MX Simulator
Track2013 FAMmx Fall Cup - Round 1
Format 8 laps
Date12/1/2013, 9:09:00 PM (4056 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
14Jeremy Smith | rmz450(2013)8 10:47.7262 1:10.6012528
211Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS yz250f(2009)8 10:55.4458 1:14.1321423
3449Blake Shiman | yz250f(2009)7 10:58.0544 1:21.8433654
4243johan roger / EGS ValMotos crf250(2009)7 11:16.1256 1:20.4769667
5203Morgi Fabreguettes | yz250f(2007)6 9:48.6642 1:28.9376062
654Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage kx250f(2013)6 11:26.5935 1:15.0701755
7200MXM S.A rmz450(2013)5 11:37.8124 1:33.6713727
8256guillaume flandin rmz450(2013)4 7:54.6563 1:41.42110388
9306Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto yz250f(2009)3 4:41.6172 1:19.4453889
1098Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA rmz250(2009)3 5:24.7503 1:34.9374195
11Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems crf250(2013)2 4:39.8592 2:20.53110523
12110Doug Oakley yz250f(2009)2 4:44.7570 0:00.0005723
1341Eduardo Simoes | FCrew/B2R Design #youhuuu yz250f(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0002048
14214Richard de Kuijper|NED|214|BvFilms 250sxf(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0008091
1519Kellen Brauer | Barry/Fly Racing rmz450(2013)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0004928
16226Scott Woolford | rm1250 0:00.0000 0:00.0005412

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
P2 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
P3 203 306 306 203 54 449 449
P4 306 203 54 54 203 243 243
P5 449 54 203 243 449 203
P6 54 449 243 449 243 54
P7 243 243 449 256 200
P8 98 98 98 200
P9 256 256
P10 256 200
P11 110 110
P12 200 200

History Chart

Sorry, your browser isn't smart enough to draw the history chart.

Sorted Lap Times

1:10.601 2 4 Jeremy Smith |
1:14.132 8 11 Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS
1:15.070 5 54 Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage
1:15.531 5 11 Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS
1:16.718 3 11 Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS
1:17.164 2 11 Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS
1:19.445 2 306 Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto
1:20.476 6 243 johan roger / EGS ValMotos
1:20.601 3 243 johan roger / EGS ValMotos
1:21.218 7 4 Jeremy Smith |
1:21.492 6 11 Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS
1:21.843 4 449 Blake Shiman |
1:21.898 8 4 Jeremy Smith |
1:23.531 7 11 Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS
1:23.937 3 54 Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage
1:24.015 6 4 Jeremy Smith |
1:28.000 4 11 Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS
1:28.218 3 4 Jeremy Smith |
1:28.937 2 203 Morgi Fabreguettes |
1:33.062 7 449 Blake Shiman |
1:33.531 4 243 johan roger / EGS ValMotos
1:33.671 4 200 MXM S.A
1:34.468 2 54 Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage
1:34.539 4 203 Morgi Fabreguettes |
1:34.937 3 98 Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA
1:36.250 2 98 Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA
1:36.351 5 203 Morgi Fabreguettes |
1:36.867 3 306 Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto
1:37.164 4 54 Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage
1:37.632 2 243 johan roger / EGS ValMotos
1:37.843 2 449 Blake Shiman |
1:41.164 3 449 Blake Shiman |
1:41.421 3 256 guillaume flandin
1:42.828 7 243 johan roger / EGS ValMotos
1:43.515 5 243 johan roger / EGS ValMotos
1:45.859 6 203 Morgi Fabreguettes |
1:49.968 5 200 MXM S.A
1:52.875 3 200 MXM S.A
1:55.625 2 256 guillaume flandin
2:20.531 2 Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems

Individual Worst Laps

1:28.000 4 11 Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS
1:28.218 3 4 Jeremy Smith |
1:36.250 2 98 Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA
1:36.867 3 306 Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto
1:41.164 3 449 Blake Shiman |
1:43.515 5 243 johan roger / EGS ValMotos
1:45.859 6 203 Morgi Fabreguettes |
1:53.250 2 110 Doug Oakley
1:55.625 2 256 guillaume flandin
2:11.015 2 200 MXM S.A
2:20.531 2 Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems
3:41.570 6 54 Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage


