MX Simulator F.A.Q. Screenshots Download Order Servers Links Forum - 2022 MXSEMF Supercross - rd02 Oakland

Overall Lap Records
1 0:58.421fc450(2017)2525177Nathan Prin | Underground RC
2 0:58.445fc450(2018)2423901Colby Egeland | Panini Motorsports
3 0:58.468fc450(2017)12232029trevor burns | evp #4larry
4 0:58.640fc450(2017)118235Braden Carter | Phil's
5 0:58.875fc450(2017)123267austin ecklund | galaxy #4Jrose
6 0:58.890crf450(2018)2317154Clint Martin | Galaxy
7 0:58.953fc450(2017)223127Riley Hughan | Galaxy
8 0:59.046fc450(2018)1210255Enzo Boutigny | Impact
9 0:59.046250sxf(2018)10530293Jett Holyhead | Covenant
10 0:59.320fc450(2018)60121Daniel Mills | Jack Daniel's Racing
11 0:59.609250sxf(2018)5723699Johan Bourdieu | Panini Motorsports
12 0:59.664250sxf(2018)1345660Rhys Harris | Wonder Bread Boys GasGas Factory Racing
13 0:59.687fc450(2017)1805253Johnny Podonyi | Underground RC
14 0:59.835fc450(2018)2334045Nick Sellahn | JIBR.CO
15 0:59.914fc450(2018)106521Logan Heagney | Galaxy
16 0:59.945crf450(2018)2725958Pablo Vial | Supremacy
17 1:00.093crf450(2018)1825349Erin Rockafellow | Revsy.Co |
18 1:00.187crf450(2018)1432932Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co.
19 1:00.242fc450(2018)44132860Michael faggion | BFSA
20 1:00.312250sxf(2018)13225763Daniel Olsson | Supremacy
21 1:00.367250sxf(2018)521774Lois Gorin
22 1:00.375250sxf(2018)3815629Holden Cote | Proline Designs
23 1:00.406fc450(2018)42936676Alex Griffiths | Bakery
24 1:00.414fc450(2017)36121275austin schafer
25 1:00.421fc450(2018)23115496Dale Mullins
26 1:00.460250sxf(2018)4417383Thomas Bento | Impact
27 1:00.609fc450(2018)1819896Rico de Laat | ttv/Supr1co | Eyespec
28 1:00.703250sxf(2018)4431403John Hileman | Phil's
29 1:00.734crf450(2018)2434825Brody Barton
30 1:00.812crf450(2018)482141Emilien Mabru \ Supremacy
31 1:00.820250sxf(2018)6926802Luca Schwerdtner | JIBR.CO
32 1:00.835crf450(2018)25149207Jack Mark | Revsy.Co
33 1:00.875fc450(2018)31280Steve Bonnal | Impact
34 1:00.937fc450(2018)56110047Caleb Hall | Race Factory Gaming
35 1:00.953fc450(2018)8035445Nico Marchini | Supremacy
36 1:00.968fc450(2018)29134354Mads Boel A<3
37 1:01.257250sxf(2018)179437Atom Holm |
38 1:01.281250sxf(2018)2119554Alec Horn | Pushin P/1TF
39 1:01.289fc450(2018)739752Nathan Denny | Galaxy
40 1:01.367250sxf(2018)4824454Alex Kerr | Jack Daniel's Racing
41 1:01.375fc450(2017)67722931Jean Michel Bocquet DelTa
42 1:01.554250sxf(2018)5731221Trevor Spencer | BPC
43 1:01.593250sxf(2018)8228741Trevin Thompson | Limited Decal
44 1:01.609fc450(2017)829145Andreas Bager | Supremacy
45 1:01.609250sxf(2018)13932796Tristan Powell | Privateer
46 1:01.609crf450(2018)734901Shaun Hambrook | Eyespec
47 1:01.664fc450(2018)1288060Jannick Hansen | Romis
48 1:01.703fc450(2018)47131607Joel Jonrup
49 1:01.757crf450(2018)719032Rob Claassen
50 1:01.914fc450(2018)13942831Adefesio JIMENEZ|MXA
51 1:01.976fc450(2018)3421698Magnus Hastrup | Romis
52 1:02.093250sxf(2018)5323106Loris Modard | RDS/MXS Magazine
53 1:02.148crf450(2018)40332889Jett Wisdom |
54 1:02.273250sxf(2018)57333872Nate Brough | Vurbmoto
55 1:02.320250sxf(2018)31223379Hayden Stevenson | AEO
56 1:02.421250sxf(2018)3742576Carson West | Lusty
57 1:02.484250sxf(2018)36731092Brad Smith | Galaxy
58 1:02.507fc450(2018)80227944JOSH DALGLISH
59 1:02.609fc450(2018)2018628Leon Tye | FLD
60 1:02.679fc450(2018)11238722Jonathan Hewitt | Bagditos MC
61 1:02.742fc450(2018)288855Erik Haugness | Adept Creative Co.
