MX Simulator F.A.Q. Screenshots Download Order Servers Links Forum - 2022 MXSEMF Supercross - rd03 San Diego

Overall Lap Records
1 0:49.093crf450(2018)319256Jannik Blume | JIBR.CO
2 0:49.140fc450(2017)2832029trevor burns | dunkin #4larry
3 0:49.570fc450(2017)411341Valtteri Tiainen | DP26 KTM
4 0:49.570fc450(2018)1634045Nick Sellahn | JIBR.CO
5 0:49.664fc450(2018)1210255Enzo Boutigny | Impact
6 0:49.687fc450(2017)511248Maxime Vanderbeek | Phil's
7 0:49.781fc450(2017)217154clint martin | galaxy | #tr666
8 0:49.851fc450(2017)725177Nathan Prin | Underground RC
9 0:49.875fc450(2018)3012581Frank Jackson #4JA
10 0:50.242fc450(2018)29134354Mads Boel | Devast Land A<3
11 0:50.281fc450(2018)2231280Steve Bonnal | Impact
12 0:50.414fc450(2018)179437Atom Holm |
13 0:50.531250sxf(2018)3242255Rasmus Balzer | Romis
14 0:50.625250sxf(2018)1923699Johan Bourdieu | Panini Motorsports
15 0:50.695fc450(2018)5218522Quentin Vasseur
16 0:50.718250sxf(2018)521774Lois Gorin | 1TF
17 0:50.726fc450(2017)2924277Joulyan Ory | Supremacy
18 0:50.734250sxf(2018)4323742maxchwalik
19 0:50.765250sxf(2018)13225763Daniel Olsson | Supremacy
20 0:50.789fc450(2018)412233Corentin Julian | Impact
21 0:50.796crf450(2018)50313841Jacob Holgersson | Burbmoto
22 0:50.804250sxf(2018)2317383Thomas Bento | Impact
23 0:50.867crf450(2018)719032Rob Claassen
24 0:50.914fc450(2017)1417932Matias Janice | Underground RC
25 0:50.945fc450(2018)1429641Aurelien Baillif | Impact
26 0:50.945crf450(2018)11625958Pablo Vial | Supremacy
27 0:50.960crf450(2018)5425349Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
28 0:50.992fc450(2017)16717921Blake O'Brien
29 0:51.015250sxf(2018)2331547Squirrely |
30 0:51.015fc450(2018)19320285Tanguy PROST|Devast Land
31 0:51.148fc450(2017)23115496dm
32 0:51.148250sxf(2018)2018203Oscar Manias | DP26 KTM
33 0:51.164250sxf(2018)1345660Rhys Harris | Wonder Bread Boys GasGas Factory Racing
34 0:51.187fc450(2017)9637851Charlie Ismay | Lusty
35 0:51.218crf450(2018)232932Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. #FreeBigSpode
36 0:51.265fc450(2018)2522165Lauren Matherly
37 0:51.265250sxf(2018)1526802Luca Schwerdtner | JIBR.CO
38 0:51.289fc450(2018)44132860Michael faggion | BFSA
39 0:51.328fc450(2018)106521Logan Heagney | Galaxy
40 0:51.359fc450(2018)6523729Alban Dubois | Devast Land
41 0:51.398fc450(2017)31337523Ruben Galvez | DP26 KTM
42 0:51.398250sxf(2018)49028509Rogan McIntosh | Phil's
43 0:51.398250sxf(2018)1805253Johnny Podonyi | Underground RC
44 0:51.429fc450(2018)9431607Joel Jonrup
45 0:51.453fc450(2018)13435445Nico Marchini | Supremacy
46 0:51.468crf450(2018)54420293DEAN | el'krakitos
47 0:51.468fc450(2018)288855Erik Haugness | Adept Creative Co.
