MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date3/28/2011, 10:51:00 PM (5035 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
139angelosxs yz250f(2009)5 12:55.0545 2:22.7501212
2136team (CR)#136 yz250f(2009)5 14:01.2814 2:17.3512517
3592mxkid592 crf250(2009)5 14:09.2733 2:37.3751189
417BZHNICO yz250f(2009)4 12:58.8353 3:15.4683023
5575Chappy Fiene crf250(2009)4 14:09.8202 3:25.6562276
656articwolf01 crf250(2008)3 11:23.4683 3:46.7893089
7951NGN78 rmz250(2008)3 14:15.7423 3:28.9761600
883KevB yz250f(2009)1 3:27.9680 0:00.0003090
918ExZoTiC MxBoY18 crf250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0003067
10KTMBraaap rmz250(2007)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0002288
11969mhZ #969 crf250(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0002882

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 83 39 39 39 39
P2 39 592 592 592 592
P3 592 17 136 136 136
P4 17 136 17 17
P5 56 575 575 575
P6 575 56 56
P7 136 951 951
P8 951

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

2:17.351 4 136 team (CR)#136
2:20.375 5 136 team (CR)#136
2:22.750 5 39 angelosxs
2:23.203 3 136 team (CR)#136
2:32.804 2 136 team (CR)#136
2:33.046 4 39 angelosxs
2:37.375 3 592 mxkid592
2:47.312 3 39 angelosxs
2:51.015 2 592 mxkid592
3:04.976 5 592 mxkid592
3:15.468 3 17 BZHNICO
3:25.656 2 575 Chappy Fiene
3:28.976 3 951 NGN78
3:40.476 2 951 NGN78
3:46.789 3 56 articwolf01
3:48.585 2 56 articwolf01

Individual Worst Laps

2:32.804 2 136 team (CR)#136
2:47.312 3 39 angelosxs
3:04.976 5 592 mxkid592
3:23.500 2 17 BZHNICO
3:29.820 3 575 Chappy Fiene
3:40.476 2 951 NGN78
3:48.585 2 56 articwolf01


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.898 56 articwolf01
3.371 575 Chappy Fiene
5.750 951 NGN78
5.793 136 team (CR)#136
9.331 39 angelosxs
12.772 592 mxkid592
15.354 17 BZHNICO
- 83 KevB
- 18 ExZoTiC MxBoY18
- KTM Braaap
- 969 mhZ #969

Play by Play

angelosxs takes the holeshot followed by KevB, mxkid592, NGN78, articwolf01, team (CR)#136, BZHNICO and Chappy Fiene