Std. Dev.NumberName
0.656 98 Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA
4.632 11 Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS
5.820 203 Morgi Fabreguettes |
5.962 4 Jeremy Smith |
7.159 256 guillaume flandin
7.999 449 Blake Shiman |
8.711 306 Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto
9.482 243 johan roger / EGS ValMotos
13.251 200 MXM S.A
54.138 54 Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage
- Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems
- 41 Eduardo Simoes | FCrew/B2R Design #youhuuu
- 214 Richard de Kuijper|NED|214|BvFilms
- 110 Doug Oakley
- 19 Kellen Brauer | Barry/Fly Racing
- 226 Scott Woolford |

Play by Play

Jeremy Smith | takes the holeshot followed by Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS, Blake Shiman |, Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA, johan roger / EGS ValMotos, Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage, Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto, Morgi Fabreguettes |, Doug Oakley , Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems, Scott Woolford |, Eduardo Simoes | FCrew/B2R Design #youhuuu, guillaume flandin, MXM S.A and Richard de Kuijper|NED|214|BvFilms

0:09.781 - 0:12.828: Blake Shiman | passed Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS for 2nd
0:10.351 - 0:12.929: johan roger / EGS ValMotos passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA and Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS for 3rd
0:09.882 - 0:13.250: Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA passed Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS for 4th
0:10.367 - 0:13.750: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS for 5th
0:10.546 - 0:14.101: Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto passed Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS for 6th
0:10.992 - 0:14.109: Morgi Fabreguettes | passed Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS for 7th
0:11.062 - 0:14.296: Doug Oakley passed Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS for 8th
0:11.773 - 0:14.585: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems passed Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS for 9th
0:12.640 - 0:15.679: Scott Woolford | passed Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS for 10th
0:13.281 - 0:16.093: Eduardo Simoes | FCrew/B2R Design #youhuuu passed Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS for 11th
0:14.109 - 0:18.000: Morgi Fabreguettes | passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA, Blake Shiman |, johan roger / EGS ValMotos, Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage and Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto for 2nd
0:12.929 - 0:18.156: johan roger / EGS ValMotos passed Blake Shiman | for 3rd
0:15.679 - 0:18.640: Scott Woolford | passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA, Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems, Blake Shiman |, Doug Oakley , Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage and Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto for 4th
0:13.554 - 0:19.625: guillaume flandin passed Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS for 12th
0:16.093 - 0:19.695: Eduardo Simoes | FCrew/B2R Design #youhuuu passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA, Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems, Blake Shiman |, Doug Oakley , Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage and Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto for 5th
0:18.640 - 0:21.125: Scott Woolford | passed johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 3rd
0:19.625 - 0:22.304: guillaume flandin passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA, Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems, Blake Shiman |, Doug Oakley , Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage and Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto for 6th
0:21.125 - 0:22.414: Scott Woolford | passed Morgi Fabreguettes | for 2nd
0:19.765 - 0:22.460: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA, Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems, Blake Shiman |, Doug Oakley , Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage and Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto for 7th
0:13.750 - 0:24.171: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA for 9th
0:22.304 - 0:24.671: guillaume flandin passed johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 4th
0:14.101 - 0:24.875: Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA for 10th
0:22.460 - 0:25.007: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS passed johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 5th
