MX Simulator - MX vs ATV Reflex StonePoint Rd2 - MatRob Designs

Overall Lap Records
1 1:16.601250sxf(2018)24314568Cameron Perkins | PMG
2 1:17.914fc450(2018)7322700bimbo
3 1:18.953fc450(2018)36632467Chase Herzog |privateer|
4 1:21.304crf450(2018)42840411big dark terry woods
5 1:22.320fc450(2018)11339269Austin Brydges | FastLap
6 1:22.945250sxf(2018)21718294Dylan Kelso I WCP
7 1:25.695250sxf(2018)2444237Zech Romney
8 1:25.890crf450(2018)12423845The big black monkey swinging in the tree tops
9 1:26.695fc450(2018)20923435pac smoka
10 1:28.687fc450(2018)42427697Tripp Graham
11 1:32.757250sxf(2018)1542141MEDO | glizzy racing
12 1:39.125crf450(2018)52435623Alex Jorgensen | SCR | MxSimClips
13 1:54.585rm250(2008)99915624Joe Motocross
14 2:07.445fc450(2018)42044235Kaleb Eddy
125 Lap Records
250f Lap Records
1 1:16.601250sxf(2018)24314568Cameron Perkins | PMG
2 1:22.945250sxf(2018)21718294Dylan Kelso I WCP
3 1:25.695250sxf(2018)2444237Zech Romney
4 1:32.757250sxf(2018)1542141MEDO | glizzy racing
250 Lap Records
1 1:54.585rm250(2008)99915624Joe Motocross
450f Lap Records
1 1:17.914fc450(2018)7322700bimbo
2 1:18.953fc450(2018)36632467Chase Herzog |privateer|
3 1:21.304crf450(2018)42840411big dark terry woods
4 1:22.320fc450(2018)11339269Austin Brydges | FastLap
5 1:25.890crf450(2018)12423845The big black monkey swinging in the tree tops
6 1:26.695fc450(2018)20923435pac smoka
7 1:28.687fc450(2018)42427697Tripp Graham
8 1:39.125crf450(2018)52435623Alex Jorgensen | SCR | MxSimClips
9 2:07.445fc450(2018)42044235Kaleb Eddy