48 0:51.492250sxf(2018)1819896Rico de Laat | ttv/Supr1co | Eyespec
49 0:51.523250sxf(2018)48642576Carson West | Eyespec
50 0:51.539fc450(2018)13847336Berre Brands | Supremacy
51 0:51.640250sxf(2018)13932796Tristan Powell | Privateer
52 0:51.687fc250(2018)407108Daniel Irvine |
53 0:51.734crf450(2018)24324468Steny Lambert | Team L2X
54 0:51.750250sxf(2018)5939172Bertram Hansen | Supremacy
55 0:51.781250sxf(2018)1111337Jack Gatland | MXS Magazine
56 0:51.828250sxf(2018)4722612Brandon Nigrin |
57 0:51.882250sxf(2018)5622185Jakob Hellkvist | Burbmoto
58 0:51.914crf450(2018)14431262Bobby BigLines | Ryno Power
59 0:51.945250sxf(2018)5537993Juan Gomez | DP26 KTM
60 0:52.000250sxf(2018)601011Javi Ruiz | DP26 KTM
61 0:52.078fc450(2018)71125469Nate van Tatenhove|Privateer
62 0:52.156fc450(2018)5338230Brandon Larsen | STANCE
63 0:52.195250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe | MSK
64 0:52.210250sxf(2018)1029698Mozart | Burbmoto
65 0:52.312fc450(2018)2048477Brett Falvey | Grown Children #4JA
66 0:52.351250sxf(2018)9834550Evan Stynes | Devast Land
67 0:52.445fc450(2018)119791Noah Karassy | NCK Decals
68 0:52.460250sxf(2018)7532560Hugo Delzenne
69 0:52.468fc450(2018)42723451Theo Pruvost
70 0:52.500fc450(2018)3806058Jordan Lacoste
71 0:52.554250sxf(2018)20737330Magnus Gregersen | Supremacy
72 0:52.601fc450(2018)3331947Jeffrey Bruns | BR Concepts
73 0:52.656fc450(2018)17216274jente akkermans
74 0:52.757fc450(2018)2333863TJ Harrison | M66
75 0:52.765250sxf(2018)36731092Brad Smith | Galaxy
76 0:52.765250sxf(2018)17429623Dylan Love | HHR
77 0:52.843250sxf(2018)31223379Hayden Stevenson | STANCE
78 0:52.859250sxf(2018)5326349Brayden Tharp | Galaxy
79 0:53.015250sxf(2018)85734905Jacob Kelly | RSD/MXS Magazine
80 0:53.062fc450(2017)67722931Jean Michel Bocquet DelTa
81 0:53.171250sxf(2018)9131221Trevor Spencer | BPC
82 0:53.242fc450(2018)15218220Benjamin Mailley
83 0:53.359250sxf(2018)8228741Trevin Thompson | Limited Decal
84 0:53.515crf450(2018)2515377Geoffrey Tremerie | privateer
85 0:53.523fc450(2018)10118628Leon Tye | FourLoko Designs
86 0:53.632250sxf(2018)18234198Talan Zollers | Covenant
87 0:53.757250sxf(2018)11238722Jonathan Hewitt | Bagditos MC
88 0:53.757250sxf(2018)64413475Lennart Schmidt | Supremacy
89 0:53.796250sxf(2018)68440266Enrique |Rising Sunlight|ttv enrique famador
90 0:53.851fc450(2017)11132402Samuel Renard | Impact
91 0:53.976250sxf(2018)32930089jeff giffen | dunkin racing
92 0:53.992250sxf(2018)10329944Filip Larsson | Eyespec
93 0:54.015250sxf(2018)32634141Charlie Owen | Salas Motorsports
94 0:54.039crf450(2018)15121806Ryan Thompson
95 0:54.070fc450(2018)25011017thomas linotte
96 0:54.093fc450(2018)89821338Sean Leenstra |
97 0:54.148250sxf(2018)78917452Chad Paulsen |
98 0:54.234250sxf(2018)48149034Richard Miller | OTB
99 0:54.398fc450(2018)29221311Dan Jones | SGUK | Flatchat Racewear
100 0:54.484250sxf(2018)80227944AEREK
101 0:54.492crf450(2018)9420486Kevin Eding | WideAwakeRacing
102 0:54.695250sxf(2018)12632265Moses Roeder | ART / HAWK
103 0:54.703250sxf(2018)7120073seth crotty | Proline Designs
104 0:54.765250sxf(2018)13328875Blake
105 0:54.773250sxf(2018)17443345Evan Holte | 760 Motorsports
106 0:54.812fc450(2018)87837617Baugniet
107 0:54.953fc450(2018)32419854Evan Welle | H&W