0:14.585 - 0:26.203: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems passed Doug Oakley for 12th
0:24.171 - 0:27.937: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed Blake Shiman | and johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 6th
0:24.875 - 0:28.726: Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto passed Blake Shiman | and johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 7th
0:25.750 - 0:29.179: Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA passed Blake Shiman | and johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 8th
0:28.726 - 0:29.992: Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto passed Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 6th
0:28.015 - 0:31.421: Morgi Fabreguettes | passed Scott Woolford | for 2nd
0:26.203 - 0:31.437: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems passed Blake Shiman | for 10th
0:27.578 - 0:33.953: Doug Oakley passed Blake Shiman | for 11th
0:32.843 - 0:34.773: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto for 6th
0:33.953 - 0:35.554: Doug Oakley passed Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems for 10th
0:34.546 - 0:38.242: guillaume flandin passed Scott Woolford | for 3rd
0:34.960 - 0:38.500: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS passed Scott Woolford | for 4th
0:36.476 - 0:39.289: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems passed Doug Oakley for 10th
0:40.070 - 0:42.382: Blake Shiman | passed Doug Oakley for 11th
0:36.898 - 0:43.289: johan roger / EGS ValMotos passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA, Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage and Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto for 6th
0:35.031 - 0:44.281: Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto passed Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 7th
0:41.210 - 0:45.679: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA and Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 8th
0:43.171 - 0:46.867: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS passed guillaume flandin for 3rd
0:42.609 - 0:47.054: Doug Oakley passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA, Blake Shiman | and Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 9th
0:35.859 - 0:47.820: Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA passed Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 10th
0:43.289 - 0:48.203: johan roger / EGS ValMotos passed Scott Woolford | for 5th
0:44.281 - 0:48.875: Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto passed Scott Woolford | for 6th
0:45.679 - 0:51.304: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems passed Scott Woolford | for 7th
0:48.132 - 0:51.546: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA, Doug Oakley and Scott Woolford | for 8th
0:47.820 - 0:52.734: Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA passed Doug Oakley and Scott Woolford | for 9th
0:50.359 - 0:53.859: Blake Shiman | passed Doug Oakley and Scott Woolford | for 10th
0:52.632 - 0:54.765: johan roger / EGS ValMotos passed guillaume flandin for 4th
0:51.546 - 0:55.953: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems for 7th
0:53.648 - 0:56.328: Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto passed guillaume flandin for 5th
0:47.054 - 0:58.929: Doug Oakley passed Scott Woolford | for 11th
0:57.234 - 0:59.039: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed guillaume flandin for 6th
1:01.289 - 1:02.406: Blake Shiman | passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA for 9th
1:04.210 - 1:06.054: Blake Shiman | passed Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems for 8th
1:07.312 - 1:09.203: Blake Shiman | passed guillaume flandin for 7th
1:07.312 - 1:09.570: Doug Oakley passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA for 10th
1:12.171 - 1:13.929: Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA passed Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems and Doug Oakley for 9th
1:13.492 - 1:16.273: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS passed Morgi Fabreguettes | for 2nd
1:15.562 - 1:20.625: Blake Shiman | passed Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:22.039: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 1 ( 1:22.039)
1:21.914 - 1:24.671: Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto passed johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 4th
1:26.273 - 1:27.234: Morgi Fabreguettes | passed Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS for 2nd
1:23.578 - 1:27.898: Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA passed guillaume flandin for 8th