62 1:02.750250sxf(2018)7337458JR Reyes | VSR
63 1:02.796250sxf(2018)13422185Jakob Hellkvist | Burbmoto
64 1:02.835250sxf(2018)8230022Noah McLaughlin | Limited Decal
65 1:02.843fc450(2017)31337523Ruben Galvez | DP26 KTM
66 1:02.882250sxf(2018)2018203Oscar Manias | DP26 KTM
67 1:02.976250sxf(2018)698501Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.COM
68 1:03.000250sxf(2016)9834550Evan Stynes | Devast Land
69 1:03.046250sxf(2018)48129598Brandon Holmes |
70 1:03.078fc450(2018)56735544Riley Owensby | AEO
71 1:03.093250sxf(2018)31922504Chris Post
72 1:03.156250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe | MSK
73 1:03.257fc450(2018)10328133Jake Bedford
74 1:03.265250sxf(2018)21839326Mack Spokes | Galaxy
75 1:03.343250sxf(2018)11819865Melton | AEO
76 1:03.343fc450(2018)9273449Fernando Andrade
77 1:03.437crf450(2018)7434280Clement Potensier |
78 1:03.437250sxf(2018)27543927Ben Campbell | District designs x 1TF
79 1:03.492250sxf(2018)9037330Magnus Gregersen | Supremacy
80 1:03.679crf450(2018)15121806Ryan Thompson
81 1:03.796250sxf(2018)64413475Lennart Schmidt | Supremacy
82 1:03.812250sxf(2018)402642Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
83 1:03.851250sxf(2018)58533882Braydan Willett | Wonder Bread Boys
84 1:03.921crf450(2018)4155726Cody Schat
85 1:04.250250sxf(2018)17443345Evan Holte | 760 Motorsports
86 1:04.351fc450(2018)2333863TJ Harrison | M66
87 1:04.718250sxf(2018)15025665kauan formiguinha | msk
88 1:04.789250sxf(2018)32634141Charlie Owen | Salas Motorsports
89 1:04.804250sxf(2018)32930089jeff giffen | dunkin racing
90 1:04.882250sxf(2018)13734325Ryan Swanson |
91 1:04.937250sxf(2018)82834999Joey Arico |
92 1:04.945250sxf(2018)4249161Lucas King | Lusty
93 1:04.976250sxf(2018)6829914Kyel Lins | Revsy.Co #RENE711
94 1:04.992250sxf(2018)73317892JoJo Dashosh | ZYN
95 1:05.140fc450(2018)6716245Diego Ferreira | MSK
96 1:05.242250sxf(2018)15540266Enrique |privateer|ttv enrique famador
97 1:05.304450sxf(2018)30438790Ethan Lenox | CA Designs
98 1:05.429250sxf(2018)16535738Taj Moore | VSR
99 1:05.593fc450(2018)82226131Matteo Sabina | BFSA Factory
100 1:05.726250sxf(2018)12632265Moses Roeder | ART / HAWK
101 1:05.820250sxf(2018)13045740Noah Janss | 760 Motorsports
102 1:05.929250sxf(2018)8930520Brodie Jenner | Privateer
103 1:06.046crf450(2018)59219520Tommy Dallaire
104 1:06.257crf450(2018)25330852Luca Buerger | Revsy.Co
105 1:06.406crf450(2017)15936289LoL
106 1:06.648250sxf(2018)28438384K'Jae Thompson | 760 Motorsports
107 1:06.726250sxf(2018)19637362Emil saxager | Salas Motosport
108 1:06.726250sxf(2018)2334681Emil Houle / DTR Crew / AJE
109 1:06.757250sxf(2018)4221287Zachary Cook | Rockwall Powersports
110 1:06.867250sxf(2018)78917452Chad Paulsen | Privateer