108 0:54.984fc450(2018)23242831Adefesio JIMENEZ|MXA
109 0:55.179250sxf(2018)1834215Landon Bartol | OneFiveDesigns
110 0:55.179250sxf(2018)31731857Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
111 0:55.234450sxf(2016)56728659Jason Felkey
112 0:55.406crf450(2018)21432938David Bradley | RSD/MXSMagazine #JM101
113 0:55.539fc450(2017)446246Aaron Walker
114 0:55.546250sxf(2018)9123317theo sieciechowicz |
115 0:55.664250sxf(2018)15544067Sofia Roberts
116 0:55.820250sxf(2018)26636891Antonin|private|266
117 0:55.851crf450(2018)23636372Dylan Houben
118 0:56.039250sxf(2018)981683Brent Heintzelman
119 0:56.335450sxf(2018)32314016Logan Mcsweeney | Unemployed
120 0:56.375250sxf(2018)15025665kauan formiguinha | msk
121 0:56.437crf450(2017)79427534Florian Bertin
122 0:56.507250sxf(2018)19039926Philip Birkenfeld | Revsy.Co
123 0:56.625250sxf(2018)41131538Alexander Lagerkvist | FourLoko
124 0:56.656250sxf(2018)2533889aaron hachi
125 0:56.664fc450(2018)14136256Adam Stynes | Revsy.Co
126 0:56.703250sxf(2018)18722064Caleb Bates|ShredCo X Stapo MX
127 0:56.906crf450(2018)52246517Eric
128 0:56.937fc450(2017)6745588vbuck scammer
129 0:57.242fc450(2018)908060Jannick Hansen | Romis
130 0:57.375250sxf(2018)13426306Pablo Goncalves | Privateer
131 0:57.414250sxf(2018)50539189late night
132 0:57.460250sxf(2018)22616305Jeremy Monceu
133 0:57.468250sxf(2018)5349207Jack Mark
134 0:57.562250sxf(2018)32130997Tomas Meneses/ chile
135 0:57.562fc450(2017)3959585Ronald Bangerl I
136 0:58.343250sxf(2018)19637362Emil saxager | Salas Motosport
137 0:58.593fc450(2018)3239646Liam Andrews | M66 YOSHIMURA SUZUKI
138 0:58.617250sxf(2018)13045740Noah Janss | 760 Motorsports
139 0:58.648250sxf(2018)10143927Ben Campbell | beanson designs x 1TF
140 0:58.750250sxf(2018)1449224Cash Woods | STR
141 0:58.828fc250(2018)80010377mathieu sgriccia | ASV Inventions
142 0:59.164250sxf(2018)30628673Julian Duvier
143 0:59.187250sxf(2018)71235357Thibaud.512
144 1:00.640fc450(2018)91921188Chicken Jo
145 1:01.000crf450(2018)1237893Alfie thorne:):12
146 1:01.187250sxf(2018)15543blars sister
147 1:02.671fc450(2018)9437825Luke Lee | M66 YOSHIMURA SUZUKI
148 1:02.835250sxf(2018)7538908Arnaud Evrard | Revsy.Co
149 1:04.476250sxf(2018)12340967Connor Austin | Stapo
150 1:05.257fc450(2018)8325371Jack Borg | NCKDecals
151 1:05.492fc450(2018)85339155Tybo Tytgat
152 1:08.164250sxf(2018)32476Anonymous
153 1:12.406250sxf(2018)32918914Ty Sharp | PinnedMotosports
154 1:12.437250sxf(2018)55643102Oli Wickers | Entity MotoSport
155 1:12.570crf450(2018)2248971Leo Salaun / 22 / VRC MxsTeam /
156 1:14.484250sxf(2018)5044029Cedric Grobben
157 1:15.023250sxf(2018)53532875Morgan Hurault
158 1:15.671crf450(2018)5034733DWIZY || 50 || LDMX
159 1:17.890250sxf(2018)23712946Bryan Hedge | Ryno Power
160 1:21.882250sxf(2018)13246886Kai Koepke | OneFiveDesigns
161 2:18.921250sxf(2018)629305Evan Demeester | AJE motorsports
125 Lap Records
250f Lap Records
1 0:50.531250sxf(2018)3242255Rasmus Balzer | Romis
2 0:50.625250sxf(2018)1923699Johan Bourdieu | Panini Motorsports
3 0:50.718250sxf(2018)521774Lois Gorin | 1TF
4 0:50.734250sxf(2018)4323742maxchwalik
5 0:50.765250sxf(2018)13225763Daniel Olsson | Supremacy
6 0:50.804250sxf(2018)2317383Thomas Bento | Impact