1:26.125 - 1:28.171: Doug Oakley passed Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems for 10th
1:25.820 - 1:28.562: Blake Shiman | passed johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 5th
1:29.796 - 1:32.562: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 6th
0:00.000 - 1:38.875: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS finished lap 1 ( 1:38.875)
1:33.351 - 1:38.875: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS passed Morgi Fabreguettes | for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:40.351: Morgi Fabreguettes | finished lap 1 ( 1:40.351)
1:40.992 - 1:43.757: Doug Oakley passed Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA and guillaume flandin for 8th
0:00.000 - 1:45.304: Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto finished lap 1 ( 1:45.304)
0:00.000 - 1:49.843: Blake Shiman | finished lap 1 ( 1:49.843)
1:48.703 - 1:51.804: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems passed guillaume flandin for 10th
0:00.000 - 1:51.898: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage finished lap 1 ( 1:51.898)
1:51.601 - 1:53.609: Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA passed Doug Oakley for 8th
1:54.937 - 1:56.890: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems passed Doug Oakley for 9th
0:00.000 - 1:57.539: johan roger / EGS ValMotos finished lap 1 ( 1:57.539)
1:55.593 - 1:57.757: guillaume flandin passed Doug Oakley for 10th
1:57.757 - 2:03.929: guillaume flandin passed Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems for 9th
0:00.000 - 2:13.562: Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA finished lap 1 ( 2:13.562)
0:00.000 - 2:19.328: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems finished lap 1 ( 2:19.328)
2:13.578 - 2:19.328: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems passed guillaume flandin for 9th
1:22.039 - 2:32.640: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 2 ( 1:10.601)
0:00.000 - 2:36.187: guillaume flandin finished lap 1 ( 2:36.187)
2:44.507 - 2:47.234: Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto passed Morgi Fabreguettes | for 3rd
0:00.000 - 2:51.507: Doug Oakley finished lap 1 ( 2:51.507)
1:38.875 - 2:56.039: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS finished lap 2 ( 1:17.164)
2:55.562 - 3:02.828: Doug Oakley went off the track
1:45.304 - 3:04.750: Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto finished lap 2 ( 1:19.445)
3:02.382 - 3:05.234: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed Blake Shiman | for 5th
1:40.351 - 3:09.289: Morgi Fabreguettes | finished lap 2 ( 1:28.937)
3:08.406 - 3:13.476: guillaume flandin passed Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems for 9th
1:51.898 - 3:26.367: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage finished lap 2 ( 1:34.468)
1:49.843 - 3:27.687: Blake Shiman | finished lap 2 ( 1:37.843)
1:57.539 - 3:35.171: johan roger / EGS ValMotos finished lap 2 ( 1:37.632)
2:13.562 - 3:49.812: Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA finished lap 2 ( 1:36.250)
3:53.085 - 3:58.234: Doug Oakley passed Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems for 10th
3:54.312 - 3:59.945: Morgi Fabreguettes | went off the track
2:32.640 - 4:00.859: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 3 ( 1:28.218)
4:02.273 - 4:05.867: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems passed Doug Oakley for 10th
0:00.000 - 4:10.281: MXM S.A finished lap 1 ( 4:10.281)
4:05.867 - 4:10.390: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems passed guillaume flandin for 9th
2:56.039 - 4:12.757: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS finished lap 3 ( 1:16.718)
4:11.000 - 4:14.476: guillaume flandin passed Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems for 9th
4:22.851 - 4:24.390: Doug Oakley passed Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems for 10th
4:21.921 - 4:26.132: johan roger / EGS ValMotos passed Blake Shiman | for 6th
4:20.515 - 4:27.828: MXM S.A went off the track
4:24.812 - 4:28.445: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed Morgi Fabreguettes | for 4th
2:36.187 - 4:31.812: guillaume flandin finished lap 2 ( 1:55.625)
4:28.671 - 4:32.007: Morgi Fabreguettes | passed Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 4th
2:19.328 - 4:39.859: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems finished lap 2 ( 2:20.531)
4:34.257 - 4:39.859: Jordan Hiroskey #88 | RnR Systems passed Doug Oakley for 10th
4:38.367 - 4:40.398: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed Morgi Fabreguettes | for 4th
3:04.750 - 4:41.617: Aaron Hachi | Vurbmoto finished lap 3 ( 1:36.867)