0:15.476 - 0:20.570: articwolf01 passed NGN78 for 3rd
0:09.992 - 0:23.906: KevB went off the track
0:23.781 - 0:35.429: Chappy Fiene passed team (CR)#136, articwolf01, NGN78 and BZHNICO for 4th
0:22.070 - 0:37.062: team (CR)#136 passed NGN78 for 6th
0:37.062 - 0:41.578: team (CR)#136 passed articwolf01 for 5th
0:23.609 - 0:45.554: BZHNICO passed NGN78 for 7th
0:41.578 - 0:49.890: team (CR)#136 passed Chappy Fiene for 4th
0:45.070 - 0:50.914: articwolf01 passed Chappy Fiene for 5th
0:51.562 - 0:57.937: Chappy Fiene passed articwolf01 for 5th
0:44.703 - 0:59.828: mxkid592 went off the track
0:59.828 - 1:02.500: mxkid592 passed KevB for 2nd
1:07.781 - 1:16.218: KevB went off the track
1:16.218 - 1:21.515: KevB passed angelosxs for the lead
1:46.320 - 1:56.484: articwolf01 passed Chappy Fiene for 5th
1:53.601 - 2:02.234: BZHNICO passed Chappy Fiene for 6th
2:02.476 - 2:17.500: KevB went off the track
0:00.000 - 2:25.156: KevB finished lap 1 ( 2:25.156)
0:00.000 - 2:25.195: angelosxs finished lap 1 ( 2:25.195)
2:07.515 - 2:25.734: BZHNICO passed articwolf01 for 5th
2:25.734 - 2:33.796: BZHNICO passed team (CR)#136 for 4th
2:26.718 - 2:43.734: articwolf01 passed team (CR)#136 for 5th
0:00.000 - 2:49.898: mxkid592 finished lap 1 ( 2:49.898)
2:43.734 - 2:54.695: articwolf01 passed BZHNICO for 4th
2:36.406 - 2:54.828: Chappy Fiene passed team (CR)#136 for 6th
3:06.585 - 3:16.695: BZHNICO passed articwolf01 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 3:32.203: BZHNICO finished lap 1 ( 3:32.203)
3:25.296 - 3:38.445: angelosxs went off the track
0:00.000 - 3:41.390: articwolf01 finished lap 1 ( 3:41.390)
0:00.000 - 3:52.781: Chappy Fiene finished lap 1 ( 3:52.781)
0:00.000 - 4:27.546: team (CR)#136 finished lap 1 ( 4:27.546)
2:25.195 - 5:07.226: angelosxs finished lap 2 ( 2:42.031)
2:25.156 - 5:08.015: KevB went off the track
2:49.898 - 5:40.914: mxkid592 finished lap 2 ( 2:51.015)
5:53.078 - 6:02.875: team (CR)#136 passed Chappy Fiene and articwolf01 for 4th
5:52.312 - 6:16.375: Chappy Fiene passed articwolf01 for 5th
6:05.906 - 6:36.843: BZHNICO went off the track
3:32.203 - 6:55.703: BZHNICO finished lap 2 ( 3:23.500)
4:27.546 - 7:00.351: team (CR)#136 finished lap 2 ( 2:32.804)
0:00.000 - 7:06.289: NGN78 finished lap 1 ( 7:06.289)
3:52.781 - 7:18.437: Chappy Fiene finished lap 2 ( 3:25.656)
3:41.390 - 7:29.976: articwolf01 finished lap 2 ( 3:48.585)
7:40.523 - 7:45.539: team (CR)#136 passed BZHNICO for 3rd
7:32.617 - 7:52.992: Chappy Fiene went off the track
5:07.226 - 7:54.539: angelosxs finished lap 3 ( 2:47.312)
5:40.914 - 8:18.289: mxkid592 finished lap 3 ( 2:37.375)
8:18.289 - 8:23.804: mxkid592 went off the track
8:33.695 - 8:56.257: mxkid592 went off the track
7:00.351 - 9:23.554: team (CR)#136 finished lap 3 ( 2:23.203)
6:55.703 - 10:11.171: BZHNICO finished lap 3 ( 3:15.468)
7:54.539 - 10:27.585: angelosxs finished lap 4 ( 2:33.046)
10:08.218 - 10:43.484: Chappy Fiene went off the track
7:06.289 - 10:46.765: NGN78 finished lap 2 ( 3:40.476)
7:18.437 - 10:48.257: Chappy Fiene finished lap 3 ( 3:29.820)
8:18.289 - 10:50.382: mxkid592 finished lap 4 ( 2:32.093)
7:29.976 - 11:16.765: articwolf01 finished lap 3 ( 3:46.789)
9:23.554 - 11:40.906: team (CR)#136 finished lap 4 ( 2:17.351)
11:56.507 - 12:21.687: BZHNICO went off the track
12:32.476 - 12:47.679: articwolf01 went off the track
10:27.585 - 12:50.335: angelosxs finished lap 5 ( 2:22.750)
10:11.171 - 12:58.835: BZHNICO finished lap 4 ( 2:47.664)
10:50.382 - 13:55.359: mxkid592 finished lap 5 ( 3:04.976)
11:40.906 - 14:01.281: team (CR)#136 finished lap 5 ( 2:20.375)
13:39.851 - 14:01.492: Chappy Fiene went off the track
10:48.257 - 14:09.820: Chappy Fiene finished lap 4 ( 3:21.562)
10:46.765 - 14:15.742: NGN78 finished lap 3 ( 3:28.976)