7 0:51.015250sxf(2018)2331547Squirrely |
8 0:51.148250sxf(2018)2018203Oscar Manias | DP26 KTM
9 0:51.164250sxf(2018)1345660Rhys Harris | Wonder Bread Boys GasGas Factory Racing
10 0:51.265250sxf(2018)1526802Luca Schwerdtner | JIBR.CO
11 0:51.398250sxf(2018)49028509Rogan McIntosh | Phil's
12 0:51.398250sxf(2018)1805253Johnny Podonyi | Underground RC
13 0:51.492250sxf(2018)1819896Rico de Laat | ttv/Supr1co | Eyespec
14 0:51.523250sxf(2018)48642576Carson West | Eyespec
15 0:51.640250sxf(2018)13932796Tristan Powell | Privateer
16 0:51.687fc250(2018)407108Daniel Irvine |
17 0:51.742250sxf(2018)23115496DM
18 0:51.750250sxf(2018)5939172Bertram Hansen | Supremacy
19 0:51.781250sxf(2018)1111337Jack Gatland | MXS Magazine
20 0:51.828250sxf(2018)4722612Brandon Nigrin |
21 0:51.882250sxf(2018)5622185Jakob Hellkvist | Burbmoto
22 0:51.945250sxf(2018)5537993Juan Gomez | DP26 KTM
23 0:52.000250sxf(2018)601011Javi Ruiz | DP26 KTM
24 0:52.195250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe | MSK
25 0:52.210250sxf(2018)1029698Mozart | Burbmoto
26 0:52.226250sxf(2018)2231280Steve Bonnal | Impact
27 0:52.351250sxf(2018)9834550Evan Stynes | Devast Land
28 0:52.460250sxf(2018)7532560Hugo Delzenne
29 0:52.554250sxf(2018)20737330Magnus Gregersen | Supremacy
30 0:52.765250sxf(2018)36731092Brad Smith | Galaxy
31 0:52.765250sxf(2018)17429623Dylan Love | HHR
32 0:52.843250sxf(2018)31223379Hayden Stevenson | STANCE
33 0:52.859250sxf(2018)5326349Brayden Tharp | Galaxy
34 0:53.015250sxf(2018)85734905Jacob Kelly | RSD/MXS Magazine
35 0:53.171250sxf(2018)9131221Trevor Spencer | BPC
36 0:53.359250sxf(2018)8228741Trevin Thompson | Limited Decal
37 0:53.632250sxf(2018)18234198Talan Zollers | Covenant
38 0:53.757250sxf(2018)64413475Lennart Schmidt | Supremacy
39 0:53.757250sxf(2018)11238722Jonathan Hewitt | Bagditos MC
40 0:53.796250sxf(2018)68440266Enrique |Rising Sunlight|ttv enrique famador
41 0:53.976250sxf(2018)32930089jeff giffen | dunkin racing
42 0:53.992250sxf(2018)10329944Filip Larsson | Eyespec
43 0:54.015250sxf(2018)32634141Charlie Owen | Salas Motorsports
44 0:54.148250sxf(2018)78917452Chad Paulsen |
45 0:54.234250sxf(2018)48149034Richard Miller | OTB
46 0:54.484250sxf(2018)80227944AEREK
47 0:54.695250sxf(2018)12632265Moses Roeder | ART / HAWK
48 0:54.703250sxf(2018)7120073seth crotty | Proline Designs
49 0:54.765250sxf(2018)13328875Blake
50 0:54.773250sxf(2018)17443345Evan Holte | 760 Motorsports
51 0:55.117250sxf(2018)71125469Nate van Tatenhove|Privateer
52 0:55.179250sxf(2018)31731857Christopher McPherson Jr | Boot's House
53 0:55.179250sxf(2018)1834215Landon Bartol | OneFiveDesigns
54 0:55.546250sxf(2018)9123317theo sieciechowicz |
55 0:55.664250sxf(2018)15544067Sofia Roberts
56 0:55.820250sxf(2018)26636891Antonin|private|266
57 0:56.039250sxf(2018)981683Brent Heintzelman
58 0:56.375250sxf(2018)15025665kauan formiguinha | msk
59 0:56.429250sxf(2018)23636372Dylan Houben
60 0:56.507250sxf(2018)19039926Philip Birkenfeld | Revsy.Co
61 0:56.625250sxf(2018)41131538Alexander Lagerkvist | FourLoko
62 0:56.656250sxf(2018)2533889aaron hachi
63 0:56.703250sxf(2018)18722064Caleb Bates|ShredCo X Stapo MX
64 0:57.375250sxf(2018)13426306Pablo Goncalves | Privateer
65 0:57.414250sxf(2018)50539189late night
