MX Simulator
Format 5 laps
Date8/1/2012, 7:29:16 PM (4537 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
138GreenGoblin kx450f(2011)5 5:47.9455 1:03.1953574
2535KiKi 535 rmz250(2008)5 6:15.5394 1:01.0702013
3999keseru kx1255 7:02.4374 1:10.5004941
4828Xtrem | crf250(2009)4 5:54.1014 1:17.9214648
5598dylan kx250f(2009)4 6:29.6013 1:20.5622018
6111Hudson#111 kx250f(2009)4 6:38.0153 1:29.1095661
712LARSSON crf450(2011)4 7:16.7812 1:35.5156753
8Mitch Gallant #191 crf450(2011)4 7:42.6873 1:09.7736614
9233MX233 | True Wheels Racing rmz250(2009)3 4:08.9062 1:08.9373965
10125habacker crf250(2008)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0006196

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
P1 38 38 38 38 38
P2 828 233 535 535 535
P3 233 535 233 999 999
P4 535 999 999 828
P5 111 828 828 598
P6 111 111 111
P7 999 12 598 12
P8 598 598
P9 12 12

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

1:01.070 4 535 KiKi 535
1:01.687 3 535 KiKi 535
1:03.195 5 38 GreenGoblin
1:03.578 4 38 GreenGoblin
1:04.859 3 38 GreenGoblin
1:06.500 2 38 GreenGoblin
1:08.937 2 233 MX233 | True Wheels Racing
1:09.773 3 Mitch Gallant #191
1:10.500 4 999 keseru
1:13.906 2 535 KiKi 535
1:14.101 5 535 KiKi 535
1:17.921 4 828 Xtrem |
1:18.507 3 828 Xtrem |
1:18.867 5 999 keseru
1:20.023 3 999 keseru
1:20.562 3 598 dylan
1:21.664 3 233 MX233 | True Wheels Racing
1:23.101 2 999 keseru
1:29.109 3 111 Hudson#111
1:33.687 4 598 dylan
1:35.515 2 12 LARSSON
1:35.570 2 111 Hudson#111
1:40.468 4 12 LARSSON
1:43.015 2 828 Xtrem |
1:43.187 2 598 dylan
1:47.765 4 111 Hudson#111
2:01.390 3 12 LARSSON
2:08.179 4 Mitch Gallant #191
2:38.593 2 Mitch Gallant #191

Individual Worst Laps

1:06.500 2 38 GreenGoblin
1:14.101 5 535 KiKi 535
1:21.664 3 233 MX233 | True Wheels Racing
1:23.101 2 999 keseru
1:43.015 2 828 Xtrem |
1:43.187 2 598 dylan
1:47.765 4 111 Hudson#111
2:01.390 3 12 LARSSON
2:38.593 2 Mitch Gallant #191


Std. Dev.NumberName
1.292 38 GreenGoblin
4.665 999 keseru
6.317 535 KiKi 535
6.363 233 MX233 | True Wheels Racing
7.735 111 Hudson#111
9.276 598 dylan
11.214 12 LARSSON
11.694 828 Xtrem |
36.856 Mitch Gallant #191
- 125 habacker

Play by Play

Mitch Gallant #191 takes the holeshot followed by LARSSON, dylan, keseru, MX233 | True Wheels Racing, Hudson#111, GreenGoblin, Xtrem | and KiKi 535