111 1:07.039250sxf(2018)13426306Pablo Goncalves | Privateer
112 1:07.320250sxf(2018)1630365William Stromberg
113 1:07.375250sxf(2018)30628673Julian Duvier | MX Vice
114 1:08.007fc450(2018)13647335Bjorn Verkoyen | DTR Crew
115 1:08.054250sxf(2018)23636372Dylan Houben
116 1:08.304fc450(2017)1839599caiden gross |
117 1:08.445250sxf(2018)4434467Zane Dorrell Privateer
118 1:08.453fc450(2018)138323griffo
119 1:08.718250sxf(2018)29438908Arnaud Evrard | Revsy.Co
120 1:08.851250sxf(2018)74428649Nils Audheon
121 1:08.929250sxf(2018)19246921nathan | bagditos
122 1:08.976250sxf(2017)73738545javier madero Revsy.Co
123 1:09.257fc450(2018)14136256Adam Stynes | Revsy.Co
124 1:09.335250sxf(2018)2238935evan kelm
125 1:09.445250sxf(2018)20234031Pierre Maria | RD Work x ClubMX
126 1:09.789250sxf(2018)2533889aaron hachi
127 1:10.007fc450(2018)10922496clement//109
128 1:10.054250sxf(2018)19621809Brock Ballinger `
129 1:10.132250sxf(2018)3242255Rasmus Balzer | Romis
130 1:10.328250sxf(2018)930225Gabriel Desbiens
131 1:11.015250sxf(2018)23633700Kylian Dumoulin
132 1:11.070fc450(2018)15033408koa scott
133 1:11.273fc450(2018)3239646Liam Andrews | M66 YOSHIMURA SUZUKI
134 1:11.742250sxf(2018)13328875Blake
135 1:11.765250sxf(2018)5597834Jake Jones
136 1:12.648450sxf(2018)9892844Nevala
137 1:12.937250sxf(2018)39724664Jack Schneiberg | 397 designs
138 1:13.531crf450(2018)14431262Bobby BigLines | Ryno Power
139 1:13.781crf450(2018)1239883Maximilien BENARD-MxSchoolRacingTeam
140 1:14.578250sxf(2018)18138544Luis Madero | Revsy.Co
141 1:15.257crf450(2018)4041Tobias Resebo
142 1:16.093250sxf(2018)2242987Teo Zomero | 224
143 1:16.984crf450(2018)8125134Trystan
144 1:20.804250sxf(2018)28730181Jack Clancy |
145 1:22.156250sxf(2018)83435768Timote Ceulemans #834 |gasgas
146 1:23.359250sxf(2018)7540575Billy Pasfield | Coyote Racing
147 1:25.429450sxf(2018)40639879Kilian GUINIER-MxSchoolRacingTeam
148 1:25.625fc450(2018)56337045Jordon Darby
149 1:33.937450sxf(2018)32224182Richard
150 1:34.632250sxf(2018)17130329Aaron MacDonald
151 1:36.046250sxf(2018)72843642Lenny Debaroni |977 | Privater
152 1:37.343fc250(2018)80010377mathieu sgriccia | ASV Inventions
153 1:58.742250sxf(2018)28631164kelvin|
125 Lap Records
250f Lap Records
1 0:58.921250sxf(2018)2525177Nathan Prin | Underground RC
2 0:59.046250sxf(2018)10530293Jett Holyhead | Covenant
3 0:59.609250sxf(2018)5723699Johan Bourdieu | Panini Motorsports
4 0:59.664250sxf(2018)1345660Rhys Harris | Wonder Bread Boys GasGas Factory Racing
5 1:00.312250sxf(2018)13225763Daniel Olsson | Supremacy
6 1:00.367250sxf(2018)521774Lois Gorin
7 1:00.375250sxf(2018)3815629Holden Cote | Proline Designs
8 1:00.460250sxf(2018)4417383Thomas Bento | Impact
