap 19 ( 1:43.843)
33:04.148 - 34:57.632: Brett Powers | WildSide finished lap 19 ( 1:53.484)
32:54.132 - 34:58.281: Seth Kready|Yogi finished lap 16 ( 2:04.148)
33:20.945 - 35:01.929: Logan Leitzel | Yogi finished lap 20 ( 1:40.984)
32:40.242 - 35:04.250: Jacob Kelly | Boot's House finished lap 17 ( 2:24.007)
33:26.390 - 35:13.710: dom | takatoji finished lap 19 ( 1:47.320)
35:10.554 - 35:13.710: dom | takatoji passed Joey Broadstreet for 18th
33:25.023 - 35:13.976: Joey Broadstreet finished lap 19 ( 1:48.953)
33:35.398 - 35:20.304: Hayden Stevenson | Yogi Designs finished lap 20 ( 1:44.906)
33:28.648 - 35:25.460: Emmanuel Cepeda | Takatoji finished lap 19 ( 1:56.812)
33:07.726 - 35:26.281: Joey Arico | Wonder Bread Boys finished lap 18 ( 2:18.554)
33:38.109 - 35:39.601: Ben Neronha | BMZ | Thousand Oaks finished lap 19 ( 2:01.492)
33:31.609 - 35:52.820: Evan Cormack | Steezy Films finished lap 18 ( 2:21.210)