0:10.460 - 0:13.945: dylan passed LARSSON for 2nd
0:15.601 - 0:21.734: MX233 | True Wheels Racing passed keseru and LARSSON for 3rd
0:16.632 - 0:22.234: Hudson#111 passed keseru and LARSSON for 4th
0:19.789 - 0:22.445: KiKi 535 passed Xtrem | for 8th
0:15.492 - 0:22.851: keseru passed LARSSON for 5th
0:17.671 - 0:23.140: GreenGoblin passed LARSSON for 6th
0:23.140 - 0:27.726: GreenGoblin passed keseru for 5th
0:22.445 - 0:28.015: KiKi 535 passed LARSSON for 7th
0:22.570 - 0:28.781: Xtrem | passed LARSSON for 8th
0:27.117 - 0:30.953: Hudson#111 passed MX233 | True Wheels Racing for 3rd
0:27.726 - 0:31.015: GreenGoblin passed MX233 | True Wheels Racing for 4th
0:27.820 - 0:31.523: keseru passed MX233 | True Wheels Racing for 5th
0:31.015 - 0:34.851: GreenGoblin passed Hudson#111 for 3rd
0:31.523 - 0:35.679: keseru passed Hudson#111 for 4th
0:33.359 - 0:37.539: Xtrem | passed MX233 | True Wheels Racing and KiKi 535 for 6th
0:36.148 - 0:39.828: LARSSON passed MX233 | True Wheels Racing and KiKi 535 for 7th
0:37.539 - 0:41.445: Xtrem | passed Hudson#111 for 5th
0:32.054 - 0:41.984: KiKi 535 passed MX233 | True Wheels Racing for 8th
0:39.828 - 0:44.265: LARSSON passed Hudson#111 for 6th
0:41.992 - 0:46.101: MX233 | True Wheels Racing passed KiKi 535 for 8th
0:43.492 - 0:48.492: GreenGoblin passed dylan for 2nd
0:45.101 - 0:50.250: keseru passed dylan for 3rd
0:46.101 - 0:50.789: MX233 | True Wheels Racing passed Hudson#111 for 7th
0:56.218 - 0:59.648: Hudson#111 passed MX233 | True Wheels Racing for 7th
0:57.382 - 1:03.351: GreenGoblin passed Mitch Gallant #191 for the lead
0:59.625 - 1:03.617: keseru passed Mitch Gallant #191 for 2nd
1:00.070 - 1:04.187: dylan passed Mitch Gallant #191 for 3rd
1:03.617 - 1:07.375: keseru passed GreenGoblin for the lead
1:06.140 - 1:09.953: Mitch Gallant #191 passed dylan for 3rd
1:07.687 - 1:11.453: Xtrem | passed dylan for 4th
1:12.062 - 1:16.062: Mitch Gallant #191 passed GreenGoblin for 2nd
1:13.843 - 1:17.531: Xtrem | passed GreenGoblin for 3rd
1:19.632 - 1:23.406: Hudson#111 passed LARSSON for 6th
1:18.093 - 1:25.890: GreenGoblin passed Xtrem |, keseru and Mitch Gallant #191 for the lead
1:21.585 - 1:26.085: MX233 | True Wheels Racing passed LARSSON for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:29.812: GreenGoblin finished lap 1 ( 1:29.812)
1:17.531 - 1:30.585: Xtrem | passed keseru and Mitch Gallant #191 for 2nd
1:26.085 - 1:34.195: MX233 | True Wheels Racing passed dylan, Hudson#111, keseru and Mitch Gallant #191 for 3rd
0:00.000 - 1:34.656: Xtrem | finished lap 1 ( 1:34.656)
0:00.000 - 1:38.304: MX233 | True Wheels Racing finished lap 1 ( 1:38.304)
1:34.132 - 1:40.953: KiKi 535 passed Hudson#111 and LARSSON for 7th
0:00.000 - 1:44.773: KiKi 535 finished lap 1 ( 1:44.773)
1:40.953 - 1:44.773: KiKi 535 passed dylan, keseru and Mitch Gallant #191 for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:45.570: Hudson#111 finished lap 1 ( 1:45.570)
1:41.250 - 1:45.570: Hudson#111 passed dylan, keseru and Mitch Gallant #191 for 5th
0:00.000 - 1:46.140: Mitch Gallant #191 finished lap 1 ( 1:46.140)
1:34.804 - 1:46.140: Mitch Gallant #191 passed keseru for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:49.945: keseru finished lap 1 ( 1:49.945)