9 1:00.703250sxf(2018)4431403John Hileman | Phil's
10 1:00.820250sxf(2018)6926802Luca Schwerdtner | JIBR.CO
11 1:01.257250sxf(2018)179437Atom Holm |
12 1:01.281250sxf(2018)2119554Alec Horn | Pushin P/1TF
13 1:01.367250sxf(2018)4824454Alex Kerr | Jack Daniel's Racing
14 1:01.554250sxf(2018)5731221Trevor Spencer | BPC
15 1:01.593250sxf(2018)8228741Trevin Thompson | Limited Decal
16 1:01.609250sxf(2018)1819896Rico de Laat | ttv/Supr1co | Eyespec
17 1:01.609250sxf(2018)13932796Tristan Powell | Privateer
18 1:02.023250sxf(2018)23115496Dale Mullins
19 1:02.093250sxf(2018)5323106Loris Modard | RDS/MXS Magazine
20 1:02.101250sxf(2018)42936676Alex Griffiths | Undefined
21 1:02.273250sxf(2018)57333872Nate Brough | Vurbmoto
22 1:02.320250sxf(2018)31223379Hayden Stevenson | AEO
23 1:02.421250sxf(2018)3742576Carson West | Lusty
24 1:02.484250sxf(2018)36731092Brad Smith | Galaxy
25 1:02.609250sxf(2018)2317154Clint Martin | Galaxy
26 1:02.750250sxf(2018)7337458JR Reyes | VSR
27 1:02.796250sxf(2018)13422185Jakob Hellkvist | Burbmoto
28 1:02.828250sxf(2018)80227944JOSH DALGLISH
29 1:02.835250sxf(2018)8230022Noah McLaughlin | Limited Decal
30 1:02.882250sxf(2018)2018203Oscar Manias | DP26 KTM
31 1:02.914250sxf(2018)719032Rob Claassen
32 1:02.976250sxf(2018)698501Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.COM
33 1:03.000250sxf(2016)9834550Evan Stynes | Devast Land
34 1:03.046250sxf(2018)48129598Brandon Holmes |
35 1:03.093250sxf(2018)31922504Chris Post
36 1:03.156250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe | MSK
37 1:03.265250sxf(2018)21839326Mack Spokes | Galaxy
38 1:03.343250sxf(2018)11819865Melton | AEO
39 1:03.437250sxf(2018)27543927Ben Campbell | District designs x 1TF
40 1:03.492250sxf(2018)9037330Magnus Gregersen | Supremacy
41 1:03.687250sxf(2018)11238722Jonathan Hewitt | Bagditos MC
42 1:03.796250sxf(2018)64413475Lennart Schmidt | Supremacy
43 1:03.812250sxf(2018)402642Brett Powers | the general insurance | WildSide
44 1:03.851250sxf(2018)58533882Braydan Willett | Wonder Bread Boys
45 1:04.250250sxf(2018)17443345Evan Holte | 760 Motorsports
46 1:04.718250sxf(2018)15025665kauan formiguinha | msk
47 1:04.789250sxf(2018)32634141Charlie Owen | Salas Motorsports
48 1:04.804250sxf(2018)32930089jeff giffen | dunkin racing
49 1:04.882250sxf(2018)13734325Ryan Swanson |
50 1:04.937250sxf(2018)82834999Joey Arico |
51 1:04.945250sxf(2018)4249161Lucas King | Lusty
52 1:04.976250sxf(2018)6829914Kyel Lins | Revsy.Co #RENE711
53 1:04.992250sxf(2018)73317892JoJo Dashosh | ZYN
54 1:05.242250sxf(2018)15540266Enrique |privateer|ttv enrique famador
55 1:05.429250sxf(2018)16535738Taj Moore | VSR
56 1:05.554250sxf(2018)288855Erik Haugness | Adept Creative Co.