66 0:57.460250sxf(2018)22616305Jeremy Monceu
67 0:57.468250sxf(2018)5349207Jack Mark
68 0:57.562250sxf(2018)32130997Tomas Meneses/ chile
69 0:58.343250sxf(2018)19637362Emil saxager | Salas Motosport
70 0:58.617250sxf(2018)13045740Noah Janss | 760 Motorsports
71 0:58.648250sxf(2018)10143927Ben Campbell | beanson designs x 1TF
72 0:58.750250sxf(2018)1449224Cash Woods | STR
73 0:58.828fc250(2018)80010377mathieu sgriccia | ASV Inventions
74 0:59.164250sxf(2018)30628673Julian Duvier
75 0:59.187250sxf(2018)71235357Thibaud.512
76 0:59.796250sxf(2018)5425349Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
77 1:01.187250sxf(2018)15543blars sister
78 1:02.835250sxf(2018)7538908Arnaud Evrard | Revsy.Co
79 1:04.476250sxf(2018)12340967Connor Austin | Stapo
80 1:08.164250sxf(2018)32476Anonymous
81 1:12.406250sxf(2018)32918914Ty Sharp | PinnedMotosports
82 1:12.437250sxf(2018)55643102Oli Wickers | Entity MotoSport
83 1:14.406250sxf(2018)79427534Florian Bertin
84 1:14.484250sxf(2018)5044029Cedric Grobben
85 1:15.023250sxf(2018)53532875Morgan Hurault
86 1:17.890250sxf(2018)23712946Bryan Hedge | Ryno Power
87 1:21.882250sxf(2018)13246886Kai Koepke | OneFiveDesigns
88 1:31.460250sxf(2018)5034733DWIZY | David CHIRENT |LDMX
89 2:18.921250sxf(2018)629305Evan Demeester | AJE motorsports
250 Lap Records
450f Lap Records
1 0:49.093crf450(2018)319256Jannik Blume | JIBR.CO
2 0:49.140fc450(2017)2832029trevor burns | dunkin #4larry
3 0:49.570fc450(2017)411341Valtteri Tiainen | DP26 KTM
4 0:49.570fc450(2018)1634045Nick Sellahn | JIBR.CO
5 0:49.664fc450(2018)1210255Enzo Boutigny | Impact
6 0:49.687fc450(2017)511248Maxime Vanderbeek | Phil's
7 0:49.781fc450(2017)217154clint martin | galaxy | #tr666
8 0:49.851fc450(2017)725177Nathan Prin | Underground RC
9 0:49.875fc450(2018)3012581Frank Jackson #4JA
10 0:50.242fc450(2018)29134354Mads Boel | Devast Land A<3
11 0:50.281fc450(2018)2231280Steve Bonnal | Impact
12 0:50.414fc450(2018)179437Atom Holm |
13 0:50.695fc450(2018)5218522Quentin Vasseur
14 0:50.726fc450(2017)2924277Joulyan Ory | Supremacy
15 0:50.789fc450(2018)412233Corentin Julian | Impact
16 0:50.796crf450(2018)50313841Jacob Holgersson | Burbmoto
17 0:50.867crf450(2018)719032Rob Claassen
18 0:50.890fc450(2018)13225763Daniel Olsson | Supremacy
19 0:50.914fc450(2017)1417932Matias Janice | Underground RC
20 0:50.945crf450(2018)11625958Pablo Vial | Supremacy
21 0:50.945fc450(2018)1429641Aurelien Baillif | Impact
22 0:50.960crf450(2018)5425349Erin Rockafellow | Underground RC |
23 0:50.992fc450(2017)16717921Blake O'Brien
24 0:51.015fc450(2018)19320285Tanguy PROST|Devast Land
25 0:51.148fc450(2017)23115496dm
26 0:51.187fc450(2017)9637851Charlie Ismay | Lusty
27 0:51.218crf450(2018)232932Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co. #FreeBigSpode
28 0:51.265fc450(2018)2522165Lauren Matherly
29 0:51.289fc450(2018)44132860Michael faggion | BFSA
30 0:51.328fc450(2018)106521Logan Heagney | Galaxy
31 0:51.359fc450(2018)6523729Alban Dubois | Devast Land
32 0:51.398fc450(2017)31337523Ruben Galvez | DP26 KTM
33 0:51.429fc450(2018)9431607Joel Jonrup
34 0:51.453fc450(2018)13435445Nico Marchini | Supremacy
35 0:51.468crf450(2018)54420293DEAN | el'krakitos
36 0:51.468fc450(2018)288855Erik Haugness | Adept Creative Co.