4:40.476 - 4:43.296: Morgi Fabreguettes | passed Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 4th
2:51.507 - 4:44.757: Doug Oakley finished lap 2 ( 1:53.250)
4:40.804 - 4:48.132: Jeremy Smith | went off the track
3:26.367 - 4:50.304: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage finished lap 3 ( 1:23.937)
4:45.265 - 4:50.304: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed Morgi Fabreguettes | for 4th
3:09.289 - 4:50.804: Morgi Fabreguettes | finished lap 3 ( 1:41.515)
3:35.171 - 4:55.773: johan roger / EGS ValMotos finished lap 3 ( 1:20.601)
3:27.687 - 5:08.851: Blake Shiman | finished lap 3 ( 1:41.164)
5:08.101 - 5:10.898: johan roger / EGS ValMotos passed Morgi Fabreguettes | for 4th
4:00.859 - 5:23.820: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 4 ( 1:22.960)
3:49.812 - 5:24.750: Fred Lorenzo Jr. | Team LeBigUSA finished lap 3 ( 1:34.937)
5:24.507 - 5:26.070: johan roger / EGS ValMotos passed Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 3rd
4:12.757 - 5:40.757: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS finished lap 4 ( 1:28.000)
5:56.500 - 5:59.007: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 3rd
5:59.507 - 6:03.468: Jeremy Smith | went off the track
6:01.765 - 6:05.187: Morgi Fabreguettes | passed johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 4th
6:05.187 - 6:08.265: Morgi Fabreguettes | passed Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 3rd
6:05.828 - 6:08.390: Blake Shiman | passed johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 5th
4:31.812 - 6:13.234: guillaume flandin finished lap 3 ( 1:41.421)
6:15.023 - 6:17.109: johan roger / EGS ValMotos passed Blake Shiman | for 5th
4:10.281 - 6:21.296: MXM S.A finished lap 2 ( 2:11.015)
4:50.804 - 6:25.343: Morgi Fabreguettes | finished lap 4 ( 1:34.539)
6:20.945 - 6:26.328: guillaume flandin went off the track
4:50.304 - 6:27.468: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage finished lap 4 ( 1:37.164)
4:55.773 - 6:29.304: johan roger / EGS ValMotos finished lap 4 ( 1:33.531)
5:08.851 - 6:30.695: Blake Shiman | finished lap 4 ( 1:21.843)
5:23.820 - 6:35.875: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 5 ( 1:12.054)
6:41.515 - 6:43.546: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage passed Morgi Fabreguettes | for 3rd
5:40.757 - 6:56.289: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS finished lap 5 ( 1:15.531)
7:19.414 - 7:21.445: Blake Shiman | passed johan roger / EGS ValMotos for 5th
7:27.718 - 7:36.062: guillaume flandin went off the track
6:27.468 - 7:42.539: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage finished lap 5 ( 1:15.070)
6:13.234 - 7:52.851: guillaume flandin finished lap 4 ( 1:39.617)
6:35.875 - 7:59.890: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 6 ( 1:24.015)
6:25.343 - 8:01.695: Morgi Fabreguettes | finished lap 5 ( 1:36.351)
7:56.375 - 8:04.523: Blake Shiman | went off the track
6:30.695 - 8:04.523: Blake Shiman | finished lap 5 ( 1:33.828)
6:29.304 - 8:12.820: johan roger / EGS ValMotos finished lap 5 ( 1:43.515)
6:21.296 - 8:14.171: MXM S.A finished lap 3 ( 1:52.875)
8:13.382 - 8:17.343: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage went off the track
6:56.289 - 8:17.781: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS finished lap 6 ( 1:21.492)
8:15.640 - 8:18.476: Blake Shiman | passed Morgi Fabreguettes | for 4th
9:06.507 - 9:12.062: Blake Shiman | went off the track
9:12.062 - 9:14.828: Blake Shiman | passed Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 3rd
9:15.601 - 9:18.695: johan roger / EGS ValMotos passed Morgi Fabreguettes | for 5th
7:59.890 - 9:21.109: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 7 ( 1:21.218)
8:04.523 - 9:23.781: Blake Shiman | finished lap 6 ( 1:19.257)
9:21.976 - 9:24.234: johan roger / EGS ValMotos passed Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 4th
8:12.820 - 9:33.296: johan roger / EGS ValMotos finished lap 6 ( 1:20.476)
9:25.843 - 9:37.687: Morgi Fabreguettes | passed Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage for 5th
8:17.781 - 9:41.312: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS finished lap 7 ( 1:23.531)
8:01.695 - 9:47.554: Morgi Fabreguettes | finished lap 6 ( 1:45.859)
8:14.171 - 9:47.843: MXM S.A finished lap 4 ( 1:33.671)
9:21.109 - 10:43.007: Jeremy Smith | finished lap 8 ( 1:21.898)
9:41.312 - 10:55.445: Robert "Quitter" Nash | BRY MTRSPRTS finished lap 8 ( 1:14.132)
9:23.781 - 10:56.843: Blake Shiman | finished lap 7 ( 1:33.062)
9:33.296 - 11:16.125: johan roger / EGS ValMotos finished lap 7 ( 1:42.828)
7:42.539 - 11:24.109: Kalle Midbeck | Race Tech #Sausage finished lap 6 ( 3:41.570)
9:47.843 - 11:37.812: MXM S.A finished lap 5 ( 1:49.968)