57 1:05.726250sxf(2018)12632265Moses Roeder | ART / HAWK
58 1:05.820250sxf(2018)13045740Noah Janss | 760 Motorsports
59 1:05.843250sxf(2018)25149207Jack Mark | Revsy.Co
60 1:05.929250sxf(2018)8930520Brodie Jenner | Privateer
61 1:06.648250sxf(2018)28438384K'Jae Thompson | 760 Motorsports
62 1:06.726250sxf(2018)2334681Emil Houle / DTR Crew / AJE
63 1:06.726250sxf(2018)19637362Emil saxager | Salas Motosport
64 1:06.757250sxf(2018)4221287Zachary Cook | Rockwall Powersports
65 1:06.867250sxf(2018)78917452Chad Paulsen | Privateer
66 1:07.039250sxf(2018)13426306Pablo Goncalves | Privateer
67 1:07.320250sxf(2018)1630365William Stromberg
68 1:07.375250sxf(2018)30628673Julian Duvier | MX Vice
69 1:07.539250sxf(2018)15121806Ryan Thompson
70 1:08.054250sxf(2018)23636372Dylan Houben
71 1:08.445250sxf(2018)4434467Zane Dorrell Privateer
72 1:08.718250sxf(2018)29438908Arnaud Evrard | Revsy.Co
73 1:08.851250sxf(2018)74428649Nils Audheon
74 1:08.929250sxf(2018)19246921nathan | bagditos
75 1:08.976250sxf(2017)73738545javier madero Revsy.Co
76 1:09.335250sxf(2018)2238935evan kelm
77 1:09.445250sxf(2018)20234031Pierre Maria | RD Work x ClubMX
78 1:09.789250sxf(2018)2533889aaron hachi
79 1:10.054250sxf(2018)19621809Brock Ballinger `
80 1:10.132250sxf(2018)3242255Rasmus Balzer | Romis
81 1:10.328250sxf(2018)930225Gabriel Desbiens
82 1:11.015250sxf(2018)23633700Kylian Dumoulin
83 1:11.742250sxf(2018)13328875Blake
84 1:11.765250sxf(2018)5597834Jake Jones
85 1:12.937250sxf(2018)39724664Jack Schneiberg | 397 designs
86 1:14.578250sxf(2018)18138544Luis Madero | Revsy.Co
87 1:16.093250sxf(2018)2242987Teo Zomero | 224
88 1:20.804250sxf(2018)28730181Jack Clancy |
89 1:22.156250sxf(2018)83435768Timote Ceulemans #834 |gasgas
90 1:23.359250sxf(2018)7540575Billy Pasfield | Coyote Racing
91 1:24.171250sxf(2018)1239883Maximilien BENARD-MxSchoolRacingTeam
92 1:25.679250sxf(2018)15936289Alex Schneider | EVP
93 1:25.960crf250(2018)4041joemama motocross
94 1:34.632250sxf(2018)17130329Aaron MacDonald
95 1:36.046250sxf(2018)72843642Lenny Debaroni |977 | Privater
96 1:37.343fc250(2018)80010377mathieu sgriccia | ASV Inventions
97 1:58.742250sxf(2018)28631164kelvin|
250 Lap Records
450f Lap Records
1 0:58.421fc450(2017)2525177Nathan Prin | Underground RC
2 0:58.445fc450(2018)2423901Colby Egeland | Panini Motorsports
3 0:58.468fc450(2017)12232029trevor burns | evp #4larry
4 0:58.640fc450(2017)118235Braden Carter | Phil's
5 0:58.875fc450(2017)123267austin ecklund | galaxy #4Jrose
6 0:58.890crf450(2018)2317154Clint Martin | Galaxy
7 0:58.953fc450(2017)223127Riley Hughan | Galaxy
8 0:59.046fc450(2018)1210255Enzo Boutigny | Impact
9 0:59.320fc450(2018)60121Daniel Mills | Jack Daniel's Racing
10 0:59.687fc450(2017)1805253Johnny Podonyi | Underground RC
11 0:59.835fc450(2018)2334045Nick Sellahn | JIBR.CO
12 0:59.914fc450(2018)106521Logan Heagney | Galaxy
13 0:59.945crf450(2018)2725958Pablo Vial | Supremacy
14 1:00.093crf450(2018)1825349Erin Rockafellow | Revsy.Co |
15 1:00.093fc450(2018)5723699Johan Bourdieu | Panini Motorsports
16 1:00.187crf450(2018)1432932Kodi Saunderson | The Bakery Film co.