1:47.750 - 1:51.851: MX233 | True Wheels Racing passed Xtrem | for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:52.164: dylan finished lap 1 ( 1:52.164)
0:00.000 - 1:59.406: LARSSON finished lap 1 ( 1:59.406)
2:03.906 - 2:07.773: Mitch Gallant #191 passed Hudson#111 for 5th
2:09.273 - 2:15.640: Hudson#111 passed Mitch Gallant #191 for 5th
2:11.882 - 2:16.929: keseru passed Mitch Gallant #191 for 6th
2:18.835 - 2:23.226: LARSSON passed dylan for 8th
2:18.578 - 2:23.390: KiKi 535 passed Xtrem | for 3rd
2:27.156 - 2:33.203: keseru passed Hudson#111 for 5th
2:28.539 - 2:33.343: LARSSON passed Mitch Gallant #191 for 7th
2:32.015 - 2:35.382: Xtrem | passed KiKi 535 for 3rd
1:29.812 - 2:36.312: GreenGoblin finished lap 2 ( 1:06.500)
2:32.078 - 2:36.632: dylan passed Mitch Gallant #191 for 8th
2:39.492 - 2:43.351: KiKi 535 passed Xtrem | for 3rd
2:40.531 - 2:44.570: keseru passed Xtrem | for 4th
1:38.304 - 2:47.242: MX233 | True Wheels Racing finished lap 2 ( 1:08.937)
2:47.765 - 2:51.437: Hudson#111 passed Xtrem | for 5th
2:50.812 - 2:55.015: dylan passed LARSSON for 7th
1:44.773 - 2:58.679: KiKi 535 finished lap 2 ( 1:13.906)
1:49.945 - 3:13.046: keseru finished lap 2 ( 1:23.101)
2:59.984 - 3:13.656: Xtrem | passed Hudson#111 for 5th
1:34.656 - 3:17.671: Xtrem | finished lap 2 ( 1:43.015)
1:45.570 - 3:21.140: Hudson#111 finished lap 2 ( 1:35.570)
3:22.156 - 3:25.945: KiKi 535 passed MX233 | True Wheels Racing for 2nd
1:59.406 - 3:34.921: LARSSON finished lap 2 ( 1:35.515)
3:26.523 - 3:34.921: LARSSON passed dylan for 7th
1:52.164 - 3:35.351: dylan finished lap 2 ( 1:43.187)
2:36.312 - 3:41.171: GreenGoblin finished lap 3 ( 1:04.859)
3:35.351 - 3:46.273: dylan passed LARSSON for 7th
2:58.679 - 4:00.367: KiKi 535 finished lap 3 ( 1:01.687)
2:47.242 - 4:08.906: MX233 | True Wheels Racing finished lap 3 ( 1:21.664)
1:46.140 - 4:24.734: Mitch Gallant #191 finished lap 2 ( 2:38.593)
3:13.046 - 4:33.070: keseru finished lap 3 ( 1:20.023)
3:17.671 - 4:36.179: Xtrem | finished lap 3 ( 1:18.507)
3:41.171 - 4:44.750: GreenGoblin finished lap 4 ( 1:03.578)
3:21.140 - 4:50.250: Hudson#111 finished lap 3 ( 1:29.109)
3:35.351 - 4:55.914: dylan finished lap 3 ( 1:20.562)
4:00.367 - 5:01.437: KiKi 535 finished lap 4 ( 1:01.070)
5:23.765 - 5:30.328: Mitch Gallant #191 passed LARSSON for 8th
5:27.023 - 5:30.953: keseru passed MX233 | True Wheels Racing for 3rd
4:24.734 - 5:34.507: Mitch Gallant #191 finished lap 3 ( 1:09.773)
3:34.921 - 5:36.312: LARSSON finished lap 3 ( 2:01.390)
4:33.070 - 5:43.570: keseru finished lap 4 ( 1:10.500)
4:44.750 - 5:47.945: GreenGoblin finished lap 5 ( 1:03.195)
5:48.843 - 5:53.906: LARSSON passed Mitch Gallant #191 for 8th
4:36.179 - 5:54.101: Xtrem | finished lap 4 ( 1:17.921)
5:01.437 - 6:15.539: KiKi 535 finished lap 5 ( 1:14.101)
4:55.914 - 6:29.601: dylan finished lap 4 ( 1:33.687)
6:25.046 - 6:29.601: dylan passed Hudson#111 for 5th
6:29.484 - 6:33.820: Mitch Gallant #191 passed LARSSON for 8th
4:50.250 - 6:38.015: Hudson#111 finished lap 4 ( 1:47.765)
6:37.632 - 6:41.562: LARSSON passed Mitch Gallant #191 for 8th
5:43.570 - 7:02.437: keseru finished lap 5 ( 1:18.867)
5:36.312 - 7:16.781: LARSSON finished lap 4 ( 1:40.468)
5:34.507 - 7:42.687: Mitch Gallant #191 finished lap 4 ( 2:08.179)