37 0:51.539fc450(2018)13847336Berre Brands | Supremacy
38 0:51.734crf450(2018)24324468Steny Lambert | Team L2X
39 0:51.914crf450(2018)14431262Bobby BigLines | Ryno Power
40 0:52.078fc450(2018)71125469Nate van Tatenhove|Privateer
41 0:52.156fc450(2018)5338230Brandon Larsen | STANCE
42 0:52.312fc450(2018)2048477Brett Falvey | Grown Children #4JA
43 0:52.445fc450(2018)119791Noah Karassy | NCK Decals
44 0:52.468fc450(2018)42723451Theo Pruvost
45 0:52.500fc450(2018)3806058Jordan Lacoste
46 0:52.601fc450(2018)3331947Jeffrey Bruns | BR Concepts
47 0:52.656fc450(2018)17216274jente akkermans
48 0:52.757fc450(2018)2333863TJ Harrison | M66
49 0:53.062fc450(2017)67722931Jean Michel Bocquet DelTa
50 0:53.242fc450(2018)15218220Benjamin Mailley
51 0:53.515crf450(2018)2515377Geoffrey Tremerie | privateer
52 0:53.523fc450(2018)10118628Leon Tye | FourLoko Designs
53 0:53.851fc450(2017)11132402Samuel Renard | Impact
54 0:54.039crf450(2018)15121806Ryan Thompson
55 0:54.070fc450(2018)25011017thomas linotte
56 0:54.093fc450(2018)89821338Sean Leenstra |
57 0:54.398fc450(2018)29221311Dan Jones | SGUK | Flatchat Racewear
58 0:54.492crf450(2018)9420486Kevin Eding | WideAwakeRacing
59 0:54.773fc450(2018)32634141Charlie Owen | CA Designs
60 0:54.812fc450(2018)87837617Baugniet
61 0:54.953fc450(2018)32419854Evan Welle | H&W
62 0:54.984fc450(2018)23242831Adefesio JIMENEZ|MXA
63 0:55.234450sxf(2016)56728659Jason Felkey
64 0:55.406crf450(2018)21432938David Bradley | RSD/MXSMagazine #JM101
65 0:55.539fc450(2017)446246Aaron Walker
66 0:55.851crf450(2018)23636372Dylan Houben
67 0:56.335450sxf(2018)32314016Logan Mcsweeney | Unemployed
68 0:56.437crf450(2017)79427534Florian Bertin
69 0:56.664fc450(2018)14136256Adam Stynes | Revsy.Co
70 0:56.906crf450(2018)52246517Eric
71 0:56.937fc450(2017)6745588vbuck scammer
72 0:57.242fc450(2018)908060Jannick Hansen | Romis
73 0:57.562fc450(2017)3959585Ronald Bangerl I
74 0:58.593fc450(2018)3239646Liam Andrews | M66 YOSHIMURA SUZUKI
75 1:00.640fc450(2018)91921188Chicken Jo
76 1:01.000crf450(2018)1237893Alfie thorne:):12
77 1:02.671fc450(2018)9437825Luke Lee | M66 YOSHIMURA SUZUKI
78 1:03.593fc450(2017)049207Jack Mark
79 1:05.257fc450(2018)8325371Jack Borg | NCKDecals
80 1:05.492fc450(2018)85339155Tybo Tytgat
81 1:12.570crf450(2018)2248971Leo Salaun / 22 / VRC MxsTeam /
82 1:15.671crf450(2018)5034733DWIZY || 50 || LDMX
83 1:51.960fc450(2018)5044029Cedric Grobben