17 1:00.242fc450(2018)44132860Michael faggion | BFSA
18 1:00.406fc450(2018)42936676Alex Griffiths | Bakery
19 1:00.414fc450(2017)36121275austin schafer
20 1:00.421fc450(2018)23115496Dale Mullins
21 1:00.609fc450(2018)1819896Rico de Laat | ttv/Supr1co | Eyespec
22 1:00.734crf450(2018)2434825Brody Barton
23 1:00.812crf450(2018)482141Emilien Mabru \ Supremacy
24 1:00.835crf450(2018)25149207Jack Mark | Revsy.Co
25 1:00.875fc450(2018)31280Steve Bonnal | Impact
26 1:00.937fc450(2018)56110047Caleb Hall | Race Factory Gaming
27 1:00.953fc450(2018)8035445Nico Marchini | Supremacy
28 1:00.968fc450(2018)29134354Mads Boel A<3
29 1:01.289fc450(2018)739752Nathan Denny | Galaxy
30 1:01.375fc450(2017)67722931Jean Michel Bocquet DelTa
31 1:01.609fc450(2017)829145Andreas Bager | Supremacy
32 1:01.609crf450(2018)734901Shaun Hambrook | Eyespec
33 1:01.664fc450(2018)1288060Jannick Hansen | Romis
34 1:01.703fc450(2018)47131607Joel Jonrup
35 1:01.757crf450(2018)719032Rob Claassen
36 1:01.914fc450(2018)13942831Adefesio JIMENEZ|MXA
37 1:01.976fc450(2018)3421698Magnus Hastrup | Romis
38 1:02.148crf450(2018)40332889Jett Wisdom |
39 1:02.507fc450(2018)80227944JOSH DALGLISH
40 1:02.609fc450(2018)2018628Leon Tye | FLD
41 1:02.679fc450(2018)11238722Jonathan Hewitt | Bagditos MC
42 1:02.742fc450(2018)288855Erik Haugness | Adept Creative Co.
43 1:02.843fc450(2017)31337523Ruben Galvez | DP26 KTM
44 1:03.078fc450(2018)56735544Riley Owensby | AEO
45 1:03.257fc450(2018)10328133Jake Bedford
46 1:03.343fc450(2018)9273449Fernando Andrade
47 1:03.437crf450(2018)7434280Clement Potensier |
48 1:03.679crf450(2018)15121806Ryan Thompson
49 1:03.921crf450(2018)4155726Cody Schat
50 1:04.351fc450(2018)2333863TJ Harrison | M66
51 1:05.140fc450(2018)6716245Diego Ferreira | MSK
52 1:05.304450sxf(2018)30438790Ethan Lenox | CA Designs
53 1:05.593fc450(2018)82226131Matteo Sabina | BFSA Factory
54 1:06.046crf450(2018)59219520Tommy Dallaire
55 1:06.257crf450(2018)25330852Luca Buerger | Revsy.Co
56 1:06.406crf450(2017)15936289LoL
57 1:08.007fc450(2018)13647335Bjorn Verkoyen | DTR Crew
58 1:08.304fc450(2017)1839599caiden gross |
59 1:08.453fc450(2018)138323griffo
60 1:09.257fc450(2018)14136256Adam Stynes | Revsy.Co
61 1:10.007fc450(2018)10922496clement//109
62 1:11.070fc450(2018)15033408koa scott
63 1:11.273fc450(2018)3239646Liam Andrews | M66 YOSHIMURA SUZUKI
64 1:12.648450sxf(2018)9892844Nevala
65 1:13.531crf450(2018)14431262Bobby BigLines | Ryno Power
66 1:13.781crf450(2018)1239883Maximilien BENARD-MxSchoolRacingTeam
67 1:15.257crf450(2018)4041Tobias Resebo
68 1:16.984crf450(2018)8125134Trystan
69 1:25.429450sxf(2018)40639879Kilian GUINIER-MxSchoolRacingTeam
70 1:25.625fc450(2018)56337045Jordon Darby
71 1:33.937450sxf(2018)32224182Richard